#i have a couple things in the queue tho tbh
i was tagged by @kanonavi! i appreciate the tag <3
why did you choose your URL?
my current one is just my online name (tempest) + bards (venti) + birds (xiao). i know that fandom URLs can seem a bit cringe or whatever but idk. i like it!
2. any sideblogs? if so, name them and why you have them.
nope! i toyed with the idea of making one but i like keeping things in one place, so sorry to my irls who don't follow me for genshin. thanks for not leaving lmao
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
my archive goes back to april 2022 so just over two years now. it feels longer but oh well
4. do you have a queue tag?
the only thing i use the queue for is scheduling posts for specific days so no.
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
a couple of my irl friends said that they were on tumblr and i thought i might as well join and see if there was anything to do with miraculous on here (spoiler alert: there was.)
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp?
7. why did you choose your header?
it's just a gif that i made of the one piece of canon xiaoven content that we had pre-endless suffering. it's there and i don't really see a reason to change it soooo yeah!
8. what's your post with the most notes?
this miraculous gifset that i posted july 2022 that has 3,180 notes as of writing this (it hasn't gotten any in A While so i think i'm safe for now)
9. how many mutuals do you have?
including irls it's 14 but excluding irls it's 11! i love you all
10. how many followers do you have?
308 but i think a significant portion of them are inactive now. love you guys too tho btw
11. how many people do you follow?
250 exactly
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
depends on what you consider to be a shitpost i guess. if you would class stuff like the rhodeia post i made last week as shitposting then sure.
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
probably anywhere between half an hour and two hours depending on how active my dash is and just how much i'm rotting in general.
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
not that i can remember?
15. how do you feel about "you need to reblog this" posts?
no. absolutely not.
16. do you like tag games?
yes but a lot of the time i don't do them because i never have any idea if my mutuals are comfortable with them or not and deciding on who to tag always gives me far more stress than it probably should because i am chronically afraid of Annoying People.
17. do you like ask games?
yeah! people aren't obligated to send me asks for them though i don't wanna seem attention seeking either aha
18. which of your mutuals is tumblr famous?
i don't know if any of them are tbh i don't pay that much attention to stuff like that (if any of you do consider yourselves to be tumblr famous though please tell me)
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
platonically sure, but. uh. *gestures to pfp*
20. tags:
@girlboy-frankensteins-monster @dopefrickingjelysquid
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zuuriell · 1 year
i felt like doing something so imma do this for the month! i’ll put all my answers below the cut because it’ll probably get quite long lol
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1. Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (aka POTS)
2. well, it’s pretty complicated 😭 i’ve had some symptoms for probably like a year, but around late april/early may this year i couldn’t even shower or stand up too long from how bad it got. the uk healthcare system is absolute shit though, so even tho i’ve been a&e multiple times and tried to explain how much it’s all been affecting me, i still don’t get to see a cardiologist until february 2024 :( but we’ve ruled out other options of what it could be, and my mum’s cardiologist friend agreed when i said i thought i had POTS, and my GP agrees, and my potsie friends agree so i’m kinda like unofficially diagnosed as of now?
3. relating to the last point, i am not officially diagnosed yet because of the slow asf NHS so yeah :,) but i mean to figure out what i was experiencing was POTS, it did take me like 8 months? but probably around 10 for me to accept the fact that i most likely have it too 😭 an official diagnosis unless i can rack up the money to go private is probably gonna take me like another year at this rate, but hopefully it won’t be that long
4. i have to pick just one? LOL uhh probably the blood pooling! it’s so annoying because especially when im out and about, i can’t be with my legs in the air 24/7 so it’s always bound to happen. compression socks help but only to an extent, and it stops me from doing so muchhhh :( it means that queueing for things and standing for more than a couple minutes is so so much harder, and if i have too much blood pooling in one day then my can legs ache for DAYS after that. it’s so painful and annoying and just aaghhh i hate it
5. on a regular day: i wake up, chug water which i leave by my bed for the mornings, get out of bed slowly and walk downstairs to make breakfast. i chug electrolytes and go for a short dog walk, then come home to do schoolwork and my family make lunch/dinner so i don’t have to stand around too long. i’ll make sure i get any chores done that i can, and i’ll try to chill in the evening
on a bad day/flareup: i wake up a lot later, have my electrolytes with water and only get out of bed when i need to. i’ll do schoolwork from my bed (if i feel well enough to concentrate), and have salty snacks rather than proper meals, unless my family make me anything. i stretch from bed to combat deconditioning, and if i feel decent enough i can have a bath
6. i don’t have access to any specific medication unfortunately, so i currently just manage with painkillers when my chronic pain is extra bitchy + anti-nausea meds when i feel sicky
7. salt sachets (the little ones you get at like mcdonald’s and stuff) to shove in my purse/pocket in case symptoms flare while i’m out, compression garments, electrolyte tablets, and a recliner bed so i can raise my legs more when resting
8. electrolyte drinks!! not the tablets though (i hate the taste of all the tablets except like 1 lol) - my fav is making electrolyte drinks from scratch! at the moment i really love iced lemon water with honey and salt. i also saw smth about this fancy coconut water drink to make so i may try that and it may become my favourite :0
9. salty crackers, salt and vinegar/ready salted crisps, mcdonalds fries (stfu i know these aren’t healthy but they’re my favs 😭), pretzels, nuts
+ my fav foods to dump a bunch of salt on: pasta, veggies and dips (SALTED CUCUMBER IS SO GOOD), pizza, chips, soup, risotto, probs almost anything i eat tbh
10. i’ve only got one pair but i love them so shoutout to my knee-length black compression socks <3
11. i don’t have any 🥲 i really wish i could have a cane or maybe even a rollator but my family make fun of me and i can’t afford one lolsies
12. i try to do some stretching in bed so that i can safely work against deconditioning, keeping very hydrated, trying to stay upstairs as much as possible so i don’t have to suffer my staircase, asking family to make food for me so i can save energy, taking pain meds when needed, having a cold bath (if possible), trying to keep preoccupied with work if i can, but if not i’ll watch movies on my ipad and stuff
fun fact: i wrote this on a flare LOL so oddly fitting and now i’ve already made myself a plan for the next few days!
13. the thing that’s helped me most is accepting that something is wrong and remembering to listen to my body. going through life pretending that i’m perfectly abled and don’t have anything wrong causes much more harm to me than letting myself rest a few days. it definitely isn’t easy though - i still find myself getting stressed over work deadlines don’t get me wrong, but i’d like to think i’m getting better at adapting to things and noticing when a flare is coming on so i can be prepared to take the time for my body to rest.
14. chairs are your best friends now. i steal the chairs/stools from the kitchen table whenever i’m doing chores standing up for more than 30 seconds. compression socks also help! OOH and if you’re using hot water/heated stuff and struggle with temperature dysreg, i usually grab myself a cup of ice to munch on or an icepack to hold on my chest so that i don’t overheat :)
15. i’m afraid i don’t have much input for this as i left school for health reasons 😭 but i suppose keeping hydrated, getting accommodations such as not too many stairs + being allowed to take more days off to rest for flares, compression gear where possible, staying high on sodium + electrolytes, and extended deadlines would be good!
16. i’m gonna sound so silly for this but i love rewatching my comfort stuff. i’ve got my fav youtubers + fav films/series all compiled in a list, and i spin a wheel to decide which one i’m gonna watch! other activities i enjoy though are reading, playing video games, doing goofy quizzes online, chatting with friends, and going on pinterest sprees!
17. leading on from the last prompt, my fav is a marvel movie - tbh all of them bring me so much comfort but my favs are avengers, black widow, loki and any of the thor films <3
18. my main support system is my wonderful boyfriend, kurtis @agere-tomhiddleston-imagines 💚💛 he’s helped me through so much and he’s so supportive of me no matter what, and i love him dearly for that (and how awesome he is in general ofc) <3 other than that, my parents are semi-supportive! they still get things wrong sometimes but overall they’ll help if i need things and they handle all the shitty healthcare workers for me so i truly appreciate them for that 😭🙏 ooh and definitely just the general online community of chronically ill people/potsies!! i love y’all so much 🫶
19. okay i don’t know if this counts because she was an orthodontist rather than a doctor/nurse, but when discussing me getting braces she asked about my medical history and i explained it all but said i haven’t been diagnosed so i understand if she can’t accommodate me. then she said to me, “hun.. just because you don’t have a piece of paper with a few words on it, doesn’t mean you aren’t ill. if you’ve got symptoms but no confirmed cause, you’ve still got the symptoms, and i’m not gonna ignore those unless you want me to” - the validation was so relieving after years of fighting for doctors to listen to me and believe me :,) ❤️
(i’ll update this throughout the month! <3)
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rpcpositivitea · 9 months
feel free to ignore me if you're uncomfortable with this, but what kind of rps do you prefer, blog owner? you've been gracious enough to put up with my torrent of asks over the past couple of days, and I like your vibe (and affinity for poetry) so I'm juuuust a little bit curious if I can come off anon and ask for your discord ♡ no pressure tho!!!! I've made the total switch to spn rps this year, after a string of rather unfortunate overall experiences on rl sites (when they... lasted more than two months)
i have tried a multitude of genres. real life, supernatural, niche fandom rps, big fandom rps, sci fi, you name it and i have probably tried it.
please, i have adored the torrent of asks from everyone. i have been brought nothing but joy seeing the winter wishes that have been spurred by a time of gratitude and love.
there are a few people who know who i am behind here. if you want to come off anon you can send me messages through messaging on here, i always have that open, but also i'm not sure if i'm ready to full on give out my discord. if you come off anon and it turns out we're already friends (how most of them found me, tbh) i'll probably slide in your inbox but...
i just worry the goal of the blog will be lost if people associate it with me, who just queues things and filters out the negativity, versus the point, which is your posts.
sorry anon, i don't mean to disappoint you. that said if my identity is guessed i always said i would come out so who knows how much longer the secret will last. we'll see, i suppose.
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deeisace · 1 year
I should be working on the bible covers instead of making new jobs for myself, and I will get back to it another day, but I'm going to distract myself from stressing about the guy downstairs by doing a bit of my stepmum's family tree
I said I would last time I saw her, and I did a bit but not the rest
Her estranged awful dad's side, not on purpose just cs it's easier to do the paternal line/s first tbh, and my brother said he'd be interested anyway cs he knows nothing at all about that family.
It's easier because you can follow Carter family, eg, their name, back and back, and then afterwards go and fill in the blanks of maiden names and those families and such, tho I do tend to get distracted by interesting branches occasionally, instead of doing one line and then another, I'll do a piece of a line and then a piece of a different line, and then go back to do more in-depth work on the first one, and then find a funny first or last name or event, and go into that instead of finishing the first line entirely in one go
All the work will get done, it's just that I jump around, and my notebooks are generally a mess
That I can read, fortunately, enough to make clear copies for whoever it's for - or, as clear as family trees can sometimes be, cs they do take some looking at, especially if I've managed to get back to the 1700s on more than one line, which is often possible
I was lucky once, to chance on the research someone else had done into the same tree I was looking at - you can only do so much yourself without trekking out to the actual churches, or wherever what archives exist, and bugger going right across the country honestly - and got back to the 1500s! Incredible! Tudor times!
It seems so far away from now, and it is in a lot of ways, but I'm reminded always of that thing that goes, if you think about it, an average person might have a child in their mid-20s, say, which makes a century four generations. Four women, or four couples, however you'd like to think about it. Not at all a crowd, you were to imagine that many people in a shop queue or whathaveyou
My own tree I can trace if I remember correctly to the late 1600s or early 1700s - if one generation is 25 years, that makes me now only 17 people away from the Stuart period. Like, that's still not so many people, only a couple of good tables worth, and I know the guy sitting right at the end's name (which is George Whoad/Hood, and now I'm looking at my notes he was around in the 1610s, so it's more like 20 or so people back. Still two tables!)
Of course that's going back only into one direct branch - the number goes up exponentially when you include both parents of a child, and both their sets of parents, etc etc, which is why the family trees I do are so sprawling - I don't believe, as some people seem to, that only the family name matters - your maternal 6-times great-grandmother is just as important to you existing as your paternal 8-times grandfather who shares your name, I think, and even if literally the only thing I find out about her is that her name was Margaret, no other details at all, I would still prefer to include her than not
If someone prefers to not find out about a side of their family, then I will ignore it, I've reached a dead end, and I understand even if I am a little sad at seeing a blank space
Anyway, it's interesting tho, to think about it, once the information peters out to just names and dates on paper, and sometimes not even that (ala Margaret, above) - to imagine a dinner party, or a theatre, full of living breathing people, with their living breathing lives, once upon a time, and that they did exist, and that one has your nose, or this one laughs the same as you, or someone walked down the same street, or or has opinions about Pride and Prejudice, just like you do now, or likes the colour orange, or is scared of bees, or is fascinated by new technology, just like you, tho theirs is jacquard looms and yours is, idk, super computers
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freyito · 4 months
I’m so sorry if this is rude, but do you ever plan to update your queue post? I think some of the stuff on it might be stuff you’ve posted, but I’m not sure
ik u said to ignore this anon but ACTUALLY im gonna use this to my advantage. this isn't me like yelling at you lol just so you know. just to reiterate a couple things
the first is i am missing a couple asks on my queue post and i do essentially queue everything the minute i see i got an ask or i get an idea. normally i delete them off my queue or on my pinned post when i finish them (unless they were never on there which kinda happens a lot ((fics and ideas that just. hit me and dont let go)), but i do post a lot late at night and normally when that happens i update my queue and my masterlist the next day over cause i am too sleepy!!!!!
second is since im getting a lot more followers (like a lot more than i thought id get for such self indulgent pieces lol and even as a m! writer in general tbh) i want everyone to know what i said above!!!! BUT ALSO i dont rlly have a set schedule and i try and write when i can. i did JUST get a job so im still kinda learning to balance my writing and stuff like that since they haven't really given me a consistent schedule. so lowkey half the time i'll be like "new fic tomorrow". and then there is NOT a new fic that day. sometimes i just get rlly excited to post a fic and then i space out for a while, that happens a lot when youve got mad adhd and like sooo many things you can do and want to do!! that you just . do nothing.
i also tend to be overambitious (those who have read my fics since i first posted know lol and also my moots) so i'll like load up my queue with all these ideas and then a month later i'll delete some cause i like. totally forgot.
i also have had a couple of gripes with asks i get... which i hope i dont sound rude T_T. LIGHTNING ROUND THO!!!
i've had a couple of anons (before AND now) drop essentially the same ask (same anons), and i know i don't outright say which ask is which cause i try my best to give fics genuine titles, but just know i dont rlly delete asks !!!!!! unless they are against the rules
ON THAT NOTE!!! i urge everyone to pleaaaase read my rules waghhh!!!! i've gotten a lotta asks about a pregnant reader (specifically!!!!). i'm not here to yuck anyones yum at all but i myself am uncomfy with writing pregnancy (simply cause its a huge fear of mine lol). genuinely that is like the ONLY rule people gloss over (granted i need to update my rules uber soon). that doesn't mean i wont write stuff where reader and character adopt kids or whatever, just no pregnancy nothing like that
i've also had anons/people in my inbox ask "when will x fic come out" or ""check up"" on fics. please know that i am working on everything on my own time!!!! i try my very best to drop fics in order of my queue and i do prioritize requests!!!! but there are days where suddenly i am not feeling an ask or a fic i'm writing so to avoid burn out and fatigue and just overall producing a soulless piece i work on a different piece.
i'm also currently switching from headcanons & drabbles to mainly oneshots, cause i've just had a lot more fun writing bigger and proper pieces!!! that doesn't mean i won't write hcs/drabbles when i see fit ofc, but due to this lowkey like 80% of my asks went from "haha silly little drabble" to full on oneshots (and some even full on fics!). so my writing and ""production"" time has been significantly increased.
also another thing of note: over time i've kinda just slowed down if not halted completely on writing fics for fem readers... the Robin one will most likely be my last x Fem! reader simply cause it feels odd for me to write fem reader all of a sudden. mainly cause i am . a boy lol and i did start this account to write for male readers (cause especially after coming out several years ago it was just so hard to find x male readers yk??). I won't be deleting x fem reader requests cause lowkey they are all kinda bangersss so most of the time I will default to gn reader or switch to male reader as i see fit..
also lowkey circling back to the queue and masterlist in general, all my masterlists have a date at the very bottom for when i updated them o7
That was a LOT I AM SO SORRY.... but lowkey had to get a couple things out there T_T i think it's kinda cause i just switched up on mk and went into hsr so fast so my asks def have a different vibe in general lol...
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keepermcge · 5 years
Not to be NSFW, but can Lann get love? Hugs? Someone holding him and telling him it’ll be okay? Thanks.  
#;wishlist#(I wanted to find that one post like this I’m sure you all know the onebut I just couldn’t rip I was gonna and then reboop it as a#musing cuz deep down or maybe not all that deep tho he’ll try and hide it he wants affection)#(But I could not find it so this instead cuz)#(I just think a lot about how he never really got much attention that he needed as a kid and any chances there were lots of the time#he would give ‘em up and go hide so Reynn could have time with their Mom even later really he doesn’t get anything but loads of mean#sometimes cruel words and shit so I just cry tbh)#(Cuz I love him a lot and idc if I’m the only one or the only one who thinks this way cuz I know I’m not tbh I know Nina has got my back#hello Nina I thank you and bless you I was v ecstatic the day I learned that we feel the same)#(Bless @ anyone who sends my slow dumbass things tho that are cute and good 👌 cuz he deserves some love Look I#genuinely really do appreciate it no matter how long it takes me/I never get to it I still I really do so much no lie it’s hard to put it in#words esp over text it’s hard I guess for peeps to think of anyone as genuine but I really do)#;off to grymoire | queue |#(I just! I’m v tired but I love him so much okay I know I say it everyday but have you ever loved a fictional char just so much#I’ll always be here till I die I may be forgotten left behind but I ain’t going anywhere imma be here proud in a couple years saying it’s#been 5 years imma slow ass but no matter how busy I get imma be here cuz I fukin as Lann’s unofficial number one fan and unofficial#leader of the protect Lann squad I’ll be here if no one else will be cuz my kid damm well deserves better and idc if I’m#the only damm person in the solar system who thinks so but when I look at it it’s not fukin comedy it’s abusive not all the time obvi#but sometimes it’s my perspective I’m allowed to it and I’m not holding back no moreI held back for a long to#*time till 2019 ca#me then I said fuk it I’ve already started slipping let’s just be full me no more and that’s one reason I moved)#(Imma be here genuinely me kay thanks I just love my kid)#(I’ll be here screaming and making my Lann we#ll my Lann there ain’t ever gonna be a Lann exaclty like mine I’ve spent two and fukin4 months and more in the future developing him#and if there is Imma be rasin some eyebrow and being as polite as I can while crying and panicking on the inside while dm)#*years yeah I’m tired I missed an entire fukin word there two years and fukin 4 months lol rip)#(If I’m real I know I’m talking to myself most the time but eh what’s wrong with that? It’s like a diary and imma talk to someone about my#kid even if it’s myself but Lann deserves better! You know I had to)
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perce · 7 years
pretty sure i blacked out for the entirety of 2017
#mine#by that i mean i spent Significantly less time on here than i had 2013-2016 and i was going thru some stuff on my acc n realizing wow#when did this all happen?? oh yeah prob while i was Not Here#this used to be my ‘escape’ n it just. isnt anymore and ive been Aware i wasnt on as much but for some reason it just rly hit me#that i kinda just dont need tumblr so much these days? i pop in the check stuff n throw things in my queue out of nostalgia#can you be nostalgic for a thing thats still present in your life? maybe thats not the right word. but its not entirely out of need like-#before. nor is it bc i feel required? the mood just strikes me sometimes#ive also noticed i dont read as much fic or generally participate in fandom like At All anymore#ive not even been keeping up with ml lmao. just sorta figured id. watch it when its on netflix i guess#i say all this but tbh ive read a Lot of fic the past couple days and ive had fun! makes me miss some of the ppl i havent talked to in ages#and then w WoW legion n meeting ppl thru wow discords all my energy has just sort of gone toward wow? like 7.3.5 is happening TODAY and#im so excited about it aaaaaaaaa; which i guess is also why when i am on its usually over on my wow blog#i dont really know what im getting at anymore maybe i was just due for a tag ramble. it has been awhile i suppose lol#maybe the jist of it all is that ive changed? not like a lot but enough where i dont need tumblr to be such an emotional crutch.#like 2017 was fucking terrible on a large scale but honestly? i think thats the steadiest ive been in years#made some tough choices on account of my health and got a job and have just been? having fun? still do the walking tho#but i also actually talk to people on a pretty regular basis which is honestly fucking huge#and im now realizing some ppl from said discord follow me and if u wind up reading my edited in tags hello wch has had a wonderful impact-#on my life so thank you#uhhhh yeah idk. bad stuff happened but good things did too. maybe i’ll come back to ml n all that this year but with a better headspace#bc aforementioned fic reading ive begun to really miss the show n all the content. got swept up by wow again lmao. as is my life#whew i had a lot to get off my chest i guess!! still nice to poke in and update tho#long tags#OK JUST 2 LAST THINGS 1 I TYPED THIS ALL ON MOBILE YIKES 2 I JUST REALIZED IM HAVING EMOTIONS BC ITS 9AM N IVE BEEN UP ALL NIGHT#didnt i say good night to swamp at like 5 am?? ripppppppppppp
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sontse · 2 years
just an update!
i haven’t been here because tbh the last couple weeks have been awful health wise. I’ve had to go to the hospital twice, & everything is finally under control for now, even tho i’ve been explained its only temporarily.  honestly it hasn’t been good lol.
i’m going to continue to take things slow, but I will still queue things etc. here & on other blogs slowly. easiest place to find me is on discord, & mutuals are welcome to come ask for it! 
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fourteenfifteen · 2 years
has anyone asked about allan/smithy yet bc if not... : )
yesssss classic domestic couple
big spoon/little spoon: complicated question. the smithy notably doesn’t sleep and idk that he’s a big cuddler. if the situation came up i think the smithy would be the big spoon but also !! he’s essentially a shapeshifter so what does the big spoon/little spoon binary mean in practice
favorite non-sexual activity: just like. talking. they have long conversations
who uses all the hot water: kranch
who does most of the cleaning: the smithy partially bc kranch is a diva partially bc smithy can just like pull out some extra limbs and eyes and put things away while working
what has a season pass on their dvr/who controls the netflix queue: tbh i think the smithy has cool taste in movies and usually picks
who calls up the super/landlord when the heat’s not working: the core makes this weird so ig the smithy??
who steals the blankets: kranch does but again the smithy doesn’t strictly speaking sleep
who leaves their stuff around: kranch obv there is so much shit in the smithy’s tiny ilb-issued adjoining apartment that’s eirs
who remembers to buy the milk: ok besties do we think the smithy grocery shops
who remembers anniversaries: i think remembering dates is hard in the core bc in my head it doesn’t have a traditionally obvious day/night cycle which can make it hard to track things like days and seasons. that said kranch is more likely to bc memory loss + repetitive job + bloodsport magic transformation seems like a hard combo. actually tho maybe the bloodsport magic transformation thing gave him detail remembering abilities too
Who cooks normally? i think kranch is a decent cook actually so probably him
How often do they fight? pre-elsewhere shit: frequent friendly flirty bickering. post-elsewhere shit: essentially never bc it’s like. jesus where do u even start. so they just ignore it mostly
What do they do when they’re away from each other? the smithy works. kranch pesters other people sjdjfksk
Who is more likely to pay for dinner? kranch always pays but like. as a flex
Who kissed who first? read so much left to recover by waltztangocache to find out ‼️
Who remembers things? this is such a funny question in the context of these guys
Who cusses more? kranch king of swearing
What would they do if the other was hurt? idk that kranch would entirely like know what to do he’s probs just try to offer a distraction. smithy’s actually pretty good at making em feel better tho barring uh yk certain things
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kanzakinao · 3 years
tagged a while back by @rukinosaki ! thanks so much michelle! 🤗💖💖
why did you choose your URL?
because of her 🥺💞💕
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i don’t post liar game as much anymore, but nao is still so so dear to me with her honesty and kindness and very being! still can’t believe i was lucky enough to snag her url tbh! 
any side blogs? if you have some, name them and why you have them.
i have @maelstromsbolt - which is an attempt of a side blog but i haven’t actually used it in abt two years fsdfs. i intended it to be a place where i reblog more text heavy/resource posts for myself and for fandoms i don’t rly blog abt - should probably get back to using it lol
i also have @spherehunting and @saltflakesnow, but i only really use them for testing out themes that catch my eye!
how long have you been on tumblr?
according to my archive......... since 2010 💀💀💀
do you have a queue tag?
nowadays, no! i tend to reblog in bursts now rather than putting things in a queue. back when i was more active i think i used #uniqueuesity and #q p infrequently
why did you start your blog in the first place?
got bored of gaia online and was in my pop punk bandom phase lmfao
why did you choose your current icon/pfp?
yuffie’s dffoo stickers are the cutest thing... i cleaned one up just to use em! 🥰
why did you choose your current header?
i recently changed my theme for yuffie’s dlc release! and yuffie’s magical girl introduction is just perfect!! unreal how much that brought a smile to my face tbh i love yuffie and her dramatics soooo much 💚💣✨
what’s your post with the most notes?
this one! made back when i was your local jo harvelle editor for the supernatural fandom lmao. not my most favorite edit tbh - though it’s a nice reminder of my old editing style i guess!
how many people do you follow?
78......... i know few of them are deactivated/inactive too lol... i should def clean up my follow list and follow more ppl 😅😅
have you ever made a shitpost?
nah don’t think so
how often do you use tumblr?
daily/every other day or once a week if i get caught up w work. i try to catch up to the posts i missed and tend to like posts to reblog for later!
did you ever have a fight/argument with another user? who won?
uhh i don’t think so!
how do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this post’? 
signal boosting is good! i can understand why ppl may not rb them tho. it’s also important imo to fact check the post’s contents or at least search online a bit to verify that you’re not spreading any misinformation
do you like tag games? 
yea they’re fun! 😊👍
do you like ask games?
which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous? 
prooobably some ppl in the video game fandom? not super sure lmao
do you have a crush on a mutual? 
maybe a couple friend crushes here and there but nothing past that lol
rules: choose 1 picture from your camera roll without downloading anything new to sum up your personality and then tag 5 people
i don’t rly save a lotta memes and w/e on my phone tbh but probably this one bc it best represents me w the content i reblog:
Tumblr media
tagging: @collabels​ @lancres​ @ghostmay​ @catboydeklolynch​ @harukaozawa​ @createandconstruct​ (only if you want to! 💖💞💕)
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iwalkonyourwater · 3 years
tagged by @mariathorpe 🥺🧡 ty!!!
tagging @theashenphoenix @arnault @heartoferebor @vindicia @torahime @hidden-blades-and-tomahawks @kaschra @infernalwarlock @entreri @lockescoles + anyone else reading who wants to do this!
1: Why did you choose your url? i’m so uncreative at choosing usernames, so i used a random name generator thing and this is what it spit out lol rip
2: Any side blogs? if you have them, name them and why you have them. just one ( @cyberpunkedd ) which is a general gaming blog where i make and reblog gifsets for games other than Assassin’s Creed. tbh i’ve been more active there than here lately, relatively speaking.
3: How long have you been on tumblr? i had another blog for a while, starting back in 2011. took a long break because life got hectic and then came back with this one a few years ago.
4: Do you have a queue tag? it’s #resting in the bureau (q), which is basically me taking Malik’s advice. I’m doing it quietly man, i swear!!
5: Why did you start your blog in the first place? because despite it all Assassin’s Creed will always have a special place in my heart 🧡 and i wanted to start making gifs of my fav games again
6: Why did you choose your icon/pfp? i yoinked it from the AC Origins comic. i saw Aya in it and knew i had to make her into my icon, i love her so much!!
7: Why did you choose your header? Bayek on a horse, what else is there to say?!? it’s a pretty screenshot taken by @theashenphoenix
8: What’s your post with the most notes? this gifset of Ratonhnhaké:ton 🧡 even his voice actor reblogged it aahhHH!! 😳😳
9: How many mutuals do you have? i don’t keep track specifically but there are lots and they are all so lovely!
10: How many followers do you have? i have no idea…. looking at those numbers gives me a bit of anxiety so i avoid it lol
11: How many people do you follow? a couple hundred or so.
12: Have you ever made a shitpost? nah, i’ve made some shitty posts tho.
13: How often do you use tumblr each day? hmmm maybe once every other day? i don’t come here as often i used to, hence why my blogs mostly run on queues rn. i just don’t have much free time with work and school 😔
14: Did you ever have a fight/argument with another blog once? who won? not really a fight, just some really uncomfortable moments where i’ve messaged users who have reposted/stolen some of my gifs 🙃🙃🙃 (not with stuff on this blog tho, it was my other one). Only one of the situations resulted in me having to report the user and afaik they’re gone now. so idk is that a win? felt more like poop all around tbh 😤
15: How do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts? so imma be real witchu, i don’t do discourse and don’t get my news headlines from tumblr dot com, and i really don’t have the time or inclination to read long text posts when i’m here. So 99 percent of it just goes right past me.
16: Do you like tag games? yes!!! i love being remembered and i’m just so very sorry that i don’t respond to them quickly……. 💀
17: Do you like ask games? i do but since i’m not on here as much as before i don’t really reblog them anymore.
18: Do you have a crush on a mutual? each and every one of them!!
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get to know me game
tagged by @impossibletruths, thank you so much!! Tagging @thesparrow1996, @queennsansa, @phlorealcalicanto,@augustinremi, @feralsnail if u wanna!
Why did you choose your URL? look it was 2011 and i really liked firefly and homestuck. and at this point i’ve had it for so long that i can’t just change it! however my original tumblr url was generallyconfused and i do miss that one.
any side-blogs? if you have them, name them and why you have them. I generally don’t do sideblogs because thats just. so much effort. However i do have one aesthetic sideblog with approximately 15 followers that i’ve been running since like 2013 that i use as a way to curate visual inspiration
How long have you been on tumblr? since 2011 which is really all you need to know about me
Do you have a queue tag? absolutely not lol. I almost never queue things on my main blog whereas my sideblog runs completely on a queue.
Why did you start your blog in the first place? once again, it was 2011 and i was really into homestuck. i joined to impress/bond with my friend who got me into homestuck. now that i think about it that was definitely my first real experience with fandom, and honestly it was a really positive one!
Why did you choose your icon/pfp? it‘s a picrew of me, obviously! I’ve been thinking abt changing it tho bc i don’t love the colors.
Why did you choose your header? it’s a scene from the scott pilgrim books that i quote CONSTANTLY to myself. strangely enough i find it a very helpful piece of advice.
What’s your post with the most notes? uhhh I think it’s some random post joking about how i don’t shave. However my SECOND most popular post is one calling out alice quinn for dumping a metric ton of sugar in her coffee <3
How many followers do you have? 595
How many people do you follow? 542
Have you ever made a shitpost? oh, constantly
How often do you use tumblr every day?ahahahhahahahaha
Did you have a fight/argument with a blog once? a couple of times! not as many as i’d like tho
How do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this post’? get out of my house. i hate you.
Do you like tag games? Yeah!! a lot of times i don’t participate because they often have a lot of questions about music and tbh i don’t have interesting/any answers. Love to be included tho!
Do you like ask games? also yes!! please....interact with me.......
Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous? hm probably @alice-quinn. Still can’t believe we’re mutuals tbh
Do you have a crush on a mutual? you know who you are ;)
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jewishsimming · 3 years
Thanks @faerie-tempest for the tag! Sorry it’s been like a week fdsjkhsdl
Why did you choose your url?
Cause I’m Jewish and I’m simmin’.
Any side blogs? If you have them name them and why you have them.
I have uhhh a few. But the ones I use are my main @voidpussyblr​, my finds blog @jewishsimming-finds​ and my other fandom blog @lesbianarcana​
How long have you been on tumblr?
Way too long. I first got on here in 2009, I’ve deleted and remade a couple times tho. I also used to be cherrypiesims here until I had a bit of a meltdown and deleted it like.. 2019? I think.
Do you have a queue tag?
Why did you start your blog in the first place?
I discovered the Decades Challenge and I’m a lover of historical stuff so I got interested!
Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
It’s just some shitty simself pic I took ages ago. Might change it?
What’s your post with the most notes?
I’m pretty sure it’s my jacket/pants post for sim boys. This one
How many mutuals do you have?
None on this blog cause it’s a sideblog... on my main it’s like... 30? Maybe? idk
How many followers do you have?
How many people do you follow?
94 (on my main)
Have you ever made a shitpost?
Lady, I am a shitpost
How often do you use tumblr each day?
Probably on the daily? I mainly check finds blogs, I don’t really check my dash anymore cause I don’t use my main.
Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? who won?
Not on this blog. I don’t have an issue speaking up if something’s legitimately an issue but I don’t really have the time for pointless drama.
How do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this’ posts?
I reblog what I want. If it’s a social justice issue that relates to the sims (e.g. supporting simblrs of colour, discussing inclusivity/diversion for the game) then I will but for general SJ stuff I don’t.
tbh I’m kind of burned out on SJ things on tumblr and I don’t like the way the social justice circles on tumblr handle certain issues, so I’m really avoiding it on here.
Do you like tag games?
Sure, though I may forget to answer
Do you like ask games?
As above
Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
No mutuals on this blog but ?? I don’t know? There’s certainly some talented people following me though.
Do you have a crush on a mutual?
Nothing romantic but I definitely have a couple followers whose names I recognise and whose CC I use 👀
Tagging @gilded-ghosts @antiquatedplumbobs @holydragonsuit ! No pressure though~
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shiningwonho · 3 years
check in tag!
tagged by @sangyus!
1. why did you choose your url?
for almost a year i had the url ‘joonshine’ but i kind of drifted from bts and wanted something related to got7 and my bias bambam. but i also didn’t wanna lose ‘the brand’ so to speak, so i merged it into bamshine lol
2. any side blogs? if you have them name them and why you have them.
just one! well, okay, one active one, anyway. i have a couple others that haven’t been updated in years, so I don’t really count them. the active one is @foggynightsandchristmaslights and well...i think the url gives it away lol. it’s an autumn/winter aesthetic blog. i’ve had it for several years and it’s doing quite well lol.
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
uuuuh. ten years, i think? too long lmfao.
4. do you have a queue tag?
no i don’t. tbh setting up a queue has always confused me a bit so i’ve never bothered making one.
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
it was to keep up with info about a book series i liked, and to participate in the fandom lol. my how far we have come.
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp?
cause it’s wonho lol. he means a lot to me idk. he’s my ultimate bias for a reason.
7. why did you choose your header?
AJDLKFADFAS my header is ALSO wonho lmfao. but that changed recently. if you’d tagged me a couple weeks ago, it would have been a gif header of Youngjae (courtesy of kathia) from the studio choom Thursday performance. He was really cute in it, idk, it deserved to be my header and Kathia was amazing and made it for me.
8. what’s your post with the most notes?
9. how many mutuals do you have?
I couldn’t tell you a number, but I have a bunch. obviously I have some that I interact with more than others, but they’re all amazing people.
10. how many followers do you have?
I’m at 1.2k right now. which is more than I ever expected to get lol.
11. how many people do you follow?
123! tho there’s probably a fair few inactive ones I could do to unfollow.
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
idk what exactly counts as a shit post but I made one about the Hyuna-Dawn situation as a shits and giggles thing and my god it got a lot of notes.
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
too often lol
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? who won?
no lol. i’ve had little spats on twitter but nothing major on here. 
15. how do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this’ posts?
yeah i ignore those. that’s not the way you’re gonna get me to reblog a post.
16. do you like tag games?
i do! i take a while to do them sometimes, but i do!
17. do you like ask games?
i love them!
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
tons of them lol. idk how many followers they actually have, but yeah, they’re definitely ‘tumblr famous’
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
i’ve got the mingyu to my hoshi @gyuseulogy and my wifey @tuantiddies which is way better tbh
20. tags?
@presenteyesonyou @hwiyoungies @kangyeosaang @baku-san @jjinyounf @ljaebeom @http-ara @profoundnonsense @saacnotsock @dawnofus
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cosplayspacepirate · 3 years
Tag Game!
I was tagged by @kanzukikarin , I’m sorry it took me so long to do this! Thank you for tagging me sweetheart!
1. why did you choose your url?
When I first made my blog I was way more active in cosplaying and also at the same time I was obsessed with an anime about lesbian space pirates so I just combined the name and that what ive been using on pretty much any social media site.
2. any sideblogs?
I have a post pinned on my blog that lists the names of each blog but i do have a couple of side blogs tho the most active ones im on are my kpop side blog and a blog i have for darker aesthics/occasional venting. (Though I try hard not to vent much cus i know it can trigger others. Everthing is always tagged of course)
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
 About 7 Years.
4. do you have a queue tag?
Yes everything under the tag ‘fak queue’ is queued.
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
 I honestly dont remember I’m pretty sure it was because my friends all had one and we all liked similar things. Plus I wasn’t very active on other social media site.
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp?
 I just thought it was very pretty and i felt like i needed a fresh change from the usual icons i use.
7. why did you choose your header?
 Again I think it was just to match with my icon in a way that i thought looked aesthetically pleasing.
8. what’s your post with the most notes?
 Most definitely some meme about homestuck that i made.
9. how many mutuals do you have?
10. how many followers do you have?
 1,160 (thank you all for putting up with me lol)
11. how many people do you follow?
 601 but I just when through and unfollowed some dead blogs.
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
 Oh definitely I was a homestuck 
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
I’d say that i open the app at least once a day unless life gets really busy.
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
 I mean yes and no I’ve had fights or arguments with friends that i know in my personal life but not someone I’ve never met before or really dont know.
15. how do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this’ posts?
 I think they’re kinda stupid just because it causes some people a dumb amount of unnecessarily anxiety. My self included of course.
16. do you like tag games?
 I really do like tag games its just I have trouble filling them out on my phone sometimes since i work all the time and i type faster on my laptop. Which is usually why im so late to fill them out. (Please forgive me mutuals!)
17. do you like ask games?
 I love ask games but I feel like im not interesting enough to get any asks so I usually dont do them much.
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
 There are quite a few that I wonder how the hell they’re following me tbh.
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
 I have like those dumb ‘i want to be your friend’ crushes on my mutuals.
20. tags?
 I tag @echoooohce @friendly-jester @yoonjunghan @angel-type @kisskisskawaii @ichigo-sundae @moonfairyrose @paladinsheart @crochetlesbian @red-skady @bigsoftloser
 Only do it if you want~
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megapicross · 3 years
ooooo ben tag me in game ooooooo :-) @antiben​
why did you choose your url?  i wanted a different one when i remade and it was one of the only ones i had saved <33 i saved it when i was fixating on picross but i still enjoy it :]
any sideblogs? yes (derogatory)
how long have you been on tumblr? oh god since. . either 8th or 7th gradei think?? so starting sometime between 2016 and 2017
do you have a queue tag? i dont queue things lolsies 
why did you start your blog? i remade like 2 weeks ago <33
why did you choose your icon? it was one of the first things in the ‘pokemon icons’ tag and i didnt want to spend too long looking for one .. its cute tho i like it :-)
why did you choose your header? same as the prev question but for a pokemon anime gif !! it was the first one i found that i liked
whats your post with the most notes? a shitty #relatable textpost from my last blog  it wasnt even that good... i think its at like 2.5k notes now i didnt expect it or want it to get that many
how many followers do you have? 52 im givingg every single one of them a little kissy rn
how many people do you follow? i forget like. 120 maybe?
have you ever made a shitpost? i genuinely cant remember
how often do you use tumblr? i check it fairly often ive said it before but i need stimulation like a rat in a laboratory and the . the posts are like my treat of a Juice when i do something the scientists like
did you have a fight/argument with a blog once? sadly yes </33 it wasa a few years ago i and was yet to realize that i can just use the block button if i want so i got inan argument with a couple of proship people .. it sucked would not recommend
how do you feel about "you need to reblog this post"? i dont see too many posts that say that but like . idk it doesnt usually factor into my decision making if i post is important ill rb and if not ill ignore it thats it <33
do you like tag games? YES it hink theyre so fun !!!! :D i always forget to actually do them when i get tagged in them tho or i get too embarrassed to share things.. if you ever tagged me in a game i prommy i saw and i appriciated it :-)
which one of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous? i dont know how to gauge tumblr fame ... idk if any of my mutuals are famous tbh were all just some guy
do you have a crush on a mutual?  no im ina relationship lolsies <33
i feel bad tagging people so  if u wanna do it you can say its from me teehee
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