#i have a bad habit of pulling skirts/bottoms over my belly button so
miss-floral-thief · 1 year
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ooh kinda want this skirt 
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meshugana1 · 7 years
An insecure woman finds that whenever she voices her insecurities, they become true. She quickly becomes too stupid to realize the coloration, and in a viscous cycle, becomes too fat to move, and dumber still, to the point where even talking becomes difficult.
It was mid morning when Sharron stirred from her dreams. The past few days they’d been filled with curious images of a tall dark man, and she felt like he had given her something but she just couldn’t place her finger on what it was. Sharron yawned and stretched her arms above her head, feeling the sunlight dance on her skin. Her white nightie pinched her just the slightest amount at her waist and on her shoulders, a reminder that she needed just a little more self-control in her life. She thought about the coffee and the bacon and eggs that she prepared for herself every morning. She wouldn’t need the coffee much longer when she glanced at her phone and saw that the clock read 8:13 instead of its usual 7:00.
The rush to her work was beyond hectic, she needed to be at the office at nine o’clock and it was a thirty minute drive with traffic. Couple that with getting dressed and only toast for breakfast she would just barely make it in time. She dresses in a frenzy and it’s not until she reaches her small, old car that she realizes she picked an older suit that pinched in the tummy and left too little to the imagination. It was too late to go back though and she was startled and stressed even more when her cars engine backfired. “God damn it. I’m so stupid, I can’t even set an alarm right. And this stupid outfit, course I’m so fat I have to get whole new wardrobe, what the hell did I expect?”
Sharron was a bright young woman, fit as well. She just had a few nasty habits, like the constant self-doubt that plagued her every decision and her occasional overindulgence of sweets. It was difficult for her to stick to diets which perpetuated the vicious cycle of insecurity that was her longtime companion. This time though the self deprecation was not only in her head, that bright mind of her’s dimmed just a touch and the lines and creases of her suit multiplied as she gained several pounds.
She pulled into the parking garage at eight fifty-eight, darting out of her parked car so quickly that she forgot to lock her car. She was running as hast as her tight heels would allow her to when she stepped into a crack in the asphalt and the heel on her right shoe snapped clean off. “Mother fucking shit! You clumsy, fat idiot…” she told herself, the sharpness of her mind diminishing just a little bit more, her coordination dropping sharply and her new muffin top peaking over her skirt and under her blouse. She didn’t have any time to notice as she bent down to remove her shoes, though with her new pot belly it took two tries.
She walked into the office at nine o’three, thankfully she didn’t see her boss waiting for her so she tried to find her cubicle as fast as she could. Ordinarily this wouldn’t be a problem but today it seemed impossible. It was a large office filled with identical cubicles, such was the life of a number cruncher, laid out in standard grid format. But with her diminished capacity it was exceedingly difficult. Sharron had actually passed her spot by over three times , until she literally bumped into her boss. The jostling caused her to fall onto her fat bottom, the impact and sudden motion caused her skirt to split down the side.
“Good morning Sharron, running a little late today I see.” Mr. Jacobs said.“I’m so sorry sir, I’m such an idiot that I forgot to set my alarm and I woke up late and my shoe broke and…”“It’s ok Sharron, it happens from time to time. Just don’t make it a habit and it’ll be fine. Now could you just find your desk and get to work? I really need you to clear the Allmand account before lunch if that’s ok.”
“Oh yes sir, thank you so much. Um…I’m sorry, I guess I’m a little turned around. Which way was it?” Sharron asked with a desperate smile plastered on her face. Jacobs was a little bit worried about her, she looked terrible and was wearing a suit that looked eight sizes too small. “It’s over there Sharron, are you ok? You don’t need to go home do you?“No way boss, I can defer…uh dif… I mean I can really do it.” Sharron said, she didn’t usually fumble her words so bad. She really hoped she wasn’t getting sick.“Well all right Sharron, just try not to run into anyone else our insurance won’t cover it.” Mr. Jacobs said laughing as he turned away.
Sharron frowned, not quite understanding the joke at her expense but still aware enough to know it was mean. Under her breath she said “Needle dick”. Mr. Jacobs had walked around the corner to his office when he felt the oddest sensation from his groin, it was like he was erect but it felt ridiculously smaller. He discretely checked himself and ran to the bathroom to confirm his worst fears.
Sharron sat at her desk after cursing herself out as an idiot several times for not finding it earlier. She sat down into her chair which strained under the new weight she was now too stupid to notice. She pulled herself to her computer and was very happy she remembered which button to turn on with her pudgy finger. The computer was asking for something but Sharron couldn’t figure out what it was asking for. After about ten minutes for Sharron’s blank stare and a few drops of drool hitting her straining white blouse, the bottom buttons had long since given up and a prominent belly was naked and exposed to the world, she remembered that she had to give the computer a special word so that it would let her work.
She couldn’t remember if she had to use the words on the special square in front of her or if she could just talk to it, she remembered talking to her phone for it to do stuff, but this wasn’t her phone. She tried using the letters but her fingers were too fat and kept picking the wrong ones. This made her sad and mad, she hated her fat fingers and cried out “Me fat stupid! Me fat stupid! Me fat stupid! Me fat stupid! Me fat stupid! Me fat stupid! Me fat stupid!”. The poor thing, what she meant to say, if she hadn’t accidentally turned herself into a moron, was “My fat is stupid”. But her recent gift was of the literal nature, and her tirade against herself did quite the hefty damage. Sharron was still chanting “Me fat stupid” as the whole of the office gathered round to see what the commotion was.
They arrived just in time to see her words trail off as her IQ dipped into the twenties, words were becoming exceedingly difficult for her to wrap what little brain she had left. The most apparent change was her waistline. This morning she was a fit woman who could’ve gone to the gym a bit more, when she got to work she looked like someone who ate a box of Twinkie’s everyday for a year. Now the fat on her body multiplied exponentially her clothing stood no chance and exploded off her body as her words seemed to have a cumulative effect.
She sat there grunting and making moaning noises as her ass quadrupled in size and the chair was crushed by her titanic figure. Her thighs were so large they looked like tree trunks and themselves were swallowed up by her enormous belly, she managed to waddle backwards before her fat became so intense that her arms were too heavy to move and her legs gave out and she flopped onto her colossal belly. Her stomach was so large that it was pushing against the sides of her cubicle.
She was totally oblivious to her state, her mind was that of a toddlers. Only the most basic thoughts could stick in her head now, the most basic words. She tried to move but she was far too fat to go anywhere herself. The entire office stood gobsmacked at what just occurred, Mr. Jacobs came out of the bathroom just then, nervous and red in the faced about something. He was shocked to find a morbidly obese woman had somehow become stuck in a cubicle. “All right everybody just get back to work, we’ll call the fire department or an ambulance or something to get this woman out of here. Excuse me ma’am but how did you get here?” Mr. Jacobs asked.
Sharron looked at him with a blank expression, she didn’t recognize him but he looked nice. She  could only think of about three or four words at a time now, so she only looked and blew the man a raspberry. About an hour later the fire department arrived, they were the only ones with equipment sturdy enough to move her. She had to be placed on what was essentially a gurney and wheeled out. She waved bye bye to all the people and only lady looked real nice and waved back to her. She squealed excitedly and said the first words that came to her mind, “Big butt bye bye!”
The End. Hope y’all like it.
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