#tho it looks comfy at least/hopefully fitting
miss-floral-thief · 1 year
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ooh kinda want this skirt 
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kurlyfrasier · 4 years
Terrified: Part 4
Raph x Reader
Synopsis: Raph saves you from ruffians one night in an alley after watching out for you for weeks without you knowing. Which leads you to getting to know the guys and becoming part of the family. But Raph keeps a distance and you don’t understand why. 
Word Count: 1708
Warnings: None
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I woke up later than intended- much later, as in waking in the afternoon later- red-eyed and weary from the tears shed the night before. I had decided, once I had calmed down enough to think beyond losing the boys- most especially Raph- that tonight would be my last movie night. At least, for a while. I also planned on telling them they need not walk me home after work. Granted, I had no idea how I planned on convincing them that they weren’t needed. 
Maybe I could tell them I’m moving? Getting a new job?
I sighed, looking into the mirror. If tonight was going to be my last night seeing Ra- them, then I would make the most of it. I decided I would look my best, without looking desperate...hopefully. Sadly, this meant I did not get to start my new book since l only had about an hour until Mikey would be here to pick me up. Yet another reason to stop burdening the boys. Regretting the fact that I wouldn’t get to wear pajamas like I usually do on movie nights, I trudged to my closet.
A little over an hour later Mikey found me in the middle of brushing just a tad bit of make-up on; to cover up my red-rimmed eyes. 
“Whoa angelcakes,” he drawled once I stepped out of the bathroom, eyeing my long, fitted sweater dress- because it gets cold in the lair- and warm leggings with comfortable Chuck Taylors. 
See? Not desperate. Comfy.
“Raph is gonna lov-” He stopped himself short when I gave him a quizzical look. “I mean, you look hot, dudette. Got any plans tonight?” he wiggled, what one would call, his eyebrows, erupting a giggle out of me. 
“Only to hang out with my besties, that’s all,” I shrugged, grabbing my phone, hoping he wouldn’t comment about my not-so-usual outfit once we got to the lair. I really did not want it made more obvious than it already is.
“Sounds like the best plan, but are you sure you don’t wanna bring pj’s for after?”
“I’m sure, Mikey,” I smiled reassuringly up at him as he plucked me up out of the window and onto the roof. “These are just as comfortable as pajamas, promise.”
“Okay then, let’s go,” he helped me onto his shell. “Can’t wait to beat you in a new racing game I got,” he hopped from roof to roof, holding me tight. I couldn’t help but compare his smaller, bulky size to Raph. I don’t think I would have been able to hold on to his shell quite as well.
“You’re on, man. But don’t come crying to me when you lose.”
He barked out a laugh and we stayed silent until we got to the man-hole cover.
“Hey, angelcakes,” Mikey started sheepishly when we got to the bottom of the ladder, scratching the back of his neck. “I wanted to ask…”
“Yeah?” I gave him an encouraging smile.
“Did somethin’ spook you last night?” He blurted out.
“No,” I furrowed my brows, confused about where this is coming from. Unless…
“Raph said you were running for your life after you got off the subway. I just wanted to make sure everything is okay.”
“Oh,” I tried thinking of an excuse, averting my gaze. “I just didn’t want to be a burden, is all.”
Not a complete lie.
“A burden?” He looked shocked as I turned toward their home and started walking that way, hoping to hide my despondency. “You’re not a burden, angelcakes! Besides, before that night in the alley, Raph was already-”
I stopped in my tracks as Mikey sauntered ahead.
“I mean, we like making sure you're okay. We don’t want a repeat of that night we first met,” he continued rambling, but I wasn’t listening. I wanted to know what he was gonna say about Raph. After a few steps he realized I wasn’t next to him anymore. “Come on, Y/n. Don’t want ya to get lost.”
I nodded, unwilling to ask my question as we continued our trek to the lair. I took a deep, calming breath to brace myself before entering the living room area where I knew Splinter, the wonderful father that he is, would be prepping for homemade pizza. Donnie had made an old brick oven not long ago and built it directly underneath a grate above that they only opened when baking pizza so the smoke would have an escape. I found it ingenious because now they could have pizza whenever they wanted. Which was always. A small smile formed at the thought.
Not five steps in and Raph blocked my path, arms crossed as he assessed me for injuries. I stared straight into his chest, unable to meet his all-seeing gaze. He would know something was wrong the moment we made eye contact, he always did.
“Bro, she’s fiiiine,” Mikey sang, lightly punching Raph’s shoulder as he walked by. “I would never let anything happen to her. She is my precious sister, after all.”
Raph ignored him, grunting in approval with a curt nod before walking away. Allowing me to breathe again, not realizing I had held my breath in the first place.
Raph was anxious to see you. He had been attempting to work it off all day, to no avail. Everytime he closed his eyes he saw you, standing in front of him, looking small, keeping your thoughts to yourself. 
He growled in frustration, clenching his hands into fists. If only he knew what had you so utterly shattered last night.
He needed to see you.
He needed to know you were safe.
Raph breathed out a sigh of relief when he heard you and Mikey coming, but stopped short when he saw what you were wearing. Vaguely, he wondered where you had come from to be looking so good. That red sweater stuck to your form as if it was painted on. It may have covered almost every inch of skin from your thighs up, but it hardly left room for the imagination. Thos leggings did the same.
Where were your baggy pj’s?
Robotically, he blocked your path to determine if you had been hurt. Really though, it was all a ruse. He just wanted to have a good look at you. He crossed his arms over his chest to keep himself from holding you close. The fact that you wouldn’t meet his gaze had his blood running cold. You always at least gave him a tentative glance and a smile. Next to him, Mikey said something about you being his precious sister, but all he could think was that you were his precious everything. He didn’t even feel his brother’s light punch as he walked by.
He grunted as if saying “that’ll do” and walked away, wishing he knew what was wrong. Wishing he could make it all better.
“I’m gonna go help Donnie with something before we play, okay Mikey?” You spoke barely above a whisper before heading to Donnie’s lab. 
The moment you were out of sight he rounded on Mikey. “So wha’ didya find out?” he growled in in his face.
“Nothin’, bro!” Mikey held his hands up in surrender, backing away. “She said something like not wanting to be a burden. I don’t know. She was kinda quiet though. I barely got her to smile.”
“But nothin’ ‘bout wha’ scared her?” he asked low, peeking around to make sure you hadn’t decided to come back.
“Nadda. Just said she didn’t wanna be a burden. I told her she’s not. That we like takin’ her home, but,” he paused when he noticed Raph shaking, stiff as a board. “Uh-oh…”
Raph stomped away toward Donnie’s lab, barely able to comprehend what Mikey was telling him. 
You? A burden?
He planned on shaking you to your senses until he heard what you were saying to Donnie.
“...gonna take some self-defense classes so you guys don’t have to walk me home anymore. What do you think?”
Raph leaned against the wall, going to a whole new level of low with eavesdropping. He decided it was worth it if he could figure out what was wrong.
“We could teach you,” Donnie offered offhandedly. “Besides, we like taking you home. We can actually have a conversation as we protect you.”
“Nah, you guys are busy as it is,” you paused. “Plus, I don’t want to bother you guys even more.”
“What are you talking about, Y/n?” Something clattered, a sign that you have Donnie’s full attention. “You’re no bother. Did something happen?”
“No, nothing happened,” you sighed before continuing quietly. “I just- I might be getting another job-”
“You’re a terrible liar, you know that, right?” Donnie chuckled in an attempt to lighten the mood. “Is this about last night? I heard you were running from something.”
“Ugh! I wanted to get home faster! That’s all,” you fumed, stomping a foot, demanding why the boys kept asking you about last night.
“We’re worried, Y/n,” Donnie stated calmly. “You spend a lot of time with us. That could make you a target. Especially if anyone figures out how much you mean to Ra- uh… us.”
“Fine,” you seethed. “I’ll stop hanging out with you guys, then. That way nobody will have to worry about my safety.”
Donnie’s call for you fell on deaf ears as Raph snuck into the darkened room across from the lab, your steps echoed down the hall. He sunk low in the shadows and held his head close to his knees, eyes shut tight in a sad attempt to keep the tears from flowing freely. He couldn’t breathe. His heart felt as though it were being shattered into a million pieces.
You were leaving? The thought ricocheted through his brain.
What had happened to bring this about? Everything was fine until last night.
Maybe someone got to you already? The thought had his blood boiling. Allowed him to breathe. He had a purpose; to find out what happened in the ten minutes you were on the subway. He was determined to keep you close. Keep you safe. No matter the cost. Even if he had to lock you in his room.
Part 5
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suepixels · 5 years
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SIMBLR GOALZ 2020 - Sul Sul
My ladies @cillaben and @sani-sims4 tagged me to do dis shizzle, LOL! Thank you, my sweet lovelies - You guys know I love to be tagged, hehe!
Um yeah...along with new Simblr Goalz I’m going to start this month something life-changing a re-education because I want to be able to program software. Yup, have way more goals to achieve beside Tumblr, hehehe. I signed up to join training to become a specialist for software development. By the end of the next year, I will be able to develop digital software. Sue is going to be a real programmer, hehe! You guys can’t imagine that this was a dream of mine since I worked the first time ever on a pc at the beginning of the 90ties (for those who know what I’m talking about yep it used to be a Commodore 64 with Windows 3.1 hahaha). Can’t imagine that anymore, tho - how horrible 😆 ! It’s never too late to learn, you know. I’m actually very excited to learn new things.
Take a look I did an upgrade and improvement on my simself ;) Yep will change my old pic here too. My hair got so much longer in the meantime and I love it but I guess I have to cut it a bit shorter.... hair care is too time-intense! Luckily @enriques4 has the right hair length to represent me *_* so shout out and big thanks  😍.
I have several goals which I want to achieve this year  Here we go! 😌 Sue is all over the place - hehe! But it would not be me if I wouldn’t go for it you know... 😂
Character Page: Need to make the pics and finish it finally, oh boi.
Allure of Darkness: Be more consistent - at least on a weekly I base and I think I will go for weekends. I had a gap here and run out of inspiration on how to continue. I wrote a bunch of stuff but it doesn’t fit the current stage. Since yesterday I have inspiration on how to proceed. Kinda stuck here for a while, upsies. I have a ton of drafts for different scenes but they need to fit ;) and they will all come, so no worries about that. I’m so not done with this story-legacy of mine - lol and I’m not as far as I wish I would be.
The Secret of Rain: Going to finish it hopefully until May, my birth month ;) So expect a bunch of twists and turns. RJ just started to do his first steps to move to his dark side. From now on you will get here and there a thriller vibe... but need to get there first - I just started a few more scenes and I hope you will love the tension I’m going to create. We need RJ to be in the mood, you know LOL ;)
Legacy: I will start a story-based legacy once I finish RJ’s story. It will be a complex only human-related story so no supernaturals at all  😎. Working hard on the complexity of my new characters which I have in mind and some stuff is written, already. I want some in-depth characters and hopefully a great story. I want to outline and flesh them out so that they are really good at least I hope they will be. It won’t be a story for everyone but those who love drama, pleasure and pain will adore it - I hope. Since I do admire the Holmes Legacy as you are may aware =D by Josie @ellemant. Because of you Josie I started to write my stories.  You are truly an inspiration and I adore and love your Holmes Fam so much as you know.
Micke’s Movies Series: Kinda stuck at my “Mafia Plot” and had no idea how to continue but I will finish the last few posts within the upcoming weeks @cillaben  But I’m on it  😍
Upload of my fav & new builds: Will continue to do that  😍
Sim Dumps: Yeah I talked about it, I will do this from time to time, 😏I guess
Improving CC Skills: I’m experimenting with Blender and I need more practice before I feel comfy enough to release something but I’m excited because once I’m able to create something I’m satisfied with I will probably get addicted to it and create the stuff I want in my game...
Continue to comment and be supportive: You all know that if you talk to me I do respond - yeah I may keep talking and talking but hey that’s my nature I’m a talkative persona and love to talk... so you can always look forward to my response and read about my nonsense answers LOL. 
Admire fellow simmers: Gosh so many of you are so ahead of me and gifted. When you guys like my stuff I’m like whuuut, are you for real? I start to blush, okay? I get cheezy and repetitive LOL. I love your style, your mind, your ideas geez dunno honestly where to start so many of you are simply awesome so I will keep admire your skills, your edits, your content and keep loving you for giving me joy, laughter, and fun. But the most important part is you give me a reason to do what I do here ;).
So I will tag only few @zykatekb @ellemant @serena-6 most of you have done it already. But you, yeah if I haven’t tagged please feel tagged. Let’s see how many goals I will achieve - I’m getting myself in trouble as usual! Hahaha
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crowned-ladybug · 6 years
Marvin from the rivals au for that character thing or just in general bc I love him so much and I want to know more about him
This got so long, I’m so sorry. This is like 2k words bc if allowed to talk about this boy then i could talk Forever. Oops
(With the meme it’s here btw)
Occasional sleeptalker. Usually just incoherent babbling, andJackie finds it hilarious to listen to if he's awake for it
Can braid his own hair perfectly without any trouble. Fear him
Shows his love of certain ppl by buying them lil gifts but hatesthe confrontation and awkwardness of giving them to them so heusually just leaves them in places he knows they'll find them,usually with no indication that they're from him either
Colour codes Everything
Has his own way of organising things that makes sense to Him okaybut he can't really explain it to anyone else. It annoys poor Jamesonto no end bc he organises shit to help with his anxiety and MarvinKeeps Ruining It
His reaction to Chase and Jackie wanting to get up to impulsivefun shit is "sure, go ahead, just don't hinder whatever I'mdoing" (or sometimes he joins them) and Schneep is sodisappointed in him for not helping him keep them in check instead
Has a fuckin perfectly figured out skincare routine and he'sdragging all the others up with him
Generally v good at lazy/spa day kinda self-care
Has ADD (tho all the egos have ADD/ADHD tbh)
Chase has absolutely compared him to Mettaton X at some point andMarvin doesn't know how to react to that
Gets cold super easily and Hates It. Is an absolute lil bitchabout it and won't stop whining until he can get warm again(favourite way to do that is to cuddle Jackie, and he just goes allhappy and melty from it, but I still wouldn't try to talk to him if Iwere you. And Jackie is a good bf who puts up with Marvin's stupidcold hands and face)
Has two modes when cuddling btw, he either just lies peacefullywith someone (mostly Jackie) while having an arm draped over them orholding their hand or pressed up against them, or he turns into afuckin octopus. Good luck trying to get up, you won't succeed
Which has led to multiple instances of someone needing Jackie forsomething, only to find him unavailable bc he's completely trapped bya sleeping Marvin even if he himself is wide awake. But he enjoys ita lot too bc Hell Yes Affection and would never have the heart tomove him and wake him up
He's also p damn pointy so he's not really the most comfy personto cuddle but Oh Well
Also wakes up slow and says a lot of bullshit in the process (orstuff he'd normally filter out and not get to say, like sappy shit)
A flirty lil bitch
Knows Jackie blushes super easily and enjoys the fuck out of it.Constantly trying to figure out how little it'll take for him to beall red in the face (And he knows Jackie doesn't mind and he backsoff when he's told to. Don't worry. Consent is still there)
He on the other hand doesn't blush often so when he does it meanshe's Super Flustered
Ik i said this last night too but he knows how to dance and doesit p well tbh?? He used to dance a lot when he was a kid/teen butdropped it when he realised he was trans bc then he tried to be AsMasculine As Possible bc he felt like if he didn't he'd be "fakingit"
(Grew out of that eventually. He's so glad he did)
Insecure about more stuff than he would ever let you believe
Once he starts really caring about the other egos he tries So Hardto be good to them and secretly beats himself up sometimes for stillbeing an Asshole when he messes it up. Yeah it's angsty. He'd takehimself apart just to make it up to his friends for having been anasshole to them before
Not a morning person but he can still function if woken up early,he'll just make sure you know that he's Not happy about it
Very rarely gets dysphoric, really only if continously referred towith the wrong pronouns/gendered terms or if called his deadname
At some point he started shooting Jackie flirty looks while sayingbullshit in French (Jackie doesn't speak French) to fluster him butit got to the point where Marvin realised that if he wanted to keepdoing it he'd need to Actually Learn French instead of just spoutingthe same limited amount of bullshit all the time. And that's thestory of why he started studying a Whole Other Language
Likes flowers but knows fuck all about them
I don't think I'll ever properly type down how he got his scar sohere: before Marvin pledged alliance to the other egos, Anti alreadyassumed he would, and so he captured him and threatened to torturehim to get information out of him/possibly force him on his sideinstead. Marvin called his bluff and told him to fuck himself. Antigot angry, waved his knife a lil too close to Marvin's face duringone of his threats and ended up actually cutting him. Anti was superhappy bc holy shit I Did Something, and Marvin decided that he's hadenough and since he'd been saving his energy all this time, blew up acharge of electricity in Anti's face. He then proceeded to teleporthome (with the chair he was tied to still attached but uhh. That partof the story is a lil less dignified so shh)
Anti has had a special place in Hell for him ever since (and withthis I'm realising that Anti is actually p fuckin bad at his job??Wow)
Says he doesn't like his hair messed with. He's lying.
But you gotta be Special and Important To Him to have permissionto touch his hair (or a hairdresser I guess). But Jackie is one ofthose ppl so he can mess with Marvin's hair all he wants (he evenlearned how to braid hair just to surprise him and lemme tell you,Marvin was Absolutely v surprised) Stroke and pet his hair longenough and he'll go all melty
His teeth are a lil bit pointier than average (and Jackie is sofucking gay for that and I'm shaming him)
Used to write poetry as a teen. Don't bring it up, he'sembarrassed.
Shoves all his feelings and problems in a box and hides them inthe attic bc He Doesn't Want Them
Can sing okay but doesn't do it often bc it's not Perfect so it'sBad. Hums more often tho
He's scared of a bunch of stuff in horror movies (and triggered bysome) but No One is allowed to know that. He's glad most of theothers don't much like them either and thus they don't watch themtogether anyway. He really doesn't want others to see him scared bche thinks it'd make him look weak and ridiculous
(Yes, he double-standards himself vs other ppl a Lot. Being scaredor having bad mental health or messing up is only bad if he does it.But you didn't hear that from me.)
Pokemon is one of his biggest and longest-lasting hyperfixations
Holy shit I've never drawn him in a suit but my dudes he looks SoPretty in a well-fitted suit, Holy Fuck. Give him a lapel flower andit'll be Perfect. No one can resist that amount of charm
Knows how to walk (and even run and dance) in high heels but can'tfucking stand them (no pun intended, he just finds them reallyuncomfortable)
Will be stunned silent if anyone assumes he doesn't absolutelyAdore Jackie, both bc How Dare You and bc he's trying So Hard to be agood bf is he really That Bad at it?
Pressure is not his main stim but it's the best way to bring himout of a panic/anxiety attack and just ground him in general, espwhen he can't use his magic or doesn't think to use it. (He doesn'thave any weighted stuff so in others words: lie on him.) Once hecalms down enough he'll hopefully start doing his vital-readingmagic, which should help calm him more
(Also yeah, the whole vital-reading that I've probably talk aboutjust Way Too Much already but jic I'll mention it again anyway: hecan use his magic to read other ppl's vitals. It calms and comfortshim. He mainly does it to Jackie, who has given him blanketpermission for it)
Favourite stim is fondling with squishy things (like those foamanimal keychains??) and scraping stuff like candle wax or soap (itwould probably be chewing if he actually realised that that is aValid Stim but he Doesn't)
Has his own apartment for a while still after moving in with theother egos bc he doesn't expect it to last. He sells it about a yearlater
His job is being a magician too and doing his shows that bring inAbsolutely enough money for him to not have to get another job or doshows like every other night. Ppl don't know he has Actual MagicPowers which makes a lot of things easier for him
His masks are all self-made bc he didn't wanna chance lettinganyone else do it, and he's had many less fabulous ones before bc healways wants Better. The gold patterns on the one I've drawn him withbefore are covered in glitter. He has a couple other ones he usestho, all different styles and shapes and colours for the sake ofvariety. He always wears matching make-up (mainly eye make-up andlipstick) for his shows
The scoreboard on the fridge (a piece of paper where they trackevery time him and Jackie defeat each other in Anything At All) washis idea, but it was Jackie who drew the stick figure renditions ofthe two of them on it (so it was a joint effort, really. Yeah,ironic. Or typical)
Has no shame when it comes to PDA as long as it isn't suggestive,but Jackie is a lot less sure about it (esp when out in public) soofc he respects that
That also means that if Jackie decides to hold his hand in publiche gets So Fucking Giddy you have No Idea and also you wouldn'tbelieve it even if you saw
Speaking of giddy. If you manage to get him to start talking aboutJackie (not a hard thing to achieve tbh) he will get so happy andgiddy and excited and Will Not Shut Up okay. Or at least it'll takehim a While to realise that he's rambling and has completely shed hiscool exterior. He just really loves his bf okay and he kinda justwants everyone to know how great he is
Can remember names and face p well but numbers and dates? Nah son.You better believe he has to make memos and calendar entries on hisphone for Everything. He's glad he can remember his own birthday,almost everything else he just kinda remembers (so only as specificas season or month). He feels bad about it tho, esp when he has tocheck like twice a day coming up to an important date that yes, it'sstill two days away, he didn't miss it
Has the kinda handwriting that's v pretty to look at but is anabsolute Pain to try to read
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seojvns · 6 years
everything you didn’t care to know about seojun yoon. 
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basic statistics.
full name: seojun yoon. 
nickname: jun, junnie, seo. 
how'd they get it?: they’re just... variations of his name...
age: twenty one. 
date of birth: april 27th. 
zodiac: taurus. 
gender: male. 
sexual orientation: pansexual. 
when did they realize this?: around the age he started being interested in people. it’s never been something he’s struggled with, it’s jus how things were/are. 
nationality: american.
hometown: daejeon, south korea.
current residence: cortland, wisconsin.
occupation: freelance photographer. 
for how long?: umm, probably since high school?? he started out doing it for free, to build his resume, and over time he began building it into something he could actually make money from. not much, but !! getting paid for doing something he loves?? really couldn’t ask for more than that. 
do they like his/her job?: obvs!!! does he wish he could have a lot more clients?? ya, but he’s patient and he’s got the time. 
salary: mm, depends on the job but probably anywhere from $150-250/job. 
any significant ancestors?: ummmm, no. 
grandparents (describe relationship): he was really close to his grandmother, on his mom’s side, who passed away a few years ago. he’s close to his grandfather from that side too, but he’s a bit old fashioned in his views and sometimes conversations are... not really something he can take much from. but he likes his company, and overall they have a good relationship. his grandparents on his father’s side both died before he really got a chance to even know them. 
aunts/uncles (describe relationship): there’s definitely a distance. when he was younger, he’d see more of them, and his cousins too, but as he grew up... it became less of a tradition his parents and his aunts/uncles bothered to keep up with. he sees them at family gatherings, usually around holidays, but that’s about it. 
parents (describe relationship): there’s a lot of distance between him and his parents. his father’s always been distant, even at a young age he wasn’t very invested in seojun. but he’d buy him things, assuming that was a decent enough way to show his ‘love,’ but it only made seojun resentful of the money he tried to use in an attempt to get out of actually caring or showing interest. his mother, on the other hand, cared. but only when he was young. from the time he was adopted, at age five, until about eleven. after that she became more disinterested in him. she also started nitpicking him a lot?? like no snacks, finding a poem and critiquing it, etc. support wasn’t something he was given, which is why he’s become such a desperate lil people pleaser. 
are they still together?: yes, yep. 
what is the character's family life like: it was really lonely growing up, cause even if everyone was home they’d all be off doing their own things. usually seojun was in his room writing, or out exploring and taking photos. he probably would’ve found his way to his hobbies regardless, but their neglect definitely encouraged him to explore them in a way he might not have done much sooner. 
what does their family love most about them?: hmm, probably his manners. he’s a good boy and he’d never embarrass them or anything when they drag him to events or parties, so, yeah! 
hate?: they see him as too shy, and lacking of a personality, but really that’s just because they’ve kind of made him feel like he should just keep quiet and do what he’s told :/ and that’s exactly what he does. 
does the family have a specific set of values?: his parents are very much the type of people who want everything to look perfect on the outside, and not care much about how they actually are on the inside. 
what would their family be described like by another person?: reserved, well put together, successful. 
have they ever had any pets?: he did! he had a dog, a samoyed, which he got from his parents for his seventh birthday. his name was ghost,, original, i know!
what happened to them?: he died a few years ago :/ it was a rly rough time for jun, who basically had him throughout his entire childhood. 
are they a virgin?: umm, nope. 
how did they lose it?: i’m embarrassed just thinkin abt it. 
have they ever cheated on a partner?: never would he ever!!! 
has a partner ever cheated on them?: probably. 
how did they react?: better question - did he ever find out? doubtful. 
who was their first crush?: hard to say :/ he gets a new crush everyday :/ 
are they in any kind of romantic relationship?: no!! 
how serious/relaxed is it?: hmph. 
describe the relationship with their current partner: this is... pointless... 
how did they meet?: why ask so many questions based on the POTENTIAL of him bein in a relationship... 
who made the first move?: prob not seojun in any situation ... he’s not very bold 
how does your character truly feel about their partner?: this.... is so redundant... 
when did they realize this?: thank u, next! 
who is your characters closest friend?: minnie uwu 
how did they meet?: umm they’ve been bffs for as long as seojun can remember okay!!! so how they met is just one of those things he doesn’t... rly remember bc it feels like he’s known her his WHOLE entire life, u know?? 
why do they get along so well?: because they’re both cute and soft and they just vibe together well ok,, why question these things?? there’s been so many late nights up talking about anything n everything, so many heartbreaks that she’s been there for, so many adventures they’ve had n have yet to have... she’s his other half!!! <333 
describe relationship with any other significant friends: adrian’s one of the most important ppl to him ?? like ever?? cause he’s jun’s best friend but also a lot more than that. even though they can’t seem to get things right, he’s always gonna have feels for adrian. kian......... gross where do i even begin!!!! seojun would literally die for kian. he’s more than his roomie ok seojun’s so disgustingly attached that no matter what kian did he’d never leave his side lmao #dedicated. jiwon is who seojun would be if he could choose his life sjfsfks she’s jus so,, uwu perfect n everything he aspires to be. he LUVS her even tho she can lowkey be a lil scary?? not in like a way that he’s legit scared but like... she can be intimidating a lil bit. rt if u agree
favorite foods: sushi, korean fried chicken, fries. 
least favorite food: black licorice, celery. 
favorite colors: pale yellow and light pink. 
least favorite color: whatever the fuck u call the color blue that tumblr chose for the new bg color fksdjfs
music: pop, r&b. 
literature: mysteries!! 
smell: honeysuckles, bonfires, fresh bread. 
feeling: affection uwu
season: autumn. 
pets: dogs, but... he loves cats too :/ 
place: hmm, he’s really drawn to the woods?? like when he was younger he’d go into the woods with his camera and a book and just spend all fucking day out there. there’s something really peaceful about it ?? and there’s just so much to experience... the woods jus make him soft, k?? 
favorite sport(s): huh
possession this character values most: his camera!!!!!!!! his journals filled with poems about everyone he knows. 
why is it so important to them?: um, his camera is p obvious?? his poetry filled journals, well, that’s p obvious too. he doesn’t want to forget how he felt in the moments where he was inspired to write whatever he wrote. 
physical characteristics.
height: 5′8′‘. 
weight: 130 lbs. 
body build: slim. 
eye color: brown. 
glasses or contact lenses?: contact lenses, but sometimes he’ll wear his glasses when he’s feelin’ lazy. 
hair color: naturally it’s black, but he prob keeps it either light pink or blond.  
scent: tbh idk what to answer for this, describing someone’s natural scent... hard. 
voice: he’s got a soft voice :/ 
mannerisms: says ‘um’ and ‘uh’ too much, whining about nothing, watching anything/everything with subtitles, turns the tab on a soda can sideways. 
style: comfy clothing mostly?? like loose fitting tops and form fitting bottoms. 
how do they walk?: like a fucking model tbh??? 
what are their nervous tics: he’s blushing 99% of the time tbh,, nose scrunches, averting his gaze 
usual body posture: umm, i’d say he’s got p good posture?? idk,,
preferred clothing.
underwear: boxer briefs babey!
shirts: loose!! t-shirts, flannels, hoodies. anything oversized. 
pants: usually black jeans, like, 9 times out of 10. 
skirts: nah. 
jackets: more oversized shit. 
shoes: prob jus black boots? 
accessories: earrings, rings, make up. make up isn’t an accessory rly but i dunno where else to put that so yayuh that’s a thing. 
formal wear: umm he’s a classic black suit kinda guy, prob w a bowtie, idk. 
sleeping wear: t-shirts and boxer briefs,, do ppl ... actually have real pajamas? like in real life? 
swimming wear: swim trunks ig?? weird question but ok. 
intellectual/mental/personality attributes and attitudes.
did they go to school?: ya, duh. 
where?: west bridge!!! 
what did they learn?: he’s studying photography :-)
what were their grades like?: uh, they’re alright... could be better... he wants to do better but his focus is usually just... anywhere but where it should be. so he procrastinates, and turns in things late a lot, and still is trying to do better. 
native language: korean. 
do they know any other languages?: english. 
how smart are they?: not... very... both book smart and street smart. 
what is their strengths?: creativity, generosity, compassion. 
weaknesses?: time management, insecurity, awareness. 
character's short-term goals in life: don’t go to jail, pass all classes. 
character's long-term goals in life: have a lil photography studio and live happily ever after uwu
how does your character see themselves?: umm, he’s self aware enough to know that he’s kind of sheepish?? he feels like he’s probably awkward in,, so many situations, rip, but he tries his best to not be too weird skfjs 
how does your character believe they are perceived by others?: as a soft boy who wants to be everyone’s friend?? hopefully?? 
how self-confident is your character?: UM LOL NOT AT ALL
what makes their self-confidence waver?: everything,, he just never feels like he’s good enough?? prob because of his mom’s nitpicking, his parents’ lack of interest generally, and the fact that he just has a low self esteem overall. 
what would embarrass your character the most?: being put on the spot about anything, having too much attention, falling for someone who doesn’t like him. 
how does your character feel about love: he!! loves love!!! he rly thinks that there’s someone out there for everyone... maybe not in a ~soulmates~ sense, but he thinks that companionship is a big part of happiness.
about crime: he doesn’t commit crimes... often... but if he does it’s because he can be talked into almost anything. 
people of a different sexuality?: loves everyone, thanks. 
different nationality/race?: loves everyone, thanks. 
how does your character show affection/love?: listening to them n remembering things they’re told, hand holding, doing literally anything they ask. 
how does your character handle grief? not well. especially in the case of manon, which has left him with a terrible sleeping pattern and the heavy feeling of guilt. 
what are they like when they cry?: prob like really dramatic,, like cry a lot while curled up in his bed under the covers kinda cry. 
what can make them cry?: betrayal, loss, anxiousness, stress. 
how does your character handle physical pain?: not well, he probably whines a lot and pouts even more. 
emotional pain?: even worse. he’s so forgiving that even if someone hurt him emotionally, he’d forgive them, but he’d probably be lowkey sad (but in a self blame kind of way) about it for awhile.
is your character typically a leader or a follower?: big time follower. 
what kind of energy level does your character typically display?: soft, upbeat, 
describe their sense of humor: prob either lame or softly sarcastic. 
hobbies: takin pics, writing poems, making playlists for people that’ll never hear them, watching shows instead of studying. 
talents: ...takin pics, writing poems, making playlists for people that’ll never hear them...
extremely unskilled at: focusing! and sports. 
if any, what musical instruments can they play?: piano :-) 
emotional characteristics.
how does the character relate to others?: through soft interactions and deep conversations. he’s pretty honest and open, so if someone asks him something, or even just talks to him, chances are he’s being as open with them as he would be with his close friends. 
how does the character deal with anger?: not well, but when he’s angry, he’s usually more upset than angry? and he wants to resolve things as quickly as possible, otherwise he’s stressed abt it until it’s fixed. 
with sadness?: listens to sad music and cries in the shower. drama queen. 
with conflict?: he’s always the first to apologize. 
with change?: he’s actually pretty adaptable for the most part?? but if it were like a major change, maybe not as good. 
with loss?: ummm, could be better!! probably gets a lil distant when he’s dealing with a loss. 
what does your character want out of life?: happiness :/ 
what would your character like to change in his/her life?: the whole manon thing JFKLSF
what motivates your character?: his future, or at least the ideal future he has in mind for himself. 
what frightens your character?: the fact that they could get caught for covering up a murder perhaps??? terrifying. 
are they afraid of the dark?: ...yes, but he acts like he isn’t cause he’s embarrassed. 
death?: not really?? like he doesn’t WANT to die or anything, but he’s not afraid of death.
what makes your character happy?: listening to good music, giving people things that make him think of them, the photo editing process. 
sad?: being alone, the fact that his parents never care to check up on him, films where the main couple doesn’t end up together.
angry?: people being rude to his friends, being lied to, unnecessarily passive aggressive people. 
aroused?: neck kisses, being called baby, someone who’s rly direct and just kind of... does what they want skjfsl 
annoyed?: people who speak over other people.
guilty?: covering up a potential murder, turning things in late, lying. 
is your character judgmental of others?: no. even if he doesn’t agree with their opinions/things they do he still tries to refrain from judgment. 
is your character generous or stingy?: generous af. 
is your character generally polite or rude?: polite!! angel boy. 
optimistic or pessimistic?: optimistic. 
introvert or extrovert?: lil bit of both?? 
daredevil or cautious?: cautious. 
logical or emotional?: emotional lmao. 
disorderly and messy or methodical and neat?: he thinks he’s methodical and neat but he’s actually disorderly and messy. 
would they rather be working or relaxing?: working, even though he thinks he’d rather be chillin he’s kind of terrible at doing nothing. 
how do they feel about animals?: um... he loves them?? he’s the kind of person that’d accidentally let a raccoon in his house and let it stay. 
what is their best quality?: his sincerity. 
what is their biggest flaw?: how trusting he is. 
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sssoto · 7 years
Creator’s update #1
Hey guys! So I’ve decided to start actually blogging on this blog and tell a bit about the various things I’m working on, share WIPs, music I’ve been digging recently etc. I realise that I rarely post anything, so it seems like I’m super inactive - which is totally not true, I just have so much stuff going on and take a long time to finish things, and I’m also pretty picky about what I put up online lol! For the sake of keeping those of you interested in the loop, I’m gonna start this series of creator’s updates in which I’ll update y’all on the progress I’ve made on my various creative projects. The goal is to give an update a few times a month (hopefully lol)!
This past while I’ve been super inactive in the writing department, but very much productive in the art department, so my writing update will be mostly a summary of what I’ve been doing the past few years up until this point.
Mood: Feelin’ real good cuz my parents finally brought my comfy double bed over from my mum’s place this past weekend, which means no more sleeping on the couch yaaaaaas.
Music I’ve been digging recently:
Skye Sweetnam - Boyhunter So, the other day I randomly listened to this song on my way home from work, and I totally realised that Skye Sweetnam is the perfect voice for my character Caitlyn, and this song totally embodies what Caitlyn is all about lmaoooo. (The song isn’t very accurate to the time period Caitlyn lives in, but it’s super accurate to her character essence and personality, and I just find that so lit hahahah) 
Fallulah - Out of It This song is basically my MC’s theme song?? It’s performed by a Danish artist and was super popular in Denmark a few years back as it was the theme tune to a Danish tv show (a show I loved!). The lyrics are just so Daniel, it’s not even funny. It mostly fits his mental state at the beginning of Renaissance.
Girl’s Day - Love Again Ugh I just love the tune of this song so much, I can’t really place my finger on it, the emotion is just so great. I love the guitar riff especially, and Girl’s Day is a four member girl group, so it’s one of those songs where I can imagine my main girls Annaliese, Caitlyn, Mary and Serena singing as each member lmao.
Nine Muses - Remember Another four member group now, this song is also one where I can imagine my main girls singing each member’s part lmao, and having that aspect to a song always makes it a little better for me! Forreal tho, this new release from Nine Muses slays, and we all know it. The music video haunts me.
Sistar - Lonely This song makes me sad and happy all at once, cuz I’m not ready to say goodbye to Sistar, but at the same time this ending is probably the best one any fan could’ve wished for because there was no drama or anger, just well wishes and hope for the future. I know these girls will go far, and this song just pulls at all my heart strings man. The melody of the bridge and chorus, Dasom and Soyu’s parts in particular, really works for me. And yeah, Sistar has four members too, and once again I can picture my main girls singing as each member lmao. It’s a thing I have, okay?
Moana OST - We Know The Way + Know Who You Are I recently watched this movie, and while I sorta felt like the plot was a bit rushed and tropey in many ways, I totally adored the visuals and the MUSIC OMG. These two songs are my favourite, Lin-Manuel Miranda’s vocals never miss, and Auli’i Cravalho’s high note is gorgeous! Also dat choir in the background tho, and in context with the movie scene that song just makes me irrationally emotional mkay. (That ending was the best twist ever, it definitely lifted the story up a notch for me!)
So I’m writing a book! You might have seen me mention it a few times already on here, but I’ve not really shared much insight into my process or what sort of book this actually is (other than talking about characters here and there), and as I’ve not been making huge progress lately (I’m in an art state of mind duuuh), I thought that I’d keep this section short and sweet, with a bit of an introduction into what my book project is all about.
I call it a book project because I don’t feel comfortable just calling it a book when I don’t have rights to publish. Technically my book is a fanfiction based on the horror video game Amnesia: The Dark Descent, and as such I don’t own copyright of the small percentage of my story that features the canon elements. However, I take this as seriously as anyone else would writing their own book, because I’ve poured my entire heart and soul into it, and the vast majority of the content (plot, characters and world) is my original creation. It’s my own little big project lol!
You might be familiar with the game, and even if you aren’t, that’s not a prerequisite for reading my book since everything is introduced and set up just as in any regular book. The protagonist is an Englishman named Daniel, and we know little of his past through the game. I won’t go into too much detail on what the game is about (if you really wanna know, you can look it up), but the point of my book is to explore the protagonist’s life from his childhood up to the events of the game and beyond, and afterwards connect his story to the game sequels featuring other protagonists within the same universe. It’s a bit complex and elaborate, which is just the way I like it!
As the games are set at various points during the Victorian era (game #1 is set in Prussia 1839, game #2 is set in France 1858, and game #3 is set in England 1899), you can probably guess that the entire thing will be pretty long. That’s why I’m making it a series! I have at least seven books planned so far (though there’ll definitely be more, since I’m not near the end of the timeline I need to cover yet), and I currently have the first book written and am writing the sequel - however, the first book will need a complete rewrite once I’m finished with book #2, because I’ve since developed and changed a lot of stuff, and I have many new interesting ideas for a more fleshed out version of the first book. Still, the fanfic version is available online, so if you’d like to read it, you can find it here. You’ll get a pretty good idea of the general story and the characters, but keep in mind that it’s super outdated and will be very different after my rewrite!
For reference, this is the list of books that I’ve planned (and titled) so far, so you can keep up with what book of my series I’m talking about at any given point:
I - Amnesia: Memoirs
II - Amnesia: Renaissance
III - Amnesia: Voyage
IV - Amnesia: Noir
V - Amnesia: Encore
VI - Amnesia: Rogue
So what I’m doing right now with this project is revisions. Uuuuggghhhhh. Yes, that’s right, I’m stuck in revision hell. I’ve not even finished the first draft of Renaissance yet (I know, sacrilege, writing blasphemy, don’t start your damn edits until you’ve finished your draft dumbass), but I had some pretty major changes to make, changes so big that it would be a waste of time and effort to go on drafting without implementing them first. Mainly the changes are surrounding 1) a change of ages of my main cast (I aged many characters up a few years), and 2) changing and figuring out the specifics of the illness which my MC’s sister, Hazel, is afflicted with. She’s not such a major character in Renaissance, but she plays a big role in Memoirs, and since I had all these new ideas for the rewrite of that, I wanted to implement the ripple effects in the second book so it wouldn’t be too much of a hassle to edit later when Renaissance is a finished 3-400k first draft lmao (I have a lot of words okay?). These changes mostly affect the early chapters of my book - chapters I wrote about three years ago, which means that these early chapters really need a face-lift. In addition to the age and illness change, I wanna revise the first five chapters by cutting the fluff and tightening up the beginning so we get to the action a tiny bit faster. Adding to the fact that these early chapters are three years old, the prose also needs an almost complete rewrite. So long story short, all of the edits are taking a long ass time, and I’m not having a good time lmao. Doesn’t help that I had to stop drafting right at one of the juiciest scenes in my book?!?!? (that’s a lie, it gets juicier, but I was just getting to the real good stuff yanno?)
(Side note: for someone who said that I’d keep this short, it sure turned out long lmao. I just have too many damn words.)
Chapters edited: 2/16 (working on 3 right now and it’s an effin’ pain)
Current total word count: 120,591
Current total chapter count: 17 (the number will go down to 16 once I finish the revisions, as I’m merging two chapters)
Look at all the dumb shit I still have to edit for chapter 3. Look at it.
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Man, I’ve been doing a lot of artwork recently, and by a lot, I don’t mean that I’ve finished any.
I think I’ve been focused on developing my actual drawing skills rather than making finished illustrations, because I’ve been so overwhelmed with inspiration and I’ve wanted to try out drawing a bunch of different motives, so my mind is on a lot of different art projects at once, and I’m making baby steps of progress on each of them because I just wanna do everything lmao. I should probably take a step back and settle on one thing at a time, but at the same time, I feel like this is working for me because I’m so inspired and motivated and super excited for every single art piece; I don’t feel myself losing interest in any of them, in fact I just feel like my switching between different artworks keeps every piece fresh and interesting for me, yanno?
So here’s one thing that I’ve been slowly chipping away at for the past few months. I’m drawing a full body group picture of my main cast from Renaissance!
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I’ve drawn the anatomy sketches of all the male characters (though I’m debating whether I should add some others), and now I’m adding the female characters one by one, so these are not all of the characters yet. But man, I just love seeing the characters side by side? The variety in their body language, body types and heights is just so interesting to look at, and it’ll be even better once I get around to actually adding their facial features, expressions, hair, attire, and then colouring them as well omg! I’m a sucker for this kind of thing, blame it on @juliajm15 and her amazing diverse character designs.
It’s gonna be a huge picture with a lot of characters, and I’m stoked for it!! This is a piece which I hope I’ll be able to show ya’ll the progress of bit by bit in every few updates. (also, if you feel somewhat familiar with some of my characters, you’re welcome to make guesses at who’s who (; )
Another project I’m working on is making official character portraits of my main cast (and possibly minor characters as well). I just think it’s nice to have official portraits as reference for anyone who’d like to see what the characters look like, and also for myself for whenever I need to refresh the specific features and expression of each character. It’s just a nice thing that satiates my very Type A personality lmao!
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So the characters above are Owen Wright (to the left) , Daniel’s puppy bff with the fluffy hair, and then from left to right I’m colouring the portraits of the Armstrong siblings: Caleb, Caitlyn and Tristan. Their dad is a duke! n.n Caleb is the oldest, Caitlyn the youngest, and Tristan is the bland middle child. He’s a little brat LOL but I still love him.
Also, due to this glorious reference I found, I finally figured out how to draw Daniel. Bless this model, I never knew I wanted Daniel to have big puffy lips, but apparently I do.
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He looks actually nice now? Which is nice? I’m amazed. Also his hair? I can never draw his hair, but this looks nice so yay? Also, I dunno why I never draw clothes on him, I guess I’m just lazy lol, but he’s gonna need to wear clothes for the official character portrait soooo... That’s a thing I’m gonna have to do.
Now that I’ve figured out his features, it’s gonna be fun to remodel all his family members accordingly. I sense that he’ll have gotten those cute puffy lips from his mum meheheheh.
I also did some Disney fanart of my two favourite Disney ladies; Esmeralda and Kida <3
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I actually never really draw fanart any more, it’s been yeeeaaaars since I did, and when I used to do it, I was always very particular about staying as true to the original art style as possible. But now that I’ve spent the past couple years focusing on developing my own art style, I actually decided not to care about that so much and just draw the characters the way I’m used to drawing my own, and lo and behold - it looks pretty accurate to the Disney style?? I assumed that the characters would end up looking very different, but other than the eyes being smaller I feel like they look the exact same lmao. It’s interesting to me, because even when I used to do fanart, I usually did so of Japanese art and manga, not of Disney or any other western art. Also, I don’t consider my own style very Disney, but it pleases me a lot that the characters look so much like themselves even in my art style! The most important thing to me is to capture the essence of the character anyway, so any fan can recognise the character they love so much n.n
So that’s about it for this round! I’ve been working on other things as well, but I’d rather not disclose them to the public just yet - perhaps later, when I’ve made more progress, or (gasp!) actually finished something!! Bahahah, with the many things I’m working on, hell will freeze over before that day comes. *cries*
I’m adding this Youtube section because, in addition to writing and doing artwork, I also like to record vocal covers (mainly of kpop songs, but I’ll do anything I’m in the mood for at any given point), aaaaand as of today I'm gonna be uploading speedpaints as well! Which is probably good since I don’t upload my covers nearly as often as I finish them lmao.
I’ve not uploaded any new covers recently (though I really should, I do have some covers lying around on my laptop mwerp), but I’m gonna list a couple of my favourite covers I have on my channel here so you can take a listen if you’d like!
And today I uploaded my very first speedpaint to my channel, so check that out if you’re interested in that sort of stuff! It’s the process of my Christmas portrait piece for Serena. I aim to be more consistent with uploads since I have a few unedited recordings lying around, so keep an eye out for that!
If you’ve read this far, thank you for sticking around and taking a look at my work, even if it’s only in WIP form. I wanted to start doing these updates because I’ve been watching my friends do them for a long time, and I always love reading their writing updates; they motivate me so much to get working on my own stuff, and I just wanna be able to perhaps do something similar for anyone else who’s watching me out there. So thank you sincerely to @coffeeandcalligraphy, @sarahkelsiwrites and @shaelinwrites for sharing your process with the world and being such an inspiration to me and many others, I love seeing you all make progress on your own projects <3
So that was all for this round, I hope you guys enjoyed a little sneak peek into what I’ve been working on! Until next time, folks!
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