#i have a flaming hot cheetos shirt and i wear it whenever i can
itskeej · 6 months
I think you would look really good in a super flashy gaudy wedding dress. reckon u could pull it off
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pov ur about to get married and ur spouse is wearing
THE DRESS OF FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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binniedeactivated · 4 years
That whole denying them bc of race or career issues is a really good angst prompt...just saying👀👀
a/n; this was way past due so I hope my precious bby forgives me <3 @crocsonkrocsjams (based on her)
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𝐁𝐞𝐜𝐚𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐨 𝐦𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞. || 𝐡.𝐤
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─▸🖤 ❝ @[@𝐛𝐮𝐠𝐬𝐛𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐲𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠.. ]
✎𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐡𝐞𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐤𝐚𝐢 𝐱 𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐱𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐧!𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥
✎ 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐛𝐛𝐥𝐞, 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭
✎ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭; 1.3k
𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬; 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐭 𝐛𝐞? 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞? 𝐨𝐫 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐫?
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he rushed through the streets like a madman, coddling snacks in his hand while trying to shield his face. no, it wasn’t cold outside.
heuning kai just didn’t want to be seen.
it was already late in the night, he snuck out of the hotel rooms and who knew where the saesangs were hiding. they could’ve jumped out of a bush and snapped his picture in a heartbeat. but kai was determined to get to her house and he refused to deny the fact that he was thinking about her all day.
throughout the whole world tour even, He’d been anticipating touring the United States for this very reason. The goodnight and good morning texts, flirty messages and emojis just weren’t enough. He couldn’t wait to see her and he hasn’t seen her since the last time Tomorrow by Together toured the US.
and that was years ago.
he quickly fixed himself up a bit and made his way up her apartment stairs with his heart thumping obnoxiously in his chest. he didn’t wear anything too fancy, an oversized hoodie with baggy jeans and sneakers maybe, but that was just how their relationship was. they never had to dress up for one another.
finally making it to her door he knocks softly. kai’s mind ran wild. he was almost shaking with anticipation until she finally unlocks the door. his smile was wide and he hugged her gratefully. and she looked just as beautiful since he last saw her. deep sea green eyes, almond colored skin and gorgeous fluffed brown hair.  
hesitantly but surely she hugged him back. she couldn’t deny the fact that she was happy to see him.
“kaia,”. he started, “you look so pretty”. he complimented while towering over her thick five foot five frame. she was wearing a black graphic band t-shirt and some simple spandex shorts. just something comfy for the night since she normally slept naked. but none of that would be happening while kai was around at least.
she mutters a small thank you while he takes his jacket off. 
“why are you acting so shy? you didn’t miss me?”. kai teases. 
“of course I missed you. How was the show?”. 
“it was nice you should’ve came”. 
she rolls her eyes playfully, “you know damn well I’m not getting caught up with you and your crazy fans”. 
kai laughs while swiping his thumb over her cheek softly. “aren’t you my fan too?”. 
she stifles a blush. in a way she hated how flirty kai was but loved it all at once. she smiles instead, “what snacks did you get us?”. 
“all of your favorites. I got those hot chips you like from the corner store down the street”. 
she furrows a brow, “corner store?”. 
“you went to the corner store by yourself at this time of night? why didn’t you tell me I would’ve came with you”. 
he pinches her doughy cheeks as if she were a child. “aw was my little baby worried sick? i’m a big boy I can handle a corner store at 2am”. 
“oh yeah? and what if someone tries to rob you? what’s your next move?”. 
kai sucks his teeth and walks to plop himself down on the living room couch.  “as long as they don’t rob me of your love!”. kai shouts in the cringiest voice possible. she laughs, “kai!”. 
“then I’m fine!”. he continues like the silly boy he was. “seriously if you don’t hurry over here I’m stealing your honeybun”. he threatens while digging through the white plastic bag for it. she rushes behind the couch to try and snatch it from his hands but nevertheless kai moves away from her instead. 
“kai you better not!”. she shrieks playfully and kai laugh hysterically, “oh! is this hot cheetos too?”. she makes her way to the other side of the couch to try and snatch it from his hands that way but no matter what he’d always raise the bag higher, away from her short arm’s reach. 
“come on kai give it back”. she reaches desperately, not realizing that kai had her right where he wanted her. 
“give me a kiss and I’ll give it back”. he grins. 
she laughs, “boy! give me my snacks back”. 
he puckers his lips while grabbing her body and wrestling her to the floor. “please kaia please please please give me a kiss!”. he whines into the crook of her neck. she yelps at the sudden shift in positions. 
“why am I on the floor?”.
“because you’re being mean to me”. 
“you’re the one holding my food hostage”.
he shadows his lips over hers suddenly making her heart thump. it isn’t like she hadn’t kissed him before but she always got the same spark whenever she did almost as if she first met him. 
“just one?”. he raises the intonation in a question like manner without really asking a question, he just went for it. 
he sparked the flame between them both layering his delicate lips on hers with his arms caging her body. as soon as she felt his lips she hated how she instantly thought about when he’d be going back. when it was time for him to leave and go back to korea leaving her lonely once again. so for that very reason she kisses him harder hoping it would be enough to suppress the emotions she felt in his absence.
kai raises her chin a little deepening the kiss loathing in the softness of her lips and the unyielding love that ran through his veins. if the boys found out where kai was he’d be a dead man. but it was anything for her. absolutely anything. he caresses her cheeks, unapologetically using his tongue whenever he got the chance. 
her stomach churned beneath him. she was nervous and kai was eager. sometimes she felt so out of place. what was kai doing being with someone like her? kissing her? loving her? 
was it worth it?
she falters. kai detaches his lips from hers slowly and carefully wondering what was wrong. he kind of already had an idea though. 
“you know I love you, right?”. 
she nods, “I know kai. and that’s the problem”.
“why is it a problem?”.
“was it a hassle to get here? don’t you ever get tired of hiding?”. 
kai shakes his head, “it’s not that I’m hiding it’s just--”. 
“you’re hiding me? right?”. 
“what are you talking about baby? where’s all this coming from?”. 
“I don’t want to be the one that ruins your career kai. i wouldn’t be able to live with myself”. 
“you’re not ruining my career. Idols date all the time so what?”. 
“yeah sure, idols date all the time. but they don’t date black or brown people kai”. 
“why are you making it about race? you know I don’t care about what color you are”.
“but the media does”. 
“so what do you think that means for you? you’ll get shitted on by the media, you’ll get lectured and in trouble by Bighit-- i don’t want any of that to happen”. 
kai sighs and intertwines his fingers with hers, kissing the back of her hand. 
“we’ll be fine I promise”. 
“but for how long? it’s only a matter of time before you get caught”. 
“why are you being like this? when we first started dating we talked about this and we both decided that we didn’t care about what anyone has to say about us”. 
“well I care now kai. your group is getting more known which only makes you a bigger target. you’re their maknae, the baby, the innocent boy who does no wrong. this type of shit can tear your image down beyond repair”. 
“i don’t care about any of that”.
“how? you worked hard to get where you are didn’t you? not every teenage boy with a passion for singing and dancing get to debut under one of the biggest companies in korea”. 
“why do you care so much? do you not want to be with me or something?”. 
“kai I love you but I’m not worth it. who am I? just a black/mexican girl living in this small town-no one knows my name, I’m not rich, I get lonely sometimes, I’m bigger than most girls---”. 
“i don’t care about that stuff so stop it. why are you belittling yourself like that?”. 
“because why do you even love me kai? what is it? am I ‘exotic’ to you? are you using me to make yourself seem more open minded? Am I one of many colored girls that you mess with while you’re touring?”. 
“stop fucking talking like that. you know none of that is true”. 
“I don’t think we should keep continuing this”.
kai could feel his heart shatter at the sound of her words. “what?”. 
“I don’t know about this relationship anymore”. 
he searches in her eyes desperately trying to find a clue. “what don’t you know about it? we love each other so we should be together no matter what anyone has to say”.
“not at the expense of your career. maybe, maybe someday we can make this work but definitely not now”. 
kai swallows the lump in his throat, “so that’s it? you’re not even going to fight for us? after everything?”. 
she shakes her head. “not right now kai. just not right now”. she mumbles meekly. kai could feel the fresh hot tears well into his eyes. he was angry and confused but most importantly he was blinded by love. he couldn’t believe she was willing to throw away everything they built just to protect his image. especially when he didn’t even care. 
he got up from the floor and slid his jacket back over his shoulders trying to hide his tears and frustration as best as he could. as bad as she felt in her heart she felt like it was the right thing to do. either this, or she was going to have to face the harsh treatment from the public when they found out their precious heuning kai was dating a brown girl. 
but even her own heart broke at the sight of kai’s tears. 
“I’m only trying to protect you kai”. 
halfway out of the door already he sniffled before he replied, “protect me or protect yourself?”. 
“kai i’m sorr--”. 
“no. I’m sorry for thinking that you loved me just as much as i loved you. thinking maybe you’d be fearless for me just as fearless as I am for you. you think I care that you’re black kaia? do you think that I care that you’re from a town in the middle of nowhere, that no one really knows who you are, that you’re thicker than most girls and look nothing like the girl idols you see on tv? I don’t care about any of that shit. you’re beautiful and you have a heart made of gold and that’s all that matters to me. you love me so perfectly. you love me how I want to be loved and that’s what I love about you. you think you’re just a worthless being but--
but I love you because you’re so much more than that”.
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kabura-maru · 4 years
Headcanons Nobody Asked for... (1/3)
I asked two of my friends who have never seen or read Kimetsu no Yaiba to give me headcanons for different characters! They know a few details or names from me talking about it but they still don’t know a lot.
I sent them the character’s official anime design/silhouette/whatever it’s called plus a second pic (usually a screenshot). I added the screenshots I sent them, ‘cause why not?
They’ve dubbed themselves Fish and Ferret for the purpose of this post. This whole experience was chaotic...
Hashira this time:
- “Watermelon wife!”
- “She makes cookie dough just to eat it... doesn’t make the cookies”
- “Doesn’t shave her legs and will cut anyone who gives her crap for it”
- “She can’t be trusted to go into target alone otherwise she will buy the entire snack aisle”
- “Also one time she tried to bring a sword to the airport and got mad when security tried to take it away”
- “She snores”
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- “Played the bagpipes ONE TIME and now everyone gives him shit for it”
- “He has two little sisters and he paints their nails for them”
- “He holds the snacks when everyone goes on adventures”
- “He’s hiding friendship bracelets on his ankles under those socks”
- “His pants WILL fall down without that belt and he makes sure everyone around him knows it”
- “Wears pants two sizes too large so he has room to do cartwheels and hide snacks in them”
- “Lets everyone play with his hair when they get stressed and it’s surprisingly soft “
- “Definitely puts product in his hair but denies it”
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- “Takes off his shirt whenever he can just to prove that he does in fact have abs”
- “Eats hot Cheetos and thinks they’re spicy... Will fuck you up if you try to take one without asking”
- “The softest dude bro you’ll ever meet but he can still kick your ass”
- “Will destroy you in mini golf with no mercy”
- “I feel like he wears mascara to fancy events”
- “He had an mcr phase in middle school and never recovered”
- “Secretly plays the banjo but only when extremely drunk”
- “He holds his pencils dead wrong and is too stubborn to admit it”
- “Got lost in an ikea once and destroyed several hundred dollars worth of furniture trying to find his friends”
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- “Unironically uses “uwu” while texting”
- “Pretends to be civil to her exes but still has massive grudges against them for tiny dumb things”
- “Will spend hours in the butterfly room at the museum trying to make friends with all the butterflies”
- “Will pull the “oh, you haven’t heard?” thing if she does anything dumb”
- “Has broken the toes of boys who were harassing her friends”
- “Squished a bug by accident once and started sobbing and quoting hamlet”
- “An absolute slut for themed gift baskets”
- “Has to smell all the scented candles but never buys any”
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- “Absolute crackhead”
- “Stole a shopping cart once and still has it in his basement somewhere”
- “Bedazzles his jeans”
- “Once jumped out of a tree with a makeshift parachute and was surprised when it didn’t work”
- “Scared of spiders”
- “Has a youtube channel where the only videos are him doing dumb shit”
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- “ “Guys come on, it’s not jewelry!” “
- “A big softie but refuses to admit it”
- “His friends quote vines a lot and he doesn’t get it”
- “Frequently gets lost from the group while stopping to tie his shoe”
- “Very passionate about saving the bees”
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- “Soft!!”
- “Regularly calls people out for being idiots but is just trying to keep everyone safe”
- “He looks for smooth rocks and takes them home just because”
- “Was the kid who sat in the outfield and made daisy chains for his friends during baseball practice”
- “He spends 10 minutes lint-rolling cat hair off his clothes before he leaves the house”
- “Owns 20 pairs of the same socks because they were on sale”
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- “He orders food for his Snek at restaurants and makes sure there’s no egg in it because his Snek is allergic”
- “Snuggles with Snek during the winter to make sure Snek stays warm”
- “Has ink all over his hands from artwork”
- “Crochets tiny Snek hats! Gives them as gifts and no one knows what to do with them”
- “Snek draws too and he hangs the pictures up in his house”
- “Gives other people haircuts and they’re surprisingly good”
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- “Fights crocodiles and refuses to see why it isn’t a good idea”
- “Can and will fight anything that moves”
- “Will drink until he passes out if he’s trying to beat someone else”
- “Challenges people to push-up contests for fun. Everyone hates it”
- “Always the one who comes up with bad ideas that somehow end up working”
- “Bleached his hair by himself once and refuses to acknowledge the fact that it was ever a different color”
- “Shaved the ends of his eyebrows off on a whim and keeps them like that only because everyone hates them”
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I then asked them about some canon things and who they thought applied to who as well as asking about their friendships
“Who would you ship?”
- “I ship hot cheeto boy and shopping cart man” / “I feel like they have the most potential chaotic energy together” (Sanemi and Uzui)
- “Butterfly girl and bagpipe boy are possibly together and it’s the softest thing ever” (Shinobu and Giyuu)
“Who do you think has multiple spouses?”
- “Doesn’t get vines guy has a fuck ton of wives but they’re all buds so it’s fine” (Gyomei)
“One is trained by the other, who is that?”
- “Mui is being trained by butterfly girl” (Shinobu)
“More of a fandom thing but which one gets bullied by the others?”
- “I think flame haired bleach boy gets absolutely roasted by everyone but they keep him around because he knows how to have a good time” (Kyo)
“Who are friends?”
“Snek and Mui are buds!”
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purplesurveys · 4 years
What year were you born? 1998.
What holiday is closest to your birthday? I’d say Easter. Last year it even fell on the exact day of my birthday.
What is your name if you spell it without the letters "e" "y" and "t"? Robn.
If you named a band after your birth-month and your pet, what would it be? It would either be April Cooper or April Kimi...I feel like the first one would only remind people of Alice Cooper lmao, and the second one doesn’t have enough oomph I think.
Who is your 9th contact in your phone? Aw it’s Angela heheh.
Have you had your birthday yet this year? Yes. It was during the peak of the lockdown but I’m really glad things fell into place that day. My parents got me a cheesecake (the store only had blueberry, but mom scraped the blueberry stuff off and my sister grated Oreos on top to make it an Oreo cheesecake) and Angela surprised me with a box of all my favorite sushi. :)
How old will you be in 5 years? I will beeeeeee 27. That age has always freaked me out because that’s how old my parents were when they had me, and I am nowhere near that point.
How about in 20 years? 42.
Where was the last place you went? The living room to put Cooper back in his crate for a bit. Playtime exhausted me haha.
Do you have a twin? Nah. My only experiences with twins is that I went to school with several sets of them, but twins don’t run in either family.
What was the last movie you watched? Ah shoot this is gonna be crazy embarrassing but I recently watched that really bad Cat in the Hat film with Mike Myers...I CAN EXPLAIN hahaha there was a Cat in the Hat meme I saw on Twitter and I realized I haven’t seen the movie in like 16 years. I looked it up on YouTube expecting to watch a few scenes but I was surprised to find the entire movie uploaded, so that’s how I killed 1.5 hours the other day lmao.
Are you afraid of shots? Terrified of them. I made a tiny scene when I had to go to the hospital last May and I watched as the nurse prepared the stuff needed for my blood test. I can’t imagine how I’d be if I ever needed a shot as an adult, lol.
What color are the walls of the room you are in? Again, white.
How many letters are in your middle name? Five.
Is your last name longer than 6 letters long? Nope, it’s exactly that many letters long.
If you were in an accident, would you rather lose a hand or an ear? I feel like any answer I pick would be potentially offensive but uh I’d go with ear. I have pretty bad hearing on my right ear as it is so I wouldn’t have to adjust as much as I would have to if I suddenly lost a hand.
Have you ever dyed your hair an unnatural color? I’ve never dyed my hair. I gotta say though, college has this way of making you feel left out if you don’t ever ride the waves of trends like these, but thankfully I never felt pressured to dye my hair or get a nose piercing or try drugs or whatever.
If a gorilla and a horse had a baby, what would the new creature be called? Gorse sounds hilarious, I’ll go with that.
Does anyone call you baby? Yes.
Regular Cheetos or hot? I like the jalapeño ones. The flaming hot Cheetos look so unappetizing to me...
How's your heart lately? I think it’s just really bored around the house at this point.
Favorite fruit? Avocado(-flavored stuff).
Are you scared of spiders? I hate that they move so fast it looks like they jump from one spot to another, I’ll say that. But I’m not necessarily scared of them? though I think it’s because we have much smaller spiders here.
Do you have a piercing? I have ear piercings that haven’t been used in 12 years. By some miracle both are still open, though.
If someone doesn't like you, its usually because...? Probably because I bitched them out at one point.
Do you wear the hood on your hoodie? Only if there’s something uncomfortable happening outside is the best way I can describe it. Like if the sun is too bright or if there are too many mosquitoes flying around my face at night.
How long does it take for you to take a shower? 7-15 minutes.
Do you like being around a large group of friends, or two best friends? I have both scenarios and I don’t know if I have any preference, honestly. In both circumstances I’m with friends, and that’s really all I need to have a good time.
Whose birthday is coming up? JM’s was yesterday, though I’m not really sure who among the people I know will have their birthday next. The earliest next birthday I can think of is my girlfriend’s sister’s, but that’s not until next month.
Do you like roller coasters? Hate them.
Do you have a tattoo? Nah. Still gathering up the courage to face the needle.
What is wrong with you right now? I’m at a new chapter in my life and still a little scared to start scribbling on it yet, and the pandemic is just putting some more fuel onto that fear.
What was the last movie you went to? Knives Out.
Do you care what others think about you? Only when it comes to someone whose opinions I value, like my best friends. They don’t just blurt stuff out to me so if they pull me aside and tell me if I’m being a shitty person or generally not being my best, that’s the only time I’ll listen and care.
Do think you'll be married in 10 years? Yes. I’d want to be by then, that’s for sure. Are you afraid of the dark? If it’s meant to be scary, like a Halloween house attraction.
Do you like your life at the moment? I can’t complain, considering how many others are living in more unfortunate circumstances now. It could be better obviously, but I know better than to complain.
Where were you last night? I was at home and had an early night because I was sleepier than usual.
What kind of shirt are you wearing? Black tank top.
Has someone of the opposite sex ever told you they loved you? My dad, my grandpas, and Andrew are the only people to come to mind.
What are you afraid of the most? Losing the people that I love. < This, failure, and rejection.
When's the last time you wanted to punch someone in their face? Around two Mondays ago.
Do you have a crush on someone? Yup.
When is your birthday? April 21st.
What are you doing tonight? Same old, I guess. I’ll be doing some puppysitting and probably finding something to watch on YouTube, and maybe a survey or two.
Describe life in one word: Wild.
What happened at 10:00 am today? Cooper was napping, so I took one as well to recharge and to be ready for whenever he got up.
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