#i have an ask wanting to hear more about one of my ocs (dealers choice) but i'm too indicisive for this
doueverwonder · 11 months
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softspeirs · 7 months
hello! could i please request "remembering things they told them" for mota - dealer's choice on characters and/or ocs?💕 — @shoshiwrites
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A/N: @shoshiwrites My gut said more John Egan so here we are. This follows this loosely but you don't need to have read it first.
two. dark skies (i remember)
Three cups of coffee the next morning is barely enough to get her out of bed and moving, but she's back in the pub bright and early. They don't do breakfast, but they open at noon, and she promised herself she'd try to put the day before out of her mind.
She's wiping down the bar when she hears the door open. "We're closed--" She stops when she sees Major Egan. He's twisting the brim of his hat in his hands and looking anywhere but at her. "Morning, Major." She says. "Unfortunately we're still closed... no matter how many of those shiny pins you have on your lapel."
His smile is small. "I just wanted to--" He sighs, looking skyward like he's trying to find the right words. "Look, I'm sorry I was an asshole last night."
He doesn't apologize for his language or look at her like she's going to be offended, which she appreciates.
She still doesn't like the look in his eyes. It's... blank. A bit of remorse there, but something else, too. Something dark and closed off, and she hates that she can tell. That she's spent enough time trying to guess what he's thinking that she can tell his moods apart.
"It's alright, Major."
"No it isn't." He's firm, but not unkind. From behind his back, he pulls out a small, small bouquet of flowers.
She doesn't think she's ever seen Major Egan look anything than confident, cocky, and sure of himself. But this look? She wishes she had a camera.
"I remember you said you like daisies," he says quietly, holding it out towards her, his free hand rubbing the back of his neck.
She's taken aback - the idea that he remembers anything she's said when they've been surrounded by everyone else is crazy to her. "That's-- no offense Major, but I thought you were three sheets to the wind when this conversation was going on."
A group of rowdy aviators, each one of them bragging about the nicest thing they ever did for a girl, and then the competition to see who could outdo the other... it ended with her chiming in from the bar that all she needed was a picnic and some daisies and she'd be happy, just like most other girls her age. No grand gestures necessary.
This feels like a grand gesture, sort of. Her heart rate kicks up when she takes the flowers from him, their fingertips brushing.
"Did you pick these from some unsuspecting housewife's garden?" She asks, narrowing her eyes.
His eyes light up with amused indignation. "Did I--" His voice is half laugh. "I'll have you know I gave some of my hard earned coin to Mrs. Henderson down the road for these."
"You didn't have to do that."
He shrugs. "I know-- I know you were just looking out for me when I came by here last night. You didn't deserve my... bad attitude."
She doesn't know what to say. She has no idea what he's going through. She has her own heartbreak every time she opens the door for business and sees fewer and fewer airmen walking through the door. But these men, his friends? How is he possibly handling that?
"You, uh... you let us in here night after night and have never kicked us out even when we deserved it. And I... I don't know." He shrugs. "Buck went down yesterday. And I'm angry as hell and all I wanted was to drown it."
She looks down. "I'm sorry I turned you away."
His eyes are clear when he meets her gaze. "Don't be. You were right." He rolls his eyes at himself. "But don't go tellin' anyone I said that."
"You're flying today." It's not a question.
"I have to--" He shakes his head. "It's my job." He straightens, drawing himself back to his full height. "Anyway. I just wanted to..." he trails off, gesturing to the flowers still in her hand. "I should go."
He turns, and she remembers him like that the night before, telling her she shouldn't get attached to any of them. She remembers, but suddenly she doesn't care.
It's too late anyway.
"Bucky." She says his nickname for the first time, and he turns faster than she expected, his eyes widening with-- hope? Surprise? "Take this. For luck."
She hands him a single daisy. Takes a deep breath, raises herself up on her toes and presses a kiss to his cheek.
It all happens in a second. A heartbeat.
And it's that second, that heartbeat that she plays over and over again in her mind later that night when Captain Rosenthal's plane comes back alone.
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dujour13 · 1 month
UHM for the types of love ask game … I would like U to pick 2 questions you wanna answer the Most .. im trying so hard to not ask repeats I am saying dealers choice rn
AAHHH thank you! 💕💕 Hehe dealer's choice it is....
A last one for my version of Woljif from my fic.
Storge 1
Did your OC's parents love them unconditionally? If so then has this helped them feel confident as an adult? If not then how has this affected them? What were the conditions their family attached to their relationship?
The unconditional rejection Woljif has always suffered is unfortunately deeply ingrained in his insecurities. Yet at the same time, he knows on a gut level it’s unfair, and that sense of injustice is what makes acceptance his main goal in life. The unjust rejection lights a fire in him. He wants to show people his worth: to sit on a throne, to be rich and well-dressed and important. (And/or to have a family who accept and love him, but don't tell.) There’s an unquenchable hope in him, whether on his human or demon path, that to me and my azata bard is his most charming trait.
Pragma 5
What importance or value does your OC attach to marriage? Do they believe that it is important to make a public statement of commitment to another person (or persons)? Or are they more concerned about inheritance rights and security for their family? Or do they not see marriage as a necessary signifier of commitment and loyalty?
I chose this one because I went through some thought processes on it throughout writing my fics and I wasn’t expecting the outcome. Both Woljif's and Siavash’s response to a drunken Seelah asking when they’re going to make it official is “Priests and contracts? Way to kill the mood.” My chaotic boys need their freedom, and they know that freedom is what keeps the spark alive. But there’s another side to Woljif in my hc. He likes things to be bonafide. Official. Like having the certificate to prove a diamond is authentic. Once he’s in a relationship with Siavash he’s terrified of saying the L-word himself but desperate to hear it, because he feels like that’ll make it real. When Seelah springs that awkward question on them, he has a moment of fear “like a puppy about to catch the cat he’d been chasing” and almost—just almost—hopes Siavash will ask. So at the end of my sequel to the game story, Wandering Stars, due to some scary stuff happening and both of them feeling they’re coming unmoored for certain endgame-spoiler-related reasons, Siavash changes his mind about it—on impulse, because it’s him, but also becoming more sure after thinking it through. In the sequel to that fic (yes I’m obsessed) Woljif finds that making it official gives him an added sense of security and belonging that’s deeply precious to him. He has an actual family and an actual home and the papers to prove it.
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psst i saw you reblogged a bg3 (which im currently 30 hrs in on, god what a game.) ask meme earlier but i forgot to like it to find it again. dealers choice on which numbers you'd like to answer. lemme hear about your tav & your playthrough
I did go and unbury that in case you want to do it too. Link there for anyone who wants to use it.
You're getting more Maya (although there's probably gonna be a Cat run soon, probably gonna roll her up, get off the nautiloid, then truck on her save once I'm done with Maya's since I'm solidly into act 3 with her. I should work on my other saves too but whatever.)
As far as dealer's choice, I'm gonna limit myself to 5 because I will be here for hours otherwise.
1) Tell us about your Tav! Name, class and subclass, race, pronouns, etc. Do you have a headcanon where they're from? Their family? Are they a Dark Urge? Did you choose an original character or an Origin Character? Was it an easy decision?
Maya Cutter, Vengeance Paladin, Duergar (headcanon is her mother was a Duergar and her father was a Gold Dwarf and that's why the grey complexion only shows as a vague ashy cast and as hyperpigmentation in her scars, and why her hair was lightly shot through with silver all her life.) She is indeed a Dark Urge, so there's some stuff I've adjusted in the backstory to fit with what we learn in act 3 regarding that, but for the most part it remains unchanged. Mainly that her mother was not exactly a good Duergar down in the Underdark and her father wasn't exactly a willing part of the household. Briefly had her own family, but Vengeance Paladin things happened that set her on a very bad path, so the memory loss was a nice hard reboot. Lot of tragedy, lots of death, because if you're gonna pick the edgelord background, might as well lean into it. Plus, I'm bad at letting the coping mechanism characters have a good time.
It was definitely an easy choice for OC playthrough every time, and definitely easy preexisting OC choices for both TDU saves; Maya for the "actually I hate this" and Felicity for Full Murder Hobo. I've got like 8 more not-TDU OCs waiting in the wings at this point and I'm only considering an Origin because I want Karlach and Wyll to smooch.
2) Was there something about the character creator that just couldn't capture your character? Please tell us about their hair, tattoos, piercings, disabilities, their trans or intersex body, or anything else you feel comfortable sharing!
A few things, yeah. First and foremost, Maya is a Tough Old Broad, but physically the cc only allowed for Tough. She's old and fat and happy with that, and while she's got a decent amount of muscle, she's not nearly as buff as the Dwarf character model. (That said, if female dwarves can have beards they should also get body hair. Unshave her.) Woman's built like a dumpling and, outside of the battle scars and edgelord coat of paint, looks more like she should be a cookbook mascot.
Another big one is a consistent thing for her between every au is she has a prosthetic arm. Right arm specifically, starting just below the shoulder, always lost in a fight against something significantly bigger and nastier than her because she put herself between it and someone who couldn't put up a fight. Probably skeletal in this case, reinforced with infernal iron, but it's kinda vague in my head.
Last bit is she's more heavily scarred all over (some of it so severe it looks like pieces of her had to be stitched back onto her body) and with some different stuff written on her face now that I know Larian used the actual Infernal alphabet. Probably slightly luminous scarring rather than just lurid orange face paint, across the face as seen here, as well as around the amputation site on her arm.
...I should dig out my tablet.
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19) Did your character spend a night with a companion either the night of the party or earlier? Is it someone they have continued interest in?
Yes and no? She chatted everyone up and about half the party was sad to be shot down, save Lae'zel (already got shot down day fucking one after getting off the nautiloid), Wyll (having his introspective time that she left him to), and Astarion. Astarion immediately headed off any interest (that wasn't actually there, I misclicked) with the "it's not you, it's me. I have standards." line, which (headcanon) got a really good laugh out of her and a "careful there, prettyboy, keep that up and I might actually start to like your skinny ass." She likes a friend she can argue and be catty with.
As far as actually spending the night, she and Karlach did a lot of flirting and then uh. Thinking about each other after working themselves up without having a chance to properly fix the whole Too Hot, Hot Damn issue. Karlach has continued to be Maya's romance, but it is a tragedy she couldn't be poly with her and Wyll. (That said, if I were to replay another Maya save, TDU or not, I'd probably lean less into my own preference and more into Maya being an old slut before sticking with one of the Act 3 companions who's a little closer to her age.)
(I'm rolling these two into one question)
28) Did you recruit Scratch the dog? Did you encounter him at all? (29) Did you adopt an owlbear? Do you have a name for your child?
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His name is Baby.
35) Has your character done anything that they regret?
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*sweats in Dark Urge*
Aside from any TDU stuff, Maya was very conflicted about how she handled Mayrina's stuff after the Hag. Found the wand, regretted not snapping it. Instead, she used it, felt bad about it, passed it off to Mayrina, felt weird about it, and basically kept wondering on and off during quiet moments "was that...... was that the right call?" well into act 3.
(Even in act 3, it's basically "y'know what, we all grieve on our own schedule. Still weird tho.")
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meissashush · 2 years
4, 18, 20, 22, 36 for the OC ask meme
What? Me? No, I didn't forget this was here, I would never XD
Update: I forgot about it again...
From the Apophasis ask game, for KGLore! Rosea Leonis is my OC. If you don't want to hear me go on about her forever and ever, please blacklist #Rosea Leonis.
4. Aspect commonly associated with their gender they reject
Okay my first instinct was to say skirts. Because that girl will never willingly wear a skirt. All skirts are accompanied by a lot of coercion, and should be reported as Rosea Abuse at first sighting XD
Joking aside, though, she heavily rejects 'gendered' clothing and most things associated. Yes, she wears the skirt of her uniform because she is required to when she's in school, but she finds it logistically lacking and also her legs get cold. She's argued on more than one occasion that the gendered uniforms are a waste of fabric, but that usually falls of deaf ears.
18. What words do not describe their personality?
Insincere. Rosea very rarely does anything without her whole damn heart. She just doesn't know how to not care about the things she cares about, nor does she know how to fake it for the things she doesn't. She a very genuine person.
20. What have they done that they wish they hadn’t?
Tried to prove she was 'strong enough' as a kid. There are more than a dozen times that she regrets, but the worst one was when she punched Gladio. Did she lose that fight? You bet your ass. But the regret stems from the fact that she did it instead of trying to talk to him, because she was afraid that he wouldn't see her as an equal if she did. Which was stupid, and they both got hurt because of it.
22. How was their teenage experience different?
Crownsguard detail, strict limits on where she can be at what times, phone data all completely filtered and monitored by the Citadel, strict social media and internet rules, basic arms/survival/emergency/medical/etc training, regular drug testing, the list goes on my friend.
36. Dealer’s choice 
33. What kind of media do they just not understand?
Trash TV! She doesn't understand watching it, she doesn't understand why people agree to film it, she doesn't understand how Prompto legitimately will sit in front of a screen where people are shrieking at each other over manufactured drama until 3am, but she suspects it might be why he's Like That.
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palbabor-writes · 4 years
Pairing: Shigaraki Tomura x puppy!girl OC
For: @kazooli​ 
Warnings: sex pollen, tw.dubcon, tw.unbalanced relationship, tw.blood/gore, unrequited feelings, puppy!reader, established OC, NSFW/18+only
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Word Count: 3681
Notes: the is part of the Evil Exchange! i had a lot of fun with this concept & am so glad i got to take part! this fic does have an established OC & while she is not named, she does have physical descriptions that are not neutral.  
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[ 2:15 am, Monday morning ]
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He shouldn’t have taken you along. You don’t belong here. 
Your quirk isn’t equipped to deal with something like this [ or is it perfect? since all of your senses are acutely attuned to him, your lips open, tongue heavy between your teeth, drool pooling under your jaw and down your neck, your eyes gleaming with an unnatural sheen as you try to hump against his leg like a bitch in heat ] and you have little in the way of melee attacks, or a true defense. No, all you have is your pretty blonde hair, floppy ears that prick each time you hear him, and that incessantly wagging tail that sticks out from your pert little ass, like a goddamn antenna. You’re absolutely too pure for this, too fucking saccharine, and too damn nice to be here.
Fuck. This was a mistake.
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[ 72 hours before the mission ]
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“It’s in that old warehouse, the one by the docks.”
“Which one? The images that we have show multiple buildings.”
“The fuck do I know? You only wanted me to ask around about the place. If you wanted me to do the damn job for you, you should have said.”
Shigaraki narrows his eyes at Dabi’s hunched back, doing his best to remind himself that they’re already low on funds, on members, and they can’t afford to lose anything else. Not now, when they’re literally scraping along the bottom of the barrel, yanking out whatever dregs they can find and trying desperately to make them stick.
“Did they give you a time?”
“For the exchange? Yeah, said they’re gonna be down there around 1am.”
“And the date?”
“Date?” Dabi questions, whipping his dark head back to Shigaraki’s impassive face, arching one dark brow. 
“Yeah,” Shigaraki intones, a half concealed snarl lifting his cracked lips. “The date for when this is all going to take place. We can’t send someone down there every night, hoping it’s the correct time. They’ll be noticed.”
“Said they wanted it to be this Monday, something about shelf life. Apparently this shit is better when it’s fresh. Sells quicker, is more effective.”
“How much did they agree to hand over?”
“Fucking–look man, I didn’t grab a cup of coffee with them, or ask if they wanted to go get some lunch. I told them our terms, they agreed and gave me the location, ‘date’ and time. What did you want me to do? Paint their nails? Suck em’ off? If you’re wanting to get into the drug trade, maybe ask a few more questions yourself. Not leave them to middlemen. You act like you wanna be a leader, so fucking act like–”  
A quiet knocking breaks Dabi’s tirade and both men turn toward the closed door.
“What?” Shigaraki snaps, raising a hand to his neck, scritching his long nails against the scars that he finds. It’s a shitty habit, and he knows it gives his agitation away, but he doesn’t care. The sooner Dabi loses his temper and fucks back off to the streets, the better.
The door creaks open and your golden head pops around the corner, hair falling into the empty air as your dog like ears waggle, listening, testing the safety of the room. Your eyes shift from Dabi’s bristled form to Shigaraki and the moment they alight on his stony expression, you smile. 
“M-mister Tomura, um, the others… well, we were talking and heard Dabi shouting… uh, they… I mean… I was wondering if you’ve assigned anyone to the new mission? The one you mentioned the other day?” 
Dabi snorts and you toss his lanky frame a glare, ears flattening along the side of your head. “Yeah, I bet you wanna know who’s going with Mister Tomura. Got news for you girly, it’s prolly not gonna be you.”
Your quivering pink lips are about to form a retort when Shigaraki’s voice croaks out. “Enough. Tell the others we’ll discuss this later. Dabi, don’t you have some recruits that you’re supposed to show me?”
The flame user waves a lackadaisical hand and stands, inky head cocked toward your pouting face, letting his sharp gaze linger against your angry expression. “Soon boss. Told you already, quality takes time. Not that you know that, since all you seem to attract is freaks, like this one.”
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[ 21 hours before the mission ] 
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 “You’re really taking her?” Toga asks, twirling a small knife between her splayed fingers. “I mean, isn’t she kinda lacking in… experience?”
“She’s the only one who can smell out any fakes. I don’t trust these guys. They might try to offload a lower grade product to us.” Shigaraki explains, tucking the battered case of quirk destroying bullets back into his jacket pocket. In the last 24 hours things have gone from bad to worse, what with the news that Twice couldn’t replicate the serum, and the potential, permanent loss of Kurogiri. He’s not about to add double crossed by some two bit drug dealers to that list.
“You want me to give her some weapons? A knife or something? I’ve got plenty of extra. Can’t ever have too many and besides, I like her. And I know she’ll bring them back, safe and sound. She’s such an obedient girl.”
That’s an apt word for you. Maybe it’s an after effect of your quirk, or the puppy-like way you act around him [ with that permanently blissed out smile and thumping tail of yours ] but your swift, unquestioning compliance always makes him think of an over eager pet. 
“She’s malleable, and that’s what I need on this mission.”
“Ah! You saying I wouldn’t be?”
“Tch. You wouldn’t even try.”
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[ 7 hours before the mission ]
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He’s taking you. 
It hadn’t been some kind of dream, he’d really shown up in your doorway, with his red eyes glowing in the low light, his sharp jaw tensed, and told you that you’d be accompanying him. Just you and him, together, alone, on a mission where he’d need to rely on you. Could trust you, would talk with you.  
As soon as he left, you’d flopped back against the ratty mattress that sat in the middle of your room, trembling fingers already shoving the elastic lining of your shorts down, letting you thumb a quick circle over your throbbing, distended clit. In seconds you’re leaking all over your hand, mind whirring, picturing how he’ll look as he walks beside you, listening for the bite of his voice, imagining him telling you what a good girl you are. He’ll be so pleased, so happy with you. Oh, the things he’ll say to you. 
Look at you, you did so well. 
Thank you. Thank you for coming on this with me. 
I can’t wait to take you [ bend you over and ] with me again. 
I can’t wait to [ fuck your little pussy until you’re screaming for me ] get you home safely.
You did such a good job.
I wouldn’t have [ until you’re cumming all over my cock ] been able to do it without you.
You’d make the perfect apprentice, you know?
You really [ such a greedy little bitch ] would.
You’re perfect [ look at how you’re taking me. i’m gonna fuck you stupid, you dirty slut ] and I’m happy that you’re here with me.
That I found you.
Your release builds swiftly. Making your feathery tail ripple over the tattered sheets and your ears tremble in the chilly air. You feel you’re catching alight. It’s too much, and you hate that you’re not taking your time, but you can’t hear his voice as well now. 
The memory of it is fading as Mister Tomura pads away from you, down the long hallway that leads to his room. 
You remind yourself to listen more, as your fingers pinch and twist at your shuddering clit, to memorize every detail of him. You want to see him every time you close your eyelids and be able to picture him again each morning. To wash yourself in that hazy vermillion of his eyes and the timbre of his voice. 
It’s too soon, but your toes are already curling, your back is arching, welcoming the rush of wetness that slips between your shaking thighs. You feel lightheaded, but your dulled senses does nothing to mask the giddiness that keeps bubbling its way out of your chest. 
Tomorrow. Mister Tomura is taking you with him tomorrow.
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 [ Mission begins: 1 am, Monday morning ]
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 “Um, Mister Tomura… do you want me to go in first? That way you can–”
“No, they know I’m coming.”
“Oooh! So there’s no need for surprise!”
The dark buildings along the wharf are slowly peeking into view and Shigaraki peers over at your grinning face, his red eyes watchful under the dark hood of his jacket. You look happy, a little too happy. You’re the best choice for this mission, but he can’t shake that uneasy feeling that keeps nagging at the back of his mind. 
Eager is one thing, but you’re practically vibrating with excitement. That tail of yours won’t stop lashing back and forth and each time he sees your ears twitch and your head snap up to his, he’s reminded that you’ll need to be looked after on this. Unlike the others, you don’t have an affinity for combat or a quirk that gives you any kind of advantage in a fight. Nevertheless, you’re a member of the league and that connection affords you certain privileges. 
Unless he has no other option, he won’t abandon you.
As the two of you step toward the fifth warehouse, you lean closer to him, your shoulder brushing against his obsidian jacket, a quiet huff of air falling from your parted lips. “This is it,” you tell him, mismatched eyes blinking up at his impassive expression. 
When he says good, you almost snatch at his arm, and you try to hold back your panting breaths, to not let them slip out, but you know he can see, he can tell. He always can. You feel his sharp gaze passing over you, and sense his blistering annoyance when you subconsciously lean into him a little harder, rubbing your clothed shoulder against his.
“You ready Mister Tomura?” The question leaves you on a whisper and you bite your lower lip into your mouth, wanting him to say yes, wanting him to tell you what a good job you’ve done, finding the location like this. That he’s ready for anything as long as you’re by his side.
“Step back,” he murmurs, lifting three fingers to the door as he shoves it open, the metal wheels screeching into the static quiet of the night.
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[ 1:45 am, Monday morning ]
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“What’s wrong with her?” Shigaraki demands, releasing the throat of the leader of this de facto gang, sending him crashing across the grimy floor of the warehouse.
“I– koff, koff, I d-don’t… fucking know! She just… shit… sniffed the stuff and started shaking.”
“What’s in it? I’ll give you five seconds.” There’s no time for this and if you’re having some kind of reaction to the drugs, he’s honestly not sure what he’s going to do with you. A villain hospital is out of the question and sensei’s doctor can’t be located. Shit.
“It’s… it’s got some kinda quirk enhancing property… I don’t think that–”
“Five,” Shigaraki begins, stepping over the gristled remains of the others, his red shoes bright against the pools of darkening blood.
“What!? You can’t be serious! Look, man, I’m not the one who manufactured them! I–”
“Oh my God, oh m-my…. look, he said something about increasing the instincts. Making the user less–”
“Libido! It increases libido! I think… no! No! Please! Don’t you–Keep the fuck away from me, you freak! Don’t–I’m trying to tell you! Come on! Please! I don’t–”
Shigaraki lets the man struggle, watching his fruitless scramble across the floor; hands flapping against the gritty concrete with loud smacks, and feet slipping. He looks like a fish on a line. 
“None of those things let me know what’s in the drug,” he informs his prey, blood slicked shoes stepping down, trapping the man under his heel, halting his frantic motions.
“That’s not… not… Y-you said you’d give me until five?”
“Did I?” Shigaraki asks, a wide grin cracking over his face, one hand lowering, fingers splayed, reaching. “Looks like I lied.”
The man’s shrieks quickly turn into deep throated garbles as the decay of Shigaraki’s quirk races up his body, reducing him to a mass of shattered bones, hollowed teeth and gushing ichor. Pity, Shigaraki thinks, wiping his bloodied hand against his dark pants and twisting back to your trembling form. 
You’re whimpering, your voice catching as you try to gulp down a few breaths and your tail is flat, its usual golden hanging lusterless in the darkness. When he steps closer, your head lifts and he can see the hopeful prick of your floppy ears. Your cheeks and the line of your neck are flushed, creating a burst of dusty pink that blends perfectly with your flaxen hair. You look like a doll, tiny and shivering in the cold, your puppy-like features wilted under the weight of the drug that’s coursing through your bloodstream.
“M-Mister T-T-T-omura,” you whine, one hand lifting, straining for him. “I-I feel… I feel… hot. It… it’s too warm. I think I’m… I don’t know if… if I–”
“Can you walk?” He cuts right to the chase, not liking that shimmering line of desperation that’s laced within your words. You look like you’re about to fall to pieces, but he needs more information. He can’t help you, he reasons, pushing down that inner voice that’s screaming for him to step away from your curled body, if he doesn’t know what’s wrong. 
“D-dunno…” you stammer, licking your pastel tongue across your lips, making them slick, pouting them forward. “I don’t… I don’t feel so good.”
“I know,” he reminds you, kneeling in front of you, placing himself within your reach.
In hindsight, it was a stupid move. He knows better. It could have been avoided. He should have paid more attention, not underestimated your tenacity, your want.
Your fingers are under his shirt before he can blink, and before he can breathe, you’re coiling your way into his lap, forcing him to fall to the ground, pressing against him until he’s sure there’s nothing else of you he can hold. “M-Mister… please… p-please! Mister Tomura! Make it go away!”
He tries to shove you off, carefully lifting fingers away, pushing at you with eight digits, hoping you’ll stop squirming. But it doesn’t work and the wet lap of your tongue catches him utterly by surprise. He stiffens under you, his arms falling to his sides, neck rigid, vermillion eyes wide, but you don’t care. 
Mister Tomura smells so nice this close. 
It’s a musty scent, sticky and clammy, but oh, there’s something else under there. Something that makes you think of slickening skin, the rub of your fingers, and the tacky drip that sometimes falls from between your legs. It’s too much; it’s making you feel woozy and your hands shake as they reach for his face, but you want more. You need more.
“Is this ok? I-Is this alright Mister Tomura? Can I pet you? Please?”
There’s no reply. So you continue, lacing your hands into his pearlescent hair and lowering his lips to yours. He feels rough against your soft lips, so you dip your tongue out to loosen him up, poking until he gives you a halfhearted press, the hot exhale of his nose passing over your pink tinted cheek. “That’s right Mister,” you repeat, encouraging him to let you taste more, rutting your hips against the stiffened plane of his upper thigh. “Let me take care of you, Mister Tomura. Can I be your good girl? Hmm?”
When your fingers pad over his crotch, he groans and his back arches. You pull away, awed by his reaction, hoping he’ll be looking at you, imagining how pretty his eyes will look when they’re lit up with the want of you. But his head is turned and his jaw is set in a foreboding clench. “Mist–Mister Tomura?” you blurt out, hands grabbing at the sides of his face, forcing him back to you.
The dark look he fixes you with makes your heart pound and you can tell your tail is wagging furiously behind you. You like it when he looks at you like that. He likely thinks it’s cold, uncaring, but you know. You know the truth, that he wants you. 
Everything inside of you is clattering, rattling at you, screaming out that he wants this. 
“I see,” you begin, your hips picking up their pace, hoping he’ll let you slip your rapidly dampening pants off. “You want me too, right? You want me to help you with that.” Here you pause, lowering one hand to trace up the curve of his clothed cock, cupping at it until he’s gritting his teeth, showing you a bright line of white. “I can do that, Mister. I’ll do anything for you, anything. Just let me be your good girl, ‘kay?”
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[ 2:24 am, Monday morning ]
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He’s pushed you back, but not too far. Not far enough that your delicate toes can’t reach him. 
It hadn’t taken much to work his black jeans open, just a quick flick of your wrist and a sharp tug and then there he was, his tip red, beads of pre-cum frothing against his slit, weeping downward. Delicious, is all that you could think, and your lips were around him before he could stutter forward. He makes the cutest sounds when he’s shoving past the ring of your mouth, but it’s gotta hurt his hands when he’s clawing them along the ground like that. 
He should relax.
Once you’d worked him over, hungrily slathering over his dripping cock head, and greedily felt him pulse against the flat of your tongue, you’d shifted off of him. He gasped when you let go, and you thoroughly enjoyed the pop that all that wetness made in the still air. 
When you slid your pants over the curve of your hips he’d stood, but maybe this drug had given you some kinda super strength besides that fire that was thrumming in your veins, because after you’d trapped him between your spread knees, he hadn’t struggled since. 
Maybe he’ll like this? Or this?
It’s really just a guessing game now, and even though Mister Tomura isn’t the most enthusiastic player, he is a reactive one.
The mess of your saliva quickly lubricated the arch of your foot and his copious pre-cum and you run it up and down his straining length, pressing the other forward when you hear him grunting, his hips bucking upwards, helping you. 
“You like this Mister Tomura?”
You’re still waiting on your good girl and you hope you’ll do something that ekes it from his clamped lips. But you can wait, after all Mister Tomura likes when you work hard, when you do your best for him. 
He lets out a yelp when you speed up and you laugh, so happy that he’s happy.
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[ 2:56 am, Monday morning ]
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“Mister! Mister Tomura, please! It… ah… it hurts again. C-can you p-put it… mmm… in… inside me?”
It’s the third time you’ve asked him that question, but he’s not listening to you anymore. Instead, he’s shoving you down, lifting the round globes of your red smacked ass and tracing the heavy tip of his cock over your leaking slit. He presses forward and back, slicking himself with your milky release, tacking your arousal all over him. At some point, something broke within him and you’re still exalting in the heady feel of him over you. 
“M-Mister Tomu–”
“Shut up. If you call me that one more time, I’ll stop right now. Just leave you here, naked, all alone and unprotected,” Shigaraki threatens, reaching around for your swollen clit and giving it a sharp pinch. You quake under his hands and he watches as your puppy ears fall and your tail brushes against his sweat slicked chest. “Imagine what would happen if someone came along and saw you like this? Saw you panting and humping the floor. You look like a fucking dog. Like some loose bitch who can’t think of anything other than the feel of someone’s dick. You want this? Huh?”
He grabs at your golden hair and pulls you upwards, forcing your spine into a u shape, watching as your tongue flops out of your mouth, as your drool falls down your chest. The tiny buds of your breasts do little to catch the saliva, so most fall on your trembling hands and you let out a piteous whine, hoping he’ll show you some mercy. Hoping he’ll fuck you until you can’t think. 
“Answer me.” His voice is iron and you shudder, ass wiggling as you gasp out his name and a chorus of yeses. When his tip aligns with your entrance, it sends a jolt of electricity across your heated skin. 
“Want me to call you a good girl?” he asks, pushing until his bulbous head is just tucked inside that first ring of pink muscle, grunting as you try to take him deeper, your cunt ravenously clamping around him.
“Y-yes! C-C-Call m-me that! T-Tell meee!”
“Then promise me you’ll never touch me again. Promise me you’ll never come near me. Tell me I’ll never have to look at that simpering face of yours and I’ll tell you what you want to hear.”
“B-But Mister… I mean… but… T-Tomu-Tomura. I-I can’t do that. I l-love you!”
“That’s too bad,” Shigaraki hums, jerking his hips forward, feeding you another tantalizing inch of his cock, watching as your viscid arousal gushes outward, coating the flesh of your inner thighs and staining his curled thatch of pubic hair. 
“Because I don’t love you.”
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truglori · 4 years
Homebody (Ch.6)
Summary: Amiyah is the younger sister of local drug dealer (Durkio). Shy and reserved she keeps to herself and stays out the way. But lately she began to find interest in his right hand man/ best friend (Erik Stevens). Wanting to get him to notice her she discovers that he already had her wrapped around his finger without even trying! There was only a few problems that kept her away from her fantasies , her brother that controlled almost every single breath she took and would kill anyone who looked at her that way and lastly Eriks girlfriend, Alexis , who they called the queen of the hood according to her lavish lifestyle as well as being with the next newest top boy in the making. While Alexis was his girl to the streets all Amiyah wanted to do was be his Homebody...
Sidenote: I’ve been hooked on this song and feel like it fits the vibe for this chapter but it is optional to listen to...enjoy!
Pairing: Erik Stevens x Thick OC
Warning: Language, smoking, freaky thangs..
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Erik glanced at the digital clock in his car. It was almost four in the morning. The job was done and with the help of Cane they were able to get out of there in one piece. Shaking his head he laughed to himself. He still couldn’t believe it when he saw Alexis with Shawn.
It wasn’t hard to believe but it did fuck him up a bit. In reality Erik didn’t know why he was surprised. After getting to know about Alexis he knew she was always chasing the next bag. Even if it meant coming up off of another nigga.
Out of the nine months they messed around she was always the one pressing him to take their relationship to the next step. She was the one that tried to tie their names together in the streets. It was always her putting forth the effort. Then it was shit like what he saw tonight that had cause Erik to have trust issues.
But was that something he could even judge her for? Of course not. He didn’t put a title on her and vice versa. All this did was make him come to the realization that she was never down for him. Only what he could do for her.
With all of these ideas going through his head the last thing Erik wanted to do was be alone. His mind was filling up with negative thoughts. Mainly about how the situation could’ve went bad if he would have acted on his feelings. Erik’s mood switched and he wanted to see the one person who he knew could change that.
Hoping she picked up,Erik sat nervously as the other end of the phone began to ring. If she didn’t answer he would have no other choice but to drown himself in a few blunts and a fifth of Hennessy.
She answered on the fourth ring.
“Hello.” Her soft voice came through the speaker. It sounded like she was wide awake.
He relaxed in his seat feeling a relief. “What you still doing up?”
“Couldn’t sleep. What about you? Everything okay?”
Erik could hear the worry in her tone. He half smiled. That was something she always did, she cared about him.
“Yeah I’m good.” He paused. “Listen I know this might be a stretch but do you think you could sneak out pass your brother and come meet me. I know it sounds-“ Erik was rambling. Something he never did.
Amiyah cut him off with a light giggle. “Erik I could meet up with you. I’m not at my apartment I’m staying with a friend.”
Erik’s brows drew together with a slight look of confusion. It was four in the morning and she wasn’t home. That was the first Erik ever heard of knowing how his friend is about his sister. But he didn’t ponder over the thought.
“Okay well send me the address and I’ll pull up.” He put her on speaker waiting for her to reply as he pulled up the gps on his phone.
“65 Lafayette Ave.” Amiyah answered with a controlled smile. Not wanting to seem eager to see him.
It was a fifteen minute drive from where Erik was.
“Alright I’ll call you when I’m there.”
“Okay, see you Erik.”
“Aight mamas.”
Amiyah jumped off the couch and crept to her friends bathroom. Turning on the light she saw her appearance and immediately cringed. Her eyes were still red and puffy from her tears. Face covered in faint runny eye liner. Her hair was fuzzy and wild. She was in no condition to go see Erik the way she looked.
Grabbing a face cloth from her friends cabinet she ran it under warm water before sitting it on her face and letting it rest against her skin. Amiyah sighed at the sensation. Wiping her face she made sure she got every inch of coverage before she checked other areas of her body to make sure she smelled fresh.
She gave her hair a few pass overs with a brush to make it at least somewhat presentable. Glancing over herself in the mirror she felt satisfied and exited the bathroom. Going back to the couch she was crashing on she put on a white tank top and paired it with a pair of grey sweats. Throwing a jean jacket on she slipped on her UGG slippers and waited silently.
When her phone rung this early in the morning she thought it would be her brother calling to apologize but instead it was Erik. She knew for sure it was her mind playing tricks on her but when she answered and heard his voice butterflies filled her stomach. After the date Amiyah figured she had to wait until she seen him in person again to make contact with him but when he called asking her to hangout this later she couldn’t decline.
It wasn’t too long before her phone lit up with a text notification. Erik was letting her know that he was waiting for her outside. Getting up and checking her face one last time by the mirror Kelley had next to the front door she flipped her hair over her shoulder and snuck out the front door. When she got on the porch she seen his Infinity waiting in the middle of the street unbothered with any traffic coming through.
She watched as he got out but stayed by his vehicle. Doing a quick glance over at his face Amiyah noticed the stress in his eyes. It was as if they were filled with the emotion of hurt. No wonder he called asking to see her this late. He needed comfort. Walking up to him she went straight for a hug. The way he taught her. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he did her waist.
Amiyah felt him breathe out an air of ease. His body slouching over on hers and she would let him as long as he wanted just to take away his troubles. She closed her eyes as they quietly embraced each other��s body. It was a comfortable silence. From the way they held on to each other it was obvious that they very much missed one another.
“Why you so good to me ma?” Erik whispered in her ear not letting her out of his hold yet.
Speaking truthfully in their current position of vulnerability she replied. “Because I care about you. I want you to be happy.”
Erik closed his eyes hearing the words escape from her mouth. She was making it hard for him to keep up with his ‘not trusting women’ demeanor. The way she was holding onto his body had him rethinking himself. Her nails grazing lightly on the back of his neck was driving him insane. She knew all the right things to say and do to him without even trying.
Amiyah had him open whenever they were together and she didn’t even know it. Erik finally released her body. Now staring down at her soft round face he couldn’t help himself. Dragging his hands over her love handles he pulled her towards him as bent down giving her two pecks on her lips softly. Her arms still wrapped around his neck. When Erik pulled away he seen that her eyes were still shut. Biting his bottom lip he went back in giving her a full kiss this time with a slight pull on her lower lip every now and then.
Feeling himself in the moment his hands traveled resting above her ass. Not wanting to disrespect her he asked in between indulging in her lips and taking breaks to get air for her permission.
“Can..I..touch..it?” His voice spoke lowly between pecks.
Amiyah nodded while she brought her left hand down to his cheek. She was getting better since their last kiss and her body was becoming more comfortable with his.
Seeing that she didn’t deny him access his hands continued their adventure further south. When his hands finally reached the bottom of her soft flesh he cuffed and squeezed each cheek firmly before caressing it to soothe the slight pain he may have caused.
Amiyah moaned in his mouth from the feeling. It was the first time she was ever been touched like that by a man down there. His hands felt rough but soft at the same time. The way he would grip each ass cheek and pulling on them she felt her second pair of lips separate from the action. But it was the way he rubbed it after he squeezed them that made her drip with anticipation.
Pulling away from each other they were able to get some air. By this time Erik was ready to devour her and make her body shake beneath his but he knew she wasn’t ready for that yet. She wouldn’t know how to act or what to do if he gave her what his body was craving to do to her. Feeling his dick on semi-hard he shifted himself. All of this just from kissing and touching on her. Erik wanted her bad.
“Let’s go get out of here?” His voice broke the sexual tension.
Timid and nervously looking back at her friends house she turned to face him.” To go where?”
Erik shrugged his shoulders.” I don’t know I’ll find something. Just ride with me.” He spoke before he could think finding himself doing something he thought he would never do.” Please.” He begged.
Biting her lip to hold back her smile she nodded as her hands fell from around his neck but not before getting a feel of his sturdy hard abs through his shirt. Erik felt the slick action and smirked.
“Aight let’s go.” He kissed her one last time and then patted her butt and walked her to the passenger side. He opened her door and watched as she got in safely.
Inside the car they rode around with nothing but Erik’s playlist playing lowly in the background. Amiyah’s hand rested in his right hand as his left hand gripped the steering wheel driving. Every other minute Erik would bring the back of her hand up his lips and kiss it while still paying attention to the road. No matter how many times he done it Amiyah would blush every single time. If she was lighter you would definitely see the redness in her face.
It was about twenty minutes later when Erik found a secluded area underneath the highway bridge . Around them was nothing but empty parked construction trucks and signs to let people know that work was getting done. Nearby that was a small basketball court where some of the city kids would play on. Then there was the lights from the bridge above that gave them somewhat of a illumination in the car.
Shutting the car off Erik leaned his seat back with his electric lever before resting against it. His fingers still intertwined with Amiyah’s. He watched as she did everything but look in his direction. Erik could read her body language and see that she was nervous. His thumb stroke the back of her hand to give her some reassurance.
“You okay?” He asked softly.
“Yeah. I’m good.” She gazed down in her lap before making eye contact.
Amiyah was nervous. How could she not be with her being in a closed off area with a man as fine as Erik sitting next to her holding her hand. He was touching her so tenderly. Her body reacted to each stroke of his fingers.
“Miyah if you not comfortable don’t ever hesitate to tell me. I care more about your security in your safety than me wanting to chill with you.” His unselfish nature was revealing itself with every word.
She smiled at his kindness. “I feel safe with you. It’s just some times you make me nervous.” She replied picking at the imaginary cotton lint on her sweats.
His lips curled into a smile. “Why I make you nervous?” He asked as his free hand swiped down his waves repeatedly.
Rolling her eyes Amiyah knew this question was coming next. He knew exactly how he made her nervous. The evidence clear in how her body react to him.
“I don’t know maybe it’s the way you look at me.”
There was something about being alone in this car with him that made Amiyah real honest.
His eyes danced up and down her body. Amiyah caught the gesture.
Smacking her lips. “See it’s you doing stuff like that.” She blurted out with a straight face.
He gripped her hand lightly when she made him laugh. To Erik most of the women he been with in the past was either too serious or boring but with Amiyah she was always able to get a smile out of him. From any tiny thing she did naturally it made him laugh or at least get him to smile.
“I mean I could think of something that might have you relaxed a little bit but I’m not sure you even mess with that type of shit.”
She looked at him confused.” What you mean?”
“You smoke?” He asked bluntly.
She laughed. “I’ve done it a few times when Durk wasn’t around but I’m no pro.”
Erik nodded his head head releasing her hand as he went to his middle compartment pulling out his stash. He needed a blunt after today and the one that he already had rolled up wasn’t going to do him enough justice. Taking out the one that was pre-rolled he handed it to her.
“Hold that.”
She grabbed it bringing it to her nose smell the rolled plant. Amiyah liked the way this weed smell. It wasn’t overpowering like the one Durk usually had. She observed the blunt giggling about how fat it was.
“Why is it so big?” She asked laughing.
“What the blunt or something else?” His lips smirked.
Amiyah figured she walked herself into that one. She rolled her eyes.
“No I’m just messing with you that’s just how I like mine. Can’t be fucking with no skimpy blunts now.” He smiled. Over in his seat he was rolling up two more.
After getting them rolled he grabbed his lighter from his cup holder and sparked it up. Taking a deep pull with his lips he allowed the smoke to invade his lungs for five slow seconds before exhaling. His body leaned back becoming relaxed.
Amiyah watched as he took another. He looked so good right now in his most laidback state. One hand behind his head and the other holding the blunt to his lips. She bit her lip as the smoke filled up the car. She was already feeling a contact high.
He handed over the lit blunt and watch her grasp it with the end of her nails. Erik smiled as he sat quietly watching her switch the blunt between both hands trying to get comfortable with it.
“Don’t burn my weed out.” He joked.
“Shut up Erik.” Amiyah giggled taking her first hit.
Coughing she realized she hit it too hard. Turning towards her window her balled up fist went up to her mouth as she coughed her lungs out before smacking on her chest. She handed the blunt back to Erik who was laughing.
“You good?”
She shook her head and cough one last time. Her eyes watering a bit from all of the straining.
“Damn I should’ve warned you first. My bad baby.” His hand went to her back and rubbed it.
Amiyah was already feeling high. If it wasn’t from the huge hit she took than it definitely had to be from the gas that filled the car. Her baby lungs not used to the intoxicating aroma easily gave in. She expected that to happen but she didn’t expect for her pussy to become wet. The last few times she smoked alone it just gave her a quick high and the munchies. This was different. She could feel her pussy drip and become sticky as she squirmed around in her seat trying to hide it.
The blunt found its way back to Erik’s lips. His eyes began to get lower with every hit that he took from it. He wasn’t his highest but he felt his body getting comfortable. His leg slightly rocking from side to side. He watched her body respond to the weed. She was already gone and he knew it. Erik seen her squirm in the seat and watch her thighs clenched together.
“This shit make you wanna fuck, don’t it?” No longer responsible for the words coming out of his mouth he let the burning ashes fall into the ashtray. He started up the second blunt.
Amiyah surprised from his statement but turned on at the same time giggled as her boldness level went up the more intoxicated she became.
“Something like that.” She stared in his low eyes with hers.
She was becoming brave. Her mouth was definitely trying to write a check she couldn’t cash. Even though she never had sex before Amiyah still knew what it felt like to be horny. Her body was craving for him touch her and hold her the way he did a while ago when they were outside. Amiyah wanted his big hands rubbing on her booty the way they did before.
Erik sucked in his bottom lip. His deep dimples showed from the action. She was testing him. Erik was definitely pressed from the way she was looking at him. He knew that there was no way he could fuck her in his car. But he wanted to badly. He wanted to have her dripping cum right on his leather seats. He wanted to watch her tremble and moan as he stretched her tight pussy out pinning her down by her thick thighs giving her what she thought she could handle. Erik longed to dig deep in the pussy as he hit the spots that’ll make her cry and gave her no choice but to come back to him every time she desired for them to be touched.
Taking a pull from the second blunt he returned the gaze. The smoke leaving his lips going into the direction of her face. He watched her bite her lip.
“You lookin like you wanna do something now.” He had to start applying some pressure to put her back in her place.
Shyly looking out the windshield Amiyah laughed. The weed was making her extra giggly for no reason. But she couldn’t deny that how she was feeling was from her own lust as well. She felt a warm hand grab her by the chin turning her head back in her previous direction. Erik was looking at her waiting for to respond.
“Maybe I do.” She replied with her eyes shifting down to the bulge in his black joggers she noticed a while ago. She was no longer playing it safe.
Erik’s hooded eyes followed hers. He smirked. The hand that was holding her chin swiftly went to her throat. He massaged the flesh delicately. He couldn’t help it, grabbing a woman’s neck became a kink of his not to long ago. The way that they would instantly get wet and go into submissive mode turned him on and Erik could easily tell that she was one of those that got turned on by it as well.
Amiyah felt her pussy throbbing. His hand around her like that made her panties moist. She loved it most when he gripped giving her a light squeeze. Her nipples hardening poking through her shirt as she moaned.
“Get in the backseat then.” He released her.
Her eyes gave a quick glance towards the back before looking at him.
“Now?” She breathed out heavily.
“You scared mama?” He teased her softly.
Sending him a ‘yeah right’ look she climbed to the back. Taking off her jean jacket she sat it in the front before she folded her arms resting her back against the chair.
Erik watched through the rear view mirror. He was actually surprised that she had the courage to go back there. Taking the last blunt and lighter he got out the car and opened the back door slipping inside. Putting the objects in his hand in the pouch behind the driver seat he took off his hoodie revealing a black wifebeater shirt.
Amiyah sitting on the opposite side calmed her nerves. She mentally thank God that she shaved down there two nights before. She did not want the first time she allowed a man to see her down there to be met with a bush. There was nothing wrong with having hair but she would have been insecure about it.
After getting settled Erik turned his body sideways. He reached behind him locking the door as he leaned against it.
Nervous but eager Amiyah shimmied her way to his side. His hands helping her out guiding her to sit down on his lap facing him. He gripped on her thigh throwing it over his legs so she can straddling him and had the other hanging off the seat. Not wanting to put all of her weight on him Amiyah put the pressure on her legs.
Erik sensed this. He opened her legs wider which caused her to sit on him fully. An inward growl went through his lips as he felt the weight from her ass sitting on his heavy member.
“Erik I’m too heavy.” She complained.
“You think I’m worried about that?” His voice dripping with lust as he attacked her neck.
Erik’s hands went to groping her body. He kissed and sucked until he discovered the spot that made her body shudder. It was under her jaw line. He stayed there sucking on the area leaving a mark not giving a damn about her brother being able to see it later.
Amiyah’s wide hips wiggle around on top of him as she threw her head back giving him better access. Hormones going out of control she couldn’t stop her hands from traveling to his print as she gripped it firmly.
Erik’s body jumped as he grabbed her hand taking it off his dick. He pulled his lips from her neck to observe her. The way she tried to put her hand back on him she looked anxious for some way to release the sexual adrenaline taking over her body. Erik chuckled as he held her wrists strongly.
“Damn baby you can’t be gripping my dick like you tryna snatch that shit off my body.” His voice now raspy from the smoke session.
Embarrassed, Amiyah bent her head down hiding it in his neck. Of course she would grip him too hard. She didn’t know what she was doing. Trying to not seem like the amateur she was ended up having her looking stupid. The moment was ruined.
“I’m sorry.” She mumbled.
“Here I got an idea. Turn around.” He rubbed her back waiting on her to move.
Following his command she changed her body to go the other way. She was now sitting between his legs with her back against his chest. Thankfully his seats were big enough to hold the both of them comfortably in that position.
Amiyah felt his fingers tug at the hem of her sweats. Questionably glancing at him she wondered what he was about to do to her next.
“You trust me?” Erik asked with his face next to hers.
“Then lift up and take these off.” He tugged again.
Hesitant Amiyah allowed him to pull the clothing down with her help kicking them off her ankles. Now she was exposed. In nothing but her tank top and black cotton hipster panties she felt the air brush over her thighs. Feeling her high start to come down she requested to start a new rotation.
“Can we light the last one?”
“It’s in there.” Erik pointed to the pouch where he put the lighter and the blunt in.
Reaching inside she felt around before she retrieved it. As she lit the blunt she felt Erik kiss on her neck and rub on her thighs. His full lips making her moan and rest her body on his. Taking a hit from the weed with ease this time she was able to inhale it much smoother. Her lungs filled up as it brought her back to cloud nine.
“Here you go.” She passed it to him but he didn’t take it with his hands. Erik leaned forward and let her place it in his mouth. Holding it for him as he took a few pulls she studied the way he did it and then proceeded to copy him when it was her turn. The rotation went like that before it was finished.
Erik fondled her thick thighs. Starting on the outside and working his way to the inner where her warmth resided. She laid her hands on top of his to have some sort of control but Erik didn’t like that. He knew what he was doing and didn’t need any help.
“Move ya hand.” His voice barked.
Her hands left as quickly as they met his.
“Don’t touch anything unless I tell you to. You hear me?”
“Okay.” Shakiness in her voice as her breathing picked up.
“Okay what?” He gripped underneath her knees pulling her thighs apart roughly.
“Okay Erik.”
“Un uh. It’s daddy when it’s just me and you from now on.” His lips tickled her ears as he spoke giving her future reference.
“Kay, daddy.” She moaned.
Amiyah closed her eyes. Her body kept squirming around. She was waiting and anticipated on getting her body played with. When her legs opened she felt the cool air reach her damp underwear.
Looking down between her legs he bit his lip seeing her phat pussy showing through her panties. The lower lips spilling out on the sides as the damp wet stain sat from her natural essence. His hands gripped and rubbed the inner thigh area that was closest to her treasure as he asked for her permission once again.
“Can daddy play in this pussy?”
Her wet lips parted. Amiyah nodded her head that was leaning back in his shoulder. Yearning his touch and super horny out of her mind she’d allow him to do whatever he wanted to her.
“Yes daddy.” Her voice was as soft as angel.
Hearing her words of confirmation Erik’s hand introduced itself to her pussy for the first time. He cupped the area. Her covered mound was giving off a heat that let him know that she was ready. His fingers grazed up and down the thick slit which caused her body to jerk. He did this repeatedly to make her aroused.
“Phat ass pussy.” We’re the only words that escaped his lips as it left him mesmerized. She was the first female he been with that had one so full and healthy. It felt amazing on his hand even if he wasn’t touching it quite yet.
Pulling the black piece of cloth to the side Erik revealed her vulva that was covered in her natural juices. Taking his fingers he used her lubricant swiping up and down the slit feeling her body tense up.
“Relax mama.” He kissed behind her ear as he held her in place with his left arm.
Bringing his other arm around her he reached down spreading the thick lips as a clear string of liquid appeared when the flesh pulled apart. This was a different type of wetness he was experiencing at the moment. Taking the pad of his middle finger of his free hand he patted on the bud that was now hardened.
Amiyah’s hips jerk from the sensation. Her hand clutched his forearm to stop him, keeping the foreign feeling from over taking her body. Her legs moving around as she scooted into his chest.
“Don’t you play with this pussy when you alone?” He asked as his finger tips teased the areas around her clit.
“Yes.” Eyes still closed with her hands gripping his arms as she felt every stroke of his hand.
“Yes, what?” He corrected her.
Sucking in her bottom lip. “Yes, daddy.”
“Then let me have a turn.” One of his hands grasped her fupa affectionately pulling her body into his to make her relax.
Whe she laid back Erik was able to get a better view. He spread the lips open once more. Massaging her clit lightly in a circular motion with his pointy and middle fingers. He watch her thrust her hips on his hand to feel more. Keeping up with his movements he pressed down firmly stimulating the bud before he let a finger enter her tight wet opening. Giving a low groan he drew in his top lip when he felt her grip him him from the intrusion. The pussy was too tight.
“Damn you ain’t been letting nobody up in this huh?” He cooed in her ear pushing further with a single finger going deeper.
“Unh Uh.” Amiyah whimpered out snapping her thighs closed when she felt him slip inside her.
He took the hand that wasn’t trapped between her legs and opened them. Bringing it up to her chin he made her look him in the eye. “Ima go slow..ight.”
Amiyah nervously agreed. There was plenty of times where she masturbated but she never fingered herself only clitorial stimulation. So when she felt Erik push his finger inside her, her body reacted by closing her legs. It was strange feeling but it made her wetter.
Erik didn’t waste no time as he warmed her up by playing with her clit. He wanted to make sure she was as wet as possible before she experienced any penetration so he continued to rub her there. Bringing his fingers up to her breast he flicked her nipples with his thumb through her tank top to help her climax.
The combination had Amiyah’s chest heaving up and down. She was close and ready to cum. The pressure he applied on her clit felt so good. Her hand reached for the seat clawing the material as she let him make her body come undone. Her mouth opened as her pants and whimpers became audible.
“Daddyy...I’m cumin.” She whimpered softly backing away from the stimulation.
Erik followed not letting up on her. “Lemme see you cum then. Pretty ass.” He kissed her blocking out her moans.
Amiyah’s body shook as she felt his lips. She came right there. Essence dripping down on the seat in front of her. It was like a domino effect. He controlled her body. Her clit was now sensitive but Erik continued to knead the button. Whenever she played with herself she able to get one and that’s it. She never tried to do more than that but Erik was pushing her for another.
“I want another one and then I’m done.”
His eyes were still red and low from the weed. When she came on his fingers Erik was captivated from the sight. The way her lips parted. How she grasped onto the seats searching for something to hold on to. It made his body heat up with excitement knowing that he did that. Every little thing he observed had him becoming fascinated with her.
This time he wanted to make her cum a different way. His middle finger danced around her hole making sure it was coated from her wetness before he pushed inside her tight puss. Erik felt her clench on his finger as he gently massaged her walls. Every time he would pull out she would suck him back in. He watched her face contort no longer able to control herself.
“Mm this shit tight.” He groaned affirmations in her ear as his finger stroked her at a steady pace.
When the words left his mouth Amiyah glanced down to witness his assault on her pussy. Her body was aching for more. The in and out motion with just a single digit wasn’t enough. Her pussy wanted to be stretched.
“More.” She pleaded spreading her legs wider.
“You sure?” Erik asked wanting her to be certain.
“Yess.” Amiyah stuttered.
Drawing his fingers up to lips he opened his mouth tasting her sweet juices. Erik bit his lip feeling a strong urge to bend her over and eat her from behind. But right now it was about her. He had her body feeling good and he wanted to keep it that way.
After getting his fingers soaked he placed them back in front of her pussy. Taking his time he slowly thrusted both his middle and ring finger in stretching her creamy hole.She was so wet a sloshing sound came from her opening. Her jaw dropped as he filled her up. His thick fingers moving in and out. When he felt the spongy area at the top he swiped back and forth against it using the ‘ come here’ motion.
Her hips doing the same as before began to scoot back away from the sensation. Erik holding her by her waist kept her still.
“Stop runnin and put that pussy on me.” Lips sucking on her neck creating another passion mark as his deep voice muttered.
She was running. From the minute Amiyah felt him tapping on that spot that she didn’t know was there she wanted to escape his hold. His strong hand kept her spread eagle by her knee making her take the pleasure he was giving to her. Feeling her legs shake from his repeated tender abuse she grabbed his hand. Her belly began to tighten and cramp. Soon the vibrations she felt on her lower half traveled throughout her whole body. She was convulsing on his fingers.
“Fuckk.” The profanity spewed out her mouth for the first time as she squirted on the seat.
Erik continued attacking her g-spot before she aggressively pushed his hand away. Laughing he saw her shaking her head while her hands went to her thighs to try and stop them from trembling. Her breast moving up and down from her rough breathing as she finally spoke.
“No more.” Her voice quivered.
Erik’s low chuckled filled the vehicle . “You done mama?”
Quickly nodded her head she cover her pussy with her panties and moved to the other side of the car. She was sensitive and overstimulated. Her body couldn’t endure anymore.
“I can’t Erik. It’s too much.” Sitting on her knees she slapped her hand on her thighs that were still shaking.
“Ight fine I’m done. But come give me a kiss.” His lips smirk satisfied with how the night was ending.
Amiyah complied with his orders. Straddling him again this time not feeling insecure she leaned and gave him a kiss. His mouth dominating hers lips. Erik slapped her left ass cheek leaving a sting. She moaned into his mouth.
“Ouch daddy.” She whined softly as she sucked on his bottom lip lightly before releasing it.
Erik’s dick jumped. “I’ma give you something for that mouth if you keep using it like that.” His eyes studying her lips.
Blushing she laid on top of him. Her head in the crook of his neck. Amiyah closed her eyes when she felt his fingers making traces on her back. They both held each other enjoying the peaceful silence. Wiping the condensation off the window Amiyah peered out noticed that it was dawn. The sky began to turn blue as the sun slowly crept up. She sighed when she realized that she had to work later on that day. Thankfully Kelley agreed to switch shifts with her but she wanted to be with Erik all day.
“I don’t wanna go to work today.” She stressed blowing out air of frustration.
“So don’t. Call out.” Erik rubbing circles on the small of her back.
“I can’t. I switched with Kelley already so I don’t think she would want to do both of our shifts. This is so annoying.” Her nails outlining shapes on his neck.
“Oh. I’m sorry.” He bent down kissing her forehead.
She smiled lifting her head to kiss his lips.
The question she had been meaning to ask him since they first saw each other tonight came to her mind.
“Why’d you call me so late? Is everything okay.”
Erik completely forgot about the previous events that happened hours before. The moment she was in his arms nothing else mattered anymore.
“Yeah, I just found out about some shit and I wanted to take my mind off of it and you helped with that.” He sent her a half smile pinching her chin gently.
Amiyah gleamed knowing she could be his peace whenever he wanted to get away.
“Well I’m here for you always.” Her eyes giving a sparkle as she spoke.
Meditating for a moment before he replied Erik thought carefully. He wanted to make sure that he wasn’t doing this to make her some type of rebound but because genuinely cared about her. He didn’t want to take a second longer as the words blurted out of his lips.
“Amiyah I want you to be mines...”
Please excuse any mistakes.
SN: It’s been years since I wrote a smut scene and all of this was written in an hour and a half so please don’t judge lol.
@supersizemeplz @nahimjustfeelingit-writes @hearteyes-for-killmonger @curls-and-crosses @killmonger-dolan @killmongerkink @migosis @raysunshine78 @alookintohersoul @popcorn803 @just-juicee @mllover260 @kimmyblckswan2 @koriiii @tchallasbabymama @toniilaney @marvelmaree @mia-faith @adreamsublime @queen-b1 @mcdesij @vintage-pvssy @viewsfromrose @ceeverse @smuttywriter @harleycativy @callmemckenzieee @theblulife @bvssmob @everything-is-awesomesauce @xoxomyaah @19jammmy @tchallas-ikumkani-wam @suburbanblackhoe @allhailqueennel @admirehermind @themeirajay @asaani @bellanay @skylahb @toni9
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straighttohellbuddy · 3 years
i'd really like to hear about 5, 27, and 32 for the 35 fanfiction writer question game! if it isn't a game/i misinterpreted what you meant, i'm really sorry!
It is an ask game! Also I love you thank you!!
I'm putting this one first because I've wanted to talk about it for a while, and yeah it should probably be a post of it's own but here we go;
35. Ramble about any fic-related thing you want!
I think there's a real art to being able to write X Reader fics, and I think the more you write, the more nuance you develop in order to weave a story around the reader's characteristics to make it inclusive while also personal. i think there's a conversation to be had about inclusivity in the YouTube x Reader community, and while the heavy prevalence of NB!Reader fics is amazing, we still have to look at what other biases we're inserting into our works. descriptions of, or moments regarding, the reader's skin tone, size, hair, clothing choices, family, etc, should be considered carefully if you're looking to make this as accessible as possible for the wide variety of readers. i appreciate people who specify if they're writing a particular type of reader (chubby!reader, or short-haired!reader, etc) because it sets a precedent for the fic, but if you go in without that caveat and suddenly the reader is being described as tanned or with long wavy hair or something, that breaks the immersion and alienates the readers who don't fit this narrow description. uh, also this is just a small thing, but when writing NB!Readers, don't forget about AMAB nb folks existing and being taken into consideration in your writing.
like i said, there's an art to being able to write around describing the reader, while still making the story feel personal. we just have to think about if what we're writing would make sense if we were not ourselves, if that makes sense???
also just personally i'd like to see more diversity in the people chosen for the representations of the read in IG/SMAU posts.
5. What’s the fic you’re most proud of?
I actually don't have one definitive answer for this because I've been writing for a very long time so I have a few favourites for different reasons.
for this blog; once you say it out loud it can't be undone {Corpse Husband} | 17K. non-fatal hanahaki au ft. bes frend ethan gameplays. of course this is my favourite, have you read it? it's good!
Feelings are fair game for nine months out of the year, but God forbid you develop a crush during Hanahaki Season; three months of coughing up petals just because you’re in love with someone who doesn’t love you back? It’s a damn inconvenience. You haven’t had an active Hanahaki Season in the four years since you started YouTube, and you think that since you’re in quarantine, not going outside, not meeting new people, you’ll be fine this year too! Except that you start playing Among Us with a group of people you’ve never met before, friends of friends, including the elusive Corpse Husband, who’s kind, and funny, and may be flirting with you, but you’re not quite sure. The point is, you make friends with him not expecting much beyond a streaming buddy, but then you get talking more often, chatting and joking at all hours in DMs, and he’s calling you sweet nicknames on stream, and you wake up on the first day of your Season coughing up flower petals and cursing yourself for falling for a man who’s first name you don’t even know!
but also because i can and will plug my own shit
Reader Insert (also my Overall favourite rn); heard your name in every love song {Ben Hardy} | 72k. fwb-to-lovers, also the author clearly has an x-men hyperfixation. actor!reader.
When you’re twelve and you have a crush on your babysitter, your parents think it’s puppy love, think it’s cute, and you’ll forget about it soon enough. When you’re fifteen, and your former babysitter’s on TV in one of the UK’s most successful soap operas, and is still decidedly hot, all you can remember is the advice he’d given you, and how he’d let you win when playing videogames. When you’re nineteen and you score a supporting role in an X-Men film, the last thing you’d expected was to be acting opposite your former babysitter, and - as it turns out - romancing his character; he’s still decidedly handsome, and you’re definitely not a little kid anymore. He doesn’t even recognize you, and you know what? You’re glad.
OC Fic; Molotov Heart {Alex Summers} | 70k (ish). follows the sequel x-men trilogy and literally spans 20 years. ALSO CLEARLY THE AUTHOR HAS AN X-MEN HYPERFIXATION
Aoibheal Cassidy didn't hesitate to follow her big brother, Sean, when he's recruited by Charles and Erik, even if she's not technically a mutant (yet). By his side, she grows up as the youngest member of Charles Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, but world won't wait for a girl to grow up, and her life is torn apart by war and disaster; things get worse before they get better. As the years pass, she realises she always ends up on Charles's team with Alex and Hank by her side, even if she's not the little girl they once knew.
and finally, purely canon fic: not from the absence of violence | Breaking Bad. 6.5k. au where jesse gets out of the business like he wants to in season 5, and comes home to find a teenage runaway living in his house.... actually its kind of a little bit of an oc fic but not the way my oc fics usually are.
Sometimes a family is one of the (former) best meth cooks in America, his two best friends who happen to be (former) meth dealers, a teenage runaway, and five million dollars. -- "...and the gentleness that comes, not from the absence of violence, but despite the abundance of it." - Richard Siken
27. What’s the nicest comment you’ve ever received?
I feel very very lucky and very blessed to receive such lovely and kind comments on the fics that I write, but I've got two that stand out the most in my mind, and it's the comments @bingusmode and @marvelsmurphy left on the aforementioned once you say it out loud it can't be undone {Corpse Husband},,,, literally i would die for both of them. i reread the comments on that fic every so often because everyone is so damn lovely, but i just grin like an idiot and turn into that picture of kermit hugging his phone whenever i read their comments specifically. i love you guys
32. Summarize a random fic of yours in 10 words or less.
for my upcoming fic that i posted those memes about a few days ago; 'god's perfect idiot {Wilbur Soot}'
light-hearted streamer joins smp; shocks everyone with capacity for angst
I loved this!! feel free to send in more!!
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shesawriter39049 · 4 years
|THE PLUG| 4:20|M|
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(SNEAK PEEK #2 Basically all smut related..I forgot how many “Drug dealer” Jimin little thottys I have lmao so heres something else to tie you over)  ABOUT- Your local plug, aka your weedman..aka you’re kinda sorta, almost-boyfriend…is stressed…so you just need to ease his stress..in any way he sees fit!
There is a lil storyline in the beginning to set up the overall vibe and aesthetic of the one shot. Since it is technically a series now.
Note- This can be read as a stand-alone, and you’ll be good, there may be one or two things that you’ll be curious about but you won’t be lost! I was randomly inspired to add something to my “The Plug” Series so here she is.
WARNINGS:In this part? Recreational drug use (Weed) , Dirty talk, Foreplay....
WC: 6K
Dark haired, tan/tatted/ and tongue pierced JImin…that’s it…that’s the fiC
Have we established that the oc is literally is baby orr!?
FT- A Little Yoongi & Tae
Upon pulling up it seems as though Cash has opted to ruin your surprise...Cash was Jimin’s German shepherd, luckily she loves you so that’s not the issue. The issue is at the end of the day, she’s a guard dog, and she barked her damn head off the minute you rolled up the mile-long driveway! However, it seems you didn't even have to go far to see your boy because kiddie corner to an overgrown oak free, sits his Camaro, parked along the grass. Passengers door wide open with a cloud of smoke evaporating up into the air…
All you can see as you approach the spot to his left is his black J’s peeping out from under the door. Jimin’s car is tinted way past the legal hue so it’s pointless to even try and make out anything else! Not even bothering to move from his spot because he already knows your coming straight to him. Greeted by Cash first and foremost as she sprints off the porch never failing to cover you in fur before gently shoeing her in the opposite direction. Sauntering towards him slowly, though you couldn’t physically see him you could already feel his eyes on you, a slight chill running down your spine the closer you got to his car. A smug little smirk playing on those plush pink lips of his as you eased past the passenger door. Only to find the man in question laxed in his seat, looking like a seat his damn self, in a pair of black sweats and a hoodie, hood up, eyes low and full of mischief. Lacing his lips back around the joint as he pats his thigh, as if you planned on going anywhere else...sliding onto his lap with a slow roll of the hips so he can feel you spread apart on top of him. Did I mention you may have opted against wearing panties under your little cotton dress? 
Humming contently at the familiar weight resting flush against his lap inhaling deep, filling his lungs to full capacity. Reclining against the headrest, gazing up at you through hooded lids, flicking his chin upwards, gesturing got you to lean in so he can guide your lips to his. Coaxing them open, slowly letting the smoke drift into your mouth. His opposite hand taking a strong almost possessive hold on the back of your neck, keeping you in place, only easing up enough for you to catch your breath. Well aware your lungs aren’t built anywhere near his, though he doesn’t give you much of a refractory period. The moment he feels you exhale he snatches that breath straight from your lungs, an amused smirk playing along his lips as you gasp and he licks his way into your mouth. Body shivering the minute you feel the metal bar flick at the roof of your mouth, the kiss is insistent, hot, heady. A low whine staggering from the back of his throat as you slowly grind your hips against him, feeling within seconds that he’s also opted against  boxers. Your touges meet easily, it’s natural at this point, the way the two of you move together, slow and languid. Almost matching the rhythm of your hips as you continue grinding down against him. The hand on the back of your neck is so tight it’s almost painful and that only makes you moan even louder, body turning completely pliant on top of him. Holding onto his hoodie as if you needed it to keep you upright, lightheaded from far more than the indica at this point...it’s all Jimin!
“Fuckin missed your fine ass” panted against your lips, with a smile far more innocent than it should be, god this man has you all types of fucked up it’s unreal. Eyes sinking even deeper into his face...you can’t help but smile back at that, not even bothering to hide the giddiness fluttering though your body. Dropping your head down to the crook of his neck, as he laces his lips back around the joint, eyes slightly hazy from the amount of smoke filling the car. Sinking your teeth into the thick juncture of his collarbone, living for the way he literally just falls apart the minute you even touch the area.
Painting a trail upwards until your nibbling at his earlobe, nipping harshly feeling his thighs tense beneath you “I really want you to fuck my throat…” Swirling your tongue around the hoop in his ear “All I could think about at work was you fucking my mouth so hard I that I’ll be able feel you everytime I talk tomorrow…” The words purred straight from your lips and went straight to his dick, you could actually feel him throb beneath you. 
Jimin straight up whimpers at that, low, and breathy a chill running through his body as you slide off his lap dropping to your knees before him. Those big brown eyes are staring down at you with soooo much need yet the fondness is clear as day. Reaching down to run his fingers through your hair, cradling your jaw in his palm, turning your cheek to lace your tongue around his thumb. Sucking it into your mouth rolling your tongue around the digit with a pleased moan, bringing your hands up to gently stroke his thighs. Batting your lashes up at him far too innocently for the moment in question, a pleased little smirk playing on your lips as he spreads his legs instinctively making room for you.
“You want me to fuck you, throat baby? You want me to put my hand in your hair and show you how I want it? Make you take me, all of me, until I come down your throat? Here? Right outside...you need my cock that bad baby?” His tone was almost taunting, slipping effortlessly into his bedroom voice, his tone getting a little lower..breathier... Freeing his thumb from your mouth exchanging the grip for the hair right at your scalp, craning your head back so you have no choice but to look up at him. 
“Yeah, yeah, I do, I want you so fuckin bad, I don’t want you to go easy on me either..I want you to use my mouth until your so fuckin loud your boys can hear you…” Trickling your fingers back up his thighs, pawing at his dick through his sweats “That’s what I want…” 
The glint in his eyes should probably be alarming but it’s not, because you know that means he’s going to give you exactly what you asked for and then some. Lacing his lips around the joint one final time before stomping it out into his ashtray. Leaning down to capture your lips in a bruising kiss, releasing all the smoke back into your lungs, with so much intensity it burns!. Sucking your bottom lip between your lips as he pulls back...
 “It’s all yours baby girl, take it if you want it…”
UPDATE : The full thing is up AS OF 4/23 
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sierraraeck · 4 years
Cleansing (Pt.1)
Spencer x OC Aundreya
Masterlist | Series Masterlist
If you are triggered by talk of sexual abuse and have not read how I have set up this fic, please do so. You can still read it without that content, just click here.
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(This is my gif so please give credit if used)
Summary: Spencer needs help dealing with his dealer. Both of them are required to take two weeks off and they decide to spend those two weeks together. Things get hot and messy and emotional. There’s a lot going on. Story nine.
Category: Some angst, some fluff, some steam, some smut.
Warnings: Cussing. Drugs. Mentions of drug abuse. Shots fired. Discussion of prior sexual abuse. Oral (both receiving), penetrative (unprotected), fingering, creampie.
Word Count: 3.5k
A/N: This is my first time writing smut. Forgive me if it’s bad and I’d love to hear your feedback. Also, I know injuries don’t heal that fast but we are just going to ignore it.
Side note: Somewhere in here I hit 50k words of fanfic.
About a week or so after Spencer and I talked about our problems, the rest of the team figured it out. Or at least I assumed the rest of the team figured it out because Hotch figured it out. Well, all of it except the kiss. That no one knew about. And things would have been fine and we would have continued going to work as usual if Reid had just listened to me. But no, instead, he made a poor decision that led to us both taking a required two weeks off.
# # # # # # # # # # # # #
A knock sounded at my door. I got up to check who it was through the peephole and saw that it was none other than Spencer Reid.
“Hey Doctor Genius,” I said as I opened the door to let him in. It had been two days since he’d confronted me and slept over. “What’s up?”
There was terror in his eyes, “I need your help.”
“Of course. What’s going on?” My own eyes got wider at his apparent panic.
“The guy I’m getting the drugs from. He’s threatening me,” he said. I slowly nodded.
“Threatening to what? It’s very common for dealers to threaten certain things, especially if you are late on payment. Are you in debt?” I asked.
“No, no, nothing like that.”
“Then what?”
He hesitated.
“Spencer, what?”
“I’m friends with someone who lives in the apartment complex he makes me meet him at. He’s telling me that if I don’t pay him extra, or get him information on the bureau, he is going to go in there and kill them, then expose me to the FBI,” his voice had dropped to a whisper and he sounded out of breath.
“Holy shit. How’d he find this out? Do you visit this friend often?”
“No. I’ve actually never been to the apartment complex until he made me meet him there,” Spencer said.
“What? So how does he know they live there if you’ve never visited them?”
“I don’t know.”
“Do you think he could be bluffing?”
“I don’t think so. I don’t think I can take that chance.”
I let out a huge sigh, realizing that I hadn’t exactly been breathing for the past couple of minutes. “Who’s your dealer?”
“He calls himself Koda.”
“Koda?” I confirmed, “As in, Dakoda?”
“I’d assume so,” Reid said, nodding.
“Shit!” Koda was one of the old Cloak members that I cut when making the switch to my underground ring. He didn’t go easily, and vowed that I would regret that decision. I’d caught wind that he was doing pretty well for himself right before I went to prison, and by now he was one of the most well known drug runners in the northeast.
“What? Why is that a problem?” the panic was rising in his voice.
“It’s nothing. I’ll handle it,” I said, already heading toward the door.
“What does that mean?”
“It means that this is bad, but I’m going to handle it,” I hissed.
“I’m coming with you.”
I rapidly turned to face him. “No. You’re not.”
“Yes I am. And you can’t stop me.”
“You wanna bet?” This was a situation Reid was way too close to and way too underprepared for, and I couldn’t afford having him get in more trouble than he already was. He needed to stay behind.
“Please. I got myself and my friend into this mess. Let me help get us out,” his eyes were pleading.
“Who is this friend anyway?” He just looked at me, mouth agape. He was struggling to find the right words. “Forget it. But if I’m going to be sticking my neck out for this person, they better be worth it.” I shot my eyebrows up at him.
“They are,” he quickly confirmed.
I exited my apartement, Spencer on my heels. I shut and locked my door and turned to head down the stairs. When we reached the bottom I turned to him.
“I have one rule. You let me handle this my way, and when I tell you to do something, you do it. Got it?”
“Got it.”
# # # # # # # # # # # # #
We reached a payphone, one that Spencer directed me to, and I unlocked the car doors to let him out.
“You make the call like you would any other. You need to meet at the usual spot and act as natural as possible,” I reminded him. He nodded and got out of the car, half speed walking, half jogging to the phone. The call only took a minute or so, and he bounced back into the passenger seat.
“How long?”
“20 minutes.” I nodded. I drove us over to the apartment complex, paying more attention now that I knew there was someone he cared about inside. Or at least he thought lived inside. We sat in the parking lot in silence, waiting for the 20 minutes to be over.
“I’m so sorry,” he whispered, shaking his head, “I’m so stupid.”
“Reid, this isn’t your fault. You didn’t know any better. I’m just glad you came to me when you did,” I said. Yes, I was pissed that this was happening but he wasn’t to blame. He didn’t know the ins and outs of how these things worked in real time, and when it got too hard he was smart enough to ask for help instead of letting it get even messier.
The 20 minutes were up. I saw Koda peek his head out from behind the building, but no new cars had shown up. Good. He’s on foot. Which also probably means he’s alone.
“Stay here,” I said, leaving the car before Reid could protest. I reached a hand behind me, just to make sure I still had my gun, then walked confidently to the back of the complex.
When I turned the corner, Koda was grinning at me.
“Ah, Aundreya! It’s about time you showed up!”
“How’ve you been, Koda?” I indulged him.
“Oh, don’t pretend you care. We both know you’re only here to save your little pet,” he said, eyes getting bigger in excitement.
“So, how’d you know I was going to be here?”
“Please, you’re fucking everywhere! I knew you’d show up eventually. You always do.” His face looked sour.
“True. You know how much I enjoy raining on your pity parades,” I taunted.
“I do. It must hurt no longer having that amusement.”
“Not really. I, too, have moved on to bigger and better things. I don’t care if you're some hot-shot runner. You’re still just a runner,” I said, clicking my tongue and shaking my head.
“Yeah, and you of all people, are now just another one of the government’s bitches,” he said, mirroring my gestures.
“Look, I’m not here to talk about our differences in life choices. I’m just here so you know to stay the hell away from my … pet, as you so graciously put it.”
“Yeah, pass. He owes me, and I’m going to get as much bang for my buck outta this one. You understand,” he said with a wink.
I scowled and cocked my head to the side. “See, that’s the thing. I wasn’t asking.”
“You don’t control me. If you wanted to, you should have thought about that six years ago.”
I rolled my eyes and my tone was demeaning. “Still on that, huh? You have got to get over it. I’m sorry I hurt your feelings, but you just weren’t good enough back then.”
“Yeah, back then. I’m definitely good enough now. Your loss.”
“If that’s what you need to hear,” I said. We stared each other down.
“But to get back to the point, I’m not going to leave your boy alone.”
“Yes. You are.”
“Or what?”
I smiled. I was hoping he would ask that. Before he could blink, I had his right forearm in my left hand, stepping my right leg behind his back. With my right hand on his side, I swiftly threw his entire body weight over my hip, and he hit the pavement with a thud, knocking the wind out of him. I held onto his right arm, now taking it in both hands, and put my foot down on his shoulder. I yanked his arm as hard as I could away from his body and he let out a screech.
I bent over so I was closer to his face. “Or next time, I won’t stop here.”
I released his arm and watched it drop right next to his scrunched up face. When I turned around, Spencer’s jaw was on the ground.
He wasn’t supposed to see that.
“What the hell!” I snarled. “I had one rule!”
He was stunned, his eyes glued to Koda, so I just grabbed his arm and yanked him down the alley that led back to my car.
“Hey, Aundreya!” I turned around to face the direction of the voice. Time moved in slow motion as I comprehended Koda aiming his gun at us. With my left hand, I went to pull Spencer behind me and with my right, I reached behind me to pull out my own gun.
Two shots rang out, one quickly followed by the other, as both men collapsed.
“Spencer!” I yelled, turning to him. He was on his knees and I sunk to mine. Both of his hands were clutching his right side, just under his ribcage.
“I’m okay,” he got out between shaky breaths. I called 911.
“Spencer, you’re going to be fine, the paramedics are on their way,” I assured.
He nodded his head in Koda’s direction. “What about him?”
Only then did I remember that there was someone else in the equation. I didn’t have to look to know that he was dead, but I checked anyway. I’d hit him right between the eyes. “He’s gone.”
I rushed back to Spencer and I cradled his head as more and more blood soaked his shirt. It started to seep through his hands so I placed one of mine on top, trying to apply as much pressure as I could.
“Where are they, dammit!” How could the ambulance be so slow?
“You know … the average ambulance response time … is approximately … nine minutes … and twenty-four seconds…” he tried through labored breaths.
“Shh. Don’t talk. I’ve got you,” I said. The blood flow wasn’t slowing down any time soon, so I removed my hands from him momentarily to take off my jacket, followed by my t-shirt.
“What are you-”
“Sh. I said no talking.” I ripped my shirt into strips, trying to make as many as possible that would also get the job done. “Move your hands.”
He obeyed and I quickly wrapped each one around his body, tying knots above and on top of his wound. I ended up getting five strips out of my t-shirt which wasn’t bad. I shuffled behind him and wrapped my arms around him like a sixth layer, pressing both of my hands on his side. I helped him lean back so that his head was resting on my shoulder. Shortly after, he added his hands on top of mine, both of us working hard to preserve as much blood as we could. We were frozen together, completely unmoving, both of us focused on his breathing.
Seven minutes later, the paramedics finally arrived.
“Miss, we are going to have to ask you to move aside,” they told me. But I couldn’t. I was firmly planted where I was, unable to force myself out of the way. “Miss?”
Spencer tilted his head slightly to look up at me. He attempted a small smile and nodded. “It’s okay. They’ve got me.”
I nodded at him, then the paramedics, and reluctantly gave up my spot behind him so they could help him. I winced when I saw them hoist him onto a stretcher and load him into the ambulance.
I had tunnel vision focused on Reid.
“Miss?” I jumped. “Is this yours?”
A young, blonde haired man was holding up my jacket. “Oh, uh, yeah. Thanks.”
“You did a great job. Those knots saved him a lot of blood.”
“Thanks,” I repeated. He smiled at me and placed a quick hand on my shoulder before getting into the other ambulance that had Koda’s body covered with a white sheet.
# # # # # # # # # # # # #
When I arrived at the hospital, the rest of the team had beat me there. I called them before I got into the car, following the second ambulance.
“Oh my god! What happened?” Penelope asked. She already had tears in her eyes.
“This guy was threatening Reid, so I went to talk to him about it, and he pulled his gun on us,” I quickly explained. They didn’t have to know about the drugs.
“Jeez,” JJ said, putting her hands on her head in distress. “Threatening him with what?”
“I don’t know, exactly. Just asking for information about the FBI or something.” It wasn’t my place to answer questions regarding Reid’s friend. I wasn’t 100% sure what he did and didn’t want them to know, so I tried to be as vague as possible, while also providing bits of the truth.
“How about you? Are you okay?” Emily asked. I surveyed myself and realized I looked a lot worse than I’d thought. I had slipped on my jacket before entering the hospital, but I neglected to zip it up because everything was so frantic. I had blood all over my jacket and my exposed stomach and bra. I had a few stains on my pants as well, but the worst of it was on my hands. I could tell my hair was ratted because I kept pushing it out of my face as a nervous habit. Which meant there was most likely blood in it as well.
“Uh, yeah. I’m better than I look,” I lied. I wasn’t injured, but I definitely felt like shit.
“Let’s get you cleaned up,” Emily said, placing a soft hand on my back, guiding me toward the bathroom.
I nodded. “That’s probably a good idea.”
I was able to wash off the blood on my hands and stomach, I even put my head under the faucet to clean my hair, but my clothes were a totally different story. I didn’t have any extras, so I was forced to stay in them. I returned to the waiting area with wet hair, clean skin, and my bloodied jacket, now zipped up over my bloody bra. I sat down next to Derek and across from Aaron, Emily opting to stand behind me.
“Do you think you can answer some questions?” Hotch asked.
“Yeah. For sure.”
“Where did this happen?”
“It was behind an old apartment complex off of Revered.”
“Who were you meeting?”
“Some guy, he called himself Koda.”
“Why were you going to meet him?”
“All Reid told me was that this guy was threatening him and he needed my help. I went to talk to him, just to scare him a little. He was clearly a street rat so I knew he’d know who I am.”
“Did he show up alone?”
“Did you show up alone?”
“Yes. I told Spencer to stay in the car.”
“What did you say to Koda?”
“I told him to back off, he challenged that, so I tossed him on the ground, dislocated his shoulder, and told him that if he didn’t quit messing with Reid, I wouldn’t stop next time.”
Everyone on the team knew that I could be ruthless, but each time it got explicitly pointed out, I could feel the slight tension radiating from them. I learned that part of that was rage in support of me and part of that was some other mixture of emotions against me.
“Then what?”
“Then I turned around and Reid was standing there. He wasn’t supposed to be there. I’d told him to stay in the car, I made him promise me to stay in the car. But he was there, so I tried to get us both back to the car quickly. Koda said something so I turned around, and he had drawn his gun. I reached for mine as I pulled Reid behind me. I shot Koda but not quickly enough because the next thing I knew, Reid was collapsing behind me.” Tears started welling up in my eyes at the vivid memory, the gut-wrenching feeling of panic, but I willed them not to spill over.
“What did you do then?”
“I saw that the bullet had hit him in the side and called 911. Spencer asked me about Koda, so I checked to see if he was dead and he was. I tried to apply pressure to his wound with my hands, and that’s when he informed me that it would probably take the ambulance ten minutes to arrive so I knew I had to do something else. I ripped my shirt into strips and knotted them around him, trying to stop the bleeding. It helped, but he started to bleed through onto our hands. That’s when the paramedics showed up and then we were here,” I concluded. They were all nodding at my words, gentleness in their eyes.
The doctor came out, so we all stood up, practically swarming her. “Doctor Reid is going to be fine,” we all let out a collective sigh of relief, “The bullet grazed his right side and slightly fractured his lower rib. He lost a lot of blood and we had to give him pretty extensive stitches, but he is going to be fine. He will need to be hooked up to his IV over night and put in a brace for the next couple of weeks. You can see him if you want.”
We all pushed by her, nearly tripping over each other, in order to get to his room as fast as we could. He was laying down in the hospital bed, an IV attached to his arm. He smiled at us.
“Hey guys,” he croaked. He tried to sit up but winced and laid back down.
“Hey pretty boy,” Morgan said. “How are you feeling?”
“Terrible actually. How are you?” he asked, directing his attention at me.
“Well, I’m not the one in the hospital bed,” I countered.
“You always say things like that. For real,” he pleaded.
“I’m fine, rattled at most. Doing a lot better now that I know your dumbass is okay,” I said raising my eyebrows. “Why’d you do that?”
“I was worried when you hadn’t come back after a few minutes. Then I heard screaming and I had to come check on you,” he replied.
“You should have listened to me, I would have been fine. Your first instinct needs to be self preservation.”
“That’s not your first instinct,” he accused.
“Yes it is,” I defended.
“It may have been at one point, but it isn’t any more. Otherwise you wouldn’t have helped me to begin with,” he argued.
“Well there are more important people in my life now than just myself.” I looked around at the people standing in that room with me, and I was glad, and honestly relieved, that it was true.
“Aww, how sweet of you! I knew you secretly cared about me!” Morgan teased, giving me a gentle nudge.
“Oh get over yourself,” I rolled my eyes, nudging him back. I looked back at Spencer who was giving me those doe eyes. “Please, just never do that again. That goes for all of you. I don’t ever wanna see anyone else in a hospital bed.”
“Yes, ma’am,” Prentiss said with a smile.
“Agreed,” Spencer said.
“I hate to break this up, but Aundreya, can I talk to you for a moment?” Hotch asked.
“Sure.” I followed him out into the hallway. “What’s going on?”
“I told the police the events you recounted to me and because it was self-defense, they are going to let you off. Of course, they are required to ask Reid a series of similar questions, corroborating your story, but you should be in the clear.” I nodded. That was good news, but there was something else. “However, because this wasn’t related to a case we were working on, I’m going to suspend you for two weeks.” There it was.
“A few reasons. What you went through is traumatic, you’ve been working really hard lately, and it would be good for Reid to have someone with him while he recovers. It would be good for both of you. So take the full two weeks and I don’t want to see you back before then,” he gave me a stern look that asked if I understood.
He turned to walk back into Spencer’s room but quickly added, “And do everyone a favor by getting yourself and Reid clean during this time off.”
Part 2
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addiction, m | myg, ksj | prologue
in other words: My Roommate is a Drug Dealer
pairing(s): yoongi x reader, seokjin x reader, ??? x reader
summary: Min Yoongi is in luck when a super cheap room is up for rent. Or maybe not.
warnings: non-idol!AU; in which everyone makes bad choices; slow burn; rated M (18+) for language, mentions of drug abuse, depression and suicidal thoughts, abusive relationships, eventual smut
note: Main character is female. I use ‘she’ instead of ‘you’ in this case because I’m more comfortable writing the omnipresent POV. You are welcome to think of ‘she’ as yourself or an OC. Her name is never explicitly mentioned. The character’s appearance is set to fit the story and her role.
When he saw the ad online, he couldn’t believe the price. It had to be a joke. There had to be hidden fees or something wrong with the room. He was preparing himself for disappointment. It was too good to be true. As he arrived to the neat complex, he checked around for anything sketchy. It was eerily quiet as he knocked.
“Min Yoongi, right?”
The woman who greeted him at the door was calm and polite. She was wearing a large baggy gray sweatshirt and black pants with black slippers. He guessed she was around his age. Long dark hair, tied in a low ponytail. A plain, almost forgettable face. Almost, if it wasn’t for her piercing dark eyes. They were like bottomless pits, as if he was staring into a pair of black holes. He looked away quickly, somewhat perturbed.
“Uh… yeah. I’m here to look at the room.”
He needed this. After being kicked out of his last apartment, he couldn’t go home. He had to have something to show his parents that he could be successful in the music industry. But after producing a few remote albums and tracks, he barely had anything. Not to mention getting ripped off multiple times had him in this sticky financial situation. He bit his lip as he stepped into the apartment, looking around anxiously.
It was actually a very empty apartment. The center room was a living room and kitchen combination but there was no living room furniture, only a record player and boxes of records on a large bookshelf against the wall. The kitchen had two black stools at the counter. It was clean and neat, almost military. She gestured to the right, to the open door.
“This is the room,” the woman was saying quietly. “Bathroom is around the corner.”
There was no furniture in the room. Absolutely none. He tilted his head, looking around. The hardwood floors shone and despite how clean it was, he could see nick marks in the wood. He almost breathed in relief. At least there was some evidence someone lived here.
“Why hasn’t the room been rented out yet?” he asked, turning to the woman. “It looks nice.”
She was watching him carefully. It was unsettling. “Because I have rules that the tenant must agree to.”
Here we go. “What rules?”
Her eyes were fixated on him, blinking very sparingly. She held a hand up, counting with her fingers. “One: no people over. None. No friends, no family, no fuckbuddies. You want to fuck someone, do it at their place,” she stated with a completely straight face.
He was stunned at her language. He was beginning to understand why this place was still up for rent.
“Two: clean up after yourself. I will not ask twice. If you do not clean up after yourself, I will kick you out without hesitation. Three: I live in the room across from you.” She pointed with her pinky and he saw the other room opposite his. The door was closed. “If you have a problem with that, then leave. And finally, four…”
She paused. His throat felt dry.
“You break the record player or any of the records, I will break you.”
She said it so seriously that he was confused for a second. “Is... is that it?”
A small smile appeared on her lips. He blinked.
“Well, usually I just turn people away when I know they’re going to be assholes. You seem alright,” she replied, more to herself than to him. “You said you were a music producer? Is your work quiet?”
“I can work with headphones on,” he said hurriedly. “If needed, I can soundproof the room so you don’t hear much.”
“Hmm.” She was inspecting him like a hawk. He could feel her eyes on him. She took a few steps around him as she entered the room after him. “Have a lot of friends?”
His eyes shifted to the floor. “Not really.”
“Yeah, well, me neither. Rent is due on the first of each month.”
And that was that.
She was polite enough. She helped him move all of his equipment into the room and brought him some tables and a chair, saying they were from a secondhand store. He brought a mattress and set it up with a pillow and blanket. She was always dressed plainly. She had thin hands and long fingers. He noticed them when she was helping him move the tables.
He didn’t understand if she had a job or not. He would hear her leave at random times and she would reappear at equally random times. Sometimes in a black long coat, sometimes in a black bomber jacket and jeans, sometimes in a fluffy white jacket that made her look like a giant marshmallow. He noticed her makeup was always different too – sometimes very little, sometimes quite heavy, sometimes somewhere in between. If it wasn’t for his dire financial situation, he might have thought more about how he wasn’t quite sure what her face looked like.
Instead he spent most of his time in his room, working on his music.
“How’s my favorite girl?”
“I’m fine, Seokjin.”
She almost rolled her eyes at the man, who was sitting between two very attractive, very coked-out women. They threw themselves all over him, kissing his neck and chest through his dress shirt and blazer. Unfortunately, she couldn’t roll her eyes. She had to be serious.
He pouted. It was almost cute, if it wasn’t for the dangerous glint in his eyes. “Just fine? How can I make it better, my darling?”
“I’m not your darling, Seokjin,” she corrected calmly, setting the laptop bag in front of him. It was a scruffy laptop bag, similar to the type that students used.
He pushed the girls aside and opened the bag, eyes lighting up at he saw the money. He zipped it back up and set his elbows on his knees, looking up curiously at her. “Wearing your gloves again, I see.”
She shrugged. “Eczema is pretty bad this year.”
The corner of his mouth curved upwards. “It’s bad every day of the year.”
She didn’t reply. He noticed she was dressed in a long black coat with a white blouse and ill-fitted black pants. Simple black shoes. Almost as if she was going to work. He frowned, shaking his head.
“I’m not into this ensemble today. I much preferred the jogger aesthetic you had on last time.”
She smiled. “You just like tight pants.”
“You know me too well.”
He stood up, confusing the girls. They ended up flopping on top of each other, giggling. He walked around the marble coffee table, handing her a leather-bound folder stuffed with papers.
“I’m glad you decided to continue working for me.”
She kept the smile plastered to her face as she took the folder from him. She kept it there as she bowed politely and walked out of that room, out of that house. Out of that neighborhood, until she was on the subway. The smile faded, replaced with a blank expression. The leather folder felt heavy in her hands. It felt like a brick she was dragging all the way home. She walked into the apartment, hearing the faint bass of music leaking underneath Yoongi’s door. He was a model roommate. He would probably be good looking too if he wasn’t so obsessed with music and less with eating a normal diet. But he was clean and kept to himself, so all was well.
She slipped into her room and locked the door.
The leather-bound folder was placed on the empty table. She took off her black leather gloves and replaced them with plastic ones. A swift swipe with a disinfecting wipe to get rid of the oils and the fingerprints. She opened the folder carefully, putting the useless papers aside. She found what she was looking for.
She pulled up her chair and sat down, staring at it.
It was like this every time. She questioned it every time. Then, like clockwork, she turned and opened a drawer to find the small plastic baggies. Slowly and carefully, she began to divide the white powder into the appropriate weight using the small scale in her desk.
So careful not to breathe it in.
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thewritingcaddy · 4 years
Pridefest Question Mess created by @raevenlywrites (Part 1)
I have decided to answer in the form of an essay (which I’ve divided into two parts). The questions provided are under the cut. 
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My name’s Mel, short for Melanie. I’m 29 and I’m Welsh. I still live in Wales. :) I wear hearing aids (and glasses), and I have fibromyalgia. I also struggle with depression, anxiety, OCD and panic attacks.My passions and hobbies include reading, writing, gaming, arts/crafts/needlework, penpals, film/TV, the internet and social media, swimming (although I don’t get to go at the moment), horses, dogs, cats, marine biology, paleozoology, crytozoology, history, culture, British Sign Language, and playing bingo.
As a writer, I write fantasy, sci-fi and dystopia, with a little poetry and horror. I want to write some literary stuff and more essays. My current main project is Haunted Towers (working title). It’s a paranormal, sci-fi mash-up with magic. It’s meant to be like Scooby Doo, Ghostbusters and Men In Black with Goosebumps, Stranger Things and Dracula thrown in. Also Luigi’s Mansion, because that’s where I got the idea. 
I write LGBT characters, because I am LGBT. I also care, and I want people to find themselves in books the way I have through my struggles with depression. I want my books to be what makes it better for someone when everything is crap. The way other authors have done, and do, for me. And including LGBT+ characters and themes gives me the chance to do that for that community. After all, no one knows what it’s like to be gay or bi or aro, unless they are. And those of us that are need to be there for all the rest, particularly the younger ones. We need to be what we didn’t have for the next generation.
I haven’t always written LGBT characters. I started writing at 6 and didn’t realise I was gay until gone 20. I started having LGBT characters at 21.
Well I know lots of people don’t like labels. Especially if they’re other people’s labels. But I personally like the term “lesbian”, so that’s what I use. If someone wants me to use a different word to describe them, I would always respect that. In my writing, I currently stick to plain old gay, lesbian or bi, and I do use those terms. I don’t tend to write other LGBT+ characters, although I want to change this. I’m attempting to write Liv as genderfluid, although I don’t use a specific term for them yet.
Questions for you:
Introduce yourself! Tell us a little bit about you and what you write
Why do you write LGBT+ characters?
Have you always written LGBT+ characters? If no, what inspired you to start? Is it a deliberate representational choice?
Do you use modern labels in your work? Why or why not?
World builders: do you have any neat societal twists? (unique names for IDs, different marriage practices, etc.)
Do you write outside your own experiences? (cis writing trans, wlw writing mlm, etc.) If yes, how confident do you feel about it?
Tell us about a favorite book/character someone else wrote that inspired you (or just plain gave you a warm and fuzzy)
Any advice for someone else writing LGBT+ characters?
Would you like people to ask you more questions when this is over?
Free space! Wax poetic about something near and dear to your heart.
Questions for your Ocs (in character or out, dealer’s choice):
Say hi! Let us get to know you, you big beautiful person, you!
How do you feel about the world your author has created for you?
Are you out? To whom, why or why not, etc?
Tell us a little about your journey. Have you always IDed the way you do now? Are there parts of you you’re still figuring out?
Do you feel settled in your ID, or do you think it might change as you and your author go on?
Did your author always know you were [blank], or did you have to tell them? If yes, oh please, please tell us how! :3
Is being [blank] particularly hard in your world? How does your society treat you differently than ours might?
Tell us a little about your unique experiences with your ID. Do you experience dysphoria? Is it impossible to find a date? Just want to find that special someone for snuggles but everyone expects sex? Unload for a minute, it’s okay to struggle sometimes.
What’s the best part about being [blank] in your world?
Do you like getting fan-mail? Would you like people to ask you more questions when this is over?
Grab that mic! Drop some truth on us, something you’ve just been dying to share! Shout out to your besties!
Questions for either you or your OCs:
What’s your orientation and gender? Wave that flag!!!
When did you realize you were LGBT+?
What makes your heart melt?
Do you have a favorite LGBT+ song? Movie? Book? Artist? (comic?)
Do you have a secret crush outside of your own work? Some wild crossover OTP?
Tell us about your LGTB+ headcannons (I’d really love to see someone’s character answer this)
What’s your favorite thing about being LGBT+?
Is there a cool place you like to hang out with your squad? Maybe an LGBT+ meet up?
What are some things you do to keep positive?
Do you have any advice for young LGBT+ people?
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
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summahsunlight · 4 years
We Belong the Stars, Ch. 29
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Rating: Mature (18+ only)
Pairings: Poe/Skywalker!OC
Characters: Poe Dameron, Leia Organa, BB-8, Kaleb Skywalker (OC), Evelyn Skywalker (OC), Karé Kun, Iolo Arana, Snap Wexley, Jessika Pava, BB-8
Taglist: @ms-dont-care​, @liadamerondjarin​
Taglist is open! Just send me an ask, message, or comment here to be added!  Like reading this? Please feel free to leave a comment on the post, in an ask, or even a reblog. I LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU❤️
Poe sat hunched over the controls of the Mirror Bright while it flew towards Kaddak. He couldn't stop thinking about Evelyn, the danger she was in and if they didn't get to her before the First Order.  She'd disappear--Kylo Ren and Snoke would make sure of that.  If only she had given him more time back on Canto Bright to think of a plan...
Kaleb pat him on the shoulder, encouragingly before sitting down in the co-pilot's seat. "Aunt Leia wants us to debrief once we pull out of hyperspace.  Seems Dane and Rennick found some information for us."
"Great," Poe mumbled, rubbing his temples. "He must be dancing with glee to stick it to me for allowing Evelyn to be captured."
"I wouldn't say dancing," Kaleb replied. "Kaydel did say he was strutting around a bit more though..."
Raising his head, Poe glared at him. "Really? You're going to joke at a time like this?"
Sighing, Kaleb nodded. "Yes, because if I don't try to lighten the mood--the tension is going to choke us."
Poe closed his eyes.  Kaleb had a valid point.  The tension had been thick since Black Squadron had returned to D'Qar without Evelyn.  "I'm sorry," he said, suddenly.
Kaleb groaned, softly.  "Dameron, we've been through this--I don't blame you for what happened.  Evelyn tricked you, you were left with no choice but to let her go."
"I made a promise to you--to keep her safe. I broke that promise."
"We both know it was a ridiculously hard promise to keep--she was flying in your squadron after all."
BB-8 chirped some encouraging words; Poe sighed and nodded, trying to remain hopeful. It was hard though, when they were flying towards one of the most lawless places in the galaxy.  The Resistance wasn't going to give them much clout on Kaddak.  Black Squadron was on stand by if Poe and Kaleb didn't report in 24 hours that they had Evelyn, but even then Poe wasn't sure his pilots would be of much help. 
Kaleb's brow furrowed in concern for his friend.  Poe was usually the optimistic one.  Something was eating at him, and it was more than just Evelyn being caught.  "You couldn't have known that Oddy was the mole.  He was your friend; he was always concerned when Black Squadron was away and now that I think about it, when Evelyn was grounded, he spent a lot of time with her." Maybe we should have known... 
Poe shook his head to clear his thoughts. "It's not that.  Oddy was blackmailed into betraying us because Terex felt it was fine to threatening someone Oddy loved.  Well, whose to say that won't happen to one of us? What if the whole reason that Evelyn was taken was so you and Leia could be blackmailed? Or me?"
"She wasn't taken to manipulate my aunt or myself or even you--she was taken to be turned into a weapon."
"Why? Because turning Ben into a mass murderer wasn't enough?"
Instantly, Poe regretted those words when he saw the anguish flash through Kaleb's blue eyes.  Ben's fall to the dark side had ripped the Skywalkers and Solos apart and while most of the galaxy thought that Ben had died that night at the Temple--Poe was one of the few that knew he hadn't.  He'd been on Yavin the night it happened--his father had been with him when the found an injured Kaleb and Evelyn, stumbled across Sela's body--Poe had also been present when Kaleb and Evelyn made the terrible confirmation that it had been Ben that led the uprising, Ben that had murdered their mother.  Everything had crumbled after that. "I'm sorry, that was... that was insensitive..."
Kaleb smiled, sadly, and shook his head. "What? It's true, isn't it?  Snoke poisoned Ben into believing that the Jedi were evil and he needed to kill every last one of us.  He turned Ben into what he is now--if there's anything left of my cousin at all."
Poe glanced away, briefly. "It wasn't your fault--just like it wasn't Evelyn's or you father's. Your family needs to stop blaming themselves for the choices that Ben made."
"You sound like Lando--he said the same things to my aunt and uncle."
"Well--you have to admit we might be on to something."
BB-8 chirped that they were pulling out of hyperspace.  Poe turned in his chair and effortless guided the ship towards the planet's surface. They had located a spot far outside of the city to land, away from the prying eyes of criminals.  Luckily here no one really checked who was coming in and out of the system--it was essential if they wanted to keep up the illegal business.  Poe put the Mirror Bright down near a cave and shut the ship down. "Let's get in touch with Dane and Rennick."
Kaleb sighed and nodded, submitting Dane's comm code.  The spy appeared looking smug as usual. "I see you've managed to keep yourselves alive."
Poe resisted the urge to roll his eyes. "We just arrived."
"Ah, so there's still time for you to piss off one of the many gangs here, Dameron."
"Do you have anything for us or did you just want us to call to taunt me, Dane?"
"As fun as that would be--we actually do you have information for you."
Dane pursed his lips, realizing that Poe wasn't in the mood to play along.  "Terex runs a gang out of Kaddak.  He has a compound on the planet--after you left, Oddy contacted us again, giving us security codes to enter the compound, safely." 
Rennick appeared in the holo projection then. "Commander, we don't have to tell you how dangerous these men are--if you and Captain Skywalker are caught--well, it was nice knowing you."
Poe sighed and nodded, curtly.  Black Squadron had been in some nasty places in the last few months, but nothing compared to the dangers he was facing here with Kaleb.  But he needed to rescue Evelyn, and he needed to get her back D'Qar safely.  So, if he had to go charging into a compound swarming with gang members--he was going to do it. "We'll contact you if we need anything," he sad, reaching to shut the communication done.
"Wait!" Rennick stopped him. "Remember, if we don't hear from you in twenty-four hours, we're sending Black Squadron and our best special operations forces in, got it, Commander?"
"Got it," Poe said, shutting the communication down. He glanced at Kaleb and sighed, "In case those codes don't work--any thoughts on how to break into a gang stronghold?"
Evelyn hated waiting and she decided that she particularly hated waiting to die.  Because that was the only way this was going to turn out once Terex handed her over to Hux and Kylo Ren--she wouldn't give them what they wanted--she wouldn't turn to the dark side, she couldn't tell them where her father had gone. Once they realized she was worthless to them, she had no doubt that the Supreme Leader would have her executed. And he would probably have Ben to it since he had failed the first time the night the Temple fell. 
Hearing heavy footsteps near her cell, Evelyn glanced up to see Terex smiling at her.  He unlocked the door and stepped inside, brandishing a bottle and two glasses of wine. "Care to join me for a drink, my dear?"
"Do I have much of a choice?" Evelyn countered, glaring at him.
"I'm not going to force the wine down your throat if that's what your asking," Terex replied, closing the cell door behind him.  He sat down in the small chair kitty-cornered from her cot. 
"I'll pass, thanks."
"Relax, my dear. According to General Hux you've been bestowed a great honor to meet the Supreme Leader."
"I think General Hux and I have different opinions of what construes as a great honor," Evelyn snapped.
Terex chuckled and poured himself and Evelyn a glass of wine.  When she looked reluctant to take it, he grinned. "Now, Miss Skywalker, why would I put poison in this?  Like we discussed earlier--you are worth a lot of money to me, my dear."
Evelyn glared at him but still didn't take the wine. "I hope they're happy you bombed a city street to get me."
"Actually, that wasn't me; seems there are a few turf wars going on between arms dealers.  That was an assassination attempt--I just got lucky."
"And if the bombs had killed me?"
"Well then, I suspect the First Order would have dealt with the arms dealer that took their prize from them."
"Believe me, I'm not a prize to them--they view me as another weapon." 
Grinning, Terex sipped his wine. Once again he held the other glass out to her. "See? Not poison."  He delighted when she took his offering and sniffed it, just to make sure.  "I think you and I could have had a beautiful friendship, Miss Skywalker, if circumstances were different."
Curiously, Evelyn stared at him. "Friendship? You were hired by the First Order to kidnap me, attempted to kill my friends... and you think we could have had a friendship?"
Terex nodded. "We're not so different, you and I, Miss Skywalker."
Evelyn glared. "Please. Elaborate."
"Neither of us are a fan of the First Order."
"If that's the case, why are you working for them?"
He shrugged. "I needed the money.  Business has been difficult since your family dismantled the Empire."
She rolled her eyes. "Well, I'm so sorry about that."
Terex put his glass down and leaned forward in his seat.  He took her chin in his hand, less aggressively than she anticipated. "Your family should have had the foresight to realize that the Emperor wouldn't leave ways for his Empire to return--for him to return."
Evelyn felt a cold dread run through her.  Long before Ben's fall to the dark side and the destruction of the Temple, her mother had worried about the possible return of the Empire--Sela had specifically cited that there had already been factions of it breaking off before the Battle of Yavin.  "The Emperor is dead.  My grandfather killed him."
"So the First Order would like you to think," Terex said, standing. He hovered over her. "The Republic is nothing but a facade, my dear." 
"The Senate would never..." Evelyn started to say, until she felt a tingly sensation forming in her limbs. "What...what did you...what did you do to me?"
"Just a little something to relax you my dear," the First Order agent replied, holding a small needle up. He'd distracted her just enough to inject her with the drug. "Now, don't fight it, Miss Skywalker--that will only make it worse."
If she had wanted to fight it, there was no way that she could--already Evelyn could feel the drug taking affect. "Bastard," she managed to snarl just before the ship faded away to darkness.
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edda-blattfe · 5 years
Halloween owns the Woods (rp/collaborative fic)
Happy Halloween Everyone!
Let’s try something new this year! This little game is technically an rp, but with chapters and an ongoing story, up until the safe end. I guess you could say this is somewhat like dnd (just guessing, I’ve never actually played). I will be the dm and you the players! This little activity will go on even after Halloween is over, so don’t worry if your only now reading this in November or December!
- Only one “player” per “game”. Please do not repost another person’s “game log” (you can probably call it that) with intent of joining in on their game!
- All writing types are welcome!
- No OP (that would ruin the fun).
- No character hijacking! You can put in an action that will affect my characters, but I decide the effect it has. You may make suggestions, but I am still the dm.
- Call me out immediately if something is confusing or if I missed a certain detail. I might be dm, but I’m still human!
- This is a horror scenario. While I’m not going to kill anyone, mentions of manslaughter, gore, terrifying monsters, and cursing will occur and is encouraged. If you can not handle any of that, please refrain from joining! This is your TRIGGER WARNING!!!!
- I’ll be tagging these as “twisted wonderland horror”. Block it if you don’t want to see it!
- React naturally to the scenarios. Scream, laugh nervously, go into shock, vomit, cry, curse threaten, panic; these are all natural reactions to horror situations and are all perfectly reasonable things to add in!
- Please don’t take my character’s reactions personally. Remember, this is a horror scenario and everyone involved is under a shit ton of pressure!!!
- Read the chapter list to get an idea of what’s gonna happen.
- Take as much time as you need to reply. There is no time limit.
- We can discuss which characters you want to rp, as more will be introduced. Though, if they are your ocs I insist on you being responsible for them.
- Anny comments, questions, or concerns? Write them in the comment section or send me a message and I’ll answer it as soon as possible! Also, if you know anyone who might be interested in taking part feel free to tag them. (*cough* @twistedwonderlandimagines *cough*)
- If you ever want another one of these but in a different scenario feel free to send in a request!
Intro- Choose who “you” are (no fae characters allowed, that would ruin the scenario; humans, beastmen, and others are ok).
Run- Monster is introduced. Player chooses two characters (official or oc) they believe would break the rules to go into the woods at this time (dealers choice if you don’t want to choose).
Fight amongst friends- Basically, my character flips out on everyone for not obeying the rules. Dealer will choose a third “extra” character if they haven’t already been added to the party. Ends with more running away.
The Shed- Ah, yes, the infamous only place to hide scenario. Everyone runs in and more lecturing/arguing ensues.
Knock- Introduce a character more frightening than a monster (eg. Maleus, Lilia, *cough*Deidrick*cough*). They join the party.
Attack- The monster has found our hideaway! Gonna have to try and fight back.
Safe End- Crowley wtf took you so long?!?! Cool down time...maybe an apology or two from my character about going over the rails.
Moonlight poored through the barren branches of the towering trees around you, shrouding the world in a patchwork design of dazzling white light and thick, velvety shadows. The wind, crisp, cool, and bearing the scent of fallen leaves mixed with pumpkin spice laced through the forest. You could hear the dryed up leaves tumble across the ground with every small gust. Somewhere an owl heavily hooted. You soaked it all in, savoring every sensation.
Halloween was a good look for the forest.
You knew the warnings listed on those overly conspicuous posters that would just show up in all of the dorms a month before this grand holiday, an annual occurrence. “Do not enter the woods after sundown on the 31st.” “CAUTION: Students are asked to refrain from leaving the castle for any purpose after sundown on the 31st. If you have an emergency, report to the headmaster immediately.” “Fae walk the earth on Samhain. For your own safety, remain indoors.” Many of them would end with, “this has been a message from your friendly neighborhood cryptids,” and a pic of a cartoon jack o lantern or something of the sort. Some were more comedic than concerning. “It’s dangerous to go alone. Take this,” a couple of poultices would be taped to the poster. “Wanna die this year? The woods are that way!” “You say buddy system. I say two course meal!” The list went on and the lineup changed every year. Your upperclassmen still had one saved from last Halloween with an impressively drawn dullahan on it saying, “Heads are rather troublesome. Want me to take yours off your neck?”
Yes, you’d seen the literal warning signs. But you had to come out here, because.......
(Introduce “you” and why your out in the woods to begin scenario. Choose wisely, you won’t be able to switch characters. Good luck players!)
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chobit92 · 5 years
Home: Jacob Seed/OC Chapter 26
Warnings: Mature Themes. 
 (2 days Later: John is in his sports car on his way back from another of Joseph’s sermons. Church on a Tuesday. It only used to be Sundays. He turns onto the winding dirt road that leads to his ranch. He pulls in and parks his car. The guards he has posted outside look up. Akers gives him a wave then points to the large chalet. John frowns and turns his head to see Mara sitting on the steps. He smiles, immediately cheered up at the sight of her. She just can’t seem to keep away. He switches off the engine and gets out of the car walking over to the steps. Mara looks up at him wearily. She looks tired. She also has a split lip and a black eye. He frowns.).
John: What happened? Are you alright? Mara: Yeah. Great. Where’ve you been? Hot date? (He blinks several times then chuckles.). John: No. Joseph held a sermon. We missed you there. Mara: How am I meant to know when he’s holding a damn sermon? All that God stuff is a load of crap anyway. People only follow all that to make themselves feel better. John: There’s no making a believer out of you is there? Mara: For those who believe no proof is necessary. For those who do not believe, no proof is possible. (He tilts his head raising his eyebrows.). John: Hm. Where did you hear that? Mara: It’s a quote by Stuart Chase. John: Hm. So what brings you here? Mara: I dunno. What brings you here? John: I live here. (She laughs then stands up.). Mara: You want me to piss off? John: No. Come in. (She follows him inside and to the kitchen. He puts the kettle on and rubs his eyes before yawning.). Mara: Tired? John: Yes. Mara: Hm. Should’ve gone to bed earlier. (He chuckles.). John: I could say the same to you. Mara: What? John: You look exhausted. Mara: Jeez. You really know how to make a girl feel good about herself. (She laughs. He smiles.). Mara: I know I look like shit. I don’t need people telling me. John: I wouldn’t have gone that far. You just look tired is all. Mara: So I don’t look like shit then? John: No. I have already told you haven’t I? You are a beautiful young woman. (She looks sad for a moment. John frowns.). Mara: Thanks. John: What happened to your face? (She sits down at the table.). Mara: You should see the other guy right? John: Hm. (She sighs.). Mara: Got into a fight. John: With who? Mara: Guy called Wheaty. He’s a few years younger than me. We used to hang out in the woods when we were kids. His parents were dickheads too. John: Hm. So why did you fight with him? (Mara sighs.). Mara: He’s with the Whitetail Militia. John: Ah. I see. Mara: I’d gone for a walk and I saw him hanging out with some other guys with a tent in the woods. At first I couldn’t believe it. Hadn’t seen him for years. Didn’t know he still lived around here. But then he started talking about Rachel. About how Joseph had brainwashed her and that we couldn’t help her. So I told him to fuck off. Then I told him that me and my sister were just fine. So yeah...We then ended up having a massive argument. Won’t be long before Eli hears that I’m back in town. Hope he shits himself. (John frowns.). John: You know Eli? Mara: Yeah. Crazy doomsday prepper. It’s kinda funny though isn’t it? That he doesn’t believe in Edens Gate or the Collapse but yet he has a doomsday bunker. (John smiles.). John: Indeed. Mara: So he calls Joseph crazy for thinking the worlds gonna end but he has a bunker you know just in case. Hm. Make what you want of that. (She smiles and gets up. John smiles.). Mara: Are you having tea or coffee? John: It’s alright I can make it. (He gets up. She takes his plane mug out of the cupboard and puts it on the side. He goes over and reaches for the sugar at the same time she does. His hand ends up on top of hers. She pulls her hand away.). John: I said I can make it. (She moves away from the side and leans against it. John makes two cups of coffee then turns to her. He frowns at her. She is leaning against the side with her eyes half closed. Then she slides to the floor.). John: Are you alright? Mara: What? Yeah. (She struggles to get back on her feet so he steps forward and lifts her up. She falls again as her knees buckle and she ends up pressed against his chest. He wraps his arms around her.). John: Whoa. Are you drunk? Mara: Um. I wish. (She sighs.). Mara: I just...Need to lie down. John: What’s wrong with you? Mara: Dehydration, malnutrition, heartbreak. Dealers choice. John: Heartbreak? (He raises an eyebrow looking intrigued.). Mara: Yep. Nothing unusual. (Then she collapses. He stops her from falling.). John: Mara? Mara? (She appears to have passed out. He lifts her up and carries her upstairs. She smells of lavender. So sweet, so enticing. He carries her to his bedroom and lies her on his bed. He brushes her hair out of her face gazing down at her. So beautiful. He finds himself looking forward to smelling her on his sheets later. He stands there for a moment thinking then he removes his shoes and lies down next to her. He reaches out and brushes his fingers over her cheek then down her arm. A few minutes later she stirs and opens her eyes. She turns and blinks at him.). Mara: What happened? John: You passed out my dear. Mara: Why am I in your bed? John: I carried you here. Mara: And got into bed with me? You fancy me or something? John: What would give you that idea? Mara: You called me beautiful, you asked me to shower with you, you asked me to go to bed with you and now you have gotten into bed with me. What else am I meant to think? John: Hm. (She sighs. He frowns as he notices tears in her eyes.). John: What’s wrong? Mara: Nothing. (She finds herself thinking about Jacob again. How he used her and how she was stupid enough to let him.). John: Why are you upset? Mara: I’m just tired, thirsty and I need to eat before I pass out again. Ain’t easy being alone and having nothing you know? John: Then I will cook you something. Mara: You’re gonna cook? John: Yes. I can cook you know? Mara: Oh really? John: Yes. Cheeky. (She giggles. He stares at her. Damn she is pretty.). Mara: You don’t have to do this you know? John: I want to. Mara: Thank you. John: I am only doing this to make you say yes of course. (She laughs.). Mara: Oh of course. John: Your sister wants you to join us. She is worried she is going to lose you. Mara: She might yet. At this rate I’ll starve to death. John: Nonsense. Join us and you will be well looked after. Mara: Where would I live? John: Depends. Your sister probably wants you to stay with her. But there is also Joseph’s compound. That’s where most of Edens Gate stay. Or you could stay at my bunker with my people. Mara: A bunker. I think not. I don’t really do underground. John: Well once the collapse comes you will have no choice if you want to survive it. Mara: What would I do? Just sit around waiting for the world to end? John: No. There are things that need to be done. A lot of work that needs doing. There’s a job for everyone. Mara: But what would be mine? Cooking? Cleaning? Knitting? Typical women’s shit. John: What is it you would want to do? (She is silent for several minutes. She has no idea what she wants to do.). Mara: I just want to be me. I know I ain’t much but...That’s all I am. All I got. (There is silence for several minutes.). Mara: What are you gonna do for dinner? (He doesn’t answer. She turns to face him and sighs when she sees he has fallen asleep. She nudges him.). Mara: Oi. John. (He makes a cute little noise before rolling onto his back. She laughs and shakes her head. This guy is terrible. She thinks about all she has heard about this family. Yet so far she hasn’t seen anything heinous at all. Except for the cages outside the hotel where Jacob’s men hang out. She isn’t stupid. She knows this family is far from normal. But maybe they are just like herself. Sad, broken, angry and lost. She slowly reaches out and takes his hand in hers. His hand is so unlike Jacob's. His hand is warm and soft. She doesn’t know why she is holding his hand or why she is still lying here with him. All she has heard about him from Mary May Fairgrave. How he likes hurting people. Torturing them. What he sees as atonement. Why does her sister have to be with these people? Then she laughs at herself. She’s the one that dropped her knickers to the sickest one of all of them. She’s seen all the mutilated bodies strung up around the mountains. She knows it was Jacob and his men. Jacob really doesn’t seem to like people. But then she doesn’t like people much either. She can’t help but feel that there is something more to him than just a psycho killer. There has to be a reason why he does what he does. Just like there was a reason that she did what she did. She realises again that she can’t think of these people as psychos not after what she has done. She wonders why Jacob slept with her. Does he just randomly fuck any woman when he feels like it? The thought of him being with another woman makes her chest feel tight. But why? She doesn’t even know him. It was a stupid drunk mistake. That’s all it was. She doesn’t even know if it’s possible to fall for someone on sight. I mean people say it was love at first sight but was it really? How can it be? Why she even finds him attractive is a mystery to her. He likes killing people. How on earth can anyone be attracted to that? But that night...Damn she liked it. The feel of him against her, warm and...Hard. The smell of him and his lips...Oh his lips...The way he took her from behind like an animal...The groans that came from him. She liked it...She did. She sighs as tears sting her eyes. The hell is wrong with her? She has never felt like this in all her life. Never. She told him to piss off...But if he had come on to her again she wouldn’t have pushed him off. She would end up sleeping with him again. The flutter in her abdomen and between her legs at the thought of him tells her as much. Damn him! Damn him! John fidgets slightly and mumbles incoherently. She had almost forgotten he was there. Tears sting her eyes as she realises what an absolute mess her life is. It always has been but she had hoped that by now she would at least have a home and someone that cared about her. But she isn’t going to have that. Ever. Now with this cult and her sister. Eli Palmer and...Jacob. Her life is only going to be even more of a mess. Tears roll onto the pillow and she closes her eyes.
---John wakes up. He blinks several times. It’s dark out now. Damn. Trust him to fall asleep. He frowns and looks down. His mouth opens slightly as he sees Mara curled up against him with her head on his chest. Her hand is wrapped around his bunker key. He swallows hard. He lies there for a moment just listening to her breathing. He can see right down her top. He stares at her large round breasts squashed into a bra that looks too small. He sighs. He needs to stop this. He can’t. He won’t. But God does he want to. Does he want her. His jeans suddenly feel way too tight. Damn her. Damn her! Mara fidgets and he feels her breasts pressing against him. A small noise escapes his throat. He then pushes her off of him and shakes her. She stirs and blinks up at him frowning.). Mara: Where am I? (She sits up and looks around.). Mara: Damn. I fell asleep. John: You and me both. Though I’m not complaining. Mara: Told you that you should have gone to bed earlier. John: Hm. Mara: Sorry. I didn’t mean to fall asleep. John: I don’t mind. I quite enjoyed waking up to you lying on me. Mara: I...What? John: Don’t play dumb with me. Mara: I’m not. I fell asleep. If you touched me I swear- John: Excuse me. You were the one that was all curled up against me. Mara: I was? John: Yes. Mara: Sorry. John: I don’t mind. Mara: Is the offer for dinner still available? John: Of course. Mara: Thanks. (She smiles at him. He suddenly decides that he doesn’t care if it is a sin. He wants this woman. He leans over to kiss her but she chooses that exact moment to get up. She turns and looks at him. She frowns as she sees him leaning across the bed.). Mara: What are you doing? Don’t tell me your still tired. Come on we need to get dinner before I pass out again. I’ll help you if you like. Not that I’ll be much good. Don’t really cook much. John: I can teach you then. Mara: Okay. Good. (She goes into the bathroom. He sits there waiting. He swallows hard. His jeans are still feeling way too tight. He presses his hand down hard on his crotch.). John: Stop. Stop it. (He presses down harder and a small squeak leaves his lips.). John: Go down. Go down. (He hears the toilet flush then running water. The door then opens and he looks up at her. She smiles at him.). Mara: You okay? John: Yes. Why don’t you go and choose something to eat. I’ll be down in a moment. Mara: Okay. (She goes downstairs. She looks around the kitchen then starts opening cupboards. She finds some spaghetti and supposes that will do. Just then she hears the radio from her handbag crackle to life. Her sisters voice materialises. She opens her bag and takes out the radio.
---Faith Seed is sitting in the front pew of Joseph’s church. She has been trying to reach her sister for hours. She went to Mara’s trailer but she wasn’t there. Joseph is sat on a chair at the front of the church watching her. Jacob is busy repairing one of the TVs. Terry is helping him. Suddenly the radio in Faith’s hand crackles and Mara’s voice can be heard.). Mara: Hey sis. How are you? Faith: I’m good. How are you? Mara: Still alive. Faith: Don’t talk like that. Why wouldn’t you still be alive? Mara: I don’t know. Between the starvation, dehydration and Eli Palmer and his band of merry men I’ve got a challenge on my hands eh? Faith: But Eli doesn’t know your back yet does he? Mara: Oh he will do now. I ran into Wheaty do you remember him? Faith: Yes. What happened? Mara: Well he told me that Joseph had brainwashed you and that we couldn’t help you. I kinda told him that I’d already met up with you and that we were doing just fine. Well he didn’t like that. Then he told me I should get out of the mountains coz you know Jacob Seed is a real bad scary guy. (Terry looks up chuckling. Jacob turns his head and looks at the radio. Faith giggles.). Faith: What did you say? Mara: Well me being me I told him not to worry coz me and Jacob had already met and were becoming fast friends. Best friends actually. I also told him that I’d hung out with Jacob’s guys at the hotel too. How we had a right laugh. (Terry laughs.). Terry: Yeah we did. Faith: Sis. Mara: I know. Well he liked that even less. Got into a bit of a fight but...Hey. So anyway probably won’t be long before Eli hears that I’m back. Hope he shits himself. (Faith giggles again.). Faith: I don’t know about that sis. He might. Did you say anything about Joseph? Mara: No. Should I have done? Yeah actually I could have thrown in for good measure how I love Joseph’s hair eh? Would have really ticked ‘em off. (Faith laughs again.). Faith: You are ridiculous sister! (They can hear Mara laughing.). Faith: Joseph heard you. He’s smiling. Mara: Oh really? Hey Joe! Oh yeah that reminds me. Saw John earlier, he told me you were having a sermon. He then had a pop at me for not bloody being there. How was I meant to know there was one on? Faith: I have been trying to contact you all day. Mara: You have? Sorry. Faith: Would you have come if I’d invited you? Mara: Ain’t got nothing else to do have I? Except sit here and wait to see what kills me first. Eli fucking Palmer, starvation or those poxy wolves that keep bounding about out here. (Terry laughs again.). Terry: Oh she’s great. Faith: Why are you starving? Mara: Ain’t got much choice have I? I haven’t found anything yet. I will though. I will. Faith: I could bring you something. Mara: No. No. I’ll work it out. Don’t worry. Faith: But if you’re hungry I have food sis. Mara: No. No. They managed it in 10,000 BC or whatever I’m sure I can manage now what with gas ovens and microwaves and shops and the like. (Terry laughs.). Faith: You are so stubborn. You just won’t accept help will you? Mara: I would if I really needed it. But I don’t right now. I’m at a friend’s place and he’s cooking me dinner. (Faith raises her eyebrows.). Faith: Oh he is, is he? Who is this friend? Mara: Oh you know him really well. Faith: I do? Mara: Yeah. He’s got his own song, his own region, his own great big sign. Likes the word Yes. Remember him now? (Terry laughs and shakes his head.). Terry: She’s so funny. (Faith sighs and shakes her head.). Faith: John? You are at John’s place? Mara: Yep. He’s cooking me dinner. I asked him why he was being so nice to me and he told me he’s only doing it so that I say yes to him. Bless his little heart. (Terry laughs again.). Faith: Well isn’t that like...Blackmail? Mara: Pretty much. I don’t give a shit. He’s cooking me dinner. Terry: She must really be hungry then. Mara: Anyway I’m gonna go now and I’ll catch you later. Gotta help with the dinner eh? Faith: Okay sis. I just wondered how you were doing. Mara: I’m fine. I’ll see you soon okay? Faith: Okay. Mara: Love you lots with jelly tots! (Faith giggles.). Faith: Love you too.
(---Mara shoves the radio back in her bag. John comes down the stairs and enters the kitchen grinning.). Mara: You look happy. John: I am happy. Mara: Are you? John: Yes. Mara: Hm. John: Have you chosen something for dinner? Mara: Spaghetti. John: Spaghetti? Mara: Yeah. You don’t want that? John: I don’t mind. Mara: Where are your saucepans? John: What are we having with it? Mara: I have no idea. Like I told you I don’t really cook. John: You mean you can’t cook? Mara: I don’t know. Probably not. I’m useless at everything else why not cooking too? John: What do you usually do for food? Mara: Well...Usually I look through bins, you’d be amazed what some people throw out. Especially restaurants. They waste food like nobody’s business. I found a half eaten portion of chips once with ketchup and everything. I sometimes...Steal from the shop. Just things like sandwiches and crisps. John: You shouldn’t steal. Mara: What else am I meant to do? I don’t have any money. I have nothing. I don’t even have a proper home. I never have. John: But you could have one. With us. In Eden. Mara: It must be so nice to be so sure of everything. John: But I am sure. (She finds a saucepan and fills it with water. She then puts it on the stove and puts the spaghetti in it. She then switches on the hob and opens several drawers until she finds a spoon to stir it with.). Mara: What do you want with it? John: Why don’t we have spaghetti Bolognese? I think I’ve got some mince meat. Mara: I haven’t had spaghetti Bolognese in ages. (He takes some mince meat out of the fridge and opens the packet. He smiles at her.). John: Then that’s what we will have. (John busies himself with the meat and rummages in cupboards. Once they have cooked the dinner John takes out plates and dishes it up. They then sit down at the small table in the kitchen. It doesn’t take long for Mara to finish the meal. She feels a little better after finally eating something proper.). John: You must have been so hungry. Mara: Always am. Should be used to it by now. John: If you say yes- Mara: What? My life will suddenly be better? Everything will be magically fixed? John: Yes. You will be cleansed and- Mara: And what? I’ll suddenly be wanted? I’ll suddenly have a proper home with people that give a damn about me? My sister will be fine and not the mess that I know she still is? John: Your sister isn’t a mess. She is doing much better now. You would have a home. Mara: Yeah...Some dank dark bunker with a load of people I don’t even know. You know you make it all sound so perfect John but you must be able to see that nothing ever is. I say yes and am cleansed or whatever then I join you. You know what happens next? John: You will be saved from the coming collapse. You will have a family. Mara: No. I’ll get rejected again. Coz that’s all that happens to me. My father never wanted me. Called me the abortion my mother should have had. My mother...Called me useless, a waste of space. She thought I was the devil. Even carved it into my damn back! So that everyone would know what I was. I was six years old. Then Franky...I thought I had a mate in Franky. I really liked her and thought I could trust her. But no...She left one day and never came back. Bonnie and Alex...I thought finally I have a family. I have a proper mom that actually loves me. She died. Cancer. Alex...I thought he liked me...Turned out he was only having a laugh. Taking the piss. Then he died. So you see... (She sniffs and gets up.). Mara: You got any whiskey? John: No. Mara: I bet you have. John: Bet I haven’t. You shouldn’t want one either. Is that what you do when things get tough? You drink? Mara: You gonna sit there judging me now huh? John: Not at all. I myself have struggled with vices such as alcohol. Drugs too. (She stares at him.). Mara: I ain’t some alcoholic. John: You may think you’re not. I didn’t think I was. Oh no I didn’t think I had any problems. I was a lawyer, had my own law firm in Atlanta. I was addicted to cocaine, alcohol, women. Anything to ease the pain. Mara: Pain of what? John: Everything. I thought I was on top of the world. Had it all. Cars, a high paid job, tons of money, women. I didn’t realise how close to hitting rock bottom I was until Joseph found me. I atoned for my sins and I try not to let sin overcome me again. I am not saying anyone is perfect. Nobody is without sin. Sin sometimes overtakes me. But then I atone. You...You won’t even try. Mara: Tch. You want a confession? Huh? I’ve killed nineteen people. Nineteen. Still think I’m worth saving? Still want me in your house? Coz nobody wants me they never have. So why the hell would you?! (She storms up the stairs. He stands there for a moment then follows her. He looks in the bathroom but it’s empty. He then goes to his bedroom. His bathroom door is shut. He tries to open it but it’s locked. He knocks on it.). John: Mara? Please open the door. Mara: What for? So you can kick me out now? John: No. I told you that were welcome to stay the night and you still are. Please come out. (The door opens and she stands there staring at him.). Mara: Can I have a bath? John: Of course. Mara: Thanks. John: I would like to hear more of your confession though. (She sighs. She moves and sits down on the bed. She stares at the floor. This guy really isn’t giving up. Mary told her what John does to the sinners. She can only imagine what he’s going to do to her once he hears the full story. But she can’t help but feel that she has no choice but to join these people. Her sister is a part of their family. They aren’t just going to let her go and she gets the feeling that her sister wouldn’t want to leave anyway. She sighs again.). Mara: Alright. (John’s eyes seem to light up. He smiles.). Mara: On one condition. John: Oh? Mara: We wait until tomorrow. John: Tomorrow? Why? Mara: Because I want a bath and I need to sleep. Looking at you I would say you need sleep too. And...I want us to...Be friends for a while longer. Coz it’s the last time I’m gonna have a friend. John: You consider me a friend? (John looks pleased.). Mara: Yeah I guess so. Least I thought so. John: Hm. We are friends. We still will be. Mara: No we won’t. I told you...I don’t get the happy ending. I don’t get a family or friends. John: You do. I give you my word that you will be welcomed into our family with open arms once you have been cleansed of your sins. If you give me your word that you will confess and atone tomorrow like you say. Mara: I give you my word. (He smiles at her then kneels down and cups her face with his hands. He smiles again.). John: You won’t regret it. I promise. (She smiles back.). Mara: Okay. If you say so. John: I do say so. (She smiles again. This is the first time Mara has seen John look genuinely happy. He stares at her for a moment and she frowns. He looks like he’s trying to decide on something. He swallows hard then moves so that his lips are inches away from hers. She freezes.). Mara: What are you doing you silly sod? (He lets out a shaky laugh.). John: I really want to kiss you. Mara: John...No. I already told you I’m not that kind of girl. (He looks down then suddenly stands up.). John: I shouldn’t have... (He seems to struggle with himself for a moment, his hands clenching into fists, then he turns to leave. She gets up and grabs his wrist.). Mara: John...Look...It’s not...I’m sure you’re a nice guy, really. It’s just...I’m the kind of girl that wants a man who is going to love her and take care of her. I’m not the kind of girl that just...You know. (He stares at her.). John: I’ll leave you to have your bath. (He leaves the room. He goes downstairs and leans against the dining table. He sighs and runs a hand through his hair. He wanted to kiss her so badly. He sighs again then smiles as he remembers that she is going to confess tomorrow. He finally got her to say yes. He goes to the kitchen and puts the plates in the sink then makes himself a hot chocolate in his plane mug. He wonders who she has killed. She said she has killed nineteen people. He knows she was arrested. But she was in a psychiatric unit instead of prison. He drinks his hot chocolate then looks at the clock. 1.34am. He makes sure the doors are closed and switches off the lights going upstairs. He goes to his bedroom and stops dead in the doorway. Mara is curled up in his bed asleep. He swallows hard then closes the bedroom door. He goes into the bathroom and brushes his teeth then uses the loo. He then switches off the light and removes his shoes and socks. He then removes his clothes leaving him in just his boxers. He stands there for a moment staring at Mara in the light coming from the small lamp. He climbs into bed next to her sliding under the covers with her. He lies there for a few minutes.). Mara: You gonna turn the lamp off? (He reaches over and turns off the lamp. The only light now comes from the balcony doors.). John: Why are you in my bed? Mara: Coz we’re friends and... (She feels so stupid. She isn’t interested in John, at all. Not like that. All she can think about is Jacob and how he used her.). John: And... Mara: I just wondered what it would be like to share a bed with someone. To be held...Just once. (He can tell that she is crying.). Mara: You think that’s stupid don’t you? Pathetic. (He swallows hard.). John: No. (He moves closer to her and wraps his arms around her pulling her against him. She closes her eyes and remembers Jacob holding her like this. Tears roll onto the pillow.). John: Why are you crying? Mara: Coz I’m an idiot. John: No you’re not. (He kisses the back of her neck.). Mara: Hey no funny business. John: Hm. You’ll be the death of me. Mara: Nah you’ll live. John: You make me want to sin so badly. Mara: What? John: I want you. Mara: Why? John: Because...You are so beautiful. Mara: I don’t know about that. I do know that we should be sleeping. So sleep. John: Yes boss. (She giggles.). Mara: Goodnight John. Thanks for letting me stay. John: You’re welcome. Mara: Now sleep. If I am going through this atonement tomorrow then I need to sleep. John: Hm. (She can’t actually believe what she is doing. That she has actually agreed to let John carve her sin into her skin. She must be mad. But suddenly she decides that she doesn’t care if she survives it or not.).
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ororowrites · 5 years
Erik Stevens and OC-  Could’ve Been - just friends (chap. 2)
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Characters: Erik Stevens and Essence Jones
Warnings: drugs and language
Word Count:  3,671
Based on the song: Just Friends by Musiq
Prelude - Chapter 1
It had been seven years since Erik and Essence witnessed the murder of N’Darius Stevens. That single moment changed their lives forever. Erik was sent through the system, bouncing from foster home to foster home until he landed with an aunt he barely knew. For two years, Essence didn’t even hear from him, causing them to grow a part. They used to talk everyday, even when they had arguments. Now it seemed like they were strangers getting to know each other all over again.
By the time Essence and Erik reached 9th grade, Erik moved in with his aunt and began attending high school with Essence. Occasionally they would talk, or hang out to do homework but Erik was best friends with another group of people. Some days he missed school without explanation and would come back decked out in the latest Jordan gear. He hung out with people like Big Chucky, the neighborhood dope dealer. Anyone else wouldn’t be shocked by Erik’s behavior or the people he hung around on a daily basis, but Essence. Her childhood best friend was rough around the edges, but he never seemed like the type to be a gang banger.
Watching after her troubled friend wasn’t Essence’s only dilemma. Tyra Lennox, her mother, had returned home from her latest stint in prison. Grandma Hazel watched after Essence as long as she could, until she passed away from lung cancer two years after Tyra was released. That sent Essence back to live with her mother, a woman that barely deserved that title. Tyra had four children, Essence being the only child living with her. The other three children lived with their father.
“Essence, get your little ass down here. Now,” Tyra yelled up the stairs. Essence was in the middle of studying for an exam. The teenager rolled her eyes and followed the order. “Girl thinks she can do whatever the fuck she wants,” Tyra was mumbling under her breath when Essence appeared in front of her. “What the fuck is this?”
Confused, Essence didn’t answer right away.
“Little girl, what is this,” Tyra questioned again, holding up a wad of cash she had found. “You hiding money from me for a reason?”
Truth be told, Essence was saving money to move out and away from Chicago. Her mother was toxic and negligent. Nothing good was ever going to come from her living with the woman and Essence was counting her days.
“No,” Essence lied, eyeing the cash as Tyra counted it. Three hundred dollars. “I can barely pay bills around here and you hiding all this money? I should slap you, get outta my face.”
So much for saving to move away from the hellhole she called home. To keep Tyra from lifting a hand, she swiftly turned and ran up the steps. When she reached her bedroom, Essence threw herself on the bed and screamed into a pillow.
At school, Essence was usually the standout student when it came to subjects she loved. She enjoyed history and mathematics because it challenged her more than the likes of science and language arts. Science had always been her least favorite unless they were learning about space and the planets.
In her last semester, they were required to take advanced chemistry which was her least favorite class of the day. It was the only class she had with Erik, who could do the work with his eyes closed.
“Whaaaat, you decided to come to class today,” Essence said to Erik as he drug his feet across the floor and to his desk. “Long time, no see.”
Erik grunted under his breath, throwing his bag to the side and taking his seat. He didn’t even look her direction. Maybe he was tired. Big Chucky kept his dealers up all throughout the night doing his dirty work.
As class went on, Erik was on his phone when the teacher wasn't looking. He typed quickly, sending multiple texts to Chucky and the boys that worked under him. Not paying attention herself, Essence kept her eyes on Erik’s screen, hoping to catch a peek into his new life. With no luck, she went back to taking notes until they had to pair up for classwork.
Erik had been quite distant lately and their friendship had never truly recovered from the two years they lost touch. Essence attributed it to them getting older and simply growing apart but she knew if Big Chucky wasn’t in the picture, they’d be close. Since Erik was rarely around, Essence didn’t get the chance to talk to him much and decided to take advantage of the opportunity.
“You going to prom,” she asked, peeking up through her long lashes.
“Yeah probably. You,” Erik replied, working out three formulas in record time. “Who you going with?”
The nerve. Erik had been acting funny all this time only to question her about a date to prom. “With Gregg Patrick,” Essence muttered, staring at the next question on her classwork. What the fuck was this shit? Erik explained the answer and then went on to question her choice to go with Gregg Patrick, captain of the basketball team. “Because I’m grown and can do that. Do I questions your choices in hoes?”
“Dude is wack, that’s all I’m saying,” he explained, a tinge of jealousy present in his statement. “And I don’t have time for hoes. I’m getting this money.”
“What makes him wack, Erik?” Essence propped her chin on her hand, giving Erik her undivided attention. “Exactly, you can’t even give me a reason.”
Truth be told, Erik and Gregg didn’t see eye to eye because Gregg was an enemy on the streets. Essence tried to keep her street knowledge to a minimum because it was easy to get trapped in that life. So many times she was close to jumping in with some of the other kids in her neighborhood that got trapped. Whatever could get her out of the life she lived, she would do to escape to a life she had yearned for.
“Whatever, E. Do you,” Erik shot back. “I’m going with Linda though.”
“Linda? Linda Franklin? What the fuck,” Essence gagged. “Hasn’t that girl been with 10 different dudes in our class?”
“Oh, so you get to go with that punk ass Gregg, but I can’t go with Linda? You are something else, Essence.”
“Your nosey ass was in my business. You act all funny with me but wanna know everything,” Essence argued back with a bit of bite in her voice.
“Act funny? What the hell you talkin’ about,” Erik bit, putting his pen down. Oh, that struck a chord.
“We barely even talk like that anymore because you act funny. Ever since you started hanging with Big Chucky and ‘em,” Essence explained. “Don’t try to act like I’m not telling the truth.”
Erik attempted to act like he was shocked but it quickly turned into him getting defensive, “Man, I been busy. Ain’t nobody acting funny with you, E.”
“Mmmm okay. If lying helps you sleep at night.”
They spent the rest of the class working alone until they heard a commotion outside the door. Students ran to the window, peeking through the blinds and ignoring their teacher’s plea to sit  down.
“The police are out there,” DaMia yelled at her classmates, causing everyone to push to get a better look through the small window. “And they got dogs!”
“Shit, I bet they lookin’ for drugs,” Marcus added, pushing Essence to the side. “Ohhhh, somebody is going to jail.”
Somehow Erik and Essence’s eyes met. She said a silent prayer for him and hoped he wasn’t dumb enough to bring drugs to school. He had to be smarter than that right? Erik didn’t appear to be phased by the commotion in the hall. He simply shrugged his shoulders when she mouthed ‘you carrying?’.
Fifteen minutes later, the police were escorting three students down the hall. Essence recognized them as boys that hung around Big Chucky in the neighborhood.
“Damn, I didn’t know Harry was selling,” one of the students mumbled.
Erik glanced at Essence again before returning to his seat in the back of the class. The one day he didn’t bring anything to school, his boys got busted. He wasn’t worried about getting snitched on because no one in the hood snitched. There was an unspoken rule in the streets about snitching on your brothers.
Even though his friends’ lips were most likely zipped, Erik had somewhat of a reality check. That could have easily been him.
Prom. That time of the year where everyone was trying to outdo their peers and spending way too much money to achieve that task. Essence had saved up enough money to buy a prom dress from one of the local thrift shops. One of her friends did small alterations that were good enough to hide the fact that the dress was too large. She rode the bus to the event center where her date, Gregg, was waiting outside. Neither one of them had a car or money to rent one but Essence was fine with how things were. Just as long as she got to attend her senior prom, she was happy with whatever transportation got her there.
“You look beautiful, Essence,” Gregg was in awe of his date. She looked radiant in the hot pink satin. Against her skin, the color popped, making her stand out in the crowd of high schoolers.
“Thank you. I love this tie. Matches my dresses perfectly,” Essence replied, moving her hand along the silk fabric. “You got our tickets?”
“Oh shit,” Gregg’s eyes widened. “I’m kiddin’, I got them.”
Essence slapped his arm, “Don’t play like that. I would have found a way inside, anyway.”
“I’m sure your bad ass would have,” he shook his head in return and led Essence into the event hall.
Their school district didn’t have a large budget when it came to dances and events, but they made sure their students could enjoy things like the other children on the opposite side of town. The hall was decorated to match the deep blue sea. Blue lights made the room resemble the ocean. Fake fish hung from the ceiling and the photobooth resembled a submarine. For a group of children who could barely afford to get into an aquarium, they were excited about the decorations.
For the most part, the night ran smoothly. The food was decent for food served at a high school prom, the DJ was good and people appeared to be enjoying themselves. Essence was sure she sweated her relaxer out from all the dancing she was doing. When it came time for the slow dance, Gregg found his date and pulled her to the middle of the floor. As she wrapped her arms around Gregg’s neck, she caught the eye of Erik who was dancing with Linda’s hoe ass.
Essence smiled slightly and rested her chin on Gregg’s shoulder when he pulled her close. Erik stared a few more seconds before looking away. Essence could feel the tension without him even saying a word. Their relationship had been weird and she still didn’t understand why. They had experienced a tragedy together and instead of staying close, the once best friends barely hung out when they weren’t in class.
“You good,” Gregg asked a zoned out Essence. The song had changed and she was moving offbeat in her own little world. “Essy?”
“Huh….oh yeah, I’m good,” she answered, still thinking about the past few years of her life. High school was about to be over and she wasn’t sure what was next. She had been accepted into a few schools but leaving Chicago was scary. Even when she didn’t have anyone besides her mother who half the time acted as if she didn’t love her. If she left, would she ever return? What about Erik?
“You sure? You keep stepping on my toes,” Gregg chuckled, pulling back to get a good look at Essence. “Don’t tell me you’re falling asleep standing up.”
“No, just enjoying our time,” she answered, returning to Gregg’s shoulder. They weren’t dating but Gregg was a good friend to her the past couple of years. He was moving to Baltimore with his father after graduation.
After their dance, the two separated for the remainder of the night. Gregg went to hang out with his boys and Essence with her two best friends. When the night was over, Gregg said his goodbye and got on a bus to head home while Essence went with a group of girls to a hotel afterparty. Unlike Gregg, Essence didn’t have a curfew because her mother more than likely wasn’t home anyway.
The party wasn’t too wild but Essence kept to herself. She didn’t want to be involved if the cops got called on a bunch of kids drinking underage and using fake ids to get a room. Erik was at the party without his date but Essence still kept her distance. Instead, they watched each other from their corners until Erik sent her a text.
I need to talk to you. Meet me in the room next door.
They had two connecting rooms for the party and everyone was crowded on one side until someone wanted to get freaky. Essence followed Erik into the next room, watching him lock the door behind them.
“What the hell is your problem,” he asked Essence.
Confusion set in because from her experience, he was the one acting an ass. “Huh? What you mean?”
“You’ve been watching me all night like we got beef. What’s up?” Erik settled on the bed while Essence stood by the door. “We not cool anymore or something?”
Was he being serious? Tonight wasn’t the night to argue with Erik over their friendship when he was the distant one. Essence wasn’t going to beg for his attention either. “Are you for real? You wouldn’t have noticed me watching if you weren’t watching me yourself. I told you already. You’ve been acting hella weird with me for no reason. I know we aren’t as close as we used to be but you completely cut me off to hang out with those knucklehead ass boys. So before you come at me for acting a certain way, check your damn self, Stevens.”
That was the second time he had been called out and honestly, he didn’t know how to respond. Time had its impact on their relationship on top of Erik being consumed in what he thought was bettering his life.
Essence sensed his inner turmoil and joined him on the bed. “What’s going on with you, Erik. For real.”
Since his father’s death, Erik had been angry and lonely. Instead of leaning on those who loved him, he took to the streets and made connections there. “I gotta get out of here. There ain’t nothing left here. Done seen two of my boys get popped, some of them in jail… I have a  feeling I’m next. Ya know?” Erik kept his eyes on his hands, speaking on his feelings made him uncomfortable. But, he trusted Essence enough to know she wouldn’t judge him. “After my dad got...got killed, I been fucked up. Seeing that shit did something to me and I feel bad because you had to see it too.”
There it was. The main reason he tried to keep his distance was due to guilt. Seeing someone die right in front of her had created anxiety and fear that Essence tried her best to suppress. Erik saw right through her though. It was hard enough on him but he had seen some pretty fucked up things. Essence on the other hand was shielded by her grandmother’s love and promise to keep her safe.
“That wasn’t your fault. You didn’t know your uncle-”
“And what if he would have killed you? He was cruel enough to kill his own brother. He could have easily turned the gun on one of us next. I made a promise to protect you and didn’t keep it,” Erik explained. “You see where I’m coming from, E? That shit still messes with me. I’m getting out of here after graduation. Got myself into school and I’m not coming back.”
“You did protect me. You always have and I don’t understand why you couldn’t talk to me about how you felt. All this time I just thought you were being an ass,” Essence replied, placing a comforting hand on his knee. “I mean that shit, Erik. I’ve always felt safe with you.”
His eyes finally shot up as the mood shifted. The wall that had formed between them was beginning to crumble and the air didn’t feel as thick. “Really?”
“Yeah. Really,” she whispered.
Erik stared down at Essence’s lips as if he wanted to kiss her. That urge had never been there before and it felt odd. Going against the voice in his head, he leaned over and placed a gentle kiss on her lips to test the waters. It took Essence by surprise because Erik had never shown interest in her. Maybe he was simply thanking her for being a good friend.
“What was that for,” she asked completely dumbfounded by his actions.
Before he could answer, a banging on the door pulled them away from each other. “Ya’ll fuckin,” one of Erik’s boys yelled. If Essence were lighter, he would see the red rising to her cheeks.
“Dude, shut the fuck up,” Erik growled, pushing his nosey friend away from the door.
They didn’t speak on that kiss for the rest of the night...or ever again.
Two Years Later
After high school graduation, Erik headed to California while Essence headed South to Texas. Not too long after graduation, her mother Tyra was back in jail for fraud, leaving Essence motherless once again. That gave Essence an opportunity to leave her life in Chicago behind to start a new one on her own. For the most part, she was on the right track with a few bumps in the road. To put herself through community college, Essence worked two jobs. Her relationship with Erik was still on the mend, as he navigated school himself. Leaving Illinois was the best decision he had made due to the type of life he was living. Big Chucky still had a hold on the community, forming gangs and selling dope around the neighborhood.
For Spring break, Essence decided to visit Erik in sunny California. She had never been to the west side of the country and was excited about the adventures Erik had planned for the week.
“Boy, open this damn door,” Essence yelled, slapping the door to Erik’s off campus apartment. He opened up, his big Kool-Aid grin on full display. “I think I got the wrong place. My bestie is kinda skinny and can’t grow a beard that connects to save his life. Who are you,” she teased, taking in all the differences in Erik’s appearance. Mini dreads, a full beard and bulging muscles. Under all that, he was still the Erik Stevens she knew from Chi Town.
“Well I’ve never seen you drool over me so maybe you do have the wrong spot,” Erik leaned against the door, looking for any differences in Essence since he last seen her in person two years ago. She was still slim, but her face had matured slightly, her cheeks not as chubby.
“Trust me, I’m not drooling, ugly,” she lied. The two friends fell silent for a short second before bursting out into laughter. “Hey crazy. So good to see you.”
“Likewise, E. It’s been forever,” Erik added, pulling Essence into a tight hug.
Being in each other’s presence made them both feel at home. Home before the tragedy took place and everything changed. They were free to do whatever they wanted. They rode around town blasting their favorite songs and just enjoyed each other’s company. Erik even took Essence to In-N-Out even though it was breaking his strict diet.
After roaming the town for the day, they settled in that night to watch Iron Man, which Essence had seen one too many times already. They were in Erik’s room, with the only television in the apartment. Like old times, they had their movie snacks and were spread out across the bed.
“You bet not touch my candy,” Essence exclaimed, slapping Erik’s hand away.
“Nigga, you been eating my popcorn though,” he argued, taking a few more despite Essence’s protest.
Thirty minutes into the movie, Essence was already leaning on Erik’s shoulder as he sat against the headboard. Usually this meant she was on her way to sleep and he wouldn’t be able to hear the rest of the movie over snores.
“Aye, don’t be falling asleep over there,” he gently tapped Essence with his elbow, interrupting her mini-nap.
“I’m not,” Essence groaned, resting her chin on Erik’s thick shoulder and peering up at him through her lashes. The big difference between now and when they were children was the innocence they held as kids. Now as adults, hormones and the weight of the world was on them. She knew she should have pulled away because they were crossing a line they would never be able to uncross. Essence hated to think that it was impossible to be friends with the opposite sex without being sexually attracted to each other. But it wasn’t all about Erik’s appearance. The way he always wanted to protect her and the genuine love he had for her was what pulled them closer.
This time it wasn’t just a peck and they had no interruptions. Iron Man continued in the background while Erik and Essence began making their own movie….
*record scratches* Oh, you all thought I was going to just give you the full thing right here? We will pick up right where we left off in the next chapter!
Gregg Patrick Faceclaim 
Taglist:  @theunsweetenedtruth @bakarisangel @supersizemeplz @itsjustshanie @turn-thy-paige @purple-apricots @thadelightfulone @nickidub718 @blackpinup22
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