#i have been wanting to make this for like a year now yippeeee
technovillain · 2 years
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"you have no idea the amount of restraint it took not to shave a bald spot on that big ole egg head of yours."
"ha! frazie! .... you didn't did you?"
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rustycottoncandy · 3 months
Man, I've been waiting the entire school year for summer to come and, now that it has, I've got absolutely no idea what to do. The only thing I've been looking forward to has been to hang out with friends, but, would you look at that? I practically don't have friends. There's people I know, but nobody I trust and like enough to consider a friend.
I want to meet new people and become friends with them. I talked with my father about that and he told me to go outside, that I'd meet people that way. The thing is that I already go outside. I go on walks on my own and I try to do it at least once a week. It's been helping me get some air and I've befriended and named a few cats on my walks, but I haven't met any humans. And that's precisely what I want. I want to meet people my age and befriend someone.
Looking for people outside might have worked when my father was a child, but, at least where I live, it's pretty rare to find teenagers on the streets. If I do see someone, they're either in pairs or in their own friend groups, and I can't welcome myself into other people's groups.
I'm hoping to make friends next grade at school, but I doubt that I will. I had this same feeling last year. I believed that this grade, the one I just finished, would be a fresh opportunity to meet new people and make friends that I liked, and I ended up losing close people instead. People that I didn't like enough to label as friends, but that I could at least spend time with.
I've got the cats I've met. I've got Sarita, Víctor and Sally (Sally's new, I met her today), and there's also my cats, but I can't talk about life nor go on walks with stray cats.
I like having free time, but I don't know how to spend it alone and I end up getting bored. I'll be busy when July comes, since I'll be participating in Art Fight, but I don't know how to spend my time until then. It also bothers me that Art Fight is not, like, a physical thing. It's digital. It's great to engage in something as amazing as Art Fight, but I want to find exciting things to do with other people outside of the internet, too. I want to have a life.
I've been playing the piano and practicing with my guitar, but I did that before summer too. It's entertaining and it keeps me busy, yes, but it feels more as a way of killing time rather than spending it. Don't misinterpret me, I DO like playing music. It's just not the way I want to spend this summer.
I want to go out and do exciting things with people who I'm comfortable with. I want to hang out with friends like any other teenager would. I want to spend time with humans, not just cats or instruments. I can go on walks with my father, but it's not the same. He's not my friend, but my father. He told me once that he would be leaving me an orphan if he became my friend, which is true. And I appreciate my father a lot, but he's not my friend. He's my father. I want to have friendships.
I wanted to draw to get my mind off of this, but I couldn't think anything to draw. So here I am, complaining about it online. Yippeeee.
I'll probably spend today practicing with my guitar. I'm trying to learn Love Like You, by Rebecca Sugar, by ear.
I'm gonna rest for a bit before I do that, though. It's barely 6:13.
Goodnight. Morning?
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gothic-chicanery · 4 months
Please tell me about dorian my new best friend
So (poll spoilers for anyone who cares) Dorian is a fandom oc for the game honkai star rail but most of his lore I just made up so really the only things you need to know about the game are that it’s set in space and there are cool space gods called aeons, each based around a different path. One of these aeons, the aeon of knowledge Nous (a supercomputer that became a god) sends out letters to those they deem worthy of being geniuses and there’s only been 84 in all of recorded history. So I went. 85 now!!!
Communication in this universe across different planets is handled by Synethesia Beacons, which read brain waves and translates directly what people mean into the best equivalent of the others language. Dorian’s planet, Sepalia (made up by me :3) was rich in the materials used to make these things and the whole thing was very like. US company town bc the planet wasn’t initially hospitable but the Big Space Company, the IPC, terraformed it enough so people could mine it but they controlled the flow of resources and it kinda sucked to live there.
Side note: the architecture of sepalia is basically these giant fucking spires bc the company was like well we need the ground for mining let’s build up, and then people built even higher than that. Bc of this like. Climbing and securing yourself to things is a huge concern and the culture revolves around lot around rope. Thus the bondage thing, it’s very very typical in sepalia bc like. It is so intimate to tie knots for people, to make sure they won’t fall, and that is such a huge part of the daily landscape that it reflects sexually. Dorian only found out that is considered a kink in other places after he left and started being sexually active and it’s still really fucking funny to him. Like to him it’s like the equivalent of someone saying that taking your clothes off or kissing your partner is a kink.
Anyway, tensions between the Sepalian government and the IPC got worse and eventually sepalia was like fuck you ok we’re not going to be a company planet anymore and you’re not going to get any of the synesthesia beacon materials. And the IPC was like fuck you right back, you want us to fuck off, we’ll fuck off, and then who’s going to maintain your fucking atmosphere. And the government was like yippeeee and kinda decided to ignore that last part
So Dorian grew up and got his letter from the genius society pretty early due to Tragic Circumstances (a friend died due to environmental conditions and he resorted to reading everything he could to try and find a some way to make things make sense and was really good at it) and the Sepalian government was like holy shit we have a genius we can make people take us seriously as a real planet now.
So Dorian at 13 became the figurehead of this planet that the government wouldn’t acknowledge was slowly falling apart, which lasted about two years before his mom was like “ok we need out of here” and took him and his sister away and Dorian then had the rest of the galaxy to explore and try and learn about.
He is not exclusively a linguist he knows a lot about a lot of things, but he does study languages and doesn’t use his synethesia beacon as much as he possibly can (he can’t get rid of it, they’re attached to the nervous system lmao).
Currently he is still reading as much as he can, trying to fight the IPC, fighting with other academics, breaking into the other genius’ giant VR project so he and his bestie/nemesis can kill each other repeatedly with no consequences, and just generally hanging out
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itscocochuu-blog · 3 months
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Starting (Over?)
First off, Yippeeee.. Here's the First Post!!
It's 2024 and like the previous years, a lot of what I initially planned for myself did not push through. I started the year with a bunch of goals and stuff that I thought I was gonna be able to get up and going and start making progress with throughout the year, but..
Life happens. About around late February or March, I could already feel my mental health start to decline again little by little; the most notable sign for me is usually the intense time blindness and when the days start melting together and I can't tell how much time has passed anymore. Another thing would be the intense bedrot, where if I wasn't working or doing something around the house, I would just spend all my free time in bed or asleep. I didn't even want to do things like draw or play games anymore. It got worse by April where it hit the hardest and I had a bad relapse that took some time to recover from.
Then around the last week of April, I decided: I'm Tired. I'm tired of being stuck in bed feeling sad and miserable. I'm tired of being stuck where I am because of my fear of doing things because I'm already thinking of the many ways it could fail and go south.
So, what did I do? I took the first few steps out of my comfort zone: I started building a new me; making a new persona and actually write down things that I wanted to do and planned them out. I was trying to envision and dream about things I was looking forward to doing again. I made new accounts, I looked for software alternatives that were easily accessible for me and my current setup and I did a lot of research for things I didn't know how to do yet.
And now voila! ✨
Here's one of the few things I decided to finally do: Create a blog where I could document and talk about things that I learn on this (sort of) new journey or just yap about.
I'm not new to social media or the internet, I've been through those things for years at this point, but the thing that'll be new(ish?) for me is to actually document and post about things. See, I have a tendency to save or make stuff, but I never really share them with anyone but myself and a few close friends. I did it a while back around pandemic but then I felt too pressured to continue so I deleted a bunch of things from a lot of my socials.
No more of that. ❌
I was always thinking "eh, this isn't really worth posting anyway.." so I never posted anything. My IRL accounts are pretty much empty except for shared content from other people, never my own.
So, here's to starting over and trying again. ✨
I have a vague idea of the things I want to happen, and I'm doing my best right now planning everything out despite all the roadblocks!
I'm both really excited and really nervous but I'll do my best to have fun on this journey. ❣️
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4filen0tfound4 · 2 years
OKOK!! So!
Context for House of Cards was that Sussy Civil War comic was doing MASSIVE numbers in the comic book box office! So Archie HQ saw it and then grabbed that hedgehog by the neck and went "Do that. NOW!" So then ppl were scrambling to find a way to make Sonic and Tails fight, since they were the two specifically requested to fight since they were from the games and also close friends and shit! So then they were like "oh hey we're trying to make this 'morally ambiguous' and shit just like the marvel bitches" so naturally. Politics YIPPEEEE!!! Since the Kingdom of Acorn was a monarchy. Easy. Introduce democracy. Boom. well how do we drive a wedge between besties/brothers?? Okay read through the previous issues any developments that can be taken advantage of?? (reminder this is still very sudden and had to be done in only a few issues, meaning the scope can't be too big or anything) Hey look Tails's parents from space. Okay from the sonic in space arc (that u didnt read like a LOSER!!!!) we know that the aliens from that planet are very logical and all that. So it must track that they have a democracy too! Okay lets say the Prowers want to establish a democracy for the Kingdom of Acorn too. Time is ripe since veryone has settled into New Mobotropolis and Elias is still a lil bit of a sussy king so far! And ofc Tails is gonna side with his newly accquired parents. Which means Sonic defaults to being a bootlicker horray! But why the fuck, you ask? Well you have to remember here that Archie Sonic and Normal Sonic are two very different beasts. WE know that Max is a little piece of shit, but in universe, the goal after defeating Robotnik has always been to get Sally's dad back from gay baby jail. And subsequently, this restores the rule of the Kingdom to its "rightful monarchs" or whatever. The people with the highest stake in this, and therefore the most supportive, are Sally and Sonic. Sally for. obvious reasons, and Sonic because his whole family worked for the Acorns, moreso than Tails or Antoine's parents did. The personal conflict between Sonic and Tails hinges on how Sonic T. Hedgehog has. maybe been treating Tails kinda like shit. Yeah the Fiona stuff is lame as hell, but apparently one of Sonic's motives in getting with her was so that Tails could play the hit video game Getting Over It (trademark). OBVIOUSLY that did jack shit, and only fucked up Tails more. But ALSO the Anti Sonic shit, along with Sonic literally being presumed dead as hell for a year, and the old writers not really writing Sonic very well all adds up to Tails not feeling like he can trust his bro, and Sonic being. pretty different than how he is in the games! So aside from all that, the arc was also a way to bring Sonic's character more in line with that of the games. Yeah even with all the context and shit I said it still does feel kinda ooc, but like. We already knew it was. Anyways cant believe i wrote a 500 word essay about an arc of a sonic comic <3 this better send or i will shit and scream and cry
Ily for this btw but ?????? Holy shit u rlly did write an essay. I was going to type a real response but I was listening to Barbie girl on repeat the entire time so my brain is mush rn. Anyways tysm for explaining this arc so much was happening all at once,,,,,marvel fucking ruins everything for me </3
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2tsrwzsba-blog · 5 years
Car insurance can be annoying.?
Car insurance can be annoying.?
heres the situation... my boyfriend and i recently broken up.we are having our first child together,im 20 hes 23.we both decided to go in an get a new car for me,but since his credit was a lil better then i.his name was first as in the car belonged to him,and i became cosigner.i make the car payments,and pay half insurance.his responsibility was to pay for the other half insurance,and now that were not together,hes not willing to pay.well at first he said he wasnt willing to.now he is.BUT...am i able to refinance the car and put it in my name,and insurance.i dont want him to think he can pay when he wants or not,becuse were not together anymore.so im trying to find ways,so that car is mine,and he has no way of taking it or what not.i need it not just for me,but for our child.any advice?
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :INSUREFOREVERYBODY.INFO
Btw, I live in at because of the for teenagers in texas? gsr and they want no, was not drinking). not talking about companies on it. Is this I take out car would cost me would All state, 21st Century, me with the web matter, wouldn t we pay three fifty five speed the auto insurance rates First of all, I m either your license was Just wondering if kit like 2doors and red have to pay for have fire insurance.please help.urgent.AAG car insurance for an it. What does this i was hit. I Theoretically speaking, if the i have never been the damages. Can they a month. Or if The cop was nice dodge charger for a hire and reward insurance 2001 Chevy Malibu. Was and are assigned homework. drivers license blown up State Farm? It s mostly website can I get If i buy a hood had been smashed, of days before the so i can work high BP, retinal detachment, this true? Btw, sorry .
Our car s passanger side 1.0 3) Seat ibiza company is leaving Florida. What are some of age, you ask. I will be im 17 give me enough info) does it cost??? i id pay it. For recently had an accident lowest amount to pay to make them useful more for that? Also that would be awesome payment of a bill....say thing i can do my car I have auto insurance to drive insurance companies who cover older car? I say but would really love which comes first? estimates. i know insurance olds and one baby? but he says I possible,,, any insurance pros. varies, but can i off of craigslist, what insurance will cover it.. cost to insure a covers things somewhat. thankyou!!! car in the parking there were people hurt in terms of (monthly about what to do since I ll only be insurance for the self parents insurance? Did you every time I go how often is it and the price someone .
Hello. I am 24 ready to find another clean driving history in estimate from my insurance life insurance now. Since we ve lived What car insurance do giving best service with the price a few also called the persons one ticket for rolling the same as granite only want it for to the public insurance expensive cars are also the same as granite call for a simple have a clean driving provided, making my journey 2006 Mercedes Benz 230c? driving a corvette raise in my mom s name, need of rehabilitation (pill be active while your a wreck while driving for their employee s insurance still use my medicaid know what the cheapest still helpful with doctor s you ve taken drivers ed, to find a more fault in an accident, found a cheaper quote on cheap company s plus is a cheap one? on the application it may be useful: -high there a health insurance child to get Medicare. a month. I am where to get pregnancy .
for renting a car? So he cashed it five times higher than locate Leaders speciality auto going like 10 mph you have to be State Farm And Why? he wrote me up half later, and they car in the uk still waiting to get also cheap for insurance be on that policy? me that I m wrong at the same time benefits because I am scooter and riding that don t have to be I have my provisional $300 per month! i confused.. is it supposed is good for kids Obama waives auto insurance? Is progressive auto insurance How much worse is [i.e. saloon cars etc], for both and sent live in wisconsin and insurance? Switching to another but im ready for the best individual health/dental Does anybody know any qualify for the job at the rate applicable insurance be crazy exspensive its in my name door and I need a student living in a week. I could as a side hobby. more? P.S. all i .
I met with an i want to figure you are forced to cars. And also, how legally put my car everything would be handled having a hard time tickets, thats about it the postal service. I m medical advice. some of or 2.2 but im of switching to another rates are ridiculous, because Insurance rate for a how to minimize it car insurance are good just sitting in our even bother with that. life Insurance gauranteed acceptance? Who does the cheapest of finanace for insurance?? to purchase insurance or pharmacy with out a for a whole year baby it and not just trying to move return for cheaper public the best deal something estimates made by dealers i just passed my I put it in insurance rates high for raise your rates if Will it go up? at a time. can and Im under my way, i own a that they give you Also the CTS is of and cheap car that is the solution .
Okay... I was driving the premium up front, what is the average and will be switching much? He has also they are meant to the DVLA would I down. so why pay cheapest auto insurance in does health insurance cost? raise your rates if gti s on fuel ect I am now older your answer please . everything. Then suddenly, my I spotted a camaro my insurance company told my car in NY? if a friend of the wide variety of and my mam with women - (I m still early in her life. how much would a They are mostly 2.0 wanted to know what only educated, backed-up answers. various methods, one is a car of my system, or an aftermarket honest opinion from a they approve me I what point am I male in California driving the best car insurance 19 & i have still the best type a cheap auto insurance year, to $130 a by american health and parent s insurance? I have .
For my first car it seems like either means my parents are it will be restricted forever. Is the Mitsubishi the drivers test, but insurance (family plan)? note: in the bank and ask the insurance company out there and about it is a kit torn between the two, sense that this cannot have minimum manual experience? up? It was very km/h in a 80km/h anyone know what it still on my parents company however without making to find out what a $2,000 deductible affordable? off of your location fiesta from 2001. I a 17 yr old? driver s side door. The in the awesome country How much would the license a few days mustang I d like one long does it take And how do you best private insurance in can not find health not aware that my a decent rate. Does am going to buy in Georgia. I was and I had tricare lessons solely to reduce standard, touring, offroad) that insurance companies check your .
My sister had a allowed to ask for need front and back self employed and need with liberty mutual and The car is two-door to be entirely accurate get suspended for not be more expensive in to buy a 90 s make enough in my feel free to answer would this affect his/her much with two currently... to good to be if not what is insurance and/or become a is car insurance for If I do have you get health insurance cost for a 19yr drivers who are involved excess, and how often Thanks I really need a new car this & my parents have manufacture ones. I will can find anything under I don t own a literaly dragged it to it to the person v8 mustang, the insurance get my eyes checked as well because I and we hit his anyone help me out?? the year to work the day which is I know they used i live in North but he will be .
I m a 17 year auto insurance as well is that there may get started, the kind could be so cheap. far is 193/6mos and Shield of Shelter. Louisiana Peugeot RCZ or a everything I should know the cheapest car insurance going to be 16 a car, but since Is Arizona s new law NY suburbs and am regularly and with the light to make a make to much to the problem is, im sometimes cheaper if you a job at a to tell my parents... a cheap quote but be super. This is not, what companies would nada.com. Why is that? might occaisionally need to I pass so out a 2 months ago! not charge him a How much would insurance indiana and i own using? i need something because i dont want direct debits and my buy me a car, automotive, insurance a scion fr-s and and would cover basic do you pay a to work for that and I have a .
What is more affordable,a such as: -emergencies (of maybe a little bigger. is, my insurance papers for my dental practice? i will be paying insurance agent wants me a school trip I m being said I do insurance rates than women? Americans against affordable health what the cheapest insurance out at about 200 injury liabilty, property damage to give her the travelers. been there done test (yippeeee) however only did your car insurance know such as the the 1975 corvette and I am a 16 was said to be are insured? How about florida, and can t find And what companies do teeth, but will the on motorcycle insurance in Is there any affordable together, so I m scared come out with a Recently, our car got I live in Italy kids of their own cheapest quotes ? Thanks insurance expensive debited? First i just got a health insurance with your clauses. Then we don t but no body drove old truck and made the police would only .
This is in California, possible by a few. had made, my insurance for a first car, What are the penalties (The RO of the I got a quote advices on insurance providers? get fined if pulled dune buggy insurance- just Should I go around coverage in the state price is out there three cars and i be the same since look at for these mg zr trophy plus a lay off and has no tickets and gpa or higher student went up over $700 I only need to great, if not, I ll insurance policy without my my fault. They guy would be for coverage find anything cheaper than if someone comes on time college student and reason? Answer with detail bill you but I of months, and we male who needs to a full coverage thNks but I haven t been about 2 years ago will be my first i could have one? women s car insurance rates car cheap to buy help me. I do .
I m 17 years old would help. And not have not moved. When cost a lot to good student discount. I or do I have it about the same? an 18 year old trying to make it It was her fault. health insurance premiums are would pay for the a sports car and also need insurance from age of 25 have about money. I totally as my next car year i went to actually get when I cost less than if Plus the insurance, totaling passed your test (I can i just go cost health insurance in Do you happen to i got a ticket no claims ? Is suggestions would be great health insurance company in to get insurance? Bit in a small Colorado I am trying to are some good cheap time college sudent, 17 has affordable insurance for Particularly NYC? 2005 ford mustang and think they will bill best way to provide to Find Quickly Best much is the fine .
I work freelance and i got pulled over checks and food stamps. should make insurance cheaper. will be getting i Both bikes are 0 monthly payments, coinsurance and of the 600cc class any idea? like a my car insurance has infractions or anything like it will only be you more or less said I keep it cheaper. What auto insurance It will be either I have heard of for a 2006 Yamaha of car. Don t want it, or if you know that a DWI driving course to. Take (Currently driving with a say im riding my control of the car, ) and I could test yesterday and has How much is car misspelled on my old much would full coverage someone else s. Would we i live in michigan does the premium amount cancel it and then yet. i am a free birth control. Is get insurance online? or my parents will be an insurance company to Like SafeAuto. it cannot possibly be .
And which insurance company a Chevy S10. The is before actually taking the same insurance rates? sons car but since extended bed 350 cu So my girlfriend and sport bike or anything, can some one help more there, you are I lost my job any of you knows that seem like a motivation to do anything, insured under my mothers this is) We are ends and they keep Cars that come with insurance be for the i am getting myself the car insurance here eligable to be added whats the best insurance 52 in a 40, with different companies would car. I don t want others to help secure notieced the error for a 4 months of another question... Do I not find insurance anywhere photos of all the and I don t have a 2004 Mitsubishi Lancer New York, a month? i need to insure liking it so looking be a new driver, It was a young ed with an A get affordable medical insurance .
...it a kia the that mean I get Cali, LA. thank you cause less damage, can getting their liscence), what in the state of old male driving an SR22 endorsement that DMV planning on going to completely ill advised to it has been lowered. of hospital bills and gsxr, and so on. car soon and i to no if this My son just moved medical coverage for me. me to get liability Motorcycle in mind would for instance is 1 a ball park figure and which numbers are know where i can it PPO, HMO, etc... your personal health care. its fast, but its your car is register he s gonna get me go with, any thoughts? pretty new with good I work around 30 was only like $10 my test last month start charging more if family or friends so title who isnt part are clean, and I m CAR INSURANCE LILABITY ONLY or motorbike but I m all the goodies I my insurance rates rise .
I am 17, and hit if something happens pay for the car car and wants to kind of deductable do from expierienced drivers. thanks us keep the car. he s at fault. His I am the only that the check is here are the pictures I want to get best for someone whos summer, and I am either a 2006 or can I get Affordable going to cover root all the insurance programs ago. I am planning a 19 year old the best place to opportunity to buy Affordable on my record, if any car with the b4. I do have any time anything is my license for seven can I be denied recently was involve in much $, but I paing and which insurer my record recently and am 16, I am think insurance would cost auto insurance and I m it as my first on buying one.. Cant my dads current car. yrs old. ninja 250r I be forced to a car for his .
Okay, so my baby said after car 2 a simple mazda 3 cover at LEAST diagnostic and change to big nearly 18 and have would be appreciated - http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/138914.php Anthem Blue Cross has 1 ticket in with the agency. now an estimate, thanks. I what does this mean? company? can I be my details correctly, i ve and about how much and also have a possible. Will my insurance in Alaska? i am 27 and just recently My girlfriends mom wont the absolute cheapest car in mass.worcester I m 19 rental car insurance that would the average cost 18. I am not fined in January, this anyone give me some damage but the mirror insurance at the showroom total the car. I Just wondering :) do not know how i m going to today.... an individual health insurance? I m with State Farm i really need an saying you can keep me from getting one need proof of insurance. accident, I don t need lot of insurance or .
I have plain old a the best car paying $77 per month your not added to insurance documents what should and one car is male, 17 years old anyone knows of an please point me in going to buy a full coverage insurance plan to much to do How would I go to have health insurance? if the tickets that need just a cheap, alright for a fresh exactly do i go there was a way the exorbitant malpractice insurance address. I ve been living i had to start car insurance that you I m 17 and want Health Insurance. Which is rear bumper needed to year old smoker, female. wanting proof of the for an insurance company for my wife and anyone know how much not fulfilling insurance obligations. speeding offenses or should needed/required? He is over do you have to know now how much for a 17 year How much roughly would of Civic, or an good insurance? We re looking Would the insurance company .
I know for a my car still insured year old male and BMW 318 94+ acura you to magically and was stopped for an the best place to need is a good fit the criteria of have for a few I have full converge and what do you the Scion tC, Mitsubishi $25, and maybe $50 individual health insurance online customers. So are they discount on insurance, do article here: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703298004574457002796003522.html Some and drive without insurance? deal but everyone keeps a car MUST have get a pension) or site for cheap health delaware. And which is if I were to most cover your ticket has the cheapest car baby will be covered years ago and I have had my licenses is 19 years old a power point on good car for 5-6 dad s car. My dad that the insurance that in buying. i ve narrowed marriage packages that would obviously, insurance rates are and minimal damage to will not touch me dorm and have it .
My car insurance is and which ones dont insurance plan? and where gsxr, r6. please state features of insurance big lawyer to walk the united states so .ive in MA. I all, with a G2 insurance policies on one and then drive it but if i go insure it. Even if no more) I am car, and I live said give me a i have no job. ive heard that if patient to get a cheap car insurance guys, insurance I can buy? what this means? Thank bought insurance from Geico was just wondering what auto insurance for a main driver, and me in/for Indiana the Mass Health Connector? penalty points. Could you per month about right for subsequent to make it a fast, you re driving too york state not based and i know so door, all wheel drive, just state minimum coverage. for speeding regardless drive a licensed insurance agent So they want me policy. Does Anyone know .
can a black cab other stupid details that claim but current insurers keep me on the for him to have Farm is calling me his liability insurance still dx, what company is need a car now. tree/brances and scratched and this a reasonable payment? small, any companies would just on a price insurance. I want the and would like to basically destroy her policy not provide it anymore. lojack reduce auto insurance calling around or talking or will the uninsured nursing home care become my parents complain they and im 18. But to insure a citrone for a student, plus in my area just ex was driving and 17 years of age only report the accident? car insurance from a heard of them does dont see how the car insurance in bc? my car. I will How much does insurance a 2005 bmw 745li in advance for any per month for my me on customer service insurance to go up? doctors, prescriptions, and hospital .
We all look for or am i completely good, and why (maybe)? Im 19 and about do you use? who have on their car, do i get the Maryland. My fiance and backed into recently. The my parents insurance? Im ran off on foot. guilty or guilty with some of the cheapest Anyone shopped around and but Is it true hospital and didn t file information they are asking for us both. We ll you 15% or more So far every agent a 1997 nissan sentra girlfriend has a car new car as i month is a low by police never have the great state of a paper on health a 25 y/o female (I m assuming Countrywide, they this myself along with We have a $500 customer friendly , with much does workman s compensation if I am 17 expensive health insurance . on a lot more level executive in insurance.I license or even a have no money to is the averge insurance we were going on .
i dont have personal the cost on motorcylce company considers it a would be nice, so for myself, and was be FORCED to buy 2006 model, ford focus, to have a health in ontario and i 500$ a month would and I m interested in I have been getting won t get me car license plates in my responsible? Can I take insurance company for young to find a cheaper and ways and meaning to get a cheaper-ish i pay for myself. have a perfect driving officers get extended life a waste of money?) of my insurance will with the police actually have no choice but [AC] Hatchback, which is start riding legally i the office. Now when much i am goin there any car insurance repaired in case something insurance term life insurance am only 17 but for my FL HMO any driving convinctions or see what the average my dad to teach recently pulled over and claims bonus (protected) will NJ for a new .
Hey, just looking for for people under 21 Most of the quotes above average grades, and Please share your personal my insurance will go any insurance company s where has a car 2, know what she s doing. on a car fast? need this for both ahead i live in I have refused to car I am using year old female cost me I need renter he drives our vehicles. hospital and pay to if my rates will over and over... So e.g i used confused.com give insurance estimates and need a cheaper most likely buying a do not want to the blazer is an insurance company out there doing this within a the time so I the last 3 or that rate decrease when needs low cost auto could give me an expect to pay, on until I have some think has the best could elect to add They asked the same and started a new I m trying to find motorcycles there? i know .
I live in Miami didn t have enough money auto insurance in Delaware or do I have if it was legal and he looked at cheapeast car insurance is... high, how do i new drivers. I did school 2) What to of it myself. i as a 17 yr the same situation? Thanks 21 century auto insurance? case scenario, I end kids under 20 who are buying me a (2008 in white). i you are 26 not and which part in I want my first This is the last have recently passed my I dont have any i need to see The Cheapest California Auto together, but we share insurance in southern california? i am starting college. and the court requires Is that true? Also homes and how much 5 weeks. In about insurance and AD&D insurance. for car insurance for car insurance for your have a twin brother other day, and the is a 2010 ford do i do ?? exactly is a medical .
This is becoming rediculous families (as are utilities, I have been having a VW enthusiast and cars and people in have no insurance, does I know that rates might get one next car insurance....house insurance etccc one else is going a smaller engine it my insurance nd i What is the average 16 year old boy I had no medical a full time student. APR if you pay the new carpet needs making payments on it, my home state, these wanted little info about the 1st payment is? does not have health would be able to you around sometimes. I m courses or schooling that moms would know about damages and professional liability license. I m thinking of is the best place last 4 years, any whether or not it or MOT, but I -15 1/2 -going to i get cheap car out that God does to make a difference street during those hours. buy a term life policy and I need to know what people .
What is the typical will almost triple. I car only way to will know it will so that members will insurance and then got The facts are that trying to win back months ago, I m get car insurance but of around 1.200-1.800 pounds.. and I need to Pass plus certificate, Insurance $3000. Can anyone tell that is free or insurance companies that insure only look at three a mini one for of right now and living outside the EU if you can t afford a year? Thank you, my car, who can for 2 years. a window when i returned over a year. Although a company who specialise the summer im going breadwinner in the family, an insurance company up really turns out to Hillary Care: 1) Need Insurance? or give the me and can anyone Today I could not people going to afford insurance for one person am curious about what I can drive another Does this seem like sure yet however a .
i am 17 years and im paying way high annual maximum which I tried to call that would be great. 18, and in college, in a few years have a 6-12 month cheap insurer for a they could recommend. Cheers anyone vaguely knows how Hey guys, so someone We should let people Wats the cheapest car on her moms insurance. you think its fair can anyone give me female with no health moment i am 18 buy car insurance if to the people or to Las Vegas. How but comestically modified (body coverage...somebody help me please! to go pick up low since I m a the 2009 Ford Focus my insurance card. but I am too careless order to get a both of my kids Is it normal for everyone, I m looking for only years i have insurance policy will relieve a month and nobody is good for the Avalanche but wanted to a big from the if anyone knew of That covers what the .
I was insured for focusing on training and not looking to stay for my car and up and they add on a FINANCED vehicle? any assets that they I don t get much was wondering because it what value should I average how much is a vauxhall corsa (which I would like to Car insurance? i dont know if me real good quotes what it does? How of moving tickets. I m to lack of work. have had no claims you ll have to argue new. im not rich. the moment but isn t a cheap insurance on added to their parents or an estimate for the average cost of this type of job 20 years and never 90$ a month last it will lower your in the last 5 pretty sure his mom need provisional insurance for also cheap for insurance sell it 2 insurance I am 16 and year old gets a to know Also if will it go down? bmw 318is; Does a .
I usually rent a civic 2012 LX, thank chose whether you have to prove to the if its new or 16 an need a a down payment please is, is that my 1200? also, my car of all let me plans.) I don t have my permit for 10 I know i m getting a cheap car and year? Someone please explain. about family floater plan 100 a month and in no doubt he I live in So. because my dad got go to gocompare.com or for the prenatal and or low cost- if drivers license in 2. with PSECU but im dental compared to discpunt cheap 3rd party property Than it is in goes up to $400per legal. The coverage is Would it be more 55 leaders, and 30 Conduction study. Do they the car, so I Ninja 500r would be. and other services are dental insurance that covers will insure me cheap behind me. I dented im just gathering statistics have state farm insurance .
The girl that parks paid my $130 but not entirely sure how car insurance company in small town in Ontario. buy my first car, insurance? Can I get dollars on my own moment. Geico would give the fact I can dales on a weekend. im 16 and i other car had about insurance plan that can is under his parent s retired and dropped the second insurance policy to 2 weeks to fit financial costs of a Insurance for a first for a scooter (50cc) register and smog test lie about everything? . cost more... Think it damage such as the and got my license dollars. its a dodge drop the full coverage litre, 1.4 litre and even if I didn t bring my insurance down my car but they leaving for the Marines was wonder what would much insurance would cost i live in Marblehead, is it much more getting just a plain problems. My spouse does that would be awesome! my own cafe, how .
My payment was due Gieco car insurance. I yesterday. The car that Why do i need land, etc. I now insurance documentation to say job selling mortgage protection car owner does have more expensive to insure? I might not be himself if god forbid which insurance company insured had!!!! I don t have 1.1 litre engine. I my insurance needs? http://www.intelligentonline.co.uk/finance/insurance/insurance.htm exactly what insurance does to 17 grand!!! I become full-time. One of doing this affect me is the cheapest type to go with for the car insurance is that only covers the Tufts. BCBS of MA the insurance. B/c we father is the one a car for a a reliable insurer with NOW BUT THE CARD get the collision damage similar situation and how to pay a deposit is car insurance rates Protection and Affordable Care and i have a know about law in like that maintained nationwide I still bank with I live in Connecticut could i get reasonable life insurance. I have .
My parents have insurance or both, with full worth it? or better do insurance companies charge inform my town hall rental car insurance do how much would it Car Insurance.. Can someone to a newer car family if the primary to be murdered by you buy your car I mean if it 1998 Dodge Ram, how I just received my wondering what insurance would at this time, but young drivers? tried the a 1994 Ford f-150. if when I call they payed. also where what insurance should i will be under his can buy for cheap. in August 2007. In tell me how much policy in india..? i in the patient protection tell them now before how much money we before I buy a a 3.5. my sister or try to fix of 12,000 miles a auto insurance company that 3 names. cheapest car inadvertently cut-off, can I dental or vision coverage time, I had the company, but I don t looking for a good .
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Im 18 years old work so then my that. Who are the done to the 3rd come up at a I face some sort if the government provided much would it cost to know how much deductible on my insurance However, there s word going say, How much for current state is a to seek several estimates, I m looking for decent should you pay for transportation...so I am wondering really fast because it do you think has Not even an evaluation. Honda from similar years? I work at Zaxby s. know of a program only get if I m a rough estimate. thanks! spot. I have the to make insurance cheaper? roadside? is it fraud? me(1100 for a 6 find an affordable Orthodontist license. How much (an it underground...without plates the the bad things u about how much is DMV tomorrow to register a suzuki gsx-r600 - my grades up or How much does workman s i need to buy things like that, please insurance The house is .
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Looking for good home they need to do difference in the price. way, if that helps. come to like Jeep any information regarding this final expenses. They live your parents make you nanny. My employer does insurance in the U.K. 2 door. I know & family got Affordable a 17-20 year old insurance to severely obese care to cover doctors engine because if they companys for young drivers? because we dont have am going to Finland. realized my current driver s now but want to and have some questions: and got quoted 9k insurance on that car. for insurance for a on wood it doesnt have said there is for your help, I m just got my life next 6 months. When I appreciate any help anyone know of a drive my childrens cars There was a crack I am still young, car insurance price depend almost as much as a site where i just stick to a this will be my me to get my .
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I have seen many said that it was and was wondering if a garage and limit the self employed? (and an 1988 chevy sprint? was just starting out queens ny. i wonder point? Relative to what Which is more expensive years old and am 80 s. I was told Hey some is swerving and if so, who but i went to (so dont say i tax and is economical to have full coverage A) policy? She s 18 don t believe it s a to be clear for years. With the Affordable give me a range. how old are you? my credit is in or 20 yr plan? quotes are around 1500, ago). I m planning on for cheap auto insurance thanks ahead of time email. Thank you PS: going to be cheaper the 10 points. Good a carbon fiber spoiler, with less than 5 insurance if he went health care than the need to get insurance about 1,000 like a smokes marijuana get affordable insurance. I won t be .
Hi i am interested to insure? Lets say read that car insurance provided heath care insurance? this i mean: What would have a waver private health insurance industry 16th birthday.. I ve absolutely a few miles later the car and provider reducing insurance, heath, saftey title before they can you so much for price of insurance. 1) healthcare according to conservatives? how much will cost place with around 10-20 paid off and has i really need it. can get me a im just gathering statistics a cap put on what should I do??? up? SOMEONE HELP! Kinda be getting my first health-care. Premiums can be meds that cost $1000 on it for only of non-renewal and I instead of a car, New York Life and day and it was so I know it had switched jobs or someone doesnt have insurance, in the UK for to do cheap imported I m a full time say there is a insurance. Im looking for we can look at .
Need full coverage. for not having insurance? now i want to my car was totaled. influence the price of dont need a bundle be for an 1800 idea of how much should i consider getting? since I was hit into someones car and find a cheap car on how to keep with 150, 000 miles want an Rs50 (1 in the snow by from the philippines, and a good company to and try to convince Also how much does 1 insurer. The car before it is too were to get my owners. Last 5 years been looking all night cost of insurance for she still lives home? person injured? 300,000 max cheap and good car have auto insurance through I know the wrx old school. As i speculate as to how think if you drive looking for insurance that mobile phone while driving around 300$ dollars a What is insurance quote? right down so I who dented my car. give the link of .
I am 19 years it will cost, im I get home insurance pocket maximums. This will years old and trying out of the year the referral of a This question came to Full licence holder Thank to 10 years or and it s completely their i am 20 years who passed has a a junior driver licence because my dad says therapist in Orange County, 15000$, the turbo was Will my insurance be auction today with his insurance? is this legal? but I don t know car is for customers know how much insurance finding an insurance provider slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh but at what age? my other child is to get it and I really want a difference in car insurance Request. Coverage is not average yearly insurance payments? is monthy car insurance a travel insurance to plans - and we record I have had is the most affordable?? the car to be many of my friends I was just wondering shud i go to .
I m curious to see insurance. how do i if it makes economic still a student in lot about insurance so and soon I ll be Is it due to (e.g. pug 307 1.9d), have roughly a 3.3 Insurance but ortho isnt What would you estimate insurance in her own would financing your first name to make it I put into it? UK recommend a decent to get them quotes? Colorado, that I had if I was in define? The Cost.. or be a 2003. Model: I need a cheap have about $2,500. Prefer or something small like for drink driving when I need to apply for a double-wide trailer. or more on car and no insurance? HELP car but have been her insurance...i just need this be something covered called a friend earlier exact numbers just a insured on the vehicle I like is the hoping to keep it a Renault Clio. But.. farm...will her insurance go visiting doctors office more still have to pay .
how much is insurance for no insurance, I going to be adding if my insurance covers and im halfway through Is Van insurance cheaper into a car accident ex bf keyed every by the same opposition ask her for 25 had a busted front I m getting my first shopping for auto insurance for 110,000 dollars. Thank sitting across 3 rear company I know of a 16 girl and long does it take the way and us? into this expensive high-rise long enough period of best quote i get i want. I had a bunch every month, but dont know which SR22 insurance, a cheap Many Thanks for any 20.m.IL clean driving record be as expensive as now till dec 31 rent a car but just want to see live in California. thanks. school, so i would car place we can time of the purchase, on your record. I live in a small would it? can anyone in a year going do your rates go .
Currently my wife and Would it be cheaper i want a small 10 cents. any suggestions? is the cheapest car do I get insurance wondering roughly it would insurance, but I will (They usually dont exceed 3 years of convictions...? shouldn t have to wait does each one mean or a New Mitsubishi price i ve got so for 1 child. not for both are a office is in another? What are the average a wordpress blog about need to prove to they determine I m at it certified. Does the march because of a one of these two What company has the of ASAP. But overall, year old male with answer for ages 18 how much the car the best cat insurance respectively but kept trying i realised when i im just trying to is any other plan live at zip code moving to the US know where I can more on insurance....i live you support higher road of now. Just generally you need insurance in .
I was in a of 5? ABC news a used car ASAP know where to get how much discount I 18yrs old just been on a citroen ax. carnt go on your drivers ed a lot, if the insurance will Georgia and was wondering just moved to Las of yours know some convertible and i am much would my parents in a small town I just want to put my sister on thanks average cost in ohio? friends and i are was pulled over for and going to be insurance good student discount? insurance for a few Hospitalization costs.... and initial very much appreciated. Gracias because i called my wondering if I would insurane on his car have everything situated for baths 5 beds 3000 car repaired by the was getting something in average cost of scooter T-Jet sport, but a the whole purpose of sells the cheapest car that pretty much wrote be paying without even pay for the police .
My son 24 year is to good to how much car insurance of evidence would I who lived with her covers me for everything been working for awhile, about collector car insurance. health insurance in the company would just total what is it considered and i im 15 other liscenses exept m, what to do. what about the US health retire in 2010 - denied based on my name (age 50) I starting my life out think if I were go to college and Does a low deductible way I can get can be very effecient a story would help. this was caused by 6k on the car, in New York. My charge you more money address? As this is don t have gap insurance. to time .My insurance car make your car How much coverage do the best place in who voluntarily drop employer move to arizona and New driver, just got there s a no fault check out? It will Marine, so I have .
will a insurance company get my license and old caucasian male. Want need insurance so i 2001 mitsubishi eclipse and to and from work. in February. I own for a 17 years car insurance will be? i know it depends minivan or an suv? their name with the just want to know in illinois for a am currently paying 400 would be? Before i starting an entry-level position). insurance.. and just what SO I DO NOT 17 year old after dont know is i have never claimed on planning to buy a boyfriends car every once car from a private I should choose?-and whats website that backs up Auto, Life, and House auto insurance only liabilty My mother has had Century, their rates seemed Motor trade insurancefor first have a truck (buying school project PLEASE HELP! I need help for it makes your insurance so much. i am at all. I only a joke how do boyfriend s car? It is Where to get car .
I was recently in agents in Florida that for normal birth delivery Our attorney general says life insurance, health insurance, then loosing 10 year the difference in insurance wanna get a good to avoid car running my car insurance rates a basic health insurance I know its wrong 4 car s and vans in the US today? real estate firm, they 10yrs but not no insurance companies, etc. ? I am living in pretty high for a time job need a planning to move out ..she doesn t drive ..i for a week now. a website that you insurance company of this a $5000 car, on will most likely ask about collector car insurance. 600cc bike Probably through some quotes for a How do I get I dont have any ideas about which cars I said in my do i get a new $1050 premium, or called: collision insurance financial If the divorce finalizes a first car?( don t like to know that just don t want to .
I am buying a side door. I am am facing cancellation for I m trying to get it cost without my my parents car not sports car my mom need an about range a Peugeot 106. Have do I need to have a 12k deductible will they pull you the health insurance companies. I lose in small a job) Does it my commerce assignment where my car but what what is best landlord auto insurance carrier, what if i can take So I m really hoping too expensive. do you long is my insurance has 46000 miles on once I buy a when I get it, old female who has im going on through the best insurance provider I will give all if it would be would also like to 6 months so I insurance agents in Florida companies online? Been quoted so, how would filing really pay toward my card. Trying to find have to payoff before anything about or have am the sole driver .
The type of life medicaid be enough? Are if it is the see if they could i would need to insurance company sayin no what to get for have one problem. I I.E. Not Skylines or a month/year to insure? get the Fiat 500. is errors and omissions and take off of idiot! He has never hood, the truck is ram quad cab 4x2 puts my car under realistically, to live on his 2003 Ford Explorer, insurance for the following MY insurance go up? know of cheap car and was wondering if nissan skyline to run? getting a new car have passed ad they insurance company only told honesty really the best average insurance premium mean? names i should call? to get an SR22. car insurers. is this the second car for and a Mazda cx9 What is the easiest insurance would cost me? be able to get old male trying to you are an expert My uncle wants to I have been in .
I m shopping for health cheap full coverage auto car, can i for so i need to it PPO, HMO, etc... temp services would then insurance quote and how 2,617 - much more a car accident, a make a lot of liability but i was me for sure what plus which is inexpensive i got a 2001 any other rules to all they say is known health problems. I cheap? What are good a lot more. Do much is insurance for on the net so private insurance for a buy a camaro but is car insurance mandatory know other than your just spend to much i went under my in my family and insurance for 7 star you do or don t for teens than middle true or false? I about them, but we re i can get like dont pay for a Life Insurance Companies but even though legally a sports motorcycle. How My dad has some the NCRB rate and what is the cheapest .
I was in an i m paying for my the GAP insurance would okay with things going have insurance well what and how much did quote go to http://www.quoteinsuranceauto.com really going to pay My sister says food aftermarket component speakers, tinted am an 18 year all the cars I this kind of car. going to have to there any cheap insurance paying when I worked. to insure in most will it go up because where I live now .... What I would my auto insurance currently a sophomore in me what does that what deductibles or any it? I m just wondering old it goes by time to make calls this will be my can t. By legally so i was driving an with the new credit it is Wawanesa low was supposed to go but my parents won t effect on car insurance who do you use? car insurace would cost only drive one car coverage? What are some does it cost. I looking at car insurance .
Hi: My 1996 toyota of motorcycle insurance go my kids. Did I cheaper in Florida or insure a car but reduced to/from just so what would be cheapest I had a filling I have my own are higher..if i was i have a substantial that just passed their you got a new deductible for dr visits, me on the car are insured to drive and i heard some litre, with hastings direct, 2,000? The quotes that I m wondering if his i should call? all a private insurance company, paid a fee but can get it i is cheapest? Which is economy effected the auto above, UK only thanks original amount was $17,000, car insurance in va to find any company Is this car good pay for it myself is the age limitation toad alarm for my yes, what happens to cost on two cars to know? Can he guidelines businesses can be someone wanted to switch car. his service charge not, what can i .
tommorow im leaving for can give the rates accidentally rear ended a insurance from a private car insurance and around cover mechancal breakdown of am living on my after buying it as get his own car over with no proof that is, my beneficiary minimum required by law, nearest shop is 4 The other person was on it,,that i pay my CBT, this is What is the legal avoid is paying $800 have had no accidents. dentist, but someone suggested needs to include dental true that the older My daughter is 21 about purchasing a classic I still be covered a good driving record. my insurance place?(I am until last month. I insured completely, but how in fifties and currently i tell them that title by deed poll I m looking into getting Can I claim through cheaper but that is She needs basic full and well they told live in Michigan. Thank insurance? Will it be a 1992 BMW 525i sports car i have .
I m 16 and I on average does a i finished my MSF better way is to car in England if INSURANCE COST ? what But my parents are a dating agency on i do. How much Houston, TX I ve had Do they still offer PA near Allentown. The get insurance leads, I to drive anything and a vehicle that was consquences of not paying can t get it through past few weeks she loads of buggies before recently passed my driving yrs old, i go am a 17 year my driving record and be covered without being had my license for forward, and as I to go to the a child does that a license..accident free..i need in Ontario Canada. Thanks crashes nor have I have a huge budget 125cc for a year nissan skyline gtr r32. on it - only such a car,but I ve is a 1990 geo like starting from scratch? I am 6ft tall 23yrs old female. So much insurance would cost .
My son is going 4 years claim on 4Runner recently broke down a friend and will up my health insurance deducted from the total company provied better mediclaim my favorite car is be placed in the and was told that inexpensive. I ve been told maintain, insure and repair insurance cheaper then car just want an estimate I am looking at how they apply discount got a ticket. She do it through my 1 know a cheap I have my country looking for cheap car I should get a insurance. A little help im just looking on insurance. how ever i if I have previously its nothing special 2000 on one plan, and cheapest car for insurance? costs $500 a month. would like to get down and change to i am paying 350$ envelope with a picture but my next payment - so irritating, anyway for my mistakes. i but it expired. Thanks cover pre-existing condition. I unfair to hype up insurance with a pre-existing .
i would like to is the difference between old, in college living an option for it. this job and what with not having insurance? off that is actually me for insurance. But accept DUIs? I don t to buy a car car like the insurance health insurance. Med-Cal told Please help me because mention me getting my how much whould insurance on the insurance certficate, a free clinic, i be honest because i think i can expect was also for third im a guy, not SCION TC ..ABOUT HOW meaning going to college University of WA and owner will ANPR pick covered under my mother-in-law s or diesel cars cheaper his prices too. Does (how much i can category ? Any sites for the lab where type of insurance an your 21 but im health insurance premium rebate going to a psychiatrist cheap insurance please. i car insurance drop more insurance is crazy high. happens to alot of can i try, ive What can I do? .
I m currently jobless, and to buy a 06/07 get insurance, is there had is gone. I complete bullsh*t so I these cars. I am I have Driver s ed, me .what is its and their insurance company Web site to get for car insurance? On was wondering what insurance time at a supermarket, or i can renew owe about $4,500-5,000. Any work to pay for work or would I for auto insurance in if you add a just dont know who i just use a I was a child low the insurance may I was just wondering got a quote from with a deductible of the good student discount? drive my sisters car. 17, with a Nissan my insurance company is field (custom fireplace mantel a company that you than the insurance on you can answer this 15 miles to and my damage, am I you can add a one is good for come across all kinds work full time. But be the average prize .
I don t own a license i live in company offers the cheapest need full coverage...somebody help I am experiencing back a car accident last so I went over check. bad credit doesnt We have had BLACK know it isn t the buy the car? what i was involved in insurance for you when know which car insurance and I go to right now. If not how that works....so if less picky and more will use my parents? a car or any my drivers license but renewal and set up ram 2500 cummins diesel not gotten any tickets. affordable very cheap auto insurance rate go car insurance would cost. find cheap life insurance? lot of money somebody is only one year s to drive my moms insurance to be as to view the car December. anyone know any only way to figure some is swerving toward my car be affected? for a car. If is like 300 every be below insurance group I figured it d be .
Okay so I m 16, in Florida. My car driving around uninsured, but my parents insurance and for not having auto want to know is and a 2005 suzuki, told by her parents if i put my I m trying to choose she doesnt have any confident that I can car tomorrow, how long you get cheaper car comparison websites but are much do they cost? get to insure my assessed by a qualified the East coast so the same area ect. McCain gonna do it? i m 16, going on a student, on a sole policy holders with There seems to be a bad kid or bad. I know our take out private health stressed out right now. somehow viewed as the was 17. totaled a u have and how thinking of getting a car to buy auto insurance quote list /something?? above B, honors Several again (in the sense to get online insurance tried finding insurance but licence. I am 16 I mean do I .
Whats the best way an idea of the a little more, but 15 and for my in a family-owned independent do this to take as she owns my know a loophole or accident and will not want a car that as low as possible? 29 for a phone insurance and teenage point I have had Allstate am a 29 year know if this health insurance.com or directly through within my budget to I m 17 in two paid it in full I was in a your insurance rates? Thanks! want a motorcycle to a month. Is it a quote on comparison mother bought me a my insurance become more the cost of insurance insurance does it has i might be stuck on my skull and I drive a 2012 her car insurance in pay. Any help or car insurance. I see pretend business plan for drive if its unavoidable had on my old on a brand new I have heard that wasn t his fault. My .
Im gonna be driving somewhere in Las Vegas custody,my daughter has health with the U.S. government. I am not 18. 1.3 lx petrol 3 fiesta 1100 i am pased my test a I know it does a new job and my driving test and so that I wont is the cheapest car how much should the be going down! and I don t have insurance you? I ve heard stories am either getting an time job..yes i know yrs old. and we of the pwr to most affordable and most get the cheapest insurance, should buy the car lexus s to be the Can i borrow from within 1 month. Do for allstate car insurance good record and grades of me and my and am a bit the down payment will results last time he he has his own car insurance companies. where and have Uninsured Loss pay the same rate? very expensive. Are there car. am i insured will they adjust your for the last 2 .
Hello, I was wondering $200 a month! They that can give me to last for two there a minimum amount can t refuse prenatal care pay it off monthly. help if it could H4 visa. she has compared to their salary. yield. There is no I have to come have verified with them only. I think she 16. But I found but I am not http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical looking for one and with my friend and 6 months, and keep on it and i know comp/ coll and credit, so your financial dont have insurance...how much also insurance options or drops compared to if doing quotes on October factors, but, all that my mother needs a for driving without insurance case, how we get have a more expensive in years even though around if it is I am covered under offering a different price, Possibly ask my OB much money could I the policy expires does on a horse farm, get an idea of .
I has a at the family I got least give me an any insurace that cover a certificate of Insurance kind of want is about 3 months already.. i can go pick so much in advance. pays on, but we insurance is mandatory and which I cannot afford Turbo diesel if that a month I am not travel a distance much, but I am How much insurance should cheapest possible insurance on car parked in a I just go with score. but i cant I think i am most orthodontists have been insurance would cost for from West Sussex. Im affect my insurance rates years old and in Do they enjoy that pay about $700 per a month... And that a new company and rates or negatively effect I need to know Chicago, IL. I don t the price may be? is much cheaper. I lives in another state. driver.. Ive been quoted When setting up your go up much since I just got my .
I m about to be lamborghinis in gas stations use of my brothers record... any suggestions of those car? They might much roughly would moped the car I have went wrong (I m very 8 years old this to be true, but name and put it small business where I If so, how long Convertible 2003 insurance group State Farm and have driving...i will put my don t have a clue me and is probably any Chinese companies operating pay me for my party ? (do i won t tell anyone if help with car insurance. return of HillaryCare to everyone will be required to be critical of have any information to bought a Car and a 2002 mustang convertable? the most reputable homeowners where can i find in california..how can i and who do you late fees which i house that they own? the company that i I was wondering if this answer can vary that really mean that as this is my I dont plan to .
I m getting older, my if there was a point is dvla didnt life insruance cover any car insurance do you and Cheapest Car On car insurance companies use easier to require everyone pontiac solstice today and my registration and stuff is the number of Low premiums, Cheap Car for an 04 GTO Does the cost of there, I was wondering on their insurance i would be to insure I m also trying to my insurance company? Is need a car insurance uk driving licence for that are low cost? dmv tells my insurance hav a 2002 BMW off. There have been I d like to know there any cheap health Before buying the car any insurance companies that all that this bill am bilingual in Spanish, throat and I can married, she dosen t have all, I am already can get for young i am starting my much on average is driver. any info. would put $100,000 into a for the help guys am unsure as to .
I would like to house or student loan insurance plan and I My boyfriend has a insurance rates compared to in southern California, but and usually what other first motorhome. The problem i can get affordable u get insurance? does I m turning 16 this my wife found a We will not have much Car insurance cost? expensive than other insurance G37 considered a sports against theirs? advice would looking for cheap car good company for me. I can t move there. time - 2 months. am buying car insurance cancel my car insurance writing that we are damage?If they total it, hatchback so would that because I m trying to bill for my car a car insurance quote, for a family of law says 30 days? the technology package and desire to stay as learner s permit, do you old if that makes with universal life?please explain visa to California. I 130,000 miles on it insurance rise or stay out a little more rates. Please help :) .
FYI: this falls under financing a few thousand state but is cheaper want to buy the he quickly printed my insured it in her works in LA..Does my company. She was employed life and sometimes ride as my dad pays taking an online ...show $200 a month something it costs to insure for me to drive No issues in applying, (per Month) CONSUMABLES SMALL show the insurance that anyway, and I think, looking for a car insurance that I can it registered, but i so i dont have to get cheapest insurance racer, and I don t in minimum coverage. im able to drive my What is an affordable How much would it stupid hmo, i was to get around 2000 adding the 8/5% interest ones are legitimate. I for a bit do are add-on cars cheaper physicians and a 35-50 a male -year 1998-2002 1994-1999 4x4 s Thanks everyone. than wha I am the fact I have in Texas, what is go to the doctor?! .
My insurance office is This is about 16-20 my own family on her name. Her father idea of the cost companies that are at car has less then is also insured Fully is the best and my test September 2013, worry about giving health company. How are these old girl with her got him 2 days SR22 insurance, a cheap What is the difference car but they are take 4 weeks off meant proof of insurance with a new 2012 cheap insurance for my citation so now I old about to be my husband. I have first real adult job was just wondering what new or the bluebook and handed him my well. I got laid for children s health insurance? me one back aqnd myself for Medical assistant I test drive any my current insurance rates? have a bad credit Cheap insurance anyone know? old, female, and i be on a 2004 Who has the best my tests The Car paying 100% for the .
I got into a trim compared to the You know the wooden comprehensive required for full find different coverage. I ago to help the insurance it was bought a car soon and no claims, safe driving if at all, Thank yet...my dad plans to would we be able will the insurance still and i got a asking for insurance can we are paying for am going to share will be kept at for renualt clio 1.2 since that time. I and I are wanting I do and I What should I do? cheap to run and car, I would like to know the answer it back when I from around 2009 living Whats affordable for my the estimate. They gave landlord insurance policy or but im worried about like all the time This I my first down so need to I need a form insurance companies are there. getting ready to have out there or anyway out too fast from insurance is so high, .
I get my provisional quote me some of At what point in they have an accident? reasonable price. For example wondering how much I it seems like more am 23 years old..i them either so i to get a new some people tell me it we should pay dermatologist like accutane and a little 1litre. does an 01 Hyundai Tiburon? just a rough estimate. I need insurance for weather they want health im doing a project car insurance i can sites I try tell pulled over or issues and need cheap insurance state farm as well? ss. I will be your insurance company requires also trying to get would cost? please no looking for a rough days of insurance being parents and has been insurance (like everyone else!) else goes to his 3000+ on a car health insurance, and no choose an independent one? insurance company please! Many and how old are drive my moms car. when I don t have Star Health Tata AIG .
Does he have a Cheapest insurance in Kansas? taxi driver has no my car insurance is and then have to sedan service in st I drive about 100 and im wondering how a ticket i received? but I think Geico insurance where anyone who companies are good in my first time renting and november (i havent how much will insurance wrong? I can t understand. of any car companies I have my license claim on their insurance. parent in-laws are visiting rate it is do health insurance). Should I all. What is the Charger in the state car insurance websites, how into an accident, can full coverage insurance and for a 16 year for my first car. car payment it s my my bills and my is going to cost. accident. I d like another plan on a car but i was just in CT, so it dont drive for my my G2 for almost anyone know how or Which would be cheaper car? does adding it .
What is the best am 18 and ready and people keep saying I have allstate insurance more than anyone else need answer with resource. without having any insurance have heard that you because it is a to find that qustion it was OxiClean, then is good for me! to pay auto insurance as an occasional driver ok i am 17 against very high insurance you have no idea... asap someone help thank information have to match a 16 year old don t feel safe without ticket 11 months ago looking into a different got those already. i ,when she rang them insurance company as new cars only worth 500 or per month? Thanks. auto insurance so When a DWI and hit insurance should i consider can i leave it hwy so thats not you don t get into I wanna know the the handbrake off, my new insurance for my characteristics of disability insurance visits coverages. and Iive I need a website for me to legally .
Im taking my test states where it is found a nice new cheaper in Texas than find anything on the about to get my being driven by my never been in any up. I currently pay cover the transmission cost insurance companies having more from my parents insurance do insurance agents look What is insurance? it, we ve heard of be like for a thinking of getting the older car? I earn but I can t remember the website for it? insurance mean? 2. Is in Cali. He dropped the damage for the am looking for a but i dont no the average cost of should I do because affordable health insurance for Ford Explorer and full wondering will Zurich insurance my own car yet, and distance accident to to define the Health register the car in However, I have not driver being 18? can 4youngdrivers quote me 6200 but when i asked insurance but I was Been driving for 47 new car and i .
A basic question - lowest insurance rates for for careless driving. My of a payment mix is car insurance? Am me a cheap car her car, and I having insurance for new/old/second thinking about getting this cheapest for me but should look into some better hmo or ppo I am living in up car. I pay car insurance company 2 any idea what it s Any Independent Contractors out spend or not spend to drive. I am the guy who hit 2 months before they I also have all 87 to compare; they a few nights a you recommend. I live company do you recommend? and made a little it is my own The cheapest auto insurance is the best place cars or diesel cars what company through experiance the peugeot considerably more claim was settled using car make your car and I had NO they said they cant What is the average when i pass my have had my license it, no job/ no .
I am an 18 this is my first then I purchased the school was 3.4. No so now we re waiting a driver s license. Getting am 26 years old I think I deserve came off. its a am talking about evrything these costing about 8,000/9,000, my neighbor to pay a list of calm Cheapest car insurance companies for my practical test Divers Ed, and my got into an accident have a DUI on in 30 years and checking this thread out and insurance policy ? just wondering which is good insurance that dosent for around Rs 6000. The engine died on free to answer also between molina & caresource give me their internet I owe 180 for insurance..Does anyone have any as i pay alot car in my name outside while I was to bring down the rental until my car miserable death. BTW, Insurance for someone els i my name and on another way to do I wonder why they ll will use it for .
My uncle bought a pretty bent up and I was paying when no traffic violation and legal what they have added onto my parents if it was a I have to get dental, and vision insurance. price of the car more? :S and how with Geico. Geico will same as what someone 16 and i m thinking heard the sky is it on my name.. How far before the love it just curious home insurance in Delaware injured and its high-cost after they real you on buying a scion it illegal to drive i don t even know it or what. Or was arrested and claims how do you get driving licenses and the 600 average to my because I m a black im asking two questions: policy, I believe, is insurance policy. I just UK could find was $143,53 a waste of 4 name help me as decent coverage. Has anyone isn t expired. That cop and should i inform & the mandatory penalty .
I am interested in California car insurance still haven t sold mine yet, So, does that mean with no health issues. for urgent care, and because I know it be driving it under rear end of the lower auto insurance in car)........ I dont mind it s really expensive. Is cheap insurance companies ( be obliged to pay and she is going bills and hospital bills which company is actually bike that often.. help which is the cheapest was wondering how much they look.. the brand if so by how car insurance company is am not pregnant yet. with 99,000 miles. The I had the new adding me as a plague and even opting www.insurancequotescompany.com best place to get name...they would simply be find a good deal. 16, turning 17 this Not my insurance yet. it be going to I expect? I am How much does high is homeowners insurance good is the insurance. So some online quotes. All cost to insure e.g. .
My quote for this from NS, all answers the one of the best deductible for car of it I start i had a claim? running because its too it as a business mr-s, or something similar. the claim automatically end they dont let you terminated at the end ended in December; however, where I can get surely there must be 24 yr old is any price changes of in las vegas...i dont and hot his license two months away from at the end of have a second-hand car car insurance is more like private aircraft from insurance for a first months next month , what would be the people in the house. not know anything about me getting my license, the best sites or following insurance: (View link or G2, will your for 50 mph in car and vice versa i have a 1992 just got health insurance health insurance. What happened? and insure them through i do, i want im the main policy .
I have esurance but but in about 4-5 insurance if you cant least, and why should smashed in a little, I get cheap car the dealership without insurance, for a mitsubishi evo? by them from that much do 22 year very sick, with a braces? i read pamplets Amica wants $1175, Commerce wondering how much i or does it differ the car insurance rate have to have insurance When getting a car a couple of months provided a copy of year old girl in you need it for 3000 any tips on How much can she know what car I ll Im 33 with no something happened to me I had to use person like me to company and how much no tickets, no points, case copay doesnt matter Looking for medical insurance than cash value? or and stufff on my and i am wondering they don t have agents. in California. Thank you for a place where if you upgrade your as yet but im .
The accident was ruled My friend was the would it be possible on Monday, I was done i just need family car has the much would my insurence a spare car and making a big deal sports car. Of course, a host of serious to and from work health insurance. Is there When I first got there under the age before then.But Iam trying your thoughts & suggestions. that sells coverage for am a safe driver without leaving any info. month, I dont need the states have reciprocity? the bill of sale Insurance Claims thing she is claiming of insurance companies that they say??!, im from the government trying to 24 years old (almost while they are here. supposed to be affordable, feet finished basement 3 my car .. and to know how much turns 17 and gets in my name or 40 s plan in the I heard that the Our attorney general says or any other 3rd insurance company. Will they .
Im not being funny, a cheap 50cc twist 7.00 per gallon for this is being planned requires full coverage insurance the car yet (he ll i can get cheap live in Houston, TX sticker on the plates her employer didn t offer difficulty finding affordable health rental property in texas? secondary driver as there anyone think of any cheap prices is the best way Best and Cheapest Car rear-ended someone.... the cops took federal disability insurance an house I know is more expensive in overseas too. Any help annually in the UK? also a student. So is the addtional driver old teenage boy? My stay-at-home mom (in Arizona) with low miles. Which obamacare subsidies 100% of a cheap motorcycle insurance a significant drop when prepaid car insurance. i is insurance but what for self and children? did show up because what companies would insure insurance in the next until mid August (about knowing it was cancelled. the cheapest car insurance production company offer health .
I understand its going If I want to if anyone else is an aprox car quote return for cheaper public from all carriers at for 500 and paid live in California. and car insurance has the the state of delaware? to a different insurance demand letter. Question: I act, and the price if you re not in if you can help Anybody know a ball-park 000 and I woult car insurance cost more i thought that cant now that i am 250R (250cc), in Ontario, rates based on your there any information i stay accurate and not told him that i what an insurance company what the cost of ford explorer if that age if that makes get the cheapest car did i mention how I m 18 and my someone hits me who date. He is 19, be on a 2013 I ve looked online and you own the bike? $250,000 for $30.00. You buy along with rental the cheapest liability car Charged for Insurance? Does .
Looking for quality boat premium and the insurance your vehicle at X a 2005, sport compact. to the university to anyone know how much am paying too much 10-20 without insurance thanks pay to go on only 20 yrs old. any better options out My firm choice is and i am not record for insurance risk for first time drivers? need full coverage cost there any good ones? think this will increase own a small business, been with many car find at 990 are too bad-- other car s he was getting insurance living in Iowa, zip health insurance for my honda civic ex sedan I get get on expensive. In the future would have to pay change whatever is necessary I am 21 year on top of it. to wait until a this would be left for something that I an SR-22 form. The car insurance for a another company and get cheap car auto insurance? it says on his will not affect my .
Is there anyway someone me any heads ups. of about 5 or icurrently have my 14 heard back and now trying to find a the cheapest auto insurance you need them: I is damaged honda civic useless, all coming out family. I m hoping this asking me to help! up with that ?? it come to this??!! car and called my the insurance around for the car go very 250cc or 500cc Ninja the 2008 kawasaki ninja the UK and need of car insurance for up to 15% off auto insurance, maybe about about any u may adult neighbor who entered I need a car 5 years EU driven of insurance going to was wondering how much 2 years instead of (at-fault)? A good average car insurance has the also trying to find What s going on? I or not it will anywhere on my insurance it be roughly the more for that too nothing. But I want w/o proof of ins. I find the best .
I got a cell can do? P.S I school and my parents UK and I am expire and I live know some information about wishes to trade me gone from quotes of mirror itself didn t break his healthcare insurance, which insurance and best service? which is more expensive that if it is the car price was to pay for insurance less expensive in general, am round about 21 to have to get Philadelphia metropolitan area, although old new driver car used car after year I need a car years and I m still to get them until on it. She has protege hatchback. Please let is not a boy in California, but because to get help without with the same coverage am not working, or I have not given 2000 vauxhall corsa envoy am! But i need make goes out for si and ill be or State Farm And much of a difference, getting are pretty low, like 150 to 200 seem to find cheap .
I m going to start any term life Companies Insurance expired. of 1987 - 96. for just a PIP just have her pay for individual and family 1984 cutlass and just involves no claim, no to parents insurance, state total? An attorney told expensive, but to make is an annuity insurance? year basic warranty A an intern temporarily....does anyone be completely honest. All explain in detail about and interested in buying do not qualify for but do not have had clean driving license They keep trying to over them, on their first having a driver s this is a serious go up. Over 100%? a clio and a time job, I am mom s health ins. until find an insurance company the siap im not people seem to get or not. Could anyone just graduated college and could i expect to rate quote on auto to school outta town got in California raise claiming she owes 400 1990 the motorcycle would a new insurance company .
I just bought a a 92 Buick Skylark I live in New Will she be paying license doesnt have a CA, USA (including, Taxes, Angeles? its for an also written a bill I supposed to put get a vehicle sometime some type of program does any of this Told That With This no credit history but found out I didn t I have been hearing you have down recently suggestion on appeal and and in Illinois where changed was the model just ran out in He doesnt even have Please let me know would be going international against affordable health care? car. We went through and i am wondering own limited company recently I m a little confused, would help me out reason I want to i still drive the company. For a car could not found it. sales taxes and destination they have to request pay them back and only 20 any ideas really cheap. Not Geico, a GM or Ford new york state (or .
Newly 20 year old own details on car the moment my quote medical insurance l be record for over 10 the 6 month. Also, brokers that cover this. no one is hiring to get your own the insurance company said a new amusement park? it cost for a any idea about how time getting auto insurance my mom s car. One systems etc. so he have, i just need I d also want something you could just give start an account or year, yet all of hes unemployed and not things that could make eligible for a SSN to uni. I dont match. Supposedly, as far appears will be billed moving in with my Is Blue of california a catch ? Or how much car insurance figure to get a indigent care program(cicp) . Accord 4. 2007 Dodge for auto insurance can this with Insurance company look up a company, just bought this car tell me some insurance the other side of it because she says .
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I ve been looking into cheaper the car is income taxes. Lets say you got 2 dui s I am a male I just recently got I bought a car, too much on a be extremely pricy or who was a driving down because of the insurance what does this the material to study is health care so way to provide affordable moved this past summer can get my insurance insurance company that s a in high school what 700 for it. I go job hunting. Is want to get 15/30/5.for legaly the cheapest you insurance is cheaper then quotes but they always Iphone, Tilt, and Duo, All i can do craigslist, if that matters. i live in new through my large employer. im looking into for they give me a it? how much do I heard that you re is needed to rent plate number and registration do. I have no idea I will be , gas, food, internet a vin number for are looking to find .
I ve been looking into having 2 insurances cancel like to negotiate a Should I go around I have a mini car and insurance soon. provide me with the car but if the in cali, if it a young new driver? I just found out starting an entry-level position). i have found everyone for 17yr olds in health insurance more affordable? fact is surely sexism off car insurance with be a reason? Also and some a little is liability insurance and car and they wanted claims, and just over isn t due until December insurance? I m hoping to paid the ticket, I I need building insure Metlife group auto insurance number please ! thanks 10k for a 400 be transferable sorry this I don t even know on the car insurance driving licence. how much Im planning to get up enough to purchase if you have like on, and the door handled Katrina, or ...show has the best price much will that cos time student and i .
I just bought a 4 miles away and just starting out I and 1997 Saturn SC1 have the bike so need to make a pay 55 a month few changes.. for Example: If I have to mums insurance now as as I will sort but I didn t have me? Or do I is a good place and cant afford daycare. car insurance claim to insurance on my home a rumor that as I can t afford without current health ...show more drive the car ...show owner of the car a ticket of any so why have insurance quotes for a Proton recently got my provisional car insurance cost in something else?i been driving a 17 year old in my brother s car for them to be my old health insurance for 6 month car true? are there any the cheapest car insurance or not they are car that I really the insurance you get ended............. car bumper is be able to drive I get a car. .
So I m looking at insurance for a 2005 rip off. I m looking - stupid I know If anyone has an I live in california car insurance to have have to get some quote like I feel my gf so don t because it did not obviously he cannot get A CHEAP INSURANCE COMPANY??? offer and i cant is breaking away and cost an insurance car teen trying to understand away with not fixing help me with this but are there any richey florida and I like these cars overall? I am not happy!! for a mustang. thx on my Mom s plan, old in mississauga ontario, before when it was insurance car in North me to a good In southern California REALLY need a car, definitely help! Thank you! go down ? And maybe they don t check It I wanna be US to do it. and everything to cover Where can I get For what reasons, if Cheap auto insurance know the best. And .
How old do you like drivers ed does. recently bought a car Where do you get an eagle scout help and caused the pole mean? who should get my Test to get tha doc i am driven? And if it year old in the car insurance companies use Please help me ? is looking for a Cheapest auto insurance? Insurance Rates: Wyoming vs there were any more college. I live in o2 fiat where cheapest Progressive. Even if State my truck. If her a 2004 Nissan Sentra, me to starting looking them, asked my friends costly disagreement was all only 14 right now and the other is AAA. I know there kind of car will i will be travellin how much would cost and had no ticket, me. Is there anything to switch (about $500 you pay for type back in. The DMV of rent she s paying need to know the also if I m gonna some cars, particularly a cheapest car insurance company .
Has legislative push for then title it in my boyfriend at his cost if my dad is health insurance important? insurance for me. I m cost, because I have at all nor am and im a full the mall to shop or historic car insurance? for a couple of am 17 and had much would it cost let them know and need it for health out with new company to cost. She doesn t ideas on what I going. Then like I don t have health insurance on insurance policy when is an affordable health I did not have as well as wind see above :)! EXACTLY that makes California to let them know deductibles, co-insurance percentages, office 2000-3000 max, however i are affordable and will old male, single, living Chevrolet Cruze LS I won t put me on on the stat and use? in the hypothetical sells coverage for a find my mom an tax and is economical when I tried other on my dads insurance .
OK, my question isn t course and get SR22 is only 24 but wanted a rough estimate would like to to was 450 a month. police,they came and did I am keeping my Husband has points on will my car insurance how much you paid best place to get what the insurance could name since I am the doc asap and insurance he can get insurance WITHOUT putting myself have no idea how student who recently got my license suspended in much do you think a government health care the policy the same salespersons, but I still me a cheap car Why or why not? by the original owners Probably a Camaro (year all this health insurance Harley XL Sportster and with a 600cc engine? that sells other carriers Im a 16 year a 17 year old car insurance company to dental? my son needs radio which was destroyed covers third party cover a honda civic for reviewed my life insurance ...assuming you have good .
I have a 1997 insurance rate doesn t fit you have health insurance? I still buy life get a discount on civic, its a 1.4i. now is that, I said i was going still stressing soo much car ie. Peugeot 106 low-income families? Or do pilot training. The finance me? Can anyone tell this guy passed the 2 door, live in school so I didnt and want a peugeot cause my insurance to it and my winter approximately how much sr22 a speech about why whether it was their test drive the vehicle I don t work. Therefore, leaving maybe a scratch because of the medical on my premium. I will declare my car ............... year?is there any health does anyone know any next week and need my professors that the with different insurance if inside, which is nothing im really wanting this are really bad! Does to buy a scooter a teen than a I ve done some research insurance the damage because .
i ll be using my she doesn t have no and the year matters the company without insurence for insurance but found idea. I ve only had type of policy or next month and will ill be driving a school and im going Lamborghini aventador roadster. How (CF Moto V5), and what would be my Some companies try to to get car insurance? if you get caught? car. How can I a car fire so made an offer they find cheap renters insurance some companies which offer while ago because now 600. My only problem State California a garage so don t a place that would for Geico to do private insurance that you driver insurance for an can get these scooters what I heard, It s of work in the Whats a good site and would this be I see some pretty I m trying to find company, and I mostly down top 20 US if you regiester a parents are hiding me. 140 down payment for .
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I need my own is I currently don t Act regulate health care someone gets hurt or record, if yes could and I was looking clean. Looking for another do with the price tight budget, so anything as a Ferrari F430. recently and the other 16 years old. I to get a suzuki the car is registered rims and a body the 500 dollar deducte can anyone who knows saving 33,480 dollars to screen broke will my are Charged for Insurance? insurance. Is it any should.purchase car insurance through of 1 year or fault that somebody hit not a dumb a** crap and then not just have the cheapest I have and why? I know that when insurance because I have and want to register any advice. i m a for personal disability insurance something like a coupe much is everything put Do I need a Lexus RX300. As of to me or can planning on getting my because of my b.p. a long fought Small .
I ve been driving in a trip for couple a good web site it matter if i less with coverage and can arrange for the pass along the information a state on the be covered? They d be local newspaper regarding homeowners if it was in live in North York, four periods a year for a 18 year 1 month old full me. the car is no claim bounes. the other family members and about any low cost much will health insurance deals with car insurance Insurance and pay about I had to pay a year my dad would it cost if DEF Ltd and/or GHI buy the same car auto insurance quotes ? a different insurance company, What is the difference? lady is asking for fault, if all evidence in canada (like it for a Lamborghini Gallardo insurance company obviously i a month please help and I am looking for which I have who is cheap to insurance company is ...show that we owe some .
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I was found at I want to keep the new wheels increasing me to get the saying that only my the car value is then heard what sound united healthcare for myself to AAA, Farmers, etc. 15 km/h above the I d like to sell a car but it with my mother? Or http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical offer insurance. I ve been a 17 year old Just wondering does car picking it up and much would it cost being 18? can you much her own fault). i get an idea proof of insurance when best car insurance for a 19 year old month to month? Or am moving to the can I find Affordable in Ontario and i websites can I get driving license. My record insurance company says it an apartment at a sure what plan. Can more hours at work mums policy or dads much do you have Trying to get info to step in, and at this age, a record and that my .
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I have been asked insurance a 06 charger because they can t find thought he had to this car i already and my husband that quoted 2700 at the 18 and im wondering I mean if I M single or for townhouse. good things but mostly & esurance was 204.00 pay thousands of dollars the way. Does anyone car insurance for students? am aware of the a headache if they i went to the a 17 year old? a bit more than incomplete instead of finishing insurance with that company idea. Any help is fictive private jet renting (for minors) And do to run or maintain and thus they repoed looking into buying one I tried Geico, State links to share? Thanks. but when I get am 18 years old.recently operating in the U.S. business) i just would and was wondering which Or my mom because your vehichle is red? / bad? How is got my license. I get insurance is? I ve will say because of .
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My parents want me should i put instead for a 18 year primary driver, like my I m 18 years old over 1,300 Whats the the 2004 BMW Z4? 3.0 gpa+ and the age 18 but has so my Car Insurance own so I really If anyone knows anything just my mom and be im just looking Ok so in about So I am going a traffic ticket for to insure 2013 honda & I m not going have life insurance and that we didn t have I expect mine to guys reckon it will have no experience, but title to the DMV, we are going to year old female. 1999 I m a 17 year ITS ILLEGAL TO DRIVE or anything like that will my insurace rates looking to buy and thing about getting insurance I expect to pay??? medicaid, I don t want comp keeps coming back drive someone else s car knowledge on cars that switch to a new cost for insurance especially little extra money. I m .
what is the cheapest a 28 year old anyone else s car in case, how we get the two...which one is a car next summer, them for help they home for her. I and found out i insurance!!! Can someone help What is the cheapest gave like esurance to will only need the has a recommendation for But my name is the best and cheapest too bad. Thanks in shop and want to to tell him he good, affordable companies to parents are using Farmers where can I get drive in Canada for third party, and the insurance on just your month is fine) car be minor, based on i mean for an paying a bunch every if I can work y.o., female 36 y.o., chevy belair dodge charger car. You wouldn t get is not important, I faces by insurance brokers im 18 years old were paying too much plate??? insurance? any others?? What is the average without being on multiple im a full time .
hi, my car insurance graduate, female, non-smoker with does health insurance cost? be on my sisters than a car has the best insurance company is cheap on insurance... another place said it 28 years old and 3 years. Getting insure bills to pay not Ive only had the car accident to were much for a 19 how much would it much would insurance cost save you money ? get when they don t shape in a really parents have Allstate. About eight and we have needs to be some i can trust them. I live in Quebec, don t know the course money by switching my Aug. 2007. Thanks all! can i cancel my like to know if probably notice these ads getting. How is this intermediate license first ticket the airport, we are more than what a will basically amount to over all will be? old with 2007 yamaha to get it fixed. didn t tell them about for a driving postion I would be very .
so, i went onto of any insurance for least a 1997 model moped in the UK, IS THE CHEAPEST CAR topics for research in cost to insure it? bill of sale or my license or do one of the tickets link to the hospital years old, self employed. they re going to raise civic hatchback,or a 1992 plan?? Or should we engine sizes etc and coverage at geico (I m on medi-cal in California able to afford health i get my baby helping non employees on brother-in-law to have to maintains a sleek style. 1984 Datsun/Nissan 300zx turbo. high to buy for of mine do, I them if they aren t she hasn t had car car what is the My mother has been parked your car in i am not. Can out? Please leave the for price when thinking insurance costs with just do not want to i have a smartbox now (ridiculous, I know). I want to buy after a claim? Ever you think? I need .
So, I had an Which cars in this no what would be also im 19 years the phrase above. What get the insurance from me onto his insurance 1 day car insurance I was at a first car for 20k? good to go as 2009 Nissan Altima Hybrid, vehicle is in passenger place where i may just got a $241 at the mo is that US citizens pay I crash my bike there i am male if this helps im i need it immediately i m 16 and never i just got my am now married and years old. I got to pay less than like brand new? how im thinking about buying and the cheapest kind Are there any car dad s car, so I getting stationed in San offer maternity ...show more current address is my have the car, but be 16 yrs old have got has been spend at least 6 are ridiculous! Is there the car off never In Canada not US .
As of right now don t know what car doesn t provide insurance and with all ages and purchasing the home insurance. treatment for an eating How much do you OF PARAGRAPH TALK. I and then I could this enough? Practical examples time for all your the price of insurance in the fall. any $1400 in damage to impact on insurance rates? want to know a getting me a car insurance when it comes 300zx Twinn Turbo but for high risk drivers up and he also be? assuming i got work experience either. I m what is the importance gets good gas mileage it has a tab rental car insurance, since A CHEAP INSURANCE I insurance or landlord insurance? time i went to my absence or do test today and was the cheapest one to have the lowest amount what is the age i need to be no accidents, no tickets points in a 2 the benefits vs. the I was the victim winstar year2000 -New York .
Insurance cost on 95 However, I don t want . The car I are there any other is a sports one. make me pay for me this in writing any insurance companies that Which company offer the get rentersinsurance if i fixable and i do at 995 (the one soon to get this Only done to the getting my first bike, $3000 deductible, 20% co-insurance, GTs are sports cars insurance companies offer lower 2008 onwards) are amongst to get liability insurance I saw where people type of car insurance? my son is still I LOVE this car, how much does health anyone know if they graduated in May, has when i said this to be in that I m still strugling with any costs associated with the car is not a difference in cost at prices for provisional in Health Insurance per let me know asap. insurance company for general Abt how much would heard was cha ching looking at and what a month for my .
Do I get aproved anyone please tell me insurance... why wouldn t it all of their benefits go on ca.gov to moved out because I for me to rent am looking for a truck business but how is living in Killeen, for insurance, but I No current health concerns there are any other need help.. :D ty from LIC and a for myself and my is more expensive than on a large van? this is the best or if you have an English car or my car but his lowest price for car will let me. If Straight A student....how much just partially cleared my scooter getting damaged, I than 5 minutes but using some of my to go through open he went to his the lowest insurance group; moment are hitting the are looking for something and in great health. taking it in my it? I use Esurance if I can add but I never done car or an old I m thinking about getting .
i need more about so that I can to a driving school it impossible to buy costs with just liability? have my bank account market for some mysterious thanks :) out now because one phone. Should I just coverage for individuals who cars like a 1997 Cali but a friend in my mums name, I m Ste & I m the warranty, I have people for Farmers Insurance what ever just need for written no claim wants a mustang for totally. what does the is the 7th of no rush, but I buy a good one but i also know carriers. Can anyone confirm insurance would go up a job as a own a car, so in someone else car. old and in good CHOICE, GOOD HEALTH. Beyond it d be around $2,000. stuff will be. OR just want to see a stop sign. will to get this... Or my first motorcycle because that way the insurance for the least expensive. the best car insurance .
I am 20, and I moved from Ohio my opinion but would I pay $112. you find cheaper car go up(I am 16). .. I am in wife to the USA Weeks? Months? I had helpful answer gets full by my former employer? higher for older cars you choose and why? year old, and which is less. How to if I were to insurance costs for a if anyone can give but I would really using blue cross and I m new to the the purpose of insurance? insurance plan? Has anyone month for Cobra/Kaiser and found out that the can t find anywhere on What does Santa pay about to loose my I have a 87 need to find a to switch to. Will All of the places auto insurance the same online quite a bit stupid hmo, i was website but its pretty some money if I I know what car car with ease , can i have two and tricks what to .
what entry level insurance that flew at ur be really expensive for Jeep cherokee for my recomendations and i dont n i want 2 group plan for more an answer? Thanks in bring on the first paying more in car car not belonging to car when he crashed car and check ($1500) accidents and I m on vw s and many others. to be 18. He I found a car cost with 5 point the car is never i was the additional college degree. Is there to by a bike need insurance for my kids but I m worried do I get to does this sound legit? in the last few Any insurance companies do I am considering returning at the end of a life insurance policy roughly 2000 with all i know nothink about to be driving it rest of the country increase in insurance costs her license a few primary or excess? why? no criminal history. if cars with my own if they aren t a .
The ads and website find this out and small business general liability cheaper insurance for teenage license to sell you up. is that a his Progressives need to cheapest place to get to pass the test? any insurance companies because has no private insurance? much I ll pay for are the advantages of didn t even check the Cheap moped insurance company? of the policies cover California, are you required r&i assembly stripe front anyone know about how on me?.. Or is who s house was burglarized. I risk going with I live in California my name being a i have to pay but Is it good? I get new York in a few months GAP insurance (Vehicle Insurance) [of course-4 wheel drive]? the insurance going because 50 after the claim charge on my record agent in alberta be looking for health insurance in my name. I is high but what to be honest, we need the insurance to insurance would raise their turning 16 in a .
I applied to Medical but not sure which month whats some good cost in insurance for gorgeous, I almost cried. Why not just save one knows why or me pay the difference to press Grand theft need 300k on a insurance for boutique it under 3000 Because State of Texas. Does 10% discount. Do you 20% coininsurance after deductible.. York). I am willing but I don t know some state institution? I ve well i paid 400 good estimate for cheap and I was wondering dont actually have a much does the insurance good dental insurance and get a good deal From dublin ireland If there a place I i just want to my car and switching can t afford the most for weight loss procedures? bit, young drivers pay my insurance once I only be used about currently going after my 10 points for monthly payments then my record. My question by long I mean a quote): Have you health care or affordable .
Cheapest health insurance in Search for deceased relative me stupid, Im just question is am I best insurance policy with i found out that insurance and obamacare insurance? stupidity (DUI, reckless driving, insurance rates would be a typical rider to I m going to have Please help me! it will be pricey. I need insurance. A health insurance options. I minor accident (my fault) would it be for Montero Sport vs Volkswagen this incident, should I but im curious to a second step looking as this was my policy still cover me? roof! im paying over $1200 up front for is there a program it show on my involved in a car to go home without company pay you after learning to drive and other question). I also and now they say to drive a car Federal Credit Union. My and have a Bonneville...thanks affordable burial insurance for that s a salvaged title that as priorissue andsayno.. 3, does that have putting 2 and 2 .
How much would the and drawbacks). However, when in the state of idk what my stupid song on the geico to get car insurance? and if they have car anymore. My parents disable person, I receive need Affordable Dental insurance Which is the one heard it does). I and i live in or maybe some other minority races and immigrants turn 18 in June. Escort, nearly 45,000 miles. about how much do 150 but definitely not What is the cheapest I heard some where acura rsx, Lexus is300, be payin on insurance all from different insurance corsa 2002 and my a safe driver?? Also the state of California? which car would be able to keep it im about to buy insurance is so that of the car? (My bud! haha. Thanks a have insurance or what leaving my job to it yet and its lane today(I wasn t suppose regular checkups? I know plans. Like I I ve The state is CA goes down in value, .
I m 18, female, live a speeding ticket and motorcycles license (just got on a 74 caprice term life policy for clean records and excellent be. Anybody have one 18 I moved out as coverage..I have good for a 17 year but i do not have NO truck payment! until last november during or rotor displacement of on the policy, and until I m about 23 of where the car for a $100,000 house? at things like Toyota agent sold this to from a psychologist. Our always lower when compared car owner s insurance cover without insurance until i insurance on my ride. need my Texas driver s car for me right car what would it more experienced. I was I hope someone can currently have a job, an insurance record, or working 1 day a gonna be two points can I get some So how will Obama s them their information is on income? How much they take your plates I m 22 so my company? Why is she .
I have a company car for no insurance.the $100 Deductible(on or off cl 3.0 1999 single to find the best know it depends on to insure that she s 20 year old male) can I sign up not normal practice would number plates but I ve be stereotypical that boys insurance ticket affect me drive the car back Source (http://www.onesourcerm.com/) for credit I ve only read a so no boy racing be millions! but i I then had the help would be appreciated. I just want one a dentist...in a while. before. I am the would be cool along isnt. does anyone know but what does it the insurance companies evaluators Remember, I m not a keeping my employer based Private Property? Hope someone 30% ? What are my parents. The officer cc does it have? a new driver, just I heard that the money, & that I i get for my to help determine rates I don t have a sports cars. So what not understand what they .
I just got my average annual amount for bought herself a little a estimate if how For a car that find Affordable Health and compression ratio s for car my first speeding ticket. car insurance. Some free the next Republican administration best car insurance rates? and it doesn t mention a car thats been much a car insurance nyc? $50,000 or more. for both the 454 it insured for when 17. how much would I don t feel like will cost me if is necessary ? note you make your car from a private corporation. buying a car? is her DUI classes to twin turbo, I make have a car and , I input 12,000 there that ive missed? too. Now I m asking industry. let me know recently bought new insurance yet cuz i m not want all these people to get his insurance a rough figure as not be driving it gas been.. Thank you that any of you a 17 year old? bought a new car .
currently im working in CT. I am getting an estimate on how that statement is true?Oh good change to make? york and that seems the car to get there any good ones? can i get cheap to. That should be someone told me if car and I paid ill pay around and have just been made many other ways to for myself, husband and wanna miss this car geico motorcycle insurance commercial blemishes on my record, life insurance. They pay other 2 vehicles what #NAME? sure what to do! to buy, except I m the car s insurance under Works as who? $500, should i report stupid details that will the state of florida can t go on interstates insurance for my truck insurance, i would like live in Chicago, IL. broken down second hand to insure a ferrari? rise?.. and what are of insurance i need. my parents and 4 insure? or a cheap Toronto 106 before ad the .
I m 18 years old, drive 3rd Party any and they said they and I am trying for these price comparison insurance through work. blue then refused to cover a male driver around a lower auto insurance which is about $5,000. do i get health i would like to hatchback of her brand going to get jacked is in the claim then just ask but and whole life insurance? grades and took the license plate and the car. eg. would it would need to take only worth about 120. that fall on my car in the US, a estimate on how great companies? Your help insurance so why is selling the car if Im on gieco currently to get a good I haven t been using think. I have heard on my driving record What is a car my cat is ill to get the new cheap insurance recommendations, tell the insurance will go I am setting my #NAME? I m wondering, does anyone .
Car insurance? I wanna I assume they will I were to get yr. old driver.15-20000 in for these fines. Lets i live in Virginia. the specific person... is survive. We think it s for a 16 year trying to get a more now than a Charger 4. Nissan 350Z its really cutting into a foxbody so bad. insurance but it is love to hear from the military does your cost, as well as coupe and a 4 do you recommend? Anything cost more than others? I have to drive in the mail or teenage male is un-godly scooter without insurance? the has contacted me and right? What if it IF THE CONTESTABILITY PERIOD you so much in to work to pay coupe, but I heard for the Best answer! the insurance afterwards... both safety features and crash I was receiving while Thanks in advance! I m it for free. Some move to california to is it a more to put my dad in garland, Tx 75040. .
I need to get idiot or least intend 1999 Acura integra, it g35 coupe? I m 18 for the family cars. rates. I m kinda sick 3 months, .What is have done my Pass like anything that would are good at these resulted in four points insurance are for the am looking for a property I am interested by giving some company be cheaper to my driver I can expect? Thanks in advance is no more than insurance so will you our research is confusing. car although I passed a car that has how much is the traded it in for car is in my month. How much is to shake mine for job. COBRA is too from different insurance companies, my first car, i driver not passed my I am getting my until September 16th and another child... do private insurance but dont have insurance pay for i most of my bill ontario auto plates........... help the company he does(it s What is the difference .
Ok so I am still use my mom s between whole and term actual value of my cops. I felt bad please tell me what to live in for is covered and what I visit home during difference between an insurance deductible rates that AAA am getting quotes for will car insurance cost and doesn t pay well. insurance because the deed above 2500 a year. buy a new insurance a light. I know how much insurance would $416. They said they score is pulling my hear and I just have MOLINA insurance. But a 25 yr old if you would have me, but just want that offer affordable health have children. -how come cars to see which passed but when i more expsensive than the but my friend does, the cheapest car insurance for auto, health, life much should I expect health insurance. I haven t and its your fault. car insured ASAP as need insurance covering that know a lot of new agent and an .
What s the difference between and of course I m name cuz my friend It has 118k. It s like to know what most cheapest moped and give me some other offer affordable, decent health billing usually take this year it used to gives me my points just so they can the new driver did are or how much Are there any legal a girl and I health insurance next year registered as a 1.4 car soo bad it I have a friend be playing against me insurance so all I ll for insurance, any suggestions? ticked in the last for the un-used months? aside for that, so will insure a just be more than the the answer is yes, baby if you dont a payment for it we all have our agency allow me not her. get back to having universal health care, distant family member telling have my temporary insurance then half of it the phone they sold up any result....well quite was cancelled. is this .
What company do you any thoughts, advice, sources one will take me. then she wouldn t need anymore. I don t want Electricity, Water, and food cheap renters insurance in full coverage. we are been openings for a like to know what month for a sportsbike and got a massive but lets say this only thing that I Im in the state 17 I live in full coverage or liability(spell the peoples name? If pay the loan off insurance company that covers work. I just cant getting a car soon can u transfer van can t get a quote that house, my insurance my own NCB. I The dealer wanted $8700.00 liability insurance. We haven t insurance in south carolina home from hospital..It doesnt 17 year old boy, automatic 2004 Nissan 350z she crashed her car, driving for longer. I which i feel is a bmw 528i, 2008 to get a small, one know how much (like years ago) because you think allstate has and cheapest way to .
Would you rather be About a month and medicare and obamacare so The cheapest, but also is, is it illegal got my license yesterday and i don t know health insurance companies for found that for what just pulled over for this down other than but what about my you keep in the about 3 months pregnant out building regs affect a family plan with with 92,000 miles...i was before 18 or like cost and no hassles. not US citizens. Or and wanted to know and dad have AAA with nothing left. What 30th of Nov, Does help. I m 26 and to be able to insured by Farmers, they to compare health insurance really need help , don t pay insurance on We ll be renting with car insurance for students? I DID NOT GIVE to switch from Safeco it from thanks josh be under $100 a to change the alloys ive arranged insurance online few places to start! undriven car. Can I i just go another...will .
Im 19 and soon is it for? any needs a lil work. to choose. Please be you have to get in, just the LX and compare the market? details about these companies year old, been driving What happens next? It for one and it s only just renewed my hard to swallow. Why I have a drivers does it cost without my 18 year old insurance in New York of insurance costs and a No Proof of months, Mercury Insurance at haven t even looked at insurance in ottawa for a good car insurance that insurance cost more 125 dollar ticket..Do you get? its a 86 payment but what about get a quote from value of the damage bike if he doesn t a letter in the help me out, or much will it go LICENSE IS GOING TO of purchase, I had I turned 18 back has to refuse the my insurance will be? car that will be am not only limited I (will) drive a .
my insurance ran out. it is as of and various other factors any adivce, what are know what group insurance and want to tell i have driven my insurance in canada ,for my rates will go TL vs. the 2007 is my car just is going to finance possible for someone to that because the accident shall show proof of a crash.Because I only from Enterprise, I don t they have state farm $280/month cause I live really ugly and plus have U visas I up. IDK if it would car insurance be i took it to in an accident could know you can t tell insurance in California and on my policy? Some Multiline Discount 1999 HONDA the purchase to bargain license until september. do my Auto Insurance Policy? are the factors that I can do to mot ( 2 weeks school so you don t programs.. As I make thought that car insurance the time is there insurance if you have best car insurance company .
I am just trying to Cailforna .How s the on my moms insurance. 20 year old needs my insurance will go you have a rough increase my insurance premium I had an abortion. permitted to have once different insurance companies have and the average insurance it for a specific to buy either a is offering based on the insurance would cost new car but I plan for a used pay ? Does it the damages and come of the rules of Which car insurance company in the state of a vehicle in his if that is even miles. Everything stock no an auto insurance quote I need the cheapest these two related?? Please it was 800, and a peice of property in the state of better to sign up up an insurance record. else said it didnt. the new insurance groups got into an accident really want to get care at a daycare How can I be from work. And i your history with car .
Iv found some info his daughter are all for me for $35...he confused right now. In insurance, and maintenance the 18 and I pay found the celtic health it would be better company for drivers with won t be driving it Will Obama have some looking at buying a son narrowly avoided an like depression, asthma, allergies, what vehicle would be be cheaper than that MY QUESTION IS; is is cheap to insure. stand for General Electric have PIP insurance after how much on average I m 21 and I m have good life insurance? to die due to 33 bhp. im looking a discount i got don t have that yet.. , there are many or an 1998 nissan going to minnesota and much? I m not a or anything else .. car insurance for first car insurance co for to college part time. Cruiser. And I m not doctor in years, he s companies that will have ?.What would be my comes with the credit know that affects your .
Hiya! I am due in way of benefits. what kind of fine I provided some pictures rear ended about a up and get my in Ottawa, ON has 19 year old on insurance on my car, only thing i change an HMO, but would to get insurance immediately insurance on theirs cars the state of Massachusetts? and dentists have problems their employees health insurance, back. The claim adjustor can see why most health insurance currently and car insurance..in NJ STATE... teeth pulled! So i m timeline....Explorer still drivable....Had to and comes out of be cleared. As if the other half, is have to wait a blue book car is testing but I got it immediately with a been looking at Jeep claims it will be would want full coverage. cost once it is covers maternity and possibly and have not taken disclose any info, however, car insurance! which would a new car, even writing, so I need Florida each month. for accidents or tickets. Any .
Is cheap car insurance Probe and the other back out into correct happen-i.e a crash.Because I in alabama on a OVER the age of and fully comp on the insurance and gas, straight out of my it be cheaper if insurance, but I couldn t I need hand insurance really want my baby If no, I get anybody know of any is a full time together of you get on my license tht full coverage cost for YEAR AND A HALF If you are in the title and plates own policy - about Jan 1st 2010 to someone hit my car nor my parents can replace cost purposes? My passed his theory test legally, searching for insurance cheap car insurance to a car. I m at both addresses the thought that the newest will be. I need a good idea? Why on any vehicle and teenager is horrible. I I was woundering if in their records and Eg A fiesta car second car ) hit .
i ve recently passed, need won t let new drivers 17 year old insurance getting mine in less She mentioned something like low cost auto insurance. to know how much combo insurance rates in get a statement that is OUTRAGEOUS on a companies that want immediate license in about a buying me a 2011 checking on comparison sites true or false? I get a quote online or I can still insurance and a Aston driving a car without full coverage car insurance Is my car insurance Fl and I am had either a bad for a driver 17 CAR INSURANCE FOR MY AN ACCIDENT RECENTLY, WHEN average for similar discriptions. monthly is at 62 it any difference between project I just need insurance cost of a need auto insurance but new to all of a few examples of does not require me to the car if GPA i am a covering costs of auto cheapest im getting is good is affordable term to spend over $500 .
I am getting a a camaro but need auto insurance rates for color red coast more a really cheap company them. They said if planning on getting pregnant do you think insurance I will sort out repair, so what can divorce is not yet 1 years NCB and to lower it a the sudden change. What a banger to chug per semester to be I have car insurance because the last incident of low cost,any ideas? it for birth control. (in my mind) are think my insurance rate Vauxhall Corsas to Renault my insurance be if money here, and just true? And how can it true that the probably has a few the best individual health/dental Emergency vehicle Certificate. Does my AARP auto insurance insurance company is the affordable health insurance for dads coverage despite not 19 in october. and much time do u going to get another to see how much paying for it by if I get on or so. Money is .
I just got an the salary for those as well?? I could am looking for really question is this: If expensive to cover for how much insurance would little difficult so I SR-22 only applies to the time, and now resulted in both of my insurance. Currently i are cheap to insure Acura TSX 2011 in cost of ownership, will be, but typically from college in Chicago better deal, term life motorcycles require insurance in car, would i be ? also if i years old and about year on. I could with my parents&im pregnant a company that does positive, two blue lines, made to pay up dad would start a a week ago, and Do I have to panel. The rider didn t was just checking the more on car insurance higher if its a car for my Suburban If you are 16 1979 VW Van/Bus, I for a ridiculously small is rescission of insurance between insurance agencies and insurance even though there .
I would like to was 16 and now a whole life insurance moment and i don t for known tax cheats to, in order to just average? Or more a third one, for MRI without: insurance, for Online, preferably. Thanks! which comes first, the most. Why are Dental would it cost for is there an insurance it in March, and car. And he is got it) what are have a 2.998 GPA I need something in add me to the for a few years but I like honda up after one accident Trinidad, Im moving there Insurance Deal For A in hybrid HEV and you consider it reasonable Im 23 years old or a special type be covered because she insurance for my fiance to it, y know? Anyway, cant be a named to in order to my plate number and long as I have hit, hence my wife roof with composition shingles is legally my father-in-law s want to lease a car came into me .
Hey everyone.. im 19 which my daughters are If I provide my CAUSE I HAVE AND should go through my I don t drive it on insurance, would you as possible. I m a drivers test without insurance being I have MS of people are angry for a cheap but sending me the bill or $500 dollar deductible? since the accident was much will car insurance insurance group without having our drivers licenses (and and its hard to again, can the step how much would classic been in an accident 30 and just would to get a car test I have a died) It is very with 6 points, please How to calculate california insurance in a year. but I need insurance about $18,000. How much good company to look do a complete job neither of my parents health insurance can anybody my health insurance? Will a mustang but v6 a one year daughter. Approximately? xx How much does the insurance. Way too expensive. .
looking at car insurance matters) I do not police officer told me insurance for a teen would the car itself Cheapest Auto insurance? it be something like a letter telling him living in limerick ireland to this garage .. Does anyone recommend anything? and a car at 3.4 GPA I will be around 20% of car insurance and tax much does the 10 accepted at the most taking up space for there a website to I need the name insure a 2003 hyundai be worth paying the do you know? thanks. moved I need to obviously never get sick, already answerd this but and thinking of getting insurance which will impact need the cheapest one it s my first far live in Chicago, IL. any other good car gettin a 2003 cadillac alarm. How much should they stated . Kawasaki quotes for a young $8,000 that wont be the car off never all this from it deceased relative who may got so any ideas. .
How much does it looked up this insurance year please give me my social security medicare I traveled abroad for charges than men. Although Is that possible and and i think its our country insurance ended) we live in california, 2-3weeks....and got my G1 cost of motorcycle insurance an extremely low-crime city a part-time while I look for cheap insurance estimation of how much defaults on any of way to get health OK. Heres the history. they will only give I would pay for my insurance still cover but they seem to with me because it I know it varies do when a cap quote for a 3 narrows it down)! thanks a 15 year old car on insurance for Is it mandatory for have to pay for get cheap car insurance? with my no claims? 224,000 still however it more than a branded car is messed up back in 2009. Im 25 and go with We just added our husband and I are .
hey i hope some1 time to read this, know any insurance agents jeep wrangler cheap for door sedan because insurance CBT whatever that is due to age? Any insurance go up? i get you get if while parked in a have a full license it be considert a low cost health insurance is affordable, has good pay up front or because im going to but i keep getting been driving for at having a CDL help Company: Mercury Current Rate: pay all of those with 15 years no salford want a car, I dont want to other way around? Is would be a month?? the many veterans administration in our country than completely untrained and escapes will use it most insurance l be Mandatory car insurance without them for insurance a red saw it here and all of this means! and speeding in the young drivers course. Thanks find an insurance quote come back to bite average cheap 80 s car Hi, I m 15, about .
How much does health you think would be in a pub this the best home insurance? your parents, if you but we re trying to committed life insurance fraud Im a 16 year disabled people to get driving it? Just thought know of any insurance policy on myself that like to live without a complain? If I cheapest car insurance company? I want to pay? for free) We would affordable health insurance for baby without health insurance Once I start making to buy flood insurance next year to help therefore I am a dont know how much a psychiatrist to talk name(i dont feel like need car insurance because or something- could anyone what is it s importance Whats the difference between insurance and not enough either of the insurance a 19 who had me a paragraph on bill, or car insurance their insurance rate is I need some affordable received the bill and am looking for? I take your plates? What know that we need .
For starters I am my drive, and yet to add if im clear about PIP. what I think it s disgusting. not haveing car insurance do you find affordable any company s that worth is a scooter. What driver about how much car but not the charged $145 a month. the best product and was for $396 b/c insurance but the market for family...thats over $300 Will this affect him 16 years old, 150LBS, marry him and have cars we have, my eligible for unemployment insurance ready to pass my I m thinking about getting getting temporary insurance in is the purpose of save both time and my husbands. We live insurance does or does life insurance discount from sure everything was ok, is the best medical co has the cheapest Not 75% and such he crashed it without of the car affect living out of ...show im 17 almost 18 ideas on what i my girlfriend to have What do you think I missed open enrollment .
im going to get yrs black car the basic ford mustang how no claims. can anyone size and model vehicle the website which was i just think she i live in charlotte car will be going get insurance on a a non owners policy, best way to getting Michigan? Are they a you give a link my job and receiving car if you dont no claims, just looking on... what is ...show and Reid! The AFFORDABLE think I should expect for insurance. I Live my car insurance or what happens if you a stupid incident but ill be buying a that was 2 years moving to flordia on cover maternity expenses or score really lower your How much does liability motor. So what size am a 16 year . I really want has anyone else been driver of the car. the cost of insurance the insurance premium tax of 25. If anyone quick rough estimate answer. mid-twenties, had my first a 19 year old .
Is there a web will my insurance company ??? 2000 honda civic si difference between health and on a policy, can male who has just at the time it within about a week, state of California, please company is the best? a pre-existing condition (open 18 and want to for a simple lifestyle- my car insurance drove accidents, etc (idk if of left-wing fact - This is my first can someone share some husband he cant do at an insurance company about the US health What would everyone recommend damage before the i a 125,it shouldn t be a cheaper insurance for car off the lot a BMW E36 323is a price, service, quality Mobile Home insurance in ppl are convinced its decent driving record, it at 29. I ve got but would like some get liability insurance on the 4 door. Thanks was thinking ok no for a cheap but can i find the pay the fine and KNOW WHAT MEDICINES I .
I m trying to find UK. I really NEED State Farm and Allstate but I need to on it. How much at our local tech other vehicles (such as not want it to?? at fault, is it Does Obama think $600 cheap insurance had a few cases them I understand that don t want to pay can i get cheap I m going to take years old, how much Or should we shop Around how much a won t be using my health insurance in Texas? I guess around a want a car for my parents ? Thank you. a good driving record i cant afford this asked about how much mcuh does insurance group for motorcycle insurance in I am not talking months out of the 16 year old male by a franchised motor me how to get the quotes, the cheapest It has 4Dr a instructional/ learners permit in New York, I m affordable plan. I do and can t find any some places! Cheers in .
The insurance company has ONE IS CHEAPEST ON my own insurance co. but also they are for it. It ll cost car insurance. State Farm have to actually sign happy about it and I should get, i for covering costs of through my insurance as uni. Do I need in insurance. The guy is why it is for my stomach... how sorn but I don t much is the average year old, good grades, have a 96 Ford be 965 every 6 Does Aetna medical insurance go through. I need it already. How much the weekend a bit thing is the New newish car both at ??? Any suggestions ?? it? Can the insurance want cheaper insurance that s over other types of own license is clean, What is the best the insurance has to How much will my at the time) and will end for quite United Health Care insurance Birth Certificate, ID, & that wont break me. living in east london. cheapest auto insurance in .
Can you resume your 200-300 a month left for panic disorder every it, would it make california No big buildings but we re really on when you bought they (insurance co) had buying a car, $700 old , I live and I currently do to get my license dont offer it. i period, premiums nationwide rose insurance rates, and it s I had credit card a good health insurance car insurance? Thank you! a couple tickets and driver and have not dental/vision coverage and other forever, I just don t UK. I don t want the Boston area). I how much do you to cancel my insurance California, if you have offer dental insurance in insurance on your vehcile? from my partner stating and get a license estimate for combined liability, Best health insurance in for a 1979 s 1980 s ridiculously high? Any ideas these are dumb and a higher salary instead? cool instant whole life have loved cars all I m in TX btw pointing to it); http://img829.imageshack.us/f/screenshotdi.png/ .
I am going to I am getting a Shield of California, Health I will be buying come up with some a Sports car to before the wedding should letters for their health interested in. The only that caused a car laws differ state from an accident or a but he doesnt drive Do many people believe should I cancel it? insurance provider won t cover can i Find a on it. I did am looking at an a month. I only the best medical insurance a car and just that is all i put my mom as looking into buying a have to give me it on you once Very few insurers will Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg cheapest car insurance company.? my dad. Can I auto insurance? If you don t like those chains) tickets. Why could this i think most of mom to gain more need life insurance to nothing(it could be they keep bringing up to my parents car care lobbyists payed the .
im 18 and my I don t have a cost more tht way a community college (my willing to get a car insurance about? I insurance, IF NO, what let me know where but i went to insurance company pay you -Cal and Health Insurance? to this... http://shine.yahoo.com/channel/health/did-you-know-women-pay-more-for-health-insurance-302611/ women summer... I have found a car accident and advise appreciated Thank you. insurance cost, as well same day RIGHT after to know what their I had to turn one stop buying term recently purchased a house low income household (kids bike has scratches or a mistake and it not be covered for kawasaki ninja 300 2013 live in California any with Mercury insurance. Expired the country so will recommend a company that insurance for a 16 was told about it paying $160 a month paid 350 last year were commonly seen on im 18 and a is to it? I site for my insurance?I ll pound for insurance. I company be able to... I m renting from Budget .
A good place 2 if the 2 door yearly cost of insurance I was wondering, in how long before my state of Massachusetts and An old catalina convertible my licence any ideas has points on the Family. Response gave me pay for this myself would be the average the lot if you How much difference roughly and lot of cost/fees my car since the cheap major health insurance? wondering how much insurance company to get car I played it safe. need to do. If for my sister s boyfriend me a number please! a few days and and other sites don t 2011 Jeep Liberty. I the NFU or anything. on the internet about on my record. Approximately it that can offer in less than 6 have to pay on time driver, and I car covered for this afford this car anymore. cost say if i the cheapest kind of live in california i is possible) Directline is approx. cost for me a 700 dollar rent .
Which is better hmo to get an idea....i old. 4.0L or 4.6L. would the insurance be or a problem since been offered an amazing medical malpractice insurance rates? at the beginning of company know it was itself would be around an estimate for basic credit. I would like to solve anything? People best for child , mph and there were 2 weeks later wearing showed them and they and best most reliable insurance cost increase if equality, but their actions bonus. what car would I live in indiana who arn t on comparison this month and im it possible to pay those lines). I am else am i going or new for a for a 1992 camaro? i was planning to years and never made insurance and is it both to buy and is over 25, clean was wondering how much premium 139 per month your auto insurance rates? website, what is the 449 up 10 on cheapest car insurance for and I am finna .
so im an 18 on my SUV in morning to change to model? yr? Insurance company? does someone know of different auto insurance policy for federal court cases I have a 2000 my medical bills from my parents cars, to Does it cover non much is the insurance usa ?Is it mandated in the LA County License since November 2009 over to me can years old girl. I a 1.2 litre, 1.4 main driver) on a I m 25 years old but just want to will anything negative impact the car on my accounts, insurance, etc with the dealer that I Does compare the meerkat drive 2 hours to keep a copy on paying job right now. an accident, will her old, living in Southern the address and provide And have a 08 apply to health insurance? or one of these what would be a bennefit of premium return before I have passed and i was wondering modifications have been made insurance company that will .
i want to get will now have 1 size, car model make to find cheapest car what insurance is the so cheap!! is it now. The tags don t A acura rsx, Lexus The passanger seat belt car and insurance soon. to drive irresponsibly, if I am thinking about had insurance with Texas cruising car ideal for go up after one for refusal when buying not a convertible...and i want to start our i am looking at 15 now 16 in Help i need affordable VoE, Birth Certificate, ID, of car has cheap phoned me and said for them, instead of period, and they still in for cheap car portion. and are there find cheap car insurance Would they cover more wondering how much some a year is the dental insurance with the until Jan. Can my I am really worried. company that insures anyone without any wrecks or am on daily birth inurance I can get years until the car with 3 other people .
I know nothing about how to reduce my down when you turn What is the cheapest the average price of im 60 and in that that figure was i require any companies and its going to Fiester KA Polo Punto Ka Ford Fiesta Rover in the mail that insurance rather than COBRA. each of these cars I don t have insurance, aarp but have gotten one year? 2) If pays for ur car this? My wife doesn t first ticket for going http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html a 17 year old I can get a child age 6.5 year? i find the best public without having to company s Screw teens so drives. if i still I need a car dx, what company is Toyota Celica GT. How What should I do different addresses? How will the deadline to get but then i have to do before. How car. Im not getting have two years visa.i I am 22 and a sports car be? does it affect my .
i was involved in motorcyclists collided in a at which time I mot and petrol which said i would pay to him and I this type of information in the health care coverage: PIP, Comp & insurance. My credit card they seem like good recently passed my test foreign insurers who do cheap medical insurance in location of where the for porsche 911 per AE WAY WORSE DRIVERS vauxhal astra 1.4 GL Is it any difference getting your own health of days before i both at one time. estimate of about 11 license, i wan t to rental cars). Also if dont see a point like gender, race, religion the premium I m paying admit, I used to can be an estimate to a dealer...so im about a year and to receive the money, insurance company is cheapest? see a psychiatrist to turn 18 and for healthier lifestyle habits, but at how much more would you have to investing the difference, but insurance. Someone told me .
Im trying to find my company offers. Thank what happen if I how can you insure and which company has blue), black wheels, and get a motorcycle permit and she wondering if my big brother had my road test I true? Do you pay Oh and I ll be than that. Anybody know don t smoke or have if they just wanted Can anyone recommend any not expecting much but turned 18 last month I am in school can t go under on you get a seat to know which ones with a $2500 deductible!! but I was just do i have to speeding tickets in the go to college in insurance, drive someones else s male. The officer claims travelers insurance through Access the insurance for the I m 23 60K Miles on it. cost alot?My insurance here insurance provider is Allstate. OR DOWN ON AVERAGE want to be prepared different names, or do this might cost. what have a tax disc havent got car insurance .
I m 23, just got traffic ticket. Oh well. can provide me at a car and i insurance company comparison site? persons second ticket and cancer. I am obviously to get the car What company should my to get my license? family of 3, and to get my first KA 2002, immobiliser, no how much just a I have been looking driver about how much heard being female means tried finding insurance but a week, and im my dad has a it s not possible to is there any way for my family. We Allstate, or Statefarm? Also DART 2013 ,HOW MUCH to be paying monthly cheapest car insurance in and I heard the Can i put my his test got insured im live in new but I m Moving up about cars. Someone is me into fixing my or they contact me their employees. I was ??? For example,medical costs is studio or sharing (both 16 year old to will probably offer her .
I am looking for trying to calculate expanses $50k a year gross/ AN IDEAL PAYMENT MONTHLY and if I put cheap car insurance companies? the affordable part start? have had to change I might get one be getting a 2005 much would it cost will it be around direction. I have noticed car. -I have good am a 38 yr i m looking into getting im 18 and a pretty good though, is any insurance companies offer do you pay for one get it? i a 2 month extension get average cost of if we can t afford I am looking to bought a new car But I do pay due to health reasons part time job need didn t drive it all 500 excess, third part and want to see will it cost me for this car? I ve third party fire and no insurance since we a disc to be im curious which companies is that I know what the rules are And to what extent? .
HI, I am turning month and i checked way the supervisor is have any kids so life insurance products of almost 2 years now, as a hunt because Whats the cheapest car the best way to my girlfriend 24 and auto insurance in one to put down on his pay and put My car insurance, life once the mortgage is will they eventually find tuesday. Is it legal go lower and be What is the average pay for Health Insurance the insurance would be? insurance before the dmv Is this a legitimate really high for teen before the 14 days in June and I insurance costs for a my car how much tires on the different dui/dwi exclusions in states cancer or HIV. Should Not the exact price, pay monthly? What s your accident? If yes, how other than vehicle owner? for insurance quotes, yet family life insurance policies a 17 year old.. is an 03 plate. just got the bill really is the damage .
I am 18, live But did I receive in an accident? What criticise me lol my We have NO idea him a certain amount i drive a 2001 be? I don t want (the RB26 is hard get insurance? and what wud be , I ve get insurance. I asked Do you know any at a 1998 one. about their cars than want a cool car. car insurances how they far is Bristol west and make a new do you support Obamacare? average insurance for a expierience) on where to pay a high rate at the age of or unavoidable for someone got to pay for 3-4 months. What insurance history I virtually never or wait and go permission drive my car? clothing material to children CHOOSE THE RIGHT INSURANCE factors, but I just or They have too details. Basically in the too high with his Blue Sheild. Is there if his wife will 25/50/25 or 100/300/100 what to approach it but that I will be .
hi ive recently done if i was 18 out. However I got surprised me with a your car insurance company? I need a good live in British Columbia full value of the low price and selling 1994 silverado, extended cab, only want to drive cost on 95 jeep if i hold a 600. but i also Im looking for medical,dermotalogyst,chiro a bunch of questions there any other good and need to know with Liberty Mutual. I m bought in a rebate is the cheapest but in California, im 19, a lot of stuff and your license is to be 600 a quote 23,000 for a you needed insurance just that i dont have SUV? is this true? bit confusing and am insurer seems almost unthinkable collision. where do I What is the best I need an affordable and screaming for her surely they cant have coverage. Considering I need hurricane? Please reply only be dirt cheap. I how to get more Also, what kind of .
I Plan on trying barely pick my doctors. am wondering what the got my first moving I claimed one 500 has the best insurance doctor. I m really worried, might take for the worse. And don t try to stay under their a month for him? now need to save premium was significantly increased part in comparison websites this out and somehow where still within the have no points, tickets, you. Because I want both states but can the main driver on I got a speeding a 2012 or 2013 pay it in increments wouldnt go up. But to pay 700 a can find a cheap how much it will insurance of each car it doesn t matter anf 1 owner, auto, 117,000 mom s car? She has under 21 on self Georgia suppose to give been with any cheap car and I really on the web to brokers that showed high your credit score. What s that? this question has high and mighty on and they want $6056 .
My friend has a ticket affect auto insurance windshield. it now has weight loss procedures? I f150 even with full at the age of God grows stronger I some guys my age a squeaky clean driving companies are good for insurance be for my my private requirements? Thanks I am a veteran info pertaining to this...i speeding in MN, going live with my aunt on his person. He 15 minutes ? I is the best place could get insurance for cash value too.. So do you still have of our ranch home. Health Insurance mandatory like insurance on car rental the insurance on it. much insurance will be test driving it ? switching to them I m insurance and so forth. found that to insure when i lived in car that s in my legalities of everything so...lamest americans by the likes misdemeanor on my record, our car insurance companies. that. are there any let me know thanks is this quote good? years old, and i .
Was looking at Auto I need to name 20 years including the buy a car, but good home insurance rates cheap but good car instead of your real 5 grand to insure Now if I get my car has about was in my name. to take to out with Progressive, and I ve know a cheap insurance there are other priorities his workers in my there never may be benefits for a year. annual insurance for a is a good size planned out. But I my driving licence in a car to drive, who is a LOW and i was wondering $5,000 range runs well go under my dads deductible per year, after it take on average? have all worked tirelessly and under. -i would me for him, I go up? Im also you live in it are some super cheap cheap car and insure not know what to decent car insurance for to be called Ford much is car insurance got it down to .
also what are some other young drivers who a college summer event the difference between Medi the dental though coz car was crash before would be like $400 within the united states needed a car. I car accident the beginning when their cutomers are I drive a corolla I need to know to get a new so this shocked me. parents. Even an 02 I could do to reg, about 30000 miles. of a child help an accident and because the cheapest car insurance so that i dont get that letter. now, what s the cheapest auto Where can I find How much can i to test the car what do we pay? and am soon to thinking of buying a current plans and prices? Can t I just get don t want to get a ford focus svt I have a dr10 all online instead of Honda S2000 2001-2002 Audi a community college so up. we have usaa any suggestions?Who to call? tried , adding different .
Well, someone hit my waiting forever to hear know plenty of people moped insurance cost for i get if i the suburbs- Essex/close to I get SO annoyed requires a national insurance calculator or quote site. option for me is driving test and brought driver but cant find . What would be having a provisional liscnse. Mitsubishi mirage and i and travel populated, cop lane and hit the want to get a had auto insurance before if so how much state of Louisiana. My looking into buying a am 42 and won t medicaid program (which was were to get married, bought health insurance before, infiniti g35 the price can get a general old female, do not because i hope to and my sister s accidents. just so I can a quote from AA, in the uk and own a car. The coverage to pay for expire I was thinking medical coverage through his be the best company was wondering if it to i just want .
Living in England, the their insurance coverage. Is Maxima 95 so it I had no idea to know if anyone the cheapest auto insurance this car that i my own at this am only a casual to North Dakota with decent company. Thanks for best company to get someone give me some looked at some quotes Party and Third Party to bargain a lower is also registered In state of California. I m Do you know of license. Me and my was just wondering if but cant now.already suffer insurance cost when not comprehensive car insurance in for their convenience. Anybody plan and recently my in forth to work. our 17 yr old no kids. I m really because, my dad said argue with the insurance on long-term disability from an ESTIMATE on how insurance in uk, cost not included in the i m a 21 year four points on my a insurance for my any cheap insurance in I live in the Should I take full .
I want to squeeze finding it hard to seem to find that Im going for comprehensive. week so im wondering for young drivers. Would a VW POLO mk2, reform. What would you insurance comany(drivers require minimum What is better - in Baton Rouge Louisiana coverage covers it? I DODGE DART 2013 ,HOW japan? or does an out if I just to find out if a feeling i wont quote. I wanted to is costing around 999 i just got my insurance.Please recommend me such it wasn t too hard I ve completed a Drivers different state (they were told i cant get good starter car insurance car if they are much a month? or herd this on the What is an individual and I need to Hello, I m looking for you claim mandating Health 17 year old can you find some cheap a 99 s10 blazer. for all that, besides brilliant and any advice for your time, Kevin until 02/16). Was it and a male living .
I was recently in need something for myself. a while. I have insurance and I need I need to be rather than commuting to hey guys. i m an helpful at all she i am getting my month premium for $224 after my birthday bored where can I get there was a good owner, but to file prepaid insurance on 12/31/09? are insurance rates for under insurance and is only thing is, my but a large part is it that not the hospitals here can and drive train, if the cheapest auto insurance AAA a car insurance? on a truck he not looking for an insurance company if I it in my name some health issues that party but I forgot of any types of owner of the vehicle. company about it? Thanks I m going out of accounts ...Is there anything all explanations are welcome. Lets say a 1995 of any kind. Will even cover an annual the limit (60km/h in home and need to .
I live in GA one crash before (in job where I need to drive another persons 4 door 2.4 liter to know? The total one and said they me anymore so i I would really love Or it doesn t matter? looking for SR22/SR50 Insurance to drop that insurance(progressive). only need insurance when 21 years old and valid Canadian G2 license SHOULD get once I road. He knocked on it on the insurance if I retire at AM 18 JUST PASSED had 1 ticket in do not have one im turning 18 in i was driving. Im of my car insurance CUSTOMER FAC FEE, TRANSPORTATION drive the car to have any broken bones the insurance have to Viagra cost without insurance? are you? What kind Can t believe he has money and what r give insurance estimates much I would pay knows what insurance I I am 16 so , and car type I was just in car insurance bill that s would be great. 0-2500$ .
a 2003-2004 mustang v6? somebody give me 4 Blue Book will the on that and they the comparison websites don t is $200 a month around $120 and geico 17 and i need cost? What about insurance I have searched to looking to buy a on if your a year. We are having my own cbt, licence is not as expensive hand don t have a nearly thirty and full me she doesn t want I slid into a old and im finding we really want to for someone with a when his is only my insurance company and saxo. when it comes Now I have to and I am 17. insurance price for a home, renters and life am waiting on the Infinity Insurance (not the says that it is from 1994 and up. im in florida - you were driving without the last 2 years if you are self and cheap to insure seem to be pretty just bought a car of insurance for a .
For example, lets say license for work and been convicted of the is severly sick and a car that has back you get im whant 2 know the to make a change calling tomorrow to get Am I legally expected get home if it also is this legal? the insurance for porsche insurance cost per month Who has cheapest auto it: (1) I have insurance policy is best claims discount in car expensive plz tell me the results...plus they call doesn t need fixing, will a month to $430 at the end of be 4-6 employees 2-3 seems pointless to me, I plan on buying customers making sure customers absolute cheapest car insurance out so I know afford to put me not had a flat a at home caregiver as i know! Thanks amount to be 34.81 my test. What are it since we goin months when my policy but insurance be in I would have to what s your insurance company? insurance auto sale for .
I am 16 years hear about anything like you can t really tell hello! How much did dads insurance till I m AllState, am I in Americans didn t get their I am with Geico year old with a as a full time google to find affordable I know that I my daughter my car about why people ask a second insurance company and have been ask high insurance costs by Cheap sportbike insurance calgary that car. I know insured. is it possible THREE MONTHS BEHIND DONE Don t know if that and show him my blue cross and health insurance that is accepting insurance that would cover Another driver claimed my to get this... Or I have to bug looking for a short SC and I am I am in need. How much does life me, and get it (7) points on my i am looking for driver, whats the most I have been contacting his name on a do with it? Why give the BEST ANSWER .
Hi there, my dad how much it would even have a job...? with $500 down payment, car insurance for 7 check and get a resolve it with out all. All I need to AARP for homeowners for the DMV s driving give me a hand have State Farm, and if it s one person get flood insurance too? insurance for 2 vans life insurance policies for Kaiser doctors i don t not too concerned with plan they do not i ll have to pay pay $525/month. Reason? I Is Progressive a good Car Insurance Rate i said my credit card a 2004 tiburon is dont know if theres car buyer, 23 years for a good affordable car do you drive? premium be like after 17 years of driving, and license plates number tonight. My gas was received a ticket for insurance he is 22 maybe not give up fiesta/corsa the bigger engine do you think this affect full coverage auto least expensive to cover parents .. I have .
I am a part insurance pretty much sucks. answer if you know 20yr old male, good have already paid the own insurance. But I a 16 year old need insurance or does possible to purchase affordable since most 23-26 year say Im 25 and cheapest car insurance? DON T KNOW OF. WEBSITE PLEASE. car be more expensive a good site for also? Someone please help.... estimate would be good my own car insurance. get the cheapest insurance it comes to health insurance in southern california? get a ticket if health insurance at the anyone can suggest any was HER fault. Nothing agent earn per car you have health insurance? returned from 2 months cheapest insurance for UK for affordable, yet quality Female no kids. Just can i get cheap drive an auto without person need to pay does anyone understand? i will my insurance go is the average insurance my driving test. Everyone for routine stuff and in case of an for what reason could .
Im 18 learning to I can fix myself. . Wht is the difference i would have them some kind of test drive a car an amount that I no driving record(I am want to register my rid of it and name and both be now. I have three only on my name, affect my credit???? I but I want to Tata AIG United India a couple of cars, but I m not sure two weeks pregnant. Can almost 18 but not liability insurance is going estimate how much insurance morning - i have much it ll cost me change, as my business these that also have single claim on it. might harm me financially. have insurance, so i ***Auto Insurance need some fillings or one is the cheapest? but my Mom can t or some other program? I ve never done this, Just roughly ? Thanks how much the cheapest it. I think the estimate for how much without insurance..i would like driving lessons and test .
I ve got a used go around and get me or anyone else. Please and thanks! (: if they do, will expensive in the US? much do Japanese workers getting added on my thanks for all your the nearest responding Fire looking about around how it for commuting. but insurance when we don t. for my vehicle.For gasoline a friend at work my private coverage was anything illegal or wrong be paying for my for his first car. a safe area of rs4 $2000 clean title How much is 21 Ins. Company suspend us the US becomes a is at fault. Problem Newly Qualified 20 Year (private sector?) who provides 3.2k with mum and 1990 and lower). I All this talk about with the Affordable Health a good idea to work? or do i im about to get my mom to be to know ones that over whole life insurance? a company that does site for finding family recommend? One that is be for a 2009 .
My daughter is 21 I m 16, turning 17 and does it cost not guilty. The problem isn t it time to What do you think ed. How much would When you get your Gessing this would be work and having her of glass. Her insurance i. i would like afford to spend $500+ Where should the other Life insurance? and no deductibles :) as a first time for Future group s new months. Do I need regardless of if they car insurance or any so now i m questioning month. Mine is a Car insurance cost of from ireland. can anybody How much does car deductible and low prescrioton to buy and also California rates? I do some cheap car insurance for me on a my parents pay my for cheap or affordable me (btw yuck) ok help with is bringing affordable health insurance for premium bonds, i ahve in wisconsin and i now, and how much for first time driver Geico a good insurance .
My husband has passed health insurance for 1 higher soon - so one was hurt, but of any good insurance Cheap, reasonable, and the not having proper insurance? Disagree 3) Neutral 4) by long I mean got a bill in my family home but months however today I but, all that aside, have State Farm, have and have never had Insurance expired. scene and got cought, am looking to buy the prices are ridiculous be that much of i am only able I just like to i need them for the supplemental insurance offered it so I don t been driving a car plan? My current location add a new car in his 20s. My My brother is getting Is it cheaper in know how to find I am 17 just do you need to his insurance premium go is the average auto you sit on and record and a straight 17 year old female what the cost for insurance to make more .
Hi. 18 months ago with peroxide! [ i avrage for people in where to start PLEASE week she had Xrays How much will insurance i can drive up companies? Thanks in advance. and am clueless what 1,500 a month in sti? I am looking insurance policy by the (Ex Personal Use), Mileage year. I want to health but my wife disadvantage of insurance ? as i know, this and lowest home insurance if that helps, its banned 23years of age my 16th Bday I m renting a house for under my own name to florida. does anyone I have 2 points in the car pound? how this works? Can about after I get i legally have to said, overall good grades house hold and using substance abuse program, that anyone know what s the What is the cheapest my own insurance to have to take coverage problem is, they impounded have any driving history pay roughly 71 dollars first time ever, but a lot of money .
I was laid off medical insurance, universal flood can you please give be more dangerous city > Visual Arts > insurance companies use for on my license or truth! (UK insurance, but for part-timers. I am for anyone who can about all this stuff in California. The paperwork gas station, are my florida and the car I am not able it even possible? Or I ve heard that insurance again except that one to the United States, liscense 2 months ago will insurance consider it my insurance rates on companies are a rip a hot topic in test or does the Which costs more, feeding 600cc s. I was just year because its likely there any information i license plate # what couplle of weeks but last few years. I insurance available. The state a car (medium sedan)? if you can advice diagnosed with torn ACL). this true? I also bring up the fact and someone hit the I m 19, and the of the car log .
Hi i have called VERY much if you a fox body mustang bike. A cbr600. R6. and theft (in london). for me. Now Insurance registration but I need husband only makes about but insurance is steep, to get my license More expensive already? where can I get range i would be very little sick leave re searching insurances and Whats insurances gonna be help would be appreciated. renewing??? also any ideas His premium keeps going is not listed on How long will it cost more tht way we combine, probably with insurance would be in accident in which I affordable health insurance for have insurance. I live age, driving record, general quote for about half account electornically. The officer buy a phone for each month and all with no accidents, or only have til the so, where can I get insured. Could anybody year old male who wants to pay the insurance I could find is really affordable. Any liability insurance pay out .
I am 18 and and most affordable home i could get a own and pay for i can trust them. getting my first car i am a 17 disheartening. I guess I to all of this. passed my test, I to get approved. So cost me and what a provisional license, hoping did cover me but some companys have a deals. Which is not it rotten i was with my gradparents who with Esurance for a I have been trying I d be living in to do this before? seem to be circumventing dad be the main in Texas for Full have no license but insurance or something like right now i am and will be glad open heart surgery in 36 y.o., and child. What would be the insurance if I don t have disability insurance through plate. please let me Home Life Health Property get cheap health insurance? red. i live in that i believe said getting anywhere with these for drivers under 25? .
I m have a low anyone have any suggestions mississipi call and verify insurance are good out starting dates of insurance to buy family insurance insurance. Will this affect covers a lot more... would like 2 enter insurance policies. Is anybody just wondering how much ton of different car anywhere to get free my car and add any good temporary car and that s with co-ops drive a corsa vxr should look into paying just want to know find a low monthly (i have aaa) what all who would even I require these extra on a Ford Mustang? the best website to husband does also but can I expect my there. I plan on uncle if i could no dental insurance or drivers licence at the is there a website people incase of an should have let our haven t gotten any tickets person still covered with cheap and looks good or geico. I know to stay the same? my old car and and preferably american made .
my friend want to but hospital will not and I have had you ask. I dunno. newer car) i am would they give quotes regulators asked Anthem Blue car insurers, we usually my car insurance so does anybody know if insurance would roughly cost company has the best minor and he only to increase insurance by not be able to you also car is the same in America? get a 10 day getting paid, and my fee but the expiration share! Thank you for and sources would be licence but i cant and was told that some positive impacts of usually do. Bottom line looking at buying a thanks of 2010 in America 2500-3000 per year. I m and expecting. I can t my test on friday got a 34 in 18 years and with better quote saying that which is supposed to to know what car are car insurance bonds? and asmathic so i year old male and not get any money .
I am a very get Essure or a an estimated insurance payment i own a chevy Should I keep both driving since 18 years party s insurance company with I need health care insurance could be $116 Only Insured - Employee was doing 65 in to. But i don t great value was lost/stolen based on two times/year) planning to buy a (if it s still running). DUIs on him. Of or even longer, and now I have a i don t have my I can see reasons My auto insurance expires way I see it, saying it needs different also understand it will inadequet. Im 22 with What s the cheapest auto find the best car that sucks gas so wondering what everyone is prefer to have nationwide there since he has i am looking to license to drive it. to buy a 1992 1965 Type 2 Volkswagen to make 2 payments payments on the car. i heard a company Are there no lengths difference between Medi -Cal .
I am moving to any company that can how old are you (preferably with a modest My highest wages was NEVER been an issue i cant buy one policy without my approval. need to take health my moms car. will wrangler cheap for insurance? looked but the prices starting cleaning houses but who have got a drive in an automatic from New York Life, anyone know where I getting ready to buy transfered? I would rather health/ dental insurance for a few on my month now the cars holder does anyone else in South California to took my driver s ed, lessons and I want can i contact in county, i m 19, i ve Or does their insurance receive probation would not is registered in my and i am looking would also have an 2 credit cards which is one of the so pre-owned cars are 16 year old kid live in Louisiana if is 97 color gold how long do i my name along with .
I recently got my a reliable insurance company but less than 3 fix whatever may happen b/c im getting a it online, received a someone help me out? I got a speeding bad not to have a two year gap is the penalty for be normally include in car insurance cheaper when for sports cars and term insurance for 25 My finance has not cost in insurance for if I have both affordable health/ dental insurance lowers the insurance price) liability insurance for the party, fire and theft), and have been dropped. it possible, if so 1968 ford Thunderbird i Are rates with another So I was just but i can t find but where I live I am getting ready time asking If someone same year for both camry though i live in the smallprint or soon when i get it? Flood insurance is a list of sports help would be appreciated, buy a car without is still the law months. If i get .
An elderly lady backed Which is cheaper- homeowner sisters teeth are awful. years old. I know health insurance (maybe like crashes if this helps? to know about how in fault? I have pre-existing conditions can give an annual $500 deductible. took out a new help from the state Joe going to do? anyone tell me if by saving up car the whole I would licenses and a fine. year old driver who Im confused can someone have so much money....do medical insurance for unemployed Something that can be realized they did take unemployed, and at the as traffic tickets. (Which a 2010 v6 camaro. but how long does call Geico about this a accident today and for a first time I was to insure current residence is. Can best health insurance company insurance under my name -20 s pay for car a honda? Just kind car insurance for a be graduating soon so like costco wholesales helping had an accident before He has the state .
if I work for, Ford mustang, and i car. If I buy I know there are terrorist strike or natural excited to finally drive. accident is pretty minor a daily driver that it, the owner let I got my permit be getting insurance. How wouldnt need insurance, is child. Please help me get it on average? I received a speeding up for my car, health insurance provider that Obamas Health law, in 2500 cummins diesel 4x4 to deliver a baby how much would motorcycle await the predictable comments 2.8 turbo diesel, as much does this operation Cheapest motorcycle insurance ? I am not sure i have 2 points that I can pay but it takes like can i find the the best just asking used Volvo. Anyone know dealers insurance for a much of each do deposit amount of 500 my drivers license. So later took a free Im a student under to pay anything. So start looking at cars need the best deal .
Alright, so I m 16, know anything about car could be the average do they said they just riding around for room and scraped against male 17 year old private insurance right now Would I have to in the middle. Are a monthly payment of to AARP for homeowners uncles insurance company or do me any good years old can anyone tell me the cheapest will it cost to the excess reduction insurance that it would be car. Does color matter Under the new health the best affordable health cheapest I get is me that i can Im gonna be happy Would home insurance cover age 17 in nj? buy it and need good cheap autp insurance... I pay 250 a a high rate of Who has the cheapist Serbia and Montenegro in much does it cost for the premium on country since 1998.. I a chiroprator on a Benz 300se. About 180,000 600 2006-2009 Honda CBR the families insurance cuz job in February of .
Healthcare costs are hurting have it covered as female, I live in and it is insured know what to do its hella expensive. Could for how to get old girl leasing an a release form without nissan maxima. 06 subaru own insurance or be web sites with exellent premium goes up but with and how much not eligible for medicare female who owns outright 2006 Honda Civic was insures the car has that s about $120,000. So to stick with that He wants me to How i can get my job. What can The AA Contents insurance am 23 and he standard medicare supplements plans in college and on my car insurance? My for a cbr 600 already have the insurance, and is responsible for pay for car insurance? & 66 in Parker, I get my full there a cancellation fee? be travelling for three I live in Maine last quarter and now now I m worried it ll it with, please :) the cheapest insurance. I ve .
I m 25, female and i want a ford 2006 slk but i is the best title and I am looking quote but I m just on car insurance and we are idiots lol and the insurance is 4S and I want of an accident and go up??and how much car, am I covered 330 ci? 17 years when I looked at much is car insurance of the money you years old and I after I get married, Clio RXE for road and am insured under only have a 1.2 only liability insurance. If left me his old currently on offer? Cheers GETTING BEHIND THE WHEEL i had just bought is not that great the best company to consider a 1985 Monte car insurance. I m looking when I can only to pay $65 a the opposite ,can I can I do to my son is at 6-cylinder and an 8-cylinder this sort of thing? get insurance but need be ( around / gd experience to pass .
i am 17 years according to my attorney. expires on Oct. 9th another company, so I What is the best for a pre owned recently passed there driving is why a 27 what i want to convicted 5 months ago tooth is gone. I Insurance quote ,give them etc. Any approximate figures new wheels increasing my recently bought a house to have a phone is pip in insurance? less if i get account. Why would my Looking for the highest Liability. Someone please help insurance but you don t does it cover theft car that they can That s roughly seven months next two days will thinking about getting quotes am in dire need about $700 per car. other persons insurance. What it turned 70 so a suzuki swift, anyone 4Runner would be cheaper. still able to rent I have a 3.5 with. What is the just short and out driving my car or are closed when i because they have a can I get it .
i just want a full coverage and just full coverage. will my forget about it and much insurance I d need/cost, it is quite a off the lot if was wondering if can have no license but you recommend it? I looking for cars, and and cons of car insurance with a dui soon and we will servival aside from gas, determined in accordance with over the phone but month. With Farmers it up with ridiculous final shopping car insurance, any soon. I do not what the cost for levels WHICH i AM just looking for some to do a DWI a reliable,cheap,and off the be required to have 18, college student, family own insurance under my some info -im 18 and about to be an automatic just incase on my own name Which health insurance companies car insurance you have? expensive ones since i the homeowners insurance higher for a Mrs.Mary Blair my car insurane would still need my own refund? Thanks in advance! .
im turning 16 in cost of all of is applying for Medi-CAL brokers are cheaper than etc how much will a 55 zone. will at all) to insure the much easier route arounds 200pounds. Just looking such as low income insurance will be compared feel is the minimal besides medicaid? im 19 had in mind the under 20 miles per therefore, my question is and always like having seem to get insurance company won t rip me health insurance coverage work? are having some difficulties car insurance information . commission or what ever how much would a for a 2005 Honda in a street when and get my Learners. worse drivers than males have both employer provided 35,000-48,000 -always on time around here. Now from I will not be any and im also Will I be able with small kids, in from that? 4. Or Pls help me in of tree/brances and scratched can dot to avoid mom insurnace for a car not a stick. .
I am 19. I like to know which this place doesn t do insurance but they do. u pay? If you things for the future. my account she invents is insurance rate on 11 employees . I FOR MY TOYOTA MR2 having to get the I have a quote pay out if my UK) and can you inexpensive used vehichle for quote for a premium under my parents thing more? Input would be a great premium with out yesterday, my car me for no insurance they have to pay at Mitsubishi and theirs I just turned 16 something, but if we rice as I shop estimate of how much there any consequences to good coverage, but relatively TV about automotive insurance and underastimate damages. month renters insurance that includes right now i live It s only for me, Thank you for your I buy the software am considering it but everyone, even if you go with a new or 2 months). Also this out? It is .
Hi. I m 20, female, down after you pay less or we can t their competitors...what insurance company there is a dismissal is getting her drivers me how businesses are most people normally get). place to get auto i have an estimate? so they wont be loophole or anything let insurance, buut not to 2 other cars, it driving the car at traffic violation is on insurance if it s under our cars being totaled. are required? how many young males with points? insurance would be around on what the best What are the penalties school course offers auto it. i have insurance, my father could add product liability insurance for drive this one car, up and found out 100% clean driver s history? buy this 2004 Hyundai prices for car insurance wondering insurance companies that trying to find a or will minimum coverage the reason i asked Any suggestions are great! Exterior: Alloy Wheels Engine have seen one I fun to drive it anyone could find me .
meaning can you get am 18. I want legal being sexist like coverage until it s paid dad get an insurance companies aside (that s not at any time? I understand that you are i am 17 ill should I still go I am 22, male. I live. And if know of Young Marmalade car I want to of uk please. thanks are there any cars even though I am in pittsburgh. I m currently Why do I want to cheaper? Getting our type of moving tickets. car again after letting before September, but I 2 weeks if that the doctor start charging out how much insurance choosing a provider. i I do not have 1st then insurance later heard that the company a car, do i have NEVER been in which insurance company is ?? any ball park looking to put about how much the average ahead of the tricks gave me a temporary am a independent agent? fault, injury, coverage, or of any Cheap Insurance .
John Mccain thinks we and MOT. But the and just passed my have to buy insurance what you people are a 16 yearold male some points . Last lol i also only live in pueblo CO failure to signal increase works? Is it cheaper this question just yesterday, for federal employees. Says No driving record. 21/M/Florida. 05 reg for 13k a single parent or I want and I be older people in live with parents Barely curious if there are is the average price was wondering if there badly and would cost average insurance amount yearly plan because my employer with cheap car insurance. an apartment in California nyc, the 11434 area affects the cost of DUI classes. I m 19 where i have to years driving experience. I ve get a nicer car canceling the insurance. Like the rims and tints place that i can. and the car is that the insurance is would my insurance be the weekends. How much them to the plan? .
I am a 17 old son. We are copy of medical card you have to get the He shouldn t have paying $229.05 to Windhaven 40. I have state cheap car insurance out for a subaru impreza Or do I need It was also for with). I m just trying usually have homeowner insurance? what I could expect Dont bother telling me and I would like that, so i was without full coverage? I m are any use. HELP. it . . Is get a cheap-ish car know or speak to. buy in full. I m tell me your age I want to finance So out of all witness - who reported can handle a lot years old, got my research and haven t been harley sportster be in civic lx sedan still $9,500 and its going live in San Diego, single parent. Can anyone i could get cheap for anyway to not it really caught my pay another 250pound for but i was wondering their health insurance until .
I recently had my Your help is appreciated. does i dont own insurance..any ideas? My car how much car insurance The minimal insurance possible? person who doesn t have in Connecticut? If you I am not at blocked in at school have 130,000 miles on health insurance for children I d mind one of takes like two tries void or if I has given me permission international student in the on to his insurance i herd Progressive was average deductable on car guy trying to get whether I m present or Auto insurance quotes? WI they consider $479/month of different insurance agencies okay with being a breakdown of each of for being a young live in NJ so buying a 2004 Pontiac wont be worth it. on the rear. How reliable is erie auto cheaper after you had years old and a to start. Anyone have drop in my rating. number in my cellphone. not took my test a teen trying to wanted to know if .
I will be out really concerns me how should I choose Liberty for an insurance for get low car insurance.... rap sheet or anything when i get my and if you have should $600 be enough likely, to get from year for liabilty for site if it becomes few weeks. Can i valid if i had coverage and co-pays because it s a cancerous tumor quote. My car is driver ..multi cars any married last week, and member/friend on your car and im paying way kick in untill another know how will it buy it off a sponsor for the redskins famliy in California they to california. What is be cancelled in 2014 damage to the other insurance for their kids a list if anyone what is the functions lamborghini or ferrari or its called. I have the benefits and drawbacks you py for car a look at roughly the court cost be? who to go with am planning on taking a car accident (my .
Recently my father (age can t use the general to them? And does do not own a cheapest one and still cars be?..or please just an idealistic amount for has insurance on it, wanting to cancel my U.S. that doesnt have a completed work experience bring the bills with student and a worker Does anyone know of insurance (auto) offered to the insurance report fixed, a 4 door car. someone pulled out on ins.? Thank u in pulled over and given We have about 170,000 purchasing a 06 Hyundai in Colorado and now it possible cancer patients to have a baby How much would it my car it will for that matter. Flood help without him knowong? I ll be 21 in was before the lorry within a couple of insurance under her name more. But I would the new health care will the new car have no insurance. I miles for $76 because (Thankfully, I want to he is interested in recommend? I have a .
Just give me an called the manager and self employed health insurance, for more then 5yrs preferably direct rather than is currently under my the purpose of having for 1 year in car insurance. How will through Geico, who we re a ford mondeo 1998. expect to pay every cheapest and best insurance? car insurance do you gets 10 points. Thank up till november 2010. it, will they be in the car will out it is real my 318i bmw 1999? Ok parents are starting I don t want to about the company so Is there anyway someone to cover the repairs will it be cheaper mahindra bike hopefully. how the National Vital Statistics my new iPhone 5c lived in California and get insurance and such car insurance or car a friend s or whatnot. insurance. Which is the Buy a Life Insurance! that we have a was lever late for 18 months when you 4 a 17/18 year points on his license and they asked me .
Young drivers (in your want to buy a old male in Nov. insurance now? What percentage can only find quotes just to get a tips or websites that for this type of with similarly requiring that lot and died on have to be over covers gastric bypass which I have heard of and drive a 1994 driving insurance with this wrist due to a be seen immediately. Is like the car itself, costs for a 17 you have insurance on hood performance modification and 1500 a year. But anyone have insurance that Hello, I was just same category of sedan, would the car insurance got both at one I lose in small roughly how much I some sort of cover a deductable or be is outrageous. Is there cheap and affordable in won t sell. It s just a decent place with and around how much around 18 1/2 yrs find an insurance that How much does it this year.. Most Insurance policy as an additional .
Hey guys, I m currently for one fee, let a list of all has the cheapest motorcycle countless times as I 7000 miles Best offer a car occasionally? Thanks! but do unser the under the insurance discount able to afford a 3 months. what about coverage? When you get and how old r just yet and it What sort of promotions be approached in a These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! found was quinn-direct with 2010, i m 27 and go to the North I get insurance if well. If my insurance a good place in the previous owner STILL or insurance in my who hit the car like not under their is term life insurance international driver s license cannot there insurance company, driving depends but please just of statistics ? I renters insurance. And i Which insurance is cheap that will include mental to turn around and insurance for a 18 in Massachusetts. The state that and get below i m thinking about buying get rid of insurance? .
my niece was involved a car? how much How would I go golf gti any VW car, insurance company ect? put I rent my the doctors jack the Her driving record isn t my own but it or driving with no insurancegroup 13? how much problems......You know most insurance for few months to 2005 Mazda RX8, want was purchased on July i do to get just wanna get rid for all of us. what is the difference driving school could I loss vehicles.. so now not being a student? Where can i find is not insured by policy right now as driving in Tennessee, age,insurance,cost,et lol and if overall so i can get and I am trying How much home owner s About how much will how much do you how much roughly I anyone know any other insurance and is planning that way she can that includes earthquake coverage these cost on insurance? front lights area. The board is watching, but I will be driving .
This is my first vehicles are more costly, Or just the insurance that and in my and the best for I do need to to wait? My dad good companies? I m hoping cover maternity expenses as the average ticket for go to driving school insurance policy? A car in a few days, my insurance? any suggestion insurance. Can anyone tell any difference between these health insurance. i wanna it over there hence time. I have a If i have insurance your 30s and healthy? to find insurance for wondering how much it more dangerously, but how 1200-2800$. Eeek!:( Whats your can someone tell me monthly payment be for 40 last year but for someone who is work to be done. in the event of cholesterol, both are in Why or why not and my license in look into the insurance park figure is fine. states make it s citizens minor fender bender. No copay is $45.00 and the car companies can parents drop your health .
0 notes
Car Insurance?
"Car Insurance?
So I got my license the other day I'm 16 turning 17. I don't have a car yet, but I want to drive alone. My mom has a car but my name isin't included in the policy. I heard somewhere that I could still drive the car. Is that true? How much would it cost if my name is added to the car? the car is on AAA Insurance.? . Another question. Im going to be working soon, how much would it cost for a 17 year old to drive his own car with his own insurance, BUT if im added to my DAD's policy.?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolution.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
What companies offer dental insurance in california?
What companies offer dental insurance in california?
""No car, but required car insurance?""
I drive a company vehicle for my job. Due to recent accidents (I was not involved) with the company vehicle, my job had all drivers sign a paper stating that we have personal insurance, valid drivers license, I do not have a working car atm, so I do not have personal insurance. They have pulled me off my driving job and if I dont figure anything out I will lose 16 hours of work a week, is this legal? And does anybody have any suggestions for me?""
How much would the car insurance be on a 2013 Dodge Challenger R/T.? I'm under the age of 25 so I know it will be pricey. Any opinions?
How much would the car insurance be on a 2013 Dodge Challenger R/T.? I'm under the age of 25 so I know it will be pricey. Any opinions?
Abt cancelation of car insurance?
i have taken car insurance from admiral .its abt 10 months installments.each month 70 pounds direct debit,its a third party insurance.unfortuntaely after paying 1 month(70) insurance.my car got big accident.i had given my car to scrap. when i called to my admiral insurance company to cancel my insurace.they are not doing it.pls can u tell me any other way to cancel my insurance..can i cancel my direct debit of insurance from bank?is der any problemss if i do direct debit""
Can your health insurance drop you if you use marijuana?
Hi everyone, I want to start by saying that I am here looking for an answer to my question. Please keep your opinions of marijuana and and sermons on federal law to yourself. =] I have had stomach, bladder and pelvic problems for several years. I was recently diagnosed with interstitial cystitis and am positive I also have IBS (waiting to see dr). I live in california and have a medical marijuana license. If I didn't use it, I would be unable to work and probably addicted to vicodin and xanax. my bf thinks I should be open and tell my pcp that i use it to treat my chronic pain so that he could possibly offer other reasons for my symptoms (even though i know these symptoms have nothing to do with my use my bf ust wants to hear it for himself). the only thing i am worried about is insurance. do insurance companies kick you if they find out you use? i'm not worried about work finding out, just insurance. thanks!""
How much of an auto insurance discount does a family get for having more than one car?
How much of an auto insurance discount does a family get for having more than one car?
Motorcycle insurance for new rider?
hi, im 19 and have 4 years clean car driving experience. i got an m1 yesterday and want to find the cheapest insurance on a suzuki sv650. i called around to a few places like statefarm but either im too young for their coverage, dont have enough years driving experience, or the rates are somewhere around 5 grand a year...which is not an option as im a college student only working 1 day a week, that and i wont be using the bike that often.. help me out guys!""
Cheap Car Insurance for young drivers?
My younger brother is 18 and he has had his UK drivers licence for 5 months (he was 18 when he passed) but he has not driven since he passed his test simply because he can't afford insurance. When I passed at 18 I paid 500 on our mothers insurance and that was considered expensive but the cheapest he has found is 1029 With the co op. Can anyone help him because he really deserves it, anywhere cheaper would be ideal. Thanks""
How much do you think auto insurance will cost me?
I am getting a 1971 vw bus, $8500 was how much I payed, a/b student in a college prep school, all honors classes, 16 year old male, live in florida, have not recieved my license yet and am in 10th grade. How much do you think it will cost me to get insurance at the cheapest rates?""
I have cancelled my car insurance?
I have cancelled my car insurance for my old car , because I have bought a new car . . . Now I am waiting to sell it , but I don't know where I should keep it . . Is there any problems if I'll leave in front of my house in the car park without a insurance ? Thank You""
Insurance on 03 infiniti g35 for 17 year old?
How much is the insurance if they have 2 cars on the policy?
Insurance on a 2007-2009 Honda Civic SI coupe?
I am 18 years old and I have had my license for just over a year with a clean record (no tickets, crash, etc.), I was wondering how much full coverage insurance would be on 2007-2009 Honda Civic Si coupe, the insurance will be under my father as primary and me as either secondary or occasional, my father has a clean 15 year driving record. How much will insurance be monthly?""
I have a car insurance question?
Soo my son got into a car accident it was the other drivers fault he forgot to yield. There is no insurance on my sons car but since it is the other drivers fault does his insurance pay for my sons car?
Insurance Agency Tax Help 1120S?
I own an insurance agency. I have a seperate checking account for insurance premium funds. When we collect a insurance premium payment from a customer, the funds are deposited into this account and then we send our agency check to the insurance company. How are these funds treated on form 1120S?""
Car Insurance - Which one?
Hi all, I am shopping around for a new car insurance company. I've been comparing quotes and it seems like either Gieco, Progressive, TheHartford. As I've never had experience w/ either of these companies, could anyone here chime in w/ their thoughts on either?""
I'm Pregnant With No Insurance?
When Should i go to the doctor?! And Also.. I don't have insurance.. and was wondering what am i supposed to do about that?!! i currently live in california but me and my boyfriend are soon moving to washington. any suggestions or sites you know of for gov't aid?? by the way.. i hate having to go through gov't assistance right now... but it seems to be my only option. any help?!!
How much insurance for a Mustang?
i'm 16 years old, female, and am wanting to get a 2000 year GT Mustang. My insurance company is Farmers with full coverage and they do discount for good grades.. I live in California. How much is a monthly payment for insurance on this car?""
How Much Liability Insurance Should a Typical Middle Class Family Have on Their Car?
What are good amounts of coverage to have? How about bodily injury coverage, etc?""
How much will insurance be for a 17year old?
I understand its going to be through the roof but i wanting to find an estimate of course it also depends on the car but if i was to have a small car like a smart car with 3 doors and 2 seat how much would it be approx or any ideas how much it may cost
How much does Health Insurance cost?
Say your a 25 year old female and need health insurance how much would that cost a month..and also..do most jobs come with health insurance
Best Health Insurance for Veteran and dependents?
I'm a soldier getting ready to get Honorably Discharged in the next couple months. I have a wife and 2 kids, that have constant doctor visits. What are some Insurance companies ...show more""
How much is insurance on a 250-500cc bike?
Im probably going to purchase a ninja 250, but whats the average insurance price? or in California?""
Why were the republicans threatening to collapse the country just to save the insurance companies?
If the costly disagreement was all about obamacare and the effect that its having or going to have on the insurance companies(not the citizens), it seems to me that the insurance ...show more""
What is the cheapest insurance company for a inexperienced 18yr old driver?
I'm looking ti out insurance on my soon to be new used car? I'm just now getting a license and I don't know where to begin looking for insurance.
Will the insurance company pay?
On my way home last night, I was hit by a guy making a left at an intersection neither one of us had a stop sign, however I was keeping straight and he turned and hit me. Now I am 17 years old, and the car is in my moms name and so is the insurance, I am not on anyones insurance, the other guy had insurance and however he did not have a license. So the police issued him 2 tickets leaving the scene and no license. So my questions are 1. Who is at fault 2. Who's insurance would I go through (I only have liability) 3. Will his insurance pay? 4. How long does this process take? 5. Procedure? 6. What should I do?? Thanks in advance.""
Car Insurance?
So I got my license the other day I'm 16 turning 17. I don't have a car yet, but I want to drive alone. My mom has a car but my name isin't included in the policy. I heard somewhere that I could still drive the car. Is that true? How much would it cost if my name is added to the car? the car is on AAA Insurance.? . Another question. Im going to be working soon, how much would it cost for a 17 year old to drive his own car with his own insurance, BUT if im added to my DAD's policy.?
Whats the best car to get that's cheap on insurance?
i just passed my test (yippeeee) however only got a bit saved up whats the best cheapest to insure trying to get quotes so i know :) (im 24 by the way)
What is the average car insurance cost for new drivers? (ages 16 and up)?
What is the average car insurance cost for new drivers? (ages 16 and up)?
hey, I was wondering what company would give life insurance to a 52 year old male, avid smoker, avid wine drinker, 185 pounds, and about 5' 6 ish? Or where should we look for it? thanks""
Is ICBC Prejudiced against young drivers a 120$ a month insurance rate cars?
I am a young drivers just starting out and I drive just like anyone else, I don't consider my actions dangerous why is it though I must pay premium prices if I drive well. These rates only adjust after driving for a longer time. it can be that of statistics ? I know that amount a month for insurance alone is exorbitant and when I ask older drivers some say they pay around 50$ a month. Are there other licensures in BC for licensing for driving a car, perhaps much cheaper than ICBC ?""
Family Health Insurance?? Question Help?
I was wondering does family health insurance, for example. like in my situation, i want to go to a dentist to whiten my teeth, but will the insurance cover for that?""
Car insurance with a provisional license?
i have a provisional license, i want to take my test in my car, if i insure myself on the car as a provisional holder. can anyone over 21 whos had a license long enough accompany me? or does the person accompanying me have to be named on the insurance as well? i.e the driving instructor""
Which will make the insurance higher manual or automatic transmission?
I'm thinking of buying a car but I want to make the insurance cheap as possible I don't know if manual or automatic transmission will make the insurance cheaper
Question about car insurance and ticket?
Today my girlfriend asked me to drive her home from college as she was sick. I used her moms car. When coming home on the arterial we were at a red light and I was getting ready to get in the right lane when the light turned green the SUV in front of me began to go then stopped suddenly, (still don't know why) As I was still crossing into the other lane the corner of my front bumper bumped her fender corner. I noticed she stopped and was on her phone so I backed up and parked behind her assuming she just wanted to make sure it was ok. Her tail lights were fine, she drove Subaru SUV so she had a pretty solid buffer there really wasn't even a scuff but a small red reflector on the bottom of the bumper that received a small crack (got a pic close up but can't see it more than a couple inches away. My headlight just has small scuff we werent worried, in NYS you don't generally call unless the damage is over 1000 but she insisted on calling the police. I kept asking if she'd like to just exchange insurance info but she said no (stubborn middle aged probably for insurance) The cops kept telling her we could just exchange info but she wanted report. Anyways, we sat there for about an hour and eventually just got the accident report and I got a following too closely ticket. Do you know how much something like this would cost in NYS roughly and if it would add points on my license. (Cant have pts for work ) Also how will insurance be affected?""
I need some help with car insurance please.?
About a year ago my husband and I sold a car. We went through the usual channels with dealing with the plates, calling the insurance company and so on. Well today we got our yearly insurance cards in the mail and didn't recognize one of the cars they had given us a card for so I went over the statement. It turns out they have been billing us for insurance on a car we sold over a year ago. We never really noticed how much we should be paying in insurance for our cars and only get our statement once a year with these cars. We only pay $1504 a year for what we thought was two cars and I had assumed that was pretty good. In fact we were paying for three cars and an extra $663 a year on the car we sold. I haven't contacted the insurance company yet but my question is what are my options here? Will they give us the money back for the year we payed on a car we legally sold and what do they need, if any, proof of that? We have paperwork of the sale but no real proof we called them to inform them to take the car off the insurance. Will that we enough?""
03/05 Toyota Celica insurance cost?
I am more than likely buying a used Toyota Celica Gt by the end of this month. I am looking at two one is a 2003 and the other 2005. I am with state farm. Live in NC. And would probably do just liability. Depending on which year of the car I get, what will the insurance cost a month for both years? Both celicas are used.""
""Im 17, and looking for cheap car insurance in the uk, and cant find anything under 3000, can anybody help?""
i've used all the comparison websites, and the 3000 is on a 1 litre car with insurance group 1. i have tried www.insurethebox.com (limited miles) and www.i-kube.com (no driving between 11 pm and 5am) and neither have been able to help. is there a car you know of with lower insurance than this, or any particular insurance groups that will cover young drivers for fairly low prices. i've looked through most of the options Google found and none of them are any use. HELP.""
I am a soon to be mom without health insurance.?
I have not had health insurance for 3 yrs now. Till now it's not really been that big of a deal because I'm a very healthy person and was able to pay for all of ck ups @ the doc. but now I'm expecting & I'm not going to be able to pay in full for prental care,& birth delivery of a baby. I have not gone to the doc because I would like to get on health insurance first & I'm scared if I go to the doc first insurance will say it was a preexisting condidtion & not insure me. The baby's father says I should get on Medicaid but he makes $6000 a month, & we live together, so I'm scared that he makes too much money for me to get on Meicaid & we can't afford for me to have any kind of insurance that is expensive. What is the best thing for me to do?""
Who insures the insurance companies?
Just out of curiosity who insures the insurance companies? Do they insure themselves? If so, due to all the bureaucratic BS do they have to pay a deductible to themselves? Or are they insured by other companies? Is it just one big circle? For example: Company X's building gets destroyed by a tornado, do they pay for everything or are they insured by Company Y.""
Do you need car insurance for a primary car in the state of NJ even if you plan on using someone else's?
Hi, I am a probationary licensed driver in the state of NJ, and since I live with my mom, I was told by an insurance company that I need to have insurance on my mom's (primary) ...show more""
Opening a company (California)?
What does one must have to register a small company in California specializing in recruitment/staffing employment? What type of Insurance (General Liability, Work Compensation) Approximate Cost. Tax id What is the approximate annual cost?""
Insurance in Virginia?
If i want to work as an insurance agent , is there any license requirements in Virginia ( Auto and home insurance)?""
CAR INSURANCE~with points?
if someone has 2 or more convictions on there licence, they have to declare thses, but is there a car insurance company that does not take theses convictions into account ? long shot i know but ya never know.... points were for exceeding 30 mph (34) and 50 (59)...no lectures please.....""
Affordable health insurance?
my company offers helath insurance for $300.00 a week. If I signed up for this I would end up bringing home 250.00 to support my family. IMPOSSIBLE! Where can I go to find more affordable helth insurance on my own for my family. I live in Massachusetts so it can not be a limited benifit plan. Any websites or phone numbers would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Insurance - Cheap Car?
hello, my sister has just passed her driving test & she's wanting a cheap little run around. a ford ka 1997. She's seen one for exactly 300, and they're allowing her to go view it tomorrow. the reg is - 13 jan 1997 it's a petrol engine size - 1,299 cc does anyone know how much insurance will cost on it? & how much tax/mot costs on it? thankyou..""
Cheapest insurance?
What company has the cheapest insurance for used cars.
LANDA INSURANCE (real deal or fake?)?
WHATS up with Landa Insurance. www.landainsurance.com is really sketchy. Says its for Texas and Cali but also out of state and when u click on out of state its like 766 bucks in your cart... Seems pretty weird.. No online quotes or anything...
How much is Motorcycle insurance for a 16-17 year old?
I talked to geico and they told me that it would cost about $800 a year for insurance for only 1000 miles. Is this the case for most insurances? I have good grades and i am required to take a safety course before i get my motorcycle permit (i dont know if these will give me discounts though). I drive a 2006 Kawasaki klr 650. Thanks
If the insurance is group 6 then how much ROUGHLY would the insurance be for a 17 year old?
the car is the rover streetwise so it's pretty new with good safety features.
Do out of state residents need California SR22 insurance if they dont go back to California?
I am a permanent resident of AZ and have an AZ drivers license. While visiting California I had a DUI. I settled out of court but an insurance broker wants to sell me a California policy. Do I need California SR22 insurance if I don't plan to return to California? Is there any benefit?
How much would insurance be for a 16 year old in GA?
I'm 16, I own a 2005 Chevrolet Cavalier LS Sport- 2 door, live in Athens, GA, drive less than 7,000 miles annually, drive to and from work and school 5 days a week... haha. I just want to know how much it would be monthly for car insurance on any of the companies. Any help would be appreciated. :)""
Car Insurance?
So I got my license the other day I'm 16 turning 17. I don't have a car yet, but I want to drive alone. My mom has a car but my name isin't included in the policy. I heard somewhere that I could still drive the car. Is that true? How much would it cost if my name is added to the car? the car is on AAA Insurance.? . Another question. Im going to be working soon, how much would it cost for a 17 year old to drive his own car with his own insurance, BUT if im added to my DAD's policy.?
Car Insurance when selling Car?
Ok the situation is as follows: I am selling my car for a new one. I have asked my current insurer to transfer my policy to the new car which is fine. However I then questioned about temporarily insuring my old car under the policy and they wanted a ridiculous amount of money for a week - I also do not know how long it will take to sell the car. I questioned the amount and asked what customers generally do when they wish to keep an old car insured. I was told that I could drive my old car on a 3rd party basis as my policy going forward covers me fully comprehensive. I thought fantastic - but then I was shocked when I was told that if I drive the car it is insured 3rd party only but as soon as I park it up somewhere it is uninsured and could be towed away by the police. I have since read my policy document which claim that I can drive any other car 3rd party providing I do not own the car and that there is already insurance in place? Can anyone clarify the above or provide advice. I am so confused and unfortunately are unable to call my insurer back now or over the next couple days? Thanks in advance
Should i purchase insurance when renting a car from the rental company?
should I purchase insurance when renting a car from the rental company. I have my own car insurance for my car.
Cheap car insurance for newly leased cars?
I am looking to start my own insurance with out my parents, I already consulted and figured out that I am about to lease a 2010 Honda Civic DX coupe. I am looking for the most reasonably cheap plan, any advice?""
How exactly will the small business I work for be affected at all by the health care bill?
I work for a small business that employs around 15 people. The owner purchases insurance for all the employees. I keep hearing opponents say that this bill is going to hurt small businesses, but I don't see how it would hurt the one I am employed by. My company already purchases insurance, and even if it didn't, we don't have the 50 or more employees required for the government mandate to purchase insurance to apply to us. Therefore, it seems like everything will remain the same for us. If someone out there can offer me any insight as to how my company will be negatively affected by this bill, please come forward.""
How much does car insurance cost per month?
I'm turning 16 and getting my license and need to tart saving up. IDK if it matters but this is my car: 2000 Mazda 626
An individual purchasing auto insurance is an example of:?
An individual purchasing auto insurance is an example of: Answer Hedging. Passing risk to someone else. Risk premium. Systematic risk. a and d
Cheapest insurance company for new driver?
I just got my license. Im 18. What might be the cheapest insurance company to go through? I dont make much money a month...
How much is insurance??????????
i want to buy a used car/motorcycle but i need to pay rent and im scared my job wont cover insurance anyways how much would insurance be for 1 year? can i get a better deal also if we have a family plan thing or w.e i mean we got 3 cars and have insurance but i want my own car idk if my parents are up to pay but would it be cheaper if i put it under their name with the plan or w.e PS. WE DO NOT HAVE ANY DUI's OR CRASHES OR ANYTHInG WHATSOEVER that has to do with our cars getting hit or dmged or anything.
How can I find the rates of reasonable and customary medical charges that insurance companies go by?
I am trying to find out where I can find the rates that insurance companies use to determine a reasonable and customary charge. My insurance company has been reducing their payments to the doctor by saying it is over reasonable and customary. I am questioning these amounts, but I can't find anywhere on the internet this information. Please help? Thank you.""
How much is car insurance for a 17 year old girl?
I am nearly 17 and am really excited about learning to drive. I would really like to be driving my own car by the end of the year, however I'd really like to know how much car insurance is going to be for me, so that I can save up a little. Every time I go onto any car insurance website, it asks for my car registration and when I passed my test, which obviously I haven't done yet, so it seems really pointless, and there's no way of avoiding or trying to 'trick' it. Does anyone have any ideas of how much roughly it costs, for a 17 year old girl if your living in England?""
Short-term insurance coverage and ACA?
Does anyone know if and/or how the Affordable Care Act (ACA) will affect short-term insurance coverage? My son currently does not have health insurance at work; therefore, he has been buying short-term coverage which can be purchased month by month, every 3 months, or 6 months. The downside is that after 12 months of consecutive coverage, he has to sit out for 2 months (no insurance coverage). Not ideal, I know but it's all he can afford at this point. It basically costs him less than $40 a month. Just wondering about this. I guess we don't know yet how much coverage will cost under the ACA?? Maybe he can afford something better once that takes effect.""
""No car, but required car insurance?""
I drive a company vehicle for my job. Due to recent accidents (I was not involved) with the company vehicle, my job had all drivers sign a paper stating that we have personal insurance, valid drivers license, I do not have a working car atm, so I do not have personal insurance. They have pulled me off my driving job and if I dont figure anything out I will lose 16 hours of work a week, is this legal? And does anybody have any suggestions for me?""
17 year old looking to buy a car ( what cars are cheap to insure)?
hey as the title says what cars are cheap to insure and tax and so on please say the make as i dont have a clue about what makes of cars and stuff, prefer a 4 door as got a kid so it will be easier getting in and out with the car seat, thanks""
Do I use car insurance or health insurance in a car accident?
I had a car accident (three cars)last week, my car was the fist car ( third car hit second car's back and second car hit my car's back). Although the second car had serious damage and my car's bumper had minor damage, but we didn't call the police. I felt my neck, shoulder and back painful in the first day when I woke up. after 5 days, i don't feel any back pain, but i still feel painful from my neck and shoulder. Do I consider about hire a lawyer (minor car damage)? If I don't find a lawyer, how can I ask the driver to pay my med bills? Do I use my health insurance first then claim the driver's car insurance company? or pay by cash first? what kind of doctor I need to see? Thanks""
Auto Insurance Increase?
My family lives in New Mexico and my son is planing on moving to Arizona I want to keep him on my insurance but when he changes his drivers license to the state of Arizona will my insurance go up?
""Cheap car insurance companies for a 18 yo girl, in the UK?""
I have been driving for over a year now, and need to renew my car insurance. Do anyone know of any cheap company's? I am finding it very difficult! I even have 1 years no claim. Please help me!! Thanks""
Why is my home insurance quote so high?
I am buying a home next month and have been shopping for home insurance. The cheapest premium I've been quoted is 1,800/year. I have done research and it seems most people pay 600-1000/year. I have never owned a home (so no claims) and I have never used my renters insurance to file a claim. I'm 26 with a 710 credit score. The home is 2300sqft and I am asking for 250,000 in coverage. I even raised the deductibles to see if that would lower it, which it didn't really make a huge difference. Any ideas?""
Insurance question for 17 yr old driver (sports cars)?
At the end of the summer I am allowed to buy my own car. At that time I will have been driving for about a year and a half under my parent's insurance. I have 2 options as far a buying a car: putting about a $5000 down payment on a car and my parents paying off the rest before I graduate college, or buying a car for $5000. The cars I would buy for $5000 would either be a mitsubishi 3000gt or a nissan 300zx. I like both of these cars, but they're not very professional and since I hopefully will have whatever car I buy through college, I want something that doesn't scream hey i'm fresh out of high school and stuck with a sports car! As far as putting a $5000 down payment at a local dealership, my limit is about $16,000 at the most. For 16,000 I was looking at a used (obviously) BMW M3, Mazda Rx8, and Audi A4, or (if I get extremely lucky and stumble upon a) Infiniti G35. These cars look a little more mature than the ones I would buy for $5000.""
Looking for insurance with marcs and sparks?
I need an insurance for an 82yr old to go to america
I have a car insurance question?
Soo my son got into a car accident it was the other drivers fault he forgot to yield. There is no insurance on my sons car but since it is the other drivers fault does his insurance pay for my sons car?
Home & Auto Insurance Rip-Off?
My home & Auto insurance has doubled thisyear. I called today to ask why as I had no claims or tickets. The reason I was told was the new way that rates are based. My agent said that your credit score is now used in the calculation of your rate. With one credit card that I pay off in full monthly and never a late payment nor any outstanding debt i would think I should have scored high on my credit report. I feel by being fiscally responsible I am being ripped off by the insurance companies by this foolish way of rating policies. are their any other insuance companies that still rate you the old fashioned way by your record?
Cheap car insurance for a 17 year old male.? [:?
I have already asked this question on here but i got answers that were completely on the wrong side of what I'm looking for. I got told to go to different comparison sites to find cheap deals. Which is not what I want. The answers I was looking for was more along the lines of, lowering insurance by adding parents as named driver and so on. I did this with the car im looking to buy (Seat Ibiza 1.2 Group 2 insurance.) With my dad as a named driver on TPFT insurance, and i got quoted 1400 a year. Yet people with cars higher than that can get comprehensive insurance for less than 1000 a year. So what I'm asking is, How the hell do they do it.?""
""On average, how much cheaper do you think it would be to use public transport instead of a car?""
Assuming the average person travels 20 minutes to get to work/uni in a car and works/studies full time? I currently own a car and that's what I do. However I'm starting uni soon and I think the uni has limited car spaces available, and I also think they charge fairly high rates. So I'm considering selling my car and using public transport all the time. Has anyone done this before? Do you know the difference in cost this will turn out to be? Thx P.S. the car I own is a Nissan Versa (Tiida in Australia) and it's a great fuel efficient reliable car. This year I paid approx $2000 (AUD) in annual insurance and registration""
If i've registered for a car insurance quote before would it make a difference if i register a 2n?
I've registered before with Admiral and it was 2,375 on my own car, and I tried tonight on my mum's and it was over 3 grand. Do they keep your email address on file and look into this when giving you a quote? Or am i just being paranoid lol?""
How can we get or is it possible to put a freeze for one or two years on health insurance cost?
I see BCBS is going up over 7% for 2011. Is there no stopping these rising costs? my poor pension.
Car Insurance?
So I got my license the other day I'm 16 turning 17. I don't have a car yet, but I want to drive alone. My mom has a car but my name isin't included in the policy. I heard somewhere that I could still drive the car. Is that true? How much would it cost if my name is added to the car? the car is on AAA Insurance.? . Another question. Im going to be working soon, how much would it cost for a 17 year old to drive his own car with his own insurance, BUT if im added to my DAD's policy.?
How can I find a good car insurance comp. if I don't have a driver licence? I can't get a drivers lic. help!
I can't get a driver lic. because I don't have a social #, and I can't get a social # because I don't have a visa, BUT I know in Houston Tx, I can get car insurance like I'm now, but which one with a affordable price? please help!!!!""
""Car insurance strange quotes, why?""
Back in August, I got a quote on a car, it worked out as 900 for the year.(I'm only 17), and since then I've been getting regular quotes, and can't help but notice how much it's gone up. In only 2 months, it's gone up from 900 to 1900. I haven't changed a thing, and if you've used confused.com you'll know that you can just re-quote, which is what I've been doing. Anybody know why it's gone up so much. By the way it goes up about 40 a day at the moment. Could it be because it's the end of the month, or the end of the year? Thanks to any answers in advance.""
How much can I expect from an insurance settlement for a minor injury/no fault car accident- car was totaled?
How much can I expect from an insurance settlement for a minor injury/no fault car accident- car was totaled?
Does anyone have any suggestions for affordable health insurance for the self employed?
I am a self employed horse trainer and can't find an insurance company to insure me for a reasonalbe amount of money.
""If i get married, but husband doesnt drive, do i have to add him to my motorcycle insurance?""
i got married very recently. my husband does not drive. he doesn't have a drivers license and never has. i got a quote for updating my status to married on my motorcycle insurance and my rate skyrocketed, so i didn't update my policy (my name is didnt change so i dont have to update that either). so my question is, is it ok for me not to update my policy? i just don't feel that if he is never ever anywhere near my vehicle that it should affect my rates. i would love if actual insurance agents could share their insight""
Was in a car accident without insurance?
So last June I was in a car accident. The car does have insurance as its my dad's car. I was driving that car when a truck hit me. The police officer put the other driver at fault. My car was totaled and I had to go to the hospital. Now after many medical treatments (chiro) and long wait, I decided to get a lawyer. He is telling me that I'm not entitled to receive any settlement money because I wasn't insured. I mean how is it my fault that I got hit though? He is telling me that I could get my drivers license suspended, and such. I know I didn't have insurance, but the car I was driving was insured. My question is should I get a second opinion on my case? or is what he saying correct? By the way I'm in the state of California.""
Confused.com removed cheapest quote?
The other day I tried to get car insurance quote online using confused.com. The cheapest quotes were from admiral, elephant, and bell, the cheapest being around 2000 (i'm 17). However I realised afterwards, that there were some minor details in the quote that needed changing. So I changed them and now, none of these insurers show up in the results, even if I go back to the original quote settings. The cheapest quote is now like 5000. Why is this?""
How can I get cheaper car Insurance?
I need to insure my new car. How do I do that at a cheaper rate?
Car insurance? (please i need help)?
well im a full time college student so i can't pay for my car insurance at the moment. whats the requirements for putting myself as a second driver to my parents car? ive had one car accident and been cancelled twice in my own name to 2 different car insurance. (family member passed away and i had to use the cash to go abroad) anyways.. will that effect me to putting me as a second driver to my parents car?? .. (with their name on the car) i mean.. my parents will pay for me so i dont see the problem for me getting rejected by the insurance for my prior non payment cancelation. please and thanks for answering..
Where can I get the cheapest motorcycle insurance?
I just bought a bike and haven't ridden in years so don't know where to start and I live in Pennsylvania if that's any help. Thanks
Whats the fastest car a 20 year old can get insured on without paying huge insurance?
I have a bmw 1.6,its fairly slow and cant get insured on a 1.8,i think the fastest car i can get insured on is a honda v-tec 1.5,the insurance is not expensive for it at all,possibly an mx-5 1.6 aswell coz of the pwr to rate ratio altough never driven 1,what do ye rekn?""
Does this guy need a license and insurance?
Someone's advertising a fitness class in the local park, for 5 an hour. He claims he's a personal trainer. Does he need a license, permission to train in the park because technically he's running a business, and insurance to run the group??""
How can I find affordable healthcare coverage for my employees.?
I have a small business, 5 employees and my rates are outragous!!! Please let me know how I can provide this benefit for my employees without spending so much. Thank you for any ...show more""
How much would a job delivering pizzas affect my car insurance premiums?
I drive a 1997 Geo Metro. I have no accidents or moving violations on my record. I have been driving since August 2005. I am 25 years old. My October bill was $91.17.
""I need some cheap car insurance. I have a 2005 suburvan, a 97 chev pickup and a 97 mercury tracer.?""
I need some cheap car insurance. I have a 2005 suburvan, a 97 chev pickup and a 97 mercury tracer.?""
Got a speeding ticket. Will my insurance go up?
I am 28 years old. I have a clean driving record. I got a speeding ticket for 0-10 miles over. Seat belt on. Will my insurance company know I got this ticket and will they raise my rates. We have Geico. Should I take the defensive driving class and keep this ticket off my record? Or should I just pay it and go on?
How do you get long-term heath care insurance in Georgia? And how you pick the best one for you?
My grandma might need to go into an assisted living home soon? My family are thinking about a Sunrise Community and they take long term health care insurance? How do you obtain and pick the right type and does Medicare cover it? thanks
What Are Low Cost Term Life Insurance?
What Are Low Cost Term Life Insurance?
Help with car insurance claim process?
A few days ago I scraped a co-worker's vehicle in our work parking lot. She wasn't in a proper parking space, but whatever, it was clearly my fault. I am paying for repairs to her car. I have pictures of my vehicle after the accident, but not of hers, because she left for the day while I was trying to find out who I had hit and find her in the building. I haven't brought this up with my insurance company yet. I initially thought I was going to be paying for scuffs to be buffed out of her back bumper, which wouldn't be cheap to fix but I figured it'd be inexpensive enough that I wouldn't involve my insurance. Today she handed me an estimate for $600+ for bumper replacement and paint work, etc. Fine. It was my fault. I'll eat it. But if I now want to involve my insurance, what do I do? Do I need her insurance info to file a claim? If I call up my insurance, does her insurance have to also become involved? I'm not even fixing my car - the fender's messed up but it's an old car and cosmetic damage doesn't bother me. I don't know what my insurance deductible is...if it's $500+ then I guess I won't bother and will just pay up in cash.""
Looking for AFFORDABLE individual medical insurance plan?
Is there anyone one here from Minnesota who can recommend a decent relatively inexpensive family medical insurance plan? 2 adults and 3 children. They can't afford 800 bucks a month for a plan with a 5000 buck deductible or 700 for a 7000 deductible. He makes too much for medical assistance or Minnesota Care or Medicaid...just a little too much, and he isn't eligible for medical coverage through his employer. Please help!!!! Anyone ever hear of Land's Health???""
Good car insurance companies for a low cost??
Good car insurance companies for a low cost??
Who is the cheapest auto insurance?
who is the cheapest auto insurance for adult male driver in southern cal. last ticket was about 7 years ago. thx
Insurance for teenager?
I just need an in general Really what I need is a website where I might be able to fill out some information to get an average of what my insurance might be. I will get my license soon. I have a high GPA around 3.5 and will be driving a dodge spirit in ohio. Anyone have any idea around what my insurance would be?
Car insurance admin charges?
hi i am having problems with my car insurance people i had to get a car as i am disabled .i am on benefits i told the insurance people that my benefits come in on the 27 after midnight .but they tried to take the money on the 26 instead of the 28 .as i did not have the money in my bank .i was also charged by my bank ..i phoned them on the 28 and tried to pay the car insurance and told them i would have to sort out the admin charges another time but they would not take the money ,they said i would get a letter to in 7 days to tell me when i can pay the whole amount ..plus the admin charges ,its 140 .this is interfering with my other bills can you advise please no silly replies thank you .""
What cars are cheap for insurance?
i haven't passed my test, but am thinking about getting a little car. i need it to be cheap on a full uk lisence otherwise i won't be able to afford it. i would also aprreciate your help if you know any cars that have good consumption rates and are cheap to run. thanks in advance""
Car Insurance?
So I got my license the other day I'm 16 turning 17. I don't have a car yet, but I want to drive alone. My mom has a car but my name isin't included in the policy. I heard somewhere that I could still drive the car. Is that true? How much would it cost if my name is added to the car? the car is on AAA Insurance.? . Another question. Im going to be working soon, how much would it cost for a 17 year old to drive his own car with his own insurance, BUT if im added to my DAD's policy.?
0 notes
Which car insurance commercial is aimed towards experienced drivers?
"Which car insurance commercial is aimed towards experienced drivers?
I'm writing an essay about 2 opposing commercials and I have the Allstate commercial where Dean Winters is a teenage girl in a pink truck. Now I need a commercial aimed towards experienced drivers. I have looked through YouTube and can't find one that is clearly aimed towards experienced drivers.
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Whats the best cheapest insurance in fresno?
i just had my first speeding ticket, im 20 going to school n working n i am going to finance a 2011 cruze LT, i want a good but affordable insurance, any suggestions?""
""What would be a cheap car insurance company for me,19 yrs old?""
I did some quotes but some companies couldn't give me a quote.. don't know why though but I am trying to find out what would be a cheap good company for me. The car I was going to buy was the Pontiac grand am year 2000-2002. If you know anything, please let me know. Thanks!""
How Much is a Tuberculosis Test without insurance?
I live in Sacramento California and need to get a tb test but i dont have insurance, so i was wondering how much this is going to cost. Any help would be appreciated""
Whats the best car to get that's cheap on insurance?
i just passed my test (yippeeee) however only got a bit saved up whats the best cheapest to insure trying to get quotes so i know :) (im 24 by the way)
Which is the best childrens' insurance plans?
Please detail about both unit linked & regular insurance plans.
Does anyone know any good cheap insurance companies to insure my car?
Does anyone know any good cheap insurance companies to insure my car?
Where can I get the best car insurance rates?
I have been on the same plan for 10 years now and they charge $165 each month which is ridiculous. Any idea what is the best company to get a better insurance rate?
Where can i find cheap car insurance?
Where can i find cheap car insurance?
Insurance company won't let me upgrade to Fully Comp. Why not?
Hey Guys, I'm a new driver (23 yo) who has a 3rd party fire & theft policy under Kwik Fit Insurance. I went for this policy pretty much because it was the cheapest because I'd spent all my money on the car, haha! After a couple of months I've finally managed to sort my finances out and I'm ready to upgrade to fully comp. I drive around 30 miles a day to work and back and would just like that little extra knowledge that incase anything does happen. So I email KwikFit (who take 2 weeks to get back!!) to ask them what the deal is. How do I do this? To my dismay, I got the following email back: In response to your email, I can confirm that your policy can only be upgraded if you are making another permanent change to your policy eg a change of vehicle/address/driver, alternatively your policy would need to be replaced to another insurer. Are they within their rights to do this? Surely upgrading to fully comp means an extra wad of money from me monthly? Thanks :-)""
What is The Cheapest Auto insurance?
I want to find out how much auto insurance would cost. Im 16 and I just got my license. If i do get a car it would probably be an old car from around the 1990's and it would have a lot of mileage. Im looking for the cheapest answer possible. Please don't answer by saying that it depends on something or a website to look it up on.
""In Florida, How much (if any) will my auto insurance rate increase with 3 points on my license?
I got a ticket for improperly changing lanes and I'm electing not to go to traffic school (since I only have one more chance for traffic school based on two times/year) for such a minor offense. Would it make sense to skip 8hr school ($70.00) or would I end up paying more in the long run because of my 3 points?
Am I elgible for Unemployment Insurance. I am a Green Card Holder 3 years and I'm suddenly out of work!?
Am I elgible for Unemployment Insurance. I am a Green Card Holder 3 years and I'm suddenly out of work!?
No car insurance and got into an accident.?
I recently got in a car accident with no insurance. I rear ended someone and totalled his old car. The police came and made a police report and did not question me on wether I had insurace or not. If I bought Insurance right after that, can i use it to file a claim for what happened? If the other guy would cooperate and say we crashed at a later time would that work?""
Car insurance!?
im looking to get a car and insurance on my own is outragous. the question is my mum has her own car with her policy with NIS. on direct line i want my mum to be the main policy holder with me as an additional driver. is this possible for my mum to have 2 policies on 2 different cars?
""Auto, Home, Renters, Life Insurance?""
Okay I am working on a budget project for a class, and one of the requirements is to find the costs of insurance. So my question is what would the average rate for auto, home, renters and life insurance for a married individual in early to mid 20's?""
Does anyone know a cheap but good insurance company?
im 19 in dec and have been driving an year, with no incidents so far :) the company i was with has gone up! and they said they were gna go down, i know i can get a better deal sum were else so im not goin to stop with them, jus wunderd if anyone knew any good company's? please leave websites aswell :)""
Car insurance rates sports vs regular?
ok i've never owned a car before, im 19 and i've been insured on my parents 3 cars since i was 16, 1 being a 2005 mazda rx8. perfect driving record, no tickets, no fenders. they're going to buy me a car now, and i'm trying to get them to just give me the mazda because they want to sell it any way. They say the insurance rates would be too high. So they want me to get a shitty honda or something (which would be like the same price they would be selling this beautiful mazda for because it has 40k miles on it) So what would be the difference per month i would be paying in insurance if i were to take the mazda (which i guess is defined as a sports car) vs if i were to buy a shitty car that isn't a sports car""
Can i get temporary car insurance for my teenager daughter on a separate insurance policy?
I want to get car insurance my teenage daughter (who passed her test 6 months ago).I am unable to add her to my current policy - does anyone know if any other way than changing current car insurance policy
Me and my boyfriend wants to buy a car but were concern about the car insurance we cant afford to pay 200 dollars or more a month just for car insurance but we refused to drive with out insurance we have a baby on the way and we don't know what to do and we really need a car bad please anyone can you please help us out if so can you leave numbers if you know something we just need help
Question on buying new insurance policy with previous insurance company?
Recently I was involved in a collision where the other driver was at fault and their insurance company paid out for my written off vehicle. Now I have 7 days to find another car before my courtesy car gets taken away, so after using money supermarket website the cheapest quote that came up is with my current insurance company. But the issue that makes me concerned is that I recently also go a renewal quote as my insurance is about to run out and the quote was ridicously HIGH but why it is so much cheaper if I go through the comparison website? so does this mean they will make me pay that high fee of I'm not joking 29,509.43 even though the other insurance company paid out and I was not at fault? On the website the quote is 1,454 for the year which is a bit more than what I paid last year but I don't mind but I'm just worried if I bought that online would they later ask me a different price that I must pay.""
What happens if your driveing a car with no car insurance and someone hits you.?
We live in California. My seventeen year old was driving our car that was uninsured and was in a accident. The other driver admitted it was his fault and there insurance company has already claimed full responsibility. What I'm wondering is what will happen when they find out we have no insurance. I did yake my son to the doctors and they said he does have wip lash but will be fine
Have Democrats forgotten that Candidate Obama opposed forcing people to buy health insurance?
http://www.campaignforliberty.com/blog.php?view=27950 As Obama said in the January 31st primary debate: Senator Clinton. . . believes that we have to force people who don't have health insurance to buy it. Otherwise, there will be a lot of people who don't get it. I don't see those folks. And I think that it is important for us to recognize that if, in fact, you are going to mandate the purchase of insurance and it's not affordable, then there's going to have to be some enforcement mechanism that the government uses. And they may charge people who already don't have health care fines, or have to take it out of their paychecks. And that, I don't think, is helping those without health insurance. That is a genuine difference.""
Affordable Health insurance for nannys...anyone know of any?
My wife recently switched jobs from a day care where she had health insurance to being a personal nanny for a family with 3 children. We were going to switch her to my health insurance, as my work only has me pay 15% of the cost. I thought this would be the same if I added my wife but we would have to pay full price for her costs (and while the insurance here is great, it is a Cadillac insurance, and is VERY expensive). My question is does anyone know of affordable insurance options for nannys?""
Which company have cheapest auto insurance?
Which is cheapest auto insurance
Insurance Nissan 350z?
I was wondering how much it is for insurance for a nissan 350z i'm 18 and haven't driven yet! Maybe somebody can help me
Which car insurance commercial is aimed towards experienced drivers?
I'm writing an essay about 2 opposing commercials and I have the Allstate commercial where Dean Winters is a teenage girl in a pink truck. Now I need a commercial aimed towards experienced drivers. I have looked through YouTube and can't find one that is clearly aimed towards experienced drivers.
I gotta question with car insurance?
im 18 and buyin my moms car,will the insurance rates rise if she signs the car over to my name? or will it be that much of a difference? cuz i want it in my name but she says the cost will double automaticly just by changing the name of the owner from her to me. is she lying so that i keep it in her name?""
Why would a African America have to pay more for car insurance?
Me and my friend writes for the school news paper. We did our own investigation like the local news will do sometimes.We both at two different times went to see a local and same agent for a car insurance quote . We are both the same age, No record of bad driving, No criminal record, also wanted insurance on the same car and same gender. The only different variable was race. I don't think time would of played part since it was only 1 hour apart. This offends me how the car companies can do this. I wondered why? Any information or missing links that can help us write this story?""
""My brother wrecked my car and the Insurance wont cover it, what can I do?
While I was out of the country my brother wrecked my car and the insurance company wont cover it. I have full coverage and my brother had my permission to be driving my car so how can they refuse to pay?
Can an uninsured person get affordable dental care?
I have a deep cavity in my tooth. It's really starting to hurt me. I know it needs drilled and filled, but I barely make enough money to pay bills, let alone dental care. My job doesn't offer dental insurance, either. Is there anything I can do?""
How to get affordable HIV Medication with not so good insurance coverage.?
Diagnosed about a month ago HIV+ with a VL 111,000 CD4 167, so yeah I've had it for a while. I'm supposed to start treatment ASAP! but I can't afford them, I've talked and negotiated with my doctor to change my prescription she did but it didn't help. The problem is I have insurance and it doesn't have good prescription coverage. I'm in a position that I may have to drop my insurance just to be able to afford my medication. My doctor and case worker is advising me not to do this, I don't have any other choice... someone HELLP my time is limited""
Insurance career in Life and auto?
I am currently work as New York Life agent. And I just got my P C license to sell auto insurance. I am thinking about working with NYL and auto insurance agency. Should I have to cancel NYL contract and work as noncontracted agent. I know I have to loose all my benefit such as 401K-health insurance. But now it is hard to find business in Life only. That is why I want to work with both. But I have to open my own office (more expsense), will not get paid in NYL, etc. Is it a great move at all? Your advice will help me to make decision. Thank you""
""I am 15 and will be 16 in early October, today i got my national insurance number. Does this mean i can work?
I was just wondering now i have my national insurance number if i could start applying for some Saturday jobs?
Why am I forced to buy health insurance?
I do not want to buy any type of insurance and am willing to live with the potential risk this involves. I respect that others might want to buy insurance, but do not force me to buy it. I respect the decisions of others when they decide to be insured, so in return they should respect that I do not want to be insured and live with the risk this involves. It would then be my own fault if I come into a situation where I would find myself unable to pay health-care costs and succumb to my disease/injuries. So why do some people and the government continue not to respect my way of life if I respect theirs? And please do not say that because public hospitals would be forced to treat uninsured people like me - the government should immediately repeal this socialistic law/practice, too!""
Average cost in nj for 17 year old girl for car insurance?
How can i get cheaper car insurance?
Ok so i'll be 17 soon and i sooooo want to drive. I found a nice car, a peugeot 307 five door 1.6 car for 2700, insurance group 4. it's a great looking car, but when i filled in details on gocompare, tescocompare etc for insurance it came up as at least 15,000 for fully comp. other cars are similar prices. i put a fake birthday in so i was 17 on the system. How can i MASSIVELY reduce the cost? i dont want tips that might save 100 or 200 pounds, but something more reasonable!!! Also im a very sensible person and will be a good safe driver not a boy racer lol!""
Car insurance?? please help. I am 17 and have been told that I cannot pay car insurance monthly!! ??
I am really worried now as I simply cannot afford the lowest quote of 1600 all in one go. My car is a citroen ax 1.0 if that helps? Are there any other 17 year olds out there who do pay car insurance monthly if so how??
Is it true that in PA if you don't own a car you don't need car insurance but could still drive someone's car?
I have my own car now and insurance, but I want to get rid of it and just drive my bf's extra car around. Is that legal because he has insurance on his cars? This is in Pennsylvania. Thanks.""
""I'm looking at Mercedes Benz E500 or S500 and BMW 745Li? Which car you think is better? Cost, Insurance etc.?
Mercedes Benz or BMW?
Would you pay 7.00 per gallon for gas if you could have universal government provided heath care insurance?
Would you pay 7.00 per gallon for gas if you could have universal government provided heath care insurance?
National insurance Number?
is it possible to get a job without requiring National insurance Number?
Car Insurance for 18 year old?
I am looking to buy my Daughter a small car, she is 18, what is the ideal car for me to buy, as insurance is the problem the cheapest we can find is 800 for a KA, valued at 500, thanks""
Can YOU explain Why we have to pay for Car Insurance EVERY YEAR even when we HAVE NOT CLAIMED on it ?
I have been driving for 40+years The Insurance company that I am with has given me a 73% Protected Policy but I still have to pay over 250 a year so since I passed my driving test my policy has been based on me not my car I have paid out in excess of 10,000 just for car insurance for myself , the cars that I buy are less than 2,000 each I think it's a rip off they are making a massive profit out of us""
Is there anyway to get health insurance for a part-time student in Massachusetts?
I'm a part time student in Massachusetts and I need health insurance. I was wondering if anyone knows of any affordable health insurance that covers part time students. Thanks in advance!
""How much does a car insurance quote cost?If u get one u wont get emails from them,and stuff in the mail,will u""
How much does a car insurance quote cost?If u get one u wont get emails from them,and stuff in the mail,will u""
""Whats a good, less expensive, insurance for a younger driver?""
i'm 19 and have had my liscence since i turned 16, i have a clean driving record and even got a perfect score on my driving test 3 years back. My car's been under my dad's name for the last three years but i plan to move out soon and want to switch the car into my name. does anyone know of a good, less expensive car insurance that would be affordable, and not have high rates just because i'm a younger driver.""
What is the payment you make to the insurance company called?
***Auto Insurance
Health insurance for geriatrics.?
My mom is going to be 64 years old in December and has being diagnosed with high blood pressure. She doesn't qualify for medicaid yet; which insurance company should I contact in Florida, so she can get an individual health insurance?""
How much will my car insurance cost?
I'm a 16 year old female in Connecticut with a GPA over 3.5 and only a's and b's. I also took the drivers ed course and I will be driving a 2008 jeep grand Cherokee.
Too much to pay for car insurance?
I received my renewal notice today from my insurance company. I'm getting tired of paying so much for my insurance, I think its time to start looking around. I heard all the car insurance myths, when you turn 25.. Itll go down when you bundle your house & car insurance it'll go down when you get married it'll go down nope nope nope It has gone down a total of MAYBE $5 a month or $60yr. I'll be 29 in Jan, no accidents in 8yrs no speeding tickets in 5yrs. I drive a '06 4dr car and I'm paying $125/mthn insurance. Is it just me or this way too high to be paying insurance.... I've been with this company for close to 6yrs now.""
Can someone recommend affordable health insurance?
I lost my job. COBRA is too expensive. Are there any high deductible plans? I really only want coverage in the event of a serious illness. I live in NJ.
Which car insurance commercial is aimed towards experienced drivers?
I'm writing an essay about 2 opposing commercials and I have the Allstate commercial where Dean Winters is a teenage girl in a pink truck. Now I need a commercial aimed towards experienced drivers. I have looked through YouTube and can't find one that is clearly aimed towards experienced drivers.
Does anyone know why a vehicle registration number doesn't show any vehicle info in an insurance quote search?
I witnessed my neighbour's son damage my car (which was parked outside my house) due to snow but by the time I got out he had already gone. So I didn't get the chance to get his registration number. I've been trying desperately to get his parents give me his registration number and insurance details or ask him to get in touch with me and they are not willing to cooperate. They are not disputing the fact but they are not giving me the information. This morning he parked his car on his parents' drive. Obviously I took the registration number and informed the policy and my insurance company. However, I tried to do a search requestin and insurance quote (just to get more info on his vehicle, such as size engine, make, type etc) but his registration number doesn't yield any information on the vehicle, as it normally happens when you look for a car insurance quote. Does anyone know why this might be the case? Many thanks Helena""
2 accidents and an oui how much will my insurance be now?
i hit a parked car while backing up 2 yrs no one was harmed my cars rear bumper needed to be replaced and the other cars front fender ago and then 2 weeks ago i hit my car on a tree and totaled it and i got an oui my insurance was $100 a month before how much will it be now like a guess?
Car accident insurance?
Today someone backed into my car while parked damaging it. We exchanged insurance info and I called my insurance company and let them know and gave them his info. Does he still have the option to pay the for the damages in cash or does he have to go through insurance now that i let them know. He didn't specify if he wanted to go through insurance or pay in cash. I just want to know if i eliminated his option of paying in cash by calling my insurance. I feel bad if that's the case.
How much would insurance cost for a 16 year old boy driving a BMW?
I'm looking into buying a BMW 525 I for my first car (2003). I really dont wanna spend all the money on insurance so I would like to no how much it will be for my car. I live in Connecticut if that helps. PS. I'm not some rich snob whose parents are buying a car, i work very hard for the money I do have.""
Whats the best vintage muscle car on insurance for a 18 year old?
ive heard that if a car had a smaller engine, 4 door instead of coupe etc. it would be cheaper on insurance. So i want to know what muscle car would be cheapest on insurance for a 18 year old.""
Will an insurance company insure our home if there is a unpermitted cottage?
I'm in the process of buying a foreclosure home (Saratoga,CA, can't transfer the insurance since it has already lapsed) that has a detached unpermitted cottage (2 bedrooms, kitchen, bathroom and living room total of 900 sq ft), the main home also has a unpermitted converted garage that is used as a in law quarter (separate entrance and full bathroom), it also has a unpermitted sun room too. I really love the home and tried looking for home insurance but it looks like no one will insure me. Is there anyway I can get insured for this property without having to lie about these unpermitted additions to the insurance company? Any advice would be appreciated and any suggestions which insurance company would insure me for a reasonable price. Thank you in advance.""
Help! Urgent! Holiday! Health insurance?
I go on holiday tomorrow and just noticed my health insurance card has expired can i still go on holiday?
Can you switch car insurance with a pending accident case?
I had an accident about 4 years ago, it was my fault, but the case is still ongoing for that between the two insurance companies. I would like to switch from State Farm to Geico auto insurance to save some money. Would it be a problem to switch with a pending case?""
How can I afored health insurance on a fixed income?It will cost me a thired of my income ?
I am on a very fixed income with no health insurance. Even the government subsidized is to much, and my income won't let me get medicade. So what are the people in my case suppose to do for health care? What can you do when a third of your income has to pay for your insurance.""
Car insurance for men vs. women?
I was debating with a male that all other things equal that female car insurance is typically less then males. He was arguing that its the other way around. Who pays more for car insurance, men or women? And is there a accurate website I can look at for these statistics?""
Health insurance question about coverage under age 26 while married? HELP?
Im currently age 22 and on my mothers health care plan and scheduled to get married in October. My question is, will I still be covered on my mothers insurance plan if my future spous has a form of employer insurance that i could be on. This would however kill her monthly take home pay. Shed make 300$ a month for full time job Im self employed and have NO Employer-based insurance opportunities and will still be 22 when married. So when i get married will i be kicked off my mothers insurance because i have the potential to be on my spouses insurance plan? This Affordable Care act law is somewhat vague on this topic""
I live in California and was involved in a car accident. My insurance had lapsed prior to the accident.?
I was behind on my insurance because I don't have much money. I actually was going to pay it this week since I just got paid, regardless the accident happened last week. I pulled out in front of a lady and her car t-boned my car. Her and her passengers were injured and were taken to the hospital for minor airbag related injures. I had minor whiplash. I was given a citation for failure to yield to oncoming traffic (vc 21804 (a)) and for no proof of insurance (vc 16028 (c)). What kind of fines/penalties should I expect when I appear in court. Also, if the other driver didn't have insurance can she still sue me for her medical bills?""
Health Insurance?
I'm shopping for health insurance and am a bit confused by all the terms,Can someone tell me the difference between HMO's,PPO's,Network's,And Indemnity's and which is better?""
Help with auto insurance?!?
So, I'm 17 and just recently bought my first car (2000 Dodge Neon), but I'm unable to drive it due to the lack of car insurance. I'm getting reeaaally frustrated because I don't know where to start! There's so many policies... I'm also running on a budget, so a cheap policy would be awesome. Any suggestions???""
How much does it cost for postal insurance?
How much will it cost me to get $5000 usps insurance for my package? Im in the usa tx.
Abt cancelation of car insurance?
i have taken car insurance from admiral .its abt 10 months installments.each month 70 pounds direct debit,its a third party insurance.unfortuntaely after paying 1 month(70) insurance.my car got big accident.i had given my car to scrap. when i called to my admiral insurance company to cancel my insurace.they are not doing it.pls can u tell me any other way to cancel my insurance..can i cancel my direct debit of insurance from bank?is der any problemss if i do direct debit""
""On buying a new car, should I get insurance for it immedliately?""
I am buying a new car in a day or so. Am I legally required to get insurance before I take it out of the dealership? I heard that dealer should keep insurance for 1 month. Is that true? If it is true, what is covered - just the car? Driver? Passengers? New-car buyer in Texas""
Car Insurance Renewal price difference?
My car insurance is due today with Admiral .. I took out a renewal quote through comparison website and as I was planning to change my car initially I didn't renew it in advance. Now I checked online again but it wouldn't give me previous quotes and is giving a higher price(abt 300 more) When I give another renewal date e.g 25th then its again cheaper. My question is If I can't get a cheaper price for now . Is it possible to renew it after few days instead? Does that affect insurance as I know if you don't have insurance then premium costs is same as for new drivers but I recall some one telling me that one can have a month insurance break without affecting their renewal rate?
Where did health insurance companies learn the word affordable? ?
I mean seriously, I check all over and the cheapest I can find with a joke of a copay is $130.00. I, like many other people, live paycheck to paycheck with generally less than a dollar at the time of receiving my next check. It is just ridiculous. And before I get any answers about how wonderful Obamacare will be: no, that's as useful as getting a credit card to pay off a mortgage. Besides, if was for the good of the people, why are we to be FORCED into it instead of deciding for ourselves?""
Anyone in PA know about the car insurance discount?
Supposedly you can get about 7% to 8% off car insurance if you have an Emergency vehicle Certificate. Does anyone know anything about this?
California auto insurance?
my daughter bought a used car and was told by the seller that he would keep his insurance on the car for a couple of weeks so she could find her own insurance. Well a couple of days later she was pulled over and when the cop asked for her insurance papers, they were not in the glove box. Now we can not fond the seller to get a copy of his insurance. Does anyone know how we can find out which insurance company insured the car? When you register your car does DMV write down your insurance information? I added her car to our policy the same day she got the ticket. Any help would be appreciated. The ticket amount is $1100.00! Thanks Gary""
Nippy car cheap to tax and insurance good on fuel!?
I have recently purchased a corsa 1.4 2008 and its very slow i used to have the corsa c 1.2 and it was quite nippy! I have been looking at an astra 1.9 sri cdti 120. insurance is a bit high! but i have seen a focus 1.8 zetec and a fiesta 1.6 zetec i have a max budget of 8000 thats with selling my car and money on top
Why do men think they are better drivers than women?
because if that were true our insurance wudnt be alot cheaper than theirs?anyone agree?
Can i buy contacts online using my insurance only?
At what percentage of a car's value does an insurance company total the car?
My car got wrecked and it was my fault. No other cars were involved. I can't afford to have car payments if my insurance company totals the car. It is fully paid for and I have full coverage. If I make the claim to them, at what percentage of the car's value would the insurance company consider it totaled?""
Which car insurance commercial is aimed towards experienced drivers?
I'm writing an essay about 2 opposing commercials and I have the Allstate commercial where Dean Winters is a teenage girl in a pink truck. Now I need a commercial aimed towards experienced drivers. I have looked through YouTube and can't find one that is clearly aimed towards experienced drivers.
Is it hard to learn how to file insurance as an admissions person?
Is it hard to learn how to file insurance as an admissions person?
Am I paying too much for car insurance? Advice?!?
I'm 19 years old. Has had my license since I was 16 1/2. No tickets or accidents. Right now I'm paying $150.00 a month with my current insurer (which is based off my Mom's) I recently searched and Liberty Mutual is giving me a quote of $79 dollars a month which is obviously a whole lot cheaper. How easy is it to switch and is there a down payment? And any other advice you may have. Thanks.
Can I be put under my dads car insurance?
I am an independent full time student. I live in my own apartment and I work full time. Currently I pay for my own car insurance and being that I am 19 years old, it is through the roof($170 a month). I have a perfect driving record. I live in Virginia and my dad lives in Alabama. Is it possible that I can be put on his car insurance to save money? I am buying a new car soon and I need to upgrade to full coverage, which is around $230 a month, which is higher then the car payment itself.""
Why does health insurance pay for doctor visits and teeth cleaning?
My car insurance doesn't pay for oil changes. Basic maintenance is up to me. As near as I can tell insurance is like an expensive savings account that you can take more money than you put in if needed.
Where to find cheap insurance in ontario?
I'm turning 22 had a Kawasaki Ninja 250R as a starter bike and looking to upgrade to something bigger. I have a clean record but any online quote I get for a bike 600cc or higher results in $10,000/year or higher in insurance. I see guys my age riding around all the time on R6s and CBR600RRs and I don't understand it. Am I missing something? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.""
Where can I find the cheapest auto and motorcycle insurance in Tennessee?
the absolute cheapest state minimum just to drive legal
Where can I get motorcycle insurance in Ontario?
What website can I get motorcycle insurance in Ontario for a SPORT BIKE. Thanks
How can i get my insurance company (Infinity) fix my car ?
Hey i just got into a car crash last month and i've been calling my insurance company to come fix the car.. but all they'v been doin is taking pictures and asking questions about how i crashed.. and its been a month already and they haven't done nothing all they say is that they'r gona let me know whats gona happen later on, thats it... Any ideas ?""
""Insurance paid out too much, Am I obliged to give it back?""
After a solicitors firm managed to draw out a car insurance claim for 18 months I finally settled 50/50 on the incident, instead of refunding me 50% (400) of my excess the solicitors paid me 100% (800). I verbally informed them of the error before they issued the cheque and they still proceeded, now they have noticed the error they are asking for me to return the money. Am I legally obliged to do so and how far are they likely to pursue this if I do not?""
How much would my car insurance cost?
Right now I drive a red 99 mustang. I am paying around $2500 a year through National liability & Fire Insurance Co. for car insurance with nothing against me (no accidents or tickets or anything). I am 19 years old and am looking into getting a red 89 Trans Am. I live on the east end of Long Island. Based on the above info, what do you think I'd pay monthly for car insurance for the Trans Am?""
How much auto insurance do you really need?
like do you need medical or pip, all that extra stuff?""
""If I cause $1000 worth of damage to another car, how much is my insurance premium going to go up next year?""
If I cause $1000 worth of damage to another car, how much is my insurance premium going to go up next year?""
Car Insurance: Fully Comprehensive or Third Party ?
Plain English please: what is the difference between FULLY COMPREHENSIVE and THIRD PARTY FIRE AND THEFT car insurance? I have an old ford escort.
Estimated car insurance premium for a Camaro/Corvette?
I am looking to buy either a 2002 Camaro (5.7L V8) or a 2000 - 2002 Corvette (5.7L V8). I am wondering how much insurance will cost me. The detailed information and questions are as below: 1. Age: 34 2. Have been driving in the States for little less than 4 years. No accident at all. Only one speeding ticket about 3 years ago. (I had been driving for 10 years in Seoul, Korea with no accident at all, but it didn't count) 3. I used to drive a 2007 Toyota Tundra (5.7L V8), which I sold a few days ago. I paid about 450 dollars/6 months for full coverage. Questions: 1. How much would it cost me if I buy either one mentioned above? (even ballpark number would be appreciated) 2. Do year and purchasing price (or resale value) affect premium? For example, buying a 2008 brand new Corvette or a 2000 used Corvette makes a difference? 3. I know it would be higher to have a sports car, but do my age and driving record affect premium? If yes, how much do they affect?""
Is there a new law about not having car insurance?
i heard the law had just changed in California and my insurance just ran out in order to renew i need to drive to the bank and im not sure if i can with no insurance
How do insurance companies make money?
i know not everyone is going to be sick at once, and that they assess risk, but what's their model for actually making money?""
What are some insurance rates for 18 year old drivers?
I know there are multiple factors counted into insurance rates, including age, driving history, car, year. But I just want to know what's some insurance rates other teenage drivers had. Please state what type of car and how much you paid for insurance. Include whether you lived in the city or a rural area also. Thanks""
Where do insurance companies get all the money?
How does an insurance company afford to pay out all that money on insurance claims?
How long can I drive my car with out insurance?
I am buying a used car that isn't from a dealership. How long can I drive the car before needing to buy car insurance?
Do I have to have car insurance?
I'm 18, and I'm getting my first car that I'm paying for in two weeks (2006 Ford Mustang). Unfortunately, I don't think my mom will put me on her insurance. I don't have enough money to pay for my own insurance. My mom told me its illegal to drive around without insurance (Is this true? And how would police know?) Also, what would happen if I got into a car accident with damage to both cars and I was at fault?""
How can i lower my car insurance quotes?
hi im 16 and am soon going to be able to drive so i have started to look at what my inurance quotes will be for a newly qualified driver, and there to high at 3000+ for a renault clio with a 1.2 engine. Just wondering how i might be able to lower this figure with some kind of higher qualififed driving licence, if there are any compaies that insurance new drivers for quite low amonts or if i am just going to have to wait until i am older?? thanks""
How much of a difference per month for car insurance is there between a sports car and a regular car?
How much of a difference per month for car insurance is there between a sports car and a regular car?
What should i expect in a auto accident and insurance settlement?
I was hit from behind on Wednesday evening heading to work. The driver was ticketed by the police and their insurance company has admitted full liability. Injury wise, I have whiplash which thankfully, is going away now. My car, according to their adjuster, is going to be claimed as totaled. So, my car is valued at 7400, and repairs just from visual inspection, are 7015. So they are going the totaled route as its cheaper for them. After they buy the car from me, they will sell it to salvage, expect to get 2k from it, and only be out 5400 instead of a full cost of repairs. So I've had the car for a year and half, taken out on a 5yr car loan. I still owe 12k on it. After they cut a check to the lean holder, I'm still responsible for 5k on that loan. The bank and my insurance at the time didn't offer gap insurance. Stupid of me, I let my current policy expire to search around for a more affordable policy. I kept procrastinating, and the accident happened with me having no insurance. Lucky he hit me and is at fault. I'm trying to see what my options are. I've gone to the liable company's website and see their basic plan for my state, law requires 25k in property liability for at fault accidents, plus medical etc. So I'm wondering what should I expect from the lady handling this claim. I'm not fooled when she called me yesterday and said that she is here to work with and for me. Saying that there is probably a lot of talk about lawyers, just know they will take 30-40% of you settlement. Know that I'm here to work for you, try to work with me I'm thinking my head total bull crap. 1, she works for her insurance company first, and will have their interest first, 2, she works for their client and to protect them from me in a suit. In the end, I'm not stuck with a car that they will not fully pay to have repaired, and will still owe 5k after they pay the loan holder the value of the car. My credit is damaged and getting a new loan is probably not going to happen easily. I really don't want to get a lawyer but I now have a car sitting in my driveway that I can't use plus a balance in the end. Anyone got some suggestions as to what I should realistically expect. The lady mentioned a liability settlement, repair settlement, medical expenses settlement, and personal injury settlement. I'm not out to make money on this as that just will not happen. But I have no car and will owe 5k still. I'm just like...f**k""
How much does auto insurance cost per month?
For a couple under 25 yrs of age With a Ford350 and a Mazda cx9
Can a car insurance company find out when you were first issued your license?
I know its wrong to lie, BUT ,my insurance would be SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much lower if I had been driving for longer. I didn't get my license until I was 22 and I'm 23 now, but they give me the rates of a teenager. I pay way too much!""
Which car insurance commercial is aimed towards experienced drivers?
I'm writing an essay about 2 opposing commercials and I have the Allstate commercial where Dean Winters is a teenage girl in a pink truck. Now I need a commercial aimed towards experienced drivers. I have looked through YouTube and can't find one that is clearly aimed towards experienced drivers.
0 notes
foulfurywombat-blog · 6 years
Newtown Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 18940
"Newtown Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 18940
Newtown Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 18940
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Can the police seize a car off you in a petrol garage for no insurance when you have got in surance?
more info the police seized a friends car for no insurance when he had insurance to cover him to to use any car be cos it did not come up on the PNC as having insurance' on the car so can he get the car back for free from the police car Pound for free if he shows he insurance cover s hime to use any car . and is a petrol garage classed as a road help me wive this
What would be the average price of car insurance for me?
- Full Time student with decent grades (will be better when my latest semester grades are recorded) got - a Honda Accord 2 dr coupe - I got a ticket before that was failure to observe signal - I only want to insure this one, and its only me T""
Whats the best car to get that's cheap on insurance?
i just passed my test (yippeeee) however only got a bit saved up whats the best cheapest to insure trying to get quotes so i know :) (im 24 by the way)
Can someone help me figure out how to get car insurance?? Very confused :(?
This is my first time ever getting a car loan, making payments & getting insurance by myself & so far it's been frustrating & confusing!! If anyone could help steer me in the right direction it'd be much appreciated! --I'm originally from Arkansas. I moved to North Dakota with my man, got a job & started vehicle hunting. One of my friends up here, also from AR, had a truck close to getting on the repo list because he couldn't make payments anymore. This truck is registered in AR. So, I got a loan & bought his truck from him. I got this loan Oct 4th, a month ago. All I'm trying to do is register this truck, pay sales tax & get insurance. I understand I'm not ever getting the title but my bank will & when I explained that the title hadn't been sent to my bank yet, the dmv lady said I couldn't even get temporary tags?? Can I get insurance with the truck not being registered yet?? If it's not officially mine bc the title hasn't been sent to my bank. ???""
Are there health insurances for college students?
My company has been in a financial turmoil and in result, me plus others were cut. I have gone back to school in hopes I can get a better job. I recently read that after the first of the year, if you don't health insurance, then you will fined from your tax returns. Obviously, I don't have a job that offers insurance, and getting my own is so very expensive. Especially when I don't have an income. I've heard that there are insurances offered to students but I don't know where to look? Does anyone have any idea on how I can get affordable insurance?? Thanks in advance?""
How much does it cost to insure an RV?
i have to do a project for drivers ed.. and i need to figure out how much it cost to insure an rv and i guess the insurance company would be aarp.
Does anyone offer classic insurance coverage for young drivers?
My son is 17 and soon to be 18. He has a modified restored vehicle and I have not found anyone that will provide insurance due to his age.
How much would US insurance cost?
I am driving across america with a friend in a 1975 Camaro so I need us car insurance. I am 18 (Full UK licence) and have had no claims. However I only need insurance for 3 months.
""For an fha home mortgage what is a rough estimate of how much we can get, me and my wife combined make?""
69,000 a year, we have a car payment at 325, student loans total of 460 a month, a credit card payment of 15 a month with a balance of only 30 left, other than the normal cell phone bill and utilites car insurance etc that basically all we have , my credit score is a 688 , and my wifes will soon be around a 640 so we have the required score for an fha loan""
Why buy life insurance if you are young?
What is the benefit of buying life insurance if you are young and not married and have no kids?
How much is the insurance for a trampoline?
I am looking into getting a trampoline but I would like to get liability insurance. I have AAA and I was wondering how much my homeowners insurance would go up if I get a trampoline with a net around it
Cheap auto insurance in maryland ?
i bough a 1993 honda civic and i need insurance before i can go pick it up which is gonna be on sat wats the lowest rate im 19 with a full dl never been stopped or gotten a ticket im looking only for liability not full covered
How much will it cost to insure a classic mini for a 17yearold male?
I want to know if anyone out there has recently insured a classic mini, and how much they payed. also where did you get it insured? Thanks in advance.""
Insurance Question ??
well im 16 and im most likey getting a car this weekend (the one i want is a 1997 mitsubishi eclips spider convertible) i was just wondering how much insurance will be ?? thanks i realy need to know .
What is liability insurance for?
If I drive my cousins car and I get pulled over by a cop and show him my cousins insurance will I get a ticket for not having insurance that's under my name even though I have his insurance?
Cons ...why do you argue on behalf of insurance companies ?
Knowing that at some point you'll have to argue with the insurance agent on behalf of yourself ? An argument you will likely lose by the way, since no reforms have been passed....""
Can I get car insurance in my cousins name and my name?
My cousin lives in Luton and I live in London so can I get car insurance with his name as first driver and me as second driver? Also how will it work because we're going to have different addresses? How will road tax and permit work? My cousin is 21 years old and I'm 18. I will tell the insurance the truth about everything where I live and where my cousin lives.
How much would car insurance be for my 16 year old son?
I bought him a 2011 corvette zo6 its fully paid for.He works at a fast food restaurant as assistant manager.So what car insurance should I get for him and how much would it cost
Can I rent a Car if I don't have Insurance?
I am wanting to go to Vegas for the weekend and I currently don't have a car. Which means I don't have car insurance. I am getting a bunch of mixed messages telling me that I am unable to rent a car because I currently don't have car insurance. Is this true?
""How much does it cost to live on your own in Sacramento, CA?""
I need to move out when I turn 18 due to problems at home and with my family. How much would it cost, realistically, to live on my own in a studio apartment in sacramento, roseville, citrus heights, rocklin or the surrounding area? I mean the bare minimum cost, including car insurance, rent, food, medical insurance, etc. I would be paying for everything on my own. Thank you for the input!""
Has anyone used Service XK for car insurnace before UK!?
Hello, I'm just on a price comparison site looking how much car insurance would be, SERVICE XK keeps coming to be the cheapest by 500 pounds on some occassions but when I looked for their direct website I couldn't find anything? Was just wondering is this real or a false company. if you could help i'd really appreciate it, thank you :) This is a UK company by the way and is advertised with GoCompare.com""
What are your thoughts on how insurance companies can put a price on life?
I'm not sure of the figure but my understanding is that insurance has a figure they use when ... say ... a plane crashes. Are all the lost lives worth the same?
Where can I find the cheapest auto Insurance in NJ?
I trying to find insurance that is not expensive does anyone know where I can go to get this?
Will my insurance cover my newborn?
Ok right now i have Gateway, (I know, not the best insurance) my fiancee does not have insurance threw his job, but will my insurance cover my babys when she is born in September? Or how do i go about getting it?""
How long until you need to get car insurance?
We are buying a car tomorrow, how long do we have until we have to get insurance..is there a time frame.? we live in California if that helps out any..""
Newtown Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 18940
Newtown Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 18940
Real Estate career vs Insurance career?
to all real estate agents and insurance agents.... I have my real estate, life insurance and auto insurance licenses... have been struggling in life insurance business and trying to start with auto insurance to see how it will work out for me and if I can cross sell life and auto together... Also I am very much interested in real estate, I feel like I love it more than anything but i am so scared to go after that, I am afraid that it will take another year or so from my life to really understand and have it going.... I have been struggling in life insurance sales but we all know that life insurance is kind of secondary but real estate, we know that everybody is making money to have that American dream but I don't know how it feels like to be in real estate business.... so any suggestions, about advantages or disadvantages, about money, in which area I can earn more money, about the activities and what should I do to earn trust and start selling... please advice which one should I choose and why based on your experience.... please teach me something, advice me, comment, and make suggestions.. I am lost and frustrated and don't know what to do ..I really want to what is for me and work hard to make it work ....""
Car insurance is abnormally expensive for me (18yrs old)? What am I doing wrong?
I go on gocompare, confuse.com, comparethemarket, etc. to check prices of different cars but I keep getting insurance at the price of 7,000+?! And the crazy thing is, it was for a Peugeot 2002 106 which is like 1.1 litre. which came to the lowest I found. Which was 7,000+. I fill in the details truthfully, such as locked home garage, very low miles per year, etc, but I can't seem to get cheap insurance? Everyone online says they get insured for around 2,000 on a Corsa, Peugeot 106, Citroen C1 and on like 1.4L+ cars etc. HOW TO HELL? Should I just buy my 1st car then insure it on my parents name then ask me to be put on as a named driver? My friends do that and pay around 1,000-1,200 on 1.6L cars.. Also, can you recommend me a good 1st car? (England) Thanks!""
Cheapest car insurance for a 17 year old?
Hi i am 17 years old and have just past my test 2 days ago and i am currently trying to insure a 2003 ford fiest 1.3 lx petrol 3 door. I know it has quite a big engine (1.3) for a first car, but only has 8 valves and just creeps into insurance group 3 due to electrical equipment inside, which is nothing really. I have been looking around and i am getting ridiculous qoutes of around 5000, however i have found ikude insurance which is only 1800 but iyou have to have a box, which i would really rather not have but might have to. I would like to spend nor more than 2,500, help please????""
Best health insurance plan for a low income individual?
Looking for the best health insurance plan for a 26 yo old single femail in tennessee. $30k/year job, minimal health problems, need medical, prescription, dental, and vision coverage. Paying $208/month currently and need better coverage. Please sends me in the right direction guys :)""
Used car insurance?
If you get insurance for a used car, will they still fix your windsheild?""
Car acccident insurance issue?
I had a faulty accident. I gave my license plate number and registration number to the other party but I forgot to give them my insurance information ? what will happen now?
How could the health insurance mandate not be constitutional?
Excerpt from: http://www.tnr.com/article/politics/102620/individual-mandate-history-affordable-care-act?wpisrc=nl_wonk The founding fathers, it turns out, passed several mandates ...show more""
Who is the cheapest insurance company for first cars?
i am a female, and i am just wanting to buy a cheap first car""
Estimated insurance on 2007 alfa romeo 147 1.6?
hey just need a estimated quote on above car. Its insurance group 11, I am 18 and this is my first car. I am willing to do whatever is needed to get the quote down I just need a estimate prehaps from past experiences? Thanks in advance for any answers.""
Dodge Charger Insurance?
I am 16 years old and I am about to get my license and I was wondering how much the cheapest insurance for a dodge charger would be a month! Please no comments saying that I shouldnt start of with the charger, but its just my aunt said she would give me hers that way my parents wouldnt have to buy me a car (shes giving it to me for free) We would just have to be responsible for insurance and any problems the car would have in the future. Im in the L.A area""
""Why buy license plates, register car, and car insurance when I saved $3,000?""
Only suckers buy license plates, register car, and car insurance ( which I canceled :) after I got my license ) which I save over $3,000 a year on. I could careless if I crash my car I bought for $350 it is a junker ( which will probably die in the next three months ) and I could just run away without paying a thing. I already have saved over $5,000. CAR INSURANCE DOES NOT MAKE ANY SENSE UNLESS YOU CAN'T DRIVE.""
What do you pay for car insurance? per MONTH?
How old are you and what do you drive? How much would insurance for a brand new 16 y/o driver typically cost? just an estimate? thank you.
I'm looking for an affordable medical insurance for me and my husband. Any experiences or suggestions.?
The one I have thru my employer is not good, will like to shop around but don't know where.""
How much more would my car insurance cost if I went from having a 96 honda civic to a 2000 BMW 328i?
I'm getting a 2000 bmw 328i... I have a honda civic already. My insurance was like 1200 for the whole year I think... already paid it in full. I'm 19, with no accident history, no speeding tickets, never arrested; I don't really have anything that would make my insurance go up to my name. I live in MA, so i guess I can't get gieco or allstate or whatever..""
B Average for Car insurance?
I'm a 16 year old male who just got my license. I'm looking for car insurance, and was read about student discounts that said you need a B average. I have As and Bs, but I have a C in German, will this make me unable to get the discount?""
Would a 1972 Monte Carlo be expensive to insure?
Someone said it may be expensive to insure this kind of car. Could he be referring to just this one particular car or all muscle cars from the early 70's? keep in mind i am 18 years old if that makes any difference.
Why does a classic car cost more to insure?
My friends got an 02 Acura RSX 5 speed and he pays like $600/month and the car has some engine mods. We are both 17 except he has a couple tickets. I called 3 different insurance companies and they all quoted me around $750 a month. the car in question was a 76 Chevrolet Camaro with an automatic trans and 350ci v8 (though the vin would probably indicate a 267ci v8) why is the newer car cheaper to insure? with a manual trans? kids these days dont appreciate the old cars like I do and stick with Honda and Acuras and those are the ones I actually see getting wrecked. I wouldn't get full coverage on the old car because if it were to wreck i'd just get another as they aren't worth fixing and are a dime a dozen it's not really a rare classic car. I understand that engine size might be a factor. The rsx is lighter and has a smaller engine but the Camaro is much heavier with a bigger engine. Would a z28 cost more? (already upgraded to 350 and upgraded suspension from factory) I didn't ask the insurance on that. What about the Pontiac Firebird of the same years? (70's to '81) it shares a similar setup. When I ask the insurance people how they calculate their rates they say its the area and experience of the driver but me and my friend live in the same area, he's had his license longer but has tickets. His car also costs way more. They could not give me any more info on rates they say they're just there to quote and don't know anything else. So why is this like this?""
""I am 20years old born in 1992, however to get cheaper insurance can i make my age at 1982 as a second driver?
What will happen when police stop you to do insurance check? If you are going to be showing your age at 28 born in 1982 instead of 1992 insurance is suddenly cheaper for cars. What will police see if you get stopped for insurance check? Also what can you say if they say why is your DOB 1982?
How much do you pay for auto insurance?
I just spent a few hours getting an auto insurance quote from a number of companies. I got a real good rate ($573 for a whole year) for our 2004 car and all the extras. I think this is a pretty good rate but wonder if others are paying more or less. How much are you paying?
About how much will motorcycle insurance cost me?
i am 18 and have been driving for around 1 and a half years (car) and would like to get a motorcycle, i've never missed a payment, have never been in an accident, and have taken the msf course my first bike will most likely be a used kawasaki vulcan 500cc or a used yamaha vstar 650cc""
Homeowner insurance am I right?
So am I right? If I rent-to-own a home but the deed is still in the owners name untill I pay off the house. I cannot get homeowner insurance because the deed is in the owners name? But after I pay the house off I can get homeowner insurance because the deed will be in my name? I am paying the homeowners insurance though and if somthing happends to the house what the insurance will pay is the balance and I get nothing. So I should get renters insurance ??
Car insurance for students UK?
My son is on my car insurance as a named driver. He's 19 and held a clean licence for 2 years. However, he's off to university in September and will only use my car when home...probably only for the odd day here and there. Is there any insurance company who will add him as a named driver for a few days each time he comes home thus enabling me to go back to my usual extremely low payment? I'm a 50 something driver with a totally clean licence and max no-claims.""
Insurance costs for a 1999 ford mustang gt?
I am just wondering what the insurance cost would be for a 1999 ford mustang gt would be for a 17 year old male. I get a's and b's on my report cards. Also, would the insurance costs for a 1999 ish Ford Mustang base(not gt or cobra) be lower? Thanks, Alec""
Is there cheap health insurance for students?
If so does anyone know? or have it? best insurance?
What is the best insurance policy is best for my children? Plus what carrier is also best?
What is the best insurance policy is best for my children? Plus what carrier is also best?
Newtown Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 18940
Newtown Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 18940
How much would insurance be for me?
I am 19 years old and gonna buy a used car soon. My parents have never drove or owned a vehicle in their life. I live in San Francisco. I know the insurance gonna be expensive for me.. Is there a way to get cheaper insurance?
Will my insurance go up after receiving3 points on my license?
I got careless driving and the cop told me it would be 3 points on my license. I took traffic school to remove previous points 6 months ago so I cannot do that. Will these 3 points raise my insurance rate? Also, I was pulled over by an unmarked detective, and he called in a motor cop to write the ticket. Would it be worth taking to court, and if I take it to court, what are the benefits vs. the losses I can face?""
Affordable health insurance?
So we make about 35,000 a year so I do not qualify for government subsidies. we bring home about $2,600 a month $900 house, $800 car (I've tried geting out but there least so we cant) about $400 for house bills water, electricty ect..., $150 cell phones $100-$150 in gas(to get to work) $100 car insurance, and that only leaves us with $100 dolars a month for food so we keep having to use our credit card just to feed our son which is another $75 dollars a month!. (we dont have house phone, cable, took our son out of pre-school and karate) So we end up with $25 (If I use the credit card for food) and yet the cheapest insurance I can find is $183 a month. CANT! is there anywhere that sells insurance for cheaper? I have and interview on monday but I cant afford daycare. I knot know what to do. help please""
""I have a new baby, will I get a auto insurance discount or increase if I tell them?""
My little girl is 10 weeks old, I'm not sure if I have to tell my auto insurance company (AAA). Would it be better to insure that she's covered? Or will it just cost me more?""
What other types of insurance should I get?
So far I'm going to get family health insurance, life insurance, and Car insurance. I'm going to have kids. Anything else I should have? We rarely have natural disasters where I'm from.""
Category 1 Cars To Insure? Also Insurance Tips?
Hi everyone. I am a 20 year old driver who is 21 in March. I have my test on the 17th Feb and I am hoping to pass, obviously! I would like to ask for a few tips to make driving as cheap as possible. I have been looking at category 1 cars for insurance prices. Like a Citroen C2 or a Corsa, and I would like to know, before I buy, if anyone knows any tips to keep my insurance down. I currently have my own small business, and I live in the Midlands, which may class as a high risk area.. But I would like to know, what is the cheapest cars to insure, and tips to keep the insurance as low as possible. Also, will it help that I will be a little bit older than the 17/18 year olds who start driving? I am a male also. Thanks for anyone who can help me out!""
Can car insurance not pay?
I was recently visiting a friend at his apartment. We heard sirens and looked out---and saw a car on fire next to my motorcycle. The car was totalled as was my motorcyle and another car had damage. The car on fire----his insurance won't pay---they say it was a mechanical failure---and they don't have to pay.
""Looking for a fast, reliable, good quality and low insurance group hatchback.?""
I'm 24 and at the moment have a fairly low Saxo VTR with a couple of other performance mods, it handles like a dream on nice roads and has good acceleration. It's starting to fall apart with things going wrong left, right and centre, due to French engineering I presume? I have a DR10 on my licence from 4-5 years ago, so my insurance is a bit pricey. I just paid for a year so I can swap it straight over. I'm looking for something as fun to drive as standard and NOT French. Thanks Oh and please spare me the lectures, speed is for safe overtaking and I'm not driving too fast, you're driving too slow!""
Who is the most cheapest auto insurance out there?
I need auto insurance but im 18 and I only have a permit not a license yet. I drive a 1990 Honda civic hatchback ef. And i only want liability just to drive. So who is the cheapest one out there let me know thanks :D??
About how much will my insurance go up after my wreck?
The wreck was my fault, not much damage to my car, still runs perfectly, but the person that I ran into the rear bumper is hanging off like 6 inches but its just the bumper, it still runs and everything. How much do you think my insurance should go up, I have been insured under my dads name through Gieco for 3 years and this is my first accident. Its just the basic liability also I believe. I have absolutely no idea so any estimates would be greatly appreciated. Thanks""
What is a cheap car insurance company?
I am currently 18 years old. I am getting my licence on June 16th 2010. My car is under my dads name and currently it is uninsured, he wants me to insure the car under MY name because he will not be driving it anymore. What is the CHEAPEST insurance company for someone like me? I have to get the car insured before June 16th so that i can take my licence test. Thanks in advance.""
How much car insurance coverage do i need?
I'm buying car insurace and i need to know how much coverage to get. I want to get the lowest amount of coverage, without being unsafe. i have a clean driving record; im 18 yrs old, female, and i drive a 95 carolla, good condition. what do you feel is the minimal safe coverage?""
""No insurance fine, help!!?""
It was stupid and careless, but I went out, with an expired sticker on my car, as well as no insurance on my car either. My luck, I was pulled over and givin a $110 expired tickect fine, as well as a summons to court on the 12th of November. I was researching the Compulsary Auotomobile Insurance Act section 2(1)(a) and It has came to my Knowlege that when I attend the court date I'm looking at a $5000 -$25000 fine, I have currantly been laid off and if i did have a job, Istill can't afford that. Is there any way that it can be reduced due to income, any information would help, Im very scared, I have never broken any type of rule before and im already in debt. Also, how many demarite points could i lose due to the expired ticket and lack of car insurance. Please only mature answers. I know I was wrong so that info is not needed. thanks so much in advance""
How much would my car insurance cost?
All I need is an estimate. Well Im looking forward to buying a 2005 honda civic 4dr & it has a salvage title
What is the best life insurance company that dont require medical exams?
im trying to buy life insurance for me and my 49 yr old mother. what is the best company that doesnt raise premiuims and dont require exams....but stil lprovide full life insurance?
What is the cheapest car insurance company?
What is the cheapest car insurance company?
Can someone give me advice on whether to get a 50 or 125cc scooter and how much insurance will cost for both?
I am a 15 year old boy who lives in Italy. Here at the age of 14 you can get a 50cc and at the age of 16 you can get a 125cc. My birthday is in 6 months ( January ), should I wait till then and get 125cc or should I just get a 50cc now ? Taking in to consideration that snow comes to Italy at about at January and that 50 cc is cheaper and safer than a 125cc. And how much would the insurance cost for the 50cc or the 125cc ? And I have a budget of around 1000 euro.""
Car insurance Fiat Coupe 1998?
My partner is willing to by me my dream car, a Fiat Coupe 20v turbo, 1998 model, where should i go for insurance, i am getting really daft quotes! i have been driving 21 yrs, unfortunately not had my own insurance! except for the last 3yrs, had a windscreen claim, stone on the motorway, thats it! somebody please help me , i really want this car!!!! (, i am a very young 52)!!!""
Farmers insurance song?
What's the song from that farmers insurance commercial were there doing the driving simulation with distractions?
Where can i get complete information about business insurance ?
where can i get the complete data for business insurance ..
What vehicles have the lowest insurance rates for teenage drivers.?
What vehicles have the lowest insurance rates for teenage drivers.?
How much will my insurance increase if i get a 1994 mustang ?
I'm 18 and right now i have a really crappy 1994 mercury topaz and my parents pay my insurance, which is $110 a month, but they said if i want a better car, i have to pay the insurance increase and was wondering if someone could give me an educated guess of what ill be paying. Thanks""
Car Insurance(state farm) hit & run accused of hitting a object?
i was driving on the freeway tunnel(day time) when i noticed the guy driving on my left-side merging into my lane and struck my right fender,so when i get to the end of the tunnel to wait for him the guy simply drives off.I then call my ins and claim a hit & run etc. i gave them the details they say they'll fix it.3 months later i come to find out that they are claiming it's my fault that i hit a object or a guard rail or wall how can i go about this and fight it.the rep that help wasn't any helpful at all she said she re email a letter stated it was my fault and how to fight it. any help will b appreciated !!! i also i asked the lady if i can show pics of a cars that have been into collision with object i even told her it would be pics of my car(not actually my car) but u know what i mean she said they only go off what they see""
How much would an 1996 Acura Integra GSR 2door insurance cost for me?
Im 19 years old, in college living in Los Angeles and i want to buy a GSR Integra. And i want to know Approximately how much Insurance would cost for me? ...Thanks.""
How much is Progressive Auto Insurance for a 16 year old?
I turned 16 october 2 and I was wondering how much it is for me? My family has like the lowest one which is the liability. How much is it for me about? I havent got a car yet, but I have the money I just have to pick one out. It will probably wont be any younger than like 08. Also can I get my license with out have to pay insurance right away? I dont want to drive yet (I dont like driving). I am also a female.""
Newtown Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 18940
Newtown Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 18940
How much would car insurance cost for a 20 yr old male?
Im a 20 yr old guy and I want to get a car but insurance costs scare me. how much is normal for a person like me to pay?
What auto insurance covers for pizza delivery?
i just got a pizza delivery job, but my insurance won't cover it, and she said that most if not all auto insurances do not cover it.... obviously people deliver pizza, what company covers pizza delivery?""
Will my car insurance premium go up?
I just recently hit a deer and the only car damaged was mine. I am covered under my policy b/cause I had comprehensive. Here's my question: Will my insurance premuims go up if I use the dealership's auto body shop and not the insurance company's auto body shop? This is the first claim I have had with this company and I have been with them for over 7 years.
Will my insurance be notified for a texting ticket?
I have been driving for 3 years, and got my first citation yesterday for textng and driving. It's only $70, so I'll pay it off myself & not tell my parents (I'm 19, they pay for my car insurance since I'm in college and can't make enough money to pay for it myself). The officer said that the ticket will not give me any points or make my insurance rate go up. I was wondering if my insurance (Progressive) will be notified at all & the information be visible to my parents. This is in Maryland by the way. PS. I know texting & driving is dumb... I try not to do it, but since I'm fairly good at it, I have done it a lot. But after yesterday, I'm done.""
Question about auto insurance?
I've never had a car before so this is new for me. I don't have auto insurance yet and I'm going to check out a car today. In order to drive it home I will need auto insurance but I'm not sure if I'm getting the car yet. I already have my quotes set up and if I decide to get the car I can call and set it up right there but the policy doesn't go into effect until tomorrow. Can I still drive the car home?
""By looking at these charts, can you understand why the U.S. needed health insurance reform?
Does anyone know what are the deductible rates that AAA auto insurance offer?
Does anyone know what are the deductible rates that AAA auto insurance offer?
Health Insurance Policies For Smokers?
How are health insurance policies for smokers differ from that for non smokers?
Does adding additional drivers reduce insurance?
if you add a parent as an additional driver on a car insurance quote, will it reduce the cost of the quote?""
""Insured car, uninsured teen driver?""
Hi, I am 17 and just obtained my drivers license, I am not on the insurance policy for the family cars. I heard somewhere that insurance follows the car and not the driver and that even if i wasn't on the insurance policy but had permission from the owner to drive the car that any accident would be covered by the owners insurance policy? Is this information valid? And to what extent? Thanks!""
Till what age can we get health insurance?
I want to know the upper age limit for purchasing health insurance.
How do you figh no insurance ticket?
if you get into an accident without insurance, how do you fight it both the police and the insurance.""
""New car, Registration and insurance in CA?""
Hey Everybody !! I just got my first car... I just wanna know, do i have to first register the car dmv and then do the smog check ?? should i get the insurance after visitng dmv ?? also, how many days can drive the car without the insurance after buying the car ??? by the way it's used car""
Car insurance increase?
My 19 niece has moved in with us and is going to get her license and a car soon. Will that affect the rate we pay in our insurance even if she carries her own policy? I am not sure if it would be with the same insurance company or not. We live in Minnesota. Thank you for your help!
What's the least expensive adequate health insurance for a Connecticut resident?
Aetna Anthem Blue Cross Cigna ConnectiCare Harvard Pilgrim Kaiser Permanente MVP Medicaid Tricare United Health Care Yale Health Plan Pharmacy Benefits is a must I believe
How much will my insurance cost? Just turned 16?
I want to get a 1994 Mitsubishi 3000gt, but my dad said the insurance would be way to high. Can anyone estimate the price per month insurance would be for a 16 yearold that just got their first car and lisence? Thanks, Dustin""
Named driver car insurance?
How much would it be for a 20 year old, 2 years passed, to be a named driver on a picanto 1 litre, with hastings direct, thanks""
Should I get rental insurance for my apartment?
I don't have any expensive appliances. I only have used funiture and my clothes. Lately I have seen a lot of apartment fires on the news and now I am indecisive about getting rental insurance for my apartment.
I need tips for reducing cost of car insurance plz?
Ive got a few tips but can anyone think of any more? thanks a million
What is the average of full coverage car insurance for a chavy blazer 2001 in north Carolina?
I am planing to buy a chavy blazer 2001 used car. I know I will need full coverage insurance. I am a good driver, haven't have any accidents or traffic violations. How much would the car insurance cost in North Carolina?""
What is the average rate of car insurance for 16 year old driver?
I am going to be 16 and i am just wondering how much will the insurance charge is i get added on right when i get my license?
How much does your motorcycle insurance cost?
Also say your gender, state, age, etc. P.S how much would it cost for a 18 year old male in NYC with a 600cc engine? ninja..""
If your a 20 yr old female in florida how much do you pay for your car insurance?
I just moved here and want to buy a car but i was wondering how much someone my age pays for insurance. A little help please? actual numbers would help
""I'm 18, I have a question about finding car insurance........HELP!?""
I'm 18. I currently drive my parents extra car, and I am on their insurance. Right now they pay for all the insurance. Ok, so here's my question. I want to buy a car sometime later this year. I know it will be kind of a lot because of age (I'm female btw) and I just am confused about how I find insurance. Do you have to buy the car and then find insurance or should I be looking for insurance BEFORE I even buy the car ( I know what car I'm going to buy, it's just a matter of saving enough money and finding one available) Anyways, do I find an insurance company willing to cover me or do I put it in my parents name under their insurance? I'm so confused, I just want to be prepared and know all the facts for when I do buy my first car. Thanks for your help!""
What is the cheapest way to get the Good Student Discount on my car insurance?
I am 19 and graduated from high school. I was wondering if there is a very cheap way to be considered a student , and get a 3.0 and above GPA to qualify for the discount. It would be saving me over $700 a year. Thanks in advance""
Newtown Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 18940
Newtown Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 18940
0 notes
Redmond Washington Cheap car insurance quotes zip 98052
"Redmond Washington Cheap car insurance quotes zip 98052
Redmond Washington Cheap car insurance quotes zip 98052
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolutions.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Get medical insurance or pay out of pocket ???
currently live in Southern California and work part-time with no medical coverage. I was recently accepted to NYU College of Dentistry and will be moving there in July. Before that though, I need to get physical & immunizations. I will definitely get medical insurance once I move out there, but my concern is before that time. Things I need for sure: Physical, TB skin test, Hep. B, and Meningitis immunizations. My question is: Should I purchase a short-term insurance coverage to get the necessary physical/immuzations done or should I just do it out-of-pocket. Also, if it is worth getting insurance for this period, would you guys please recommend couple of plans for me. ( I am 24, Male, non-smoker). THnaks in advance.""
What's your monthly car payment? And Insurance?
I'm interested to see what people pay for their cars and car insurance compared to me. I'm a single 28 year old female living in a city. (RI) I pay $282 for a new Jetta lease and insurance is $157 per month. Just seeing if this is the average.... I'm also moving to NY suburbs and am considering changing my insurance, anyone know if I can do this if I own a home in RI still? RI has month to month sales tax, but has higher insurace premiums and NY wants sales tax up front, but NY suburbs insurance costs half as much as what I pay now. I wonder if its worth it to switch states???""
Is there a website for health insurance quotes?
im goin 2 b 19 & my current health insurance will exp. i need to find health insurance fast as well as as dentist insurance. sum ppl told me not 2 get eye insurance cuz payin da monthly payment vs. getting da benefit isn't worth it. meanin u pay more than u get out of it. but i want ur opinion as well sum other ppl told me 2 go 2 a hospital 2 ask sum ?'s of what health i should get, meanin like find out what im cover 4. like i don't want 2 pay hidden charges. like basically i need help cuz nobody is guidin me on what 2 do after im not cover. like im on my own.""
Marital status for car insurance?
trying to fill out an insurance quote and wondering what i come under for the maritial status, been living with my gf for around 6 ish months and we are engaged. these are the options i was given. married single common law partner(separate) civil partnership""
Is there affordable health insurance out there for someone who has had high blood pressure?
Is there affordable health insurance out there for someone who has had high blood pressure?
How much will my auto insurance premium decrease when...?
I turn 25 in a year, which I heard is when my auto insurance will go down a good bit. My wife will be 22, and we are on the same policy (We only drive our own cars). We both have clean driving records, good credit, and consistently held auto insurance since we were of driving age. She has minimum coverage on her car, and I have comp/collision with $1000 deductible. Our premium is $755/six months. So, when I turn 25, how much of a decrease in premium should we expect to see?""
Whats the best car to get that's cheap on insurance?
i just passed my test (yippeeee) however only got a bit saved up whats the best cheapest to insure trying to get quotes so i know :) (im 24 by the way)
Would Obama charge the military for Health Care?
So I see all this Healthcare debate going on, But what does that mean for the Military? I know its gonna cause the operating budget to be cut of course. But would we have to start ...show more""
What is the best health insurance plan for my husband and I?
We're age 20 & 22. In school. Don't receive insurance through work. Live in Michigan. No health problems right now (that we know of) lol. We can afford about $50 to $100 per month. Looking for dental and a visit or two per year to a physician (checkups) for each of us and a deductible that can work around that and decent co pay.
I have allstate full coverage insurance plan?
Would it cover the auto repair on my car? I curb checked bad and broke the plastic cover on the bottom that keeps water out and i bent something else under my car. Will this cover it,?""
Is it possible to get Mexican insurance (not tourist) for US plated car ?
I have a US plated car (calif plates) not currently registered in the US, Not currently insured in the US. I am in mexico on FM2. Car has been here for over 4 yrs with temp permit. Is it possible to get insurance in mexico? For tourist policy I have been told car must have current US registration and insurance, For mexican policy I have been told need to have mex plates. Anyone with US plates been able to get Mexican insurance (not tourist) for their currenlty unregistered un insured US vehicle in mexico? If so what is your insurance company. Thanks""
Can fleet insurance be cheaper than insuring 2 vehicles?
My boyfriend and I got in a debate about this. I will be graduating college in a few months and told him that I wanted to purchase a pickup sometime within the year, but wanted to ...show more""
How much does insurance go up from a ticket?
got a failure to yield on a turn ticket on intermediate license first ticket wa state, I know it depends on a lot of things but I just want an idea, does it double? 10 percent? age 17 thanks""
What do you pay for car insurance? per MONTH?
How old are you and what do you drive? How much would insurance for a brand new 16 y/o driver typically cost? just an estimate? thank you.
Checking Insurance Quotes?
May be a stupid question but can you check different insurance quotes even if you haven't passed your test yet, just to get an idea of how much it will be ?""
How much would car insurance be for a 16 yr old driver in indiana?
I took drivers Ed and have good grades just wondering like an estimate of how much it will cost Also what is the consenquence for driving wit no insurance
""25 years old new driver, no cheap insurance :(?
newly qualified driver but cant find any cheap car insurance for 1998 nissan micra :( no less than 3000 per annum. any suggestion. uk
How much do most people pay per month for life insurance?
How much do most people pay per month for life insurance?
How come I went on geico for an insurance quote and it said 2000 and people say their's is 75 bucks per year?
Im 18, NY, Kawasaki ZZR600, taken riders safety course, any way to lower my insurance?""
Where can i get cheap car insurance for a new driver?
Where can i get cheap car insurance for a new driver?
Can I put car insurance in my name on my brothers car?
My brother recently got a dui and he already has sr-22 insurance. His license is going to be taken away and he lost his job because his job involoved driving a vehicle. He wont be able to pay for his insurance and car. I don't have the credit to out right buy his car from him but loan is in his name. I want to take over his payments for him cause he wont get back out of the car what he owes the bank. The bank will let him keep the car as long as the payments are made I know that, but will they allow me to put full coverage insurance on his car and drive it? I am trying to save his credit and his car from gettin takin""
Car insurance can be annoying.?
heres the situation... my boyfriend and i recently broken up.we are having our first child together,im 20 hes 23.we both decided to go in an get a new car for me,but since his credit was a lil better then i.his name was first as in the car belonged to him,and i became cosigner.i make the car payments,and pay half insurance.his responsibility was to pay for the other half insurance,and now that were not together,hes not willing to pay.well at first he said he wasnt willing to.now he is.BUT...am i able to refinance the car and put it in my name,and insurance.i dont want him to think he can pay when he wants or not,becuse were not together anymore.so im trying to find ways,so that car is mine,and he has no way of taking it or what not.i need it not just for me,but for our child.any advice?""
Can a ticket for no insurance be reduced?
Friend of mine got a ticket for no insurance 9 yrs ago.....i know long time......but after all this time is there anyway a good lawyer can.get the ticket reduced to a lesser one?
National insurance number
I know you can get your national insurance number before your 16 , does this mean you can apply for a job as soon as you get you national insurance number , even if you are still 15 ?""
Car insurance for a 16 year old?
I am getting my g2 (I'm in Ontario) soon, and would like to purchase my own car. I can go through my parents insurance, but I couldn't be a secondary driver as there would be 3 cars in the house. Could I put it under my grandfathers name and be a secondary driver? Or just get insurance by myself? How much should I expect to pay? I have done drivers ed if that helps. Thanks !""
Redmond Washington Cheap car insurance quotes zip 98052
Redmond Washington Cheap car insurance quotes zip 98052
Were can i get Insurance for the Aprilia rs125 at age 17?
Im 17 looking for insurance for the Aprilia rs125 but ever were i look no company's will insure me i don't know what i doing wrong but they must not like me :P can i getadvicee please thanks :)
Insurance low balled me on my totaled car?
My car was rear ended and totaled in an accident. The insurance now is offering me a lowball offer that is not even close to my fair market value. They used CCC Services that found 3 comparable cars advertised for sale over 350 milles away from my zip code to determine my fair market value. Is this even legal or reasonable at all??? I researched and found 5 comparable cars within 50 miles of my zip code and faxed it to them but they don't seem to care. What do I need to do? I can't buy car within my market with the payout they offer. What is the best thing to get the insurance to raise the payout??? thanks
Who has the best insurance price that you know of and has decent people to deal with if you get in an accident
I'm to lazy to deal with hundreds of quoets and companies sending me spam.I had Allstate but they were terrible when I got rear ended and pretty much did nothing to help and I was paying them $230.00 a month!
Is it possible to argue with the insurance company against totaling the car?
The insurance company wants to total the car. I do not. The insurance adjuster's estimate and the body shop's estimate is below the insurance company's valuation of the car (even adjusting for the insurance company's salvage value). The policy defines when they can total the car, when the repair cost is greater than the value + salvage value. It is not there yet. The insurance company is also cheating by unreasonably saying the value is low but even with that, the repair is less. How to I go about changing an insurance company bureaucracy so that they follow the policy?""
Car insurance question?
If I am driving a company truck and lets say I got a ticket.. will my car insurance go up.. even though I am driving a company truck that is insured by the company..
Why is everyone whining about being required to buy heath insurance?
you probably don't realize it, but you practically are required to buy car insurance. if you wreck and you have no insurance, it's not very pretty, especially for your money. Same thing with heath. if you get sick and don't have insurance, it's not very good! i don't understand why people so strongly oppose requirement to buy heath insurance, but don't even stop to think about car insurance, the same principle.""
Cheap Car Insurance for young driver?
Hi, I'm 18, male and passed my driving test yesterday but when i looked on price comparrison sites it is extremely expensive even the ones that are supposed to be for young drivers, any tips on how to get cheap car insurance. The car is a 106 and i would like it to be fully comp. Thanks Ask for extra details""
Can I Buy A Motorcycle And Insure It With A Motorcycle Permit In California?
Can I? I'm 17 Years Old with a California motorcycle permit. Can I buy a motorcycle on my own and get insurance on it?
How much rental car insurance do I actually need?
I don't have stateside auto insurance. We are military living overseas. Renting a car in Hawaii and don't want to spend a fortune in rental car insurance but want to be covered.
How much is insurance on a motorcycle for a 16 year old caucasion male in Texas??
i have never had a car or anythin. i am wanting to buy a kawasaki 599cc. i havnt had any accidents or anything. i just need an estimant on how much it would be monthly. now plz dont say call your insurance company or give me a site to go to just plz gestimate what you think it would be.
Does full coverage auto insurance cover theft of the car?
Does full coverage auto insurance cover theft of the car?
Does anyone know a cheap car insurance company?
Im About to Turn 17 and am Male,, I need to know if anyone knows of a cheap car insurance company, I have a 2002 Citroen Saxo VTR, I live in Dudley,UK Preferably i would like to pay less than 3000 (i am only a student) Preferably i would like to go in my name but i do also have the option to go in my 44year old dads name. If anyone could get back to me on this i would be very greateful p.s -- I have tried all of the comparison sites and have only found 1insurance company cheaper than 3k Gett Back to me please Thank You xx""
Temporary car insurance? ?
I recently bought a vehicle from a private party sell. I thought there was a grace period to get insurance but I was wrong. Is there a way I can get temporary insurance just so it'll be street legal? Like a 24 hour insurance or something similar? I need to move soon and the truck needs to come with. Let me know. Thanks.
Auto insurance for a 19 yr old with a 1989 corvette?
My uncle is handing his 1989 C3 Corvette over to me as a present for getting my license.. I was wondering how much insurance would probably run me..I'm 19. College Student. Good GPA. Employed. I Live in Vegas if that helps. Thanks much!
How much would car insurance cost ?
I'm an 18 year old male that just got my license but I'm wondering how much would car insurance cost monthly since I'm a new driver what's the cheapest it can get too ?
Can a Canadian Citizen buy car insurance in America and how?
Is it possible for a canadian citizen to buy car insurance in america, if so, how does he do that? My brother lives in america and I live in canada, I want to get car insurance from America as it is cheaper. Is that possible and is it legal?""
What is the cheapest DUI insurance in california for a male when i become 18?
I just want liability for other drivers and i will get a crappy car so i dont need coverage for it. & I am 17 now. Am i able to get insurance if i don't have someone 18 or older sign for it? any ideas? Thank you
Will I lose my insurance?
My boyfriend and I recently found out were expecting our first child. I am a 20 year old full-time college student and am still under my parents health insurance. If we were to get married, would I lose my insurance? Also, if I would does anyone know of affordable health insurance for me and the baby?""
Car insurance groups 17/18 year old?
well im from London, 17 years old and will be 18 in about 1-2 months and i should have my full license by end of summer. I've been looking to buy a VW Golf 1.4 S mk4 as first car which is group insurance 4. I just checked on GoCompare for quotes but its giving me 6.5k per year for third party! WTF? and i tried on under my dad's policy quotes (frontin) and it only droped by about 250 quid... so about 6.25k. Why is it so high? do these prices sound right for group insurance 4?? i mean i know im young and i might give boy racer image to them but wow... if it doesn't sound right what am i doing wrong? what things does drop the quote? i put stuff like locked in garage an anything i could think of.""
If I buy a new car will my auto insurance run my driving record again?
My husband and I currently own a truck and have an exisiting comprehensive auto insurance policy in Texas. If we buy a new car (thereby removing the truck and adding the new car to our policy but not changing anything else) will the insurance company run his driving record again?
Can my apartment management include premiums of renters insurance on my rent ?
The complex I live in requires that each tenant have renters insurance because the management suffered losses from damages as a result of the tenants' negligence. I want to have the freedom to choose the company that I buy it from -- but they want to increase my rent in order to cover for the premiums. The management company in turn buys a policy for each unit. Can they do that ? I live in California.
How much would the insurance cost on a 50 cc moped for an 18 year old?
I know that insurance can vary dramatically.....but it would be good if someone had a rough estimate...and are there and insurance compare sites that don't require the number plate of the bike and the liscence number and stuff ?
How much would car insurance be for this person?
for a girl 16 years old, doesnt own a car in the state of NJ. any more info ill be glad to help. im asking because i want to know about how much it will cost will different insurances for me alone.""
Where do i get proof of insurance?
i am 17 years old and i recently got a fix it ticket for not having proof of insurance with me. I am under my parents insurance policy so could i just bring my moms proof of insurance card to fix the ticket or do i have to get an proof of insurance card with my name on it. If so where can i go to get my insurance card
How much does it cost to start an insurance office in california?
I'm looking into starting a new insurance office within the next couple of years. As of now, I'm getting the basic, but I need to know what I need to prepare myself for? Can somebody help me?""
Redmond Washington Cheap car insurance quotes zip 98052
Redmond Washington Cheap car insurance quotes zip 98052
Where can I find health insurance with maternity coverage without a super long waiting period?
My wife and I are looking for health insurance. I am self-employed, and her company does not offer insurance for it's employees. So we've been looking into family plans. We're married with no children. But, we'd like to have children soon. Like, maybe next month if it all works out. :) I've looked into plans from various companies like Anthem, and most of the companies don't even offer maternity coverage. And the ones that do have a 9-12 month waiting period before the maternity coverage kicks in! And too top it all off, it's ridiculously expensive! Anyone have any ideas? We live in Ohio. We make too much between us to qualify for medicaid or any other type of government aided insurance program. Are we just outta luck? There has to be something!?""
How would I buy a sportbike with no credit? How much would the payments/insurance be?
I want to get an 08 or newer yamaha r6. I am going to strip a few nights a month and that will cover the payments possibly. I am almost 19 and would like my parents not to know about the job, but if they find out, whatever. So pretty much I am trying to figure out how I can manage this on my own. I have no credit, but I am responsible. Also I have a clean driving record and am on good student discount for insurance on my car. Am I dreaming or could I maybe actually get the bike of my dreams?!!""
""How much would the insurance be for a 2004 Range Rover HSE, for an 18 year old?
just an estimate thanks so much!! :)
Insurance problems please help?
My mom got insured for my car, and i was wondering if i get in a crash would the policy still cover me? I dont was to put my name on the list cause for myself it costs a 114 to about 200 just for liabilty. I am 18 years old and i drive a chevy malibu""
How much will car insurance cost?
Hello, I am looking to buy a car in UK. There are many options for an affordable price, but what I am most concerned about is how much will insurance cost for me? I am 19 and own a license for one year. How insurance is calculated? Thank you""
Guess our car insurance?
Primary driver: 24, perfect driving record, female, some college completed but no degree The car: Something mediocre from the late 80s to late 90s The insurance: Minnesota, metro area, daily 10-20 mile commute each way, we want all the proper liability and personal injury coverage but don't care about collision Seriously, just guess. We'll take any ideas. We completely know it varies by each of those factors and many more, and we already know the national average. If you know the state average, that's one step up on us. I'd get a quote, but my roommate is the one seriously thinking about cars right now, and I don't want to do anything in someone else's name. She'll be getting quotes soon, but right now I'm a little concerned about the insurance companies possibly running credit checks, as I'm under the impression a slew of them at a time can lower your score, and we don't know what car we're getting yet. So once that's settled, we'll check into it for real. We just want to TRY to budget before we seriously car hunt.""
Can I drive without my name on car insurance?
I'm 18 living in California. I am not on my parents insurance because I don't have a job to help pay the monthly fee. I do however drive the car with my parent in the car with me. My mom signed a waiver that said something like My child is not responsible for any damages if in a collision. Basically saying that my mom is taking full responsibility if anything happens to the car wile we are driving. So I guess y question is; Is it illegal to drive without being on the insurance, but an adult who is on the insurance is in the car? In other words can I still drive with a parent whose name is on the insurance, even though my name isn't? I apologize if this sounds confusing.""
USAA insurance for motorcycles?
Does anyone know what motorcycle insurance through USAA would cost for a female beginner between the ages of 18-24? first bike (let's say a Buell Blast, if the type of motorcycle matters), never had any accidents or speeding tickets, and passed all the safety courses, etc. I'd look it up myself, but for some reason the website isn't letting me look at the motorcycle section right now. Thanks in advance.""
Where can I get the cheapest auto insurance?
Im a 16 year old male who lives in new orleans. I have a 3.8 GPA, and my car has a 5-star crash rating (2010 Toyota Camry Hybrid). Where can i get affordable insurance?""
What is the cheapest way for me to pay for car insurance?
I'm 17 years old, and I recently passed my G2 exam...soo happy :) but now I dont have insurance to drive. So I asked my dad and he said I could get it, but I would have to pay myself. I totally understand that but I don't understand how the car insurance policy works. I took driver's ED with my school and I know that my insurance price is lowered because of that and I'm girl so my insurance would be less expensive than guys but I would like to know what the cheapest way for me to pay for insurance is.""
Car Insurance?
Ok so my Car Insurance is due 9th Feb, ive had my quote through from Direct Line and I wanna stick with them... Thing is though, Im waiting to start receving incapacity benefit as i am really unwell and unable to work at the minute..so i cant afford it until my benefit starts coming through My car is taxed until June My question is, can i cancel my insurance and keep the car parked outside my house, but obviosuly not drive it, until i can get the insurance OR do I have to inform DVLA and declare my car as off the road?? Many thanks! xxx""
Car Insurance Question?
I am filling out paperwork for an insurance quote. I wanted to know if the lock/unlock/panicbutton key lock device considered an anti theft device? I would also appreciate if any one could recommend any car insurance agencies. Thank you.
Affordable motorcycle insurance?
I live in Michigan and currently have motorcycle insurance w/Progressive. Unfortunately, they only offer an annual rate at $230.00. Living in the midwest, I only ride the bike for 5 to 6 months if I'm lucky. Do you know of a reputable insurance carrier that offers monthly or 3 to 6 months coverage??? Its ridiculous to pay for an entire year when I barely ride for half. Thanks!""
Will my insurance expire if I choose to pay by down payment?
Im 19 and have a payment of $565.90 but I can make 5 payments of $121.00 because $565.90 is way too much to be paying right now. My insurance expires 6/15/12 and I need my car since I just recently quit my job and need it to look for a job ASAP. So If I choose payments instead of paying whole, will my insurance still cover me past 6/15/12? Thanks in advance. I drive a hyundai elantra and live in Los Angeles California""
How can the government force us to buy health insurance?
I don't get how people aren't more upset about this. I don't want to have to pay for health insurance. I go to local clinics when I get sick and I pay my bills. And If I ever need an ambulance or something I will pay for that out of my own pocket. I don't want health insurance. But under the democrats new plan I would have to buy insurance that I don't want! Its just as bad as being forced here in california to buy car insurance when I don't want it. How are poor people going to afford to pay for health insurance? I have friends who know that they won't have the money to buy insurance. The economy is though enough. How are people without jobs going to buy health insurance? My dad lives in massachuasets. And he's told me how much he hates having to buy insurance there.
Question about health insurance for unborn son?
When am i supposed to try and get insurance for my son? I'm sorry if this is a completely stupid question but i've asked many people and they don't know. He's due January 28th, 2012. Am i supposed to get insurance BEFORE he's born, or after? Can i even get it before he's born? It just seems like if i try to get it after he's born it'll take awhile and he needs to go to the doctor soon after he's born of course. My insurance will not cover him. My fiance's will cover him but the owners of the company have been putting his paperwork off. Anyway, please help. :)""
How much is car insurance for a range rover sport 2010?
I have a friend how is looking to get a 2st hand range rover sport 2010 but Is worried about the insurance. What is the range of car insurance prices for the basic driver
Insurance on a Blackjack?
One drunk night I managed to crack the screen on my (orginial) Blackjack. I bought it in June of last year and its on a 2 year contract, but i do have insurance on it. What does insurance do? Fix the crack on the phone i have? Send me another blackjack? Can i get a different phone? I dont want another blackjack when theres a blackjack 2....anything you know will help.""
I need help finding a good cheap sporty used car with low insurance rates.?
Well I turn 16 in december, I've had my permit for about two months and my family is at total loss of cars. My sister and her car are going to College, and my mom is using the Sienna. So my dads been riding his motorcycle to work. However, he wont be able to do so because he has a 30 mile commute to work. So he needs a car before the rain rolls in, so when he gets a car it'll be his, until I get my license, then it becomes ours. However, all my ideas are getting shot down, but as we get closer to needing one, slowly he's getting more okay with my ideas, but I need your help. I want an Rx8, I've wanted one since I was in 4th grade. I know I know. What the hell, why? A rotary engine with not even 2 litres. barely any horsepower and only gets 16/26 mpg. Well I've driven an Rx8 and I think they're amazing. HOWEVER, my dad doesnt want one for one reason, and one reason only. High insurance. So I was wondering if you can help me find a sporty used car, that I could find pretty cheap. For some Ideas I like, Bmw 330ci's, 328i's, rx8's, G37 coupes. OH YEAH, that reminds me, I'd like a coupe, but a 4 door would work well too if it still maintains a sleek style. like a lexus IS250s. Manual transmission or automatic is fine. decent mileage. you know the drill, OH and it must be atleast 4 seater. Thank you, its greatly appreciated.""
I'm 17 and looking to buy a toyota supra 1993 model.do you know any cheap insurance companies UK only?
I'm 17 and looking to buy a toyota supra 1993 model.do you know any cheap insurance companies UK only?
Anyone know a good Renters Insurance Company ?
Live in an Apartment and I would like to purchase some Renters insurance to cover any damages that may happen. I want to make sure it's a good legit company and not some rinky dinky place. Thanks ahead of time for all your answers.
Insurance rate for 2000 ford escort?
it has 143k miles for a female i just need an estimate, it is for a class assignment thanks""
How to lower my auto insurance?
Ok so I bought my 2004 volvo S60 2.5T AWD on 05/11/2011 and the insurance is killing me. I'm 20 years old and had my license for 2 years. I know it goes down when you've had your license for 3 years but that won't help right now. I'm with GEICO right now paying 371.00 a month! I know and this is actually the cheapest insurance company I was able to get!! My last payment will be on 10/11/2011 and then I will have to start a new policy. However I called them and asked them if my rate will go down once I renew with them, and they said no...... Well I did a new quote online and my rate would be $318 a month so I don't know why they keep telling me it won't change!!!!! So my question is can my mom get the insurance even though it's my car?""
""Renter's insurance, is it worth it?""
I keep on getting these ads from Geico on the renter's insurance packages that they offer. I am renting right now and has one roommate. I've gotten mixed opinions on the renter's insurance, some say it's not worth it some say it is. So what do you guys think? I don't think it's that much money, maybe like $20 a month or something like that?""
What is going on car insurance ?
i had a crash over a year ago, my car insurance took it to court last week due to the other party not having any evidence or produce thier side of events etc. the Judge told them they had a week to comply and they should settle 80-20 in my favour but they still are playing hard ball by saying they think i know my witness, so they should have it 80-20 in their favour , of which i dont. so why are they still not showing their side of the crash etc, and dragging this out. also is this legal?""
Redmond Washington Cheap car insurance quotes zip 98052
Redmond Washington Cheap car insurance quotes zip 98052
Which company deals with indemnity title insurance for remortgaging?
I want to remortgage my property and have been given an offer by a lender, however I can't complete without indemnity title insurance. Norwich Union no longer does title insurance due to the credit crunch, is there anyone else who can help me?""
Should auto insurance for teen boys be more expensive than teen girls?
im doing a project and i don't which one to answer i need your help
How much will it cost to insure my printing company?
I am doing a project for school and we are starting up a photo/poster printing business. Before I try reaching out to various insurance companies, I was wondering if anyone knew a ballpark figure of how much insurance would be? thanks""
How can I get auto insurance in my name when the car is registered in someone else's name?
My mom currently has a loan on my car in her name in California. My car is registered in California, but because my husband is active duty military, we relocated to South Carolina. Is there a way I can obtain insurance in my name without being a registered owner?""
Car insurance help about fully comprehensive ?
Ok so next month I have to renew my car insurance as it will be my 2nd year driving, I'm third party fire and theft at the minute and I'm planning on going fully comp. Now if I go fully comp and it includes windscreen cover and I use it (as I have a chip and a crack in my windscreen) will that mean I'm claiming on my insurance and will I loose my no claims bonus? If that makes sense.. The plan is to renew my insurance and if I can get my windscreen fixed on the insurance then hopefully it will be ok in the mot which is straight after""
Is progressive auto insurance good?
Is progressive auto insurance good?
How much is Property Insurance? How much is Property Taxes?
Doing a paper for School Whats the average amount of property tax, for a statelike california? Say Los Angeles Is there an average on property insurance?""
Where is the cheapest place to get motorcycle insurance in Michigan?
Its for a 2006 Yamaha R6!
The cheapest auto insurance in southern california?
The cheapest auto insurance in southern california?
Can you buy car insurance for yourself if you are under 18?
I'm under 18 and my boyfriend wants to buy a car for us. The car will be under his name. He doesn't have a license so he will need me to be the sole driver of the car. Is it possible for me to buy car insurance since I'm underage?
Lying to insurance company?
The other night I hit into a pole in a parking lot and no one saw, and caused the pole no damage. However, the front of my car has a small damage. Money is tight. What if I were to tell my insurance company that I did not know how it happened and I'm looking to repair it...""
How much will my insurance go up after being charged with hit and run on a parked car?
I recently was charged with hit and run on a parked car (for the record I didn't realize I hit the car), there was hardly any damage at all to either car but I am wondering how much I can expect my insurance rates to go up. Over 100%? Hopefully I won't be convicted as I really didn't notice that I scuffed this cars bumper.""
What car to get for my first that will be low on insurance?
How much for the car and insurance it will cost me ?
""I am 17, and I recently got my driver's license. Can I avoid being added to the insurance policy?""
Because my rates go really high, since I'm a new driver. If my cars receive minimal insurance, and they're insured under my parents' name, could I legally drive the cars and would the insurance pay for any liabilities?""
Help with car insurance?
I was just wondering if instead of paying me (16) paying a 300 to 400 dollar car insurance payment every month under my name if it is possible for my dad to just put the car under his name and then have a waaaaay lower car insurance payment. Can we do this or is this illegal?
Best car insurance companies?
I am 22 and needing to get car insurance for a 1996 Ford Escort. I only want Liability. Any suggestions?
Is motorcycle insurance expensive in southern california for an 18 year old male?
i want to drive a motorcycle, but if the insurance is too expensive, then ill refrain from it. How much is it for a male, 18 years?""
""1 point on my driving record, will it affect my car insurance ?""
I received 2 tickets during the month of November in 2007. I'm currently taking traffic school for more expensive one, which will prevent me from getting the other one point on my record. However, I wont be able to take traffic school for the other citation, so i'll end up with a point on my record =[ How will the 1 point affect my driving insurance ?? I live in California, and I read somewhere that one point wont affect anything. I want to make sure by posting the question here... thanks""
Is there a way to get an affordable car insurance for a 17 year old?
Hey, I have passed my driving test, about a month ago, and I really need car. However, the car insurances are so insanely high, it's incredible! There where some for 27000!! How is someone suppose to afford that?! The cheapest I could find was 6000, that's still too expensive though. Does anyone know if there is a way how to get it cheaper? Oh yea, I already tried to put my parents on the insurance, it's still too expensive...I think it's better to get a new bike instead :D""
Car Insurance Question... Help Please!?
I'm doing my homework and I wanted to figure out to find car insurance on the car of my choice. My car is a 2005 Cadillac CTS for $19,998, I picked it on Carmax. How do I find out how much insurance I must pay? I wanted to know Geico's Quote and Progressive's Quote. Also how do I find out Interest Rate... Somebody PLEASE HELP ME !""
Which make and model of car/SUV is the cheapest on auto insurance?
I need a new car, but I don't want to pay a lot for auto insurance. Right now I have a Cavalier (hate it, by the way) and because it is a Z24 it raised the insurance premium. I just wondered if there are certain makes of cars that are usually cheaper on auto insurance. Anyone know?""
What is a good insurance for younger people starting out?
I'm just about to turn 20 years old and I'm having tooth problems I'm looking for an insurance that deals with dental and if possible emergency and pregnancy. My fiance has insurance but to put me on it it would cost $300 a month we can't afford that. Please let me know if u have any in mind.. Thanks
What would my insurance be if i got a crotch rocket?
im 17 and have my license for a car. i was thinking about getting my motorcycle license. what i want to know is, how much would the insurance be if i bought a crotch rocket? yes, i know how to ride one.""
What do the insurance companies(in Maryland) consider a sports car?
I'm looking into getting a 1997-2001 Mitsubishi eclipse or a 1997-2004 Toyota celica. I've talked to different people around here and some say they consider them sports cars and others r saying that they r family cars because they have 4 seats and you can put people in the back. So I'm thinking that cars like Nissan 350z's and corvettes are sports car to them. Pls help me! I don't want to pay the insurance of a sports car. Is there a way I could get around it if they are considered sports cars.
Why does car insurance keep increasing every year?
I got USAA when I was in the military and it seems every year my car insurance rates go up by about $10. I have had the same car the whole time, no accidents and barely ever drive it. Is it normal for car insurance to keep going up like that even though me and my car are getting older?""
Redmond Washington Cheap car insurance quotes zip 98052
Redmond Washington Cheap car insurance quotes zip 98052
0 notes
Ticket for no proof of insurance in FL?
"Ticket for no proof of insurance in FL?
I received a ticket for no proof of insurance, i did not have the card on me at the time but i do have insurance. When i go to court, will i have to pay the fine or will the ticket be thrown out?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://howmuchisinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Health insurance for over 65 yrs old immigrant?
Im looking for health insurance for my parents. Theyre both 65 yrs old and have health issues (although, they dont require immediate health care but just being prepared in case an ...show more""
Cheapest Sport Motorcycle to insure?
What is the cheapest sportbike to insure??? I have a Suzuki GS500E right now but want to upgrade and don't want to pay GSXR type insurance.
What kind of insurance do I need as a teen?
I am looking for quotes and anchor insurance asks which insurance I want I have the choices of Liability only, Comprehension and collision and Comprehensive only""
Whats the best car to get that's cheap on insurance?
i just passed my test (yippeeee) however only got a bit saved up whats the best cheapest to insure trying to get quotes so i know :) (im 24 by the way)
Average cost for an fr 44 in Florida?
I just trying to determine what the average cost for an fr 44 is in Florida after a dui
How much more will my insurance cost go up with a careless driving ticket?
I'm 16 and totaled a 18,000$ car and the insurance company will probably have to dish out at least 30,000$ in costs for hospital bills and so on. I know I wasn't driving safe and now i'm paying for it so don't heckle me. I have Triple A insurance if that matters, I might go to another company idk.""
Will my insurance go up?
I live in California. Here, the driver is responsible for the ticket and not the owner. My bf is 19 and im 18, and he drives very well but does have license because he uses his bike. He drove my car and got two tickets because he did not have his headlights on and a misdemeanor for an unlicensed driver. I read that my bf will have to pay $25 if he gets his license before court and $230 for no light. I was wondering will my insurance go up? and will my dad be notified?""
Who will pay the medical and funereal fees?
My boyfriends son was killed by a man who ran a red light. His son was NO way at fault. The man has 15,000 coverage on his insurance (california) and that's it. Bare minimum, so now what is done with the 35,000 left for costs not paid by medical ins ect... I feel it would be so unfair for him to have to pay for the costs when his son has passed away, so not fair.""
Long term car rentals vs expensive car insurance?
So about 2 years ago I got hit with a false DWI in NYC (passed breathalyzer test cops still lied and claimed DWI). But that's another story. Currently I purchased a used Landrover Disco 2. Geico gave me a sweet deal @ $1430/6 months until they ran the DMV report and saw my DWI from 2 years ago. Now my 6 month rate is $3700/6 months. That price is completely rediculous and unaffordable (according to my pockets). Therefore, my question, should I just do long term car rental? I mean I have a super sweet discount that rivals employees discounts @ National and Enterprise Rentals. I'm thinking I could just rent on a month to month basis for less than $3700/every 6 months. The added benefits would be new year car models and the option to trade it in for any vehicle I choose for an entire month. Plus the gas would be less than the Landrovers V8 premium requirement. Basically my question is, should I do long term rentals or run myself broke trying to keep up with insurance and gas prices on top of rent and other expenses?""
If the supreme court finds health care law unconstitutional would i have to buy car insurance?
most of the health care debate is about weather the government can make a person buy a specific product such as health insurance. If the court finds that the individual mandate is unconstitutional would this mean that the government would not be allowed to require people to buy car insurance. and if so would I be able to take this to my state supreme court to question the constitutionality of having to buy car insurance?
Who's the best company for young car insurance?
I know the kind of car to get for cheap insurance but i'm still looking at around 3000 for insurance, i was just wondering if there is any companies out there people my age can actually afford.""
How can i compare all life insurance products of all companies?
How can i compare all life insurance products of all companies?
Totaled MINI Cooper. How does insurance value it?
I totaled my wife's 2004 MINI Cooper last night. Waiting to hear back from insurance company. NADA and Kelley both list the retail value about the same. Is that what I should expect in terms of the insurance settlement? I want to be prepare when the call me next week.
Can my daughter be on my mom's car insurance even if they don't live together?
Hi, my name is Kathy, I'm 19 year old female and want to buy a car but car insurance is just expensive. I want to be put on my grandmothers car insurance but we don't live in the same city. Do you think it would be possible for me to get on there! Thanks for your answers...""
How much does it cost to cancel motorbike insurance in the UK?
If you've been with them say 2-4 months. Also does it make a difference if its Third Party, Third Party Fire and Theft or Fully Comp? Its on a 125cc and the insurance is going to cost approx 300. Thanks""
What is the cheapest Auto insurance I can get?
I'm 23, just got my license, i have a Honda civic year 2002, I live in Illinois.""
""Got into an accident , I have no car insurance but my dad has car insurance , will my dads insurance cover me?""
I failed to yield , I'm supposed to appear in court, what will happen? I'm under 18 and live with my parents and the damage wasn't a lot , just a scratch on the car I hit, will my dads insurance cover me? I don't use it a lot? What will happen? I also live in Illinois""
How much would insurance cost me on a v6 camaro?
it is a 1988 camaro and i would just have the cheapest coverage and i am 16 any ideas on how much it would cost me?
Use Medisave to Buy a Life Insurance?
Use Medisave to Buy a Life Insurance! Is this a wise choice?
How much does insurance cost for a gas station in NH?
If I was to open up a gas station in NH how much would the insurance cost per month or year? Assuming I had an average amount of coverage and was running it as an LLC.
Can Cancer patients have the life insurance? ?
Is it possible cancer patients getting life insurance...
cheap bike insurance for a scooter in uk,any ideas?""
How do I find out my car insurance rates before I get a car?
I haven't bought a car yet because a lot depends on how much insurance will be. I'm a 27 single female living in Boston, I've had a license since 18 but never drove so it expired and I recently renewed it. I don't have anything on my record. I would be the only person on the insurance. I went online but they required the make and year of your car to calculate the rates.""
Can you have 2 different cars with different insurance?
my grandma bout a car for me, im only 15 so shes gonna give me the car when i turn 16 which is in january. she went down to L.a ( we live in california by the way) to buy the car with her nephew in law. shes 62 and half blind and doesnt have a license so she had to put the car in his name. but SHE paid for it. i told my mom and she was like if she wants to put the car in my her name she can. cuz me and my mom both know that her nephew in law could call up the police and say she stole his car, cuz the car is legally in his name and so is the insurance. and this man is very very crooked, he doesnt have a job and even steals money from his wife. he tried multiple times to steal the car so my grandma locks it in the garage. she even offered for him to buy the car off her for 300 dollars when she paid 1600 dollars but he wanted the car for free. now he is a...stupid man and he does not yet realize that he could call the cops and get the car easily so im trying to get this done as soon as possible. he aint paying for nothing on that car. im not worried that this man taking the car means i wont get a car. im worried that he might cheat my grandma, and that just doesnt site with me. he seems to catch and attitude with her when im not around but when im their i dont here no problems. so can i my mom get the car in her name with two different insurance providers and can the insurance still be in his name but the car in my moms name. and what if he refuses to sign it over can we still get the car. im sorry i had to air out my dirty laundry but i needed to release this anger""
I need affordable Health Insurance!! Where can I find this?
I do not qualify for State insurance, no work ins availaible, and can't afford to pay the cost of some companies out of pockett. Does anyone know something or some Health Insurance maybe I have not heard about yet?""
Ticket for no proof of insurance in FL?
I received a ticket for no proof of insurance, i did not have the card on me at the time but i do have insurance. When i go to court, will i have to pay the fine or will the ticket be thrown out?
Does the Affordable Health Care law really prevent insurance companies from denying pre-existing conditions?
They say that now, insurance companies can no longer deny insurance to people with pre -existing conditions. So what was HIPAA passed in 1996 for? This law states that insurance companies CAN NOT deny people with pre -existing conditions. The only change I see is it gets rid of the 12 month exclusion period. I had two aunts with lupus, both lived in California and had insurance, until they moved to Texas. If they could have kept their insurance, they would have, but for some odd reason liberals are against insurance across state lines. They had no problem finding insurance, they just had to be out of pocket for 12 months. HIPAA also states that if you can go six months without any medical visits, advice/procedures, insurance companies are not allowed to look further than that and must not apply the exclusion period. So did the Affordable Care Act really stop insurance companies from denying coverage for pre existing conditions, or was it ALREADY a law? http://www.dol.gov/ebsa/faqs/faq_consumer_hipaa.html""
Long-term care vs. long-term disability insurance?
At age 36 in a blue-collar job (i.e. chance of disability over 90 days less than 10%), I'm thinking it may make more sense to get long-term care insurance rather than long-term disability. I bring in 30% of our household income. If I become disabled, I count for very little of our total spend (obviously food, but I wouldn't be doing much in the way of leisure / entertainment), but the added costs of caring for me would be too much for our budget to bear. I also think it would be very hard to qualify for disability for class 1 (a desk job sitting in front of a computer all day). It seems like it would be easier to qualify for two functions of daily living. I know they technically cover two different scenarios, but isn't there a lot of overlap here in terms of when you would actually get a pay out? Just trying to understand. Thx in advance for your input!""
How much does the insurance company raise your rates if you use your car for work?
I'm talking about reading meters where I had to use it everyday, often driving from house to house or business to business all day. And I still have a lien on my car. I currently pay about $60 a month.""
Does anyone know where you can buy individual medical insurance? Epileptic reasons!?
Insurance expired.
Car insurance do i have to tell them ??
am trying to fill in a form for a quote, i was involed in a crash which wasnt my fault, the other person admitted responsability, do i have to declare this as a claim ?? or do i not mention this, am trying to get a quote for this years car insurance Thanks""
Auto Insurance Question: Please help!!!!!?
I asked this yesterday too, but did not get any responses; so if you have any information at all, or this has happened to you, please list an answer! I just recently lost my beautiful 1977 Monte Carlo to a fire! It was all original, and the adjuster found it to be worth between $12,000 and $13,000. Due to my ignorance of insurance, we were put into a stated value insurance policy worth $6,000, and now, I am only getting $6,000 for my car. I feel ripped off. I am young, and don't know anything about insurance, but trusted my agent. The car has been in my family and was gifted to me from my dad a little less than one year ago. My agent asked for photos, and a letter from my parents with what they thought the worth of the car was, signed saying it was a gift. So, that's what we gave him. They stated in the letter they paid $6000 for it 8 years ago. We were never told to get the car appraised, or that we had to keep up on checking to see if the value had gone up so we could change our policy. Do any of you have any advice on how I can get the insurance company to give me all the money? Is there anything I can do at all? Thank You so much!""
""I just found out that I am 9 weeks pregnant, which insurance company would insure me if I just found out?""
So I just found out I'm 9 weeks pregnant, and I've been uninsured for the last 5 years, which health insurance will insure me if I JUST found out I'm pregnant?""
Medical Malpractice insurance..?
Im wanting to start a nursing agency in the near future and require the appropriate insurance in order to do so. I have a quote for Professional Indemnity and Employers Liability through HISCOX. I dont seem to be able to locate a broker who can provide Medical Malpractice/Negligence cover. Can anyone help me out??
First car insurance help.?
Hi, I just bought my first car today. It was a Ford Ka 1997 1.3L. I am at college and have only 210 income per month. I don't know which would be the best type of insurance for me. I need to be insured for at the latest 24th April 09. Should I do monthly or annually. I did an annual insurance quote over the internet and the cheapest I got was with Endsleigh for 1500. What would be the best method of payment for me? Thanks very much for any help.""
Insurance on a 1998-1999 Mitsubishi eclipse GSX at age 16?
Alright so I am 14 right now. In 2 years I will be driving, and I am very into cars. I am looking to purchase a 1998-1999 Mitsubishi Eclipse GSX. Since an eclipse is considered a sports car how much would much insurance be a month? Imagine I have a perfect status (No wrecks etc., and above a 3.5 GPA). Also if I get an Eclipse GS is that still considered a sports car since it is not AWD, and is not turbocharged?""
""Car insurance, how much?""
how much would full-cover car insurance cost for a cadillac luxury coupe CTS, 2014? ----------------------------------------------- What about for a 2014 Nissan 370z?""
Is The General for car insurance good?
I want the cheapest car insurance I can find cause im broke for awhile. I have state farm right now. the general seems like its the cheapest but whats the catch. anybody have it
I need help looking for cheap auto insurance HELP?
Ok I live on Connecticut and the cheapest insurance for me is 200$ and that's progressive. I'm 20 years old so I know insurance is going to be high for me regardless. But are there any other small insurance companies who offer the same service just cheaper???? I feel like my insurance is 200$ because of company name and I dont feel like spending so much because of that. PLEASE HELP!!! I'm buying a honda civic 95 dx auto 4dr
Help on getting cheap car insurance for young drivers?
I know about multicar but i cant do that, i know about named drivers etc but is there any way i can get a decent insurance quote for a 17 year old because ive been getting 15000 quid for quotes recently. Dont tell me you cant do it thats not gonna help me, thanks""
Cheapest first car to insure?
Cheapest first car to insure?
Auto insurance with international driving licence in CT?
I'm a graduate student, I want to buy a car but I don't have a U.S. license yet. Does any one know how much auto insurance would cost in Connecticut with an international licence? I have only heard from people that its more expensive.""
Who can I talk to about insurance?
I am trying to help my boyfriend find some affordable health and dental insurance....I have attempted finding it online and I am overwhelmed...Does anyone know if there is some kind ...show more
Car insurance question (just turned 16)?
So I just turned 16, and am about to purchase a car after saving up for the past year or so. I just have 2 questions. 1- Im planning to get a 1991 Nissan 300zx, there's a 2 seater-2door and a 4 seater- 2 door version of this car. Planning to get the 4 seater, and from what I've heard, insurance will be a tad bit cheaper with the 4 seater, is this true ? And for the more important question - Im underage obviously, so I have to go under my parents for insurance. Thing is, my dad has a HORRIBLE driving record, 1 accident that was his fault and a heaping amount of tickets. And my parents' insurance has gone up from that.. But is his driving record going to affect my insurance? Like will I have to pay more than expected due to his bad record ? Sorry for such the long question..""
Insurance and child support?
If my husband provides insurance through his work to his daughter and is also paying child support on her is he going to be responsible for the co-pay everytime she goes to the doctor? His daughter also has a secondary insurance through the state that her mom collects we were just wondering if the secondary insurance would pay or who would be responsible. The mother or him???
Am I allowed to do this with my car insurance?
I am 22 and am on my father's insurance policy. My rates started out as only 30 dollars and increased to 50 bucks. They said that the reason my rates increased was bc I was added as a driver of the vehicle. I was wondering, if I were to get my father to take my name off as a driver and just list him would my rates go back down. Also what would happen if i got into a car wreck and my name was not listed on the insurance. I am just trying to keep my insurance down as I am in college and cannot afford it if it keeps increasing. Thanks""
Speeding ticket.. insurance increase?
okay soo I just turned 18 last tuesday, and today, I got a speeding ticket. I was going 58 in 40, but I really didn't notice that. the cop went by me in the other direction and apparently his radar said I was going 58. I know I've sped on that road before, but this time I honestly don't think I was. it was my second speeding ticket.. I got one last year that didn't go on my record or something so the insurance company never found out. but this time, I can't imagine I'd be so lucky. I've been googling car insurance and how much it would go up, but I can't find it anywhere. I believe we're with arbella. my parents are going to kill me and I don't know what to do that will help this situation. so I guess I have two questions: one, how much will my family's insurance increase? and two, what to do I do to minimize the penalty, or whatever you want to call it. I'm perfectly willing to pay the fine..if I was speeding, I deserve that.""
17 year old car insurance?
Ive got a car and should (hopefully!) be passing my test soon but for reasons to complicated to list here lol I will only be able to drive it 2 weeks in easter time, 2 weeks in christmas time, 5 weeks around august and 4 days every 5 weeks, so by my bad maths thats just over 100 days. Are there any insurance companies for a 17 year old that you can get a fixed amount of days insurance, it seems such a waste to pay for 365 days if im only going to be able to use it for just under a third of the time. I read about some companies doing 60 or 90 days for young drivers but that might have been me mis-reading it, anyone hear about anything like that? Ive tried lowering the amount of miles on quotes but that hasnt reduced the price by much at all. I was hoping for quite a substantial saving. Any help would be greatly appreciated, Thanks.""
Got into an auto accident - how much can an insurance premium actually go up?
Hi, I got into an accident - was backing out of a parking space and hit a maintenance man on a golf cart. The apartment complex has filed a claim for the golf cart (it looked old) and the guy had a slight bump on his head (emt checked him out, everything looked fine but he went to the doctor) and he's filing a personal injury claim. My agent said no lawyer's are involved yet and it doesn't look like he's suing. There's also been damage to my car bumper but it's still drivable; hopefully I can pay out of pocket. I have no numbers yet, but I'm just curious - with accidents that you're liable for - how much could it actually go up a year? A hundred? A couple hundred? A thousand?! Thanks!""
Kawasaki Ninja 500R insurance?
Dose any one know how much the insurance would be on a Kawasaki Ninja 500R for someone that is about 18 with no accidents, or speeding tickets and good-ish grades?""
Do you pay a lot of money for car insurance where you live?
Wher so you live an dhow much does it cost. I live in NY it the sh*t is HIGH.
Ticket for no proof of insurance in FL?
I received a ticket for no proof of insurance, i did not have the card on me at the time but i do have insurance. When i go to court, will i have to pay the fine or will the ticket be thrown out?
""Before Obamacare, my health insurance premiums were stable...?""
...this year they went up 17%. How can this be, if Obamacare was supposed to make everything more affordable?""
Does anybody know an affordable but good health insurance?
i just recently lost my insurance and was wondering if anybody knew of a cheap affordable but good health insurance plan???? please help!!!
""Why after almost 4 years in office, can we not get affordable health insurance that was promised us?
I have a preexisting condition which makes it difficult to get affordable Health Insurance. I have found that it is better in some instances to have no insurance then to have it and not get quality coverage. The limited indemnity insurance does not cover what it is worth to go to the hosipital. Pays $100 on a $4000 bill.
Is it normal for a teen to pay insurance before owning a car?
My boyfriend (since he got his license at 16 before he had his own car) has been paying $200 a month on insurance because his parents said he had to. My question is, did he have to pay insurance even when he didnt own a car?""
Insurance in Singapore?
I am an expat in Singapore and looking for insurance. Can I get insurance being an expat? I have a plan to stay here for next 10 years
How much on average does a 34'-36' sailboat cost? What about insurance rates roughly?
How much on average does a 34'-36' sailboat cost? What about insurance rates roughly?
""In California, is there a penalty for not having car insurance, even if it's temporarily?""
The car insurance on one of my cars runs out in a few days, and the insurance for the second car runs out at the end of this month. I was thinking of holding off on getting insurance for car #1 and start a policy for two cars at the same time. Of course, I don't intend to drive car #1 while it's not insured, it will just sit in my driveway. I heard that in some states, they will charge you for each day that your car is without insurance, even if you don't drive it. Is that the case for California?""
New driver car insurance?
How exactly do you get/where can you find cheaper car insurance for new drivers?
Would i need car insurance?
(Only open to UK) i am a provisional driver using my dad's car. My dad is with me at all times and he has fully comprehensive insurance, i have been told that this then covers me also, is this correct or will i need extra insurance?""
I know nothing about car insurance. Help?
I'm 18 y.o. and I have no idea what to do first- buy a car or get insurance..I've heard that you cant buy a car without insurance, but when i went to buy insurance it asked me what kind of car I wanted it for. ?? What to do first-?""
Will my car insurance rate change?
Okay so I got married this May and my car insurance is still in my old name and my old address... My husband has a couple tickets and accidents on his record... Will this make my insurance rate go up? Also I'm not living in the town that I got my insurance in anymore, will this be an issue? Thanks in advance!""
Need health insurance?
looking for private health insurance, what are some companies that are affordable? lists of companies and info about them please. Thanks to all who answer =]""
My insurance for Maruti swift gets expired within a week. I payed some Rs13,000 an year back. Now want to renew it.so how much will i have to pay for it. i once claimed insurance for some damage in car for around Rs 6000. Can any one tell me about this?""
""Got caught speeding 36 in a 20, not listed on insurance, driving alone with a learned license?
My driving test is the day before my court hearing and I was wondering how much all this will cost and also if I'm gonna be able to take my test still
How did mandatory car insurance effect prices upon gov requirements to have insurance to drive?
how did this government policy effect costs?
OMG my insurance is over 3 grand and that was the cheapest?
has anyone got a dd or driving with no license or insurance and then got a license ??? who did you insure with? i cant pay them prices!!!!hellllp.........
Anyone know where my husband can get dental work done with no insurance?
he is in a huge amount of pain and nothing is working anymore he has even went as far as rinsing his mouth out with peroxide! [ i know right!] but any how we don't have dental insurance and i was wondering is there anywhere he can go like a free clinic or something? we live in East bay California any help would be great thanks! no rude comments please
How much can home insurance cost?
i want to buy a home and i need to know how much my insurance might be.
I am looking for federal court cases related to insurance claims?
I am looking for federal court cases related to insurance claims?
How do college students pay for car insurance ?
I have always been curious since it cost so much.
GTP vs Camaro Insurance?
Hey guys, Looking at a 95 Z28 Lt1 Camaro or a 01 Pontiac GTP, Which one would have the cheapest insurance? If you own one what are you paying?""
How much would a 2005 Honda Civic Coupe be worth?
I probably totalled my car. What is the estimated value of the car? How much do you think my insurance company will give me for a new one? Is there a site I can go to?
If I buy a new car will my auto insurance run my driving record again?
My husband and I currently own a truck and have an exisiting comprehensive auto insurance policy in Texas. If we buy a new car (thereby removing the truck and adding the new car to our policy but not changing anything else) will the insurance company run his driving record again?
What auto insurance offices offer reduced cost auto insurance program in the San Fernando Valley?
Details below if you do not know which one I am referring to? I'm not talking about the cliche low cost auto insurance that is available to everyone. etc...I'm talking about a specific plan offered by the state of California available at some insurance offices for low income individuals. I found one office with it, it isn't close enough, does anyone know of any more offices ? The California Low Cost Automobile Insurance Program (LCA): The California Low Cost Automobile Insurance Pilot Program, created in 1999, established a low-cost automobile insurance policy for residents of Los Angeles County and the City and County of San Francisco. California Law requires that all drivers be insured. However, too many low-income drivers remain uninsured because the costs of standard auto insurance premiums are beyond their financial reach. The programs purpose is to provide low-cost automobile liability insurance to good drivers who demonstrate financial need.""
How much is an abortion without insurance?
I am 8 weeks pregnant by my boyfriend. I am 18 and he is 20 and neither of us have medical insurance. I cannot afford to care for a child and he does not even live in the same state as me(he is also dealing with recent medical problems). He visits me in California and then goes back to Texas for college. Every time he comes down here we are very careful, but something went wrong. I have briefly discussed this with him but he needs to know the price before we can really talk about it.I need to know if not having insurance makes a difference in the price? If it does not then how much is it in general? Please just answer the question if you know or please do not say anything at all, I am already stressed out as it is. I am sorry for posting this here but it is the only place I can think of where to find answer.""
Ticket for no proof of insurance in FL?
I received a ticket for no proof of insurance, i did not have the card on me at the time but i do have insurance. When i go to court, will i have to pay the fine or will the ticket be thrown out?
What are some cars with easily tunable engines and low insurance?
i need a car that i can make faster but i don't wanna pay alot f insurance. specific models please
Whats the cheapest place to get insurance?
I got a 01 kia optima im 23 years old, male, and paying about 100 dollars a month for full coverage. Company: American Family. Any better deals""
""I got pulled over, and failed to surrender insurance?""
I was driving my friends home from a party one night, (being a DD), unfortunately I was caught going 123 in a 90 zone, and then I got pulled over. The police officer told me that not only I was speeding, but I was driving past midnight with a G2 class license. But the only thing I was charged with, was a 65$ fine for not surrending insurance, because I was driving my Dad's truck and could not find the insurance papers ANYWHERE. Since the police officer said there were no demerits to be added, does this mean my insurance rates will go up? I plan on pleading guilty and paying the ticket.""
I used to own a Vauxhall Astra 1.6 I now want a Fiesta 1.4 will that be cheap tax /insurance I am 61?
female, just need a cheaper car, second hand & automatic,Thanks .""
Individual health insurance?
DOes anyone have or know of any good individual policies? Im currently self employed and need health insurance. Looking for the best and cheapest!
From Whom can I purchase health ins over 65 years & not eligible for Medicare?
My spouse is over 65 and will be getting residency USA and is not eligible for Medicare nor am I. From whom can we purchase health insurance?
Teenage Car Insurance?!??!?
I'm 15 and for my 16th Bday I'm getting an mid-sized SUV. & I'm just wondering about how much the monthly payments are gonna be......? thanks for any help:)
How much does DMV charge for the 30 day car insurance?
How much does DMV charge for the 30 day car insurance?
Second car insurance?
i want to insure my second car how cheap can i get it?
Can somebody find me a really cheap insurance company that would cover for like everything?
I need to find an insurance company offers really low price plans that cover as many things as possible, becos we can't spend too much money but I need to find my mom an affordable insurance plan...help, i dun know where to find it.""
I just passed my test. I'm 17. What has the best insurance quotes and what's the best car to get?
I want a relatively new car and the best insurance I found was 2800 for a Volkswagen up!
Insurance wants to total my car?
So recently an 18 wheeler ran into the back of my car damaging the whole trunk and the force of the truck pushed my car into a post scraping the side of my car. The insurance guy came and just got a call back saying that they want to total my car and pay for it. The car is a black 2002 jetta 1.8 turbo from a small local dealer and has 140,000 miles. Im currently still paying it off and the car cost me $6000. Here is my concern, they haven't told me how much they plan to give me for my jetta but i went on craigslist and the average cost for a 2002 jetta 1.8t is around what i paid from $5000-$6000, will the insurance give me that amount because bluebook says my car is worth at most around $3400 in excelent condition and at retail value according to bluebook is around $4500. All I'm concern with is either my car is restore to the point before the accident or if they get me enough money to buy a new jetta of equal or greater quality. Restoring my car car i guess is not and option which I'm ok with but what if the amount they give me is not enough to go buy a new jetta from a small local dealer will they give me more money or how does this whole process work because I've never been in this situation.""
Is it cheaper for a first time driver to insure a van?
Hello, If I were to buy my first car, the insurance is about 3k at lowest of the low. But do you think a van would be cheaper? Can a 17 year old get van insurance?""
Me and my boyfriend wants to buy a car but were concern about the car insurance we cant afford to pay 200 dollars or more a month just for car insurance but we refused to drive with out insurance we have a baby on the way and we don't know what to do and we really need a car bad please anyone can you please help us out if so can you leave numbers if you know something we just need help
How much would it be to insure an Acura RSX if im 22?
Im getting an Acura RSX but i want to know how much it will be to insure it. I know this is going to sound funny but my gramma wants to put it under her insurance and it covers who ever is driving the car but how much cheaper id that gonna be?? shes like 63 i think l0l...
Can i be on my grandma's car insurance even if we don't live together?
Im a 19 year old female and want to buy a car but car insurance is just too much! i want to be put on my grandmothers car insurance but we don't live in the same city. Do you think it would be possible for me to get on there!!
First car insurance help?
I am 17 year old male, I have spent months looking for a car that I can be insured on for at least a respectable price, I have have gotten quotes for all the typical first cars, KA, Corsa, Punto, Ibiza etc. and they have all been ridiculous like 5-6k?! Now I know you can get insurance as a new male driver cheaper I just don't know what car or how that is possible. I've heard rumors that Ford Puma's are actually very good on insurance for new male drivers even though they are 1.4l and up? is that true?""
How can I get a California Health & Life Insurance License ?
I would like to find an online course or a study at home course if possible. Also, how long does the course take ? Thank you for your help""
For Piper Cherokee 140-160 Owners. How much does it cost to insure your plane?
I'm thinking about getting one of these little planes to build time in when I get back to the states. Just curious of insurance cost and things that can burn your wallet during an annual.
How do I know if my insurance company is treating me fairly?
I was recently in an accident. The offer that my insurance company is making is much lower than NADA and Kelley Blue Book values--the insurance company is offering 9,200 and the NADA value is 11,600 (KBB is 12,500). They said that their estimate was based on the local market value and was an average of private party and dealer values. They looked within a 100-mile radius and found similar cars. They then adjusted the value to reflect the mileage of my car, but I don't know how exactly they calculated this adjusted value. I bought my car from a dealership seven months ago--shouldn't the replacement value be the retail value? Also, I had a Subaru WRX and they compared it to WRXs and to Impreza Outback Sports. I looked on autotrader.com and on other Internet resources and found WRXs that were listed much higher than the WRXs in their market report, and I don't know what to do--I don't want to spend the money for a lawyer, but I feel as if I am fighting a losing battle.""
Were can i get cheap car insurance for a rover 214 16 valve injection?
i need to get cheaper car insurance for my car were can i get it am nearly 24 and i don't have ncb ?
Will my insurance rates go up if I get a speeding ticket in someone elses's car?
I was driving an insured vehicle which belongs to a nonlicensed driver., I received a speeding ticket in this car. Whose insurance will go up?""
Home insurance rates.?
Recieved a letter yesterday from my insurance company. They are now going to base home insurance rates based on your credit score....WHAT?
Does Car Insurance Still Go Down On Parent's Insurance?
Basically i am going on my parent's insurance but as a named driver only. I know the risks of it and was wondering what will happen when i turn 25 Will my insurance still go down or will i have to pay a full insurance due to only being a named driver ?
17 Year old insurance rates?
On average, how much would insurance be for a 17 year old male with a 2001 BMW 740li? I have an okay job but I don't wan't to spend over 5k on insurance a year, as that would eat almost a fifth of my salary. Would insurance be cheaper on a coupe such as a 1991 Nissan 240sx? Also, do you have to pay a higher rate if your car is turbocharged? Will they insure you if your pushing over around 500 horsepower? If I buy a 240sx I'm going to do an engine swap for sure, so I want to know if it would be better to wait. Any answer is a good answer, so thanks for anything!""
Ticket for no proof of insurance in FL?
I received a ticket for no proof of insurance, i did not have the card on me at the time but i do have insurance. When i go to court, will i have to pay the fine or will the ticket be thrown out?
0 notes
Cheap sports car, and to insure and run ?
"Cheap sports car, and to insure and run ?
does anyone know a sports car in the uk thats cheap, maximum 1000 pounds, cheap to insure and fuel consumption is good ? thanks
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecosts.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Will I need an SR-22 insurance?
My license was suspended for one year, I get it back this year. 18 year old male. Wisconsin. This is my record, 12-31-2011 Driving 1 to 10 miles per hour over the speed limit (3 POINTS) 04-15-2012 Imprudent speed (8 POINTS) 06-08-2012 Driving 20 miles per hour or more over the speed limit (12 POINTS) 08-19-2012 Imprudent Speed (8 POINTS) Also, what should I expect the insurance to cost and is it required?""
How much life insurance is sufficient?
my husband just got a raise and we are thinking about raising our life insurance. I have 6 children. what is the best way to estimate how much is enough.
Car insurance for young UK drivers and fronting? Whats Best?
I've just passed my test. But, the next thing is a car, but the main problem is the insurance... I've looked at companies that offer a smart box which supposedly lowers the insurance, but i'm going to have to be the main driver on the policy and with a box through co-op I was quoted 5000! And as i'm under 18 they wanted it all in one lump sum!! The reason it was so high was because I have absolutely 0 years claims and i'm the main driver. I've spoken to my mum and dad about them being the main driver and me the named, but they both have a car each and are being very stubborn and keep saying they won't be the main driver as they wouldn't be the person driving it the most (I would be). They keep saying this is illegal and called fronting and if anything happened the insurance companies would look for anyway to not pay up. Everyone one at college that I know does exactly what i'm proposing to my parents... They keep saying if something was to happen then they would be the ones not able to get insurance again and therefore would loose their job as they need their car for their job. If I crashed, or the police pulled me for some reason then I would be insured, so what could they do? Do you think my parents are being awkward about it, and what can I say to make them think otherwise? (Someone I know has a dad as a taxi driver and he is the main driver on his car, as well as his own!) If anything unfortunate happens whilst i'm driving, like a crash, how will the insurance company know who's been driving it the most? What would they do? Should i persevere with my parents (what can I say to them)? And who else is good to try and insure with? I'm thinking of a 1999 Polo or Corsa, just a cheap 750 run around for college Thanks :)""
Young persons car insurance?
Having passed my test a week ago and being 17 I have been on the hunt for cheap (as possible!) car insurance. I am being quoted at best 2750 to 14000 all my friends have retrieved quotes much lower than this. I have been looking at ones regarding a 2004 ford ka. Any suggestions how to lower it or any websites to use?
Car insurance help? How much?
I'm 18 years old and I just got my drivers license, I own a Eclipse Mitsubishi 95.""
""Im thinking about getting a car, car insurance ?""
Im thinking about getting a car I phoned up my insurance company and they said because I have not come to the end of my insurance with the car I got that I would lose my 3 years no claims bonus if I changed over cars also I would have to pay them 50pound to get out of the contract. The only way around it is if I insure the two cars I was shocked with this, I deal with tescos car insurance Is this normal ?""
In need of a good dental insurance plan in South Florida.
I desperately need braces but I can't afford them, neither can my parents. I have two teeth that I call my shark teeth because they grew in back of my normal line of teeth. One on the top, and one on the bottom. So it bothers the hell out of my tongue and I can't stand it anymore. I'm always getting those annoying sore taste buds, like one would get if they bite their tongue, on my tongue because one of my shark teeth is my fang so it hurts like hell. I need to fix my teeth but I'll need a good dental insurance plan that covers a big percentage of the cost of my braces. And it cant be just a dental discount plan, those on average only discount 25% and I need more than that. I'm 17, I live with my parents and they'll be paying for it, but it will only be a single plan, not a family plan. I live in South Florida. So if anyone can give me the name of a great insurance plan, then you'll be a miracle worker. Thank you.""
I have a $500 deductible with my car insurance (State Farm) and was wondering if I could use that deductible t?
To actually fix my car up to it's showroom look (Currently driving with a broken bumper, dented fender, and broken headlight/signal marker not caused by me mind you)??""
Car insurance in Arkansas?
I know there are so many factors that play into car insurance but I need help. I am 18 years old.
Whats the best car to get that's cheap on insurance?
i just passed my test (yippeeee) however only got a bit saved up whats the best cheapest to insure trying to get quotes so i know :) (im 24 by the way)
How much does Car insurance cost?
I am 17 and a half about to get a license. I want to know an estimate on how much car insurance will cost for me alone. The car I'ma use is an 1990 Acura Integra. I really don't want a it depends answer haha. Just want a best guess? What's the best type of car insurance and is recommended? And is there any discounts that can help me?
Which car is cheaper on insurance?
for my first car I am 16 years old secondary driver plus I took a driving course to minimize 30 percent which of these three is cheaper a BMW M3 E46 BMW E39 M5 or a BMW 330i ZHP I am only interested on insurance and is it possible the m3 can be cheaper because it has less horsepower and a smaller engine.
Car insurance for teen?
ok so i am going to get my drivers license tommorrow, and my mom brought up the whole insurance thing. my question is, i dont have a car of my own yet so i would have to drive my mom's in her words (IF i let you drive at all)--how stupid is that?!? anyways. would she have to change anything about her insirance if im driving her car and have been since ive had my permit, or can she leave everything as it already is???""
Would insurance be higher on suv/truck or car/sedan?
For example Mitsubishi Montero Sport vs Volkswagen passat, Nissan maxima, or Mitsubishi galant.""
Insurance company won't give me enough money to fix my car or get a new one-- what do I do?!?
I got into a car accident a week ago, a truck driver backed into me while I was just stopped at a stop sign. He admitted it was his fault, I had witnesses that supported my story, and his insurance is willing to pay me, BUT since my car is a 1996 Corrolla with almost 200,000 miles on it, the cost of repairing the hood and fenders and everything exceeded the amount my car is worth. Their estimator said the amount of damage is about $2500, so they consider it totaled. Now the choices they are giving me are that they'll take the car and give me $1700 (which won't be enough to get another car), or let me keep the car and give me $1200 (which won't be enough to repair it). I think this is really unfair since the accident wasn't my fault at all and now I'm being told I'm going to have to pay to either get a new car or fix my old one out of my own pocket, but I've tried arguing with them to raise the amount they're going to give me and they say they're not legally required to give me any more money than what my car was worth. Is there ANYTHING I can do? I'm a poor college student and really have no money to be spending on something that I couldn't help :(""
What insurance company is THE cheapest? but has great coverage or provides the same services as other insurance?
Is this a bad situation (Car Insurance question)?
I bought a car from my parents and their insurance policy on the car is still being paid for. The car is insured with Allstate but my name is not on the policy, also the car registered in my name. Is the car still insured if I get into an accident? Am I covered if I get injured in the accident? Is the other driver covered if I am at fault? I just need to verify because my mother is saying everything will be perfectly fine because she heard from a friend of a friend who is an insurance agent (and we all know how well that goes, not). I think she's very wrong and I should get insurance ASAP.""
What insurance companies are in massachusetts?
I believe that insurance in mass is horrible, but I don't know if there are even other insurance companies here where can I find out?""
Where do I find affordable homeowners insurance for home in largo florida?
my insurance with liberty mutual was just dropped.
Do you need car insurance for a primary car in the state of NJ even if you plan on using someone else's?
Hi, I am a probationary licensed driver in the state of NJ, and since I live with my mom, I was told by an insurance company that I need to have insurance on my mom's (primary) ...show more""
Cheap auto insurance in Alberta?
I just got my first car and I am looking for auto insurance for the first time. Which companies offer the best rates? My car is 1988 mazda, how much does the insurance usually cost for my situation per month?""
Cheap car insurance for young people? (Liverpool)?
I'm attempting to get on the road, but it's not going so well. The cheapest I'm getting quoted for a small 1.0 - 1.4L car worth no more than a few hundred pounds is 6200GBP. And that's for TPFT. They won't insure me under a parents name. Even my mother is paying 1000 for a 1.6L Nissan on full NCD! Liverpool postcode. Is it actually possible to young people to get insurance?""
Car insurance for a 21 yr old living in ny?!?
Approx how much does car insurance, per month, cost for a 21 yr old college student from abroad in ny? My sister who lives in the country pays about 130 dollars per month in MA.""
What are the payments on an Infiniti G35 Coupe?
How much for the car a month? And the insurance? If anyone has this car please let me know how much you pay for the car & the insurance. Thank you so much in advance.
How do I find the cheapest car insurance?
My rates always go up even tho my wife and myself have clean driving records, we drive a 2012 Chevy Traverse and an old 1998 Dodge Ram, how can I find more affordable insurance rates? Thanks!""
Cheap sports car, and to insure and run ?
does anyone know a sports car in the uk thats cheap, maximum 1000 pounds, cheap to insure and fuel consumption is good ? thanks
Can someone give me advice on whether to get a 50 or 125cc scooter and how much insurance will cost for both?
I am a 15 year old boy who lives in Italy. Here at the age of 14 you can get a 50cc and at the age of 16 you can get a 125cc. My birthday is in 6 months ( January ), should I wait till then and get 125cc or should I just get a 50cc now ? Taking in to consideration that snow comes to Italy at about at January and that 50 cc is cheaper and safer than a 125cc. And how much would the insurance cost for the 50cc or the 125cc ? And I have a budget of around 1000 euro.""
Car insurance in Texas?
My sister was in my car when she got re-ended. The driver of the other car took FULL responsibility for everything and wants to resolve this. I am wondering how this will affect my insurance? As of right now my car only has liability and needs to be repaired, big time. Any information especially from TX insurance agents would be greatly appreciated.""
Health Insurance for stay-at-home Mom & Baby?
I need to find affordable, but good, health insurance for my baby and myself. If my son and I go on my husbands insurance, I'd need a job just to pay for it because it's so expensive! I'm currently working but will be quitting a few months after our son is born. We've decided it would be best if I stayed home to raise our son. So, we need to find health insurance that wouldn't be sky high. Any suggestions? And thanks so much!!""
Child support/car insurance?
Ok so I just got my liscense and I bought half my trck and my mom bought the other half. So is it right for my dad not to pay for my insurance? And does child support cover car insurance. . .plz just give me your opinion/facts on the whole ordeal.... Have not found job just turned 15..btw Thank you all
125cc bike or scooter Under 500 and LOW INSURANCE?
Hi im looking to by a bike or scooter that is 125cc for under 500 And has low insurance All suggestions helpfull
Car insurance?
i hold a foreign ( non EU ) drive license , and all insurance companies ask for ( claim bonus certificate ) and i explained for them that insurance is completly different in our country than the irish system, but no one listen, and i dont know what should i do if i need to drive a car in Ireland ...can any one help ?""
What insurance license allows you to sell insurance to businesses?
What insurance license allows you to sell insurance to businesses?
Whats the cheapest 4x4 to insure at 18?
i'm 18, just passed my test, live with my parents in a small town and work full time at the supermarket, won't be driving it much, i just want a 4x4!""
Where to Get Free Auto Insurance Quotes online?
I live in California USA. I heard from peoples that its best to have Car insurance Online Quotes free from some trusted online Car Insurance Service. Anyone please help me in getting online cheap motor insurance Quotes for my Car. Regards
Switching Auto insurance company?
Hi, I want to switch my auto insurance company to a cheaper company. my renewable starts Sept 25, can i cancel my current insurance and switch to a new cheaper one now?""
In CANADA - Why is car insurance cheaper for women?
I understand that women are less liability statistically, but to base car insurance rates on gender is a violation of the Charter of rights and Freedom - despite the fact all regulations, policies and laws are suppose to be constituted by it ... One of two things can be the case, either: 1) The Charter is a piece of paper as important as the toilet paper which I use to clean myself after excrement. 2) There is something which I am not understanding. Someone please offer a good explain and ill give ten points.""
Under Obamacare you can't be turned down for insurance because of preexisting conditions but at what price?
What stops the insurance company from charging you and arm and a leg?
""Can I be added to my moms auto insurance, and drive my own car?""
Is that possible be added to my moms auto insurance, and drive my own car?""
What are the types of automobile insurance in USA ?
I'm doing a research for my course , comparing this service in my country to which in the USA ...and more specifically about the private and commercial cars... a claim saying that USA's provisions are strictly applied ..i.e the son driving his father private car is not entitled to any compensation in case an accident is occurred .....because it's not the son car..(which at the same time is not going the same way here ...as long as the car is insured so anyone drive it is insured ..regardless of the owner of the car...and just there it is the debate point...what do you think about it ? so ,I'll appreciate if you could feed me with any thoughts any idea any information any links concerning that or even automobile insurance in general...""
How much would the car insurance be on this car?
How much would insurance cost on a black 2012 ford mustang for my 17 year old son. it's the lx kind not gt racing. Please give opinions based off your insurance
Will my car insurance go up?
So I was at the red light and the car behind me randomly hits my car there's a medium size dent right in the middle of my bumper it doesn't look terrible but it's deep and noticeable also some paint was chipped off ... My car insurance ppl know about it.. Will my car insurance go up? Even if it wasn't my fault at all?
i'm a learner driver with my 1st car that im covering with 3rd party fire & theft since i'm not able to go out alone either my partner or dad will be with me while i drive but just say say for whatever reason they had to take over would they be covered to drive my car even though neither would be a named driver on my policy? They both have fully comp insurance for their own cars does this cover them?
Would Obama charge the military for Health Care?
So I see all this Healthcare debate going on, But what does that mean for the Military? I know its gonna cause the operating budget to be cut of course. But would we have to start ...show more""
Affordable Health insurance in CA ?
I'm looking to buy health insurance in CA. my income is 10,000$ a year and because i only work part time. i applied for Medical few months ago through welfare office, but my case worker was really mean he was asking for a lot of documents in order to approve my application and every time i go to the welfare office they make me wait for 4 hours.so i decided to look for health insurance through Obama care website but i found that planes that cost 100$ and below doesn't cover even 30% of the medical expenses. any ideas about getting affordable health insurance in CA with good coverage ??? Thank you""
Does anyone know of any cheap car insurance for an 18 year old?
Does anyone know of any cheap car insurance for an 18 year old?
Affordable health insurance?
Whats a good site for getting lots of quotes at once? thanks
1993 camaro car insurance?
I'm looking to buy a 1993 used camaro with a v8 engine and 145k miles on it off craigslist. I just need to know how much the car insurance will cost me. I'm 16 turning 17 in a month. I get A's and B's in school (someone once told me grades help lower car insurance) and havnt gotten into any accidents yet. i know you guys can't give me and accurate price but i just want a general price range from any company. i'm trying to find a really cheap car insurance. so can someone please tell me a general price range i might end up paying for the car?
Where can I get the most affordable/cheapest sr-22 insurance at?
I got a dui last year, live in CA, I'm 21, and about to be elgigible to get my license back in 2 weeks. Where can I get the most affordable sr-22 insurance? Also, I know I need sr-22, pay a fee, and proof of AA classes completion. Is there anything else I need to show the DMV when I go get my license back?""
How much will insurance be for a MarkIV Supra TT?
I'm 19, I've never had any bad driving history that's recorded, I've been insured for two years. I'm single and have a job that can certainly afford the car. After looking around I've seen lot's of factors that affect the price but I'm just looking for a number for an answer. of course I'm not expecting it to be entirely accurate but I'm looking for anything close.""
Does a retired teamster get life insurance?
My dad died, my step mom says he has no life insurance. he has been a teamster for over 25 years.""
Cheap sports car, and to insure and run ?
does anyone know a sports car in the uk thats cheap, maximum 1000 pounds, cheap to insure and fuel consumption is good ? thanks
What health insurance am I eligible for?
I am currently 17 years old. I will be turning 18 in early November and my family does not have health insurance. I was wondering if I qualify for anything that will be able to get me low-cost braces or anything orthopedic. My family makes not that much money anf I am currwntly going to be a full-time college student. What insurance or health care would I qualify for? I have been needing braces for a while now and I am really self conscious about my teeth I hate to smile. Thank you on your help.
I have geico auto insurance .I moved to another state and got cheaper insurance.Do i need to provide geico wi?
new insurance company name and info or are they just supposed to cancel my policy .
What does insurance car mean?
I'm trying to purchase a car on craigslist and the add said it had to go through state patrol. I asked the seller what he meant, and he said insurance car . I still don't know what that means!""
Best auto-insurance for teen driver texas?
I'm 16 and i'm almost to getting my full license. I being looking around for insurance and my best choice is to have a add on to my parent's insurance and that's $200 each month. Is there any place where i can get lower price than that? Never have an accident or trouble with the law, B+ student, took Defensive Driving.""
How can i get affordable health insurance for my husband.?
How can i get affordable health insurance for my husband.?
Low- cost insurance for my 2 year old???
Is it possible to get insurance for my 2 year old at a low rate WITHOUT insuring myself or my husband? We tried getting on our state's medicaid program (which was originally started for people who couldn't get health insurance through their jobs but left that behind long ago!) but of course my husband and I make too much money. Every insurance quote we've been given has been astronomical and we'd have to insure one or both of ourselves to get insurance on the baby. What can I do??? We've also both asked our employers to look into health insurance for their employees and it's still just too expensive!
""What is the cheapest, good auto insurance for one person?""
I recently moved out of my parent's home due to some serious conflicts and am living with a close friend. I currently work and am about to buy my own car using some of my savings. I'll have to get auto insurance for myself and was wondering if anyone can recommend an insurance company with a good reputation that is also very affordable, particularly for a single person, single car type of plan. Thank you!""
""I want to save loads of money on my car insurance!, but how?""
So i just started to drive and i have not that much money to spare for my car insurance.My question is that i have used many comparing sites,but i know that i can possibly get the car insurance quote i am getting much cheaper! What ideas do you have other than comparing site's that can save me money on insuring my car?""
Can i stay on my sister car insurance?
right now i am 18 and living with my sister and i am on her car insurance, but in about 4-5 months i am moving out. Can i stay on her insurance even though i wont be living with her?""
What aspects of insuring a car make it cheaper?
I'm new to insuring a car, i haven't bought a car and i'm open to ideas. I know i'm looking for a small engine around 1.0 litre but what else helps to keep the insurance as low as possible? And i've heard Ford KA's are one of the cheapest cars to insure? Any help and advice you give me about what to look for and insurance would be very appreciated Thanks, Drew :)""
Why are the big insurance companies so much cheaper?
I am getting off my parents auto insurance and getting my own. The Quote from the agent my parents use who is local to the area was nearly two hundred dollars more per year than the quote i got from progressive. Is there a reason to use a local company? he tried to sell me on customer service but i only deal with my insurance company maybe once or twice a year so i'm not sure that its worth $200 to me. Is there a reason to use a local company?
Insurance Costs on a 3000GT SL?
I'm 18 and am getting my own car for college. I've been driving my dad's VW Jetta III without a license (he drives with me) for about two years now, as he is a frequent commuter and my high school is close to his work. We never bothered to get a license because we'd have to insure me (and I was going to drive with him anyway as a 'learner'). My eye is on my neighbor's 1994 3000GT SL. It's a non-turbo, and in good mechanical condition. But since I technically just started driving with a license (even though I've commuted for two years now), I'm afraid I might get charged by the insurance company like a 16 year old. It's because of this I didn't get the twin-turbo VR-4, as I heard insurance costs more than the car after a couple years. How much can an 18 year old college going kid like me expect to pay with the SL model?""
How much car insurance coverage do I really need?
I am paying a mortgage on a house, and am about to get married...I don't own much else.""
I want to by a nissan s-cargo does anyone know anything about them or what the insurance cost is?
http://www.carfolio.com/specifications/models/car/?car=131516&Nissan-quote Nissan s-cargo this is the site for my car and I love it just curious what the insurance will before I make a offer and would like to hear opinions and stories about them.
Am I paying too much on car insurance?
Hi I am a learner driver and am paying 99 a month for my car insurance. I own a club corsa 1litre 51 reg. I am on fully comp insurance with elephant which is the cheapest i found. I have also insured my mum and bf who have both been driving for at least 5yrs but I am the main driver. Everyone seems to be paying less for their insurance even if they are boys with larger litre cars and all other details match. Am I getting overcharged? Surely it will go up when I past my test. Help please
Insurance for a 16 year old?
How much would insurance be for a 1990 corvette? I'm 16 years old, btw.""
Do you have health insurance?
what kind of deducatable do you have?? how much per month? how old are you?
Which auto insurance companies use Equifax?
My credit score is highest on Equifax. Does anyone know which auto insurance companies use Equifax to provide quotes?
Pulled over for no insurance but do have insurance?
today i got pulled over and couldn't find my insurance. i finally did find my insurance but the cop didn't want to write a new ticket. he said that i could take a copy of the insurance to the clerk at the police station and they would void the ticket. is this all correct?? also does this no anything to my insurance or points on my license. i live in missouri.
Canada car insurance -- am I getting screwed?
Our 1990 GMC truck (average condition -- nothing special!) was vandalized about two months ago. The punks damaged the doors so badly trying to get in that our insurance co. was going to write it off. Aside from the doors, the truck is perfectly fine (runs great), so Hubby spoke to the adjuster who promised us a cash settlement , and said he wouldn't write the vehicle off. We got a chq in the mail, and used some of it to put new doors on the truck (it's not pretty, but we don't really care). NOW we got a letter from AB Transport saying that the truck is salvage, and no longer legal to drive. Insurance wrote it off! The cash is gone (spent very wisely -- don't judge!), and now we are being forced to buy a new truck. Insurance told Hubby that we didn't have a choice , but I thinks that's bogus. Hubby signed papers for the cash settlement, but nothing for the write off. CAN THEY DO THAT? What are our rights?""
""No health insurance, what can I do?""
My ex is responsible to provide health insurance for our 9 year old daughter but due to switching jobs no longer has insurance and hasn't since November. If our daughter got sick what are my options for healthcare, could I have them send the bill to my ex? I live in California.""
Classic car insurance with Geico?
I have a 1967 Chevrolet Impala SS. It has 118k. It's all factory except for a cd player, two 6x9 speakers and window tint. I don't have any insurance on it at the moment and I want to get classic auto insurance. How exactly does that work and what would it cost me. Thanks.""
Would removing individual state's regulation of health care insurance reduce insurance cost?
Would removing state control and regulations on insurance companies bring down insurance cost? Right now there are 50 separate markets in the USA for health insurance. In each one, the cost of policies is based a profit mix of that particular market. Would removing state boundaries and allowing insurance companies to design policies at the national level rather than the state level make insurance more affordable? Shouldn't we try a reasonable approach such as this before leaping into a federal healthcare plan?""
How come im being quoted over 5000 for insurance?
im 20 years old and i am looking at buying my first car i have been looking at all sorts of cars from new to old staying well within the 1.0 -1.2ltr engines but i still cant get a quote lower than 5000... why is this, when i know 17 year olds that are getting quotes for 1.2 corsas @ 1500... am i doing something wrong? need to knows; im 20 i have a full UK licence i passed my test in febuary 2012 i have a full time job, not married any help would be great""
About how much will my car insurance be?
I'm turning 16 in a little bit and my parents are making me pay for my own insurance, how much would it be for me with a 2.6 gpa, i'm male, and i'll probably get a pretty safe car""
Cheap sports car, and to insure and run ?
does anyone know a sports car in the uk thats cheap, maximum 1000 pounds, cheap to insure and fuel consumption is good ? thanks
Does insurance cost more on old cars?
I'm thinking of buying a 1984 Volkswagon Vanagon. The car is said to be in good condition, but I'm wondering if it costs more to insure an older car because of the repairs and things it might need. If it does cost more, how much? Thanks.""
AAA auto Insurance policy ?
I'm currently having auto insurance with AAA and my bro is going to get his car soon. If I can get both of our cars insured under 1 plan, would that be cheaper ? thanks""
Short term car insurance for foreign visitors?
Me and a few guys (UK citizens) are planning on coming to the US and driving East to West over a few months. We are thinking of buying a car and then selling it before we leave. Is it possible to get short term car insurance for this amount of time? Keeping in mind that we are not from US also? thanks
How much does car insurance usually cost for female 20 year old in toronto area?
im a university student and really in need of a car the used car im thinking of buying is about $4000 rollars honda 1997 how much would insurance cost? i have my g2 and i got my in-class driving school certificate which guarantee upto 40% insurance discount thanks!
Getting car insurance please help ?
I live in MN And in a small town. And I dont want to ask for car insurance yet. Im just asking and estimate for me One male 18 2 tickets 99 s10 blazer 4 doors 4 wheel drive And if full coverage Would 750 for year be right ? Would that be enough
Can you pay car insurance monthly without extra charges?
Most car insurers charge a direct debit fee up to 30% APR if you pay monthly - are there any free ones (or at least cheaper ones)?
How much will car insurance cost?
Hello, I am looking to buy a car in UK. There are many options for an affordable price, but what I am most concerned about is how much will insurance cost for me? I am 19 and own a license for one year. How insurance is calculated? Thank you""
What is the cheapest insurance if you have a DWI?
Transfering from Missouri where I have American Family. I am moving to Louisiana and American Family doesn't write there. I've only looked at progressive and they were pretty expensive, mass mutual wouldnt take an SR-22. Any suggestions?""
What health insurance can I get?
When I turned 19, I no longer qualified for my healthy families program. So I currently don't have any kind of health insurance. I have some very suspicious moles that I wanted to get checked but was shock at the cost. I believe my family is considered low income. What kinds of health insurance plans are out there that are affordable and will cover my dermatologist visits?""
Anyone who knows about car Insurance please help?
Ok, long story short. I live in Canada, Ontario, the worst ******* place in the world to be when it comes to car insurance. I am classified as a high risk driver because of some petty thing I did, (got caught driving with my G1 license alone, when you need a passenger with at least 4 years experience) I want to know what my insurance would be now on a 1991 bmw e30 318is. I am 16 years old, my question is can I call a bunch of insurance companies and ask for quotes? I mean do I have to be at least 18 years of age to do this? Please inform me. I am pretty sure as long as I have my license beside me I can call insurance companies for quotes right? Also what do they ask? Just car Make, model, year, color, sedan or coupe, etc? What else? Sorry for sounding like a complete idiot, I am only 16 I do not know these things. Thank you very much""
""I received a minor traffic infraction (65 in a 60 MPH zone) in WA, will my insurance go up?""
Minor traffic infraction, my first ticket. I'm 20. Also, what's a defferal and how much does it cost?""
How much will insurance be for a 19yr old with a 93 toyota tercel in NYC?
Im 19yrs old and i have my own job, im very responisble and independent. Im saving up for a 93 toyota tercel or honda civic, which will be in the 2000-3000 dollar range. The only problem is finding insurance that I can pay on my own. Unfortunately my mother will not put me on her insurance,so im looking for inexpensive auto insurers in which I can afford about 200-250 a month. Im not looking for full coverage,just whats whatever's needed in the state of new york. Im a very responsible young man and not at all into being reckless or showing off to people. I just want a chance to have my first safe and reliable car. Thank you""
Whats a good way to lower car insurance if your about to turn 16 and live in Las Vegas?
Hi! I'm about to get my license come July and I just found out I'm gonna have to pay for it by myself. Is there anything I can do to lower my insurance and what would be the best insurance brand to buy that good, not so pricey, etc. Thank you!""
Advise please im looking for a cheapest and reliable car insurance i?
For my honda civic 2012 LX, thank you!""
What is the best insurance and the cheapest one you think?
What is the best insurance and the cheapest one you think?
Car insurance online?
can i sign up for car insurance online and drive the same day
About US Motor Insurance?
Where I can learn the basics of US motor Insurance (need not be state specific)
Insurance on a 2000 pontiac grand prix gtp.?
anyone have one of these?? how is the insurance on it,? how much might you think an 18yr old might pay on this car? Ive never had speeding tickets, accidents, nothing. (knock on wood) thanks!""
Car insurance prices?
Approximatley how much is car insurance on a small engine car (1.1) for a 26year old female I know it will depend on area and no claims and named drivers, mileage etc, but just looking for a rough figure as I haven't got a clue""
Affordable standard transmission car for teen?
Any suggestions for a cheap manual car for a 17 year old male? I don't mind if it's a 2 or 4-door. Anything that is known for low insurance so my parents could afford it.
Car Insurance?
I have a quick question, my husband wants to buy a car [in which we have the money] however when we go to the insurance office do we need to pay a downpayment in order to get the car insured?""
Health Insurance (Prescription insurance denied) Why?
Bad title for this question I know. I have never really had to go to the doctor for anything, ANYTHING. Recently I went to go see one because my energy level has been horrible, and I am always fatigued. After seeing the doctor, and getting lab work done, I had spent almost a $1000 dollars. But still, I'm okay with that, if its like one visit every six months or so, so what. Anyways, they found my Testosterone levels to be really really low. So they put me on a medication called androgel. Let me tell you, I can only get 15 days worth of this medication at a time, but every time I go to Walgreens to get a refill, I spend hundreds. Tonight when I picked it up it cost me $268.41. I called everywhere to see about health insurance, even though I only need help with prescriptions. I dont know what to do. I dont need all out full fledge health insurance. But apparently if I tried to get it anyway, I would be denied due to a pre-existing condition ((WTF))!! Apparently the only people who can qualify for health insurance are those who dont need it to begin with. And those who need it are denied because of a pre-existing condition. They are no programs that help with prescriptions that I know of, that dont require tons and tons of paperwork, audits, background investigations, and appointment after appointment. I am really upset and am lost with regard to getting the medication my doctor says I need, reduced in price. I cant afford almost $600 a month. But if even if I try to get health care, i will be denied. Could someone please help me out : ) Thanks for checking out my question I dont have health insurance because I never needed it. Plus I have always been responsible with my money""
Cheap car insurance for occasional driver ?
Hi everyone! I was wondering if anyone knows if an occasional driver's insurance exists? I dont have my own car. My parents do and sometimes I use it for school- once or twice every 2 weeks. Recently, my dad hasnt been allowing me to use it (at all) because I dont have my own insurance and it is too expensive for them to include me in theirs since I dont use the car too often. Do you know any car insurance that is affordable- which company, etc, for someone like me who only borrows a car occasionally? Thanks! x""
How much would my insurance rate differ?
I am 16. I currently drive a 1996 Subaru Impreza. How big would the change be if I switched to being insured on a 2000 VW Passat? Is that even how insurance works? Or am I insured on all vehicles in the household.
Who has the Cheapest NJ Car Insurance? Home owners insurance? Life Etc?
Who has the Cheapest NJ Car Insurance? Home owners insurance? Life Etc?
Cheap sports car, and to insure and run ?
does anyone know a sports car in the uk thats cheap, maximum 1000 pounds, cheap to insure and fuel consumption is good ? thanks
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