#i have like. hm how do i word this. i have “gotten into” sonic x shadow in recent years cuz it’s fun and i like missed out on it as a kid
twigwing · 1 year
i’m not complaining or being a hater anything i think everyone can and should have fun i’m purely speaking about myself. it’s so funny being in sonic fandom still because sooooo many fans are fairly heavy on shipping content output i feel? and i just don’t really ship any sonic characters outside of a vague “yeah i don’t mind that. reblog”. i think some shippy fanart is cute and don’t mind seeing ships at all but i just don’t really do it in a “real” way. which is i think super funny because as a kid i was huge on like all the popular m/f ships like sonic x amy and silver x blaze (no m/m or any of the even rarer f/f ships tho because i hadn’t come out to myself yet so i found them “weird”, rip…) but now those ships are like. just not in my mind at all (for multiple reasons). just interesting how some things stay the same and others change if you’re into something for one billion years
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dreamwritesimagines · 4 years
Twisted 14 - Sinking Deeper [Spencer Reid x Reader]
A.N.: Thank you so much for your wonderful support my loves! Here’s the next chapter, I hope you will like it as well, and please let me know what you think of it! ❤❤ Ily, kisses! ❤❤❤ 
Ps: Special thanks to Bea for helping me!
Series Masterlist
Warnings: Murder, serial killers, violence, manipulation, mentions of sex, drinking, smoking.
Word Count: 4180
Summary: Not every night is for sleeping.
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All things considered, you were sure that you were supposed to be more stressed out than you were right now. The FBI still had nothing on the copycat killer that had sent you flowers, or any of the others that were running wild all over the country. BAU was working nonstop because there was more and more pressure coming from the supervisors and higher ups, and Spencer had told you something about the profile evolving but hadn’t gotten into details.
Not that you would ever ask him to, what you heard was more than enough.
Despite all that, whenever you were with him, you managed to feel almost…peaceful. It was so unfamiliar to you that it had taken you a moment to acknowledge what it was.
Happiness. Pure happiness, enough to get rid of the mind-numbing panic and worries about the future.
Or, as your sister had so eloquently put it, you were so, so screwed.
You took a sip of your mimosa, texting Spencer under the table, barely aware of the conversation taking place but you had to look up when you heard your name being called.
“Would you want to, Y/N?” your mother asked and you frowned.
“Hm?” you asked, your eyes stopping on Lily playing with her dolls by the corner of the huge living room before you looked at Mina and Kenzie, “Sorry, what were we talking about?”
“There’s this opera—“
“Nope,” you shook your head fervently, “No way. It’s Mina’s turn.”
Mina let out a whine, “I hate you so much right now.”
“She has a point,” your mother pointed at Mina, “Your sister was the one who came to the charity ball, you can come to this one.”
Mina heaved a sigh while Kenzie reached out to hold her hand.
“Babe come on, it could be fun.”
“Exactly!” your mother said, “Thank you, Kenzie. Besides, Nolan is coming as well, so we will be two couples there. Y/N, of course if you want you can bring Spencer—“
“I’m not exaggerating when I say I’d rather spend an hour in my serial killer father’s cell with Spencer.”
Your mother rolled her eyes and Mina tilted her head.
“Nolan Yates is coming too?” she asked, pinching the bridge of her nose, “I’m spending a whole night with the boss of my boss?”
“You two should get to know each other!” Your mother said, “Besides, there’s no harm in telling your bosses that you should become a partner already—“
“Mom,” Mina cut her off, “We talked about this. I will earn that position by myself, not because of anyone’s influence. Including yours.”
Your mother sipped her drink, “It’s as if you like struggling, Mina.”
Kenzie looked between them and smiled brightly, trying to diffuse the situation. “I’m actually pretty curious about him,” she said, “Since you’re a couple now, I just need to see what kind of a person he is.”
“There’s nothing to see, babe.” Mina murmured, “The guy looks like he spends millions alone on his beard care and wears bowties to bed.”
“Yeah but bowties are cool,” you grinned and a silence fell upon the table.
“I will get back to you sleeping with my boss’ boss in a minute mom but—“ Mina cleared her throat and turned to you, “I’m sorry, was that a Doctor Who reference?”
“Yeah,” you nodded, “I started watching it because Spencer likes it so much. It’s actually pretty fun, he said we could go to Sonic-Con next year if I want.”
“Comic-Con.” Kenzie corrected you helpfully and Mina blinked a couple of times.
“Jesus Christ.”
“I don’t get it,” Kenzie said, “I told you to watch it with me and you said, and I quote It has like one billion episodes Kenz, I don’t have time for that.”
Mina stole a look at Lily to make sure she couldn’t hear you before she turned to Kenzie, “Yeah, the difference is that you weren’t dicking her down.”
“Nobody is dicking me down!” you whispered, and your mother gasped, putting her mimosa glass down.
“Girls, not at the breakfast table!” she insisted, “Not that this kind of language is acceptable anywhere…”
“Yeah Mina, leave her alone,” Kenzie said, “I think it’s sweet.”
“What’s next? You will want to get a doctorate as well because he likes them so much?”
“That wouldn’t be so bad,” your mother mused out loud, “Y/N, I know the lovely dean of—“
“No!” you pointed at them, “No to both of you. And thank you Kenzie.”
Before your mother could say anything, Lily ran to you to climb into your lap.
“Hi there bug.”
“Can we play after brunch?” she looked up at you, making you smile at her before you pinched her chubby cheek, making her giggle.
“Of course,” you said, “Dibs on green unicorn.”
“I like pink better,” she nicked a piece of cheese from your plate, “Are you talking about your prince?”
Mina smiled into her glass, “Something like that sweetheart.”
“Lily, why don’t you ask auntie what you asked me the other day?” Kenzie told her and Lily nodded fervently.
“Can I wear pink on your wedding?”
“Whoa-“ you cleared your throat, “Lily, baby, there’s no wedding.”
Kenzie and your mother grinned at each other and turned to you and Lily but she looked as if she was confused.
“But if he’s your prince…” she trailed off and Kenzie cleared her throat.
“I would like to come up with a tamer version of that question,” she said, “When do we get to meet him?”
“Mom and Mina already have,” you said but your mother shook her head.
“That doesn’t count.”
“Because you treated him like you were going to hire him?”
“Oh you did the same to him as well?” Kenzie asked your mother, “I thought Mina would have a heart attack when you did that to me.”
“I honestly thought you would break up with me after that.”
You fixed the huge bow on top of Lily’s hair while she sat still in your lap, listening to the conversation.
“How about dinner?” your mother said, “It’d help us to get to know him better.”
“Nope,” you shook your head, “It’s too early.”
“Oh come on Y/N!”
“I will introduce him to you guys when I’m sure you can behave.”
“He has spent hours with dad, you do realize that?” Mina asked with a small laugh, “You think he behaves? The guy is a—“
“Mina.” Kenzie nodded at Lily and Mina stopped herself immediately but Lily had already heard it.
“I thought your dad was a bad man, mommy.”
“He is, baby,” she nodded, “That’s why he’s far away, remember?”
“Then why is auntie Y/N’s prince talking to him?”
“Because he catches bad people, bug.”
Lily gasped and looked up at you, her eyes shining with excitement, “Like a superhero?!”
“Mm hm, like a superhero,” you grinned at her and she fidgeted in your lap.
“When will I meet him?”
“Yeah Y/N, when will we meet him?” Kenzie batted her lashes and you pointed at her.
“That’s evil, you know that right?” you asked, ignoring Mina’s laughter, “Low blow.”
Towards the evening, right before it was time to meet Spencer he had texted you, saying that they would be doing overtime at work. You were bummed, but you still texted back to tell him it was alright, that you would be going home and he could drop by whenever he was done.
After having dinner, you went to the couch with a bottle of wine and turned your laptop on to take a look at the files your assistant had sent you. Campbell wedding was almost done, Vincent had sent you a couple of new ideas to add into the theme, and you had to email back two pastry shops to confirm the wedding cake orders.
You were so lost in work that you had barely realized downing the half of the bottle and it was only when your phone started buzzing on the coffee table that you looked away from the screen of the laptop.
“Hi Lincoln,” you answered the phone, still typing your replies to your assistant and he took a deep breath.
“Hey,” he said, “Are you watching it?”
“Watching what?”
“TV. They’re talking about the copycat killers.”
“What?” you grabbed the remote to turn on the TV and of course, the first TV channel you found was already covering the story.
“The FBI has confirmed that the body that was found dead earlier today belonged to one of the copycat killers that has been—“
“What the fuck?” you murmured, keeping your eyes on the screen and he cleared his throat.
“Yeah,” he said, “I know it’s creepy but I mean…I don’t know, isn’t that a good thing?”
“Someone killed one of the copycat killers?” you asked, “That makes no sense at all.”
“Do you think it’s the same one?” he asked, “From the charity ball?”
“I don’t know,” you muttered, “Jesus Christ.”
“Are you okay?” he asked, “I didn’t know if I should call, but…”
“No no, I’m glad you did.” You muted the TV, then filled your glass again, “What’re you doing?”
“Just leaving work,” he said and you raised your brows.
“Linc, it’s eleven p.m.”
“I had to attend a meeting overseas.”
“I prefer the term hard working,” he chuckled, “How about you? You weren’t sleeping, right?”
“Nah, I was waiting for my boyfriend,” you said, making him pause for a moment, “And checking client files. And drinking.”
“You’re lucky you can deal with your job while drinking, these sharks would pounce on me if they ever saw me like that.”
You took a look at the TV and typed in the copycat killer’s name into the search bar, sipping your wine.
“You’re being safe, right?” he asked you, “I haven’t heard from you for like a week or so, you’re alright?”
You pressed your lips together, trying to decide whether to tell him about the flowers or not, but in the end you decided not to.
“Family drama,” you said, “I’ve been running everywhere, and what with work and everything…Sorry about that.”
“Don’t be silly,” he chuckled, “Just wanted to make sure you were alright, that’s all.”
“I’m alright—“ you started but then looked over your shoulder when you heard the doorbell ring, “Gotta go. I’ll call you tomorrow?”
“Sure thing, see you,” he said and hung up, so you jumped over the couch to rush to the door before you opened it to see Spencer standing there.
“Hey,” you smiled at him, standing on your tiptoes to kiss him, “Long day?”
He nodded silently and wrapped his arms around you, pressing you closer to inhale your scent.
“Hi,” he muttered into your hair, “Yeah. Long day.”
“I have wine?” you said as you pulled back, and closed the door after he stepped in, “I also have a bathtub even you could lose yourself in.”
“It’s fine, don’t worry,” he said and hesitated for a moment, “On second thought, do you have coffee?”
“Are you sure you want to drink coffee at eleven at night?”
“I still have some reports to go over,” he said, stepping into the living room while you put the coffee on and his eyes stopped on the huge screen that was still giving details about the copycat killer.
“You saw that huh?”
“Mm hm,” you watched him as he dropped his satchel and you went to sit down next to him on the couch. “I was checking the other news. That’s why you had to work overtime?”
He rubbed at his eyes and ran a hand through his fluffy hair as if it would help, “We thought the profile was changing but this whole thing just proves someone is trying to keep it stable.”
You pulled your brows together, “What?”
“The victimology didn’t match with the last two victims, and now one of the copycats ended up dead, probably the one who went rogue.”
“How did it not match?” you blinked a couple of times, “They all left a flower in the crime scene, no?”
“Well yeah, but the rest—“ he stopped for a moment, staring at you, “You never actually checked his victimology?”
“I never watched any of those interviews he gave after he was imprisoned, if that’s what you’re asking.”
“Yeah, and those interviews are the reason why we still don’t have a specific suspect because everyone knows everything about him, and most of your family life,” he heaved a sigh, “But you know what his victims had in common?”
“They all bled out while he watched,” you crossed your arms, leaning back to the arm of the couch, “I know that. He liked watching that.”
“Your father never killed anyone outside his social circle,” he reminded you, “They were all wealthy and overly successful people, remember? That’s why it took FBI so long to find him, because the previous profile was wrong. They thought it was someone who didn’t have access to the same resources, the same wealth and status, and it was for revenge.”
“Yeah but Spencer, he killed those people because he is evil.”
“He killed those people because in his mind, he was creating this…perfect business environment. Most of the people who got murdered were either failing business people or people who failed to meet his expectations. He was very successful, he expected the same from everyone. That’s his victimology. The flowers on the crime scene, they were just his signature. Well, his signature and his small offering to you.”
You thought for a moment, then went to the kitchen to pour him a cup of coffee before walking back to the couch.
“I still think this is a bad idea professor,” you muttered as you gave him the cup and he smiled at you, then took a sip while you lit up a cigarette.
“So then,” you crossed your legs, “His victims were the cream of society and that means something? Other than the fact that he was a psychopath?”
“That means a lot of things,” he said, “So far, most of the victims had a higher status in society, it means that the copycats actually wanted to continue his legacy from where he left off. Maybe not the people who disappointed them per se, but until these last two victims, they all had higher financial status, either family money or with their own successful companies but last month, someone first killed a bartender and then a social worker. The only thing that told us it was remotely connected was the flower in the crime scene.”
“That’s why the profile was changing,” you muttered to yourself, “Okay. Is that normal?”
“No, not at all,” he shook his head, “It’s very unfamiliar. It did prove our multiple copycat killers theory but other than that, it was going to make things incredibly harder until…” he nodded at the TV and you pulled your brows together.
“Hold on,” you sat up straighter, your mind working nonstop, “Multiple copycats who are trying to continue that monster’s legacy, and one happens to taint that legacy by going rogue…”
“And he gets killed,” he finished your sentence for you, “Exactly.”
“It was one of the copycats who killed him?”
“That’s my theory.”
“So they’re not actually working together then?” you asked, exhaling the smoke, “Or- or- wait, you said there could be one copycat that was controlling the others, maybe they did it?”
Spencer took a sip of his coffee, “It could also mean that the leader wouldn’t want to take chances like this again,” he said, “Someone tainted the legacy, he might begin to believe he cannot trust anyone with that again.”
You let out a breath, stubbing the cigarette, “What does that mean then? For…all of this?”
“It means that someone cares so much about your father’s legacy that they’re ready to kill anyone and everyone over it, even their partners,” he said, “It also means that their whole operation is starting to crack. It’s only a matter of time someone makes a mistake and ends up getting caught.”
You massaged your temples, “Well, at least one of us can see the light at the end of this psycho murder tunnel.”
“You can’t?”
You shrugged your shoulders, “It feels like it won’t stop,” you croaked out, “It’s like… It’s like I can’t wake up without dread filling me. It’s always there, at some corner of my mind. The more I think about it, the more I feel like—“ you stopped yourself and Spencer frowned, putting his coffee down.
“You don’t want to hear that, trust me.”
“Try me.”
“The more I feel like it will go on until the day I die.”
“It’s impossible for this case to take that long, Y/N—“
“I didn’t say it’d take long,” you took a sip of your wine and heaved a sigh before you looked up at him, the expression on his face almost hurting your heart physically, “Told you that you didn’t want to hear it.”
“Don’t say that.”
You forced a small laugh and got up from the couch, suddenly restless.
“You said it yourself,” you said, pacing in the living room, “His victimology. He went after the people who disappointed him, right? Can you guess who’s disappointing him right now by not turning into the monster that he is?”
“That’s not what I—“ he shook his head fervently and stood up from the couch as well, “No. No way. It’s his victimology, but none of the psychiatric evaluations or anything on his file, including the list of his victims suggest that he would go after his family. There was a reason why he never tried to hurt you or Mina or your mother even back then—“
“No I’m sure they’re safe,” you said, “But Mina didn’t get flowers, professor. I have.”
“If our theory of him being in contact with the copycat is right, it means that your father is involved as well—hey,” he stopped you from pacing, reaching out to hold your hands in his, “Listen to me. Whoever it is, they will never, ever touch you. I’ll make sure of that.”
A painful smile pulled at your lips, “Spencer, that’s not your responsibility.”
“It is.”
“FBI can’t—“
“I’m not talking about the FBI, I’m talking about me.”
You took a shaky breath and wrapped your arms around his middle, burying your face into his chest as you swayed slightly.
“Is it okay if we stay like this for a moment?” you muttered, shifting your weight from one foot to another “I don’t— I can’t sit still, I don’t know why.”
“Do you want to hear the reason why?” he ran his fingertips over your spine up and down, as if trying to soothe you and you nodded.
“Yes please.”
“You feel threatened, so your brain is trying to understand where the danger is coming from. It’s telling you to either stand or run away, so it’s pumping adrenaline into your system. We call that nervous energy.”
“That could be my stripper name,” you mumbled, making a chuckle vibrate deeply in his chest, “Tell me more.”
“The nervous energy happens when you’re under stress,” he said, “Our primitive brain is used to physical threats and it created this system in order to protect us. The threat you’re afraid of is not here, not physical, but your brain is still sending that energy to your limbs so that you can attack that physical threat, or run away to somewhere safe. It’s all a part of your defense mechanism.”
You hmmed into his chest, still holding him tight as if someone would take him away from you before you sniffled and pulled back to look up at him.
“You know, I think I got something you can’t explain with science.”
He raised his brows, “Debatable.”
“Do you want to bet? If I win, you’ll tell me what you planned for the next date.”
“What if I win?”
You wiped at your nose, “Tell me your price, professor.”
“There’s this conference on smoking and its effects on health next week, if I win you will attend that with me.”
“That’s a very indirect way to say that you hate my smoking.”
“I mean, it’s better if you see the effects in that conference, I think it’ll be good for you. It has five sessions, so it’s around….7 hours, including breaks.”
You blinked a couple of times, then nodded. “7 hours? That’s— okay. Yeah, I’m sure— I’m sure it’ll be fun.”  
A smile pulled at his lips, “Okay,” he said, “What is it?”
“It’s just,” you nibbled on your lip, trying to find the right words, “I was thinking and I realized something. I— I think it’s instinctual somehow, you can’t really explain it with science but when you’re here…” you paused, “With me, I mean, this whole panic dissolves. I feel safe, and it’s so unfamiliar that I don’t—“ you let out a small laugh, “I don’t know how to deal with that. I normally don’t feel safe, ever.”
A small smile pulled at his lips and he tilted his head, his warm gaze focused on you. You scrunched up your nose.
“Don’t tell me science can explain that.”
“God damn it!” you exclaimed, making him laugh, “Oxytocin?”
“Yeah, oxytocin. It’s a hormone that ensures that you trust people along with everything else. Basically, your brain— when you’re attracted to someone, your brain releases dopamine, so your serotonin levels rise and it produces oxytocin. It’s a big part of romantic attachment, it’s released during sex as well.”
You arched a brow, a small smirk flashing over your face and he pressed his lips together, a look of mischief appearing on his face.
“It strengthens fidelity as well,” he explained, “Seeing your partner as more attractive than others, and preferring to interact more with your partner than strangers.”
You clicked your tongue, “7 hours of conference, here we come.”
“It’ll be fun, I heard they’re bringing a real lung.”
“Can’t wait,” you muttered and entwined your fingers with his, “Well for what it’s worth professor, I have a lot of oxytocin for you.”
He cleared his throat, “Scientifically, one of the most important aspects of it is reproduction, in females it triggers labor and in males it moves sperm so having a lot of oxytocin can be—“
“Spencer, I’m trying to talk dirty in a scientific way!” you groaned, a fire spreading over your face because of embarrassment and you took a step to walk away from him but he grabbed your hand to turn you around and tug you closer to him, making you let out a whine.
“I feel like an idiot,” you murmured and he shook his head fervently,
“No, of course not,” he said, pushing your hair behind your ear, “Hey. I don’t know anything about weddings. So we complete each other if you ask me.”
You scoffed a laugh and looked up at him, your brows furrowed together, “You really think that?”
He nodded and you heaved a sigh.
“And…for your information,” he swallowed thickly, “I have a lot of oxytocin for you too.”
A giggle you couldn’t stop escaped from you as he leaned in to capture your lips in a kiss, making your stomach do a pleasant flip. You wrapped your arms around his neck, your lungs full of his scent, making you dizzy.
“They’ll take away your doctorates for that joke, professor,” you breathed out as he pulled back, resting his forehead on yours while you raked your nails over the back of his neck gently.
“Worth it,” he murmured to your lips, leaning in to kiss you again, this time pressing you closer to his body and your heart started beating in your throat, a whine climbing up to your throat, desire filling your system faster than any other drug.
“Would you like to stay the night?” you whispered, and his eyes shot up to yours, both of you aware what you were really asking. He looked almost hypnotized by the sight of you in his arms and he blinked a couple of times, as if trying to focus before he nodded.
“Are you sure?” he asked, his voice hoarse and you took a shaky breath.
“Yeah,” you managed to say, your whole being consumed by this moment. “Yeah, I’ve never been more sure of anything.”
You could swear he could hear your heartbeat echoing through the room,
“No scientific explanation this time, professor?” you whispered against his lips and his fingers caressed the sensitive skin of your neck, sending a pleasant shiver from there to your whole body.
“No,” he murmured, leaning in to brush his lips against yours, “Not this time. Not for the lady who imparadises my mind.”
The lady who imparadises my mind.
That was how Dante described Beatrice in Paradise.
You stood on your tiptoes to pull him into a kiss, then tugged at his hand to lead him into your bedroom.
Chapter 15
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passing ships
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Evan Buckley x Eddie Diaz
Warnings: nothing, just being being idiots really 
Category: Angst 
Word Count: 2.6k
Author’s Note: Takes place right after Buck’s return after the lawsuit 
AO3 Link 
No bickering, no fighting and no stupid jokes. 
Pure deafening silence. 
The two were no longer speaking, although they had the clear to- he couldn't bring himself to forgive him, not yet and truthfully he didn’t know if he would ever be able to forgive him. 
After what he put the team through, what he caused them and what he did to them- to their relationship. 
Buck and Eddie sat on opposite ends of the station, the blond on the couch and the brunette in the kitchen. Both glancing at the other when the other isn’t looking, hoping they’d think of something to say to each other. 
Everyone can feel the tension, it hits whoever enters their vicinity like a brick wall. 
Eddie blew up at Buck the day in the grocery store and since then, neither of them had spoken to the other unless they were in the field. They worked seamlessly there. Wordless communication, in-sync as always yet the moment they step off the truck, all of that goes out the window and they go separate ways. 
Buck came close to talking to him one day while unpacking the halloween decoration. Eddie had walked past him, the urge to call for him and tell him that he was sorry but he didn’t. 
A part of him knew that Eddie would forgive him but another part of him felt that Eddie would still hold it against him somehow.
Buck didn’t know Eddie as well as he thought he did. 
Eddie’s pace was much slower than normal as he passed by, his heart pounding in his chest just waiting for Buck to call out to him and to fix what had broken but he didn’t. 
“Dad?” the boy called from the kitchen table, his father’s back to him.
Eddie was washing dishes, the sponge in his hand and the tap running but his eyes were fixated on something outside the window. Christopher gets up and walks over to his father, turning off the tap then Eddie looks down. “Oh sorry bud, did you ask me something?” he puts the sponge down and turns to his son. 
The look on Christopher’s face was enough for Eddie to internally groan, not because of Chris but because of what he was about to ask. 
“Where’s Buck?” 
And there it was. 
“Buck’s been busy bud” Eddie tells his son. This wasn't a complete lie, from the overheard conversations in the station, it seemed like Buck had been busy. 
“When is he coming over? We were supposed to have movie night” Chris sounded sad. Eddie knows how much Chris loves and looks up to Buck and for him not to be around was killing him.. because of Christopher of course. 
“I’ll ask him tomorrow,” Eddie leans and kisses the top of the boy’s head. 
“Bed now, I’ll come tuck you in, in a minute” Eddie smiles until he can no longer see Chris then a heavy sigh is let out. Chris isn’t the only one that misses Buck. 
He did too. 
Regardless of what had happened, Buck had been his best friend for the last year and a half. The person he confided in, the one who had his back and most importantly, the guy who was basically raising Christopher with him. It had been so hard not being able to talk to him those few weeks that the lawsuit was happening and now that they can talk, he doesn’t know what to say. 
Where do you begin after that ? 
What you did was fucked up and I hate you but I don’t because I actually love you and I need you in my life. 
Yeah, there was no way he was going to say that to Buck. The thought of Buck was pushed back when Chris shouted that he was waiting. He shook the worry from his face, mustering up a smile as he stepped into Chris’s room. 
“Alright kiddo, bedtime” Eddie pulls the blanket over his son, sitting on the bed beside him now. Chris looks up at his dad, “are you okay?”
“Hm?” Eddie’s brows furrow, unsure as to what brought up the question.
“Are you okay?” he asks his father again. 
“Yeah, why wouldn't I be?” he chuckles, his hand patting Christopher’s leg. 
“Okay” Chris smiles at his father, deep down he knew something was wrong and Eddie knew that his son knew that he wasn't okay but there wasn't time for that now. Eddie held himself together, he only had him and he had to be strong.
Eddie kisses Chris’s cheek, tucking the sides of the blanket in and turning on his night light. “Goodnight bud” he smiles from the doorway, about to shut the door. Chris calls out for his father once more and Eddie sticks his head back into the room, looking at Chris. 
“I love you” he says from bed. 
Eddie smiles, “I love you too.” the door shuts and his smile falls from his face. 
How much longer would he have to keep up this facade? 
When and how would they fix things? 
Because no part of Eddie wants to explain to Christopher why Buck isn't around anymore and honestly, Eddie doesn't want to lose him but he lacked the words to tell him exactly how he felt.
His room feels cold and empty, it usually is but this time feels like the house is running out of happiness and warmth and there’s nothing he could do to fix it. 
As he lays on his bed, his phone lights up. A notification from Chim, asking if he could help him move some furniture around. He answers and then he stares at the phone in his hand. 
“l’ll ask him tomorrow” his words rang in his head. He hits Buck’s contact- what to say and how to say it. 
To Buck: Are you free Saturday ? Chris wants to see you. 
Less than a minute goes by before his phone chimes. 
From Buck: I am. What time is okay for me to come over?
From Buck: Should I bring anything ? 
To Buck: I’ll drop him off at your place. I have something to do. 
From Buck: Okay. Is 6 okay ? 
To Buck: Fine. 
It was utter bullshit and they both knew that. Eddie had absolute nothing to do, in fact he was probably gonna go back home and hang out. It’ll be weird for him to be there when they aren’t speaking, hence why he's taking Chris to Buck and not letting him come to them because if they were at home, there would be nowhere for Eddie to avoid him. 
“Buck!” The little boy’s face lights up when he opens the door. 
“Chris!” Buck smiles with the same happy energy. The two of them hugging for a moment before Chris turns to say bye to Eddie. 
“Be good mijo, I'll be back later” Eddie kisses the top of his head before he walks off into the apartment. 
Buck looked at Eddie, his brows furrowed and he was chewing on his lip without even noticing. “You- You’re not coming in?” Buck asks quietly, his words barely coming out. 
Eddie shakes his head, “got stuff to do, text me when he’s ready to come home.” he hands Chris’s backpack over to him and turns the other way and down the hall. Buck steps out of the apartment, in the hallway in front of his door and he just watches Eddie leave. He wanted to run after him and tell him that he’s sorry but he doesn’t. 
The afternoon went by rather quickly, Buck and Chris catching up on what Chris had been doing at school, they began playing the new game Buck had gotten and they had pizza for dinner and ate on the couch while watching the sonic the hedgehog movie because Buck promised him that they would watch together.
Chris sat on the couch, his eyes glued to the tv screen until the end credits began rolling, then he yawns and sinks back into the pillows on Buck’s couch. 
“Tired?” Buck looks over at Chris who gives him a sleepy smile and nods. 
To Eddie: Chris is falling asleep, I think it’s time for him to get to bed
From Eddie: Ask him if he wants to spend the night. There are clothes in his bag
Buck was taken back by the message, not by Eddie suggesting that Chris spend the night because the 3 of them had sleepovers on a regular basis when he and Eddie were speaking but that Eddie was allowing him to stay. He assumed that because they weren't speaking that Eddie would want Chris to come home. 
“Bud, do you want to stay over? Dad said it’s cool” 
“Mhm, yeah” Chris’s eyes were shut, he was already halfway to dreamland by now. Buck smiled at the boy. 
To Eddie: He just fell asleep, you can pick him up around noon ? 
From Eddie: Okay
Saturday at 11:58am and Buck is dancing around his kitchen with a glass of orange juice in his hand. Chris had slept in and he made him breakfast. Buck was on his way to handing Chris the juice but he got caught up in the song that was playing. 
Christopher sat at the counter, laughing as Buck danced. Buck was slowly but surely making his way over when there was a knock at the door. He sat the juice beside the plate, pressed a kiss to Chris’s head and shouted that he was coming when the person knocked a second time. 
He pulled the door open, Eddie stood at the door with his arms folded. 
Buck gave him a small smile, “at ease soldier” he said jokingly, the joke had delivered and failed all in one, the smile on his face dropped too. 
“Is he ready?” Eddie looked at him, Buck stepped back so Eddie could see in. Chris was still sitting at the counter eating his breakfast, he smiled and waved when he noticed his dad at the door. 
“Do you want to come in?” Buck’s eyes silently pleading for him to accept the offer. 
“Sure” the one word was all he got from Eddie for the next 20 minutes. 
He spoke to Christopher and waited for his son to finish eating so they could leave. The tension in the apartment was heavy and uncomfortable, Eddie egging Chris to finish up every 5 minutes so they could get out of there. 
Buck had opened his mouth to speak multiple times, at this point there was nothing more that he wanted more than for Eddie to forgive him. 
The way his heart clenched in his chest whenever he saw Eddie or had to work with him wasn't normal. 
The way he smiled lovingly and stared adoringly at him wasn't normal either because friends don’t look at friends that way. 
Buck loved Eddie more than the average friend. He didn’t know if Eddie reciprocated those feelings but now he’d never know. 
“Bye Buck!” Chris’s arms wrapped around Buck snapping him out of his thoughts, his hand reaching down to rub his back softly. “Bye bud, thanks for hanging out with me” he smiles sweetly at the boy before looking at his father who was already waiting by the door with his bag. 
Buck walks Chris over to the door, they share one more hug before he steps out. Once again, Buck finds himself in the hallway wanting to go after them- after Eddie- but it’s like he’s frozen in time, he can’t bring himself to move towards them. Christopher smiles and waves before he steps on the elevator and Eddie, he just looks at him. Opening his mouth like he was going to say something but instead a sigh comes out, his gaze lowers and he joins Chris. 
It was a while before Buck heard from Eddie again. Usually, he would have texted to let him know that they got home and were okay but instead radio silence for the next 6 and a half hours. 
His phone chimes, rolling over and grabbing it off the table, there’s a notification from Eddie. 
To Buck: Thanks for last night, he had a good time 
From Buck: Thanks for bringing him over, I didn’t realize how much I missed him
To Buck: He missed you too
Buck was about to type a response when the little grey dots appeared, disappeared and reappeared. He waited, looking down at the phone in his hands watching as the dots appeared and disappeared. At some point, Buck put the phone down, he got tired of waiting. 
On the other side of the screen, Eddie sat on his couch with the phone in his hand. His last message to Buck telling him that Christopher missed him and he quickly typed out I missed you too but his finger hovered over the send button. Now reaching for the delete key, erasing the message. Eddie tried a few versions of that message. 
To Buck: I missed you so much you don’t even understand 
That one didn’t sound like him and made him seem desperate. 
To Buck: Chris wasn’t the only one that missed you 
What was he trying to do? Flirt with him? well.. maybe but this is not the time. 
To Buck: Come over, let’s talk 
Yeah if let’s talk is code for we’re probably gonna end up in bed. 
To Buck: I don't know what I want to say but I need you here, things aren't the same without you. 
This one felt right because it was the truth. Eddie had absolutely no idea what he wanted to say to Buck or if he would even say anything to him but he needed him. Things aren’t the same without Buck around, home didn’t feel like home without him. 
Finger hovering over the button but he deletes the message, the phone getting tossed to the other side of the couch before getting up to check on Chris. 
The men find themselves in this situation rather often. Eddie texts Buck asking when Chris can see him, Eddie drops off Chris or sometimes Buck picks him up and then when Chris comes home, Eddie texts Buck to say thanks.
Sometimes Buck is the one watching the little grey dots appear and disappear but sometimes Eddie is the one who finds himself in that spot. 
It was as if they were two parents sharing joint custody of their son and having that awkwardness of what to say when the kid isn't around and honestly, that was exactly their situation. They played nice and spoke the bare minimum when Chris was around or if Chris had a school event and asked for them both to be there, they would both be there with their best smiles on and they'd make small talk with the other parents but the moment they stepped back out of that building, all of that went out the window. 
Without Chris around, their conversations were nonexistent. 
Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months and they turned into passing ships in the night. 
taglist: @mrs-dr-reid​ @yelenabelous​ @ickletheficklepickle​ @dralexreid​ @imaginebuck (cause you wanted some buddie angst)
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pinejayy · 4 years
Trouble Baby ( Dr. Robotnik x Reader )
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@fan-villain-fiction asked: Okay so she’s friends with Tom, and Robotnik finds out, so he kidnaps her, but he doesn’t realize that this friend of Tom’s is his GF. He sees her all tied up and it gets a bit kinky. You feel me?
Word count: +1.1k
Warnings: Mature content, some smut
Laughing with your best friend Tom you guys were hanging out. It was good to be around your friend you've haven't seen in a long time with his job and all and you with your boyfriend, who is your boyfriend? Well the one and only Ivo Robotnik. You and Tom have gotten to talk and catch up on each other. He even introduce you to the famous blue Hedgehog that's always saving this place. You were pretty impressed with Sonic considering your boyfriend hated the blue Alien with a burning passion, you did grow close with the Hedgehog. But of course neither Tom nor Sonic knew you were dating Robotnik, and of course Robotnik didn't know that you were friends with them. And you were planning on keeping it that way
As you and both Sonic and Tom were at the park. You guys were just chilling why Sonic was just running around and playing around with anyone he can. You were really having a nice day.
As Robotnik was at his lab he sent a drone around this stupid place so he could track down a certain someone. He was still hunting that hedgehog down and he couldn't get him quite yet. He really did try to catch him but it seemed rather impossible, like no matter how hard he tried throwing at everything at him but the Doctor always seemed to fail. As he was just sitting there watching his screen, the drone was at the park. As he was getting bored he saw a blue blur pass by quickly on his screen. Quickly on his feet, eyes glued to the screen as he was about to send in more drones the drone that was there was quickly destroyed making the screen glitch. He yelled, that stupid hedgehog!
Robotnik just watched at the screen, he could see a little bit. All he could see were shoes, of course he saw those red and white shoes, Tom's shoes and these familiar shoes but he couldn't put a finger on it. Did Sonic have a other human friend? He must find out! Yelling for Agent Stone, he told they were going to the park to see this new friend.
You just stood there looking at the broken drone. Getting nervous you look around. "Hey! Something came up I have to go! Okay bye!" You quickly say and walking off. As you walk off you began getting your phone out ready to call your boyfriend but a bag was pulled down onto your head and a rag around your mouth. Freaking out, you started to kick back but the person wrapped there arms around you and threw you into a car.
As time passed by you were at a unknown place. You were forcefully sat down on a chair, your arms being tied down.
"Okay you may leave now Agent Stone, I want to have a word with this new friend's of Sonic."
You knew that voice! It was Ivo's! As you began to move around the chair. Making the Doctor hiss at your actions. He then ripped off the bag over your head he was ready to start yelling whoever it was but it was his girlfriend! His girlfriend was friends with the hedgehog!
"You! You're friends with Sonic!" He said, leaning in ready to untie you but he stopped in his tracks just looking at you with a huge smirk across his face. “You’re friends with him huh?” He said, now taking a step back as he just looked at you. Yes he was upset because you were friends with someone he hated but seeing you like this made him feel things. 
You just struggle a bit looking at him. You tried speaking but this damn rag around your mouth. All of the sudden he ripped the rag out your mouth. As you were about to speak he quickly crashed his lips against yours, kissing you quite hard. He pulled away and dragged his hand over your hair taking a hand full of it and pulled on it hard... He pulled your hair until your head was back he just smirked at you. 
“You bad girl, I need to punish you.” He said finally he undid the ropes that were around your arms. Quickly he grabbed you and picked you up and placing up on the table he had in his lab. You were about to say something but he gave a stern face making you stay quite. Looking down. 
Robotnik just smirks he leans in and placed a small kiss against your neck. “Mm how could you be friends with him?” He whispered against your neck. You were about to speak up but he manged to take off his gloves and shoved two fingers in your mouth. “Ahh don’t talk sweetheart, daddy didn’t say you could talk.” He said, bringing your face closer to his. He took his fingers out and wiped them on your shirt. He just took a step back and then hummed, tapping his chin. Getting an idea. 
He was quickly on you again. Kissing you again, biting your lip. His hands were roaming down your body, as they got to your legs and spread them open forcefully making you whimper. He began rubbing you through your pants making your breath hitch. He pulled away from the kiss and placed sloppy wet kisses on your neck. 
He kept on rubbing you through your pants you had, slipping a hand inside of your pants and his fingers in your underwear he began rubbing your clit. Making you moan louder throwing your head back. This made the Doctor smirk as he slowly entered one finger inside of you. “Hmm Look at you, just like the little slut you are.” Slowly he began to move that finger, in and out. Getting wetter and wetter by the second. Soon after he added a second finger. Thrusting them slowly, as he just wanted to tease you. 
“Mo-More please daddy.” You moan out.
Robotnik looked at and chuckled. Pulling his fingers away from and shook his head. “Hm I don’t think so sweetheart.” Making you just groan loudly, but this gave you an idea. Pushing him away slightly and jumping off the table, your boyfriend just eyed your movements.
“Ah well okay then, if you won’t fuck me like a real man maybe I will ask Tom to do so.” You teased, walking passed him with a huge smirk on your face, as you were about to walk passed him he pinned you to the nearest wall.
“Ah is that so? Fuck you like a real man, well baby girl I going to just that.” He said. As you just smirked at him and giggle. “And after our session is over we are going to talk about this Hedgehog!” 
Rolling your eyes and you just nodded at him. You sure were in for a treat today!
( Sorry if it sucks, i’ve been busy at work and haven’t had time for tumblr but I hope this is okay!! )
Tagged Robotnik list: @misskirsti @flutterskies @hs-killjam @xxcherry-killerxx @doctor-rothotnik @iclown69 @arvadswife @along-the-lines-of-space​ @jimbotniks @read-me-to-pieces @agent-catarina-glenn @penelope-potter @ssdarlin @shiniapples @smokindoinksinthejungle @a-frozen-bag-of-corn​ @beeetleejuicee @enaelyork @baerura @namus-things @icrackunderanysocialpressure @needyjayhawk13  @jasminerobotnik @verdonafrost
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The Promise of Stars | Changez Khan x Reader (Oneshot)
Prompt: Soulmates
Fandom: Rogue One(briefly)/Doctor Who/The Reluctant Fundamentalist
Words: 2637
A/N: A continuation of the two-part series As You Wish [1] [2] from last year’s Writer’s Month. A Doctor Who AU with Rogue One and The Reluctant Fundamentalist character(s).
It had been a year since you and Changez got together and you have yet to tell him about the Doctor. Not even your friends Jyn and Cassian know about the Doctor, though there were times where it came close. You couldn’t handle hiding something like this, especially when the Doctor kept calling you when she felt like going on an adventure whenever she wanted to.
“Hey,” Changez said, appearing at the kitchen entrance.
“What’s up?” you asked, turning the oven off and grabbing mittens.
“Your phone was ringing and… it said the doctor. You… you’re okay, right?” he asked, eyebrows furrowed in concern.
“Uh, yes, I’m fine, that’s just… um, let me call them back. Can you take the eggplant parmesan out, please? Thank you.”
You handed him the oven mittens as you moved past him. He reluctantly did as he was told, placing the food on the stove top before debating whether he should listen in or not. He glanced into the living room where you were pacing. It sounded like you were arguing with someone.
“I am not playing this time,” the Doctor said, “There’s something going on and they’re heading towards London. They could already be there by now. Just be careful.”
You sighed. “Alright, but when I say I’m busy, I’m busy, okay?”
“Alright. Have fun with your little date.”
You hung up and saw Changez waiting patiently. How would he react if you ever tell him about the Doctor? Would it be better to just show him?
“Everything alright?” he asked.
“Yeah, lets eat.”
The museum was opening up a traveling exhibit highlighting art from lost civilizations found throughout the years. Changez had told you that he was friends with the coordinators and got tickets to see their panel and permission to roam around the museum after hours, as he knew that there was a limit to how much you could tolerate crowds.
It has been a while since you’ve been to a museum. The last time you went, the Doctor kept going on and on about the time she met certain groups and how most of the artifacts were technically stolen and should be given back.
“They even found some stuff that is possibly from Mohenjo-daro,” Carlton had added.
“Hm?” you looked up from the papers you were grading at the mention of the ancient city in Pakistan.
He shrugged. “I just remember doing some research on the Indus Valley civilization and Mohenjo-daro. I’ve been there once with my cousins, you know?”
“You have?” You placed the papers on the coffee table and scooted closer to him.
“Yeah, it’s weird, though. I felt like I’ve been there before,” he said with a frown.
“Maybe you have,” you said,” in another life.”
“You believe that stuff?” he teased.
“Of course,” you said.
Date night couldn’t come any sooner. The Doctor still texted every now and again, checking if everything was okay. Apparently, the thing that she had seen coming towards Earth had not appeared yet. You put your phone on silent and continued to get ready.
You could already sense when he was outside. It was something that you’ve noticed the first week that you were acquainted after that day when you literally bumped into him. He had been irritated by it since he was running late trying to find his classroom, but something made him turn back and talk to you. He wasn’t Bodhi, you were quick to get that through your head when he snapped at you, but you couldn’t help but do research on Mohenjo-daro. Of course, there wasn’t much information to be found, nothing too specific anyways.
The screen on your phone lit up, but it wasn’t Changez. You assumed that it was the Doctor sending in her weekly check up and ignored it. Once you were in the cab with Changez, you checked your message.
“Be careful, they’re near,” the Doctor texted.
She never told you who ‘they’ were and every time you asked, she went on a rant about this alien race that absorbed everything it saw. Not helpful at all. Maybe it was nothing to stress out about. The Doctor always managed to solve this kind of thing on her own anyways.
“You’re thinking too hard,” Changez commented once the cab arrived at the museum.
“Just… some things that happened at school,” you said dismissively.
“Relax,” he said, rubbing your shoulders, “We agreed not to talk about work on date nights, remember?”
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay.”
“I can’t believe some people had the audacity to ask if they were willing to sell some of the findings for millions of dollars for their collection,” you grumbled.
You were walking arm in arm with Changez along the halls long after the panel had finished. The crowd gradually thinned as you continued to stroll around, talking about the panel and art history.
“You’d be surprised what else rich people shamelessly flaunt about,” he said.
“Ugh, I’m having a headache just thinking about it,” you groaned.
Changez chuckled. “I can tell,” he said, shrugging off his jacket, “Or you’re getting a headache because you’re getting too cold.”
“Could be both.” You fixed the jacket on you and resumed hugging his arm.
You were in the middle of explaining the Silk Road and the various trade routes between Europe and Asia when you both heard a loud crash from one of the halls. Changez turned, his arms protectively around you as he called out for his security friend.
“Run!” the security guard shouted as he ran into the room, turning back to aim his gun at whatever it was.
“What’s going on?” Changez demanded.
“Don’t shoot it!” came a familiar voice.  A blonde woman with a white and blue long coat ran in with her hands up. “Oh, hi, (Y/n)! This must be your soulmate. Boyfriend. Hi, (Y/n)’s boyfriend!”
“Doctor, what are you doing here?” you hissed, detaching yourself from Changez to approach her. “What’s going on?”
“It’s here! I’ve got my calculations off by a month, but it’s here,” the Doctor said, then turned to the security guard. “Put your bloody gun down, it doesn’t even have any bullets! Bullets won’t even work on them, anyways.”
“What is it, Doctor?” you pressed.
“I’ve gotten readings of foreign objects entering the atmosphere. As it landed in the middle of nowhere, I wasn’t too concerned by it. Then I realized the energy readings and found that it was made of organic material. Living organic material. It was picked up during an excavation and brought to the museum for one of their exhibits.”
“You couldn’t have told me that earlier?”
“Your phone was on silent! You weren’t answering!”
“But how long have you known that it was in the museum?”
“Well, this morning…”
“There you go!”
“Guys!” Changez shouted, stepping between you two. You turned to look at him and he pointed down the hall to a giant blob rolling over your way, absorbing everything in its path.
“Why didn’t you say that it was a gelatinous cube?” you asked the Doctor.
“No time for that, sweetie, lets go,” Changez said, dragging you to the other entrance.
“Right, well done, good idea,” the Doctor said quickly, ushering you all out and started to run. “Follow me!”
“What about the gelatinous cube?” you asked her, “It might escape the building.”
“I’ve got a thingy-ma-jiggy in the TARDIS that’ll stop it,” the Doctor said confidently, “Keep going. You have the TARDIS key on you?”
You took the lead as the Doctor stayed behind, pointing her sonic screwdriver up towards the sprinkler system.
“Oh god, the paintings!” the security guard cried out, turning to stop the Doctor.
“No, mate, lets go,” Changez said, grabbing his arm.
The Doctor changed her tactic, deciding to lure the gelatinous creature to another and larger room. You continued forward, using the key to locate the TARDIS. You spotted the blue box between two sculptures, twisting the key in and shoving the two men in. They stumbled forward, catching their breath before looking around, their jaws dropping.
“(Y/n), what is this?” Changez asked, walking up to the console.
“It’s the TARDIS,” you said, shutting the door and beelining towards the Doctor’s pile of gadgets below the console, “Stands for Time and Relative Dimension in Space. She uses it to, well, travel through time and space.”
“It’s bigger on the inside,” the security guard said in awe.
“Yeah, time lord technology and all that,” you said.
“How is this possible? How… (Y/n), is this… how?” Changez stumbled through his words.
“TARDIS, do you know that electrical thing that the Doctor picked up? Where is it?” you asked.
The console pulsed and groaned until a section below glowed brighter. You followed it, sorting through the clutter and found something that looked like a bulky gun from Ghostbusters. You were about to head out the door when Changez stood in front of you.
“Where are you going?”
“To help the Doctor,” you said, like it was obvious.
“And get hurt? No way.” He shook his head. “Let us go. You can stay here and-”
“And wait?” you scoffed. “I’m not doing that. Not again.”
You pushed passed him before he could respond. Changez cursed under his breath, looking around the console room for some kind of weapon of sorts. The console groaned and pulsed again, drawing him to the floor below the console.
“What do we do now?” the security guard asked, poking his head down at him.
“We help them, of course,” Changez said, handing him what looked to be a silver painted NERF gun.
“And what are we going to do with this? Changez?”
Changez was already making his way out the door, looking around for you. He felt that pull again, the same pull that he felt when his heart was searching for you. He let it guide him, moving almost blindly through the corridors. Jogging through a hall lined with paintings, something made him pause. He turned to one of the paintings and saw an agricultural landscape, an old well standing to the right with two buckets resting on the side. His eyes started to hurt as he stared at it, so he quickly blinked, and the well was gone. He shrugged it off and continued to follow the pull.
It led him all the way to the back warehouse through the maze of crates and metal shelves. The security guard caught up with him, moving as quietly as he could. They heard a shout to the right and quickly followed it.
“Keep distracting it, (Y/n)!” The Doctor shouted.
“Oi! I hated you in Dungeons and Dragons!” you yelled at it.
It suddenly jumped towards you, making you stumble backwards, landing on your butt. You scrambled back as it continued to approach. The Doctor panicked, hitting the side of the suction gun to get it to work.
“(Y/n)!” Changez shouted, running to your side and helping you up.
“What are you doing here?”
“You think I’m going to let you face this thing alone?”
“I’m here, too!” the security guard piped up.
“Now that we’re outnumbering it, those water guns you have there-” The Doctor pointed at the silver guns that Changez and the security guard had in their hands. “-Keep shooting it with water. It’ll weaken it and make it slower.”
“I knew these were water guns,” the security guard muttered.
The guys pumped the water guns, ignoring the ridiculousness of the situation and proceeded to shoot. You skirted around and helped the Doctor to get her gadget going, using her sonic screwdriver to fix it. The Doctor continued to mutter under her breath, encouraging the gun to work until it finally lit up.
“Great! Step back, everyone!” The Doctor shouted.
Everyone dispersed as a cone of wind shot out of the gun and sucked on the gelatinous creature. It started to growl and thrash as it was dragged across the room. The Doctor gritted her teeth, holding steady before upping the suction power. It let out one last roar before it popped, dropping everything and everyone that it absorbed before being sucked into the canister connected to the gun. The Doctor fell back and let out a sigh of relief.
“That’s a lot of cleaning up to do,” The security guard commented, dropping the water gun. He looked around and started to help the disoriented people up.
The security guard promised to take care of everything and not to tell anyone what had actually happened. You spoke to the Doctor and convinced her to take Changez somewhere and when she finally relented, you dragged Changez into the TARDIS.
“Where are we going?” he asked as the Doctor closed the doors behind her.
She made her way to the console and began to press a series of buttons. “I suggest you hold onto something,” she said.
You grabbed onto one of the railings and nodded for Changez to do the same. He followed suit, gripping the metal hard to brace himself.
“I made a promise to show you the stars,” you said, “And that’s what we’re going to do.”
You nodded at the Doctor and she pulled a lever, making the TARDIS shake. The engine began to wheeze as lights flashed. You smiled, your heart racing in excitement after finally being able to share this experience with Changez without having to hide things from him again. He met your eyes and grabbed your hand tightly.
You may not have been able to take Bodhi to see the stars, but you could show them to Changez. This feeling you had deep in your chest was warmer with him, like a cozy blanket wrapped around you. You knew that the time was right this time.
The TARDIS finally stopped with a jerk and the Doctor promptly double checked with the monitor that you were at the right location. WIth a quick scan, she gave a satisfied nod and pulled a lever up, then a series of buttons.
“I’ve extended the field,” she said as she opened the doors wide, “Go ahead.”
“Whoa, wait!” Changez panicked when he saw what was outside. “How… but there’s no oxygen out in space. We would have been sucked out into the void by now.”
“Plenty of time to explain,” you said, bounding towards the door with your hand in his, “Lets just enjoy this right now.”
He let you drag him towards the door and stopped at the threshold. You slowly stepped over it, feeling an invisible solid force field under your feet. The first time you’ve done this, it was nauseating, seeing space surrounding you and you’re just standing there expecting something to go wrong. But it didn’t. The Doctor always had your back.
“It’s okay,” you assured him, extending a hand out towards him. “Do you trust me?”
Changez’s feet started to move on their own, his hand reaching out to grab yours. He looked down at the last second as his feet crossed the threshold. With a chuckle of disbelief, he looked back at you and smiled.
“This is… unbelievable,” he breathed, taking in his surroundings.
“Can you name all the constellations here?” you challenged.
“You bet I can,” he said excitedly and proceeded to do so.
The Doctor watched you two with a fond smile as she leaned against the console. She remembered the moment you had started to fall for Bodhi, she knew the signs. She knew that you were meant to be there, to meet him, but you weren’t meant to be together. Not in that timeline. Soulmates will always find their way to each other in every form and appear when the time was right. It seems that the stars aligned for you at the right time.
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chaosbcrne · 6 years
@blucpincushicn (x):
🌀   The speedster chases away his lingering nerves and the old but fond memories of exploring haunted mansions and castles with his team as he comes back to reality. How young then, he’d felt. Eyes wide and full of rebellious spirit, so much has changed since then. The last of his nostalgic thoughts slip away when Sonic’s focus returns back to the screen, ears raising back up at attention.
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       Ah yes. Jack’s Lament had begun, Sonic noted with a tiny smile. He knew all these songs by heart, although this one was always one of his favorites. It was certainly quite the performance, even after all these years. It was simultaneously bouncy and dramatic, with a tune that was ever so catchy even if the mood was somber. Once again the blue blur was reminded by how much he enjoyed musical numbers.
      He has to resist the urge to hum along, in fact. Shoulders tremble a bit again while Sonic watches the animated character dance across the screen, the glow from the movie casting an otherwise gloomy wash on his azure painted fur. For a moment he even forgets his previously fluttering thoughts over his companion. The hero silently follows along to the song, easily reciting the lyrics from memory alone.
…But who here would ever understand? ♫ That the Pumpkin King with the skeleton grin, ♫ Would tire of his crown, if they only understood… ♫ He’d give it all up if he only could~ ♫
…Oh, there’s an empty place in my bones, ♫ That calls out for something unknown~ ♫ The fame and praise come year after year, ♫ Does nothing for these empty tears… ♫
     The music softened as the song came to a close, signaling that it was moving onto the next stretch of plot points. Sonic lets out a small sigh with a puff of visible fog, ears drooping slightly, gaze somewhat glossy and distant. What a classic.
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     And of course, with the lament coming to an end, so did his focus on the movie. green eyes silently wander over back to Shadow, his train of thought once again delving back into sap territory.
     Sonic wouldn’t of anticipated the sudden shift in Shadow’s own attention as he’s suddenly met with that piercing ruby gaze and- oH
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     Crap. CRAP. Look away, look away!!
     Sonic reacts a bit too slow, ears folding backwards and his fur all but poofing out on every inch of his azure coat as he tears his attention away from the agent. Oh no. Ohhh no. Shadow definitely saw that. Eye contact was made. Gaia damn it this is bad this is baaad-
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    ❝ Huh? ❞ Is all he can respond with, the pitch in his tone a little higher than he intended. Glancing back, he watches Shadow rid himself of his jacket and lean over- what was he doing?!
It takes Sonic a second to register the cozy fabric being draped over his form, leaving him blinking several times before he realized what was happening. He unlocks his arms from around his knees and grabs onto the hems of the coat, staring in awe at the article of clothing he’d just acquired.
     Shadow gave me his coat??
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     Oh. Oh dear. Sonic hadn’t even realized how chilly it’d gotten out. His body had been responding to it- come to think of the slight trembles of his shoulders, but he’d been so distracted by thoughts he hadn’t even picked up on the signals his body had been sending him. Was this why he was feeling so jumpy?? Surely his emotions had contributed to some of it, but…
    And clearly Shadow noticed. He’d noticed before Sonic even noticed. Gee… he really was just a mess tonight, wasn’t he? Still, it certainly didn’t stop the bloom of warmth and butterflies that took off in his chest as the faint scent of coffee hits his nose. Okay… Rein it in, Sonic. Keep it cool. Act normal. Pretend like you totally didn’t just get caught staring.
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   ❝ H-heh… Y’know I’ve survived sub-zero temperatures way outside the stratosphere, right? ❞ The hedgehog teases quietly, shooting the agent an amused look as he stretches up and wriggles his arms into the sleeves of the coat so he could comfortably hug his knees again. It a good humored jab, certainly not one Sonic made intending to start anything. He further solidifies that point by continuing before Shadow can get a word in.
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   ❝ …Thanks tho’. I appreciate it, I really do. Not a huge fan of the cold, if’m honest. ❞
It really was… kind of the agent. Not something Sonic would have expected, yet somehow he didn’t feel as surprised as he should be. After everything he’s witnessed from his companion tonight, the speedster honestly wouldn’t be surprised if Shadow leaned over and put his arm around Sonic and maybe tilted the hero’s face up with a hand, leaned down and-
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      ……..Yeah okay, we’re not finishing that thought. Whatever happened to platonic?? Sonic was trying to be a good friend, not get caught up in…whatever that train of thought was leading to. He really needed to get a rein on his feelings tonight or he wasn’t gonna make any actual headway. Sonic didn’t wanna just be a sitting, stuttering duck the entire time.
     So, he thinks of a diversion, if only from his own stupid feelings as the movie led up to it’s next musical act.
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     ❝ Hey… what’d you end up getting from the convenient store? ❞ Sonic whispers, completely pretending like he wasn’t using this as an excuse to glance at Shadow again. Not at all.
      Yeah, I was there for some of it, in case you forgot. The words never left his mouth for there were too many implications tied to them to consider in a moment’s notice. For one thing, he knew all too well the speedster had had countless adventures without him, and far be it from him to exaggerate his importance in those he did take part in. For another, none of the ones that applied here were among those Shadow was particularly proud of.
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     The first time, the two of them were enemies, and the second, well - he didn’t remember. Not who Sonic was, not what had led up to that moment, not the last time he’d been there. And now that he did, it was even more conflicting to think back on.
     They hadn’t exactly been on the same side, that second time around - it had really been more of a... temporary partnership, along-for-the-ride kind of deal. Yet Sonic had never stopped being nice and encouraging, and most of all, he had tried to get him to remember. And he’d been the only one, out of everyone Shadow knew.
     Why ?
     The question died on his lips though, as Sonic quickly moved on to thank him for the coat, effectively pushing him off that specific train of thought. “Yeah...” he uttered slowly, forcing his mind to get back to the present time and place. “There’s a notable difference between living and surviving though, wouldn’t you say ?” The semi-rhetorical question was punctuated with a scoff - as if proving his point before Shadow had even voiced it, the speedster hadn’t wasted any time properly putting on the garment. It seemed it was even more welcome than the agent had guessed.
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     “I can imagine,” he said with a widening grin, as an actual response to Sonic’s confided sensitivity to cold. “What with how little fur you’ve got growing there.” He just had to get a little jab in there, however objective. It made things feel a bit... less strange, and more like they usually were between them, he thought as he let his gaze linger maybe one too many second on the bundled up hedgehog. It was a pretty cute image...
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     Chaos, stop being so weird, Shadow urged himself, snapping his attention away from Sonic and back to the screen a tad too suddenly to look natural. His heart had leaped a minute earlier when they’d unexpectedly made eye contact, and it still felt out of sorts now, after he thought he’d figured out such a perfect distraction. He leaned back some, planting his hands against the ground to try and quell this odd trembling that had overtaken them. And it wasn’t from the cold, that much he could tell.
     Maybe he was getting a little too friendly. Not by anyone else’s standards, for sure, but by his own - this was likely further than he had been planning on letting it go. Far out enough of his comfort zone that his own body was responding where his mind couldn’t, sending him signals that he was overdoing it. But then, why did this behavior come to him to naturally ?
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     “Hm ?” Ears and head both turned to his companion as a reflex when he spoke up again. So much for paying attention, Shadow thought to himself, almost rolling his eyes. He’d been so caught up in his reflections he’d completely lost track of what was going on for a minute - both in the movie and right by his side. “Same as you,” he said after a brief delay, shifting his weight onto one hand so he could reach into his bag and pick out the snack in question with the other.
     Of course, it being a discount plastic bag, it just had to get hung up on the ring of his wrist and tumble over when he pulled his hand back, effectively revealing his other pick that he’d more or less forgotten about already. “Oh, and this,” he added, dropping the first item to pick up the bag of salted dried meat and bringing it up the other’s attention. “Some coworker got me addicted to this stuff. It’s not junk food enough to be forbidden on duty.”
     He let out another quiet laugh. It was the excuse he’d heard when no one made a fuss when said coworker had shown up with the snack in question, but he’d come to know better as time went by. It was just awful food all around for most people, too salty for some, too chewy for others, or too odd of a taste. It didn’t distract people like most other junk food did because no one wanted it. It was no surprise, in hindsight, that Shadow would develop a certain affection for it.
     Which led to an interesting question...
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     “Wanna try ?” he offered in turn, ripping the bag open and handing it out to his rival with a weirdly curious expression on his face.
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