#i have literally 50 WIPs in my google drive
solocien · 6 months
Hello hello hello! I really was not pleased with my old commission sheets so I'm making a Tumblr specific post for my rates just because I'm more active here than anywhere else.
So, welcome! Do you want some cool customized art? Want someone to draw your amazing OCs or sonas? Want really specific fanart? Pokemon trainers or Animal Crossing players? For all of this and more, you've come to the right gal! Keep reading for my rates and examples!
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An illustration with only the lineart, no colors.
Bust: $15 USD Waist-Up: $20 USD Full Body: $30 USD
Additional characters (includes animals/Pokemon/etc)- $5 USD per character, up to FOUR
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Lineart and flat colors, no additional rendering.
Bust: $25 USD Waist-Up: $35 USD Full Body: $40 USD
Additional $5 USD per character, up to FOUR
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A completely finished illustration, rendered to the last detail!
Bust: $40 USD Waist-Up: $50 USD Full Body: $60 USD
Additional $10 USD per character, up to THREE
WILL DRAW: - Fanart - Original Characters - Animals/Anthro/Furry - Simple Mecha - Light Gore and NS//FW - Ships with Fictional Characters
WILL NOT DRAW: - Extreme or Excessive Gore or NS//FW - Highly Detailed Mecha - Anything Morally Unreasonable (see "Extreme NS//FW") - Ships with Real People
As the artist, I have every right to refuse a commission for any reason, even if not listed above
Payment is upfront, PAYPAL ONLY. Conversion rates are handled through PayPal. I will not begin drawing until paid in full.
NO CRYPTO/NFTS, EVER. I block whoever asks about crypto.
WIPs are provided through DMs for all art options!
Final piece, all WIPs, and a 30 second timelapse video are provided through a shared Google Drive folder (no need to provide your email!)
My preferred modes of contact- here on Tumblr, my Discord (solocien, send friend request first), or my Instagram (@/solociennnn)
I also have an Etsy shop, where I sell prints, original art, and stickers!
Read this far? Still on the fence? Here's what others have to say!
"The commission I received from Sol is one of the only things I can remember from my depression, showing how exceptional it is."
"LOVELY to work with, took my vision and quite literally gave it color!"
"Excellent service, best food in the country-- I prefer the happy hour deals, though."
"Sol's art fucks nasty from the front and the back."
"Commission Sol and you'll get the most peggable man you've ever seen, I promise."
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anoelleart · 10 months
Author Ask Tag
Kindly tagged by @mysticstarlightduck 💕
1. What is the main lesson of your story (e.g. kindness, diversity, anti-war), and why did you choose it?
Ultimately The Protolith is story about liberation from gender and imperialist norms. I write more about this in my posts about representation in Fantasy settings. The main character Charlotte combats the patriarchal expectations on her when she's in love with men, even well-meaning ones. She explores her identity as a person of color and how colonization impacted her late mother. It's very fun to explore these themes in science fiction fantasy because you can be incredibly literal. I don't want to spoil my WIP and also I have fully explored these themes yet, so I'll stop here.
2. What did you use as inspiration for your worldbuilding (like real-life cultures, animals, famous media, websites, etc.)?
Honestly, anytime I see something neat, I throw it into my world. It's so easy to fall into making a gas lamp fantasy look like some iteration of Victorian England. I attempted to make the main setting (Lorenzia) a combination of French and Mediterranean culture, flora, food, etc. We have olive trees, lamb is commonly eaten, formal titles are derivatives of Monsieur, Mademoiselle, Madame (but I abbreviate them as M, Mme, and Mde which is not technically correct). The sexually free culture is reminiscent of 1800s France and the oppressive church that of Europe in the same century.
I even have a mountain valley that's based on a rock formation I studied in California; it's rainbow because of the different oxidation states of iron. In contrast, the country where our main character Charlotte's mom is from is loosely based on Nigeria. It's a fun coincidence that the names I've found for these characters are based on Igbo names - which is the tribe from which I'm descendent (yes, I did a 23&Me).
Some of the worldbuilding is done out of convenience. For example, the initial romance arc needs a reason why our love interests Charlotte and Byron can't be together. In every version of this story, he's been a soldier of some kind. It came to me late at night that making him a priest with a vow of celibacy would be the perfect plot device to keep my characters apart. Thus, the militant oppressive Church was born. Eventually, this Church became a thinly veiled statement on religious imperialism, but that's just a happy side effect.
Additionally, I wanted a world where wars are still waged with swords, but has technology such as gas light, running water, the beginning of electricity, steam engines, etc. I decided that in this setting, gun are exceptionally hard to make because due to the atmospheric composition, explosives are more violent and harder to contain.
Finally, I've really wanted to pull science fiction elements into this story, which is where I came up with the World Wound; a crater formed from an ancient meteorite which has never been explored by man.
In summary, I crafted my world based on places I've been (through travel or as a scientist) and for plot convenience.
3. What is your MC trying to achieve, and what are you, the writer, trying to achieve with them? Do you want to inspire others, teach forgiveness, and help readers grow as a person?
Look at answer #1
4. How many chapters is your story going to have?
50 😅 help me
5. Is it fanfiction or original content? Where do you plan to post it?
Original! I've started posting a few chapters here (only the first scene before I redirect readers to Google Drive). I'm not sure how many chapters I'll post here or what I plan to do after my first draft.
6. When and why did you start writing?
I've always been writing! My twin and I used to have a binder of pictures books we wrong in elementary school. We joined Wattpad at the beginning of high school, but both of us moved on from there by the time we were 18. My twin continued on as a fantastic short story writer and future novelist. I stopped writing for a really long time. I started writing seriously last December. I'd flown home to help my mom after she had surgery, and when I wasn't with her I didn't really have much to do. Honestly, it was the most free time I'd had since finishing undergrad four years ago.
7. Do you have any words of engagement for fellow writers of Writeblr? What other writers on Tumblr do you follow?
I just got here so what I say doesn't mean much. Writing something bad is better than writing nothing at all? Cliched advice.
Tagging: @asablehart, @broodparasitism, @carrotblr, @anyablackwood, @authoralexharvey
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greenplumbboblover · 3 years
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(Originally from my Patreon)
Heya everyone!
Hopefully things are going well with you all! Today I figured I'd show off a bit of what I've been working on :)  It's all themed around the 'environment' interest, which as mentioned in a previous post, is the first interest I'll be entirely working on ;)
Townie Interests Manager - General
The townie interest manager is a 'helper' for, well, pre-mades living in the town! It gives them random interests when you first load the world with this mod.
Some pre-mades are 'remakes' from TS2, I figured, would it be cool to make sure that those sims are somewhat true to their ts2 interests? And so, those sims now have interests that work with their TS2 interests!
All of these townies (aka pre-mades) have 'Dislike' and 'Passionate' (or neutral even)  that are all true to them:
(Remember 0 is absolutely disliking the interest, 20 is absolutely loving the interesting, 10 is neutral)
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For premades, these interests can always be tweaked to your own personal liking of course! I'm just basing most off of the traits and skills :)
Townie Interests Manager - Autonomy
Currently, this is still a HUGE WIP of course! And currently, I'm testing it with in-game objects before I wanna try it with other mods out there and my own items that I'll make for this mod (See documentation: Google Docs )
I'm still expanding the 'autonomy' for this of course, but currently, I'm implementing the autonomy for sims to go to hobby lots (or any community lots that has their hobbies on it). They can also, of course, choose to do it at home :)
So how does this work then exactly? Well, in the picture above you might have seen 'Hobby lot: None' (which looks different with an actual lot though :p)
Here's the progress in an image format:
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Of course, you can change or remove it ;) I do have to make the 'removing' part a bit clearer though. For now, you have to choose 'none' for that to work. Not so practical really.
What happens after setting a lot as a hobby lot?
From there, there's a 50% chance a sim will decide to visit that lot, or rather do their hobbies at home :) Since Entertainment currently does literally nothing, I'll demonstrate it with Environment:
For these sims, they'll need a gardening skill higher than at least 1, and there need to be at least some plants on the lot! Nraas SP seems really helpful here, as it does skill sims up automatically depending on their traits :)
(NOTE: this will NOT affect any households you're currently playing with, just families that you're currently not playing with. I'll make sure there's an off/on switch for families though :))
Here both Jocasta & Gobias have decided they wanted to do some gardening in their own garden!
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And here, I turned the Library into a hobby lot for Environment! And so Judy decided to visit it! :)
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Testing blunder:
At some point, I actually forgot to 'blacklist' residential lots from being 'harvested' (since if you have no hobby lots, townies will just go to any community lot that has plants on it :)) And because of that Gobias kindly kept stealing/tending other sim's gardens :p
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That no longer is the case though :p Gobias won’t steal your harvest anymore lol
How will this be useful?
First off, I'm personally really happy that Jocasta, for example, is *actually* tending her garden! I remember how before this mod, no one would tend their gardens and they were just... well, there!
So now, even if you're playing your family, and you're maybe following them driving to work, you actually see your neighbors do stuff! 
Plus! your neighbors will actually skill up the skills they might need for their life wishes or just the storyline in general!
As mentioned in the documentation, you can ask, in this case, the gardener sims here what they harvested and see their stock! This is extra great if your sim is a chef! All you got to do is check their stack of whatever-you-need, get anything with the best quality, and buy that, then make that perfect dish!
They may also donate some vegetables to you if they exceed over a certain limit (this is also so that the save game doesn't get bloated in huge MBs :p)
Researching an interest
Something for your own simmies! Now, because of some comments, I've seen on how people play their games, I figured this is the best way to proceed: Gatekeeping the interests.
What do I exactly mean by that? Well, if your sim is 'neutral' in an interest (So 10 points) they'll have to 'study' said interest they want to participate in :)  That way, it's also less annoying too, when your sim is gardening for example, that the interests mod keeps bugging you about selecting a hobby and stuff :p
How it works:
Either on the computer, or your phone, your sim can go to Lyra's Interests & Hobbies > Research X interest.
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Depending on what thing you're researching, your sim will show thought bubbles on what they're researching! So if you ever forget, just check the thought bubbles!
In this case, it's 'Health' ;)
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Another way is of course to check the queue and hover over the task :p
Want to speed up the progress?
The research progress is somewhat like the 'writing a novel' progress. However, I coded mine in such a way, that it's keeping in mind that sims are reading things, rather than writing ;)
So, Bookworms and sims who read over 50 books (so if both, you're extra lucky! :p) will research things quicker by 10%.
Neurotic sims, on the other hand, that's -5% of the overall speed, since they really wanna know all the nitpicky details on how, what, why, where, etc.
And that's all for now! it's not super impressive, but it was a hard job linking things together though! Hopefully, you all liked this first progress log! :)
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parsnipping · 3 years
Writing Meme!
Thank you to @emperorsvornskr for tagging me!
How many works do you have on ao3?
26 and counting
What’s your total ao3 word count?  
  65,824 not including my really old fics from 2013
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
I’m not counting my really old fics. Drunk Suggestions make Good Kinks - 110 Hands Off Approach - 107 Head Empty, No Thoughts, Only Dick - 105 Only in Private - 98 Morning Routine - 87
Do you respond to comments; why or why not?  
I always respond. Comments on my work are the biggest thing that keep me going, and I want to interact with my readers and thank them for coming to enjoy my writing.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I don’t actually have any angsty endings in any of my current fics. Some of the really old ones I don’t usually count do, so if I were to include those, then  So I Can Keep You Safe since it’s literally just ALL angst and MCD.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Most of them end up happy and satisfied, but I think maybe the happiest one could be  Morning Routine simply bc of how fluffy it is.
Do you write crossovers? If so, what’s the craziest one you’ve ever written?
I don’t actually write crossovers, and I have a hard time enjoying them (with certain exceptions). But I think they’re 100% valid and fun and I applaud people who can write them. 
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Not to my face, from what I can recall. 
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?  
99% of my writing is smut. I do a lot of masc-on-masc writing, with trans men, masc-leaning nonbinary folks, and cis men. I do enjoy het-appearing as well as straight up het parings though, and I do have a WIP with a het pair. 
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No, and I count myself lucky.
Have you ever had a fic translated?  
I’ve had it requested for one of my 2013 fics, but at the time I didn’t realize people had commented on the piece so I never got the chance to give them permission.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yep! Quite a few of my recent fics are rp logs, and I’m working on a large plot with some friends from a Discord server. 
What’s your all-time favourite ship?
I have a lot actually lol. Kylux, Zelgan, RenBen, Kyrenlux... 
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Some of the rp logs I don’t think will ever be “finished”, but I would like to try to find a way to wrap them up. Otherwise I have a softdom Hux WIP that’s been sitting in my Google docs for MONTHS, totally untouched, and I really wish I could get the drive to finish it.
What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue. I LOVE writing banter, and I get a better sense of characterization from dialogue more than action. 
What are your writing weaknesses?
Inspiration, cohesiveness, sometimes I fear I have trouble with pacing or with wording things the way I want. I’ve started to ask for betas more often now, and they really help more than just me rereading my work 50 times and nitpicking at it.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I think it’s really neat. Personally I like it either with a translation, with context leaning towards the translation, or when the characters around the person speaking make a point about not understanding a word. I’m not really a fan of characters responding to other languages without providing some context or translation to what was said.
What was the first fandom you wrote fic for?
Transformers! But my fic writing really picked up with Star Wars and specifically Kylux.
What’s your favourite fic that you’ve written?
It’s a tie between  Devotion and Reverence and  Only in Private. Devotion because it was my first foray into a kink I thought I didn’t like, but with the tweaks I made to it I ended up really enjoying writing the fic. Only in Private is probably one of my best-planned pieces, and it’s my first reader fic, so I’m putting in a lot of effort and I’m really enjoying the results. Plus the feedback I’ve been getting on it is amazing.
Tagging: Idk who all has been tagged in this already since a lot of my friends here are mutuals, so anyone who sees this and hasn’t done it, I’m no-pressure tagging you!
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