#i have missed posting my silly lil screenshots of my sims
xsakuura · 1 year
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the joy of life challenge by @simelune
There was a warmth and coziness in rolling out dough, mixing up frosting, creating masterpieces with a piping bag. Most of your days are spent whipping up new creations in the kitchen, enjoying the smell of a delicious apple pie baking in the oven. You dream of having everyone know your name and saying “their cupcakes are the best I’ve ever had!”.
Aisha Singh is a foodie at heart. She moved to Henford-on-Bagley to start an idyllic lifestyle in the countryside, where her only concerns would be baking for her neighbours and tending to her chickens.  Aisha isn't looking for love but her friends have persuaded her to join a dating website - surely no harm can come from that, right?
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