#i have never felt THIS unsure about being able to complete an assignment
olliecoded · 2 months
i straight up DO NOT know if i can finish this paper.
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ctitan98official · 5 months
Anonymous: Not sure if you've made anything with love languages but if not may I request house dimitrescu and donna's love languages? :) Sorry for bad english love your blog! :)
Hell yeah! Let’s get into it!
Alcina’s preferred love languages are most definitely either words of affirmation or physical touch.
Whether she’s giving affection or receiving it, these are what she appreciates the most.
Alcina seemingly can’t stop herself from idly running her fingers through your hair or rubbing your back as you sit next to her.
She also loves to kiss you either on your cheek, head, or right on the lips. She’s a romantic, what can I say?
When Alcina is feeling insecure or worried, the best way to get her to calm down is to whisper quiet reassurances in her ear. I hc that she never received a lot of verbal praise from her parents growing up, so it makes it that much more important that you provide her with it now.
When you lie on her chest and she can feel your warmth, it relaxes her. Much like a weighted blanket, the constant pressure of your body lets her know that she’s safe.
She also just likes to carry you around like a teddy bear. As she goes about her day, she’ll frequently bury her face in your hair as a way to self-soothe… Especially if she’s on a phone call with Mother Miranda. Nowadays, the only way she feels comfortable taking those calls is if she’s holding you or can reach over to scoop you up quickly. It just provides her with another layer of emotional protection.
I think that Donna needs positive affirmations constantly. She is so unsure of herself sometimes, but your words make her feel more capable.
She also likes quality time. Reading to her, helping her with a doll project, or having tea together… It really doesn’t matter, just as long you’re with her.
Alternatively, you two can be doing completely different things, but as long as you’re both in the same room, she’s fine. She can definitely tell when you’re not near and it makes her feel antsy until she sees you again. It’s also likely that she suffers from separation anxiety when it comes to you.
Donna’s favorite way of expressing her love for you is cooking. She’ll make you whatever you want, but she really enjoys being able to surprise you with a new dish that instantly becomes a highly-requested favorite.
At the end of a long day, her favorite way to unwind is having you read to her while you two snuggle. When you wrap your arm around her, she feels so secure. She could stay like this forever.
A new thing that Donna has figured out that she really likes is telling you positive affirmations. As much as she loves hearing them for herself, sometimes just telling you how much she adores you calms her even more.
Donna truly believes that you bring out her best qualities. It turns out that all she needed was a bit of nurturing to start building her self-confidence.
Bela’s love languages are quality time and acts of service. Most certainly.
She loves reading to you. She likes to lie back and have you hold her as she reads. The little nuzzles and kisses you give her are an excellent plus, too.
Early on into the relationship, you realized just how much pressure Bela put on herself. She constantly kept saying yes when Alcina asked her to do something until you found her sobbing on her bed one day, completely overwhelmed. Before Bela could work up the nerve to tell Alcina what she needed, you jumped right in and helped her get things accomplished. Bela had never been more grateful. Obviously, once Alcina found out about Bela’s predicament, she was saddened to hear that her beloved daughter felt like she had to earn her love. Now that Alcina knows that Bela has a hard time saying no, she delegates better.
You helping Bela with her assignments was when she realized that she felt the most taken care of and loved when you offered to take some things off her hands.
Bela’s strengths in showing her love lie best in her ability to listen and give you words of affirmation. She can calm you down better than anyone. Her voice is so gorgeous. Honestly, she could literally be reciting the phone book and you would feel utterly at peace.
While Bela still greatly appreciates everything you do for her, she wouldn’t mind if you spent less time meticulously organizing her books and more time picking up your ever-growing pile of dirty laundry at the foot of her bed. (I’m self-projecting here lol)
Cass gives the best cuddles. Periodt! She is very gifted. That’s her best way of showing you how much she loves you. (Sex too, though).
For Cass, her most favorite way to receive affection is through quality time. She actually really enjoys teaching you things. Hunting, using specific weapons properly, and painting. (I hc that she likes to paint.) It’s somewhat surprising for someone as on the go as she is, but she’s quite patient with you. She’s honored you’re letting her teach you at all.
Cass often wakes you up in the morning by running her hands through your hair and kissing your head. It’s really sweet when she thinks you’re still sleeping and you can hear the adorable things she says. How much she loves you, things she likes about you… Compliments on your… Performance in bed last night. Okay, she really only throws that last one out to fluster you when she realizes you are playing possum. You shoot up ramrod straight with a huge blush on your face, only to be met with giggles. She does love teasing you. She can’t help it.
Cass sometimes feels bad that she can’t always articulate herself the way that she wants to, but what she doesn’t realize is that her actions speak much louder than words. She is so calm and gentle with you as opposed to anyone else. There’s a softness in her eyes only for you.
You’re her world and she shows it constantly, whether she is aware of it or not.
Dani’s love language is gifts. Gifts, gifts, and more gifts. She finds them so romantic. You went out of your way just to get her something to show her how much you care?It turns her insides to complete mush.
It doesn’t have to be fancy, hell it could be bringing her a snack from the kitchen, but Dani feels seen and valued when you express yourself through giving gifts. There is just something so classically chivalrous about it that she can’t get enough of.
She also knows how much joy it brings you to see her get so excited as you show her what you got her. It’s beneficial for you both.
Dani’s most tried and true love language to share with others is definitely physical touch. She is so ready to nap all the time. If she sits for long periods of time doing nothing, chances are she’ll doze off. If you’re sitting next to her when she dozes off and she snuggles against your side… That’s it, you’re falling asleep too. I hc that she has a higher body temperature than her sisters. Her soft skin, warmth, and big, juicy boobaloos provide the perfect components to help engineer the fattest naps. You sleep so deeply when Dani is cuddling next to you that when you wake up it takes you a few minutes to lie there and figure out where you even are.
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stargirlfics · 1 year
The Gentleman Chapter 3: After Hours
Alfred Pennyworth x Black Dancer!Reader
Summary: A night of dazzling spectacles and new firsts for you and Alfred
Warnings: 18+ ONLY, multiple/switching pov’s, mentions of minor injuries, mutual pining, lots of teasing, smut: oral (both receiving), praise kink, fingering, soft dom!alfred, sooo much dirty talk, intense and passionate PiV, creampie ending but with a slight twist
Word Count: 8.9k
Note: Ahh so this took me ages to complete and I know it’s quite a long fic too so thank you for taking the time to read it! I really had fun writing it so I hope it gives you all the same steamy, glamorous vibes it gave me!  
[series masterlist] [series playlist]
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Alfred found himself for the first time in a long time, distracted. On the edge of a smile at all times now because of you.
The night you shared at the ballet was heavy on his mind, remembering how beautiful you looked, how good it felt to have you on his arm, the look of joy on your face as you watched, and of course, in the after, your body against his with the taste of you on his tongue, everything about you filling up his senses.
There was something else there too, something just beginning to tug at his heart, the kind of  feeling that both terrified and excited him, because it hadn’t taken long to realize that whatever was blossoming between you both would either pleasantly or painfully devastate him.
None of it was easy to avoid worrying about. Alfred was a worrier, it just couldn’t be helped.
There had been a time in his life where there hadn’t been room to worry, to panic, there was simply just doing.
Being able to forgo getting too emotionally invested was a necessity in order to do his job then, he was a military man, completing the assigned mission was his only goal and even in his circus days that never waivered, not till it became just him and Bruce.
After that, their deaths, worrying was almost all he could do.
Grief-stricken and on his own with a boy whose world had just been ripped apart, of course he worried every second of the day, hoping he could do right by the boy and do right by Thomas and Martha because they had trusted him so much they named him their sons guardian in the will and it had haunted him ever since.
His circle of loved ones was few and you had taken him by surprise, making him care about you right away, captivating him so much and so quickly he saw now that he never stood a chance.
So that’s where he found himself at present, worrying, thinking, caring about you, counting down the time until he can speak to you again, already having a routine, nightly phone calls, and talking for hours on end.
It stunned him how much he’d grown accustomed to being in contact with you, smiling to himself at the reminder of your voice, how he loved the sound.
Too soon, much too soon for his liking, those thoughts dissipated with the arrival of one Bruce Wayne in his peripheral, trudging into the kitchen quietly, lost in a fog of his own, only slightly startled to see Alfred in the kitchen too, forgetting and now realizing what time it was.
Bruce was exhausted but still alert enough to pick up on Alfred’s distracted stare as he stood preparing his morning cup of tea, a steaming plate of breakfast already at the kitchen table for the younger man to eat.
It wasn’t much longer after receiving his delayed greeting that Bruce connected the dots.
“You were with her the other night, weren’t you? I interrupted again,” he spoke quietly.
A pause.
“How do you feel?” Alfred poses a question of his own to avoid answering, unsure of how to respond, or how much to say.
That makes Bruce huff out a laugh, never having known Alfred to shy away from telling difficult truths.
The avoidance all the confirmation needed, a small smile forming knowing the man who’d been so selfless, ever by his side even when he hadn’t made it easy on him, had let someone in.
“Tender, but it’s fine. I’m fine.”
He’d been lucky the protective armor of the bat suit cushioned his landing and subsequent roll and skid into the side of that building as much as it did.
However, it was still bad enough he needed Alfred to patch him up and tend to his bruises that night, a tinge of guilt marking the moment at realizing his record of interruptions thus far.
The nonchalance of his answer earns the younger man a pointed look because no, Alfred wouldn’t categorize the rough test run of a new wingsuit prototype as simply “fine” even if it could have been much worse.
Alfred takes a sip of his tea and sighs, deciding to let this particular battle go, for now, it wasn’t the worst shape he’d seen Bruce in and that was all he was thankful for.
“Very well, but please, be sure to eat and I want you to take it easy today,” another pointed look accompanied his words.
“I will, thank you for breakfast, Alfred. You know….you can bring her here sometime. I’ll be out every night for the next week,” Bruce spoke carefully.
He was anticipating the older man’s surprise at the suggestion, biting back another smile because he hadn’t forgotten just what time of night it was when Alfred had arrived home to help him, perfume unmistakably on his collar.
The older man was about to speak when Bruce saw the surprise fade into concern about his whereabouts and hurried to reassure.
“It’s nothing dangerous, just staking out a case I’m following. You’ll have the place to yourselves, no interruptions I promise.”
Alfred was once again left unsure of what to say, settling on a curt nod as he watched Bruce take a promising bite of toast, already halfway out of the kitchen with the plate, knowing he’d find him asleep against his work table downstairs in a few.
Shaking his head, he processed the conversation, thoughts coming full circle back to you.
Unable to help himself despite wondering if it was too soon to ask you to stay the night, indulging himself in a daydream about seeing you dance, of bringing you here to the Tower, getting the chance to have you laid out underneath him, in his bed this time, of seeing you squirm and hearing all the pretty sounds you could make.
God how he missed your taste.
He missed making you feel good, still wrecked by your eagerness that night, stuck on the way your warm, soft hand had palmed over the stiffening bulge in his slacks.
He hadn’t felt this much desire in a long time and wasn’t interested in fighting it, focusing again to check the time on his watch, his phone resting next to his tea chiming with a notification from you, the sweet and thoughtful good morning text the extra push he needed to make up his mind.
Maybe he’d be taking Bruce’s suggestion after all.
It was late in the evening when Alfred spoke to you next.
His tired eyes had closed in content at the happy lilt of your voice, hearing about your day and vice versa, conversing until things went a little quiet and he decided then to stop caring about how eager it would sound and say what had been on the tip of his tongue all day.
“When can I see you again, darling? I miss you.”
“Oh, Alfred, I miss you too. How about in the next couple days? I’ll be performing most of the evenings this week and I’m sure you’re also going to be busy but maybe we could make it a lunch date or something.”
“Well, if you’d have me, I would actually love to come see you in one of your shows. I know how much hard work and love you put into it, I’d be a fool to miss a chance to see you on stage. Then maybe afterward, I was thinking we could come here, I could show you Wayne Tower, make you dinner if you’d like.”
“Oh! I would really love that. It means a lot that you want to see me dance and yes please for afterward, I need to see that book collection you mentioned!”
The sudden shy, softness of your voice made his heart swell.
“Of course, I wouldn’t want to be doing anything else, it’s your passion and that’s important to me, I know you must be so stunning to watch.”
It drove him crazy to be able to hear the smile in your voice.
“Another thing, if I may. If you’re comfortable, you’re welcome to spend the night here then too, I…would love it if you stayed. I know we said we would pick up where we left off but we can also slow this down too.”
“No no, that’s perfect! I would love to stay the night, I was hoping to give you an after hours show, you know.” your tone was playful but he could hear the truth in it too, his own voice going low, husky.
“Believe me, love, I fully intend to see to our unfinished business.”
The reminder of the tension he was walking circles around with you had him aching, happy to be on the same page, at the confirmation that it wasn’t just him thinking of that bottled electric chemistry he’d only been given a drop of.
That was just fine with him though, he’d get to have you soon enough and you were well worth every second of time he had to wait.
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The Iceberg Lounge was bubbling with activity as the show’s beginning hour neared.
A sultry, mellow tune accented the club's chatter, everyone in their finest dress to match the grand theater inspired interior, drinks flowing and bodies buzzing, none more so than the dancers rushing to get ready backstage.
This part of the night was arguably your favorite; the chaos before the chaos.
Every girl on the roster was slipping into their outfits, everywhere one looked there were flashes of sparkles and lace and the quick click of heels back and forth, helping each other with hair and makeup.
Others were stretching out into warm up splits while Madame Olena helped with the costuming efforts, last minute reminders of steps and counts flying from her lips.
Maybe it was something about the ritual of it all, finding your vibe amongst the sequins and diamonds and pretty lingerie under twinkling vanity lights.
Tonight, you were in sheer tulle lingerie, the bodice of your matching corset embellished with crystals, winking softly at you in the mirror, making you feel luxurious, expensive, something to be adored.
Your breaths slowing down now to try and steady yourself, tummy fluttering slightly as you finish adding a light dusting of glitter to your makeup, a few stray flecks falling off the brush to frame your face, your hand just a little unsteady with anticipation.
Alfred would be in the crowd tonight and your nerves spiked at what he might think and at the thought of him seeing you perform for the first time, yet you were also comforted knowing he had wanted to come in the first place, and at the promise of an entire night with him.
Trying not to think about the way he’d devoured you that night had been a challenge and knowing he’d be seeing you perform only added to the dirty thoughts swirling in the back of your mind, but could anyone blame you?
It was all just so natural with him, easing into these feelings, the simmering desire, the safety of being around him, it felt so right.
But there wasn’t any more time to indulge with just a few minutes until the show would start, Kiera coming around the corner just as you checked the time, a few other dancers, friends of yours, in tow.
“Is he here?!”
“Where’s he sitting?”
The group’s collective whisper yell made you laugh as they crowded around you.
Roxie and Bambi were already helping you smooth on crystal studded pasties while you answered their questions, multitasking just as they were, helping Amber adjust the cuffs on her outfit.
“Yes! I told him to sit near the middle left but not dead center,” you exhaled with a smile.
“Right! So he’s got a better view of your position! So smart, oh my god he’s going to love it!” Amber gushed and you stood to readjust your stockings.
“He’s gonna be all over you after!” Roxie squeezed your side and you beamed back at them, any worries ebbing away now that you were all hurrying to take your places.
Your heartbeat sounded loud to your own ears, the smile on your lips there without effort, happy at your friend's excitement at what was happening between you and Alfred.
One minute more and you’d be in front of the crowd, a thrill running through your spine as the seconds ticked down.
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On the other side of the velvet red stage curtains, Oz flashed a sly grin at the audience, announcing that his favorite and most prized dancing dolls would be taking the stage with a set of new, tantalizing routines, ones he was sure would bring in a lot of money tonight.
He’d instructed Madame Olena to make sure the girls were on top of their game tonight.
There were a few potential business deals to be made and he wanted to be sure the men he’d be negotiating with were nice and loose with champagne and the sultry dazzle of his dancers to give him a good deal.
The bright spotlights hanging above him moved to center stage as the club’s live jazz band began to play, capturing everyone’s attention.
Alfred’s cool gaze lingered a moment longer on Penguin’s figure melting into the shadows off to the side, his jaw ticking just slightly, not liking what he knew of the club owner, his involvement with Falcone, and the events of the last year making him wary, especially of the fact that he was your boss.
But his distrust of the man wasn’t what he wanted to focus on tonight, not when there were much more important things on his mind.
His attention refocused on the stage where a set piece of a door’s keyhole came into view, romantic piano notes, and the soft swing of the band accompanying the display.
The lights dimmed, the curved silhouette of a dancer now illuminated.
The set piece separated down the middle mere moments later, two halves of the keyhole swept away to either side, vanishing in a wave of darkness before the stage’s forefront was shining with light once again.
Rose petals fell softly from above, Alfred’s gaze catching their descent, sweeping down until there you were, perched beautifully atop a plush bed, against the backdrop of a twinkling Parisian skyline, your hand trailing up your stockings, over the delicate looking lingerie shaped to you perfectly.
The tones of blush and crimson against the dark rich shade of your skin were striking, capturing his attention immediately.
Breathtaking. You were utterly breathtaking.
The music crooned seductively as the other dancers around you began to move, leaving you to stretch out against the satin sheets, the theme of the routine puzzling into place now.
This was a glimpse in through the keyhole of a bedroom, angels residing inside.
Alfred’s face felt hot at realizing the voyeuristic nature of the routine, understanding further that it was mutual.
One by one the dancer’s acknowledged that the audience was watching, pointing out those in the crowd, giggling softly to one another before teasing with a wink or the shimmy of hips, the display making his chest tighten.
His eyes were fixed to you, however, watching you uncurl and push up onto your hands and knees slowly, giving a cheeky tease of cleavage.
You were magnetic, he could tell you were having fun and in turn, so was he.
There was a kind of delight in your eyes as you moved, your movements fluid, practiced but effortless, each one connecting to the other, the sway of your hips unmatched.
And then he watched your eyes scan the crowd while you flirted more reveals of skin, your gaze landing on him right away.
Everything felt slow like honey, Alfred forgetting how to breathe altogether when you touched your fingers to your lips and blew a kiss in his direction.
Some in the crowd whistled or cheered the more provocative your dance became once you’d risen from the bed and it had him shifting in his seat, allowing himself to feel a little smug that out of all the men in the room, he was the one your attention was on.
It was a touch on the possessive side yes, something he realized you brought out in him but he couldn’t deny just how much he enjoyed knowing that he’d be taking you home tonight, that while everyone here was certainly looking, he was the only one with the privilege to touch.
Alfred gazed back at you, hoping you could see the lusty adoration in his eyes, needing you to know every bit of it was for you as long as you’d have him.
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Rose petals floated past your vision and heat simmered in your chest each time you glanced his way, adrenaline spiking hot in your veins as you teased the laces of your corset loose.
Bambi swayed in mirror of your steps to help you undo the rest of the laces.
Confidence in your muscle memory had taken over, your nervousness melting away the second you spotted Alfred in the crowd, handsome as ever in a coal black suit and tie, pops of gold appearing from the classic gold watch he always wore and the chain detail on his waistcoat.
He was going to kill you, driving your need higher with the look on his face, the sweetest cherry on top of it all.
You were enjoying this, being in your element, slow and controlled with the leisurely bend of your torso against the end of the bed, your stockings on display with your ass arched high while you held the loosened corset to your body in a hug, dragging out the reveal of skin underneath.
Even from the stage you could see that you had flustered him, adoration and want written across his features, and you hoped he could see the same in yours, because you were looking and noticing too, between the steps and counts of the music.
Moving now, you faced the audience again to slowly let the corset slip from your grasp, curling inward in faux shyness at the low wolf whistles and cheers.
Your hands caressed down your hips, resting there as Roxie and Amber joined on either side of you, signaling the jazzy swing of the band to fade out for something more modern, a heavier, dirtier beat required for the next sequence.
The three of you had worked tirelessly to perfect the equally as sultry heels dance accompanying the striptease, your gaze lingering on Alfred again as you began to move, your smile climbing higher knowing he couldn’t keep his eyes off you, probably not even if wanted.
Lots of men had watched you dance, lots of them had oogled at you and cheered for your performances night after night but none like him.
None had shown the same level of self restraint, consideration, or care for you that Alfred had.
Maybe it’s why this felt special, all of that being the foundation from where his desire for you grew, it’s why you felt safe with him and you couldn’t wait to be alone with him tonight, to see the exact moment his self restraint would snap after a night of being teased.
After all, how did that saying go again?
A gentleman is just a patient wolf.
Closing out the show had been easy, the cool soapy water in the large cocktail glass bathtub you were sitting in doing nothing to put out the heat still ignited from all the waiting and all the tension built up.
You blew one last kiss to the audience, catching sight of Alfred again, letting yourself soak in the image of him applauding you before the curtains were closing once more, slowly muffling the thunder of applause, the last of the rose petals floating down to cover your body.
Everyone else’s squeals of delight, relief, and exhaustion came moments later and you were carefully hopping down from the bath to collect the discarded pieces of your outfit.
It was then that you caught the approving look of Madame Olena in the wings of the stage, her approval not always the easiest to earn but tonight you’d pulled it off and the satisfaction was everything. As if everything had aligned just right.
The night’s success was celebrated with a quick but soothing shower, washing some of the sweat and makeup from your face and body before slipping back into the dressing rooms to chat with Kiera and the rest of the girls who were graciously helping you redo your hair before rushing you to slip out the back alley and start your night with Alfred already.
It wasn’t anything you needed to be told twice, the chaos of the night starting to calm when you finally emerged outside, muffled club music mirroring the thud of your heart as you met him outside the back entrance.
Tired feet quickly carried you towards him and he was following your lead from across the alley.
Closing the distance, he tucked his cane under his arm so he could reach out with both hands to embrace you, strong arms wrapping around your middle, squeezing and lifting you up to your tiptoes for a moment.
“My darling, you were brilliant up there, tonight! Absolutely stunning, you know that? I see why they come to watch you, you were beautiful.”
The deep, smooth tone of his voice, and the way his accent made the words sound had you grasping his arms just a little tighter, the praise unlocking something inside you as you thanked him and let him escort you to the car.
What a relief it had been that the drive to Wayne Tower hadn’t been a long one, the tension between you and him lingering, sticking to your skin, refusing to peel away.
You’d brought a small overnight bag which Alfred insisted he carry for you as you walked to the elevators that would take you up to the penthouse level, the reminder that you’d be staying the night with him for the first time sending the same nervous butterflies from earlier swarming in your belly.
But his hand was laced in yours and you were eased just as quickly, feeling steady leaning against him in the lift.
“I’m so happy to have you here tonight, love. I hope you’ll enjoy it,” his sigh is content, soft blue eyes peering low to look at you before placing a kiss to your forehead when you smile up at him in return.
The trail of heat his thumb left as it caressed across your knuckles was doing hard work to steal your ability to think, brain already foggy at the tender physical contact.
“I already am,” you finally managed to respond.
Now it was your turn to be flustered tonight, receiving no reprieve because the elevator doors were opening and you were met with your first glimpse inside Wayne Tower.
Gothic architecture greeted you, warm wood tones and sloping ceilings with ornate patterns of engraved wood connected an array of curved arches and pillars to create the main room.
Two staircases circled up either side of the entrance hallway and it was the contrast of this and the more modern exterior of the building that caught you off guard.
A large table sat in the middle of the main room, a stunning chandelier right above it, high reaching windows lining the back too, a flurry of details catching your eye.
There were antiques, gold colored trimmings, and a sense of grandness about it all that had you too busy admiring to pay much attention to Alfred’s amused chuckle as he helped you shrug off your coat and shoes.
It felt a little like you’d stepped into one of the dark, romantic castles in your favorite novels and you hoped Alfred would be kind enough to give you a tour one day, feeling yourself falling for the space’s unique charm already.
“You’re kidding me, your home is beautiful! I’d never leave if I had these views to look at,” you were still gawking at your surroundings as he guided you further inside.
A chuckle and then his voice followed, “I’m quite fond of it myself, my dear. Oh and I think you might enjoy this too,” he beamed back at you, leading you to one of the nooks coming off the main room.
There you found built-in shelves filled with books stretching up nearly to the ceiling, a heavy looking desk positioned in the space as well, his desk you presumed judging by the stacks of papers and stationary littered across its surface.
He was right, you were unashamed in marveling over all that reading material, tucking yourself close to him again as he showed you some of his favorite titles.
There was something very attractive about how easy it seemed he could point them out to you, knowing where each one was on the shelf, giving you little summaries of ones he thought you might enjoy reading.
You were looking closely at a section of poetry books when you felt him draw nearer to you, his hands sliding into his pockets.
Heat once again burned deep in your core, and you pretended not to notice how close he was, or that you wanted to press yourself against him so badly, unsure how soon to jump into the physical side of things again.
The scent of his cologne swayed you further, your distracted hums of agreement probably giving it away but you didn’t have the strength to act unphased.
Upon recognizing a few poets in his collection you smiled and looked over your shoulder to point them out, words catching in your throat when you found him already looking at you and it didn’t help that he was close enough now that his chest was just inches from bumping against your shoulder.
“Hey…I wanted to thank you again for letting me see you tonight, you’re a talented dancer and I don’t think I’ll be able to stop thinking of how you moved on that stage for a long time.”
Sincerity mixed with the desire in his eyes and you were melting all over again, moving so that you could hug him, resting your chin against his shoulder.
“Well, thank you for being so supportive. I don’t think I’ve ever been so thrilled to have someone in the audience. Seeing you in the crowd made me feel really good up there.”
Your fingers nestled into the groove between his waistcoat and the dress shirt he had on underneath, sinking into the comfort of being held by him, resolve growing weak with his hum of acknowledgment, the sound rumbling deep in his chest and flooding your brain with a haze that made you wish you could stay in his embrace for hours.
Alfred’s lips brushed the shell of your ear for a fleeting second and then you were pulling back to look at him again, ready to go further, to finally be with him how you wanted.
“You can’t keep looking at me like that, darling.”
“Why not?”
“Because it makes me want to kiss you, and then do more than just kiss you. You can’t look at me like that because it drives me crazy, it makes me want to take you upstairs so I can taste your pretty little cunt again like I’ve been thinking about doing all week, it makes me want to fold you in half and stuff you full of my cock. That’s why not.”
His words left you speechless, your lips falling open but nothing followed, a heavy silence blanketed the moment, time suspending and your breaths coming quicker because he was moving now, taking you with him, pressing you gently against the bookshelf.
You realized he was still holding back, even at the brink, not fishing for it but simply waiting for your permission.
“Please. I want that, I want you.” it sounded more like a whine but you didn’t care, not when his hips were keeping a steady pressure against yours, caging you sweetly.
He made a sound then, like a growl, deep in his chest, leaning in to brush his lips over your temple.
“Look at you, using your manners, being so patient, such a good girl aren’t you?” his tone low, like gravel against your ear.
Hearing him call you a good girl made you flutter inside, not expecting just how much you’d want to hear him call you that again.
Words were failing you, only being able to nod in response, but that was okay because his mouth was on yours mere seconds later, conveying everything words couldn’t.
A whimper broke loose from your throat as the kiss deepened, till his hands were sliding from where they had cupped your cheeks, down to your waist, tugging you away from the bookshelf and moving just out of your reach when your own hands slipped from his shoulders.
You hadn’t realized you were pouting at the loss of contact till Alfred laughed softly, your feet carrying you forward to reach for his chest, only for him to move backward at the same time, your fingers just barely catching on the buttons of his waistcoat.
“It’s mean to tease you know,” you huff playfully.
“Hm, isn’t that what you’ve been doing all night though, love? Looking right at me while you showed off that pretty ass of yours?”
His ability to render you speechless had again caught you by surprise, the pout returning to your face because he was right and was now getting you back for it.
You think of something to say quickly, trying to match his energy, “I…could show it off to you again, if you want a closer look.”
“Is that right? Come here then.” Alfred beckoned you over, holding out a broad hand for you to take, giving your fingers a squeeze when you laced them in his before he was leading you back towards the staircases.
Beautiful, gothic inspired hallways marked the journey to his bedroom, soft burnt orange lighting blanketed the wooden floors creaking gently in spots as you turned a corner and arrived at his door.
His lips were seeking yours again as you both stumbled through the doorway, no hint of teasing from either of you now.
The room was dark, stumbling around still until you were forced to part from him, your brain not having time to miss the contact because soon enough the room was softly lit from the bedside lamp and you were suddenly very aware that you were in his private space.
Charming furniture and several stacks of books caught your eye, everything in the room neat and orderly.
A standing mirror with several different ties hung over its frame was tucked away in the corner, a faded but cozy rug invited you further into the room and you couldn’t help but smile at some of the romantic looking art hung around the room.
The dark colored walls and hues splashed across the room made things feel enclosed, warm, the smell of old books and sandalwood coming to mind as you did a slow spin, eyeing some of his things placed on the dresser across from his bed before the sound of the door closing caught your attention.
Now that he had you alone you could see his resolve was nearly gone now and the sight of him loosening the knot in his tie and smoothly taking off his cufflinks made you want to drag him to bed, feeling your own resolve slipping further away now too.
You moved towards him then, heart beating fast as you watched him roll his sleeves up, strong forearms on display, his muscles flexing under your touch when you reached out to trail over the expanse of skin.
It feels almost like you’ve done it a hundred times before, leaving you wondering how your fingers weren’t trembling as you helped him undo the buttons on his vest.
Just how easy it felt to push the fabric from his toned shoulders, a whimper caught in your throat at the peek of his silver chest hair curling through the top where some of the buttons had been undone.
He was so handsome it almost hurt and you wanted him so bad it definitely hurt.
Broad hands were at your waist again in no time, keeping you in place and pressed against him close as you fell back against the plush duvet of the bed, soft giggles following, Alfred’s lips swallowing your content sigh in another kiss as you were guided further up onto the bed.
“I wonder how soaked you are for me this time,” came another gruffly spoken remark in between kisses.
Smiling now, you watch him trail kisses down your neck, your collarbone and shoulders, knowing the answer. Knowing that he’d find you slick and aching.
Your hands were starting to do some of the work for him, teasing up the hem of the dress you had on, letting it bunch up as your legs parted, spreading out for Alfred, moving so he could fit between your thighs, another wave of need crashing against your core when he moved down, his shoulders naturally pushing your legs further apart.
“Do you know how often I’ve thought of this, darling? God if you knew how often…”
You had been studying his face as he gazed at the thin, definitely damp strip of underwear covering your pussy, clenching around nothing at his admission, which is maybe why you gave one of your own.
“Me too…that night...I couldn’t stop thinking about it. I touched myself twice imagining you eating me out again.”
His hands were already smoothing over your thighs, the touch familiar, enticing.
“Yeah? I can’t tell you how hard I was when I woke up the next morning. I haven't woken up needing to stroke my cock that much in years, lovely. You’ve been driving me mad.”
The confession made you groan, whining out a few more pleas for him to touch you, taste you, fuck you, take you however he wants before he’s peeling your underwear down your legs, throwing it to the side.
You watch with bated breath as Alfred’s thumbs touch down on the soft, sensitive skin of your outer lips, pulling back just a tad to see the way you glisten, and then his fingers were rolling over your clit in a gentle circle and you were gasping.
The motion was slow, controlled, so erotic in how his fingers seemed to draw out the ebb of pleasure it gave, rewarding you with a few more tight circles before slipping down to explore your folds, gathering as much of your slick on his fingers as he could before the tip of his middle finger was circling over your entrance.
“Already such a mess for me, you’re so filthy and I love it,” he murmured while you whimpered again, hips jolting with a searing kiss pressed against your thigh.
Just when you thought he might move his mouth to where you wanted him most, he pulls back entirely, lifting his fingers from your heated skin too, not giving you much time to miss the contact because he was bringing those same fingers that were shiny with your essence up to his lips, tasting you off them.
“Oh my god…” your gasp mixed with his hum of delight all at once and then his head was finally tipping down again, this time to flick his tongue over your folds eagerly.
The trimmed scruff of his beard tickled your skin from where he was pressing his face against you, molding his mouth to your pussy, starting a pattern with his tongue, swirling careful licks over your clit, smiling against your skin when your thighs began to close around his head the more he gave you.
Your body felt hot, blood roaring in your veins, fingers beginning to clutch at the covers, needing something to grip.
Alfred glanced up, happy to see you feeling good, pleasure starting to work its glow across your face.
You couldn’t help but cover your mouth the more your gentleman devoured you, trying to suppress loud, needy whines threatening to escape, still unsure of how much to let loose being in his space, his room this time, a touch shy about how desperate you knew your moans would be.
There wasn’t any hiding from him though and he spotted your attempts to muffle yourself.
“Don’t hide those pretty sounds from me, I promise it’s just us tonight, darling. You can be as loud as you’d like.”
He was speaking to you in that soft commanding tone again and you were obliging, slowly taking your hand from your mouth when he resumed the movements of his tongue, pretty whines and pants breaking loose, filling the cozy silence in the room.
Those warm, broad hands that had been busy keeping your legs held open and wide for him loosened their grip for a moment, his right hand snaking around your hip to keep a hold on you while his other hand moved up, exploring.
Your dress had ridden up to bunch around your waist and you were happy the material had some give as you wiggled it up and over your head, letting it fall somewhere off the side of the bed.
This gave Alfred all the bare skin to touch, his touch moving up over your ribs, your breasts until the tips of his fingers were finding a familiar home against your jaw.
“Here. Get them wet for me.”
The words didn’t register for a moment, your mind still very hazy, eyes blinking down at him in question.
Catching the adoring look on his face sent you further into that fog until he repeated himself and you finally understood what he wanted, cursing under your breath at the thought of sucking on his fingers like he was telling you to do, clenching around nothing when the pads of his middle and index finger brushed over your lips.
The repeated command and the way he coaxed your mouth open made you squirm, willing and wanting to listen to any other command he might want to give as you wrapped your lips around his fingers, groaning at the residual taste of you on them.
It felt so filthy, mouth occupied with the task he’d given you while his own returned to eating you hungrily, keeping a steady pressure with his lips, humming against your clit just when your hands slid into his hair, tugging sharply with every hot swipe of his tongue.
His fingers were thick, feeling heavy on your tongue which sparked another wave of heat to spread through your center, imagining how his cock might feel in place of his fingers.
There hadn’t been time the other night to touch him, for him to fill your mouth like you had wanted but there had also been no mistaking how thick he’d felt against your palm, even through the material of his trousers and the reminder of it made you shudder.
Eventually, he pulled his fingers from your mouth, rather reluctantly because it also had him thinking about stuffing your mouth with something else of his but the need to keep making you feel good surpassed the thought, spit slicked fingers moving back down now to press against your dripping hole.
“I know but I have to get you warmed up, love,” Alfred lifted his head for a moment, hair disheveled from where your hands had been buried.
The edges of his beard around his mouth were damp with you, the evidence catching you by surprise, making your cheeks burn as he eased his middle finger inside your heat.
He was careful with the intrusion, groaning roughly at how little friction there was, and you, squirming in his hold again, head thrown back against the bed as his finger worked you open sweetly, slowly, experimenting until he found the right angle, stroking against a spot that made you gasp and then working in another finger when he felt you were ready.
It was all much like that night in your bedroom, in the care of Alfred’s very capable hands, stripped bare while he was still fully clothed, the tendons and muscles in your thighs strung tight with each expert plunge of his fingers.
“Oh, m-more, please, more,” you were crying out, wound up at the thought of him prepping you to take him fully, how good every curl and push and flex of his forearms felt.
He had been glancing at you frequently, torn between watching you take his fingers and watching the effect on your body, your face and now that you were brave enough to peek at him too, your breath caught in your throat at the lust in his eyes, the intensity of them piercing.
The duvet below you was already wrinkled beyond belief from where your fingers had twisted it in your grip, trying to tether yourself to something, more stress created in the fabric when Alfred indulged you in your plea for more, head dipping down again to focus on your throbbing, swollen clit.
Building pressure in your belly, in your very core signaled to you that you weren’t far from finding your release, crying out needily the closer you got, Alfred groaning against your pussy, feeling you tighten up around his fingers, encouraging you to let go with continued movements.
The quickness of your release took you by surprise, not anticipating just how fast the coil spun tightly within you would snap, coming hard.
Your body wanting to tremble and jolt with the waves of bliss crashing against it, hands leaving the sheets to cling onto Alfred’s forearms, moaning unabashedly at the weight of them pinning you in place, forcing you to ride out the last bits of your orgasm.
It wasn’t fair. How every touch he gave you sent you reeling and he hadn’t even fucked you yet.
“Good girl, there you go. I could spend all night like this, you taste so fucking good, you know that?” came his content sigh, his cheek resting against your still trembling leg.
The praise sent you into another tailspin, emboldening you until you were moving to sit up, reaching for him as you did, following him towards the edge of the bed where he now stood, swiping a hand over his beard, admiring how pretty you looked on your hands and knees crawling towards him.
Finally, you were getting your turn to touch and taste him. A sly little smile worked its way onto your face as you sat kneeling in front of him.
Too impatient and too needy to take your time, your hands immediately went for his belt buckle, undoing it and the button and zipper of his dress pants in record time.
“Oh fuck…” the breathy sigh you let out punctuated the sound of the fabric and his belt hitting the floor as you pulled it and his briefs down in one motion, his cock springing free, hanging heavy in front of you.
You were right, he was thick, your mouth watering immediately at the sight and then even more when you moved to wrap a hand around his length, smooth, heated and throbbing skin meeting your palm.
The growled out moan rattling in Alfred’s chest at the tight fist you made around him had you biting your lip. He was uncut, the flushed pink mushroom tip coming into view as you stroked him slowly, relishing in the fact that he’d gotten this hard just from eating you out.
Pumping your hand a few more times you looked up to study his face for a moment, your thighs pressing together at the way he was looking at you, how he was breathing deep, his hands occupied with unbuttoning his shirt while you jerked him off.
“Go on. I can see how badly you want it in your mouth, it’s yours, just open up…there.”
Your tongue darted out to flick over his tip and you moaned when he twitched in your hand, liking how no longer proper and put together he was the more you took him into your mouth, wrapping your lips around him, sucking, licking, tasting him for the first time.
A string of curses left his lips when you started to bob your head, your hands leaving his shaft to rest on his thighs, eyes fluttering open to see him discarding his shirt, the bare expanse of skin and light dusting of silver hair across his chest doing things to you.
His skin had of course softened with age but the definition of his muscles, of his lean but strong frame remained and it drove you crazy, taking him deeper into the heat of your mouth, loving how you had to stretch your cheeks and lips wide to accommodate him, savoring the salty musk of his taste, how yummy he was.
Soft and hungry “Mmm”’s and whines slipped from you as you kept a steady pace, bobbing your head and letting him guide himself into your mouth at the angle he wanted, being good and relaxing your throat as much as you could when he started to slip deeper with each plunge, spongy tip meeting the soft, slippery walls of your throat.
Eventually, one of Alfred’s hands wound up in your hair, no longer satisfied with just cupping your jaw, no, needing that extra bit of contact.
Using his gentle grip on some of your hair to push you forward onto his length, although still careful not to crush the coils of your hair too much, again and again until he was pulling you off him and immediately leaning down to capture your lips in a messy kiss.
You were pouting for the third time tonight, making Alfred chuckle again too but he was quick to explain why he pulled you away.
“I wouldn’t have been able to last if you kept going, lovely. You have such a sinful little mouth and I love it but right now what I really need is to fuck you, what do you think?”
You were nodding, whispering your pleas, remembering those good manners he’d touched on downstairs, hoping it would please him and judging by the way he pushed you back against the bed, you had pleased him and then some.
Scooting back till your head was against his pillows you lay sprawled out, legs bent, teasing him with glimpses of your pussy while he moved to his bedside table, opening the drawer of it and fishing out a condom, the sight of him rolling it onto his length sending another flood of arousal through you.
Fitting your bodies together felt so natural, so easy, like you’d done it a hundred times before, your legs parting so he’d have space to get closer, both of you liking this position for the view of each other that it gave you.
The dim lighting of the room cast soft shadows across the ceiling, a romantic kind of glow blanketing the moment. Things were still heated but a little slower now, the anticipation of finally being joined in the way you were about to making you both want to savor the moment.
You trusted him with your body, knowing without a doubt that your comfort and pleasure was a priority for him and it's why you were encouraging him now, reaching down to wrap a hand around the stiff length of him again, guiding him closer.
He was leaning down then, kissing you deeply before helping you line himself up.
You were breathless as he sank into you nice and slow, nudging the head of cock just a little further when your walls began to yield to the pressure, the stretch making you pant, your head tipping back the further he pushed, keeping himself steady, not moving too much while you adjusted.
His own heavy breathing and gruff encouragement mixed with your sounds, lips staying close to your skin, the sharp prick of your nails gripping his bicep and then the meat of his shoulder made him grit his teeth, a smirk curling up on his lips.
Your thigh spread a little more as he eased in till his hips were flush with yours, the air in the room seeming to evaporate, feeling it in your chest, just how full you felt with his cock pushed deep inside you, to the hilt, both of you groaning in unison at the feeling.
Alfred held himself there for a moment, giving you a second to breathe which you were thankful for, lungs still trying to remember how to work, your toes pointing when he shifted, his hands moving to nudge the underside of your knees back a touch, starting to fold you in half like he said he wanted to do.
That made you clench around him, your head craning to look down where you were connected, before you were glancing up at him, finding him looking already.
“Want you to look at me while I fuck you, can you do that for me? I know you can, come on, show me you can,” his voice caught your attention, lashes fluttering at how deep, how low his tone was.
You were nodding before he could finish, heart skipping in your chest when his hips pulled back, the drag of him against your soaked walls nearly wrecking you.
And then he was pushing his hips forward again in a shallow thrust, testing out the waters, going slow, controlled while he got a feel for how much you could take.
This was beyond what you’d been daydreaming of, all your expectations met and exceeded, enjoying how close his body was to yours, how your limbs seemed to tangle in each other as he fucked you steadily now, thrusts going a little deeper, angling how he had before with his fingers.
“Fuck, you’re doing so well holding eye contact, sweetheart. That’s it,” he growled out, feeling the rock of your hips, his muscles tensing at how sweet the little motion was, how pretty you looked underneath him, taking his cock.
The sound of his skin meeting yours punctuated your moans and whimpers and his grunts against your ear, fucking into you deep each time, prickles of blissful heat making your toes curl the more he gave.
Until eventually Alfred felt you squeezing him practically with every thrust of his hips, hands moving again to brace against your torso, keeping you in place while he pulled back onto his knees a bit more.
One of his broad hands moved down from your ribcage to nestle against your lower abdomen, pressing down and using his grip as leverage to rut into you, nudging over and over against a spot that made your thighs start to shake once more.
The weight and warmth of his hand pressing against you on the outside and the deep plunge of him inside you sent you climbing higher to that edge, your moans growing louder, more guttural.
“Let go, baby. Let me feel you come on my cock, I’ve got you.”
The barrel of his chest pressed against you then, your bodies slammed against each other as he fucked into you just a little harder, chasing his own release now too, the sight of you so consumed by what he was giving you sending him hurtling over the edge just after you.
“Fuck, I-oh my god, Alfred!” your final cries were muffled by his lips swallowing them in a filthy kiss.
Your limbs exhausted but still clinging on as he caught up to you, making sure he knew you wanted him to come this way, knowing the condom would hold his seed but still wanting to feel the pulse, the throb of him as he finds his orgasm deep inside you.
It’s not a plea he can refuse, you both know that and it’s what makes it all the better, curses and moans dripping from both your mouthes.
Just how intense it is for both of you, your bodies still rocking against each other, riding out the feeling until you couldn’t anymore, both of you collapsing in each other’s embrace after, savoring everything that had just transpired.
Alfred was leaving soft, feather light kisses to your cheeks, your nose, your chest, easing from you after a moment.
His hands quick to massage over your hips, plush mattress enveloping you both as you took a moment to catch your breaths, gazing at each other in awe, exchanging sweet words to each other, remarking on just how great the sex had been.
The two of you lay spent and recovering for a while longer before your tummy growled at the perfect quiet moment, your glance at him a second later sending off a fit of giggles between you as he helped get you cleaned up.
After using the bathroom and freshening up a bit Alfred had insisted a midnight snack was in order, absolutely not hearing it when you told him you didn’t want him going out of his way to cook anything.
That had earned you a pointed look that eventually had you relenting, letting him lead you through the halls again to the kitchen downstairs.
Something in your heart was starting to unfurl and spread like wildfire as you sat at the quaint kitchen island and watched him fix you something to eat, grateful that he was so considerate of you, of what you might need even when you had insisted you were fine.
He was taking care of you.
It made you realize just how much he had been all along, quite literally from the first second you’d met, and in the time since he had kept showing you that he cared about you without always having to say those exact words.
Right down to this very second where he was telling you how there were some spare blankets he kept in his room that you were welcome to bring to bed, just in case you got chilly during the night.
You weren’t sure what to call this thing between you yet but it felt safe, being here, being with him, sitting across from him in the kitchen, sharing a sandwich in the middle of the night and you thought to yourself that maybe that's all that mattered right now.
Back in his room, a dreamy sleep awaited you.
Although returning to the space you’d gotten so intimate in suddenly made you feel a little shy about wanting to snuggle up against his side, you didn’t have to worry very long before his arms were sliding around your middle, tugging you gently so your back was pressed against his chest, your body wrapped up warm and close in his arms.
The hesitation faded and you let yourself melt in his hold, lulled by the motion of his calm breathing, and finally, the delicate, tender press of a kiss to your shoulder sent you off to sleep.
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A/N: Ok but this pairing has become such a favorite, I think we all deserve an Alfred! 💌 oh and the dividers I used in this were made by the wonderful @saradika!
I hope the multiple pov’s here were easy to follow! I debated on whether to scrap writing the chapter that way but ultimately went with it because I wanted things to kinda play out/read like a movie and I like getting glimpses at other characters inner thoughts and feelings in addition to the reader insert perspective so went full tilt with the self indulgence and here we are lol and internet points to you if you’ve see Sucker Punch (2011) because I adore that movie and Babydoll’s fantasy world in Blue’s club were real big inspo for this chapter and the series as a whole!
Thank you for reading this far, friends! It’s so appreciated! Let me know what you think!
some tags, no pressure! @eupheme @thaddeuscranes @obiknights @flamingdisputes @squidlywiddly87 @mariahthelioness29 @allaboardthereadingrailroad @tarrenterror25 @matchamorphosis @ayoarticulate @aislupu @xnodamsel @kneelforloki @madamepoelzig
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Final Critique : Writing Initiative #8
I learned a lot about myself during this self-directed assignment. Initially, I felt completely lost and unsure of how to approach the first assignment. However, after completing it, I was able to generate some impactful ideas. I was able critically push myself to create ideas, bring new ideas i never tried before(audio piece) and explore many possibilities that one can explore through design.
I faced several challenges while working on these projects, primarily in terms of creativity and craftsmanship. Craftsmanship played a significant role in the shortcomings of 2b, where I simply experimented with a booklet. If I had tackled it later, like the other projects, I could have explored various printing styles. Creativity also posed a challenge as many ideas came to me towards the end of the week rather than earlier, resulting in my first assignment being simpler compared to others.
I enjoyed many aspects of this opportunity, such as collaborating with different people, communicating and sharing ideas, and working with diverse materials and formats, including 3D and 4D. Although having only three weeks for the project and six full months to focus on three assignments felt overwhelming, it was also a valuable learning experience for the future.
One of my biggest regrets is not having a more creative idea for my 2b assignment since I wasn't yet familiar with the concept, but later, I came up with many ideas that could have enhanced the assignment. If in the future I got a another opportunity do a another set of project that revolves around a word I would do more idea creation with different materials and play with more ideas instead of keeping it on paper.
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