#i have no idea how to inprove or where to start to do so
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darkvolley · 5 years
Hope you get your internet back soon! D: I can't hope to reach the weirdness of the Clowns, but I can't stop thinking about the idea of a KH jukebox musical; idk I'd just love to see/hear Vanitas sing LaFee's Prinzesschen at Ventus. Bonus points if it's NOT normal to randomly burst into song, so Ven and Co just stand there all "????". Double bonus if Vani gets his redemption and he and Ven sing Sisters from this year's ESC together at the end.
I don't know German so I have no idea what she's saying but holy fuck is Prinzesschen Good™. The music video is unintentionally funny tho nfjcickdkdnjcjcn
And the emotion in Sister was ncjcndjdn god man. That is 100% exactly the kind of music I love the most. I have got to listen to more foreign music than just Japanese and Korean, lol.
Here's Sister from 2019's Eurovision.
Here's Prinzesschen.
For people that wanna hear em.
Although I think I gotta question something. What do you mean bonus points if it's not normal to start singing out of nowhere? Kingdom Hearts is partially owned by Disney. There is no other choice but to break out into some kind of song and dance at random moments. Actually!
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Sorry for the shit quality, but this scene right here would have been vastly inproved if Vanitas was doing some kind of villain song during it. Both goth sounding Miyu Irino and HJO singing for Vanitas would be amazing.
Oh god, this reminds me of how Nomura wanted to make FFXV into a musical after watching Les Mis. Fjfjfkfnfknf god BbS would have made such a good musical!!! I'm serious about that! Everyone has moments where you could perfectly fit in a song!
As for the Sisters song tho, would they be saying brothers instead? It definitely fits for them and goes with the whole ' Vanitas calling Ven his brother' thing in KH3.
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adstargets · 5 years
Best ways to monetise your blog traffic
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There are several ways you can monetise your blog traffic. The fact is there are too many confusing articles out there which makes it very difficult for small publishers and site owners to understand. This means that new bloggers have a lot of information on their hands but can't make use of it. In this post, we decided to evaluate the best ways you can monetise your traffic as a small publisher and make the best out of it. How to promote your blog content Promoting your blog is an important task. You can't do otherwise: for getting good results you must work on different fronts. But at first, you have to remember to always show what you're good at. You just need to follow some essential steps: To publish quality contents constantly: your audience has to be interested in what you're talking about.To moderate spam with serenity: Its always better to remove all spammy comments and content linking to your blog in order to get better rankings in search engines as well as inproved use experience. To get more and more visibility.
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How to increase your blog traffic There are several ways you can increase your blog traffic before thinking on how to monetise your blog traffic. Most of them require hard work and constituency which lead to actual results of organic traffic.
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As you might have heard or known, organic traffic is one of the most important traffic as it very targeted. getting organic traffic require not just writing quality blog content but also optimising your content according search engine requirements. That's where search engine optimisation pratices come in. If you are interested in boosting your organic traffic, here is a great post that teaches you all you need to know about Blog SEO. Read full post: Blog SEO Tips that can boost your traffic Other ways to boost your blog traffic include social media marketing. Using platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram and Tailwind will increase your traffic dramatically. However, all the above mentioned social media platforms have a lot in common except for TailWind. The different thing you can't find in these other social media platforms is the TRIBE feature you can get in Tailwind. Tailwind tribe is a powerful tool that allows you to join niche related Tribes and share your content and also share others content to increase your visibility. There are so many special features you can find in the platforms which will definitely have a positive impact on your blogging traffic. My advice for you is to try and it out and see how effective it is for your blog traffic.
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How to improve your blog Search engine optimisateion (SEO) So let's jump into... You may also like:Niche Blogging will make you a smart blogger
monetise your blog traffic with Ads
There are several Ad types you can use to monetise your blog traffic, however, the most used and the most profitable ways are the pay-per-click also known as PPC and CPM which is paid by 1000 impressions. CPM or CPA. These types of Ads are straight forward unlike other Ad types, publishers are paid based on the number of clicks or impressions their traffic is able to generate. Using all forms of Ads on your website to monetise your traffic will generally increase your income especially when done the right way. The right way here means, putting Ads in strategic places in your blog pages and at strategic positions.
Pay per click Ads
The pay-per-click campaign is one of the most widely used types of advertising on blogs or websites. With this system, you get paid any time someone clicks on an ad. For example: if someone visits your website and clicks on an ad that is displayed on your webpage, you earn money. The amount you receive varies based on several factors but can vary from a few cents to several dollars per click or a thousand inpressions or views. In most systems, the amount you earn is determined by how much the advertising company is paying for space. You may also like:Blogger Seo Tips That Can Boost Your Traffic If you are already wondering which system to use to make money with Pay-per-click or CPM advertising, AdsTargets offers you all the Ad formats you need to increase your revenue as a blogger.
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To register as a publisher at AdsTargets and start making money, please register here: AdsTargets.com/publisher/registration
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Make money blogging Another publisher's ad network is Google AdSense, It's a very popular advertising service offered by Google. Thanks to it, you can start earning money by placing automatic advertisements on your blog. There is no activation fee and you will be paid for every view or click made on the ads by site visitors. 
Cost per thousand impressions (CPM)
Another great way to monetise your blog traffic using display Ads is to do it using CPM Ads. Some online marketing companies offer pay-per-impression platforms. With this system, you are paid every time the advertisement is displayed on your site.  If someone visits your website and sees the ad, you earn, even if the ad is not clicked. Most of the time, the amount collected is counted for every thousand impressions of the ad.  If you then display ads on multiple pages, or use multiple banners, this figure increases accordingly. That's how they earn news sites, have you ever thought about it?
To monetise with affiliate marketing
Affiliate marketing is a very simple concept: There are many affiliate programs out there that allows publishers to make money by promoting their affilliate links or banners within their webpagees and earn a commision ones their visitors puchase through those affiliate links. You may also like:Blogging Checklist for New Bloggers Many companies allow anyone who wants to sign up for their affiliate programs where you can get an affiliate link for each product on the portal. These links can be published on your blog or on your social profiles and, if someone clicks and buys something, you are paid 10% commission on the amount paid by the user. Earning with affiliate marketing means earning money by promoting the products of others. The important thing is to choose products in line with your niche and quality, and those ones your audience needs.
Asking for a donations
Many bloggers ask their readers for a donation to keep the blog alive. It is very easy to insert them directly on your site, to allow the aficionados to contribute to the quality content you are publishing. When you are doing a great job, your blog readers will feel the need to buy you some coffee. That won't just happen if you don's ask for it. Don't be shy, ask your readers to buy you a cup of coffee and they will especially if they value your content.
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monetise your blog traffic as an influencer
Here is when influencer marketing comes in. It take time though but once you are this point, you can do wonders. So what are talking about here... Let me break it down for you. Once you are able to have a lot of traffic and possibly become a famous blogger in your niche, you have the ability to control a large audience as many of your readers will become your follows on social media platforms. Using social media could be a great way to monetise your blog traffic, we are talking about Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn and others. You can actually charge businesses to advertise their product and services. Businesses are making it big these days by selling through influencer marketing. Once you reach fame with your blog, you can convince your users to follow you on Instagram to increase your notoriety and your followers so that you can then contact companies related to your business that need to advertise their products, acting as influencers. You may also like:How to Start a Blog and Make Money Blogging However, As I mentioned, you need to work hard for you to get famous before venturing into influencer marketing.
Create products and services
These days you don't actually need to be a genius or a programmer to create APPs, Plugins or other web applications, you can actually hire a programmer to create anything you want for a token.
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Cheap online advertising What you need to do is to figure out a good product or service that solve problems for digital marketers. Once you are able to figure out what you want, you can start messaging freelancers on Fiverr.com and freelancer.com explaining your idea. You may also like: How to determine advertising cost on your Blog Once you are done creating your product or service, you can Add that to your blog and start marketing it. The best way you can market it is to create explanatory videos and write a tone of blogs about it. This way of monetise your blog traffic has significant impact on your income and general online growth as a blogger.
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Once people start noticing your product, you will start selling and making money especially when it solve problems for businesses. Again, if you know how to program or have some programming skills, you can create free WordPress plugins. In this case, obviously, your income will be indirect, but I can guarantee you that, once your plugin is approved and appears in the WordPress.org directory, you will get excellent links and lots of traffic that will allow you to improve (so much) the positioning of your blog, and consequently to increase the earnings of your blog.
Were some valuable advice for bloggers if you are looking for ways to monetise your blog traffic The first step is to not think about monetizing. You, who are reading this article, you are starting badly if that one is your first goal, because it will come by itself, over the years. Invest today to see results in 2-3 years. And to "invest" I mean just thinking about creating quality content. You need value creation at the center of your strategy. Always. Read the full article
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clonebro · 6 years
The State of the account.
Hello everyone @clonebro here. If you've been following my blog ( I hate calling it that) then you've probably noticed that I have just completely stopped posting since, what was it? 1 or 2 months? Any way,I've decided to come back and tell you all about whats going to happen to this memepage.
(I know most of you are just here for the memes and not my "fun" personality so If you want to skip the lore and reasoning behind my decisions and just get to the change log, scroll to the last paragraph. But I recommend reading the lore)
Now my reasoning and some explaining, over the past month and a half I've been suffering stress over midterms and some depression. Now normally this wouldn't make me just stop posting, I'd probably just be on hiatus again but in addition to that l...you know what? I'll be completely honest, over that time I had been trying to get into art and start drawing. My orginal plan was to get to a point where I could sell my art and use my skill to add to my content, but that was, well, a failure. One thing alot of people dont know about me is that I actually went to an art school...for one year before dropping out. I had my reasons, I wasn't inproving over time, it was expensive and it was more trouble than it was worth. my art teacher wasn't the best and I knew that even if I did graduate, I would be in debt and I knew my art wouldn't be able to support me. So I dropped out and went into zoology and veterinary science (which is where I am now). anyway now you know my tassles with art and how that was a catalyst for what was to become. Years later I found the art of @vivziepop and began working on bettering my art technique and once again I saw very little improvement. I even went to art threads and forums for help (Reddit, 4chan, youtube,tumblr etc.) but those did nor help. I began to talk with @eclecticcoyote about my troubles (I wont diverge into our private conservations but I will give a general overview) he helped just by being there to talk to and I owe him so much. I talked with him about my art and he helped as well. Yet for me, it never felt like enough. I was (and still am) not a strong person (physically or mentality) and I dont have any noticeable skills, both of these I realize are kinda my own fault. I started doubting again and began feeling I wasnt contributing enough, that I wasnt showing my worth, Hell I even got jealous of other creators and their success and acomplishments. Seeing people half my age making content mush better than mine made my blood boil. These factors in combination with stress and emotional strain caused me to shut down, I wasn't enjoying this, I was bored and lacking drive. I know thats not vaild excuse and I'm sorry. But I never had anyone else to talk to other than Electiccoyote about this and my irl friends are either away most of the time or didn't know how to deal with this. Im probably not the person you think i am. Im not this charismatic,edgy sometimes bit of a prick dude who makes memes. Im just a boring man living day to day, waking up with no reason why. I know I'm not special and I know others have faced much worse than me. I just ask you to understand. But I've come back, and I'm not really any stronger, yay. Ive more or less decided to discontinue my pursuits in art, If I cant improve after of training with a professional and two years on my own exploring my own horizons and training by myself, the at this point I dont think it's going to go uphill from here. I just wish i knew better. There may just be a better way Thank you @eclecticcoyote. You were always there for me.
(If you've read this far I thank you from the bottom of my heart, you have no idea how much it means to me.)
Change logs
Anyway, assuming I dont just abandon Tumblr and disappear off the face of the internet, I'm going to make some changes
Memes should continue as normal for the most part, but do expect hiatus every other month
I plan on celebrating my 200 follower milestone soon. I will say thanks to all who have sticked with me. (I dont exactly know how though)
Art is an after thought at the moment, I really want to pursue it and get better but recent events have made it hard to do so.
I've open an ask box (finally). So feel free to ask me questions.
I plan on rebranding my Character/Avatar Roger when I have the time, I've been growing less fond of his design.
Anyway, Thank you for reading and listening I plan on coming back soon. See ya. @clonebro / Justin out.
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romancequeen27 · 6 years
BTS fanfiction
Chapter 2
I never thought of me standing in this line.
Yes, I got up at 4 a.m. Yes, got pissed when I saw how many people got here earlier than me. Yes, I propably won't get to see them up close. Yes, I'm tired of the flight to London, then sleeping at my cousins Thom's house for 3 hours and thEN ALMOST SNOOZING MY ALARM. YES, I'M PISSED. But I'm still going to a BTS concert.
It's been almost 6 mounths since Christmas, but I still can't get my head around the fact that my international ass is gonna see BTS perform. Plus today's the 2 year anniversary since I became an ARMY. It's a shame I can't celebrate it with my ARMY friend Hona. I only got one plane and concert ticket, so I was really hurt to see her reaction about this gift. I made a promise to film as much as I could and to tell her everything when I get back.
It's 8 a.m. Finaly the doors are opening and the hyped fangirls and fanboys are getting it. Everyone was so pushy. I never knew ARMYs could be like this, but it was a BTS concert after all.
In the line I was like the 40th person, but when I got to the pit I could see all of the stage perfectly and clearly.
How did I become so lucky to have this space?
Other ARMYs were gathering around the stage and some came near me.
"Hey, who's your bias?" Suddenly a tall skiny girl asked me.
"...um, hi. Jimin. And your's?" I smiled at her.
"Jungkook" of course it is. I don't blame her though. "Are you from London?"
"No, I'm actualy from north of Europe." I answered.
"Oh... I see." She turned to her friends and then giggled. "Maybe that's why you're so fat!" And then started to laugh as if this was the joke of the century, her friends with her, even louder.
I wasn't very sensitive at those statments, so I just rolled my eyes and looked the other way. But she didn't stop.
"BTS are never gonna like you. ARMYs like you are an emberasment to them. Go to the back so that they won't see you here, you fat pig!" She shouted to my back.
"BTS loves all ARMYs equally. Even you, you mean brat." I didn't look at her. Trying really hard not to cry at this point.
Her squad laughed with her: "I think I'm not the brat here. Look around. The security has been eyeing you the whole time. Probably stole something from the gift shop!" They laughed again.
I just noticed that. They were watching me like howks. But I think I didn't do anything bad... Did I forget to pay for my ARMY bomb? I'm pretty sure I payed. And if I didn't they would of said something to me right away. So that's not it. But what is?...
I turned to the bitch: "Look I don't know and don't care who you are. You can't talk to me like that. You can't talk to anyone like that. If you don't like what you see, then don't look at me 'cause I'm not gonna put up with you're shit anymore. Actualy I'm embarest that there are ARMYs like YOU. Fans like you start wars and conflicts. Maybe you look good on the outside but you're insides are ugly. So please, eat some make-up, maybe then you'll look better from the inside." I gave her a fake smile that turned to a death glare the second I turned away from her.
She didn't say anything, just snorcked and turned to her friends. Didn't leave the spot but didn't say anything to me either. The only thing that was bothering me were the security guards.
Time skip to the end of the concert
I cried so much. I have a sore trought and ringing ears, but I loved every single second of it. They all looked so good that I almost forgot to record lol. I think some of the members noticed me. V waived at the spot I was in, RM smiled and Hobi was oh so rude near us. They inproved in english SO MUCH. I couldn't be more proud and in love with them.
But the show isn't over yet.
Not only did I get a ticket to the concert. I got a one out of 15 VIP cards. That was one of the reasons I was shook (jungshook) when receving the present.
The 15 VIP ARMYs were led to a big, nice room. It had a few large couches infront of two smaller ones. Guess those ones are for BTS. I sat on one of the couches and notice the bitch with one of her friends is here. Yay. She took a seat near me but told her friend to sit in between us. Typical.
An asian man entered the room from an another door: "Hello ladies, I'm the head of security here. You probably know how I want you to be. So please, control your emotions for the boys. They will be here in 20 minutes, so you are welcome to treat yourself in the bonquet or go to the bathroom" He showed us a table of snackes and finished his speech with a smile. He looked direcly at me and said something in korean to his speaker.
"He probably gonna arest her" this bitch said to her friend loud enough for me to hear. I acted as if I didn't hear that. I needed a break and went to the bathroom to freshen up.
10 minutes later
I came back to my seat just in time. The staff was getting the cameras in place, setting the lighting just right and you could just feel the presure and axiety from ARMYs. When the staff was done, the air felt very thick. They left the room and a man with a small microphone on his shirt came to the room.
"Girls," it got hot in the room, "I present you" all the girls were sitting on the edge, "BTS!" We all stood up and greated our boys.
They walked into the room. Looking even more stunning than on the stage. They were all smiling at us brightly. J-hope answered our screams with his own. Security were watching so that the girls won't jump on them, but we didn't even walk two steps closer to them.
They stood in front of their two couches. "Hello ARMY!" They all said in motion. You could hear some hello's and hi's even hi babies with a cry of joy.
"We don't need to introduce, do we?" Jin said. Some giggled and some said of course not. They took their seats and we did the same. A few girls had prepared question for them and they gladly answered, but that time was limited. After that Bangtan got more seriuos.
"You may be wondering why did we even make VIP tickets. There weren't any at other of our concerts." Said Namjoon. All the girls started to look confused.
"oh god... Another theory..." One girl said under her breathe. The whole room started to laugh and chuckle.
"No, no this is a lot more simple." Taehyung said waiving at us to not think that.
"The thing is, we kept a secret from you." Namjoon looked at our reactions, "We've been busy, but not with music." All were so confused right now.
"So what have you been doing?" One girl asked.
"Let me explane, why you're hear." Namjoon started. " 16 months ago our Bang PD had an idea, how ARMYs could be even closer to us. He though that one ARMY could become a temporary member of BTS. He or she could represent all ARMYs around the world, become a great friend with us and answer ARMYs biggest questions about us and our lives." He looked over us again and continued. "We picked 15 diferent ARMYs from our twitter followers by random order. Then our staff flew to the countries that these lucky people lived, and placed tinny cameras in their homes, when they weren't at home. With your parents and countries permition, of course." He did an adorable awkward laugh. "We watched their lifes. And picked the best ARMY."
He looked at us with a serious smile and said: "Four of those people are here."
The room was dead silent.
I was frozen. Did they really do this? Maybe I'm the one... I almost forgot how to breath. Stupid! Of course not!
"S... So who's the lucky ARMY?" One girl asked.
They didn't answer. Why, tho? Did they want tention?
"Is the person even in this room?" Another one asked.
"Yes." They said in motion.
"So who is she?" The same girl asked.
They looked at each other.
"She will know it's her when we are done with the speech we prepared." Yoongi said and gestered to Namjoon to continue.
They even prepared a speech?...
"Well... She should." Hobi said with a chuckle.
"The reason we chose her was because we can relate to her dearly. She has been through thick and thin and lost hope a lot of times but was capable of standing back up. When she talks about us to her ARMY friend, she talks as if she has known us our whole lives. Perfectly understands how we feel even when we don't show it on camera. She couldn't watch Burn The Stage not only because of her financial state, but also because she couldn't take it. When we watched her it looked like she was hurting more than we were. She understands what she is doing to herself as a fangirl, so she even tried to unstan us. Twice!..." He chuckled.
What are the odds of another ARMY doing that?... Probably a lot...ya...a lot I was getting a little bit anxious.
"...The second time was a bit longer and after a month we thought that she was really done. We almost crossed her out the list. But she started stanning again after watching our new comeback...kinda." Namjoon continued.
The odds were getting smaller.
"She even started to study korean language for us! Once said to herself "If they are learning english then why can't I learn a little korean?!" She's just starting though and I hope she can learn even more with our help." He smiled to himself.
The odds were really small and I wasn't feeling so good.
"Anyway, she is relatable to every single one of us. To me she is relatable because she has writen a poem for BTS. The translation is very sweet." Namjoon smiled at us but stopped at me.
"Because she has a dancer's heart. She can't help but dance to her favorite songs, doesn't matter where she is." J-hope laughed his contagious laugh and looked at me too. Everyone was laughing exept for me.
"Because she is treated like an alien because of her diferent intrests." Said Taehyung in his low voice. Now staring at me.
Oh no... Not him too...
"Because she is very cotious about her flaws. You might think how can Jin relate to that?? But it's true. And she was capable of noticing that." Jin smiled a shy smile at me.
"Because she is very hard on herself and thinks that she isn't good enough." Jimin's accent was so cute but that wasn't the main thing on my mind right now. His gaze was.
"Because she has worked her butt off to help her mother and herself live a better life." Yoongi said slow and clear.
Did he just say mother?...Just mother?... Yup, I think I'm gonna be sick.
All the boys were staring at me. The girls were catching up too, and for the ones that already did, were giving me glares. But that didn't matter to me. And neither did I to other girls when Jungkook stood up and started walking in my direction.
He finaly walked up to me, grabed my hands and lifted me from my seat. "And is shook, oh may I say jungshook, to hear this from us." He smiled his cute bunny smile at me. "Congratulations, Sunny. You are the Queen ARMY."
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Why the artstyle change
Most if not all my previous projects were heavily character based where I would mostly desin concept art for characters, draw them from different poses and angles to show off the design and so on. But I already know how to do that and I didn’t want my projects to feel repetitive, and here the Zoo project comes in. In my art I mostly focus on drawing people, I very rarely draw animals of any sorts and I used to avoid backgrounds wherever I could. This project being focused on animals was already pushing me out of my comfort zone so I simply decided to roll with it and make my life even more difficult by trying to paint backgrounds and illustrations digitally. 
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Whenever I draw I tend to make characters be in the style of the previous illustrations but when it comes to backgrounds I shift towards painted backgrouds as making lineart for every single aspect of these would simply take way too long. So I simplyfy the process by painting them but I know that’s not my strong point. I decided to use this project to expand my painting abilities as working on them for an actual project would force me to do it, because in my own time whenever I think about working on my backgrounds I often end up just dropping it and shifting towards drawing characters as I normally would. 
Like I mentioned drawing animals was already out of my comfort zone so I simply decided to push myself even further to actually work on inproving my art in the areas I usually avoid. But I must admit that I didn’t give this project my all. I related the previous project about the Penguin book to something I’m actually passionate about, that being Slavic Mythology and I enjoyed most of the pieces I made for that project, unlike with this one where I didn’t like the idea behind the it or the work I was producing because it wasn’t up to my standard of the drawings I made before that. Which is completely understandable as I was drawing in a way I wouldn’t have before, I was painting backgrounds which is something I avoided and I was drawing things I normally wouldn’t have so it made a lot of sense I didn’t like my work from this project because it just wasn’t as good as what I’m used to drawing. I already knew I wouldn’t like the stuff I’d produce for this project as soon as I heard the subject it was on so I feel using this as a stepping stone to work on my art instead of focusing on the project itself was a really good call especially that now a couple months later I can see the results.
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These are some of the backgrounds I painted recently for my personal art, nothing college related but I can already see how much I improved at painting digitally from this Zoo project and it’s only been bit less than 3 months since then. And although I am still not completly happy with the work I made for this project now I see it as the little push I needed to work on the areas in my art that I would’ve otherwise just fall way behind other things. Like expected pushing myself out of my comfort zone helped me improve a lot in a short amount of time and I’m really glad I decided to do something different for this project. Even though I still have a long way to work and improve my backgrounds and how I draw animals I definitely do see this project as my start for working to actually improve in these ways.
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