#i have not posted the original out of priv and i would NEVER
mittsushi · 1 year
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ahhh touched up my very first patho art
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AITA for banning a minor from a discord server?
I'm pretty sure I'm nta, since most of the server backed me up, but I am also autistic and would like some impartial judgement. I (23M) am the mod of a fairly small (~40 people) discord server. The server is focused around a character we all like, and frequently includes discussion, art, and fic related to this character, various ships, and 18+ content ranging from tame fluffy smut to much darker, dead-dove type content (largely because the original source material is pretty dark). For this reason this server is strictly 18+. We don't really have specific 18+ channels, and a few of the artists in the server are primarily NSFW artists.
I only became the (sole) mod about 3 months ago, when the previous mod/admin (who started the server) didn't have time anymore. For the most part things are very chill- I've never had to deal with any conflicts before this, the worst problems I've had are trying to keep the bots running and channels organized.
The youngest member of our server is (we thought) 18, the next youngest being 20. I recently found out through a series of screenshots that the youngest member is actually 17, turning 18 in about six months. I asked them about this in dms, since the screenshots were from their priv account on twitter (of them jokingly bragging about getting away with telling people they were 18 when they weren't). (and regardless of whether or not this was true, I wanted to let them know if someone on their priv was taking and spreading screenshots).
They got very upset at the screenshots being leaked (which is fair) but also confirmed that they were 17. I said that I was going to have to ban them from the server due to the NSFW content and they got very upset, saying I was infantilizing them etc. They also briefly tried to backtrack and say that they were just joking about being 17 and were actually 18, but stopped when i didnt believe them. I explained it wasn't about maturity-- imho if they are mature enough to handle the source material, they're mature enough to be in the server- but rather that there are potential legal repercussions for having a minor in a NSFW space. I even said that, while I was upset about them lying, I would even be open to letting them rejoin the server after they turned 18 (AFAIK they weren't lying about their bday, they just said they were a year older than they actually are to get into 18+ spaces).
They were really angry about this so I put it to the server for a vote and to let everyone know what was happening. Honestly I don't know what I would have done if the server voted to keep them in, but they voted almost unanimously to ban them at least until they were 18. I'm not on twitter anymore but I know that several of the people on there also blocked them from their accounts (since they posted 18+ art, fic, etc).
Other relevant info:
- this person didn't actually post any art or fic that was outright explicit, but they definitely participated in NSFW discussions (all fandom related, nothing related to personal lives).
- they were added to the server by the original admin--she apparently had no idea they were underage and also blocked them from her twt account.
The younger person is really upset at me and has sent me multiple angry paragraphs in dms about how I was ruining their fandom experience, discriminating against them just because they were a minor, and said that this wouldn't be an issue if we weren't all so porn-addicted. I half jokingly replied that I'm not sure how the last one could be an issue for me personally, given that I'm asexual, which they then said was problematic for implying ace people couldn't watch porn (???). I stopped replying since I didn't know how to respond and they have sent me some more messages in the same vein (I'm bullying them, all of their online friends hate them because of me, etc).
Kind of unrelated, but I don't actually know who on their priv took the original screenshots- they have ~80 followers on there, none of whom are in the server as far as I can tell. The person who sent me the pics is someone in the server, who said she got it from someone who is actually on the priv account (because she posts 18+ art and the person who took the SSs wanted to let her know that a minor was following her).
Why I may be TA: I do genuinely think this person is mature enough to handle the discussions we were having (except for the recent string of angry DMs, they've been very chill and level headed), I banned them because of legality, not morality. I also wouldn't have known about this if it wasn't for the daisy chain of screenshots that were unknowingly taken from their priv account, which idk seems like an invasion of privacy to me.
I did also tell the server all of this so they'd know why I was kicking this person, and then several people in the server posted about it on twt which apparently got the 17yo blocked from a bunch of accounts. I do feel bad and understand why they're upset- but I can't knowingly allow a minor to access 18+ content since that is legitimately illegal and could really fuck up my life.
Anyways, hopefully that all makes sense, sorry for the silly petty chronically online drama but still. To anticipate what most people will comment-- yes, I will go outside and touch grass-- but AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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goofbell · 5 months
ok idk if you wanna answer this because you posed it on your priv but I'm DYING to know your rationale on your oso/mysme matchmaking post. how did you reach those conclusions 🎤🎤🎤
OMG HI yes i would love to explain my rationale for this i will never deny an opportunity to yap . technically this was a collaborative effort between me and my roommate so I cant take all the credit for the list
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ok so:
osomatsu and yoosung: to be honest we mainly picked these 2 because i cant reasonably see any of the other mysme characters tolerating osomatsu LOL. the comedic potential of worlds biggest shit disturber and Worlds most gullible guy is unmatched also. theres a wild and obsessive side to yoosung too that i think would actually throw oso off under the right circumstances. tldr itd be funny
karamatsu and saeran: this one was interesting because originally i was team kara zen but they are too similar in style to come out of it unscathed. i think saeran deserves a loser boyfriend and who else could fit the bill. i also think karamatsu is one of the only brothers who is emotionally available enough to be able to have any sort of camaraderie with saeran without bringing him down - i think his willingness to just put himself out there would make saeran feel comfortable. plus i think they both have....eclectic taste
choromatsu and zen: classic nerd x prep dynamic. choromatsus interest in idols is similar enough to the nature of zens career so him growing to appreciate zens work is not too huge of a leap to me (if im being generous to this guy). i just think itd be so enemies to lovers like they would argue so hard
ichimatsu and seven: i think this was the first one we decided? beyond the love for cats I just think they could influence eachother in interesting ways - sevens energy might force ichimatsu out of his shell and ichimatsu can relate to seven's facade and could make him feel comfortable dropping it sometimes. i just think they have a lot in common
jyushimatsu and jaehee: no one else deserved jaehee. Also i just think that jaehee deserves some whimsy and joy in her life and who better than jyushimatsu to bring it . methinks its hard for jyushimatsu not to like someone but i think he would be endeared by how earnest jaehee is and would be full of glee when he gets her to loosen up a bit
todomatsu and jumin: can you just imagine them interacting. we picked this duo because the potential here was too great. Todomatsu is such a little ass kisser and would try to manipulate the hell out of jumin to get what he wants. something something they both end up learning how to Be Real idk how to explain it. just feel it
bonus osomatsu and V: i think V just needs to be put in a room with someone who would not be afraid to tell him he has problems
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miniimapp · 2 years
4*TOWN On Social Media
Gen ;; Crack - Headcanons
Warnings ;; none
Proofread + Edited ;; HA.
Auth. Note ;; WELCOME TO DAY 15 OF THE 4*TOWN CHRISTMAS COUNTDOWN !! Bet y'all didn't think I'd actually last this long because I know I didn't lmao
Enjoy !! <3
Aaron T - An Absolute Troll
Literally everyone saw this coming
Just because it's so true lmao
The biggest shitposter you've ever seen
Will post anything, anytime, anywhere
He posts how he talks,,
with not brain to mouth/text filter
T really likes social media though
I feel like he'd try to get himself cancelled
But like,, for a fun thing yknow
And as a joke
His audience literally would too,, they'd bring up a post from before the band where he talked about how he didn't like a movie or something
Probably Annie,, I have a feeling T has a passionate hatred for the original Annie movie for no apparent reason
Anyways,, he posted a hate post on it, fans found it and then #aarontisoverparty started trending out of nowhere
When T's not shitposting he posts almost exclusively Britney Spears fanposts
I have a feeling that he actually worships the ground she walks on
Mainly T just gives the people what they want
That includes homemade memes
Straight of his little noggin
Maaann,, if there's just one thing T could choose to be proud of in his life it's his meme collection
At least 1 every day
Mans has a literal queue of daily memes lined up months in advance
Jesse - Internet Grandpa
Jesse doesn't understand memes or internet slang
The boys (read: T) find this hilarious
Is it as bad as everyone, including myself, makes it out to be ?? No, of course not
But is it more fun to call Jesse old and watch him struggle ?? Yes !!
Jesse's actually quite proficient with technology which is always a surprise to people and Jesse loathes it
The amount of times people have been shocked and praised Jesse when he's gotten even the simplest computer thing right is astronomical
The boys love this because it's one of the only times Jesse swears
He doesn't post often but when he does it's absolutely golden
At some point Jesse decided if he can't beat them, he'll join them
And so he made it his bit to post purposely terrible selfies with the boys and the most formal captions ever publicly
On the internet
For the world to see
And he doesn't regret it
Not one bit..
He especially loves it when T and Tae openly mock him and reply to his posts on their accounts
Who doesn't love a good ol' quote tweet amirite ??
But yeah, when he actually posts seriously it's all promotional
For the most part he's just Grandad style pictures and terrible dad jokes
Omg Jesse's dad jokes literally trend every time he posts one
No one knows why, or how, but Jesse likes to rub it in the other's faces that he went viral before them and multiple times too
Aaron Z - Offline For the Foreseeable Future
This man never posts
I am telling you,, he never posts
Z might post promotional a story when he's bothered about it for weeks upon weeks but a proper post ?? Not a chance
No one knows why
There are actually some conspiracy theories behind it
Some people believe that he's actually a robot which is why he's so stoic in interviews and never posts
Z and T have a good laugh whenever they find a new Z conspiracy
Thing is,, Z has a private account under a different name
And that account is UNHINGED
The range of posts goes from like,, one word to a whole ass novel
Z just posts what he feels
His page's energy is that of T's but mildly calmer
Calm chaos if you will
Z's priv account is also a conspiracy theory, except everyone thinks it's a fan account or a furry account or something
I feel like Z just loves the confusion of posting random pictures on his public story with the only caption being "iykyk"
Everyone starts freaking out like,, wHaT !?!? WhO knOWs wHAt hE's oN abOuT !?!?
Then he'll start laughing about it on his private account
Hannah Montana style fr
He always gets the posting question in interviews
His answer is the same every. single. time.
"Don't wanna post, so I don't post."
He's getting fed up with questions about his posting habits fr, let Z live
Robaire - The Only Professional One
Only ever completely professional band stuff
Pictures of the guys and a caption saying "Stay tuned.. 🎶"
The BIGGEST promotional tease under the sun istg
None can escape Robaire's professionalism
He sends 4*townies into the biggest panics
He will get 4*TOWN trending within 5 minutes over an ambiguous caption and if that isn't promotion idk wtf is
He also reposts fan works,, whether it be covers of their songs or fan art or writing
Robaire loves that stuff,, he loves that people feel able to use them to express their own creativity
He wants to encourage that creativity and see it prosper
Another thing Ro will do is host qna's
He'll send out a post asking for questions
He always replies to ask many as possible but sometimes the amount of replies is just too much
Robaire likes seeing what people think of him and the band
A fair few questions are about how the band started out and he loves answering those questions the most
They're probably his favourite kind
Ro just finds it so cool that people now come to him for advice on how to start out as a musician
People just like who he used to be
The interactions, the real, organic, non-set up ones are what Ro loves about social media
He can connect with the 4*townies in a way he never could before
That connection means everything to him
Tae Young - Online Gremlin
Like Robaire,, Tae also sends 4*townies into frenzies over promotional content..
Unlike him, however, Tae Young posts unapproved spoilers to his account
He literally is the leak
The mindset is to leak the stuff before anyone else can so at least they're in control
He doesn't leak anything professional either,, only short acoustic snippets or lyric run-throughs
Kind of smart ig
But as I've mentioned before, Tae takes loads of mugs of the other members
And where else would he post them but on his public feed ??
The guys hate him, the 4*townies love him
And hey, fair's fair, Tae will post unflattering pics of himself too
But everyone knows it's a good day when Tae posts because chances are he'll have some more meme-worthy content of the boys ready to be edited to hell and back
Sometimes Tae will repost the other members posts with hate comments
Any post of Jesse's is getting riddled with "old" immediately
He loves to do those fairy comments too, only to the other members though
Tae is probably the most interactive with fans tbh
Even more than Robaire
He'll just starts conversations with 4*townies in the comments, sometimes it's weird drama, sometimes it's a very thorough analysis of a Shakespearean play
If anyone thought T and Z were chaotic they are not ready for Tae Young and his page of horrors
Literally the most all over the place page out of everyone
But arguably the most entertaining page also
Hope you enjoyed !! <3
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thetaekookcloset · 2 years
I know we're all tired of discussing it but I just don't understand where the photos are even coming from like?? Jennie apparently hasn't posted on her priv in the last 1-2 years and if it were an icloud hack surely more would've leaked than just photos??? And wouldn't the police have gotten involved?? This person says they're being sent photos from one of Jennie's friends but why would she send a bunch of photos of her and her bf to this person 😭 I really just can't think of a logical explanation for all of this. None of the BTS members have ever had a legitimate dating "scandal" in the nearly 10 years they've been together. So this person is implying that Tae and Jennie have been together for only a few months and have somehow managed to have like a dozen personal photos leaked and got caught together in Jeju? Seems awfully convenient
It really just doesn’t make any sense at all, for so many reasons.  You didn’t really ask, but here’s my personal theory, and the only way I’ve been able to make sense of this whole mess lol:
I think it all started with what was most likely a (relatively) innocent mistake: the original Jeju Island car pictures from May.  I think the people in those photos were not Tae and Jennie at all, but someone saw them through the window and thought it looked like them.  They took a video or a couple photos or whatever it was (which is pretty sketchy) and then shared it to the kpop Insta account that then posted the pictures.
That’s how I understand those original couple of photos got out: they were shared by a fan account, people saw them and thought it was really Tae and Jennie, and everything exploded from there.  But again, my guess is that these were just people who happened to look like Tae and Jennie -- there were always details about both faces that didn’t seem quite right.
Then the whole airline thing happened, which seemed to lend some credibility to the alleged sighting, even though the airline story never really made sense to begin with.
After that, I think GH and probably two or three other people got their idea to fabricate photos to add fuel to the then-raging fire that was the Tae/Jennie dating rumor.  Maybe they had the idea and then got their hands on the clip of Tae getting ready for his flight to Paris, or maybe they got the clip first and then had the idea, there’s no real way to know.
Similarly, there’s no way to know exactly what their motives were/are.  It’s possible that after the Jeju car photos, they simply suspected Tae/Jennie were dating and wanted confirmation from YG and/or HYBE (this would explain their initial demands after the first drop), and then they lost the plot a bit as their photos blew up and they got a ton of attention from fans but none from the companies.
I think they posted their best stuff right up front with that first photo: if it was edited, it seemed like it would have been spliced together from at least two photos, but no one could find the originals, which made that impossible to prove.
For the second photo, I think they relied a lot more on editing, creating one image from many, but because of that, there were many more visible mistakes.  After that, I think they switched to primarily body doubles, with some smaller edits to add in identifying features (which is why the edits are less obvious and apparent in later photos, but the figures look less like they’re actually Tae and Jennie -- and why they rely so much on their faces being covered up).
I think the second batch of releases, including the earlier version of the forehead kiss picture, the “facetime” screenshot, the first cat picture, and the thumbnails, were released by someone who was not GH but who had been working with them, maybe after having a falling out or getting annoyed that GH said they wouldn’t be posting any further pictures.
Whatever their motives were originally, it seems that they’ve shifted toward simply getting as much attention, creating as much chaos, or convincing as many people as possible that “Taennie is real,” probably because at a certain point it became obvious that they could trick some fans but would not be able to manipulate the companies into paying any attention to them or giving them whatever it was that they wanted.
Obviously this is just me theorizing and speculating, but I think it fits the actual evidence pretty well -- better than anything else I’ve been able to come up with anyway.  Again, this really has very little bearing on whether or not Tae and Jennie are dating, are friends, or even really know each other very well.  At this point, the GH stuff really comes down to how unreliable the whole narrative has been and how suspicious the photos themselves, as well as their origins, are.
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dystopiandilfs · 3 years
I am never been so close to anti-stan then I am right now. Dreams Twitter fanbase started the biggest hate train on him because they themselves:
1. Took his inital tweet with the drugs comment as a race issue, like it was obvious that was not the intent or even the focus.
2. Got mad at his completely rational reply to a toxic Stan that used both white and adhd as an isult - the toxic Stan was saying his fanbase will dogpile them, well if you didn’t phrase your concerns in a toxic way in a public place maybe you wouldn’t be concerned about it. Like he empasised he had no intent to relate it to rap - and they see him say rap and fucking ran with it.
3. Got mad at him for disagreeing with someone generalizing his 23 million fans as anti-black, like even his stance on stans is entirely anti-generalizing, he literally denounced any that are in the same comment.
4. Bullied him into unprivating his account because they can’t share screenshots apparently.
5. Got mad a him for tweeting a fucking heart.
Then they turn around and blame the entire thing on the antis, like no. You blew it out of proportion and reacted like shit to everything he did. You are the problem. All the responses to his last tweet are “educate yourself and reflect” and “come back with a better apology” like no. He apologized when he shouldn’t have and you cyber bullied him. They are bloody proud of theirselves for “holding him accountable“ for something they misconstrued.
He needs to delete that stan video because they aren’t worth it.
First thing i want to say is that this post is going to be joint answered as evangeline is white so this is going to be answered by her and me as im half african half american. Normally evanageline would be voicing her opinions and adding ours in if we had any but as its a racism issue she didnt feel comfortable to voice only her opinions. However shes the one writing the post apart from this bit to keep up the consistentcy of the blog page. -Trinity (Basically Trin gave her thoughts using a voice note and I slightly edited it so the sentences were a bit more coherent and added both mine and the other admins opinions as Trin doesn't really use twitter unless it's through my priv account - Evangeline)
I will say that a lot of the fan drama that you see are a smaller group that is known to attack and harass Dream and anyone who disagrees with anything. Eventhough they are a small group they mass reply to everything and make themselves look bigger than they are. Not only that but the only thing they end up doing is overshadowing the original issue at hand which is fans harassing and being racist to eachother. So a lot of what I'm about to say is mainly what this group is doing and isn't at all a reflection of a lot of fans but it is something that needs to be talked about especially since a bunch of this groups members are either white or white passing but get mad on black people's behalf and is basically setting them up.
I don't mean to be rude or dismissive but a lot of people used this as an opportunity to trauma dump. Like I know going into horrible details about what you have to deal with is the only way to get the point across sometimes however harassing Dream and spamming him with stuff like "I was harassed because I'm gay" "I was doxxed because I was Asian" is lowkey weird. Like why are you telling this random guy on the internet that you were doxxed? What is he going to be able to do about it? Also not to defend Dream but how are you going to sit there and break one of his few boundaries whilst trying to educate him.
On top of that the issue was originally how racist some of the fandom are to black people but then other minority groups started talking about how they were also being stereotyped and attacked but all this is doing is talking over other minorities. For example a large group of fans started off talking about how they were being attacked by other stans because of their skin colour but then immediately started to harass and threaten others. Like some were clearly not being serious but dming people and update accounts to retweet and spread awareness isn't the move you think it is. Obviously a lot of them were genuinely trying to spread awareness and were trying to get the respect and treatment they deserve but all of that was being overshadowed by the few that were attacking and harassing creators and fans. Then a lot of it turned into minorites fighting each other over who was more oppressed which just makes the whole thing seem like petty drama.
I will say a lot of them were lovely. I am pretty uneducated on race based issues and how certain things effect people and can be racist so I was asking a lot of questions and most of them were nice. However I also got a lot of snarky ones like "google it" to questions that weren't general like "Is it mocking to call white people crackers and token white boy if you are a white person" or "is ______ considered micro aggressions"
However as usual it went from trying to educate your creators to who is the most oppressed and who can bring up more past drama that has already been addressed multiple times. I'm not being funny but the fact that some well known Dream antis were defending Dream and shitting on stans should really tell you how non productive this is. It went from "Hey Dream this comment is a bit weird can you delete it please" to "Dream you should stop being friends with this person and you should follow this person otherwise your racist" Like that's not helping anyone. The only thing that it's doing is breaking Dreams boundaries, setting Dream up and making stans look bad.
Like people were @ing Sapnap and George telling them to "collect the racist friend" like how is that spreading awareness. The whole thing went from being a good chance to educate to a big fucking joke that just made a lot of people upset and anxious.
Honestly the whole thing was pretty fucking hypocritical like you can't talk about being harassed whilst harassing people into hearing you out. A lot of the issues seemed really gatekeepy to me as well. One that I saw constantly get brought up was that the only people allowed to say dy*e were black lesbians as they created the word. Like a big topic was a misuse of aave but not a single person actual explained what it was or gave examples all I saw was "mcyttwt needs to stop using aave language it's offensive" like you can't claim to be educating people if you don't explain. Not everyone can access websites and caards that get linked because of regions or web rescrictions so they're not helpful either.
HOWEVER I will agree that a lot of their points were completely valid like the whole thing of "Feral Feb" over shadowing BHM and whenever Dream listens to rap people complain and call it bad music are two really good examples. I listened to a few twitter spaces to learn a bit more and things that were said in there was all good info that would be genuinely helpful to know and it really did help edcuate me however not a single tweet said any of it and that's why people don't understand what they're doing is wrong because nobody explains it.
A lot of the issues that people had with Dream were so weird as well like a lot of them were self oppression and turning normal things into racism. A lot of the issues had the same energy as the 404twt fans who were genuinely mad at Dream for having a colour that George couldn't see and they were harassing him and claiming that he was purposely excluding diasbilities.
Usually we would add more but Trinity got a bit upset and stressed so she had to stop answering various asks and the other admins are all white or white passing and don't feel like it's our place to put our own opinions. We will try to answer other asks with similar thoughts later - Evangeline
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sugawaras · 4 years
as someone whose creations have 'inspired' many creators here and started a few 'trends'.. it was honestly very upsetting seeing so many people, i guess take a shortcut, by 'copying' my style/thing i do when i spent years getting the uglier stuff out so i can get to the good stuff, however, i think by even acknowledging that someone who's inspired you it would mean a lot to them (like it did to me), sometimes people would message me in private to say that and that would be enough, or in tags [1]
ngl there was a time where every other coloring was inspired in one way or another by something i created.. and 1 out of 10 acknowledged that, and most of the time they were either a close friend of mine or a mutual, which, although inspiring people was what drives me to create, i wasn’t being credited and so it didn’t feel like i inspired anyone [2]
i guess what would bother me is people who intentionally avoid their stuff being linked to mine, those who don’t even follow me or reblog my posts, people think by doing that they can prevent themselves from being ‘called out’ or whatever (i only called out one person in priv lol).. also even if it’s a small but a prominent thing in someone styles, i think we should acknowledge that in the post or tags.. most people here don’t do that unless it’s very close to being a flat out copy lol [3]
and like, i have been in the scene for a looong time (8+ years?), i have done my fair share of ‘copying’ and upsetting creators back then lol, which gladly didn’t go unnoticed and those creators called me out on it, and i improve a lot once i realized other peoples ideas and time were not Free Real Estate. [4]
sorry last one lol, people say that what we create is inspired by someone else’s one way or another, which is true, except we have to add so much to each piece to make it our own, to me, i don’t see the point of creating something if it doesn’t add anything to the creative space (or doesn't improve my own style). i like how you handle being told that your creations are a copy of someone else’s, and you definitely have your own touch, thank you for crediting me 💕
hi!! first of all i hope u mind me putting the rest of your ask under the cut i just didnt want to make ppl scroll through my response haha, secondly thank you!! now that you mention it, there are actually many times that ive been directly or indirectly inspired by someone but i never actually credited or mentioned that they inspired it. i never noticed (until you pointed it out just now) and i really regret that i didn’t mention it. so thank you!! i know it cant make up for my past edits but from now on thats something i want to do. also thank you for sharing your personal experiences with copying and inspiration, im really sorry you had to go through that, and if i or someone else ever contributes to it, please call me out on it. and i 100% agree that creating something isnt worth it if youre not contributing something new, since in a way thats kinda the whole point of “creating” something lol
finally, thank you!! i feel like im being super repetitive with how many times ive said thank you LOL but i mean it!! and if you are who i think you are, i hope you know that your edits really are beautiful and inspiring and an honor to all the media that youve created something for!!
also: thank you to every person who’s sent me an ask over the past few days (even the first anon lol you sparked a lot of discussion that im grateful for!), ive gotten to hear so many perspectives on art, inspiration, and what it means to make something, and im so thankful for all the kindness and even criticism bc it made me realize that i still have so much to learn. from now on ill really try my best to improve and become more original, but for now, thank u all for encouraging me to keep making stuff <333
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