#i have one ask that's been languishing for like a month+ bc i'm trying to write an essay in response but i've also been waylaid by various
bthump · 11 months
Hi you mind asks or dms
I generally prefer asks, unless there's something you'd rather discuss privately, and yeah I'm happy to get asks. Most of my blog content these days is answering asks lol.
Though be aware that it may take a few days to answer depending on my backlog/how long and involved of a response it needs.
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superfluouskeys · 9 months
6, 16, 22 for the writing asks!
Thank you for indulging meee!!
6. Which yet-to-be-started fic is first on your list?
Almost everything that's high on my list has at least been started LOL! I do have one (private) commission request from a friend that I haven't started yet due to *waves vaguely at everything* so hopefully I can get that underway soon, but since I'm a bit burned out it may still be awhile.
16. Do you have that one fanfic that you wrote a ton for, ages ago, but never posted? Will this be the year, come hell or high water, that it WILL get finished and posted?
Hmmmm let's see...usually I don't languish about posting things too much, so if they don't get written, it's just bc I moved on and don't want to anymore LOL! On the flip side, most of what I posted this past year esp the last few months was the *possessed by a demon at 5 in the morning* variety of writing bc otherwise I literally just didn't have time to write anything not for school. So anything that required actual planning or some kind of Structure TM I wasn't really able to get too far on. (I deliberately kept scorched earth in a very simple structure that I already had mostly planned in the hopes that I would be able to work on it when busy!)
The WOT Liandrin/Reader fic will definitely manifest this year, and I have a fic idea for Stray Gods (Athena/Medusa) that I'd like to try to do, but that's much less developed. But those aren't that old! Oh and some DA2 Hawke/Meredith nonsense from a year-ish ago but I've just been holding off on that bc I knew I would replay DA2 soon and be in the right mindset to finish it!
22. Do you plan to take writing classes this year?
LOL not to sound like the world's biggest snob but I don't find writing classes to be useful at all, at least for me personally. There is a very narrow and specific kind of feedback that I find actually useful and it's very rare to find someone who can give that kind of feedback. So I generally avoid "writing workshops" and things like that like the plague.
New Year Fanfic Asks!
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urlbending · 2 years
2022 Year End Fic Review
in the words of a very ancient internet joke, better nate than lever!!
1. What is your AO3 account?
My ao3 is lookatallthemoresigive, because that was my tumblr url at the time i created my ao3. I desperately need to change it but I'm having trouble coming up with a new one and am worried if i switch I'll lose brand recognition, which is hilarious bc my MO is to write a fic or two for a fandom and then bounce
2. How many words did you write total in 2022?
I wrote 8,487 published words, but i have at least 7k unpublished. There is a very long rangshi capture the avatar au that been languishing in my drafts for over six months that im hoping to finish up and post this year. I am not a particularly fast writer because i obsess over every word i use, but I've found that with practice im getting faster and better at writing more
3. How many fics did you publish in 2022? How many multichapters vs oneshots?
I published 4, which is about my usual (a couple of random scattered fics + yuletide). They're all oneshots of varying length. My new years resolution is to write 5 fics this year!! I'm holding myself to it. One day I'll write a complete multi-chapter fic, but it's not currently in the cards.
4. What was your longest fic? Your shortest fic?
Longest: a kyoshi novels fic about hei-ran, 바늘 구멍으로 하늘 보기
4,441 words that i agonized over, including the title. I'm super proud of this fic.
Shortest: your hair never falls in quite the same way, a locked tomb missing scene fic clocking in at 890 words.
I honestly had a pretty quick turnaround time writing this one. After i had a lovely and overwhelming response to a rangshi drabble in 2021, I've been trying to be better about posting fics regardless of their length. Sometimes, hitting 1k or even 500 words is not necessary to tell a story
5. What was your most popular fic? Your least popular fic?
Most popular: kiss you too hard and follow you west another quick turnaround, this is a rangshi fluff fic so i’m not surprised
Least popular: Shinrin-Yoku, my gen character study yuletide fic for a video game that came out in 2020. I'm not losing any sleep over it. Its currently at a 15% kudos to hits ratio which good!
6. What fic didn’t perform as well as you thought it would?
Listen, I died on some weird hills last year (the love interest’s mom needs more of a backstory!!!!), so any response is a good response. I guess I was secretly hoping your hair never falls would usher in an era of camilla/nona fics bc i was certain it was going to be a thing, but the book came out and crushed those dreams. I still maintain nona had a crush on cam!!
7. What fic performed way better than you thought it would?
바늘 구멍으로 하늘 보기 because as I mentioned above, it was a character centric fic focused on a minor character. glad the kyoshi novels fandom appreciates milfs!
8. What was your favorite fic you wrote from 2022?
This is turning into a whole arc. I love the nona fic dearly, it makes me happy every time i read it, but im so proud i pulled off that hei-ran fic. Writing a character arc is not easy or as instantly gratifying as making two characters kiss. I knew I was pouring my heart (research into ancient Korean tea ceremonies for half a scene! Politics! Asking @funnefatale to bug fandom friends for Korean sayings for me!) into a work that simply might not be received. Also, I finally came out to my mom around the time i was writing this for unrelated reasons, and this fic reminds me of that 💕
9. What was your favorite fic that somebody else wrote in 2022?
by land, by sea, by dirigible, @firstelevens' amazing c&d/tfatws fic which gave me everything i needed for BOTH shows. A two for one, can you believe!!
falling (for you) like snow on christmas, a warrior nun ava/bea hallmark au. I watched a lot of hallmark type christmas movies last year, and this fic delivered on the coziness these movies provide and the chemistry they usually don't. Also, it relased daily during the week leading up to christmas, corresponding to the days in the chapters, which was super fun to experience in real time.
10. Tag your friends to do this year-end fic review as well!
@funnefatale @isabrella and anyone else who wants to do this meme!
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