#i have one pretty-much-finished one where huaisang explains his motives to jin ling
lilnasxvevo · 1 year
aaaaaaa the only fics i can write are post canon fics where two characters sit dow nand one goes "so i'm sure you're wondering what the hell just happened and why"
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lwjstiletto · 4 years
wangxian au where lwj is a popular hand model and wwx is an independent jewellery maker [Part 3]
[Part 1] [Part 2]
wwx shuts himself in his workshop for a month straight, with lwj being his only visitor. everything he makes looks beautiful on lwj but it’s somehow not enough, not quite /deserving/ of lwj yet.
when he tells lwj this, he only gets a slight downturn of his lips in return.
“you have fine craftsmanship.” lwj says, turning his hand so that the lights bounce off the crystal encrusted hand chain. “i have never seen anything like it before.”
wwx watches him in stunned silence. lwj tends to drop these really sincere, heartfelt compliments that both embarass him and motivate him to show lwj he can do even better. another reason for his stunned silence is how ethereal lwj looks in jewellery
wwx wants to cover him in it. a nice jade pendant that hangs just above his bellybutton; a hairpiece that weaves flowers between the silky black strands of his hair; a thick banded crystal choker that sits around his throat just so; an anklet with teardrop pearls perhaps
but for now, he has to work up to making the hand jewellery suitable. the rest can wait
the next time lwj visits, he looks like he’s one blink away from sleeping where he stands.
“lan zhan,” wwx says, because they have somehow progressed to calling each other by their infromal names, “are you okay?”
“mn.” lwj says, then almost collapses mid-blink. in true rom-com fashion, wwx catches him with one hand around his waist and the other on his arm. he would tease lwj about it but this isn’t the time.
“i’m sorry.” lwj tries to straighten up.
“come on, you need to sleep.” wwx says, using his hold on lwj’s waist to guide him towards his bedroom.
“no sleep.” lwj says, planting his feet into the ground much like jin ling does when he wants to be stubborn.
“lan zhan,” wwx cajoles with his practiced baby voice, “come on. you’re tired. just nap for one hour.”
lwj glares at him, “sleep later, work now.”
wwx bends down and puts a hand under lwj’s knees, scooping him up before he can react.
lwj’s sleepy eyes widen, “wei ying!”
“if you’re gonna act like a child,” wwx says walking towards the bedroom, “then expect me to treat you like one.”
internally, wwx is panicking. he is definitely crossing some boundaries here. however, wwx considers lwj a friend and his friend looks like he hasn’t slept for a week. sometimes extreme measures are necessary, jc has taught him that.
lwj twitches in his arms when he reaches his bedroom door.
“you can put me down now.” he says, his voice weak.
wwx ignores him and kicks his door open, gently placing lwj on the bed once he reaches it.
“go to sleep.” he says, pulling the duvet over him, “if you dare come out before the hour is up, i can and will carry you back.”
lwj looks like he wants to protest but he seems to lose the fight with exhaustion and drifts off the sleep before wwx’s eyes. wwx quickly exits the bedroom and closes the door behind himself. lwj. is. in. his. bed. sleeping... he’s sleeping. because he’s tired. and wwx’s friend.
“jiang cheng, lan zhan is in my bed.” he says into his phone once he has shut himself in his workshop.
“xichen’s brother? why? did you kidnap him? tell me you didn’t wei wuxian. xichen will kill you.” jc says.
“ok first of all, he’s here for work.” wwx realises that between working and sleeping he has forgotten to inform anyone about this. “and he was tired. he looked so sleepy and cute, what could i do?”
“you... was he at least... coherent? it was consensual right?” jc asks
“what?!” wwx screeches, standing up in indignation. “jiang cheng oh my god. we- he’s TAKING A NAP!”
“oh thank god.” jc sighs, “wait how do you know lan wangji?”
“ah,” wwx scratches his nose, “long story short, remember that pretty guy from uni? yeah lan zhan and him, same guy.”
“you-“ jc sighs deeply, “i’ve been hearing you wax poetic about lan wangji’s hands?! how will i ever look xichen in the eyes after knowing that you probably- eugh i hate you.”
“ok first of all, it’s not a fetish-“
jc hangs up on him.
this leaves wwx with too much free time to think and that’s never a good thing. so he starts looking around for something to do. this is how his eyes fall on lwj’s gloves lying on the table beside the door. lwj has developed a habit of discarding them as soon as he comes in
and like a magnet, wwx feels drawn to them. it must be annoying for lwj to wear them all the time, but he never complains. wwx, however, has no such qualms and detests them with vigor
today, it’s the white leather gloves. wwx picks one up and examines it. it’s soft to the touch, worn out to smoothness. an idea strikes him and he tosses the glove back as he reaches for his sketchbook. he thinks he has finally got it.
when lwj wakes, there is light coming through the curtains. he doesn’t remember the last time he had such a comfortable, dreamless sleep. an unfamiliar but pleasant scent surrounds him, safe, warm.
lwj bolts up in bed, remembering exactly where he is. he looks at his phone. it’s six, ok that’s fine. wait... 6AM. lwj throws the covers off and looks around, then back at his phone as if that’s going to change something.
he spent the night at wwx’s place. speaking of, where did wwx sleep then? he ventures outside and sees nobody in the living area. sure enough, wwx is passed out in his workshop, cheek flat on his workbench.
lwj sighs.
“wei ying.” he prods his shoulder gently, “wake up.”
wwx groans and shakes him off, “go away.”
after a few more pokes lwj rules it a lost cause and decides to make tea for himself and coffee for wwx. thankfully, he doesn’t have work until 3pm so he has plenty of time to waste puttering around wwx’s sparce kitchen.
after finding only hot sauce in the top cupboards (one labelled ‘burning hot’ with flames on the cover which makes him cringe away) he finally finds coffee. no tea. it’ll have to do, he thinks.
the smell of coffee near his nose does a better job at waking wwx up. he reaches blindly for the cup before he even blinks his eyes open. ridiculous.
lwj, in the most dignified way possible, sits on the purple beanbag and waits as wwx’s brain reboots with every sip of coffee.
“lan zhan?” wwx asks.
“i have the same question.” lwj says, “why am i still here?”
“too philosophical for this early in the morning. what time even is it?” wwx looks at the wall clock and groans, “why are you awake?”
lwj gives him a blank look, “i was promised a nap.”
“yeah, yeah.” wwx brushes him off, “i’m happy you slept well, you look much better than before.”
lwj feels his ears burn and his heart rate quicken.
wwx has an ease to his words and actions that makes lwj agreeable to existing in his space without wanting to revert back to professionalism. he fears that one day he’ll become so comfortable that he wouldn’t want to leave
“come here.” wwx beacons.
once lwj is bent over his shoulder, he shows him the rough sketches he has been working on all night apparently.
“are those..”
“inspired by the bane of my existence, none other than your gloves!” wwx says proudly.
“why do you hate the gloves?” lwj asks, curious.
wwx gives him a complicated look, “because they’re fabric. how old and boring. wouldn’t you rather be tangled in crystal chains that you can’t wear or remove without help?”
lwj lets him dodge the question, then gives the designs a closer look. “they’re very interesting.”
“it’s just a rough sketch.” wwx refuses to look at him, “i’ll refine the details and start working on it by tomorrow.”
“mn.” lwj says.
“da-ge tried to beat up su she again.” nhs informs him when he gets to his office a few hours later.
“again?” lwj asks.
“he bumped into him at the lobby. again.” nhs sighs.
“i will speak to him.” lwj says.
“what? no these stalkers just get worse-“
“i meant nie mingjue.” lwj clarifies.
“it should be fine. i’ve banned him from office premises now and i’m working on filing a restraining order against him.” nhs says, “i tried to explain this to da-ge but you know his temper. actually maybe you should talk to him. he might listen to you.”
lwj nods, “i will call him after my shoot.”
nhs must have mentioned it to nmj because he’s there to pick lwj up after his shoot. it’s late, almost past eleven, and the parking lot is half empty.
lwj gets a text from wwx just before he gets in the car.
wei ying: garnet or emerald?
lwj replies: i’m no expert at this
wei ying: lan zhannnn humour me
lwj: ruby
wei ying: i will fossilise you in one. lan zhannnn be serious
“you look much more at ease.” nmj comments.
lwj realises that he is.
“you don’t need to bother with su she anymore. huaisang has it under control.” lwj says.
nmj gives him a skeptical look.
“i trust him.” lwj emphasises.
“i was told you had previous acquaintance with that man.” nmj says.
lwj sighs, “he was in my cello class.”
“you play the cello?” nmj asks.
“not anymore.” lwj answers.
nmj doesn’t ask further.
they sit in uncomfortable silence until nmj asks where he should drop lwj off. what comes out of his mouth are the directions to wwx’s place. his excuse: he needs to know what a garnet gem is before making a decision.
“i will trust you and huaisang to handle this.” nmj says when they come to a stop, “be well.”
lwj nods, then opens the car door.
“wangji.” nmj’s hand grabs his elbow gently.
lwj turns to him.
“i’d like for us to be friends.” nmj says. it sounds stilted, amended.
lwj frowns, “i already consider you one.”
nmj nods and lets go of his hand. with the hint of a smile he says, “goodnight wangji.”
lwj looks at nmj drive away then turns to face wwx’s apartment building. now that he’s here, his excuse sounds feeble. he takes a deep breath, he’s already here. might as well.
wwx opens his apartment door and stares at lwj like he has seen a ghost. “lan zhan?”
“i don’t know what garnet looks like.” lwj says.
wwx grins at him, then grabs his forearm, dragging him into his workshop. there, on a mannequin hand, is the half finished skeleton of what looks like wwx’s design coming to life. he holds up a red and a green stone. he points to the red one, “this is a garnet.”
“it looks like a ruby.” lwj says
wwx looks like he goes through the seven stages of grief before he says, in a strangled voice, “how could you? you’re– you’re messing with me again, aren’t you?”
lwj gives him an innocent look. he can feel the tension in his shoulders bleed out.
“it’s coming together.” wwx says when he notices lwj looking at his unfinished project. “come here, let me see if you can have mobility with it on.”
lwj removes his gloves and stretches his hand towards wwx. wwx gently manoeuvring delicate silver chains around his hand isn’t something new, but it feels different in the middle of the night. more intimate. lwj discards that word with a flick of his hair
it’s not usual for him to leave it unpinned, but he has spent the day lying on a carpet with his hands stretched upwards, balancing a small perfume bottle between his fingers. coming out of it with a few strands out of place is a minor inconvenience.
“tada!” wwx says, drawing lwj’s attention to his right hand which is now tangled in a complicated-looking array of chains from the tips of his fingers down to his wrist. it’s stunning even in its incomplete form.
“it’s beautiful.” lwj says, low as the silent night.
“it’s barely anything right now!” wwx protests but his cheeks are red, “come on, try to move your fingers.”
lwj does, slowly as to not break the delicate structure in case it does lack mobility. it moves with him, like still water disturbed, pressing coldness onto his skin when he closes his fist.
there is no bite, in fact it barely feels any different from wearing light cotton gloves. he thinks he understands wwx’s vision better now. he opens his fist again, one finger at a time, watching how the chains loosen and hang lower on his wrist.
he’s so fascinated by it that he’s surprised to see wwx standing in front of him when he looks up. his eyes are fixed on lwj, unwavering and shameless in their focus, dark with what lwj would presume was desire if he didn’t know better.
“ah it doesn’t need adjustments for now then!” wwx says, snapping out of it. “it looks great on you! i’m sure your girlfriend will like it when it’s finished too!”
“i’m gay.” lwj deadpans.
“oh.” wwx says, choked. “your... boyfriend then?”
“wei ying i...” think of you as a safe haven in my hectic life? find your rambling amusing? think you’re extremely talented and deserve success? have a teeny tiny crush on you? what is lwj supposed to say? each of those sound worse than the one before
at the end he decides to settle for the worst possible answer, “i don’t have time for a boyfriend.”
he does! well, not really. but he would make time if it was wwx... or something! sometimes lwj wants to punch a wall, break a finger, quit his job as a consequence and live in a secluded mountain in the east for the rest of his days. this is one of those moments.
wwx nods in understanding. lwj would prefer if he /didn’t/ understand and demanded to be lwj’s boyfriend to prove him wrong. ‘i’ll make you have time for a boyfriend’ is what lwj imagines him saying.
instead wwx offers him tea.
“it’s too late for coffee.” he shrugs when lwj mumbles a surprised ‘tea?’
before lwj can ask why he suddenly has tea in his house when he didn’t just yesterday, wwx is already gone.
they sit around wwx’s small breakfast table. as they sip their tea- high quality tea nonetheless- wwx begins to talk.
“this project is going more smoothly than i expected. i already have a couple designs in my mind. i’d say it’d take maybe a month or so if i substitue my sleep enough with coffee.” wwx says.
“do not strain yourself.” lwj replies.
“rich coming from you.” wwx’s lip quirks, “you passed out on me yesterday. oh what could have caused that? i don’t think it was sleep deprivation and overworking because you’d never do that.”
it feels like lwj is being scolded.
“wei ying-“
“lan zhan, are you alright?” wwx asks sincerely, “i know you said that you weren’t hurt back then when i saw your bruises, but we weren’t friends back then. you were in pain when i met you at wen ning’s parlour. -
- wen qing was oddly iffy about telling jiang cheng about you even though she knows that he’s friends with your brother. you looked so afraid when you thought i was stalking you, which, technically my fault but still. i’m sorry for bringing this up but i’m worried about you. i want to help you, with whatever it is.”
lwj sits in silence for a few moments, flabbergasted. it seems like this is genuinely bothering wwx, and maybe it has for a while now.
“wei ying.” lwj starts, trying to mentally arrange it all in chronological order. “i think there has been a slight misunderstanding. i did not persue conventional modelling because i did not want to be in the public eye.
however, my identity was exposed about a month ago. it made me unnecessarily paranoid which is why wen qing was careful about my information, and i was in turn careful about my surroundings.”
“who the hell-“
“it does not matter now.” lwj says calmingly. he doesn’t need another person trying to beat su she up.
wwx fumes silently as lwj continues.
“at wen ning’s parlour i was actually in quite a bit of pain.” lwj says. wwx opens his mouth but lwj cuts him off. “yes, it was due to overwork, and yesterday can be attributed to the same cause. but it does not happen as often as you’re thinking, i promise.”
wwx mulls this over. “ok fine. don’t think i didn’t notice you skipped over the bruises though. they can’t be from overwork so either someone did that to you or-“
“it is..” lwj says, forcing the words out, “as you thought that day.”
he wouldn’t admit this to anyone, but he doesn’t want wwx to have any misconceptions. and well, if he sacrifices his own peace of mind for wwx, it is most likely worth it in the end.
“you mean...” wwx swallows, “you–“
seeing him struggle so much with the words makes it easier for lwj to blurt them out somehow.
“i like restraints, yes.”
this does not bring an end to the conversation, instead making wwx stutter through even worse versions of it.
“you like– to be tied up– oh my god.” he says, “you- that’s what you meant right? handcuffs, ropes all that- like bdsm? is that what–“
“wei ying. please.” lwj says.
“oh of course. here.” wwx grabs both his wrists with one hand.
lwj stares at him. wwx stares back. what the hell.
“oh,” wwx draws back like has been burned, “oh my god i don’t know why i did that. i’m so sorry!”
“wei ying it’s okay.” lwj tries but wwx has now put his face in his hands and does not seem to hear him above his mumbling variations of ‘oh my god’ and ‘i’m so sorry’.
lwj lets him go on for a while before he can’t take it anymore. he puts a gentle hand on wwx’s shoulder. this seems to have the desired effect, both shutting wwx up and making him look up at lwj.
“wei ying, it’s okay.” he repeats.
“no it’s not! what was i even thinking? it’s not okay for me to do that! out of nowhere! god, i must have made you so uncomfortable–“
“i don’t mind.” lwj says.
“how can you not? you should fire me!”
“you are my employer.”
“that’s even worse!”
lwj sighs. wwx seems to be transforming into a puddle of shame right before him. he has to put an end to this or wwx will overthink himself into an early grave. no amount of consoling seems to work though. lwj sighs, it is time for drastic measures.
“i lied.” lwj says. he quickly continues before wwx can officially begin his pity party, “i do have time for a boyfriend.”
“what.” wwx says, drawn out of his stupor with the sudden shift in topic.
“i have time... if it’s you.” lwj says and then immediately wants to adapt wwx’s head in hands coping mechanism. “now we are even.”
wwx seems to be dissecting his sentence to make sense of it. “oh. OH.”
“i should go home.” lwj rises from his chair. just as he is turning away, wwx grabs his wrist and pulls him so he’s face-to-face with him.
“lan zhan,” wwx says, his eyes fond, “you’re so.. ugh!”
lwj frowns. ugh. he’s ugh.
“lan zhan!” wwx takes lwj’s face between his palms and grins at him, “do you know i’ve been crushing on you since that day at the university?”
“you have?” lwj asks.
“you really didn’t know?” wwx asks, “lan zhan, lan zhan, do you think a professional jeweller needs weekly fitting appointments?”
“you don’t?” lwj feels just a little stupid.
“not really? i could have made adjustments after i finished everything.”
“you like me?” lwj asks. for some reason it hadn’t occurred to him that his crush could be reciprocated.
“yes!” wwx shifts from one foot to another eagerly, “can i hug you now?”
lwj nods and is drawn into wwx’s arms. wwx presses his nose into the space between lwj’s neck and shoulder. lwj holds his shoulders, glad that he can hide his red face in wwx’s hoodie
wwx sighs, his breath tickles on lwj’s skin.
“will you stay with me tonight?” and when lwj is silent for two seconds,
“not like that! it’s innocent! like a sleepover! i won’t tie you up i promise– lan zhan please shut me up i beg you–“
lwj draws back, simply places a gentle kiss on wwx’s lips and says, “don’t ever shut up.”
The End!
as for any loose ends:
- lwj manages to gain his anonymity back
- su she manages not to get beaten up by wwx or nmj but does get a restraining order
- wwx completes his collection and it’s a success! the best part is that he is holding the hand that started it all!
This fic has a nsfw one-shot on ao3 if any of you want to read it :)
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