#i have only just realized Today that oh. fuck. i'm gonna need envelopes to store my patterns in huh
technoxenoholic · 1 year
i am actually considering buying cheap paper envelopes in bulk to store my custom patterns in
mostly because it would be a giant pain in the ass to actually make envelopes out of the plain paper i already have. gluing the flaps by hand in a tidy way without gluing the whole inside together just seems like a nightmare
(and also i'm absolutely not paying the inflated non-bulk prices for paper envelopes are you serious)
#stfu blue#reborking is prohibited#the question is. if i do this. how many do i actually Need.#they come in 25 packs on this one site i'm looking at#i'd rather have some extra if i'm not sure but like. i don't want to buy 4x 25-packs or smth & THEN realize i only need 19 envelopes u kno?#i completely do not know how i want to do this#i have only just realized Today that oh. fuck. i'm gonna need envelopes to store my patterns in huh#if i just shove them all in a drawer all the pieces will get intermixed & damaged and that is just not happening okay. i am not doing that#but do i want to store two 'sibling' versions of a block in one envelope or two?#how many blocks am i even planning to make? how many garments can i get out of how many blocks? how many variants does each block need?#do i want to store different design element patterns together with the blocks they're made for... or separately?#these are the kinds of questions i need to work out the answers to in order to know how many envelopes i need#i need at least... knit shirt/dress block (has 2 major variants). button-up shirt/dress block (has 2 major variants/lots of sub-variation).#jeans block. soft knit pants block. non-stretch slacks block. circle skirt blocks maybe? definitely a jacket block... waistcoat block too#do i need a separate sweater block or can i just up-size my knit shirt block slightly when i make sweaters?#i'll need a separate block for overcoats... does that include the raincoat i'm planning to do? should a raincoat just get A Solo Pattern?#good grief. okay. i'm seriously gonna have to like. sit down and have A Proper Think. make a List. all that.
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italicized-oh · 2 months
AHHHH HI HI WELCOME BACK!!! Sorry about academia hell, I am sending my well wishes and condolences for the sanity lost there…. BUT!!! YOU MADE IT THROUGH CONGRATS!!!! Glad to see you around again!!!!
In terms of prompts hmmm…. Starbreaker doing some shopping maybe? Unsure if it’s for The Plan or just normal groceries. Small moment of domesticity that I’m not sure either of them realize and/or like?
here you go!!!! hope it soothes the aches and pains of today <3
“I won’t do it.”
“Oh, really? You’ve agreed to everything else. What’s special this time?”
“I just…” Jace rubs his forehead. “I just need you to be normal about this, for once, please.”
Porter laughs, leans in closer to Jace, enveloping him in shadow. “Sweetheart, you know nothing about me is normal. Keep dreaming.” Jace rolls his eyes, the brat. It’s like he thinks Porter will somehow be different now that they’re– whatever they are.
Jace shoves ineffectively at Porter’s chest. “Come on, please, can we just leave it? Just this once? Call it a favor,” Jace gulps audibly, “I’ll owe you one.”
Porter grins sharper, puts two fingers under Jace’s chin and feels Jace press down into them, probably despite himself. “That’s not necessary, and you know it. Just gotta ask me real nice. You know how.”
Jace shivers and glares at the same time. It’s fucking adorable. Like a cat who turns away but checks over its shoulder to be sure you’re still paying attention.
“Um, excuse me?” 
Porter sighs deeply, not bothering to disguise his annoyance. Sees an aproned teen looking up at him with the apathy of those who have accepted they’re going to die. Raises his eyebrow. Ignores Jace squirming against the shelf.
“You’re, um, blocking the aisle, sir. Other customers need to be able to access–” they flick their eyes over to Jace “–the produce.”
Porter briefly contemplates having a staring contest with this kid, decides he is – marginally – better than that, and nods. Doesn’t move.
The kid, clearly aware of having done their job to the letter and no further, shrugs and walks away. 
“I can’t fucking believe you,” Jace hisses, finally ducking out from under Porter’s arm. “Fine. As long as you don’t pull this shit again, in public, for fuck’s sake–” 
“You love it, sweetheart, can’t fool me.”
Jace continues as if Porter hasn’t spoken. “–as long as this never happens again, I will eat vegetables with dinner tonight.”
Porter puts on his most angelic beam, letting his hand drift down from Jace’s chin and tucking his fingers under Jace’s scarf (cashmere, to the grocery store, bloody hell) to pet at Jace’s collarbone. “See? I knew you could do it.” Moves his hand down to palm Jace’s left pec, leans into Jace’s ear and whispers, “You’ll live. Promise.”
Jace has turned a fetching shade of maroon and the vein in his forehead is jumping. “Stop that, you brute. Gods, keep it in your pants.” But Jace doesn’t bat his hands away, Porter notes, and Jace only grumbles slightly louder than normal for the rest of their errands. 
What a cunt, Porter thinks, fondly. Can't fuckin' believe I'm gonna marry him.
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troublesomeshika · 4 years
After all this time, I'm still into you (3)
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shikamaru nara x reader word count: 4.7k warnings: swearing, anti-kiba, fluff
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You woke up groggily, the events of the day before coming back to you in pieces as you solved the puzzle. Something fluttered in your stomach but you pushed it down. Looking at the clock you saw it showed 10:07. If you were going to get your errands done, you needed to be out of bed thirty minutes ago at the latest. You threw the covers off, stretching as you stood. First things first: laundry. You threw your clothes from the night before into your hamper, grabbing the few stragglers that lay around the room to be sure they made it in. Quickly throwing on an outfit, you grabbed the hamper and walked it down to the washing room. After you’d finished and hung up your clothes to dry, it was almost noon. You glanced at your pantry, seeing the dust that had begun collecting on some of the shelves and groaned. You needed to hand in your fixed report so groceries would just have to wait until later tonight.
You were jogging, it had taken longer than you’d expected to hand everything in and it was already past twelve. You came to a halt a block from Ichiraku and tried to steady your breathing. Looking down, you smoothed out your shirt and ran your hands over your hair before shaking your head. You were having lunch with a friend, you didn’t need to look perfect. Shaking your head, you looked up to see Shikamaru standing outside the ramen shop with an eyebrow raised. 
“How are you always late to everything?” he chided as you walked up and ducked beneath the pulled back curtain into the small booth. 
“Sorry, sorry, errands took longer than I thought.” You smiled at Teuchi behind the counter as you took a seat near the wall. Shikamaru sat next to you, your elbows bumping together in the small area. You willed your stomach not to flip at such a small thing, reminding yourself, once more, that you were friends, best friends.
“So, they took it with your corrections and everything?” Shikamaru looked up from the menu.
“Hm? Oh yeah, I got chewed out for making the mistake even though they already yelled at me for it when they first gave it back, but it’s whatever.”
He chuckled, “Maybe you’ll do it correctly next time.”
You slapped his arm, looking down at the menu to decide what you wanted. Once the two of you ordered, you turned to him. “So what have you done today? Been at all productive, or no?” 
He glared at you, “I’ll have you know that I woke up early and went to training with Ino and Choji, so no comments on my laziness. I’ve earned the rest of the day off.” 
“Oh so one morning training session earns you a half day off? Guess I should have at least 2 years of vacation stored up then.”
“Uh, yeah. And yet you’d never take any unless I made you. But don’t worry, I’m a giver.” He smirked at the last part.
You rolled your eyes, “Oh yes, it must be so hard, but thank god you make the sacrifice.” Your voice dripped with sarcasm.
He shrugged, “It’s my duty, otherwise I’d be hard at work right now.” That made you laugh out loud, something about the idea of Shikamaru working hard was unimaginable. “Hey, woah it’s not that funny, I do work hard sometimes.” That only made you snort.
“Mhmm yeah, you. Shikamaru Nara. Working hard at something? That’d be a site to s-”
“Y/N?” You heard a voice behind you, which made you turn your head. 
“Oh, uh hey Kiba.” You smiled and brought a finger to your face, trying to quickly wipe the small tears at the corner of your eye.
He only glowered in response, looking between you and Shikamaru. “Already moved on, huh?” 
Your brow furrowed, “What?” You glanced at Shikamaru whose face showed no emotion.
“I saw the way you used to look at him, you’re doing it now. I knew you had feelings for him the whole time.” 
“Woah woah, I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He scoffed in response.
“Hey, I’m trying to have lunch with my friend, so you can kindly fuck off if you’re gonna be weird about it.” You started to turn back around before he piped up again.
“So were you fucking him behind my back or is this a new development?” he sneered, “I should’ve known when you said it just wasn’t working between us, can’t expect you to slow down, right?” 
You felt like the air had been knocked out of you. “Excuse me?” You stood, raising an eyebrow at the boy in front of you, “I didn’t do what you’re accusing me of, but if you wanna do this in public, let’s do it,” Your smile was icy- you loved him, how could he ever accuse you of something like this? 
“No,” he shook his head. “I’ve had enough of this, Y/N.” 
“Enough of what?” Shikamaru’s drawl came from behind you, “Kiba, stop spouting off.” 
“You shut your mouth!” Kiba exploded.
“You’re the one accusing people here!!” You yelled at him. 
“Yeah because you’re the one on a date weeks after breaking up with me and acting all heartbroken.”
“So what if she’s on a date, Kiba, you don’t own the girl.”
“This isn’t a date and Shikamaru, stay the fuck out of this.” You gritted your teeth. The last thing you needed was another person involved in whatever this was.
“God, the two of you are so troublesome, you’re drawing a crowd. Kiba, just leave, you’re not going to accomplish anything here.”
The boy practically snarled at the two of you, baring his teeth before turning on his heel to stalk off. You were breathing heavy, fists clenched when you felt a hand on your shoulder. Rounding on Shikamaru you spat at him, “Why did you butt in? I didn’t ask you to say anything, now he’s definitely going to think I cheated on him. God!” You brought your hand to your forehead and squeezed hard.
“Hey, just.... sit back down. C’mon.” He guided you to your stool as you felt the lump in your throat that had been threatening to form.
“Why did he have to do that in public.... Now everyone will think I’m a cheater.” You stared at the counter in front of you. 
“It’s Kiba, what could you expect? He’s a hotheaded idiot, I still can’t believe you even gave him the time of day, let alone dated him.”
“Really not the time, Shikamaru.” You pressed your fingers to your temples, “I didn’t need this today.” Your nerves were so shot that when Ayame placed your order in front of you, you jumped.
“Honestly, I really don’t think anyone is gonna think that.” His hand rested on your back now, but you were too preoccupied to think about it.
“God, I just, the worst part is that I still love him so much? Why would he....” tears reappeared at the corners of your eyes, this time stinging with anger and pain.
“Hey, look at me.” You continued staring at the bowl in front of you, afraid that if you moved, your composure would break and you’d be reduced to crying in public. “Y/N, I need you to look at me, right now.” Shikamaru’s voice was firm and unwavering, but you could only shake your head softly. You sensed him stand up beside you before he turned your body and enveloped you in a hug. Your face hidden, tears spilled quickly onto his shirt, it was short but needed. You clenched your fist, digging your nails into your palm to ground you before taking a deep breath and untangling yourself from Shikamaru. When you looked up, his cheeks were flushed, likely from secondhand embarrassment. 
You smiled sheepishly, “Sorry about that, didn’t mean to fall apart on you!” you wiped your face quickly, turning to your bowl of food, “Better eat before it gets cold!” You forced an upbeat tone into your voice, trying to hide how you felt. Shikamaru sat down beside you and you felt his gaze still on you. “I’m okay, really, I just.... Having a bad day I guess.” You took a bite of your food and swallowed it, willing the lump in your throat to disappear. “Anyways, I overheard that your team is being sent out on a mission soon, do you know what it’s for?” Looking up, his eyes were studying you, picking you apart as only he could. 
He turned to his own food, picking up noodles on his chopsticks before replying, “I think it’s something about retrieving some stolen information, but I’m not sure. I didn’t really read the message they sent me, just looked at when we’re leaving.” 
“Which is?” You took another bite, beginning to realize how hungry you were.
“Tomorrow morning.” He took a bite and your eyes lingered on his lips a second longer than a friend’s eyes should. 
“Oh, so you probably need to get ready, I guess just lunch for today then.”
“Tch, you’re not getting out of it that easily. Especially after what just happened.”
You rolled your eyes, taking another bite before replying, “Please, it was a momentary lapse for me, I’m really alright and if you need to cut out to prepare, I can just take a rain check.”
He shook his head. “You trying to weasel out of this is tiring and it’s making me need the time off even more.”
You sighed, “Fine fine,” you held up your hands, finished with your meal, “lemme know when you’re ready to go.”
He looked up, mildly shocked, “You’re already done?”
Shrugging you grinned at him, “Need the fuel to keep me energized.”
He simply sighed and began eating faster. You took the opportunity to ask Ayame for the bill. By the time you’d paid, Shikamaru had finished his own serving and was standing waiting for you. “Ready?” you asked. He nodded and the two of you began walking. You talked to Shikamaru, going on about something Ino had said recently, not really paying much attention to where you were going. This made it all the more surprising when you looked around and realized you were in the woods, surrounded by trees. “Shikamaru? Where are we?” 
He chuckled, “Took you long enough to realize.”
Your heart was pounding as you realized you must be in the Nara woods. “Hey uh, I’m not gonna get trampled and beaten up by your deer right?”
“As long as you don’t annoy me, no. You’re here with me, they won’t bother you.” You couldn’t help but glance around the trees, noticing the eyes that blended in with the scenery. You shifted closer to Shikamaru as you walked, feeling the deer watch you. You felt bad as you bumped against his arm for the fourth time, hearing him sigh. Suddenly there was a weight on your shoulder and you were pulled to the side. “There. Will you calm down now? It’s clear you’re not a threat, they just watch everyone, it’s their thing.”
You nodded in reply, but your heart rate had only sped up now that his arm was around you. Thankfully you came to a clearing of soft grass where the sun shone perfectly. You couldn’t help the soft gasp that fell from your lips as you stepped into the area.
Shikamaru chuckled beside you, “Yeah, this is my secret spot.”
You thwaked his side softly with your arm, “Shikamaru Nara. I cannot believe you never showed me this!” 
“Well then it wouldn’t have been secret now would it?” he grinned at you, but you were busy staring around the clearing.
“It’s so beautiful,” you breathed out. 
You crouched down, running your hands through the soft grass before stretching yourself out. “Well? If we’re gonna relax, let’s relax.” 
He chuckled, looking down at you, “Alright fine, but I brought you here to make sure you’d relax, so no fidgeting.” He laid down perpendicular to you, resting his head on your thighs. Feeling your heart rate spike again, you shifted and put one arm behind your head. Your foot was still bouncing softly until Shikamaru reached out and grabbed it. “Stop fidgeting,” 
You blushed, “Sorry, I didn’t realize.” He sighed in response and your hand one made its way down to his hair. You had to continue moving somehow, this was the least offensive option. Before touching his hair you made sure to ask, “You okay with this?” When he hummed in response, you began to slowly fiddle with his hair, making sure not to pull on it. It was nice, you hadn’t done this in years, but it felt natural. The sun on your skin warmed your entire body and the grass was softer than any you’d felt. There was a soft breeze that carried some kind of floral scent and the clouds were floating by serenely above. You felt more relaxed than you had in years, and as your mind drifted you felt the urge to tell Shikamaru how you felt. He had a right to know, and you had a right to make your feelings known. You knew he didn’t feel the same, and you’d made your peace with that. “Shikamaru?” 
“Mm?” he hummed quietly in response.
“You ever think about how insignificant we are in the world?”
He snorted, “Y/N what are you on?”
“I don’t quite know,” you watched the clouds drift by above, “I think I just wanna talk to you,” you wove a few strands of his hair carefully through your fingers.
“As long as I don’t have to respond,” you tugged lightly on his hair in response.
“So you don’t mind if I just talk mindlessly to you?”
“No, I don’t mind Y/N. Feel free to babble about whatever you’d like.”
You smiled at his word choice, “Okay, well I feel like I owe you the truth especially after earlier today,” He only sighed, waiting for you to continue. “What Kiba said wasn’t actually that crazy, I realized last night that....” you paused, taking a deep breath, “I have feelings for you and they aren’t friend feelings,” you rushed your next words, making sure to get them out before he could reply, “I tried to get over it, but.... I’m still into you.” You stared straight up, focusing on a misshapen cloud that was floating lazily overhead.
“Is that all?” Shikamaru’s voice sounded mildly amused.
“Yeah, just.... thought I’d tell you,” you felt more comfortable, especially since he hadn’t sat up or pulled away. You closed your eyes, enjoying the feeling of not hiding anything.
“Well, I guess you ought to know that I feel the same.” His voice didn’t change at all and he sounded almost bored.
Your heart stopped and your eyes snapped open, but you didn’t move. “You.... do?”
“Oh, okay.” you paused, unsure of what to do next. You felt Shikamaru shift and you sat up. You looked into his eyes, noticing his slight smirk as you waited for his next move.
His hand was resting on your thigh and he looked down at it before speaking, “I guess the next thing is for me to ask you out,” his thumb traced soft circles across your leg, “what a drag.”
“Well seeing as I confessed, shouldn’t I be the one to ask you out?” You raised an eyebrow, grinning at him. “So Shikamaru,” he shook his head, chuckling as you continued, “will you go out with me?”
He looked up and grinned, “I’d love to.”
Your heart swelled as you reached out and cupped his face, softly stroking his cheek. You sighed, “Maybe it’s too early, but.... I think I love you Shikamaru Nara.”
A blush covered his usually reserved features as he shifted to hide his face against your stomach, “Troublesome woman,” You laughed and tangled your fingers in his hair as you laid back again. “I think I love you too.” he murmured softly into your skin. The smile on your face wouldn’t go away as you closed your eyes, relishing in the feeling of happiness that washed over you.
“So does this mean you’ll start paying for meals?”
“Not if you keep losing, our rule still stands.”
You hummed, softly running your hands through his hair. “Mm fine. When’s our next rematch then? I need to know so I can get your dad to teach me.”
His head appeared above you, his ponytail messy from your fingers, “You wanna come over tonight?”
You smiled at his eagerness, “Shikamaru, I don’t think your mom would take kindly to me bumming two meals in a row off you guys.” You reached up, caressing his face.
He leaned into your hand and smirked, “Please, you know she loves you, more than me.”
You raised an eyebrow, “Maybe it’s because I don’t lay around her house and mutter things under my breath when she asks for help.”
“You’re so rude,” He frowned, “maybe I won’t go out with you.”
You pulled his head to your shoulder, “Then I’ll just have to pester you until you do.”
“You would wouldn’t you,” he melted into you and you smiled at his weight on your body.
“Mhmm. If I have to come throw rocks at your window every night, I will.” You pressed a soft kiss on the side of his head. “If that’s what it will take, then that’s just what I’ll have to do. But it would be so very troublesome,” you threw his favorite phrase back at him to which he only huffed, “so please don’t make me.”
“Fine. But come over tonight?” He murmured into your ear, his hot breath making goosebumps run their way down your body.
You twirled the short hair at the nape of his neck as you thought about it, “Alright, I guess you’ve convinced me.”
He shifted and pressed a small kiss to your cheek. “Whoever thought I’d be the one having to force you to do things?”
“Quite a change of pace hmm?”
He rolled onto his back and pulled your body close to his, “Well then, I’ll have to make sure to beat you next time we compete so we can balance things out again.”
“I’m looking forward to it.” You nuzzled into his chest, and everything felt right. Breathing in his soft and familiar smell, you felt yourself drifting in the afternoon sun. The next thing you knew, soft kisses were being pressed against your head as you heard Shikamaru murmuring your name. Your eyelids fluttered open and you tilted your head to look up at him. A drowsy smile adorned his lips which you mirrored.
“Hi,” he breathed out.
You laughed softly, “Hi,” you felt like a schoolgirl again, shy and soft.
“How was your nap?”
“Wonderful, you make a great pillow.” You both sat up. Shifting to straddle him, you threw your arms around his shoulders. The sun was setting and it was catching on his hair just perfectly. You leaned forward and pressed your forehead to his, taking a deep breath. “I think this is the happiest I’ve been in awhile.”
“Oh really? All because of me?” His lips were tilted up in a cocky smirk.
You leaned forward slowly, lips barely brushing his and breathed out, “All because of you.” before pushing your lips against his. The way you two moved against each other was natural. You felt his hands grip your hips as you pulled away for air. A soft breeze blew past, alerting you to how flushed your face was as the cool air hit your cheeks. You leaned your head back to look up at the sky, noticing the stars beginning to shine above. “We should probably get back, seems our day off has ended.”
Shikamaru sighed, tugging you closer to him, “What a drag, how about five more minutes?”
You smiled, and tapped his nose with your finger, “C’mon lazy, let’s go.” You stood and held your hands out to him. He took them and you pulled him up, lingering there, fingers tangled together before you began pulling him back towards the village.
“That’s the wrong way, genius.” He laughed and pulled you the other way and you smiled sheepishly.
“Sorry, guess you just make my head spin so much I don’t know which ways which.”
He groaned, “Please tell me that’s the only dumb line you’re gonna use.”
“Well, I got lost in your eyes, but since you know where you’re going I’ll just follow your lead.” You were grinning up at him, a shit eating grin plastered across your face. You opened your mouth, about to continue, but he cut you off quickly with a kiss.
“Dork,” he muttered, throwing an arm around your shoulder. You began walking back the way you’d come, offering up different terrible pick up lines whenever they came to you. By the time you came to the road you were sure he was questioning his earlier decision of saying yes to you, the only thing betraying otherwise was the slight upturn of the corner of his mouth. You turned towards his house, seeing the lights on, and you were struck by how much had changed in 24 hours. It felt crazy, but it also felt right. Shikamaru groaned beside you, pinching the bridge of his nose with his fingers.
“You okay?”
“I just don’t wanna have to tell my parents about us, my mom’s gonna be insufferable about it.”
You stopped walking, “Well, I don’t have to come over, really it’s fine. We spent the whole day together.”
“No no,” he pressed his forehead to yours, “I want you to come over.”
“Okay well then we don’t have to tell your parents about us.”
He shifted from foot to foot, clearly thinking, “Hmm, I guess so.”
You laughed and pushed him away, “Then we’re back to platonic for tonight.”
“One more kiss? Just to tide me over.” He raised an eyebrow.
You rolled your eyes, unable to stop yourself from smiling at the request, “Hmm, I guess so.” You mocked him as he stepped closer and tilted your head up with his index finger, kissing you soft and slow.
He pulled away, dropping his hand from your chin, “Ready for another friendly dinner? Emphasis on the friend part.”
“I am, let’s go,” you both walked up to his front door and he opened it for you, the smell of mackerel wafting out the door, “You just keep winning today huh?” You glanced at him, knowing how much he loved the food, but he only grinned in response.
You walked in and were greeted by Yoshino who was visibly surprised to see you. “Oh, Y/N, Shikamaru didn’t tell me we were expecting you back again tonight!”
You blushed, embarrassed, “I’m sorry for the intrusion ma’am. I don’t have to stay for dinner, it's not a big deal!” You turned to Shikamaru ready to bid him goodbye but he didn’t look at you.
“It’s fine, I’m sure we have enough for you, right mom?”
“Yes, of course! That’s not at all what I meant!” Yoshino rushed to assure you, “I was just surprised is all. Well, Shikamaru come and help me serve the food, your dad is just getting changed out of his work clothes. Feel free to sit down, Y/N.” Shikamaru smiled at you, touching the small of your back softly before continuing through to the kitchen. You walked over to the shogi board that was still out, observing the game that was leftover from the night before, the one that had led to lunch this afternoon, where you’d seen Kiba.... had it really been this afternoon that that had happened? You still felt terrible about it, but the sound of Shikaku entering the room forced you to push your thoughts aside.
“Ah, Y/N! Back to join us?” 
You smiled and nodded, “Yes sir, also, real quick, I was wondering, do you think you could tell me why I lost this game last night?”
He grinned, “Ah, want to know what you should’ve done to beat him?”
“Yes sir.” You took a seat where Shikamaru had sat and Shikaku took your position.
“Well, it looks like when you moved your lance, you left yourself open to attack, and from there you were bound to end up in checkmate. You should have left your lance where it was,” he began explaining how you should’ve gone about capturing Shikamaru’s pieces. You tried to pay attention, you really did, but shogi was just so boring and so much had happened that your mind began wandering on its own. “And then he would’ve been stuck in checkmate and you would’ve won.” Shikaku finished his explanation looking up at you.
You looked up and nodded, “I’ll be honest I don’t know if I got all that but I think some of it stuck somewhere in my brain so thank you.”
He bobbed his head, frowning, “Well, if you’d like me to train you, you know where to find me, I’m always up to help you beat Shikamaru.” He smiled and stood, “Now, we should probably make our way to dinner before Yoshino gets angry.”
You stood and followed him through to see Shikamaru putting the plates out with a dish towel thrown over his shoulder. He looked so domestic it made you smile. He glanced up at you and you felt your stomach flip as he flashed you a smirk. You sat in the same place you had the night before, and made polite conversation as you ate. The topic of your day came up and you were forced to confess how Shikamaru had forced you to go cloud watching with him.
“Oh, so he roped you into his lazy antics as well?” Yoshino glared at Shikamaru who only shrugged.
You laughed, “Yes, but I think I was in need of a day off so it wasn’t unwelcome.”
“Who isn’t, I could use a day off. How about we go cloud watching, honey?” Shikaku smiled at his wife.
“Hm, I don’t know about cloud watching, but you could stand to take some time off as well.” You admired the way they were so comfortable with each other, going back and forth. Seeing how clearly they loved each other caused you to look fondly across the table at Shikamaru.
Yoshino spoke up, “You know, I was always so sure you two would get together.”
You flushed bright red and stared down at your food, trying hard to suppress your smile.
Yoshino held her hands up, “I’m only being honest.” Shikamaru groaned and took a bite of his food, his cheeks red like yours, “Some things just make sense and I always thought the two of you were one of those things.”
You laughed awkwardly, unsure of how to proceed when a bird flew in through the open window, saving you from any further conversation. Shikaku stood and retrieved the message from the bird who left the same way it had entered.
“It’s for you, Shikamaru.” He handed the small scroll to him before returning to his seat.
Shikamaru unrolled it and began reading before he sighed, “They moved up the time for the mission, we’re leaving in a few hours, what a drag.”
You all quickly finished your meal, making sure that you helped to clean up before saying goodnight. Shikamaru walked you to the front porch, closing the door behind him. He pulled you in for a hug, arms circling your waist and his head resting on your shoulder as you slowly stroked up and down his back. “Can’t believe we just got together and I have to leave for a mission, how troublesome.” He murmured into your hair.
You laughed, “Well you were fine before we were together, I’m sure you’ll be fine this time as well.” You pulled back and cupped his face, “Just, make sure you come back to me, you know?” You leaned up and kissed him, soft and slow just like he had kissed you earlier.
“Of course,” he kissed your forehead before letting you go. As you walked away, you turned and glanced back. He was leaning against the house watching you, a lit cigarette hanging from his lips and smoke curling around his head. You grinned, shaking your head before you continued on your way, happiness blooming in your chest.
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