#i have opinions about catfa and 9-1-1
hmslusitania · 3 years
i was back on a different kind of bullshit last night so have this fusion au I'll never write
Look, so, it's the 1940s.
Buck gets drafted. Eddie doesn't for various health reasons.
Eddie signs up for an experiment.
the programme is at least partly organised by Agent Maddie Kendall (i know, but trust me, he's just overseas and then later he's just dead it's fine). And see, because there's such an age gap between Maddie and Buck, Eddie doesn't know she's his best friend's sister, and Maddie thinks to herself "surely there is another Eddie Diaz" and so neither of them make the connection.
Eddie, obviously, becomes Captain America
And ends up in the USO
Which he hates because he's an introvert, but he's also really good at it, he'd just rather be doing something worthwhile. Anyway, he's doing a show in Italy and discovers that he's performing for the 118 and hey wait that's Buck's unit, hey wait they all got captured.
And so he goes to the colonel and to Maddie and is like "My best friend's unit got captured" and Maddie's like "hey! it was my brother's unit too!" and they finally figure it out in a very spider-men meme, but anyway, Eddie goes and breaks out the 118, including one Howard "Howie" Han (this is 80% of the reason this was in my head) and together they become the Howling Commandos.
Buck is reluctant to join on account of being pissy about Eddie being in danger (again) and also he's pretty sure Eddie and Maddie are flirting and for whatever reason that makes him kinda want to die on the inside
at some point he tries to be like haha you're flirting with my sister man and Eddie just like points him at the corner where Howie and Maddie are gazing deeply into each other's eyes and Buck's in a better mood after that
Anyway, then there's the train.
And then Eddie goes into the ice.
and wakes up much earlier than 2011 but he's handed into SHIELD supervisory custody with Agent Shannon [Surname redacted] and wouldn't you know it, they strike up a relationship which is against the rules, and wouldn't you know it but turns out the folk legend in the background of SHIELD about Project Rebirth, ah, separating the captain from his men if you will, not true.
And well, eventually, things implode and fall apart and then aliens invade and it's just like, it's a whole thing.
After the aliens, after Norse gods, after after after, Eddie ends up working for SHIELD in DC in his capacity as Captain America, and on a morning stress run, he runs into a ghost.
Not a real one, of course although considering the state of the world, that's probably a solid possibility. But the other guy running stress laps around the Mall at dawn looks exactly like that other Howlie, Howie Han.
"Nah, Howie was my grandfather. I'm Chimney," Chim tells him, and a friendship is struck.
Rounding out their trio for the sake of this AU is Lena, but see there's this problem.
Another ghost, another relic from the colder days, known only as the Winter Soldier.
they wanted machines right someone who could turn a switch and not be human anymore and that's not him it's not but how can he remember when they go out of their way to just overwrite all his memories all the time and the screaming that echoes in his head all the time is his own but
And the Winter Soldier is tearing through them, just rendering all of SHIELD basically useless, ostensibly took out Director A. Grant and everything.
But when they come up against him, the Winter Soldier's muzzle gets knocked off and really it's amazing what counts as a memory trigger, but Eddie saying his name works pretty damn well
the flashback, of course, isn't "I'm with you 'til the end of the line" it's "You can have my back any day" and the line when Eddie's almost dying trying to get through the Winter Soldier programming is "I said I've got your back, Evan" and well
When Buck drags him out of the Potomac (or was it the Anacostia? doesn't matter) Eddie is conscious enough to keep him from running, and instead they flee the dregs of SHIELD together, and hole up in the safehouse where Christopher lives, and it's that ultimate show of trust, placing him in the same house where he keeps his son, that breaks through the last of Buck's programming, and the fact that they've been just stupid in love with each other since like 1936 is allowed to surface, and they get to step aside from this awful life they've lived, together, on their own terms.
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thanksbarton-moved · 3 years
 said i could do one of two urls so i chose this one @stahcys​​  || meme
​Do I Follow Them?: I do! I follow a lot of their blogs. Although sometimes I miss them here and there so you know this is your heads up that any of you can follow me on anything you have, anywhere I have! Why Did I Follow Them?: Because I have known them for a long time and all their characters are usually amazing so I knew this one would be too. Do We Role Play?: I think I owe something for Gwen but I’m not 100 percent sure.  Do I Want To Role Play With Them: I do! Throw me anything always. An AU Idea For Our Muses: I feel like I’d need more time to flesh something out fully to make it really interesting and unique. But for now I think it’d be interesting if we could do an AU where Gwen is in CATFA. A Song For Our Muses: dont ask me why but be kind by marshmello and halsey popped in my head. Do I Ship Our Muses?: I’d say more of like a sibling dynamic tbh. What I Think About The Mun: I LOVE YOU 3000! Overall Opinion:  i think you’re awesome! overall!!
Blog Rate: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
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mommabearclarke · 6 years
*asks you all of them*
oh my god are you kidding me lmao
well here goes. see you on the other side
1. What was the first Marvel film you’ve ever watched?
I think it was The Incredible Hulk? I believe my dad had downloaded it for me to watch en route to the south of France. I remember being so fucking invested in his relationship with Liv. Lmao. That movie was a mess but alright. It took a few years more to get invested into the universe, I had no idea what was going on.
2. What got you into the MCU in the first place?
Idk? I honest to God don’t remember. I think I started watching Iron Man, and then CATFA, and that was it? I love Superhero movies, they give off such a hopeful vibe. 
3. Which Marvel superhero portrayal is better in the comics than in the movies?
I have never read the comics so I can’t answer this xD
4. Who’s your favourite Marvel superhero and why?
The only correct answer here is obviously Black Panther, but I honestly love most if not all of them. Natasha is obviously my favourite character of all time (SHE NEEDS LIKE THREE MOVIES ALREADY WHAT KIND OF SEXISM)
5. Who’s your least favourite Marvel superhero and why?
Iron Man (*proceeds to hide from the lynch parties*). Like, especially IM2 Iron Man, I just dislike the pure privilege that that man has, and he’s still like “well my life sucks so imma ruin the only good relationship i have”. I don’t hate him or anything, and while I disagree with what he does in CACW I can totally see where he’s coming from and it’s painful. But yeah, I don’t like superheroes who just throw a lot of money at things and then do stuff (Batman is my least favourite DC superhero too, so it’s not limited to Tony lmao)
6. Any MCU ships? Characters or actors.
As a rule I don’t ship actors unless they’re in an actual relationship, but Marvel really messed up when they ruined Clintasha. That ship is the freaking best. Other than that, nothing much.
7. Which MCU ship should be canon? Characters or actors.
8. Who’s the strongest Avenger?
Natasha Romanoff. Home girl uses the underestimation of stupid men (AND GODS) and uses it to break them down. All on her own strength, no powers required.
9. Any underrated Avenger? Any overrated Avenger?
Underrated: Hawkeye. Overrated: Iron Man.
10. Which Avenger deserved better and why?
NATASHA FREAKING ROMANOFF. she did not deserve to be reduced to a love interest to Bruce and then pretend like the thing that made her The Worst^tm is the fact that she could not have kids, @whedon get the fuck out of here.
11. Favourite MCU movie and why?
Black Panther. If you’ve watched it, you know why.
12. Least favourite MCU movie and why?
Age of Ultron. Oh my God I don’t even know where to begin. Whedon ruined Clintasha, Natasha’s character and killed a loveable dork all in one go. Nope.
13. Which MCU movie did you think was going to be disappointing but it’s now one of your faves?
I think Civil War. I still think it’s so stupid that they went to war over this stupid accord (Cap is obvsly right but that’s beside the point), but it was less stupid than I expected.
14. Any theories about what will happen in Infinity War 2?
The people who died come back to life, and the Phase 1 characters either die or leave the Avengers. Thanos gets whacked over the head by Deadpool.
15. If you wrote Infinity War 2, which characters would you kill for good and why?
None. I hate killing characters when their stories are done.
Actually no, that’s not true. Thanos. Definitely Thanos.
16. Which MCU sequel/future movie are you most excited about? Why?
Black Panther 2, Captain Marvel, Black Widow standalone. Black Panther was amazing, so I need more (ALSO I NEED MORE OF MY BADASS PRINCESS). Captain Marvel because after a fucking decade there’s finally gonna be a badass female-led marvel superhero. It’s ten years too late, but ok. Same reason for Black Widow.
17. What is your opinion about Captain Marvel becoming the face of the MCU after Infinity War 2?
18. If you had to introduce a new character to the MCU, from the comics or completely made up by yourself, who would it be? What would their abilities be? Would they have any love interest? What role would they play in the MCU?
Deadpool obviously. HE needs to become part of the Avengers and get with Spidey already (tho Tom and Ryan are too far apart in age but I’m sure they can figure it out).
19. Some people say certain actors were born for their roles. Do you think any MCU actors/actresses were made to play their character?
Yes all of them. They are their characters and their characters are them. It’s like Marvel grew them.
20. Which MCU actor/actress do you think is more similar to their character and why?
RDJ is obviously Tony. Like there’s no difference they’re the exact same person lmao.
THank you
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