#i have seen some great stories but also I have seen 10000 people complain that they don't understand
trek-tracks · 5 months
Me: I am a mature adult with a professional job
Also Me:
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*snickering while taking a screenshot for posterity*
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sailormiyoung89 · 7 years
I’m really looking forward to this read through because I bought the books a few years ago and then never ended up opening them. It was the end of Spring- beginning of Summer and there was a LOT of garden work to be done outside. Therefore I ended up listening to Roy Dotrice and his…interesting at times voices :D I also kind of ‘yada yada-d’ the first two books as I have watched the show and I knew that it had begun as very loyal to the books. So it should be interesting to see if I pick up more on a reread now that I can actually take my time reading through. One thing I will say though is talking about asoiaf makes me very uncomfortable. Which probably sounds weird but from my perspective, the fandom is so intelligent, I feel like I have nothing to add and am just blabbering on. So please bear with me to an extent and excuse me when I inevitably say some really dumb things.
The way I will be writing this up is I will be reading a chapter and writing a mini chapter review and then I’ll continue. Rather than reading a clump of chapters, forgetting details from ones I read closer to the start and writing one review on several chapters.  
Do keep in mind that I HAVE ‘read’ the books once and am up to date on the TV show so I can’t promise first time book readers that I won’t discuss spoilers.
I’ll put everything else under the cut! :D
I found Waymar Royce a pretty interesting character. He’s arrogant and standoffish and a poor commander but not unintelligent which tends to accompany those kinds of characters. He was quick to point out that if the wall was weeping then it wouldn’t be cold enough to kill them. It was also interesting to see that George established so early on the ways that those in power can really screw over those underneath them.
One thing that I was wondering that didn’t make a lot of sense to me is that George doesn’t really call them ‘white walkers’ as much as he does ‘others’ and I was wondering why D&D changed it for the show? Calling them ‘white walkers’ just causes more confusion with ‘wights’ and George chose to call them Others because of the idea of ‘the great other’ and changing their name loses some of that.
 Bran I:
Bran was a great character to open up the series proper. As he’s so young and it’s his first time going with Ned to execute a deserter, we can gain a lot more exposition through Bran without it feeling very artificial.
Also, Robb is quick where Jon is fast? Maybe I’m being dense but is there a difference between being fast and quick?
Also, I feel like Theon wasn’t this awful in the show. Kicking around the head of the deserter and his quickness to kill the direwolves…so far book Theon is MUCH more unpleasant.  Also maybe I’m reading too much into this but is the one that Theon tried to kill Grey Wind? Robb hands baby Grey Wind and another of the pups to Bran to hold and it’s one of those that Theon tries to take from Bran and kill.
*edit I reread it and it’s probably Summer. I thought Robb was letting Bran hold Grey Wind but he just told him to pet him.
Also, let’s talk for a minute about the aging up of the characters in the TV show. I can understand why they did so for Dany; after all watching a 13 year old have sex with an adult on TV would be completely unacceptable. Not to mention they probably couldn’t film a sex scene with a teenage actor even if they wanted to. But I don’t understand why they made Jon and Robb the same age as Theon. With Theon being a good bit older than the other two lads, Robb and Jon obviously have a lot more in common and are much closer. Theon isn’t so much the outsider and the prisoner of war whereas you do get a bit more of that in the book. Making them all the same age in the show made them kind of interchangeable at the start; three lads of the same age growing up in the same family unit who’re probably friends. You certainly don’t get the sense that there’s much dislike between Jon and Theon.
Also one part towards the end of the chapter really stuck out to me.
‘“Can’t you hear it?”
Bran could hear the wind….but Jon was listening to something else.’
Jon then dismounts from his horse and find Ghost. What I found interesting was that we later find out that Ghost makes no noise. And it’s something that Jon can hear that Bran and the others cannot. Therefore I think that even in this first encounter with the wolves, Jon has ALREADY unlocked his connection with Ghost.
Catelyn I:
I love Caitlyn. On my first read-through, my favourite chapters were Cat, Sans and Cerseis’.
One thing I found interesting is when Ned tells Cat that ‘the man died well’, which is the same as what Robb said in the previous chapter, setting up the first parallel between Robb and his father. However in the previous chapter, Jon immediately disagrees with the notion that the deserter died ‘well’ or ‘bravely’ which is a notion that Bran seems to side with. And as our POV character for that chapter, we’re set up to side with Bran. So I certainly found that fascinating.
I also found it very interesting how early in the books the isle of faces is established as a place in Westeros in the South which also has weirwoods. Given the significance of the Isle of faces to most R+L=J theories and the significance of the weirwoods in future books it’s veeeeery interesting how quickly it was brought up as being a thing.  
It’s also quiet interesting how this is the second time we’ve seen Ned now and he’s very different in Catelyn’s eyes than he was in Bran’s. In Bran’s POV chapter we see Lord Stark of Winterfell whereas in this chapter he comes across pretty introverted and we really get a sense of him being a ‘quiet wolf’. The Stark and Lannister feud is also established very quickly when Ned describes the queen’s (whom he doesn’t refer to be name or title) family as an ‘infestation’. It’s also pretty funny how he goes on to say that no living man has seen an Other the chapter after he executed the deserter. I’m sure most people caught that particular piece of irony but I still found it amusing nonetheless.
Daenerys I:
I don’t really have a lot to say about this chapter to be honest. It’s a good chapter. I find Viserys and Dany to be an interesting parallel to Robb and Jon in the previous chapter. Viserys and Robb are both heads/future heads of their families. Both boys have these expectations of people. Robb insisting that the deserter died bravely, Viserys choosing to believe that Ilyrio is loyal to him and that he will retake the iron throne. They both have to project power and certainty. Whereas their younger siblings both see through that. Jon knows that Will was terrified. Deaneries hears what they are called in the streets, she mistrusts Illyria.
And this is going to sound weird considering that he literally ends the chapter saying that he would allow the entire khalasar to rape his sister, but a part of me also feels really awful for the life of fear and terror and running that Viserys would have experienced as a child. Not excusing his actions by any stretch but I do empathise with what he went through.
Another detail which I’m sure most people picked up on but I’m going to point out anyway is the golden collars and how Drogo is described as being so rich that all his slaves wear them and Daenerys is also given a golden collar and called a princess.
Also this chapter set up and name dropped SO MUCH. Stannis, the lord of light, Tyrells, Greyjoys, Unsullied, Elia Martell. I’m sure there are more that I missed but I think this is probably the chapter so far with the most setup, which is really interesting when you consider that Dany’s storyline is the most removed from the main story.
Eddard I:
While Daenery’s I was the chapter with the most set up, Eddard I is definitely the chapter with the most exposition so far. In this chapter we learn about Robert’s Rebellion, the Greyjoy Rebellion and how Theon came to be Eddard’s ward. It also hints at R+L=J and we’re also introduced to the crypts of Winterfell.
I never really paid much attention to the descriptions of weapons before but they’ve really grabbed my attention on this reread. In Bran I, we’re given a description of Ice and it’s described as being as wide as Robb and taller. Taller than a teenage boy. I don’t think we were given Robb’s height but he HAS to be at least 5’5. And yet despite the strength it must take to wield Ice, Ned can hardly even lift Robert’s warhammer. Which really says more about Robert’s strength than anything else George might have written.
Jon I:
Acrobatic Tyrion. Is this the dumbest thing that George has ever written? And it has NO plot significance. Unless Winds is released and we hear that Tyrion has been refining his abilities all this time and does a back flip onto a flying dragon or some shit.
Also, I have 0 time for entitled, whiny, bratty Jon. He is so mean about Myrcella. (I may or not be 10000% on the side of ‘protect all these small children in this asshole universe so I will always object when they’re treated horribly, particularly the really young kids). And I KNOW it’s supposed to highlight that highborn ladies are not the kind of women he’s into. And I KNOW he’s probably projecting his feelings about his relationship with Sansa onto Myrcella. But fuck you Jon Snow. You are so fucking whiny. You have absolutely 0 appreciation for how good your life is. As Catelyn is well aware, most men don’t bring their bastards home with them and raise them along with their other children. You have it really good compare to most others born in your position. And I can’t help but compare him to Dany who is brought up by her abusive brother constantly on the run. She had a much, much shitty childhood than Jon. And yet SHE doesn’t complain. The closest we get is towards the end when she tells her brother that she wants to go home….yeah so far I don’t like Jon very much at ALL.
Although I did find it interesting that his role model was Daeron Targaryen. Apart from the obvious Targ connection, Daeron was a terrible conqueror.
Moving on to his discussion with Tyrion at the very end of the chapter and George’s establishment of Tywin’s belief that Tyrion is the son of Aerys.
‘“You are your mother’s trueborn son of Lannister.”
“Am I?” The dwarf replied, sardonic. “Do tell my lord father. My mother died birthing me, and he’s never been sure.”’
I’ve honestly never been a fan of the ‘____ is a secret Targ’ theories. But it’s certainly interesting.
Catelyn II:
I know that a lot of people hate Cat for her treatment of Jon. I am not in that camp. Of course I don’t think that it’s fair but given the world they live in, where bastards can be such a big problem in terms of succession rights, it’s understandable that she feels very threatened by this bastard child who is brought into the family, is of age with their firstborn and is treated equally to the other children (in her eyes). Catelyn is a smart, pragmatic woman. She is as well educated as other highborn. She knows about the Blackfyres. So rather than seeing him as a kid, she sees him as a threat to the lives and futures of her own children. It’s nothing personal against Jon himself. And in that situation, I don’t think there are many mothers who WOULDN’T treat him with hostility. If there’s anyone to blame for Catelyn’s treatment of Jon in this environment, it’s Ned. I definitely think that Ned should have trusted his wife with the truth. I know it’s a risky secret to entrust people with but he should have trusted Cat.
On another note, how fucking big are Luwin’s sleeves?!
“Luwin was always tucking things into those sleeves and producing other things from them: books, messages, strange artifacts, toys for the children”.
I’m just imagining that he’s put Hermione’s undetectable extension charm on his robes.
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osakasshitpit · 4 years
My adventures with my PS4 and Night City
Here is what nobody asked for, my thoughts on Cyberpunk 2077.
Well well well. This certainly is a hot button topic right now. The game’s out, everyone is playing it and a fuck ton of people are complaining about it. Me as well. Playing it I mean, I spend the majority of this weekend playing it, actually, and I haven’t lost a word about it online. Full disclosure, I am playing on PS4 because I don’t have a PC that can handle it, let alone a PS5 (those fucking things are almost as rare these times as graphics cards, swear to god). I also could not play right on launch day, for a whole bunch of reasons. First, my Tabletop RPG group plays Thursdays and I’m the game master, so I can’t just drop off of the face of the earth and play Cyberpunk. I know, what a fucking nerd I am. Anyways, if that wasn’t enough, the fucking delivery service was fucking with me. My package didn’t get delivered on Thursday, for unknown reasons. Friday, it was finally due to arrive, but the mailman just didn’t think he should deliver my package. I only found out through tracking that he apparently was there and I wasn’t, despite the fact I was. Fuck that guy. I went to the post office to complain later. It turns out due to the ‘rona and the game being rated for mature audiences only, they could not deliver my package and I indeed had to pick it up from the post office, so I could verify I am of age. Usually, when this sort of thing happens and you gotta pick it up, earliest date you can pick it up is the next day, 10am... which would’ve been Saturday. Luckily for me, I was able to pick it up on Friday, despite the fact I shouldn’t be able to. Well, lucky me I guess. After coming home from work, I put the game in the console and had to wait pretty much the entire rest of the day for the fucking thing to install and patch, so that was a fucking bitch and a half. I played
After all that, I was finally able to at least make a character and play through the tutorial before going to bed.
Saturday and onward, I played roughly 20 hours, I got through the game’s story a bit and did a looooooooooot of side jobs. I played most of that time on version 1.04, the tutorial was on version 1.02.
So after explaining my situation, here are my thoughts.
The short version is, it’s a really good game that is sadly a little rough around the edges.
The long version... weeeeelll.
The game, even on PS4 with admittedly low graphics settings (the game was just not made for the thing and it shows from time to time), can look incredible. Most of that is in the lighting. By night, the city is glowing in this harsh neon tone I simply adore. By day, the city is bright and shiny, like polished chrome. The back alleys are dark, dingy and littered with trash. The city is like a maze made out of roads, alleys and underground walkways. The atmosphere this game has is what I expected and what I wanted, so A+ in that department. They also did an excellent job on the motion capture. When it comes to open world games, I’m pretty used to the shit bethesda sells you, so I was very very happy to see all the characters you meet move and emote like that. There were some rough spots, especially with everyone's favorite sleep paralysis demon Johnny, but over all the animation quality is top notch. It wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows, though. The texture quality is pretty low, at least on the environment (I think the quality on the characters is pretty okay for PS4). It is noticeable in many areas, but I guess I’m okay with that. I kinda wished the environments had better texture quality but I guess it’s a small prize to pay. What was kind of distracting for me was the visual glitches I encountered. They were not as frequent as many made them out to be, but when they occurred it was very noticeable. Bodies clipping and getting stuck in geometry, being violently distorted as they are trying to get unstuck to the ground I probably propelled them into with a shotgun blast. Things flickering in and out of existence in the distance. Light effects flickering from time to time. And of course, the odd model being rendered in low-res before blending into the high-res model. The later seems to be a major gripe for many a people, but I had this happen like, maybe 10 times? At least I actively noticed it like 10 times. It usually only took about a second or two until the game caught up. It mostly happened when I took a motorcycle to get around. After going like 200 km/h and stopping at my destination, the game sometimes took a few seconds to catch up and render the area properly and granted, it’s a bit of an annoyance but well, it happened rarely enough to bother me. My theory on why this happens is it probably has something to do with how the engine (which is the latest version of their own proprietary engine, the RedEngine) handles Level of Detail. To explain, in short, level of detail is when a game uses lower resolution models and textures for objects that are far away. They look like shit because they are not meant to be seen up close. They are meant to be seen from a great distance. At a far distance, it doesn’t matter if that model has 10000 polygons or 5, because all you see is a few pixels in the vague shape of something. Its a neat trick engines use to render more on screen without using much more power, and everyone is using it. If you have played Breath of the Wild, you might have seen this when you zoom in really close with your shieka slate towards something like a shire or a building that is far away. Anyways, my theory is that due to the way the engine handles this, the game gets confused sometimes and it takes a bit until the high res model loads in, which is why you see low res models up close. It’s bad, but probably just a thing they need to patch out. I have to admit though, that I only played it on a 26 inch 1080p screen so people with larger screens might find these graphical shortcomings more distracting.
One thing I found rather annoying in regards to graphics is that sometimes UI elements take a while to load. This happens very inconsistently so I don’t know why this happens but it does suck.
I’ll be honest though and say what was important for me was less the graphics and more the gameplay, aesthetic/atmosphere and story. I already stated that I think the game delivers on the atmosphere and aesthetics, but what about the gameplay and story?
Well, it’s pretty good I’d say. Gun play is good, Cyberware is integrated well into the game, granting you new perks and abilities and the RPG Mechanics (while not being the most in depth and faithful to how the Pen and Paper Games worked) are also pretty fun to fuck around with. It works like this: You get Stat points you distribute to get bonuses to stuff and that allow you to do certain actions. Some things have a stat requirement to do, like breaking down doors or hacking into a device to collect paydata. There are also dialogue choices that have stat requirements. These are optional, but very helpful. I have to say though, it’s pretty easy to have a jack of all trades that can get past most of these things. You can see that as a positive thing or a negative thing. Outside of that, you have skills that improve when you use them. What that grants you is perk points you can freely distribute among the many, many perks you can acquire. These usually enable you to do some stuff or grand you a pretty nice bonus to something, like being able to carry a lot more shit, increasing reload speed for weapons or granting you a passive health regeneration in combat (which is pretty good). Also, pro tip, if you are playing a netrunner, get the perk that allows you to get RAM back during combat as quickly as possible. Shit is vital for you to be able to actively use your hacking abilities. Netrunning is another thing I liked. So here is the deal. There are two types of hacks: Breaching and Quick Hacks. Breaching is basically breaking into the enemies network and leaving behind malware that give you an advantage. These can be pretty strong and don’t cost you resources, but you have to do a minigame to activate the effects. How it works is that you have this grid with HEX Values. You have to hit a sequence of values to activate a malware. There was some in world explanation onto why, but I forgot. Anyways, You can chain these together to trigger multiple effects and if sequences have some overlap, you might be able to trigger multiple effects at the same time. The catch is, that you can only hit the values by going along the top most row, then the column of the value you hit first, then the row of the value you hit next, and so forth. It sounds more complicated than it is, really. As soon as you hit your first value, the timer starts ticking, so you are encouraged to first find an optimal path and then execute. It is a pretty fun and quick mini game that gives you just the right amount of challenge to make you feel like a hacker when you activate all the effects. I like it a lot. Other thing is quick hacks. These are just programs you can fire off that do any number of things. For devices like cameras, there are a set number of things you can do with a quick hack to manipulate it. I think these also tie into your hacking perks? Not sure. For people and enemies, you have programs you slot into your cyberdeck. These can do all matter of things, suited for stealth and combat. These are extremely useful for a lot of things, like blinding someone momentarily so you can steal stuff right in front of their noses, making their weapon jam so you can either run past someone or fight them without opposition, disabling their cyberware to weaken them, and plain just dealing damage. The promotional material made it sound like you have to play stealth to hack, but that's not the case at all. You can very easily specialize in shotguns or melee combat and hack your opponents to give you an edge in combat. I think it is more suited for stealth because hacking (as far as I got at least) is very focused on 1v1 encounters, but there are some things that affect a whole group of enemies, so you can still use netrunning pretty effectively in the thick of things.
The story is also pretty good. only played till chapter 2, but so far I like it. I can’t say too much and promotional material spoiled a few things about the first chapter but there were still some twists and turns I did not see coming, I’m excited to see where this goes. Outside of that, there are a lot of side missions in the game, which are also pretty good in my opinion. You don’t have dialogue choices that influence the outcome of every quest, but even the more linear quests are pretty enjoyable. At least they usually give you the ability to approach a quest your way. You can’t always solve things with words, but y’know, it is rare that you talk a gang into getting fucked over by you so it does make sense that sometimes, violence is your only way out. For those who want to play nice, there are non-lethal weapons and even guns can be made non-lethal with the right modifications. So, you can play as a pacifist, I guess. I don’t know if that does anything but there you go. What is pretty neat and sometimes challenging even, is that some quests require you to use non-lethal force. Be careful though, some quests can be failed by just walking away or doing them to late or missing dialogue options. If a dude comes to you and says he pays you to drive him somewhere RIGHT NOW, you have to get a car RIGHT NOW and drive him there. If you go away to get a car, the quest fails. I wish they told you that but I guess it makes sense. Thankfully, autosaves are usually pretty merciful and you rarely loose much progress. There was one quest that really fucked me over because apparently I didn’t talk through all the dialogue options when I should’ve. Without spoiling anything, you had to talk to a guy. After doing that, you can go to the guy who asked you to do that and get your reward, but the quest isn’t finished. If you didn’t do a thing before getting your reward, you will fail the quest down the line. You still get paid but... well, I guess you could say you get the bad end for the quest.
Sadly, Quests are also where my main issue with how the game is right now lies. There are some bugs that can render a quest objectives broken, or stuck in limbo. Some of these issues fix themselves after a while or after loading a save before the quest, but it sure as shit is annoying to do things twice because the fucking game wouldn’t let you finish the quest objective. This happened a few times for me. Two side quests got stuck in my quest log, with no quest objective. I think I even got the reward for the quest but the quest just wouldn’t register as finished. That sucks a lot. Twice or so I had to reload a save because I couldn’t progress in a quest because the game didn’t register me doing the objective. One time, during the main quest no less, I couldn’t fulfill the objective at all because the item I needed for that couldn’t be interacted with. That sucks and shouldn’t happen.
There are also the crashes. Thankfully, crashes only happened like 4 times for me in over 20 hours of playtime but still, it’s annoying.
Overall, I’d say Cyberpunk 2077 is a very good game that is plagued by some technical shortcomings, but it is very enjoyable despite all the flaws. I hope they fix these issues soon but by the look of things, they are hard at work on getting shit patched, which I can appreciate. It not as bad as some people make it out to be and it not a scam as some people have called it, it’s just another game that might have needed a bit more time in the oven.
0 notes
top1course · 5 years
How To Get Rich: 10 Reasons Why Most Don’t Become Wealthy
So this is a novaspirit is owned by the richest man in British Columbia, timmy Patterson Jimmy Patterson story cuz he started from scratch used to own a car dealership that’s how they, got started the first pieces, talk about sales people he was also very well known for the bottom like southpaw, people every single month, write this is Wellness, the beautiful bold and I’m not a boat person but, every time I walk by this I get so inspired yeah absolutely absolutely nothing, baby at 10:15, you could have we talked about today why do you think people don’t become wealthy, in spite of the intention or they wanted that they say they wanted yeah but what’s the difference between you and I, we both started from scratch, we want be we weren’t born with a silver spoon in my mouth, we all we both build up is, the way it is today, So what do you think are the top, reasons why people become real, yeah let’s dive into I think there’s, the core mindset, between those that are, successful vs., and we both work is so many people now we, seen the bottom, i seen the pattern, patterns are obvious so, galaxy, let’s do that, go to seat, so let’s talk about, the top 10 reasons, why, people don’t, what is a furry, i would say a lot of, if you feel like having, clarity, i don’t really know what they want, why they want, i mean being wealthy is, so General, why do people say I want to make more money in case yours a dollar, yes the money right but I think a lot of people, very clear, why do they want to, become wealthy what’s the amount, offer them that can allow them, 2, live whatever kind of Lifestyle they want because I just look at money as, A tool that can allow you to, do you want to travel more, materialistic, possessions that might be, tribute more in my, be able to grow more yourself, family I think a lot of people they don’t, have, strong enough reason why, and really what it comes down to it, they don’t want it., because, if possible, i mean II, reading the other day I think, 1300 people every single day that are becoming millionaire, it’s easier today., become a millionaire than ever before, and, i think really what makes a difference, at least one of the reasons is, you gotta want it bad and I think a lot of people these don’t want it bad enough, they say they want it, but, they really don’t, it’s like the only wanted if it falls in their lap the only wanted if it’s, Easy they only want it if it’s going to be.
Bite, you and I both know in order to create wealth, you have to, grow and improve yourself massively yep, you’ll have to create value for others, i agree, i think I think most people don’t get what they want in life because they don’t know what they want, it’s not enough to say I want to make more money like I said, do you want to make $5 in a month you want to make $10 an hour to make 20,000 do I make 50000 what whatever, and also believe it’s not just how much money you make, i talked about this is how we make the money, so not all my income is created equal so they have one person making $10 a month, maybe working a corporate job, aquatica travel long hours, 6 days a week, another person maybe more and left light laptop lights on, But working late do they sell, there’s a big difference, 10000, if you don’t know what you want, it’s very difficult to reverse engineer so I like to think of, look at this DDD ideal lifestyle that I want, money right, what the Fu money Target, and what’s how much would that cost, not, not how much, roughly maybe no let’s calculate, and what I realize is after all these years, pakistan many people, what are the ideal that they have to say, i want to be able to travel I want to be able to have to, drive this particular car or have this, the Glass House, when they actually break it down it doesn’t cost them as much, really throwing it random numbers, totally unrealistic Dino I could, accomplished or I want a conference with, maybe sooner., that’s a very different golden, 30 million dollars a year right, So I find it to be the case and like I said, people, they say they want it but the actions, don’t match, was what they say to you, i think another reason, 2 is, they might, say that they want this, and they have the reasons why but, if you don’t believe that is possible for them or if you don’t believe that, they can do it that they can make it happen then they’re not going to take any, action to do it, a lot of people are presented with opportunities every day I mean, today I mean we both have great programs and resources, that can help people to help us and help others, people’s well, and you can put that opportunity in front of someone, but there’s still a lot of, barrier said I think a lot of, people have to really maximize, utilize it, And I think it comes down to their belief, if they believe that that’s a scam or snot going to work for them or, they think that why can’t do this because, i’m an immigrant and I don’t have it, english, the timer money then die I’m too by the way, plenty of examples of people in those situations that I’ve been able to overcome the, but the belief is a core thing, because without the belief your your behavior follows w, and a lot of people there to close minded, bBB, allow their beliefs, to be dictated from their past, that maybe in the past, they got hurt, they got another they got ripped off, because, you know we’ve all maybe at times maybe in high school we, we’re very open and, in many ways naive and you fall in love with someone and then you get your heartbroken, But you can’t let that.
Experience of having your heartbroken, you can’t carry that forward with you another relationship because if not then they’re always going to, be closed off, a lot of people even if, i just have to have an open mind at all times you always have to have that belief, the anything’s possible, but you can do it, you know what one man can do another man can do, and, is possible, you have to really believe in Odin, and I think it believe the self-belief it’s I think it’s more than that I talked about, it’s even more than believe I think, so who you are who you are so difficult to, to create any kind of change, give your all of your order, example letter give, it’s like people who want to, if I call if my identity is on the smoker, always, A struggle, rite Aid always, well I want help, the Powerball, there has no temptation, in fact like I said we don’t smoke, we can stand even possible, i can’t wait to have a secret, so until next day, ching’s identity, i was joking about it I was a millionaire in my mind, way before I had the money in my bank account, yeah the way even when I have no money, i never worried about, the gas prices, how much lettuce, call, but those things don’t, into my mind, how many years, but in reality to catch up, if you look at some the most, successful people they all had that again almost, it is almost like this Identity or belief, that’s somewhat delusion, it is impolite Muhammad Ali the greatest, but, they all believed in if you study the work of, napoleon Hill Think and Grow Rich, he talks about having this, Like boardroom of advisers of these, secrets in his mind that he would visit, gabby day, and I think that kind of, segways into another reason, i look at environment, they said that were the some of the people that we spell, spend time with that if you want to look at, if you wanted figure out what your how much money you’re going to make just look at the three close, and that’s how much money you’re going to make hungry, and who you spend time with, a lot of people you’re hanging out and spending time with people that are broken, complaining and negative, and lazy and, and a lot of people in might have the desire I seen this all, so many times they, are excited it would improve their life with their friends and family are pulling them down because, they’re saying all that’s not going to work for you, That’s a scam, or whatever it is and, it’s very challenging to overcome your environment, very challenging, and I think it’s, the kind of data packets, the crop story right, we’re your buckets of crab with Minecraft, try to get all of the foxy out of custom pull that crap down, it’s exactly like that, that’s what everything I do right now I’m at a point where, i see you’ve also seen me in your we working together that I have grown over the years, they go to the next level, the first thing that I think of is not so much, oh I need to do all these, that’s not want to focus, first, identifix, who do I have, to be in order to, beatitude list, when did Nixon resign, i alter my environment, it’s much easier, i would say, environments 10 times multi 100 times more powerful, Change your environment.
New place new car new everything, new opportunities to expand my, i want look in the mirror do I see myself, just us, this person, what did I see myself as being, hundred. Do I look like a someone joining, active Behavior operation, like someone who’s winning, hennessy, is different than, i want to change it death first, action, behaviors with change, and, most people don’t get that, right, let me learn something here let me learn something there, but they don’t change who they are, it’s like, cigarette people in the past here, you know these little tricks and gimmicks, what should you do if you still smoke, you still smoke and that doesn’t doesn’t work, call Dad was against a once they say they want it but they’re not really committed, i want to be around people that are millionaires multi-millionaires people, Making a million dollars a day at the time was like so mind-boggling to me but, now I’ve been around people like that night this audio cabinet invest it cuz, you have to pay to play if you want to be around those people they don’t want to be around a lot of Dallas we had to pay and invest it, will be around them so I never go into some of these events, totally change my mindset cuz I saw there a lot of regular people but they have, way of looking at things a different mindset that really rubbed off on you in a lot of ways and, is really inspired me to raise my standards of what’s really possible cuz when you see that this person did it this person did it this for, you think you know what I can do that just by being around them., Osmosis of that rubs off on you don’t it doesn’t take willpower you will take on their belief, when I was in my 20s, so at the first Mastermind group, which is also, it’s by organized by my mental Allen, go ahead this marketing, i was in my 20s, what’s the youngest guy I’m not supposed to get into because I’m a minty so you kind of put me in there, kind of almost, my sake, it just, tag along right, sitting around with all these near me, all these guys, i was make, nothing, like maybe maybe $80,000, i was looking at, you know the biggest thing thing I got out of it, they’re not that smart, what is it talking about I get, it is not like rocket science, belief, it’s okay maybe I maybe I could do that too that’s all you need maybe I could do that too, That’s a starting point then you can go up there, what resources do I need do I need to be in order to become., bBQ, if you’re if you’re comfortable the environment that you’re in the wrong environment right if you’re the smartest one in the room, i feel like I’ve been doing very well but I’ve been part of Gru, i like The Quiet Ones as funds let you know just being a fly on the wall because these guys, guys are talking about a hundred million dollar deals and that’s on the, i love being in those environments would they make me a cup, you know and they I just, i can be that, student environment I think that’s a, the key thing is just always having, always being open to learn, and I think that’s also been one thing constant for us, voice to read books, I mean you’ve got a huge Library I’ve got a huge Library we’ve always.
Going to seminars invest in ourselves, attending willing to actually decide in one app, pay to learn, from other people that have, experience knowledge, we want to be able to, i think it’s not just people think about it why we, marvin Gaye so much, know why we bind a book Sabina program, depending on, it’s not so much, all the stuff is free I can get online and I can, i can watch videos you don’t, real f****** get it, first of all, the good stuff, is not online, okay it’s all the Tracy Kahala, closed-door, the second thing is, until you invest, existed, like when there’s no skin the game is no game, there’s a difference between, like you know you love want something for free versus, you put some money on them, You pay more attention, more you pay the more you pay attention, 100%. The value is not necessarily information its, what you do with it like I’ve heard things time and time again on free videos or articles and blog posts, i didn’t do anything with it so it didn’t really have much value but sometimes I go to an Adventure Course, and because I paid and I value it more, actually do it and apply it to me I’m like I got my money’s worth, like I actually led to me I should taking action it sometimes, we need that again it again or you need to actually, i member you know in my business, i had a lot of, mental barriers around really hiring people to scaling up and bring you on a manager cuz I had believed surround, we can’t do as well as me and then, Fear of giving up control, starting you like I already had information to read these books, but it wasn’t until I paid this, couch, and, invested a lot of money, in this person, actually got me to do it, even though I had, read about it all the service that he got me to do it and that was so valuable, formula, i definitely want to Circle back about you about, skeptical, the people say all the skeptical of in Bernal., men always say what have you ever had a bad meal before, yes, used to eat, right it’s the same idea that, just because you’ve been burning the past, we’ve lost money, on so many we have, has failures, we have gone to programs., suck, like investing wrong people, but it doesn’t mean we stop, it just all part of the process, so I think when people say, I think Tony Robbins talks about, medusa I’m skeptical what, right up your phrase, you want to get your hopes up, so instead of getting, raising a standard expectations what do you do, your lower, you lower it like you don’t get your hopes up your lawyer’s vacation, so you won’t fail, then what happens, you’re not playing to win you play knocked loose, then I think one thing a lot of people don’t realize is that they are going to fail, oh yeah right there, lessons are going to failure, and, i think changing the relationship because, the successful person feels just, as much if not more than the other person, they don’t view it as, i’ll remember always sometimes when I do speaking I would, aussie audience, how many have lost more than $10,000, half a million a million basically usually just a couple people, my hair to f****** up, In front of the in front of you teaching.
I thought I failed more than anyone of you, anyone lost more money make more stupid mistakes, and that’s why but it doesn’t, if you don’t learn from it, only feedback, you know that’s feedback then you can always, get batteries improved from that and that’s what’s going to leave you two have in it, yeah and it’s the buff telling fast, knowing what doesn’t work in any movement, so those are some of the top reasons, click it watch next video and find out more reason, why don’t you come out, go ahead, are you guys still here come on,
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