#i have smol cheer flag on my side.
rcsetorn · 1 year
This is an itty bitty idea I've had for a while… it probably wouldn't amount to much, but still! I would love to see Lorien perform/play a little something for Beatrix, at some point. 🎻🌹 (I have a mighty need to witness Lorien "serenading" some particular characters. Just because it's absolutely something he would do, with or without other members from the trio present. And I'd love to see how his "victims" react. Hahaha!)
Which, she can roll her eye (sorry) at him as much as she likes too because Lorien mostly is just a musical fop at the end of the day. Doesn't have to be well received. Being mean to him can even be quite funny, in my opinion!
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I'm on it~
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I've already gotten maybe half of something written up. Beatrix seems to very much meet new people as a clean slate, and so first impressions are an important thing. As arrogant as she is, I do think she'll receive Lorien's talent directed at her decently well. ....initially : ) What follows will be up in the air. Yeah, she might eye roll him later. Or worse depending on what plays out. I think I worry about Bea coming across a little condescending. 'XD Then again maybe I'm completely wrong and she'll remain cordial and friendly.
But tell me more~ I'm terribly shy, but I am curious about your OCs and take note as I learn more about them.
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darkeninganon · 3 years
Ha, more Gream (Ghost Dream). Ranboo is weak to smol things. Want proof? Tubbo and Michael.
Gream stared out the window. His room was looking out over a grave. Tommy's grave. It was... something that made him feel strangely bitter. Like, he felt like he should be happy, but wasn't actually happy. Staring at the grave made him want to laugh and spin and cheer; but yell and scream and cry at the same time. Gream huffed, flopping onto his bed. It was green, like his curtains, rug, and anything else he could make green in his room. Ranboo had kicked up a storm about how weird it would look and that it wasn't a good idea, especially the window, but Tommy and Tubbo had talked him into accepting the changes.
Well, accepting wasn't really the right word, he still refused to accept the green room, but he didn't do anything other than glare at the door or window when he passed it. At least... Gream thought he was glaring. It was hard to tell because he had no eyelids.
Gream shuddered at that. Ranboo produced tears, and didn't need to blink in order to keep his eyes moist, but his tears hurt him when he cried. The guy was a disaster and probably shouldn't even exist, yet he still did. The ghost tried to avoid the half enderman as best as he could, but wanted to speak to him about... something.
With a sigh, Gream left the comfort of his bed, leaving his room to wander the mansion. Ever since that siren had sounded, the two teens told Gream he legitimately couldn't leave the mansion, or else the man with the gold tooth might find him and... and...
Gream shook his head, acid burning at the wood beneath his feet. "Oh, oh no. Not good, not good!" The ghost looked around, desperate to find a chest filled with spruce wood to replace the slowly eroding material.
"You thinking about what Tommy and Tubbo told you?"
Gream spun around, Ranboo standing there with a baby zombie piglin clinging to his pant leg. Ranboo looked... bored? Angry? "I'm... I'm sorry, I'll replace it! I just need to find-" Ranboo sighed, shaking his head. "I'm sorry..." Gream muttered, pulling his feet up to float noticably off the ground.
"It's fine. Just... keep an eye out for Michael." Ranboo huffed, picking up the little piglin. "Yes! That's right, we need to be careful with you." Ranboo cooed, nuzzling his child.
Gream just watched, surprised at how different the half enderman was acting. "you... Yeah. I'll be super careful." The ghost stated, lowering his legs back down to appear as if he were walking. He floated over to the two, smiling behind his mask. "hey there Michael. You... You need to stay away from me, okay?" Michael let out a little snort, "are you the monster? You have a mask like the monster." Michael then took out a wooden sword...
And smacked Gream with it.
"Ow! I didn't- I mean... I'm sorry?!" Gream looked between Ranboo and Michael, confused what he had done to be hit over the head.
Ranboo rolled his eyes, taking hold of the toy sword. "He's not the monster Michael. Good effort though. Yes! Such a good effort!" Ranboo resumed nuzzling him again, earning a laugh from the piglin. Ranboo stopped for a moment, looking to Gream.
The ghost stared back at the half enderman, literally shrinking under his unbreaking gaze. "So, um... Where is the-"
"Take some emerald blocks from the chest near the front, and trade with one of the villagers. One should have spruce planks to make into slabs." Ranboo turned and left, leaving the now small ghost to float and find his way to the trading center inside the house.
Gream sighed, floating towards the front of the house to look for the chest. Ranboo's directions weren't the best as there were at least five or six chests near the front, and Gream had no idea what was in which chest. He'd never bothered to look before.
"You're sure you haven't seen anything?"
That voice. Gream froze, listening in to the muffle conversation.
"You an Tubbo built your house close to the prison. If he was going to look anywhere for supplies, he'd probably look here."
That voice sent chills down his spine, making him want to shrink down to his smallest size and hide inside the chest. The chest lid dropped from his grasp, slamming shut loudly. He had shrunk to his smallest size. He really needed to learn to control his abilities.
"What was that?"
Gream ducked behind the chest, clamping his hands over his mouth to stay quiet. The voice couldn't find him here... he'd be in deep trouble... his food would be taken away, his bed, his flags, his books, he'd be taken away to someplace terrible.
"Probably just Michael." Ranboo. Ranboo was... lying to that voice? Was Ranboo insane?!
"Since when could zombie piglins open and close chests?"
Silence followed. Heavy and tense. Neither person was backing down. Even from his hiding place, Gream could imagine Ranboo glaring at whoever had that voice. The Warden. That's the name that came to mind with that voice. That cruel, cold, heartless, paranoid voice.
"What? You think I'd let Dream stay here? You'd think I'd be that dumb?" Ranboo hissed after the silence. Ranboo... was he working with the man with the golden tooth? Was this... Warden guy one of his goons? Gream shook his head, tangling his hands in his hair. He wanted to remember... he needed to remember.
"You two had a secret conversation, and when I asked you about it you didn't remember. Then you come crawling to me, demanding to be let in-"
"I said to put me in the prison. As an inmate. But you said I was a good person!"
"Are you saying this wouldn't have happened if I locked you up?!"
"Maybe! I don't know at all! I don't know where Dream is, and even if I did I wouldn't be able to tell you! Just like how I can't tell you that I b-" Ranboo's voice suddenly died. He growled, a static noise coming from deep within his throat. It stopped, somewhat, lessening to background static; "Put your sword away. I'm not going to attack you. I have better control than that."
"What the hell kind of noise was that?!"
"The kind of noise I make when someone attacks me!" Gream could hear the Warden backing down now, thrown off by Ranboo's suddenly inhuman noises. It made sense though, Ranboo was half enderman. "You come into my house, accuse me of harboring a fugitive, who you know would kill my husband if given the chance, and you call into question if I had anything to do with it when you know I have a terrible memory and apparently was a traitor! Yes! I'm angered! Now get the hell off of my property."
Silence followed. Gream peered over the top of the chest, finally spotting the duo. Purple puffs flew around Ranboo frantically, similar static and garbled chirps coming from all of them. Some were buzzing around the Warden, clearly trying to intimidate him into leaving. Even with his mask on, Gream could see the glare the Warden was sending towards Ranboo. "This isn't over. If you come anywhere near the prison-"
"You'll kill me on sight. Yeah, whatever. That's your battle cry these days." Ranboo stepped up, getting right in the Warden's face. "If you come near my family ever again, I'll return the favor in such a way, you'll wish you were dead."
Gream listened to the heavy footsteps of the Warden retreat, ducking low  in hopes of not being seen as Ranboo turned to enter the house. The ghost heard the hybrid sigh, sinking to the floor with his back against the door. "You can come out now. Sam is gone."
The small form of the ghost man peered out from behind the chest, acid bubbling against the wood. He pulled his hand back, cringing behind his mask and ready to be scolded. Ranboo was staring at him, and he stared back, curling in on himself so as to not accidentally dissolve anything. "I'm-"
"Why do you shrink?"
Gream jolted. Ranboo was still staring at him with that pseudo-angry look he always seemed to have around the ghost. "I... I um... I don't know... I just... I really don't want to be seen, then I'm small like this, and burning things with acid, and... I'm sorry, I'll learn to control it."
Ranboo sighed, standing up and walking over to Gream. The half enderman knelt down, scooping up the tiny ghost and holding him up to his face; "Relax. It's fine. Did you... do you know who that is?"
Gream shook his head, pausing before shrugging. "I... Not really? His voice sounds familiar... badly familiar, but as for a name... Warden... The Warden." Gream looked up to Ranboo now, hugging himself as he stood on the teen's hands, the netherite protecting his hands from the acid Gream always seemed to drip. "Do you... I mean are you... Is he-"
"Relax. I don't pick sides. Unless they're Tommy and Tubbo. I'm on the side of those two, but only if I need to be." Ranboo wished he had eyelids right now, then Gream probably wouldn't be so scared of him. "Sam... The Warden is... He's stressed easily, and..." Ranboo glanced at Gream's eyes, or where he thought his eyes were, a cold stone of pity resting heavy in his gut as he was hit with the realization of just how scared the little ghost was. "I'm not really working with him, but... I am pret-" his mouth suddenly sealed shut, as if he had just swallowed a block of honey. Ranboo tilted his head in confusion. No, that couldn't be right... "I'm pla-" Again, he was stopped from speaking. With an annoyed sigh, he set Gream down on the chest. "I can't tell you. I'm sorry. I wish I could, but... I'm stopping myself, as you can see. Much like you and your... shrinking and acid, it's not something I can control. Please, don't tell Tubbo or Tommy."
Gream nodded. "I won't. I promise, just... help me with the floor please? I'm not sure how to get big again or turn off... Turn off? Stop? The acid issue going on." He muttered, picking up one foot to reveal a growing puddle of slimey acid. Ranboo chuckled, a gentle smile coming to his face. "Alright. But only if you use the magic word."
"Please and thank you?"
"There we go." Ranboo cooed, patting Gream's head. The half enderman set the little ghost down on the chest and went to repair the floor.
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justahalfling · 7 years
Vaishu finally watches... Baahubali 2: The Conclusion
Yes its liveblogging time again! Here goes...
I feel bad for that elephant (i know its CGI but like). bruh that elephant just wants out of the land of crazy humans
oh great Baahu never a moment of not looking good huh... he could do with some depth in his character, but its only the first few min of the movie so I’ll withhold judgment for now
wow Mommy’s boy™
ewwwww bijjaladeva is so gross in the head wtf killing your own wife dude go get therapy for chrissakes
lmao Kattapa fucking rekt yall!!! Someone call the ambulance woo eee woo eee woo eee (sound of an ambulance, if you couldnt tell)
i have to say... rana has a really nice butt ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
but seriously, need to get me a girl like that
oooh someones has a crush (its me. also baahu)
robust appearance.... lmao
okay the wild boar scene is funny and all but like... why cant the lady win for once why does the guy always have to one up her
i love how much of a loser kumara varma is, he is highly #relatable
boi did you literally get hit by a bull to keep your identity secret so that you can tease her properly. literally what.... straight people are so weird
how is devasena a literal goddess in every scene. how. ((pls be my wife))
i really like this song and i vibe HEAVILY with the aesthetic here. i love the clothes give the costume department an award already
look at bhalla’s content at the whole scheme why do you have to be like this dude. #beadecentdude2k17
look here Sivagami i love you and i would literally die for you but promising a girl’s hand in marriage without her consent is not cool bruh. dont be an accomplice in the crimes of patriarchy and sell out your fellow women like this.
she is literally the “I will not hesitate, bitch.” kinda gal
wow sudden hero kumara varma good for you mah dude
wow them cows though... (better watch out for the BJP lmao dont kill me for that joke)
my boi... he was wearing armor underneath... how XTRA ™ can you get
I love devasena so much my homegirl. MY BAE. even if she likes the guy she is not going to submit to the patriarchy. you go girl
wow they have such great chemistry. its better than avanthika and baahu jr’s chemistry 
i love how she kisses first. yes girl make the first move!!! go get yo man! 
wow that flag breaking is very... omimouse (not a typo thats just the word ominous in vaishu language)
but seriously is that supposed to mean something? im too dense to get it. is it that she has to break off her loyalty to kuntala now
Devasena is just like “you see this right here bitches? this is a no bullshit zone. no bullshit allowed yo”
“agangaram as alangaram” amazing line 10/10
but like that isnt even temerity. its literally standing up for her rights though
dont people write the names of the potential groom? why are you people like this
oh wow the coronation scene is amazing. all the military stuff is cool. and the symbolism of the cheers making stuff come crashing down. good job rajamouli you played this well
what do you mean you’re just a slave. bro if you had to act as wingman you best believe youre family now. stop with that hierarchy bullshit its so uncomfortable for me to see
MOM NO *cries forever*
wow when bhalla was like “a pregnant woman doesnt want riches or possessions... she only wants her husband’s embrace” my gutter brain almost thought he was going to give them a bed or some fertility thing like a creep. but that thing he said already made my creep radar go crazy
you’re literally the worst my dude the worst
deva is such a firecracker holy shit i LOVE HER 
ewww that is so gross. dude i will break your hand. i will break it and set it on fire. i am not joking. 
well you did my job deva so anyways.... ufos more like identified flying fingers amirite... heh heh
but didnt ancient india invent plastic surgery anyways i dont see whats the huge deal here
i cant believe im saying this but devasena would make a much better ruler than sivagami. in fact i personally think she would even be better than baahu. girl’s got her priorities right 
its interesting how baahu has a moon pottu and bhalla has a sun pottu. one would think the positions would have been reversed. maybe they wanted to show that baahu was more nurturing and stuff. but like. its sunlight that grows plants? anyways.
wow no you got it all wrong. “scorned the laws”? dont you know the highest form of patriotism and responsible citizenry is criticism!! what the literal fuck, why are you like this. i loved you so much why would you do this
wow baahu busting out some engineering skills right there. why is this the first time im seeing this. most of the times hes like a big fuck you to physics. but like engineering ex machina i suppose
man hes so tall he has to bend down so the lady can pat his head LMAO idk this is adorable. this reminds me of the time i was scrolling though the baahubali tag and someone called the beefcake that is prabhas a “smol bean”. wtf tumblr
omg bhalla let a guy live. so not cool mah dude
baahu has such a magnificent mane. he has better hair than me what the hell
bhalla is so fucking rude... how can you choke your actual dad... granted he’s the reason why youre like this
wow and treating a disable person like that... why are you literally so vile
why is he suddenly turning on his son... THIS IS HIGHLY SUSPECT
oh my god this is such a tire fire what the heck
man i would have said yes and just run far far away if i was kattapa
its so sad to watch this when you know its all going to end horribly
oh my god “as long as you’re by my side no man has been born yet to kill me” well this line killed me so
cant you follow your moral code instead! is your allegiance to the throne so important! an innocent man cant go through punishment like this its wrong
oh my god this is so sad
also uhm i just realised that baahu has wonder woman bracelets
that was the most dramatic death scene ive ever watched. it gave me the chills.
WOAH bhalla is SO messed up in the head good god
look this is all well and good but you should really wash and disinfect your hands before touching babies... as i always like to say, common sense is not so common
aw baby promise that is so cute
omg he called him grandpa that is so adorable
omg devasena i love you so much 
okay but dont forget your adopted parents too
they dont have weapons! they cant succeed by their will alone! what i would do is create like an elite task force and infiltrate the place. boi you need some strategy. a map of the citadel at least
holy shit devasena is not to be messed with my lady literally carrying a dude’s head
that is so fucked up man the people behind this movie went so hard. they didnt have to but they went so hard
wow that was smurt
okay where is avanthika though dont tell me she stayed home
that is so.... creative...
omg i love the grandpa and grandson duo SO CUTE when he calls him “thatha” man grandparents are wonderful my thatha is so excited for me to get a job and i havent even entered uni yet (okay side tracking here)
is his own classic tyrant statue gonna kill him cause i think it will. im calling it now everyone. poetic justice okay
aw her future daughter in law protecting her 
oh yea the statue didnt kill him sadly
shes stepping on his face omg the symbolism
ripping out his heart omg how grosser can you get
omg is that... a blood abhishekam.... i have no words..
YAASS GAUNTLETS (but seriously... wonder woman)
Avanthika looks gorgeous and aw its his Ma 
thats... baahu thats water pollution you cant do that
wow poetic justice huh
that was... amazing wow
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