#i have some words also for piccolo is gohan's actual father and he is a better father than goku crowd but that's for another post
t4tadrienette · 1 month
So I only watched bits of Super, and I find it funny how people are like, "Vegeta is a much better father than Goku," and then I watch a scene from Super, and I hear Bulma saying that Vegeta has been gone for six months, and Goku was still there with his family. Also, Goku definitely didn't spend 3 years alone training with Whis, Vegeta was there too. You guys saw cute dad moment with Bra and went "oh father of the year" when he literally fucking ditched on Trunks and Bulma, when he was a toddler and in the Majin Buu arc admitted to have never hugged Trunks, like you guys like to forget these stuff, but always gotta mention Goku's mistakes
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duhragonball · 1 year
Dragon Ball Super 072
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There’s a lot of bullshit in this episode, but I keep finding myself outraged over Granny’s Secret Sauce.  
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Okay, let’s take this one step at a time.  Last episode, Hit killed Goku, but Goku was actually ready for it.  Before he was struck with a fatal blow, Goku fired off a ki blast that was set to boomerang back down on him and restart his vitals.  I guess?  It’s all very goofy, and somehow I feel like a 1,000 year old master assassin would be expecting a trick like that, but whatever.  I think everyone knew going in that they weren’t going to kill Goku a third time. 
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This could settle things, as Hit would probably leave the Earth, satisfied that he fulfilled his contract, but Goku wants to track him down and continue the battle.  Gohan, Goten, and Piccolo find this unwise at best, but they agree to support Goku’s decision, on account of all the times he’s saved the Earth in the past. 
Okay, I really hate this scene.  Goten is the most reluctant of the three to go along with this, and it’s not hard to imagine why.  He grew up without a father, and Goku didn’t return to his life until only recently.   And then he seems to get killed all over again, only to wake up again.  And now he wants to jump right back into the danger.  This fucking sucks.  I hate this.  This episode makes me hate Goku and I hate this episode for making me hate Goku. 
I know he wants to fight Hit on Hit’s own terms.  I get that.  This episode demonstrates just how limited Hit’s moveset is when he’s confined to a ring and forbidden from using lethal force.  Goku wanted to have a proper battle with this guy, and that’s nice of him and all, but if he has to put his son through this then it’s not worth it, not even close.
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Also, they keep drawing everyone off-model, which really works against this grim atmosphere they keep trying to set up.  This episode feels more like a Batman comic than a Dragon Ball cartoon, but at least they usually draw Batman right in the comics.
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I can’t even appreciate the fight because it’s so confusing that it’s impenetrable.  Hit used the Time Skip in their last encounter, but by this point Goku’s got that so well-scouted that it’s useless against him, and Hit knows it.  So Hit uses other techniques, like an energy blast Goku can’t see or sense, and some sort of trick where Goku can see Hit but not touch him.  Much of the fight is spent with Goku just trying to figure out where Hit is, which isn’t very exciting, because even if he finds the guy, he can’t actually do anything to him.
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And this could work, if the story was about Goku figuring out Hit’s techniques and devising countermeasures against them.  I mean, I think that’s what happens in this episode, except Hit’s powers are so poorly explained that I have no idea how he’s doing any of this, and so I have no idea how Goku counters any of it.  Vados and Champa watch the fight from a distance, and she tries to explain it to Champa, and he gets frustrated because he doesn’t understand a word of her explanation.   You and me both, dude.
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Oh, here’s a shot of Vados talking where they do that bit.  You know, the shortcut where they draw the face in profile, but instead of moving her jaw and mouth, they just draw a mouth on the side of her face and make it move for the lip flaps.  That one.  I hate it.  They could have just done a 3/4 shot of Vados and saved themselves from this crap, but nope. 
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Then Beerus, Whis, and Vegeta drop in too, and Goku finally notices all these guys watching their fight, and some stuff happens, and I guess Goku won?  I mean, he’s not dead, so yeah.  Vegeta demands to know what this is all about, and it soon becomes clear that Goku was the one who hired Hit.  He had to use Whis and Vados as intermediaries to do it.  Also, I’m not sure how Goku plans to pay for this, since I’m pretty sure Hit doesn’t take Earth money or radishes as payment. 
Vegeta is legitimately jealous of Goku for enjoying Hit as an opponent more than Vegeta.  Seriously.  This episode inspired a Team Four Star skit where Goku and Vegeta were in couples counseling over Goku paying for a fight instead of being with his rival.  At the time it seemed like a humorous exaggeration, but no, it’s in this episode. 
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Then Chi-Chi shows up and she’s so relieved because Piccolo told her about the assassin and she was so worried and look at how cute her face is while she holds her big dumb man.  Fuck you twice, Goku.  Hiring somebody to kill you because you like fighting more than being alive.
I could go on about this ratshit, but I need to talk about Vegeta before I get sidetracked. 
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Okay, so while all this was going on, Vegeta was doing sparring drills with Whis.  He had to do 100, and he made it all the way to 97, but then he got tired or something and tried to convince Whis into skipping the last three.  So he offers him a delicious steak dinner in exchange.
Right so that’s asinine in and of itself.  First of all, Vegeta was the one who begged Whis to train him.  He even used this same offer to try to get accepted as his student.  Remember?  He took Whis to a steakhouse only to find that Whis had already eaten there.  And then it soon became clear that Vegeta had no special food he could offer to sway Whis, so he had to resort to instant ramen as a bribe.  So Whis already knows that Vegeta has no cards left to play.  More importantly, why is Vegeta even trying to bribe his way out of this?  He wanted to train with Whis, and now he’s training with Whis, and he wants to cut it short? 
I’m tempted to write an RP about this scene, something sometime my OC despises the Saiyan monarchy something something lazy royalist fraud, something something Where’s your Saiyan pride just do the last three drills you blueberry looking hypocrite. 
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So Whis isn’t buying it, and Vegeta ups the ante by promising steak that’s been drizzled with his grandmother’s secret sauce!   “A prime cut that’s been topped with the Vegeta Family Recipe!” 
And I got excited, because the mere mention of Vegeta’s grandmother is like this lore faucet being turned on.   Tell us about your grandmother, the mighty and terrible bride of King Vegeta II.  Speak, O Prince, of her gruesome-yet-savory sauce, made from the blood of her enemies, eleven herbs and spices, and of an ingredient so secret that its name was forbidden among Saiyankind. 
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And then I got disappointed, because at the end of the episode they remind him of his promise, and Vegeta panics because there is no secret recipe, and he’s not even sure he has a grandmother.  He made the whole thing up.  Lies make Baby Jesus cry, Vegeta. 
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The least they could have done would be to use a picture of an actual Saiyan grandmother, instead of this stock image of an Earthling with two adorable Earthling children.  At least show me an actual Saiyan grandma, Toei!  Let there be an actual Vegeta Family Recipe, dammit! 
But no, this episode won’t let me have anything. 
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This is why I make my own stuff.  Because in my own little made-up world, Vegeta has a distant ancestor who did have a recipe for secret sauce, and its zesty flavor wound up getting passed down through the generations until it made its way to the Vegetas.  The secret ingredient is love, Vegeta.  The love that comes from cherishing your family and your passion to the point where you can’t help but do those last three sparring drills, because you know it’ll make you an even better chef, and your drive will push your culinary skills even further than the limits of ordinary Saiyans. 
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The secret ingredient is honesty.  The kind of honesty where you would sooner tear off your own arm than lie to your wife about how you paid someone to kill you instead of just doing your damn drills.    It’s the realization that you will never be good enough, but you have to do better, be better, because you’re an example for the future, whether you wanted to be or not. 
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“I just think you boys should try harder, that’s all.  As much as it galls me to admit it, you’ve both surpassed me in all sorts of ways.  It’s not just about hitting things.  It’s about honor.  Self-respect.  Not making some back-alley payment so a cut-throat will jump you.  Not looking for shortcuts when you could be pushing yourself.”
“Okay, okay.  You made your point.  We’re sorry.”
“Tch.  I simply buckled under the pressure.   I suppose that’s never happened to you before, huh?”
“I get it, I’ve been there.  You have a moment of weakness, and you make mistakes.  If you two can admit it, then that’s good enough for me.”
“Then you’ll do it?  You’ll make the secret sauce?”
“Hah!  I’ve already got it simmering right now.  I just hope Earth’s livestock are hearty enough to compliment it.  I was always gonna bail you out.   I just wanted you to sweat for a minute.   The secret ingredient is compassion, boys.”
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“Also, thousand island dressing.”
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overlyimmersed · 1 year
Dude oh my god XD
(I kinda wouldn't help this turning into a live react :p I tried to keep the commentary to a minimum cuz that's not what this post was supposed to be about. But if you're only interested in my discussion about voice actors, look for bold text and skip italics.)
Ok, so, been a while since dragon ball was on this blog, but hey I don't control the hyperfixation.
So I'm watching Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero for the first time. Bad name first of all, but otherwise I'm actually loving it! XD And it's like 80% the voice cast!
So I'm weirdly good at picking out voices. It makes watching anime weird cuz there's like 6 people who do extra voices for dubbed anime. Like period. So everyone sounds like everyone all the time.
It's not extras that have me all fluffed up. It's the main cast. The new additions rather. Of course I'd recognize recurrents I've been watching dragon ball literally my whole life.
So first! Dr. Hedo, is freaking Arthur(7ds)/Tanjiro(Demon Slayer)
And like sure, anime to anime, that happens all the time. Like do you even know how many background nobodies is Seven Deadly Sins are voiced by either Tien or Gohan? It's obnoxious for someone who has those two character in her top 5 faves. What's really funny, is-
Gamma 2 IS FREAKING HUNTER FROM THE OWL HOUSE! XD That's so cute I picked that up literally on the first word out of his mouth! And sure, I know Zeno Robinson does voices in other anime too, he's also in Demon Slayer. But *I* know him from TOH so that's just wild to me!
Gamma 1 is god. damned. Lancelot! That's funny to me. But not as funny as that that actor also plays Zenitsu(Demon Slayer), Those two character are so opposite. XD Though honestly, I have to commend Aleks Le for his range, I DID NOT pick on that for A WHILE cuz he uses a totally different sound for Zenitsu when he's awake vs when he's asleep.
Cheelai is Jericho(7ds) guessed that one straight away, but also Emira from toh. Never picked up on that. The elder Blight girl just acts too different I guess. So Erica Lindbeck gets a point from me for her range :p
Y'know, I've seen some complaints about the animation for this movie. And I get that, I'm really not a fan of this 3D model trend either. But honestly most of these look quite good... Except Whis for some reason? Like I don't know, something about him is just...off. Like his face looks a little uncanny and his whole body moves weird.
Just a little aside about me personally -this post is supposed to be about voice actors- but it just occurred to me. Anyone who's seen enough of my posts lately knows that I almost exclusively call King(7ds) by his true name "Harlequin". And I just noticed that that's actually kind of a trend with me. It started back in my teens, when I started referring to Goku by his Saiyan name "Kakarot". At least inside my own head. My brother and father were also into dragon ball back then and would have looked at me funny if I'd done it out loud...
on a different note, I'm absolutely going to die from cringe. Beerus having a crush is killing me.
KORIN'S EARS!!!! They never used to twitch so much! That's so CUUUUTEEE!
As cool as that sky diving shot was, why is Piccolo still dressed like that... Also love that they're just casual with Shenron now. It makes sense but it's still cute.
XD!! Shenron is Bulma's plastic surgeon XD
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ahkaraii · 4 years
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"I'm sorry if it hurts Chi-Chi and Gohan, but please don't try and resurrect me. Besides, Gohan's a lot better person than I was..."
I think about this line a lot. It shows a lot of self awareness from Goku, y'know?
I have a lot of Goku feels, not all of them fandom-friendly. Twitter folks either bash him or defend him unto death, very black and white binary split-like, which makes it difficult to talk about in 140 characters or less. “Good” dad or “Bad” dad is subjective. But I think his actions -- and inactions -- had profound effects on his family and the world beyond, for good and for bad.
Lemme word vomit for a while and see if I can get something coherent out xD
I think he’s a fantastic shonen protagonist -- arguably the template!! -- and I love him as a character that steadfastly drives the story inexhaustibly forward, to stronger and stronger opponents, to ever more fantastic plotlines. But I personally Iike to take a magnifying glass to the small moments, the quiet moments; the breaths in between the panels. And in these moments, I think Goku is a fascinating chimera of a character: a patchwork man he stitched together through mimicry and good intentions and animal impulse.
He acts like a doofus and in many cases its genuine -- he practically self-raised himself in the wild after not just accidentally killing his grandpa, but also after suffering an actually plot-significant brain injury -- but he is no idiot. I think Goku knows he’s different and not just because he’s an alien with a regrowing tail.
Goku isn’t a normal human because he doesn’t connect like a normal human. He loves but it’s because he chooses to love. He’s loyal because he chooses to be loyal. It’s not sociopathy, but it is a kind of almost... autistic spectrum like inability? I hesitate to step on toes here, but I’m basically heavily projecting my own father -- who is himself a man with high functioning autism -- so that’s where I’m drawing my main inspiration.
Goku struggles immensely to understand people who are emotionally volatile. He defaults to humour and acting like he doesn’t get it just to defuse the situation, because otherwise it’s time to Fight and Goku never takes fights lightly, and that often doesn’t end well with squishy humans. He has a moral code but he doesn’t Regret like a normal person does upon causing injury, physical or emotional. He doesn’t empathize like an emotionally adept person can. He reads body language better than tone.
On the vein of being on the spectrum, or just surviving a brain injury, or just being a saiyan, or a combination of all three -- Goku’s special interest is Fighting. And that’s one of the sources of his family’s problems.
Before Raditz, Goku was content fighting in the World Tournament and marrying the world’s strongest woman, and raising a family with her. Farming to make money to support Chichi and Gohan was boring but it was a form of training if he squinted, and he was fine conforming to that. He looked forward to Gohan growing up enough to train him (remember him saying Chichi wouldn’t let him until Gohan got older), and there he’d have another sparing partner. How exciting! He can’t wait. Let’s go fishing, Gohan, I’ll show you how to use your tail just like I used to! Can you catch a bigger fish? I know you can! Isn’t this fun? Haha! I wonder if this is what Grandpa Gohan felt. I miss him. But Gohan’s here with me! Gosh, I can’t wait till I can teach him all I know!
But after Raditz, Goku was introduced to Strength Beyond Earth, and I believe that was the start of the death of Goku’s attachment to his humanity. Because humans had a limit, and the stars did not.
Goku’s not a bad person. He’s not a terrible father. But like a good shonen protagonist, he’s addicted to chasing strength, and the strength beyond even life itself ultimately called him to abandon his mortal coil (which we see culminate in GT’s ending).
It began by wanting to stay dead. He doesn’t want to hurt his family -- he genuinely doesn’t! -- so after surviving Namek’s destruction he preferred to keep them ignorant as he trained on Planet Yardrat, since what good would it do for them to know he lived if he didn’t plan on coming back yet? Then he mastered Instant Transmission!! How amazing! Now he can travel to and from any reaches of the vast universe; he can come home whenever he wants to. Now he doesn’t have to hurt his family AND he can fight whenever and wherever he wants! Wahoo!!
So he comes back to life. Aaaand life’s not the same. Chichi’s not the same -- she mourned his death and she’s still angry he lost her Gohan for a year, and then took him to space, and then he nearly died for it, too -- and Gohan’s not the same. He’s not four years old anymore. He’s not the wide-eyed kid who looked like his father had all the answers. Krillin’s gotten older.  Everyone has changed, even if just a little. Everyone but Goku.
(Except Goku HAS changed. There’s a whole universe to discover. There’s so much strength he can defeat, still. He looks up at the stars at night and feels for Yardrat’s ki. He feels so much ki everywhere up there. He wants to chase it all down. Is it because I’m a Saiyan? Or is it because I’m a bad person? Goku don’t know...but Goku longs for it. He longs for the peace he finds in letting go).
Future Trunk’s message that a heart illness will kill him politely confuses him. Goku doesn’t fear death -- he knows what’s beyond it, now. And there’s fighters there. Even if he dies, there will be people to fight. No worries. But he does worry about this nebulous future where all his loved ones are dead, too, all except Gohan. It sounds like his boy’s gonna have it rough if these android fellas win. Time to beat some androids! :D And hey, this is finally a good excuse to train with Gohan!! So he does that for a couple of years, teaming up with Piccolo. Gohan’s gotten so strong! How exciting!
Chichi’s slowly come ‘round to him again, so that’s nice, too. He doesn’t really get why she’s still so mad but he rolls with it. He responds to violence he can’t fight against with a smile. Her emotions are too hard to follow, and it can get a little tiresome. But he loves her -- he chose to love her, so he does, and he always will. In his own way.
Then the androids come, and then Cell comes, and Goku steals Gohan away for a day and a year inside the Chamber, and he finally, finally realizes -- gosh, Gohan’s not like him at all. Gohan’s what a Real Human should be. What a Real Hero should be. The hero the Earth needs. Because Goku can’t be that hero anymore -- he never could be. He’s not human.
And there’s so many people to fight beyond the stars....
So when Goku choses to die alongside Cell, it was a choice, too. Gohan’s a better person than him, anyway. He’ll make Chichi happy, and he’ll protect the earth, and maybe one day Goku’ll meet him again and they can spar to see their strengths :) He’s so proud of his boy....
So........ is Goku a good father? A bad father? A good person? A bad person?
I think Goku is Goku. So I’ll let you decide :)
(Here’s the canon Goku dialogue from the end of Cell saga: )
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floating-mid-air · 3 years
The Princess of All Saiyans
Hey guys. I ended up taking a bit of a break from this fic, but I'm back now. I'm not entirely sure how I feel about this chapter yet. I've been getting a bit impatient as of recent. I just have so many ideas for this story that I can't use yet. I also just wanted to take a second to thank everyone for their support. I never expected anyone to actually read this story, so it means a lot. Anyways on to the chapter.
Chapter 8
Quite some time has passed since your initial imprisonment in this dim cavern. And yes, you're still stuck with the half-breed. Though Zarbon left some time ago. Leaving an alarming number of foot-soldiers behind, who now surround the ruins of what was once a Namekian village. You could effortlessly eliminate those vermin, but you're not willing to take the chance. Not with a Dragon Ball in your possession.
All you can hear are the grating voices of Frieza's men from outside the cave. They're somehow significantly more irritating than the kid. You didn't even think that was possible. So you do the only thing you could think of to block out the obnoxious murmuring. You decide to actually interact with the brat. "Your mother can't be thrilled about your excursion to Namek. Considering she's human and all." Would this be classified as small talk? Or is it too heavy of a topic? You've never been good with this sort of thing.
He looks at you, his eyes wide in disbelief. From the little interaction the two of you have had, Gohan never believed you would be the one to initiate conversation. "Actually, my mom died when I was little." Well, this turned out to be the worst topic you could've possibly chosen. You observe him carefully. He doesn't seem upset, so at least you won't have to deal with him crying. "Y/N. What's having a mom like?"
You're positive that Saiyan mother's behaviors differ from what would be considered normal on Earth. At least, you think, you don't have much experience with motherly figures yourself. "I couldn't tell you, kid. My mother died when I was an infant." Gohan's face falls. He might never know how an average parent should behave. "I'd ask Raditz, though. He can talk your ear off about your grandmother."
"Was she---you know---like you?"
You chuckle, tilting your head backward. "What? You mean evil? No, from what I've heard, she was one of those weak Saiyans. She lacked the basic instinct--- kinda like your moronic father."
A grin spreads across the brat's lips as his eyes meet yours. "You know, you're not so bad after all."
Your expression instantly hardens at his words. "This doesn't mean we're allies now." You direct your attention outside. Those underlings must have gotten careless. You can't even detect a singular soldier that stayed behind. "Come on, it's safe to go."
You push the boulder out of the way, finally exiting the cave. The brat follows, holding the camouflaged orb in hand. "Now, let's solve this little Dragon Ball issue." You cut yourself off, directing your gaze toward Vegeta's power level. He's currently mid-battle with who you believe is Zarbon. Looks like the green-haired narcissist was able to track down your brother after all. You're not worried. Vegeta seems to be inflicting most of the damage. 
Something else piques your interest, though, the three other power sources near your brother. One of them is definitely Raditz. Another is unfamiliar to you. It's almost insect-like that must be the Earth woman. And lastly, you believe that bald earthling is there as well. He's much more powerful than he was when you saw him earlier today. How peculiar. "Well, looks like we're heading to the same place after all." You float up into the air. "You coming or not?" He nods, trailing behind you as you both travel to the location of the battle.
You and Gohan strategically maneuver yourselves behind a hill, your eyes intently focused on the battle. You can clearly see Zarbon and Vegeta, as well as Raditz. You move your gaze to the two earthlings, who are both quivering in fear. You can't help but wonder who they're more terrified of, whether it's Zarbon's hideous transformation or your brother.
You turn back to the half-breed, who's about to blow your cover. Before he can fly into the chaos to "save" his friends, you grab onto the back of his shirt. "You don't want to get yourself tangled up with Zarbon. There's no quicker way to get yourself and your friends killed. As long as Zarbon is focused on Vegeta, your friends will be fine." You maintain a tight grip on the purple fabric. You don't trust the brat one bit. "Did that Namekain teach you nothing about self-control?"
He looks up at you, furrowing his brows. "How did you know I trained with Piccolo?"
A breathy sigh escapes your lips. "Well, since Kakarot was dead, I figure someone competent must have trained you. Plus, you're wearing the same attire as that Namekian. It doesn't take a brainiac to figure it out." You switch your attention back to the battlefield, letting go of your grip on Gohan.
While Vegeta is distracted with Zarbon, you can feel energy rapidly approaching their vicinity.  Your brother has his back turned, so it must be a sneak attack on him. Before whatever it is can even strike, you teleport in front of Vegeta, grasping onto the foot soldier's fist, freezing the creature in place. "Too slow." A devilish smirk appears on your features. 
"Y/N. I was wondering when you'd finally make an appearance." It seems this transformation doesn't just affect Zarbon's characteristics, but it distorts his voice as well.
"Zarbon. I see you've let yourself go." Taking shots at his looks should be the best way to throw Zarbon off his game.
You let go of the orange alien, pushing him backward. His eyes narrow at you, clenching his right hand, checking for any lasting damage. "How dare you speak to Zarbon in such a manner! He's your superior in every way."
"Shh." You bring a finger up to your lips. "The grown-ups are talking." As fun as patronizing this insect is, you know this encounter will have to escalate sooner rather than later.
Vegeta turns to you, a faint smirk ghosting his lips. "I hope your intentions were not to involve yourself in my battle."
"I know better than to get involved when you're out for blood, Vegeta." You chuckle. "I'll make do with this half-wit. I just have to figure out a way to draw out the battle." You rub your chin, contemplating the best way to decrease your efficiency. "I got it." You wrap your dominant hand behind your back. "I'll fight this weakling one-handed."
"You cocky Saiyan, bitch." The creature snarls, stepping closer to you. "I don't think I've ever seen you fight one of your own battles. You know what I think. You're only feared because of Vegeta." Everyone around you grows silent, well except, for Raditz. His laughter echoes around the rocky terrain. The Saiyan finds this humorous, not because of the alien's words, but because he knows the orange creature has just taken his last breath.
Your aloof gaze remains locked on the ugly creature, your head slightly tilted. "You know what. I was being quite generous before." You move your other arm behind your back, clasping your hands together. "I don't even need one."
Out of the corner of your eye, you can see the half-breed, who has now joined his friends. He's jumping up and down as Krillin stares at him in bewilderment. "I'm excited. We're finally going to get to see her fight."
"Gohan." Krillin's timid voice invades your ears. "I think you're starting to act a bit too much like your dad."
It becomes clear to you that your opponent won't make the first move, so you'll have to take charge of the situation. You turn to Vegeta, who has Zarbon in a headlock. "If you don't mind Vegeta. I'd like to go first."
He nods, chuckling to himself. "Oh, be my guest. The floor is all yours." 
You descend to the ground, centering yourself on the terrain. "Alright, let's get going. I don't have all day. So show me the best you got." The alien shoots toward you, swinging his fists blindly.  He doesn't even seem to have a proper strategy. Is this really the best the Frieza Force has to offer? A being who lacks basic combat abilities. 
You dodge every single potential blow, speeding back and forth at a slow pace. An earthling could even evade these strikes. This is pitiful. It's clear that whoever's responsible for training these buffoons has been cutting corners.
"Stop dodging!" The creature shrieks in pure frustration. 
A wolfish grin appears on your face. It's fitting you're the predator while he's the prey. "Well, if you insist." At light speed, you swing your leg upwards, kicking his chin. Blood rushes from the corners of his lips as the orange creature spits out multiple stray teeth. You continue your merciless assault, alternating between striking his face and torso. "Don't be mistaken. I don't fight because a woman of my status doesn't have to handle such demeaning tasks, like exterminating pathetic life forms. Beings similar to yourself, but don't get me wrong. I'm more than happy to make an example out of you."
You fling up into the air. Your boot effortlessly connects with his face. Sending the alien hurdling backward. As soon as he regains balance, you teleport behind him. You may not be able to use your hands to form a blast, but you think you'll be able to direct the energy to your lower body. "I like to call this the Dust Charge." Heavy winds form around the battlefield, dragging dirt particles into the air supply, causing numerous dust clouds to emerge. The Dust Charge is not an attack perse. It's more of a red herring, a simple distraction tactic for your actual move.
"What's this supposed to do?" He chuckles mockingly. "Take my eyes out?" You don't understand why everyone always underestimates you. It's frustrating to not be taken seriously by your opponent. Especially when you outrank them in all aspects of life.
You've navigated yourself into one of the many dust clouds. This should be effective in concealing your next move. You focus all of your energy on your lower body, causing a pink orb to appear right before your eyes. It lays motionless on the ground, almost resembling a soccer ball. It takes a few moments, but the pink ball of energy finally begins to swell. Now the orb compares in size to your pod.
 Over the years, you've trained your eyesight to be unaffected by distraction tactics. So you can simply pinpoint the location of the alien. Once you do, you kick the orb in his direction. As soon as the creature absorbs the sphere, the dust clouds clear. Revealing your victory to the audience. You watch him crumble to the ground, screaming in agony. There is no visible damage to his body. Your nameless move is more of an internal attack. These sorts of attacks are much more sadistic in nature. Since they target your internal organs, resulting in complete organ failure.
You stride over to him, placing your boot on his head. Your aloof nature returns as you stomp on his head, crushing his skull. "Time to take out the trash." You unhook your hands, pointing them toward the limp body. You create a blast, vaporizing the corpse, successfully eliminating all remnants of the alien's existence.
"Alright. You've had your fun. Now it's time for the main event." There's no need to anger Vegeta. So you decide to comply. You fly over to the sidelines, landing next to Raditz.
The Earth woman turns to you, her eyes wide in terror. "Y- You squashed him."
You turn to meet her gaze. "That is how you kill insects, isn't it?"
"He was so weak. You didn't have to kill him!" Krillin interjects himself into your conversation.
"What the hell is wrong with your species?" You bring your hands to your temples, massaging them gently. "Let me put this in simple terms. If I let him live, he would've killed you, pathetic earthlings. Is that what you would've preferred? Because I can finish the job if you'd like."
The pair rapidly shakes their heads. "No. No. we're all good." Their voices shake, speaking simultaneously. Finally, you're getting the recognition you deserve. At least the earthlings take you seriously. That's better than nothing.
Raditz chuckles, shaking his head. "He challenged her pride. That's a death sentence itself." You don't think they have the brain capacity to understand the nature of a Saiyan. Being allies with the defect probably doesn't help either.
You look up at Raditz. "Is this what you've been dealing with?"
A breathy chuckle escaped his lips. "Oh, you have no idea."
You turn back to the fight, and it isn't that interesting. It's basically just Vegeta manhandling Zarbon. Your brother must have grown significantly stronger after getting the crap beat out of him so many times.
You suppress your laughter when Zarbon begs your brother for mercy. You're pretty sure that word no longer exists in Vegeta's vocabulary. Zarbon is one of the last beings in the entire universe, who your brother would even grant an inkling of sympathy. Similar to the other members of the Frieza Force, Zarbon offers to turn against his lord. It's apparent that none of Frieza's men are truly loyal to him. Bargaining with treason in return for you to spare their lives. Cui, Dedoria, and now Zarbon have all exhibited this same cowardly behavior. This is one of the many areas where you differ from those cowards. You'd never turn against Vegeta, even if it costs you your life.
Vegeta goes off on a tangent. The years of verbal abuse must have gotten to him too. "You want mercy? Oh, I'll show you mercy, all right." It's become transparent that Vegeta is going to show that narcissist the exact opposite of mercy. With a singular blast, your brother kills him. You watch Zarbon's corpse fling into the air, landing into the lake.
"Y-You call that mercy?" Krillin stutters. Well, apparently, your brother's intentions were not clear, to the earthlings after all. They really need to study the significance of tone.
"I'm disappointed." You huff. "I was expecting a bigger bang. Frankly, I would've been much crueler than that, Vegeta." You slowly stride over to Krillin. His comment from before did not sit well with you. So you intend to show him just how ruthless you can be. He also scares easily, so that's a bonus. He gulps nervously. As you tilt your head to become eye level with the human. "Firstly, I'd mutilate his face to destroy his vanity. Then I'd rip out his eyeballs and feed them to him. And then I'd kill Zarbon."
Vegeta chuckles. He knows how much you like intimidation. "Well, you have a much more sadistic imagination than I do, Y/N." He turns to Raditz, who's holding the one-star ball. "Now, a deal's a deal. Hand over your Dragon Ball." Clever, sparing their worthless lives for a possession of value. You wouldn't expect anything less from Vegeta.
Raditz looks from the humans to the half-breed. Before he can even calculate a plan, you sweep his legs out from under him. This successfully knocks the giant off balance, allowing you to catch the one-star orb. "Pleasure doing business with you." 
You toss the ball to Vegeta. He looks down at the orb, smirking. "Now that we have all seven, immortality will be ours." You know for a fact that you only possess six Dragon Balls. Gohan has the four-star ball, and you don't care to let Vegeta know. Immortality isn't your desire. You want to die one day, at least hell, has your kind. An eternal life sounds more like a punishment than anything else. 
Vegeta takes off first, and you shortly after him. It takes a while, but the two of you finally land in the ruins of that Namekian village. You're getting sick of constantly having to return to this horrid place. This better be the last time.
"So you didn't retrieve the Dragon Ball like I asked?" 
"I couldn't find it." You flash him the best innocent smile that you can manage.
"Clearly, you didn't search hard enough." He sighs, running a hand through his spiky hair. "You know what they say. If you want something done right, you do it yourself." And with that, he jumps into the lake.
He's going to be furious when he figures out the Dragon Ball is gone. Vegeta hasn't wanted anything this much in a long time. This is where the two of you differ. As long as Frieza doesn't have the orbs, you're content. You don't care if the earthlings get them. And you care even less about what they desire to wish for. If they want to bring their loser friends back, so be it. You'll just have to kill them again. It shouldn't be difficult at all.
The splashes on the surface of the water become more erratic. Vegeta must be growing frustrated. He springs up from the water, shooting into the air. "That damn brat!" He takes off in the direction of the earthling's hideout. Looks like Vegeta figured out the truth all on his own, only you're not entirely sure how.
You chase after him, heading to the cave. But it's too late. They're already long gone. Vegeta murmurs various curse words under his breath, desperately trying to keep his temper in check. "Well, new plan. Y/N, you're going to babysit the Dragon Balls. While I have a play date to get to." He shoots back up into the air. "No one makes a mockery of me and gets to live to tell about it!"
"Wait! Vegeta!" You shout. "I don't know where you put them."
"That sounds like a you problem, little sister!" Vegeta takes off, escaping your view.
He's such an asshole. "This is going to take forever." You wine before taking off in your own pursuit. Only you're searching for several inanimate objects that lack a power level. If you wanna find those Dragon Balls, you'll have to think like Vegeta. So if you were Vegeta, you'd want to leave them somewhere secure, but where he'd be able to remember their location. With the land formations on Namek, the only place that makes sense is a cave system.
It was a shot in the dark, one that eventually paid off. You finally found those damn orbs. You sit down on one of the Dragon Balls. These orbs are much larger than the set on Earth. You sigh, placing your hands on the sides of your face. The reality of your situation has just set in. You could've very well run into Freiza, and that would've been game over for you. You could've died. You'll get back at Vegeta. Maybe you'll scare him half to death, make him think you did, in fact, die. The look on his face would be priceless.
Now you're bored. At times like this, you miss having Raditz to banter with or even having Nappa to mock. You have been wondering something for a while. Frieza must be running low on henchmen by now. Dodoria and Zarbon are dead, and you and Vegeta have taken out a fair share of his soldiers. You're also sure the earthlings have taken out a couple of those imbeciles as well. So isn't this about the time where Frieza will call for enforcements if he hasn't already?
You can sense a mass cluster of energy approaching Namek. The Ginyu Force, that's the only possible explanation. How didn't you come to this conclusion sooner? This is bad. This is really bad. From a glance, they appear to be a bunch of idiots, but they are far from that. Well, for the most part. Recoome may have suffered from some sort of brain damage.
This situation is far from ideal. You're all alone on Namek, and now the Ginyu force is running loose. Hopefully, they'll split up. If you encounter Jace, you'll probably be able to sweet-talk your way out, but if it's any of the other four, you're screwed. 
You stop mid-panic. The perfect opportunity has just arisen. One that will make Vegeta eat his words, the perfect vengeance plan. He's probably going mad now. Filled with regret for leaving you alone now that the Ginyu Force is here. Oh, this will be good. You fly up, making a little burrow in a nearby hill. Hiding in the structure. This will give that dimwit brother of yours a good scare.
Meanwhile, with Bulma and Raditz:
Krillin and Gohan left a while ago, leaving the explosive pair alone in the ravine. This was poor thinking on Krillin's part. Raditz and Bulma had managed to avoid interaction while Bulma spruced up the hideout, making it more comfortable according to Earth standards. Instead of sitting at the table with Bulma, the Saiyan has placed himself on the stone floor with the Dragon Ball placed strategically beside him.
Bulma lets out an exaggerated sigh. It's taken all of Raiditz's energy not to kill that woman. He's honestly surprised with the extent of his own self-control. "I still can't believe Gohan and Krillin. They left me all alone. On an alien planet. With you." Is this how all Earth women behave? Do they just whine and complain all day? Raditz hopes that isn't the case. Maybe Bulma is just an irregularity. 
Raditz shuts his eyes, taking a deep breath. "Do you ever stop complaining?"
"I'm a delicate flower Raditz. While you're a disgusting pig. I have the right to complain." Raditz snickers. If anyone's a disgusting pig, it's Bulma. She has the worst cleanliness he's ever seen. She never picks up after herself and then displaces her mess on others. She wouldn't last a day with Vegeta. One look at her uncleanly living quarters would cause the prince to throw a fit. 
"A delicate flower that wanted to bang Zarbon."
"How was I supposed to know he'd turn all hideous? He was cute before."
Raditz cringes. Zarbon was a repulsive creature, no matter what form he possessed. "You must really love that boyfriend of yours, huh?" Yamcha may be dead, but from what Raditz has gathered, they're planning on reviving him. Unless do earthlings not mate for life as Saiyans do? That's a possibility Raditz hasn't considered yet.
Bulma's expression sours, her eyes narrowing at the taller man. "Yamcha was a stupid jerk who got himself killed." She crosses her arms. "I'm still mad at him." 
Raditz furrows his brows, his mouth hung agape. "You know what. Remember how I said we did you a favor after we killed Yamcha. I've changed my mind now."
"Wow. Have you finally come to your senses?"
Raditz nods, a faint smirk ghosting his lips. "Oh, yes. Rather than you, I think we did Yamcha a massive favor."
Bulma proceeds to chew him out, which of course, the Saiyan ignores, rolling his eyes at the woman. Raditz holds up the orb, staring at it intently. If he were to bludgeon the Earth woman with this. How angry would the others be? It's a tough call for the Saiyan.
"Are you even listening to me?" Bulma shrieks as Raditz bangs his head against the rock. She's about to shout at him again, but three figures land in the ravine. Two of the creatures are Gohan and Krillin, while the third is unfamiliar. 
Raditz stands up, looking up at the third silhouette. "Vegeta? What the hell are you doing here?"
"We need that Dragon Ball." Raditz picks up on Krillin's use of we. What could possibly be so dire to cause them to work together? Maybe hell has frozen over. Because that's the only explanation that Raditz could fathom.
"For what?"
"We don't have time for this, you imbecile!" Vegeta huffs. "The Ginyu Force is here!" 
The larger Saiyan's eyes widen as he rabidly looks around. "Where's Y/N?"
"I left---" Vegeta's face drops, a twinkle of panic in his eyes. That's something Raditz has never seen from him in over twenty years. "God damn it!" Vegeta takes off, Raditz following him in pursuit. 
Krillin sighs, picking up the Dragon Ball. "Thanks, Bulma. Let's go, Gohan." Gohan nods before they both take off.
"Hey! Wait!" Bulma shouts. "You guys can't just leave me here! Again!"
What is Y/N's  true fate? Will Vegeta and the others find her in time? Or will it be too late? And where the hell is Goku? All will be revealed in the next chapter of The Princess of all Saiyans!
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A/n: I just finished the end of DBZ and although I knew what was going to happen, I was annoyed by the ending. I don’t think there’s a need for Goku to be MIA from his friends and family when he’s training Uub on Earth and he has instant transmission. Most of friends and family can also fly so they should be able to visit both ways so I’m not sure why DBZ ended like that. So I made a headcannon of Chi Chi telling Goku off. Also I think they fight like any normal couple so FYI. Also this is the first thing I’ve written in 3 years so be kind. :)
Two Weeks after the End of DBZ
“ We need to talk.”
Goku’s head snapped to the familiar voice and narrowly dodged Uub’s kick. Below, on the ground was his wife with her arms crossed, looking up at their sparring session mid-air. How did she get here?
“Chi-Chi? What are you doing here?” Goku asked confused.
Chi-Chi could feel her anger rising but she refused to let her emotions take over what she wanted to say to her husband. In times past, she let her emotions and short temper cloud her actual feelings and because of that she was dismissed by others, especially Goku. She knows he loves when she gets upset which sometimes works to their benefit and they are able to move past issues rather quickly. But, this time she had to get through to Goku about how hurt she is. She needed him to for once take her feelings into consideration.
Goku descended from mid air and landed right before her with a big grin. Chi-Chi was not smiling back.
“Can we go somewhere private? I don’t think it’s fair for Uub to hear this.”
Goku nodded and lightly grabbed her hand and walked them to the side of the hill under a tree far away from Uub and anyone within ear shot. He knew this is unusual for Chi Chi to be so calm and collected and he waited for her to speak.
She took a deep breath and start, “I don’t understand. Why couldn’t you just take a minute to talk to me about your plan before flying off. I don’t want to hear that there was no time or any excuses. Tell me the truth.”
Goku gazed at her confused, “The truth? The truth was that he is the reincarnated Buu and I need to train him, Chi-Chi. He needs someone who’s going to teach him right from wrong and someone who’s going to show him how to protect the Earth. I’m not gonna be here forever, and I need to know that when I’m gone someone is going to protect the Earth and its people. I didn’t think, I just acted because I knew we have so much work to do. “
“I don’t believe for a second you just acted on a whim. You knew about him for quite some time. You knew that there was a possibility that you might be able to train him depending on how the tournament went. Why didn’t tell me any of this? If you were so bored and unhappy with our life you could’ve just said so instead of running off. I don’t understand how you can continue to put yourself above your family time and time again.”
Goku frowned, “Put myself above my family? One of the reasons I train is so I can get stronger for the next threat. I’m always thinking of my family and even if you can’t see it yet this is about protecting you. Uub is the future, and I have to be the one to train him. So if that means sacrificing time with my family to protect you guys than fine.“
“You are so quick to take the first opportunity to leave us. I thought after all these years that you would want to stay, but I guess I was wrong.”
“Chi Chi, I know you don’t understand but please just trust me. I need to do this. I’m sorry if that hurts you.”
“You’re sorry if it hurts me?! You don’t understand how much it hurts me, Goku. You left! You left me again!”
Now Goku was the one needing to keep his emotions in check. He couldn’t really believe what was coming out of his wife’s mouth. Leave her?
“Chi Chi, when have I ever willingly left you?! I died protecting our son. Twice. I don’t know what you mean by leaving you but that’s never been the case. Do you think I wanted to die? I did it to save our son and the world, and I’d do it again. But if I train Uub right then maybe it won’t be on my shoulders to save Earth in the future. I have to do this.”
“What about Yardrat?” Chi-Chi quipped.
Goku groaned, “Aw, Chi-Chi come on-.”
“Or refusing to be brought back after Cell killed you. Two examples. Two times that you chose to stay away. Two times that you left.” Chi-Chi seethed out angrily.
The hurt etched on Goku’s face made Chi-Chi want to take back those words but the damage was already done. She brought up the most sensitive times of their marriage. Times they both prefer to forgot and worked very hard to move past. All the pain, the fights after Yardrat, and the loneliness after he died were at the forefront of Chi-Chi’s mind. Her self control was out the window. Her anger skyrocketed and she shoved against Goku’s chest.
“Two times you left and I had to pick up the pieces. Two times that I had to wonder what I did wrong or what was so bad about our life together that you stayed away. Two times that I even doubted if you wanted to be with me. And now you’ve done it again. You left ME again, Goku.”
She went to shove him once more but he was quick and caught both of her wrists.
“That’s enough, Chi-Chi!”
It was rare when they fought that Goku raised his voice.
“ Listen, I can’t go back and change the past. I thought we moved past this? Yardrat was over 10 years ago and you know why I had to stay away. I was protecting you and Gohan. As I was when I decided to stay dead.”
Goku released Chi-Chi’s wrists and spun away from her, clenching his fists. He then turned back around and said, “ I don’t know what you want from me, Chi-Chi. I’ve apologized for Yardrat and for staying dead but dammit, that was so long ago and you’re still blaming me! What do I have to do to tell you I’m sorry? Or are you just going to keep holding this against me so that whenever I do something that you don’t agree with you bring it up, huh? All I’ve ever done is try and protect you and I won’t feel guilty for those choices anymore! I’m sorry that training Uub and living here hurts you but this is bigger than you and I. You’re just going to have to live with this.”
Chi-Chi peered down, tears brimming her eyes and she spoke in a hoarse, sad tone, a voice Goku has never heard before and he immediately wanted to take back what he said when he heard her voice.
“I always have to live with it, Goku. At least that won’t change.”
Chi-Chi turned and started to walk back to Piccolo. She said what she had to, Goku said what he said and there was no point in arguing anymore. Once again, her husband’s needs came before her own or their family’s. Now, she knew where they stand, and there was a small comfort in that.
As she walked away, Goku took step forward, “Wait, Chi-Chi.”
She didn’t respond and kept walking away, the silence between them deafening.
Tears ran down her face when she made it to Piccolo. Piccolo didn’t ask what happened and they head back home.
When he dropped her off, she pleaded with him, “Please don’t tell Gohan or Goten about this.“
A week Later
It’s been a week since their fight in Uub’s village. In the past they’ve been under the same roof so they would have been able to confront each other about what happened and move past it together. But with Goku on another continent that reconciliation doesn’t seem possible. Both of them were pretty firm in what they wanted to do, with neither wanting to bend. Chi Chi had to come to grips with a life without Goku once again. She’s done it before, she knew she could do it again although it might take some time. All the other times he’s been gone, he was stuck in a distant place that she couldn’t reach but now they’re on same planet just couple hours away from each other.
When Chi-Chi was feeling depressed, she usually liked to cook a big dinner. Her sons were out playing with Pan at Gohan’s while Videl was visiting her father so it will just be the four of them for dinner. This made Chi-Chi smile. Pan always brightened her day.
As she was chopping the carrots against the sink, a pair of strong hands wrapped around her stomach and squeezed her tightly against a familiar solid chest.
“I’m sorry.” His quiet words whispered into her ear as Goku bent his face and rest his chin on the crook of her neck and held his wife close.
They stood like this for a few moments, peace and understanding beginning to form between them. Chi-Chi was the first to break the silence and turned to face Goku while she was still locked in his embrace.
“I’m sorry too. I was hurt. I know that you would never leave us unless there was a reason. And while I don’t understand why you have to be gone, I know training Uub is important to you.”
Goku smiled down at her and held her cheek, “But you were right, there’s no need to be away and train Uub. I can still train and see my family. So how about if I come home a few days a week after training? I can’t promise I’ll be on time everyday, but I promise I will come home.”
Chi-Chi’s overcome with emotion and hugged Goku tightly, causing him to yelp.
“You mean it? Oh Goku, this is wonderful.”
Goku smirked, “I thought you’d like the idea.”
Before she could answer back, front door opened and her sons walked into the kitchen.
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crmsndragonwngss · 4 years
For the ask character meme, my boy Goku.
Imma preface this by saying that I have some opinions about Goku that might be considered controversial. I ask that you respect that my opinions are different than yours, and that I am allowed to think what I want. I do not and will not invalidate anyone’s opinions on this character or any character, and so I ask that you give me the same courtesy. I love Goku, but Goku is far from my favorite character in this series
Give me a character and I will answer:
Why I like them
There’s a lot that I really like about Goku. I like how freely and openly he loves, I like how sweet and kind and caring he is, I like his relationships with his friends and family. I like how he doesn’t offer respect to anyone just because of title or status, and I like that he is quick to give his respect and concede to stronger opponents. I like how easily he forgives too, to an extent. My favorite thing about Goku, though, is how much he loves his family. He’s not perfect, and hell sometimes he’s downright dangerously stupid, but he would and does happily give his life for the people he loves. He’s endearing and easy to love, and I truly do love Goku a whole lot, despite all his flaws
Why I don’t
Goku is actually one of the most problematic characters on the whole show for me. Just as there is a lot that I like about him, there is a LOT that I don’t like about him. As I said above, sometimes he is dangerously stupid and foolish and reckless. He routinely puts himself and everyone else in impossible situations and he NEVER learns his lesson. So many villains came about because of his misguided need to spare villains who cannot be redeemed, and his incredibly naive penchant for seeing good where there is none. Frieza and Dr Gero come immediately to mind in this regard. His sense of honor is also quite warped sometimes, one moment claiming he will never forgive an opponent for what they’ve done and ganging up on them and using dirty tricks, and the next moment offering a senzu bean to an (objectively worse) opponent in the interest of fairness. His recklessness is one of my main issues with Goku. Another serious issue I have with Goku is how everyone is so quick to praise him for saving the world, often forgetting anyone who helped or actually did more, and how heavily they rely on him to fight their battles for them. Every character is just waiting for Goku to come and save them, even when they don’t necessarily need saving. It’s infuriating. But at the end of the day, in many ways, I view Goku like I would my own child. I love him and I root for him always, but sometimes I’m just so goddamned disappointed in some of his choices lol
Favorite episode (scene if movie)
My favorite Goku moments are always the moments in which we see him being a loving and attentive father and husband. The days before the Cell Games where he spends his afternoons with Gohan come to mind. I love how he interacts with Chi Chi, and he always thinks of her first when shit gets real. But hands down my favorite Goku moment is an episode I just watched for the first time last week, when his ki is all out of whack and he and Chi Chi are helping Piccolo babysit Pan. I love how Goku interacts with Pan, and I LOVE his conversation with Piccolo on the roof. We see a very vulnerable, introspective side to Goku, and it’s so damn easy to fall in love with him all over again in this moment
Favorite season/movie
I’ll do movie for this one. My favorite movie for Goku is actually DBS Broly. I like how this movie showcases all of his flaws as well as his strengths, instead of just focusing on his strengths. This is also one of the rare moments where he doesn’t save the world soundly and decisively all on his own. He makes mistakes and he immediately gets punished for them, and I really appreciate that.
Favorite line
“YOU FOOOOOOL!!!” I also like any time he says anything that lifts Gohan up
Favorite outfit
I do like that jacket when he and Gohan are just walking around in SSJ lol, but I think my favorite outfit is what he’s wearing in the driving school episode. He looks so good in casual clothes, and I wish he’d wear them more
Gochi. I’m very partial to canon ships lol, but I also just really don’t ship him with anyone but Chi Chi
Goku & Vegeta
Head Canon
Interestingly, I don’t have any head canons for Goku in particular. Everything I think about Goku is either canon or based entirely on canon. One head canon I guess I have is that I personally think he is ace, which I’ll detail below in the unpopular opinion section
Unpopular opinion
I do not view Goku as a particularly sexual creature. I think of him as ace. He loves Chi Chi and he has sex with her because he knows that it’s something she enjoys and he likes being close to her, but I don’t think he seeks out or initiates sexual interaction or intimacy. This is actually why I’m not a kakavege shipper. I do think there is definitely a great deal of sexual attraction and tension on Vegeta’s end (that man wants Goku so bad, and that’s basically canon), but I don’t think that Goku feels the same way. He likes Vegeta, and he admires and cherishes him, but I don’t think he’s particularly sexually attracted to anyone. That said, I do not begrudge kakavege shippers, and depending on the artist/author/creative, I do enjoy kakavege on occasion (what self-respecting individual who is sexually attracted to the masculine form WOULDN’T be into two hot, immensely powerful dudes tearing each other’s clothes off and fucking each other’s brains out????), but it is not something I actively ship
A wish
I just want Goku to learn for once lol
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen
That he makes some reckless mistake that ends in real permanent damage to any member of his family (though obviously in DB there are no real, lasting consequences lol)
5 words to best describe them
Sweet, gentle, naive, himbo, and reckless
My nickname for them
Dumbass mostly lol
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dbzebra · 4 years
☕️ OH YKNOW WHAT AT THAT NOTE? Talk about that dbs broly movie cuz yknow. That’s a hot topic of the ages that folk feel particularly really strongly about
ooooh ive been waiting for this one. We watched this together on discord so you know my general feelings but Im happy i got this ask lol.
putting this under read more cause it gets long 
The new movie that everyone seems to love and adore.... that I dont. It was a pretty middle of the ground, meh overrated af movie. Not bad, just nothing special. I enjoyed watching it sure, but not something I have an inkling to return to anytime soon if ever. It was just ‘there’ for me. 
First, I’ll say the good stuff. The visuals looked really pretty. Nobody was THAT out of character of the existing cast (save for the ending), which i feel weird to have to even mention it as a positive, but nothing really stood out to me as a defining moment for the little cast we had besides Goku’s “youre not a bad guy, i can tell” or w/e. SUPER SAIYAN 1 IS STILL GOAT. It looked soooo good in this movie i wish we couldve kept it the whole time instead of Blue. But i will say, Blue looked much better in this movie than the series. The darker-blue with the lighter blue eyes was a nice change from instead of the ugly bluish-green the series did. Also the aura looked better. Backgrounds like the ice area and even Planet Vegeta were amazing. Action was great too. little Bulla was cute. The OST i liked (the chanting really grew on me) and Blizzard is a banger i love that song. Oh and the aritisic license they took for the fusion scene with the reds and blues spiraling together was great
Anyway thats all the positives I have lmaoo
This film includes Minus and I already went in depth on why I hate Minus with a passion and why it’s the worst thing to come out of modern Dragon so yeah moving on. But the fact that they devoted screentime to Gokus backstory which ultimately served no purpose to the story of the film and couldve been used more valuably elsewhere. 
I said the action was good, and it was, but it almost too good. At times it was so fast to tell that was going on and really lessened the impact for me. Like when they went into the other dimension or whatever, Gogeta went blue and Broly went LSSJ (idc if the name is different name, itll always be legendary SSJ to me lmao) so ast it was a blink and you miss it moment. like what? those moments shouldve been given even a little bit of focus. 
Next the cast. Goku and Vegeta. AGAIN. snorefest. no Gohan, Piccolo is just there to show them the fusion, Goten and Trunks are still kids and look like babies (and Pilaf gang is with them which is another can of worms), no Android 17, who the series established as one of the top 4 fighters on Earth. 
Do we get any of that? Nope. Just the two Blue and Bluer fucking again and again I. dont. care. anymore. Their dynamic is so boring and played out id rather watch paint dry. It was fun in Buu Saga, hell it was even fun in GT, but DBS constantly forcing this dynamic and Vegeta as the second Main Character needs to fucking STOOOP. Toei and Toriyama has no idea how to further Vegeta’s character because theyre stuck in this infinite loop. 
Vegeta doesnt want to help Goku, he mentions Bulma and/or Trunks, Vegeta blushes, and then he decides to help. THAT HAPPENED LIKE SIX TIMES IN DBS ALONE. It happened in Buu saga as well, but it organically worked cause it was the first time but Bulma and Trunks were ALREADY DEAD/ABSORBED. The look on his face wasnt blushy or pouting for a gag, dude was legit shocked. I rag on Vegeta but he had some legit great moments in the early arcs and later parts of Buu Saga. Anyway im off track. They repeat that same exact character moment OVER AND OVER. cant tell you how many times we had “my Bulma, my bulla, my Trunks, my cabba” in the Tournament of Power alone, and this movie is no different.
Then we have Broly. ohhhhhh boooy Broly. if you can even call this version of him Broly. His backstory is kinda the same as original movie 8/Broly LSSJ, but its more tragic becuase according to most fans, if youre background is a sobstory, that equals better character. NO. sure it could, but that trope was so worn out so long ago I hate it. “waaa his life was bad, hes not a bad guy” bruh i dont care thats not Broly. just make an OC if you wanna do that. but nope. gotta use the marketing! (More on that later)
People like to criticize Z Broly as “he hates Goku cause he cried” or “all he says is Kakarot” which both are false. On the first point, Broly is a psychopath. He was stabbed as an infant and left to die along with Paragus cause he was too powerful. Then that same day Planet Vegeta explodes practically on top of them. The rest of his life hes basically either being controlled or on a rampage. So that one moment of peace is “ruined” by Goku in a sense cause he subconsciously associates that with Goku. On the second point, Broly was already mentally unstable and then nearly dying, getting caught in the explosion of a SECOND PLANET and then being frozen for seven years will fuck anyone up in the head. Z Broly in the original movie was sadistic af and he had a lot of memorable moments and lines that werent just screaming Kakarot, that Second Coming made him infamous for. 
New Broly is legit a man-baby. People talk about old Broly having no personality and this new version having a deep character, but I dont see it. He acts like a child when hes with Cheelai and Lemo and then once the fighting starts he doesnt say a single word but yell. SOUND FAMILIAR?? But he gets a pass because the canon police says so right??? fuck off. New Broly is boring. Im tired of trying to make the Saiyans into ThEyRe noT aLl BaD sEe The SaIyAns ArE AcTuAlLy GoOd!!!11111 ugh i hate it. keep Broly a psycho and keep Bardock a prick. even that guy that went with Buzz Lightyear I mean Paragus was a sweet guy who couldnt fight because of course he was. At least they kept Paragus being a prick when he killed him. Tho his death was lame. 
Cheelai’s overrated af. Shes just green bulma lmao. and the fact that they included the “big soft-spoken man gets mad and saves girl from drunk lowkey-rapey pervert” trope just had me roll my eyes like dude stop. Lemo was fine? Nothing against him but didnt do much for me either.
FUCK. FREEZA. i went over this one before too so ill be quick with this as well. I hate hate hate the fact that they brought him back not once but twice in DBS, but even worse that they left him alive to do whatever tf he wants including going back to mass murdering people and expanding his army again. Goku and Vegeta just LET HIM LIVE. Why tf did they go all out and attack Broly, but not Freeza? when one of them was fighting Broly th other easily could have taken out freeza but nope we need a token villain like Joker or Skeletor cause unoriginality. Even at the end, Gogeta does a full power blast to wipe Broly tf out, but when Freeza tries to kill Cheelai and Lemo (two innocent people, feelings on them aside) Gogeta basically just shakes his finger like nuh-uh! dont do that! and then he flies off. Just let this mfer die already im sick of seeing his ass. FUCK I HATE IT SO MUCH GFGFFGFGFGF
Lastly this movie is legitimately Dragon Ball Fanservice The Movie. 
Gogeta vs Broly, which the games have been doing since fucking 2003, is the main point of this film. Theres no originality whatsoever. Minus is discount Father of Goku special, and then its a mashup of Broly LSSJ and Fusion Reborn (both of which are superior movies imo). This creatively banrkupt shell of a franchise cant think of anything new, so they legit remake an old movie, through in fusions because that sells like hotcakes, and make the animation pretty because thats all that matters.
Imo, this movie, like 99% of Super, is all flash and flair but no substance at all. At least this movie looked nice. unlike the show. 
ok thats all i got lmao
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joan-frias · 4 years
Back to Earth
A Gohan x Videl Fanfiction
Chi-Chi is yelling inside their house as their family is getting ready for the 25th World Martial Arts Tournament. Her loud voice can be heard outside as she calls out her two sons.
CHI-CHI: Gohan! Goten! What's taking you so long?
GOHAN: Coming, Mom!
Chi-Chi goes out of their house carrying a large furoshiki turned into a handbag. She's wearing a yellow cheongsam with violet bandana around her shoulder.
Gohan is behind Chi-Chi, and Goten is the last to come out of the house. The two boys are ready to fight, as Goten is wearing his usual orange gi over a blue long-sleeved undershirt, and Gohan is on his Great Saiyaman costume, but this time, with his white bandana and sunglasses. The older Saiyan is carrying a duffle bag.
GOHAN: Flying Nimbus!
The yellow fluffy cloud flies in, stopping in front of the three. Gohan helps Chi-Chi climb the cloud.
CHI-CHI: Let's get going!
Nimbus starts flying as the two Saiyan brothers follow at either side.
The Son family arrives at Capsule Corporation. On the compound was a big airship and beside it are Bulma, Vegeta and Trunks. The three landed beside the airship, with Gohan helping his mother climb down Nimbus.
BULMA: Hey guys!
CHI-CHI: Are we late?
BULMA: You're actually quite early.
Bulma is wearing a red dress with a yellow scarf around her neck. Vegeta is wearing an all-black outfit, while Trunks is on his mustard hoodie and green shorts. The father and son are carrying bags containing their fighting clothes.
TRUNKS: Hey Goten! Mom allowed me to go join the tournament with Dad.
GOTEN: Really?
BULMA: As if I have a choice! Your dad was the one who insisted.
VEGETA: It's time to show us the fruits of his training.
GOTEN: Mom, can I join, too?
CHI-CHI: Goten, that might be dangerous.
BULMA: My words, exactly.
VEGETA: You told me Kakarot was also a kid when he started joining.
BULMA: He was twelve, not eight!
VEGETA: What's the difference? Besides, being a Saiyan, we are trained to fight even at a young age.
BULMA: Well, this is Earth and not the Planet Vegeta you once ruled. Things go differently here.
VEGETA: I know my son's capabilities and I know he has a fair chance on this tournament. Might start them at a young age to hone their fighting skills as soon as they can.
BULMA: I swear, if something happens to my Trunks you will sleep outside the room for the whole month.
Vegeta could only grumble in disagreement. Gohan and Chi-Chi grin at the couple's conversation.
GOTEN: Can I really not join, Mom?
CHI-CHI: Goten, I told you. You cannot.
Goten pouted in disappointment.
GOHAN: Come on, Mom. I've trained with Goten and I'm pretty sure he can hold up his own on that tournament. He's actually strong.
CHI-CHI: Gohan, don't back up your bother.
GOHAN: I'm not. I'm telling my actual observation during these past weeks we've trained together. If given the chance to train more, I actually think these kids might surpass me.
VEGETA: You sound like your father during the Cell Games when he was talking about you.
GOHAN: (quite embarrassed) I'm just... telling the truth. (laughs nervously)
Chi-Chi looks at Goten who is still looking at her with his eyes being hopeful. In the end, Chi-Chi surrenders.
CHI-CHI: Fine!
Goten is filled with glee.
GOTEN: Thanks, Mom!
CHI-CHI: But if you got matched up with Vegeta then you should quit the fight, okay?
VEGETA: (quite offended) And why am I being singled out?
CHI-CHI: Because I know you won't be merciful against my Goten. It doesn't help that he looks a lot like Goku.
VEGETA: I'm not dumb enough to blow my chances into fighting Kakarot!
BULMA: Are you even sure you and Goku will get to fight against each other?
VEGETA: I will make sure it's us in the end.
BULMA: Don't forget Gohan and the others.
VEGETA: Why do you think I've been training hard all this time? I'll win against them and I will win over Kakarot.
BULMA: (exhales deeply) I sometimes wonder if I have to be jealous with that obsession of yours over Goku.
The others also started arriving. Krillin and his family arrived with Master Roshi and Oolong. Yamcha arrived with Puar. Even the Ox-King is there to join them.
All of them aboard the airship that will take them to the tournament's venue. Bulma is the one driving. Beside her is Vegeta, and behind her are Master Roshi, Oolong and Gohan. On the other side were Krillin and his family. Behind them are Yamcha and Chi-Chi, and on the other side are Goten, Trunks and Puar who are watching the surroundings they passed on through the window of the airship. The Ox-King is behind them all.
BULMA: Are you sure Goku is really coming back?
GOHAN: That's what he said. You know Dad never breaks his promise.
YAMCHA: He even married someone because of a promise.
All of them laugh.
CHI-CHI: By the way, Yamcha, are you also joining the tournament?
YAMCHA: Nah! I would not like to embarrass myself fighting these powerhouse fighters.
VEGETA: It's good for you to acknowledge that.
YAMCHA: But... how about Tien and Chiaotzu? Aren't they coming?
GOHAN: I wasn't able to inform them. I don't know how to reach them.
YAMCHA: Yeah... haven't seen them, too, since the Cell Games. For sure they will be happy to see Goku again.
KRILLIN: And Goku will be happy to see them, too.
GOHAN: I'm sure Dad won't recognize you, Krillin.
KRILLIN: Yeah... I figured that out, too.
MASTER ROSHI: It's been a long time since we've seen him.
OX-KING: It sure is a long time since you've all been together.
GOHAN: By the way... Vegeta, Tunks, and Goten, I think it's better if we don't turn to Super Saiyan.
VEGETA: And why is that?
BULMA: Of course, it's obvious! Not only is being a Super Saiyan already an odd occurrence here on Earth, but if you turn blond people might recognize you as those people who were on the Cell Games. And with all the media around the venue, it sure will blow up. I can only imagine those reporters in front of my house trying to get a story. That will be chaotic!
VEGETA: Then I'll just kill them all.
BULMA: Oh, Vegeta! Will you behave?
VEGETA: Fine! I won't turn to Super Saiyan. It doesn't matter anyway. I'll win no matter what.
TRUNKS: And I won't turn into Super Saiyan, too.
GOTEN: Me, too!
GOHAN: Thanks, guys.
BULMA: Oh! I think we finally arrived.
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In front of them is Papaya Island, the venue of the tournament. Lots of airships are also coming to that island, not only for the guests but also for the media as well. The group arrives on a jam-packed tournament venue. Lots of people are on the island, and there are also a lot of stalls and shops around the place where people can buy food, refreshments and other things such as collectibles and memorabilia connected to the tournament.
KRILLIN: Wow! I don't remember the tournament being this crowded.
BULMA: Times sure changed in here.
KRILLIN: It actually feels like a festival in here.
YAMCHA: I wonder if Goku is here already.
Suddenly, the people come rushing into the entrance of the venue. There lands a big airship with the logo 'MR. SATAN' on it. Everyone started talking about it, being excited about the arrival of their world champion.
KRILLIN: It looks like the world champion has already arrived.
BULMA: He sure does know how to do an entrance.
Mr. Satan goes down his ship.
MR. SATAN: Yeah!
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The people cheer in glee. Some even chanted his name. The reporters rush in to interview him.
REPORTER #1: Mr. Satan, what are the odds of you winning this year?
MR. SATAN: A hundred and twenty percent! They might as well deliver the prize to my hotel room.
He laughs proudly. The people cheered more.
Videl goes down the airship, quite annoyed at the display of his father's conceit and the crowd's pleasure on it.
REPORTER #2: Ms. Videl, we've heard you're joining the senior division this year, with the possibility of fighting your own father. What will your strategy be if you are faced with him in the finals?
VIDEL: (quite annoyed) Maybe I'll punch and kick him. What do you think?
Mr. Satan just laughed at his daughter's sarcasm.
YAMCHA: Wow! It seems like Mr. Satan is really into this celebrity business.
GOTEN: Mr. Piccolo is here!
Piccolo is seen under a palm tree. Gohan goes to him.
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GOHAN: Piccolo! You came!
Piccolo smiles.
GOHAN: Have you seen my father yet?
PICCOLO: Not yet, but he will come.
Piccolo notices Gohan's costume.
PICCOLO: Are you really going to compete with that outfit?
GOHAN: Why? It's cool, right?
Piccolo looks at him, as if he's about to say something. In the end he just stays quiet.
CHI-CHI: Oh, where could Goku be?
KRILLIN: I'll go look for him.
YAMCHA: Me, too!
Suddenly, the long awaited Saiyan appears. Goku arrives with Fortune Teller Baba.
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GOKU: Hey guys!
Krillin is about to cry as he looks at his best friend. Yamcha, Puar, and Oolong are smiling widely.
Bulma is tearing up. Vegeta is just staring, as well as Trunks who have never met Goku before (he was still a baby during the Cell Games). Android 18 is also just staring, with a clueless Marron beside her.
Even Piccolo is smiling, as well as the Ox-King and Master Roshi. Chi-Chi has started crying. Goten is just staring at the man who suddenly appeared making everybody suddenly overjoyed.
GOHAN: Dad...
It was Gohan who first rushed to Goku.
Gohan ran to his father as if he was the same nine-year old kid he was when Goku left them and decided to stay in the other world. He gives his father a tight embrace, which Goku reciprocates.
GOKU: Whoa, Gohan! You've grown so much!
Gohan laughs at his father's remark, though tears are also present in his eyes.
The others also come rushing to Goku. Krillin who is crying, Yamcha, Oolong, and Puar. They all surround Goku.
GOKU: Wow! Everyone is here! It's nice to see you all, guys. You've all changed a lot.
After that, Goku comes to Master Roshi.
MASTER ROSHI: Welcome back, Goku. It's been a while.
GOKU: It sure, is. Looking good, Master.
MASTER ROSHI: Getting old is not bad at all.
Goku smiles. Then he looks at Bulma.
GOKU: Bulma!
BULMA: Hey, Goku! How's it going?
GOKU: Fine... You cut your hair.
BULMA: Yeah... Being a mother is quite a lot.
Goku looks down at Trunks.
GOKU: Trunks has really grown up.
Trunks just stares at him.
GOKU: Vegeta!
Vegeta just nods.
Goku turns around and finds Chi-Chi.
GOKU: Hey, Chi-Chi...
Goku comes closer to the teary-eyed Chi-Chi.
CHI-CHI: You're late...
Goku holds her by the shoulders.
GOKU: I'm sorry...
CHI-CHI: Oh Goku...
Chi-Chi collapsed in his arms, crying gently on his chest. Goku kisses her head, calming her down while stroking her back. He smiles at the Ox-King who is watching them, and the big guy smiles back at Goku. After a few moments, Chi-Chi lets go and wipes her tears away.
CHI-CHI: Okay... this has to stop. I have to stop crying.
With a little more effort Chi-Chi was able to fully stop crying. She smiles at her husband who looks lovingly at her.
Goku then notices a small boy with black spiky hair behind Chi-Chi. The small guy seems surprised at the sudden attention. He moves back to his grandfather, the Ox-King, and hid behind his big leg.
GOKU: Hey, Chi... were you...
Goku looks at Chi-Chi, who seems to know what's going on with her husband's head. She nods as confirmation, then smiles.
CHI-CHI: I found out two months after the Cell Games.
Goku gapes at her, amazed at what he heard. He looks at the small tot, who is still looking bashfully at the taller version of him.
CHI-CHI: Goten, go meet your Dad.
Goten looks at Chi-Chi who gave him a reassuring smile. He then looks back at Goku, still unsure as he clings tightly on his grandfather's huge leg.
OX-KING: Come on, Goten. Don't you want to meet your Dad?
Goku sits down, still amazed at what he's seeing.
GOKU: Hey... I'm Goku.
Goten looks shy, but answers anyway.
GOTEN: I'm Goten...
Goku smiles at him, and after staring for a few more moments, Goten finally seems to warm up on him.
GOTEN: Daddy!
Goten rushes to Goku, the latter almost falling down with the impact.
GOKU: Whoa! You don't only look like me. You're also as strong!
Goku stands up and carries Goten. He smiles joyfully at his kid, who seems overjoyed into finally meeting him.
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GOTEN: I'm joining the tournament as well.
GOKU: Really?
Goku gives Chi-Chi a questioning look.
CHI-CHI: Oh, it can't be helped! He's your son after all.
Goku laughs at what Chi-Chi said.
GOKU: Were you training hard?
GOTEN: Yes! I'm training with Gohan back home.
GOKU: Wow... So that's why you're so strong.
GOTEN: And also Mom, too.
Once again, Goku looks at Chi-Chi, quite impressed at what he just learned. His wife just shrugged.
Goku looks at the fortune teller.
FORTUNE TELLER BABA: Remember, you only have twenty-four hours here on earth.
GOKU: I will. Thanks, Baba.
The fortune teller leaves.
GOTEN: That woman looks strange.
GOKU: She is a little strange, but she's nice.
Goku once again smiles at Goten, obviously amazed of the surprise that's been handed to him.
But the group needs to proceed with what they really came here for. It was Piccolo who reminded them that.
PICCOLO: We must go in and register, or else we'll be late.
GOKU: Right!
All of them goes to the registration booth. It was a long line, but after some time of waiting they had their turn to register.
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GOHAN: The Great Saiyaman!
REGISTRAR: Great Se... what is that again?
GOHAN: The Great Saiyaman!
REGISTRAR: Okay... (writes on the list) Next!
GOKU: What is that Great Saiyaman?
GOHAN: It's my superhero name.
Trunks is next in line.
REGISTRAR: Oh! Another one for the junior division.
TRUNKS: What is that?
REGISTRAR: All the contestants under 15 years old will compete in a separate Junior Division match.
TRUNKS: Goten! They said we can't fight with the adults.
BULMA: That's not in the rules before. Guess they changed it since last time.
CHI-CHI: I think that's better.
TRUNKS: But I want to fight with the adults!
REGISTRAR: I'm sorry, but rules are rules. Next!
Trunks was not able to alter the registrar's resolve, which makes him grumpy.
After registration, the fighters included in the tournament all proceed to the competition hall.
GOKU: Alright! Let's go, guys!
CHI-CHI: Do great, Honey! And you too, Gohan and Goten.
GOKU: We will. See you in a bit!
BULMA: Do your best, guys!
Android 18 gives Marron to Master Roshi.
MASTER ROSHI: Don't worry. I'll take care of her.
ANDROID 18: You better.
MARRON: Bye Mom and Dad! Good luck!
KRILLIN: Bye, Sweetie! We'll be back soon, okay? Stay close to Master Roshi and the others.
All of them walks to the venue. 
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The preliminary assessment will be done first. All the participants who registered are taken to a wide open space near the arena.
KRILLIN: Wow! Look at all these people!
GOHAN: Is this how it usually is?
KRILLIN: Yeah... But I think there are a lot more this year.
The World Tournament Announcer comes to them.
ANNOUNCER: Wow! It really is you!
Goku and Krillin look at the announcer.
GOKU: Hey!
KRILLIN: It's been a long time!
ANNOUNCER: It sure is! I never thought I will see you again, though I am always hoping I would... (moves closer and whispers) By the way. It's not Mr. Satan who really beat Cell, right? It was you, right?
Goku and Krillin just laugh.
GOHAN: (on his mind) It sure is nice to see someone recognize Dad for how strong he really is.
ANNOUNCER: To be honest, this tournament has been totally lame since that last fight you were in. Mediocre fights, you know. No fun at all. But now you're all here, and I'm excited to see amazing fights later.
The announcer notices Android 18 and Vegeta.
ANNOUNCER: Are they with you also?
GOKU: Yes.
ANNOUNCER: That's great! This really is a great day. (notices Piccolo) So, can you promise to not destroy the ring this time?
PICCOLO: I'll try not to.
ANNOUNCER: (laughs) That's what I'm talking about... (notices Goku's halo) Hey, what's the deal with that thing on your head?
GOKU: Oh, this? (points at the halo) Actually, I've been dead since my fight with Cell. I just came back today for this tournament.
ANNOUNCER: You know, I've witnessed a lot of weird things involving you, so I'll buy that.
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The person in-charge of the preliminary announces the start of the competition.
ANNOUNCER: That's my cue! See you in a bit, guys!
GOKU: See ya!
The World Tournament Announcer leaves.
IN-CHARGE: Today, we have 194 contestants who registered for this competition. Only 16 will have the chance to go to the semi finals. Mr. Satan, as the defending champion, will automatically move in, so only 15 among you will move on after this preliminary competition… As for the junior division, there will be no elimination round. All of the contestants for the junior division, please come this way.
The children fighting in the junior division all went to the person in-charge. They were then escorted outside the venue. After that, a punching machine was wheeled in.
IN-CHARGE: We will use this punching machine to select the top 15. The 15 highest scorers will move on to the next round.
KRILLIN: A punching machine?
GOHAN: What is that?
IN-CHARGE: For a little demonstration and to set the bar, here is our world champion, Mr. Satan!
Mr. Satan comes in, and again the people cheered and rejoiced for him.
KRILLIN: These people cheer not knowing they might even be stronger than him.
Cameras flash as the media covering the event capture the moment of the world champion. Piccolo, being annoyed himself, does his magic trick paralyzing all the cameras around.
GOHAN: Piccolo?
PICCOLO: All the cameras not only of those here but also those who will watch has all been destroyed. No one will find out about you so you can fight properly.
GOHAN: Thank you, Piccolo.
The media were all frustrated, and Mr. Satan is also quite annoyed. Still, he continues to show them what to do with the punching machine.
The world champion got a decent score of 137, which awed everyone, except for the Z Fighters of course. After the display, Mr. Satan leaves the venue and the competition starts.
It was that time when Gohan suddenly remembers something.
GOHAN: Dad, I'll just go look for a friend.
GOKU: Huh? Okay...
Gohan looks around, trying to find someone from the crowd that started to line up for their turn in the punching machine. As the crowd rush to the machine, he was able to single out the person that made him join the competition in the first place.
GOHAN: Videl!
Videl looks at him.
VIDEL: Gohan!
She suddenly remembers the disguise he wears and the reason behind it. She nervously covers her mouth.
VIDEL: I'm sorry...
GOHAN: It's okay... How's it been?
VIDEL: Great! I trained enough for me to beat you.
Gohan laughs.
VIDEL: How about you?
GOHAN: Great as well. I've trained enough, maybe I might be able to beat you?
Both of them laugh. Then suddenly, Videl seems awkward as she starts to blush.
VIDEL: Did you miss... I mean, of course, you miss school... going to class, you know...
GOHAN: Yeah... but this is about to end so I guess after this, everything will be back to normal.
VIDEL: Yeah... as you say...
Videl seems a little disappointed, which makes Gohan frown in confusion.
GOHAN: (on his mind) Is there something wrong? Did I say something bad?
The Z Fighters are now about to have their turn in the punching machine. Android 18 is the first to try it. She got 774 points, shocking everyone around except those who really knows how she really is.
VIDEL: That is impossible...
GOHAN: (laughs nervously) Maybe something's wrong... he he...
After Krillin's reproach Android 18 repeats the act, earning a lower score of 203, which is still high as compared to the bar set by Mr. Satan. It still shocked others, but it was the trend as the other Z Fighters follow suit. Krillin got 193 points, Goku got 188, Piccolo got 210, and Vegeta... well, his impatience got to him that he destroyed the punching machine in just one punch.
GOHAN: Oops! (on his mind) Trust Vegeta to not hold back his strength.
Everyone is shocked and kind of frightened by what Vegeta did, as well as the high scores that the participants before him got. And because the punching machine was destroyed, they have to replace it disrupting the flow of the preliminary assessment.
GOHAN: Ah, Videl, how is your flying skill? Has it improved?
VIDEL: Gohan! Aren't you shocked at what you just witnessed?
GOHAN: Huh? Ah... Ha ha! W-Well, y-yeah...
VIDEL: That man just destroyed the machine! I can't believe it!
Vegeta went to the other Z Fighters.
VIDEL: That group... they are incredible! They surpassed the score that my father set earlier. All of them got 200 points or close. It was amazing! Incredible...
GOHAN: Well, yeah...
Since it will take some time to get the replacement of the punching machine, those who are done with their turn are advised to wait for the result. Goku and the others decided to go see the junior division competition.
VIDEL: They're coming this way... Look at them walk...So confident and... so sure. Who are these people?
Goku stops upon seeing Gohan. Videl is shocked not only because he's one of those contestants who had unbelievable scores in the punching machine.
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VIDEL: (on her mind) This man… it can't be!
GOKU: (looks at Videl) Is she the friend you mentioned earlier?
GOHAN: Uh... yeah...
KRILLIN: Friend, or girlfriend?
Krillin gives Gohan a teasing smile. Gohan gives him an awkward smile.
GOHAN: Krillin, you're embarrassing me.
GOKU: We'll go check on the junior competition.
GOHAN: I'll go after we're finished.
GOKU: Okay... see yah!
The group leaves.
VIDEL: (bewildered) You know those people?
GOHAN: Well, yeah... Actually, that guy in orange gi is my father.
Videl is shocked, and it's because her guess was confirmed.
VIDEL: But... I thought your father is dead!
GOHAN: He is. See that halo above his head? He just came back to join the competition today.
VIDEL: (more confused) What kind of people are you?
Gohan finally realizes what the conversation has turned into. He suddenly does not know how to answer Videl's question. He just looks at her, praying that he did not appear much more strange than he thinks he already seems to her.
At that moment, Videl is finally being able to grasp Gohan's peculiarity a little.
VIDEL: Gohan... there are a lot you haven't told me yet, right?
GOHAN: B-But... what do you want me to tell you?
VIDEL: I don't know... you tell me...
Gohan looks down.
GOHAN: All I can say is that... things that happen in my life and the people around me are not usually what other people experience. Our life is quite different than yours...
Videl looks at Gohan, who is obviously worried. She kind of feels guilty. To console Gohan and somehow fix the situation, she holds his hand.
VIDEL: Different is okay. It's not necessarily bad. Sometimes, it's actually amazing.
Gohan looks at Videl, who smiles at him. He suddenly feels a lot better he was able to smile back.
Videl feels good that Gohan's mood has improved. She likes that he smiled back at her. She likes it a lot it warms her heart. Though it gives her that unexplainable feeling inside her that makes her a little confused and distracted - the feeling that only Gohan was able to give her.
She starts feeling that again, and it makes her feel alarmed. She looks away trying to shake the feeling off, realizing she can't because she can feel her hand holding Gohan's. She lets go of his hand.
But Gohan has other plans. He instead holds her hand, more tightly than she did. Videl looks at their hands holding, then looks at Gohan giving him a questioning look. Gohan grins at her, quite awkwardly, obviously shy, definitely pleading he lets him hold her hand. Videl felt that. She smiles and lets him hold her hand while they wait for their turn in the preliminary assessment.
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msdoctorwho · 6 years
Fire Meet Gasoline, Ch. 7
Bulma was an adventurous girl; she’d been chasing after the Dragon Balls half her life by now. She was no stranger to fear or death, dragons or space. But she’d never been so afraid as when she tore through the still-smoldering remains of her own contraption to find Vegeta.
If he died, she’d never forgive herself for building it.
When he struggled to his feet and insisted he was fine, she’d never so strongly felt two opposing emotions at the same time. Fury at him for almost killing himself, and relief that he hadn’t quite managed it. But he’d passed out before she could scream at him and she’d been too busy shouting orders at the groundskeeping bots and ripping her own clothes into field dressings to manage anything else.
Between herself, her father and the Medi-bots they got him stabilized, thanks to her foresight in hosting the only Saiyan/Namekian blood-bank on Earth in the basements of Capsule Corp. It was easy enough to synthesize a continuous supply once she’d gotten an initial sample, so she stocked enough for Goku, Gohan, Piccolo, and now Vegeta. As far as she could tell, the blood of the two full Saiyans was similar enough to each other to substitute in a pinch, but had type differences comparable to humans. Gohan...well, she wasn’t sure if Gohan would be able to take any combination of human and Saiyan blood, or only his own, so she stocked twice as much for him. She’d tried to get a sample from future kid, but he’d gotten so flustered when she asked that she’d guessed he was like Goku when it came to needles, and let it drop. She would just double her demi-Saiyan supply before the androids came.
After the last of the stitches and bandages were done, there was nothing left to do but watch over him as his healing factor kicked in. She could have gone back to her work and let the ever-vigilant bots do their jobs. She could have watched the live feed from her desk. She stayed.
His body temperature continued to rise as it fought infection and rebuilt itself from injuries that her mind still argued should have been fatal. People did not come back from wounds like that. Humans didn’t. She was struck anew with the realization that he was alien , he was different. However well she liked to think she’d begun to know him, there was still so much she didn’t know at all.
She didn’t usually believe in duplicating tech not of her own invention, but she'd have given anything that night to have a regeneration tank. Why hadn’t she spent some time trying to reverse-engineer that, instead of writing lewd Saiyan limericks?
As soon as he was better, she was going to fix that mistake. He had to get better.
He definitely had what would be considered a fever for a Saiyan, but she had no idea when high might cross over into dangerously-high.
She was back to being pissed off, at herself for her incomplete knowledge of Saiyan physiology, for making the machine that almost killed him, and at him for overriding the failsafes she’d programmed to protect him from himself.
His temperature stopped climbing, so she decided against an ice bath for the moment. He was just restless, and dreaming.
The fever dreams got worse as the night wore on; he progressed to what seemed more like full-blown hallucinations. Most of what he muttered was unintelligible to her, but a few things were repeated so much she’d never forget: ‘Frieza’, ‘demon-lizard’, ‘father’, and worst of all, ‘please’.
Vegeta never said ‘please’.
He grew so restless she considered additional sedatives or ki restraints, but his chemical responses to medication were so unpredictable she was reluctant to add anything new to the cocktail already swimming in his veins, and her heart broke at the thought of putting him in restraints after a night of eavesdropping on his dreams. She felt like an intruder into his most private space, but there was nothing to be done about it. Whether he knew she was there or not, she couldn’t bear the thought of leaving him alone when he’d come so close to dying.
He was floating now, pulling at the tubes and needles, eyes half-open, lucidity surfacing in words like ‘Kakarot’, ‘vengeance’, ‘birthright’, ‘ascend’, ‘legendary’, ‘mine’, ‘mine’, ‘mine…’
If she lost control of this situation she’d have to call Goku to get him back in bed, and nothing in the universe would keep Vegeta here after that.
Panicking, she climbed bodily onto the bed with him, trying to ground him with her body weight, wrapping her arms around his shoulders, bringing her lips to his ear, pouring out words that came to her on instinct: “You’re safe. Frieza is dead. You will ascend. I’m here.” The scent of burning things was in the air as his aura scorched the sheets, and her hair. It felt like holding the sun.
Finally, the gathered power fizzled out, and they sank down against the too-hot mattress, searing her unprotected shins like black leather in a hot car. Damn it, Vegeta.
He wasn’t thrashing around anymore, but his breathing was labored, every muscle tense, completely unaware of her presence. She was soaked in her own sweat from the heat radiating off of him, but he was dangerously dry. She grabbed the wet cloth from the side table to cool his face and neck. When she leaned away to wring it out and reapply, his arms came suddenly around her with iron force. The rag hit the floor with a wet smack and she made a little “eep” of surprise as he buried his face in her neck.
This was not quite the embrace she’d fantasized about, honestly. It was more like being trapped in a sauna. Still, it seemed to calm him, and she dared hope he had turned the corner.
But even as he seemed to sleep, he kept tensing as if to brace against blows. Her ribs creaked under his strength. Goku might have to rescue themboth.
And so, in desperation, she sang to him.
She was no great talent, but music had been just another science for young Bulma to master, with pitch and rhythm its rules and elements. She applied herself diligently to the only Saiyan song she knew.
Adrift on the black ocean of fever dreams, Vegeta had been lost in his own crimson hellscape of past demons and future fears, until she arrived. A sliver of blue light worming her way into the nightmares the way she inserted herself into everything else, she told Frieza he was dead, the child he was safe, the warrior he would ascend, and himself that she was there. As though that weren’t obvious. Annoying even in his nightmares, he tried to tell himself, but even the warrior scorned him for a liar.
The black things snarled and snapped at the edges of blue, but came no further, for now. The red eyes were a promise of pain for later, and he waited in dread. Until she sang.
All of it left, when she sang. Her voice was a shock of cold water to his world on fire. A silvery low register incongruent with her speaking voice, almost a caress. And a lullaby tone...to go along with one of of the bawdiest Saiyan drinking songs ever written. Somehow, she knew all twelve verses, each worse than the last, and by the end of it his ears were burning and she’d dragged him back to himself in horror and wonder. Too drained even to cringe at how she held him like a child.
“I must be in sorry shape if you’re caterwauling at me like that,” he rasped, trying for caustic and failing with a dry whisper.
She jerked, her throat closing in relief. “Vegeta,” was all she could manage, hating herself for the catch at the end.
He just sighed, slowly turning his face into her neck. “Your pronunciation is terrible.”
She didn’t move, daren’t breathe. “My source material was, ah, pretty drunk.”
He did not need to ask which of his warriors would have been accidentally recording himself via his own scouter while deep in his cups. He wondered at the pang he felt, thinking of Nappa. Is this guilt?
She had not let go of him. “It’s a pretty great song.”
He snorted. “It’s a drinking song.” He knew he should push her away, but he didn’t have the strength.
Liar. At least admit to yourself that you just don’t want to.
She brushed matted hair away from his forehead, a whisper of touch. “But also a war hymn, right?”
“All Saiyan songs are about war.”
“ Of course they are ,” not-quite under her breath. Tentatively resting her head against his.
She went on, “But this one is all about war and conquest and this one general who can’t be defeated in battle, but full of double entendres about how he can’t, erm, win with the ladies ?”
“Yes.” His face was on fire. Well, more on fire, since he was clearly already feverish.
“Until he finally loses a battle, and the opposing general turns out to be a woman who claims him as her mate? ” He could feel her grinning in delight.
“I thought it was pretty epic.”
Of course she would. Are we just not going to talk about this whole embrace thing? You know what, actually, I am fine with that.
He explained, “It’s more or less the story of how the two largest feudal city-states of old Vegetasei united and conquered the rest to become an empire.”
She was delighted. “So the greatest conqueror of Vegetasei was a woman?”
His reply was stuffy, as though they had wandered into contested territory. “She was the first , anyway. Greatest is up for debate.”
“Anyway, I liked it,” she murmured.
“You would.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“No Saiyan who wanted to stay alive would sing a vulgar song like that in the presence of royalty.”
“Pfffft. Like royals don’t know where babies come from.”
“Woman.” How could she even now still manage to shock him?
“You’re all no different behind closed doors.” She tightened her arms as though for emphasis. “Are you, Ve-ge-ta?” If her voice had been a caress before, this was a blatant grope.
“Woman.” He shifted uncomfortably. “Let me up.”
She shoved herself upright. “No. No! Are you kidding?” Her eyes were fire. “Maybe, maybe you can get out of that bed tomorrow. I literally just put you back together .”
He made a frustrated sound. “I have to--”
She smirked evilly at him. “Here.” She handed him a plastic object.
He started at it, not understanding. Then--
Gods, no.
“There is no way--”
“Listen, you ungrateful fuck, you are lucky I didn’t cath you--” she stopped, pinching the bridge of her nose, half-turning from him.
Whatever that was, it didn’t sound good, and he eyed her warily.
“I can call my dad, if you want,” she said in a neutral tone.
At his mulish expression, she continued waspishly, “or Goku ,” picking up steam, fueled by his predictable reaction to that , “but you should probably know that I shaved you bald and put about sixty stitches in your inner thigh to keep you from bleeding to death and get over yourself already!”
He convulsed in humiliated fury, but his open-mouthed snarl died at the tears on her face. He would have argued with her until he pissed himself, or relieved himself in defiance on her floor, but her tears wholly defeated him.
In all his life, had anyone ever cried at the thought he might die? What was wrong with her, that she did?
He turned away from her as much as he was able, until it was done. Shutting his eyes, shutting her out, he heard her walk to the bathroom, flush the toilet, turn the sink on and off.
Instead of leaving, she sat next to him again. He ignored her. Just go away already.
She didn’t move again for so long he thought she’d fallen asleep. He was drifting off in spite of himself, when her hand brushed his cheek, and he hated that her touch was a cool balm to his fevered skin. “Kami, Vegeta.” she said, softly. “Maybe remember this the next time you want to do something this stupid.” She lowered her voice. “If I blow myself up again, that woman will make me piss in a bottle,” she mock-growled.
His eyes flew open. As was so often the case, he didn’t know whether he wanted to kiss her or kill her. He wanted it so much he felt it in his teeth. But he was so tired, all he could do was glare.
Her other hand joined the first, cupping his face between them. It was a bit like holding an injured wild animal; she was not sure he would not bite her. She leaned closer; he stopped breathing.
Her kiss on his forehead was feather-light, as though it might hurt him, but lingering. When she pulled away, there were tears again.
He couldn’t break free from her eyes. “I care about you, you idiot,” she whispered.
He felt like he’d been shot through the chest. Again. What--
She forestalled any retort of his with her fingers on his lips. “I know you don’t want or need to hear that.”
She was so wrong, but he would never tell her, not when he couldn’t admit it to himself.
“Just sleep, okay?” she asked. A reply became impossible and unnecessary as he slipped under before she finished speaking.
Sometime during that endless night, she woke again to him grumbling about the plastic urinal.
He still refused to look at her while she dealt with it, but it was hard to stay embarrassed about what was clearly not a significant issue to her. This made him feel childish for being embarrassed, which pissed him off even more.
But then she smiled at him. “Thanks for not fighting me on this, Vegeta. I know how much you hate it.”
Just the acknowledgement of his struggle took the wind out of the sails of his fury.
It’s not like her smiles were rare. She was a disgustingly cheerful creature. But this one was his alone. Pure, no malice, no hint of mockery. Had he ever received such a gift?
She rolled her neck as she moved back toward the chair. It was no position to sleep in.
“You don’t have to play nursemaid anymore tonight,” he said.
“I know,” was all she said, yawning.
I gave you an out, woman. He snagged her wrist as she passed by, dragging her toward him, not roughly, but not giving her a choice, either.
She tried to tug it back, but even in this state he was so much stronger it was laughable. Her frown disappeared as she realized his intent.
The look on her face as she crawled over the rail was almost predatory. The animal in his blood roared a challenge, while the rest of him wondered if this might be his worst decision yet.
She loomed over him, until the scent of her skin overwhelmed him, his hands finding the back of her bare thighs.
She gasped, a breathless sound, twitching like a rabbit caught out of its den, hands digging into his shoulders.
Then she sighed and made a face at him. “Shove over. I swear, you have the shittiest timing.”
“What, have you suddenly grown a sense of decorum? You’ve been begging shamelessly for this for weeks,” his voice low, cutting. Stung by the unexpected rejection.
“Yeah, well, you had weeks to take advantage when you weren’t missing half your blood-volume. How much fun could that really be for me?” She crooked a limp finger at him, enjoying how much he hated her with his eyes for that.
“I will end you,” he responded, utterly calm. Eerily believable.
She waited for him to object as she nestled herself next to him, pillowing her head on his least-injured shoulder.
He didn’t, but he was back to furiously not looking at her again.
“Don’t freak out, Vegeta. I’m not saying ‘no,’ I’m just saying ‘how about maybe when you’re less almost-dead?’ Nothing says sexy like trying to orgasm while worrying your partner might stroke out.”
He grunted, but allowed her to lift his arm around her.
“I still have your blood in my hair ,” she groused.
He breathed her in, somewhat pleased at that.
“Ugh, only you would find that appealing.”
“Just shut up.”
“I hope you heal as fast as you claim you do, space man.”
He woke up well before her, and meant to let her sleep, but waking surrounded in the scent and feel of her was too much. His body was loudly making the case that it was fully recovered, thank you very much.
He kept trying to shift away from her lest it be obvious to her as well, but she clung to him like warship-grade adhesive.
“Stop moving so much, you’re still like 90% bandages,” she snapped without opening her eyes.
He didn’t know why, with her obvious want of him, it was such a problem for him that his body wanted her back.
Control, he supposed. He wanted total control over this rebellious facet of himself until he decided to unleash it, and not a second before.
Especially if she might say no, again.
“What is that?” he gestured vaguely in the direction of the barbaric fluids dripping into his arm, desperate for distraction.
“What is what, Vegeta?”
“Your primitive medicine still requires manual blood re-supply...that’s mine? It has my face on it.”
She made a noise of affirmation, too tired to speak.
“But those symbols aren’t my name.” He hadn’t put much effort into learning their rudimentary symbology yet, but he’d picked up enough to know that.
At this, she smiled without opening her eyes. “No, they are not.”
At his growl of irritation, she continued, “Humans have various blood types: Type A, B, AB, and O. Yours says ‘Type E’.”
She finally opened her eyes, smile broadening, to watch his reaction. “For ‘Elite’.”
His expression was just shy of murderous. “You mock me.”
She sighed, too tired to be less than honest. “A little bit yes, but mostly no. You are something else, Vegeta.”
He didn’t know what to think or say about that. “Of course I am,” he finally managed, but her light snores needled him in response.
“What does Kakarot’s say?” He couldn’t help asking.
“Hmm? Goku’s?” Her sleepy gaze met his again. “He’s ‘Type 3,’” she said, with a wink.
At that he laughed -- an honest, beautiful laugh. Its purity hurt her heart; she wondered if anyone else had ever heard it. She felt like she’d caught a star with her bare hands, and held it close in wonder.
What was this warmth blooming in his chest? Lingering fever? Or was this what it felt like, to have someone of your own? Oh, Nappa and Raditz had been loyal enough, but they’d been born into his service. It had never really been their choice, and he’d never really appreciated it, either.
She owed him no allegiance, no debt, and in fact had plenty of reason to hate him for the harm he’d caused when he first came to Earth. She owed him nothing, but offered him everything. Her loyalty. Her affection. Even a joke at her friend’s expense to please him.
The intensity of her eyes, when she moved over him again, was the blue of stars expiring, the last fierce gasp of life before the end. “I declare you fit for duty, soldier,” she breathed.
“-- modified duty,” she ground out at the flash in his eyes, “you’re not training today, jackass…”
She caught his retort with her lips. “You’re not going to have anything left for it, anyway,” she whispered into his mouth, and finally kissed him.
He was certain this was an Earthling thing, this meshing of mouths that sounded repulsive in the abstract but was amazingly intense in practice. The longer it went on the more desperate for her he felt, saved from feeling pathetic only by the needy whimpers she gave him in return.
She was careful with him, so careful. Each gentle touch was his undoing. He was completely unaccustomed to physical contact not meant to kill or cause pain. Every nerve ending was over-sensitized, almost painful, but she read his face like a map and knew when to touch and when to let him be.
She knew his hurts better than he did, having tended each one herself. She moved over him gingerly, but her weight was nothing to him.
Her touch was reverent, a feather-light stroke or kiss over every inch of skin not wrapped in gauze. She drew his hands to her, pragmatic as ever, unfazed by his uncertainty, and showed him exactly how his touch could please her.
He’d never felt anything as fine as her skin, or the silk of her hair, the heft of her breasts. In the end, she did not make him beg, but asked if he were certain, before taking him inside her as though this was a thing they had always done.
He’d thought he understood power -- what it was like to have it, and to have none at all. To cower before a monster that controlled your whole existence, or to watch planets die by your hand. He’d never felt anything like this, the power to cause such pleasure it looked like pain, to force his name from her lips, to watch her convulse and wail just for want of him and what his body could give her. He ached to be well enough to put her underneath him, to watch her writhe against vermillion silk, again and again, and he knew then he would never get enough of her.
Still jerky from her own release, she reached down to find a spot he hadn’t known existed, wrenching a cry from his throat as he shattered, lost control so completely that his aura reignited around them again. But this time, joined as they were, it knew her for its own. The blue tendrils of flame licked her skin as she laughed in delight and wonder. He forced it back into himself a breath later, shaken by how easily she'd broken him.
She collapsed onto him, and for long moments there was nothing but the sound of their harsh breathing in the dark. If his face was wet she said nothing of it, and freely gave her own tears as cover.
The next day, extricating himself from miles of gauze, he was stepping in the shower to rinse off before training when he noticed she had written on him, underneath the bandages.
No disgraceful poems this time, nothing so elegant, just the Saiyan word for “penis” in bold characters across his forearm. Her penmanship was improving, but the strokes were jagged, angry.
It would not wash off.
“Woman!” he bellowed, in such a rage that the barometric pressure shifted around the whole compound.
“Hey Vegeta, what’s up?” She asked with feigned nonchalance, as though he didn’t look one breath away from destroying the whole building.
“Remove this immediately!” He brandished his arm at her. Registering dim surprise that she didn’t flinch, that she truly had no fear of him anymore.
She was incoherent, and he realized she was crying and laughing at the same time.
“You’re unhinged!” he spat, uncomfortable with displays of any emotion, much less two that made no sense together.
She patted his wrist ineffectually. “I was so mad at you, Vegeta.”
She took a few breaths, calming down. “And myself, for underestimating your skill and stupidity.”
She wiped her eyes and stepped closer to him, the pain in her crystal blue gaze sucking his breath away. “Most of all, I didn’t know how to forgive myself if one of my inventions killed you, and I couldn’t think about that--”
My miserable life isn’t worth it, he wanted to tell her, though he never would.
She sighed. “I just remember thinking, you’d be so pissed off when you saw it that you might kill me, and how happy I’d be if you recovered enough to do it.”
“Lunatic,” he called her, without venom. Whatever this was between them, it terrified him, and for the first time he could see it was not healthy for her, either.
But then she stepped into his unwilling embrace, clothes and all, even though he was half-under the shower.
Closing the circuit between them was electric, the contact more than merely sexual. The exposed mutual vulnerability was terrifying, but for the first time since his last glimpse of Vegetasei through a shuttle window, he tasted a feeling like home.
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mozillavulpix · 7 years
Goku’s Biggest Mistake
A video about me talking about the Cell Games. Giving you guys the script for those who don’t want to listen to my voice.
Son Goku, the protagonist of Dragon Ball, is not a perfect character. He makes a lot of mistakes and bad decisions throughout the series, although that’s also often part of what makes him interesting. Some of those mistakes often feel like side-effects of making sure the story continued on, (of course Goku cares enough about fighting the Androids he wouldn’t want to stop them from being built! Otherwise, there wouldn’t be a plot!) 
But there is at least one point in the series where he doesn’t get a free ride. Where not only does he make a major mistake, but the other characters explain to him why that was a mistake, and crucially, Goku actually realises why the mistake was the wrong choice in the first place and attempts to make up for it.
This moment happens during the Cell Games.
After Goku selects Gohan to fight Cell in his stead, Gohan initially struggles to get the motivation to fight Cell seriously. And as Cell starts beating up Gohan because of this hesitation, Piccolo attempts to intervene. When Goku explains that their best hope of winning is to believe that once Gohan gets angry, his true power will be unleashed, Piccolo yells at Goku that he’s mistaken. 
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I’ve seen people look at this moment as a confirmation that Goku’s mistake was sending his son off to fight; that Gohan never should have been made to fight Cell in the first place, because he doesn’t like fighting. But I think that there’s actually a bit more behind the moment than just that. Goku definitely made a mistake during the Cell Games, but making Gohan fight Cell wasn’t the biggest one.
For one, if Piccolo really was saying Gohan never should have been made to fight because he doesn’t enjoy it, that’d be pretty rich coming from the guy who kidnapped Gohan back when he was 4 and literally forced him to learn how to fight. Piccolo didn’t seem to think that was the wrong choice back then. And even if he had changed since then, it’d be a very odd thing for him specifically call Goku out for. It’d be practically hypocritical.
But I think the true mistake that Goku makes, the thing Piccolo especially worries about and Goku realises, is what he says after that. “Does he know about your plan? Did you discuss it with him?”
Goku’s biggest mistake in the Cell Games was not that he sent Gohan off to fight Cell. It was that he sent Gohan off to fight Cell, hoping his hidden power would awaken, without explaining to Gohan what the plan was in the first place.
The reason why this was a mistake was because it meant that Gohan had to fight Cell and also attempt to awaken his hidden power without any proper forewarning or time to prepare. It does catch him completely by surprise, and that’s part of the reason as to why so much had to happen for him to get stronger and start fighting seriously. As in, his family and friends had to get brutally tortured in front of his eyes before he finally figured out what to do. But if he knew from the very start that he was their backup plan, and his hidden power was their backup-backup plan, he probably could have tried to prepare for it, so if it came down to him, he’d have a better idea over what to do. If he knew the plan, he’d also have to accept that he’d have to fight and potentially kill Cell, which might have stopped him from hesitating when the moment arose.
Goku didn’t necessarily need to keep the plan a secret, either. When he gets Karin to scout out Cell’s power to compare to his, and Karin says Cell is probably stronger, Goku isn’t phased at all, implying his plan from the very start of his preparation was that Gohan could take over if Goku couldn’t deal with Cell. But at no point does Goku tell Gohan that’s the plan.
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We know this because when Future Trunks asks Gohan about what Goku’s plan is, Gohan responds by saying “all he told me is to look forward to it”. That’s all Goku told him. And later on, when Gohan is talking to Cell about his hidden power, he says that only at that point is he starting to understand why Goku chose him to fight in the first place. As in, Gohan only figures out why he got chosen to fight Cell after he starts fighting Cell. Those are not the words of someone who knew ahead of time.
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Some people might want to defend Goku’s actions by saying that perhaps Goku didn’t tell Gohan from of a place of compassion - that he knew if Gohan knew he’d have to fight in the Cell Games, he’d get anxious about it and it’d stop him from being able to relax for those last few days. To which I have two responses:
First, Gohan’s words, that Goku told him to” look forward to it”. Are those the words of someone who’s intentionally keeping secrets because he wants to save his son from trauma? If Goku knew telling Gohan about the plan would cause him trauma, enough to want to hide it from him, why would he be telling Gohan to look forward to that fight? The moment where Gohan would potentially have to find out the truth!
And second, even if Goku did keep the truth from his son to save him from trauma, it wouldn’t necessarily help that situation. Because sending Gohan out to fight unprepared, as opposed to giving him 10 days to mentally prepare for it, would probably give him even more trauma. He’d have to deal with all that stress he would potentially get over those 10 days within one moment. That’s almost worse for his state of mind, in a way.
So, if he didn’t hide the truth to save his son from trauma, why did Goku not tell Gohan about the plan?
Honestly, I think it was because Goku didn’t realise that Gohan needed the plan explained to him. Goku assumed that Gohan would immediately understand what he needed to do the moment Goku called out his name. Because that’s how Goku would act. He was great at going into a battle situation where he didn’t necessarily know how to win and instantly adapting. He never had an issue with it, so he thought Gohan wouldn’t, either.
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It’s why he gives Cell a Senzu. He doesn’t think Gohan needs any help. He thinks Gohan can do all this on his own, because he’s seen how strong he can get, not realising that Gohan’s very personality is so different to Goku that he might not even have the mental will to keep fighting like his father would.
And that’s what Goku realises when Piccolo confronts him. It’s in those precise words that Goku realises that he didn’t discuss the plan with Gohan. And Gohan might not know what his plan was. And if that was true, it would cause him a lot of pain…and also explain why he wasn’t fighting back at full force. As in, the exact thing that Goku was now seeing in front of him. That’s why, after those words exit Piccolo’s mouth, Goku’s expression changes from confidence to realisation and horror. The horror that he unintentionally sent his son into a situation which he wasn’t prepared for, and he’s getting hurt because of it.
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In fact, the situation leads to not only Gohan, but Goku and all his friends getting hurt, when Cell sends out the Cell Juniors to attack them. It’s in that moment, where all his friends are getting tortured by these creatures, that Goku apologises, saying that this wasn’t how his plan was supposed to go. His original plan never involved other people getting hurt to trigger Gohan’s power. Because he assumed Gohan could trigger it easily, without that kind of motivation.
Although the funniest thing about the entire situation was that…even though Goku unarguably made a mistake, and Piccolo was justified in calling him out for it, Piccolo was also kind of...wrong.
Piccolo thought that Gohan didn’t realise that Goku’s plan was for him to get angry to get stronger. But the thing is…Gohan does realise the plan. He explains to Cell that Goku was probably counting on his hidden power that was released when he gets angry to defeat him, and that’s exactly why Cell starts attempting to hurt Gohan in the first place. But Piccolo doesn’t know this because, when that conversation happens, Gohan is speaking so softly that Krillin specifically says that he can’t make out what they’re saying. And you can assume that applies to Goku and Piccolo as well, even with Piccolo’s better hearing. After all, if Piccolo knew Gohan said he needed to get angry, he wouldn’t be so shocked to hear Goku explain that’s what the plan was.
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But even though everything up until Gohan’s transformation generally worked out just how Goku wanted it to, with only the destruction of Android 16 an extra sacrifice, that doesn’t mean that Goku was right. Or that he didn’t make a mistake by not understanding that his son was fundamentally different to him both power and personality-wise. If he was in the right, he wouldn’t be shocked. He wouldn’t suddenly want to get a Senzu to jump in and help his son. He realises his mistake at that point, and does everything he can to make up for it. Including sacrificing his own life.
Perhaps that’s partially why the anime added an extra line in the speech Goku makes before he dies.
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Because Goku’s lack of understanding other people did lead to the situation that caused him to have to die in the first place.
There aren’t many other moments where Goku does acknowledge this. Or, at least, acknowledges it enough he actually wants to take responsibility for his actions. Perhaps that’s part of why I find him and this moment so interesting in terms of a turning point of his character. A turning point that was kind of fitting for his eventual retirement from the story, even if that didn’t end up lasting.
It wasn’t the first mistake he made, with the largest consequences, and it wouldn’t be last, but it was certainly one worth talking about.
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slugmanslime · 7 years
Coming Undone (Ch. 1)
As previously mentioned, this is a re-write of Cant Get Enough, all leading up to the final chapter, soon to be posted!
You can also find all the chapters of this story and more on my AO3 and FF.net accounts ^~^
Chapter One: Lose Control
Pairings: past!Son Goku/ChiChi, Piccolo/ChiChi Warnings: Mentions of MC Death, Male/Female Violence, Blood Mention Fic Type: Multi-Chapter 1 /4 Word Count: 2,116
It was the third time this week that he had shown up in her front yard in the dead of night. If Gohan, and now her youngest, Goten, hadn’t been so fond of him, the Namekian would have already met the business end of a shotgun long ago. And yet… ChiChi couldn’t quite bring herself to take it from the mantle above her bed, let alone load it. The weapon had been a housewarming gift from her overprotective father, and not surprisingly, it had sat above the mantle all these years collecting dust. The only time it had been close to seeing battle was when she found out this same stoic alien had kidnapped her baby boy all those years ago—but that all turned out for the best, didn’t it? The spitfire woman sighed, passing a hand over her tired eyes.
The moon was three-quarters full, semi-blocked by puffy gray clouds, and the breeze was stronger than usual; it was the end of spring, and summer was right around the corner. The wind rustled the hem of Piccolo’s cape, stirring it around the green strip of his ankles peeking from under his pants. Cast halfway in shadows, and partially in the weak moonlight, he appeared as a waif of his villainous youth, lurking and ominous.
This was the straw that broke ChiChi’s back.
Who was he, thinking he could skulk around her property and scare the pants off her whenever he felt like it? He must assume that she forgave him for his previous theft of her son like some kind of fairytale villian—he would be sorely mistaken! Gohan, the sweet boy he’d grown into, may have convinced her to allow Piccolo’s continued presence around the home, to continue training him and his baby brother… and he did help out with the fields when the season started… not to mention those pesky aphids hadn’t come around since he cleared them out last spring…  Argh! But what other choice did she have? Her sons needed a strong figure to help teach them right from wrong now that—
Oh. Damn it, Goku. It was times like this when ChiChi missed her husband so dearly; tonight marked a fortnight from the four-year anniversary of his death while fighting Cell, and she was sure of at least one thing: no matter how much she might miss him, if she could ever forgive him for not coming back was becoming less and less certain with every passing day. She had never been a bitter woman, someone who was so filled with anger and longing and such intense sadness, but being the wife of a fighter could weigh on you. Years, it had been; years of the come and go, the fading intimacy, the struggle to raise to children essentially on your own with dwindling funds. It had never been about the money, no, Ox King made sure his own were looked after.
It was the fact that Goku could never quite figure out who his own was. There were too many people; friends, loved ones, old acquaintances. The family he had made seemed too expansive, too widespread in the adventure that was his life; where could she draw the line? In their forgotten home, high in the mountains, that was the lonely reality that ChiChi lived.
Standing in the front doorway, warm golden light surrounding ChiChi in a hazy golden halo, frying pan in hand, an outsider wouldn’t be able to tell any of this. Standing proud and unafraid was a woman who seemed to radiate strength, balance, and humility. The night hid her weary knees, and her chest rising and falling with shallow, frustrated breaths. She had never, and would never back down from a threat (if a threat this was). That was something Goku had once confided that he loved about her, and she prided herself on; Piccolo would not become an exception to this.
“If you ain’t gonna start talkin’, I suggest you find yer way home, mister.” Her fingers flexed, tightening and relaxing on the slick, solid wood of the pan’s handle, resigned to attempting to control her emotions.
Of course, he didn’t respond at first. Piccolo took his time, a quality of his that she held a certain respect for but at the same time despised. The clouds thinned momentarily, revealing what appeared to be a thoughtful expression etched into his jade features. Irritation and mild confusion spiked in her mind; now, what about what she just said would invoke such a thing?
‘No backing down’, she thought. Her legs carried her forwards, down the worn cedar steps of her front porch and a few feet into the darkness that bled into where the light faded. “Piccolo! Now, I have had just about enough o’ this foolishness. If yer lookin’ for the boys, they’re at Bulma’s for the weekend. From what I heard, I reckon they’re going camping tomorrow, and since I know you can track them, there is absolutely no reason fer you tah be lurkin’ around here.” ChiChi planted her feet firmly, cocking her hip and placing her free fist on it while gesturing with the frying pan avidly.
Of course, without warning, Piccolo stepped from the shadows. His quiet approach startled her internally, making her heart stutter softly. It wasn’t that he advanced upon her quickly at all, no, what was more alarming was the precision he took with every footstep, arms locked across his chest stubbornly. Piccolo didn’t enter her personal space, halting just outside the reach of the flickering porch light, but it was close enough for ChiChi to sense the turmoil brewing beneath his collected façade.
“I’m not here for them. Not this time. I’m here for you.”
The words, coming from anyone else that she knew, would have been comforting, maybe even welcomed given the stress she had been under recently. But how he spoke them, the baritone in his voice making her bones reverberate, put her on the sharpest edge. Hackles raised and eyes narrowed, ChiChi grit her teeth, spine straightening to give her a wee bit of extra height.
“And what business do yah have with me, Piccolo? I ain’t yer pupil, and for the last time, I don’t need yer damned money!” The handle of the frying pan squeaked in protest as she gripped it, twisting it in her sweating palm; subconsciously, her feet slid into an opposing stance, defensive and unreceptive.
She swore for a split second there was a flash of mirth in his eyes, the corners drawing up in a crinkle… or it was a trick of the light. Either way, ChiChi did not appreciate being the butt of some private joke.
“You refuse to let me speak. If you had, you’d know I’m not here about that, this time. It’s about what happened to Goku, and how you’re…” An extended pause, as if he were chewing on a mouthful of words and he couldn’t decide the best one to spit out. “Well, how you’re faring. I know it’s been a long time now but…” He sounded unused to speaking of such trivial matters, as if it were a foreign concept; a strange notion for an alien being, how fitting. Regardless of the humor imbuing the situation, ChiChi absolutely refused to see it, her temper rising to a boil. So it was her feelings that were funny to him, then?
“I wouldn’t say anything if Goten hadn’t brought it up to me first. Your business isn’t my concern but those kids… Regardless. He tells me he doesn’t want you to be ‘sad’ anymore.” Piccolo cleared his throat after a moment, looking over her head at the way she left the front door ajar. “Gohan mentioned how much stricter you are with Goten as he grows. Your fear, or apprehension, whatever it is—you aren’t doing a good job of hiding it from them. Why don’t you ever consider asking for help?”
If Piccolo had been looking at her in that moment, he could have seen the exact moment when ChiChi’s expression leapt from shocked to distressed, to disbelieving, to downright appalled. She couldn’t decide what was more disconcerting: the fact that her sons didn’t feel as though they could speak to her about their concerns, or that Piccolo was actually berating her. The silence between them after Piccolo’s question became almost awkward until the confounded woman could work her mouth again.
It took all ChiChi had to bring them face-to-face, but one moment her frying pan was drooping in her hands, and the next she was three inches apart from him, rearing on her tippy-toes to shout in his face.
“Because I don’t need help, especially not from you! Not from the person who almost tore my family apart before it could begin! I’m raisin’ my boys how I they oughta be, and that’s the end of it! I am their mother, and you—” Panting, ChiChi shoved a stocky finger into his chest. “You are not their father!” Angry tears pricked at her eyes, blurring Piccolo’s face as she glared up at him. It was quite embarrassing, the fact that she only cried when her temper reached its peak, but that was irrelevant in the moment.
The way his eyes stretched was nearly comical, but for Piccolo to stand there and stare the quivering woman before him was the only thing he could do. He took note of how her umber eyes shimmered, the way she bared her teeth at him with insulted fury, how she ground her nail into his gi as if she could dig straight through to puncture his heart. After a solid minute of deliberation, he wrapped his fingers around the wrist responsible for the offending finger, grasping it resolutely a few inches from ChiChi’s face. Piccolo knew when to swallow his pride, and he cared about the Sons… oddly enough, ChiChi included. But he was not going to be bullied by her the way her late husband had been.
“Don’t shoot the messenger, ChiChi. I’m not the reason Gohan and Goten don’t feel comfortable talking to you. Goku has been dead for four years now, so why don’t you suck it up and stop taking out your insecurities on the boys who need you?”
It was absolutely safe to say that Piccolo wasn’t prepared for a frying pan to the side of the head, but he took it like a champ, releasing ChiChi’s empty hand to clutch at his face instead. Violet blood was smearing onto his palms, his ear throbbing and ringing as he gawked down at the furious and somehow equally surprised little woman before him. His shock faded quickly however, replaced almost immediately with anger.
They locked eyes, neither submitting in the battle for control over the situation. Surprise prickled the air like electricity, dancing on the stiff, warm breeze that blew through the clearing, swaying the short grass beneath their feet and fluttering black bangs with warm flecks of blood smeared in them. ChiChi’s hand, cramping from her grip on the handle and the weight she put behind the blow, relinquished the frying pan, allowing it to fall to the dirt with a muffled clang. “You… you need tah leave. Now. You won’t be seein’ the boys any time soon.” Eyes wide and clouded, ChiChi turned on her heel and scuttled towards the door, ultimately submitting in their fight; surprisingly, she made no attempt to retrieve the pan.
A millennium seemed to pass before she made it to the door, stumbling in the house nearly blind from the frightened, shameful tears that finally made their way free. Breathing erratically, she clung to the door handle for dear life, using her body weight to start pushing it closed as she leaned against it for support. ChiChi’s chest was burning, images of Goku laughing swirling in her mind mixed with the sharp smell of alien blood, but all of that was drowned out by Gohan and Goten. Laughing babies with crazy hair, the watery smiles she would get after bandaging up their boo-boos and healing them with kisses, the way their faces lit up coming home to dinner after a day of training. When did all of that begin to fade?
A dirt-caked frying pan was abruptly shoved into the doorway, clanking loudly against the hardwood as the door slammed into it. ChiChi’s yelp resounded through the empty house, the sound startling her more than the sudden appearance of her abandoned cookware. Frozen against the cool wood, she swallowed thickly as Piccolo’s voice floating through the crack, thinly veiled vehemence bleeding into his rumbling tones.
“Open the door, ChiChi. We aren’t done here.”
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petite-neko · 7 years
Nexus of Time - 02
Fanfiction: Nexus of Time Story Summary: Gohan trapped with in the depths of time! Now, Trunks needs to save Gohan and allow him his three years of training… for yet unknown to both of them, Gohan is the future saviour of Earth! But how can Trunks save somebody whom he doesn’t know needs saving? Fandom: Dragon Ball Z Characters: Gohan, M!Trunks, M!17&18, M!Chi-Chi Pairing: Gohan/M!Trunks, M!Gohan/M!Trunks Rating: T Warnings: Violence, Character Death, Angst, PTSD, Universe Alteration Author’s Notes: Also: Feel free to let me know of anything that seems off. As I said, I'm doing some edits to each chapter! Oh, and... fair warning. This story? It's overloaded with angst. I mean it. So much angst.
(I set up a ko-fi account guys! Feel free to donate! Link in blog description!)
(Check source for ao3 link!)
I am sorry to put this here, but due to people who have been stalking and harassing me for a certain type of content:
Leave me alone, you are not welcome here.
Chapter 1 || Chapter 2 || Chapter 3
Gohan had never heard anything else in regards to the past, or of the creatures that were terrorising the Earth. Grandmother Lodi was adamant on keeping him out of the loop. ‘Don’t you worry’ she would say, ‘it’s better for you not to know.’
He appreciated her concern, he did, but… for him… it was worse not knowing than knowing. It was worse because Gohan knew… he knew of the horrors of the universe, and he knew… he knew that one day, these things would be the death of him.
They would be the death of everybody he knew and cared about. His father, Piccolo… their fighting friends…
Because the only energies he could feel… were the faint energies of his mother, his grandfather, and Roshi... (And he thought Bulma, but he wasn’t too sure. There was some familiar energy coming from where Capsule Corp should be.)
And that was rather unusual. Because for how strong those abominations must be, he could not sense them. Not a trace. In fact… the only time he could was when they attacked.
Because he could feel a disturbance. He could feel as energies fluctuated. As they faded. Slowly… steadily…
(It was… sickening, honestly. Because all he could do was imagine. Imagine just what they were doing to those poor people for their energy to slowly fade like that…)
In fact, his imagination was getting the better of him. It would create scenario after scenario, trying to envision just what kind of creatures could be stronger, and worse than Frieza. (Because Frieza… Frieza did not do this. He killed for fun, he killed for information, but not once did Gohan see or sense him needlessly torturing his victims for any other reason other than information.) They were sadistic. They would torture and torment Earth until all of their toys died out….
And his imagination would try and picture what happened. What had happened to all of his friends – his father…
So, no, Grandmother Lodi… it was not better not knowing.
And, all of this hiding… it was not doing him any favours either. Because he could see it. See that broken spirit of the old woman before him. He could see it in the eyes of the people around him. As they scurried for their shelters, only admonishing the children that tripped instead of helping them.
Fear. That was what ruled this world.
He wasn’t immune to it either.
No, as the weeks turned into a month, Gohan found himself acting so very similar to the others – but in his own, unique way. In the way that spoke of a person being scared. Because… he was going to die. Maybe not tomorrow… but…
(Because there just wasn’t any other option. There wasn’t. He was the only Gohan who had the ability to turn into a Super Saiyajin.)
And, it only made him wonder, it only made him that much more afraid, because if he, as a Super Saiyajin, couldn’t even defeat these… creatures, what chance did he? As a seven year old child who was terrified of a being far weaker? As somebody who had not made the achievement of a Super Saiyajin?
It was hopeless.
And yet, for whatever masochistic reason, Gohan would sit there, on the rocks he was found on, concentrating on the ki disruption whenever it happened.
“Gohan, dear?”
“…They’re at it again…” He whispered quietly, but he could hear her as she shook his head.
“Oh, Dearie, enough of this nonsense. Come on, come inside. Supper is almost ready.”
However there was something that was making him uneasy. More so than usual.
And it took him a few more minutes to realise just what it was…
They were headed towards where his mother was!
Gohan jolted upright and looked in that direction. His mother – his mother!
“Grandmother Lodi – I’m – ah – afraid I must take my leave now.”
She turned towards him, her eyes soft and sad. “You’re leaving. Did… you regain your memories boy?”
Gohan bit his lip. He certainly did not like playing this charade, but… how could he tell her what he had come to conclude? Especially as she didn’t believe a few things he had mentioned to her already.
“I just – I just need to go home.”
That sad smile reached her face. “Well, I can’t let you go on an empty stomach, now can I? Certainly it can wait…”
He chewed his lip more. “Just for a few minutes…” He would quickly eat, and leave. He could grant her this concern. She had housed him for this last month after all…
And, with food in his stomach Gohan stood up, only to have a firm grip on his arm.
“It’s dangerous out there child… with the Androids…”
She wanted him to stay – and that lightened his heart a bit. Perhaps humanity wasn’t completely ruled by fear after all… He looked down, only feeling that determination swell in his chest once. Androids, huh? Artificial beings… Now it was making sense just why he couldn’t sense them…
Gohan shook his head, smiling up at her. “Thank you. For your hospitality – for everything, but I must go now.”
And, as he left, taking to the skies, he looked back only to see a true smile on her face.
Gohan managed to avoid the city that was under attack. In fact, he recognised the route he was taking, as debilitated as it was. He was headed home – not to just where his family was but his actual home.
And, aside from the beat up roof and walls, there was something else that caught his attention.
Stones. No – not just any stones – those were tombstones…
He knew… he knew he should just look away. Ignore them, but his eyes were fixated on them. They were underneath a tree. The tree he remembered climbing. The tree he remembered his dad sleeping against as they fished…
His eyes ran over the first one.
Son Goku, 737-766. Loving Father and husband.
His knees slumped. Two… two years? He was going to lose his dad in two years? That’s… that’s how much longer he had? Two years of happiness… before… before this?
It didn’t feel real anymore. No… not with that deadline. He could have lived with knowing he was going to die in sixteen years. Sixteen years. That was enough time to try and prepare for this… this calamity but… two? Two years?
Because, just how else could his father have died? The man who defeated Frieza…
He found his hands trembling. How? How could chaos be upon them so soon? How could they have just not known? To be blissfully unaware that…
(And, what did that mean for him? To have fought for fourteen years…?)
Suddenly, he didn’t want to look at the other tombstone. He knew… he knew just whose exactly it would be…
“Go-Gohan? N-No, this cannot be!”
Almost – just almost was Gohan relieved for the interruption in his thoughts. That is, until his mother’s form wobbled. “M-Mom…”
She looks so much older…
“Chi-Chi!” The rougher voice of his grandfather called out as he ran towards his mother, catching her before she hit the ground. And then, their eyes met.
“Kami… it’s a ghost!”
“Grandpa!” Finally, Gohan snapped out of it and ran over to them. “I’m not a ghost… at least I don’t think I am…”
“Th-Then what are you?” The Ox-King asked as he held his unconscious daughter.
Gohan looked down at his feet. “I’m Gohan… just not the one from here… I don’t know what happened, but one moment Dad’s coming home from space, and the next I wake up and I end up here… I… well, it looks like I’m in the future? Could you tell me what happened in the last twenty years, after Frieza attacked? From what I could figure out, everybody but me is dead…  and I died four years ago, and there are Androids terrorizing Earth, the dragon balls are gone, and Earth is now powerless against the enemy.”
“No, Earth isn’t powerless. There’s Trunks, he was your pupil.”
“B-But… if I couldn’t defeat them as a Super-Saiyajin, then what hope does a human have?” Gohan asked sadly.
“He’s a Saiyajin too.”
Gohan glanced up in surprise. “He is? I have a brother?”
For the first time did the Ox-King laugh. “No, he’s Vegeta’s child.”
Gohan blinked. “Wait, what! Ve-Vegeta’s?” Suddenly Bulma’s words echoed into his mind. Words that seemed years away…
“Don’t they look alike? Vegeta and that weird kid.”
Gohan’s eyes widened. It couldn’t be…
“Yeah, he’s got purple hair and blue eyes, he gets it from his mother.” The Ox-King seemed to be relaxed, as his family was whole. (Or… at least almost.
Trunks… Gohan thought, letting the name weave itself around in his brain. So that was the name of the young Saiyajin who saved us from Frieza?
Wait, that didn’t make any sense! Trunks was older than he was! How could Trunks be his pupil? Did Vegeta have a child before he came to Earth? Yet, Vegeta seemed surprised about Trunks. What was going on?
“At least he’s got Bulma.”
Gohan’s head was spinning. Bulma? Bulma has… no way! “Wait, wait, wait!” Gohan blubbered, before he remembered his grandfather mentioning Trunks’ hair and eyes were from his mother... “Is Bulma Trunks’ mom?”
The Ox-King nodded with his eyes closed and a smile on his face, oblivious to Gohan’s shock.
That would explain why he wore the Capsule Corporation jacket… Gohan thought, trying to piece everything together. “Grandpa… can you just start from when Frieza attacked? From when Dad came back from space?” Maybe that would be better… he was getting so confused.
The Ox-King nodded and went into his story.
Gohan blinked as he absorbed all of the information. His dad… he died from a heart virus, everybody else died when the androids attacked six months later, and that was where he gained the ability of Super Saiyajin. Then, all he did was train and fight. He took Vegeta’s son – Trunks – as a pupil and trained him. They were the last two fighters Earth had, and now the last once he died four years ago. But why was Trunks fighting Frieza, when his dad was supposed to, why was Trunks there when he wasn’t even born yet? Why did Trunks know his dad was supposed to arrive there?
Yet, once Gohan realized when he was, things clicked into place. That machine that Trunks left in was not some spaceship, or an airplane. No, it was a time machine! And, somehow, as he came to this timeline, Gohan was swept up in it and ended up here.
He needed to find this Trunks, and go back to where he belonged.
“Where can I find Trunks?” Gohan asked as he looked up at his grandfather.
“West City, where they always – Oh Chi-Chi!”
Gohan turned to his mom, but realized that she might faint again if he was in the house. “Grandpa? Can you break the news to Mom that I’m… not a ghost?” Gohan said as he snuck quietly over to a wall and hid behind it.
“Oh Chi-Chi! Are you alright?” The Ox-King said as he lifted his daughter up into a sitting position.
However, the aged woman still had some spring as she shot up. “Where’s my Gohan? Where’s my boy?” She said and looked around. And then her face. “…Am I so old that I’m seeing things now?”
And Gohan, confident enough that his appearance wouldn’t send his mother into shock, stepped out of his hiding place. “No… no you’re not Mom.”
Chi-Chi’s head whipped up at the gentle voice of her son. “Oh Gohan… is it really you?”
Gohan’s face had a sad smile. “I’m from the past Mom… I’m not the other Gohan.”
It seemed that it didn’t matter to Chi-Chi though and she stood up to hug her young son. “Oh Gohan… my baby…”
Normally, Gohan would have squirmed out of his mother’s grasp, but he knew that she needed this. Her Gohan was dead, he was that second tombstone, the one Gohan would not - could not -  read. And then, he remembered why he was here in the first place and he looked up into his mother’s eyes. “Mom, you and Grandpa need to get out of here!” How could he have forgotten! “The androids are coming this way, and I don’t want you to get hurt.”
In a manner that was too practiced, too casual, Chi-Chi nodded. “Okay. Thanks you for warning me.” She said weakly and kissed the top of his head before walking off in a ritual that, too, was probably honed over the years of terror. “You’re going away, aren’t you?”
Since when was his mother so accepting of him going away? Of going into danger? Since when did she seem so weak? So fragile? Gohan looked down. “Yes… my time needs me Mom…”
“It’s alright honey.” She said while packing bare necessities and memorabilia, in case they could not come home again. “It was… good to see you again.”
Gohan looked down at the ground before he ran up to his mother and encased her in a tight hug. He would prevent this! If only he could go back home, go back to his own time!
“Shh, shhh my dear. You must go, as do I.” Chi-Chi said and ruffled Gohan’s long hair. “But how about we cut your hair first?”
Gohan smiled. “Alright.” He said. He could let her do that, and from the ki disruption, they still were far enough away…
“There!” Chi-Chi said. “I say, my talent doesn’t change with age, does it Papa?” The smile on her face was one that looked like it wasn’t used often anymore. (Just like Grandmother Lodi…)
“Yes it doesn’t Chi-Chi!” The Ox-King acknowledged. “But, we all should get going, I’ve contacted Master Roshi, he said he’s waiting for us at the coast.”
Gohan gave one last smile to his remaining family in this time, and took off for West City.
As Gohan flew, something bad was happening not far off. Ki’s were disappearing and he knew that if he continued to fly, he would be found out. He landed and he was near a village in the mountains. He had to be careful when he flew because he knew that if he was caught in the open, there would be no hiding. So he took the mountain route. He ran a hand through his hair.
Thankfully, it wasn’t a repeat of when he left for Namek. So, his mother had learned that taming the natural spikes was neither productive nor reasonable. She had just simple cut off the back end of it, while the front flared out as it always did.
He sighed before hiding behind the mountain. There was an old village there – and people were probably still living in the outskirts and rubble, just as they were where Lodi lived… And the Androids… they were picking them off, one by one… Destroying buildings… rubble… just to find a toy to play with.
He found himself shaking in fear and in hatred. This was just like on Namek, when he hid as he watched Frieza destroy Dende’s village. Yet, here, there was nobody to hold him back except his own fear and his own knowledge. There was no Krillin…
Gohan heard their screams, he heard their cries. And, then a man landed in front of him, hit from a blast, a kick, or something. “R-Run boy…” He said weakly before his own ki faded.
How! How could somebody, something, be so ruthless? How!
Gohan heard footsteps and he froze.
“Man, humans are such weak creatures, are they not?” A female voice said.
“Are you kidding? Sometimes I wished we hadn’t killed Gohan, at least he provided us with some sort of amusement every now and then.” A male voice responded.
Their tones sent shivers down Gohan’s spin as he hid behind a rock. These people… these things were closing in on him. They talked about death as a casual thing, they joked about it, they were the ones who killed him, no his future self.
“Well there’s always his pupil, Trunks or something.” The female said as she kicked the corpse of the man just inches away from him.
“Eighteen, do you see that rock over there?” The man said.
Gohan’s eyes widened. The voice was directed his way.
“Yeah, what’s so interesting about it Seventeen?” The female named Eighteen responded.
“Well, I think there’s some wild hair behind it.” Seventeen said and the footsteps came closer. Then, they stopped and a very human-like hand grasped his hair.
Gohan gasped and struggled before coming face-to-face with his killers, his very human-looking killers.
“Why… fancy that. This kid is the spitting image of Gohan.” Seventeen said. “I wonder… maybe he’s his son?”
Eighteen placed her hands on her hips. “What does it matter? Just kill him already.”
“Well, you see, if he is Gohan’s son, then maybe he’ll provide us with some fun. It’s getting boring killing humans without their Superhero to protect them. This Trunks character just isn’t as strong as Gohan was, even without the arm.” Seventeen then turned his blue eyes towards Gohan. “So tell me kid, are you Gohan’s?”
Why Gohan had the impulse to reply to them, he didn’t know. Perhaps it had to do with the fear that made his blood feel like lead. Perhaps it was due to the fact that if he told him that he was Gohan… they would kill him – and he had to get back. Had to get home so he could warn everybody…
So, he nodded.
Then an evil smirk graced Seventeen’s face. “Well look at that! He is Gohan’s brat!” He said before letting go of Gohan’s hair. “So kid, show me what you got! Comon! I’ll let you live if you pass the test, so you gotta give it your all.”
Gohan stared at them in fright. Pass the test? Did he have to become Super Saiyajin? How could he? How? Yet, if he didn’t do anything, Gohan knew he was going to die. So he took a deep, shaky breath and let all of his power come to him.
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sugirandom · 7 years
365 days of writing: day 224
Day 224: rocky start
           Good afternoon, first of al l, Poppy did help me get my sunglasses out from under the couch yesterday so I had them with me after all. Yesterday was fine at work other than the fact that our boss brought his niece in and she was a bit distracting to have around, especially because she started eating earlier than my lunchbreak and was sitting at the desk behind mine chewing rather loudly. My right ear is still ringing too, I guess it will be for a while now, but the noise in the office certainly didn’t help things any. Oh well, at least I got to go home early thanks to mom picking me up. I pretty much just took a hot bath and relaxed some when I get home, I didn’t even really watch Dragon Ball Z or any youtube videos… I was still pretty exhausted from the previous day.
           This morning I was a little frustrated since Poppy and I got into a little misunderstanding, just basically her misreading my tone of voice when I asked her if my phone was fully charged since it wasn’t sitting on the dock right anymore and I guess she though my tone was accusing her of being the reason. That and the fact that I had some trouble sleeping didn’t really help my mood any. Mom and dad didn’t really help things since mom was making a big deal about how she gets to have a week off from taking me places, which I understand, but this is like the third time she’s brought it up in the last few days so I felt like she was rubbing it in and I told her “Yeah, I got it the first few times.” And of course she got mad at me for that and said “Don’t be insulting!” So, I guess I pissed both my mothers off today but it’s just one of those days I guess.
           Hypnosis was good though, she’s giving me a lot of visualization techniques to help me when I’m dealing with pain and I do plan on using them when I’m on vacation to see if they help any. I probably won’t have any white noise at the beach house so I will really need them. Anyway, when I got home Poppy went out to the Chiropractor since it was her break and I decided to work on some shoulder exercises. I’m starting from the beginning since it’s been so long since I’ve worked out and I’m sure my body needs to work back up to where it was. After that I played the sims 4 until lunchtime.
           Franklin died of old age so now it’s only Gina, Goopy, and their son Heath. I have to play through my least favorite part of the game, toddlerhood, but actually since Heath is independent it’s not quite as bad as it was when Franklin was a toddler because Franklin was a fussy toddler! Goopy has a much more flexible schedule so a lot of times he was left taking care of Heath while Gina was at work. Gina is continuing to raise her violin skill and has written three songs but she also has her job as an entertainer. I didn’t realize this at first but Goopy is in the same career track but he’s a “Rising comedian” which I guess means he already has some fame and he make a lot more than Gina does which certainly helps with the bills. Heath is in the middle of toddlerhood so we still have a little bit of time before he’s a child but I’m not quite as annoyed with it this time since he’s a well-behaved boy for the most part.
           Once I finished my session of Sims 4 Poppy and I ate some BLTs for lunch and watched a little TV until her lunchbreak ended and then we loaded the dishwasher together and she got back to work. I watched episodes 19 and 20 of DBZ. They both switched in between Kaio training Goku and Piccolo training Gohan with just a small amount of Kami training the rest of the main group. I also got to hear the backstory for the Saiyans which is interesting for the most part, I guess they’ve come along way despite being primitive in the beginning and I admire that they had the thought to befriend more advanced civilizations so they could buy weapons and other technologies from them. As for Kaio, yeah I believe we call him King Kai in the English dub and this is well… this is a time where I can’t at all blame the English dub for making this assumption. The guy’s name is said as “Kaio-sama” out of respect for his status as a strong fighter (I believe?) and well “Ou-sama” means ‘King’ in Japanese so they tend to say a person’s name and Ou-sama after it to let you know that they are a king. -Sama is an honrofic used for people of a status higher than your own out of respect so I’m guessing that they thought he was a king named Kai. His name itself is likely a play on words since Kaio enjoys puns and I wouldn’t have caught on to it other than when he introduced himself as Kaio and not as Kai. Ehh, I’d probably have made the same mistake myself
           Other than that, I think Piccolo is a bit of the male equivalent of Tsundere (just joking!). Seriously though it’s cute how he seems bothered when Gohan tells him that his father mentioned that he didn’t seem as evil as his father was. I really like the dynamic Gohan and Piccolo have, it seems like more than just a teacher and student relationship in some respects since he’s more like a guardian figure as well. I knew what I was getting myself into in all fairness though so I’m not going to whine about the feels that I’m starting to get. Of course my romantic and sexual ships hurt but man it’s the platonic stuff that will be the death of me one day. Yes, all the various types of platonic ships will be my downfall, I think this is my weakness in DBZ but we’ll see.  At 4PM I have to go to my last session of physical therapy, I didn’t have the heart to tell them last time that I won’t be going anymore after this since I wasn’t with my usual therapist and also I don’t want to stop but I can’t really afford to go and pay for it all by myself.  This session will be hard for me emotionally but I’ll try to hang in there and make the best of it.
           When I come back Poppy and I are going to make dinner together and then I’m sure we’ll find something to watch on TV even though we’re mostly caught up on all the weekly shows we’ve been watching. We might just end up watching local TV unless we think of something to watch on Hulu. Tomorrow should be pretty laid back as far as I know, I think we’re going to pack for our vacation but I’m not sure yet what else is going on. My best bro will be over Sunday and then Monday is when we head out to the beach place so that’s basically what the next few days look like.
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demoniclovedbz · 7 years
Piccolo Day Fic 1 - Happy Birthday, Piccolo!
I wrote this cute little scene to go with this post that I made, in honour of Piccolo Day. Piccolo gets a birthday present off his favourite girl ^_^
*Also check out this image by @mace-likes-dbz.
Piccolo stood outside the door of Gohan and Videl’s mansion, somewhat worried. They’d asked him to come over, and hadn’t said what it was about. Gohan had spoken to him – he hadn’t sounded upset or concerned about anything, but still… Piccolo had to wonder what was so urgent they needed him to come round.
Click. The door opened, and Gohan’s smiling face greeted Piccolo. “Hi!” He beamed. “Glad you could make it! Come on in.” “Is everything okay?” Piccolo immediately asked, stepping into the house. “Why did you want to see me?” “Oh… nothing big.” Gohan said. Piccolo looked at him, and frowned at the sheepish expression upon Gohan’s face. “Gohan.” He spoke sternly. “What is it?” “Um…” “Happy birthday!” Videl’s voice took over before Gohan could reply.
Piccolo gritted his teeth, his entire body tensing and his fists immediately clenching at the sound of those two hated words. No. No, they had not brought him here for that. “Gohan!” Piccolo barked, glaring at his alleged ‘friend’. “You know I don’t celebrate my birthday! How many times do I need to tell you!” “I – I know!” Gohan insisted, holding up his hands. “But it wasn’t my idea, I swear! Anyway, you’re here now… won’t you at least have some cake with us?” “No.” Piccolo growled stubbornly. “No birthday cake. No cards. No candles. No celebration. Today is just another day.” “Piccolo…” Videl sighed. “You have to be the only person in the world that doesn’t celebrate his birthday. Can’t you just be happy? Aging isn’t that bad – and you have a lifespan of about five hundred years anyway…” “You think this is about aging!” Piccolo snapped, turning to face her. “It’s nothing to do with – okay, look! You guys are both too young to know about Piccolo Daimao, but surely you must have an idea of who my father was? Or what he was? Just ask Goku, he’ll gladly tell you! I don’t want to be reminded of it!” “Piccolo…” Videl mumbled. “That doesn’t have to make this a bad day.” “Listen. I’ll make this clear, so that you both understand.” Piccolo snarled. “On May 9th, before you two were even born, my father, the Demon King Piccolo took over the world and claimed it as his day. He terrorised the entire planet and killed a bunch of people, before finally being killed himself – by your father!” He shot an angry glare at Gohan, who lowered his eyes in embarrassment. “And if Goku hadn’t killed him, the entire human race would be extinct by now, that’s what May 9th is.” Piccolo continued on, his anger apparent. “The last thing he did was spit me out, and by the time I hatched I was already an orphan with four dead brothers. An old couple took me in and I burned down their house and killed a dog – so are you starting to see now why I don’t celebrate my birthday? This day is riddled with bad memories for me! I don’t want anything to do with it!” “I know that.” Videl insisted, clasping her hands together. “But please – just listen to me. Every other year we haven’t made a big deal of it, but… … Gohan.” She looked at her husband pleadingly, asking for his help, and Gohan cleared his throat. “To tell you the truth, this wasn’t our idea.” Gohan said. He looked at Videl. “Why don’t you go and get her?” “Okay.”
Piccolo watched as Videl left the room, and he turned to Gohan. “What is this?” He demanded. “Here.” Gohan picked up a card from the coffee table, and held it out to Piccolo. “Open it.” “If it’s a birthday card, I’d rather not.” Piccolo stubbornly replied. “Just – do it.” Gohan ordered. “Please.”
Piccolo hesitated for a long moment, but eventually he let out a deep sigh. “Fine…” He growled. He reluctantly opened the envelope, and removed the card, and he looked down at it with a bored expression upon his face. … Hm. Piccolo frowned. That was odd. This card looked hand-made. It was covered in glitter… a lot of glitter actually, and an unnecessarily high amount of stickers. There was a lot of pink, and pictures of balloons and birthday cakes that were drawn in felt tip pen, the kind of pens Pan usually drew with… Piccolo swallowed. Suddenly, he started to get a warm tingling in his chest. Aww… “Open it.” Gohan’s voice came from beside him.
Piccolo didn’t respond verbally, but he obeyed. He opened the card to find… the most terrible writing. The letters were all different sizes, and some were less legible than others. Actually the message had been written twice, once in pencil, neatly and accurately, and then it had been written over in different coloured pens, by someone who looked like they were just learning to write.
HaPpy BirthdaY PicColO
It was definitely a child’s writing. It was… Pan’s writing. Piccolo knew immediately, even without reading the rest of the card. Not that it stopped him reading it.
lOts and lots aNd lotSssS Of lOVe froM paN xxxxXXXXXXxXXxxxxxxXXXx
Piccolo exhaled. Wow. Just… wow. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt like this. She’d made him a card…? It must have taken her forever! Pan was just learning to write, and she struggled keeping all her letters on the same line. These were a little off, but compared to her usual efforts… Piccolo knew she must have worked really hard on this. She’d obviously tried her best to make it look neat… “Piccolo!” “Pan!” Piccolo gasped, his eyes darting up at the sound of her voice.
She came racing over to him, followed closely by her mother. “Happy birthday!” Pan yelled, throwing herself into Piccolo’s arms as he instinctively knelt down to greet her. “Uh – thanks.” Piccolo uttered, his cheeks darkening. He didn’t know how to feel… but she didn’t give him much of a chance to work it out. “Look!” Pan shrieked in excitement, almost hurting his sensitive ears. “I got you a present!” “Hm?” Piccolo blinked, and noticed that she was holding something. Actually, it was huge compared to her! How had he missed that? “Here!” Pan beamed, shoving a large but soft present into his hands. “Open it!”
Piccolo looked down at the present. It was wrapped in green birthday paper, with a lot of tape. A lot of tape. It looked kind of messy for an adult… “Did you wrap this yourself?” Piccolo asked. “Yep!” Pan grinned proudly. “I didn’t get any help at all! And I picked your present! Do you like it?” “Heh. Well, I like the wrapping.” Piccolo smiled, staring down at the most secure present in the world. It looked difficult to open, and a part of him didn’t want to open it… He liked the way she’d wrapped it. It was sweet. “Open it!” Pan yelled excitedly. “Open it, open it, open it!” “Okay!” Piccolo laughed. “Can you help me?” “Yep!”
Gohan and Videl watched with smiles on their faces as Piccolo sat down comfortably on the floor, shifting Pan onto his lap, and the two of them struggled to battle through the excessive amount of tape Pan had used. It was a challenge even with Piccolo’s claws, but they did it eventually, and Piccolo pulled out his present, holding it up in front of them. It was a blanket, thick and soft to the touch, coloured green and purple. “It’s for when you meditate in the woods.” Pan explained. “So you don’t have to sit on the hard rocks.” She looked up at Piccolo, and smiled. “And if you get cold, you can put it around you. Like this.” She grabbed hold of the blanket and snuggled into him, wrapping it around herself. “See?” “Ha.” Piccolo smiled, and blinked. Wow… he wanted to cry. Honestly, he’d never… In all his life, he had never liked this day before. It had always been filled with bad memories and things he would rather forget; it always reminded him of a life he’d left behind, of being lonely and angry, and being a part of something he didn’t want to be a part of… and just like that, Pan had turned it around. In just a few short seconds, she had completely changed his opinion of this day – an opinion he’d held for decades. This was… this was the first birthday he’d ever enjoyed – it was the first birthday he hadn’t resented… and it was because of her. How did she do that…?
Piccolo scooped Pan up into his arms and held her against him, his eyes scrunching shut before they did something embarrassing. “Thanks, Pan.” Piccolo smiled, hugging her tight. “This is the best birthday ever.”
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dbzebra · 5 years
OMG all those prompts scream Marten (and Trunks xD) to me!! Wouldn't you like to try to use them all in the same story? No? :P If not, “Hold my hand before I stab you with it." please? xD This is how prompts work right? I'm lost...
Title: “Regaining My Wings”
Words: 2410
Pairing: Marten (Goten x Marron)
A/N: Here is my submission for Marron Day for @dbnextgenweek !! I’m so sorry it’s so late! I was rusty from not writing in so long. I had to rewrite this like four times until I had something I actually liked lol. 
This just a super fluffy self indulgent oneshot like all the rest, but please enjoy! I may post on AO3 later
Flight, also known as the ‘bukujutsu’ technique. Many years ago,it was an extremely advanced martial arts technique that only a select few ofmartial arts masters knew.
Those days however were long gone. Even Son Goku’s owngranddaughter, Pan, learned to fly when she was just a little baby.
Flying had become just as easy as walking for the Z Fighters.
Except if you were like Marron and afraid of anything to do withheights, including flying.
Marron never used to be afraid. Not even the slightest. When Marron was achild, she’d be the first one to want to go higher and higher when she wouldride on the Flying Nimbus when on adventures with her two best friends, Gotenand Trunks.
However, one incident when she was about nine years old changedthat.
Marron was happily sitting on the Nimbus with Goten in front ofher, peering over and looking at the amazing sights. The rolling mountains werebeautiful that high up. Oceans seemed never ending. It was simply breathtakingfor an adventurous child.
But then, when she leaned further down to get a better look at apretty bird flying by, Marron accidentally slipped off the fluffy yellow cloudand plummeted towards the Earth.
Marron screamed and covered her face with her hands,sobbing, until she suddenly stopped. After realizing what had happened, shewiped her eyes and opened them to see Goten smiling down at her. He had jumpedoff of Nimbus and caught her. She was shaking and really freaked out, butotherwise was fine.
But since that day Marron off heights (and ever learning how tofly) for good.
Krillin and 18 tried to help her get over her fear a dozen times,but being as stubborn as she was, Marron wouldn’t even consider it for years.Every time she even looked over from somewhere high up, her legs would turn tojelly and her heart would jump into her throat like the time she actually didfall.
The only time she slightly budged was after she and Goten starteddating. Marron would only go on Nimbus if she could sit on his lap and cling tohim for dear life while keeping her eyes shut, not opening them until theylanded. Of course, she still didn’t know how to fly and had no plans to learneither. But it made her so happy.
Goten was always so supportive with her. He never once held itagainst her for being scared and always comforted her. No matter what, Marronfelt the safest flying with him. Besides that stupid adorable smile of his thatalways made her heart do flips, that’s what she loved most about him.
One time however, he (and Marron) were close to falling straightthrough the Nimbus because he almost got a bit too comfy withMarron sitting on his lap. It wasn’t his fault though! What else could he thinkabout when she always looked so pretty and smelled so nice? At least that’swhat he told himself.
That was almost five months ago.
It was another beautiful spring day; perfect for being outside. Marronand Goten were having a picnic date on the grass near the Son family home. Theyweren’t able to see each all week due to Marron’s cheerleading and Goten’sskipping class to train, so a weekend date was just what they both needed.
Marron wore a frilly, light-blue colored sundress and a straw sunhat. She looked absolutely gorgeous. Goten had on his signature ‘Son’ t shirtand jeans. He wanted to dress more formally but Marron insisted he was perfectjust the way he was.
The young couple had just finished eating, and were laying back onthe picnic blanket, snuggled together as they watched the clouds.
Marron pointed out different shapes. Some were little animals, andone even looked like Piccolo. The others however, were just not at all what shewas saying.
“What do mean a bear in a top hat? That’s clearly a monkey at a buffet!”
Marron sat up and stared at him. Of course that dork would seefood. “You know you’re wrong, right?”
“If by wrong, you mean right, then yes!” Goten fired back, hislips curling into his signature wide grin. “That’s clearly a monkey. See? He’sgot a tail. I’ll give you the top hat though.”
Marron giggled and playfully punched his arm before lying backdown besides him.
These peaceful days really were great. They hoped it would neverend.
Just then, Goku appeared using Instant Transmission with littlePan on his shoulders. They had just returned from the grocery store. Goten and Marron both shot up.
“Oh, hey Goten! Hi Marron! Am I interrupting?”
Marron shook her head and bowed her head. “Of course not! T-Thankyou for having me!”
“Ahh it’s nothin’! You’re like family to us.”
At the sight of her uncle, the toddler practically lunged off ofGoku’s shoulders towards Goten, tackling him into a hug.
Goten laughed and caught Pan. “Hey squirt!” He grinnedand ruffled Pan’s hair making the girl giggle.
“Me and Grandpa are gonna go flyin’ later! Do you wants tocome?” Aunt Marron, you can come too!“ Pan chirped. Ever since she learnedto fly, she would always go out for 'flying adwentures’ as she would say.
Marron frowned. She didn’t want to hold him back just because shecouldn’t fly… "Goten, it’s okay, go ahead.”
Goten only turned back to her and winked. “Panny, I’d love tobut Mare and I have plans.”
Pan just stared up at him with wide-eyed curiosity. “You meanlike kissy-kissy?” She said and then erupted into giggles and ran to Gokuwho had a teasing grin as wide as hers.
“Did you tell her to say that?!” 
Goku only grinned. “Well, is she right?”
No that’s… that’s not it at all!” Goten replied back.Was he seriously arguing with a three year old?
“Then why are you blushing?” Goku said, grinning.
Traitor! His father was normally on his side!
“Sheesh! It’s been a year you guys, when are you gonna stopteasing me?”
“The wedding~” Chi-Chi’s voice came from the upperbalcony. She was taking dried clothes off the hanger to be put away. She giggledat her son’s flustered reaction. Honestly, she loved teasing her three boys. Goten got even more easily emabarrassed than Gohan did at his age.
“Very funny.” He replied back and turned back to Marron,who was hiding her cute face from embarrassment. Her blush went from ear toear. Although it was embarrassing, she loved it. Marron gushed at the thoughtof getting married. She recalled the days when they would play house back inthe old days. Goten really had no clue, but just played along.
Goku then jumped two stories onto their upper deck, startling hiswife a bit. Goku winked at her and started helping her put away the laundrywhile Panny chased a butterfly on the grass below.
“Now’s our chance.” Goten flipped onto his feet and pulledMarron up by the hand.
She couldn’t help but blush. What was he doing so suddenly?!“G-Goten, h-hold on a second! W-Where are we going?!”
“Nowhere far! C'mon!” Goten (quite literally) swept hisgirlfriend off of her feet and into his arms and ran down the road. Marron’s hat blew off her head and fell onto the blanket as Pan trotted over to it.
Chi-Chi and Goku exchanged similar grins with each other as theirson fled and Pan giggled from below, now wearing the hat.
Goten and Marron came to a nearby clearing with a huge lake. Hegently put Marron down, and she adjusted her dress. 
“What’s the big idea?”
Marron was blushing fromthe close contact but shook it off and gazed out onto the lake. It really was beautiful. She held her hands behind her back and stared over the lake. The crystal-clear water glistened in the sunlight. Her long silky blonde hair blew in the slight breeze, tickling Goten’s nose.
“Dad used to take me here to go fishing all the time when Iwas little. Now we all go with Panny.” She heard him say. Goten inhaledand took a deep breath. “I’m feeling up for a swim! You in?”
Just then he felt a tug on the back of his shirt. ”…Hey,Goten…“
"What’s wrong?”
Marron looked away from him slightly, her ears burning. This wasit. She’d have to get over her fear sooner or later, and this would be theperfect time! “…I want to learn…” It came out as a tiny whisper,but she said it. And it felt good.
“I want to learn. Teach me how to fly! I’m… I’m sick ofbeing scared! I want to go flying with you! And go out on Nimbus with you andactually have my eyes open for once! I promise I won’t hold you back anymore!”She said, fighting tears at that last part.
Goten took a step closer and brought his girlfriend into a hug,smiling warmly down at her. "Mare, it’s okay.” He gently pushed astrand of hair away from her face. “You’ve never held me back and younever will. Nothing will change that. I’ll gladly teach you. I’m honored thatyou asked me.”
"I love you, you big dork…” Marron replied, restingher head against his chest.
“I love you too.” Goten grinned and held her closer.
Marron looked down at her feet and then back up at him.“…But what if… what if I fall?” He could just hear it in hervoice. She was petrified of falling again.
“You won’t fall. I’ll be right here. You have the skill,Mare. It’s there, I know it is. You just have to stop doubting yourself. Youcan do this.”
Marron’s heart fluttered. Just like always, he knew just what tosay. She leaned up onto her tip-toes and softly kissed his lips. “You’reso sweet…”
She knew the basics of Ki and how to fight, just didn’t care forfighting. It was boring to her. She always preferred watching fights,especially from the World Tournament. The adrenaline she got from watchingfights far exceeded what she would get from something like sparring. And plus,she loved supporting her Goten in his fights.
“How did you do it so quickly? You were so young!”
Goten shrugged. “It just came easy to me, I guess. I alreadyknew all about ki, plus being half Saiyan really helps.”
Gohan had taught Goten when he was just seven years old. Beingcalled a 'super pedestrian’, whatever the heck that was, was the last straw!
After he learned that hopping and flying were in fact different,it came easy to him and soon enough…
“Birdy, a birdy, Goten is a birdy!” Little Goten sang tohimself as he flew around in figure-eight patterns high in the sky.
Goten grinned and put his hands behind his head. “Yup. Thosewere the days!”
“Personally, I think you were much cuter back then.”Marron winked at him while saying that.
“Hey! I’ll have you know I’m still very handsome!” Gotenwhined, cracking a grin.
Marron rolled her eyes with a smile and stepped away. After a moment, Marron took a deep breath andfaced him again.
“Ok. I’m ready.” Marron said. “But only on onecondition.”
“What’s that?”
“…Hold my hand.”
Goten smiled. “Is that all?
“Yes! I’m scared! So you…y-you’d better hold my handbefore… I- I stab you with it…!” Marron said, pouting up at him. Itwas obvious she just made up the first thing that came to her mind. “Orelse…”
Or else? Goten chuckled at that. He couldn’t help it when she gotall pouty and blushy like that. Especially when she’d 'threaten’ him. Usuallywith no more kisses, but he knew she’d break before he did. She always lookedso cute when she got like that.
“Of course, Here.” He held both hands out for her, notbeing able to help laughing a bit.
“…I’m serious, Goten! Don’t you dare laugh at me! Y-You’dbetter not let go either! Or… or I’ll never forgive you!” Marron said,her voice almost a squeak. She looked like she was about to cry, but it was stillso cute.
Goten leaned down and kissed Marron on the forehead, his fingersstill gently entwined with hers. “You’re too cute.”
Marron’s face turned an even brighter red. She looked like atomato. “You dummy, be serious…”
“I promise. You’re safe with me.”
“I…  I don’t know if I cando it…“
"You can do it. Just look at me, okay? Focus on me. Remember,just relax. Feel your energy from within and slowly bring it out beneath you.You can do this. I’m right here.”
Marron heart fluttered at his words. They were soothing. Shetightly shut her eyes and focused. After a moment she could feel her feet liftoff the ground and she grips his hands tighter. Goten floated up with her. Itwas relaxing, freeing almost. She felt weightless as if gravity no longer hadan effect on her.
“You’re doing it, Mare! You’re flying!” Marron openedher eyes to see that she and Goten were floating about ten feet in the air. Sheyelped and buried her face into his chest, her eyes tightly shut again.“It’s too high, …I-I can’t…”
“But you already are. All by yourself. There’s nothing to beafraid of.” She heard him tenderly say. “You’re doing it!” Gotengently said. “Want to try moving now?”
Marron slowly nodded. She repositioned herself horizontally andslowly moved around. It appeared as if she was swimming through the air as shelightly kicked her feet. Goten guided her.
She started out pretty wobbly, and didn’t keep her eyes off Goten,but she was flying all by herself. Actually flying! And not falling! “I’m doingit!” She cried happily. When she was up there with him, her fears were allgone.
“See? Now you’re a little birdy too.” He grinned as warmas the sun gleaming behind him. She’d be a natural in no time. He was so proudof her.
Marron was almost brought to tears. Her beautiful blue eyes turnedglossy as he just grinned. She sniffled and wiped her eyes with her free handand flew at him into a deep kiss. They stayed up there for what felt like aneternity, both not wanting to move.
Marron couldn’t be happier.
Now if only she could figure out how to get down…
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