#i have this mustard green/yellow blouse that i LOVE but it never looked right with any of the things i owned. and now with these new jeans
vriendenboekjes · 1 year
genuinely so excited for my fall/winter wardrobe. bought some jeans recently so now i'll have much more choice when dressing ^-^ last year the selection of trousers was severely lacking and now it's much easier to make nice outfits :))
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lemonietrinket · 5 years
Himawari ||| Kevin x Reader
Summary: Kevin is a ray of sunshine, and so are you. This time, Kevin has something to say to you. Genre: Fluff, as per usual Word Count: 1750 Theme Song: Man in a Movie - Day6; Spark - JBJ95 AN: Kevin Woo, an underrated ball of soft. Another request from @idont-knowabrian​ because they have good ideas. Thanks for reading!
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Kevin took a deep breath.
It wasn’t like him, usually, to be so nervous. He’d been on so many stages, in so many recording studios, before so many important people, he reckoned he’d abandoned the idea of being nervous way back in his debut years.
And yet here he was, at your front door, freshly painted citrine by your own hand, cold dispelled by a smart but thick jacket, and  ever so slightly shivering,
Ah yes, that was the day he first met you. Walking past the terraced houses on his way to work, he’d glanced to his right and seen you coating the door in a very diligent fashion. Once he’d passed your door several times, greeting you with a wave and a shy smile every morning, and after you’d worked up the courage to ask if he really was who you thought he was, did he find out why you insisted on painting it in such a primary shade.
“To fulfil a childhood dream of mine.” You had shrugged. “I always wanted to live in a house with a big front window and a yellow door. Not that it originated from any great tragedy! I just... you know. Really like the colour yellow.”
You’d gone on to explain how you had finally had the chance to control the environment that surrounded you, after a youth characterised by restrictive policies that now as an adult you had escaped from. He would never admit it, out of politeness and slight shame on his own behalf, but he was more focused on your face at that very moment. He could still picture how your eyes flickered to the side, how you frowned and scrunched your nose at your own words, at the very moment your lips twitched into a smile, sheepish but no less relaxed. 
The memory did little to calm his nerves, merely lending a hand to his heart’s fluttering.  But it was no use now, as the very door opened to reveal you.
He was 90% sure his heart stopped.
“Kevin! Hi!” you exclaimed, face glowing in the dim streetlight behind. “You’re actually right on time. Not even a minute late!"
His eyes swept over the visage before him. You, in a mustard wool blouse, tucked into a deep moss-green skirt that billowed in the breeze at your ankles. Your eyes glittering in the twilight—a pool he wanted to sink into and also avoid for his own heart’s safety—outwitting the moon in a knowing gaze aimed only at him - a concept that almost stole his words - standing somewhat awkwardly in the doorway, hands clasped behind his back.
“You must be some kind of miracle,” you stated, voice touched with wistfulness.
He coughed, being very abruptly dragged from his thoughts. “What? Me? No! No, not...” He shook his head, playing it off with a laugh.
“What? Always here perfectly on time, always looking as dashing as you always do, it’s not a preposterous proposition, you know!” 
He shook his head, tipping his head away from the playful glint in your eyes, and letting his hands do the talking for him. 
You gasped, even though you saw the gift coming from a million miles away. Even if those million miles was only the couple of metres of your front path.
“Oh Kevin...!” You took the bouquet into your hands, eyes mottling with tears that you couldn’t quite contain, that matched the polka-dotted ribbon of pastel blue that neatly held the piece together.
The sunflower petals, smooth and radiant, were no match for you, Kevin decided. But as you cradled the bouquet close to your chest and stared up at him, lips—kissed by the sunshine itself—wavering in joy, he felt his heart swell to the point he felt as if it could burst.
“I hoped you’d like them,” he mentioned.
“I love them, Kevin, thank you so much!”
You sighed, peering down at the soft plumes. “Let me get a vase and water for them real quick—I won’t be long!”
And you disappeared from his sight.
What was he to do with himself? All tongue-tied and very nearly misty-eyed for you, a child of the sun. You’d been dating for a while, and what he’d planned wasn’t something to get this worked up about, surely.
But for you, he could barely contain the emotions that flooded from his soul. Feelings could no longer be caged by his ribs. They already struggled to contain the rapid march of his heartbeat.
He forced himself to take a deep breath, ironing out the tremors and his blending fears with it. He straightened his jacket, an undefeatable smile playing upon his lips. How luck had been on his side for him to even have the opportunity to meet you.
“Ready to go?” you suddenly enquired, reappearing in his vision and hanging from the door as much as you hung off his words—not that he was quite aware of that.
“If you are, then of course!”
“Great!” You locked your door with a grin, swinging your keys into your satchel, before coming to his side happily. You looped your arm around his, pulling your coat’s collar up to your chin to keep out the windchill while sending him the glimmering smile he adored so dearly. “Where to, fair knight?”
“Oh, um...” he rubbed the back of his neck. “Well, there is this small late-night vintage cafe I thought you’d feel at home in. We could go there first, and then the park after?”
“Sounds like a quest.” You nodded. “Let’s go!”
~ ~ ~
Your laugh fluttered in the breeze, blissful and very near misty in the shadows the lamps and stars could not banish. Skirt flowing, you span, arms wide as if to welcome.
“And then she went round and round like this!”
Kevin could barely hold back his laughter, feeling tears well in his eyes at your performance. He didn’t care if people questioned as they passed. In fact, he barely noticed them. Why would he, when the most important person was skipping along the cobblestone a few feet ahead of him?  “Why would she do that?!”
“I don’t know!” you feverishly giggled. “Wouldn’t you in that scenario?”
“Well, she’d say ‘that’s your loss’!” 
As you wound around the paving, you drifted back to his side, arms clutching at his sleeve as you stumbled, dizzied.
“I shouldn’t have given you that much sugar,” he chuckled,.
You twisted your face in an exaggerated scowl. “Why ever not?”
Kevin felt his mouth continue without the accompaniment of his brain. “Ah well,” he guffawed, “it’s dangerous for me, you know.”
You played along with a hum. “How so?”
He felt the mild horror of his rational mind press him to change tact, but his words just continued to... spill.
“Well, you’re already too sweet for me to handle, and now? It’s just... too much for... my...”
“Heart?” you finished, expression twisted in an amused grimace at the cheese.
“Yes, I...” he broke down to breathy laughter, “I’m so sorry, I don’t know what the was at all—”
“Kevin, it’s fine, don’t worry,” you linked arms once again, “it’s just, unexpected of you.”
He gazed down at you, edging you to continue without another word passing his lips. Just in case whatever hysteria enraptured him the first time infected him again and he said something even worse. 
“I pegged you as the sweet type, but not the cheesy,” you placed a finger to the corner of your mouth, “however, I suppose on the Sweet & Cheesy Venn Diagram, there is instinctively an overlap.”
Bemusedly, he gushed, “What?”
“What?” you echoed, confused by his outcry. “Do you not understand me?”
“No,” he admitted. He immediately looked back to you, searching your face for any signs of offence taken. He found only mild excitement, as you awaited his continuation.  “No, I don’t think I do. But I feel I prefer it that way. You’re so... unique? Your energy is different from other people—friends and coworkers, I mean. I don’t know how to explain it but... things are so much more different with you here. I don’t think I could ever be without you.”
The two of you drew to a stop beneath a lampost. High above, the wind grasped a spider web and swung it into a waltz.
“Do you mean that?” you murmured, voice no higher than a mid-summer zephyr.
He, who’d continued to walk a couple of paces even though it had left you slightly behind, turned back to face you, as well as the anxieties that had lasted all evening.  “Yes. Of course. Without a doubt,” he insisted.
You stepped forward until the lamplight illuminated only you. Crested with a halo, your hands slowly wringing one another at your chest, you were lost for words.
Your silence only prompted him further, as he bit the bullet.
“Y/N, you’re the brightest piece of light in my life, sometimes you shine so brightly I could confuse you with the sun. And, I love you.”
You were stunned, to say the least. You had seen it coming but, not for another couple of weeks, you’d assumed.
But here he was, a few feet away, ever so barely shaking out of subtle fear, but his shoulders brazened, a determined expression painting his soft features that you cared for so dearly, with his eyes glistening in the auburn light and nearly flooding with sincerity.
You made the rest of the distance in a few steps, refusing to tear your eyes away, even if it would be for the entire world’s sake.
Once you reached him, you reached up to cup his cheeks, smoothing his nerves and drawing him closer to your level, before melding your lips with his.
Feeling the one thing he’d dreamt of ever since the first time he’d worked up the courage to utter words to you wash over him, he very nearly froze.
However, he managed to hold himself together—though only just—and relished in the brush your sweet lips against his own. He threaded his hands through your hair, to barely rest on either side of your jaw. His touch was so light you could almost imagine it missing, not that you ever would even dream of doing so.
Melting further into the kiss, you knotted your hands behind his neck, just as he let his hands fall to the small of your back, and the two souls drawn together by luck finally combined.
AN: I know how to em-dash on my Chromebook now and I am so happy oh my jesuuuusss Also, zephyr is a great word that should come back into common use
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thelunarbond · 6 years
1, 5, 8, 13, and 27 for everyone? (for 13 have their best friend dressing them up please)
1) Their favourite outfit
Yume: A nebula pattern crop top, holographic skater skirt and thigh high black socks, and purple shiny platform shoes (because he’s insecure about his height). Sometimes he’ll also wear an acid wash denim jacket thats covered in pins, patches and buttons
Chase: A white button up shirt with a sweater vest or cardigan, worn with grey jeans and brown brogues. He’ll sometimes add a plain tie to the look as well. Chase loves to dress formally 
Lavender: A pastel pink, frilly lolita dress with a cat print, knee high socks and pastel pink high heels. She’ll finish the look with a big pink ribbon in her hair, face glitter and a cat shaped purse
Minami: A sparkly bralette with a black mesh long sleeved shirt, paired with a black skirt, fishnets and sparkly sneakers. Despite this being her favourite outfit, she doesn’t wear it often as she feels she doesn’t look good in it
Alexis: her dragon kigurumi, as it’s functional and she can also sleep in it without needing a blanket. Also because dragons are cool. It’s the second most common thing to see Alexis wearing
Phoenix: A massively oversized light pink hoodie that has red ribbon down the sleeves and goes down to just above his knees, a pair of ripped black skinny jeans and white sneakers. Depending on whether or not he’s reading, he’ll wear a pair of circular reading glasses. Phoenix optimises being comfortable but still wants to appear vaguely presentable if he goes out in public
5) A Sharp Suit
Yume: Looks like a normal suit but is probably in a wacky colour such as neon green or bright orange. Wears a bow tie that’s got some kind of pattern on it or is sparkly. Watch out for when he walks past, you’re gonna need sunglasses
Chase: A typical suit. Black jacket, vest, white shirt, black tie, the works. Probably pushes his hair back as well to complete the look. Despite wearing a normal suit, he’s still very eye catching
Lavender: Would hate wearing a suit as she doesn’t like wearing trousers. She’d insist that it had to be in a pastel colour, such as blue or pink. Would wear a bow tie that matches the jacket and pastel coloured brogues. Would spend the whole time complaining that she looks ugly
Minami: Definitely a sunshine yellow suit, with a yellow hat and yellow eyepatch to match. Would probably wear a bow tie. Wears her hair into two braids. Despite it being something she’d never wear, she looks really good in it
Alexis: A velvet, dark green suit jacket, white shirt and black tie, and dark green velvet trousers. She’d never admit it, but she feels good wearing a suit and highkey wouldn’t want to take it off as it makes her feel sophisticated and important
Phoenix: A patterned suit jacket with a shirt that matches the accent colour, and no tie. Wears trousers that match the pattern on the jacket. Like Chase, he’d probably also push his hair back and may wear his reading glasses. He looks like a whole different person
8) Red Carpet Event
Yume: Definitely wearing a dress. Not just a pretty red carpet gown either, but a eye catching, bright yet tasteful dress. Would probably be covered in fake birds or something like that. Has his nails done to match the dress and would wear heels
Chase: Probably the sharp suit mentioned before. If not, a suit made by an extremely expensive designer label that would make him brag about his looks 10 times more than he does already
Lavender: A huge, pastel pink gown that’s covered in rhinestones and sparkles. Also has little diamonds in her hair and sparkly face makeup. Definitely wears heels that are too tall so she can barely walk
Minami: A sunshine yellow knee high dress and yellow heels. The dress would definitely have a fluffy skirt and be covered in sparkles. Has a sparkly yellow eyepatch to match 
Alexis: Good luck getting her to a red carpet event, but if she were to go to one she’d wear a dark green slightly shiny suit with a black tie and black shoes. Would probably also wear a smoky makeup look
Phoenix: Probably the patterned sharp suit mentioned before, or a baby blue suit with white shoes
13) Dressed by Another OC (Their Best Friend)
Yume, dressed by Chase: A grey blazer, white button up shirt without the top button done up, grey slacks and black shoes. Would also push his hair back. Chase hates to admit it, but Yume looks really good dressed like that
Chase, dressed by Yume: A mesh shirt and high waisted denim shorts, with high-top sneakers and pulled up sports socks. Would also put cute hairclips in his hair and cover his face in glitter. Chase is highly embarrassed but Yume loves every second of it
Lavender, dressed by [NAME REDACTED]: A trendy, sporty crop top and a pleated dark purple skirt, along with thigh high socks and platform sneakers. Would also do a dark makeup look on her and put her hair in one big side braid, as well as putting a stretchy headband on her. Lavender would love the refreshing look (her best friend’s name is redacted as I haven’t introduced her yet :3c)
Minami, dressed by Phoenix: A cosy, mustard yellow cardigan with long sleeves, a statement t-shirt tucked into a denim skirt and a pair of boots, as well as a mustard yellow eyepatch. Minami is surprised by Phoenix’s taste in clothes and feels really good in the outfit, but she’d have to do her own hair and makeup because he has no idea how to do any of that stuff (and he’s too embarrassed to get that close to Minami) 
Alexis, dressed by [NAME REDACTED]: She wouldn’t want to put Alexis in clothes that she’s too uncomfortable in, so it’d probably be a baseball top and skinny jeans with plimsolls. Would probably also do her hair and put black stud earrings in her ears. Alexis feels like a different person in this outfit, however it’s too uncomfortable to wear all the time (Alexis’ best friend is her girlfriend, but I don’t want to say who that is for spoiler reasons and because I haven’t introduced her yet)
Phoenix, dressed by Minami: A long sleeve, vaporwave-esque shirt tucked into a pair of high waisted light blue jeans and black boots. She’d also restyle his hair so his bangs are pulled back and would put his reading glasses on him, as well as painting his nails black and putting earrings on him. He’s embarrassed to have Minami so close to him for such an extended period of time, but it makes her happy so he’s happy in the end
27) Their Current Outfit
Yume: A ¾ length sleeve sports jersey which is tucked into a black skater skirt, which he wears with thigh high socks and sneakers. He also wears a red-brown scarf and a dog tag necklace. His nails are painted dark blue with a sparkly topcoat, and he wears dark blue stud earrings and has an eyebrow piercing
Chase: A white button up shirt and tie, black slacks and brown brogues. He’ll sometimes wear a grey suit vest with it as well. His formal appearance makes him seem threatening to those who first meet him
Lavender: A pink blouse with a peter pan collar with a frilly white suspender skirt that has pink trim, as well as knee high pink and white striped socks and pink pumps. In her hair she wears a lot of pink and white bows, on her hands she has lots of plastic pink rings and pastel pink nails covered in rhinestones and sparkles. She also wears white pom pom earrings
Minami: A yellow, short sleeved t-shirt, light blue high waisted mom jeans and white sneakers. She’ll also wear a grey oversized cardigan when it’s cold. Around her neck she wears a necklace with a small key on it. Her eyepatches change daily, but her favourite is a pink one that has four red hearts on it and a frilly ribbon to tie it up with
Alexis: A vest shirt that has some kind of nerdy reference on it (e.g. lvl up!) with a pair of fleecy jogging bottoms and fuzzy slipper socks. She wears some variant of this outfit every day unless she’s wearing the dragon kigurumi mentioned before. Alexis also wears basic stud earrings and a septum ring on occasion
Phoenix: A light blue zip up hoodie that is unzipped, a white button up shirt and black ripped skinny jeans, along with a pair of beaten up old sneakers. He also wears a pair of basic silver stud earrings and an ear cuff on his right ear. Occasionally he’ll have his nails painted black by either Yume or Lavender as they like the way he looks with painted nails. Sometimes he’ll also be wearing his circular reading glasses if he’s reading or if he’s been reading and forgotten to take them off
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*I Wouldn’t Change A Thing* Newt x reader
◘ anonymous asked:
I really like your writing a lot. I was wondering if you could write about the reader being very self conscious of her body. She doesn't feel like she's pretty and only sees are her flaws. She continuously compares herself to Queenie and Tina and believe that she has no chance with Newt since she's not as pretty as the sisters. One night Newt walks in on her as she stares at herself in the mirror prodding at her body and he finds out about her low self esteem and comforts her.
♥ I have also written something similar to this you can read here!
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❤ Always remember that you’re beautiful just the way you are. I hope this helps whoever is dealing with low self esteem. We are all beautiful people in our own way, shape and form. There is no one right way to look.
WARNINGS: Please, only read if you feel like you are in a good place emotionally. Take note that I in NO WAY want anyone to feel as if any of this is something negative. No one’s body is perfect and no one size is perfect. We are all beautiful. 
It felt as if you’d been sitting here for years. The same couch in the same living room with the same people. Glancing up, you saw Queenie’s breathtaking smile as she giggled along to the story Newt was telling. In all honesty, you had no idea what he was talking about. You hadn’t been paying attention for almost ten minutes now. How could you? Every time you tried all you could do was glance over at either Goldstein sister and notice how perfect and beautiful they were.
Queenie’s perfectly manicured curls and her dazzling smile... Tina’s petite form and her porcelain smooth skin.... You were nothing compared to them. 
“Care for some more tea, honey?” Queenie broke you from your trance as she smiled over at you, the pot of tea resting in her delicate hands. 
You felt your words get caught in your throat as you managed to reply, “n-no thank you...” 
All eyes were on you now and you suddenly pushed yourself up, brushing your hair from your face as you excused yourself. 
“I-I’m actually really tired. I’m gonna head to bed. G-goodnight, everyone.”
No one had the chance to even respond before you disappeared around the corner and in to your guest room. Leaning up against the door you felt your entire inside begin to crumble. How were Tina and Queenie so perfect? So beautiful? There was not a single flaw about them. It was no wonder Newt loved them. 
Gently walking across the room, you kicked your heels off and looked up to see your reflection in the fun length mirror in front of you. As you looked back at yourself all you could find was the enormous amount of flaws and imperfections staring back at you. 
Your hair wasn’t curly, your skin not completely smooth or clear. As your hands skimmed across your face and down your neck, you paused as they landed on your waist. Your awful, imperfect waist. 
You’d always admired Tina’s tiny form. It was something any girl would want. She looked fragile and oh so feminine. When you stood next to her you felt like a troll. A disgusting, imperfect troll. 
Your fingers found the buttons to your blouse and as you carefully untucked it from your skirt, you pushed it back now revealing your bare skin. The sight in front of you made tears swell up in to your eyes. There was so much of you. 
Grabbing at your stomach, you felt the tears begin to spill down your cheeks as the thoughts in your head began to swirl around; growing louder and louder. 
Newt could never find you beautiful
Newt could never love someone as ugly as you.
Tina is so much prettier.
Queenie is every man’s dream. 
You’re nothing compared to them.
Newt will never find you pretty.
The thoughts kept spilling in as you wandered to your arms and legs, grabbing at anything you could and comparing it to the Goldstein sisters.
It was true... you were hideous. Newt would never love you.
“Is everything okay with Y/N?” Placing the tea pot on the side table, Queenie glanced from Tina to Newt, a sad look in eyes as she felt ashamed that she would miss any of your thoughts that could have led to you leaving so abruptly. 
“I... I don’t know....” Glancing over the couch, Newt began to worry as he had never seen you so quiet and lost in thought. 
“M-maybe someone should go check on her?” Tina said, almost a whisper. 
Newt knew it should be him. He was your best friend and even though he didn’t say it too often, he truly cared for you... deeply. 
Pushing himself up from the couch he slowly and quietly made his way towards the door to your room. His hand reached out, brushing the handle softly before he paused and took in a deep breath. His concern for you grew with each passing second and as he pushed open the door, he paused as he saw you standing before your mirror, your blouse unbuttoned and exposing your entire top half. 
He forgot to knock. 
“Oh-” Averting his eyes down, Newt shut his eyes, his cheeks burning from the bright red they were now turning. “I- I’m so sorry...” Looking back up, Newt locked eyes with yours in the reflection of the mirror and nearly crumbled at the sight. 
Red and wet, your hurting eyes looked back in to his before you grabbed your blouse and pulled it over your exposed skin. You felt ashamed and disgusting. Now Newt had seen you in your most un-appealing form. 
“Y/N....” Newt’s hand dropped from the door handle as he began to walk towards you. You hid your face and turned away and attempted to make a bee line towards the bathroom. “Y/N, please...” Reaching out as you attempted to glide past him, Newt gently grabbed your arm an held you in place his eyes trying to find your face as you turned away and sniffled. 
“Please, Newt,” You whispered, “Please let me go....”
Your entire body tensed at his response. He gently pulled you towards him, his hand coming up to brush the hair from your face. He knew what you were doing. He knew what you were feeling. It was all to obvious.
“You don’t need to do this...” He said gently, his hand stopping and resting under you chin as he tenderly tilted your head up to meet his gaze. “There’s nothing about you that isn’t beautiful. Every part of you is.”
Tears streamed down your cheeks as you shut your eyes and shook your head. He was wrong. He was so wrong.
His thumb came up to brush the tears away, his other hand still under your chin. 
“No, Newt,” you began, “I’m hideous. You saw... I’m nothing like Tina or Queenie...”
“Tina or Queenie?”
You nodded, hugging your arms around you tighter now. “They’re perfect...”
“The only person I see who is perfect, is you.”
Why did he have to lie? Newt was too nice for his own good. 
Attempting to break free from his grip, you began to cry even more as Newt only held on tighter. Giving up, you finally caved. Your legs became weak and you slipped to the ground, Newt following. His arms wrapped around you and pulled you in close as you cried. Your trembling body made him feel helpless and he fought to hold back tears of his own. 
Gently, he rubbed your back as his hand came up to rest against the back of your head and pulling it in to his chest. You could smell the sweet mint on his mustard yellow vest and his finger’s as they pulled through your hair gently, causing you to finally calm down. 
Finally catching your breath, you tilted your head up to see Newt looking at you with sad eyes. 
“Love, please... please know that you are beautiful...”
“Newt, please. I know we’re best friends, but you don’t need to lie to me.”
“Lie?” Newt nearly stumbled back as his brows furrowed in and he looked you deep in the eyes. “Y/N, I would never lie to you. Never. I love you.”
His words were empty and you brushed them off as nothing more than his way of being your friend and trying to make you feel better.
“I’m serious, Y/N.” His tone became more serious and his grip on you tight once again. “You may think I find Tina and Queenie attractive, and I do, but not like you. They could never be you.”
“What?” The word left your lips in a whisper and you stared quizzically up at the wizard as you tried to piece together what he was saying. 
“You are the one I find beautiful, Y/N. Every part of you. Every single thing about you entices me. I’m sorry I never told you... I was afraid...”
Newt looked down, shame and regret covering his face as he now knew how he should have shared his feelings sooner. He had no idea how long you’d been feeling this way and knowing now that he had all this time to help you, to show you the truth.... he felt terrible. 
“Are you being truly honest, Newt?”
“Merlin’s beard, yes...” 
Lifting your hand to his cheek, you slowly began to caress his cheek bone as you looked in to his sea foam green eyes, tears emerging from the corners. 
“I love you.” And with those words, Newt closed the gap between the two of you. His chapped lips found your soft ones and the moment you felt his on yours you felt as if you had sprouted wings and could fly. He tasted so perfect.
His hand came to your arms wrapped around your waist, clutching your blouse and trying to hide. He gently moved them away and placed his hands on either side of your exposed waist. His hands were warm and inviting. You had expected him to be repulsed, to push you away, but he only pulled you in closer. Your chests now flat against each other you let your arms wrap around his neck and your fingers to get lost in the messy hair on his head. Newt smiled in to the kiss before deepening it. 
It was like the entire world changed and you felt new. In his arms you began to feel your thoughts melt away. Newt truly did love you just how you were. There wasn't one part of you he hated. 
Your lips parted softly and Newt’s hand came to rest on your cheek. As you looked up, a smile spread across his face and he said, “There’s not a single thing I’d change about you, love. Never.”
TAG LIST: @infinite-exist-once  @pocketcow @hunger-games-imagineers @gdmora @irlus @silverwingedfox @feyreaelinmaas @barbarachern@blackrose22-0hokulaune320 @demigodgirl91 @sharon6713 @lulurebhuhn2@nour-adeeb@myboyjarpad @endergirlz224 @its-onepiece @fluffylemonjuice@gondorgirl01 @demigodgirl91@omgunicornsarebae @ever-faithful-sidekick@im-disgustingly-vain @muggleno-maj @carlylynnmikaelsonscamander @savvythedork @itsmhayward @peyhag @cagley12 @166869 @thosefantasticbeast2 @line-viper @johnnyssunset @redsilentwolf28 @accrosstheuniversse @sally0128 @trumplur69 @shellelyn @agirlfallingforbooks @allyadarth
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wizzard890 · 7 years
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Hey guys! This is @miss-mend's fashion consult. Here’s a link to the masterpost of what I offer. She also included a link to this style blogger for reference. 
Things you like
High contrast: take a look at the red interior of blue dipped-hem dress, the mcqueen feather collar, the white peek beneath the high collar of the first coat. Its pretty easy to tell that you like a sudden shot of contrasting color in your outfits. Bold strategy, Cotton! I think a fun way to play with this interest is to move towards colorblocking. Instead of one bright color, go for two complementary ones, right on top of the other. So the sleeve of your jacket and the shirtsleeve just visible beneath it, or bright shoes and bright tights. It can be easy to take this too far, you don’t want to walk around looking like a poisonous gecko, but I’d say with a careful eye it can be a vital tool in putting together some really cool outfits.
Alt fashion: you have kind of an alt-girl thing going. Which is great, and we don’t want to lose that, but we can take it in a slightly more mature direction without forgetting what makes it such a cool style to begin with. Let’s start with shoes: traditional docs would be the obvious choice here, but from what you told me, it seems like flannels and jeans and heavy shoes is a style you’ve got down. So what we want here is a casual shoe that has the look of a doc with the flexibility of a cute sneaker. The girl in the red sweater on the instagram post you sent me was wearing wrestling shoes, which is honestly pretty brilliant. I’ve got something a little more street friendly, and they’re grown up without losing their sense of fun. These are Doc Martens’ canvas sneaker-boot. Half Chuck Taylors, half the Pascal Doc boot that everyone knows so well. You can wear these at work, throw them on with a dress, and get into some fun color theory stuff with vibrant tights. Personally, I like the mustard or the lavender for you. It’s that high-contrast thing again, they’ll stand out against almost anything. Why not those lavender shoes, forest green tights, and this double layered leather skater skirt? It’s a cut that style blogger of yours loves, and you could get so much mileage out of such a fun kicky shape.
Skater skirts//retro shapes: Both skater skirts and retro dresses are known for the same thing: the fit-and-flare flow of the garment. Retro dresses tend to be more expensive, and also can box you into a specific Look very quickly, so I’d recommend going with skater dresses and skirts, and making them retro with accessories. That way you can go casual or alt when you like, and more Peggy Carter when the mood strikes. Two of your pictures had oxfords of some variety, so take a look at these ivory and camel heeled oxfords. Retro-facing, but incredibly versatile. The style blogger you included is great at doing this, by the way. She’s all about bold, fun, modern fit-and-flare styles (dresses and separates!) with an occasional touch of Mad Men. She also has a great eye for re-using items in new and unexpected ways. Take a dress like this, which I love for you. As is, it’s wonderful for going out, but way too bare for work. You said you own a bunch of flannels. Either wear a flannel over it, with the sleeves rolled and tied at the waist so you have a skirt, or layer the flannel beneath it. The criss-coss of ties up the back will dress up an ordinary shirt, and will take the dress from super femme to a little edgy and grunge. A skater dress is so so easy to break down into its component parts. Also, retro doesn’t necessarily mean WWII. I can absolutely see you in this coral mod number. Add your oxfords if you like, but that would be absolutely marvelous with booties. Just remember, what makes a garment retro more than anything is the shape, and if you can twist and turn that shape, you’re not stuck with vintage.
Sample outfits + pieces!
Let’s piggyback off that mod dress I linked you above, and create an outfit you could easily wear to work and then, and this is important, somewhere else. When I first moved to nyc, I was a barista for nearly a year, and there was nothing I hated more than having my Work Jeans and my Work Shirts, all of which were comfortable but basically looked like what you’d wear to help a friend move. Anytime I went out after work, I either had to go home to change, or wear yet another giant t-shirt with an art history joke emblazoned across the front.  We want you to be able to go to drinks or dinner with your coworkers, maybe even somewhere nice! So. Mod coral dress, easy enough. But instead of sneakers, how about these soft black sock booties? Pair that with a long colorblocked cardigan over the top and you’re good to go!
I really want to encourage you not to keep dressing in jeans and flannels at work if that makes you feel like you’re in a rut. Nobody likes getting up for work, looking at their closet, and thinking “jesus, again?” Yeah, you may not be the only person at work in denim, but you’ll automatically project authority and maturity if you don’t just save button-downs for special occasions. Like, some people say that you can never be overdressed. That’s of course not true, because it’s always possible to look like a total asshole, but it’s important to dress better than your job requires, if you’re able. In all things involving your work, you always want to go beyond, and that means your presentation too. If you’re ever gunning for a promotion, I promise that your managers will remember how you dress, and think of you as polished and conscientious.
Aaaaaand miscellaneous pieces:
This skirt is so adorable! It’s a great color, and the scalloped edge is a little retro; it’s that sweet a-line that you like, and you could tuck a cool comicbook t-shirt into this, throw on some cute sneakers and tights, and be out the door in ten minutes. It’s easy to get away with wearing t-shirts if you put enough thought into what you’ve got going on the lower half of your body.
Okay I kind of cheated, I ended up getting eleven pieces for you instead of ten because I think of these last two as a pair? These are my consults, I do what I want. You lean a little towards a high collar, especially under something double breasted, so I got you both. This white blouse has puffed sleeves that you could hide under a jacket, or wear under a sleeveless dress for contrast.  But mostly it’s for going under this gorgeous blush double-breasted swing coat. There was no way you were going to get out of here without me reccing a swing coat, you’re wild about that shape. How pretty would that white collar be peeking out the very top?
Last but not least, I noticed the ouija earrings in the instagram post you included, and the beautiful elk’s head pin in the other. They’re unusual, faintly occult touches, so I thought I’d include two different options in that direction. These are a pair of more blocky, graphic earrings, depicting the all-seeing eye. You could wear those with anything and they’d pop like hell. Here’s a more esoteric option: bronze etched tarot card earrings. You can pick any two of the major arcana.
Happy dressing!
Ivory and whiskey oxford heel (b.a.i.t. $69)
Blue eyelet lace-up dress (topshop, $110)
All-seeing eye earrings (etsy, $20) // tarot card earrings (etsy, $15/for one)
Double-breasted pale mink skater coat (asos, $64)
DMS yellow canvas boot (doc martens, $75)
Peplum double layer black leather skirt (asos, $45)
Coral mod a-line dress (modcloth, $50)
Black heeled sock booties (topshop, $60)
Colorblocked long cardigan (asos, $56)
Pink scalloped suede skirt (h&m, $25)
White high-necked top (zara, $50)
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crazyblondelife · 7 years
20 Best Crazy Blonde Looks from Spring & Summer + Fall Trends
Happy Sunday everyone!  This post was the one I was going to do yesterday, but I really wanted to share what I learned about Vitamin D so here it is today.  I hope you've all bought some Vitamin D and are taking it!  I went back in the archives and found my favorite outfits from Spring and Summer.  Some of these outfits can be changed slightly and transition perfectly into Fall, but I'm also giving you plenty of shopping options at the end of this very long post.  I'm not gonna lie, this post took me forever so I hope you enjoy and inspired!
I love these sassy pants and blouse from Anthropologie.  The yellow bag adds a touch of color and yellow (they're calling it mustard) is huge for fall.  
Palazzo pants are here to stay for a while and especially for pre-fall in the South, lightweight is the way to go!
Jumpsuits are still going strong for fall as is the color red!
Metallics and stripes together for this summer outfit.  I'll be wearing this great Henri Bendel bag and the shoes with denim and more as the weather gets cooler.
Combine preppy stripes with suede and leather.
This Cabi dress has been one of my favorite pieces this summer and will be great until the weather turns cold.  You can never go wrong with a cute grey dress and a Chloe bag!  If you haven't seen the new Chloe bags, they are amazing...I especially love the Pixie Bag!
Don't put your hot pink away yet!  Read this great article to learn more about great ways to combine colors!
I've found so many cute pieces at Target this season!  This cute floral top is a favorite and you can't tell in the picture, but I'm wearing it with white Seven for All Mankind shorts.  My hat is from Draper James that I got on a trip to Nashville last summer.  Florals are still going strong as we head into fall...think dark and moody!
I wore this outfit to the Spring Tanger Style event and the jeans are going to be a staple for me this fall.  Denim is more fun than ever right now with so many styles to choose from (see more on denim here).  
The Anthropologie pants pictured below will take me straight through the fall.  Metallics are going to be huge this fall, in fact, Cosmopolitan Magazine says to "be more like a disco ball".  While you may not want to take it that far, you can definitely add some sparkle to your wardrobe.
Statement sleeves are making more of a statement this fall!  They just getting bigger and bigger!  This outfit combines the huge statement sleeve trend along with denim and metallic!  I would change out the bag and wear this identical outfit for fall!
I have loved this army green (or olive green) vest from Cupcakes and Cashmere that I got last year.  It adds interest to so many different outfits...it acts as a neutral and I love it with cream.  Wear your Autumn Olive this fall!
Statement jewelry is another trend that is continuing into Fall 2017!  This is a fun way to incorporate a trend without spending a fortune!
The eyelet trend also continues for pre-fall.  Look for pieces in jewel tones, mustard (like the one from Madewell below) and black.
Embroidery has been a major trend and is still going to be around for Fall!
Embroidery from Alice & Olivia, Gucci and Valentino
Fabulous is the only word to describe these Tory Burch Brocade Platforms!
This dress from Anna Cate Collection fit me perfectly!  I can't wait to have another trunk show in the fall!
Other trends to look for this fall are fun fur, velvet, fancy shoes and pajama dressing.  Hope you all are having a great weekend!  I would love to know what you think of this post!  Please leave comments in the box below!  Whew!!!
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