#kevin woo asc
lemonietrinket · 5 years
Himawari ||| Kevin x Reader
Summary: Kevin is a ray of sunshine, and so are you. This time, Kevin has something to say to you. Genre: Fluff, as per usual Word Count: 1750 Theme Song: Man in a Movie - Day6; Spark - JBJ95 AN: Kevin Woo, an underrated ball of soft. Another request from @idont-knowabrian​ because they have good ideas. Thanks for reading!
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Kevin took a deep breath.
It wasn’t like him, usually, to be so nervous. He’d been on so many stages, in so many recording studios, before so many important people, he reckoned he’d abandoned the idea of being nervous way back in his debut years.
And yet here he was, at your front door, freshly painted citrine by your own hand, cold dispelled by a smart but thick jacket, and  ever so slightly shivering,
Ah yes, that was the day he first met you. Walking past the terraced houses on his way to work, he’d glanced to his right and seen you coating the door in a very diligent fashion. Once he’d passed your door several times, greeting you with a wave and a shy smile every morning, and after you’d worked up the courage to ask if he really was who you thought he was, did he find out why you insisted on painting it in such a primary shade.
“To fulfil a childhood dream of mine.” You had shrugged. “I always wanted to live in a house with a big front window and a yellow door. Not that it originated from any great tragedy! I just... you know. Really like the colour yellow.”
You’d gone on to explain how you had finally had the chance to control the environment that surrounded you, after a youth characterised by restrictive policies that now as an adult you had escaped from. He would never admit it, out of politeness and slight shame on his own behalf, but he was more focused on your face at that very moment. He could still picture how your eyes flickered to the side, how you frowned and scrunched your nose at your own words, at the very moment your lips twitched into a smile, sheepish but no less relaxed. 
The memory did little to calm his nerves, merely lending a hand to his heart’s fluttering.  But it was no use now, as the very door opened to reveal you.
He was 90% sure his heart stopped.
“Kevin! Hi!” you exclaimed, face glowing in the dim streetlight behind. “You’re actually right on time. Not even a minute late!"
His eyes swept over the visage before him. You, in a mustard wool blouse, tucked into a deep moss-green skirt that billowed in the breeze at your ankles. Your eyes glittering in the twilight—a pool he wanted to sink into and also avoid for his own heart’s safety—outwitting the moon in a knowing gaze aimed only at him - a concept that almost stole his words - standing somewhat awkwardly in the doorway, hands clasped behind his back.
“You must be some kind of miracle,” you stated, voice touched with wistfulness.
He coughed, being very abruptly dragged from his thoughts. “What? Me? No! No, not...” He shook his head, playing it off with a laugh.
“What? Always here perfectly on time, always looking as dashing as you always do, it’s not a preposterous proposition, you know!” 
He shook his head, tipping his head away from the playful glint in your eyes, and letting his hands do the talking for him. 
You gasped, even though you saw the gift coming from a million miles away. Even if those million miles was only the couple of metres of your front path.
“Oh Kevin...!” You took the bouquet into your hands, eyes mottling with tears that you couldn’t quite contain, that matched the polka-dotted ribbon of pastel blue that neatly held the piece together.
The sunflower petals, smooth and radiant, were no match for you, Kevin decided. But as you cradled the bouquet close to your chest and stared up at him, lips—kissed by the sunshine itself—wavering in joy, he felt his heart swell to the point he felt as if it could burst.
“I hoped you’d like them,” he mentioned.
“I love them, Kevin, thank you so much!”
You sighed, peering down at the soft plumes. “Let me get a vase and water for them real quick—I won’t be long!”
And you disappeared from his sight.
What was he to do with himself? All tongue-tied and very nearly misty-eyed for you, a child of the sun. You’d been dating for a while, and what he’d planned wasn’t something to get this worked up about, surely.
But for you, he could barely contain the emotions that flooded from his soul. Feelings could no longer be caged by his ribs. They already struggled to contain the rapid march of his heartbeat.
He forced himself to take a deep breath, ironing out the tremors and his blending fears with it. He straightened his jacket, an undefeatable smile playing upon his lips. How luck had been on his side for him to even have the opportunity to meet you.
“Ready to go?” you suddenly enquired, reappearing in his vision and hanging from the door as much as you hung off his words—not that he was quite aware of that.
“If you are, then of course!”
“Great!” You locked your door with a grin, swinging your keys into your satchel, before coming to his side happily. You looped your arm around his, pulling your coat’s collar up to your chin to keep out the windchill while sending him the glimmering smile he adored so dearly. “Where to, fair knight?”
“Oh, um...” he rubbed the back of his neck. “Well, there is this small late-night vintage cafe I thought you’d feel at home in. We could go there first, and then the park after?”
“Sounds like a quest.” You nodded. “Let’s go!”
~ ~ ~
Your laugh fluttered in the breeze, blissful and very near misty in the shadows the lamps and stars could not banish. Skirt flowing, you span, arms wide as if to welcome.
“And then she went round and round like this!”
Kevin could barely hold back his laughter, feeling tears well in his eyes at your performance. He didn’t care if people questioned as they passed. In fact, he barely noticed them. Why would he, when the most important person was skipping along the cobblestone a few feet ahead of him?  “Why would she do that?!”
“I don’t know!” you feverishly giggled. “Wouldn’t you in that scenario?”
“Well, she’d say ‘that’s your loss’!” 
As you wound around the paving, you drifted back to his side, arms clutching at his sleeve as you stumbled, dizzied.
“I shouldn’t have given you that much sugar,” he chuckled,.
You twisted your face in an exaggerated scowl. “Why ever not?”
Kevin felt his mouth continue without the accompaniment of his brain. “Ah well,” he guffawed, “it’s dangerous for me, you know.”
You played along with a hum. “How so?”
He felt the mild horror of his rational mind press him to change tact, but his words just continued to... spill.
“Well, you’re already too sweet for me to handle, and now? It’s just... too much for... my...”
“Heart?” you finished, expression twisted in an amused grimace at the cheese.
“Yes, I...” he broke down to breathy laughter, “I’m so sorry, I don’t know what the was at all—”
“Kevin, it’s fine, don’t worry,” you linked arms once again, “it’s just, unexpected of you.”
He gazed down at you, edging you to continue without another word passing his lips. Just in case whatever hysteria enraptured him the first time infected him again and he said something even worse. 
“I pegged you as the sweet type, but not the cheesy,” you placed a finger to the corner of your mouth, “however, I suppose on the Sweet & Cheesy Venn Diagram, there is instinctively an overlap.”
Bemusedly, he gushed, “What?”
“What?” you echoed, confused by his outcry. “Do you not understand me?”
“No,” he admitted. He immediately looked back to you, searching your face for any signs of offence taken. He found only mild excitement, as you awaited his continuation.  “No, I don’t think I do. But I feel I prefer it that way. You’re so... unique? Your energy is different from other people—friends and coworkers, I mean. I don’t know how to explain it but... things are so much more different with you here. I don’t think I could ever be without you.”
The two of you drew to a stop beneath a lampost. High above, the wind grasped a spider web and swung it into a waltz.
“Do you mean that?” you murmured, voice no higher than a mid-summer zephyr.
He, who’d continued to walk a couple of paces even though it had left you slightly behind, turned back to face you, as well as the anxieties that had lasted all evening.  “Yes. Of course. Without a doubt,” he insisted.
You stepped forward until the lamplight illuminated only you. Crested with a halo, your hands slowly wringing one another at your chest, you were lost for words.
Your silence only prompted him further, as he bit the bullet.
“Y/N, you’re the brightest piece of light in my life, sometimes you shine so brightly I could confuse you with the sun. And, I love you.”
You were stunned, to say the least. You had seen it coming but, not for another couple of weeks, you’d assumed.
But here he was, a few feet away, ever so barely shaking out of subtle fear, but his shoulders brazened, a determined expression painting his soft features that you cared for so dearly, with his eyes glistening in the auburn light and nearly flooding with sincerity.
You made the rest of the distance in a few steps, refusing to tear your eyes away, even if it would be for the entire world’s sake.
Once you reached him, you reached up to cup his cheeks, smoothing his nerves and drawing him closer to your level, before melding your lips with his.
Feeling the one thing he’d dreamt of ever since the first time he’d worked up the courage to utter words to you wash over him, he very nearly froze.
However, he managed to hold himself together—though only just—and relished in the brush your sweet lips against his own. He threaded his hands through your hair, to barely rest on either side of your jaw. His touch was so light you could almost imagine it missing, not that you ever would even dream of doing so.
Melting further into the kiss, you knotted your hands behind his neck, just as he let his hands fall to the small of your back, and the two souls drawn together by luck finally combined.
AN: I know how to em-dash on my Chromebook now and I am so happy oh my jesuuuusss Also, zephyr is a great word that should come back into common use
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yovibeispretty · 4 years
God I love BM 😅
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jiminxxjamie · 4 years
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seosoondubu · 4 years
Not only am i living for asc reunion vibes but the dating rumour tea is sending me!!!
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re2 · 6 years
[181128] kevin singing rewrite the stars on jamie’s instagram live (feat. jamie being cute)
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caribbeanaghase · 6 years
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roseband · 7 years
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fy-pjh · 6 years
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jamiesprotector · 7 years
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friendship 101 with jimin & jae
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seungmin-wrecked · 6 years
I can't believe the icon Kevin Woo tweeted for Stray Kids
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smollkit · 6 years
Kevin is a mood because Lee Know was too much
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boom-kaka-laka · 6 years
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Can you like… not..?
(Kev wrote I love you and Kiseop proclaimed his undying affections right back, whats new)
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incorrectkp0pquotes · 7 years
Jimin: Hey, Kevin
The Kevin's™ simultaneously: Yeah?
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marchlione · 6 years
Jae and Kevin’s reaction to Minhoe’s dance on asc was so funny
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jaesixdaysix · 7 years
Why I Can't stop replaying.....
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definitelythis · 7 years
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when you leave your camera with your friends
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