#i have to be able to Hear them in my dialog or else im writing them wrong. this goes for all of them.
orcelito · 2 years
Oh yeah I finished scene 1 of libero a due (chapter 2) today, with 2.2k words. I'm hoping this is a good sign.
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maguneedsalife · 9 months
T'zekhwalker - Final Zenos Fight
i spent so much time here it needed its own post. i'd be lying if i said this one scene wasn't a main reason i pushed t'zekh through the main story (the other was i wanted him to get to 90/get the rdm artifact gear so he could wear his canon glam but you know)
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so, some background for folks who are new here: t'zekh was the main wol for stormblood. he was the one zenos became obsessed with, and he has spent most of endwalker trying to get zenos to leave him alone. he knows zenos desperately wants t'zekh to kill him--to come at him with fire and rage and bloodlust--but t'zekh refuses to kill anyone no matter how much they deserve it.
i had been waiting so long for t'zekh to be able to do this dialog choice and the answer i had envisioned for him actually changed from the time i did this with aoife. originally i'd thought he'd go with option 2, but by the time i got here, 3 was more his style.
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which ended up being a good thing, because zenos's response to that answer was fucking perfect for t'zekh
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small aside--it drove me bonkers back when spoiler embargo first lifted and ppl (mostly on twitter) were INSISTING that answer 1 was the only possible canon answer and if you picked any of the others you were clearly playing the game wrong. even despite yoshi p confirming that there was no "correct" answer and the team had tried to write it so that players could respond to zenos the way they felt best reflected their own character's experience. people were STILL out there like "sorry but if you didnt pick option 1 you're just wrong"
so to see the text validate my choice and my hcs so perfectly has me feeling vindicated in this chilis. it is okay for people to have a different experience of the game than you!!! (i'll get off my soapbox now)
option 3 was perfect for t'zekh because he is finally fed up enough with zenos that he's finally willing to cast aside his moral opposition to killing in order to make sure zenos can't hurt anyone else in his name.
and zenos caught on to that and responded in kind.
anyway then i took a fucktillion pictures in the instance (most of which i'll put on my wol blog)
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it was so hard to get them in the same frame lmao
and then i did the solo fight! not too bad on red mage, surprisingly enough - was very thankful to have vercure though lmao
this punch is still just as satisfying the second time
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On my way to the last credits sequence i learned that you will actually fuck up the music timing if you skip or speed up the credits. it was playing revenge twofold when it was supposed to be playing flow together. that was very jarring. i don't know why they haven't set it to just start playing flow together for that sequence. dont skip the credits folks
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and that's a wrap! i uhhh might have abandoned him before finishing out the quest so i could go farm memoria misera with aoife but im very happy to have (technically) beaten Endwalker with him before the year ended, which was one of my goals.
I think I started main story with him in January, so it's taken me about a year to get through... mostly what set me back was i had to make time/build emotional strength to make progress through parts I knew would be difficult emotionally. But I committed to not to skipping any cutscenes and just pressing on through a second read, and I'm glad to have embarked on this journey.
as soon as i finished endwalker the first time i knew it was going to be equally aoife and t'zekh's story. they both ended up having stakes in the plot in different ways, and getting to play through and see things from t'zekh's perspective was so much fun.
i still keep thinking abt the version of the ending in my head, wherein t'zekh is lying at the edge of the universe and all he can think is "i want to live, dammit!!"
and he hears a voice calling out to him.
"there you are!" aoife shouts, "I was looking all over for you!"
T'zekh has spent so much of the story kind of in aoife's shadow, grappling with what it means to be a "hero" in his own way. he spent a lot of stormblood resenting her absence.
but by the end of endwalker… i think they end up really close friends
Next, it'll be Banri's turn.... skipping as many cutscenes as possible so i can get him through before Dawntrail!
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mokkemusic · 3 years
Dana! Yes you are 100% a writer and should acknowledge you are. <33 And since you *are* a writer, I am going to ask you some stuff off the writer game thing. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Can I please ask 1, 17, 20 21 & 25 <3
Aww Ok I am I am I should and I am learning to do that more cause I realized everything I do notes and what not is writing! It’s me creating with words regardless of its finished or not. So I am gonna try to acknowledge what I am proud of more just a little bit. Maybe reblog some old stuff I AM A WRITER DAMMIT - too much? lol 
As for the ask now ;) 
1)Do you listen to music when you write? Nope never. I have pretty bad sensory issues tbh so even when I’m reading someone else’s fic I’m so slow and it takes me a really long time cause I need to make sure there’s no background noise around me. Which is hard to do unless it’s a specific time in the morning or late at night but if I don’t feel up to it I lose that opportunity. So it’s a bit of a struggle for me. If I didn’t have such sensory issues I would be able to read and write a lot more I think ❤️ But usually what inspires me to write a specific scene before I write it is listening to music FIRST. Then If insp comes to me I’ll pause the music, pull up my notes app on my phone and let insp take over even if it’s only for a moment so I don’t forget. That happens a lot in the middle of a song. 17)What writing habits or rituals do you have? Actually one of them I just said in the first answer about pausing my music but also... I’ll usually work on something to de stress like a jigsaw puzzle. I’ll have my phone next to me and if I feel like I’m starting to come up with character dialog I will hit record on my voice memos and just act out the lines of the characters and voice record it. I will act it out too because when I type it later I want to make sure I feel those same emotions and inflections on how the character was speaking in my head when I spoke it the first time. I want to try to get as much of that in words as I can. It’s a very strange process but I am a VA so it’s more how I tell story. It’s so natural for me to do it that way cause I’m very auditory and if I have specific dialog sometimes typing it takes too long and I lose myself in focusing on the typing rather then the scene I visualized so well in my head. So yea that’s probably one of the “you don’t hear that everyday” processes I have to get an original draft. But I will confess my dialogue ones that I have done with this method I have never posted yet. It’s a very different style then what I call my “sensory imagery” one. But maybe I will post some of those in the future. They are not fancy but I do feel my dialog is on point. I do. I can say that with confidence. ❤️ 20)How many WIPs and story ideas do you have? Well way way more then I have posted that’s for sure lol. Let me think... I’m gonna be vague about this but not for the reasons you think 😂 It’s not like “oh well I don’t want everyone to steal my idea” no lol. It’s cause if I say exactly what it is I’ll wind up putting pressure on myself and jinx myself - I’m kinda weirdly superstitious and when my brain starts thinking that way that’s it, I’m done I’m frozen. I could never do zines. I’d die if I had deadlines. I’m not being over dramatic. Anyway I’ll tease you 1)There’s this one oof a bit OC heavy but it will make it hurt more trust me 2)My dream fic. 🥺 I need more practice it’s intimidating to me just by it being something I have wanted to see for months and months now 3)Only for you Hope lol @thehopeelias 4)I HAVE to do this. If I never see this I’ll cry. 5)Maybe eventually it’s not top priority That made no sense I know but it’s fun to tease lol 21)Who is/are your favorite character(s) to write? Ok this is different then my favorite characters but probably picture perfect Amane and Aoi. Aoi was really fun for me to write but cause I have only posted introspective pieces so far it’s cause it was so much fun trying to get inside her head. I also really love writing Tsukasa. (Broken speech patterns and manic mannerisms) and Nene. 25)Favorite part of writing. CONCEPTS! CONCEPTS! CONCEPTS! I write things and have that motivation to make notes if I have a unique enough concept I really REALLY love. Like YES IM GONNA THINK ABOUT THIS ALL THE TIME NOW!. This concept fits so well and now I’m never gonna not remember this. Regardless of what my writing skill level will be I love my concepts and am so proud of my concepts. My concept ideas are my favorite part about writing 🥺❤️
Thank you so much for the ask Abbey! Really I loved this! 
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callmetefy · 6 years
drunk confession
This is for the writing challenge of @cloudfiveclub the dialog is "you're drunk and you don't know what you're saying" I hope you like it
Warning: mostly fluff so don't worry
As every Saturday night I was watching some movies on Netflix and eating mint ice-cream with melted chocolate on top, Bridge to Therabithia was playing when I heard a knock on my door, I looked at the clock and it mark 3:00 am
who the hell dares to interfere with my own personal Netflix and chill? I waited a couple of minutes to see if whoever it was would leave if I didn't open, but they keep knocking and ringing the bell so I grab my keys and a knife, just in case, I looked through the door hole and saw Zabdiel, my best friend.
-what the hell Zabdiel, ¿que haces en mi casa a las 3 de la mañana?-i ask as i open the door
-no te enojes princesa-I rolled my eyes, he always calls me that when I'm mad- vine a decirte algo.
At this point I realize that he was drunk, I know this because when ever he's drunk his faces turns a little more red and of course the smell of alcohol
-you're drunk, get in- I grab him by the collar of his shirt and pull him inside, he keep rambling about how sorry he was, but he had something really important and urgent to tell me
-okay, you take a seat and I'll make some coffee - I pushed him on the couch and went to the kitchen to prepare some coffee.
-do you want some water? No importa, igual te llevaré agua - I grab a water bottle and gave it to him as I sat next to him and waited for him to take a couple sips of water- Ya puse a hacer café, do you feel any better?- he looked me right in the eyes.
-why are you nice? Siempre eres tan dulce, siempre me cuidas-
- you're my best friend silly, that's what best friend do, they take care of each other - I smiled warmly puting a hand on his shoulder.
-ughh, this isn't how this is supposed to go, you know, tenía todo planeado
-what're you talking about?-
-estaba esperando el momento indicado- he stood up - I was going to tell you after one of the concerts, te iba a comprar tus flores favoritas, Sunflowers- he said with a smile,- I know how much you love sunflowers, y después iba a decirte todo, que amo tu sonrisa, and i love your beautiful eyes, even though you don't like them, y que yo sé que puedo quererte más que él- I was speechless, he kept rambling and rambling making me more confused
-zabdiel, que dices?
-you know what I'm saying, I love you, siempre te he amado, ever since we meet 3 years ago
-You're drunk and you don't know what you're saying - i turned my head away from him
-I might be drunk, pero no estoy loco- I felt his hands on my waist, gently rubbing up and down- might be a little Loco, but loco de amor por ti- I let out a deep breath that I didn't know I was holding, tears were forming on my eyes.
He grabbed my chin, making me face him
- say something, no te quedes callada
-he proposed-I whispered
-what did you just say? - he asked in disbelief
-he proposed-I said- and I said yes
-you said yes? ,why? - I lift my head to look at him and my heart shattered, he was about to cry, his eyes full of tears-dijiste que no pensabas casarte
-I know, but in the moment felt like the right thing to do
-do you really love him?
-you know I love him
-but are you in love with him?
-yes, Zabdiel, eres mi mejor amigo, and i love you, but I don't feel the same way
-if that's how you feel I get it, but I just couldn't keep it any longer, El amor que siento por ti es demasiado fuerte y guardarlo me lastimaba
-are we still friends?
-off course we're friends, pase lo que pase siempre seremos mejores amigos, what I feel doesn't change a thing
-you sure you're okay?
-I'm sure, I should go, I'll call an uber-he said grabbing his phone, 10 minutes later the uber was a few blocks from my place, I walked him to my door
-text me when you get home
-will do- he looked me one more time before leaving
that night I didn´t sleep at all, I kept thinking about how I never realized about his feelings, and how worried i was that things might get a little weird between us.
a month later I was on the aeroport, waiting for my parents, they wanted to celebrate with me the good news of the engagement
-are you okay baby?- Nick, my fiance asked me
off course i wasn't , i couldn't stop thinkin about what Zabdiel had told me, i was still on shock
-yes, im fine babe, only a little tired-i answer acting as normal as possibles
-well, we had been planing the wedding like crazy, but we were lucky to find that free date next month
-i know babe, is going to be great- I said with a weak smile
-i cant wait to be able to call you my wife- he said kissing my forehead
-i cant wait to call you my husband- and the minute I said that it felt wrong, truth be told I been feelin weird this past month, every time I talk with Zabdiel things feel different, and I know is probably because of what he said to me, but every time he looked at me or hugged me it feels different than before, different than with Nick
-babe, you're daydreaming- Nick snaped me out of my thoughts
-just, thinking about my wedding dress- i lie
-I can't wait to see you in it- he started getting closer to me
-pero miren que lindos que están - my mom interrupted.- Y/N mi amor, estas hermosa, y esos cachetitos- she said grabbing my cheeks like people do to babies.
-mom, estamos en público
-oh, because you're sooo grown up now que tu madre te avergüenza, i carried you for nine months, nueve meses ,creo que me he ganado poder apretar tus cachetes cuando quiera- she started screaming, what I love about my mom is her thick Spanish accent, she has a Sofia Vergara thing going on- y tu- she said facing nick- you better take good care of my baby girl.
-I'll do anything to make her happy and keep her safe
-that's why I always like you boy, you have a good heart, ven aquí, give me a hug- she gives him a tight hug
-how're you doing baby girl?
-I'm great dad, you have no idea how much I've missed you- I said hugging him
-I've missed you to muffin- that's how he call me ever since I was 5, he said that I was small and sweet like his favorite Chocolate muffins.
We all went to my apartment, I set my parents in my room because I was going to be staying at Nick's for the weekend
-baby, I'll come pick you up later, you have some catch up to do with your parents, love you- he said peeking my lips
-love you to babe- I watch him get in his card and drive off, when I turned around my parents were looking at me puzzled
-mija, que estás pensando, porque te vas a casar?- my mom ask as we enter the house
-de que hablas mamá, amo a nick, por eso me voy a casar con él
-ay mi niña, sé que lo amas, ha sido tu novio desde que tenía 15 años y sé que sólo quieres hacerlo feliz, pero debes pensar en tu felicidad también
-má, el me hace feliz
-si, pero tu corazón le pertenece a alguien más, tu lo sabes, y tienes miedo porque no quieres lastimar a nadie, pero tú vas a salir lastimada si no elijes con el corazón-tears were falling for my eyes, I started crying, and sobbing while my parents hugged me, my dad started talking
-we didn't came to celebrate, we came to talk some sense into you, we have never see you more happy than when you're with Zabdiel, we only met him once and that was all it took to see that he is the one, and I know you're scared of loosing your best friend, but you can't marry someone when you're in love with someone else, and he might not feel the same, but you should tell him how you feel, you'll regret it if you don't
-he does feel the same- I said- me lo dijo hace un mes, un día después de que Nick me propuso matrimonio
- y que le dijiste? - my mom asked
-Que yo no sentía lo mismo, y que estaba enamorada de Nick y que nos íbamos a casar, at the moment I hadn't realized what I felt, but the minute I saw him crying my heart hurt, like I was breaking my own heart
-that was your heart telling you that you were making a mistake-my mom said
-what do I do now?
-ahora mi niña, vas a llamar a Nick, vas a decirle la verdad y vas a pedirle perdón, es un buen chico, y luego vas a ir donde Zabdiel y vas a decirle lo que sientes- my dad told me.
I sighed grabbing my phone and telling Nick to come over.
My parents waited on my room while I talked to him
-babe, what's going on? You have me all worried- he said grabbing my hand on his.
-Nick, I love you, you're my first love, you're my first everything, but lately I've been feeling different I- he stopped me
-is because of him right? Because Of Zabdiel, you love him
-how, what?- my eyes widen as i hear him
-I've known you for ten years, I had love you all that time, and I have never seen you looking at me the way you look at him
-Nick I swear I didn't know, but I did loved you, I still do, it's
-you love me, but you're not in love with me, you don't need to be sorry, love works in misterious ways- I took the engagement ring off and offered it to him
-I believe this is yours- he grabbed it and put it on his pocket
-do me a favor
-what ever you need
-be happy, don't let fear get to you, and for the record I'll always be there for you- we shared a hug, as tears were falling down our faces, we stayed like that for a while, when we pulled away we shared a small smile, he didn't said anything and neither did I, he just left
-we're so proud of you baby girl, now, vé por tu hombre- my mom said.
I order an uber and went to Zabdiel's apartment, I knocked on the door like crazy
-ya voy, ya voy, quien es? - he asked
-you know, is really cold out here
-mierda- I hear him cursed, he started making some noise
-Si estas ocupado vuelvo en otro momento--I said
-no it's fine- he opened the door--what're you doing here?
-well, I wanted to ask you something really, really, really important
-are you going to ask me to be best men on your wedding? Porque se qué dije que nada va a cambiar pero no creo que pueda
-what? No, nunca te preguntaría eso, además, the wedding is not going to happen- I said looking at him
-como que no va a pasar? No te casas?
-nop- I said, his face showing happiness but confusion
-what happend?
-my parents came, they helped me realize than that wasn't what I wanted
-no, nick, it looks like everybody realized how I feel before I did
-how you feel about what?
-about you, my parents came here to tell me that I love you- my eyes were watering and my heart ache as I said what I've been denying all this time- that they have never seen me happier than when I'm with you, even Nick knew before I did, he said he never seen me looked at him the way I look at you, and truth be told, when a saw you crying because I was getting married my heart broke-he was looking at me, speechless
-so, Zabdiel De Jesús- I kneel in front of him, with one knee- would you do me the honor of going on a date with me?
- I don't know, I'll have to think about it - he said teasing me, he offered me one hand and I grabed it, he pull me on my feet and put his hands on my waist- Claro que iré en una cita contigo, but i can't wait until then to do this- he pulled closer gently grabbing my face with one hand as he crashed our lips together, my heart was beating like crazy, and I swear I saw fireworks, as we pulled apart he bit on my lip
-he querido hacer eso por tanto tiempo
-nunca nadie me había besado así Zabdi, Te amo
-I been dying to hear you say that so much, dilo de nuevo
-te amo, te amo, te amo, I love you I'm in love with you
-you know I could get use to this- he said smiling warmly
-you better, 'cos I'm not leaving you any time soon
-is that a treat or a promise?
-a promise- we kissed again, and I'm that moment, I was entirely and absolutely happy.
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hdawg1995 · 6 years
My Stardew Valley started flipping out cause i was playing it for 14 hours strait and it legit did some creepy pasta stuff so heres a creepy pasta
reality: somewhere around hour 10 Kent’s sprite only loaded half way (his eyes and up) or not at all. Willy was just a shadow- even when interacting with him. at one point he phased though Haley (and it was the only time his sprite was fully visible) side note: me and my sister declared willy a ghost because the fishing in my game was such lack luster. Gunther was probably the same since i never saw him at the museum but was still able to donate. lastly Alex glitched though a already glitched haley- she was on the beach even though her schedule wouldn’t have put her there. i wasn’t able to interact with her but a part of me wonders if i went to her house (where she was suppose to be) if i would see her shadow and would be able to interact with her there, but i was too far in a “yup. totaly writing a creepy pasta about this now” mood.
The Creepy pasta:
i really don’t know what to say now other than everyone was right- a game about a fun little town in a sleepy valley being secretly evil? yeah, its true. 
i was playing Stardew Valley one day with my sister- i had woken up in a sour mood and i wanted to cheer myself up. at one point she came by and hung out with me, watching me play on my farm and the normal day to day antics with the pelican town NPCs. we were laying on my bed since it was the only place comfortable enough to play on the laptop for hours on end.
i lost track of time. everything felt too real, like i was getting lost in the game. this is normal, but i knew there was something wrong when it took my sister kicking me in the head snap me out of it.
“oh my god i’m so sorry! i meant to nudge you!” she declared and it was fine, really, but when i glanced back at the screen Harvey was talking to me. i don’t even remember interacting with him- must have clicked him when i get hit in the head. it seemed normal enough; he was mentioning he was having trouble making ends meet so he’ll have to get patients from somewhere else. 
i went back to playing as we chatted about nothing when something struck me.
“hey...” i asked my sister as i paused the game. “Doesn’t harvey normally say he’ll find patients from the nearby towns?” she blinked a few times at me then silently checked the wiki.
there wasn’t an answer there, so we shrugged it off. wouldn’t be the first time NPCs change their dialog. Sebastian mentions that me and sam are his only friends after so many hearts.
speaking of which, i wanted to give him a present today. i had forgotten the quarts at the farm so i rounded back, heading past Sam’s house. i got lost in the game again- it was like the only thing i could hear was the game, the only thing i could feel was the cobble stone under my feet but that wasn’t right- i was in bed.
when i walked by Sam’s house Kent walked out. i smiled and talked to him only... His sprite wasn’t there in the dialog box. his text was also jumbled and didn’t make sense. the prompt to continue the conversation came up and when i clicked it the text was less garbled but Kent’s image was just his eyes. he said “I’ll watch out for you”. 
i snapped out of it at that. i looked over at my sister to ask her if that was normal (it wasn’t) but she seemed so transfixed on the screen it was my turn to snap her out of it. i smacked her on the head and she flinched but seemed alright.
“sorry, i meant to nudge you.” i joked, but she didn’t seem to hear me. “I thought Kent came back from war?” she questioned and i tilted my head. “Umm. yeah he does, in year two...” i turned back to the screen and Kent was gone.
“You were just talking to Sam- he said his dad died?” 
we both stared at each other before taking out our phones to chick the wiki. sure enough it says Kent returns in year two- alive.
we decide my games glitched and i keep playing while my sister makes a bug report. it took me far too long to realize dialog nor included in the game showing up out of no where- and for only ONE person for that matter- was anything BUT a bug. by the time i got to the farm and had gotten the quarts for Sebastian the report had been sent and my thoughts died in my throat. 
a few in game days later i realize Harvey has been acting weird; hes been following Haley around. i don’t pay much attention to the doctor (Sam, Sebastian, and Shane being my favorites i tended to look out for them, not so much HAley or Harvey) but i didn’t think they shared a pattern at all.
i brushed it off and decided to head down to the beach. Alex’s cut scene triggered so i say back and watched. it seemed normal until his sprite changed to the surprised looking one.
“Did you hear a scream just now?”
>no? what scream? >.... >yeah! it sounded like Haley!
my sister swore and looked up the wiki again. con confirm: not part of the cut scene. i thought for a moment and decided that no, i didn’t hear anything (but i really hadn’t). Alex seemed worried and went to investigate. the scene ended but Ale wasn’t on the beach anymore. i was really starting to freak out and debated turning off the game. before i could exit to the desktop i got lost in the game again- the fishing mini game is the devil but i mastered it none the less. i didn’t even remember casting my rod. 
it was getting late so i headed home. Harvey was standing on the bridge to the beach. i didn’t talk to him since it was mid night. i needed to get home.
when i woke up it all seemed normal. i decided to take the fish i got last night and sell them to willy. i wasnt sure how to get the fishing scene in the valley more lively like he’ll some times says so i figured if i sold the fish directly to him it would help. when i went down to the beach i saw haley but she wouldn’t talk to me. she stared out at the ocean, her dialog box just dots. her expression sad.
when i went to see willy he wasn’t there. at first i thought i was at the dock at the wrong time, but something cold pressed against my arm and i snapped up out of the game and looked at my sister- she was holding the Gatorade she had gotten earlier to my arm.
“you were ignoring me again. Sib i think somethings seriously wrong with your game”.
i agreed but i couldn’t stop playing. i explained this and she got worried, fiddling with her phone again.
i can’t stop playing. i have to keep playing. 
“hey” she got my attention. “theres this stardew turmblr account -joja apologist. they have a farmer whos a demon.”
“cool.” i kept playing. i should give Sam a present. “No listen they’re making posts about their stardew game acting weird.”
i tried to turn to face her but thats all i did- face her. my eyes were locked on the screen as Kent walked by. i went to talk to him again and the same thing happened- jumbled words and no sprite and then just his eyes and the declaration that he’ll watch out for me.
“They did Harvey started attacking people so they would HAVE to go to him for meds and stuff.” she sounded worried so i hummed in reply. 
then i remembered Alex’s broken cut scene.
“Haley!” i scrambled over to her house and found a cut scene waiting for me. in it Harvey was telling Emily something. my farmer walks up to them and Harvey greets me, but his portrait is distorted some- he has wide eyes and a grin that seems to reach his ears. he asks me to try and comfort Emily- she just lost her sister.
I felt sick at the thought; this was wrong. very very wrong.
<But i saw her the other day. <no... no not Haley.... <*give Emily a hug*
My sister stared dumbfounded at the screen. i asked her if that tumblr blog saw anything like this and she begins scrolling. as im watching her i’m faintly aware of a sound... like dripping or maybe clicking? i glance at the screen and scream, shooting up and off my bed as Harvey’s portrait changed to have hyper realistic eyes and teeth. the eyes were blood shot and seemed to follow me and my sister as we shifted on the bed to get away from the laptop.
“w-what the FUCK” she yelled. i clung to her protectively, thoroughly convinced his digital doctor was off his possibly very real rocker and could possibly do something to us.
the mouse moved on its own now. it selected to give Emily a hug and the farmer did just that. the cut scene went on, Harvey’s portrait no longer the disturbing version (well it was still disturbing with the wide eyes and chestier grin but at least now it was pixels again). he said he did all he could for Haley and that he was sorry. he then left my farmer and Emily alone.
“Turn it off.” my sister stated as we continued to stare at the screen. “Turn it off.” I nodded numbly and didn’t even both with the proper exit and just held the power button down. 
only it didn’t work.
i held it down for what felt like forever but the laptop was still alive- and it was midnight again.
“Oh fuck no...” She whispered and i scrambled to get my farmer home. when the day ended and the game saved and felt a lump form in my throat. what if Haley is forever dead in my save now? and what about willy? and...
“Wait wheres Alex?” i muttered as i went to town. i bumped into pam and in my frantic scrambling clicked her. to my horror she looked scared. “Did you hear? Alex nearly drowned at the beach! to think, wouldn’t a guy as athletic as him know how to swim?” she then went on her way. i paused for a moment directed my farmer to town again. Alex walked out of the clinic and when i talked to him he seemed fine. gave the normal dialog too.
“Why the hell are you still playing?” My sister shouted from behind me- i didn’t even notice I've scooted directly in front of the laptop, blocking her view. “I thought you were going to exit the game.”
thats right. yeah. turn it off. right.
then Harvey walked out. his sprite was normal but it felt like it was watching me. curious, i moved my farmer down towards Sam’s house. to my horror Harvey was following me.
“Holy shit. HOLY SHIT!” my sister grabbed me and shook me hard. “Holy Shit turn it off! turn it off!”
i stopped my farmer and opened the menu and screamed when i saw Harvy moving towards him even when the game was paused. i unpaused it in time for him to be stopped right next to my innocent little farmer. i kept moving towards Sam’s house.
“Holy shit...” my sister whispered. i told her to check the blog and she did.  “What are you going to do?” she asked, her eyes transfixed on her phone.
“Kent is watching out for me.” i reminded her as i entered Sam’s house.
as i expected, there was a cut scene. in it Sam was playing his guitar and Vincent was in the kitchen. Kent walked out and when he saw my farmer he ran over.
“Hes after you now, isn’t he?” he two eyes of the veteran with PTSD looked though the screen at us. i nodded. “Talk to Sam. you have enough hearts with him.” and he was gone, cut scene over.
i looked over and my sister and she nodded, confirming that the blog said something simular- they were instructed to talk to Gus though. i ran strait to Sam’s room and the door opened then closed behind it. Sam stopped playing his guitar and walked over to my farmer.
“Don’t worry, you’ll be safe.” he said. Sebastian stopped playing the key boards and walked over to my farmer as well. i didn’t even notice Sebastian in the cut scene.
“Thats because i wasn’t there.” his dialog box popped up. “Harvey thinks i’m at home.”
both me and my sister just stared at the screen. Sebastian... heard me? we didn’t have much time to think about it as the sound of a crash and something hitting something very hard was heard. My farmer moved on his own with Sam and Seb following him.
outside of Sam’s house was Harvey- the creepy hyper real version- and Kent. Harvey was crawling away and Kent looked like he had just been to war again. when Harvey's sprite was off screen Seb and Sam gave my farmer a hug before they turned to face the screen. Kent joined them, his portrait going back to normal.
“You can close the game now.” he said. “S-Save it first!” Sam interrupted. “If you don’t he’ll chase you again!”
my sister had taken the mouse from me and was directing the farmer back to the farm. we saved and closed the game.
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augustwash1 · 4 years
Effective Guidelines to Love Life More Hiding your Cell Phone
Is incredibly regular for people to use somebody else's phone and be the first time. In doing so , were seeking to replicate that initial feeling of independence a mobile phone delivers. A relative in another point out was in the hospital. It was a Sunday evening, and I have been invited into a party. Instead of being away having fun I was sitting in my own apartment, awaiting the phone to call, troubled for reports. It was an associate who lend me his cellphone to make certain I will understand any news as quickly as possible, and in addition, be able to go to the party. There was no reason for me personally to be connected to my landline. We look back again at that occasion, and in addition for wondering at exactly how gracious my pal was in loaning me his phone intended for the night (who would volunteer their mobile phone away nowadays? ), My spouse and i couldn’t stop being amazed at the freedom this cellphone gave me. I had been able to venture out and be social - while still staying accessible simultaneously. This is the kind of freedom mobile phones give. But today our phones are about a lot more than audio calls, and they are no more an optionally available possession. They are really integrated into existence in ways not really their designers thought possible. However screen period is the new sitting in a desk chair all day at a time, which I happen to agree is a poor thing. I have a standing table and it is been a life changer. Industry when we are electronically connected more than ever, yet feeling alot more detached than ever, we are being taught, even cautioned, to minimize the dependence on cellular phones. To actually limit our time in front of screens, to put the phone down and also have a real discussion with someone, face to face. Prevention of gadgets and screen time has become becoming a extravagance item; being able to disconnect from your phones to get an extended time period bestows a status that a lot of us can’t afford or obtain. Do it, our company is told, for your sanity in the event that not humanity, and also for your neck: regularly looking straight down at your mobile phone strains your lower back, which leads to all sort of physical distress. I’ve also experienced repeating stress affliction with my hand from a lot of scrolling, and I could trust my forearm sometimes is painful in a odd place if I’ve applied my cellphone for very long. However can be using each of our cell phones a lot really so bad? Does being addicted to the phones genuinely disconnect all of us from others as much we think? Are not there positive factors for the activities that occupy all of us while our company is clutched to our mobile phones? Whenever we use our phones, can there be something we are missing that individuals would be carrying out otherwise? We get a great deal out of using my own cell phone, therefore no, Really dont want that will put it straight down. The answer is to not be socially shamed into using my own cell phone significantly less. The answer is to make certain cellphone use is hard to kick and beneficial and amusing, not a distraction coming from boredom or perhaps isolating you from sociable or professional settings. It is crucial to be intentional and conscious of how youre using your cellphone, not if you’re utilizing it at all or perhaps too much. The minds are constantly operating, processing our many thoughts, worries, problems, plans. We require a thoughts from all this, but sometimes, life is not so very clear cut. Take those movies. I go, nearly exclusively, into a movie theater which has a strict zero phones, no texting policy. They will put your rear end out if you utilize a phone in the theater. Nevertheless when I was having a friend, in which theater, who was being forever texted by his better half. As it happens her mother was in critical wellness trouble. He wound up leaving the movie to arrange to go to the international airport. As great as an uninterrupted movie encounter is, this doesn’t overcome emergencies if they arise. Couple of experiences with another individual will be as close and developing as a shared meal. (Hang on, I’ll get to love-making in a small. ) If there was ever before a moment once you’d wish to connect with somebody else, immediately, eye to eye, devoid of distraction, it might be over a meals. But, much like almost everything, there could be exclusions. What if, over the course of the chat, you start discussing going on a trip together, or about countrywide parks, or about endangered species? Looking up photos showing your associate can add towards the talk. Successfully Googling a well known fact or reference point can help within your debate. Writing a social media post you found provocative, interesting or perhaps important can be a launching level of a conversation. In those occasions, anyone is not distancing your self or placing something among you and someone else, you are sharing. ver post Believe me, sharing can be a magnificent point. What I’m not fighting is that the two of you should be taking a look at Facebook, independently, without interesting with one another. What I am declaring is that your mobile phone can be a conduit, a guideline, a personal guide for source materials, to bring and aid your chat. In case the focus continues to be on the both of you, the phone is really a prop. If the focus is definitely centered on the device, the gadget is the central magnet and you have shed attachment. The previous is very good, these is not. Each of our phones are a device. How we choose to use this instrument is what give them their particular benefit. You might think the very last place you’d want cellphone distraction could be the bedroom. On the surface, two people resting in bed next to each other, every single with cellular phones in their hands, all but disregarding each other, sounds like one of the most depressing, heart and soul-hurting displays one can easily think of modern life. But could it be naturally poor? If I’m reading the New York Times, what does this matter in the event that I’m browsing the actual conventional paper or the digital version in the device? In the event that I’m examining email, exactly what does it matter if I have a laptop or cellphone? If I am mastering games or otherwise distracted, how much does it subject if I am browsing a book of mastering some game? And in fact, rarely we sometimes glamorize reading in bed jointly? I love studying books, and locate it kind of hot my own partner truly does too. Carrying out that during sex together, then simply talking about what we’re browsing, is a great intellectual turn-on. So with every due value to several investigators, in this case, the carrier is usually not the response. What is important here is certainly not the device by itself, yet the activity you are involved in, either together or independently. There could be togetherness when two people are on their phones, just like there is once reading catalogs. Usually the problem arises when utilization of a gadget supercedes something, or perhaps causes a break up if a point of attachment could otherwise arise. Might associated with your telephones from bed mean more sex? Maybe. Should likewise lead to someone getting out of bed faster in the day time, or perhaps sleeping sooner at night. Although we’re while having sex, did you know that through your phone, you can view movies? Or look at photographs of…. whatever it truly is that arouses you? Or work with software meant to foster dialog or activity with a intimate spouse? The device is a tool. It exists without inherent judgment, qualities or worth. What we label of it is up to us. Should i really need to tell you this? Obviously there are times when you should absolutely never touch your smartphone, starting, surely, with driving a vehicle. (Guilty as recharged: I frequently use the Roadmaps applications in the phone to help me acquire where Im going. It’s not so straightforward, is it? ) I think faith based services must be device-free areas and specific zones, as should particular spaces, like gym bathroom rooms, exactly where privacy needs to be respected. I have a distaste for those who use their phone at the health club; I don’t need to hear your business calls although I’m strength training. Also, I see plenty of people using exercise and workout software on their telephones, showing the issue, that just as before, these types of mini-computers inside our pockets happen to be what we make of them. Should you be one of those people who attend a concert and require saving video footage and shooting photographs the full time, I actually ask how much of that is necessary. Taking joy in the moment for yourself, not merely through a device, is highly advised. But…. have I at any time watched concert footage online taken by somebody else? Yes, I use. A few years ago I was by a golf ball game with my Dad. I have been in the habit of checking Tweets during video games to follow along with the city of followers and media to help boost my connection with the game, and to know more about that which was going on. And that’s great for when watching at home. However I had been there. I didn’t will need that community - I had been with 20, 000 people, and my father. So I set my phone in my bank. I missed the comments. I skipped the details of issues I didn’t see since live, you miss much more than you think.
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Yet I was in a position to soak in the surrounding. I had been able to talk to my Dad about what we thought would happen next. And later, at nighttime, when we brought up the game, we all reflected upon so many different occasions, details I might have overlooked had I looked at my own cellphone even more. So almost always there is a trade-off. You will come across moments when the mobile phone may distract you. That muddiness can be a awful thing (when you should be discussing with a loved one) or possibly a good thing (when you’re sad and alone and want something to cheer you up). It can disconnect you (when you avoid another person by diving into social media) or enable you to get together (if you look up a joke to see or employ your cellphone to turn on music to boogie to). Let us not hold our equipment responsible for your condition. A couple, lovers, let’s say, lying down in bed. In a single moment, they are both on their cell phones, lost within their own sides. In the next, their particular phones will be off, for the bedside table. What happens subsequent? Anything could happen. It’s up to the two people included. That’s true whether you may have your telephone in your hand or not. Of course, if you do, you also choose how to use your telephone: in a disconnecting way or possibly a sharing approach. If you’re sense bad or perhaps responsible about being with your mobile phone, guess what happens you should carry out. You really should trust your gut. Is essential to carry the person having the phone accountable, do not blame the product.
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