#i have to bug check and do a seperate dialogue so it make take a bit
nugmods · 1 year
i mod because i gay
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she is very pretty :D and emo...
The audacity of gay people I swear to god. I am just a simple simp for these characters. I have literally spent hours making a mod for stardew valley so I can have an emo gf replacement of Sebastian because Adarin's Mod wasn't enough for me. Anyway, lemme know if you like how she looks ;) I'll keep you updated.
edit: she's blurry if you're not on computer but I mean, it's pixel art sooooo
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kanadeamo · 6 years
wishlist for welcome to animal crossing:
- a path editor in the style of a combo the new room editor and the design editor where its an overview freeze frame that you can navigate with the touchscreen that displays your saved patterns on the side
- bigger wallet, or credit options that link to your bank
- a separate inventory for tools
- new villagers have to approve a house lot, but you still wont know who the villager is until they show up to maintain surprise
- more amiibo villagers (marina and pearl ones specifically)
- mp3 player item that lets you jam to kk on the go
- streamline shop unlocking, specifically for a certain fortune teller
- make bushes easier to buy in bulk, or make it so we can breed them for saplings somehow
- blathers should give his detailed speeches again, it gave him character
- more room shape options, like rectangles or smaller rooms connected with visible halls
- bring back digby’s happy home displays but make them an entirely spotpass based daily where you can check out a certain number of random online houses per day and buy from them
- let ME drive a boat babey!!!
- make it so we actually have an underwater view while diving in the wet suit
- give fish, bugs, and fossils some sort of checklist or marking to denote whats been donated without going and checking the museum manually
- small touch bc it wouldnt matter in the long run but let villagers donate some small amount of pocket change determined by the percentage of the total cost. like, say, if something was 1000, let them donate a 10% of 10 every so often just so players aren’t the only ones interacting within the community there
- easier way to send people bells and presents!! a proper trading system would be nice but i am never betting on that happening
- more, new house appearances. maybe let us have things like lawn ornaments that give the impression of front yards like hhd had or or other such touches to the vicinity you’d expect in real life
- like jack o lanterns and christmas decoractions!!
- let us send letters to villagers who move away so it doesn’t feel so sad, because that would be very in the spirit of what animal crossing is about
- more chances to interact with the big npcs (like isabelle, shopkeepers, ect) on a more personal level. give me hours and spots where i can just hang out with nook or harriet like normal villagers doing normal things that fit them and more gratifying dialogue that gives them character from it
- more places to go! we have a town square, so why can’t we have a park or something like that? just a small seperate area with fun things to do that doesn’t feel completely disjointed from the main town like tortimer island does. give it the depth of, like, some local place ~to go~
- ability to move, but not destroy, pwp like bridges 
- make pwp easier to unlock in general
- it’d be cool if there was a shop or store section devoted entirely to food items, like a grocery store, since food is in the game but it shows up in weird amounts?? like, things like candy, fortune cookies, coffee, and so on would feel right at home there and you could add a cycling selection of fruit (that depends on how much it’s upgraded if you must) alongside a bulk of native fruit so it’s easier to collect them all alone or get fruit if theres none on the trees and a villager needs some
- speaking of, a notebook or checklist for things you agreed to do for villagers so it’s easier to not forget. or, at least, in game functionality to take notes yourself
- new animal species
- make a fursona
- sonic amiibo compatibility
- bring back meow coupons
- new villager personality (id like one girl and one boy one at least personally)
uhhhh theres probably more but this post got pretty long
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redhawke-bluewizard · 7 years
So I just finished watching Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Bladeworks
and oh boy do I have a lot to say about it. In fact, I kept Tumblr open the entire watchthrough and sent a stream of real-time commentary to @fragrantricepaddy. Since I know a few others who will want to hear my thoughts, I’m going ahead and making a big post about it. Commentary is below the cut-off. SPOILERS AHEAD
I'm loving it so far: -90% Shiro, +200% Rin.
Rin's first Command was probably the single best use of a command seal I've seen in Type Moon so far
Rin and Archer's banter gives me life
So, there was a problem with Archer's summoning, and Rin says she'll "figure out what to do about it later". Judging from previous Type-Moon, that means a magic ritual involving Rin and Archer f**king, right?
they keep showing the same shot of the Tohsaka manor, and the laziness in that regard is really bothering me
somebody get Sakura a teddy bear. she looks dead inside
the whole "Servants consume minds and souls" thing makes Type-Moon magic sound even more Lovecraftian. adding it to the evidence list
Rin's faith in Archer is just... I can't even... "Handle the landing", goddamn iconic
hmm, that was a suspiciously aggressive first action by Saber.
wtf was Sakura doing meeting with Gilgamesh in the middle of the night
man, Shiro just served Shinji with a smile. Unlimited Blades is characterized by +300% sass
every single highway shot is giving me Berserker flashba- oh this is actually that scene
The teacher character has many virtues, one of which is being an age-appropriate crush. More importantly, I don't think I've ever seen a more relatable character in all of anime
omg Shiro's nickname is Brownie that's adorable
Saber: "My sword will be at your side" Shiro: "Wait" Saber: *immediately runs off*
Plot twist: Shiro is the tsundere
The huge chest-window on Saber's outfit never bothered me this much before
"Tohsaka, what kind of person is this priest?" "An asshole" ~Rin, probably
"The status of master cannot be given to another" and other lies he tells for filthy karma
"It's a fight to the death" "Oh Kirei shut up!" get him girl
"So then, are you all done chatting?" I fucking snorted XD
Saber's looking at Illya, and I still can't figure out if she's lacking memories in this series.
Rin just Ice Caged that motherf**ker
Shirou's having his existential crisis
Kirei seems thrilled that Shirou's participating, but after Kiritsugu, it really seems like a downgrade as far as rivals go. His standards must have really slipped over the years.
Rin just tried to fuckin end Illya. cold.
Anime gets +2 points for Shirou NOT falling on Rin's chest when they bump into each other. Another +2 points for Rin putting him in a hold anyway.
The dialogue contains a lot of sexual subtext. Terms like consent and intercourse are thrown about in reference to Master-Servant and Servant-Servant interactions. What's your game, Type-Moon...
I see your resurrection and raise you a DRILL ARROW
"I never should have introduced Archer to Gurren Lagann" ~Rin, probably
Everybody in this show has daddy issues
I feel like they got a different writer for Shirou's dialogue than they did for every other character in this show - and they paid Shirou's writer a lot less money
Oh my god, you're having breakfast with a lovely Heroic Spirit, stop making discoveries about Rin
Ms. Fujime seemed to have the strongest objections, but she's going to be single-handedly responsible for the harem aspect of this anime.
Rin, why are you surprised to see him at school? You both go here.
So, Aioko goes missing, and they're all like "She was last seen with Shinji, but no one can find him." Doesn't that mean that they should be worrying about two missing students? There was a nearby murder. Why is Shinji under immediate suspicion?
Man, Rin's aim sure sucks.
I appreciate her class in not just smashing the door down and smoking him out instead.
There's something about magical inheritance that I'm not quite getting. It's been established that only one child can inherit family magic, but it's unclear why. One possibility is that the magic can only be physically held by one person at a time. As such, all a parent can do is teach their kid and do some kind of preparation that makes the magic pass to them upon their own death. However, that doesn't explain why Rin and Sakura were seperated in Fate/Zero. That seems to be entirely political. The impression there was that other families would not allow the Tohsakas to have two mage children, which indicates that multiple kids CAN be trained in the family magic. In that case, the restriction to only one child is probably to prevent families from raising small armies of child soldier-mages.
Shiro to Rin: "I know I'm not a mage" Shiro to Archer: "Fuck you, I'm a mage"
Saber: "You gave me your word that you would return before sunset" Shiro: "Well I also told you I'd summon you if I was in danger, but I didn't do that either" Saber: "..." Shiro: "YOLO"
Shinji: "Don't throw around false accusations" Shirou: "Oh no, you're doing a swell job of making everyone suspect you without my help"
Shirou knows Detect Secret Doors, Jon must be so happy
Oh no, Caster's seen Inuyasha
"So within these walls, you are able to mimic true magic" Caster Servants can't use true magic?!
Is Shiro the only one that seems concerned at Shinji's mental breakdown and maniacal laughter?
Man, Shiro just turned on the sass for Rin with NO MERCY
Wait, she scolded him so fiercely for going to school without Saber, and then she leaves Archer just so she can have some alone time with her new beau.
I can't believe that Shiro just "but no funny business"d Saber
Goddamn Shinji is such a little shit
My assumption is that Shinji didn't get the Mato magic because it's Sakura's by right of inheritance.
Rin's voice acting just got 50% more moe
And we interrupt this Holy Grail War for some boyxboy fanservice.
"You already checked him out?" "I sure did." The audience: He sure did.
"The heart of a mage chooses results over ideals" That sounds important - adding it to the list
Shiro, there comes a time in every young man's life when he experiences 'sword envy'...
I fucking KNOW Caster's voice actress, but pride prevents me from Googling it. Jesse?
Goddamn Saber needs to get a shield. She keeps injuring her left arm.
Shirou seems to be learning more from his enemies than from his allies.
You can tell the Matous are on the decline because their rapey bug-room has much fewer magic rape-beetles than normal.
Command seal seems to be a bit of a misnomer, considering we've seen them used as power sources for other magic. They're really just minor plot devices. I bet you could just use them to reconnect Saber and Shirou's link so she could get mana from him.
Jeez, I think the magic circuit overload must have fried a few of Shirou's brain cells. He's certainly slow on the uptake this morning.
"Oh to be young and in love!" shut up Fujimora, you're in your twenties
God he sucks at dates
Holy shit Saber's eye-sparkles at the sandwiches give me life
she actually went in to wipe the sauce off he actually chickened out of it
Rin's banter makes Shirou think that she's gonna fight him, but I swear she's talking about sex He's just failing every sense motive check
Fujimora: Hey Kuritsugu, do you know someone named Saber? *grave cracks straight down the middle*
"Well, I have nowhere to go but up" ~Shirou, probably
Did the subs explain why Shirou stole that depleted healing gem from Rin?
Aaand the animators are really getting their kicks out of Saber's enslavement
"Your Servant body cannot resist me."
Yeah, even without having seen the original series, I'd call BS on her having killed Kirei.
More flashbacks to the Keyblade graveyard - I mean, Archer's past.
Archer went from sassy older brother to Rin's personal motivational speaker in no time
Rin is the ballsiest motherf*cker wanting to take on Caster. I can see that Archer considers her wanting Shirou and Saber back together to be a weakness.
I get that Rin thinks she can beat Caster, but why would Rin think that CASTER would think that Rin could win?
"Come down here so I can kick your ass." get her, girl
Looks like Archer's looking ahead and playing the long game. He knows that he has to keep Caster in one place or surprise her. Head on confrontations won't work on her. I hope.
Good to see Shirou getting faster with that, but it looks like he's not fully recovered.
I would like to think that Rin can see what Archer's doing.
"I've always adored and watched you from a distance." your execution sucks
"I don't hate you, and your cooking's pretty good" need me a freak like that
I like how neither Rin nor Shirou consider asking Shinji to join them for even a moment, but the crazy child who tried to murder them sounds like a Good Idea
Aaand Caster's flashback suddenly went even more Instrumentality Project than the Fate/Zero finale
"Not like this!" whatever, I hope you get eaten alive by beetles
Aww hey, I remember this courtyard
I went from being ticked at these homunculi nurses to fuckin loving them in two seconds flat
Aww, damn
why do u make me cry
I want nothing more than for Shirou to be like "Shinji? Last time I saw you you were pissing yourself running to the church."
Tohsaka: "Your PTSD is bullshit and your coping mechanisms are crap"
Shirou: "I wanted to become a man like him." Audience: You really don't.
So if I'm getting my analysis right, if Shirou neglects his own happiness in the pursuit of saving others, all he will ever do is save people so that they in turn can martyr themselves (in the same way that Kiritsugu "saved" Shirou). But by the same token, if Rin keeps saving Shirou without making it clear that it's for her own desires, then she'll never be able to convince Shirou to be selfish.
Shirou just got all clingy bf. wow.
*Lancer breaks the fourth wall*
"If I have to put up with this I'm gonna kick Caster's ass all by myself!" oh she'd do it too
Everyone with purple hair in this show needs a teddy bear and a warm hug
Oh my god the Archer/Lancer banter is like a couple of old men. It's hilarious
"Like I would ever walk on somebody else's grass!" XD
The Archer/Lancer fight is turning out to be my favorite anime fight scene
I feel like Rin was gonna warn Lancer that Archer likes to taunt and throw off his opponents, but the pridful fucker didn't listen, and now he's getting goaded. MAN I hope Archer's bluffing about his heel-face turn.
... Did Archer just manifest an AT field???
Archer. Cold.
So, is Archer some kind of Shirou Alter?
He's seen Excalibur. Oh noe
This is what I'm talking about. Learns more from his enemies than his friends.
Break his nose, Rin
So earlier, Archer pronounced his AT field as "Ayas", but I'm pretty sure it would be spelled as 'Aegis'.
oh that was even more satisfying
and Lancer's dialogue continues to be perfect
Aww, man, Lancer can't get a break
oh. Lancer got a break :)
please not another choking scene
I was about to say, Lancer hadn't disappeared yet
Well, Archer turned out to be a huge asshole, and Rin's been tied up for the last two episdoes, so Lancer is my new favorite.
Archer's gonna burn up all his mana before he kills Shirou at this rate
Waitaminute, what happened to Assassin?!
Oh. Oh, Archer.
Ah, is Shinji finally gonna bite the dust? Thanks, Gilgamesh.
I am very content with their pre-battle resolutions and meal. The scene has a feeling of rightness to it.
"Saber doesn't stand a chance against him!" "On what basis do you make that judgement?" "On the basis that he's smoked every other Spirit he's fought without taking a scratch, while you got beaten up by a teacher with magic punches."
Aww, Rin doesn't want to tell Shirou he's their only hope of beating Goldy. Not sure whether it's her pride or that she doesn't want to put that pressure/risk on him.
Waitaminute, are Rin and Saber banging to do something magical circuit related?!?
"All I told you to do is take your clothes off!"
But boy, Rin sure was acting like they were gonna have to bang to do the transfer. Type-Moon is using their own sleazy rep to fake-out the audience.
Anyway, Rin's plan for Shirou to use the reality marble is great, but she doesn't know about World Ender.
C'mon Shirou, a girl gives you her magic crest, you gotta at least do some pillow talk.
She fantasizes about him doing high jumps all day? Kinky.
The conversation they're NOT having is that, one way or another, Saber won't be here tomorrow.
Also, I'm reasonably certain that Gilgamesh was corrupted by the Grail when he got drenched in it. He didn't give a fuck about it before, but now he wants to do something symbolic about wiping out humanity with their own wishes. He was a chronic narcissist before, but now he's gone full megalomaniac.
oh, nevermind, there's the conversation
Jeez, I can't believe a key component of this plan is "save Shinji"
I'm assuming that Goldy has just been steadily leeching off of others for mana over the course of ten years, so he's not gonna run out anytime soon.
I think Grail!Iris wants to kick the shit out of Goldy as much as I do.
"A mage is simply no match for a Servant" Pft, like when?
I really want Shirou to summon Eya (sp?) while Goldy is laughing, just to shut him up.
Rin, goddammit, stop being proud and let Saber help you
So, last time the Grail's destruction caused fire and death to rain upon the city. This time, the Grail's destruction causes... a rain of pretty sparks?
Goldy, you sore loser!
"But first, take a step to the right."
Emiya-Archer making an appearance at the end did not at all fit with established mechanics and I am 100% okay with that.
He's her bodyguard/apprentice? Sweet.
Who the fuck is this chick?
THIS is Luvia??
Her dialect is obnoxious.
Rin in tight clothes is a gift
The Epilogue seems a little late in the series to try and wedge in a love triangle
Join the Mage's Association? *pft*
I'm terribly peeved that Shinji survived this thing. The worm.
Oh boy, Tohsaka got bold - planning rendevous in the student council prez's face.
"I should have known you would take advantage of me again." SPILL THE TEA, SHIROU
"Look me in the eyes and say that you'll come." Honestly, I'm just adding this line to the list to mess with Carlos.
Rin has been giving Shirou bedroom eyes in every scene of the epilogue
"Got some things to work out of my system" like all of the sexual tension built up over this series?
Closing thoughts: -What pretty animation -The romance/fluff was excellent -Archer and Lancer clearly got the best dialogue -Shinji can go jump in a lake -Sakura still needs a teddy bear -Iris deserved better -Caster Did Nothing Wrong -Why is there an after-scene after the f*cking Epilogue? -Archer is such a buzzkill
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