#i have to open my blog like that cow and chicken scene
adultswim2021 · 11 months
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Moral Orel #41: “Sacrifice” | November 18, 2008 - 12:15AM | S03E11
Sacrifice is gonna be a little hard to talk about extensively because it’s not really joke-driven. It’s funny, and has jokes on it, but most of the episode is basically a one-act play taking place in Forghetty's pub. But before that, the episode actually opens with a little flashback to Numb, featuring Clay’s POV scene at the end. This time it’s not scored to Mountain Goats, and we just hear him muttering to himself. Then we join the church service at the end of the previous episode, Sundays. Reverend Putty’s sermon is about some Jesus story where a tomb or some shit gets opened and there’s nothing in it, and how nothingness can actually mean hope. 
Do you all like how I didn’t even bother to look up that Jesus stuff they referenced? Isn’t it weird that I’m ostensibly Catholic (not anymore I'm normal now! I'm Bahá’í!) and I don’t even seem to have a passing familiarity with Jesus’s greatest hits? Anyway, I had to work on my day off and I’m PISSED OFF so I’m taking out on this blog by doing a bad job. Sorry. 
Speaking of doing a bad job: I really can’t see myself going beat-by-beat for this episode, because it’s mostly dialogue. But here's the paragraph where I try and sum it up:
Various men in Moralton encounter each other in the bar and have it out with Clay, who rants and goads the others (Officer Papermouth, Reverend Putty, and Dr. Potterswheel). Clay declares that he can’t come into his stinking dead end job or else he’ll kill somebody, the drama queen! He winds up Reverend Putty and Officer Papermouth over their woes with, as it turns out, the same woman. And Clay says nasty stuff to the doctor because, as we see in Numb/the earlier scene rehashed from Numb, Clay discovered and currently possesses his handkerchief that Bloberta took out of his office.
This bar scene (which is the lion's share of the episode) ends with Clay practically begging for a pop to the face. The other men all decide against punching Clay, and simply walk out, paralleling his own father’s declaration of him not being “worth it”. 
The episode itself ends with Orel at home, calling the bar to try and reach his father. Bloberta is tearing the house apart looking for the handkerchief. Shapey actually says something eloquent (and sad!). The credits roll over footage of Clay returning to the nature reserve to retrieve the bear carcass he thinks he shot. 
This one’s a highlight for the season, just pure theater and great performances. That's episode 11 of 13! Two to go! Or three. Or… FOUR?
Normally at the end of these posts I do a 44 Nights of Orel wrap-up, but since they aired two premieres back to back, I don’t have any repeats to note. So, I’m doing a Mail Bag instead. Unfortunately that means I will not be needing the Dino and Scott picture to introduce it. Sorry.
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*sung to the tune of the cartoon network ad where chicken of cow & chicken plays electric guitar on a stage* Robot Chicken yeah, Robot Chicken yeah, Robot Chicken yeAHHH
Um… link??
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kevin smith looks like a fucking dog in cartoon form. they should give him a bone and let him run around the yard.
I wouldn’t leave him alone with your infant, movie tickets, or clit/brown/taint-area, that is for sure.
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Hey fake woke Americans, guess who actually lives on stolen land? You do. Guess who actually lives on stolen land? You do. You do. You do. Me Jew. You do. Me Jew. You do. You live on stolen land. Anyway looking forward to your Eagleheart and Dinner in America writeups!
Hahah. Oh man. You ain’t kiddin’ brother.
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My daughter turns 11 this month, I basically stopped watching adult swim not too long before she was born but I never missed a sunday before that. This has been a great look back and I'm excited to start seeing what I missed soon. 
Hey man, I know this message you’ve sent in isn’t actually finished yet, but this just meant so much to me that I had to stop reading it right here and respond immediately. I know, I’m breaking my own protocol, but it’s worth it for me to give you the extra attention. This is the stuff that’s truly important in life and it touches my heart and means the world to me. Cherish your little one, and maybe some day when she’s old enough she’ll even become a viewer and reader of this blog! I know, it seems a long ways away, but she’ll be a little adult swimmer before you know it, so cherish these moments, and know that I cherish you. Okay, onto the rest of your message:
Also, my daughters last birthday wish was a Dino and Scott banner, so could you make it happen?
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Matt Christmas from cahpo
Very weird stuff you’re saying right now, but I heard he’s doing better. Isn’t that great? Surely you’re happy to hear this, and you’re not doing some tasteless bit where you’re pretending to be him right now. That would be UNTOWARD. 
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me love the way you talk the way you move is so hot. now let me get you a shot of rum and then make you wanna come...with me to the ocean. that would be phat. you could be my bow cat. nice ital breeze, bring you to your knees. we jammin.
Stop doing this! I have to google it every time and pretend I already know it’s a Steven Segal song. Do you have any idea how sad it is to get weird words in the mail and then you google them and you have to look at a picture of Steven Segal. He is always giving "fuck me" eyes to the camera. This is practically assault, and I will have you removed.
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I'm not the one sending you messages about the making the morel orel guys the banner but I do think it's a good idea.
It’s a good idea. It might be the idea the saves the world. But, I never buckle. The racist cartoon stays, and I will also keep being racist
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Hey this is Paul McCartney of the Beatles and Wings. Happy Tasty Tuesday to all who celebrate it. Tell me about your pets.
Hi Paul. I like (not love) your rock and roll music and viral videos. I don’t have any pets they are all in hell right now. My roommate has two frisky cats and sometimes they come in here while I’m masturbating, just beh-ging for pets. Of course… I gotta hand it to ‘em. Both of them are nice. Thanks for writing in before you die next week
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There's much going on in the scene where Simon basically expresses his disinterest in labeling himself (outside of "baz-sexual" lol which sounds funny but that's Simon genuinely communicating something with the vocabulary he has available). I think the funniest thing though is that he's basically like "I don't know shit but let me tell you nothing about my relationship with Agatha can be used to say I'm bisexual, especially not sex". And by funny I mean kinda sad and a bit concerning actually.
On a more serious note, I think it's really interesting to see how Simon reacts to different labels. He never really wonders whether he's bisexual, his struggles with attempting to define identity are entirely centered on his feelings for Baz. He even finds a way to, I kid you not, make female boobs about Baz. Gay and Baz-sexual are the only labels he wrestles with, and even gay is something he considers because Baz is a man. It's also interesting that this doesn't change even when presented with the possibility that bisexuality could be a word that describes his experiences.
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I think so much is encapsulated here. First of all, Simon does struggle with internalized homophobia (that hesitation before the whole man and boy exchange), and we see him trying to move past that in the third book (Baz noting he gets off with public displays of affection despite "worrying about looking gay" and how that's probably connected, the "gay at ikea" scene). But I don't think he struggles with internalized biphobia–it's just not even on his radar at all. Simon can be very quick at solving things once he has enough information, and I doubt he needed any time to realize why his boyfriend, who knows he has an ex-girlfriend, might think he's bisexual. And he's put off by the idea. Look at that No being italicized for emphasis. He has such a strong rejection of being labeled as bisexual, and I think this is all about him rejecting the idea of his past relationship with Agatha being understood as romantic love and sexual attraction, even before he finally processes and voices that "it was all just going through the motions, I'm not sure I even felt anything at all".
Worth noting that he's in agreement with Agatha on this. She was there, and in hindsight, she doesn't think the guy was ever into her (a feeling she already manifest when breaking up with him, when she's describing their relationship as feeling non-existent, and still feeling unwanted after being together for 3 years)
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She equates this to the way Baz, known homosexual, was never into her either.
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Worth noting too that the label conversation is at the beginning of the chapter that has Simon dragging himself kicking and screaming (literally) through the realization that he was never really into Agatha in that way, he just assumed that must be it while they were dating, ignoring anything that indicated otherwise. But Simon really had to be aware of this on some level that he just wasn't acknowledging for him to be able to reach some answers when Baz's questions make him look back. Again, the rejection of seeing his past relationship with Agatha as romantic love/attraction had to be there on a subconscious level for him to have the instinct to be put off by being labeled in this way because of it.
In comparison, he's much more nuanced and complicated about gay as a label. He's not prepared to think about it at the beginning, but it's something he keeps coming back to. He says he's not gay "immediately" here but at the end of the chapter he goes "maybe this makes me gay, or maybe this just makes me yours". And this is all because of his feelings for Baz. He's not ever like "I'm into dudes in general so I reckon that makes me gay". The questioning is always in the line of "the love of my life is a man, does that make me gay?" and he brings up the possibility of only being into Baz more than once... which takes me to Baz going "if he's not gay or bi what does that leave? straight is certainly not an option" and well! It leaves the ace spectrum, for instance, my good guy.
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I also think Simon going "I never thought I was straight, I never thought about my sexuality at all" is interesting, because even though it aligns with how he lived for so long not really thinking, part of being allosexual is knowing instinctively when you're experiencing attraction too, and it's an acespec experience to need forever to decide if you're feeling attracted to strangers. And Simon really can't offer examples of him feeling attraction that doesn't involve Baz! In fact, he says it to himself: he has only ever wanted Baz, and he's thinking this in the context of thinking about sex.
In short: everything about Simon rejecting bisexuality is about him rejecting the idea that he felt romantic love/attraction for Agatha, and everything about him wrestling with the gay label is centered on his feelings for Baz.
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sohannabarberaesque · 3 years
A "Cow and Chicken" scene we'd love to see
(Inspired, you may like to know, by commercials which attracted complaints to Ofcom, the British equivalent of the Federal Communications Commission in the United States, for advertising spiritualists and fortune-tellers, the which are banned from the airwaves between Land's End and John O'Groats for fear of exploiting vulnerable persons. At any rate, as the scenario opens, we find The Red Guy taking on a Bollywood-type accent in the guise of a fortune smeller of the worst possible sort; the set therefor showing a spinning wheel with the Signs of the Zodiac behind the head....)
THE RED GUY, trying to be compassionate about it: You say life has given you a bad hand? Has it seemed all too often that the stars aren't in your favour? Are worries about money, love, happiness and even a new career starting to drag you down? Then why not pick up the phone and call on me--
[Suddenly, bursting through the door of the studio where the whole is being taped, we find Supercow, the Cantinflas-model superhero secret personna of Cow....]
SUPERCOW, going full-on Cantinflas: SUPERCOW, ¡AL RESCATE! (Mooing)
THE RED GUY, distracted oh so suddenly: SUPERCOW?!
SUPERCOW, staying Cantinflas: ¡Defensora de la verdad en la publicidad!
SUPERCOW, still in Cantinflas mode and by now cradling her udders with her forehooves as if to "send a message" more than anything: ¡Silencio, travieso sin pantalones! Y prepárate para sentir la ira de mi caliente ... cruda ... LECHE !!!
[Whereupon Supercow sends jets of raw milk from her udder upon The Red Guy, over his objections about his being lactose-intolerant and yet being driven all the deeper into insanity ... and soon after, Supercow drags The Red Guy by what passes for the collar, face to face, and delivers a warning thus in Cantinflas stylee--]
SUPERCOW, sotto: "La publicidad debe ser legal, decente, honesta y veraz"--[switching to a rather hostile tone, as ever in Cantinflas stylee]--¡¡¡Y NO LO OLVIDES!!! [And storms out of the studio in haste, the slamming of the door sending shudders throughout the same--and driving The Red Guy even deeper into madness]
THE RED GUY, hotter than you-know-where for the most part: Ooooooooohhhhh--I'll get Supercow, if it's the last thing I ever do!! Even if it takes me clear to--
[Whereupon the whole is interrupted by an old-school test pattern with high-pitched aural tone such as would have preceded sign-on for TV stations back in the day, as if signalling for the audience to Please Stand By.]
(Note to readers: Though "Cow and Chicken" may not quite be associated with the classical Hanna-Barbera this blog prefers to identify with as opposed to Cartoon Network, whence the series aired in the late 1990's and early 2000's, I have had such a notion as exemplified in this spoof in my mind for some time, and needed an opportunity to make such manifest for once. Now you have it.)
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cryptidhanzoshimada · 6 years
Picture This
First off: shout out to @nickutried and their adorably gosh darn cute Smolcree art it was the main inspiration behind the first scene of this fic and the rest of it just followed along
Picture this:
Jesse McCree, son of Neil and Isabella McCree, growing up on a small farm on the outskirts of Santa Fe.  It’s got cows and chickens and horses and sheep, and he helps care for them, he loves them.  He’s a rowdy little boy with dirt on his knees and lightning in his smile.  He’s a sweetheart and a troublemaker, a carefree adventurer and too smart for his own good.  A good eye, a quick wit, a strong will.  
He helps his mom with the cooking and his dad with the animals.  On Sunday nights they eat popcorn and drink hot chocolate.  On Tuesday nights he plays chicken with the chickens as he tries to collect their eggs.  Every other Thursday he goes grocery shopping with his mom and at the end he gets a candy bar.  He loves his parents.  He loves his life.
Picture this:
Jesse McCree, seven years old when the Omnic Crisis starts.  At first Santa Fe is too small, too insignificant, to be put in the war path, but that doesn’t last for long.  The attacks are a surprise, heralded by screaming jets in the middle of the day as OR-13s and bastion units seemingly rise out of the dust and sand as they march through the city.  
His mama yells at him to put his favorite clothes in his backpack and to grab his stuffed horse.  The three of them pile into the truck and make a break for the train station.  It’s packed there and panicked.  His parents both grip his hands so tight it hurts, but he’s too scared to complain.  His dad lets go to run up ahead and try to save some space.  An explosion goes off nearby, close enough for everyone in the station to feel it and scream with panic.  The crowd rushes forward and Jesse starts to cry as it gets too loud and too hot and too tight.
Another explosion.  Another rush forward.  And the sweat on the palm of his hand and the strength of the crowd makes his hand slip out of his mama’s grip.  He screams and tries to fight against the flow of the sea of people around him, but it’s hopeless and the force carries him one way while he thinks he sees his mama go another way.
Picture this:
Many trains in the station, waiting on tracks to go any direction as long as it’s away from here.  Jesse McCree gets pulled on a train going east.  His parents… he doesn’t see his parents.  The train pulls away with him still screaming and banging on the doors.
They doesn’t stop all night or the next morning.  They doesn’t stop until they reaches Fort Worth, Texas.  Jesse’s voice is gone and his eyes burn long before then.  Off the train he gets taken to a big building in the city that has a bunch of other kids in it, separated from their families too.  Jesse hates it.  He just wants his mom.
Jesse McCree is told they’ll find his parents, day after day after day, until it loses its meaning and becomes white noise.  Becomes lies.  He and a couple other boys get sent to live with some old man and woman in a too big house.  Just until the end of the Crisis they say, then we’ll get you back home.
The Crisis ends a year later.  Jesse doesn’t go back home.
As broken promises turn to lies, his sorrow turns to anger.  Every new house he’s sent to makes him angrier.  Every time he lashes out with his anger he gets shuffled along to a new house.
Picture this:
Jesse McCree, fifteen, and yet also too old for his age.  He’s got blood on his knuckles and ice in his eyes.  He’s learned to hide the anger better, but that doesn’t stop him from letting it out when it becomes too much.  Petty theft, vandalism, anything to feel something other than empty for just a second.
Then, he meets Elizabeth Caledonia Ashe.  He wants nothing to do with her at first, but then she gets him.  Empty, hurt, lonely, angry.  The decision is simple and they make their own family.
Picture this:
Everything gets torn away again by a man in black with death in his eyes but hope in his voice.  Fuck it, Jesse can start again, he’s had to do it before.
Picture this:
For the first time in ten years Jesse McCree feels… okay.  The job keeps him busy, his friends keep him grounded.  Reyes- Reyes unexpectedly fills a crack in his heart that formed in a train station and he had thought scarred over long ago.  Jesse tries to keep a safe distance from everyone and hide it all behind a smile, but Reyes sees right through that, and it’s hard to go back to isolation after finally finding some people that just might stick around.
Picture this:
Jesse McCree, the day after his twenty seventh birthday, gets pulled into Gabe’s office.  He gets handed a folder which he almost drops as soon as he opens it.  Staring back up at him are two faces he thought he’d never see again.  Neil and Isabella McCree.
Gabe called in some favors and pulled some strings and tracked them down, from California to Colorado, back to the small farm on the outskirts of Santa Fe.  They moved back when the area was finally deemed safe again.  Jesse was already running Deadlock by then.  They look older, and tired, and like a piece of them is missing.  
Also tucked into the file is a completed but unsigned time off request and a plane ticket.
For the first time Jesse can remember, he’s stunned speechless.  He doesn’t know what to say- what there is to say.  All he can do is try not to cry and hug Gabe tight.  He tries not to think about how the last time he hugged someone like this was the last time he hugged his dad.
Picture this:
Jesse McCree, former gangster, current black ops agent, sits in a rental truck at the gate entrance to a farm in Santa Fe.  In the distance he can see a small house, and he knows it’s residents are there.
Jesse McCree is scared shitless.
Drive up.  Don’t scare them.  Tell them who you are.  Hope they remember you.  Hope they still want you.
Jesse forces himself to take the truck out of park and finish the journey.  When he finally pulls up to the house he sees his mama planting flowers in the bed in front of the porch.  Isabella McCree’s got gray in her hair and wrinkles on her face, but her eyes have the same fire and passion that Jesse remembers.  She stands up and turns around when she notices the unfamiliar car.  The gardening trowel is held nervously in her hands.
“Neil, we have company” she calls out.
The front door opens and Jesse takes another sucker punch to the gut.  Neil McCree’s got a brace on his knee and glasses framing his face, but he still stands tall and proud.
Don’t scare them.  Tell them who you are.  Hope they remember you.  Hope they still want you.
He steps out of the car and holds his stetson over his heart
“I’m sorry to interrupt you like this but I- I’m-”  He curses under his breath and scrubs a hand over his face as every word he prepared evaporates from his mind.
For a moment, just a moment, the world stands still.  The sun stops baking them where they stand, the wind stops whistling over the sand and dirt, every single living being holds its breath.
Jesse slowly lowers his hand and finds Isabella walking towards him with jerky steps.  The trowel lies in the sand.  Her hands shake and tremble.  When he’s within arm’s reach she reaches up and cradles his face between her hands.  Her eyes are wide and glossy and dart all over his face only stopping when she pushes aside the hair of his mustache and finds the whisper thin scar that bisects his lips.  One of their meaner chickens gave that to him back before he learned how to properly hold them.
Picture this:
Jesse McCree, twenty years later, in the arms of his parents again.  He’s got blood on his hands, and a weight on his shoulders.  He’s got joy in his eyes, and love in his heart.
Picture that.
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twinfanfics · 6 years
The tale of the three head beast. The marching fishes (14/21)
Second part of the tale of the three head beast series, you can read the first part The chosen children Here and here, or look for the tag  3t3hb  on this blog.
Resume: Three years had pased since Taichi won the hand of princess Sora and both get crowned King and Queen of the living land, now they must faced the duty of the monarchs, but the King is must worried about cover his affair with royal guard. The war started on the Honest Island, does the King Joe would manage it?. Mean while at the other side of the sea Takato and Ruki stronger their forces.
And you can read all past chapters of the marching fishes in the links below
ACT 2. SCENE 3: MOTHER | **warning suicide attempt**
Ruki finaly confronts Henry about his secrets 
It´s been weeks since the  impossible creatures emerges from the ocean along with the king, now they are adore by the people of Piramide,  and even when none of them is bigger that a goat they inspire fear to the few  opponent  of the  King. The small one, red as  blood is the king´s favorite, he never left his side and follow him around the castle, Gallant is his name;  the second one, blue and bright as the sky over the sea, is a hungry monster who devour from chicken to cows but had never bite human hands, he enjoys playing with the childrens, his name is Victory; the last one is bigger that his brothers, orange like the sun and fierce like his heat, he past the days walking arounds the walls that surround the city, the people said he is looking up to them but the King knows better, he tied the creature at night to keep it from running away, The Great One is how he name it.
Henry hold the pen and read his words, how many details should he write? he must tell Koushiro about the prosperity of the city? the funny way the Queen was incapable of pronounce the great one and ended call him grey instead? he should mention the rise of the shadows, the assassins that rejoy with the forgotten creatures,  about the undeniable magic that surround the king, his unexpected wisdom, his kindness, the way he smile everytime Henry call him his friend.
His head hurt and his hands feel heavy, for how long he could serve two masters?
The great alchemist order him to murder the King, meanwhile the King named him a trusted adviser.
He should run away, leave Piramide behind, go someplace with no The Light or The Shadow Army could follow him, he wonder if a place like that exist.
A crack noise
His nerves make him jump, did he lock the door? did he check the windows? the few candles around his desk were not enough to light his fears.
He must calm down, control his breath, he join his hands and focus on the sound of the ocean, the light must be his guidance.
“You look scare”
All his fears took human shape, Ruki was there sitting over his bed, menacing eyes,long sharp nails, her same stoic face; he didn't waste time trying to figure how she get in.
“What do you want?” wrong, he scold himself, he must sound less threatening, that was not the attitude of an erudite. She raise an eyebrow as  studied his face
“You got a letter” she move a golden envelope between her fingers, his blood freeze; without a doubt it was a massage from the summon alchemist, she was there to kill him.
“Thank you” he smile, he must not break his charade “But you should nock”  How many time did he have before she attack?
“Is curios, all the correspondence of the castle arrives directly to the east tower, except yours”   her purple eyes look darker “ Why is that?”
Meabe if he run he could reach the door “I don't want to bother the court with my personal mail” he laughs as he move a few steps close to the exit “my sister write me almost every day and…”
“Your sister?”  she doesn´t believe a word
“Yes, she lived so far away and miss me since the day I left our home” he drag the conversation as much as he can, she carried a few weapon, four knives behind her sleeve  “I appreciate that you have taken the trouble to come here”
“Do you know why I'm here?”
Henry think quickly, What would be the answer that annoy her the most?
“a beautiful woman sneak to my room at the middle of the night, I´m flattered  but you are not exactly my type”
It was almost funny how angry she gets
“You are a death man” a knife slid down her wrist as she rushed to attack; A carelessness move  was all Henry needed.
He avoided her hit with grace and slid his body behind her back, before she knew what was happening he snatched the letter from her hands.
“So, we stop playing around?”  He didn't answer but she take his silent as a confirmation “Why don't you read the letter of you beloved sister?  I can  grant you that”
Henry open the envelope with unusual precaution and read in silence, with the same calm he put the paper over the table and turn to her, now she hold a knife in each hand, he cannot avoid it anymore.
He threw his white tunic to the floor and with great regret adopted the battle position he had sworn so long ago that he would never adopt  again, and did the only thing he knew Rika was not expecting: he strike first
Her surprise didn't last long. He was stronger, but she was faster, he was clever and she was bold, she hit and he take it, he desarm her and she bit him, she threw the desk at him and he broke it in two with just a kick.
She fight dirty, he too.
“so it was you” she laughs “I was wondering if you had paid someone to attack the king or if you had done it yourself, but of course it was you, you are nothing but one of  Koushiro´s spies, one of his little bugs” the despise was stronge on her tone “so blind, so stupid, flying directing to the light”
The voice of the assassins sound far away from Henry, yes he was a spy, but he was not stupid “I'm not blind”
“mesmerized by powers bigger than yourself!”
“I´m not!”
“You betrayed the King! you… you poison him!” suddenly he remembered Takato cold and shaking, the dark allie, his scream, the regret, the urgency…
“And I save him! I save him!” he shake, and yells more from him than for her, She twist his arm and push him to the wall
“Why?” and he realized she was shaking too “Why did you save him? what are you planing?”
Oh Ruki, the King Guardian, the fierce mother, it wasn´t the suspicious what move her but fear; she was as scare as him
“Your assassins fails” he announced, still against the wall, still with the pain and the threat of a broken arm “ the Queen killed them, the summon alchemist said that the crown is stronger than ever, The Light had take dominance over the capital”
“do you think I'm stupid? I never pretend that Hirokazu and Kenta had success” she started to sing as a canary “they were just messengers,  so koushiro didn't forget than I´m alive, than I'm breathing, I will never disappear! I will lead the courage house to the throne!”  
“You sacrificed two lives to get the alchemist attention?”
“Don't play with me, you are not better” she pull him stronger “I´m an assassin but you? you are a trickster, a liar, you stole and betray, after everything Takato had to you, I get tired of tell him not to trust in you…”
The pain was intense but he didn't complain, he will not give her that satisfaction, he must  stay calm, no matter how much she was right.
He killed so many others, he listen and lied, he share secrets that were not his, he overturned empires, he always conspired against the unjust, always in favor of The Light; and now he must died for it.  Fine, he would die for the only crime that he regret. Takato deserve a better friend.
“I cannot wait to see his face when he found out”
“What?” he felt the rope against his wrist
“oh poor little baby...Did you think that I would kill you without more? No Wong, I have plans for you, I want to see you in the eyes when Takato dictates your sentence, he has grown so much and  has become a worthy King, but he needs to mature, your betrayal will teach him to not trust, I have to thank you, it is a lesson that I could not have taught him myself”
“No, wait!” all his calm and control fails
“it's too late to beg for your life”
“no!” he push and turn, desperate trying to free his hand “kill me now”
“What?” Ruki gets perplexed,she released his rope and threw him to the floor “What are you playing?”
“Kill me now, don't tell the king.. I.. I would do anything, Listen I.. I have info about The Light, i know things”
“Loyalty means so little to you?” she wasn't exactly mad “Are you gonna betray The Light just because you got caught?”
“No” he stand,she back down, if he would have a moment to talk this was “I would betray The Light because, because i have no doubts that Takato is the legitimate King not because their god said so but because he is a fair leader!, he is humble, honest,  because his power is only compares with his kindness!  I have known to many Kings but the nobility that he gives to the world is different, he is the first King that I want to serve, not for the duty but ..
“Because is right, because its feel right”  Both of them see at each others, Henry could tell that she was examining him, her lips tremble, she believe him“ How many?”
“How many others like you are in the court? Where you the only one?” Her eyes change, Ruki was no longer seeing his charade, she look at him and surprise of how much they where alike.
Murders and liars serving a good man
He breath in relieve, and make the mistake of almost smile “no, there are a few more, but no one as close as the King as me”
“Good” she walks until the window, her steps were relax, for his surprise she turned her back to him “we'll have to kill them”
He approach to her, still with precaution “we?”
“Is that the part with which you have a problem?” she pick up his tunic from the floor “come on Wong, Let's put those muscle to good use”
The sun raise over Piramide, Takato hear her wife steps across the room, but refuse to open his eyes, it wasn´t until Gallant star to chew the sheets that he decide to wake up.
For his surprise his beautiful queen was looking through the balcony, with an unusual expression on her face
“Is everything ok?” he asked worried
“Si, si, es solo… “ he walk near to her “ I´m happy that Ruki had made a friend”
Takato look over her shoulder  to the principal yard, Ruki was there, fighting against one man, it was different to her usual training, Takato had not seen her fight like that since her confrontation with the lion at the Colosseum, his opponent was a skill warrior dressing in orange and green, it was until he put really attention that Takato realized that it  was Henry Wong.
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empireintheair · 7 years
– by ChiChai@Empire –
Following mine and Christopher’s seven days in the Philippines and ten days in Vietnam was only one full day in Korea. Luckily for us, we met up with our homie Daniel who served as the perfect Seoul tour guide. He took us out from 8am to 2am all around the city and made sure we had a balance of scenery, streetwear, and food…. omg, hella good food.
Daniel picked us up at our AirBnB at exactly 8am to begin our day. Little did we know that we were about to embark an adventure of 35k steps (according to our Fitbits.) First on our agenda was to enjoy Seoul’s street art and a bowl of Daniel’s favorite dish for breakfast.  
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By the way, Seoul has the cleanest subway stations I have ever seen. If you follow my IG story, you would’ve seen how as an avid BART and MUNI rider, I got super jealous upon seeing how fresh and sparkly their bathrooms were. We also appreciated the views.
While riding the train, Daniel asked us, “Can you see anyone not on their phone?” I suppose smart-phone addiction is becoming universal. ( Not that I blame Seoul locals– their internet is hella fast.)
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by Chris@Empire
Daniel brought us to a restaurant that solely serves his favorite dish: a cow bone broth with noodles for breakfast. There was something comforting about this dish. Is it its warmth? Its simplicity? Whatever it is, I’m craving it right now.
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We then strolled through a tunnel for Daniel’s street art tour.
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As a street artist himself, Daniel proved himself as the perfect tour guide once more for enjoying public art. He would tell us about the tunnel’s painters and styles.
*obligatory do-I-look-cool-yet? photo*
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The tunnel’s end led to a city view.
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A great chunk of our one day in Seoul was spent checking out the fashion scene. Shops we visited included APC, Stussy Seoul, and Bape.
by Chris@Empire
by Chris@Empire
Shop displays in Seoul are insane! They are an art within itself. From boutiques to high-end retailers, these shops felt as grand and pristine as walking into a museum. Example A: Workstout (photographed below). Click here to view more photos from Workstout’s feature on Hypebeast.
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I didn’t take much photos of other shops but you can learn more about Seoul’s fashion world in this article by High Snobiety here.
As the day went on, we splurged on love for our stomachs once again. We had some sizzling traditional pan-fried chicken and soju. Look how steamy the dish is! Mm… Man, this Asia trip has fed us well.
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We thought we were good to go with lunch, but, we happened to pass by the bakery Mr. Holmes whose scent lured us in. Can you blame us? They had a matcha-chocolate croissant! A CROISSANT WITH MATCHA AND CHOCOLATE!
For a mid-day break, we headed back to our Air BnB to drop off our new goods.
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Our temporary home welcomed us with a sunset… which Daniel shattered a glass for. He explained that locals say their sky is filled with “yellow dust” aka air pollution drifting from China.
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Our second half of the day was more touristy. Daniel brought us to Myeongdong– a district in which tourists wander through for the night vendors (and a supreme amount of fake Supreme.)
We also checked out Chung Gae Chun, a picturesque stream that gives city-goers a little escape from Seoul’s hustle.
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by Chris@Empire
by Chris@Empire
Another tourist spot was Gwanghwamoon Palace. This grand complex is over 600 years old!
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After our touristy activities, we refueled once more. This time… with something Chris and I longingly anticipated: Korean BBQ. ( Writing this blog post is making me hella hungry.) We had samgyupsal (grilled pork strips). Daniel explained to us that it is not common for BBQ restaurants to specialize in all meats; restaurants usually specialize in serving one. 
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The night went on and led us to the lively Hongdae. According to Daniel, Hongdae is Seoul’s “college town.” Students come and hangout in this district of live music, clubs, open-late shops and foodie destinations.
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One party that happened to occur during our visit was a Nike Air Max Day event. Given the level of visual displays in Seoul, we expected nothing less of Nike to meet the city’s standard.
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Nike displayed rare Air Max’s and art installations inspired by the famous shoe series. They even had fun giveaways like customized canvas totes and lapel pins.
As our one day in Seoul comes to an end, I need to tell you how Chris and I became friends with Daniel! Daniel founded Flavors K, a creative collective of fashion, art, and music. Thanks to our mutual friend Richie who introduced us to Daniel, Empire in the Air is on Flavors K’s roster! So, if you’re from Seoul, you can purchase some of our goods from Flavors K.
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Thank you Daniel for your incredible hospitality! And thank you Seoul for feeding us not only great food but hella eye-candy. See you again soon!
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Sunrise to Sundown in Seoul - by ChiChai@Empire - Following mine and Christopher's seven days in the Philippines and ten days in Vietnam was only one full day in Korea.
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SWC Path Day 4
I can't believe it's day four already. What a super smashing great day. I woke up early today so was off and ready to start my walk by 9:30. I decided to do the loop from Hells Mouth - Portreath (by road) - Godrevy (by coastpath) and back to the van at Hells Mouth (by road). Total of 13 miles. The road from Hells mouth follows close to the coast path and at times (normally carparks) the two meet. Not to worry. I really like walking on tarmac when doing loop walks. The change of grip under my feet seems to provide just the right sort of relief to prevent foot ache. Anyway... I'm walking. Along quite nicely enjoying the scenery, sheep and cows basking in the sunlight lying in the fields, and a gyrocopter in the sky up ahead. The birds start singing and I'm walking in a scene of bliss. I take out my phone to take a picture and find a message from mum demanding I get home quick as the digestive challenge we started in mid March is currently being completed solo, but the ability to Make single portions has left her. I then realise I can hear what sounds like a lawn mower. A quick look around confirms no lawn mower. I look up and it's the gyrocopter that's looped back. Moment gone. I take the picture and continue on. Further down the road I get the urge to take another picture and find a message is on my screen from the group joining me tomorrow for the bank holiday. I messaged this morning to pack warm clothes as it's been getting quite chilly at night. One of the group is doing a Go Outdoors run (the joys of working In Exeter) and asked for requests. Long story short. Extract from message feed: "if you can order online and I'll collect that would mean you get what you want rather than the nice pink frilly item I'll choose." To clarify this was for a male. Grinning like a Cheshire Cat I continue on. Shortly before the Gyrocopter encounter I passed a road sign claiming it was two miles to Portreath. I thought this odd as I had only done about 1/2 a mile and the map made it look like at least double that. When my watch buzzed to inform me of three miles having been completed I was sceptical about the road sign accuracy. At four miles I was questioning if this person still had their job, or if maybe the sign was a parting gift. Moral of the story don't trust the millage on the road signs. This got me questioning every sign for the coast path today. Each time I got to one I looked at the millage and made some comment like "is it really?", or "that's what you said last time". On arrival to Portreath it was a little after 10am. Having had a nasty cup of tea with my breakfast this morning I decided to stop for a cuppa before heading on up the path. The selection process was simple. The first cafe I came to. The Hub, a cafe bike repair and hire shop. There was a tantalising selection of cakes at the till so tea, turned into tea and cake. However as the lady pointed out choosing the carrot and pistachio cake really was the healthy option. I can also confirm no cogs or tyre rubber were found in the cake or the tea. Cake consumed and up over the hill we go. Today's walk provided some stunning views and a brilliant down and up at Carvannel Downs. You know your nuts when you stand at the top of a massive hill and get excited at the prospect of scrambling down and up the other side. To make it even more interesting there was a lone figure towards the bottom of the valley as I started my decent. Game on, target set to catch the other walker. As I neared the bottom I could see the walker stopping to catch their breath and get out their walking poles. Determined to catch up off I climbed, stopping briefly for pictures (as you do), I just caught the other walker as the trail plateaued at the top. Damn. I said good morning as I sailed past and then felt good about myself for about 30 seconds. Then I realised A) The person I overtook was of a much stockier build than me B) They were carrying what looked like a full 60L+ pack and C) This probably meant that unlike me chickening out and retreating to my van each night this person was probably camping. We shall mark that one up as a loss. The path kisses the nearby road on and off for the next few miles. One such point is Hells Mouth. I'm not going to lie. I don't get it. I didn't encounter anything hellish and could see no shapes of mouths or depths of despair. Never mind on I go. The path returns to the road again where I stop and take a break. I open a packet of the ration packed salted almonds. It's official out of date rations are rank!!! I swap them out for a toffee crisp, and a Tescos shot of berries and seeds. The almonds are gifted to a waiting seagull, who threatens to dump on my head as I leave. That's gratitude for you. The path meets the road again and I walk past the van. At this stage I'm at around 9 miles and defiantly want to get to Godrevy Point but it's always hard to walk past. The path sweeps away from the road and I am blessed with great views and finally a close up of the lighthouse that has featured in my pictures over the last four days. I get a bit carried away with the lighthouse porn and once I get over it I make my way down the path towards Georgian Bridge. Godrevy is a National trust site and has a cafe, it's already past 13:30 so I decide to stop in for a bite to eat. One Mexican big wrap later and I'm back on the road making my way back towards the van. Tomorrow the weather looks good so I plan to do the Perranporth - St Agnes loop, and return to the campsite early to catch up with some nephew hugs and help set up camp for half of the group joining me for the weekend. If I'm not needed I may explore round the coast path to Zennor. Women v's ration pack continues. This is an early blog post so pictures will follow later of tonight's culinary masterpiece. Yesterday's eggs will be accompanied by some sausages from the onsite shop and baked beans from the trusty camping box. I think they are still in date??? I will post pictures later so I can include the results for you.
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Where to Find the Best Food Around Iceland
Our International Food Expert, Kate of We Travel We Eat, shares her favorite spots around Southern Iceland!
Iceland’s appeal isn’t just in its glaciers and geysers. Sure, driving the captivating countryside is a huge part of the draw, but the food will exceed expectations just as quickly. The term fresh seafood takes on a whole new meaning in this small country, completely surrounded by isolated, Arctic waters.  
Hardly a thing has to be done to make the high quality of its fish shine through. 
The easiest way to understand the landscape of the Icelandic countryside, and to figure out where you’ll eat along the way is to break it down into sections. The Ring Road wraps around the entirety of the country.
Regionally, you can break it down to the North, the South, the Westfjords, the East, and then the Golden Circle right outside the charming city of Reykjavik.  Within each of these areas there are key places of interest to visit, making it easy to map out an itinerary.  
Below focuses on the South, the famous Golden Circle and Reykjavik!
– Kaffi Hornid –
The small fishing town of Hofn is known to some as the langoustine capital of the world. After a day of driving past bright blue icebergs and glaciers pouring out of mountains, you’ll need some food to somehow match the excitement of what you’ve just seen.
Kaffi Hornid is no frills, but the food is on point.  Get the grilled lobster platter, served with garlic butter, salad and potatoes.  
The lobster was some of the best I have ever had.
– Sudur Vik –
Located up on a hill in the very small but charming town of Vik, you’ll find the cozy Sudur Vik. Plates are simple, with Icelandic staples like pan fried arctic char or fillet of lamb, both coupled with grilled rosemary potatoes and fresh salads.   
– Sveitagrill Miu –
Sveitagrill Miu is a food truck. It is bright red, it’s on the side of a dirt road, and it has one picnic table in front of it to eat at if the weather happens to miraculously allow. It is also in Skogar, right around the corner from the EPIC Skogafoss Waterfall, and where you’ll want to eat while there.
– Fridheimer –
Found within the depths of the expansive and gorgeous Golden Circle lies a glowing greenhouse that for me, was love at first site. Fridheimer is a glowing display of tomatoes and basil, and quickly gives off the sense of a place with a palpable passion for its trade.
The entire family lives and works on the property, and will walk you through the history and the development of the small menu once seated. Get the bottomless tomato soup, grab some fresh bread, and marvel at the beautiful space.
– Fiskmarkadurrin –
My entry into the food scene in Reykjavik was a good one at the fish centric two story restaurant Fiskmarkadurrin. Opened for ten years now, the otherwise known Fish Market has become one of the staples of the growing food scene.
The lights are hung low, the space is open, and the dishes are creative.  
– Coocoo’s Nest –
Right off the water in the port area of Reykjavik, Coocoo’s Nest offers a cozy and creative reprieve when it’s time to lunch. Suspect as it may sound start with the beet bellini and follow it up with the blue cheese eggs florentine; you will not be sorry.  
– Bergsson Mathus –
Some of the best textured and most flavorful rye bread I’ve come across in a long time is born right here at Bergsson. Surround it with your choice of eggs, meats, cheeses and whatever fresh ingredients are on tap that day.  
– Seagreifinn –
“Sea Baron” is a very small, fisherman’s hole kind of place. Completely simple and equally authentic, gallons and gallons of piping hot lobster soup are churned out here every day.
Grab your seat at one of the shared tables and enjoy.
– Matur og Drykkur –
Matur og Drykkur is a 10 out of 10. There are three tasting menus all with either five or eight courses; Icelandic (meat), seafood and vegetarian.
Go with a hungry friend and get at least two of the eight course options.  They are most famous for their whole cod’s head cooked in chicken dulce, but everything was memorable.  
– Efstidalur Farm –
Efstidalur Farm is home to a boutique hotel, cows, and some very good icecream. An easy place to swing by on your way from the stops of the Golden Circle to Reykjavik, the icecream here is made from the cows in the barn you look straight at as you order (don’t think about it). Go with the cinnamon, or the vanilla bean, and get it in the homemade waffle cone.  
They’ll also ask you if you want the cone filled with their soft serve– say yes.
  Check out more of Kate’s foodie adventures here!
  READ NEXT: The Best Time to Go to Iceland
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Tips for Traveling Iceland in the Spring
The Solo Female Traveler’s Guide to Iceland
The Best Time to Go to Iceland
The Ultimate Guide to Moving to Iceland
Why Your First Solo Trip Should Be to Iceland
Flying Iceland’s New Low-Cost Airline: WOW air
The Ultimate Travel Gear Packing Guide
Iceland travel essentials!
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  Where to Find the Best Food Around Iceland is a post from: The Blonde Abroad
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