#i haven't PLAYED DOL in forever
degrees-of-fuck 8 months
So I'm working on some silly lil horrible person temple gang minor OCs which is making me think about how I wanna design my particular version of the habits (because i thrive off of ignoring canon designs and doing whatever I want forever). So ya girlthing is researching STUFF. Like different garments worn by priests in different contexts and what colours different nun orders wear and why. Currently/For a while now, I've been heavily leaning into having White as the base colour on account of the preoccupation with Purity and relatively less concern with the sober humble thing from the looks of it, with accents that depend on Stuff (Like for priests, basing it off of the time of year, like real life priests. Light green first half of the year, dark green second half, white on christmas and easter, etc etc etc)
ANYWAY- I uhhhh haven't actually. Played DoL in a lil while, so I'm really behind on the Temple Lore probably. If anyone could lemme know of any colours or symbols that seem to come up and be important & what they mean, I'd be super happy about that thank u <3
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quiltedpomegrantes 2 years
Not me reading all your stuff and I'm forever down bad for your writing for Alex.
Alex is my absolutely fav love interest. I feel like that's saying a lot cause I've play dol since there was only Eden, Whitney, Robin, and sometimes Avery. I think it's funny since my Whitney and Sydney writes are the most popular. Coincidentally, Whitney as a love interest was someone I LOATHED. (he's a lot better now, a lot more dimensional.)
Eden used to be my favorite. I'm a sucker for people who do manual labor. I also do love the idea of being someone's "woman." However outdated THAT is. Alex spiked in popularity, but he's seemingly fallen to the wayside. Partially because the farm route is a lot of work. It's like a miniature game in of itself.
Kylar is currently everyone's favorite. Ireallyfuckinghatehim. You'll never find me writing for him. Never.
Sydney is my favorite early game route. I think his routes have a lot of content. It also adds a reason to go to school, as romancing him outside of it is seemingly impossible. Robin is okay. Has content, but not enough of him crossdressing and despite how long he's been around, I still feel like he's not fully developed or his potential isn't fully realized. I don't interact with the great hawk or the black wolf much.
Avery needs more content or events as well. Perhaps I haven't enraged him enough to see all of it though. I think it'd be fun to encounter him in the "rich people events" like dancing on danube, being sold by bailey for the first time, etc.
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whitneys-puppyslut 10 months
Finch (Robin's PC)
18+ / minors DNI
Hi guys. Thanks for the support on my first two drabble thingies. And welcome to my blog, since I haven't said that yet.
I'm gonna start a little series where I show off my personal PCs I use when romancing different characters in DOL. I made them all in the sims since I'm not confident in my drawing skills... so their actual in my head designs are a little different than the screenshots you'll see here. And of course, the actual sprites in DOL differ quite a bit as well. But y'know it's just so you guys get a sense of the character.
I might also put all of them into a world in the sims with their love interests and see what happens lol.
Anyway, without further ado, here's Robin's PC: also known as Finch!
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Headcanons under the cut
Finch the Bodyguard
Get it? because robin is a type of bird and a finch is also....... yeah I'll see myself out
she/her pronouns
Finch isn't her real name. But nobody knows her real name, not even Robin or any the teachers...
Leighton knows, and Bailey knows. But that's about it.
Finch erm... "persuaded" Leighton to change her name on school documents.
She's not above using sex to get what she wants... i mean in this fucked up city you do what you gotta do.
She prefers not to have to resort to that though.
Most things do go her way, after all she's smart, attractive, popular....... and intimidating........
Yeah she is BUFF in case you can't tell. She loves building muscle and working out... but mainly she's like that out of necessity.
I mean it helps to be able to fend off attackers and pursuers.
Or simply scare them off before they even lay their hands on her!
She has scary dog energy
Whitney knows to stay out of her way.
Bc the one time he did stop her in the hallway and tried to put his hands on her... did not end well for him.
EVERYONE recorded that fight. It's not everyday you get to see Whitney get pummeled into the ground...
And then he SCRAMBLED to get those videos taken down....
It's okay tho Finch actually made a truce with him and helped him threaten persuade everyone to delete the videos.
As long as he promised to keep his and his friends' hands off of her loved ones.
So yeah they don't interact with each other now but they both know the terms and conditions of their little truce
Robin & Finch <3
So how did Robin get the hot goth baddie?
Well as per the plot of DOL they grew up together and were friends and he looked up to her and yada yada
They were pretty much acting like lovebirds way before they actually made it official
And their situationship was fine as it was, for a while... but Finch really feels like she needs to devote herself to people entirely. And she felt bad having her attention pulled away from Robin, her best friend since forever, by other friends and especially other potential love interests.
So she was like fuck it and, in the privacy of Robin's room one night, while he was playing video games, they made it official
It was all sappy and shit <333
She DEDICATED herself to him
She's a great gf honestly
Neither of them are very fond of PDA, and Finch is very stoic and rather serious irl, and she feels like she needs to keep up her intimidating persona
so they keep the lovey-dovey shit behind closed doors
i love them they're so cute
her other little "title" alongside "the bodyguard" is "robin's protector" bc that's basically what she is. She doesn't let any harm come to him as long as she's there.
She even pays Bailey's rent for him. So yeah she juggles like a million jobs trying to afford that
But she tries to find jobs that are safe that robin could do, bc honestly that lemonade stand... isn't helping much.
Unfortunately all the higher paying jobs come with a lot of risk. Risk she's not willing to put Robin through.
She feels very protective over him, not in a weird way but genuinely she hates seeing him hurt, but it's gotten to the point where she feels like he can't go anywhere and do anything.
It's putting quite a damper on his confidence levels.
And she's noticed.
But what can she do other than try to protect the love of her life?
And when it gets to the point where she has to choose between a confident robin, or a safe robin, what will she choose?
Is it even up to her?
Wow sry guys that was a lot. Also as much as I love DOL I don't actually play that much so I might get some details wrong or miss big plot things that I just haven't seen so... yeah.
Ok bye lol
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brineffxiv 2 years
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So while I was dicking around, deciding whether or not to move this liveblog to tumblr or quit it altogether, I procrastinated by leveling all my classes to 70. Of course, I've already maxed out my DoH/DoL classes too. I think at this point I can give a little summary of my thoughts.
Overall, I think Dark Knight is my favorite - there's something about the smooth, slow animations that really appeals to me. Syphon Strike and Souleater restoring MP and HP respectively is also perfect for my playstyle of getting distracted and forgetting to look at bars.
I've been slowly warming up to the healer classes, and I think so far I prefer Astrologian of the four of them - though obviously I haven't had much time to get used to Sage yet. Healing gives me such anxiety, lol, it's the most nerve wracking role to play. I'm always terrified I'll let my party down. As for the DPS, I enjoy the Physical Ranged trio equally; they're all pretty fun and intuitive for me to play. Melee classes on the other hand... well, they're definitely my weaknesses. Ninja especially. My dyslexia makes it a pain in the ass to hit the mudras correctly in the heat of battle, and I'm pretty sure no matter how hard I practice it'll always be a stumbling block. Similarly, I'm also forever forgetting which direction I'm supposed to hit the positionals from. Ugh. Magical Ranged is fun. Blue Mage is clearly it's own thing, so I don't count it for the purposes of this post, but next to DRK my other favorite has got to be Red Mage. Which I totally didn't expect when I picked it up! The abilities don't neatly fit how I prefer to set up my bars, but I tell you that dualcast ability is just beautiful. So fast and zippy. I've also developed an appreciation for Summoner and how hard it hits. Nothing else like the power trip of summoning freaking Bahamut to blast your foes, lol. I feel like Black Mage could be equally fun, but I just can't seem to get the rotation down. I'll keep practicing at it, and maybe when I do a lv 80 check-in I'll have improved some.
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danieyells 3 years
Hey Danie! Do you have any tips on getting more money in DoL? I'm doing pretty decent by going to the pub and dance but I want to know if there is any other ways to earn money. I took on Robin's debt myself so now it is $4,000 every week *cries*.
Hello! I've only been playing for so long so I'm sure other people have better answers but. It kinda depends on where your stats are at and what you have or haven't done. But yeah I took on Robin's too.
Prostitution while dancing is how I make most of my money. It's like at least 拢150 a person with my stats(pretty sure I'm at max tho.) If you don't have high enough. . .something, I don't remember what, either Exhibitionism or Promiscuity or Awareness or low Purity or some mix of them maybe, you can only prostitute yourself after missing a payment with Bailey(you have to change your settings in Attitudes.) Make sure your scores in Math are good so you get more for your time and, of course, that your Dancing and Exhibitionism are high! I think you get more tips for wearing things like the Gold Bracelets and Gold Anklets too--clothes with the tip increasing effect, but I'm not 100% sure that applies to stripping? I believe you make more in tips the further along their fascination and lust is, so make sure to wear both upper and lower layers to increase their interest in the leadup if your Exhibition is high enough to be totally naked on stage! (Also needs to be adjusted manually in Attitudes!)
It can be dangerous(sewers are least dangerous if you know where to go imo, Morgan can be avoided easily if you're strategic--and if you wanna be a filthy cheater like myself, save before you start messing with the ticking safe and just run down the numbers reloading the save until you find the right one lol there are only 10 options it won't take long) but be sure to get antiques for the Museum and bring them in on weekends! The one-time ones can be worth a lot which can hold you over for multiple weeks even with Robin's multiplier! I only recently ran out because I started upgrading the farm which costs. . .a lot of money and time lol. . . .
In particular, especially if your Skulduggery's low, go dive in the Lake and go into the Ruin(may need a higher History score to access it?). Go digging around in the pots. If you're lucky you'll get antiques(if you have an even higher history score you'll get to keep the box they're in too which is also worth a little bit.) This is also a reliable way to increase your Skulduggery until like. Rank C? More dangerous but I think more valuable is diving in the rock pool on the beach. You'll definitely get screwed over by something in there but you keep all your findings so. It's worth the stress hit. Go shag a horse or two, you'll get over it.
Since I mentioned the farm WORK ON THE FARM SOMETIMES. High deviancy will help you increase farm yield, so get the animals to respect you(pro tip: letting the horses mount you at Deviancy 5 doesn't have a timer so it only takes about 2 minutes to do all of them which increases farm yield, higher farm yield means bonus money the next day! Also sneak into the barn after 9pm if you're lactating--I assume this also works if you have a dick--for even more farm yield OR, if you make enough milk, a whole bottle of it which you can later sell!) Eventually you'll progrrss far enough along in the farm storyline that you no longer make hourly pay working there, but in the meantime it can be a decent source of income. It still is even after the fact because you get SO MUCH STUFF FROM PLANTING IN THE FIELDS THERE it takes forever but it's part of the next point!
Next point SELL YOUR FORAGING AND GARDENING STUFF. It takes a lot of time to do it manually(read: if you have a lot of things to sell it can take all day and you may not sell everything) but you can make decent money by renting a stall(go to the street the strip club--NOT the brothel!--is on at like 6am or so, maybe stick to weekends or when you don't have school) and selling whatever you've foraged in the forest/moor or grown in the various plots. High Tending will make gardening faster and help out on the farm too.
Since you've taken on his payments GO TO ROBIN'S ROOM AT LEAST ONCE A WEEK. He just hands you 拢300. Every little bit helps!
Make nice with Avery. The 拢1000~1900 you can get on a weekly basis when you have max love with him??? Indispensable. Just choose the most Endearing options(sometimes they're hidden behind skillchecks--for example you get more Endearment in the dance battle for taking the lead with high Dance than if you just follow his lead) and you'll get the most money at the end of the date. Who says no to a sugar daddy?
Blackmail Leighton if you haven't already. Get their watch and sell it to Landry. It's worth like 5k lmao. One-time event and Leighton won't forgive you but it's worth it imo. May not be if your Deviancy is low and you don't wanna increase Bestiality Fame?
Another reliable source of at least 拢500 a week? Get enough I think Prostitution? Sex? One of the Fames needs to get high I think or maybe you just make enough money there or something. And Briar will tell you that people have been coming just to see you. You'll be offered the opportunity to do weekly shows on Friday. Make sure your Deviancy is high so you can do higher paying shows! After you upgrade the Farm more you can do an even higher yield show where you get railed by your horse. 馃憣馃従
Something I always forget to do--after you've had one of your parasitic children, remember to take it to Harper and sell it. Again, not lucrative or anything, but you may as well profit off them. They're only doing something else if you leave them in the tank and remember to check on/look after them lol
If your Skulduggery is at least I think D*? You can break into the Docks at night and steal stuff from there. Make sure your other stats are good too otherwise you'll definitely get caught. I don't do this often but it's probably worthwhile now and then. You can also break into houses on Danube street and sometimes get valuables from there. BE DESPERATE, DO CRIMES.
(Also always keep an eye on your Crime even if you're only doing little things like stealing from classmates or stealing from the fountain with Whitney. If they have enough evidence to arrest you go ask Landry for help immediately and take some time to retrieve his box. Remember to wear your Skulduggery Mask and Black Leather Gloves(and Catsuit after you get it from the Docks!) to make yourself less suspicious!!)
You can also work at the Spa if you have high Hand skill! Remember to work on your sexual skills because they're actually very handy outside of sexual situations sometimes lol. And, again, high promiscuity(and tip-increasing attire!) can be very helpful in getting tips here!
Uh. . .those're the main means I know of for making money. I know you can work at the cafe but it doesn't get you much, but since there's a Feat tied to it I assume it's more lucrative later on? Plus you can use diffrent outfits to increase the tips you make. And you can also work at the docks(which I think benefits you if you steal from there later?) but that requires. . .a concrete schedule. I'm not good at schedules and doing things on time or remembering things so. . .that's off the table for me. And of course you can work at the strip club(as a bartender or a dancer! Bartender is how you get one of the antiques btw) but the yield there is way less than the Brothel because they keep you safer there, take a certain cut, and you can't engage in any prostitution unless you get the attention of the VIPs.
I hope that helps a bit!! If anything was confusing or you need more info or anything, feel free to ask for clarification!
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quoththe-ravenn 3 years
HEY ITS 馃Υ ANON BACK AGAIN JUST TO THANK YOU FOR YOUR WRITING,,,, you fed me and my family and our crops for generations and we will honour your amazing skills and thoughts and brain,,,, god more dol brainrot but: idk if u ever watched inside by bo burnham but wren rlly reminds me of the song 'welcome to the internet'?? like the goofy bouncy affable outside but if you listen closer you realize how you've been played and used but you cant even break free bc how much youve learned to tie all of your happiness to it?? idk wren vibes. he just feels like the type of person to make you laugh so hard your stomach hurts, but you dont realize until days later that no one else has gotten even a smile outta you,,, the type whose thoughts seem to bounce all over the place, with him never staying on one topic for too long. youre too entranced by his cheerfulness and joy to notice how he seems to be luring you into his web, planting little seeds of intrigue that keep you crawling back. and he will make it seem like it was all your choice. every time you seek him out, he just laughs, winks, and flips his fringe of floppy pale hair out of his eyes, joking that you can't get enough of him,,, he begins to call you pet names as a joke, drawling out 'awww, sweetheart' and 'cmon love' with a languid smirk hanging crooked on his lips,,, you don't notice but his mischievous gaze sparkles just the little more when he sees how your breath hitches as you hear his words.... idk just the idea of wren and PC as apollo and icarus,,, the ideal of something so beautiful just out of reach,,, too capricious and flighty to be truly held onto,, someone who can't help but be worshipped and the fool that fell into his web,,,, Yes I Am Mentally Ill <3 Love This Bastard Man
Hnnnnggggg I haven't seen it but I DESPERATELY NEED TO.
Gosh the way you worded this is 100% how I see Wren and I love it!!!! Wren will forever hold my heart and he can manipulate me any day.
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tomurasprincess 3 years
You haven't posted anything for degrees of lewdity in forever, I think I missed the hype but I was playing for the first time and I noticed Mason was the swimming teacher. My Boyfriend's name is Mason. Who was a life guard for a while. I hate this tiny, tiny planet and all the coincidences.
I still have quite a few DoL asks to answer, but you鈥檙e right that I haven鈥檛 posted about it for a while.
Not going to lie, I got super frustrated with my current save and rage quit for a bit 馃槀聽
I was trying to raise my hand skill to work at the massage parlor, got sent to the insane asylum for too much trauma. Got out of the hospital right before Bailey鈥檚 payment was due. Got taken to Eden, managed to escape him only to get recaptured. Got free AGAIN, went back home, was finally able to start working at the massage place. Didn鈥檛 have enough time to raise the money, got sold by Bailey AGAIN but this time to the cow place. Finally got out of the cow place, more shit happened, back in the aslyum.
Insta rage quit and haven鈥檛 really played much since.聽
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