#i haven't even finished tos star trek yet but i neee to watch coassic who so i can punt into the sun anyone who whines about series 13
rapha-reads · 3 years
Time to watch the Classics...
Classic Who
Doctor Who - series 1 episode 1 - An Unearthly Child
What... Okay. Here we go.
THE INTRO THEME is amazing! It's so different, and magical, whimsical!
Tardis my love - everytime I see her I'm besotted.
Coal hill school! Okay, okay, I knew the importance of Coal Hill School because I've done a lot of googling over the years about everything Doctor Who, but still, actually seeing the school at its very beginning is awesome.
Omg hello welcome to the 60s - 60s, 60s everywhere, hair, clothes, speech patterns and vocabulary, man/woman imbalance, and obviously visual effects, story rhythm and montage. Though, I'm wondering. How come the OG Star Trek from the same era is in color and sort of, more rhythmic, more... I don't want to use modern because it sounds like I'm criticizing Classic Who and saying modern ways of doing tv shows are better, which I'm not. It's not about the quality of one thing over the other, just the feel of it. Two scifi shows, one British, one American, from the very early 1960s, and it's two very distinct feels and made. It's absolutely fascinating.
Susan Foreman!!!! I've heard so much about her, I'm glad to finally meet her.
"I suppose she could be a foreigner" - ha ha ha ha ha, oh, you have no idea! Also, that line is interesting. It's after all at the heart of it all. The Doctor is a foreigner wherever they go, but also so deeply entrenched in the very fabric of the universe that's it's hard to dislodge them.
Sorry, sorry, I shouldn't comment on Classic Who, especially as early as the very first episode of the very first season of the very first Doctor, with my understanding and reading of New Who. After all, as we'll see as soon as this episode, at the moment the entire universe intradiegetic of Doctor Who is very much not installed.
I'll try to keep my 21st century comments out as much as I can while going through all 26 seasons, but I can't promise that I won't go on tangents from time to time.
"It's alive"? Wtf, Ian? I mean, yes, the Tardis is sentient and she's a lovely badass, but how is that your FIRST thought when you put your hand on a wooden door and feel it vibrate? Why alive and not, Idk, "motorized", "working", hell, even weird?
DOCTOOOOOOOR. Why, hello, First. Let's get to meet you. I'm very curious.
So the Doctor was a troll and a sassy haughty puff and huff expert from the beginning. Amazing. This explains so much.
Holy shit, that OG Tardis. Wow. She's cute.
Susan says she made up the name... But then it's a classic Time Lord ship... Oooh, inconsistencies from the beginning. I like it. Want to shove it into every-person-who's-hating-on-Thirteenth-right-now's face. Yeah, yeah, moving on. We're in 1963 now, not 2021.
"I tolerate this century but I don't like it" - huh. Okay. I mean. You do you, Doctor. Just fyi, you gonna be stuck in that century a lot of time. Better start to like it.
Oh, WOW, the First Doctor is a prick. That's. Wow. Tangent again, I knew there's a reason why being abrupt and prattish is one of the Doctor's trait throughout regenerations, but damn, First is savage as hell. Wow, I'm impressed Barbara or Ian haven't punched him yet. (Donna wouldn't have hesitated)
Holy shit. The sound of the Tardis leaving is the same. Don't leave the brakes on! I love this sound.
Where are we going now. So the first travel with companions is an accident because the Doctor and his granddaughter were fighting. Ha. I want to say "classic Doctor" but that would be a bit on the nose.
Jesus that's a lot of transition scenes. And weird faces. What is even going on with the special effects. Listen, I know the BBC back then didn't give a lot of funds to Doctor Who. I know we're even lucky to still have these episodes, what's with the fire and all. But come on. Those special effects are hilarious.
This is so much fun, I can't wait to see it all! Only 744 episodes left (I think - do Betaseries/Google count the episodes that have disappeared in that list?).
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