#i haven't watched any marvel movies since endgame came out (i think)
funforahermit · 7 months
I know I'm several years late, but... why didn't they make Black Widow a good movie? 🥺
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adiarosefandoms · 7 months
MCU Upcoming Project Thoughts
I miss the MCU fandom atmosphere that existed 2017-2018. This was the era of Infinity War, the conclusion was coming (or so we thought), there were so many theories flying everywhere, the community felt so connected and excited. This was the height of my Marvel obsession, I lived for everything Marvel, consumed all the media, and was up to date on every possible Infinity War storyline that was in the comics. I've become part of many fandoms at this point and that is still the period I felt the most a part of something just because it was so massive and unifying. Now, I haven't finished Ms. Marvel or seen any of the shows since, I still haven't watched the Eternals, and I actively dread upcoming Marvel projects post the mess that was Thor Love and Thunder. X-Men 97, Deadpool 3, and news of The Fantastic Four has given me some hope though. If they just go about making good movies again instead of trying to make the movies with the biggest budgets that have the biggest impacts on the MCU, they have a real chance of returning this franchise to its former glory. Infinity War/Endgame were so big because of 10 years of buildup. You can't rush that, pushing out mediocre projects and expect the same success that came with a ten-year long venture of people who knew what they were making and who they were making it for. You have to earn it.
I do think that X-Men 97 will be good, just because it seems like they've left it to the devices of the shows actual crew as it doesn't connect with the MCU, so there will likely be less corporate fuckery. And I have faith in Ryan Reynolds to campaign for Deadpool as he's done for the past two films to great success. I'm a bit more nervous for the Fantastic Four, but I was fine with the first released Fantastic Four film released. Not in terms of effects or the villain's portrayal, but in the main characters. I'll forever be glad they made Reed Richards more likable, because he's such a tool, and I hope they keep up with that in the new movies. I am devastated that they won't be fighting Doctor Doom though. At this point I don't care who fights him, but I need him in the filmverse because he was always one of the villains for me, alongside the Green Goblin, Ultron, and MODOK thanks to the Avengers Assemble cartoon. I hate that I'm still somewhat timid about these projects though. I used to never be afraid that Marvel would screw it up, and now I'm terrified. Especially now that they have mutants at their disposal, knowing the characters contained within that is so vast and many are well known, there is so much potential for them to screw it up just because they seem to have forgotten what we loved about the MCU.
I just want to be able to stand in front of the current team leading Marvel and force them to watch the first ten films in the franchise and take notes on the story structure and character building that they see happening. CGI can do a lot of things, but it cannot cover up bad writing.
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koreandragon · 2 years
Marvel in itself is a tragedy every single movie is a remix of the one before it and like I'm not judging anyone for enjoying it but as television? They suck because every show is a cog in the machine that needs to get to this plot point or introduce this character there is creativity no freedom to take a story where it needs to go and it's all 6 episodes like they're basically makes 4 hour movies to compete in streaming and they should keep it. Lmfao @ the interview thing exactly bc before stranger things 4 came out I was watching interviews and were legit saying NOTHING of value about the plot or even the characters and it's so sad like even the boys which superhero satire and they can't spoil anything at all I've seen the actors talk and they all have these nuanced takes on their characters and their journeys etc without spoiling anything. I mean as far as marvel goes can they even say anything there is no depth to anything everything fandom talks about is 99% fanon as for stranger things maybe it's because the actors are still young??? Idk western and eastern media are both majorly pissing me off in completely but sometimes similar ways I can't wait for this streaming bs to blow up in their faces bc they're spending so much money on things that have no longevity like if you're giving me 8 episode seasons every couple of years and then you cancel that show after 2 or 3 seasons you've barely made a complete season of television after 4 years and the numbers are right in front of their faces the things that bring in the biggest numbers are not even the streamers shows but the long ass heavy hitters and comedies from and procedurals from networks like new girl and NCIS it's all going to shit in a few years , there's already talk of a writers strike in 2023 bc they're working these people to the bone and giving them nothing they don't even have showrunners anymore???? It's a writers room and then a director who has all the control like how brain dead do you have to be do they not realize writers are literally everything ??? They're gonna start making a lot less content with longer seasons but they're gonna torture us first while we get there.
marvel honestly should've died with endgame. like i know there are like infinite characters and universes and shit in the original comics but there is no fucking need to bring them all to life now is there. they roped essentially every actor into their bullshit, if it's not marvel then it's dc and sometimes both. there are almost no A-lister actors that haven't in some form participated in a marvel production. the first few tom holland "accidental" spoilers were fun like i actually think the first time it happened it was completely on accident then the marketing people realized how hype people got from that then they obviously played up on that afterwards and like it's actually sickening to hear when tom said that he had no idea that the scene they were shooting in endgame was tony's funeral scene like how the fuck do you not tell your actors what scene they're playing in because you're scared they will spoil it like honestly go to hell it doesn't even matter....
haven't watched stranger things since season 2 either cause they'll have these kids play these characters until they can't anymore because they're too grown (they already are) and then a few years later they'll do like an adult version special season/movie like they did with It 2.
i have talked about this but i absolutely hate this trend of dropping 6-8 episode seasons at once instead of dropping one each week like you are literally taking the fun out of tv shows because people will binge it in a day then forget about it by next week then you can keep churning out the next mass produced shit that the writers are not getting paid for so that the audiences can watch it in a day then not think about it for the rest of their lives....all this work...all that money and labor just so people can binge it in one go without any excitement and hype building throughout the weeks i'm so sick of it... the writers are going to go on a strike and it will not matter, it will not matter because they'll just fire them and get new ones who are willing to do the workload and nothing will change because we live in a post modernist hellscape
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Pairing: Nobunaga x Reader
Genre: Modern AU
Rating: Fluff and Smut
Word count: 1720
Written by @rikumorimachisgirl for Anonymous
A/N: Not the Marvel movie. 😁
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The score was 94-92 in favor of the Echigo Samurais. With three more minutes left in the fourth quarter, you press on the Azuchi Warlords assistant coach Mitsunari to call a timeout. Echigo has played a running game throughout and led by as much as ten points in the dying seconds of the first half of the game, but Shigen Takeda openly blowing a kiss at you seemed to have ignited something in the Warlords, as your boyfriend and team captain Nobunaga Oda led the team, powering through the second half. 
You hurriedly handed out towels and sports drinks to the players, who were more than happy to receive them. All, except your boyfriend, who showed no interest in joining the team as they huddled around Mitsunari. A sudden power fluctuation caused the electronic boards to reset, giving each team extra time to rest and strategize, but he didn't move from his spot. He was a sight to behold - his eyes fixed on the scoreboard, his expression unreadable. His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of girls cheering. 
"We love you, Nobunaga!" 
You winced at the unabashed declarations of his fans seated on the right side of the court but kept your gaze at him. To your surprise, he gave them a sideline glance and winked, as he wiped the sweat off his forehead with his wristband. 
The fans screamed like harpies, as you sighed, dejected. Normally, he wouldn't pay them as much attention as he just did but given your latest argument and the fact that the man in question wasn't backing down, you knew your boyfriend wasn't about to give you any preferential treatment.  
"Are you two still fighting?"
You almost jumped at the sound of a voice speaking quite near you. 
Standing next to you, the small guard cocked an eyebrow at you, annoyed. "What are you being all jumpy for?"
"How long have you been here?"
"Long enough to hear you sigh, " he replied, toweling off his sweat-drenched blond hair. "You must be daft if you think I'm going to take instructions from Mitsunari." 
"He's the assistant coach for a reason, you know."
"Yeah because our head coach opted to play team captain today instead of watching from the sidelines, " Ieyasu said curtly, shifting his gaze to Nobunaga. "So, why haven't you made up yet? You're making our lives a living hell." 
You knew how difficult the team's lives have been since that fateful day when Shigen Takeda - of all people - saved you from nearly being mugged by a group of thugs on your way back to your apartment from a quick trip to the grocery. Of course, no sooner than he had beaten up the perpetrators, pictures of the two of you together circulated throughout social media. It only took less than an hour before your own boyfriend saw the picture himself, and of course, the picture he had to see was that of you flashing a gorgeous smile at Shigen to thank him for saving you.
"He really has been giving us a tough time, you know. I couldn't feel my legs last night after practice."
"Well, I would talk to him but he hasn't been responding to my messages nor answering my calls, " you whined. "He hasn't even come home since that evening. Is he staying at Mitsuhide's?"
"You think Hideyoshi would allow that? You better make up with him immediately so that Mitsunari can use his room again. He's been staying with me for two nights now, I might murder him if he stays another night."
The referee whistled to call the players back, and you watched Ieyasu walk back to the court with the rest of the team. You caught sight of Nobunaga making his way back as well, and without thinking, you quickly grabbed his wrist to stop him. 
"I have a game to play -"
"I'm sorry, Nobunaga, " you said, cutting him off mid-sentence, as your vision started to blur. "There really wasn't anything else that happened. You're the only one for me."
He sighed, and broke free from your grip, only to capture your hand in his. "We'll talk later. Right now, I have a game to win. Don't worry, it'll be over soon, " he said, smiling as he wiped a stray tear from cheek before running to his post. From the corner of your eye, you could see Ieyasu rolling his eyes, and Masamune giving you a thumbs up. Your heart soared, knowing that your boyfriend will do everything he can to keep his promise. 
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The game ended at 95-94. The entire stadium erupted in cheers as the Azuchi Warlords won the championships once again, three years in a row. Hordes of fans and reporters gathered around the team to take pictures and interviews, as you watched from the sidelines with a huge smile on your face. One by one, the Warlords took their leave to go to the locker room and change. All except your boyfriend, who was still with the press alongside Mitsunari. By the time they'd finished with the interviews, most of the players had emerged from the locker room, looking refreshed and ready to party. 
"We're all going to The Castle to celebrate, " Masamune Date, the team's small forward, and resident playboy told you as he stepped beside you to watch Nobunaga thank the reporters and fans for their support. "I suppose it's safe to say you won't be there later…"
"Please, Masamune, it was your idea to leave these two to party on their own, " Ieyasu said, sounding bored while watching your face turn red. "Just make sure you don't make a mess like you did the last time."
"The last time?" Your eyes widened like saucers. "We've never done anything nasty in the locker room, I'll have you know!"
"Actually, that was me, " Mitsuhide Akechi, the team's center, chimed in sheepishly. "What? The team manager of the Anegawa Daimyos was asking for it, clearly. Anyway, we're leaving. This is all up to you now. Don't forget to lock the door."
You blushed harder, waving them off before you made your way to the lockers where your boyfriend now was. 
"Nobunaga? I'm coming in, " you called before stepping into the locker room. Except for the sound of water running from the shower area where your boyfriend was, the room was incredibly quiet. Slowly, you made your way towards the shower room, stopping by the entrance as Nobunaga's perfect physique, which the glass door did very little to hide. His arms braced the wall, as the stream of warm water cascaded down his back, his tight bum and his long legs. 
As if caught in a trance, you decide just then to give him a celebration he won't forget. You stripped off your clothes, careful not to make any noise while you do. After you'd folded and set them aside, you hurry to the shower room before you lose your nerve. 
The sound of the glass door sliding made him tense, and he immediately glanced behind him. 
"How long have you been standing there?"
"Long enough to decide to join you since you were taking your sweet time, " you responded quietly. 
Your retort made him smirk, and you found yourself pinned against the tiles as he molded your lips with his. It was quite a sensation - the cool surface of the shower tiles on your back and the heat of his body pressed against yours almost made you melt. 
"You were waiting?" He asked in between kisses. 
"You said earlier that we'll talk - oh…, " you gasped as he pushed his tongue into your mouth to dance with yours. 
"Yes, I said we were going to talk, " he said, catching his breath before capturing your mouth with his once again. "You've been a naughty girl, socializing with our rivals."
"I have not, " you said, panting while pulling him in for another kiss. 
"Playing the role of damsel in distress, " he continued, as he trailed kisses down your neck. "Trying to get me jealous."
Your eyes flew wide at his admission. "Jealous? You?"
"And this surprises you?" 
"Yes, " you replied, pushing against him hard enough against the wall. The warm water from the shower only made your body feel hotter, as you trailed kisses from his chest down to the tight muscles of his stomach, and finally dropping to your knees as you held the girth of his cock, and gazed up at him. "I'm surprised you're jealous especially because you should know by now that I crave only you."
You flicked the tip of his cock with your tongue, tasting his precum that leaked out of his hardened member. Your eyes never leaving him, you lapped up and down his length slowly again and again until he groaned. Cupping your cheeks with his hands, he shoved his cock into your mouth, reaching all the way to the back of your throat. "That's it, baby. Suck me harder, " he said, his breathing ragged. You placed your hands on his hips for support and he tightened his hold on your hair as he fucked your mouth. 
After a while, he pulled you to your feet and backed you up against the wall once more. Wrapping your legs around his waist, he entered you with one swift motion and drowned your moan with a kiss. 
You clawed at his back and kissed him desperately. He was rougher than usual, but that didn't seem to bother you. You were so close to orgasm as pleasure coursed through you as he pounded into you relentlessly. You missed this - you missed him - and you knew you weren't going to last. 
"Nobunaga!" You cried out as you flew into orgasm, and he followed shortly after, grunting loudly as he came. As soon as you both came down from your high, he carefully set you back on your feet but didn't stop holding you close. 
"I missed you, " you murmured against his chest.
"I missed you too, " he said, as he tucked your hair behind your ear. "And I'm sorry. It was foolish of me to act like I did."
"I'm glad you agree. I won't ever leave you, you know."
He smirked. "I know, baby, " he said. "Because you and me, we're endgame." 
The end. 
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wadey-wilson · 6 years
I see you saw Captain Marvel. what's your opinion on the movie? i kinda liked it, but I feel like i haven't got a strong opinion yet :/
since i don’t know how to write reviews, i’ll just… here goes.
ok so, the movie wasn’t as bad as i expected it to be, and it necessarily wasn’t as Great as i wanted it to be. i say it wasn’t as bad because i always go to a theater with the half ‘how bad can it be’ and half ‘i hope it’ll be good’ kind of an attitude. 7/10 for me. i feel like upon rewatching it i’d give it a 7,5/10.
and now hear out my logic before you go after me or something, because i can explain, okay. it’ll be messy, so i’ll just… do it in points
- music - some of it worked, some of it didn’t. i felt like the need to be 90s-like overwhelmed the directors/producers, and some of the songs weren’t put in the moment they should’ve been, or were put in a wrong way (say, Come As You Are). but it worked for the most part, no big complaints on my side.
- editing - it worked for like 90% of the movie. sometimes the editing was so quick that i couldn’t tell what was going on. but even the badly edited moments are light years ahead from the TASM movies.
- the make up was just… amazing. the fact that the skrulls looked so good makes you wonder why fox got lazy on their make up with like one fucking person. mcu literally paints like half of their characters, even wade wilson in fox looks just wonderful, and then you have raven who looks more and more like shit with every movie she appears in.skrulls looked almost breathtaking, i was really amazed by the job the make up artists did, huge kudos to them. the fact that talos expressed his emotions so well under the prosthetic was just… wow. kree looked very good, the glowing on carol look very nice, and the cgi on nick fury was just freaking groundbreaking - at some point you just couldn’t believe this guy is like 70yo in real life. when the cgi is so good you don’t even notice it, then you know that the artist reached their goal.
- i liked the world building. i understood the cosmic stuff for the most part. i knew who, why, when, and what for. the movie had a lot to say in not so much time, yet it still kinda managed to no overwhelm me with the information.
- i adored the interactions. characters were playing off each other really well. the buddy cop relationship between carol and fury was undoubtedly one of the best parts of the movie.
- the pacing was great. some of the marvel movies or movies in general really feel like they want to be 8 hours long, and this movie doesn’t have that problem. you don’t really notice the time passing, the scenes don’t drag, there’s no focusing on such bullshit like obligatory/forced hetero relationships, too long conversations, or too long action scenes, and before you know it the movie ends - that’s how you know the pacing was fine. (compare it to AMATW and how it dragged. seriously, i needed breaks while watching ant-man and the wasp. i couldn’t sit and watch this whole movie. thank god i didn’t go to the cinema for that because i’d probably annoy everyone with pee breaks every 3 minutes. but that’s an opinion, don’t @ me, we can have different opinions about different movies and still live a good life.)
- i really, really enjoyed the way the movie mixed everything. you have the kree, you have skrulls, you have humans, shield, the air force, some flashbacks, and the movie doesn’t feel like a frankenstein kind of a creature. take TASM 2 for example where it feels like you’re watching 9 different movies put in 1 movie despite the action taking place in one freaking city. i felt like it was all tied together very well in captain marvel, and i think it may be because the main character took you on the journey and showed you everything from her perspective, and it worked.
- the humor was so good. you had to get used to carol’s snarky comments or how she brushes off everything with jokes, and then some dry-like kind of humor came in, and then some real humor came in, and even if some jokes didn’t land, it still felt like that person would actually say it.
- i like the twist with mar-vell [*‘everything has to be like in the comics’ people screeching in the background*]. i like how the skrull were done - i really, really felt for the skrulls (that moment when talos rubbed his face against his wife… my eyes watered.)
- goose the cat. that’s it. he won my heart.
- and as i mentioned before - the movie also undercuts these superhero-landing tropes - we’ve seen that before, it’s not so impressive anymore, AND we’re gonna see it dialled to 11 in endgame.
- now hear me out and don’t @ me - brie larson does not have the MCU-like charisma… YET. just yet. she’s on a good ground. you know she likes that role, it shows she likes that role, she wants to play it, she wants to be that character.
mcu charisma is what i like to call the kind of a vibe that the mcu actors give off when playing their roles. you know nobody could replace tony stark, you know nobody could play steve rogers the same way evans does, you watch tom holland and forget it’s tom holland, you see a peter parker, you look at rhodes and forget there’s an actor underneath. i didn’t feel that with brie larson just yet in like 1/3 of the movie. i could see her acting, see her having fun and knowing what she’d like to do.
and i’m NOT saying it’s her fault she doesn’t have that charisma yet. i think the fault’s in the writing and the directing. carol danvers did not have enough ‘me’ screentime. again, don’t @ me, i do not criticize the acting or the actress, or the movie. it’s about how her character was written into the story. because it felt just like that - she was written into the story, instead of the story being written around her, despite her being the main character. and it was a glaring problem that wasn’t really a problem you cared about - and that was because the lines delivery was great, the movie was funny, well-paced, well-acted, the action was good, the music for the most part was good, the cgi aged well. so you didn’t really notice that lack of ‘is she the charcter yet, has she become the character yet?’ thing.
but then again, i didn’t feel for steve rogers up until the end of the movie where he crashed the ship. i didn’t feel for thor in any other movies than the avengers, ragnarok, and then endgame. i still don’t feel for sam wilson EVEN THOUGH i like the character (he certainly has more depth than black widow in one movie than she has in all the movies, and it’s the writers’ fault, not scarlett’s). i have never felt for black widow - she has no character for me. she’s better now than she was in im2, but i still don’t like her as a character, and that is because i have… nothing… to like. she’s snarky and bland for me. and it’s a shame because then you see shuri or pepper potts, or okoye, or even aunt may and you can tell they have a lot of depth despite being given not so much time on the screen. and then natasha shows up and like, ugh. *spider-man noir voice* who are you again?
some of the mcu actors hit off with the character charisma the moment they show up on the screen, some of them take their time, and it’s ok. it’s absolutely ok for brie larson to not BE carol danvers yet.
we’re yet to see her in endgame and in other movies, so i’m more than certain she she’ll become a captain marvel.
i feel like she’ll kind of have this thor complex - boring (yet carol is way way way way better in her movie that thor was in thor 1 and 2, don’t @ me, i really don’t like thor 1 & 2) in the origin movie, but wackier and ultiple times more interesting as it goes on. she also has this stephen strange complex - she needs more characterization the way doctor strange did. strange was a prodigy in almost everything he did job-wise but was disconnected with his emotional side, and i kinda feel the same for carol danvers.
she will be good, i feel it, i believe in it, give her time. even though i liked her in the movie, she still lacks some depth. that’s not to say she has no depth, no, she has a lot of it. she just hasn’t been able to show it yet.
overall, given that it was a first movie with such huge budget for those indie movie directors, i think they managed. yes, the movie is a bit scattered, and it lacks a bit of depth, but it ties into the mcu very well, it’s entertaining, the humor is good, and the action is good.
7/10. lighthearted and entertaining, even if a bit choppy. we can discuss.
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My picks first week of April 2019 part 2/4
Ok I know I'm making this a bit later than anticipated but i watched the first episode of Fruits Basket then I fan girled and then watched it again and it's been all i could think about all day other than snow white with the red hair which by the way is a really cute anime and has a pretty good English dub cast (I love both subbed and dubbed anime but came across this first dubbed so i stuck with it lol)
Anyywayss to continue...let's see the next category will be Movies!
To be honest I haven't watched a whole lot of movies lately so this may be short and I will include ones I'm looking forward to seeing /want to see when it's out on dvd..ok let's begin!
1. Captain Marvel (seen)
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Captain Marvel was the last movie I watched in theatres, I really enjoyed it! I loved the 90s references!
2. Five Feet Apart (want to see)
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I want to see this for a few reasons: it looks really good, cole spruce is in it love him in riverdale, and Justin Baldoni (Rafael from Jane the virgin) directed it and i love him too! So definitely want to see this one even though it looks like it'll likely be sad!
3. Isn't it Romantic (want to see)
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This one also looks really good and has a great cast so I definitely want to see it!❤️
3. Second Act (want to see)
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Not much to say other than what I've been saying for the past few movies that it looks really good and the cast is good so I'm sure it'll be good lol
4. Shazam! (want to see)
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Loved Zachary Levi since I saw him in the show Chuck so I'm sure this one will be full of laughs and charm. I can't wait to see this one!❤️
5. Avengers Endgame (want to see)
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I've seen all the marvel movies leading up to this so it'd be crazy not to watch it lol, besides i think it looks really good! Can't wait!
6. Thumbelina (recently rewatched - a childhood favourite lol)
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It's cute, it's cheezy, it's got catchy songs... Which pretty much describes any animated fairytale movie from the 90's. Even though it's kinda predictable the animation is beautiful, love the songs, it's very imaginative/creative and i just get the nostalgic feels from watching it lol i also like it because it's a story that isn't done a whole lot (such as cinderella) so that to me makes it kinda special.
Alright that's all for part 2 of my picks for first week of April part 2/5...i had trouble uploading this earlier due to image files that's why i uploaded screenshots instead cuz i figured that would work haha anyways onward to part 3!!
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