#i haven't watched anything dsmp related in a long while but
beforeisayaurevoir · 2 years
tommyinnit is truly the guy of all time. dsmp will always have a special place in my heart, the pinnacle of just a couple guys having fun and telling stories and being stupidly emotional about it. all during a pandemic. all in minecraft. it was so dumb and so beautiful and the artistic consequences that came from it are something out of this world.
i'm glad he made that little tribute to this huge thing that happened through all of us and could never be repeated.
"we'll build this walls with our own fair hands, through the wind and the rain and the snow, and i swear by my life that i'll stay by your side through whatever the world has to throw"
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likesdoodling · 1 month
First only text post I have ever done!
This is kind of a disclaimer? Maybe? I guess?
So I started doing art stuff on here primarily to post my dsmp comic 'The Adventures of Steve and Orphan' which my predictive text still remembers perfectly btw-
I finished said comic a while ago, (like... I dunno.. Last year around March or something?) and I planned on putting it all together when I was finished to make a more cohesive read, since I definitely wrote it to be read in order.
That was before.. Ahem. Stuff happened. Like. The recent wilbur stuff, not the June 2022 stuff. Definitely wasn't going to do it straight after that,
Anyway. The main characters are Steve and Orphan because of that video Technoblade did with Ranboo where he said Steve was the real main character/should have his own series, plus him telling dream in prison that Steve was coming to rescue him. I thought this was hilarious, so that's when I started my comic thing.
(I'm kind of a Technoblade fan. Can you tell? Genuinely the only person on dsmp that I watched live, plus all his dsmp vods and YouTube videos, and no I do not have a problem, my obsession has just shifted to different fandoms)
It is of course, ✨Fiction✨ so I'm probably going to post it anyway, this is mainly just to figure out if any of my tumblr followers actually care about the dream smp, since it was mainly my Instagram folks who followed me for that stuff, since ascendance of a bookworm and bsd fans are a lot more active on tumblr.
Anyway. My main reasoning is that I want to still post Technoblade related stuff, fanart etc. Because he was the inspiration to finish one of the biggest projects I ever undertook, drawing wise, and it's the best way I can think of to try embody the 'Technoblade Never Dies' spirit. Ya know?
So expect to see the collected Adventures of Steve and Orphan soon!
It's all from Steve's perspective btw
And there is a bit of a jump in quality when I took a break mid 2022 for obvious reasons. It is so weird to think that it's been nearly two years... Who knows. Maybe I'll post it as an anniversary thing or something. Eh. I probably won't bother waiting that long. I want to do a full on art piece for the anniversary if possible anyway.
Honestly, I haven't gotten more than 20 likes on a single picture on Instagram since I finished said Steve and Orphan comic, so you guys clearly have superior taste in anime. But then again, Steve had some pretty good unintentionally funny commentating skills so who knows. He thinks he's inspiring. Like Master. Orphan might laugh, but Steve is clearly a wonderful teacher.
If you don't want anything to do with the dsmp, then you probably haven't read this far honestly. I kind of doubt any of you guys are interested, but yknow. Just in case.
Doin sarcastically commentated comics was/is kind of my thing. And the Adventures of Steve and Orphan is a prime example of that.
That's it for now, cya!
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imaginemcyt · 2 years
final life –> c!ranboo and tubbo
doesn't follow the plot at all, and i have no idea where this came from. i know i've been super inactive but i've been so busy and haven't really had the time to watch or write anything dsmp or mcyt related. here's this though! enjoy the angst lol.
they were at home with michael when it happened. you were supposed to be there, you were supposed to be with your family. however, after wilbur had become something unrecognizable, something akin to a monster, he had captured you for leverage.
he knew you were adored by many, especially your husbands and son. which meant no one could touch him, not while he had you. not while you were on your final life. you had lost the first one to quackity, the second to technoblade (though it had been a complete accident). now you had one life left before it was game over, and wilbur currently had possession of that life.
on this particular day, your husbands ranboo and tubbo had been in close communication with your close friend tommy, brainstorming ideas on how to get you back safely. this was not an uncommon occurrence. they had spent most days in similar fashion since your capture.
they got it at the same time. their communicators pinged happily, contrasting heavily to the message displayed on the screen. it was just a little white line of text, but it shattered both of their worlds.
y/n was blown up by wilbursoot. (3/3)
in the distance, explosions could be heard, and l'manburg was no more. but at the moment, ranboo and tubbo couldn't hear anything but the ringing in their ears and the hopeless cries of their now motherless son.
tubbo joined michael in his waterworks, tears sliding down his face silently. ranboo couldn't cry. he couldn't feel anything. it just didn't feel real. it all felt like the most horrible nightmare, and he would wake up from it any minute. you would comfort him as he recovered, and he would fall back asleep in your arms, assured that you were safe and sound.
he wrapped his long arms around tubbo and michael, trying desperately to console them, and knowing that he would later have to explain to michael that his mama would not be coming home.
outside of the house, everyone had gotten that same notification. the notification that wilbur had not only betrayed the nation he had once created, but had also murdered you. this turned the tide of the war. now, wilbur had nothing to hide behind. and everybody else had nothing left to lose.
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overthinkingfandom · 3 years
i don't know if you even answer question related asks but i thought i'd give it a go so - i've known about the stone (and staged finale) theory for quite a while now, but i've only recently been reading up on a lot of different interpretations of it (mostly for what the stone is being collected for) and from your posts i gathered you seem more inclined to believe that c!dream has some sort of hidden objective that no one in the audience could possibly know about or connect together like they have with this theory because there just aren't any dots to connect yet and that he can only accomplish said objective from inside the prison than any other interpretation as to why c!dream put himself in the vault.
i've wracked my brain for days now thinking about what this possible objective could be and i genuinely could not think of anything, my mind just draws blanks every time i think too hard. so i was wondering what you think it might be? if you have any sort of theory or idea about it, but if not thats totally understandable
Hey anon. I actually have a few posts in the works about those questions. But writing is hell and my mental health is not doing me any favors in that regard so who knows when they'll be done.
As a small disclaimer, I'm skipping over a whole bunch of evidence and explanations so don't be surprised if this all sounds tenuous. There's a reason why I want to make multiple posts about the stuff discussed here.
First, I should probably explain why I arrived at the conclusion I did.
I love strategy and game theory a lot. What initially drew me to DSMP was how Dream uses a lot of irl concepts from those fields in any conflict he's involved in, something which can be seen even as far back as the og Disc War.
I binged watched the first and second seasons and while doing so I kept myself a list of tactics and principles I noticed him using. It's actually this list which was the first thing to clue me in about the finale being fake. (The way he acts there is so dumb in ways that actively go against the planning principles he always used.)
Dream's goals (and subgoals) all share three distinct traits. They're Achievable (as in he would be able to get them while relying minimally on uncontrollable variables such as luck or other people). They're Specific (as in they can all fit into a binary of completed or not. There's no grey area of "kinda" completed). They're Decisive, (as in they're a result which can't be easily undone and/or they give him a distinct and new advantage).
He also uses win conditions. A win condition is something that once completed means your victory is assured no matter what your opponent does. They most often appear near the end of the conflict but not always (such as in the case of the Independence war, when the resolution is pretty long after the victor is clear.)
Ugh, making claims without examples and full explanations pains me.
I bring those things up because just like they're missing in Dream's stated plan during the finale, they're also missing from many of the offered alternatives. Creating a big bad villain in order to unite the server is not decisive, not achievable and only debatably specific. It also doesn't have any win condition involved.
(There's other stuff too, like how when Dream relies on an opponent's decision in order to achieve his goal he makes sure to block all their other options, something which we don't see here at all, but I also want to move on and talk about other stuff rather than letting it devolve into talking about his tactics.)
Dream is a rational player and he thinks getting locked up is a good idea, so much so he builds the prison for himself and orchestrates the finale. Because his goals are always decisive, this either achieves something or gives him an advantage. By itself, being locked up didn't achieve Dream anything so it must give him an advantage of some kind.
The reason why I assume it's based on some piece of information we haven't seen yet mostly has to do with the timeline of events.
The earliest we can track down the prison plan is Dec 4th. However, Dream has been been working towards being able to pull of the disc confrontation in other ways too and that we can track back to Nov 18 at the earliest. Two days after the Manburg vs. Pogtopia war.
That's as far as solid evidence goes, but that only accounts for his actions. If we look at his behavior we can see him changing from a long term strategy to a more short term strategy on Nov 5th, aka the day he switched to Schlatt's side.
On the surface it seems pretty simple, Schlatt offered him the revive book and Dream fought on his side in exchange. Except something about that deal doesn't add up right. There's so much inconsistencies to it and while some of them can be attributed to the change in writers or a change in plans behind the scenes, not all of them can.
Tommy said it best, how would Schlatt get his hands on the revive book? Why would Glatt not recognize it? Why would Dream go to all the trouble of disguising himself as Mexican Dream and visiting Glatt with the revive book?
Why would he say this:
Dream: "[Schlatt] gave me the revive book after- ...before he died." (23:48)
When listening to the clip you can hear this isn't CC!Dream stumbling on his words, it's C!Dream cutting himself off because he almost let something slip.
Something happened, after which Schlatt gave Dream the book. Something that both the character and the story are keeping a secret.
It's my belief that this something is the missing key information we need in order to make sense of Dream's goal. That this event wasn't just a thing after which Schlatt gave the book to Dream, but rather that during this event Dream gained new information which caused him to come up with the prison plan and believe it's a viable one.
If I had to bet, I would say this information is about something supernatural i.e. something which acts according to narrative rules rather than vanilla minecraft mechanics. The connection to the revive book is the most damning but even the stone gathering seems to point in that direction.
The people gathering stone all focus specifically on stone while cobblestone is unfitting. There seems to be some kind of specific purpose here. But as most people who hear about Stone Theory correctly point out, there's not much which can be done with it. Especially with the amount they've been gathering.
Tho considering the timeline and how all three are gathering stone it's possible what they need it for isn't a one and done thing like a specific build but rather something that requires more stone for each person who joins.
But if the reason is supernatural in nature then there are so many more possibilities they could go to which could explain the insistence on stone and how no other block seems to get a similar treatment.
That's basically all I have as far as evidence based theorizing goes: Being in prison is somehow advantageous to Dream. Something happened with the revive book. Being locked up is just another step in the plan rather than the goal.
There are actually a few more leads which might provide us clues as to what is going on with the stone, but they require sifting through a lot of content and paying attention to the details so it's quite an undertaking which is still in progress. Though I will say there seems to be an underwater connection of some kind.
I've got a few pet theories that are more specific but are also way more speculation based. Although "specific" may be overselling it lol.
I think Dream's ultimate goal here may lead to the server's reset plot-wise. His goal is to unite the server but he always thought of it in the context of the early DSMP days, when there was chaos and fighting but they were all a big happy family at the end of the day. Trying to force everyone back to those days after everything is not really viable. But starting again from nothing? Maybe even wiping everyone's memories of it? Now that's way more doable.
How that's related to the stone gathering? Beats me. Maybe he's gonna build an underwater stone temple for satan and pray for the apocalypse to come.
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