#i havent decided on lady sneasler yet :
salsa-di-pomodoro · 2 years
About the ingo-Arceus roadtrip!
LOVE the idea of them sometimes ending up in the wrong timelines. Could you maybe give some instances of this?
FUCK i didn't answer you huh
Well it's not quite right to say they end up in a wrong timeline if they're doing it on purpose. The thing is Arceus is doing the equivalent of the sprint for your life that one does when they turn off all the lights in the middle of the night and have to go back to bed except the danger Is not an imaginary monster but the sheer incomprehensibility (to Ingo) of the not-place they are in, and they have to find the nearest safest planet/timeline/dimension possible once Ingo communicates that he can't take it anymore in the void between timelines. Cause yeah Arceus' presence is gonna help him a lot in not losing himself again or dying by reminding him of what's real and sorta anchoring him to himself and them but that's not going to last forever. So really, they may end up anywhere that has an atmosphere similiar enough to that of the world of Pokémon, drinkable water and food compatibile with a human body. Within those criteria, anything is possible :)
I haven't thought of any specific places yet, but i do have The Vibes. Think of somewhere like rainworld, in the beginning. Obviously not exactly like that otherwise it would be a crossover but i'm thinking of something like that. The closer he gets to his own timeline and dimension, the more similiar the world, most of the time.
He may also end up further in the past of a different timeline, say, if whatever happened 3000-2500 years ago in the canon universe didn't happen (it's hard to tell what it was but everything happened in those years. I think there might have been a recession if they were able to do the thing AZ did with the weapon and then thousands of years later they were still in the 1800s.), the timeline would already have gone somewhere completely different. What if Ingo visited somewhere like that?
Maybe a different dimension also, where humans didn't evolve to be humans, but another species became something similiar? (it would be a Pokémon obv.) Somewhere with a biosphere different enough to have a different species thrive.
Towards the end i was thinking he first meets the (ultra? Gotta refresh my knowledge of the timelines) Sun & Moon protagonist in one of the more faraway ultra wormholes, but can't go back with them because he doesn't have the equipment necessary to go inside of a wormhole without consequences for the amount of time needed to go back home. (Arceus and Ingo have been traveling via distortions and rifts and such. I'll get back to that in another ask probably). (Ultra probably) Sun & Moon protag can't go back to this particular world because. Well have you tried to get past 10000 light years with the ultra warp ride its hard af. They're way past that. I can't imagine how hard it would be in-universe, even with years of experience. Also there's so many different dimension to choose from, they might not find the right one, just one similiar enough to believe it's the one, if they go back and try to bring an additional suit fitted for him. Also there is a reason they know it's the right universe, Arceus can tell from a specific signature in the soul/aura of a person. It's kind of difficult to recognize among all the different universes and such but when in front of someone it's far easier to compare the two and see they they're the same signature. Ingo asks the child to bring back a few trinkets and foods he brought from other worlds, bring them to Emmet. He may not remember him completely yet, but he thinks he would like them (he would), and wants to know that he's almost back. (There's a specific event i thought of, that would shake some memories loose. But this post is already long enough. Ask me about it if you want to know please :))
The very last place he goes to before getting home is a city few hundred years forward from his time. People recognize him, which surprises him. He doesn't wait too long to leave, just a couple days or three (he usually stays more time in order to recover from void travel. [Well it's a void to him but to Arceus it makes far more sense]. He doesn't want to know the future, especially his future. That's why he leaves so soon (along with just being hella impatient by now lol). This will have consequences [not too bad tho. Just a minor setback :)]), when ideally with the amount of travel he did this time he should have stayed about a week. Historians everywhere are extremely dismayed, but they weren't going to gain much out of him either way and they suspected that anyway so.
Ingo does not always have a great time (see rainworld-type worlds), but that's something Arceus can help with. Most times.
There are many more worlds they visit, and the roadtrip lasts months, but this is all i can write for now. I'm tired af lol
As always extras in the tags because i cannot shut up
Well shit i guess this is the post i should have made later now. I'll make another one going in depth where i didn't go in this one when i get another ask lol
Grr i wish i could draw i have so many cool ideas. Maybe i'll ask my friend. Or someone. Hmm
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Hey ummmm
Are immortal infertile
Cuz that's the only way I can think of society still thinking that assuming that hisuian sneasels are extinct.
Unless you know government conspiracy
i mean. if im already getting kid-with-silly-putty with the timeline maybe hisuian sneasel DO still exist. personally i think in pokemon canon the reason theres no more "hisuian" sneasel is just bc they like. evolved into a dark/ice type in between the two time periods. so yeah lady sneasler might make that a little different
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