#ingo + arceus roadtrip au
salsa-di-pomodoro · 2 years
About the Ingo + Arceus road trip: waitwaitwait, what do you mean by consequences in a trip to the future of his own timeline? 👀
Well, as i said it's nothing actually too concerning, just a setback. You see, since the last world he traveled long enough that he would take at least a week to fully recover from the strain of it that's what he should have done. But because of the knowledge that he is so very close to going home and finding Emmet and finally getting his answers, along with the added stress of trying not to see anything about the future (cause yeah that's going to be. Stressful. What if it's not something he wants to know?), he decided to leave earlier. He does not tell the future people of how long he should have rested. (They'll figure it out either way, looking at records of Ingo's many future (past?) Interviews 🥲. They're not going too upset over it though. They understand, they're just worried. They decide to keep a closer eye on any future fallers or interdimensional travelers they find.)
Either way, Arceus is understandably concerned over this fyi like they do care, they've spent the last few months with this guy and are pretty aware of his limits, but Ingo is really just... Tired. He insists over this, and they cave. They make sure to go particularly fast and be even more careful than usual this time, but of course they can't do everything.
Ingo gets only to see the shoreline of the forest underneath the entralink area and realize he made it before he gives in to his body and he passes out. He tells Arceus he's going to sleep, and they, not really knowing any better still (they're horrible at social interactions outside of divine intervention ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ but hey what else was it going to be. They spend all their time doing who knows what managing the universe. This is just one arm after all.), trust him in that. They hang around in the faint way you'd imagine they were looking over Akari in the game, sort of looking over him and waiting for him to wake up and making sure he doesn't die. If he were to die now they would feel so upset over it. They became friends with Ingo over time (i don't think they will completely leave once he is settled in his life either; they're probably going to be a metaphorical call away :)), which is probably the closest they're ever going to get to being a Pokémon companion, something i believe they wished to experience if the battle with them at the end of the game tells me anything.
He is found by a family of zorua and zoroarks. They aren't used to seeing humans so far into the forest and got curious. Ingo's Pokémon, who were starting to get really worried (it has been a while since he went to 'sleep' by now), sense them and they decide someone should come out. The first one to do so is Ingo's alpha zoroark (the others are happy to know someone is out there helping Ingo and calm down for the moment. They do listen in though). It was particularly excited about getting to Unova, knowing it was the land its ancestors came from that was spoken of so longingly by the oldest zoroarks in the packs, the ones that still remembered when they were kits, leaving that place with their parents, following humans. It is immediatly blindsided by the sight of ALIVE zoruas and zoroarks, and for a moment it only revels in the knowledge they they are There, finally, before remembering why it was so impatient to get out. It finds it cannot wake up Ingo. And immediatly asks for help from the zoroark's family. The poor guys are incredibly confused and maybe a little afraid and or disturbed to see such a visibly scarred (i mean like. The red things) zoroark (also it's huge, cause its an alpha) and would really like to ask a few questions, but they accept either way. Why would they not, after all? (They do not know that in Hisui asking for help on behalf of a human to any Pokémon would be So dangerous)
So with a bit of help from some of Ingo's Pokémon they bring him back to their den. Arceus, whose full attention has been attracted by now, comes back in the right plane of existence, and once informed Ingo isn't waking up, promptly freaks out a little and wakes him themself, by using divine powers or something.
Ingo wakes up with a terrible, terrible sense of déjà vu and no idea of where he is or how he got there. He is terrified to realize he doesn't remember nearly anything.
Lmao SIKE i would never do that to him. He thinks he doesn't remember anything, but really he's just in that state where you wake up and don't even know who you are for a hot second, except he's exausted enough that he doesn't even realize he hasn't quite woken up completely and therefore will be in that state for a while, along with the added effect of the harsh travel causing a more serious version of the confusion effect Pokémon can get. Except he's a human so even that's different. So he's basically just tired and confused and panicking and the void travel temporarily blocked his memories. This time fr temporarily. He isn't thinking straight enough to realize he recognizes all the Pokémon in the room by name, but to be fair to him at this point he can barely move still, so.
Arceus, who is also internally panicking by now, decides that if Ingo truly once again doesn't remember anything they'll help him, this time not just out of duty, but because he is a friend and really, this is te first time they truly realize how much they've come to care for him, but if anything happened to him they'd truly grieve. They've only felt grief such as the one they re afraid of now, years and years ago, with the original hero. Ingo may not be the here but that doesn't matter.
So despite having no idea of how to do that, they decide to take a page out of Ingo's book, and decide that no matter what, they're going to fix this, just like he resolved to fix his situation, no matter what it took.
So they tell Ingo not to worry. They tell him to not try to force himself to remember, and they reassure him that he is going to be fine, they'll make sure of that. He has nothing to worry about. They tell him to go back to sleep.
And really, is anyone going to look in the face of a god, with the subconscious knowledge they they are your friend, telling you that you are going to be fine and NOT believe them?
Ingo goes back to sleep. When he wakes up next, a day later, he is still extremely tired, but he can move and think properly (courtesy of his Pokémon feeding him persim and lum berries ground into paste, also courtesy of the zoroark family's berry stash. They did not sign up for Arceus showing up in their den but there doesn't seem to be any danger and MAN are they curious by now), and finds that he can remember everything just fine. He finds by checking his (somewhat recently repaired) xtransreceiver that all the pictures and videos he took of the worlds he has been in match with what he remembers. He isn't missing any time. (Arceus is secretly SO relieved when he tells everyone this. They had been getting dirty looks by everyone when they refused to explain how exactly they were going to fix this, and they are glad he doesn't actually need their help. Also he's just their friend and they're glad he's fine.)
Ingo promptly starts trying to get up and leave to go home and has to be forcefully kept in the den so he doesn't overexert himself again. He has not learned anything from this experience. He needs so much therapy poor boy <3
(they can't keep him there for long though. The next day they depart, with a promise to go back to visit (Ingo's zoroark is so happy to have made a few friends already :) the zoruas love their weirdass new family member as well. They're so cool and weird :) they will not stop asking questions, as kids do.) and manage to get on the other side of lostlorn forest by the time it's night. It's not long to Nimbasa from there. The roads feel so familiar already, even this far from the city itself.)
(Chandelure has been feeling a disturbance in the force, but she knows not to leave. Ingo will get here soon. Emmet has noticed how chipper she has gotten in the last few days. He has also noticed how she tends to stare towards the wall, in one particular direction. He will not need to wait for much longer, he knows.)
Extras in the tags! Reblogs are very appreciated.
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maximum-potential · 2 years
Stupid legends arceus au where the wardens + irida and adaman are tossed into poké present day/future sinnoh and go on a dumb lil’ roadtrip to collect all of the nobles who happened to be scattered around and go home while trying their best to not fuck with the timeline
I just think it’ll be funny for them to be trying their best to blend in while also being freaked out about every other new thing they happen upon. All while ingos feeling all too familiar with the modern world and acting as a unconscious guide to modernity
Emmet meanwhile is panicking over the long verrry extinct momma sneasel living in a empty subway tunnel who somehow seems to know his brother.
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salsa-di-pomodoro · 2 years
About the ingo-Arceus roadtrip!
LOVE the idea of them sometimes ending up in the wrong timelines. Could you maybe give some instances of this?
FUCK i didn't answer you huh
Well it's not quite right to say they end up in a wrong timeline if they're doing it on purpose. The thing is Arceus is doing the equivalent of the sprint for your life that one does when they turn off all the lights in the middle of the night and have to go back to bed except the danger Is not an imaginary monster but the sheer incomprehensibility (to Ingo) of the not-place they are in, and they have to find the nearest safest planet/timeline/dimension possible once Ingo communicates that he can't take it anymore in the void between timelines. Cause yeah Arceus' presence is gonna help him a lot in not losing himself again or dying by reminding him of what's real and sorta anchoring him to himself and them but that's not going to last forever. So really, they may end up anywhere that has an atmosphere similiar enough to that of the world of Pokémon, drinkable water and food compatibile with a human body. Within those criteria, anything is possible :)
I haven't thought of any specific places yet, but i do have The Vibes. Think of somewhere like rainworld, in the beginning. Obviously not exactly like that otherwise it would be a crossover but i'm thinking of something like that. The closer he gets to his own timeline and dimension, the more similiar the world, most of the time.
He may also end up further in the past of a different timeline, say, if whatever happened 3000-2500 years ago in the canon universe didn't happen (it's hard to tell what it was but everything happened in those years. I think there might have been a recession if they were able to do the thing AZ did with the weapon and then thousands of years later they were still in the 1800s.), the timeline would already have gone somewhere completely different. What if Ingo visited somewhere like that?
Maybe a different dimension also, where humans didn't evolve to be humans, but another species became something similiar? (it would be a Pokémon obv.) Somewhere with a biosphere different enough to have a different species thrive.
Towards the end i was thinking he first meets the (ultra? Gotta refresh my knowledge of the timelines) Sun & Moon protagonist in one of the more faraway ultra wormholes, but can't go back with them because he doesn't have the equipment necessary to go inside of a wormhole without consequences for the amount of time needed to go back home. (Arceus and Ingo have been traveling via distortions and rifts and such. I'll get back to that in another ask probably). (Ultra probably) Sun & Moon protag can't go back to this particular world because. Well have you tried to get past 10000 light years with the ultra warp ride its hard af. They're way past that. I can't imagine how hard it would be in-universe, even with years of experience. Also there's so many different dimension to choose from, they might not find the right one, just one similiar enough to believe it's the one, if they go back and try to bring an additional suit fitted for him. Also there is a reason they know it's the right universe, Arceus can tell from a specific signature in the soul/aura of a person. It's kind of difficult to recognize among all the different universes and such but when in front of someone it's far easier to compare the two and see they they're the same signature. Ingo asks the child to bring back a few trinkets and foods he brought from other worlds, bring them to Emmet. He may not remember him completely yet, but he thinks he would like them (he would), and wants to know that he's almost back. (There's a specific event i thought of, that would shake some memories loose. But this post is already long enough. Ask me about it if you want to know please :))
The very last place he goes to before getting home is a city few hundred years forward from his time. People recognize him, which surprises him. He doesn't wait too long to leave, just a couple days or three (he usually stays more time in order to recover from void travel. [Well it's a void to him but to Arceus it makes far more sense]. He doesn't want to know the future, especially his future. That's why he leaves so soon (along with just being hella impatient by now lol). This will have consequences [not too bad tho. Just a minor setback :)]), when ideally with the amount of travel he did this time he should have stayed about a week. Historians everywhere are extremely dismayed, but they weren't going to gain much out of him either way and they suspected that anyway so.
Ingo does not always have a great time (see rainworld-type worlds), but that's something Arceus can help with. Most times.
There are many more worlds they visit, and the roadtrip lasts months, but this is all i can write for now. I'm tired af lol
As always extras in the tags because i cannot shut up
Well shit i guess this is the post i should have made later now. I'll make another one going in depth where i didn't go in this one when i get another ask lol
Grr i wish i could draw i have so many cool ideas. Maybe i'll ask my friend. Or someone. Hmm
Reblogs are very encouraged and appreciated :)
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salsa-di-pomodoro · 2 years
Hi there, I found your blog through the submas tag and fell in love with the Ingo + Arceus roadtrip AU, however the tags for that AU only have 3 posts (4 counting a reblog I think), do you have another tag for it or something else? It's kinda implied through the asks that there's more info out there of the AU but I can't seem to find any more :V
No i do have only a few posts for the au. I only came up with it about a week ago, and i'm kind of a slow writer 😅 i've been implying there is more because there IS more, it's just still in my head for the time being, haha.
If you want to know anything about the au though, i'd be happy to answer any questions you might have. :) Asks help me think about things i may not have thought of before.
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