#i havent drawn them in like 5 years omg why have i waited so long
iizuumi · 1 year
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drkcnry67 · 4 years
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Title: your demons are my darkness
Pairing: Dark!John x Demon blood!Sam x Reader/ eventual Dean x Reader
Kink: Gangbang
Dark: Dark!John
Heaven & Hell: Demon Blood!Sam
created for @spnkinkbingo @heavenandhellbingo @spndarkbingo​
A/N: This will be a really tough thing for me to write again this is the territory that I seem to find my passion expanding more... Once more if you like this please give it a like and a reblog and if you have any questions or comments please feel free to send me a message.
Tags: forced vaginal penetration, forced anal penetration, screaming, crying, choking from gagging, magical mind melding sex, bad ass escape skills,  forced oral sex, gagging, puking from gagging, impregnation, male dick in male ass 
Kink masterlist. H&H masterlist. Dark masterlist.
You are a huntress, you had lived all over. While living in Greece several years ago you were walking in the countryside, you came across a temple.
Normally you weren't the religious type but today you felt drawn to the temple. You turned to the goddess Artemis for guidence.
Unbeknown to you at that moment that the actual goddess herself would come to speak with you in person.
Artemis: "child, you are blessed with a gift from the gods. I'm Artemis and I have heard your prayers my child. You have found favor under me by which I bestow to you the daggers of Olympus. These daggers grant you the powers of the 12 main Olympians. Use them in your quest to vanquish the demons that haunt this realm. Remember child yell when your holding the daggers & blessings will befall you. Now go home, your next quest is waiting for you. Remember this name: Winchester!"
YN: "Artemis thank you I go now under the guidence of the gods."
You left and boarded the next possible flight. You remembered what Artemis had said, the daggers became bracelets, you arrived home to discover your only hope of retrieving your weapons cache, was to somehow knock out the 2 guys that showed up just before you did.
You overheard their conversation it went something like this:
John: "look Sam I don't pretend to understand what your going through but you can't speak to your brother the way you did & you certainly as hell don't get to speak to me that way either."
At that moment it was unclear to John what was happening. He went to move but felt his darkness rise up once more.
This made your hunting senses go haywire, you tried to ninja your way passed them using the cover of darkness, but they spotted you..
Dark!John: "hey Sam look over here son!"
Demon Blood!Sam: "well well let's play with her shall we?"
Dark!John: "let's get away from here first then we shall have some fun with her."
Both guys were immediately by your sides they knocked you out. by the time you woke up again tied to a bed.
Dark!John: “oh good you’re awake, we were afraid you would sleep through all the fun!”
YN: “who are you?”
Demon Blood !Sam: “have you ever heard the name of Winchester?”
thats when Artemis’ words rang through your mind... 
YN: “you’re what my mentor warned me about. let me go... what do you intend to do with me?” 
Dark!John: “we intend to fuck you into the middle of next week unloading our dark semen into you, little girl. we will begin in just a few moments.”
John and Sam left the area, you struggled against your binds, your next move was to pray to Artemis.
YN: “Artemis Goddess of the Hunt, freeze time in my stay, come now to speak with me.”
in that moment, time stopped as Artemis appeared.
Artemis: “what has happened my child?”
YN: “those 2 goons over there go by the last name of Winchester. please o great & humble Artemis send me salvation for i know i cannot fight what is about to happen.”
Artemis: “not to worry child ill see what i can do...”
in that moment as fast as she had come, she was gone.. you sat in wait, fearing neigh dreading what was gonna happen to you, loosing the barrier of your innocence is something that has always kept you from falling too far in love... 
you retreated to your safe haven, to your inner mind, now you werent paying any attention , you knew you would eventually come back to reality but for right then you were perfectly happy living in your magic.
the rumors surrounding the winchester name were true... but un-beknown to you, your salvation would soon involve another winchester. Meanwhile Artemis was having a discussion with her “brother” Ares.
Artemis: “its time bro, you need to share your powers with the other chosen by the Gods. it is the only way to save my prospect.”
Ares: “chill out sis, who is the lucky person to inherit my gifts?”
Artemis: “dean Winchester.”
Ares: “come with me sister. this will go alot smoother if your by my side..”
Artemis: “very well brother...”
both ares and artemis went on their way to see the better of the winchester line. they appeared scaring the living daylights out of Dean whose reaction was to pull out the handheld, aiming it at Ares and Artemis.
Ares takes a few steps forward now standing directly in front of Dean rolls his eyes.
Ares: “bro put that down... trust me boy your the only solution but your gonna have to act fast...”
Dean lowered his gun at the ringing of Ares’ words...
Dean: “what are you talking about? who are you?”
Artemis: “Dean, you’re one of those chosen by the Gods of Olympus... Ares beside me here is going to give you access to his power as well as that of the 12 main Olympians.”
Dean sat down on the edge of his bed, the expression of shock clear cross his face.
Dean: “well if the dude is Ares, who does that make you sweetheart?”
Artemis: “i am Artemis Goddess of the Hunt... Dean do you accept the charges that Ares will provide to you?”
Dean: “of course but why are you guys just approaching me now?”
Ares: “cause your time to awaken is now, your partner from the Gods is in serious trouble. Dean, you have found favor within me, i bestow to you now the dual swords of Olympus, they will turn into Gauntlets when you arent in battle. the swords will grant you the powers of the Gods. now your task is to go and find one called YN, she is a huntress & your chosen partner. your father & brother are the ones that have her.”
Dean’s eyes went wide with shock and a bit of anger...
Dean: “where is she? how do i reach her?”
Artemis: “we will show you where but once there you must hurry for if they impregnate her, the apocalypse will start. Both you & YN are the 2 people both set to start the apocalypse as well as start it. her getting filled with dark sperm is the first seal broken, this must not be allowed to happen. once you rescue her you have to call our names & we will get you away from there. they havent climaxed yet they havent even started fucking her yet, but they are about to start... i know this cause im connected to her. Dean are you prepared to fight your own family?”
Dean: “im prepared to do what is necessary to save my partner...”
back at what you assumed to be some sort of a motel or hotel room.
YN: “look okay you guys really dont want to do this.. ive got very very powerful friends.”
Dark!John: “shut up you stupid bitch... take what we are gonna give you and like it...”
John came up to your pussy first running his finger through your folds before replacing his finger with his cock. you struggled, you knew what was about to happen... but you felt powerless at that moment to stop it... 
Sam came up to your mouth and started to slap your face with his cock... this went on for several moments before he tried to make you gag on his fingers, you ended up gagging but you bit him in the process... 
Demon Blood!Sam: “why you little bitch... thats it... Dad you can take her virginity im gonna teach this bitch not to bite people...”
Dark!John: “if your not ready for me by now sweetheart your not gonna have a choice now...”
before you could come back with your remark, Sam shoved his Cock in your mouth, thrusting in and out holding position making your eyes water and causing you to gag. you were only given a 1 second breathing period between gagging sessions. 
after the first 5 gagging sessions Sam was laughing so hard amused by your gagging that he didnt even realize that you threw up on his cock right away... he noticed it when John spoke out...
Dark!John: “okay bitch this is for throwing up on my sons cock...”
at that moment your eyes went wide, you let out an earth shattering scream as John thrust himself hard into your pussy breaking past the barrier of your innocence. 
Demon Blood!Sam: “okay bitch, clean my cock...”
Sam then stuck his cock back in your mouth, puke and all... this made it even harder to take in... you threw up multiple times after that... John didnt care that you were bleeding a bit, that soon stopped when your pussy started to form to John... 
you screamed between gags, you were crying and choking and barely breathing... you only hoped that your salvation would soon arrive and that your powers would not show, for the darkness must not contact the light... you retreated into your mental space only partially to keep up the gagging and noises... 
Artemis was now in a similar but not state of shock over what she was feeling from you, she knew you had retreated to your safe space... 
Artemis: “omg we dont have alot of time, YN is growing weak... if they impregnate her they will... wait a moment thats it... as soon as you have eyes on YN you need to mind meld with her, your powers are linked, it will allow you to meet her and to mentally fuck her.”
Dean: “im sorry what... mentally fuck her... what the fuck does that mean?”
Artemis: “ill explain before i send you in... lets go...”
Dean stood up in time to be transported with Ares and Artemis just outside of a warehouse district.
Dean: “explain please...”
Ares: “basically long story short you and YN can fuck in your shared mental space and what ever transpires in there climax wise will transpire in reality. meaning if you cum inside her in your shared mind, it will cancel any dark energy they would be putting into her in reality.”
Dean: “and all i have to do is connect to YN...”
Artemis: “yes she is in her mental space now... but the guys are close to releasing into her... you have about an hour at best before they release... once in the mental scape time will speed up... so make sure you stay out of sight till yours and YN’s roles are done in the mental space... Ares and I will wait here for you to call our names and we will pull you both out.”
Dean stared at the building behind him searching it with his powers trying to get a lock on you... finally after a few moments Dean was no longer in front of Ares and Artemis but instead was high in the rafters of one of the buildings in the district... 
he looked down and saw you, his father and his brother. he got into a position where he was sure that he wasnt gonna fall or anything and while keeping you in sight. he channeled his inner powers and went deep into a state of mind where hopefully he would find you...
entering the joining point he saw something in the distance that he could only assume had to be you. Dean then figured he had better look the part of “not here to hurt you” or anything look peaceful while still hot and sexy... 
indeed the form he had seen was you, sitting on the ground with your knees tight to your chest, knowing that you were at this point helpless to stop what was happening outside... thats when your powers sparked, making you turn around...
YN: “who are you?”
Dean: “im Dean Winchester... yes in unfortunate relation to the ones who are currently giving you your current predicament. but at the same time im the good one. i threw away my darkness a long time ago.. i never looked back. im the other chosen by the Gods of Olympus with Ares as my guide. our patrons wait outside this building for us... but we have to do something first to counteract whats happening outside.”
YN: “what do we have to do? what can we do we are in here they are out there defiling my body... they stole my innocence... they took the thing that kept me from loosing my sanity...”
Dean: “Artemis said that what we do in here in the form of sex, the only thing that will stay as a permenant to your outside form is the climax that i unload into you in here... that will stop them from releasing their darkness inside of you and breaking the first seal of the apocalypse.”
YN: “Dean i trust you to get us out of this mess safely and when we get back to our physical forms i shall like to explore more of what we can be together slowly.”
Dean helps you stand his clothes falling off of him, his arms lift you high softly and gently placing you on his cock. being thrust by Dean made you feel different, like it was meant to be, like this was destined.
Ares: “did they just.?.”
Artemis: “its happening... lets be ready to pull them out... there is only 10 minutes left out here but to them it will feel like mere hours.”
Ares: “lets hope the speed of the Gods makes their work alot faster.”
Artemis: “i hope your right brother.”
Dean was speeding up alot faster than normal, he then remembered about his powers. they were still kicking in, well he now had the speed of Hermes and man was he putting it to good use. 
Dean (out of breath): “squirt for me baby! i can tell your almost there... by my time count so am i and so are they... squirt for me baby... Ares, Artemis be ready to pull us out with clothes on, we are almost there...”
you were now in a half mental and half physical state so John and Sam could hear the earth shattering orgasmic scream you let out the second you climaxed, Dean, John and Sam also climaxed... you spat out the seman right back at Sam and vomited immediately. 
your magic was working to expell the darkness from your body... Dean was also back in his own body... for he then smiled lightly...
Dean: “Ares great God of War, Artemis Goddess of the Hunt pull our asses out. and someplace far way.”
within seconds you and dean were whisked away but Ares decided to teach John and Sam a lesson so he used his power to make them ready to cum again but placed them on the bed where John was about to unload into Sam’s ass and Sam all over John... 
Ares stayed to leave a creepy voice over.
Ares (thundering voice from above): “if either of you morons ever think about contacting that girl or your other family member again i will personally deliever you both to the firey gates of tartarus myself for the dark tretchery you have caused.”
you and Dean suddenly found yourselves in a room, one unlike that of which either of you had ever seen. there was a knock on the wall making both of you look up.
Artemis: “welcome to Olympus... i’m sure you both have lots of questions. let me be the first to say congratulations. but that is news for after a few words from Zeus...”
both you and Dean got down and Bowed before the king of the Gods. looking up at Zeus who smiled and gestured for both you and Dean to rise.
Zeus: “YN & Dean, i am delighted to meet those chosen by Artemis and Ares. i hope you will find this quarters to your liking. dont worry Artemis and Ares will go in a while to collect your possessions from earth. when you both are up to it i would like to discuss a few terms and oaths with you both. but right now with what you both have been through you both need to rest. Artemis and Ares wont be far, the grounds are extensive but are free to roam. no boundaries or secrets. i also recommend the hot spring it has healing properties. for now rest. we are delighted to have you both up on Olympus with us. please dont hesitate to ask questions, welcome to the family.”
with those words Zeus was gone. Artemis stuck robes and towels and things like that in the wardrobe.
Artemis: “dont worry YN when your better we will go buy many of the necessities for you from the best shops this side of greece. but i agree with father as much as it pains me too, you both need to rest. everything else can be put on hold for as long as you need to feel normal again.”
you both bow slightly as she leaves and a tinted glass door closes behind her and a couple of curtains fall over the door and the windows. this left you and Dean completely alone.
Dean: “are you okay?”
YN: “no.”
Dean: “do you feel like talking about it?”
YN: “not really..”
Dean: “lay with me on the bed we dont have to do anything but at least let me hold you.”
you nod as you feel the tears return to your eyes. flowing freely, yours and deans once clothed forms now lay bare covered by one single silk sheet, now cuddled together to rest from the events that took place that one awful fated day.
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legion1993 · 5 years
Your Demons Are My Darkness
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Title: your demons are my darkness
Pairing: Dark!John x Demon blood!Sam x Reader/ eventual Dean x Reader
Kink: Gangbang
Dark: Dark!John
Heaven & Hell: Demon Blood!Sam
created for @spnkinkbingo @heavenandhellbingo @spndarkbingo
A/N: This will be a really tough thing for me to write again this is the territory that I seem to find my passion expanding more... Once more if you like this please give it a like and a reblog and if you have any questions or comments please feel free to send me a message.
Tags: forced vaginal penetration, forced anal penetration, screaming, crying, choking from gagging, magical mind melding sex, bad ass escape skills,  forced oral sex, gagging, puking from gagging, impregnation, male dick in male ass 
Kink masterlist. H&H masterlist. Dark masterlist.
You are a huntress, you had lived all over. While living in Greece several years ago you were walking in the countryside, you came across a temple.
Normally you weren't the religious type but today you felt drawn to the temple. You turned to the goddess Artemis for guidence.
Unbeknown to you at that moment that the actual goddess herself would come to speak with you in person.
Artemis: "child, you are blessed with a gift from the gods. I'm Artemis and I have heard your prayers my child. You have found favor under me by which I bestow to you the daggers of Olympus. These daggers grant you the powers of the 12 main Olympians. Use them in your quest to vanquish the demons that haunt this realm. Remember child yell when your holding the daggers & blessings will befall you. Now go home, your next quest is waiting for you. Remember this name: Winchester!"
YN: "Artemis thank you I go now under the guidence of the gods."
You left and boarded the next possible flight. You remembered what Artemis had said, the daggers became bracelets, you arrived home to discover your only hope of retrieving your weapons cache, was to somehow knock out the 2 guys that showed up just before you did.
You overheard their conversation it went something like this:
John: "look Sam I don't pretend to understand what your going through but you can't speak to your brother the way you did & you certainly as hell don't get to speak to me that way either."
At that moment it was unclear to John what was happening. He went to move but felt his darkness rise up once more.
This made your hunting senses go haywire, you tried to ninja your way passed them using the cover of darkness, but they spotted you..
Dark!John: "hey Sam look over here son!"
Demon Blood!Sam: "well well let's play with her shall we?"
Dark!John: "let's get away from here first then we shall have some fun with her."
Both guys were immediately by your sides they knocked you out. by the time you woke up again tied to a bed.
Dark!John: “oh good you’re awake, we were afraid you would sleep through all the fun!”
YN: “who are you?”
Demon Blood !Sam: “have you ever heard the name of Winchester?”
thats when Artemis’ words rang through your mind... 
YN: “you’re what my mentor warned me about. let me go... what do you intend to do with me?” 
Dark!John: “we intend to fuck you into the middle of next week unloading our dark semen into you, little girl. we will begin in just a few moments.”
John and Sam left the area, you struggled against your binds, your next move was to pray to Artemis.
YN: “Artemis Goddess of the Hunt, freeze time in my stay, come now to speak with me.”
in that moment, time stopped as Artemis appeared.
Artemis: “what has happened my child?”
YN: “those 2 goons over there go by the last name of Winchester. please o great & humble Artemis send me salvation for i know i cannot fight what is about to happen.”
Artemis: “not to worry child ill see what i can do...”
in that moment as fast as she had come, she was gone.. you sat in wait, fearing neigh dreading what was gonna happen to you, loosing the barrier of your innocence is something that has always kept you from falling too far in love... 
you retreated to your safe haven, to your inner mind, now you werent paying any attention , you knew you would eventually come back to reality but for right then you were perfectly happy living in your magic.
the rumors surrounding the winchester name were true... but un-beknown to you, your salvation would soon involve another winchester. Meanwhile Artemis was having a discussion with her “brother” Ares.
Artemis: “its time bro, you need to share your powers with the other chosen by the Gods. it is the only way to save my prospect.”
Ares: “chill out sis, who is the lucky person to inherit my gifts?”
Artemis: “dean Winchester.”
Ares: “come with me sister. this will go alot smoother if your by my side..”
Artemis: “very well brother...”
both ares and artemis went on their way to see the better of the winchester line. they appeared scaring the living daylights out of Dean whose reaction was to pull out the handheld, aiming it at Ares and Artemis.
Ares takes a few steps forward now standing directly in front of Dean rolls his eyes.
Ares: “bro put that down... trust me boy your the only solution but your gonna have to act fast...”
Dean lowered his gun at the ringing of Ares’ words...
Dean: “what are you talking about? who are you?”
Artemis: “Dean, you’re one of those chosen by the Gods of Olympus... Ares beside me here is going to give you access to his power as well as that of the 12 main Olympians.”
Dean sat down on the edge of his bed, the expression of shock clear cross his face.
Dean: “well if the dude is Ares, who does that make you sweetheart?”
Artemis: “i am Artemis Goddess of the Hunt... Dean do you accept the charges that Ares will provide to you?”
Dean: “of course but why are you guys just approaching me now?”
Ares: “cause your time to awaken is now, your partner from the Gods is in serious trouble. Dean, you have found favor within me, i bestow to you now the dual swords of Olympus, they will turn into Gauntlets when you arent in battle. the swords will grant you the powers of the Gods. now your task is to go and find one called YN, she is a huntress & your chosen partner. your father & brother are the ones that have her.”
Dean’s eyes went wide with shock and a bit of anger...
Dean: “where is she? how do i reach her?”
Artemis: “we will show you where but once there you must hurry for if they impregnate her, the apocalypse will start. Both you & YN are the 2 people both set to start the apocalypse as well as start it. her getting filled with dark sperm is the first seal broken, this must not be allowed to happen. once you rescue her you have to call our names & we will get you away from there. they havent climaxed yet they havent even started fucking her yet, but they are about to start... i know this cause im connected to her. Dean are you prepared to fight your own family?”
Dean: “im prepared to do what is necessary to save my partner...”
back at what you assumed to be some sort of a motel or hotel room.
YN: “look okay you guys really dont want to do this.. ive got very very powerful friends.”
Dark!John: “shut up you stupid bitch... take what we are gonna give you and like it...”
John came up to your pussy first running his finger through your folds before replacing his finger with his cock. you struggled, you knew what was about to happen... but you felt powerless at that moment to stop it... 
Sam came up to your mouth and started to slap your face with his cock... this went on for several moments before he tried to make you gag on his fingers, you ended up gagging but you bit him in the process... 
Demon Blood!Sam: “why you little bitch... thats it... Dad you can take her virginity im gonna teach this bitch not to bite people...”
Dark!John: “if your not ready for me by now sweetheart your not gonna have a choice now...”
before you could come back with your remark, Sam shoved his Cock in your mouth, thrusting in and out holding position making your eyes water and causing you to gag. you were only given a 1 second breathing period between gagging sessions. 
after the first 5 gagging sessions Sam was laughing so hard amused by your gagging that he didnt even realize that you threw up on his cock right away... he noticed it when John spoke out...
Dark!John: “okay bitch this is for throwing up on my sons cock...”
at that moment your eyes went wide, you let out an earth shattering scream as John thrust himself hard into your pussy breaking past the barrier of your innocence. 
Demon Blood!Sam: “okay bitch, clean my cock...”
Sam then stuck his cock back in your mouth, puke and all... this made it even harder to take in... you threw up multiple times after that... John didnt care that you were bleeding a bit, that soon stopped when your pussy started to form to John... 
you screamed between gags, you were crying and choking and barely breathing... you only hoped that your salvation would soon arrive and that your powers would not show, for the darkness must not contact the light... you retreated into your mental space only partially to keep up the gagging and noises... 
Artemis was now in a similar but not state of shock over what she was feeling from you, she knew you had retreated to your safe space... 
Artemis: “omg we dont have alot of time, YN is growing weak... if they impregnate her they will... wait a moment thats it... as soon as you have eyes on YN you need to mind meld with her, your powers are linked, it will allow you to meet her and to mentally fuck her.”
Dean: “im sorry what... mentally fuck her... what the fuck does that mean?”
Artemis: “ill explain before i send you in... lets go...”
Dean stood up in time to be transported with Ares and Artemis just outside of a warehouse district.
Dean: “explain please...”
Ares: “basically long story short you and YN can fuck in your shared mental space and what ever transpires in there climax wise will transpire in reality. meaning if you cum inside her in your shared mind, it will cancel any dark energy they would be putting into her in reality.”
Dean: “and all i have to do is connect to YN...”
Artemis: “yes she is in her mental space now... but the guys are close to releasing into her... you have about an hour at best before they release... once in the mental scape time will speed up... so make sure you stay out of sight till yours and YN’s roles are done in the mental space... Ares and I will wait here for you to call our names and we will pull you both out.”
Dean stared at the building behind him searching it with his powers trying to get a lock on you... finally after a few moments Dean was no longer in front of Ares and Artemis but instead was high in the rafters of one of the buildings in the district... 
he looked down and saw you, his father and his brother. he got into a position where he was sure that he wasnt gonna fall or anything and while keeping you in sight. he channeled his inner powers and went deep into a state of mind where hopefully he would find you...
entering the joining point he saw something in the distance that he could only assume had to be you. Dean then figured he had better look the part of “not here to hurt you” or anything look peaceful while still hot and sexy... 
indeed the form he had seen was you, sitting on the ground with your knees tight to your chest, knowing that you were at this point helpless to stop what was happening outside... thats when your powers sparked, making you turn around...
YN: “who are you?”
Dean: “im Dean Winchester... yes in unfortunate relation to the ones who are currently giving you your current predicament. but at the same time im the good one. i threw away my darkness a long time ago.. i never looked back. im the other chosen by the Gods of Olympus with Ares as my guide. our patrons wait outside this building for us... but we have to do something first to counteract whats happening outside.”
YN: “what do we have to do? what can we do we are in here they are out there defiling my body... they stole my innocence... they took the thing that kept me from loosing my sanity...”
Dean: “Artemis said that what we do in here in the form of sex, the only thing that will stay as a permenant to your outside form is the climax that i unload into you in here... that will stop them from releasing their darkness inside of you and breaking the first seal of the apocalypse.”
YN: “Dean i trust you to get us out of this mess safely and when we get back to our physical forms i shall like to explore more of what we can be together slowly.”
Dean helps you stand his clothes falling off of him, his arms lift you high softly and gently placing you on his cock. being thrust by Dean made you feel different, like it was meant to be, like this was destined.
Ares: “did they just.?.”
Artemis: “its happening... lets be ready to pull them out... there is only 10 minutes left out here but to them it will feel like mere hours.”
Ares: “lets hope the speed of the Gods makes their work alot faster.”
Artemis: “i hope your right brother.”
Dean was speeding up alot faster than normal, he then remembered about his powers. they were still kicking in, well he now had the speed of Hermes and man was he putting it to good use. 
Dean (out of breath): “squirt for me baby! i can tell your almost there... by my time count so am i and so are they... squirt for me baby... Ares, Artemis be ready to pull us out with clothes on, we are almost there...”
you were now in a half mental and half physical state so John and Sam could hear the earth shattering orgasmic scream you let out the second you climaxed, Dean, John and Sam also climaxed... you spat out the seman right back at Sam and vomited immediately. 
your magic was working to expell the darkness from your body... Dean was also back in his own body... for he then smiled lightly...
Dean: “Ares great God of War, Artemis Goddess of the Hunt pull our asses out. and someplace far way.”
within seconds you and dean were whisked away but Ares decided to teach John and Sam a lesson so he used his power to make them ready to cum again but placed them on the bed where John was about to unload into Sam’s ass and Sam all over John... 
Ares stayed to leave a creepy voice over.
Ares (thundering voice from above): “if either of you morons ever think about contacting that girl or your other family member again i will personally deliever you both to the firey gates of tartarus myself for the dark tretchery you have caused.”
you and Dean suddenly found yourselves in a room, one unlike that of which either of you had ever seen. there was a knock on the wall making both of you look up.
Artemis: “welcome to Olympus... i’m sure you both have lots of questions. let me be the first to say congratulations. but that is news for after a few words from Zeus...”
both you and Dean got down and Bowed before the king of the Gods. looking up at Zeus who smiled and gestured for both you and Dean to rise.
Zeus: “YN & Dean, i am delighted to meet those chosen by Artemis and Ares. i hope you will find this quarters to your liking. dont worry Artemis and Ares will go in a while to collect your possessions from earth. when you both are up to it i would like to discuss a few terms and oaths with you both. but right now with what you both have been through you both need to rest. Artemis and Ares wont be far, the grounds are extensive but are free to roam. no boundaries or secrets. i also recommend the hot spring it has healing properties. for now rest. we are delighted to have you both up on Olympus with us. please dont hesitate to ask questions, welcome to the family.”
with those words Zeus was gone. Artemis stuck robes and towels and things like that in the wardrobe.
Artemis: “dont worry YN when your better we will go buy many of the necessities for you from the best shops this side of greece. but i agree with father as much as it pains me too, you both need to rest. everything else can be put on hold for as long as you need to feel normal again.”
you both bow slightly as she leaves and a tinted glass door closes behind her and a couple of curtains fall over the door and the windows. this left you and Dean completely alone.
Dean: “are you okay?”
YN: “no.”
Dean: “do you feel like talking about it?”
YN: “not really..”
Dean: “lay with me on the bed we dont have to do anything but at least let me hold you.”
you nod as you feel the tears return to your eyes. flowing freely, yours and deans once clothed forms now lay bare covered by one single silk sheet, now cuddled together to rest from the events that took place that one awful fated day.
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