#i headcanon percy as a huge fan of little mermaid you can fight me
Pereynabeth-movie night
"I can’t believe you’ve never seen this movie!" Percy cried giddily as he jumped onto the couch, nearly knocking over the bowl of popcorn.  He grabbed Reyna’s arm and pulled her into his lap while he nearly bounced with excitement.
Annabeth made a face.   “Honestly, Perce,” she groaned.  ”This is like the most annoying Disney movie of all time.  And you picked the movie last time.”
"But this is Reyna’s pick," he pointed out, grinning.
Annabeth glared at their girlfriend, her arms crossed.  ”You seriously want to watch The Little Mermaid?” she asked.
Reyna smirked.  ”Percy wouldn’t stop suggesting it.  And we did agree to catch up on all the Disney movies I’d never seen.”
"So essentially, you’re both trying to irritate me?" Annabeth groaned, flinging herself onto the couch and resting her legs in Reyna’s lap.  They both gave her devious grins.
"Come on, Annabeth, the songs are awesome," Percy argued.
"We’re watching a ten hour historical documentary next week."
"You wouldn’t put us through that," Percy argued, pouting.  "You have ADHD too!"
"Fine, then March of the Penguins,” Annabeth shot back, raising an eyebrow.
Percy’s eyes widened.  ”Never again,” he mumbled.  ”Annabeth…” he whined.  ”How could you not like this movie?”
Reyna squirmed, shushing them both.  ”Shut up, it’s starting.”
Annabeth moaned, leaning her head back.  Reyna seemed to agree with her that the movie, despite its catchy songs, was pretty stupid.  They both shot each other dubious looks when Ariel claimed she was in love with the random generic guy she caught sight of once.
But, Percy’s excitement made up for at least some of the pain.  He quietly sang along to the of the songs and bounced during various parts, often piping up with little tidbits like “I got an Ariel backpack when I was four and I ripped it a few days later, but still, it was awesome,” or “My mom used to sing me this song every night,” and, most heartbreakingly, “Smelly Gabe forbid this movie from our house because he said he didn’t want me turning into a girl so I watch it as much as I can now.” 
Really, even Annabeth couldn’t hate it with how into it Percy was.  Both she and Reyna squeezed to their boyfriend’s sides and suffered through the stupidity for the sake of his happiness.
Though that didn’t mean she wasn’t going to force him to sit through March of the Penguins next weekend.  Revenge would be sweet.
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