shippy-pjo-shipper · 1 year
Any pereynabeth hcs?
Of course I do! They're one of my favorite poly pjo ship!! Here, have them :
Reyna was of course the last one to enter the relationship. At first she tried to take her distances when she realized she was developing a crush on Annabeth too, the two literally had to ambush her at the praetoria to talk it through.
Percy wasn't really good at explaining what he felt at first, leaving the talking to Annabeth, but when he saw Reyna's pain and how this whole thing was affecting her, he confessed to her and was able to ease her very instinctively.
Annabeth is the one working the hardest for this relationship to be balanced. She knows about Reyna's fear of abandonment and is conscious of her own. She has a whole calendar and weekly updated schedule that she uses to plan dates, quests and errands they could do together.
Percy comes and goes from his girlfriend's office to his girlfriend's workshop. He keeps them company, telling them about what their jobs make them miss at both camps.
They do their best to always be around each other. One time they ended up with Percy being at CHB, Reyna at CJ and Annabeth at her father's, and the whole weekend was spent iris messaging each other. No need to say little to no work was done that day.
They save themselves much quality time. Every night they go out or cook together if they're too tired by their day.
Reyna's house quickly grew too small for the three of them, that's why they moved out. Percy didn't want to force Reyna out of what has been her place for years, but after three nights in a row of him waking the girls up by falling down the sofa, the decision was made.
In their new appartment and bed, who sleeps on the middle depends in who needs cuddles the most. Reyna usually tries to avoid it, not because she doesn't like, absolutely not, but because those two love to stop her from leaving the bed every morning she's trapped between them
As a true Roman, Reyna was never a big fan of oceans, but Percy changed that. Now her favorite kind of holidays are the ones they all spend having fun at the beach, far away from her job.
In terms of food, they all have widely different tastes, which often leads to cooking sessions where Reyna and Annabeth try to balance everyone's preferences and stop Percy from adding things to the recipe for it to suit his tastes better
Jason is super supportive of their relationship. At first he was worried about Reyna, knowing she had never been in a relationship before and fearing she would end up treating it too much as a work matter or keep bottling up everything to not bother her partners. No need to say that when he saw her conscious efforts to open up, he was almost drawn to tears.
Hylla is still convinced that Percy is just Reyna and Annabeth's man that they're sharing and is proud of her sister for taking a share of the man of the girl who destroyed their island (she'll come around after a few months, leave her some time)
After a few more years, Reyna leaves her title to Hazel (who was already a third praetor-like anyway), the three remain in New Rome until they're old enough to not attract monsters anymore.
When that happens, they start traveling a lot. A lot of road trips across north and south America.
I'm actually not sure where they would settle down : maybe they would have various hideouts across the US for half blood, but at the same time, they all desperately need peace. They would probably stay a little far from the camps, but always ready to travel miles if they're ever needed there.
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achillesmonochrome · 4 years
Annabeth being switched instead of Percy
I was thinking about this the other day and WOW.
Like, imagine if Annabeth was swapped instead of Percy; and instead of being like, less than a week on Camp Jupiter; she has been there since December (Because I thought it was dumb to have Percy be in New Rome for less than a day or so)
- She doesn’t remember Camp, her family, or even Percy (if you are a perca//beth and this bothers you; let’s say that Hera make sure to erase her memory well enough because if she remembered Percy she would not had stayed in place)
- Lupa was very interested in her; wondering why a Daughter of Minerva is there, probably being the first one there. Annabeth surprises Lupa with her reflects and analytical skills.
- When she arrives a New Rome, everybody is on edge. Jason has been missing for two months, and now a girl from a virgin goddess with no memory arrives at camp; a lot of people are suspicious of her.
- Unlike in SoN, Reyna is not as desperate to get another Praetor because it has been like, 2 months since Jason disappeared; so there is still hope he is out there.
- Lares call her graecus, but people think is because she is obviously an outsider, out of the norm (in SoN Frank says sometimes they use the word graecus for those who are outsiders)
- Of course she ends up in Fifth Cohort because nobody wants to take a child of Minerva; and boy if she proves them what they miss.
- Since she is in the fifth Cohort nobody really expects much of them, so they let Annabeth lead because it cannot be worse than normal. Her strategy, so different than what you would expect from Romans, gets them the victory.
- Reyna probably has been interested in this whole ordeal since she saw Annabeth; she remembers her from the Island of Circe, and knows she can fight, even if her lineage should say she would probably be an artist or so. 
- And Annabeth actually likes this; she likes the structure, she likes the different point of view the Roman’s have (she doesn’t know why hers is different, she just knows it is). Unlike Percy, who is not exactly a lover of rules and is kind of a rebel; Annabeth probably likes more stable stuff.
- She would love probably fall in love with New Rome. Fact aside that in her old life she probably craved a place that was like a city where she didn’t have to deal with monsters; she loves the architecture and the culture.
- It would be an interesting parallel to Jason’s situation; who didn’t like how old fashioned stuff where in Camp Jupiter and prefers a relaxed tone, while Annabeth likes the more routinary and stable life. Both know there is something missing in their lives, but part of them doesn’t want to let go of this new life.
- Perhaps another aspect is that Camp Jupiter doesn’t have all the baggage that Camp Half-Blood has; I don’t doubt she loves the Camp, but when she was younger it was the place that she feels trapped, the place that had part of the fault of why Luke became so bitter; a place that didn’t offer a lot of options about getting to adulthood, almost expecting you would die too young for that (if I remember that, they say so). Camp Jupiter is a new leaf, she doesn’t have any previous feelings about the place, and knows that while the Camp is tough, once you complete your time there you can have your own place in the City and have a new life. Sure, Annabeth is amnesic, but I hc that while you cannot recall memories, your feelings are still there; and Annabeth probably has a feeling that whatever place she came from, she didn’t have any of this.
- Reyna starts calling to have meetings with Annabeth; if Octavian ask is to make sure where her loyalties are, but the truth is that Reyna is actually curious. She is the only daughter of somebody who shouldn’t have kids in the first place, and unlike what they know about the goddess, is highly intelligent and strategic. She feels that connection of her, both children of war.
- Reyna is sure that none of this is a coincidence and something is going on, and Annabeth while not having a clue about it, is probably part of it. Annabeth also tells Reyna on her own accord that something is up; and Reyna is surprised that Annabeth comes up on the same conclusion as her.  
- And Reyna for sure falls for Annabeth; hard. Even if a lot of people don’t take Annabeth seriously, in a lot of levels she feels Annabeth is an equal, somebody who not only matches her intelligent, but also is not scared of her and actually acts like Reyna is a human, and not some robot who should have all the answers.
- I think Annabeth would have feelings for her as well. While without memory, she knows she has somebody else in her heart and feels like she is betraying that person; but she cannot help her attraction to Reyna. She loves having somebody who matches her intellectually, who hears all her stuff about architecture and call actually say something about it, have deep conversations both about feeling that they need to carry the world on their shoulders or war strategies.
- Perhaps she starts having flashbacks of her own life (if I recall correctly Jason at the end of the Lost Hero starts to remembering some stuff) and remembers that she is a greek. She is probably conflicted because while she was sure all the stuff the romans said about greeks was bull, she really likes her life here and knowing is not her place probably hurts her.
- She tells this to Reyna, and Reyna...decides to keep it a secret. Reyna says that is because this probably is thanks to a god and whatever is happening it was necessary. The reality is that she likes Annabeth too much at this point to just put her in a cell and call her a traitor; not to mention she knows that Annabeth is loyal. Annabeth also knows that is just an excuse, but she doesn’t say anything.
- Somehow SoN happens with her in place, she takes the non-poison but unlike Percy, stuff comes up as it goes. She sees a place if she saw it in her old life, she would recall it, but it doesn’t come up in one bit.
- After the battle in New Rome, Reyna kisses Annabeth, and Annabeth becomes Praetor. They don’t have time to talk about the kiss or anything.
- Then the next day The Argo II appears; and Percy is there, and since she is seeing his face now, all the memories of them together hit her like a train. Percy is probably a disaster himself, since he probably wore himself out looking for her and being worried about there. And of course, Percy kiss her at that moment, and Reyna sees this.
- And Reyna? Is freaking speechless; she knew Annabeth had feelings for somebody she didn’t remember, but because she didn’t remember, Reyna thought (hoped) it was like she and Jason, a crush on somebody but wasn’t reciprocated. This confirms is not the case; and seeing Jason with somebody else while looking at the girl she is in love right now being with her boyfriend is probably killing her.
- When they talk about who would be the praetor then, Jason obviously says she has no problem with Annabeth taking the place. Unlike Percy, Annabeth doesn’t say she would give up being Praetor, because she doesn’t want to; sure, now she remembers the camp, Percy and her siblings, but she also loves this new life at Camp Jupiter.
- Luckily for her, before they notice her lack of reply, Octavian starts saying how Annabeth is obviously unfit for being a Praetor, because being an actual greek and the daughter of Athena (who Octavian obviously doesn’t respect) 
- The talk that happens at beginning of MoA is probably between Reyna and Percy. Partially because for what she learn about the conversation, she knows that Percy is the one who knows more about these Greek Camp; the other part, the one of her that is just a teenage girl, wants to know if he is really worthy of Annabeth. 
- Leo has an Eidolon, goes against New Rome, and Reyna is probably more pissed that she was originally in MoA. 
- Annabeth and Percy talk in the stables, and most probably than not Annabeth doesn’t know what to say. How she can tell to Percy that part of her wants to stay at New Rome? That while she still loves Percy, she also has feelings for Reyna? She feels horrible because Percy has obviously been looking for her like crazy, while she was being happy at the other camp. 
- Probably has some visions of her Mother telling her about the Athena Partenos, and that Aphrodite confirms this. 
- The talk with Reyna and Annabeth on the Fort is probably different, thought I’m unsure in which direction I would pull that off. Perhaps Reyna would be like that “Proof that you are Roman enough, left the ship and come with me; we won a battle before, we can win this one.” The sad part? Annabeth wants to go, she doesn’t want another quest, she doesn’t want to be part of this big prophecy, she wants to stay beside Reyna and find a more logical approach, to have Reyna to ground her. But she knows she has a mission, and she is sure she is part of the seven, she cannot do this.  This time, Annabeth kisses Reyna, and says “I’m sorry” and kicks her so she can run away. Reyna looks betraying from bellow, and Annabeth is crying. 
- Percy is probably very concern on what the hell is happening, but because he sees Annabeth so upset, he hugs her and tries to comfort her, even if she would not tell him what is happening. This just makes Annabeth even more guilty, because she feels that she doesn’t deserve neither Percy or Reyna.
- Annabeth and Jason probably have a talk about being switched, and the feelings for their old camp. Annabeth feels relieved that she is not the only one loving their new life. 
- Percy and Annabeth still fall on Tartarus, and while there, Annabeth comes clean with Percy. Is a mess, a big mess, Percy feels like he is losing his mind but he also knows how to work where his entire world is crumbling, so he says “is okay, we would do this together, even if by the end of it we are not really together”. And Annabeth by this point she really, really feels she doesn’t deserve Percy. 
- Not sure how we end on this, but for an ending, Frank actually decides to step out of Praetor, so Annabeth and Reyna can be praetors together. Percy is still in the picture, studying in New Rome, and Annabeth is dating both Reyna and Percy. 
Wow I really like this idea, I just thought it was a shame that we never learn a lot of Camp Jupiter, and that there was never a question of Percy wanting to leave or not. 
Sure we have Jason having his doubts, but we never really see his life at Camp Jupiter, and we barely see his life at Camp Half Blood, so there wasn’t a lot of tension for where he would actually end. 
Having Annabeth in this position would change that, we would remember her time at Camp Half Blood, and also see her be happy in this new environment, so it would be actually painful try to say which one would be the best for her. 
I’m unsure if Percy and Reyna would become a thing if they both Annabeth, perhaps just stays as friends? I’m not that interesting in pereyna to be honest; I’m not that interested in perca//beth neither, but I feel that Annabeth and Percy not being together would not make too much sense, at least in this scenario in mind. 
Hope somebody like it (and please perca//beth shippers don’t kill me)
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pierogi-hell · 9 years
How I Think Pereynabeth Would Get Together
I don't know if anyone else ships this, but this thought came into my mind and I just couldn't let it go. Imagine Percy subtly flirting with Reyna at camp, like winking at her constantly, conveniently deciding to go for a swim when she's around, finding new reasons to show off his skills in battle when she's around, and Reyna not being 100% sure about what's going on. Then there's Annabeth. She wouldn't be flirty per se, with her it'd be more like asking Reyna for her opinion on things, or casually bringing up how some of the most beautiful women can also be some of the greatest warriors, or even just asking her about books she likes. Basically the two of them teasing Reyna for a little while until neither of them can stand it and wind up asking her to go out with them.
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I really love stay-at-home-dad Percy.
I mean, Percy with a minivan.
Percy attending parent-teacher conferences when his children inevitably end up in detention and sassing the teachers because he's still kind of a brat.
Percy taking his kids to ballet lessons and gossiping with all the moms.
Percy at his kid's sports games screaming at the refs because THAT CALL WAS TOTALLY UNFAIR GODS DAMNIT
Percy trying to cook healthy meals, but ending up totally failing so his kids have to live off microwave chicken nuggets and PBJs.
Just I really want dad Percy, it would be so cute.
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disregardcanon · 11 years
Could you recommend any Percy/Annabeth/Reyna fics? And/or write one yourself?
I searched all the sites that I know to have pjo fanfic and I couldn’t find any (sorry, anon) but I could try to write you something at some point. I’m currently near the end of writing a percico piece, but I just thought of an idea that I could write for it. 
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Pereynabeth-baking cookies
"Are you sure about this?" Annabeth asked, raising an eyebrow at her boyfriend.
Percy nodded, smiling cheekily.  ”Yeah, my mom sent me the recipe.  Nothing cheers me up like blue chocolate chip cookies.  I’m sure Reyna will love ‘em too.”
Annabeth sighed, hands on her hips. “Yeah, if your mom made them.  But you didn’t exactly inherit her baking abilities.”
"But that’s why I have you here too."
Annabeth pursed her lips.  She could survive in the kitchen better then Percy, perhaps, but neither of them were particularly great cooks.  Neither was Reyna, for the matter.  They ate a lot of take-out.
"It’s just cookies, how hard could they be?" Percy shot back, grinning.  Annabeth merely rolled her eyes.
When Reyna got home from a long day of dealing with incredibly irritating younger recruits she was greeted with shrill shriek of the smoke alarm.  She pinched the bridge of her nose and walked into the kitchen to find Percy and Annabeth bickering while smoke billowed from their oven
They ended up getting more take out.
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Pereynabeth-movie night
"I can’t believe you’ve never seen this movie!" Percy cried giddily as he jumped onto the couch, nearly knocking over the bowl of popcorn.  He grabbed Reyna’s arm and pulled her into his lap while he nearly bounced with excitement.
Annabeth made a face.   “Honestly, Perce,” she groaned.  ”This is like the most annoying Disney movie of all time.  And you picked the movie last time.”
"But this is Reyna’s pick," he pointed out, grinning.
Annabeth glared at their girlfriend, her arms crossed.  ”You seriously want to watch The Little Mermaid?” she asked.
Reyna smirked.  ”Percy wouldn’t stop suggesting it.  And we did agree to catch up on all the Disney movies I’d never seen.”
"So essentially, you’re both trying to irritate me?" Annabeth groaned, flinging herself onto the couch and resting her legs in Reyna’s lap.  They both gave her devious grins.
"Come on, Annabeth, the songs are awesome," Percy argued.
"We’re watching a ten hour historical documentary next week."
"You wouldn’t put us through that," Percy argued, pouting.  "You have ADHD too!"
"Fine, then March of the Penguins,” Annabeth shot back, raising an eyebrow.
Percy’s eyes widened.  ”Never again,” he mumbled.  ”Annabeth…” he whined.  ”How could you not like this movie?”
Reyna squirmed, shushing them both.  ”Shut up, it’s starting.”
Annabeth moaned, leaning her head back.  Reyna seemed to agree with her that the movie, despite its catchy songs, was pretty stupid.  They both shot each other dubious looks when Ariel claimed she was in love with the random generic guy she caught sight of once.
But, Percy’s excitement made up for at least some of the pain.  He quietly sang along to the of the songs and bounced during various parts, often piping up with little tidbits like “I got an Ariel backpack when I was four and I ripped it a few days later, but still, it was awesome,” or “My mom used to sing me this song every night,” and, most heartbreakingly, “Smelly Gabe forbid this movie from our house because he said he didn’t want me turning into a girl so I watch it as much as I can now.” 
Really, even Annabeth couldn’t hate it with how into it Percy was.  Both she and Reyna squeezed to their boyfriend’s sides and suffered through the stupidity for the sake of his happiness.
Though that didn’t mean she wasn’t going to force him to sit through March of the Penguins next weekend.  Revenge would be sweet.
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Orrr if anyone wants to talk about Pereynabeth and their movie nights that they can never agree on and them going on silly dates to the aquarium where Percy talks to fish while Annabeth and Reyna sneak away to make out or their generally failed attempts at cooking and how they spend most of their money on take out.  
I just really want to talk pereynabeth
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Let's talk pereynabeth
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Omigosh so my headcanon Percy is like the biggest Disney nerd you can get.  
And Reyna hasn't seen any Disney movies in her entire life and this horrifies Percy so he basically forces her to watch them all during their movie nights.
And Annabeth doesn't mind the occasional Disney movie, but after like nothing but Disney for three weeks she tries to put her foot down.  But Percy pouts and Reyna finds pissed off Annabeth hot so she gets forced to sit through more.
She gets her revenge later by forcing Percy to watch documentaries on the building of architectural world wonders.
Reyna just thinks its hilarious when they bicker, and only complains a little when Percy falls asleep half way through and drools into her lap.
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My new life goal is to make Pereynabeth a thing in the pjo fandom.  
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If anyone wants to talk jasico or pereynabeth headcanons, I'd be all for that.  
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