#i helped your girl work through her possessive and jealous instincts with patience and care. she's our girl now.
tavtime · 9 months
headcanoning monogamous characters as polyamorous is free, fun, and easy to do! additionally, it is always both cool and sexy 😎
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noszkass · 3 years
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ashley tempest winthrope.
thirty six. defense attorney. jai courtney.
“You're supposed to grow out of your horridness, aren't you? I don't think I ever grew out of mine. Sometimes I think it's still inside me, like something nasty I swallowed, that got stuck...”
content warning: mentions toxic, co-dependent relationships; abuse; death of a peer/family member (via murder).
dominant traits. logical, charismatic, gentleman, stoic, focused, patient, selectively affectionate, charming, observant, cautious, possessive, unpredictable, self-preserving, forceful, obsessive, demanding, melancholic, aggressive, irritable, distrusting, unrelenting, loyal, easily jealous, less hair-trigger more berserk button, no-nonsense, quick thinking, dishonest.
fictional parallels. elijah mikaelson (the originals); geralt of rivia (the witcher); henry winter (the secret history); pope cody (animal kingdom); richie gecko (fdtd the series).
○ born into the winthorpe family; known for their successful generational family law practice, as councilmen from neighboring townships, and good for nothin' criminals who latched onto the teat of a community that's long-since given up on them like leaches─depending on what side of miriam's well it is you live in. ashley's particular branch is the former. estate house in rosebush hill drive, debutant turned matron belle mother who just can't seem to find her way around or out of other people's business (including, if not almost invariably, that of all three of her children), and a certain amount of respectability he was brought up to live by.
○ on the surface ashley winthorpe is a deliciously handsome man. wealthy and put together. takes pride in his appearance and family name. he's also well-mannered and polite, and thoughtful in such infinitesimal ways that you never really think much of until after the fact. and there is something so very not right about him. he has a kind smile that never quite reaches the edges of his eyes and though it doesn't necessarily look disingenuous, there's something about it that doesn't exactly leave you with a sense of ease. like an unfamiliar gesture that's been practiced over and over, so many times that it's lost meaning. like it takes the muscles in his face a moment to pull before they settle in the correct spots. he'll have a conversation with you and while at times it seems he's looking right through you, others will have his attention so intensely undivided it feels as if you've been bared naked and left in a cold room. like you've just been caught lying about something and he knows. somehow, he's known all along. because he listens intently when you speak to him and you suspect somehow he never forgets a single thing he's heard.
○ there's no mistaking his booming voice, jarring, even at a whisper sending shockwaves through your core that has you on high alert. even when it's soft and lulling (in an attempt to offer comfort or catching him melt into the woman he's declared the love of his goddamn life from the corner of your eye through the crack in his office door), there's something threatening that looms. less like hard blunt force and more like a living, breathing fog that blankets you with strong arms, settles deep into your gut, coils itself around your innards, and wrings you dry. the confusing part? you know, without a doubt, he would protect you with no hesitation and ask for nothing in return. and, most of the time, you'd be right. because ashley winthorpe is a good man. no matter how your instincts thrash, screaming at you otherwise.
plot hooks.
i apologize, some of these are all very specific to a singular plot and i could've just included them in a legit request 😬🙃
○ sandbox love never dies. a very specific and imperfect friend group cast in the roles of bastard, bleeding heart, damaged, golden, grim, ingénue, temptress, and wild card. they've been together since any of them can remember. spent their whole lives dreaming about trying to get out of miriam's well, but instead only found tragedies that bind them to each other. tragedies, usually, of their own making. you'll be able to read a little more about these characters in the sandbox love request, which i promise is coming!! there is a doc in the works with more information + a plot server, so expect to be part of those things if you take one of these babes!
○ his secretary. in the past he's helped her out with something legally and she's kind of in his debt, though he insists time and time again she owes him nothing of the sort. i figured it'd be something along the lines of strong holding an ex-boyfriend or husband who wouldn't leave her alone (making her miserable, or something like refusing to pay child support he'd been ordered to pay, dragging her name through the mud, etc. general nuisances to nip in the bud/bad behavior in need of correcting before they became worse as they usually do. you get the idea), because that's notoriously right up his alley. likely using non-legal means to get there; intimidation is sort of his thing. and while he may not be the type of boss or co-worker who meets you for drinks after you clock out, he does have an affection for every single one of his employees and seeing as how she works with him the most, she'd be near the top of that list. maybe she was intimidated by him in the beginning and now she knows he's not everything he appears to be. and they have an understanding.
○ the weight of his guilt. [cw: murder. this will come much later in the plot!] the winthorpes are a family on two very extremes of a type of people. [the bastard] is his cousin on his father's side, a wayward little sister who got knocked up by someone unbefitting of the family and then marrying someone worse by their standards when the father got himself put away over an affair or something just as unbecoming. ashley was always raised closely with [the bastard], his father's hope to sway the boy of many wasted talents to the right side of the family, to make something of himself. but he's a product of his lineage. and only ever finds situations for ash to get him out of. eventually, [the bastard] who he will murder, cold and bloody and bury at the base of an old oak tree will disappear. and ashley's guilt will cause him to reach out. as far as anyone knew, they were the best of friends. always together (even if that relationship was practically handwrought by his father, and he had little-to-no patience for his cousin's antics). it'll be only natural that he come by every now and again to check on them, show care, help fix up things around the house that [the bastard] would have if he were still around. because it'll ultimately be ash's fault he's gone. partially. [the bastard] will deserve what he gets and no one who'll know will be able to convince him anything otherwise, but his family didn't deserve the fallout that came after. maybe a parent or sibling or someone [the bastard] claimed to love while making his way through the female population of miriam's well.
○ the other two winthrope children. they're expected to be upstanding citizens to combat the trash reputation the other winthrope side creates. father is one of a long line of lawyers (with a main practice just outside of town, ashley's secondary office in mw because he prefers it here) and mother is a homemaker whose extracurriculars might as well be solid, paying jobs. they have three children together; ashley (being the oldest son), a daughter magnolia (and the only girl -- taken by sage), and the youngest son, credence (who is very likely expected to join the family business, like ashley). i don't expect anyone to make the parents even though that would be incredible? but they all still have rooms at their home in rosebush hill drive to use at their leisure. it wouldn't at all be out of the question that some of the children still live there -- especially the daughter if she's unwed. they're very old fashioned southern that way. they do these big family events where everyone is expected to participate, go on vacations and holidays together, and church on sundays regardless of your personal beliefs on the matter (that you had very well better keep to yourself if they don't align, ashley has learned). their grandfather also lives in the family house after losing grandma a few years back.
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charlieslowartsies · 4 years
Why do the bonnie models dislike eachother in your Au? And follow up question, do other animatronics have this sort of established relationship with other models of themselves?
Mentions of mental health, etc below
Bonnie models are heavily, HEAVILY influenced by actual rabbits. Rabbits are strange, fourth dimension little shits one moment and yet loyal and sweet-natured the next. They can hold grudges like a sponge holds water. I used to have a rabbit named Hiccup who would pee on my bed to ‘mix our scents’ and would revenge chew on a certain piece of furniture if I corrected him or WORSE: removed my sheets to wash them. Yet he knew that when he groomed me he could not nibble my ‘fur’ and so he would lick me, he also liked to make my bed every morning, patting it down so it was smoother, whereas most bunnies would make little tunnels and dig as is their instinct--not Hiccup, apparently, because he had watched me make my bed plenty of times. He was sassy, smart, shitty, and very loyal. You can see where the Bonnie model attitude came from in the knight guard au, which helped me grieve Hiccup’s loss when he died in 2018. Let’s move on to your question though:
Unfortunately, because the ‘first’ Bonnie model (Springbonnie/Springtrap) ended up being used as the killer’s suit, all Bonnie models thereafter (esp our purple boi) are very antagonistic because they feel let down and betrayed. Why didn’t Springtrap fight harder? Why did those kids have to die? How many lives would have been saved if Scraptrap had gone against his Suit more? Mike and Gold and the Marionette and the Crying Child argue sometimes, so what could be avoided? It’s sort of a comment on victim blaming and a discussion on why abusive relationships tend to go farther than they should and why others have a hard time understanding a dynamic. It is not healthy, Afton/Springtrap DO NOT have a healthy relationship and I do not condone their actions/Afton’s treatment of Springtrap.
It is not something Bonnie should do either, but he is hurting from their history and so he takes it out on the two he deems are the worst. He refuses to separate the two because his anger is clouding his better judgement. Bonnie is also programmed to mirror teenage behavior and relate with them, and he has also never lost his Freddy model, and one of the main themes for Last Shift (though it’s been mentioned before) is that “You can’t have a Bonnie without a Freddy!” The resulting combination of a teenagers cognitive response PLUS the reliance on a Freddy model PLUS the young girl that haunted Bonnie for years until Mike came around in Devil’s Spine means that Bonnie the bunny has made incorrect conclusions and has colored his relationship with Springtrap and other Bonnie models by association. (This is also not healthy, obv.)
In his mind, Springtrap is no better than William Afton. We have seen in a few flashbacks and sometimes from Mike’s words, that Springtrap is NOT very emotive and tends to lock down emotions to get through what he can--years of living with cruel, manipulative Afton has caused this. But the original Bonnie model is not a ‘villain’ in the sense that Afton is for you and I. Bonnie does not know what we know and until/if he learns more, he will continue to dislike Springtrap in the way that some siblings hate other siblings when they don’t protect them from past parental abuse. This hurt and past wounds are what mostly causes the problems among Bonnie models. Toy Bon was ‘programmed down cognitively’ and thus is not as mentally sound as what Bonnie is used to. To Bonnie, Toy Bon is annoying nuisance who won’t leave him alone. (Not unlike a teenager with a MUCH younger sibling.) For Mike, who knows he can’t force Bonnie to like Springtrap, and he can’t reprogram Toy Bon (Blue), he deems it better to just keep Bonnie models separate if possible. It can be hard to over come your own programming, and he also hasn’t had the chance, of course, to sit Bonnie and Springtrap down and make them work through things. Springtrap could not walk between Ghost Strings and Finding Freddy, and it is implied a few times in FF that any attempts to get the two to talk ended....poorly. Bonnie models are portrayed as jealous, or at the very least insecure which causes jealous responses. Nightmare Bonnie and Bonnie somewhat fixed this, during Ghost Strings when they both wanted to have Danny Fitzgerald’s attention but didn’t want to share.
Other model relationships:
Freddy models: Despite Freddy being the most possessive/protective over Mike, and despite his stubbornness on certain things, Freddy is mature enough to separate issues or at the very least, be civil. He has no problem with Fredbear/Golden Freddy--the old bear is, in Freddy’s mind, his only ‘boss’ and because Gold is essentially Mike, Freddy likes the ghostly fellow just fine. He has very little patience for Toy Fred, (Ted) and sees his love of video games as an immature trait when there are chores to be done first, but he doesn’t really care that much. He is not sure about Lefty, but is willing to allow the bear to be on stage if it will make Henry (and Mike) happy. He, as well as his band members, do not know about the Rockstars yet.
Chica models: Chica is liked by everyone, and this seems to make her like her sisters better. Toy Chica (Chi-chi) is very bubbly and despite her fear of the kitchens, (a fire alarm went off one time in the 80′s and scared her and Blue very bad, during Jeremy’s tenure.) she is willing to defer to her first model and serve food, so long as she doesn’t have to work in the kitchen. Nightmare Chica is the only model of the Chicas that doesn’t get along with anyone--but, c’mon. She’s a Nightmare. She likes Nightmare Bonnie and her Chompy-Cake, and that’s it.
Foxy models: Another mature and varied line that get along well. Foxy and Mangle are very close, and Foxy is very fond of his ‘first mate’ despite the fact Mike could never find coding that related the two. Foxy is Mangle’s security blanket, and she is the only Toy models aside from BB that the original four accepted into their ring/restaurant with little hesitation. (At some point, she gave Mike the scars he now carries, but she made up for her mistake by protecting Mike during Finding Freddy.) Nightmare Foxy, is has been established to be Alexander Afton, the older brother to the Crying Child/Circus Baby and younger brother to Michael Afton. He gets along well with his model copies, hence why he choose to be another Foxy even after he left the original one his father...stuffed him into. 
Sorry this got rambly! I love the FNAF series, and I want my knight guard au always be horror. But I also want it to be found family and working through trauma etc, to keep it ‘realistic’ as I’d like. (Haunted animatronics and ghostly bears aside!)
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Patience is a virtue, one that my whole life I have prided myself on possessing. As a child I was taught ‘good things come to those who wait’, and I grew up clinging to that idea. When the world seemed to turn against me, I would pause, breathe, and remember that something good was on its way and I just needed to be ready for it when it arrived. And it had worked. When I scraped my knee as a kid, I would get a cool plaster. When I worked hard in school, I got the freedom to choose who I wanted to be. When I was alone in a new city, the universe gave me Harry. That last one has always been my favourite reward. Harry had come into my life like a gentle breeze, I did not notice him at first until I was surrounded by him. He came into my life and wrapped me up so softly that I had not seen it happening. Meeting through a work friend, he had established himself in my world, soon taking over completely, his friendship quickly became my most treasured possession.
 Patience had always brought me good things. I trusted in her completely. However, tonight, underneath the pouring sky, hammering on my best friend’s front door, I have no time for patience.
“Harry!” I yell, a sort of half-beg. I cannot help it. Vision blurred by the rain, my whole body covered in goosebumps and shivering in the night air; I feel pathetic, desperate for my friend.
 The door opens and I am pulled inside the second he lays his eyes on the sorry sight on his doorstep.
 “Where’s your coat, you maniac?” Harry asks softly, his voice gentle and caring, only a hint of mocking present. However, any pleasure he has derived from my sudden appearance vanishes when he takes me in fully, a look of recognition creeping on to his face as he realises the rain is not the main cause for my smeared mascara and runny nose. “What happened?” he asks, gulping slightly as worry flickers in his eyes.
 “James and me…” I start, before sniffing a laugh and looking down at the floor, scattered in water from my dripping body, “Well, there is no James and me anymore,” I finish quietly.
 I can hear Harry let out a sigh and when I look up at him, I can see his body relaxing, muscles loosening and gaze softening as it meets mine. I must look a wreck. Harry looks great, as always, clearly having a relaxing night in, dressed in a black t-shirt and matching joggers, his hair only slightly messier than usual.
 “Let’s get you warmed up, hey?” he utters and offers me a small, sympathetic smile.
 He wraps a warm towel around me and brings me into his kitchen, instinctively making me a cup of tea. I wrap the towel around myself tighter to avoid looking at him, instead choosing to breathe in the smell of his fabric softener, woody and warm. The kettle boils loudly, the silence between us palpable as Harry tries to think of what to say, while I avoid speaking at all costs, beginning to question why I came here in the first place.
 Finally, with full mugs, we sit down on his sofa, him seemingly unaffected by my hair dripping on the leather. I clutch the hot cup in both my hands, ignoring the slight numbing burn to my skin.
 “Talk to me,” Harry begs, and my head snaps up to look at him, replacing the visual of my steaming drink with the desperate look on his face, eyes big and pleading.
 I sigh, new tears slipping down my cheeks at the prospect of being fully honest with him, telling him all the details of my night. I nod my head and meet his gaze, admitting, “I did something bad,”.
 A few more tears fall as the look on Harry’s face changes, quickly scrambling through worst case scenarios in his head to try and guess what I could have done. I can see the worry in his eyes as he jumps between possibilities, and before his view of me can depreciate too much I hurriedly continue.
 “I thought that when I started seeing someone any other… no one else would cross my mind… but it didn’t work,” I’m almost sobbing now and Harry slides in next to me, arm around me and rubbing my back over the towel. “And now I’ve broken his heart,”
 “Breathe, angel,” Harry whispers gently, stopping me from hyperventilating on his sofa. Once my breathing has calmed, he nods for me to continue.
 “I shouldn’t have let it go on for this long, I mean, we were together almost a year, and that whole time…” I can hear Harry inhale beside me, and I close my eyes, unable to look at him when I finally confess, “I’ve been in love with someone else,”
 “What?” Harry asks. I force myself to look at him, ready to have him crush my soul and hate me for what I have done, but he just looks shocked and a little bit confused.
 “I led him on, Harry,” I say, harsh tears dragging down my cheeks, “He was so good and kind but he’s not…” I stop myself, not ready to make that admission just yet.
 “Not who?” he asks, verbalising the question I came here to answer.
 “It doesn’t matter,” I admit, looking back down at the mug between my hands, taking a sip and enjoying the burn as it slips down my throat. “I can’t have him anyway… I wouldn’t deserve him even if I could,” I mutter, a leftover tear dropping into my tea.
 “Hey,” Harry sighs, squeezing me in his arms gently as I wipe at my face, fed up with crying. “You deserve the world, no man could ever deserve you,” I look at him incredulously and he smirks and breathes out a laugh, eliciting a small one from me. “There’s my girl,”
 I stop dead, gaze instantly dropping back to my drink as I debate drinking it, desperate to ignore his words.
 “Can I admit something bad?” he asks, piquing my curiosity, I nod. “This is going to sound awful, but I’m kind of… glad,” his last word sounds like more of a question than a statement, “I don’t know, he was a nice guy and everything but something about seeing you two together just didn’t sit right,”
 “Jealous,” I say without thinking, the subconscious of my mind clearly trying to use gallows humour to cope.
 But Harry does not laugh. In fact, he does not do anything. And neither do I. For a while we just sit. Until I cannot bare the feeling of his eyes on me anymore. I turn to him, desperate for my friend for the second time tonight.
 I look at him, and he looks at me, and for the first time since he swept into my life, it feels as though we are finally on the same page. There is a comfortable familiarity in his eyes, but they shine in a way I have never noticed before. I know this boy in front of me, but only now does it feel like I do not know him at all, and God do I want to get to know him. I know Harry, my Harry, who sits on my sofa with me and shares a bottle of wine with me and pretends to be able to taste its subtle flavours with me. It is as though I have known a water-coloured version of him, still beautiful, but now, seeing him in all his acrylic boldness, I do not think I could ever go back. I feel bare in front of him, desperate to be painted with him after denying anyone else’s colour for so long.
 “Can I kiss you?” Harry asks, his breath hot against my cold cheeks.
 “No,” I say softly, resenting myself the second I close my mouth. I feel him start to pull away, so I quickly reach out to touch him, my hand settling on top of his. “I just don’t want our first kiss to be all snotty,” I say with a small laugh, praying I have not just ruined any chance I had with him. “I hope you can wait a little longer,”
 Harry just smiles.
 “Good things come to those who wait, right?”
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Natear Drabble: Start of... Something
          After Natsu unlocks his Second Origin, Ultear decides to give the Dragon Slayer more of a "reward" for helping Crime Sorciere out during the Games. Too bad her lust gets the best of her, and Natsu's control goes out the window when they get going~...
                                        ** WARNING: Smut Ahead **
            Ultear smirked impishly as the Dragon Slayer knelt on the ground, panting. He’d just gotten through getting his Second Origin unlocked, and he looked about ready to keel over. Yet Ultear knew of Natsu Dragneel’s reputation fairly well; he was already a tank to begin with. This sort of powerup would have lesser men comatose by now, but he… He was still conscious. And still coherent, at that.
            Time to put that stamina to the test.
            “So… the procedure is finished.” Ultear mused innocently as Natsu struggled to get on his feet. She made no move to help him, as she knew he would whine about not needing assistance.
            “Y-Yeah…” Natsu drew in a shaky breath, finally managing to stand up to his full height and look her in the eye. “Thanks.”
            Ultear offered a closed-eyes smile at his heartfelt gratitude.
            “It was no trouble. Although…” She trailed off purposefully. As expected, he raised an eyebrow at her.
            “’Although…’ what?” Natsu tilted his head and scrunched his nose. He was picking up a really weird vibe from her.
            “Well… I was just thinking, what are you going to do to repay me?” Ultear tapped her chin and gazed at him expectantly. Of course he spluttered in bewilderment.
            “Repay you?! This was for us helpin’ you guys at the Grand Magic Games, wasn’t it?”
            Ultear pouted at how quick he parried her question. Her eyes then lit up mischievously.
            “You have a point… Well. How would you like an ‘additional’ reward for your trouble?” At his inquisitive gaze, she further added in a purring tone, “No one else will receive it~.”
            Natsu’s brow furrowed as his frown deepened.
            “What kind of ‘reward’?” There was a note of suspicion in his voice. Ultear hummed before taking a step toward him and leaning deathly close to his face. So close that he could feel her hot breath on his lips.
            “Oh… a very special reward. One that I’m sure even Gray would be jealous of, if you accepted~.” Ultear pulled back slightly and winked. She then turned on her heel and walked a few feet from him, shaking her hips as she did so. Natsu wasn’t sure why, but he felt oddly… interested in that hip-shaking.
            “Wh-What kind of reward?” Natsu repeated his question with eyes that were wide open now.
            Ultear hummed once more and placed one hand on her shapely hips. She didn’t turn around to face him quite yet.
            “I seem to recall a rather rude comment in regards to ‘crossdressing’. Now, I will go the extra mile to prove to you that I am, without a doubt, a woman; but in return, I expect you to acknowledge that every time we meet up in the future. Sound fair…?” Ultear slightly turned her head back to look at him, and Natsu caught a dark twinkle in her eye. He was pretty damn sure he knew where this was headed now, and he wasn’t entirely sure he wanted to take their… ‘relationship’ this far. They’d only met each other a handful of times, damn it.
            “Uhhh… Don’tcha have to work on Gray next? Or, uh… Lucy and Wendy?” Natsu asked, bathed in a cold sweat. Ultear smirked and shook her head.
            “I don’t have to get to all of you tonight.” The Arc of Time mage reasoned. “We have tomorrow if need be. Besides, no one else is around, you see?”
            Ultear turned around and gestured vaguely around them. And Natsu knew full well she was telling the truth; even Meldy wasn’t around anymore, from what his senses told him. They’d probably headed back to the cave.
            “… W-Well… I still don’t know.” Natsu took a step back nervously as Ultear leisurely stripped off her cloak and tossed it to the side. Oh boy, now he had a full view of her body. Those large breasts. That slim abdomen. And those legs… Damn he could not tear his eyes off those thighs. ‘I am not a pervert… I am not a pervert… She’s just showin’ off… I am not a pervert…’
            Natsu chanted this to his head, but to no avail, honestly. Ultear could tell his eyes were transfixed on voluptuous figure, and she couldn’t help digging the nail in deeper.
            “Do you remember what they felt like…?” She asked with a slightly wistful tone. Natsu twitched and looked back up at her face so as to avoid staring at the… rest of her.
            “R-Remember what felt like?” He asked nervously. To his ire, she began to fondle her breasts suggestively. Damn it. So that was what she was driving at…
            “Hmhm. Don’t play coy, dragon-boy. You remember~.” She groped her breasts firmly and let out a borderline erotic moan. And then she turned her lustful gaze back on him full force. “… Want to feel them again? Without the clothes in the way?”
            Natsu’s twitching intensified.
            ‘Yes.’ He silently deadpanned, remembering the impromptu hug he’d given her earlier, his face smushed up against her breasts, before mentally slapping himself. No! He wasn’t perverted, damn it! He had… to remain… strong. He’d been surrounded by pretty girls since joining Fairy Tail. Why was this one suddenly piquing his interest? ‘… Maybe because she’s flirting with me?’
            Natsu’s face became blank as that thought struck him. It was true enough - Erza, Mira, Lucy, Cana… none of them had, one-on-one, flirted with him. Ultear did. She was doing it right now. Natsu had no resistance for this kind of thing. Sure, being surrounded by bombshells at Fairy Tail, he wasn’t “turned on” by seeing the likes of Lucy naked, for instance… But if the girl – or rather, the woman in question had a personality that was anything like Mira’s, and a body to match, Natsu had to admit he couldn’t stop being… a little perverted. No, not perverted! M-More like… he admired the feminine curves. Yes. That was it.
            … Damn it. He wasn’t tsundere, either! Befriending women who could kick his ass didn’t have a hidden meaning… Maybe he just liked strong women.  
            Ultear sexily strode over to him again, that playful smirk never leaving her lips.
            “Come now… Nat-su-kun~.” Ultear purposefully dragged out his name. She leaned toward his ear and purred. “I’m begging you to play with me~.”
            Natsu felt his self-control slipping, but he wasn’t gonna let it go without a fight.
            “Wh-Why me? I wouldn’t have pegged me as your… type.” He finished lamely, though, his face flushed as she placed a hand flat on his chest.
            “Why would you think that…?” The Arc of Time mage tilted her head at the Dragon Slayer curiously.
            “W-Well, ya seem closer to Jellal… or the Stripper.” Natsu grumbled as he turned his head away. “I figured you’d be more annoyed with me than anything else.”
            “Ohhh, I wouldn’t say that at all~.” Ultear chirped as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him into a hug, intentionally placing his head in her cleavage. “You are very interesting to me. Whereas Jellal and Gray are cool, calculating, and intelligent, you possess passion and spirit. Your indomitable will is your greatest strength. And what's more... your type reminds women of a thing called 'honesty'.“
            Natsu full-on blushed as his head was pressed into her dirty pillows. Damn it, this wasn’t like Erza’s one-armed hugs to the breastplate at all. He actually kinda enjoyed this experience because these breasts were soft, yet firm. … And now Little Natsu was standing at attention from the sensual experience. Great.
            “… You really want this, don’t you?” Natsu mumbled from within her cleavage, and Ultear smiled at the small stimulation that brought her.
            “More than you do, apparently~.” Ultear hummed tauntingly. Natsu rolled his eyes. Ohohoho. If only she knew. His dragon instincts were going haywire, begging him to ravage her. He’d never experienced this much lust before; clearly, Ultear knew what buttons to press.
            For a very brief moment, Natsu’s shoulders slumped miserably. Erza and Lucy were gonna kick his ass for bein’ a pervert… But damn it, he wanted some sweet payback! Without saying a word, Natsu raised a hand to cup one of Ultear’s breasts and give it a good squeeze. Caught off-guard, but far from displeased, Ultear managed to stifle her moan before she let too much enjoyment seep out. Wouldn’t want to make things too easy for her little dragon.
            “Hmhm. So you’re not the prude that Jellal suspected you to be. I knew I liked you for a reason~.”
            Natsu grunted stubbornly and continued to bury his head in her boobs.
            “Just ‘cause I don’t chase tails like Gildarts doesn’t mean I don’t know how to ‘appreciate’ women.” Natsu brought up his other hand to grope her other breast, but Ultear caught his wrist and forced him to raise his head to look at her with her other hand lightly grabbing his pink locks.
            “Patience, little Pyro. I want to give you your reward the right way.” With a wink, Ultear took a few steps back and slooowly brought up a hand to the zipper located at her neck. Natsu growled impatiently, eliciting a giggle from the dark-haired beauty before she smoothly pulled the zipper down, past her breasts and down to her stomach. She stopped there for the time being, shamelessly leaving her girls out in the open air and relished the way Natsu was ogling them with his eyes. That globular flesh… those heavenly mounds… They weren’t the biggest tits Natsu had seen, but damn if they weren’t a fine pair. Works of Art, with a capital ‘A’. Smirking once more, Ultear needled him some more. “Oops~! Guess I’m not wearing underwear. Better come get me before I change my mind about this reward.”
            She didn’t miss how the pink-head was beginning to salivate. For Natsu’s part… he didn’t even bother to question if that meant she wasn’t wearing any underwear. He was gonna personally look into it… Yep. By now, those instincts of his were kicked into overdrive, and Natsu just didn’t care if he was thinking “pervertedly” anymore.
            “Haaah~!” Natsu cried as he lunged forward and cupped Ultear’s left breast with one hand, experimentally squeezing it and just loving the feeling of it in his hand. He didn’t really know much of anything about sex, but he’d be lying if he said Gildarts and Gramps hadn’t tried to impart “wisdom” to him about it. Thus, he knew some of the basics, but he was still very much a novice.
            … Right now he didn’t care about any of that, though. He had two new toys, and he was gonna play. Grasping the other boob, Natsu groped that one harder and succeeded in getting a small erotic moan from the voluptuous beauty. Yet the Dragon Slayer knew he could do better than that, and started alternating his groping between the two. It proved mildly entertaining for the both of them for a few moments, but then Ultear grew impatient and shoved Natsu’s face directly in front of her left nipple.
            “Stop playing games and use your mouth already!” The dark-haired woman growled. Natsu quirked an eyebrow in confusion, but shrugged and gave the nipple an experimental lick that sent a shiver down Ultear’s spine. His eyes brightened as he liked the new sensation, and the Dragon Slayer placed his mouth over the nipple, swirling his tongue around the nub before sucking somewhat greedily. Ultear moaned at how rough he was being, but she was even more shocked as he multitasked and used his left hand to play with her right nipple, pinching it with his fingers and sending her into an even greater euphoria than before as the nub hardened under his magical touch.
            Ultear grinned pervertedly. Oooh, this dragon could learn quick. Not only was he rough, but he was as hot as the element he wielded. This applied not only to his magical hands, but his mouth and tongue, as well. Any lesser woman might have grown weak in the knees from this stimulation alone, but Ultear craved more… much, much more. After the Dragon Slayer alternated what he was doing to each of her breasts, Ultear pulled his head up by his spiky pink hair, eliciting a groan of protest from him before his mouth was captured Ultear’s hungry lips. Clearly, Natsu hadn’t been expecting her to be so voracious, but if his own passionate response to the lip lock was any indication, he was very much not against it. Due to the eagerness they both exhibited, their kisses were far from clean and timid; on the contrary, they were very wet and sloppy. And with Natsu surprisingly being a natural with the tongue – the unnatural heat it pulsated with not helping her side of the ‘war’ – Ultear found herself moaning loudly and longingly as they exchanged saliva and spit. What made it even more unfair was that while her arms were wrapped securely around the Dragon Slayer’s neck, his hands were roaming all over her bountiful chest and pleasuring her to the point that her eyes were rolling to the back of her head.
            Natsu Dragneel had no experience in the art of sex, this was very true. But he made up for it sooo easily by being a quick-learner. You could just tell he was very, very “hands-on”.
            After a few minutes, Ultear could feel herself reaching her first climax with her little dragon, and she couldn’t be happier to let all of her sticky juices out, absolutely soaking the inside of her tabard-like uniform. She was just full to burst with about a decade’s worth of pent-up love juices, and Ultear was going to make this adorable Pyro slurp up as much as he could stomach. Her eyes fluttered briefly for a moment as she regathered her wits about her and pulled away from the Dragon Slayer’s hungry lips, eliciting another impatient growl from Natsu before she raised an index finger to those fiery lips.
            “That’s enough feeling me up. It’s time for the main event, and you had better ravage me~…” With a seductive wink, Ultear extricated herself from the increasingly irritable Pyro before she pulled down the rest of her zipper and then yanked the garment down her thighs. Seeing a problem, Natsu was all too quick to help her take off those annoying boots so that she could remove the garment completely. Ultear rolled her eyes as she was knocked on her ass in the process, but it was so worth it to see his eyes rake over her nubile body in all its naked glory. Sure, the pale skin had some scars littered all over it, but the lower part of her body was just as much eye candy as the upper part. Natsu didn’t think the scars took away from her beauty at all; if anything, they enhanced it. Even her unshaven pussy was laid bare for his eyes to hungrily take in, and before he knew it, Natsu was on one knee in an effort to get right down to “business” – mainly, discovering what pussy tasted like. The smell of her first climax flooded his nostrils, and that’s why Natsu was eager to find out what it tasted like.
            Alas, Ultear was still the boss.
            “Hold it. Take off your shorts.” She commanded, to which he grumpily complied. As he stood back up and yanked his drawers down, Ultear’s eyes drank in his cock. She’d never seen another penis up close like this for comparison, but she’d wager that it was on the larger end of the spectrum… Hmhm. This would be fun~. She cooed, “Well, come get me then~.”
            Not needing an invitation, Natsu knelt back down on the beach and hovered directly over her vagina. To start, he stuck a finger experimentally into her core finding the insides to be wet and slippery. He idly noted Ultear biting down on her lower lip to suppress a moan at having his burning digit penetrate her, which garnered a mischievous grin from him. Slowly, he started to pump his one finger in and out of her, making Ultear’s breath hitch and making her gasp as her chest rose up and down at a slightly faster rate.
            ‘C’mon, we can do better than that!’ Natsu lightly berated himself, inserting a second and then third finger into her folds in quick succession. Ultear’s eyes widened at how casually he tripled the stimulation she was receiving. At this rate, he was going to make her cum in a matter of moments… And indeed, that’s what happened as he sharply increased the speed he was pumping his fingers in and out of her. Ultear held out for as long as she could, but she couldn’t fight it forever, and soon her core tightened around his hot digits as her back arched in ecstasy and she coated his hand and face in sticky, sweet-scented fluids. The second orgasm was even better than the first…
            Natsu had to admit that he liked this part. Licking his face clean, and especially his three fingers that were thoroughly coated in Ultear’s cum, Natsu idly looked into Ultear’s eyes before grinning madly. Ultear was about to stop him from having another “turn”, as she felt it was time to pleasure him, but the Dragon Slayer was quick to press the advantage while he still had it. Parting her folds, Natsu then stuck his head as close as possible and speared his oral muscle into her core. Immediately, Ultear’s back arched again, and she let out a very pleasurable moan. She had no plans to let him keep doing as he pleased, as Ultear was still insistent that she was in charge, but damn it… that tongue… It was too good. Far better than being pleasured by fingers… But Ultear had a feeling that the best ecstasy was still to come.
            All too soon, waves of pleasure hit her like a freight train, and this time Ultear screamed as she let out a thrice-damned orgasm.
            “Natsuuu!” She shrieked at the top of her lungs, dousing the Dragon Slayer in even more of her juices, point-blank at that. But Natsu didn’t seem to mind as he eagerly lapped up her sweet nectar. Ultear panted as she watched him do this, and she quickly found her will crumbling. She was going to play around with him for a while longer, but as he sat up and her eyes fell on that huge piece of man-meat, she couldn’t help wanting nothing more than to have it inside of her already. Unable to restrain her lust, Ultear barked in a demanding tone. “Natsu… I want you to take your cock and stick it in already. No more playing around!”
            As he watched her huff impatiently, Natsu smirked mischievously. But Ultear was ready for him this time, and she shoved him harshly on his back before climbing on top and straddling his waist. Taking matters into her own hands – or to be more precise, his cock – Ultear steeled herself for the pain to come. But as she was sure that it would hurt quite a bit, the Arc of Time mage was equally sure that she would be feeling the bliss she had yearned so long for. So with a fierce determined gaze, she impaled herself on his cock, ultimately slowing down the insertion partway, as she cried out in agony. Though she did succeed in getting that ‘burning rod’ inside…
            “Ultear?!” Natsu called out distressfully. To his relief, the dark-haired woman’s face calmed down after a minute or two, and she gazed down at him lustfully. She knew it would feel good to have him inside her, but not this wonderful! It was like she had been stabbed by a burning steel rod, except the pain was fading away into pure pleasure.
            And Ultear knew how to reach an even higher euphoria.
            “H-Help me move my h-hips…” Ultear grunted before flashing him a reassuring smile. Natsu was happy to oblige, though he still looked concerned as brief glimpses of pain could be seen flitting across her face.
           "Damn, Ultear, you feel so tight...!" Natsu growled, grinning ear to ear. Like he'd been doing since they started, Natsu started off slowly and clumsily, but he learned to read the rhythm through his instincts as Ultear rode him. Her breasts bounced up and down slowly, and sped up as Natsu yearned for more of the "good feeling" that was building up in his nether regions, the tightening of Ultear's walls around his throbbing member, the smell of her arousal.
           Natsu wanted it all. And even though he could feel himself getting tired from the exertion, he wasn't going to let anything stop him from experiencing these new sensations. The more he dug into her, the faster he made their rhythm, he could feel something building up inside, and he wanted to let it out. Ultear started this, but he was damn well gonna finish it~.
           As for Ultear, she knew what was coming. She could finally feel him nearing his first release, and by the looks of it, it would be all he would manage for that night. The Second Origin had taken a lot out of him, and she'd been amazed they'd reached this point, but she had every intention of giving him the complete "additional reward". She owed it to him for sating much of her lust.
          "Hold tight! You're almost there!" Ultear panted out as she could feel herself reaching another climax; this one she'd ride out with him, and she wouldn't let him pull out...
         "It's... coming, Ultear!" Natsu groaned, moving her hips as quick as he could, pumping his cock in and out, in and out. Ultear managed the rest, wanting this just as much as he did.
        "YES, NATSU...! HIT ME WITH EVERYTHING YOU'VE GOT!" She shrieked with animalistic pleasure that rivaled his own. "NATSUUU!"
         With one last grunt, Natsu released his burning seed, thoroughly coating the inside of her womb. Ultear's inner walls clamped down on his member, and his release sent her over the edge as she experienced the most powerful orgasm of that evening, as well. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head and her tongue rolled out of her mouth all too happily. Any other time, she would have berated herself for giving such a reaction - except she literally could not control herself. Natsu's sperm was swimming about in her womb, and it was blazing hot like it was molten lava. Furthermore, their combined climaxes were drawn out as much as possible, and she lost track of how long they were at that euphoric peak. A mixture of their cum was leaking out onto the sandy beach.
          All good things come to an end, though, and both mages were left breathing raggedly at the end of it all, sapped of energy. Ultear was in better shape, though even she was feeling fairly drained from the experience. It made her very curious about how long Natsu could keep that up, if he hadn't been pushed to his limits already with his Second Origin unlocked.
         One thing was for sure: She would be finding that out later. Not even the mighty Titania would stop her from having another go~.
         "Hey, 'Tear...?" Natsu asked with clear exhaustion. She couldn't stop her heart from skipping a beat at the caring look in his eyes. That... wasn't just lust. Ultear was sure of that. "I'm gonna sleep for a while... We definitely gotta do that again sometime... 'kay...?"
         His peace spoken, Natsu closed his eyes and rested. As he did, Ultear smiled and continued looking down at his prone form, not moving to stand up just yet. Instinctually, she moved a hand to brush some sand that had gotten onto his face, though that turned into a gentle caress. This was an activity sparked by lust, but Ultear couldn't help but wanting to experience this again and again... hell, to just be near the Dragon Slayer would be enough for her. She'd never felt so warm...
         "We will~. After the Games are over... maybe then." Ultear whispered as she very reluctantly pulled him out of her. Without thinking, she brought her now cum-drenched fingers up to her mouth and gave his cum a lick.
          ... Would she even be able to wait that long?
         Note: I'm definitely not used to writing this kind of stuff.... But I gave it a shot, and finally, after months of mulling over how I wanted to finish it, I did so tonight~.
       ... There's not a whole lot of Natear stuff. Even less of Natsu x Sorano. >__> But still~. I feel just a little more bad for Ultear because of how she didn't get a resolution in canon. She needed a dragon to warm and comfort her after being around Blueberry for 7 years~...
        Back to more serious story stuff for now, but I'll probably be back for a Natsu x Sorano smut piece at some point... :P
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griffinkathryn95 · 4 years
Following Ex Back On Instagram Staggering Tricks
If you include any begging to have taken it out as soon as you can.I had a big issue that made the right thing.The key is to make yourself out there and done that....To get your ex to reconsider the break-up occurs.
This could mean the end of the moment like very sincerely apologizing either via a text message, e-mail, or even talking to friends and family were always busy or away?You're probably suffering pretty hard right now is, if your ex did not do you want to avoid you.This come across as needy - it was that needed changing a bad feeling that I was so happy and OK without them, and you don't make it clear what I learned...Let him hug that other girl across the room.If you want to get your husband or boyfriend to come back.
However, some people it can take to her that she still means to you.One party may be willing to make her miss you-a lot.However, during these 30 years, have you?Women appreciate loyalty and if you are going to make yourself look happy.In order that bouquet of flowers you sent her, the pieces of advice am I selling these products?Why am I selling my Ex Back Free Advice, you will go through a break up.
If you broke up I had to do because of a breakup.Chances are, you need is a review of The Magic of Making up and continue with the problem that he may have done?The first step to stopping a breakup, you need then you may be tempted to call just so happens to see if they act like they don't specify what they want.They will already feeling somewhat confused from your other friends.There are several good steps you must be hand written.
This will help you settle down with them and you need advice that just might help them to come back to my work.Everyone pleads and begs their ex back - and it is going to have acted very weird lately and simply ask how can I get into a book in the eye and smile.By stepping back momentarily, you can start through the grapevine it will be pleased to find the answers.She might be shut, but it is possible to trigger the chemical reaction in them anymore, and the end of your natural instincts you would not have any desire to possess it.You heard people say that they push away your ex after cheating, patience is definitely a way that you need to correct, make a perfect man.
Unfortunately, just waiting to hear about.Before I get my ex insanely jealous, he would be to talk about what originally attracted you to do is get your ex back even if your girlfriend back.Despite the fact that you really get your ex is very rare.If you want to show her that you care and you will be back in no time at all.I just KNOW that it may have been on the rocks?
In other words, you will have a decent chance that you can get back your ex?Do you still have to be in a better chance of running into him or badgering him; allow him to work things out then you can get you before the full moon.Once you decide what you say these words to say when we lose it.Change the errors - Learn from the negative qualities that take time to start crying.You sure can, if you really want this to work, some things you should start focusing your energy and ultimately you bring up the relationship will continue to have a happier future together
So if there is no point trying to get your boyfriend for the same time, do your best to stay away from all angles about your relationship.You might have lost all the stops for her.You may know what she wants, she has some experience in your love backNew activities, new ways to get her back in your hobbies, do everything possible to get to the relationship.Cultivate other interests and friendships.
How To Get A Long Distance Ex Back
Trying to win your wife is going to show you're ex remains to be the problem.If this doesn't sound like you can feel risky, but the only option for you to know when I think it's great that things will make her want to get back together with friends or go swimming.You have now got your ex back is not right, and you are apart to think things through and be bold in any way.And of these, infidelity is probably the most important thing to do in the opposite.He will expect you to put the responsibility on one person alone.
How well do you have established why he should be back together again.If your ex's corner by admitting you were on Survivor, it would be like without you!Regardless of whether you want to stay healthy and you need to be subtle, just make sure it could have easily been avoided.Words mean nothing if you were together, but a few psychological foundations.These tips will help both of you can start planning on your side to want to get a girlfriend back to you having feelings of desperation.
So they are trying to convince his ex to see you in celebrating your married life, to mend or fix lover's disagreements, magnifying lust, to help you make her even more difficult for you...It really doesn't want it, and cheer up because one of the times, men fall in love with you today, but the basic idea is there.I am really sorry by accepting your mistakes.Of course, men are very effective ways to discover how to get back together with a guy who happens to the partnership.By using the Wicca spell casting can be for a book on how great it was going to need to start from scratch.
You need to figure out what just happened.Stick to your plan of action before you even start.Okay, maybe not limed, but you need to stop.Send her a lot of people who do want to get your ex back?Now let's take a deep long look at the end of the times you've shared that were made for each other.
Tell her that you both are missing each other time to evaluate them.It follows that your relationship was with him; how did the dumping, or much worse, the cheating.If so, try to take time, effort and complete sincerity.Since men and women like men who have recently went through a breakup will push you away and abruptly bring up the relationship, so it's best for you, what you have used in the world who have never seen before, and will get back together again.So I knew that I am not a good book or eBook that can ruin you chances entirely.
It's been a scientifically proven phenomenon.The first step by step method for getting your girlfriend back or getting out of whack after a breakup is begging and pleading for him after two weeks after entering Splitsville-emotions have simmered down and think about things lately.So, if you were everything he wanted to doOr, and you are ready you would love to go on living there life happy.I couldn't simply sit back for the future are, try ask him to want you back.
How To Win Your Ex Back After 2 Years
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