#i helpped him clean up the bakery the other day n he was givin out high-fives so i was surprised he highfived me as well
jadeneppy · 4 years
#xzzt#ouhh i forgot about my old art blog n triggered myself#hhh i still miss them n their name is still in my top tags when i searxh for stuff#this sucks ass its happening again where i shake my head when i remember triggering stuff#mussle spasm or some shit but hhh#names n things my tags :>>#qmq#been feeling really lonely n left out of things with my friends irl#they were planning a party n didn't invite me so idk. theyre gonna be drinking n probs getting high so id just be there sitting#specially sinxe the guy who reported me was invited hh#i helpped him clean up the bakery the other day n he was givin out high-fives so i was surprised he highfived me as well#he was also apparently worried about md when i got covid so im just hh im confused n i wanna be friends but what happened between is was so#traumatizing that it lead me to doubt stuff n then spiral n then be fuckin mean to who i cared about the most in the world#so hhhhhhh#man#6 am n being reminded about my fuck ups fuuuun#anyway i miss you and i hope you still love drawin n ur comic is fun to work on#ik its probs weird n you. might not even look at my blog but you're still important to me#maybe you're looking at my blog n mocking me like we did to klug n ned but idk i could never hate you#i always said that and I meant it. id never come to hate you because u were always afraid of it. like in#like in your dreams you said i hated you and it made you sad. i still dream of you and remember old things we use to talk about#i haven't looked at our old dms but i can still remember some#im rambling again but yeah i hope you're doing fine n have a happy new year#sometimes i feel like you'll send me a message just to tell me to shut up but maybe thats just my subconscious#i miss everyone i miss talking to you guys#i should sleep so goodnight
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heroquills-a · 6 years
( continued from x )
[“Sonic? Oh! I wasn’t expecting you to call! How have you been, son?”]
❝ Heh heh- Heyy Ma’. I didn’ wake ya up, did I ? ❞
[”Thankfully not this time, otherwise you wouldn’t be hearing the end of it.”]
(nervous chuckle)
[”So? You don’t just call out of the blue for no reason, kiddo. You here to update me on your growing list of crazy adventures or is something the matter?”]
❝ ... ❞
❝ Uh- yeah ! I mean, I did wanna catch y’ up on stuff, I guess. But uh, there’s, some things I needed... to talk about...too... ❞ 
[”Well I’m all ears.”]
❝ ... ❞
❝ Right- okay. Uh, well it’s actually been kinda... uneventful these past few months. Tails ‘n I have been cleaning up the last of Egghead’s robots left over from the war, and have been helping rebuild where we can. We’ve also been trying to track the guy but haven’t found a trace of him yet, so we’re guessing he’s gone off the grid. ❞ 
[”Mmm. I see. It’s been like that here too, you know. The island’s been looking much better since the war ended. Everyone’s looking forward to you coming back.”]
❝ Heh- that’s good t’ hear! You can tell Mr. Lenning I’m ready for more raspberry turnovers, then. ❞
[”Ha ha! I’ll let him know but I can’t promise he’ll be eager for you to clean out his bakery when you get here.”]
❝ Aww, c’mon. I don’t eat that much !! ❞
[”That man swears up and down every time you visit that he ends up having to spend the entire day in the back kitchen baking, and I know how much of a sweet tooth you have.”]
❝ Well at least I’m not as bad as Tails! ❞
[”Ha ha!”]
❝ Heh heh heh! ❞
[”...So? Is that it? What about Infinite? Have you managed to track him down yet?”]
❝ Oh- ❞
❝ ...Uhhh...No, not yet. ❞  
[”You sound hesitant.”]
❝ I mean! We kinda have ? But like... it’s not the same guy, Ma’. Not anymore. ❞
[”...And what do you mean by that?”]
❝ Er,, we’re keeping tabs on him but I’m pretty sure he was under the phantom ruby’s influence at the time during the war- which, we haven’t found that thing yet. He’s like a completely different person now without that rock. He’s, actually, uh. ❞
[”He’s actually, uh, what ?”]
❝ ...My friend now ? ❞
❝ Look I know what you’re gonna say, but I promise it’s fine. He’s good now! We’re literally gonna go clothes shopping sometime soon! ❞
❝ What?? ❞
[”It’s just. You know I care so much about you. It scares me that you keep... befriending these people who try to kill you.”]
❝ ... ❞
❝ I didn’ call t’ talk about this, Ma’. ❞  
[”I know, I know. Sorry.”]
❝ Well, alright. So that’s pretty much what’s been happenin’, lately. Besides, uh. Some other things. ❞ 
❝ ... ❞
[”Did something happen, Sonic ?”]
❝ ... Uhm..❞
❝ So uh. There’s this person I’ve, kinda known for a while now. And I’ve actually started to get to know ‘em a little better over the past couple months and kinda... I care about them. And uh... well there’s just... a lot that has happened. A lot. ❞
[”Are you... in a relationship or something ?”]
❝ No ! ...No? I, I’m pretty sure no. We haven’t- it’s... ❞
(shaky sigh)
[”Sonic, what’s going on?”]
❝ ...It’s all just so complicated Ma’. I don’t even know where t’ start. I’m not so sure of myself anymore, and... it’s. It’s really sucked. I dunno what I’m gonna do. ❞
[”It’s okay, Sonny. Just start from the top.”]
❝ ...Okay. Okay. I, I really care about this person. And, I’m pretty sure they care too. But this person doesn’t really... they’re not comfortable about being close t’ people. And that’s fine ! But I just, started realizing things about them, and the way they think about themself, and it just. Worries me! I just wanted t’ help show them it wasn’t as bad as they think, I wanted to just be there for them and... and in the end I feel like all I did was push ‘em away... ❞
(breath trembles)
❝ And I’m so scared, Ma’. I’m so scared for h-h-..them. I can’t even... It’s so hard to be okay with not being able to keep an eye on them anymore. I know they’ve, had a history with being suicidal. It terrifies me thinkin’ about what could happen if I’m not, if I-I’m not around to prevent it this time. I- (hitch) ❞
[”Sonic, breathe.”]
(inhales sharply)
[”It’s okay. It’s okay.”]
[”Sonic, please breathe”]
❝ ,,I’m sorry,, ❞  
[”Don’t be sorry, hun. It’s okay. Just take deep breaths.”]
[”Goodness, kiddo. You’ve had one hell of an Autumn, haven’t you?”]
(weak laugh)
[”Sonny, you gotta stop doing this to yourself. I know you’ve had a rough past year... we all have, but you need to allow yourself more time to process things. Talking about it doesn’t always fix the problem but it’s good to at least express yourself. You know I’m always here when you need me...”]
❝ ... ❞
❝ I know. ‘M... sorry. ❞
❝ I’m trying to be better about it, It’s... kinda why I called. ❞
[”Well, I’m glad that you did. It sounds like it’s really been wearing on you.”]
❝ Yea... ❞
[”Listen. I’m not gonna sugar coat it for you, okay? I think you both have been driving eachother a little crazy. It’s really good that you’re trying to help this person, and it sounds to me like you’ve already made a lot of progress in that regard, but you can’t lead a horse to water and always expect it to drink, you know?”]
❝ Yeah,, I know. ❞
[”He likely feels this is the best he can do for you right now. And himself. Maybe that’s true, Sonic. Have you thought about the fact that maybe you two need a break from eachother ?”]
❝ ... ❞ 
[”Sometimes that happens, kiddo. Sometimes people can stress eachother out enough to the point where you have to step away for a while, it happens. To me it sounds like you made the right decision in letting him go.”]
❝ I... I know you’re right, but... ❞
[”But what, sweetie?”]
❝ I know he needs his space, and I get why he’s doing this. It’s jus,, ❞
[”You’re scared. I know, hun.”]
❝ I wish I could trust him t’ stay safe! But I can’t, Ma’! Not after- not after what happened. It’s so hard, and I miss him already and it hasn’t even been that long- ❞ 
[”Listen hun, I can’t really... there isn’t much I can tell you. I know it’s scary, fearing for the lives of the people you care about. It’s especially scary when they don’t feel like life is worth... living. But your mind is riddled with anxiety, and it’s making it harder for you to see the full picture. Don’t you think, after everything that you’ve done for him, maybe death has become a little less appealing?”]
❝ ... ❞
[”And Sonic, to me it sounds like it’s not just you, either. I’m sure being around all those people you mentioned on that camping trip has also contributed to it. Surrounding yourself with supportive people who lift you up is one of the first steps one can take away from the edge.”]
❝ ---Then he shouldn’t’ve left, right ?! ❞
❝ He’s gonna be all alone up in White Acropolis, Ma’! Wouldn’t it be better if he just- stayed around? There’s nobody there t’ keep an eye on him! Nobody there t’ stop him if he tries- ❞
❝ ...‘M sorry,, I just, I can’t see how this does him any good. Breaks are important, I know, but- but it’s still so risky. Even for my standards. ❞
[”It is risky, Sonic. I’m aware. And I can’t tell you that he’ll be okay. I wish that I could, I wish I could put your heart at ease. But what it all comes down to is the difference you alone can make. It’s unfortunate that he left, but you need to have faith in him, and in you.”]
[”Be patient. You can’t expect a broken limb to heal over night, can you? Sure, you can preform surgery on it and set it and cast it and treat it all you want, but if you don’t allow it to rest, then how will it ever improve?”]
❝ ... ❞
[”Everyone moves at their own pace, kiddo. And you just so happen to move at a pace much faster than everyone else, so it’s no wonder this is harder for you to relate”]
❝ ... ❞
[”He reads your text messages, right?”]
❝ Yeah... ❞
[”Then send him something once a day. Don’t press him to respond. Don’t try to get him to engage in conversation. But give him a reminder that he’s still in your thoughts. If you really do suspect he cares more than he lets on, then I think it may wind up being something he’ll look forward.”]
❝ ...That’s... way too clever, Ma’. ❞
❝ Y’really think that’d... be an alright thing t’ do? Shouldn’ I be givin’ him his space ? ❞
[”Well as long as you aren’t demanding him to engage in anything, I’d say one daily notification isn’t gonna hurt.”]
❝ ... ❞
❝ ...Alright, ‘guess I could try that. ❞
[”Good. I don’t want Tails to call me up and tell me you’ve been giving yourself anxiety attacks stressing out over this all winter.”]
❝ ... ❞
[”As for you, son. You need to give yourself a damn break too. It’s certainly admirable how far you push yourself but like I said earlier, rest is important. Enough with the helping random civilians all the time thing, okay? Go on a vacation or something, my Gaia!”]
(big sigh)
❝ Okaaay, Ma’. Heh heh. You know I’m still coming home for the holidays, right? ❞  
[”How could I forget? It’s all we ever talk about down here! You know Maurice and Chuck are very excited to see you, kiddo. Tails too.”]
❝ Heh... I’m sure they are. ‘M excited too. T’s been a while, huh? ❞
[”It sure has! I haven’t had all my boys home at once in over a year! It gets lonely, you know!”]
❝ I know... ❞
[”We’re very happy to have you come back, Sonic. You’re gonna love what they did in town. They restored that old arcade you used to visit all the time!”]
❝ wHAT-!? ❞
❝ AND Y’ DIDN’T TELL ME ? MA’... ❞
[”Reel it in there, Sonny. You’ll have plenty of time to see it when you get here.”]
❝ Maaaaa’. That was my favorite arcade !!! ❞ 
[”I knowww son. I’ll send you a picture later.”]
❝ Okay good. Y’er making me all the more anxious to head down there. ❞
[”Ha ha!”]
❝ Heh,, hey, Ma’? ❞
[”Yes Sonny?”]
❝ Ah,, thanks. For talkin’ me down. ❞
[”Aww, you know you don’t have to thank me, kiddo.”]
❝ I know, I know, I jus’... I appreciate it, yea? I, always seem t’ struggle talkin’ t’ anyone else about things. ‘M lucky I still got you. ❞
[”It’s too early in the morning to be making me tear up, you little cheese ball.”]
❝ Sorry, heh heh. ❞
[”Well, I’m lucky that I’ve got the sweetest son in the whole world, huh?”]
❝ Mooom... ❞
[”It’s true! I’m one lucky mother.”]
❝ Ugh. ❞
[”Okay kiddo, I’m gonna let’cha go now, alright? Call me again soon, will you?”]
❝ Oh- yea’ of course. Tell Maurice and uncle Chuck I said hi. ❞
[”Absolutely. You take care now, okay? I love you sweetie.”]
❝ Heh, love you too, Ma’. ❞
❝ Bye! ❞
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