#i highly doubt he even wanted drift to see him like that considering he didnt even spend that long before trying to dip
rodismancave · 5 months
. wanting 2 write stuff for bad ending rodimus but it scares me soooo bad
#i love writing him as being self destructive. however#its like. a specific kind of self destructive yknow?#i don't really share in on the sentiment that he'd completely let himself go to the point EVERYONE can tell he's let himself go#but mostly those who spent a long period of time around him would absolutely notice the change.#roddy's the kind of guy to be self destructive in private. i think he's always had a bit of a drinking problem but always managed#to keep it well hidden. extremely high-functioning alcoholic ykno#i think he haaaaates being in tc's ship and i seriously dont think he ever tried to keep in touch with anyone.#hes very much the kind of guy who doesnt really talk to people if theyre not present or text him first#and after a while hed think texting them would be too awkward and sort of intruding in the life theyve made for themselves#i think ratchet's funeral is the 1 time he lets himself go enough for it to be clearly noticed that hes devastated#and i think him putting meg's rodimus star was both sentimentally charged and a way to rid himself of the last thing he had#that kept him stuck in that life#i still sort of think Drift asking him abt the jump is a tad bit cruel. seeing he's the one guy to notice rodimus is in that state#but theyre both stranded. they dont rlly know each other anymore.#also to add to the funeral: rodimus 100% waited for the ceremony to be over so nobody else would get around seeing him in that state#i highly doubt he even wanted drift to see him like that considering he didnt even spend that long before trying to dip#anyway#those r my 2 cents. i guess. oops#ooc / misty forest
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slifarianhawk · 2 years
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chapter 5: what is your game?
When my mind drifted back into consciousness i yet again felt my wrists chained. There was a sterile scent in the air. I kept my eyes closed, for the breeze I felt on my body told me I was bare and naked. I dared not shift for across the room for I heard the message I recorded.
"Alistar what have you gotten yourself into now? Well if you're hearing this then I'm...... more than likely Surgei put me down." I sounded very melancholy, "you went ahead with the plan I presume. I warned you not to take on Wesker. I was never able to take him down in mine his practice sessions before he was infected. My guess you're out cold or coughing up blood on a cement floor." I heard a choked sound almost like a sob.
It was Wesker, I was shocked. Was he crying? I highly doubt what I was hearing. The monster Chris had painted in my mind wound never cry. I only ever heard this sound only once.
"Wesk, if you're listening to this you probably found Alistair snooping around your facility, which one are you at Ohio, China, heck given your wanted status probably the run down research base in Africa. Do me one last favor please... From husband to wife... You can consider it the last wish long over due... Look after her please. She is my legacy. I'll even give you an incentive to take this. Inside her bracelet is a vial of my blood its probably dried by now but the virus contained in it. This is why Vladimir killed me. The Angelis virus, my creation is now in your hands...and if thats not enough four data sticks one on the angelis virus, one on the Wesker children project, Vladimir's personal back up files, and the last one a gift to you, they are in the modified magazine of Alistars beretta 92. I know you'll be able to find them, after all you designed that gun. Fuck I'm out of time. Good bye and Alistar the game is yours now." The message cut out.
A few moments later I heard the door open and when it closed curiosity struck me on what had happened so I barely opened my eyes to get a peek of who all was in the room. I wasn't surprised when I saw Wesker at the computer at far right of the room. This triggered my thoughts what he had planned for me. I looked up to see my bracelet was missing. The bait was taken. I crack open my eyes a bit more; however, I ended up regreting it.
"I know your awake so stop playing dead!" he demanded with a sorrowful voice.
With no other option I did what he said and looked into his dark red eyes as he turned to look at me from across the room. In this action, I saw the whole situation of my predicament. I was chained to a hospital bed in a gown that was clearly ment for test subjects.
"Che Finally managed to get over your hissy fit I see." I retorted acting as if I didnt give a damn, to be honest I didn't.
"Defiant, so you are just like her, tell me something and I might let you live. How did she die?" He stood up walking over to me.
His glare sent shivers running down my spine, " You want to know how she died? Che it's what she would want I guess. It was back in February 2003. Shortly after she gave me this necklace Vladimir released the T-virus in the facility. She was in charge of the hunter b.o.w.s, disqusting creatures. Vladimir had put her there as punishment for fighting back against his advances. She became forced to .....breed with them."
I had to stop for a moment to prevent a flash back, "It wasn't pleasant, I tried to save her from that area. The hunters wouldn't have it. They got a new toy and they wanted to keep it. I had to mow through fifty of the bastards."
"That doesn't matter to me, WHAT I WANT TO KNOW IS HOW SHE DIED!" He shouted standing up and grabbing his samurai edge from the computer desk.
I jolted away from him tears cresting my eyes, "I was getting to that. I'm sorry, its is a long story."
"Well shorten it!" He snapped aiming the gun at my head.
"SHE WAS SHOT! SHE WAS SHOT!" I screamed, in horror.
It was cold and snowy. Cracks had formed in the ceiling. The cold steel and concrete floor was against my bare . The green lizard creatures surrounded me. Loathing was all I felt, my blasted uncle Vladimir dared to pull this after what he did to me and Alistar.
It was vile, no it was more than that it was downright wrong. To be used as nothing more than a breeding tool, that was the biggest insult. She was Far stronger than he was but she knew she had to protect Alistar. If what he told her was true but it would explain why he had brought on to the project. The he in my mind was Vladimir Sergei.
I let out a rage induced shriek. My eyesight going red, my nails turning in to long tapered claws. I was going Equinoxal, Then click, click, click, slienced gun shots went off in my ears. Soon enough each of the hunters fell with a single gunshot wound to their deformed skulls. I started to shake and I turned my head.
What little light there was, was being reflected back by black sunglasses. The man who stood infront of me was in a black suit and had blonde hair. Without a single doubt, I knew it was my estranged husband Wesker.
"Hmmm it seems the Colonel has developed quite a few interesting new B.O.W.s." he said studying me for a second.
"Wesssskerrr?" I said taking a step back and covered my mouth. Was that my voice? It was rough and scratchy, almost like a banshee. I was horrified.
"Intelligent, and wings and not that disfigured, but still probably just a protype." He chided pulling back the hammer.
Wait wings? Was I that far gone, I didnt think I was, "I'm ssstill yourrrrrr wife". My voice was going more and more.
"My wife died years ago in the raccoon city incident." He said blankly then he fired five shots in to my chest.
The piercing pain was excruciating. I clutched my chest and started to seize up. He just shot me.
My breath was jagged and harsh, "If you're still alive when I get back. I'll bring you to my base as a test subject."
He walked off heading to the elevator that headed to Vladimir. The man I pledged myself to...just shot me square in the heart. Chuckling I spit up blood. He was alway a better shot than I was after all.
It was sick, even after this.... I still loved him.
Flash back end
At this he dropped his gun and collapsed to his knees. My body keep twitching my vision tunneling. I noticed my claws starting to grow. I started to calm from the panic attack.
"That B.O.W...... it truly was her. I killed my wife." He stood up and punched the wall, "Until I deem it or until you die. You will serve me. Try and escape... I'll kill you too." He walked out of the room.
Pov Change
I stormed out of the medicial center. Was it true? Did I actually kill her? It couldn't be, she wouldn't of been captured. She was far to smart to get caught. I needed to see if what that message was true.
"Wesker dear, What are you doing?" Excella said draping her arms around me to my annoyance.
"Where are the guns that woman brought with her?" I asked with a less than pleasant tone.
"Why do you ask?" She tilled her head as if to question my motives.
"There was something in the Beretta from my ..... my deceased wife." I spoke in a matter of fact tone.
"Wait what do you mean wife?!?" Excella shrieked as if this revelation would change everything.
"It is intel on something she was developing, spencers plans, sergeis intel files and something that was a surprise for me apperently. Now where is it!?!" I turned to her and demanded an answer.
"Its in the storage room down the hall. Oh look at the time I need to prepare the next dosage." She pointed and ran off sweat beading on her head.
Flithy rabbit, that is all she is. I clicked my tongue and went down the hall. Soldiers are heading down the hall some stopping to solute me. The majini are decent guards but most are slow. I need to design better one. They need more intelligence.
Stopping at the storage room, I growled and looked around. In a fit of rage, I slammed my fist into the wall leaving a massive hole in the concrete.
Damn her, this Alistar came and threw a major shot to my mental stability. Not that I'd ever admit it. Tabitha used to tell me back in the training facility darkness was her friend, that silence was her haven. Maybe thats what I need right now.
I stepped into the room and the black pack was laying on the desk. It was a simple swiss army pack, the only things that were majorly different was a long sliver sheath and three metal bottles that held most likely water or sports drink. Opening the bag I found the parts for a high powered sniper rifle, herbs, shotgun shells, then I saw the handgun holster.
It was Tabithas S.T.A.R.S samurai egde. In top condition non the less. This is what she mean be recognize it. It's the gun I gave her before our first misson. The only thing that was different was on of the spare magazines. It was a storage modification. Rendering the gun useless for no bullets wouldn't be able to be loaded.
Just as Tabitha said four data sticks fell out as i remove the top. One saying W.C.P.. One saying U.M.F.C 014. One that said where angels die. The final one I saw the title and it left me in utter shock.
"My game against Spencer's ambitions." I could almost hear her say it.
"Tabitha, my delicate lotus, just what was your game?" I spoke disturbing the silence.
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trashbinbackyard · 4 years
any armed asshats one and docs
I’m going with helvi and kai bc i cant stop myself now this train is on one way track
What was their first impression of each other?
Kai was Helvi’s friend’s cute older brother. Kai knew Helvi was good friends with Kat but he had his own friends so he didnt pay that much attention to her when they were younger
Enrique knew Juno was feisty and very smart and professional. Juno probably had some doubts about him herself because he never really hid his past
What is their ship name?
Oh no my sister/friend disappeared and doesn’t want to be found, what do
Describe their relationship dynamic.
Kai is a very talented hunter, Helvi is a shaman, she always blesses his hunts and safe return. They also still lowkey look for Kat even though they know if she wanted to be found she’d show herself
Two highly intelligent people toss their brains out every now and then to be snarky and loving to each other
What was their relationship like before they got together?
Kai is few years older than Helvi, Helvi being few years older than Kat. They got along when they were kids and even in their teens weren’t that interested in the other. When Kat took off, Kai hasn’t seen her since, Helvi did see her when she brought Sacran to be healed but then disappeared again. Now they’re very worried about Kat Together
Professional, they were coworkers and Enrique knew Juno was engaged and he respected that
How would they describe each other?
Helvi is sweet and free-spirited, cares a ton, great singing voice too. Kai is strong and reliable, quiet but very empathetic, leader type, if things get dicey
Juno is simply amazing. She’s smart, temperamental, sassy, determined, beautiful, he could go on and on. To her he’d be respectful, rowdy  but in the good way, not too much trouble, attentive, intelligent, fun, not a bad looker either
What do they love about each other?
man sometimes these questions, do i just interpret these wrong lol. For both of them what i just said ^
What do they have in common?
They’re both from the same village, are well  known and loved and respected by its people. Both are very close to nature, both love taking care of people in their own ways
Both are smart and reliable, they have similar sense of humor and both can get pretty sassy, they like taking care of themselves and having fun when work allows them to
What are some differences between them?
Helvi is very nurturing and people person, Kai is more aloof
Juno is very serious at work, Enrique sometimes takes the piss on his patients but all in good humor. Also he used to be sketchy and Juno is prim and proper doctor
What made them realize they were in love?
When they first started looking for Kat, they didnt say it but they both felt it “I dont want to loose you too”
When Juno had her engagement annulled and Enrique was shoulder to cry on, they’ve been good buddies for a while and they worked together so well
What are their love languages?
Acts, Helvi makes sure Kai is extra blessed before venturing out to the forest. Kai brings her bones and trinkets she might need, he also cuts her the best pieces of meat from his catch
Touch and words pretty equally, they’re kind of horndogs both of them, but cuddling and just standing right next to each other is sooo good. Words but not your usual petname shit, in that house they make open mockery of both of them in very endearing way
Do they get married? Who proposes and how?
In the future, maybe, Kai probably because his dad wanted him to, he really needed that nudge (Kory the dad, the chief the wingman)
They do get married, but i can’t remember if who proposes has been established (i searched thru out blogs and cant find anything), I’d wage Juno because Enrique knew she had been engaged before and it went Bad, so he wouldn’t want to push it
What would happen if they never met?
Helvi would still be a shaman, in a nother village if she wasn’t born in the same one as Kai, she would probably find herself a cute gf or bf to love. Kai would still be a hunter, though his love life would a be drifting tumbleweed
Juno would still be a doctor, just going through her breakup less elegantly. Enrique would still stop being a pirate and find a clinic to take him in, if not that one in the citadel then maybe on outer rim
Are there any love rivals?
Kai honestly was that typical “cool older guy with tons of potential love interests” trope type but he had his friends and the rest of the orbiters he was too shy to get to know, Helvi was safe enough. I bet there are still some lads and lasses who’ve had their eyes on Kai
Well at first Ross, but Enrique knew his place and he didn’t really Try to get Juno, it happened organically i swear
Describe your favorite moment of that ship!
Too new to have Moments yet
Anything to do with Bob tbh, their angel and demon halloween part where they end up switching costumes by the end of the night was fun too lmao
What do other characters think about this relationship?
They think they’re sweet together. Also Kory wants to retire as a chief and maybe Kai getting a wife would give him a confidence boost to take up the keys
Most of the time the clinic approves, no one was a big fan of Ross. But sometimes,,, oh dear, not again in the supply closet
Describe or write a really angsty scene!
When Kai finds out Helvi has seen Kat since she disappeared. He’s upset she didn’t follow her or talk to her more but Helvi tries to convince Kai that she is doing ok
Enrique confesses he did consider suicide way back when his old crew died and his illness began to act up more
Talk about a headcanon you’ve never talked about before.
Literally anything at this point lool. Helvi is trans, that’s right, siblings Kat and Kai said trans rights
Enrique probably has given a pocket knife for Juno for good safety measure, also showed how to use it, just in case, you are small and divine, please be safe
What does a typical date look like for them?
Going out to the forest, Kai helps Helvi collect herbs, sit down and eat some berries and talk about animals and plants
Out for couple drinks, dancing, having fun, dinner, long walk
What’s a really significant moment in their relationship?
Eventually when they (maybe) get married
Them getting together after crushing on each other for a while
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tacittherapist · 4 years
Heartbeats quicken. The tremors return. Rose opens her laptop, glancing about to make sure she’s alone. Gods forbid anyone, especially Jade, see her revisit one of her lowest points. She craves it -- to know the bitter ennui of her past mistakes is a nectar that keeps her reality grounded and the fire under her lit. This particular memory is perhaps the worst mistake of her young life though, and to correct it would be to supp deep from the ichor of sweet relief. She pulls up the log...
tacitTherapist [TT] started trolling grimAuxiliary [GA].
TT: So. GA: So TT: It’s come to this. GA: Indeed It Has TT: And you’re still not budging. GA: Consider My Position Entirely Unmoved TT: Entirely? That seems a bit harsh. GA: This Is A Harsh Reality TT: I imagined you’d have at least granted me the niceties and lied about how malleable your convictions are. GA: Rose GA: What Is There Left To Say GA: We Have A Crucial Difference In Opinion That Cannot Be Reconciled GA: We Have Iterated Our Arguments To Each Other For Days Without Relent GA: The Underlying Basis To This Disagreement Is Presupposed On The Notion That This Infernal Game Has Shown You The Right Course Of Action Without Any Other Supporting Evidence That It Isnt Simply Lying To You Once Again TT: They aren’t lies, they’re possibilities. GA: But Only One Of Them Will Happen To Us GA: The Rest Dont Matter GA: Thus They Are Lies And There Is Just One Truth TT: Couching your beliefs that way is what I disagree with. GA: Then You Arent Fucking Listening GA: Only One Of Those Timelines Will Be The One We Are In GA: So Forgive Me If I Buttress My Language In Solipsistic Idiom GA: Unless You Can Give Me More Than One Percent Assurance That We Will All Make It Through This By Jumping On This Fantastic Savior Satellite GA: I Cannot Support Your Idea And I Suggest You Let It Go TT: I can’t. GA: I Know GA: Thats Why Theres Nothing Left To Say TT: I disagree. I think there are a variety of things left to say. GA: Do They Relate To The Problem At Hand Or Are You Stalling TT: Irrelevant. The impetus of communication isn’t inherently problem-solving, it’s to convey meaning. GA: The Impetus Does Solve A Problem GA: You Want To Convey Meaning So The Solution Is Communication TT: Semantics. I’m saying there are other avenues of thought we must explore first. GA: Rose According To You We Are Running Out Of Time GA: Is This Truly How You Want To Spend Your Last Moments With Us GA: Bickering Pointlessly On Separate Computers To Avoid Devolving Into Another Shouting Competition Which Karkat Invariably Wins TT: Would you rather I pivot into sweet nothings about how I’ve so enjoyed our time together on this desolate rock? TT: Would you rather I spin the yarn of our tale aboard this distant laboratory, slowly starving as our grist cache dwindles? TT: Must I recount our feeding calendar in which we literally take turns stemming the hunger pangs until we all eventually succumb to malnutrition and sickness simultaneously? GA: No TT: Then this is how I’m spending my last moments. Quite presumptuous of you to assume I’ve made up my mind as well. For all you know, I could be swayed and end up staying here. GA: Given You Were Just Eviscerating My Position Mere Seconds Ago As To Why We Should Stay Here Im Sufficiently Certain You Wont TT: That’s another issue. Your certainty. The Light has shown me countless avenues to success. There are literally endless timelines in which we follow my advice and everyone meets up to finish the game. TT: And yet you’re somehow unwaveringly certain that none of them will occur? GA: Your Argument Swings Both Ways TT: I don’t appreciate the implicit reference to my confusing sexuality, but go on. GA: If There Are Countless Possibilities In Which We Succeed Following Your Idea Then There Are Also Countless Possibilities In Which We Succeed Not Following Your Idea GA: Its Two Infinities GA: The Question Lies In Which Infinity Is Bigger TT: That makes no sense, infinity is infinity. GA: Yes But Some Infinities Are Larger Or Smaller Than Others GA: Some Infinities Are Not Even Truly Infinity But We Consider Them Infinity For The Sake of Mathematics TT: How does that make even remote sense? GA: While You Were Studying The Majyyk I Was Reading The Calculus TT: I didn’t realize I was speaking to Jade’s pupil. GA: You Arent GA: If I Were Jades Pupil Wed Have Met Up By Now And We Wouldnt Be Having This Inane Conversation TT: But you can become her pupil! If you just come with me. Trust me, Kanaya. Please. GA: I Trust You Rose GA: But I Cannot Go With You GA: Look GA: The Prophecy Satellite Is On The Horizon GA: You Have Not Much Time TT: Technically I have all the time I need. GA: Dave Has Sworn Off His Powers And You Know This TT: He can be convinced. GA: If Your Powers Of Persuasion On Him Are Anything Like They Are On Me I Highly Doubt That TT: Fuck you. GA: Rose
A pregnant pause passes as Rose looks over on the horizon. The satellite is indeed coming into view.
TT: I’m sorry, Kanaya. TT: I love you. GA: I Love You Too Rose GA: But This Is Goodbye TT: It doesn’t have to be. GA: What GA: Didnt We Just Go Over That Im Not Coming With You And That You Arent Staying Here TT: Yes. But if you don’t say goodbye, it means we’ll meet again. GA: Rose This Is Childish TT: If you don’t say goodbye, it isn’t the end. GA: This Is The End Rose TT: It isn’t the end. I’ll see you again. I’ll find John and Jade by myself and we’ll come get you. GA: How GA: How Long Will It Take To Find Them GA: And How Will You Find Us If You Ever Do GA: This Laboratory Is Bound To Continue Drifting Even After You Depart GA: We Wont Stay Frozen In Place Once You Leave GA: This Isnt Like One Of Those Trashy Rainbowdrinker Books You Devoured GA: This Is Real Rose GA: You Must Face This Truth TT: We are the shapers of our world. GA: Not This Again TT: We determine our own fate. GA: Rose This Is A Quote From Another Novel Please Dont Do This TT: We mold the physical to our whims and thrust it forward through our own designs. We shape destiny. We reject that which displeases us and create our own reality. TT: Can you really not indulge me? As this one last act of kindness? GA: I Will Allow You One Kindness But It Will Not Be This TT: Fine. As my last act of kindness from you, I want... GA: It Cannot Be Something Ridiculous TT: I want you to forget me. GA: What The Fuck Did I Just Say TT: Hear me out. TT: If truly everything we’ve been through thus far has meant so little that you can’t put your faith in my decision, I want you to forget it. TT: It will be as if it never happened. I was merely a phantom in this session, and should I somehow return (against your predictions), I will get to vindictively rub it in your face. TT: But if you’re right, and I never return, the pain for you is lessened. You were never in a relationship with me, so there’s nothing to mourn. I never existed. Things were simply bad, and my nagging insistence to redirect our course was never there. TT: I want you to forget me. GA: Rose You Know I Cant Do That TT: Not even for me? As your last kindness? GA: It Would Not Be Kind To Invalidate The Memories You Ensured We Would Create GA: It Would Not Be Kind To Devalue Everything You Have Done For Us GA: And I Still Cherish Those Memories Even If They Led To Something Painful TT: It will only cause you more pain if you hold onto them. I don’t want you to suffer. GA: I Want To Suffer These Memories GA: They Offer Me Some Reassurance TT: But not enough to convince you to join me. GA: No
Rose stops typing, a nerve in her snapping. Her face goes beet-red, despair swelling into wrath. She sets her claws to the keyboard once more.
TT: Then if not by your grace, I’ll make you forget through spite. GA: What TT: I want to be forgotten. I want my existence to be erased from this failure of a timeline. I never loved you. You meant nothing to me. GA: Rose TT: My departure will be a curse upon you unless you forget. Whether by magic or by will, you must forget me. All those memories I made with you meant nothing. I did those things only to ensure my own survival. Your presence was happenstance at best. TT: Now that I’m heading out on my own, our destinies are uncoupled. Whatever happens to you is beneath me. I am taking the path to victory, and you can all squander the rest of your miserable lives here. TT: I won’t come back for you. I gave you all the chances I had. This is your fault. GA: Rose Please Dont Do This TT: You won’t see me again. I’m getting on that satellite and I’m not looking back. Even if I am to die, alone on a satellite, it will be a Heroic death as the only one with any sense not to continue a cursed existence on this fucking rock. TT: I will live with only a spectre of guilt that I didn’t forcibly coerce you onto the satellite with me, chastising myself for respecting your wishes and letting you choose your own demise. TT: That is all. Goodbye.
tacitTherapist [TT] stopped trolling grimAuxiliary [GA].
True to her word, Rose closed her laptop and walked briskly to the edge of the floating laboratory to wait for the satellite to pass by. Sheer anger coursed through her veins, hoping that would mask her true intent. She had never displayed that kind of fury before, let alone to Kanaya. If she played her cards right, Kanaya might still join her, moved by the pure strength of her conviction. But there was no hesitant hand on her shoulder, begging her to stay or to join her. There was no last-second plea, no ‘Rose Wait’, and not even a footstep in her general direction as she waited.
Resigned, she boarded the satellite, breaking her word and casting a desperate glance back as the satellite continued its course away. Through the tiny window, she could see Kanaya simply looking down at her grubtop, her face stained jade. Regret swelled, and for just a second, she could feel herself begin to open the hatch and jump back towards the meteor. But the second passed, and soon she was out of range to give even a cursory wave goodbye.
The same tears begin to stream down her face as she closes the pesterlog and wraps her sheets tighter around her shoulders. She can’t keep putting off her meeting with Cetus forever... but she still doesn’t know how she’ll reckon with the shadow of her failed ploy.
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