#i honestly can't believe this i literally was just playing fucking. completely oblivious
the-acid-pear · 7 months
Christ alive I was checking the wiki bc i saw a fanfic mention in the passing Mikey was trans only to find out dude was like. Raptured. I mean I guess pirating an older version of the game has its pros? Kinda insane kinda uncomfortable now though.
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talesofsymphoniac · 6 months
Rewatching Utena. Again. And can I just say Miki is the fucking funniest character. Literally incredible, the way he just genuinely means well while being completely oblivious. Like honestly I'd rag on him more for not noticing his sister didn't even like the piano and just assuming she just like. Became Bad (did not conform to his idea of what a Perfect Young Woman should be), but he's just too much like Utena to me for me to really be mad about it. But the funny part about Miki is that at least Utena sees the Rose Bride thing and immediately sees how fucked it is. Miki sees Utena talking about how fucked up it is and goes "oh damn u right."
I can't even be mad about him trying to win Anthy in that first duel because like. Utena's logic at this point is pretty much also "well the Rose Bride thing is garbage but at least if Anthy's with me that's better than the alternative." Like I at least think he believes that. He and Utena both do want to feel like they've "saved" her for their own personal reasons and neither of them really see anything of Anthy beyond being passive and kinda quirky, but, y'know, they do both mean well for her too.
It's always interesting to do a rewatch because Anthy is just SO fucking good at playing the part of Object. Like you can point out how the other characters treat her like an object and you'd be right about it, but so much of it is also that Anthy is so good at conforming to that role. Like so much of the conflict of this show is that Anthy's NOT ready to just lay her cards on the table and trust other people to just treat her like a person-- and for good reason!
Ok look I know I am just restating the text of the show but it really is just. So much.
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wwhatev3r · 2 years
hey :) may i have a Band of Brothers ship? these are so cool and i'm so glad i ran across your blog uwu
istp 6w7, my love language is quality time, hufflepuff. i'm middle height. brown/red hair that's very wavy. dark brown eyes. very light skin. a little chunky but that means there's more of me to love lmao. i've always been quite shy. until you get to know me and then i have a really earthy sense of humor and a laugh that could awake the dead. i love kids and animals. i want to have my own kids one day and a bunch of farm animals. roosters are my favorite. i am also really good at drawing and painting and crafting. sometimes it takes me a long time to finish stuff because i take on a lot of projects and i hate when people rush me for stuff. i hate school and honestly i don't want to go to college. i'm a music junkie and i really love bollywood music lately and want to learn all the dances. i love british tv, spaghetti westerns and sci fi shows and music from the 70s and 80s. i don't like when people can't make good on their promises and don't take their relationships seriously.
I Ship You With...
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Babe Heffron!
Notes: I’m not gonna lie, your request were one of the hardest I’ve ever had. Your personality is too unique, any of them would be lucky to have you. You're literally so FREAKING cute, and your personality and taste is ✨IMACULATE✨ I was between like 3 or 4 guys. You are very lovable, what can I say?
Can I please just say that the song “Love Grows” came to my head while I was writing your request and I think it matches you as a couple.
I’m going to be honest, one of the main reasons I choose him is because your MBTIS are opposites, and in my perspective makes a good balance.
When you first met he was a little shy to approach you.
Honestly, or he was shy or a complete ball of energy and if he’s drunk he will try to impress you.
I don’t know why, but I can see you two meeting in a pub or maybe through dancing.
I mean, we all know Babe is amazing at dancing.
While you’re trying to practice some moves I can see you two stepping on each others feet and Babe is just:
“Sorry, sorry! I’m so sorry, my bad.”
hE’s sO SweEt
If you are trying to learn ANY style of dancing he will help you.
That helped you two get closer, and more closer.
To eventually start dating.
Now, when you are finally a couple he’s way more emotional  and shows how committed he is to the relationship.
He does everything and puts a lot of effort into the relationship.
Babe is your biggest admirer, he literally worships you.
He loves your wavy hair so fucking much, and he does like something to grab because… well, he’s a tall skinny boy.
Oh, and he loves to play with your wavy hair.
Can I request something? Will you break in half? Thanks, jk!
Okay, but he loves when you compliment him.
He gets all shy and flustered, and gives you the most sweet kid-like smile.
He loves your laugh! He thinks is pretty attractive and it just makes him wanna laugh instantly.
I believe Babe’s sense of humor is more the natural type, he just lets go of something and is just funny, so he definitely loves your sense of humor for being so unique.
I think one of the main reasons he fell in love with you is because of your uniqueness.
I think Babe can be a little oblivious and clumsy with kids but they do get along and they love him.
I can tell you 100% that he wants a family, and the moment you have it he is protective and supportive.
Especially if you have a girl, she will be her papa’ girl; literally his little princess.
I can totally see him getting a farm! I would love to see that, to be honest.
He does not like chickens or any kind of birds.
I can see you trying to make a pet a rooster and him just running away from it.
He loves cows tho, you guys have one or two and he called one of them Vanilla and you called a little piglet Django.
Babe admires your work/hobbie, he finds your art so pretty that he motivates you to work more on it and to share it with more people.
I can see you two making a picnic on the farm and maybe even painting together.
His drawing and paintings look more like kids drawing but that’s the funny part of it.
You may like Bollywood music but he likes Bollywood shows; He has a thing for the terrible editing and the amazing drama.
I’m not even kidding when I say that I imagine Babe using clothes based on 70s and 80s fashion and colors.
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asknarashikari · 3 years
Top ten dumbest moments in Super Sentai?
“I am just an ordinary mailbox”
Yeah, Houka, because an ordinary mailbox is pastel pink and spies on little brothers as they woo potential girlfriends... and talks when they get caught by their sibling. Really believable, Houka. 
The Shinkenger V-Cinema
Special mention to Kotoha’s crossdressing Hana Kimi-esque fantasy featuring Alpha Bitch Takeru and Ryuunosuke tuning his entire team into furries, complete with animal ears on their helmets. And everyone’s image of Takeru...
“The tiger’s child”
Somehow the Gokaigers got it into their head that an actual tiger cub was part of a Sentai. How did these guys even survive without Gai’s hero knowledge, I don’t know.
Sousuke’s attempts to get to Gunman World
Ladies and gentlemen, this guy... who lead a team that saved the world... is trying to get to another dimension... with a trampoline and a pole vault. *epic facepalm*
Hiromu’s first appearance in his series
To wit: eyes wide with shock and ear, frozen literally in mid-air... while the newspaper he was reading had a photo of a chicken on it. Our Red Ranger, ladies and gentlemen... Speaking of Hiromu...
Hiromu’s bluntness biting him in the ass constantly 
He really, really needs to learn when honesty isn’t the best policy. Or, at least, be nicer in the way he says certain things. But alas, he never does... and he gets his just desserts for it several times....
Cheeda Nick, the sentient motorbike... having no sense of direction
...to the point where Hiromu knows to go the opposite direction of where Nick says to go. He’s literally lost without Hiromu... Couldn’t his OS just be, like, updated to have a GPS or something? 
“We really can't afford to let Yoko get any stupider than she already is!” 
Man, when even Hiromu (see above) tells you to stop talking and you don’t listen... you’ve really, really fucked up big time. And worse... Usada didn’t even stop there!
How Souji treats a girl blatantly crushing on him: by being an oblivious idiot
This boy is so dumb when it comes to Rin, I seriously wondered how they managed to end up together at all. Rin, honey, you could do better than this idiot, honestly.
Ian plays an “innocent” prank on a samurai... with electric powers
Let’s just say... it isn’t exactly a bright idea to play up your being a womanizer in front of a chivalrous samurai who can literally zap you to death, and yet... Did I mention it was the team’s strategist and second-in-command who did this?
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Summary: It was an afternoon spent with your circle of friends. From bowling to stuffing your faces in your favorite barbecue place. With a lot of deep talks, insecurities, and truths unfolding involved, Jinyoung, the guy you thought was your best friend, put all your pieces back together. He wasn't just a best friend after all.
Characters: Park Jinyoung x reader x Mark Tuan ft. Got7
Genre: fluff / romance
A/N: Hello, welcome to my first imagine :> Hope you like it.
Word Count: 1,914 words
Bowling is one of the activities you and your friends enjoy. But no matter how many times you go, you still couldn't get the hang of it and it frustrates you everytime and wears your energy out.
"Aren't we going to eat?" You whined as you were about to leave the bowling place. "Calm those monsters down, (Y/N)." Mark chuckled. Your..
You do not know how to explain your relationship with Mark. You're sure that you aren't just friends. It's different than the rest.
There were a lot of teasing from your friends as to how you guys really suit each other and how much you like each other without admitting, even forcing the two of you to confess.
"Barbecue night, it is!" Jackson exclaimed as they all went to their own cars. There were ten of you so two cars were enough for transportation.
JB, Youngjae, Bambam, Yugyeom were at Jackson's car. I'm at Mark's car with Hannah, Mina, and Jinyoung.
Mark went straight to his car and had the engine started. You were about to proceed to the passenger's seat but Hannah beat you to it unconsciously. You felt a pang of jealousy as to how it seemed like the seat belonged to her. Like she was entitled and so used to seating there.
Mina went inside the car without saying anything. You were left with Jinyoung standing there. You felt his hands on yours as he lead you towards the car.
"Hey, I brought my car. (Y/N) and I will use that. We'll see you there." You realized that Jinyoung came when you were halfway through your game which explains why he brought his car with him.
You and Mark know each other very well but not enough to understand one's complexity. Unlike Jinyoung. Jinyoung knows and understands everything. He is your best friend among all nine.
You two were silent for the first few minutes of the ride. The barbecue place isn't really far but Jinyoung is driving extra slow today and is taking all the longest possible routes. You knew he wanted to talk. The way his fingers play with the steering wheel, sometimes playing with his lips.
You were about to break the silence when he spoke, "What is your relationship with Mark? Really, I'm so confused."
"We're friends, Jinyoung."
"Don't you even get me started with that." He shut you up immediately.
"(Y/N), we all know what's going on between you and Mark and Hannah. And if everyone is oblivious about the tension, then I am not. I know you too well."
It was last week Tuesday when Hannah, Jinyoung, and Jackson came over your house and had a few drinks, played a few games, truth or dare. If there's alcohol involved, a lot is exposed.
Of course you were all curious when it comes to each other's relationships. And Hannah is probably one of the most mysterious one. And you just happen to ask her the most recent guy she had a fling with.
"That night at your house. Do you remember how Hannah confessed that she and Mark had a thing? And how she kept her feelings because you started telling things about you and Mark?"
You flinched.
"Then a few days after when we were complete and were at their resort. Do you remember drinking too much that you asked questions about what she feels about Mark and tried to pick a fight with her when he was literally sitting in between? How you became so mad when we stopped playing spin the bottle and asking you to sleep? How you were begging us to play one more round because you had a lot of questions to ask and things to say? How you cried after that?"
By this time, Jinyoung had stopped driving and parked the car.
"(Y/N), I couldn't forget how you started sobbing when Hannah hugged you. How you pushed her and kept on telling her to stay away. How desperate you sounded calling me and asking me to keep her away from you. I couldn't forget the pain on her face. Even if you were drunk she knew there was a reason. She knew the reason. And even if you kept on saying there was no reason why you were crying, I knew it was because of that. Your cries were too painful to hear and to believe that there is no reason behind that."
Your hands were gripping on your dress so hard your knuckles turned white.
Everything from that day flashed into your mind. When you woke up in the middle of the night but can't see anything, couldn't even get a grasp of your phone or any phone to give you light. But you knew Hannah and Mark weren't in the bed when all of you could fit since three beds were next to each other.
The next morning instead you find both of them on the sofa. Lying close to each other given the small space they have. And you tried to act unaffected all through out the day.
"How can I forget how painful those two days were for you? And now you expect me to not notice everything? How you two try to act like everything's fine especially around Mark? Mark who does not know a single fucking thing."
"Jinyoung, stop." Your voice came out so weak that you even surprised yourself. Tears were pouring out endlessly.
He immediately pulled you into a tight hug and kissed your temple. "(Y/N).."
He wants to say something. But all that came out from his mouth after your name was a sigh.
Everyone was settled and had already started eating when the two of you arrived. "Hey, what took you so long?" Mark greeted you with a smile and patted the empty seat next to him. You were hesitant but you didn't want him to think that something's wrong.
Jinyoung was on your other side, acting like nothing happened and conversed with the others. "Oh, we had some things to drop off."
"I haven't eaten anything yet, I was waiting for you."
Even with laughters and a lot of silliness, you couldn't help but drown on your thoughts and be awfully quiet. Mark, being the good guy he is, noticed this and decided to ask you about it while the bill is being settled.
"Are you not feeling well today, (Y/N)?" He has his arm on your shoulders and used the other to check your temperature.
"No, no, I'm fine. Just a little bit tired, I guess."
"They're going up the roof deck after this. Do you want me to drive you home?" Jinyoung is watching the two of you and he gave you a small nod, signalling you to let Mark take you home.
"Is it okay?" Your voice is really unsure and fragile tonight. "Yeah, of course, baby." His gaze was soft at how fragile you looked. "Let's go."
The drive back home was quiet. Not awkward-quiet way. But a comforting one. He had his hand wrapped around yours while the other one was securing the steering wheel.
His phone rang and you saw Hannah's name. "Can you answer it and put it on speaker for me, please?"
You didn't say a word but you did it for him anyway.
"Hey Mark?"
"Can you drive me home tonight, please? I really need to go. Something happened at home and everyone's not suited to drive right now and-"
"Hey, hey, Hannah. Calm down. I'll drop (Y/N) and then I'll drive you home. Is everything okay?"
"I don't know, Mark. I don't know but they need me home-"
"Are you okay?"
The call ended right when you were in front of your house. "Thank you, Mark."
You heard the car door shut and footsteps towards you as you were about to open the door. "(Y/N)? Did I do something wrong?"
"It's still Hannah, isn't it?" Your question caught him off guard. "What?"
"Just answer me."
"No." His answer was full of uncertainty and he knew it.
"I'm not dumb, Mark. Just answer honestly." You were fighting the tears at this moment and your hands were shaking so much you had to hide them in your jacket.
"I'm sorry." Even if you knew the answer, it still broke you when you heard it coming from him.
"Of course you're sorry." You let out a forced laugh. "You should go. She's waiting for you. Good night, Mark." These were your last words to him before turning your back against him and shut the door.
You spend a lot of time crying but you knew it wouldn't help so you desperately called for Jinyoung to come over.
"Fuck." He cursed at the sight of you, wrapping you in his arms when he came.
Hannah is close to perfect. She grew up in Australia and her dad is Australian. She's just the perfect mix. She catches everyone's attention wherever she goes by just simply walking. She's more on the girlish side, she's so careful with her actions, and she's the kind of girl that everyone would want. She's the kind of girl that makes people want to protect her.
"And then there's me. I speak whatever comes into my mind, I don't filter my words, I act like a guy most of the time. We're just so different, Jinyoung."
"Stop it. Your strong personality is something you should be proud of. I honestly love that about you. You tend to be independent most of the time and defend yourself from everyone. You do act a bit like a guy, yes, but that's adorable. You appear so strong on the outside but you're just as vulnerable as Hannah when it comes to people that you care for."
Your tears stopped pouring at Jinyoung's words.
"And don't you ever compare your physical appearance to her's. You don't see it do you? The way you catch everyone else's attention? If I were a stranger in the same crowd as you, you would definitely catch my attention. You have this aura around you and it's not something that can be ignored. Always remember that."
You have your head on his chest while he is playing with your hair. His words were very effective and it calmed you down.
"It's Mark's fault if he couldn't see that."
You muttered a small thank you and you remained in the same position and not talking.
You got up from your position to face him.
"Why can't it be just you? All this time I kept on wishing it was you."
"What do you mean?"
"I can hang around with you without feeling insecure even when I'm surrounded by pretty girls. I can talk to you about everything, even my insecurities. I'm being myself so much when I'm around you. Why couldn't it be you, then?"
Your body was on fire with all that came out of your mouth.
"What do you mean why can't it be me? (Y/N) it has always been me. It took you so long and so many heartbreaks to realize that." You were studying his face. You never had the chance to appreciate your best friend's attractiveness until know.
"Are you going to let me in and give me a chance to prove to you?"
"No, Jinyoung. I think you have already proved so much."
He broke into a grin and hugged you so tight.
"We'll take it slow, baby."
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