#i hope he has the bestest birthday personally just very seriously
possession1981 · 1 year
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waynes-multiverse · 2 years
I don’t even remember how many times I’ve sent you this but hopefully this time Dumblr works 🙄
You gorgeous, gorgeous soul, I can’t begin to describe how much I love you and am grateful you were put on this rock. I found me the kind of big sister I’ve always wanted in you, one who’s a bad influence and protective of me and who I like to tease but also look up to a lot. I learn so much from you, doesn’t matter if it’s how to make my writing better or just normal life stuff. You, my fellow Swiftie, are an absolute amazing, beautiful, funny, smart, talented, and just so so so so fucking perfect in every single way. Never, never fucking change. I love you and I’m waiting for you at our island, on the rooftop of my small house, with a lit candle on a cupcake.
So on your birthday, I’m sending you the one and only
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And you know what he’s the best at? Lemme give you some hints
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I hope you liked my gift and his talents 😏
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You’re very welcome 😌 I accept gift baskets and cookies as a token of thanks 😂
I wish you immense happiness and love and laughter and light. I wish you nothing but the best because that’s exactly what you deserve.
I love you. Sending you million hugs and kisses.
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And a Tom because I know you like him too 😏
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Okay that’s it. Byeeeeeeee 🤓
What in the universe’s name–
Dear God, where do I even start with this?!?!?! 😳
Seriously, how awesome are you???? I crown you the official queen of awesomeness 👑 And also tenacity because I know how long you tried to send me this 👀 (What has it been 2-3 weeks? How many times have you tried until dumblr let you? You know what, it’s my fault. Hotness takes a little longer until it reaches my corner of the multiverse. I bet it was the bonus Tom 🤤)
You’re the bestest little sister I could have ever asked for. You’re so sweet, kind, smart, talented, and I wish only the most awesome shit for you. And I solemnly swear I will come for everyone who wants to do you harm. I’ll be your personal Dean Winchester – guns blazing, no questions asked 😎💥
Also, I love that you created a Sixteen Candles moment for me on our island! 🥰 Why are you so cute??? Stop! I honestly feel like you’d melt like a sugar cube once it rains 👀💕
I love you so much!!!! There’s literally no words! 🖤🖤🖤🖤 But I’ll send the gift basket with cookies 😉
(Also, I would insert a gif but dumblr says we’ve reached our limit 🙄)
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n-komas · 4 years
(1/3?)Hi! Idk if you're still doing match ups but I was wondering if i could get a haikyu match up pls! If not, please feel free to ignore my ask, I completely understand and hope you're resting 💕 if soooo-I’m a straight cis Hispanic female that’s 5ft tall, I have wide hips, big butt/thighs, my top half ain’t special tho and I have black hair/bangs and dark brown eyes+glasses! I’m a cancer with an ISFP personality, I’m shy and closed off at first but as I get used to you I open up.
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Dear User, Thank you so much for waiting! We have found your perfect match! You’ve been paired with...
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Tooru Oikwa!
firstly, cancer twins!
the way your birthdays are only a day apart mwah
he liked that you’re sort of hard to break open at first
likes to think of it as a challenge
so that’s how you became friends for sure
he just wormed his way into your everyday life whether you liked it or not
anyways now you guys are the bestest buds <33
you guys have tease fights all the time
basically roast battles tbh
but then you probably tease him about how your butt is bigger than his
and it shuts him up entirely
mans wont admit it but he wishes he had an ass so bad </3
he just thinks they’re nice
plus he has this really weird desire to just know how to twerk and throw it back
he’d probably never do it in public
but when he’s bored and alone in his room, he just gets in front of the mirror and tries
since you have a motherly sense to you, you’d have to take care of him much more than you should need to
not just because that tooru has childish aspects to his personality
which you do need to put up with 24/7
but he has a habit of overworking himself far past his limits
and as his best friend, you’d have to drag his ass home and out of the gym
he is seriously the most stubborn piece of shit you have ever met
will spit back insults and harsh words to get you to leave him alone so he could practice more
he just wants to perfect himself
so you have to be there to physically take the balls out of his hands and put the net away while he cools down so you can take him home
as a cancer, you understand how hard emotions can hit
oikawa only really goes to you for emotional help
and he’s a pretty emotional guy
he still has iwaizumi, but he knows he can be 100% unfiltered with you
you’ve seen him at his ugliest, with his rawest emotions
you dont even need to give him advice tbh
he just needs to vent out his feelings a lot
ANYWAYS enough of sadkawa
sometimes he goes over to your house just to nap on your couch
like,, your parent(s) let him in, even if you’re not home
he says that they’re better than the ones at his place bc he flattened them out from sleeping on them too much
but he doesnt really get much time to nap tbh so when he does go over to sleep, you dont rly disturb him bc you know he needs it
sleeping on the other couch/chair in the room so when he wakes up he’s just really confused for a second
he annoys you like a normal older brother would
even if you were older than him, he’d still treat you younger just so he could piss you off
he’ll literally sit on you and pull your hair and make fun of you for being a legitimate foot shorter than him
but he’d protect you with his entire being
he tells you whether he approves of your anime boy crushes or not
not something you asked him to do but he does anyways
“larissa, be honest now okay, if i was an anime boy, would you have a crush on Me?”
moving on, he would completely understand thay you need space sometimes
yeah, he’s a clingy guy, but he respects your boundaries and knows when to bother you and when not to
he will be there to listen to you whenever you need though
he will DRAG you to a karaoke bar w him
fake id if he really needs to
you ARE publically singing a duet with him at least Once
does tiktok trends w you though!
could be a dance
or one of the text pranks
he loves the attention tbh so he’s always more than willing to help or participate
also sends you tiktoks when he’s on his breaks from practice or monitoring games
gives him a little stress reliever
if you call him shittykawa/trashykawa/crappykwa or anything like that
he will also make up some name to call you to tease you back
will occasionally call you things like dumbass or idiot
but not too often bc he still feels bad sometimes <//3
you‘re both smart idiots it’s okay <3 he’s of your kind LOL
ok but he lowkey would love star wars
it reeled him in just bc it’s in space
and you know the dumbass has a weird love for aliens and sci-fi
so the story and the characters would bring out the ultimate dweeb inside him
loves it so much
for one of his birthdays, you decided to buy 2 tickets to disneyland to surprise him
his parents paid for his ticket and half of yours bc they wanted him to he able to experience star wars galaxy’s edge in person & with his best friend
so you SURPRISED him with the tickets and he BAWLED his eyes out
was the best two days of his life
you bought baby yoda plushies & matching mickey mouse ears
overall, oikawa is basically your older brother, but also someone he knows he can lean on in times of need
he treasures you so very very much so, as an oikawa stannie myself, pls be gentle with the sweet boy <//3
Thank you for working with us! We hope you found satisfaction with your newfound bestie~ Honorary applicants we considered for the role were: KOUTAROU BOKUTO & YUU NISHINOYA. Thank you again for your time & we hope you enjoy your future lifelong friendship!~ Thank you for requesting!
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mtvswatches · 4 years
Jane the Virgin 2x20 – Chapter Forty-Two
Click here for previous recaps!
Stray thoughts
1) I guess I should’ve figured the season finale would revolve around the wedding, but for some reason, I thought they would get married before that. What is it with TV shows and season finale weddings?
2) Jane is looking forward to spending Mother’s Day in the traditional Villanueva way – binge-watching telenovelas and bingeing ice-cream. But Petra sends her an invitation to start a new tradition, I guess. She’s organized a brunch so that they all get to spend Mother’s Day together and Rafael doesn’t need to split his time between the two households. Xiomara and Alba tell Jane to say no, but she just can’t break Petra’s heart.
3) They’re planning a crossover for Rogelio’s telenovela, and it seems epic…
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Rogelio and Fernando are basically having a pissing contest to see who’s the biggest star, and Michael will inevitably get caught in the crossfire.
4) Anezka’s plan seems to be working perfectly…
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Jane has to clear everything up with the school’s authorities, and she’s told she won’t be accepted back as a TA the next semester. Jane sets out to discover who is behind the fake email account and to prove that drama does not follow her around. Good luck with that.
5)  So, the narrator just said…
As my grandmother used to say: “Ay, not this guy.”
…and I’m here trying to figure out if this is a clue as to who the narrator is. It has to be. But I can’t remember any characters saying this before. Could it be Alba’s line and hence the narrator would be Jane? Or is it Xiomara’s and the narrator is Mateo? Or could it be something Jane will say at some point and it’s her grandson doing the narration?
6) Jane realizes Anezka is behind the fake email account because of her awkward grammar, and I’m kind of glad she discovered it quickly because I thought we were headed towards a “Jane thinks Petra tried to ruin her career and they fall out AGAIN and everyone fights during Mother’s Day.”
7) Jane tells Petra all about Anezka’s involvement in the fake email thing, and Petra agrees to talk to her to clear everything up… but they did get into a little thing regarding the Mother’s Day brunch, so they still might get into a fight. And I’m guessing Anezka will bring up the “Petra is not a hands-on mom” comment and make Petra explode.
8) Rogelio is still sleeping with his writer. She didn’t invite him to her birthday party because she assumed he wouldn’t get along with her “intellectual” friends and Rogelio begs her to give him a chance to bond with them, while recruiting Jane to give him an intellectual side. This should end well.
And the irony here is just *chef’s kiss*
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9) As predicted, Anezka blurted out that Jane said Petra is not a good mother, which is not exactly what Jane said but it was subtly implied…
10) Well, Derek is blackmailing Rafael into selling him the Fairwick for a dollar. And yes, I’m still not interested in this storyline.
11) Rogelio channeling Michael Scott in a time-traveling soap opera? Michael Scott would love it!
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12) When talking to Jane, Rogelio realized that even though Michael was grateful for the job he’d given him as head of security, he didn’t find it motivating. So, thanks to Michael’s expertise as a police officer, Rogelio promoted him to technical advisor, and Michael seems super excited about it. Rogelio is simply the best.
13) Petra confronts Jane about the “bad mom” comment, and it all spirals out of control, until both out of spite for Jane and a sense of kinship towards Anezka, Petra tells Jane Anezka didn’t place the ad.
14) Poor Anezka…
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15) Well, Michael is taking his new job a little bit too seriously and I guess that’s not going to last long.
16) Rogelio asks Jane to show up at the dinner party to coach him through the conversation in person, and Xiomara encourages her to go. She seems to be handling Rogelio being in a new relationship quite well. I wonder if she’ll break down at some point.
17) Or she’ll make a terrible mistake, which is the Xiomara style…
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18) Rogelio’s attempt to look smart fails miserably but he ends up admitting to his lady that he did the whole thing to impress her friends because he actually likes her. She admits that it was stupid, but it was also very sweet, and they seem to become closer because of it.
19) Jane admits to Rogelio that she wanted to be supportive and help him out but it made her feel uncomfortable and that while she’s always on his side, she needs a little bit more time to be totally on board with being around her dad’s new girlfriend. It’s a very sweet moment.
20) Dina! The lady writer is called Dina!
21) Hm. Rafael just opened up to Jane and told her everything about his brother, and she literally went inside and blurted it all out to Michael. This lady can’t keep a secret! You see what I mean? That’s not what a good person would do!
22) Rogelio made a video to celebrate Jane’s motherhood, and it’s very sweet, but I’m guessing it will make Petra feel like crap? Rogelio is simply the best, though!
23) Aww, Anezka is now trying to toast to Petra and she’s so sweet.
24) Narrator is dropping a lot of hints in this episode…
And while we’re sharing about our moms, can I just say I have the greatest, most supportive, bestest mother, ever? Love you, mamma, so much.
25) Even though it ended up being a tolerably pleasant event, Jane just can’t hold it any longer and starts screaming at Anezka and calling her a liar. And again, this makes me dislike her? Yes, she was right, but was it really the moment to do that? Did she really have to rip her head off just when they were about to leave and they had survived the whole afternoon? And of course, this happened as a result…
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26) After they release her from the hospital, Anezka admits that she did in fact post the ad and naively tells Petra to stop lying for her. She’s trying to make amends, but this only allows Jane to get back on her high horse and judge Petra. I don’t know, am I the only one who slightly dislikes Jane…?
27) Michael seems to have an epiphany as regards Derek’s alibi and calls his former partner (I think?) to ask her to let him join the case again.
28) Anezka is pretending to be Petra? Did they really have to turn her into the evil twin? So this means that she has been playing the naive, childish role to manipulate everyone around her. I guess I should’ve seen it coming considering how many times they referred to the Evil Twin Trope in this episode. But I honestly thought they would try to subvert the trope? 
29) Yep, mistakes were made.
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30) Petra tells Rafael he was an idiot to tell Jane about the whole blackmail thing, and I agree with her. Why did he tell Jane when Jane is marrying Michael, an ex-cop? And why didn’t he tell Petra, who is his business partner? Oh, of course, plot reasons.
31) Muter is back, I guess. This doesn’t make this storyline any more interesting.
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32) So I’m guessing the season finale will be split between the wedding and Michael getting caught in this crime ring thing, right? Eh, that doesn’t sound too exciting to me. We’ll see.
33) Hope you enjoyed my recap, and, as usual, if you’ve got this far, thank you for reading! If you enjoy my recaps and my blog, please consider supporting it on ko-fi.Thanks!
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writing-yj · 7 years
Kid Flash x Reader: My Hero
@cas-backwards-tie : what about 40 & 48 with Wally West? or Dick Grayson idc.
40: “Only I’m allowed to see that much of your skin.”
48: “Don’t call me ‘babe’.”
Word Count: 2193
Warnings: Gets a little heated ;), someone gets punched, no means no is not understood
A/n: Alrighty, I tried my bestest, but in my opinion... it bad. I hope you like it, thought
“The party should only last two hours at most, Wally.” You said into the phone, using your shoulder to press it against your ear as you grabbed your coat. “So I can’t guarantee that I’ll be here by the time you get back.”
You heard your boyfriend sigh on the other end of the call. “Just don’t get into any trouble, alright?”
“That word isn’t in my vocabulary.” You said and went back to holding the phone with one hand.
Wally could almost hear your smirk. “I beg to differ, but if you say so. I’ll see you later, babe.” 
You exchanged loving goodbyes, and then you hung up to hail a taxi. It was a very busy street and the sidewalks were crowded; it was hard to not get pushed into the road and to stop other people from stealing your cab. 
After an annoying journey to your friend’s house, one that could qualify as a mansion, you were shocked to see that what was supposed to be a small, normal birthday party had turned into a huge party with music so loud that you could already feel the bass from outside.
‘Oh no.’
Big parties weren’t your favorite. You knew for sure that almost every person there would be a stranger to you and you hated that. So you stood there in her driveway, seriously and deeply contemplating if you should actually attend this party. There were so many attendees, she probably wouldn’t even notice your presence.
“(Y/n)! There you are!” Just as you were about to turn around, (F/n) leaned out of her front door with a smile. “Come on in! I was waiting for you to show up.”
“I thought you said this was going to be a small party?” You asked nervously, taking small steps at a time.
She simply shrugged. “I invited one person, but I couldn’t invite them without this other person, and word just kind of got out and here we are.” (F/n) previously acknowledged your anxiety when it comes around to large crowds of people, but very rudely never took it into account.
But she invited you and looked very happy that you came, so you reluctantly went into her home and you were immediately shocked at how many people there were.
‘Jesus Christ, there are dozens of people h- are they grinding!?’
You rapidly dodged them left and right to find a place to keep your coat. Her normal coat hangers were either knocked over or disappeared. Five minutes went by, so you gave up and you put it far back in the soup cupboard.
If you had known it was going to be like this, you wouldn’t have worn the dress you put on. It was a form fitting, slightly low cut, and thigh-length royal purple dress. It showed a lot of skin, but you weren’t prepared for this ‘accidental’ event. Now that you thought about it, (F/n) probably was planning a big party in the first place, but didn’t bother to tell you.
‘I need to drop her ass...’
You tried to dance for a mere two seconds before you needed to leave the room. It was exact opposite of your ideal environment, so much so that you speed-walked through the halls in search of a quiet room. You were wringing your hands together and frantically looking left and right.
The fast clack of heels hitting the hardwood floor approached you from behind; you correctly guessed who it was. “Where’s the fire, (Y/n)?” (F/n) laughed and grabbed your arm. “We’re about to play spin the bottle! Come on!”
She tried tugging you to the living room, but you didn’t budge. “I have a boyfriend, (F/n). I’m not playing spin the bottle or anything like that.” You told her firmly.
“Oh I’m sure he won’t care! Hurry up, the game will start s-”
“Are you out of your mind!?” You shouted, grabbing the attention of other party goers. “Do you really think that my boyfriend wouldn’t care if I willingly kissed another guy at a party!?” This had to be her most stupid idea yet. “I am not going to cheat on my boyfriend for the sake of a simple party game!”
Her pale blue eyes narrowed into a glare that didn’t disturb you in the slightest. “Then feel free to leave whenever you want. Wouldn’t want to have a wet blanket at my party, would we?” (F/n), a friend of nearly three years, is telling you to leave her birthday party just because you wouldn’t cheat on Wally?
How ridiculous.
You roughly pulled your arm out of her bruising grip and stalked down the rest of the hallway. Your intended destination was the back door; and you didn’t care about your coat; it was a poor quality coat and it was a gift from her anyway. The least she could have done was get you a better one, seeing as how much money her parents make.
The chilly air was only a little unpleasant once you stepped outside onto the patio. It was absent of people and the string lights gave off a peaceful glow. (F/n) had you come over a few days ago to decorate a little, but that didn’t go very well. The only decorated area was the one place the party wasn’t occupying, and that’s the last place you wanted to be. A party-free space is something you could face.
You slid the door shut and sat on one of the outside, and conveniently cushioned, chairs and looked up at the sky. The stars twinkled back at you, as if they sympathized your current situation. You wouldn’t be surprised if they did. 
‘Since when has cheating become a trend? Hasn’t it always been a bad, shitty thing to do?’
You went rigid when you heard the door slide open and then shut; you knew it wasn’t going to be (F/n), obviously, and you had yet to see anyone else you knew. It wasn’t going to be Wally or Dick, or anyone else on the team.
You slowly turned your head, ready to argue or fight, but there stood a guy who looked your age. “Hi...?” You greeted cautiously.
“I saw what happened in there...” He sounded like he was going to scold you.
And you were not in the mood for a scolding, and you weren’t the one who needed to be. “I think everyone did,” You said with a not-so-nice tone. “Listen, if you’re here to tell me I-”
“I’m not here to get after you for it, if that’s what you’re thinking.” He said and walked closer to your chair. He was starting to make you uncomfortable. “I’m Martin, but my friends call me Marty.” Martin held out his hand, and you warily took it.
“Uh, nice to meet you, Martin...” You didn’t call him Marty; he said his friends called him that, and you weren’t his friend. When he asked why you didn’t use his nickname, you made it very clear as to why.
He gave you a toothy grin anyway. “Ah, you don’t really know me yet. Well, I can’t imagine what it would be like to be kicked out of my friend’s birthday party, so I came here to give you some company.” The way he said ‘company’ made your skin crawl.
“That’s very nice of you, but I think I’ll be fine. I’d like to be alone.”
“Please, I insist. It’s not healthy to bottle up your emotions.”
“I’m not ‘bottling up’ anything! I just need some room to cool off and that’s why I’m out here.”
Suddenly, he grabbed your arm in a way that would leave brutal bruises and pulled you out of your chest so you were pressed against him. “I think something different will help. Has anyone told you that you look absolutely stunning in that dress?”
You tried to shove him away, but he was a lot stronger than he looked. “Get off me, creep!” You knew how to defend yourself; you were a part-time vigilante, but you didn’t want to severely hurt him. Yet. “Or else I’ll-”
“Come on babe, don’t be like that.” He chuckled and his hot breath on your shoulder was very disturbing.
“Don’t call me ‘babe’!” You growled and you went to break out of his grip...
But he was gone before you could even attempt to. He was suddenly on the ground, clutching his side with one hand and covering his bleeding nose with the other. “What the hell, man!?” Martin cried out, and Wally was standing above him.
“Get your filthy hands off her!” Wally snarled. He turned to look at you and he saw the marks Martin left when he grabbed you. The hair on the back of his neck bristled and his hands curled into fists. “Did you do that!?” Wally pointed at your arm.
After he yelled the question again, Martin nodded slowly. With no hesitation, Wally lifted him up by the collar of his shirt and gritted his teeth. “You wanna know what happened to the last dick who hurt my girlfriend?” Technically, the last dick to hurt you was when Dick accidentally gave you a paper cut. All Wally did was put a band aid on it; didn’t even get mad at his best friend... But he wasn’t referring to names.
“Depends on if she was wearing that dress or not. Might want to tell her to not to wear something that sexy if she doesn’t want-” It was like he wasn’t even phased by Wally’s fearsome display of protectiveness. 
Your lover cocked his arm back to swing but you stepped in front of him to stop his fist. “Babe, don’t. Please. I’m fine, let’s just go home.” You said, and you made the saddest but most pleading look possible.
Wally reluctantly let go of Martin’s shirt and stepped back. “Are you sure you’re okay, (Y/n)?” 
The moment Wally moved, you lunged forward and your fist hit Martin’s jaw with a loud crack. “That’s what happened the last time a dick laid his hands on me.” You were sure you fractured his jaw. Martin’s response came out as a slurred set of words before he was out cold. You didn’t originally plan on punching him, but after that comment, he sealed the deal.
Without a single word, Wally picked you up and ran home like the speedster he is. You could tell he wasn’t happy. He definitely wasn’t happy at all with Martin, but what if he was mad at you, too? All you knew that what he was feeling was intense.
You stood in the living room a few short seconds later, and I was silent. All you heard was you and Wally breathing, but no words were exchanged. You simply looked up at his green eyes and you saw... Worry? Lust? Pride? You couldn’t tell; it must have been a mix of the three because you were pulled into a bear hug.
“Why didn’t you defend yourself?” He asked. Wally more more worried than he let on, but relieved just as much.
“I didn’t want to send him to the hospital; assault charges have never been my best friend.” 
His worry melted away faster than he could run, now that he remembered how hard you socked him. “Could’ve fooled me. You did quite a number on him.” He pulled back to look at you. “It was pretty hot, actually.”
“Apparently, so is this dress. I was perfectly okay until he made that comment about it.” You scoffed and some leftover anger stirred in your stomach.
A quiet gasp left you when you felt Wally’s lips graze your neck. “I love this dress. You look absolutely amazing in it,” He kissed his way up to your jaw and you bit your lip. “I’m not telling you what to do or ordering you around, but sometimes I feel that only I’m allowed to see that much of your skin.” He fiddled with one of the straps. 
“I was hoping you’d like it, actually.” You chuckled and you slowly ran your hands up his chest. “Just didn’t think the night didn’t end as planned.”
“I, personally, think that this new plan is going great.” Wally’s hands rested on your waist. Heat radiated off his body; it was more prominent, now. “We can come up with the rest of it as we go, is that alright?”
“Are we going to ‘wing’ it?”
Wally gasped dramatically. “You did not just use Dick’s pun, or am I going insane?”
“Yeah, insane for me.”
He blinked several times in mild shock. “Wow... That was pretty good.”
“I learned from the best.”
I apologize.
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Anchor - Luke
so I haven’t done a Luke one in a while so I decided to do one, this will only have 2 parts - 3 at most.
You know what’s interesting the way people move through crowds at parties. How people who have never spoken to each before become the bestest of friends by the end of the night. How people who aren’t supposed to be close with each other are left in compromising situations after one too many drinks. How someone always walks in on a private moment. I can tell you I experienced that last two, just last night.
A banging at my bedroom door caused me to knock my eyeliner pen and caused it to go in my eye temporarily blinding me in my right eye. I curse loudly and move to my door.
“what?” I yell opening the door.
“easy princess, Ashton wants to know where the playlist is” Luke leans in my door way. Ah Luke my brothers best friend since he was 5, Luke who threw me into a pool when I couldn’t swim and had to jump in after me, Luke who has managed to screw over every relationship I’ve had, Luke who know has fucked my eyeliner.
“I don’t fucking know” I said rubbing my right eye, rubbing off any make-up that was left.
“well that’s helpful. What did you do to your eye?” he asked with the casual grace of a feline.
“I got eyeliner on it when you banged on the door” I slammed the door in his face and made a move to redo my make-up when Luke’s voice came through the door.
“don’t blame others for your mistakes” my scream was the only answer he’d receive which sent him chuckling back to the tv room.
 I left my room an hour later, having perfected my simply cat eyeliner, and red lips. I wore my red velvet dress with a rose choker. I matched with a pair of fishnet stockings that worked well with my thigh high boots.  I was late even to a party at my own house – I was late. I walked into the kitchen to greet my brother who took one look at my appearance and attempted to argue but I put my hand up.
“whose birthday, is it?” I arched an eyebrow. “that’s right mine, now shots?” I gave a cheeky smile.
“tequila or vodka?” My brother said on the verge of laughing.
“is that even an option, tequila” I said matching his smile. We both downed 3 shots before we went our own ways.
 It had been about 3 hours since the party started and I was dancing with my closet friends, it was atrocious dancing but we were laughing over it especially since I definitely needed to slow down on my drinks. My eyes caught someone in the crowd who I thought wouldn’t turn up and I stopped moving. I stood still frozen nearly. It didn’t take long for their eyes to meet mine. I quickly adverted them to someone else. Luke’s ocean blue eyes met mine. You okay? He mouthed to me. I didn’t- couldn’t say anything. He made his way to me, slipping around people a little bit like a cat, his eyes held a predatory grace to them. He leaned over and grabbed my arm.
“sorry girls I need to borrow Harper for a minute” he said to the girls who were looking at me weirdly. I let him pull me out of the group quietly, we moved into the kitchen still in looking distance of everyone.
“what’s wrong?” he said leaning against the bench facing me.
I couldn’t, didn’t- want to speak I wanted to hurt someone and I knew how to do it. Knew that this person in front of me that was dressed in black was the reason for a lot of arguments and that this would set something off. I pushed off the bench I had been leaning against, I pushed myself against Luke who went rigid at the touch of it. I grabbed at his chin, my thumb rested on one cheek and my other finger rested on the other.
“what are you doing?” he whispered a little deeply.
“what I want” I whispered back and kissed him. It surprised me when he kissed back. Kissed me back with an intensity I was unaware he was capable of. He placed a hand on my hip and swivelled me around so my back was to the kitchen bench and I was pressed firmly against it with his hands trapping me in on either side. My hand came away from his chin and wrapped my arms around his neck. I opened my mouth for him, it wasn’t a battle for dominance, it was more a battle of how long would this last for. I broke away breathing down some air.
“what was that for?”  he breathed.
“payback” I whispered and shoved away from him.
 “cake time” my brother yelled out of nowhere. “now where’s Harp” he said on top of a chair in the dining room.
“right here” I said laughing as people parted for me to get through. I reached the front of the room and my brother pulled me into a hug.
“right I’d just like to say, Happy birthday. I’m not going to bore everyone with a speech we all know how amazing she is, she’s a kind person” a laughed echoed through the room. “and I’m very grateful that I’m her brother, I hope you have a great birthday and that you find something that makes you the happiest girl in the world” he said wrapping an arm my shoulder.
“nothing could make her happy” a voice called throughout the room. “she’ll never be happy, because she just wants more and more” the crowd all turned to who had said it. Robbie. The one I was avoiding.
“what are you doing here?” Luke growled from where he was leaning against the wall.
“I was invited” Robbie said walking to the front of the room.
“I believe that invitation got taken back 3 weeks ago” I piped in. “now get out before you make yourself anymore of a fool.” I gritted out.
“is that anyway to speak to your boyfriend” he crossed his arms. I laughed at that.
“you ended things, 3 weeks ago moron” I clenched my drink a little harder in my hand.
“no, I didn’t, you walked out 3 weeks ago to go screw some guy” I saw his eyes flick to the boys in the room. “probably one of these guys” he snarled eyeing Luke longer than the rest. I walked up to him slowly and grabbed the cup of the girl closet to him and poured it over his head, along with my drink before he knocked my hand and stepped closer to me, breathing heavily into my face.
“get the fuck out” I seethed.
“I’d listen to her” Luke had come to stand off to the right, and I knew Ashton would be on my left side. They were a scary duo those 2.
“now” I screamed in his face. He shoved me back in which Ashton caught me so I didn’t trip, I knew Ash would catch me but I also knew that it would cause Luke to lash out. I knew he’d protect me, no one touched his best friend’s little sister.
Luke shoved Robbie and got his attention
“don’t touch her and get out. now or I’ll beat you to a bloody pulp” Luke said sizing him up. Robbie shook his head laughing.
“so, this is the latest one. have fun with her” Robbie said snarkily.
Luke punched him quickly in the eye and grabbed him by the back of the collar, he half walked him half dragged him to the door. Luke threw him out the door, Robbie gained his footing and swung around hitting Luke in the cheek, Robbie ring scratching across Luke’s cheek leaving a bloody mark. Luke swung back faster right into Robbie nose, before he took a step back into the door way.
“you’re not welcome here” Luke slammed the door in his face, and when he turned around everyone was staring at blankly. “who wants cake?” he smiled out to the crowd which erupted into cheers. Luke made his way over to Ashton and I. “you okay?” he said in his usual tone.
“yeah, thanks” Ashton said rubbing my arm trying to warm me up, a cold chill had run up my spine and I couldn’t shake it. I pushed away from my brother and made my way to the bathroom and slammed the door shut. I was shaking so bad, my hands just wouldn’t stop shaking, I sat on the bath my head in my hands. The door popped open quickly and closed again. A warm hand was placed on my knee.
“are you okay?” Luke voice was soft, careful.
“you must think the worst of me” I said sad fully.
“not more than normal” I could hear the joke in his voice, when he looked up my vision was blurry.
“you’re bleeding” I stated dumbly, my touched his cheek with my hand
“he got in one good punch” he smiled up at me. I got up quickly and moved to the sink. I grabbed the face washer that was hung up and wetted it with warm water.
“come here” I motioned for him to come here and I jumped up on the bench, he stood in-front of me and I held his face in one hand as I washed his injured cheek, out of the corner of my eye I watched as he watched every movement I made. “stop starring” I said cleaning the cloth.
“sorry” he said smiling “about earlier, did you only kiss me to annoy him or because of something else” he asked a little seriously. “it’s okay whichever it was” he said quickly.
“I needed something to anchor me and you were there. Just like you are now” I whispered, realizing how close I had leaned in.
“and do you need an anchor now?” he whispered noting the distance as well. At the slight move of my head, the confirmation that yes, I did need one. Luke was more than okay to anchor me once again before he slipped a hand to the back of my neck and brought my lips to his. I dropped the cloth back in the sink and let my hands wrap around his neck. I greedily opened my mouth and let him come in. I had never realised how much I had really needed him till now, how much he had always protected me and how he had always unintentionally broken me up with people because he was jealous, I don’t know how I didn’t see it. I didn’t fully hear the door open.
“uh what the fuck is this?” Ashtons voice boomed causing Luke to lean back, and for his eyes to convey the feeling that he knew he was in deep shit with Ash.
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