#i hope i wrote dobermann okay šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ
arknights-imagines Ā· 4 years
Oooo for the Christmas letter/gift event could I request dobermann writing to her fem!operator s/o who is stationed further away for the holidays please? I'm soft for her šŸ„ŗ
From, Dobermann
Christmas Letter and Gift event
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It was so cold; you really shouldā€™ve bought a thicker coat, though in your defense, you hadn't been expecting to be sent out on an extended Operation for the Holidays, especially not one in the outskirts of Kjerag, the literal snow realm.
Returning to the Rhodes Island camp with the rest of your squad, you put your weapon away with a sigh, watching as your breath fogs up before you. Your squad captain nods at you all, firmly reminding you and your squadmates to prepare to escort another convey in a few hours. With a salute and word of affirmation, you part ways with your squad, heading back to your assigned cabin.
ā€œ[Name]?ā€ The relief on your face dissipates immediately when you hear your captain calling for you. Expecting to be assigned with a new task that would leave you with even less time to rest, you answered with a less than eager nod.
The dread on your face was gone in an instant when you were handed a package; a plain, lightweight cardboard box. You accept it and lift a brow, ā€œWhoā€™s this from?ā€ Your squad captain shrugs, ā€œNo idea, a messenger from back at Rhodes Island delivered it earlier today and told me to give it to you. You can deal with it inside, itā€™s cold out here.ā€
You can't disagree with that - with a respectful salute, you part ways with the captain, finally able to step into the warmth of your cabin.
Exhausted, you shed your coat and toss your weapon aside before sitting on the edge of your cot with the package in your lap. Thereā€™s no senderā€™s or recipientā€™s address or name, and you don't remember ordering anything - regardless, you open it to satisfy your curiosities. Upon opening it, you briefly inspect its contents; nothing in particular catches your eye, but the first thing you see is a sheet of paper stamped with the Rhodes Island insignia. Just from the neat, slanted handwriting creating paragraphs on the page, an expression of serenity comes over your face as you realize just who the package is from.
I regret not being able to express these thoughts to you in person, but in our situation there isn't much that can be done. So, this cardboard box and its contents are my compromise.
I may be risking my job if I say this, but I find the Doctor's decision to dispatch you so far away at such late notice is unwarranted - and so close to the Holidays as wellā€¦ you should've called me, I would've given them quite the earful. What's passed is passed, however, and if the Doctor finds its best, then I can't argue.
I hadn't expected much to change around Rhodes island during Christmastime, but against my expectations, everything practically exploded with festivities. Bright lights hanging from the walls and the atmosphere filled with this mushy warmth despite the fact the weather is freezing outside - ha, can you believe the newbies even expected an extended break from the training program because of the holiday season? Maybe itā€™s too harsh of me to deny them any sort of vacation...but the way I see it, war doesn't pause its advances just because of Christmas, so neither should we.
To be honest, Christmas and its traditions aren't something I particularly enjoy; itā€™s all a little tacky. Maybe it's because as a military woman Holidays were never something I had the luxury of enjoying, but that's besides the point. Thereā€™s been various attempts to try and put me into the ā€œChristmas Spiritā€, but they've been useless for the most part, and end up in awkwardness or embarrassment - while I appreciate everyone's efforts, it's more of a hassle than anything.
Ha, just today, one of the trainees gifted me a box of pricey, Siracusian hot chocolate; yeah, chocolateā€¦. Itā€™s not their fault, after all, chocolate is widely loved by many people. I just happen to be part of the minority who can't stand it. Besides, something that sugary would ruin my diet; Iā€™ll most likely just end up leaving it in the staff lounge or cafeteria for anyone to take. Hmā€¦.Iā€™ll deal with it, don't worry about me.
Other than the Holidays, a few other things have been on my mind. For one, you forgot your heavier coat at home, and it's practically a 24 hour long blizzard outside; donā€™t freeze out there, or there might just be fifty laps around the training grounds waiting for you upon your return to Rhodes Island. But in all seriousness - [Name], be careful out there. Back here at Rhodes Island, festivities are in full swing and most things have been light hearted, but where you are, you don't have the luxury of slacking off or getting sloppy.
Ha, now that I think about it, a lot of my thoughts have been about you. Maybe itā€™s concern for your safety as your boss, or maybe itā€™s me as your lover missing you and your company. You know [name], if you told my past self that you were going to be my lover in time, I probably would have laughed at you in a dry, unamused tone. If something happens to you out there...Donā€™t be an idiot; follow your orders.
On a more heartening noteā€¦I decided to purchase something for you. It's a gift; Don't ask me when or why I bought it, but Iā€™ve had it for some time. I just wasn't certain when the appropriate time to give it to you would be. Presents are meant to be exchanged during the Holiday season, so Iā€™m giving it to you now. Itā€™s not very extravagant or eye-catching, but itā€™s a gift nonetheless.
ā€œChristmas Spiritā€, huh? Itā€™s been years since I bought someone a gift I put this much thought into...Maybe all those efforts from the trainees and other instructors worked after all. Heh, moving on.
After you return, Iā€™ll free up a few days on my schedule around Christmas Day. Training physicality is important, but caring for the mind is as well. Itā€™s been quite some time since we had some time to ourselves; I may be a very disciplined person, but Iā€™m not heartless. I think stepping away from work to spend time with the one I love is justified, and Iā€™m sure you'd agree that we both need a break.
This upcoming Christmas will be one of the few I spend off the field of battle, and the very first I celebrate with you. Ha, something tells me that if youā€™re with me, I might end up enjoying these Christmas traditions and rituals; Iā€™ll be honest, window shopping, building snowmen and dancing to Christmas carols don't sound as ridiculous when I imagine myself doing them with you.
I'll cut this short, we can't have you losing focus, now can we? One last thing I have to tell you - you should know this already, but...I love you, [name]. I'm going to stress this again; stay safe for me, don't get distracted. Now get back to work.
With all traces of exhaustion gone from your eyes, a smile paints your lips. Your eyes stay on the letter for a few moments longer, grasping tightly onto the feeling of warmth that fills you at Dobermann's words. When you pull your gaze away from the letter you realize something still remains inside the box - and then you remember that Dobermann had mentioned a gift for you in her letter.
You place the letter on your pillow, then take the smaller, neatly wrapped box out of the bigger cardboard one. You tear away the plain brown paper from the small box, after removing the lid from it, your eyes widen just slightly.
Sitting inside of the box is a simple silver bracelet, and engraved on the band are the words ā€˜never to partā€™. Smiling with adoration behind your eyes, you remove it from the box carefully; the bracelet feels durable and fits on your wrist perfectly. Itā€™s not flashy, and compared to jewellery studded with diamonds and decorated with carefully carved patterns, it can't compare - but between you and Dobermann, it carries all kinds of meanings and messages reserved only for you and her.
A small pit forms in your stomach as a sudden yearn for Dobermann passes over you - sighing slightly, you trace your fingertips over the words on the silverband. Your eyes slip shut; you wish you were back at Rhodes Island, sitting in silence while watching the snow, with your head on her shoulder and her arm around your waist. A little hesitantly, you reopen your eyes, and you notice that thereā€™s a sticky note stuck to the bottom of the previously wrapped gift box, with rows of words in Dobermannā€™s handwriting filling it.
Lifting a brow slightly, you unstick it from the box and read it slowly; ā€˜I want to be together with you for a long time, and if we want to stay with one another we both have to be strong...think of the bracelet as a reminder of that fact.ā€™ Once more, a small smile paints your lips, and at the very last words of the note, you chime with a light laugh, ā€˜Merry Christmas, [name]. Take care of yourself, or Iā€™ll do it for you.ā€™
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