#i hope it didnt i was just making a comment on whiplash between anime genres
spontaneousmusicalnumber ยท 2 months
i get what you meant with the anime post but i feel like boiling jjk season 2 down to just "sadness and horror" is really reductive.
like. yes, absolutely. in this comparison jjk is way grittier and darker, and the choice to have most of the season happen within the span of a single night means there is alot of the season happens in the dark of night (although even then i think given the fight that happens in the train terminal that i dont want to spoil if you didnt see it, and alot of the later fights do alot more with their colours so I dont know if i agree with calling out the pallete)
but at the same time, I think JJK isn't a series based around it being sad or horrific. it is, but at every turn, the series presents it as "these are horrors beyond your scope. you are direly outmatched by the literal manifestation of pain and hatred in this world. Find a way to fight against it"
and while this interpretation is alot more relevant in where we are in the manga, it's something I think the series is trying to communicate the entire time. at its core, JJK is about hope; about finding who you are, and using the very hurt that exists inside you to confront a world that is fundementally hostile to you with planted feet and renewed confidence, and i think that when it's given room to breathe (and probably given time to have some later material adapted), jjk is a genuinely refreshing story. its a story that is dark and sad and painful, but its a story about choosing to keep moving forward in spite of that pain and uses its sorld and systems to bolster that theme
I get that yeah, alot of this is more vibes than it is themes, and jjk does absolutely can feel like dark shonen slop at times, but I really do think that it deserves a little more reverence as a series wanting to use its darker tone to explore hope in hopelessness.
hope you can find more of the stuff you like though!! i dont mean this as some sort of inditement I just have hills i want to die on
I know it's MORE than grimdark shonen, however to me that grimdark shonen part was so overpowering that I wasn't able to find much enjoyment in the work as a whole. I compare it to Dorohedoro- just as gory, but with a much lighter heart to it. I also stand by the fact that Nobara was done dirty and her character is paper-thin compared to the other two of the main trio. The end of the season was vague on whether or not she's alive but either way she deserved so much better. That's my petty hill to die on she (is/was) my favorite.
Though it's got flaws, it's undeniably very well made and also just not the kind of story I enjoy. Same with Game of Thrones- I found it tiresome how quickly characters were introduced and killed and just started checking out emotionally altogether. It's like how some people like really dark chocolate or really spicy food. Not for me.
(Also I watch anime on an aging laptop so I literally couldn't see a chunk of stuff going on, like what I saw of the Todo vs Mahito battle was mostly vibes. The choso fight in the bathroom was SICK as hell though)
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