#i hope this answers your question afsfsghd i kinda just wrote a mini version of what the fic would look like...hope you enjoyed lmaooo
narwhalnation17 · 5 years
Could you talk more about your fic idea where Luther runs away from the academy and starts working on a flower shop? You mentionated on some tags and I am dying out of curiosity about it!Sorry, but it looks so great and so wholesome, I need to know more about it!
yes!!! omg im so glad you thought it sounded good i was worried nobody would even look at those tags lol
This is gonna be long so buckle up:
The original concept was: What if the accident that caused Reginald to give Luther the Monkey Serum to save his life…wasn’t actually an accident. And then I decided to make the second half insanely fluffy lol
So I was going to start chapter one out in Diego’s POV. He just got kicked out of the police academy because they found out he used a fake ID when he applied and forged a bunch of documents instead of using his real ID because he didn’t want people to know him as “Diego: The Kraken”. Him and Patch had just gone through a massive argument about it and it ended with Patch kicking her out of her apartment that he had been living in. He realizes that to get an apartment of his own he needs to get proof of ID like a birth certificate or social security card. He hates the idea of asking Reginald to meet with him and give him those things, so he decides to break into the academy at night and search through Reggie’s office for them. He gets there and starts looking, when he hears Reggie and Pogo talking and heading his way. He quickly hides in a closet. He overhears a conversation that is something like this:
“But Master Hargreeves, is this really necessary? Surely there must be some other way.”
“The boy wants to leave because he is starting to lose faith in me and in his missions. He is considering a life outside of The Academy. Should I save him from the brink of death, he will feel indebted to me. He will stay loyal and be ready to lead the others when The End comes.”
“But sir-”
“The accident at the chemical plant will bring him to the brink of death, and the serum will bring him back to life. We know the serum works so you have nothing to worry about. The boy will be fine but he will feel as though he owes me his life.”
And Diego is…obviously disturbed by this. So the next morning, he sneaks in again, but this time he seeks out Luther. He finds him, but Luther is immediately suspicious. He tries to explain what he overheard, but Luther thinks that sounds absurd. Dad wouldn’t do that. Dad wouldn’t sabotage a mission to hurt Luther.  Sure, he might not show his affection in obvious ways, but he still cares about Luther…right? But Diego is like, “Why would I make this up?” And Luther is like, “You just want me to leave The Academy because you’re jealous. I’m the only one that hasn’t let Dad down. You want me to be just like you.” This obviously pisses Diego off and the chapter ends with the two of them having a massive argument, rehashing old grudges and insecurities, and Diego being like, “Fuck you if you don’t believe me. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
Chapter 2: Luther POV
It had been about a week since Diego’s visit and he couldn’t get it out of his mind. He knows Dad wouldn’t intentionally hurt him, that’s ridiculous, but why couldn’t he stop thinking about it? 
Whatever, whatever, whatever. He has to focus now because the alarm bells are ringing, signaling a mission. He goes in and Dad tells him he has to help evacuate people from…an explosion at a chemical plant. He freezes. Diego said the accident would happen at a chemical plant. That has to be a coincidence. It has to be. There’s no way his Dad would hurt him. There are people in danger and he has to save them. They are counting on him. Dad is counting on him. He has to he has to he has to-
all he feels is pain-
Diego was right-
something went wrong-
he screamed and screamed and screamed-
He wakes up. He’s alone and cold and everything feels wrong. He looks down at his body and everything is wrong. What happened to him? This must be a nightmare because now he’s a monster and Dad did this to him and-
All he can do is scream.
Chapter 3: Diego POV woooo
Guilt and worry had been eating Diego alive all week. Reginald was going to hurt Luther. He knew he was. He should have tried harder to get that idiot to listen. He should have dragged the guy out of The Academy. Instead he just stormed out and is sitting around waiting. Maybe he heard Reginald wrong. Maybe it will be fine.
He knew it wouldn’t.
He got the call at around 7 a.m. How Luther knew his new number, he had no idea. But he answered and Luther-
Luther was sobbing. He was nearly hyperventilating over the phone. Crying that he was a monster, that Dad hates him, that he should have listened to Diego. Diego desperately tries to calm Luther down. He eventually gets Luther to calm enough that he can tell Diego where he is. Diego tells him to stay there and rushes to his car and speeds out to pick him up. He finds Luther sitting on the side of the road next to a pay phone, head in his hands and looking massive. He holds off on commenting on his appearance and chooses to plop down next to him. Diego was never good at the whole ‘emotions’ thing and desperately tries to think of how he can help his brother. He tells Luther he can live with him, he can start a brand new life! Away from The Academy, away from Reginald, Luther can start to chase any dreams he has for his life. Luther just looks lost at the thought. “Who even am I without The Academy. I’m Number One. That’s all I am. I don’t know how to be anything else.” Diego looked at him sadly, “You aren’t ‘Number One’. You’re Luther Hargreeves, you just have to figure out who that is, but he’s someone. C’mon, you can live with me while you figure it out.”
Luther shook his head, “You don’t even like me. You all hate me. You all left me.”
“We don’t hate you, idiot.” he sighed and awkwardly said, “We love you, Luther. You gotta know that.”
He takes Luther back to his place. Luther is very underwhelmed at Diego’s new boiler room dwelling, much to Diego’s annoyance, but he still accepts Diego’s offer of sleeping on his couch and living here with him.
They talk and bond (with plenty of petty arguments along the way). Diego tells him about his troubles with his job and his relationship. Luther tells him about how he wants to start a life and get a job, but doesn’t know how to start. He has always loved learning about outer space and taking care of plants. Those had been his two hobbies in all his time alone. 
Diego decides to go out and get job applications for Luther to help him get started. Considering their questionable schooling, he figured rather than NASA, Luther could find a job at a tree nursery or flower shop. He goes around town collecting applications and when he returns home, Eudora is waiting for him. It turns out as Diego was out trying to get Luther a job, Luther was here trying to fix Diego’s love life. Luther had called Eudora and asked her to come to their place and to give the relationship another shot. She looked up as Diego entered and gave a sarcastic, “Nice cave, Batman.” 
They start to mend things between them and Diego moves back in with her, along with Luther who stays in a spare bedroom in her apartment. Luther lands a job at a quaint flower shop in town and things are finally starting to look good. Diego decides to start a self-defense class at the gym he used to live in. He loved helping people learn to defend themselves from harm and to feel safer. The classes grew so much that he eventually started teaching them on most evenings of the week. He was happy, had a job he loved and had the girl of his dreams. 
Chapter 4: Luther POV
Luther wasn’t great at talking to people. To be fair, he never really had to interact much with people outside of his family. So he might come across as awkward. Or socially inept. It didn’t help that he looked like a freak-
He shut down the thought. He carefully arranged the bouquet he was working on and placed it on display. Suddenly a familiar face came springing around the corner. 
“Dude! This looks awesome!” Owner Sam Katz announced in his frat-bro manner, “You always make the coolest bouquets, bro!”
Luther blushed. Sam always showers Luther in compliments and he never knows how to respond. 
“Dude! Your shirt looks dope as hell! Nice one!
“Bro you always look so freaking fit! You gotta show me your gym routine!”
“Man, your haircut is blowing my freaking mind right now! Amazing!”
Luther will always just blush and give a quiet, “thank you.” as he continued to tend to the flowers. Sam is always inviting him to go out to bars or go to a basketball game or go to the mall, but Luther always politely declines. Of course, he always wants to go. But he would make a fool out of himself  and he just couldn’t live with himself if he embarrassed himself in front of Sam.
Luther wakes up every morning and finds himself looking forward to getting up. He gets excited to go to work and see Sam. He finds himself dressing nicer than he usually does just so he can hear Sam proclaim, “Looking sharp, Luth!” as he walked in the door. 
He slowly starts to realize…maybe he likes Sam as a little More than a friend. Maybe he Like likes him. 
He doesn’t know what to do…Sam would never like him like that so he should just keep it to himself. Bury it deep. 
But he goes to work and Sam is telling him about how his brother Dave is an EMT and is hopelessly in love with a man he keeps having to rescue, but he’s too nervous to make a move. Sam says that he wishes- no, begs Dave to just tell the guy how he feels. And Luther is hit by a wave of courage with those words. He pours his heart out, telling Sam that he makes him feel good about himself in a way he can’t ever remember feeling before and that his favorite part of the day is seeing him and how he makes him happy and makes him laugh and-
Sam interrupts his profession with a kiss. A beautiful, sweet, tender kiss that quickly evolves into a fiery make-out. Luther feels passion and fire and love.
After that, they start dating. Sam brings him on a night out to a bar where he meets a group of Sam’s friends and his brother Dave. Luther takes Sam out another night to meet Diego and Patch and they all go to a carnival and it’s magical and he feels happy.
Sam invites Luther to Thanksgiving at the Katzes. Luther had never celebrated Thanksgiving before. He had never celebrated anything before. He frets and frets over making a pumpkin pie and making it perfect. It comes out looking a bit wonky, but still edible so it will have to do. Luther, Diego and Patch all saddle up to the Katzes where Sam answers the door with a smile. Luther meets Sam’s parents, who are kind and loving and nothing like Reginald, and Sam excitedly tells him that Dave had finally asked out the boy he was crushing on and they would be here any minute!
They are all helping finish up the last minute cooking in the kitchen when Dave arrives followed quickly by-
“Luther? Diego?! What the fu-”
Things get a bit chaotic after that. 
At the end of it all, Luther and Diego had become brothers again. They had regained love and regained purpose in their lives. They grew and realized the true meaning of family- helping each other through thick and thin. They extended a hand to Klaus and began growing closer to him once again. They then decided to see what Vanya was up to and started going to her shows. Luther would make her a personalized bouquet and she would smile. They would call Allison and congratulate her when she would land a big role. She started flying in on the holidays and they would all have a big family celebration. They all became a family again and all were finally happy.
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