#i hope this convulted timeline makes sense
hehe.. Eris + Teabag and/or Luna + Josh for the ask meme :^)
i’ll do luna/joshua bc i got questions for eris/teabag already >:) plus i don’t talk about them enough which is a crime
1. How did they first meet?
in my canon i had them meet before he became the malpais legate and she had just quit the ncr so she was out traveling before going home because she didn’t want to go home to tell her dad and they just ran into each other on the road. luna had been sitting in the middle of the road and josh just walked up to her like, “do you need help?” and then she rambled about leaving the ncr and started crying.
2. What did they think of each other at first? What was their first impression of the other?
he thought she was too hard on herself for quitting the ncr but also that she was too good of a soul to be out in the mojave wastelands and hoped that the wastelands wouldn’t be cruel to her. luna thought he was an odd character out of all the people she’s met and that he looked lost to her, like he didn’t know what he wanted out of life.
3. Were they immediately interested / attracted, or did that come later?
they were both mutually attracted to each other but joshua didn’t want to admit it and kept denying it. luna immediately fell for his eyes.
4. Why did they fall for each other?
joshua fell for her because of how kind she was, he felt at peace whenever he was around her. she brought out a protective side he didn’t know he had. luna honestly just fell in love with him because he listens to her, no matter what comes out of her mouth. she could tell him she saw a gecko and he’d ask her questions and give her all of his attention as opposed to mostly everyone waving her off or telling her to shut up.
5. Who flirted more before they started their relationship and how?
LUNA GHFJLFLFL she has no shame and outright flirts with joshua to the point where he’ll get flustered and she’ll smile and walk away.
6. Who made the first move/confessed first?
luna did!! and she did twice when they reunite in zion and she pretty much falls for him again even with her memory loss!!
7. When did they have their first kiss and under what circumstances?
the day after he became the malpais legate, although he didn’t exactly tell her, only that he got a promotion............. but he also knew he wouldn’t take her back to the fort and that he wouldn’t be able to see her as freely as before so he kissed her and made it a very long kiss ;)
8.  Which one is more easily made jealous?
joshua................ he knows he shouldn’t be and that he’s not allowed to be, but whenever luna talks about any man that she’s spent time with... he’ll be like “...i see. interesting.” he really doesn’t like luna’s crush on dean domino.
9. What do they fight about? Who’s the first to apologize?
they don’t really fight, even when she convinced joshua not to kill salt-upon-wounds. he was upset, and it didn’t lead to a fight, but he did apologize anyway for his behavior.
10. Did they have a first date? Where did they go?
not really, they just have a certain spot at the campfire where they just sit and talk about their day or luna asks joshua about how she used to be when they were first together.
11. What do their friends and family think? Do they approve of the relationship?
boone and arcade aren’t fans about it. cass isn’t either but she told luna if he ever hurt her she’d kill him, so it’s a bit of a pass. veronica is cool with it. raul is 50-50 with it. follows-chalk and daniel like luna so they’re happy, but daniel is protective of luna, so he’s a bit wary towards joshua.
12. Do they like to cuddle/hold hands? Do they prefer to do it privately rather than in public?
josh is very private, which luna respects, though he does feel bad but she understands he has to have a reputation. they’ll keep it on dl... [jane austen clench hand gif here]
13. How long do they wait before sleeping together for the first time (If they do)? Under what circumstances does it happen?
i mean technically they do wait a long time because they don’t sleep together when they were first together but once luna comes to zion and spends time with him, getting to know him all over again she kisses him and she’s like “i’m sorry i shouldn’t have....” while josh is having an internal struggle but then looks at luna’s exposed thighs and is like “lord forgive me i’m back on my bs....”
14. Who tops?
joshua, but it takes a while what with his condition.....
15. Do they get married? Who proposes & how?
yes!!! joshua proposes when luna comes back after having been gone for several months which during that time joshua realized how much he missed her and was preparing to go to the mojave, knowing that he’d probably be spotted by caesar’s men and possibly die... but she came and he just knew in that moment, that he would really die and kill for her... he proposed to her after they **** owo
16. Do they have children? How many? What are their names?
they have one... miss gideon... she’s called gigi at times.... she looks like luna, but has joshua’s eyes and is incredibly spoiled and because of that she’s extremely chaotic.
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