#i hope this is alrightkjbfg
indomiinus · 6 months
@fcllxn-stcr // continued from here
Leon was, to be quite frank, lost.
While that normally wasn't anything out of the ordinary for him given his history, this was a new kind of lost. This was a "woke up on an alien space ship and got flung out of it during a crash and I'm in a new continent" lost. This was also a "there's some monster in my brain" lost.
He had been wandering with real, genuine purpose for a while though, several days in fact, and he had only seen a handful of people since then. And none of them had seemed all that friendly - or helpful - when he tried to explain his situation to them in search of a cure. Currently, the town he'd been stuck in had been nice enough, though wholly unhelpful regarding a cure.
And he should have been moving on, but instead, there he was, talking to someone he didn't know and asking them for help.
Leon had simply walked blindly toward the stranger without a second thought. Something had drawn his eye to the man, the worm in his brain signalling the other to be potentially helpful in a variety of ways. And that there was something familiar about him. It was a weird, unsettling feeling of an alien connection, and he was regretting even saying anything at all now.
It felt too much like he was giving into its whims somehow, but... he couldn't argue that it would be nice to meet someone with a similar problem to himself.
At least he wouldn't feel so damned alone.
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Leon placed a hand on his chest, bowing his head in greeting and an attempt to be polite despite his impulsive exclamation a moment ago.
He straightened, hand falling to his side. Gold eyes met crimson and he continued, trying not to sound as nervous as he felt. "I-- sorry. I just--" He sucked down a breath and gestured vaguely. "I'm sorry for the suddenness of this, but, something tells me you're in a similar situation to myself. Are you, by any chance, a survivor of that alien contraption that crashed several days ago?"
He looked at him almost hopefully, his brain feeling uncomfortably itchy as he pushed back its attempt to try and connect.
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