#i hope you guys like my lil guy elmer :)
albaharu · 2 years
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It was so nice to work on My Father’s Dragon, I hope you guys like the movie :D  
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venomlion3 · 3 years
Pass the happy! 💐 When you get this, reply with 5 things that make you happy and send this to the last 10 people in your notifications
OH MY GOSH EREN HOW DID I NOT SEE THIS??? Idk how long this was in there but thank you for the ask this is so sweet of you ;;;; <333
Ok uhhh,,,5 things that make me happy!
1) Chickens and crabs! Idk why but the past few years something in my brain unlocked and now these creatures are just pure serotonin machines for me. I've got so many lil porcelain AND plush chickens now and they all make me :]
2) Hanging out with my best friend! We've been friends since 1st Grade (so about....15ish years now?) and I really enjoy being with her (or frankly just talking to her on the phone/through text). We just get each other and share similar opinions/like a lot of the same things :]
3) My cats! (btw there's mentions of pet death/cancer here so. y'know) We got Elmer when I was 14 and Salem/Stella in October of 2019 (which was around the time our last dog, Pumba, passed away from hemangiosarcoma, so getting them seemed like a blessing in disguise as they helped distract me from my grief). Elmer is like a snarky old man who will love on you one second and then bite you the next, Salem is a very talkative guy who loves attention AND pets (and I also affectionately call him Spaghetti cause he's long like a noodle), and Stella who used to be more affectionate (at least with my mom and I, she seems to love my dad more) but still has her moments. Regardless she's a pretty cat (she's a Lilac-Point Siamese iirc??) and when she does make noise it's high in pitch and really cute :"]. If I'm feeling down or need some kinda contact with another living being when my parents aren't home (like if I watch/read/listen to something really disturbing and I get paranoid), being around them helps me relax :]
4) Any of my comfort media! I'm talking about things I can rewatch/replay/reread/etc again and again and it still makes me as happy/entertained as I was the first I saw them. This includes Attack on Titan (mostly for the characters, since the story is largely dark/depressing with some comedy/hope/optimism sprinkled in every so often), Bear in the Big Blue House, Power Rangers Mystic Force, Ultimate Spider-Man (PS2), Postal 2, Happy Feet, Ghost Rider, Twitches, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, iCarly, Scooby-Doo (2002), Super Granny 3 (a VERY obscure game that I still adore), Grand Theft Auto San Andreas and ISPY Spooky Mansion Deluxe!
5) Treating myself! I'm mainly talking about occasionally splurging and buying something for myself, but it can also be just taking some time to do something fun, like watching something I've been meaning to watch or playing a game when the urge hits, even if I was planning on doing something else that day! Back in April I bought the remaining SnK pins I was missing from an Etsy shop I like, and even more recently I bought some of those Bohug Pride stickers and that Fuit Gummi charm that I've been eyeing for a while. If I had a job and/or a stable income I would do it more often, but I enjoy buying stuff for myself when I can :3
I'm not one for tagging people but you're free to consider yourself tagged and do it yourself!
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crutchie-with-a-y · 5 years
The Best Shoes In the World -Modern Newsies
So this is like younger Romeo? Maybe eight or nine? Hope you enjoy! 
“Oh for fucks sake Romeo.” Race slammed his hand against the rack of shoes he was leaning against. The boys had been at Payless for hours looking for shoes for their little Romeo. Since he had recently been bouncing between foster homes, Katherine had offered to buy him a new pair of sneakers when she realized his current ones were much too small and littered with holes. Naturally, all his brothers had come with them. They had arrived at the mall at around four, and as it was nearing eight, everyone was grumpy, hungry, and a pretty frustrated with Romeo, who had painstaikingly tried on every shoe in the kids section, even asking someone to ask the cashier to check for certain ones in his size if he couldn’t find them, only to stack each box of tried shoes in a pile that stretched across the laps of his brothers and over many benches. 
Romeo looked up with innocent but guilty eyes at the rest of the kids, sliding off a pair of bright green Converses and putting them back in their box. 
“What?” he said, tilting his head. Specs let out an exasperated sigh and pushed up his glasses to rub his eyes while Races eyes grew wide. Before he could explode, Davey clamped his hand over his mouth and looked at Romeo and then back at Race. 
“It’s just taking a while for you to chose.” He said, glaring at the exasperated blonde who then licked his hand causing him to whip it off of his mouth wipe it on his pants. 
“What the hell, Race!” Davey exclaimed, Race rolling his eyes with pride. 
“Are you guys sesrious?” Katherine strolled calmly down the aisle toward the group carrying a tray of drinks and her purse, closely followed by Jack, who carried two more trays of drinks and a large bag. 
“And where in the hell have you been?” Mush asked from his spot on the floor, where he sat leaning back on his hands with his legs spread around several shoe boxes. 
“Getting food for you whiny babies.” Jack said, looking at his boys like a general embarassed by his troops. “Stop complaining, Kath’s bought y’all Auntie Anne’s.” The boys perked up. Katherine held her tray up high and flicked her leg into a cheesy pose. 
“Lemonade and soft pretzels anyone?” The boys scrambled up to swarm around Jack as he passed out the treats. Katherine set her tray down, grabbing a straw and lemonade to sit down and hand to Romeo, who sat slouched and alone on the floor, still surrounded by boxes. 
“Alright, Little Guy,” Katherine said as Romeo pounded the straw on the multicolored carpet to get it out of the wrapper. “Are there any shoes that you like?” Romeo looked around as Katherine slipped the straw from his fingers and pushed it out of the wrapper for him and into the cup. He slurped it loudly, looking up at her with big eyes. 
“I’m not sure,” He said, shrugging. 
“Well, Romees,” Jack squatted down on the oppiste side of him from Katherine. “You’ve looked at pretty much all they got.” 
“And then some.” Race called from the bench where he sat with a large pretzel, soon followed by many slaps and slugs from the other older boys. 
“It’s an important decision!” Romeo said adorably deffensively. 
“Oh it is now?” JoJo chuckled with love. 
“Yes!” Romeo nodded eagerly. “I have never been shoe shopping before! And so I better make my first trip worth it! And I can’t say that I bought some dinky ol’ crocs the first time I get shoes from a box instead of a grocery bag of smelly sketchers.They have to be the best shoes...in the WORLD!” 
“Excuse me?” Albert sounded offended. He kicked up his white crocks paired with gray sweater socks with moose on them and slammed them on the bench next to Specs. “I’m sorry but THIS,” He said, waving is hand theatrically arounnd his footwear, “Is fashion.” 
Everyone laughed, but the groups heart still sank at Romeos words. The boys explanation was sad, but he did deserve the world’s best shoes. Crutchie walked over to him and leaned down to ruffle his hair. 
“You’re right! We gotta find you the single best pair of shoes ever created! So why don’t we go through what we have so far and narrow them down to a top say, five?” He said, looking to all the boys and enlisting their help through eye contact. Suddenly a staff member with messy red hair and tired eyes covered expertly in glittery blue eye shadow leaned into the aisle. 
“We’re closing in fifteen.” Romeo looked to Crutchie with terrifyed eyes, as if the the world would end if he didin’t chose in time.
“Aaaaaaaaand we gotta do it quick!” Crutchie stood up and pointed at one stack of boxes. “Alright, Buttons get that stack! Race and Sniper I want you on that one in the back. Uhh, Tommy Boy take that one next to you and ummm Elmer...RACE STOP SCALING THE RACK IT’S GONNA FALL OVER! Ok, Elmer and Jojo you’re manning the ones on that bench...” Crutchie continued to assign stacks and the boys darted to their territory. 
“Ok so what’s our criteria, Romeo?” Spot asked from the bench he had commandeared with Henry. “You want bright colors, dark colors-” 
“Bright colors.” Romeo responded. He grinned. “They make me happy.” The brothers continued, hollering questions down the aisle and holding up shoes for Romeo to veto or approve to move up to final selection. 
“Oh no.”
“I guess those are okay...”
“No those are the same color of that one shirt Davey has with the mice. Gross”
“OooOOh shiny!”
“I like the curly laces.”
“Those are on clearance for a reason, Les.” 
An exhaustive ten minutes later saw Romeo on his knees staring at seven shoe boxes propped against a bench while the others sat panting or teetering on their tippy-toes to put boxes back. 
“Okay, Romeo,” Jack said from behind small boy, leaning against the rack and biting his straw. “What’s it gonna be?” 
“I’d like to personally cast a vote for the ones with spot...ssss.” Race tapped a box with the side of his cup. Romeo squinted at him. 
“You only like them because they remind you of Spot! I didn’t even say I liked those!” Race scoffed and pushed the box back onto the rack behind him. The rest of the guys rolled their eyes while Spot licked his lips. 
“Well clearly you have to chose the red ones.” Albert pointed with his toe. “Wouldn’t you liked to be reminded of meeeeeeee?” He flashed a dazzling smile and fluffed his own hair. 
“Bitch please.” Finch kicked another box. “These LIGHT. UP.” Colorful lights flashed around the tissue paper in the box has the boys continued to argue over which shoes Romeo should pick. 
“You can’t possibly choose these.” Henry picked up one box like a dirty sock he found under a bed. “It’d be like having a disco ball duck taped to your feet everyday.” 
“And your point is?” JoJo raise a judgemental eyebrow. The arguing continued for awhile before Mush interupted. 
“Holy crap, Jack.” He held up his phone for the group to see. It was open to Jack’s instagram and showed his latest post, that of a stunning painting. “That’s like...woah.” The others flocked around the phone while Jack rubbed the back of his neck bashfully. Romeo, however, was drawn to something else he saw down the aisle. He pulled a box from the shelf and headed back to the group. He stood behind his gawking brothers for a moment before piping up. 
“I picked my shoes!” The friends almost got whiplash from turning to look so fast. They staired with open jaws at the shoes for a minute before someone managed to form words. 
“Well, ah, nice choice.” Crutchie swallowed, blinking quickly. The others did not hide their exasperation as well. 
“Are you fucking me? Romeo we've been here for four and a half hours for those?”
“It took you this long. To pick. Those.” 
“You’ve got to be joking.” 
“I’ve been sitting on this cold-ass bench for four hours waiting for those?”
“I coulda got those on Prime and had them on your feet in a sixteenth of the time we’ve been here.”
“I just don’t understand why it took so damn long to pick-”
Romeo huddled against the rack behind him. 
“I wanted Jack to paint them.” He peeped. He walked sheepishly over to his artistcly inclined brother and held up the plain shoes while lookingly at him with giddy eyes. “Do you think you could paint somethin’ on these shoes, Jack? Please? Like...” He looked around him. “Like a picture of all of us! Together! On the...on here!” He pointed. Everyone in the aisle and even the eavesdropping cashiers who’d been waiting for these customers for many annoying hours melted at the little boy’s request. But nobody was more touched than Jack. 
“Why, of course I can paint those shoes for you, Romeo.” He wrapped his arm around the little boy and whispered, “We’re gonna make those the best shoes in the world.” 
Hope you enjoyed! Just a fun lil fic cuz i was bored! Have a nice day! <3
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hello my angel! 11, 49, and 89 for the angst prompts!
hiiiiiiiiiiiiii my baby!!! only the first is angsty hope that’s okay :D
11) I Thought You Were My Friend
Jack sat on the curb, waiting for the car to pull up, just like he had last year. He’d thought he’d pick her up, since he could drive now, but with Katherine using her calls to telephone Darcy instead of him, and not sending as many letters, he’d never gotten around to asking.
So he waited.
After ten minutes of waiting, watching the clouds gather, the sleek car pulled up, and Katherine stepped out of the back, moving towards him with a grin.
Seeing her for the first time since Christmas loosened the knot in his chest a little, ebbed the anger and hurt, and Jack rose to hug her.
“Hiya, Ace.”
She pulled back to look at him, smiling broadly. “Jack, you’ll never guess what happened!”
He couldn’t help but smile back at her. “What?”
“The Reid’s invited me to join them this summer, overseas! Isn’t that wonderful?”
And just like that, the hurt and anger were back, though anger was quickly overshadowing his hurt, demanding to be acted upon.
When he didn’t answer immediately, Katherine furrowed her brow. “Jack? Don’t you think so?”
“Yeah,” he muttered. “Wonderful. Great. Ya c’n leave us all behind again, like you’ve been for the last two years.”
Taking a small step back for him, she looked confused by his anger. “What… what are you talking about?”
“’m talkin’ ‘bout how ever since ya started at that uppity boardin’ school, you’ve turned inta one’a them high-class girls who thinks she’s better’n us.”
Better than me, no room for me in your new life.
He doesn’t know where the words are coming from, but he refuses to let them stop. “For Christ’s sakes, Kath’rine, I don’t know who ya are anymore, ya totally changed, an’ now? Ya wanna go on some fancy-schmancy ‘overseas’ trip, instead’a spendin’ time wit’ ya act’al friends?”
New life, new you, you’ll leave me behind, and why shouldn’t you?
“Do we even mean shit ta ya anymore?”
A flash of lightning, a clap of thunder, and the skies opened up, pouring on both of them, a visual stunt to remind Jack that he had clearly stepped over the line.
Katherine took several steps back at that, anger and hurt flashing in her eyes, and the tiny part of Jack that was still feeling vindictive thought Good.
“How could you ask me that?” Katherine demanded, crossing her arms. Jack was struck by how familiar the situation felt. Every major event in their friendship has happened right here, on this sidewalk. It was where they first met, it was where he taught her to ride a bike, where she kissed him on the cheek after her birthday, flustering both of them. Where they spit-shook, promising they’d always be best friends.
And now it was the place where it was all falling apart.
“How… how dare you, Jack Kelly. After all we’ve been through, you–you impossible boy,” Katherine seethed. “I know it’s been hard, believe me, I know, but for you to just–just–throw that in my face?”
She shook her head, scraping her wet bangs off her forehead. With the rain, Jack couldn’t tell if she was actually crying or not, but then her voice cracked as she said, “I thought you were my friend.”
With that, she turned and stalked into the house, leaving Jack, with a thousand different words he coulda, shoulda, said, behind.
49) Screwy 
“Ain’t that big’a deal, Smalls. Just gotta work on m’screwball, Smalls,” Smalls’ grip tightened around Albert’s neck and waist. “Careful, DaSilva, ya better not drop me, not after that stunt ya jus’ pulled.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Al hoisted Smalls higher on his back. “Why do I even put wit’ ya again?”
“Because your life would be meaningless without me.”
“I gots Elmer.”
“Elmer doesn’t have my charm.”
“Ya killin’ me, Smalls.”
Smalls kicked at him. “Ya know I hate that joke.”
“Yup,” Albert smirked, turning into the apartment building. “Why d’ya think I always say it?”
“I hate you.”
“Want me ta drop ya off here, make ya climb up by yaself?”
Smalls clung to him. “Noooooo, you promised, Al.”
Heaving a world-weary sigh, Albert tightened his grip on Smalls and began climbing the stairs. Three flights later, they were standing in front Smalls and Crutchie’s apartment.
“D’ya mind?” Albert asked. “M’hands are kinda full.”
“Forgot m’keys,” Smalls said, unhooking one arm and reaching out the knock on the door.
A moment later, they heard shuffling behind the door, and Crutchie opened the door.
He paused a moment before stepping back and letting them in. “Why ain’t I surprised?” he asked, laughing a little. “What happened this time?”
“Got hurt,” Smalls muttered.
“Who hurt you?” Crutchie asked.
Smalls smacked Albert’s head. “This idiot.”
“Cool it, Shortstop,” Al muttered, jerking his head a little. “M’screwball went a lil’… screwy,” he explained to Crutchie.
“Ya head’s a lil’ screwy.” Smalls said sarcastically.
“’m gonna drop ya—”
“I knew I shoulda been there ta supervise,” Crutchie sighed, closing the door.
89) Hot Older Guy
“Nah, but ‘m just sayin’,” Race said, crossing one ankle over the other. His feet were on his pillow, by Spot, and his head was at the foot of the bed. “I’ve seen pictures of your dad, ‘fore… everythin’. Ya dad was hot.”
Spot dropped his book. “I’m sorry, what?”
“That’s not everythin’, lemme finish. Ya dad’s one’a those Hot Older Guys, which means you’ll be a Hot Older Guy. Which is a real problem f’r me.”
“Racer, this ain’t gettin’ any clearer, jump ‘head ta the endin’.”
Race gave him an incredulous look. “Ya don’t get it?”
“Enlighten me,” Spot said drily.
Scrunching his nose, Race kicked at Spot’s shoulder. “You’ve been spendin’ too much time wit’ Davey. Anyways, you’ve seen my dad, an’ he def’nitely ain’t a Hot Older Guy. He’s jus’ a reg’lar Old White Guy.”
Spot dropped his head on the headboard. “Oh my god, Tony, get ta the point, you’re less interestin’ than torts.”
“Can’t insult me if I don’ know what’cha talkin’ ‘bout.” Race stuck his tongue out at him. “I look like my dad. You look like ya dad. ‘m gonna be a reg’lar Old White Guy. You’re gonna be a Hot Older Guy.”
“One, ya half-Italian. Two, I still don’t see the problem.”
“Ya gonna stay all Hot an’ shit, an’ ‘m gonna turn inta this wrinkled old guy an’ ya gonna forget me!” Race threw an arm over his eyes dramatically.
After a moment of nothing from his boyfriend, Race peeked out from under his arm, only to see Spot giving him an odd look.
“I could never forget you,” Spot said seriously.
Race met his gaze a moment before he laughed, unwittingly, and unhooked one of his feet to push at Spot’s head. “Oh my god, that’s so gaaaayyyyy, Spot,” he teased.
“Get’cha fuckin’ feet outta my face,” Spot growled, swiping a hand down his face to hide the bright pink blush on his cheeks.
“Aww, babe.” Folding his legs back under him, Race pulled himself up, crawling towards Spot, who was still hiding his face. Sliding his arms around Spot’s broad shoulders, he pressed a kiss to his hair, then his temple, then to a very warm cheek. “Didn’t know Spot Conlon was capable’a blushin’.”
Spot groaned. “I was tryin’ ta be serious.”
Fighting back another laugh, Race slid one leg over Spot’s, settling in his lap. Tugging his hands away from his face, he tried to meet his boyfriend’s eyes. With as much seriousness he could muster—which wasn’t hard, he meant every word—Race said, “I could never forget ya, either, Sean.”
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