#i hope you like these!! 💓
buckxtommy · 2 months
Bucktommy for 12.making out against the rescue helicopter (lets be honest that exactly where those “flying lessons” will lead)
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exactly how those flying lessons actually went 😌 [wip]
added my twist to the prompt, which is tommy smiling into the kiss– sth i can totally see him doing <3
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myokk · 2 months
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A super fast scribble of Sebastian and Anne as kids💓
In my mind they were absolutely wild growing up, their parents pushing them outside in the morning with a picnic basket, to just run around in the fields & forests around their hamlet all day, coming home in time for dinner (totally inspired by my childhood growing up in a tiny village of 300 people 😂🫶). They always read together as a family by the candlelight before going to bed, and they’re memories that Sebastian and Anne cherish.
Also, Anne definitely took charge of their adventures and Sebastian was just happy to follow her around like a little puppy 💓💓
Bahhhh i just love thinking about their siblings dynamic 🤧🥰 sorry for my rambling haha
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whereismyhat5678 · 4 months
Guys I have done it- It took me a while to cook up but-
I unfortunately couldn’t finish it yesterday cuz I had a hair appointment to attend too 💇‍♀️💇‍♀️✨✨
But other than that I made these two guys:
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Btw I think I got a new headcannon (kinda-)! When Peppino is feeling anxious, annoyed, stressed, etc: his mustache is down and just looks flat or stretched. When he’s either happy or around Gus and genuinely feels safe: his mustache curves like shown here 💞💞☝️☝️
Hehe, these two love each other so much 💗💗
But don’t think that’s all!! I I did this for fluff….
But I also made something spicy..
(Tw(?): It’s that one shirtless Peppino sprite- 💀)
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Look at your own risk-
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(I can’t do backgrounds FOR SHIT but I love how this came out it took me HOURS-)
*clears throat* Happy Valentine’s Day guys 💕💕
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awakenthebeing · 1 year
What is Piepoe and her toppins' (possible) heights? And what's toppins names or do they even have names? (As my love to that little buddies - I'll give them little bows)
Here's some heights for you...! Hopefully they make sense!
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As for names, they don't have any!! But names may be made soon! :3
And they appreciate the bows!!!
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Though it did cause the little rat to become distracted...! But don't worry, I'm sure the cheese dragon will stop the piraneapple from biting their sister's tail!
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strawhatboy · 1 year
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☆ You're the one who decides who you are ☆
merry christmas 💓 to @missmakaalbarns from your @animangasecretsanta ​ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡ 🎄
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concreteburialplot · 2 months
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new ruffilo x reader fic coming soon … 💕
lmk if you wanna be tagged 💞
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rinadragomir · 1 year
Cordelia trying to flirt: do you👉👈 want me👀to read something for you?😳or maybe you want to 👉👈play ...chess?🙊🙈 *I hope it didn't sound like I'm an obsessed fangirl god that's so embarrassing😭*
Lucie trying to flirt:
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freakbullet · 1 year
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N'Zoth - by Tim Shevtsov
so starved for content of this eldritch squid that I literally keep track of some non-canon card game I don't even play just for the occasional scraps. and it is totally worth it
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hanjisungz · 1 year
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my favorite binchan moments for @dongjusmilf
merry christmas from your secret santa! 💌
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I see your tags on the Wocky and Alita art, I would love to hear your thoughts on Alita actually!
I only need one person to show interest in what I have to say for me to talk forever and ever, thank you. HAHA Okay, in seriousness, this won't be as thorough/long as the Klavier post because... there really isn't much to her, but I find it extremely interesting how Alita falls into the same category of witnesses as April May and Dahlia without being — and I mean no offence to her when I say this — stunning? Like, with April and Dahlia, there's a very clear mass appeal to them which most people point out. Contrariwise, Alita's appearance is really only commented on by Trucy, and just glancing at her portrait, you can see that, without her slightly outlandish fashion, she's frankly nothing to write home about.
So why am I discussing this? Surely it's a little reductive to analyse female characters beginning with their appearances? Usually, yes, but that's the thing about this category of witnesses: their pretty faces aren't just pretty faces.
For April and Dahlia, their beauty is part of their arsenal. It functions as both their defence and their weapon of choice; they know how to wield it to bring people under their heel. Alita being ordinarily pretty instead of drop-dead gorgeous deprives her of that weapon and leads you to wonder how she became a mafia heiress to begin with. It also parallels her to Mimi Miney in a way that goes beyond the 'murderous nurse who worked for and killed her awful boss' comparison you get on the surface. Presumably, Alita, like Mimi, only got to where she was because she managed to fool the people around her into believing she was less dangerous than she actually is. Mimi did this by feigning stupidity and inviting people to underestimate her. Alita seems to do this by showing them what they want to see.
When she first meets Apollo and Trucy, Alita stays quiet and spends more time listening to them than she does talking. Once she has a hold on who they are, then she slips into her persona, and I find it interesting how she doesn't even attempt to come across as particularly delicate or lovelorn? Instead she goes for the relatively typical role of a distressed, indulgent loved one earnestly entreating Apollo for help. I'm inclined to say she does this because her read on Apollo makes her realise that he'd likely be exasperated or annoyed by such a person; but it's also almost as if she knows she doesn't have the disposition to pull off that frail, damsel-in-distress archetype and has resigned herself to being ordinary. Like how she looks. The next time she has to reapply her persona, Alita's appearing in court, and again she makes subtle adjustments that best suit her situation. The judge is old, so she takes a chance on expressing her dedication as a wife while balancing her dedication as a righteous citizen, which works. But oddly enough, despite her successes, I don't think Alita is actually good? At donning disguises? Everyone I've seen discuss this case has been able to guess almost immediately that she's the culprit, and maybe we're just prepped by past characters like her that have appeared, but I don't think she's even that convincing in the game.
Both the identities she assumes are risky manoeuvres that happen to fall in her favour, and she's not particularly dedicated to maintaining the front. When she asks Apollo to be Wocky's defence, she admits that marrying him is largely a chance at a more exciting life than some great love story; Plum Kitaki straight up says that there's a darkness in Alita she doesn't like, despite how docile Alita behaves in front of her; and Wocky has moments where he slips up and calls her things like, "imposter" and "fallen angel", implying that at least subconsciously, he knows she's not what she makes herself out to be. Even her general mannerisms don't greatly differ between her actual self and the mask who's blunt her claws — nothing is ever overtly coy or cutesy — and when Apollo brings up the fact she was Wocky's nurse, she drops the facade almost immediately. There's no waffling, no, "Whatever do you mean?"s or, "You're scaring me"s, just the statement, "I don't know what you mean by 'meaning', Mr. Justice!" delivered in a sudden cool, frosted steeliness.
And I think that steel is what really makes her different.
See, the other women are all driven to crime by some defining trait in themselves caused by their circumstances. For Dahlia, it's her desperate need to be free of the Fey clan; for Mimi, it's grief over her sister's unjust death; and for April, it's her fear of Redd White. You don't really get that with Alita. Instead of there being something dark in her life that leads her down this path, she just seems... tired. Tired of being "pretty enough" but not "gorgeous", tired of being the obedient nurse to the corrupt doctor, tired of being ordinary. There's no predatory external force pushing her into a corner, there's no abusive family beliefs pinning her down. There's just an ordinary life, lived dull and ordinarily, and she had had enough. So what does this girl, who's tired and ordinary in every way except the steel that lines her spine, do to get out of this?
She gambles.
Marrying into the mafia was a gamble, seeking Apollo as council was a gamble, shooting Dr. Meraktis was a gamble. Every decision she's made since she met Wocky has been a series of high-stakes gambles that leave her life on the line all so she won't be second-best anymore. This time, she was going to be the one on top. No matter what.
... And I'm sorry for loving evil women, but girlboss?? Girlboss???
I've heard people say they're disappointed that her "breakdown" is just an extension of her usual damage sprite, but it's honestly one of my favourite "breakdowns" in the series ever? Just because it isn't really one? Everything Alita has done up till now has been reckless, calculated risk, of course being convicted for murder is no different than losing in any other aspect of her life. Of course you're not going to get more than her damaged sprite, because this doesn't warrant a more dramatic reaction. She's lived this whole time knowing it could all come crashing down around her, and it finally did.
She made a bad bet. You caught her. Oh well.
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The frosted girl of steel, standing tall to the very end. It's kind of sad that, even after all that, she's still seen as only second-best, incomparable to mimi, dahlia or any of the other women who've stood in her place.
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lovesick-fanfics · 1 year
Hello! Whenever you have time, could you write a dhmis quick fic where reader just appears one day? And then there's just 4 of them. Maybe at first they would think that they are another teacher and try to get them to teach something and they do it "wrong"(by not singing so the guys get confused about it)? Sorry if it makes no sense, I'm bad at explaining
I wrote it a bit differently I hope that’s okay!
DHMIS x reader (platonic) where reader just shows up one day!
Where are you….?
“Look! Something’s over there!”
Why does everything feel fuzzy…?
“Not something, someone.”
“Do you think they is-they are dead?”
You blink a few times and realize you’ve been sitting slouched in front of a… very pink house, and there are three… things walking up to you.
“Hey there! Are you going to teach us something?” The small yellow one said.
“Yeah! Aren’t you teachers supposed to appear and tell us what to do?” The green one added.
“Um… where am I?” You asked these strange creatures while you started to stand.
They all looked at you in varying degrees of confusion. They all looked at each-other before the green one spoke,
“Well you are here silly! Just like us!”
“Yeah, but where is here?”
“It’s certainly not over there!”
“But where-”
“Are you going to teach us something or what?” The red one cut you off bluntly.
“Teach you?” You said, “teach you what?”
The green one scoffed, “you teach us anything! The last one came and taught us about eating healthy. You guys normally teach us through song!”
“You must be a silly teacha’ if you can’t remember what you teach!” The yellow one added, “maybe you here to teach us about where we are!”
“Uh. Okay.
🎶 I might not know where we are, but at least I’m here with you. 🎶
🎶here is here, and there is there… and we are here with each other.🎶
…. 🎶we are here together, even if we don’t know where….🎶
🎶we might not be anywhere, but at least I’m here with you!🎶
🎶We might not know where the road goes,
or what’s over the hill.🎶
🎶we are somewhere that is true, but at least we’re here together…”🎶
🎶I am here with you, you, and you,
And you are here with me!🎶
🎶here is somewhere in some place, and we are here, it’s true.🎶
🎶Here is here and there is there, 🎶
🎶and we are here together…🎶
🎶And we are here together….🎶”
The yellow one starts clapping, “that was a good song!”
“Yeah. And nothing weird happened…?”
“Are you really a teacher? You don’t have the same… qualities as the others”
“No…? I’m just here with you, I don’t know where here is, like I said in my song”
“also I’d like to add that that was all ad-libbed.”
“What does that mean?”
“It means I made it up as I went.”
“Oh! Okay!”
“It’s getting late, we should go. Good bye”
They all turned away and started towards the pink house, not waiting for you to follow. The yellow one turns back, probably expecting you to be gone, and stops walking.
“What are you doing?”
“Yeah! The show’s about to start!”
“They’re still there, the teacha’”
“Aren’t you going to disappear, or something?”
“Huh? No? I don’t have anywhere to go”
“Hey! Maybe you can stay with us!”
“What are you saying?!? There’s only three chairs and beds and there are four of us! There’s no way for all of us to live here! They just need to go away!”
Seemingly right as the green one said that you could see the house get slightly bigger, and in front of the door a chair appeared.
“Uh. Well that’s new”
“Oh wow! You must have done that just to get at me, huh teacher?!”
“N-no!! I had no say in this!”
“Well I guess there’s room for you now, come on, we’ve probably missed half the show already”
As the red one dragged the new chair in and the rest of you followed, you realized something.
You might not know where you are, but at least the company seems nice.
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myokk · 2 months
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(sebastian was interrupted in the middle of a good book)
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darkcreamz95 · 4 months
Hi! Love your art, it's so cute 🥺 keep improving! 💕
May I get a Bojan doodle, pretty please?
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POV: You wake up and this is who's next to you 🌼
[REQUESTS CLOSED (15/2/2024)]
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strawberryspence · 1 year
Hi, I saw your fic recs and was wondering if you have some Steddie with touch starvation, specifically touch starved Eddie. I've read one recently and was like, 'that makes so much sense, give me 50 more like it, just slightly to the left'. But there can be touch starved Steve too, the angst and eventual comfort of that is delectable.
Thank ❤️
hi babe! i am sorry it took me so long to answer your ask! but i have gathered my touch starved steve for you!
* the descriptions are the original summaries from the ao3. im barely alive rn to try and remember the plots. 😭
Steve Harrington's Guide to Touch by how_about_no - Eddie won't stop touching anyone and everyone, except for Steve. He has a plan to change that. this one is THE touch starved steve harrington fic (for me.)
Good Ol' Fashioned Sexuality Crisis During the Apocalypse by words_reign_here - Steve saves Eddie in the Upside Down and it's hilarious and it broke Steve wide open.
Saving All My Love For You by subtlehysteria - Eddie notices Steve struggles with touch and in trying to help his new friend, develops feelings along the way.
be my baby ( never half & always whole. ) by peachyyjacobs - a party at Steve's soon turns into something much softer.
the nature of touch by leah_btw - Eddie gives out touch so easily. He's tactile in a way that Steve could never be. In a way he hasn't been with Steve yet.
Each Second is a Piece of Gold by Ahwhateven - the one where Steve tells Eddie his trauma.
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amarakaran · 4 months
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AGAR TUM KAHO (2024) dir. Ashutosh Gowariker
New film production company "Sunstar Entertainment" will make their bold 2024 debut to the big screen with Agar Tum Kaho, a historical romantic drama about a rebellious Princess who runs away from her kingdom in search for identity and purpose beyond the limits of royalty, thus setting in motion an epic struggle for power. A loyal Soldier is tasked by her worried parents to find and rescue her, but a cunning Assassin has already set his sights on the precious prize. As the reluctant pair take on a daring journey to evade the Assassin's attacks, a mysterious Witch lends a helping hand, and a potion or two. But to whom does her allegiance truly lie? And can the Solider even convince the Princess to return to the throne? Or will the Princess risk everything to follow her heart? Don't miss this thrilling adventure, where the only thing certain is the uncertain paths that lie ahead.
↳ happy birthday @chameli 🖤⚔️
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buckxtommy · 2 months
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she's here
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