#i hope you like your present it was so fun to make 💓💘
hanjisungz · 2 years
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my favorite binchan moments for @dongjusmilf
merry christmas from your secret santa! 💌
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bellarosethefangirl · 2 years
Ooh Abella this looks fun! Guess I'm finally giving in and trying the online dating thing 😂
1. I'd love dates with someone from Yu-Gi-Oh (Duel Monsters) and sailor moon please!
2. I like both men and women, though for full transparency in my answers, I will admit I have a preference for men 💖
3. Picrew:
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4. I'm a Virgo (though Leo is strong in my chart) ♍♌
5. Hm, for sailor moon, I'd prefer to not be paired with Usagi. And for Yu-Gi-Oh, you know me, please don't set me up on a date with Kaiba, there will be hands thrown if that happens XD
6. For Men: I typically like "soft" looks. Tall/burly men often make me feel uncomfortable, so a shorter build would be nice (weight doesn't matter, it's mostly height that gets to me). And I know it sounds weird but…I actually like it when a man has some "fem" looks to him?? Like men with long hair make me foam at the mouth lol other than that, dark (or red!) hair that’s curly/wavy is extremely attractive to me. Overall tho, I really like a cute, nerdy look.
Women: honestly with women, they're so beautiful that I don't care if they're more fem, more masc, or anything in between. Though again I find dark or red curly hair very nice. A cute smile is a bonus, and a nice voice would make me swoon hard 💕
7. I love sweet, gentle personalities in both men and women. They don't necessarily have to be bubbly, I just love gentle hearts ❤️ also intelligence is a big thing, I love having nice, long conversations with people and I might get bored with someone who doesn’t like to talk. Having a bit of an adventurous side would also be nice, that way we can go do new things together sometimes!
8. Both men and women: Loyalty, compassion, a sense of humor would be nice, and sharing similar geeky interests.
9. Oh nicknames? Uh, honey, sweetheart, my love, all those are fine. The only nicknames I hate are infantilizing ones like baby girl.
For the aesthetic board
1. Disney for the other theme (hocus pocus to keep it halloween themed)
2 . Chocolates are always a good present!
3 . Blue and purple 💙💜
4 . Lilies!
5 . Chocolate and caramel cookies, and Dr pepper.
Thanks so much Bella! I hope you're not getting too over run with these, if so make sure to take a break, and close the request if you need too! Love ya 💖
Awe I’m so happy you sent yours in! Lol guess you are trying online dating after all 🤣 I did take a break with these, definitely do thank you. Sorry about the wait. Been busy and my mom got covid 😷 she’s better now.
Halloween Café Blind Double Dates 💜🎃 Anime Online Date Matchups
I’ll be sure to get all the matchups done as soon as I can. Thanks for the patience everyone.
“Good evening I do hope you enjoyed yourself at the Hocus Pocus café. It looks as though your dates also enjoyed themselves especially the king of games.”
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“I must admit how lucky you are. Your dates are cuties. It’s up to you who you choose.”
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Matchup Applicants:
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Name: Atem
Gender: Male
Description: Noble, serious, friendly, honest, loyal, geeky, loves games, intelligent
Moral Alignment: Neutral Good
Appearance: Short, slightly muscular, red eyes, red hair, spiky hair, multi colored hair, sharp eyes
Occupation: Duelist, King of games, Pharaoh
Zodiac: Leo
Dating Survey Results: Compatibility 90%
Communication 💌 100%
Emotions 💗 94%
Similar Values 🏡 100%
Passion 💘 100%
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Name:  Hotaru Tomoe, Sailor Saturn
Gender: Female
Description: Shy, Introverted, kind hearted, gentle, intelligent, light hearted, loyal, loving
Moral Alignment: Lawful Good
Appearance: Short, petite, bob haircut, black hair, long lashes, rosey cheeks
Occupation: Student, Sailor Scout
Zodiac: Capricorn
Dating Survey Results: Compatibility 93%
Communication 💌 100%
Emotions 💗 87%
Similar Values 🏡 100%
Passion 💘 100%
Love Meter 💗💓
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Hotaru Tomoe
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Zodiac 💫💖
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Hotaru Tomoe
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Dating Results 💖
Percentages Matches: 0-25%= Bad Match, 26-50%= Poor Match, 60-70%= Decent Match, 70-80%= Good Match, 80-90%= Excellent Match, 90-100%= Perfect Match
1. Atem:
Survey Results: Perfect Match 90%
Love Meter: True Love 92%
Zodiacs: Virgo + Leo Compatibility 53%
Over all Results: 90% Perfect Match
2. Hotaru Tomoe:
Survey Results: Perfect Match 93%
Love Meter: True Love 96%
Zodiacs: Virgo + Capricorn Compatibility 93%
Over all Results: 98% Perfect Match
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lenteur · 2 years
i missed you moooooooooost <33 thank u my darling 💗 i'm feeling good this week, hoping that feeling lasts :)) you're the sweetest :))
*squishes u* <33
i appreciate your puns always ;) they will always be met with me smiling <33 even if they're bad, i still love them 🌸 i am smh at ur pun but i will look past it bc ily 👀
i love my boo seungkwan 🌱🧡 i love that man a whole looooooot 🥰 nah i can't deal with scoups, he is ADORABLE </3 must......resist......and....not....squish.....his......cheeks..... aaaaaaaa 👀 OH MY GOD I LOVED THAT ONE <33
yes! it's about superman. i can't remember much of smallville but i used to love it :( the first four seasons are great but season five and season six, you're just like wtaf is happening (i still love it tho. it's chaotic) 🌸
yes! i'm halfway through now <33 OKAY SO the murderer is NOT who i think it is!! he is actually super innocent and sweet and i wanna protect him forever <33
my cats were on catnip this evening which was very, very funny <33 toffee was moody and was like um gimmie catnip, mother >.< and luna was practically throwing herself about 😭 we put the catnip inside an old sock and they both were crazy 🤪
lemme just love u forever <33 actually nvm, gonna love u anyway okay? 🥰🥰🥰 i'm so happy their faces make you smile <333 you deserve to be happy 💙🧡💖
hello my love 💖 i've missed you sososososososososo much you have no idea 😭 you're truly the highlight of my days whenever I see you interact with me 💗
you always say i'm the sweetest when i think you're a great competitor 💕 if there ever was a world's kindest sweetest person championship, you'd rank super high 🏆
see when i said you're the sweetest? you're even willing to smile at my worst puns 💞 if that is not a sign of love & friendship, i don't know what is 💓
the bias wreckage is very present in you 💔 i mean same :( scoups was the first svt member to catch my attention back when they debuted. he kind of holds a special place in my heart 💕 and, to be clear, I AM NOT SIMPING FOR THIS DUDE OK?! (why the sudden aggression? i have no idea. maybe i am a bit in denial... who knows?)
now that you said this, that's why i ended up not liking the show :/ the last seasons were too chaotic and nonsense for me lol
wait what?! first of all, i'm glad the m*rd*rer (keeping it pg just in case hehe) was not who you thought. but? super sweet and innocent? wanna protect him forever? i must be honest that shocked me a little when i read that. but then, i went back to our previous message and it helped me understand your feelings a little better.
ah yes catnip and cats are a match made in heather 🤪 (see what i did there? hehe) honestly i miss when i used to have a cat at home :( a lot of craziness but a lot of fun too 💖 so please let me know about your cats' lives 💘
awww :((( you're too sweet :((( you too deserve to be happy ok? you have no idea how bright you shine (like a diamond) (yes my music knowledge is so eclectic and i only listen to underrated artists 🙄)
anyway, as usual, i hope you're having the best day you can have and that you're taking care of both yourself and your cats 🐱🐱 (so sad there aren't customisable cat emojis because i would've created the most realistic toffee & luna emojis jsyk)
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hatake · 3 years
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Art Updates Pt. 1 ☆
In my last post, I talked abt early bday presents I had gotten and mentioned making an art update post. So here we are!!
I didn't intend for this to be split into parts, but due to tumblr's photo limit, I think I'm gonna make another update next week 🤔 (We'll see!)
As u may know, I recently made an art blog (@dreampollens) and have been creating phone bgs 💗 I've been focusing on Sanrio lately, but I'm also working on a sketch to start FFIX ones!
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Along with that, I've been working on some OC stuff.
The first two don't have names yet (if you have suggestions pls let me know 💕), but the second two are OCs that are very near and dear to me named Allison and Bunni 💖 As you might have guessed, both pairs are gfs lol 💘
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I've been sketching Alli & Bunni frequently lately 🤔
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What can I say, they're my top OTP 😆❤💕
Bunni (wearing bows and frilly style) has a colder personality and finds dealing with people to be obnoxious, while Allison (the buff one) has a sly personality and likes to be obnoxious 😂💕 (Can you guess who pursues whom? 🤔😆) For Allison, it's always love at first sight 💓 Bunni, on the other hand, usually finds Allison to be as obnoxious as the rest of them (maybe even more so), but eventually warms up to her due to her strong sense of compassion 💕 (Plus she's a buff woman, hello 😩💘💘💘)
As you can see, I've been doing a water color style with them, but I want to do smth more detailed eventually!! (Maybe with one of the other two sketches 🤔)
Along with these, I've been trying a new way of painting! Usually I do sketch > lineart > color. This one, I've been doing coloring then lineart! 😮 I'm liking it for this type of style so far. I also like that I get to paint the faces first, it makes me feel better somehow 😂💕
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I have a fun/tropical color palette picked out for them, I hope I can incorporate it well 😅 Wish me luck 😆💪💖
Lastly, I finally started lining a sketch I did months ago ❤
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I'm hoping to try a more flat coloring style for this one (with pastel colors), but I suck at that, so we'll see how it goes 😩💨
If you made it this far, thanks for reading!! ❤💕 I hope all of your art turns out amazing this week 💖
♡ lala
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chittapornswife · 6 years
A Christmas gift to my friend:) (Peter Pan’s Flight with Jungwoo!au)
@jimin1ove @jungwooandhearts my dear precious illi, I hope you have a wonderful Christmas Day and you spend it with the closest and bestest of people:) I wanted to give you a Christmas present but didn’t know of anything else besides writing a jimin or a Jungwoo au so I stuck with Jungwoo (cause I don’t jimin too well ): And I originally had another idea in mind but when you told me about your big fat love for Peter pan’s flight I knew I couldn’t write about anything else besides that💚 Anyways, I hope you know how much I love you and appreciate/treasure you in my life & I’m always wishing the best for everything you do!!!!! Merry Christmas Jungwoo’s king and my same age same time zone dear friend :) I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!❤️💘❣️💝💌💖💓💞💚🖤💚💛💙💜
(P.S. I waited to say Merry Christmas until now so I’m sorry I didn’t say it last night at 12am:((( Also!!! I rushed a bit to get this finished but I still hope you like it!!!)
Genre: Flufff Word Count: 2.8K Type: jungwoo x reader! (gender neutral)
summary: you end up somewhat befriending a very peter pan geeky but cute Jungwoo in the line up for peter pan’s flight in disneyland and,,, end up sitting with him during the ride...
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Jungwoo love love LOVES the Peter Pan ride in Disneyland
Like no matter what age or time or whatever
He can never get over it
Even if he takes the ride at least 5 times every time he goes there LOL
All of his friends are hella sick of it tho
Like Jaehyun’s tryna just mack on the girls wearing little to nothing with the sparkly Mickey ears
Meanwhile markhyuck and yukhei are running to get fast passes for whatever ride has the longest line and just jumping into line after line to get the whole experience down in the short amount of time they have
With taeyong, kun & Johnny running after them yellin at em to wear their jackets and to hold hands with each other
And doyoung, sicheng, yuta are taking pics with every disney character they can find
With taeil following them & being their photographer lol
So Jungwoo tries to rotate between each of them every time he wants to go on
This time during the Christmas season,
all of em confront him that they’ll go on it once with him but that’s it.
Cause they wanna spend their time doing the other specialized christmas-esy things
And Jungwoo has no choice but to accept it
Even if he does feel hurt that he must be such a burden to them if they had to go out of their way to say that :(
All of em decide to split up and that they can do whatever during the day but have to meet up back in the night
So they can see the fireworks together and then go out for dinner after
And it’s Mark, Hyuck, Yukhei & Johnny in one group
While Yuta, Sicheng, Kun and Taeyong are in the other
Leaving Jaehyun, Doyoung, Jungwoo and Taeil in the last group
Meaning the other 3 go off to do their stuff leaving little Woo in the line up for Peter Pan’s flight
But soon after he joins all of them and joins on the fun of meeting the characters and going on rides like splash mountain & the haunted mansion
And it’s fairly busy too since kids are out of school and it’s almost Christmas
Meaning the lineups are longer and it’s more hustley bustley than usual
So when it comes down to the end of the night, around 8pm
All of them meet up to get good spots to watch the fireworks
Taeyong, Kun and Taeil sit down in a huge empty spot, putting their jackets and belongings beside them to create more space
While the rest go off to get some snacks
But Jungwoo knows that going on a ride is much more fun during the day
And since time’s ticking closer to the fireworks, many people aren’t going on the rides
Meaning he can most likely go on Peter pan’s flight without having to wait in the huge ass lineup like always
So he tells them all that
Making Doyoung roll his eyes like,
“I ain’t even surprised tbh”
So happy smiling bean Jungwoo runs off to the line and just like he thought
There’s less than 20 ppl there
And as he stands behind a couple in line, that’s when he hears you from far yelling, “I’ll meet up with you guys after the fireworks!!!”
And when he turns around to see who’s being loud
He sees you
In your adorable dorky Disney Christmas sweater with leggings and red Vans with a Christmas bag
Also wearing a cute Peter Pan hat with your name embroidered on it
Which he’s high key jealous of......
But you just look so cute and bubbly that he can’t help but be infected with your happiness
And he doesn’t even realize he’s staring at you until you look up at him
“Oh uh,” he stutters tryna think of something to prove he isn’t a creep
Because it’s way too late to look away now
“I really um like your hat.... where did you get it from??...”
his two front teeth poking out as he softly asks
Your eyes light up and you start to talk about how you got it from the Mad Hatter store and how you can get it embroidered too
And as you keep talking,
Jungwoo’s just mesmerized by all of the cute expressions on your face
And starts to unconsciously smile as well
The two of you start to talk a bit as the line moves
You compliment him on his red sweater just because he was so kind in complimenting you that you feel the need to say something back
And Jungwoo finds out that you love Peter pans flight just as much as he does
Making him genuinely happy that there’s someone else out there like him
And it seems like time passes by quickly with the both of you talking to each other
Pretty soon, he’s at the front waiting for the little ship to come around empty
The cast member turns around and asks him
“How many people?”
And just as he’s about to say 1, you cut him off and say “2!”
Making him look back at you with surprise
Like ??? eh het? <-- jungwoo confused sound
But you just smile and say,
“It’s better to go on the ride with someone else rather than being alone :)”
And his heart just swells up because
First you love Peter pan’s flight as much as him?
But now?
You’re also willing to sit with him so he isn’t alone?
Like? Thank you?????
But truthfully, you don’t want to stop talking to the light airy voiced cutie in front of you
And as the cast member let’s you both go into a ship
You think about how it was a good thing your family went to watch the fireworks
And as Jungwoo gets on the ship, he thinks about how he’s glad that all of his friends are sick of this ride
Because that means he gets to ride it with you
And as you ride throughout the magical ship that makes it seem like you’re both flying above London
The gleaming city lights below you
With the voices of Peter Pan and Wendy speaking from all sides
It’s somehow all new once again
Because you’re with Jungwoo
Who’s little ooo’s and aaaa’s fill your heart with such joy
And when you travel through the stars
It feels like you’re both traveling together
As if either you’re both Peter Pan
Taking your Wendy to Neverland
You’re both Wendy being taken by Peter to Neverland
Because in the end of it all,
You both don’t wanna grow up
And though you don’t know it about each other
The reason why you both love this ride so much
Is not only because of the cool effects and the twinkling lights resembling stars
Nor is it Neverland being beneath you and looking like a miniature happy world of dreams
It’s because taking this ride
And really mostly all the rides in Disneyland,
You don’t feel like you’re a adult
That you can’t be legally classified as a child or a kid anymore
Because at heart,
You’re still a kid
Your habits, likes, dislikes, loves, everything
They’re you
And if some may be childish, it’s alright
Because you’re in a ride that’s specifically after a story about a free-spirited boy who never grows up and can fly
And your imagination is the one thing that you can control and you can do whatever with like him
It’s that magic that keeps you coming back to Disneyland
And now that magic is even more powerful being with someone like Jungwoo
Who genuinely enjoys and is excited sitting beside you throughout the ride
There’s something about it that makes you smile and look at him
And he senses that so he looks over at you
A happy bright smile on his face showing off his teeth
His eyes holding pure joy that you can’t even convey in words but know,
Know that they’re brighter than all the stars outside and surely brighter than the lights surrounding Neverland underneath you
And as the ride ends,
The both of you hopping off,
You feel grateful for this day that you got to spend a small amount of time with someone that has begun to warm up your heart
The both of you walking side by side down the stone hall
You in your Christmas-esy outfit
And Jungwoo in his red sweater with jeans
Still on that magical giddy high from the ride
But it heightens even more when you step outside and hear all the fireworks going off
The bright red, green and gold sparkly colours popping in the sky
It’s a beautiful sight to see
And as you stop outside the exit
You realize that Jungwoo is standing beside you, quite close
The reason being that there are more people coming outside and moving in front of you so you guys need to move more to the side of the building
But also it’s distracting you from the popping colours above
Since you can practically feel his arm brushing against yours
Bringing warmth in this somewhat chilly night
And you look over at him to see,
He’s already looking at you
His cheeks heat up as he abruptly looks away back to the sky
While you’re still staring at his cute innocent child-like facial features
His dark hair that you want to the brush to the side for being so long, hanging almost over his eyes
His squishy cheeks that are now a reddish pink colour
But his soft thin hands, that you can tell are cold worry you
So you reach in your bag for a pair of gloves and tap his arm with them
“You can have these :)”
Jungwoo looks down at your own pale hands holding out the gloves
“Your hands are cold too so why are you offering him your gloves?” He thinks to himself,
But with that kind smile on your face, your shivering body still holding the gloves, the fireworks going off in the back, he can’t resist himself as he leans down
Giving you a kiss on the cheek
Right after immediately panicking because he just totally did that without your consent and was too caught up in the moment
But as he leans back,
He sees your now frozen body, the gloves on the ground and a reddish colour adorning your cheeks as well as your neck, your eyes that are continuously blinking and your open mouth
And that’s when he knows
You must be feeling the same way as him
A smile stretching across his face as he sees you’re still in shock
“I-I- y-y-you just I-“
“I’m sorry I didn’t ask before I did it but I’ve been wanting to do that for a while now. I hope you um are okay with that and if not you can hit me or slap me or punch me um I'm fine with that.” He talks over the loud fireworks
And he looks so so so adorably shy as you look at his nervous face with the fireworks still going off
That you tug on his arm to pull him down and plant one on his cheek
The action obviously shocking him but making you feel warm inside
The smell of his light cologne and your nose brushing against his soft cheek
You don’t know what it is
What this night has become
But you know that you want to know Jungwoo better
You want to talk to him about anything and everything that you can
Because he seems like someone great to have 1am talks with, staring outside the window at the stars as you murmur your thoughts
Someone who’d be great to grab ice-cream with on a summer’s day (jaehyun move outta the way)
Someone who’s just willing to do fun and dumb things with you
And as he looks down at you
The redness still prominent on his cheeks but a wide smile on his face, showing off his two front teeth
You forget about your dropped gloves and instead ask if you can give your number to him
Which he all the more gladly gives you his phone for
His home screen being lil puppies with Santa hats in snow
You quickly type in your number and name before handing it back to him
Then before you can give your own phone you hear a loud,
Over the fireworks
Breaking you two out of your little lovey dovey movie scene
A huge herd of guys all attractive and model-like come running to you two
“Are you finished the- oh who’s this?”
A dark-haired boy with bunny teeth looks at you
“Oh um a friend I made on the ride hehe”
The rest of the guys look at you while you smile at them silently thinking in your head
Do friends kiss each other on the cheek and look at each other romantically while watching fireworks????
Cause that so ain’t in your big book of friends are to one another
But most of the guys wave back and smile at you
Making you feel nervous that there’s so much attention on you
“We thought we should leave early to get enough seats at the Cheesecake Factory since it'll get busier later so we’re gonna go now.”
The guy with the fiery red hair and just as fiery bold eyes says to the adorable boy beside you
“Oh okay, um sure yeah......”
Jungwoo turns to face you and your heart drops because
This is a goodbye
To someone you may have over thought and imagined too much about it
And tbh you feel stupid
Because you were creating all these scenarios in your head
When you knew that you were going to have to depart
Leading up to this very moment
Jungwoo looking in your eyes so purely and honestly
“Um I hope you have a Merry Christmas and thank you for going on the ride with me and talking to me :)”
“Thank you for brightening my time and I hope you have a Merry Christmas as well :)” You reply with a small smile
The both of you don’t know what to do next so you awkwardly mumble another bye as he waves at you while walking towards his friends
And a cold feeling runs through you
Because it’s done.
Just like that.
And as you’re watching him walk away laughing with his friends,
He turns back
Giving you a bright smile and pointing up at the sky
You look up to see the popping fireworks still going off but there’s one big one
A big red heart in the sky that fades just as you look at it
Then when you look back down to see Jungwoo
He’s gone
Just like that.
So with a heavy heart you turn back to go to your family who are waiting for you
And you fish your phone out of your bag to see if there’s any messages or missed calls you didn’t see
But there’s none
Until one new one pops up from an unknown number
Thinking that it’s a scam you go to your messages about to delete it when you see your name in the first sentence and some Christmas emojis
[ Text from ————— ] I’m sorry (y/n)🎄💚 I didn’t get the chance to say it in front of my friends cause I’m dumb & shy but.....
Would u like to go out for coffee sometime?😬
I ask this bc I know u possibly might feel the same way about me like I do to you
Ok that doesn’t make sense but um🙇🏻‍♂️🙇🏻‍♂️ I need to buy you a new pair of gloves anyways for the ones you just lost lol
So...... ya..... :)❣️
I’m sorry ok ignore all of this, one of my friends said I sound like a mess and tbh I think he’s right for once
I’m always right - yuta
Sorry about that he just kicked me and grabbed the phone
Ok this is not going well 🤦🏻‍♂️
I’ll just end it off with goodnight so-
Goodnight🌟🌙 (〃ω〃)
You laugh to yourself reading the whole string of random messages but think about what he just said
Your heart blooming with joy and relief as you think about what to say back
And as Jungwoo walks with his friends to catch an Uber
He wonders if you’ll reply as his friends keep telling him that they wouldn’t reply to him for sounding like such a f***up and a newbie at asking someone out
But he feels a small buzz in his pant pocket and excitedly pulls it out to see a “No” on the screen
Cue Jungwoo boutta fall to the ground and his heart shattering in fifty pieces
He opens up the message to see that oh
That’s not the whole text
The whole text reads,
[ Text from (y/n) 🎄❤️💚 ]
I would LOVE to go out for coffee with u and ur loveable self :’))) ❣️💌❣️
And let’s just say mayhaps you made Sir Jungwoo’s head all full of stars with hearts and little elf’s singing and a whole lotta cute stuff!
Because you!!!! Make!!!! His!!!! Heart!!!!
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jayflrt · 3 years
how many roomates do you have? bc that used to happen to me all the time and we were only 3 🤧 i like my new place but it has so many small spaces and my cat hides in there i frEAK OUT EVERYTIME I CAN'T FIND HER and she's just sleeping in a random place. being a cat's mom isn't as easy as i thought
good news, it's already healed!! sending you my best wishes for ur finals, i'm pretty sure you're gonna do great!! pls take care of yourself and keep in mind that you're so much more than a grade. don't forget to rest and eat < 3 oMG FOR REAL? i kinda have a crush on peralta just bc he's funny and a swiftie, that's my standard in men 🤠 kOREAN CORN DOGS??? they're good? i've never had korean food because all the restaurants make it spicy and i'm the weakest person in this planet when it comes to spicy food : ( actually i'm on a summer break, from december to march we don't have classes (unless you've failed a class)
that's like the best new someone can get HAHA i hope you're doing well rn!! have a nice day / night and don't forget to be happy < 3 today i'm having the best day ever bc it's my birthday and i had breakfast with my mum, went shopping with my mother in law, i'm gonna go out now and have lunch with my besties and spend night with my bf,,, for the first time in forever i love being the birthday girl, omg
- 🏹 anon
i have 3 roommates so there’s 4 of us !!! technically we’re housemates tho :o but it’s rlly fun living with them 🥰🥰 next year i’m gonna have 4 roommates so it’ll be 5 of us :o AHAHA CATS HIDE SO MUCH i had to chase my neighbors cat down and omg i had to coax her to come out from under the bed 😭😭 took me like 10 min sobsob but his other cat ran out and we couldn’t find him until the next day ☹️
WOOO i’m glad you’re feeling better !! and thank you soo much love 🥰💖💖 i’ll feel better going into finals with a more positive attitude ♡ AHAHA RIGHT JAKE PERALTA IS JUST ❤️👄❤️ it doesn’t help that he’s funny bc i adore ppl who make me laugh <//3 then again i don’t think it’s hard to make me laugh tho 🏃‍♂️
also yes they were so good !!!! so cheesy and yummy 😵‍💫💕 they look like this <3 also omg can you ask for milder spice ?? :( and you should try kbbq maybe !! it’s all meat so it’s not that spicy HAHAH
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OMG HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOVE 💞💕💘💖💗💝💓💓💘 HOPE YOU ENJOY YOUR SPECIAL DAY AND RECEIVE LOTS OF PRESENTS AND CAKE ♡ send me your biases i will send you bias pics as a present >:)) but that sounds like such a fun time !!! i hope you make the most out of today and have lots of fun 🤩
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kyunsies · 3 years
Hi mädch!!!! I’ve missed you so much but I’ve been so busy…. I’m also extremely busy this week (exam + 2 quizzes + paper + a presentation 😭) but I miss talking to you so here I am! It’s been so long, I honestly don’t know where to start, so this is going to be very long and disorganized! First of all, I hope you’re hanging in there! I know you have 2 exams this week that you’re stressing about a little bit, but I know that you’re going to do your best and get a good score! It also sounds like your clinical rotation is a little stressful, but I’m sure that you’re learning a lot!!
Last time we talked I told you about the hike that I went on with a club after getting no sleep. Well this weekend I’m going on a camping trip with the same club and I think it’s going to be really fun!
I went to goodwill this weekend with my mom (I went home because classes were cancelled on friday for homecoming) and I started getting stuff for my halloween costume (I’m going as a star wars character - Ahsoka) and I found a really cute dress that I can not only use for my costume but that I’m really excited to just wear for fun. I’m still deciding whether I want to go all out for my costume and use body paint and make a headdress and all that, but I’m excited either way!
A bunch of my friends are trying to make plans to go to Halloween Horror Nights at Universal next weekend and I really want to go, but it’s going to be pretty expensive. I’ve never been and I feel like I should be taking advantage of all these opportunities to spend time with my friends since I’m graduating early and won’t get to spend spring semester with them, but I always feel so guilty spending a lot of money like that…. We went out tonight and got tacos and cookies though, so that was nice!
I also really like lord of the flies, but I definitely agree with dkbtho’s recommendation for the little prince, that’s also my favorite book! (I’m literally wearing a little prince shirt rn skdndm) it’s simultaneously very dreamy and fantasy-like but also has some really interesting perspectives on how we view the world around us, ahhh I love it
ALSO I ALMOST FORGOT i skipped ahead and watched the midnight idol for jooheon’s bday and it was so sweet 😭😭 I love their relationship and also I loved the part in honey’s vlive where he watched the message from shownu, I literally sob everytime I see it… also the parts of midnight idol where poor kyun looked so freaked out and tired of the two extreme extroverts he was stuck with skxnsks I love them all so much!
Anyway I hope you have a really good rest of the week and that you take some time to relax between studying for exams and doing clinicals. Love you lots!!!
my love my life HELLO 💗💘💖💕💞💓 gosh i’ve missed talking with you too hun :( how have you been? i’m a bit late to this bc of clinicals and overall just being super exhausted from this week as well but we’re getting through it !!!!! thank you for wishing me luck on my exams angel 🥺 my first exam of the week honestly didn’t go that well :( it was kinda hard ….. but my second exam went well i got a 90% so i was pleased with that !!! omg it seems like you have a lot on your plate tho 😭 how have you been holding up hun? okay???
also !!!!!! are you on your camping trip still ? :o where did you guys go this time? sounds exciting as always !!! 🥰 also AHHH Halloween shopping 🥺 next weekend my friend is inviting me to go to her house for a family Halloween party and she wants us to be Dalmatians ….. which is cute lol but i kowkey don’t wanna go bc there will be lots of drinking (which i’m fine with) but i know she’s going to wanna get drunk and i’ll have just finished clinicals …., i’ll be so tired :/ idk what to do lol :( but omg also about the event at universal !!!! i also tend to feel guilty when dropping so much money but …. is it something you really wanna do? i think you should do it 🥺 just bc you haven’t experienced it yet and you’d probably have a really fun time !!! it’s your call ofc bub <3 let me know what you decide to do !!!
also YAY you like lord of the flies too !!!! :D gosh like books really have to be good to suck me in and i just remember this being so jarring and unlike anything i’ve ever read before :’) special place in my heart !!! i wish i read books for fun but i literally cannot …… there’s no time 😭 have you had time to read anything interesting lately hun? and omg PLEASE when joo came on midnight idol 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 dude i’m literally changkyun when it comes to karaoke jdjdjdjdjd i get so shy and embarrassed literally for no reason at all bc i know it’s fun but idk it just makes me ;______; you know?? KNDJDJD but it was so cute nonetheless 💖 our sweet boys :(
anyways angel again i’m so sorry this is a bit late !!! but i hope you’ve been able to enjoy the weekend too 💓💘💖💕💗💞 i’ve missed talking with you SO much :( pls take care tomorrow love !!!!
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bellarosethefangirl · 2 years
Hello! I'd like to send an application for the Halloween themed matchups please!
I'd like a matuchup from JJBA please! Gender: no gender preferences! My picrew:
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I'm a Pisces sun No preferences for roles between villains, protagonists or side characters! Physical traits: I like either very sharp or very soft faces, round or droopy eyes, taller than me or as tall as me (5'0), good style and proportions, pretty hair Personality type: I like smartness or cleverness or even cunningness just someone who uses their brains well, serious sort of like works hard plays hard personality type Personality traits: Determined, playful, loyal, sarcastic Pet Names: Baby, honey, darling, dear
Cafe theme: Disney's sleeping beauty please!
Present: I have no preference for presents I just like useful gifts that I can use in everyday life
Favorite color: baby pink and baby blue
favorite flower: Honestly none
Favorite dessert: cake! (chocolate or strawberry or maybe cheesecake I cant choose!)
Favorite drink: milk tea
Thank you so so much! 💕This seems so fun!
Hey buddy! It's nice to see you in my inbox and for matchups too! I had a blast making your matchup. Hope your October is going well for you.
Halloween Café Blind Double Dates 💜🎃 Anime Online Date Matchups
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If anyone else is interested in a Halloween Anime matchup Here's a Link for the info. They’ll only be open until October 31st
"Welcome back to my website. A happy spooktober to you. I hope you enjoyed your time with your dates at the sleeping beauty café.”
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“As you can see I’m wearing my princess costume. Your date at the café inspired me to wear this costume. I can see why that blonde guy wanted to go at a café, he smokes like no tomorrow. I could smell him from the screen. Anyways hope you enjoy your results. It’s up to you who you choose.”
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Matchup Applicants:
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Name: Prosciutto
Gender: Male
Description: Determined, loyal, sarcastic, cunning, intimidating, sexy, serious, dangerous, tough, smells like cologne and cigarettes
Moral Alignment: Neutral Evil
Appearance: Tall, blonde, slim/slightly muscular build, fashionable, thick eye lashes, blue eyes, pretty hair, thick eyebrows, sharp features
Occupation: Mafioso, Hitman
Zodiac: N/A (I made a headcanon, Scorpio)
Dating Survey Results: Compatibility 90%
Communication 💌 90%
Emotions 💗 67%
Similar Values �� 85%
Passion 💘 82%
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Name: Yukako Yamagishi
Gender: Female
Description: Determined, playful, loyal, sarcastic, confident, hopeless romantic, clever, works hard plays hard, tough
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Appearance: Plump lips, very soft face, pretty hair, dark hair, fashionable, wavy/curly hair, purple eyes, round eyes, above average height, long legs, long hair
Occupation: Student
Zodiac: Sagittarius
Dating Survey Results: Compatibility 98%
Communication 💌 97%
Emotions 💗 96%
Similar Values 🏡 95%
Passion 💘 100%
Love Meter 💓❣
Yukako Yamagishi
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Zodiacs 💖💫
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Yukako Yamagishi
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Dating Results 💖
Percentages Matches: 0-25%= Bad Match, 26-50%= Poor Match, 60-70%= Decent Match, 70-80%= Good Match, 80-90%= Excellent Match, 90-100%= Perfect Match
1. Prosciutto:
Survey Results: Perfect Match 90%
Love Meter: Deep Admiration 79%
Zodiacs: Pisces + Scorpio Compatibility 97%
Over all Results: 84% Excellent Match
2. Yukako:
Survey Results: Perfect Match 98%
Love Meter: True Love 98%
Zodiacs: Pisces + Sagittarius Compatibility 47%
Over all Results: 97% Perfect Match
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