#i hope you’re having an awesome tuesday bb <3
inkykeiji · 1 year
Ive probably sent a hundred little silly anon asks but im in sucha rush on the internet lately that I forget to put my lil🍓 my grad school program is so intense, its a weekend program so I can work full time during the week and go to school sat/sun but I love u how are you? how are your works going? in-love with flawless tomura and very excited for part 2! I thinkk I tool your poll and I THINK I voted for the twins? oh god see the days morph together >.< heh either way excited for anything!!🍓
strawberrie babie!!!!!!!! i always love seeing u in my inbox ehehehe <33 aw that’s okay! u can always tell me which ones were yours if u ever want them in ur tag! <3 waaaah that does sound intense but it’s also amazing and i am so proud of you!!! i am getting ready to start constructing my own grad school applications :o
i’m okai!! i moved in with my boyfriend and his family so that’s been wonderful but my dad’s been in the hospital since october so that’s not so wonderful. my works are going well thank u for asking!!! i am drowning in wips as u know but it’s a good thing c: oooh did you!!!! i miss the twins very much :( but thank you for your enthusiasm sweetpea i really appreciate it!! <3 i can’t wait to share all of my works with u hehe <33
0 notes
buckys-black-dress · 3 years
a fine line, part four
a/n: heyyy! sorry this part took so long :( i was feeling really shitty this past week, so here it finally is! i hope u guys like it :)
wc: 3.7k words
This week was going... strangely well. 
And of course, it was because of James. 
On Monday when you walked into your first ever shared lecture, everything was already set up. There was even a coffee and breakfast waiting for you, which James graciously handed to you with a bright smile upon your entrance. 
“Good morning, Y/N. Did you sleep well last night?” He asks with an innocent smile, but you knew he wasn’t all that clueless. 
“Good morning James. I did, in fact, sleep very well last night. I hope you did too, because we have a long day ahead of us.” You give a tight smirk with your words, looking at the coffee and bakery bag in his hands. “What’s that?” 
“Oh! For you. This is day one, remember?” He says, handing you them and retreating to his desk. “Also, I spoke to Fury about the class sizes. Although he wasn’t much help and basically told me I was on my own, I did send an email to my students about the way they should behave while you’re here. I don’t want you to be uncomfortable, or anything.” 
“O-oh. Thanks. I really appreciate that.” You mumble, looking down.
“Yeah, of course. Is there anything else you might need to do this?” He asks in a sincere tone. You felt so weird. 
“Uh, no, I don’t think so. Thank you, though.” You smile.
“Well, let’s get started then.” James turns around to open the door, waiting for students to file in until class officially started.
You were extremely nervous, to say the least, but it was comforting knowing that he was trying to make you feel more at home in this space.
Tuesday was more of the same. He, again, brought you breakfast, and had his class in line. But the thing that was different today was the sweet note attached with the lunch he brought.
Y/N, I hope you know how serious I am about all of this. Part of that means paying attention to what you like and don’t like. I know you hate milk in your coffee, large crowds, and when people think English class is a joke. I also know you hate hot coffee, but love tea. And you love grilled cheese, which is what I got you from that café across campus. Enjoy :) -BB
You smiled down at the greasy paper bag, smelling heavenly as ever. Your stomach rumbled after a long lecture with James, and just as you were to plop down into your office chair, a knock sounded from the doorframe, and a large body appearing.
“Hey. Like the lunch?” James asks, his hands in his pockets while walking in slowly.
“Y-Yeah, how’d you know?” You ask, smiling down at the sandwich.
“I mean, I see you there a lot with Nat and Wanda, so I thought I’d treat ya to one. I pay attention to you more than you think.” He says, and your brows pull together as you try not to laugh. “I- that made me sound like a creep.” He looks down in embarrassment.
“It’s alright, James,” you smile, “I really appreciate it. Thank you.” You look down at the warm sandwich again. “Would you like the other half?” You extend it out to him, and he watches with wide eyes.
“Oh, n-no, I wouldn’t wanna impose like that, it was for you-” 
“James, I insist. Please, sit.” You motion to your chair across your desk. 
He sits with you and conversation flows easily between you two, and it was a huge change from where you two stood a month ago. If someone told you a month ago that James Barnes was trying to woo you, to make you accept his apology, then you would’ve laughed in their face. 
But sitting here now, with him, you wouldn’t rather be anywhere else. 
That is, until you hear the clicking of heels from the hall, and a certain redhead peeking her head in your office.
“Oh! Sorry, Y/N, I didn’t realize you already had lunch plans,” Natasha says with a smirk, moving to leave your office. You watched with wide eyes, and you knew she was going to have a word with you about this later.
“Great.” You say, hitting your head against your desk, while James is chuckling from his spot.
“Y’know, she’s definitely somethin’ else.” He laughs, looking at you carefully. “It’s not a bad thing, right?” He asks.
“What’s not a bad thing?” You ask, confused.
“That Natasha saw us in here... together...?” He sounds like he’s asking a question, but he’s not sure.
“No... We’re... friends, right? Friends eat lunch together...” You tell him, although you also sound unsure of yourself.
“Yeah... friends.” Bucky feels his chest tighten in a way he’s only felt a few times in his life before.
You both carry on eating, but you don’t see the way he’s looking at you. It almost looks like... longing.
Wednesday was slowly escalating Bucky’s promise to you. After a long day of teaching, there was a bottle of wine waiting on your desk when you returned to collect your things for the evening. Another note was attached to it.
Dear Y/N, 
Here’s a little something to help you get through tomorrow and Friday. Hope you enjoy. :)
- BB
You look at the bottle, and it’s an aged Sauvignon from France. It was a nice bottle, and you know he took his time picking it out. It made your insides tingle knowing he thought of you and what would impress you. 
You picked up the bottle, looking at it for another minute before sliding it into your bag and gathering your papers and laptop.
You wanted to knock on his door to say thank you, but it was already shut, so you assumed he was either already gone or speaking privately with someone. 
You decided you would just text him to thank him, and with that you decided to leave your office for the night. 
Little did you know, James was having a conversation with one of the students he had come to love and whom he had become very close with over the course of their time together. 
“Dr. B, you weren’t being so subtle in class today, y’know?” The boy’s scratchy voice said.
“What’re ya talkin’ about, Parker?” His voice was tired from lecturing all day, but he couldn’t deny the way his heart rate picked up at the boy’s words.
“Well, with Dr. Y/L/N... I don’t know, you look at her like how I look at MJ...” He tells his professor.
“Well I sure hope so, ‘cause I like her... a lot...” Bucky shoves his head into his hands and takes a deep breath, while the student still stares at him.
“Well why don’t you tell her?!” Peter exclaims, hands flailing around with wide eyes. “You guys would be awesome together! Oh man, I can’t wait to tell MJ, she’s gonna love this- You know Dr. Y/L/N is like, her favorite teacher ever?-” Peter starts rambling, but is cut off by Bucky’s gruff voice.
“L-Listen, kid, it’s not that easy. I messed up with her before, and I’m trying to make it up to her. I did some things that... that I’m not proud of before, and now it’s time for me to win her over, but I’m runnin’ short on ideas, here.” He explains to the youngling.
“Oh- Well, what’re you thinking?” Peter asks, ideas already running through his head. 
And once Bucky explains what happened and what he’d been doing this whole week, Peter jumped in his seat.
“Maybe MJ can help! She sees her like, every day anyways, so maybe we can like, ask her to do something. Something subtle, but something Dr. Y/L/N will know is from you. We all know she doesn’t like all that flashy crap.”
And so the two got to planning the rest of the week, and came up with ways to have MJ help as well, just to add that little somethin’ for you.
Thursday went by in a flash, but there was something by lunchtime that you couldn’t shake from your thoughts. 
James hadn’t done anything today, and you were scared.
Scared that he gave up, that he doesn’t care anymore.
Scared that you’re not worth it anymore. 
By 3 PM, you couldn’t help but feel small and like a fool. You were sitting at your desk between classes, trying to work on some grading to take your mind off the events of the day.
Or lack thereof.
Until there was a knock at your door, a knock you’ve known for almost two years now. 
“MJ, come in! How are you today, hun?” You ask in the cheeriest voice you can muster right now. 
One of your most treasured students walks in and sets her bag down on the chair in front of your desk.
“Hi Dr. Y/L/N. I have a message for you.” She tells you very vaguely. You raise an eyebrow at the girl, but allow her to continue with a brief nod.
“Uhm, alright?” You tell her.
“Y/N,” you raise your brows at the use of your first name, “I know I haven’t always been the kindest you. I know that I’ve made you doubt me and my honesty. And I know we got off on the wrong foot, but I’d like to change that. I’ve spent the better part of this week trying to figure out how I was going to make you understand just how sorry I am for the way I treated you. I made you feel like you weren’t enough, that you were the problem, but in the end, I had to sit and think.
This was all my fault. I made us this way, but now it’s up to me to fix it. I hope you know, you are one in a million, and I want you to see that. I want you to see yourself the way I see you. So, I have a simple favor to ask of you. Tomorrow night, be ready at seven o’clock sharp in your prettiest dress. Love, James.” 
And before your brain could even process the fact that James was asking you out on a date and calling you beautiful, the door opened once again, and a student you’ve often seen milling in and out of James’ office.
He was holding a bouquet of assorted flowers of beautiful greenery and colors that you’ve never even imagined of. 
“Hi Dr. Y/L/N. These are for you.” He hands them to you, and remember his name to be Peter Parker, MJ’s boyfriend. 
“Oh- Oh my God, thank you, Peter. And you too, MJ. You’re both absolute gems.” You say with a severe blush dusting your face. 
“Of course, Doctor. That’s all we’ve got for our part, have a good rest of your day.” MJ smiles as she grabs Peter’s hand and leave your office.
You wave them off and give them a sweet smile. 
You stare down at the floral arrangement in your hands, and couldn’t contain the wide smile that you had spread across your face.
You had only seen James through class today, and it had gone extremely well. You gave a full lecture, and your lesson plans had been going over really well with the class. Although James hadn’t done anything today, it had lifted your mood to see you were doing well with this lesson. 
But now, you were over the moon, and nothing could ruin your day.
You slowly bounded into James’ office, finding him facing away from the door, murmuring something to himself as he flicked his eyes from his computer to the papers in front of him. 
“Hey, stranger.” You say with another grin that made James’ stomach flutter at the sight. You were leaning against his door frame, bag slung across your shoulder and the flowers in hand.
“H-Hey. How are you?” He asks, standing up from his chair.
“I’m doing great. Better than I was earlier today. I uh... I thought you’d...given up on me,” you try to laugh it off, trying to make it look much less dramatic than you initial thoughts.
“Hey, hey, look at me.” He walks up to you, tipping your chin up where your eyes meet his icy baby blues. “You... You are so important. Especially to me, and don’t let anyone make you feel otherwise. I know I did it in the past, and there’s nothing I wish I could take back more than that.” He looks at you with such conviction, such purpose, that all you can do is nod numbly and stare back.
“I, uhm, Lucy’s waiting for me at home, I have to go. But I’ll see you tomorrow.” You say softly, still holding his gaze.
“Okay, see you tomorrow. Have a good night, doll.” He says, softly smiling and backing away, but still facing you.
“Bye.” You smile, walking away.
“Bye.” James returns, a silly smile on his face.
“Bye.” You say again, laughing.
“Bye!” You hear him yell, but you were already out of his office. 
You hear his laughter mixing with yours, and you couldn’t wipe the stupid smile off your face for the rest of the night. Not when you got home and fed Lucy, not when you put the flowers in a vase, and certainly not as you fell asleep.
Friday was possibly the slowest day ever. You were in class all morning, and you were still giddy from yesterday. The lesson had gone exceptionally well, especially after the breakfast James brought you. 
You ate lunch with Nat and Wanda, having not sat down to have an in-depth conversation with them in quite a while.
“Soooo... what’s up with you and Bucky?” Natasha gives you one of her devious smirks, and she knew exactly what she was doing.
“Well, he’s been doing this... thing this week where he’s making it up to me for... everything, I guess?” You say. “And we’re going on a date tonight.” You don’t meet their eyes, but theirs widen as they share a look.
“And you didn’t think to tell us, you bitch?!” Wanda hits your arm, laughing out a scoff.
“I-I mean, it was a whole deal. He like- you know MJ and Peter? They came in and did this thing in my office, MJ read a whole note from him, and then Peter came in with a bouquet of these beautiful flowers. And then I went to his office to thank him, and we had this... interaction like... like it was magic.”
The way you spoke in awe had Natasha and Wanda confused, but also in awe. They were happy for you, after all you’d been through, it was comforting seeing you like this. You deserved to be happy.
“That’s really great, Y/N,” Natasha gently placed her hand over yours. Her smile was sincere, just like Wanda’s. You were genuinely happy in this moment. Not only with the prospect of your date tonight, but because of the people you were surrounded with. You were grateful for these two, because you didn’t know where you’d be without them. 
“So, are you two gonna help me get ready for my date tonight?” You ask expectantly, to which both redheads say,
“Duh!” And all three of you burst into a fit of giggles.
So now, here you were. It was an hour before James was set to pick you up, and you were dat at your vanity while Wanda curled the ends of your hair. Nat had picked out a gorgeous black dress for you, with strappy heels and a short cardigan for some cover-up. You had a robe on while you were waiting for Wanda to finish, so you could do your makeup. That’s all that was left, and the anticipation for 7 o’clock was killing you.
“Y/N, I can practically hear you thinking so hard,” Wanda laughs, patting your shoulder.
“Sorry, I just- I’m nervous. I haven’t been on a date since... since forever. I don’t wanna mess this up, especially with him.” You explain to them.
“Y/N, think of like this... he’s making it up to you. You don’t have anything to worry about. He’s the one doing the impressing.” Natasha tells you, and you understand a little bit.
“Yeah, he’s the one owing it to you. You have nothing to worry about, dear.” Wanda reassures.
“Y-You’re right, guys. Okay, let me do my makeup, and then I’m ready.” You smile, because even though you were nervous you were also excited. This was a surprise, and you couldn’t wait to see what James had planned.
As 7 o’clock rolled around, Nat and Wanda eventually left. You were waiting by the door downstairs, waiting to see a car pull around, but instead what you saw made your eyes widen.
You peeked your head out the door, seeing James.
On a motorcycle.
“Absolutely not, James!” You yell, not even for a second thinking it was funny.
He doesn’t say anything, just moving off the bike and walking up to you. 
“Y/N... you look... beautiful.” He takes your hand in his, completely ignoring how you were not amused by the bike.
“J-James, I’m serious. No.” 
“Y/N, I promise, you’ll be just fine. You’re in good hands.” He leads you to the bike, pulling out a helmet for you. 
“Do you not own a car?” You whine, really not wanting to get on this death trap.
“You know I do, but I like to keep the element of surprise, doll.” He smirks that smirk, and you know you’re not getting out of this. 
“Ugh, fine. Let’s go before I change my mind.” You say, waiting for him to get on first.
As you climb on, you wait for him to adjust himself, and you hesitate when the time comes to wrap your arms around his torso; your hands were just awkwardly hovering around him.
“Don’t be shy, doll.” You hear him say, suddenly just planting your arms into place quickly.
As James starts to drive, you feel yourself moving closer and closer to his body, eventually hugging up against him.
Bucky feels your body against his, and he can feel your heart beating wildly in your chest and every breath you take. He can feel it when he does something just a little bit risky on the bike, and how your breath catches in your throat.
And maybe he was doing them on purpose to feel your arms tighten around him even further. 
By the time you reach where he’s taking you, you’re sure you look like a mess. Helmet head, mascara smudged under your eyes. But Bucky can’t help but feel that this is the most beautiful you’ve ever looked.
You were perched on a lookout point of the city, and there was a large setup waiting for the two of you. A large blanket splayed across the grass, small lanterns scattered across the expanse of land along with a few baskets of food.
“Wow...” You couldn’t help but stare in awe at the scene. Bucky had really taken the time to arrange all of this... for you.
“Do ya like it? I know it’s not the ideal traditional first date, but I didn’t wanna take you to some fancy restaurant, and-”
“Bucky, it’s absolutely perfect.” You cut off his rambling and take ahold of his hand, leading him to the blanket and you both sit down.
“So, how did you even come up with this?” You ask, watching him pull out the food and a bottle of wine.
“Well, I’ll admit... it wasn’t all me. I had a lot of help from Steve and Sam, because at first I had no clue what to do. I didn’t know how to really make it special, so we sat down and planned this whole thing.” He explains.
“Well, make sure to pass on a thank you to them from me.” You giggle, taking a sip of the wine he poured you.
“You got it, doll.” He laughs, and you two continue to talk and drink until you felt a chill run through you from a cool breeze building up due to the cold air.
And of course, Bucky notices. You watch him pull out another blanket, opening it to cover himself, but he holds up the other end and looks to you.
“C’mon, it’s getting colder, isn’t it?” Bucky asks with a gentle smile.
You nod, scooting closer to him to get under the blanket. And maybe it was the warmth from the wine you had, or the blanket or being so close to Bucky, but you felt very warm and comfortable in that moment.
“The lights are so... pretty from up here. Everything looks so small from up here.” You tell him.
“Hmm... it is really beautiful.” You hear his gruff voice from his chest, and you look up at him from your spot with your head on his shoulder.
He was looking right at you, and you momentarily see his eyes flicker from yours to your lips. It felt like gravity was pulling you two closer together, and eventually your eyes both slip closed and all you can feel is the warmth of his lips on yours. 
And you never usually kiss on the first date, but this was different.
Bucky was different.
When you pull away from him, you struggle to open your eyes again, for the fear that this was all a dream and you’ll wake up if you do.
“Angel, open your eyes. Look at me.” Bucky says, and you do as he says.
You looked like a real life angel to him. Swollen lips, hair flowing in all directions from his hands being run through it and the wind from the motorcycle. Under the blanket, your hands placed on his shoulders, basically in his lap. 
And this is when Bucky knew.
This was heaven. There was absolutely nowhere else he ever wanted to be than with you.
Your eyes searched his, and all you could find was adoration, infatuation, and... love.
And this is when you knew.
You were in love with Bucky Barnes.
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speachlesspeach · 7 years
Once you get this you have to say five things you like about yourself, publicly. Then, you have to send this to ten of your favorite followers. (non-negotiable, positivity is cool~) 💛
1. I like my writing on Tuesdays. For some reason, my ability to write somehow correctly with both hands is only available on Tuesdays lmao.
2. I like my ability to play badminton :3 I plan on getting better at it if I can!
3. I like my capacity to listen. I think I’m a pretty good listener!
4. I like that I can plan things well, whether it’s just meeting a friend or going on a trip!
5. I like my humour! I like to think of myself as a pretty funny person and irl I always try to be a clown when I can.
I hope you’re doing awesome bb!!
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imsarabum · 7 years
Responses to {Part 16} I Won’t Stop You // Jeon Jungkook, Vampire!AU Asks~
Please ‘Keep Reading’ to find my response to your ask ^^ As always, I have copied and pasted all asks into this post in regards to last night’s chapter to avoid clogging up people’s dashboards and to avoid spoilers for those who may still wish to read the chapter. Thank you ^^ 
Anonymous said: I FORGOT IT WAS TUESDAY AHHH!!! can't wait for the next chapter 😘😘
I hope you enjoyed it!
Anonymous said: I won't stop you is almost here I'm gonna die bitch I'm ready for it
Pls donut die ;c lol I hope you liked the chapter :D
@wang-banana said: EIGHT ON TIME IM SO EXITED
@succingjimin said: ITS HERE!!! I WONT STOP YOU!!!!!!
It’s hereeeee! lolol thank you babe I hope you enjoyed it :D
Anonymous said: I just wanted to tell you that I absolutely love I wont stop you. It kind of became a 'safe-place' for me, if i may say so. I've been feeling really empty and down for the past few months, but with this series i have something to look forward to every tuesday and for that i am really grateful! The story, even if its angst (which i like! ...well ;-; as long as it has a happy ending hopefully), lifts my mood and makes me forget some thoughts! Thank you so much for writing it! Have a great day! <3
Oh my goodness ^^ This makes me really happy to hear that it has become a safe place for you to escape the feelings of emptiness. I can empathise with you as I too, have intense feelings of emptiness (but feeling everything so intensely as well - confusing, I know.) I’m so grateful that something I do helps you to look forward to every Tuesday and it can calm you down a little~ I won’t lie; the story will contain a lot of sad/rage parts, but I think the ending may be one that will make you happy c: Thank you my dear and I hope you have a day that is as wonderful as you.
Anonymous said: Oh my god can i just tell you how MUCH i love the subtle fluff here and there!!! I love how JK thought of her as 'my Y/N' i love how lowkey jealous he got when he thought of another mans hands on you body/or parts of your body that belonged only to him. i love how tae and jimin could smell the ~mating~ LOL Even i giggled there! Especially because, well, jk is a fcking dom and i love it! Oh, btw, do you have any idea around how many chapters it will have? or are you just going with the flow? :)
Ahhh thank you so much for loving the ‘my (Y/N)’ bit! When I put that in, it made me feel super, super soft c: I’m a bit like the reader in a sense that sometimes, I feel that overprotective boyfriends and such are kind of lowkey problematic but...sometimes - it makes me feel super smug and happy at the thought? It’s probably an unpopular opinion. I like people being protective over me! lol  THE SMELL OF LOVEEEEE IN THE AIR~ *wink* hehe. And actually, I have NO idea how many chapters there will be! I have an outline for the rest of the story but I usually stop around 5,000 words for each chapter. But there is still a lot to happen, so it won’t be ending any time soon :D Thank you so much for reading!
@semisweetsuga said: Taehyung - a blessing. This story - a blessing. You - a blessing. 16 was so good Sara!!! I loved it!!!!! Love, your gay nerd
You: the biggest blessing on planet earth - end of story, no if’s, and’s or but’s ^^ My gay nerd lmfao I love you v much my dear and I hope you’re doing well (sorry I’m a piece of shit and I never reply on line; I’ve been an anti-social mop recently) Thank you for still liking me even tho I’m a terrible friend :c
@jynxy24 said: Sara, damn you. IWSY came out and I was SCREAMING! Now, Yoongi is going after reader for, whatever reason more than one, I'm pretty sure that this is gonna turn into some sort of love triangle. :D I mean, I hope so. (Smut pls) I'm not perverted, I swear!(Kill me)  But! If yoongi decides to change for reader, I WILL LOVE YOU TO DEATH! Not that I don't, I WILL ALWAYS! Keep staying awesome please, love ya!
Jynxyyyy~~ YOU WANT A VAMP YOONKOOK THREESOME? Damn - rest in peace if that ever happened Cx Hehe I can’t promise that something like that may or may not happen, but I won’t promise it won’t either. Are you confused yet? Good ^.^ muahaha~ I love you too my dear and thank you so much for reading the new chapter!
@moonlighthollow said: Omg the story is getting better and better I'm so hyped😲😍 i wanna read the next part so badly😭😢 but i know you need some time to write it and i fully respect that so no pressure hahah I'll wait😄♥IT'S JUST SO DAMN GOOD 😍
Ahhh I’m so happy that you think that my love! And no haha don’t worry I know you don’t mean it like that, it makes me super hyped that you’re really looking forward to the next part! So don’t worry at all c: Thank you a million times for reading the new part and I hope you’ll look forward to next week’s too!!
Anonymous said: You are such an amazing writer,I love you <3 Thank you so much for the update and posting a new chapter every single week, honestly it makes my Tuesday a whole lot better.I really can't wait for when Jungkook tell Y/N that he's a vampire, I am sure she'll love his regardless :) High key loving those vmin moments, its so cute :D Yoongi though what is he planning?! Can't wait for the next part , thank you again <3
Awhjfsgijwnegw I love you too *hugs* There’s no need to thank me because it’s my pleasure! I really enjoy uploading for all you guys and I will always try my 100% best to upload on time and thankfully I have been able to keep that promise since I began this blog with any series that I’ve written! (Actually, sidenote - when this series ends, I hope to do a small 1-3 chapters on Vmin and how they came to be; just for all of us lovely Vmin shippers out there :3) Thank you very much for reading my series lovely!
@audreymv said: I bet Yoongi wants to turn her. Omg I am so in edge and I am not ready but pleasw let her understand that Jungkook is a good vampire. Gosh Jimin is so cute and how he is just with Tae is just, my heart hurts and just flutters for them and dang Jungkook I PRAY FOR HIM. Literally loving this series
Hello cutie! hehe yes all the adorable Vmin moments~ (tbh, I kind of ship Taehyung with everyone...he’s just too adorable my lil bb aw) I’m super happy that you’re loving the series babe :D Thank you so much for reading the new chapter :D
Anonymous said: Sara these updates need to be longer I'm hungry for more 😛😛😛😛 I can't wait for next Tuesday
Loooonger?! It was 5k words! Hehe~ Thank you for reading and I really hope you enjoy next weeks chapter too my love! :D
Anonymous said: I'm so happy that I finally found a story that leaves me wanting more and makes me look forward to the next chapter! Like, I look forward to Tuesday's now because of IWSY. And the new chapter is amazing as per usual 😊. I am very happy that you write because your writing is ACTUALLY AMAZING!! I love your writing and I love this story!!!! Looking forward to what will happen next!!!❤️❤️ ~Ro
Hey Ro! I’m glad you found a story that leaves you wanting more :D Ahh you’re making me blush so much with all your wonderful words and compliments *hides* Thank you so much, I really don’t deserve such words ^^ You’re amazing and I hope you have a wonderful day my love. Thank you from the bottom of my heart ^^
Anonymous said: When you thought the dress was finally gonna be revealed BUT IT HASN'T YET OMG I'M GONNA DIE OF SUSPENSE
Anonymous said: IWSY is so goooooddddd. Like I'm hella shook rn. You're writing is amazing. It's so hard to find a quality fanfic these days. Thank you for blessing us all with these amazing stories. I'll be back next Tuesday ready for some of that good stuff. I love you! ~New Anon, BabyKookie
Hello lil BabyKookie ^^ Ah >< your compliments are so wonderful - I appreciate them so much, thank you babe :) I’m really happy to know that you’re enjoying my series and that you’re looking forward to the future chapters! I love you too and I hope you have an amazing day/night! :D
Anonymous said: Omg what are the jeons gonna think of y/n??? Like if they knew they guk and yn? Would they accept their pure son? Also I love gay tae and jimin. I WANT TO KNOW WHAT JIMIN WAS SAYING THE DRESS CAN WAIT A SEC OMG
I wonder too, indeed! Will the King and Queen of the Eternal Kingdom accept the fact their son - the Prince, has fallen in love with a human? D: I hope so! :c hehe~ Ahhh my Vmin feels recently c: Thank you so much for reading my dear ^^
@kpop-everythings said: I have got wait till next Wednesday now 😫. Fuck you time distance, fuck you to eternity and beyond.
To eternity and beyond hehe awww I’m sorry my love! Thank you so much for reading and I hope you’ll like next weeks parts too! ^^
Anonymous said: Oooooooohhhh what's gonna happen at the ball oml I can't wait for the next part! I have so many questions that I know you won't answer fml I just have to wait week after week but that's ok cuz it's so worth the wait every time. You're such an amazing writer tbh. I love this series so much and I love you ! Also where do you get inspiration from and how did you come up with this story cuz it's just soooooo good I'm ded
You’re damn right I won’t give anything away ;D Hehe thank you so much for reading and I love you too! Way back in March 2016, I had started to plan a Vampire series. But, due to a few reasons, I couldn’t begin it/post it (which I can’t really talk about lol). But - someone sent in a request asking for a VampKook smut around 18 weeks ago. So - I decided to use that opportunity to turn it into a series with all of my hard work creating lore and history and background to a world inside my head! I’m so happy that you like it :3
@cynicalspacehoe said: Okay first of all: OH MY GOD. "I Won't Stop You" is the best fanfiction I've ever read (and I've read many, trust me). I know that what I'm about to say is a little cheesy and may sound exaggerated but... this fic keeps me going. Well, technically you do. Week after week, I'm always longing for a new chapter. It kind of feels like a reward for surviving another week and it really helps. Thank you for writing this amazing story, keep going!
It’s not cheesy ahhh don’t worry - even at that, cheesy is great a lot of the time c: I’m really honoured that you feel my series is a reward for surviving a week - and if that’s what keeps you going for a while, then I am truly humbled and happy to be a part of that reason. Thank you for reading my series and I hope that you have an amazing week my love ^^
@manibbunny said: i loved the new episode! and i'm biting my nails just thinking about what will happen when yoongi shows up at the ball and omfg what will y/n do when he tells her?! will she accept him? or will she run away and never talk to him? i'm hoping it's the first lol *is lowkey thirsty for angst* shhh
Thank you so much babe! I’m so happy you enjoyed it :3 Hmmm will she accept him or run away? What if Yoongi catches her if she runs away? ;O hehe~ I hope you enjoy the future chapters too and thank you once again :3
Anonymous said: So will we be seeing Jungkook busting a move at the ball??? Getting down to some red velvet? Maybe??
Maybe real life Jungkook would :P But not 400 year old Prince of the Eternal Kingdom Jeon Jungkook xD It would be funny tho! hehe~
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blessedforeternity · 6 years
A Work That I Prayed For.
It wasn’t really in my plans. It just so happen na I was browsing through this job hunting site that I came across this job opening in APEC - QC. The first thing I did was to check the QC branches that APEC has. (Pero syempre I checked din if qualified ba ako sa position, and the good thing is that they aren’t really requiring a graduate of a specific course). I decided to submit an application thinking that there’s no harm in trying. hehe.
Last March 14, I received a text from their HR and I was invited to have an initial interview the next day. I didn’t prepare that much, I just prayed to have a smooth interview. Buti na lang naging familiar ako sa Makati coz previous work allowed me to walk through the streets of this area hehehe at hindi ako naligaw at na-late. So on my initial interview, it was a brief background check. Alam nyo ba yung feels na “Shucks parang pasado na ako” hahaha kasi yung interviewer naga-agree sa mga sinasabi ko during the interview. I also felt excited when I learned of the nature of the job, that I will be interacting with students(and parents heheh). When I heard “students” naging heart-shaped yung mata ko HIHI. Nakatulong rin talaga yung experiences in life to the position that I was applying for. It lasted for about 30 - 45 mins lang and the advise was to wait for her text the next day regarding my schedule for 2nd interview with the School Head if it will push thru on Monday. BUT around 5:30-ish in the afternoon, I received a text na I was scheduled for an interview with the school head the following day (Friday) at 10AM. EHHHH NASA GALAAN AKO THAT NIGHT W/ COLLEGE FRIENDS!!! So I decided to go home early so that I could prepare. 
So the following day, March 16 I arrived early sa branch (1hr & 30 mins) kaya nanood na lang ako ng CCTV footage HAHAHA while waiting for my turn, I met my 3rd year high school Health teacher (Hello po, Ma’am Nice! Ang nice nyo po talaga huhu blessing po kayo!!) When she heard that I was applying, she didn’t hesitate to refer me (I DID NOT ASK FOR IT PERO GRACE ‘TO NI LORD!!!! --- Before ako mag-apply meron na daw talaga dapat kukunin for that position kaso... nagkaproblem ata dun AND kasi nga may referral ako HUHUHUHUBELS) But I still gave my best sa interview. “IMPRESSIVE” - yan ang feedback sa akin ng School Head, and I do not take the credit on this. It was all because of Jesus. HOW? Read more hehehe. After the interview, I went straight to Elevate U-belt. Timing lang rin talaga na that week, I wasn’t song leading. I took a rest (and sabi rin ni ate Mons kasi 3 consecutive weeks na ako kumakanta) and also to focus on my job hunting. That afternoon, nagcharge ako ng phone sa Elevate office, and I was helping out sa rehearsals ng Selah. While I was away, HR called palaaaaaa and I wasn’t able to answer it!!!!!!! I didn’t call back kasi landline yung ginamit and wala ako pantawag :( but I waited until Monday, they called again and I was scheduled for final background check on March 20, Tuesday.
On my last background check, I was interviewed by the HR Supervisor. That same day, I got the job offer!! I could’ve signed that day but I decided not to so that I could discuss the offer to my parents as well (since I always take a big consideration with what my parents would say). Lo and behold, they gave their blessing on it! PRAISE GOD <3 So I went back to Makati last March 22 to sign the contract. YAAAAAAAAAAAS after almost 2 months, I got work na! My prayer during this season was to have work by the end of March and the Lord answered it with a “YES”!! 
I had a training last March 27 kahit hindi pa yun yung official start ko, I attended the training because learning never stops YEHES HAHAHA. TODAY, April 2, is my first day in this company and I had my orientation today. Sobrang nakakaexcite lalo kasi mas nadiscuss yung mga concerns ko regarding this work. Ang saya nga kasi 1 Hour lang yung byahe from San Mateo to Makati pero 5am naman ako umalis hahaha
I am really excited kasi there are opportunities to grow in all aspects, opportunities to take students to the next LEVEL (YEP, ELEVATE PA RIN), and opportunities to be a BLESSI(E)NG. Who would have thought that my teaching background in NXTGen, my involvement with ELEVATE, my English language practice in my International Internship and my customer service experience in the hospitality industry and with my previous work would be the keys to be blessed with this job?
Sobrang orchestrated lahat ni LORD. Dami kong iyak pero grabe yung joy na kapalit. Yung timing, ang perfect kasi wala pang Live, so ‘di ako masyado mao-occupy ng ministry work(SELAH HEHEHE) during my adjusting and training period. My skills and passion nandun sa work!! I’m truly joyful that it turned out like this. Faithful talaga si Lord sa promises Nya, sa provisions, faithful Sya in all aspects. 
“God has to hide from us what He does, until, due to the growth of our personal character, we get to the level where He is then able to reveal it.”
This time, I would like to praise and thank God for the people He used to serve as a blessing (in any way) and an encouragement to me during the time that I was feeling really down in my job hunting season. HELLO THERE UNANG UNA, SELAH HEADS (BabyGirl Thumbs Down, Sensitive Snowflake, VIP Bb Boi) kahit na puro pambabash sa isa’t isa ginagawa nyo, yes kayo lang kasi Messengerl lang naman ako diba HAHAH nakakaencourage yung presence nyo. hehe kasi tawang tawa ako lagi pag nag aaway na kayo LOL charot. Pero seriously, blessing kayo talaga in many ways lagi nyo ako pinapatawa huhu. Lalo na u, ate Mons special mention kasi lagi kita kapartner tuwing prayer time hahahahahaha iba talaga prayer ng righteous =)) I’m excited for the next school year!!! Cute nating 4 bawal umangal walang pataasan dito.
To my prayer partners, Elevate Ubelt FTWs, Jazzel, ate Juve, Jonela, ate Abi, ate Nica, trOPPA, my dgroupmates and my girls (Dana and Hurlyne) and of course my PPG, your prayers are highly appreciated!! Thank you for your support huhu
To my college beshies & HS bff, I hope this encouraged you to persevere with whatever you’re experiencing right now. Know that I’m here for you always, backing u up with prayers. <3 mahal ko kayo!!
To ate Zsa, thank you because you are there always. Encouraging me, praying for me, helping me grow. I love you. :)
To my pamili. My pamileee howmaygash. My sisters, titos, titas, cousins, our family prayer night every month allowed us to build a better relationship with each other. Thank you, for continuously praying for me, and for your suggestions on how I can improve sa work.
To Mommy and Daddy!!! hehe Iba talaga ang wisdom ng magulang. The Lord again showed His grace and love through you. Thank you for your unending support and love. Love you powsxz
To Jesus, my Master and Savior, the Risen King. This is all because of You and this is all for You. All glory, honor and praise to You.
“O Lord, You are a great and awesome God! You always fulfill Your covenant and keep Your promises of unfailing love to those who love You and obey Your commands.” Daniel 9:4
HELLOOOOO APEC V-Luna, I’m ready! 
Please continue to pray for me that I may be successful (To do what God wants me to do and to be what He wants me to be that He may be able to say “Well done, good and faithful servant.”) in this new place. To be a salt and light. To do my best in everything, to honor my authorities, to honor God and to keep my eyes on Jesus. THANK YOUUUU!
para akong nag graduation speech HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA
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thebibliophagist · 6 years
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Way back in 2015, I did Perpetual Page Turner’s end-of-year book survey.  I could have sworn I also did it last year, but I guess I didn’t!  Here are this year’s answers.  I’d love to know your thoughts as well.  Feel free to shoot me a message!
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Number of books you read: 140! Number of re-reads: 1 Genre you read the most from: romance
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1. Best book you read in 2017?  Hands down, The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas. 2. Book you were excited about and thought you were going to love more but didn’t? The Fortunate Ones by R.S. Grey. 3. Most surprising (in a good or bad way) book you read? Maybe Kissing Max Holden by Katy Upperman?  I thought it was going to be a cutesy book about a romance between neighbors but it really just ends up being about a guy cheating on his girlfriend. 4. Book you pushed the most people to read? I don’t think I’ve really pushed a lot of books this year, but I do incessantly recommend anything by Krista & Becca Ritchie. 5. Best series you started in 2017? I mostly read standalones this year, but I could definitely go with Krista & Becca Ritchie’s new Like Us series. 6. Best sequel of 2017? Again with the Ritchies... Infini for sure. 7. Best series ender of 2017? Our Dark Duet by Victoria Schwab. 8. Favorite new author you discovered in 2017? R.S. Grey. 9. Best book from a genre you don’t typically read? Milk and Honey by Rupi Kaur. 10. Most action-packed/thrilling/unputdownable book of the year? I don’t read a lot of books that fit that description, but I did have a hard time putting S.D. Grimm’s Summoner down, so we’ll go with that. 11. Book you read in 2017 that you’re most likely to re-read next year? I don’t do re-reads unless required. 12. Favorite cover of a book you read in 2017? A Million Junes by Emily Henry. 13. Most memorable character of 2017? Farrow Keene from the Like Us series. 14. Most beautifully written book read in 2017? I know it’s a really polarizing book, but I loved E. Lockhart’s writing in We Were Liars. 15. Most thought-provoking or life-changing book of 2017? Hmm, what a question. Maybe We Should All Be Feminists? 16. Book you can’t believe you waited until 2017 to finally read? I read a lot of 2017 and 2018 releases and not a lot of older books, but I could probably go with either Brown Girl Dreaming or Everything, Everything. 17. Favorite passage or quote from a book you read in 2017? This is not a deep or thought-provoking passage, but I loved this line in My Lady Jane since it was such a funny Monty Python reference: “Who are you calling beef-witted?” she laughed at him. “Your mother was a hamster, and your father stank of elderberries!” 18. Shortest and longest books of 2017? According to Goodreads, my shorted was To Cast a Cliche by Aubrey Wynne (15 pages) and my longest was Second Chance Seal by BB Hamel (712 pages).  There’s no way that book was 712 pages, though, so I’m going with A Conjuring of Light by V.E. Schwab (624 pages). 19. Book that shocked you the most (plot twist, character death, etc)? All the Bright Places.  See below. 20. OTP OF THE YEAR -- I will go down with this ship: Luka Kotova and Baylee Wright in Infini. Give me all of the pining from afar. 21. Favorite non-romantic relationship of the year? The Hale/Meadows/Cobalt siblings in the Like Us series! 22. Favorite book you read in 2017 from an author you’ve read previously? I’m so sorry but I have to do Infini again. 23. Best book you read in 2017 that you chose solely based on a recommendation from someone else or peer pressure? The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice & Virtue by Mackenzi Lee. 24. Newest fictional crush from a book you read in 2017? Davis Price from Arm Candy or Julian Lefray from The Allure of Julian Lefray. 25. Best 2017 debut? The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas. It’s the best book I’ve read in years. 26. Best worldbuilding or most vivid setting you read this year? Maybe 27 Hours by Tristina Wright?  I didn’t read a lot of books this year that really needed a lot of worldbuilding. 27. Book that put a smile on your face or was the most fun to read? My Lady Jane by Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton, and Jodi Meadows. 28. Book that made you cry or nearly cry in 2017? So I actually very rarely cry while reading, but a ton of books just decimated my heart this year.  The Fortunate Ones by R.S. Grey, A Conjuring of Light by V.E. Schwab, and All the Bright Places by Jennifer Niven immediately come to mind. 29. Hidden gem of the year? I’ll call this hidden because I haven’t brought it up a lot -- Operation Prom Date by Cindi Madsen. 30. Book that crushed your soul? Ugh, definitely A Conjuring of Light by V.E. Schwab. I’m still not over Holland and it’s been months! 31. Most unique book you read in 2017? Probably The Passion of Dolssa by Julie Berry. It’s not often that you find a YA novel set in Inquisition-era France that focuses on a young woman who hears the voice of God. 32. Book that made you the most mad? All the Bright Places by Jennifer Niven.  I think the author had good intentions, but the book was really irresponsible. I wrote a really detailed review if you’re interested.
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1. New favorite book blog you discovered in 2017? I’ve been following the same handful of book blogs for years, but I did recently start following girlxoxo, which has been a lot of fun. 2. Favorite review you wrote in 2017? I’ve written 140 book reviews this year (possibly more, because I was a little delayed at reviewing book from the end of 2016) so this is a really hard question! I think my spoiler-filled, semi-ranty, essay-length review of A Conjuring of Light is probably my favorite. I got so emotional about that book. The thought of Holland still breaks my heart.  Here we go again... 3. Best discussion or non-review post that you had on your blog? According to my blog stats, it’s my top ten anticipated releases for the second half of 2017. 4. Best event that you participated in (author signings, festivals, virtual events, memes)? I don’t do a lot of events because of social anxiety, but I’m trying! I joined Krista & Becca Ritchie’s Fizzle Force and try to participate in the events there.  I would love to go to a signing but I feel like I’d probably just clam up and forget how to speak. 5. Best moment of bookish/blogging life in 2017? Alright, there are two. First was getting an ARC of Renegades by Marissa Meyer, which was totally unexpected and totally awesome. Second was that publishes and authors started reaching out and offering me ARCs this year, which was also totally unexpected and totally awesome. 6. Most challenging thing about blogging or your reading life this year? Definitely moving! It took up so much time and so much effort! I don’t think I read anything for at least a month. 7. Most popular post this year on your blog? My review of Renegades by Marissa Meyer! 8. Post you wish got a little more love? Probably Top Ten Tuesdays in general. I love doing these lists and I usually end up putting a lot of time and effort into them.  Sometimes they’re hits and sometimes they get literally zero attention. 9. Best bookish discovery (sites, stores, etc)? Probably booko, which compares prices between major retailers, and bookoutlet, which has huge discounts on popular titles. 10. Did you complete any reading challenges or goals that you had set for yourself at the beginning of this year? Yes! I completed my goal of reading 125 books, the 2017 Debut Author Challenge, and both Modern Mrs. Darcy reading challenges. I keep track of my challenges here if you’re interested.
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1. One book you didn’t get to in 2017 that will be your #1 priority in 2018? Probably Saint Anything by Sarah Dessen, which I got in 2016 and planned to read in 2017. Hopefully, 2018 will be its year. 2. Book you’re most anticipating for 2018 (non-debut)? That’s a really hard question because I’m anticipating so many books, but probably My Lady Jane by Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton, and Jodi Meadows. 3. 2018 debut you’re most anticipating? So far, You’ll Miss Me When I’m Gone by Rachel Lynn Solomon. 4. Series ending/sequel you’re most anticipating in 2018? The Lady’s Guide to Piracy & Petticoats by Mackenzi Lee. 5. One thing you hope to accomplish or do in your reading/blogging life in 2018? There are a few things I can say here.  First, I obviously want to meet my reading goals and finish my reading challenges.  Second, I want to maintain relationships with the publishers and publicists who have been so great about providing me with ARCs!  (I’d also like to hopefully build relationships with more publishers.)  Finally, I hope to be a bit more active in the bookish world outside of my blog.  I’ve had this blog for almost five years now and I think it’s well beyond the time that I should be getting out there and spreading the word. 6. A 2018 release you’ve already read and recommend to everyone? Unfortunately, I haven’t loved any of the 2018 releases I’ve read so far.  At least not enough to recommend to everyone. But there are a ton of them I’m looking forward to!
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inkykeiji · 2 years
For some reason knowing keigo in the DA au is the most unhinged version of him you've created so far makes me want him more😳
HAHAHAHAHA anon i love u <33333
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