#you have this incredible tendency to just POP UP any time i think about you
inkykeiji · 1 year
Ive probably sent a hundred little silly anon asks but im in sucha rush on the internet lately that I forget to put my lil🍓 my grad school program is so intense, its a weekend program so I can work full time during the week and go to school sat/sun but I love u how are you? how are your works going? in-love with flawless tomura and very excited for part 2! I thinkk I tool your poll and I THINK I voted for the twins? oh god see the days morph together >.< heh either way excited for anything!!🍓
strawberrie babie!!!!!!!! i always love seeing u in my inbox ehehehe <33 aw that’s okay! u can always tell me which ones were yours if u ever want them in ur tag! <3 waaaah that does sound intense but it’s also amazing and i am so proud of you!!! i am getting ready to start constructing my own grad school applications :o
i’m okai!! i moved in with my boyfriend and his family so that’s been wonderful but my dad’s been in the hospital since october so that’s not so wonderful. my works are going well thank u for asking!!! i am drowning in wips as u know but it’s a good thing c: oooh did you!!!! i miss the twins very much :( but thank you for your enthusiasm sweetpea i really appreciate it!! <3 i can’t wait to share all of my works with u hehe <33
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This is complaining day because I realized there's more than one thing that got on my nerves lately and it's not just about the treatment of a kpop idol's mother. Let's begin.
Please, stop refering to Jungkook's mother as mama Jeon. I know the tendency is to ignore so many of the cultural differences that exist, but in SK, people don't change their surname after marriage. It just sounds idiotic and westernized in a ridiculous way.
So, Jungkook's mother loves all BTS members. She LOVES them all. How does army know that? How? I'm genuinely curious and genuinely asking. Because they say it as a certainty. Or, forgive me if my memory is faulty as well, but the only instance that we as outsiders were privy to in which we heard that woman speak for the first time, it was in early 2021 on another phonecall with Jungkook when she said I love you to Jimin.
Of course, the same ot7 narrative came as a buldozer at that time too. Damn, does that mean Jimin = BTS? Sometimes yes, but only when Army wants to diminish Jimin's importance and doesn't allow him to stand out individually too much. Musically or otherwise. But back to this Big Love that Jungkook's mom is supposedly feeling for everyone and which has been invoked once again when that woman mentioned Jimin twice while talking to Jungkook on the phone. Cause she already knew they were in Jeju. I bet she didn't have to find out randomly from a schedule group chat.
So what happens? An assumption is turned into certainty because of small people being extremely insecure. Because they see that one person is once again given more importance on a personal level and we can't have that. No sir! So in a panic, they tweet, they post on tumblr, tiktok, youtube the old age, boring af, sounding like a broken record sentence: "Mama Jeon loves all seven". Fuck me gently with a chainsaw cause that sounds a lot better than the feeling of throwing up I get whenever I read such things.
No, she doesn't love all of them. That is not a fact. It could be true and it's not impossible. But it is not a fact based on the knowledge we have at the moment.
Also, it shows once again that an entire fandom is actively creating a reality of their own which is not even like some sort of simulacrum of the reality they must live through. In Army world, the mother of one member of a k-pop group must love all the members of such group. It doesn't matter than irl, our mothers a lot of the times don't even like all our friends, besties or partners. We might have the most incredible connections and it would mean nothing to our mothers.
In that same vein, another narrative that makes me want to pull my eyes out is the "awww, their bond is to die for, they are (like) siblings after all". Do any of them never had any siblings? Never saw other people and their relationship with their siblings? Or with their family?
I also had to read (which was followed by me blocking it immediately) how Jimin and Jungkook's relationship is the sum of the other relationships they have with other BTS members. I mean, why would I have any sort of expectations from any of these people when they are completely incapable of looking at JM and JK as actual people. As persons with individual minds and an intellect of their own. Let alone the fact that their world does not stop with the presence of 5 other men. In what realistic scenario does this translate in real life? That's not how it works. Yes, we are social creatures and a product of our surroundings, but it is not in the way in which these stans believe it to be. They think that living in a dorm for a few years and working together with other people, it means that those experiences are the only ones that actually shape the personality of a person. They are real people, not fictional characters. I've never heard such ridiculous theories in my entire life, to be used as talking points about someone's behavior or relationship with another person.
Maybe the need to create this elaborate fantasy comes from the lack of love in their life, which then gets projected into this Disney, kumbaya, capitalist heaven narrative in which everyone is a big family and they love each other so much and equally and all the parents of all the children love every single member and thus, harmony is created. Love is always platonic and ever present. The complexity of human relationships must not exist.
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babyboiboyega · 1 year
Short on Time (Hobie Brown x F!Reader)
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Hobie Brown x f!reader
Summary: Hobie has a weird way of convincing you to sneak out to the roof despite your roommate being home… 
Word Count: 7.3k
Content: nothing but fluff, the very real and very apparent fact that I have an unhealthy obsession with this man, Hobie being an incredibly loveable and hilarious menace, horrible cockney/british slang, a bit of profanity, some rough writing bc it’s been a while
Inspo: All I Wanted - Paramore (paramore never misses)
A/N: heyyyy! Enjoy this Hobie Brown oneshot that took me too long to complete but I absolutely loved writing <3 
The sunset lamp in the corner of your room cast varying hues of purple and blue across the walls of the room, bouncing off of the numerous glass trays and items dotted throughout it. It provided a good backdrop for a night of nothing but deep breaths, slowed thoughts, and mere relaxation- and you were adamant about experiencing all of those and more of the same sentiment. 
It was just…a little hard to do so when the sounds of unhinged and drunken laughter floated from your shared living room and right through your door, effectively putting your plans of relaxation on hold.  
After an entire week of completing assignments and dealing with people who were less-than-pleasant, lacked common sense, and just made everything harder, all you wanted to do was something that required minimal thinking and produced the most amounts of serotonin; But it seemed as if that would be next to impossible.
You dropped your head onto the wooden surface of your desk, your third groan in the last 10 minutes leaving your mouth and joining another chorus of laughter from the living room. Your eyes closed tightly while you blindly reached for your phone, intent on turning your music to the max volume. Your roommate and her friend would be able to hear it, and your neighbors would be able to feel it, but you were desperate. That desperation only grew as your fingers closed around nothing but air. 
With furrowed eyebrows, you lifted your head and look to the spot where you could’ve sworn you put it-
“You’ve got an ace personality, love, but rubbish taste in music.”
The voice was as familiar as ever, but the suddenness of it appearing in your room made you jump slightly, your body rocking back in your chair. Your mouth opened on a yelp as you felt the front two legs of your chair lift off of the ground, and just as your arms instinctively reached out to grab onto something, you felt a slight push to the back of your chair.
“Far from it, actually.” You heard the amusement in Hobie’s voice before you turned to face him, your heart beating rapidly because of his sudden appearance…and because of him in general. 
His smile was familiar, as was his tendency to just show up at your window…or in your room, as was the case tonight. Despite knowing that he could just pop up at any time, there were still a number of times when he had managed to sneak up on you. 
Your room seemed smaller as his lanky frame walked further in, his eyes focused on your phone in his hand as he continued to hit the skip button. With furrowed eyebrows and a breath of exasperation, you stood up, quickly reaching for your phone only for his arm to raise. 
“Not you breaking into my room and insulting my music taste- all in one night. Hobie, gimme my-”
“Now, wait a minute, love, you know I’m only jokin’.” He replied, his smile widening as he watched amusedly while you raised yourself in an attempt to grab your phone. It was no use, as he effortlessly towered over you, and judging by the smile on his face, he was enjoying the sight. 
“This the playlist we listened to ‘round last week, yeah?”
Your movements paused at the mention of the playlist currently pulled up on your phone, and at the memory of you two sitting in the same room the week before, listening to the same music. It had been a rather uneventful day for Hobie, or Spider-Man, but your day had been the exact opposite: hectic and so busy that you’d had no energy to do anything but sit at the head of your bed and talk with him about any and everything- at least until you had fallen asleep, propped up against your headboard, your head tilted back. 
That had been last week and since then, you hadn’t seen the lanky, eccentric man. Well, you had seen him on the news and on the internet, but only as Spider-Man; you had seen him enough times to know that the reason for his lack of visits was because of his ‘job’ as the city’s mostly friendly, ‘take no shit’ Spider-Man. 
But now he was here, and his presence was already making up for those days you had gone without being able to see him. 
“The same one, yes. Why? You tellin’ me I converted you to neo-soul?” Your eyebrow raised as you finally gave up on trying to get your phone, your arms falling only to cross in front of your chest. The corner of your mouth lifted into a knowing smile as you watched his eyes scan the screen of your phone while the next song played. His lips pursed slightly as his eyes met yours.
“I’m tellin’ you…that you could have worse taste.” 
It was slightly laughable knowing that even if he had liked a few songs from the playlist, he’d make sure to keep it to himself…at least as a facade. Despite his very different taste in music, there had been a few songs that he had listened to simply because you had asked him to, and he’d had no problem letting you know that he had liked them. But occasionally, he liked to put on the ‘my music is better’ facade, and you entertained it every time. 
“You didn’t even say hey to me or nothin’; just came in being a straight menace.”
A laugh left his mouth as he finally handed your phone back to you, a song that he had previously stated was ‘okay’ coincidentally playing through your speakers. You didn’t make a move to change it. In fact, your phone was all but forgotten as he gazed down at you, an easygoing smile on his face. 
“You sure about that? I could’ve sworn I said hi when I got here-”
“No, you did not, and you know you didn’t-”
A peal of laughter floated through your bedroom door, and it only served as a reminder of the night’s events leading up to this point. Your shoulders sagged slightly at the sound, and only sagged more as you internally chastised yourself. 
It wasn’t your roommate's fault that you’d had a shitty week and couldn’t seem to relax, and you couldn’t exactly be mad that they were having fun and enjoying their Friday night…
They could be a little quieter though.
Hobie could see it as clear as day on your face, your internal struggle and frustration. It made his smile drop slightly, though it still remained in place and only softened in response. His lanky frame sat on the edge of your windowsill, his legs extending straight in front of him and his arms crossing. His posture expressed nonchalance- indifference, even; but his eyes and his expression showed exactly how attentive he was when it came to you.
“You look rather brassed off. Wanna talk about it?”
Did you want to talk about it? Or would you rather indulge in Hobie’s regular antics in an effort to forget about your own list of shortcomings spanning the week? On one hand, you’d never grow tired of his random tales of breaking past riot police’s defenses or interrupting the most recent, half-assed charity speech done by a corrupt politician. Each account would end with you slightly chastising him for doing something that bordered the definition of dangerous, and each time, he’d only respond with a cheeky grin and a not-so-subtle attempt at changing the subject. Regardless of how many times it happened, you still couldn’t deny the fact that you loved every single one of your conversations. 
“Nah. ‘S just the regular.” You start, joining him on the windowsill with a sigh. It wasn’t lost on you that with only a glance, Hobie knew the state of mind you were in; this time was only a reminder that he possessed that ability, as he had done it multiple times before. He had a talent for exuding the chillest, most indifferent demeanor, but when it had come down to it, he had been there when you needed him. Now was no different.
Instead of leaving your answer as it was, he simply turned towards you, resting his back against the window sill and raising an eyebrow in your direction. His eyes narrowed slightly as he looked at you, his lips pursing as he took in the look on your face. It spoke volumes, as did the look in his eyes. It was the look of someone calling another person’s bluff without any hesitation whatsoever, and seeing it on his face had you smacking your teeth in resignation. You still refrained from continuing. 
“You don’t have to tell me, love,” he starts, bending his knee and setting his foot on the windowsill. His hands fidget with something- an object- that he was able to pull out of his pocket between one second and the next, though his eyes stay focused on you. 
“But, it was you who once told me that I was an ace listener…”
He ends the sentence with a shrug of his shoulders; though, judging by the small grin curving his lips, it's apparent that while his words are said in jest, they still hold meaning behind them. You know as much, because you _do _remember telling him how he was rather easy to talk to. The words, no matter how serious or casual they were, always flowed easily whenever you were in Hobie’s presence. And now was no different.
A heavy breath left your mouth as you mimicked his position, leaning your head against the windowsill and bringing your knee up to bend in the space between you two. Your hands fiddled with a loose thread hanging from the shorts adorning your legs while your eyes flickered from his to the window that he only crawled through a few minutes ago. 
“Here we go.” The rumble of his voice blended seamlessly with the music coming from your speakers and the little bit of comfort it brought made your lips loosen to let out your account of your week, starting from the beginning. 
During the entire recount, Hobie only interjected to offer his own commentary - usually containing weird, cockney insults for the people you described; but aside from that, he sat and listened. Well, that wasn’t exactly true.
His tendency to keep the air surrounding the both of you lighthearted showed itself whenever you seemed to be growing irritated just from recounting the details, and he reminded you of this tendency by methodically and gradually taking off his bracelets and rings, and transferring them to your wrists. As you continued talking, your wrists and fingers had taken on a bit of weight from the metal and leather of his jewelry, though it didn’t stop you from gesturing as you spoke. As soon as he was done with one hand, you’d take it back and use it to gesture while placing your other in his. Now there was just the occasional clink as the rings that fit his fingers perfectly but were a little too big for yours knocked into each other. It only resulted in him taking your hand and sliding the rings back onto your finger should they look close to falling off. 
Had it been a month earlier, you would’ve gaped at the physical affection. It was something small, and something you suspected he did absentmindedly; but the fact remained that he hadn’t always been this comfortable around you. There was a time in you two’s… friendship (?) when you wouldn’t even contemplate unloading your problems onto him under the guise of not wanting to bother him when in reality, it had been an attempt of keeping him around longer. The last thing you had wanted was to run him away with your- in your words- constant nagging, complaining, and non-stop talking.
You could vividly remember the face he made the day you had explained that to him. He had called you ‘silly’ in the nicest way possible before laughing loudly.  Ever since then, he had made it a point to remind you that while he was constantly busy saving civilians and the city, there would always be time for you and him to sit and just talk to one another. He’d kept to that promise since then. 
By the end of your series of misfortunate events, you wore one of his black, spiked bracelets, and 3 of his rings that knocked against each other as you settled your hands in your lap with a sigh.
“So, that’s how my week went.”
What followed was a few seconds of silence, broken only by the soft music emanating from your speaker,  though it wasn’t long before the sound of more shrill laughter joined the noise. Another sigh, a heavier one, left your mouth as you let your head thump against the windowsill behind you. 
“And I came home, just…knowing that I’d be able to chill, relax, get my mind off of the week, but my roommate has her friend over and they’re hellbent on drinking as much as they can and speaking as loud as they can tonight. And I can’t even be mad at ‘em!”
A sharp, almost hollow laugh left your lips as you shook your head, your eyes turning to the view on the other side of your window. The city was wide awake, and as much was clear by the various sounds that usually accompanied living in the city. Closer to the center of the city, there seemed to be some kind of event going on, as the dark sky was cut through with bright lights that waved as if wanting to draw everyone’s attention to it. 
Probably some event for the top 1% to go to and pat themselves on the backs for the ‘good deeds’ they had done for the city; the ‘good deeds’ that only seemed to help those they deemed worthy of it. 
Goddamn…Hobie’s rubbing off on me.
Hobie’s narrowed eyes and slightly pursed lips were the only responses you received at first. While your fingers fidgeted lightly with the rings adorning your fingers, he simply gazed at you… then he was swinging his leg through your window to the fire escape.
You watched in confusion as he stood on the other side of your window, motioning for you to join him with a smirk that not only made your heart quicken but also made your confusion and curiosity grow. Your eyebrow raised in question. 
“Stop being so skeptical- we’re just going to the roof.” 
You gawked at him slightly, your eyes widening and your head tilting. He had said the words with a lighthearted sigh and a roll of his eyes.
“The roof? You said that like it's a normal occurrence for us to go to the roof- the hell we going to the roof for?”
“Well, it’d be a normal occurrence if you weren’t boring, love-”
“Hobie…why are we going to the roof?” You repeated the question, standing and turning to where he stood outside your window. It was easy to ignore the jab; the lightheartedness and teasing in his tone told you that he hadn’t meant them. But that didn’t stop your wariness from growing. 
“You trust me, right?”
The words were simple. 4 words said with a lopsided smirk and a twinkle in his eye that was so uniquely Hobie Brown you couldn’t imagine finding it in anyone else’s eyes, no matter how many variants of him existed, as he had once told you.
They were simply words, but your answer to the question was so much more. 
Of course, I trust you. I honestly don’t know if I trust anyone else as much as I trust you. And I don’t think it's because you’re Spider-Man. It's definitely because you somehow know exactly what to say and what I need to hear even when I don’t. Its also because I can’t go a damn second without thinking about you or your voice or your laugh or your eyes-
“Of course, I do…but I feel like you’re about to give me a reason not to.”
The laugh that left his mouth admittedly made a smile of your own appear on your face. It was loud, and it sounded as if it…belonged in your space. You certainly thought it belonged in your space, as well as thinking that you’d like to hear it more. 
“Now why would I do that? Just wanna show you somethin’, love. ‘S all.”
This time, your look of contemplation was purely for show, as you had already decided to indulge in this little ‘surprise’ of his. There was only one obstacle. Or more like two. 
“I can’t exactly walk out and just say I’m goin’ to the roof.” You motioned to your door, and the sound of your roommate and her friend’s laughter almost ironically emphasized your statement. “They’ll have at least 5 questions - each, and then they’ll probably even follow me up there. I don’t know about you, but I’d rather not have them walking up on me just speaking to Spider-Man.”
Exasperation appeared on his face in response to your words, and when he spoke, his hand gestured between the two of you.
“Who said anythin’ about them seein’ you?” 
If possible, the mischief in his eyes grew, as did the smirk on his face. It was only when he reached a hand through the window towards you, your lights subtly catching the web slingers on his wrists that you understood what he was alluding to, and it made you immediately shake your head. 
“You deadass?”
“I’m deadass, love.”
“You can’t be deadass.”
“You know I won’t drop you! You just said you trusted me-!”
Laughter coated his words as he watched you quickly stand up, your head shaking adamantly. 
You did trust Hobie, there’s no question about it. But being more than 10 feet off of the ground and relying on nothing but a piece of web to hold the both of you up was not an appealing or exciting thought. 
He wouldn’t have bothered offering had he any reservations about the security and safety of his webs, and you were aware of that fact; but still…the thought of swinging through the air, several feet above the ground, and relying on nothing but a piece of web to catch the both of you-
“Nah, you got it.”
“Oh, for bloody-”
“I’ll take my chances with the drunk women in the front room, and I’ll meet you up there since you’re so adamant about going to the damn roof.”
Hobie knew not to take the snide tone of your words to heart. If anything, he only found them amusing, as made evident by the smile on his face and the disbelieving shake of his head. His eyes followed you while you found a pair of slides and a jacket before shrugging it on and turning back to him. 
“I don’t get any type of hint for what's up there?”
“No- but if you aren’t up there in the next 5 minutes, my new name will be Barney Rubble.”
The words made you pause, your lips parting slightly as you replayed his words in your mind. Another one of Hobie’s endearing, and incredibly amusing (and confusing) qualities is that he has no problem letting a Cockney insult or saying slip. It could be in the middle of the most casual conversation one could have, or it could be in response to something outrageous he heard. Or maybe he just felt as if the curse would further enhance whatever he needed to say; you suspected it was more so that third one this go around. 
You were used to it; used to hearing a word you had never heard prior to it coming from Hobie’s mouth in the middle (or beginning…or end) of a statement. Every time you thought you knew every piece of cockney slang- at least the ones Hobie used- he just…lets out another one. You had half a mind to keep a record of them to look back on.
You were used to it. You were also used to the feeling of confusion and amusement that always went through you every time he did it. 
“...the fuck did you just say to me?”
Hobie smacked his teeth and rolled his eyes once more in faux outrage, and it only made your amusement grow. A small peal of laughter left you as you repeated the phrase in a horrible imitation of his strong accent. Pitching your voice low enough was a struggle, but you personally thought that your imitation of his accent was spot on. Judging by the deadpan look on his face, though, he disagreed.
“What even is that? Who even is that- Barney Rubble? Barney got a last name? Didn’t know tha- where you goin?”
Instead of sitting there and taking your teasing, he did something that surely had your body preparing for a heart attack, the way you tensed and quickly jumped into action.
Once he had ducked back into your room, it had only taken him 3, wide steps to reach your bedroom door…the one that would lead straight into the living room.
The living room that was occupied by your roommate and a friend. 
With a hand closing around his wrist, you dug your heels into your carpeted floor, pulling him to a stop. It was barely enough, as you also had to insert yourself physically between him and the door.
You had a clue as to what- or who- Barney Rubble is, and ironically enough, it rhymed with ‘trouble’. 
“What are you doing?! Alright, alright! 5 minutes- I’ll be up there. Damn-”
“Aht- you’ve got 4 minutes and 30 seconds now, love. Better get a move on.” 
And if the mere thought of him walking into your living room in his suit didn’t give you enough of a heart attack, the way his hand landed on your hip and squeezed surely did. 
The flush that went through your body had your eyes widening slightly and your lips parting on a quick breath. The place where his hand still rested emanated nothing but heat as he turned you towards the door, nudging you slightly forward. His steps shadowed yours, except they did so on the outside of your own. It allowed his chest to barely brush against your back, but it was enough to have your heart speeding up in the slightest. 
Hell, anytime Hobie initiated any type of physical contact had your heart beating a little faster. 
“W-well, what am I supposed to tell them when they ask where I’m going?”
You turned slightly once you reached the door, your hand landing on the knob and opening it slightly. The sound of the tv in the front room along with the two women’s voices immediately increased in volume as you did so, but your focus was still on Hobie’s hand and how it turned you slightly to face him.
The proximity between you two had gotten smaller at some point, forcing you to crane your neck back just to be able to meet his gaze; and perhaps it was the reflection of your lights in his eyes that were somehow always intense and soft as they gazed at you, but you could’ve sworn there was something else beneath that usual look of mischief. Something that you continued to convince yourself was simply a trick of the light, or a quick flash of his eyes- anything besides what you hoped it was. There was no point in giving yourself false hope.
It didn’t matter how much you were in denial, and it certainly didn’t matter how sure you were that he only saw your bond as that of a pair of friends, you still found yourself instantly being drawn into him as he spoke to you. His voice was a deep rumble- one that floated over your skin, leaving a trail of goosebumps on every part of you. His touch was a beacon of something akin to hope as he squeezed your hip again, bringing your attention back to what he was saying.
“Between us two, you got the beau’y and the brains, so use ‘em, love.” You gaped at the compliment he let slip- as if it were the most normal thing. He continued talking before you could fully process his words or the reaction they drew out of you. 
“May wanna hurry up, though; you got ‘bout 4 minutes now. 3:59…3:58…3:57-”
“Goddam- you’re such a menace. You actually make me sick-”
The last thing you heard was his low chuckle as you opened the door, quickly stepping out and leaving it cracked behind you. The sound of laughter and a blaring TV grew as you walked closer to the living room. From your position, you could see the backs of your roommate and her friend, both of them lounging on the couch and talking loudly. Their words ranged from gossip they had gotten from their place of work to whether or not they’d marry someone they had yet to meet- and it wasn’t hard to see that their words only reflected the tv show they were watching. 
For a second, it seemed as if you’d be able to slip behind them unnoticed and make it to the door. Their voices were loud enough to cover your steps, and the tv was certainly loud enough to cover the sound of you opening and closing the door. And for a moment, you though that you’d make it. Your hand closed around the knob of the front door, turning it lightly, only for a quick call of your name to stop you in your tracks.
“Where you goin’?”
Your roommate’s words slurred slightly, and there was a wide and curious smile on her face as the both of them turned towards you. Her words were loud to compensate for the volume of the tv, and it only made you wince slightly as you stopped and turned toward her. You could feel your lips turn into an expression that looked more like a grimace than a smile.
“I think I forgot my charger in my car. Was gonna run down and get it.” 
It was the first excuse to reach the forefront of your mind. It made sense, and it was also something that you’d done multiple times on accident. You surely thought that it would be a valid enough excuse and that you’d be able to slip away… but leave it to your roommate to make things the slightest bit difficult.
“Oh! You can just use my charger. I’m not using it now!”
Your mouth opens to maybe provide another excuse or to even decline her offer, however, your words stop at the sight just down the hallway. It's hard to keep your eyes from widening at the sight of Hobie poking his head out of your door while leaning against the frame. 
With a shit-eating grin, he held up 3 fingers to signify the number of minutes you had left before you truly learned what- or who- the fuck Barney Rubble was. 
Deep down, you knew that his actions were joking; he wouldn’t actually walk out into your living room with his suit on, prompting screams of confusion and questions from the two drunk women in front of you. He wouldn’t. 
He wouldn’t.
It was almost as if the menace himself read your mind, as his eyebrows rose in a challenge and the grin on his face grew. There was the slight sound of your door opening followed by the sight of his foot stepping past your doorframe. And then his hands raised as if he were going to slip his mask on over his face-
“UH! Yeah-I…actually lied. I’m not going to get my charger, I gotta…run to the store. For, uh…floss.”
“...I’ve got floss sticks, Y/N. I can get you one-” Your roommate threw back the cover she used before moving to her feet. The mere thought of her turning and seeing Hobie right at the end of the hallway made you quickly step forward. You weren’t the best when put under pressure, and there were so many different factors of the situation you had found yourself in, and Hobie was still at the end of the goddamned hall, smiling and holding up two fingers, and since when was your roommate so charitable-
“NO, you’ve got the mint ones- I don’t like those. They make my teeth…burn. I mean- hurt.”
By sheer will alone, you didn’t curse at yourself for that response right then and there. Instead, you stood there, ignoring the sight of Hobie doubling over with silent laughter at the end of the wall, and praying to whoever listened that your roommate was drunk enough to write off your excuse as something not worth your time.
Perhaps the universe was on your side, as she tilted her head and regarded you for a second, her eyes narrowing slightly. You had no doubt that she was the least bit suspicious, and you honestly couldn’t blame her. You had no idea what the hell you were saying, each word seeming to miss the filter of sense they usually passed through before leaving your mouth; despite the absurdity of your words, your roommate simply shrugged before lowering herself back into her spot, mumbling something that included the words ‘weird’ and ‘strange’. 
You, however, certainly didn’t waste another second before turning and quickly making your way out of the apartment, your steps quickly taking you to the rooftop. And just as you had expected, the sound of laughter was the first thing you heard once you pushed the door open. 
The sound lead you to a corner of the rooftop that was only illuminated by a string of dusty lights left by someone who’d had an idea for the rooftop but had given up. You had a perfect view of the city, the lights being easier to see from the rooftop. You were sure that you’d see elegant cars and even more elegant dresses and tuxes if you were closer to the event, but you weren’t…and you didn’t want to be.
Despite the laughter that still fell from his lips, at your expense, no less, you found that you still wouldn’t rather be anywhere else than on the rooftop with Hobie…goddamn Brown. 
“I ain’t a dentist, but maybe you should get that checked out, love.”
“Don’t start-”
“Don’t think I’ve heard of someone’s teeth burnin’-”
His words broke off into another rumbling chuckle, one that immediately prompted you to roll your eyes. Nonetheless, you still walked closer to where he leaned against the low wall surrounding the roof.
Your arms crossed in front of you, your facade of being fed up with his antics quickly crumbling as his eyes narrowed at you. The soft lights reflected off of his dark skin, glinting off of each piercing he had and therefore highlighting the skin pierced by them. The action of his arms crossing drew your attention to the sinewy muscles of his forearms as they raised, copying your pose as he gazed down at you. 
“You gon’ tell me why I’m up here, or are you gonna stand there and make fun of me? Because I can definitely turn right back around and go back-”
That was a lie. The fact that Hobie had wanted you there in the first place was enough to ensure that you’d stay until you saw whatever he wanted to show you. It was the emptiest threat. 
“You gonna be patient and let me surprise you, or are you gonna keep askin’ questions, love?”
Another chuckle fell from his lips as he dropped his arms. One of his hands stretched out, his long fingers hooking beneath his loose bracelet that still adorned your wrist before pulling you a tad bit closer. His body turned slightly to the side, allowing space for you to lean against the wall as he jutted his chin towards something you had yet to see, though you kept your eyes on him.
It was your turn to narrow your eyes in suspicion at his actions and his refusal to answer you straightforwardly. It made your curiosity grow. 
This was new, whatever…this was. You could confidently say that you two were close friends, but the softness of his eyes and the way his lips curled fondly into a smile that you liked to think was only for you said differently. It watered that little seed of hope in your chest. Now it was only a waiting game to see what it would grow into. And for some reason, you had a suspicion that tonight would not only give that seed enough room to grow but that it’d also become a little clearer, this bond between you two. 
“You’re bein’ rather skeptical instead of just takin’ in what’s right in front of you.”
“And what exactly is right in front of me, Hobie?” You questioned, raising an eyebrow. You hadn’t meant for your voice to be so soft. You certainly hadn’t meant for your eyes to flicker down to his full lips as they pursed slightly at your question. But you found that maybe it was a good thing, as Hobie used the same loose grip he had on the bracelet to pull you just a few inches closer. 
There was more than one way to take his words, and the realization, paired with his actions, came with a small increase in your heart rate. 
The grin on his face had slowly disappeared, being replaced by a look of contemplation and something else you couldn’t quite put your finger on. His eyes roamed over your features as a heavy silence fell over the two of you. Your room had been a space of familiarity; a space with enough distractions that served in keeping your thoughts from straying to things you were too scared to ask for and too self-doubtful to openly wish for. But now…with nothing but the open city skyline and the two of you alone on a nearly barren rooftop…those same thoughts reared their head. Only this time, you were almost certain that you weren’t the only one being pestered by them.
“Oh, I wish I could show you, sweetheart.” 
His words echoed with every beat of your heart, no matter how irregular it had grown because of his presence. His eyes flickered from one point of your face to your eyes, and back. The subtle feeling of his fingers tightening around the bracelet, pulling you even closer was nearly lost on you as you focused on the way his lips parted slightly, an inaudible sigh lifting his shoulders. Though as they lowered with the same breath, his eyes flickered quickly over your shoulder, the grin you knew all too well appearing on his face once more. 
“But you can see for yourself.”
With a mind that still worked on getting itself through the fog of longing that had been brought on by Hobie, you let him turn you towards the edge of the rooftop that looked over a grassy park. It was one that you sometimes found yourself walking through when you needed or wanted to, but now the usually open area was crowded with people either sitting on blankets or lawn chairs, all of their attention on the stage that sprawled over the park’s pond. 
It wasn’t hard to figure out why, as the sound of music reached your ears no sooner than you had realized that there were people on the stage. And it wasn’t just any music. The opening notes to one of the songs Hobie had recommended to you were as familiar as the sound of your own name, as you had certainly listened to the song more than enough times. Along with the recognition of the song came the realization that the band playing was one that you both were rather fond of. 
“Is that…?”
Hobie’s answer came in the form of a chuckle and a nod of his head that you saw out of your peripheral, but other than that, he simply let the music speak for itself. Despite your distance from the concert itself, the music effortlessly rode the soundwaves before reaching the two of you, making your smile grow. 
You’d had no idea that they were even coming to your area, let alone holding an entire concert. But somehow Hobie had known, and he had made sure to bring you to a view no one else had to watch it. 
“Mate of mine only had 2 tickets, and one was for him.” He shrugged one shoulder as you looked at him, your eyes bright with excitement for the music that just started. 
“Thought that I’d have a better view from here, with someone who’s a lot less annoyin’ and a lot prettier.” 
A sound close to a laugh and scoff left you at his words, your head shaking slightly. Despite the smile he wore, there was nothing else to imply that his words were joking. The music provided a background of harmonies and lyrics that you felt only added to the atmosphere, and you briefly wondered if the feelings going through your body were a result of the music’s bass traveling through the air before settling into your bones, or if it was an amalgamation of feelings you were finding a little easier to put a word to. 
“Hobie, you didn’t have to do that. Giving up a free ticket to watch it from a rooftop?” Your voice still held a bit of disbelief as you questioned him, your eyes flickering between the performance and his features. Your divided attention caused you to miss the way his eyes softened as they landed on you, but you were perfectly aware of the way he turned, leaning his elbows on the wall and letting his arm rest firmly against yours. You may or may not have instantly leaned into the warmth his body emanated. 
“There’s a difference between having to do somethin’ and wantin’ to do something. It’s always the second one when it comes to you, love.”
Your smile grew- if that was even possible- and you leaned more into him, your skin flushing from the combination of his words and the point of contact between you two.
The music switched to one of the band’s slower songs, and it only seemed right to hum along with the music. The opening notes garnered cheers from the crowd and a wide smile from you. Though a tug at your wrist paused your humming, and with curious eyes, you turned to Hobie.
“You trust me, right?” He asked the same question he had posed earlier, yet this time, his words were softer; more genuine. Your answer was the same as before…but softer; more genuine.
“Of course I do.”
His eyes brightened at your answer before looking above the two of you to a slanted roof that jutted out over the edge of the roof. He took a step back, pulling you along slowly as if to give you a chance to change your mind, but you did nothing of the sort. You let him lead you to where the roof’s corner was directly above you, and you could only watch as he let go of you before lithely and quickly jumping onto the same corner.
You’d seen Hobie’s powers in action multiple times, and each time, you could remember your heart speeding up in concern and worry. Especially when you saw the familiar webhead fighting the week’s newest villain on the news, or heard another news station calling him a menace or even a villain himself. Now was no different as you watched him balance precariously on the edge of the roof before crouching and offering a hand down to you. 
You took a breath, one that both steadied you and tampered down your nerves, before reaching for his hand. Hobie was one tall guy, and that length only transferred to his arms as he was able to easily grab your hand and hoist you up to the roof…but that was as far as you got before your nerves got the better of you.
His hand was clenched tightly in yours, and your eyes widened as you noticed just how…far from the ground you were-
“Oi, look at me.” 
Neither his voice nor the sound of the band playing could tear your gaze away from how far away the ground looked. Was the ground moving or was that just your mind playing tricks? Was it getting closer? If the ground was getting closer that meant-
It was only the feeling of his arms wrapping securely around you, your body being pulled into the wide and hard expanse of his chest as he settled the two of you on the roof, that pulled you out of your spiraling thoughts. 
“You know ‘ve got you. ‘M not lettin’ you go anywhere.” He mumbled reassuringly, his arms squeezing lightly around your shoulders where they were still wound around you. Your breath hitched once more, but not because of the height you two had found yourselves sitting at. 
Without a hint of hesitation, your own hands raised, securing themselves tightly around his forearms across your chest. You pushed your back further into the confines his arms made around you until you could feel every point of contact between his chest and your back, and only then did you take a deep breath before letting it out. 
“You good, love?” His breath puffed lightly against the shell of your ear as he lowered his head, and the sensation sent a chill down your spine that you didn’t bother trying to hide. 
Sitting there, watching a band you both enjoyed from a view no one else had, knowing that Hobie had specifically wanted this moment between you two made your words catch in your throat. It made every nerve ending in your body alight as if Hobie held the sun itself in his veins, transferring its heat and fire to you every time you two touched. While his touch was like fire, his voice was like a soothing balm that washed over you, always rumbling from deep within his chest.
The word ‘good’ would never be adequate enough to describe how you felt in his arms. There was only one word that even remotely fit the emotion flowing through you at his touch, his voice- him, except this time, there was no self-doubt holding you back from admitting it. To yourself, at least. 
The slower music reached the two of you, the familiar tune helping you relax into Hobie’s chest and helping you realize just how perfectly the two of you fit together. His feet bordered yours, knees bent and giving the two of you an extra sense of security as they kept you from sliding off of the roof. While one arm stayed wrapped around your shoulders, his other unwound itself so that his fingers could find yours. They gently twisted the rings- his rings- that still adorned your fingers before almost slowly lacing with yours. Your smile grew as your head fell back to rest against his shoulder, his chin nudging slightly against your temple. A content sigh left you in the form of words. 
“Yeah, I’m good.”
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A/N: I hope y’all enjoyed this little oneshot that came from staying up too late and fantasizing about Hobie Brown (its an obsession at this point but can you mf blame me?)
All interactions are greatly appreciated! Likes, reblogs, comments; give it all, I’ll take it all <33
Y’all’ stay safe!
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smytherines · 23 days
for the choose violence ask game, 3 and 25
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
For me, its the "Owen was probably even worse before the fall" one. I disagree with it, but it's whatever, I don't hold any ill will towards them or anything we just have very different interpretations
25. common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
I dunno if this is common necessarily, but I have seen it pop up a few times: that theorizing about what Owen's post-fall experience might have been like is creating a trauma for him that does not exist in canon
I think pretty much everyone in the fandom can agree that the fall was a very traumatic event for Curt, that it destroys his life and sense of self, that it devastates him mentally and emotionally. He's our protagonist, we can see the effect the fall had on him, so we're all in agreement that it fucked him up (understandably)
But there is sometimes a tendency in the fandom to minimize Owen's experience after the fall, or erase it entirely. Like people saying he faked his death (no he did not), or that he was totally fine after the fall and wanted revenge purely to be a petty bitch about nothing more than a bad breakup. And that's weird to me, because even strictly in canon what happened to Owen is at the very least equally traumatic for him. He falls far enough that it is reasonable for Curt to assume (with barely a glance) that Owen is either dead or dying, or that Curt simply does not have time to get to him, Curt leaves Owen for dead, then the building explodes. I think that alone, with no additional details, is enough to severely fuck a person up. At the very least on par with what Curt goes through in his four year grieving period
And the more detail you add in, the more the line "the horror of staying alive" makes sense. So if we include the Joey Richter tweets (which I think it's reasonable to at least discuss them, he is one of the co-writers) then it looks like Owen fell about two stories (so probably 20-30ft) onto what is presumably an iron or steel structure. That's automatically... many, many injuries. The most likely in a fall being broken bones, spiral cord injuries, and traumatic brain injuries. Plus probably burns because explosion. Then we have this:
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So if we add in the possibility of Owen being captured by the Russians and bailed out/nursed to health (and "groomed"???) by Chimera, then things start to get a whole lot more horrifying
I think its very fair to debate the effects this sequence of events has on him and to what degree they explain and/or mitigate his actions, but in my opinion it is not reasonable to deny they happened at all. At the very least the baseline of "a fucked up thing happened and they are both profoundly fucked up by it" is the most accurate way to describe the canon events of the show
And then strictly on a personal level, thinking about what Owen's experience could have been like being severely injured in Russian custody and then being bailed out by Chimera, that's very interesting to me. I love picking apart characters, especially ones who -- in the real world, at least-- would be disabled. I'm personally very interested in how pain and injury and illness impact people, how isolation and heartbreak and being dependant on someone else for your survival can do some incredibly fucked up things to a person. Analysis is fun! And there absolutely is a canon traumatic event to analyze when it comes to Owen
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misc-obeyme · 5 months
More of a sick rant? I have been sick lately with a sore throat and cough not to mention a stuffy nose that won't unclog no matter what. So I have been chugging tea at least 2 cups a day (four being more accurate). I also have bad headaches and a tiny fever. soooo I need barbatos to make me tea. That's it, maybe some soup too. And I'm stealing diavolos satin pajamas.
(sickly) bows for barb
It's the evening for caretaker Barb headcanons, huh?
Because I promise he would take such good care of you while you're sick. I expect Diavolo would be incredibly concerned, popping in to check on you, constantly consulting with Barb on your condition. He would let you wear whatever pajamas you want.
Barbatos, though, would be the one making you all the tea you require. You want soup? He's making you soup.
Also finding the best tea and soup to give you to help speed your recovery.
And probably finding whatever medicine is best for humans in your condition.
Makes sure you have everything you need and that you're sleeping well.
Gets all the stuff from any classes you may be missing, etc etc.
You would recover even faster than you might normally because this man won't let you do anything strenuous while you're sick.
I have a tendency to just... power on through even when I'm sick, mostly because I don't have a Barb in my life to make sure I don't lol. Like if I'm sick, shit's not getting done because I'm the only one there to do it. And taking a day off work just to lie around in bed is so annoying. Like not only to I come back to find my work piled up, but it's not like I can even spend that time doing anything fun, you know? Truly the worst. Of course, if it's really bad I will force myself to take the time off and make all the tea, but I'm always grumpy about it.
Uh sorry got off topic there a little bit. The point here is that I think Barbatos would take good care of you~
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snail-fever · 2 months
FFXIV Smash or Pass: Fefra Ymir
tagged by @sunderedazem ! i think all my xiv pals have already done this except my husband, so he gets my tag: @reverend-spines
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Quick facts:
💜 Height: 6'2" 💜Age: 28 (by Dawntrail) 💜Gender: female 💜Sexuality: lesbian 💜Pronouns: she/her
💜 Down for anything! She's fun and loves to get into mischief, but she's also down to relax and vibe. 💜 A great listener. She'll listen to you vent if you're upset, and she'll hear you out in a debate. 💜 Incredibly loyal and protective of her friends. She will drop anything to be there for her loved ones if they need her. 💜 Easygoing and spontaneous. Impromptu adventure? New kinks? Let's go! 💜 Great singer and dancer. She lives to perform!
💜 Loyal and serving to an absolute fault. She will do what is asked of her to the point of completely burning out. Very bad at saying no. 💜 Because of this, she tends to disappear from time to time, but one can usually find her on her island sanctuary or hiding out with the rogues in Limsa Lominsa. 💜 An absolute moron in the presence of a pretty girl, even if she's already spoken for. Has absolutely zero game. 💜 Avoids confrontation with her friends to a fault. If someone she cares about accidentally upsets her, she will ignore it or let it go even if it's still bothering her. If she needs to have a tough conversation with someone, she will drag her feet for quite a while.
Details to Know:
💜 Fefra spends most of her free time in the First. In her time there, she became close with Lyna and considers the Crystarium her home - but she also has a tendency to use the First as a place to escape from the pressures of being the WoL. 💜 She has no biological family to speak of, so she takes her friendships very seriously. She was brought to Eorzea as a toddler, and when it wasn't everything her parents hoped it would be, they began to treat her poorly. She left at the age of 14 and became a rogue, learning to steal to get by. She's well-off enough now that she no longer steals, but she does still consider the Rogue's Guild her first family. 💜 She was a bard for a short time, and eventually became a semi-popular pop star. However, she ended up hating the attention and changed up her appearance a bit to avoid being recognized.
💜 Can be a bit picky, flighty, and hesitant to commit. This is mostly out of self-doubt and fear of hurting someone. 💜 Once she does commit, however, she's incredibly attentive and loyal - again, sometimes to a fault - showering her partner in attention and gifts. 💜 She prefers one-on-one time with her partner, rather than including friends. Not one to suggest things like double dates or group hangouts with her partner(s).
💜 Vers, but not usually submissive. If she does bottom/sub, she doesn't like to be dominated - she just likes the idea of not having to make decisions. 💜 Enjoys being dominant. She's a nice dom, though - lots of praise as she gently guides you through all the filthy things she wants you to do. 💜 She's down to try anything once. Very adventurous and kinky. 💜 Has a super high libido, so she's also down any time and any place - but if her partner isn't quite as 'active' as she is, there's no pressure. She's cool with taking care of her own needs (and maybe you wanna watch?).
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cathyl-washere · 1 year
Hey gamers, this is my first actual post here.
Minors should maybe not be here if only for the odd NSFW post, so here's your warning if that's a concern of yours.
Bit of a length warning I suppose? I ramble a bit, but it's my pinned so I guess now's the time.
As my blurb says and avatar implies, I'm a 20 year-old transfem, working with she/her pronouns currently. I'm generally kind of hesitant to really talk about myself to strangers or to even say something in the first place, even when it's just to the void like I have been since I started here about a month and a half ago. You may recall my mentioning that this is my first actual post, or have noticed that I've only tagged like, 2 of my reblogs at time of writing. I'm trying to get out there a bit more which is why I'm even making this, but if I take some time to reply to a pm or whatever, know that there's this on top of anything irl. Also I have a tendency to write in a way as though I were actually talking, so apologies for any overuse of commas or really long sentences. Trying to be mindful of this way of writing myself though.
Should say that whatever eldritch critter lords over us all gave me the delightful combo of being able to remember a bunch of absolutely bizarre and incredibly niche things about whatever while also forgetting it all when it miraculously becomes useful. You may be familiar with the "Spirit of the Staircase?" Gamer, you're looking at her. I mention this to say that despite the length of some of the later parts, they're still not exhaustive.
I've also got into the habit of referring to people as gamers because it has that wonderful combo of being both gender-neutral and oddly funny to me. Not in a demeaning way, my sense of humor has just kind of veered into nonsense.
On that note, I should also mention that I myself have committed a cardinal sin and am indeed, a gamer. Platforms I'm on are Playstation and Switch. PC gaming is unfortunately out of my purview currently. I prefer PvE generally but also don't mind pwning some children if the vibes are there. Hope you have your bingo card ready because yes, Celeste is my favorite game. I have WAY too much time into Warframe and I like Dead by Daylight, Deep Rock Galactic, Risk of Rain 2/Returns, and Slay the Spire quite a bit. Tragically I've been a gamer for a while, so I'm just naming a few of my main ones right now while totally not ignoring a sizeable backlog, no sirree!
Music is also a bit of a vibes thing. Generally more of a fan of less intense songs, which may be an odd thing to follow up on by saying prog rock's also pretty cool. Longer a song is, the better is my usual take. City pop's also superb, language barrier be damned. Vaporwave's awesome. Born and raised on the rock of the 70's and 80's with parents that rarely listened to anything after Kurt Cobain rose to power for most of my younger years, so a good chunk of that has worked its way into my playlist. Video game music has a tendency to be wonderful to my ears as well. Solar Ash, both Risk of Rains (although yes, I lean towards the second + DLC here), Night in the Woods, songs from several of the Persona series (Layer Cake, Beneath the Mask - Rain and both versions of Specialist, oh my!), a few from Warframe and of course, the titular Celeste. Lena really is just something else, and I think I can say with some confidence that Quiet and Falling is just my favorite song generally. It does have some competition, so in no particular order I'll rattle some off: Anri's Shyness Boy, Depeche Mode's Enjoy the Silence (primarily the Hands and Feet Mix version), Hall and Oates' Out of Touch, Mac Demarco's Freaking out the Neighborhood, ABBA's Dancing Queen, Yoko Takahashi's The Cruel Angel's Thesis, Prince's Little Red Corvette, Kensuke Ushio's Crybaby, Jane Pop's Drive to 1980 Love, Shakatak's Bitch to the Boys, Komm Susser Todd from End of Evangelion, Mystical Composer by Momoko Kikuchi, Love don't come Easy by The New Jersey Connection, Once in a Lullaby by Chris Christodoulou, No Tengo Dinero - Maxi by Righeira, Seaside by Dan Mason, In your Eyes by Peter Gabriel, Dress Down by Kaoru Akimoto, Radio Ga-Ga by Queen, Under Pressure by Queen and David Bowie, and this list is getting kind of long, huh? God, music is just so freakin' awesome. Truly, one of my biggest regrets will be that I didn't hear enough of it. Band-wise, I'll mention I quite like Steely Dan, Chappell Roan, Yves Tumor, Casiopea, 1986 Omega Tribe, Car Seat Headrest, The Comet is Coming (loving Hyper-Dimensional Expansion Beam right now), Dan Mason, Mitch Murder, Desired, Nyarons, Seycara Orchestral, Shakatak, Ibrahim, OSC, Both Jack Stauber and his Micropop, Prince, Queen, Junko Ohashi, Anri, Meatloaf, Gorillaz, Night Tempo, City Girl, Yes, PKCH, Chris Christodoulou, Cape Coral, Tupperwave, Oresama, Weird Al (EBAY in particular will forever take up some of my brain space at any given moment) and good ol' Lena Raine. While we're here, I guess the one album I'll mention is Jeff Wayne's Musical Version of the War of the Worlds. Make sure it's the original though, some of the songs were revamped in recent years and personally I'm not partial to that rendition of them.
If you inferred that I might like some anime given the above section has quite a few Japanese artists then yes, your intuition was correct. I have fallen off of it recently, but stuff like Neon Genesis Evangelion, Cowboy Bebop, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Mob Psycho, and My Life With Monster Girls are some that I enjoy.
Romantically, I'd say I'm into women. We're entering kind of weird territory for me here though because while I would quite like a romantic partner and someone to cuddle with, I'm kind of not so sure how keen I am on any actual sex? Half of me wonders if I'm just asexual while the other half wonders if it might actually be a case of finding the proper someone. I don't know, it's very much uncharted territory for me and I'm not sure where I'll end up on it. Also the whole "finally accepting that I'm trans" thing probably has its influence somewhere in there.
Politically, just give people stuff. Meet their basic needs, implement a UBI, make it so that every grandparent has a bottomless jar of sweets for the wee ones. Public transport good, cars bad, Golf is actively terrible in multiple ways. Chuck bricks at cops, detonate an oil rig (in Minecraft, I guess), eat the rich, the usual. Ideally, mix the three. Abortions and contraception are healthcare, and alongside education all should be free. Kill the cop in your head, both in the sense that if you saw someone shoplift, no you didn't and that you don't have to impose yourself on people just having some earnest, unconventional fun. These are some of my viewpoints, but I'm hesitant to try and pin myself down with a specific position due to a lack of having really read well, any greater political works, still needing to flatten some views I've kind of just had seep into me from the greater culture ("But is x really the proper thing" is tragically a constant, but I've needed to quash the Devil's Advocate voice in my head for years at this point. The little bastard never truly seems to leave. Yeah, having a little gremlin constantly try and check my thoughts can be handy now and then, but it gets really annoying when I think about topics like how the death penalty shouldn't be a thing because like, what are you doing here you idiot? Don't let your personal misgivings with a person allow for executions), and honestly a little because I need to try and be firmer as a person. I put a lot more stock into the thoughts of others than my own, and sometimes it's tough to remember that me and my thoughts also have value, whatever that looks like. Is that the best thing to just type aloud? Also don't hit your kids, regardless of circumstance.
Uhhh got to say I'm blanking a bit on what else to put in. Closing remarks now I suppose. Life is fucking awesome, and I mean that to apply to most-every instance of it. We're all just here on our queer little blogs having a time with one another, and isn't that wonderful? The past 5 years or so have been terrible mentally for me with a few really bad months in particular this year, but I finally feel like I'm on the up-and-up. Accepting that I'm trans after repressing it for a while, finally cutting off a bad friend (hopefully for good), working on getting HRT. With any luck, I'll have some patches in my hands next Friday, the 15th of September. That's huge for me, not only in the obvious sense but because my brain somehow twisted itself into thinking that I can't take this whole topic seriously outside of hair growth and shaving facial hair until I actually get some form of HRT into my hands, AND IT'S HAPPENING! AAAAHHH!!! I'm moving into the next chapter of my life after being kind of stagnant for a while, and I've had such a wonderful vigor these past few weeks that I haven't known in ages. I've really embraced an appreciation of what others might consider mundane, and just trying to be a bit goofy. Letting things roll off of me, even if the anxiety tends to really weaken my legs and make me nauseous. I stay silly. The horrors may persist, but so do I. So do you. How lovely.
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freneticfloetry · 1 year
hi courtney 💜 N, U and X from the alphabet game please 🙏
N - Name three things you wish you saw more of in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice).
This isn’t specific to one, but it seems like most fandoms that have been big for me — The Magicians, Firefly, MCU and Netflix Marvelverse, now Lone Star (we’ll just ignore the Superlock of it all) — have diverse casts, but that diversity isn’t necessarily well-reflected in fanworks. I think part of it is certainly that there often isn’t a wealth of PoC writers and creators in fandom space, but there’s also the age-old fandom tendency to focus most of the fanwork efforts and energy on the prettiest white guys. I’m hoping that, as more canonically queer pairings actually include diverse characters, there will be more inclusivity where other characters are concerned as well.
So that’s one (big) thing. In Lone Star fandom specifically, I wish we had more magical realism! That’s probably a side effect of coming in from a fandom where magic is a main character, but I’d love to see some Soulmarks and daemons and fairy tale lore.
And third, selfishly… I kind of crave some good Grace/Judd/Tommy. Not just in a “that would be hot” way, but in a full-on “making a life together” way.
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.
I feel like I’ve recently exhausted a fair amount of words sort of explaining why a certain boy breaks my heart and is my absolute favorite, so we’re going to pivot a bit here.
Grace Ryder, 911: Lone Star: Grace was my very first Lone Star love, and I am still so enamored by her heart, her humor, her self-possession, and her generosity of spirit. I remember watching that space station call in 1x10 in real time, and being utterly blown away — yes, the call was tragic, but it was Grace’s wordless reactions that made it truly heartbreaking. The show has a lot of people that make up its beating heart, but she is right at the center. I remain floored that Sierra is the youngest of the cast, when she’s given Grace such boundless wisdom (without it ever going Magical Negro).
Claire Temple, Netflix Marvelverse: Claire is the very definition of capability, and I love that. She’s also passionate and principled and resourceful, selfless but not a doormat, and incredibly sure of and secure in who she is and what she wants. I think she was the most perfect link to tie together all the threads of this universe, and every time she popped up on a new show she made it better. I remain salty that the only place she didn’t venture was Punisher land, because I desperately wanted to see what she would’ve made of Frank Castle (who’s my other forever fave in this verse).
Margo Hanson, The Magicians: It would’ve been incredibly easy for Margo to be an entertaining Mean Girl and that’s it. Instead, she’s whip smart, incredibly adaptable, a talented magician, fucking hysterical, and utterly unapologetic about who she is and how she handles herself. I honestly think she’s one of the single most quotable characters in modern television history. Writing her is a both a joy and a terrifying adventure, but I am always here for her kind of layers. (We won’t talk about how the show completely assassinated her character to pair her up with the most basic bitch guy on the show for absolutely no reason.)
X - A trope which you are almost certain to love in any fandom.
I love Soulmates a lot (like so, so much), but I’m picky about the pairings that get the soulmate treatment — for me, they have to have a certain dynamic. Fake Dating, on the other hand? Bulletproof. Give me two people who barely know each other (even better, two people who barely like each other), throw them into a situation where they have to pretend they’re in love, and have them catch all the feelings, and I will be putty in your hand.
Thanks, Lola! 😘
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ellen-shame · 6 months
Ten Opening Lines
thanks for the tag, @yabagofmilfs and sorry it's taken me soooo long to do!
Rules: list the first line of the last ten (10) stories you published. Look to see any patterns you notice yourself, and see if anyone else notices any.
I have not yet published ten stories so I'll do some WIPs too!
(you and me) supersede - 'Sid can’t stop pacing around the covering bed.'
2. (begging for a piece of that) bubble - 'Sid tosses his robe on the ottoman at the foot of the bed and stands gloriously naked as he pokes around trying to find his sleep shirt.'
3. Gentle Violence
4/3/2010 u/UserMcLoser Rumours that Malkin is scent marking Crosby on the reg?? Apparently it’s an open secret in the league that Malkin’s courting Crosby… View full post ⬆️90'
4. Reverenced Helplessness - '“Hot in here, eh?” Sid says.'
5. (this is how you make yourself) vanish into nothing - 'Maybe it starts like this:'
6. (wow wow wow wow) that's low brow - 'Six weeks after they start - dating? hooking up? having sex every night and sleeping next to each other every night and saying things like God, you’re really beautiful in bed, not like every night but not infrequently either -
(- which is like six and a half weeks after Jamie says with incredible, gorgeous, amazing casualness that he’s into men as well as women -)
(- and like six weeks and two days after Jamie becomes the first person Trevor ever comes out to on purpose, as in like, for the sake of being open and honest as opposed to for the sake of I think we’re about to jerk each other off but I don’t want you to punch me if I’ve misjudged the vibe -)
(- well like, not that Trevor totally wasn’t thinking that coming out to Jamie on purpose might increase the chances of them jerking each other off, because that’s also six weeks and a half weeks after Trevor realises with all the abruptness of an elevator wooshing down and leaving your stomach in your chest that he finds Jamie incredibly attractive -)
(- so anyway, six weeks and two days after Trevor says to him, I think I might be gay, and then really hates that might and decides it doesn’t count unless you do the thing properly and adds, I mean. I think I probably am, and Jamie says, Okay -)
(- which is to say, six weeks after Trevor spends two days dancing around Jamie, getting wound tighter and tighter, chest pounding, lowkey feeling like he’s about to puke, wondering if it’s all in his head or if he’s right to think Jamie’s also dancing around him, and then they go up to their roof to watch the sunset and both turn to each other at the same time and kiss like they’d planned it and Trevor’s head explodes -)
- anyway, six weeks after that, Jamie calls from the bathroom one morning that he’s thinking about growing a moustache.'
7. (WIP) steelheart - 'Geno was supposed to be back at 8, but at 8.06 he texts Sid sorry late.'
8. (WIP) (don't look at me, you've got a) girl at home - 'Nolan is sleeping less nowadays.'
9. (WIP) (i'm gonna pop your) bubblegum heart - 'Auston has been put on baby-sitting duty.'
10. (WIP) Encyclopaedia - 'There's a new guy in Auston's adult literacy class.'
Comments: Hmm, I think I have a tendency to start with short little sentences that sound fairly everyday and unremarkable, but which quickly lead into the main issue of the fic. However, I definitely played around with different forms outside my comfort zone in these fics - the most obvious examples being vanish into nothing and that's low brow. My favourite might be vanish into nothing because I really enjoy writing that self-consciously plays with the fact that it is writing. I also remember really wrestling with the opening of that's low brow, very aware that I was doing something very much outside my usual style, but trying to capture the maelstrom of feelings and experiences Trevor had just gone through.
Let me know if you spot any other habits of mine! I love talking about writing.
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lizhly-writes · 1 year
for the recent ask game: 1, 7, 19, 22, 36 :), 55, 73?
(sorry, these are just such interesting questions, i did try to limit myself i promise)
ahahahaaaa okay
1. Do you prefer writing one-shots or multi-chaptered fics?
truly i'd like to say that i enjoy writing multi-chaptered fics more. my ambition is grand! alas: my writing stamina is weak. i'm more prone to comfortably writing 500 words and cutting it off there. nobody resents this more than me.
so i suppose it's accurate to say i prefer writing oneshots and resent the fact that i prefer i writing oneshots.
7. How do you choose which POV to write from?
so for multi-POV works of fiction, i essentially switch when i get bored, or when i can't figure out where to go next. if i'm bored, then the next character should be more interesting; if i can't figure out where to go next, then i probably don't have a good grasp on at least one of the characters and need to get inside that character's head to do an examination.
for single POVs? it'll just be whoever I've decided will be the Main Character!!!
19. What is the most-used tag on your ao3?
...boringly enough, it's kim dokja. if you don't include characters, i'm afraid to say that everything is very, very even.
Tumblr media
22. Are there certain types of writing you won’t do? (style, pov, genre, tropes, etc)
hmm. so i don't think i'll ever write anything that will require me to put a Dead Dove: Do Not Eat warning on it. any particular tropes themselves, i probably wouldn't shy away from at least implying, but it's incredibly unlikely that i would -- or even could! -- go far enough to say "YEAH I REALLY MEAN IT THERE'S A DEAD DOVE IN HERE", you know?
maybe the dove will be sleeping. maybe you will think the dove is dead but actually, surprise, it was alive the whole time. it is really hard for me to mean it enough to tell you this kind of thing, you know? i don't have the stomach for it.
36. How do you write kissing scenes?
I was WONDERING what the smiley face was for.
sometimes unromantically (i have described a kiss as tasting like spit more than once), but usually quite abstractly. there are some details thrown in - soft lips, warm mouths, hot tongues, this kind of thing. but am i describing what any of those are actually DOING? eh. not necessarily. does it work? who knows? not many of the kiss scenes i've written have actually made it out into the wild, i don't get much feedback on them.
sometimes i just go 'they kissed' and then i write about the panic that happens after that.
55. Of the characters you write for, which is your favorite? Has that choice been swayed at all by your followers/readers’ reactions to certain ones?
currently, it's my oc, yang haoran. i don't really have a favorite when it comes to fandom. for some reason, i haven't gotten quite the same joy out of breaking someone else's character in half, you know?
it's probably him because i definitely had some of y'all who enjoyed the story he's in and said some nice things about it. if i hadn't, it's unlikely i would have written him for long enough that i like him this much ahaha
73. What do you think makes your writing stand out from other works?
this is frankly a bit hard because i'm not terribly self aware about my own writing. i would have to say that often times, i don't let tension last long. in longer works, it's unlikely i can stay serious for very long; there's likely going to be a one-liner or joke that's popping up.
i'm also pretty fond of using repetition, often times in the same sentence, to smooth things out or to really hammer in a joke. i REALLY like using hyphens. I have a tendency to start paragraphs with ellipses (thanks, orv), and this certain way of structuring sentences (THANKS ORV) like so:
"This type of phrasing, I'm told it's incorrect", instead of "I'm told this type of phrasing is incorrect."
send me an ask!
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Hey hun<3
Ahh stop thank you for being so kind I can't tnejfjje
Ohmygosh yes!!! I love your brain!! Light beams are so ethereal and so damn pretty. I have watched so many videos of concerts and raves just to see the light shine through the smoke. I really want to see that in person one day!!
Oh no don't cry!!! You're too cute. You deserve every compliment and so many more. You're such a wonderful person and I'm so damn happy to get to talk with you so often<33
I swear it's only moths and like old people lmao
Ah!!! stop it you're making me blush!!!! I don't think I'm that special, I just have a tendency of overthinking things. But thank you<333:)))
Hfjwicjwkxkek ohmygosh stop you'll make me fall in love with you or something!!! You're so sweet thank you so much<3333:))
That's so sweet. Neptune is such an amazing planet and a wonderful choice!! I really like that about you, you always have such amazing options. Okay I know that he's just a chunk of ice and rock but he deserves his status back!!! And right?!? There's so much out there just floating!! it's weird to me that you can never see it in any of the pictures that NASA shows us, idk I've always thought that was strange. And like it being so much junk aside, theres so much of our history within it all! We have come so so far in the last 20 years!!!
Nebulas are so incredibly powerful and I'm in such awe of them. They're so beautiful and scary at the same time!! But no you haven't said too much I swear. I love hearing everything you care about! I enjoy reading things that are important to you<3 oh my gosh the thought of living on a whole other PLANET is such an amazing thing to think about. And although I would really like it to be in my lifetime as well, I kind of hope it isn't. Because that would be so scary!!
Getting super into a book is such a wonderful experience and I love it so much but once the book or series ends I am left with so much sadness. Like I've lost a close friend, y'know? It's sad and happy at the same time. Though I'm not reading anything right now. I've been trying to get into another book or series but I can't find anything that I've been taken by just yet. I've read a series called Clockwork Angel in the past and oh man they are three amazing books!! The ending made me cry so much though:'(
Rihanna is such a strong and wonderful woman!! I have so much respect for how much she has accomplished over the years!! And she's very attractive but that's for another conversation haha:) I think Sleep Token is a mix of Pop and Metal. Two of my faves of theirs is Granite and Alkaline. I really relate to those songs. I think they're really nice. What are some of your favourite songs and artists? Anything you're super into right now?:)
Thank you so much! You don't now just how much that means to me, you're so sweet<33
I'm sorry. That sounds really frustrating. I would say it's neat that they came to see you but if it was just sad then not so much. I'm sorry it wasn't better seeing them:( That's so cool that it snowed though! I love the snow!!! I love the quiet and clarity that comes with it:)
I hope your day has been better today!! Mine hasn't been too bad, it was my day off but my boss called me in to take a part of her shift because she had something that came up with her family. I haven't been sleeping very well, or at all, the last few days. But that's alright. Nothing caffeine can't fix haha
My name is Audrey though online I've started going by Ray/Razz. It's just a little more gender neutral and I really like that. And trust me, I don't think I could ever hate you hun! You're all good<3:)
Hiii :))))
'Hun' - Stop aajskhf- That's so cute! <3
You get it!!! I didn't even think about rave lights! I love those. When I got tired at parties, I'd lay on the chairs and watch all the lights. It's one of my favourite things!! They're so pretty! I think rave lights would look sick in person- especially with all the smoke machines, plus music. I hope you get to experience that one day!
It's not even funny how red my face is! You're truly lovely. But I can't handle blushing every other sentence. You're so sweet, thank you. My day honestly gets so much better after speaking with you. You're just that awesome. I'm really happy I get to speak with you often, too. <33
I reject the implication that you're "not that special." You most definitely are! Please, at this rate I'll end up falling in love with you first hun. <3
That was such a specific compliment about options- I'm actually holding on by a thread- Okay- We should start a petition to bring him back to the planet gang! We're technally part chunky ice and part rock! It's not fair. :( I feel like the images may be photoshopped beforehand. Not in- the earth is flat type of way - Never that, more in an enhanced colour correcting, making it look aesthetic way. Or they crop it out, could have just said that, but no I went the long way around. Again, your beautiful brain! I didn't think of the historical value of the machines we've built, but you're completely right! Years of building and history lost in a vast sea of nothing!
At this point, half my paragraphs are going to be about your comments towards me and my lack of functioning after reading them. But I do love how reassuring you are, it's really sweet of you. :) <3 Nebulas are quite literally fucking horrifying, and that's why I love them so much. :) To look at something like that and understand what's happening. Truly the stuff to create an existential crisis. Same with living on another planet. If you were truly there- societal breakdown. You have to carry everything over for it to be the same, morals, behaviours, beliefs. Kind of weird how much you'd have to take morally and functionally. That's if it's liveable. Just visiting. You gots to take respect and love. I have reached the point where I don't know what I'm saying.
I feel the same way about my tv shows! It's like mourning a friendship rather than a tv show or book. Bittersweet... I hope you find a series that you enjoy and get to flutter through and become apart of. I haven't heard of that series. What's it about? What's your favourite things about it? Which were your favourite characters?? - I'm sorry the ending made you cry. :( I bet it's a beautiful story to look back on? I always find if something coming to an end makes me cry, then it was worth it all and more.
She is extremely attractive, and we should definitely have that conversation because it's always relevant! My god, I love her. She's so cool as well, like how are you gonna be that attractive, that talented, with all that swag and on top of that! Perform whilst pregnant at the half-time show- What I'm saying is that women is a goddess and there should be a statue in every town of her. - I will put those on my Spotify and give them a listen tomorrow whilst I get my tattoo done. :) I have so many different top songs. Of all time, I'd say No Eyes by Claptone and JAW would be the one that is completely engraved in me. It's an extremely simple song, but it means a lot to me based on why and when I found it. I have many others, though. Artist hmm- Obviously, Rihanna, Lady Gaga, The 1975, The neighbourhood, the prodigy, etc. The list goes on and on. I can never sum myself up when speaking on music. But currently, I'm listening to a lot of soundtracks and 'dark academia' music. My mind's been loud, so- no lyrics currently.
It's just weird- I feel like every time I talk to them, they don't listen. Or the judge me. That was all. Maybe it was because I didn't eat until they left. I guess we'll never knowwww. But thank you. You're so nice. Again your mind. I love snow. That dampness in sound when it heavy falls, and the small specks of shine in an untouched layer. It's like a gentle blanket over the world. It's so calming. The Shinning is one of my favourite horrors, and those shots of just the snow and no music-phenomenal.
It's actually night now, I just stayed up to respond lmao. Kind sucky you got called in on your off day. Especially since you haven't been doing great. (I hope her family is alright, and that everything was ok.) I'm sorry you haven't been sleeping, I get how frustrating that can become. Have you tried any remedies?
Oh, thank god! I was worried for a minute. -That's what I did with Rj! My full name is Renée, but online it's Rj. Either's fine by me. Thank you for letting me know by the way :) - Again with the hun asfgsk <33:))
(I wrote this whilst tired. I'm sorry if there's any confusion at any point. I'm just as confused)
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dourpeep · 3 years
WAIT. I'm losing my mind over that friends to lovers post you reblogged. All I can think about is college Albedo + mutual pining, romantic tension, and friends to lovers OTL
- Leaving little post it notes in his bag or inside the cover of his textbook to tell him to have a nice day or remind him to take care of himself because you know he has a tendency to work too hard sometimes!! And what if he meets up with Sucrose and Timaeus because they like to catch up and sometimes discuss their research or homework, and they see Albedo hiding a grin behind his books and think that he's solved a particularly difficult problem but it's just a cute little note you slipped him when he wasn't looking
- You stay up studying for exams with Albedo and he dozes off on your shoulder so you sit there afraid to move because you don't want to wake him but you're also dying inside
- The two of you go to the library to work but eventually get distracted so it turns into the two you sitting close together on a couch and reading each other sections from your favourite books
- I can also see him as someone who rambles about labs or new research he's absolutely taken by. Weeks later when you mention something he said before, he's a little surprised but you just tell him that you tried your best to understand everything because you know it's important to him and maybe his heart skipped a little
- Going off your headcanons: Albedo looking for little specimens and deciding it could be a fun outing with Klee so she can get some sunshine and you find the two of them in the park. You end up joining them and Albedo's heart softens seeing you and Klee laughing and smiling together!
- I remember this little headcanon you had where he snorts when laughing sometimes and imagine Albedo letting one slip out while he's with you, and Kaeya teasing him later on.
- Eventually, his friends start asking if the two of you are together because of the silent affection and teasing between the two of you. Albedo knows he likes you but he's scared a relationship will ruin everything and you're too important to lose even if it means he never says anything, but little did he know, you have feelings for him too.
Anyway, I hope you have a nice day and week! Sorry about this monster of an ask lmao
Like... there are two characters that I seldom, if ever, turn down and that's my beloved Albedo and beloathed Scaramouche- If you don't want me to shut up about a topic??? Like just utter word vomit???? Bring them up. Bring them up, I dare you--
Okay okay okay okay now lemme just--
oops. 1.4k words. Enjoy your headcanon drabbles, courtesy of me being a hard simp for Albedo--
College au Albedo is pretty close to how he normally is! Brilliant, though having difficulties with making friends and keeping said friends, getting carried away with experiments (did you know if you're on good enough terms with the professors, they'll vouch for you so you can use the lab when there aren't classes using them?? Yeah)...so the friendship that you have with him is certainly the closest one he has.
It'd be the kind where you knock on his dorm or apartment door at 11:45pm with some takeout and your textbooks and he'll let you in without a second thought. You slip inside and settle on the floor next to the coffee table cross-legged, setting the food out as if you don't live a good walk away. He wasn't going to sleep any time soon anyway.
Like the kind of friendship where your hand instinctively slips into his to tug him towards something cool you found or to the café where you tend to go after classes.
Even after you get to your destination, you don't let go.
Now that that has been established--the little notes you slip into his bag or on his books really began as a little reminder. Despite his keen intellect, Albedo tends to easily forget things because his mind is always going onto the next thing. So, being the great friend you are, would just slip a note to remind him to take breaks, eat a snack, or that you're supposed to go and meet Sucrose and Timaeus after class to prep for the upcoming exams.
Neither of you really know when they began to turn into doodles or 'seemingly platonic declarations of adoration'. It's normal for friends to write a heart besides "Don't forget I love you!", right? Yeah.
The smile that makes it's way on Albedo's face is unmistakable the moment that Sucrose accidentally stumbles upon a sticky note carefully tucked in one of his notebooks.
Speaking of Albedo and his tendencies to get carried away with stuff, he often functions on...minimal sleep.
Those nights that you pop up at his place to study or just hang out, he often ends up dozing off, glasses sliding uncomfortably down the bridge of his nose and hair tousled out of it's usual style.
You never plan to stay the night (though even when he's awake he insists you do because it's not as safe at night to make the commute home), but you can't just disturb his sleep when it's the first time in a while that he's probably gone without taking a capsule or two of melatonin to help himself back into some semblance of a sleep schedule.
It's these moments that you remember just how soft his hair is and just how nice his shampoo smells.
Also that he's a cuddler.
You awake in the morning, back aching and eyes squinting against the sudden brightness of the world around you and limbs tangled with your best friend. He's unbothered because his face is half-shoved against the crook of your neck.
With the library, you often find yourselves in a little game. There's so much to learn and so, so many topics through the old vanilla-scent found between pages!!
So trips to the library end up with the two of you digging and sifting to find a topic you've never heard of, sit and read for 15 minutes, then proceed to explain said topic the best you can (without looking!!). It almost always ends up with a few chuckles from Albedo as you fumble explaining (and half-making up) information and Albedo's (unfairly) great short-term memory winning out.
Speaking of...between actually studying and your little topic games, Albedo turns to you to bounce off his current observations and ideas. Sucrose and Timaeus, though both in similar majors as Albedo, are busy with their own projects and research to the point that they don't really have the time to help with stuff as extensive as his research.
Annnnd, naturally, since you don't have anything better to do and are almost always by his side, you play that part!
You listen intently no matter how dense the subject may be and no matter if you do or do not have the background knowledge.
When you ask him to explain something you don't quite understand, he can't help but blink in surprise because you were listening??? And wanted to really understand? You prove time and time again (even days, weeks later) that you listened to every word that tumbled out during his rambles.
And of course you do! Albedo's one of the most important people to you, so it's only natural that you want to show interest in his interests.
Also it's pretty cool to find out those random bits of trivia (like lobsters and their repairable telomeres-).
Oh man, the first time that you met Klee was a pretty hectic day for Albedo. Due to his Aunt Alice's incredibly busy schedule, he tends to care for Klee on days that he doesn't have class.
However, that particular day he just barely finished class before he had to go and pick her up from school.
With you in tow, that is.
Immediately, the little girl brightens up at your presence, no doubt excited from what she's heard about you (listening in to Albedo's conversations with Alice and the embarrassed tone in his voice when he realizes that he's let your name slipped again and now Aunt Alice wants to know about this particular friend who's captured dear little Bedo's attentions). He's relieved when Klee doesn't immediately reveal that.
From then on, Klee insists that Albedo invites you for every outing they have.
The cafe for a quick treat? The bookstore to sit and read a few books?
"Oh, please please please?? Can they come Albedo? Klee promises that she'll be good!"
Who is he to say no?
But above all, those park days are his favorite. You end up running around with Klee, lifting her up so she can reach a particular leaf on a branch, squatting down to see a bug or lizard that she's entirely enthralled by--all while Albedo sits under the shade of a tree on a blanket, sketchbook and pencil in hand.
You don't know it (even though there's many occasions where he's shown you his sketchbook), but the pages are filled with your smile.
Around you, Albedo's found that he's most comfortable.
There's no need to hide insecurities or hold his tongue when something particularly exciting comes to mind...nor does he hold back in his laughter. Especially with your insistence that his laugh is cute.
That scenario with Kaeya is entirely an accident, proof of just how used to your presence he's become.
It's a late night and you're out with a bigger group of friends than usual, some friends that Albedo's only known since the start of college, but definitely good ones.
With a drink in your hand you all sit at a large table, chatting about anything and everything when you crack a joke and Albedo snorts.
Not like a snort with his normally quiet chuckle, either.
Instead, he's laughing hard, tears gathering at the corners of his eyes and stomach hurting (and maybe it's because of the few sips of drink he's had) and he snorts. The moment the sound escapes him and he's trying hard to calm back down, Kaeya grins.
He's most definitely one of the first people to put two and two together.
After all, Albedo keeps to himself, even around them. But with you around? There's a certain spark of life that ignites.
It's no surprise that the two of you are close when all is said and done.
But that doesn't stop either of you from choking and cheeks from flushing when someone asks if you're a couple. It happens often--too often to count--and ranges between Kaeya's teasing comments and a few sweet words from an elderly woman passing by your table at the cafe.
And you laugh--you and Albedo--because no, no, you're just friends.
Then the light hits your features just right, illuminating you in a soft glow that makes your eyes shine and--
It's undeniable the way that he feels for you. The sudden quickening of his heartbeat is proof enough. You slide your drink towards him for him to try and he does the same, eyes unable to leave your lips as you take a sip and then smile.
Between the cracks of his appreciation, of this warmth, dread seeps.
Though...that was just over a week ago.
Sitting down back at his apartment, your head resting on his chest and your hands intertwined while you watch whatever's on tv, you shift. Your lips meet in a sweet kiss.
And Albedo wonders how neither of you managed to see it sooner.
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Some Lokius Headcanons
Just sharing a some Lokius headcanons and snippets that didn’t quite make it into any of my fics:
Mobius drinks his coffee black, according to Loki this is “the only time he doesn’t needlessly cover something in sugar.”
Whenever Loki goes on a mission away from Mobius he always brings him back a trinket. Unfortunately, Mobius is a sentimental hoarder and soon their apartment is packed with random souvenirs from across the multiverse. Loki switches to bringing back perishable items- like flowers or food items… which Mobius somehow still manages to hold onto by learning how to press flowers or creating a candy wrapper scrapbook. Loki finds this all incredibly endearing annoying. Does he stop bringing Mobius gifts? No.
Both Mobius and Loki suffer nightmares. When Loki wakes up in the middle of the night, Mobius is always there to tell Loki stories of various adventures he’s taken across the timelines. When Mobius wakes, Loki will read aloud from his favorite books until Mobius falls asleep. If asked each of them would say their favorite sound in the whole multiverse is the sound of their partner’s voice.
I mentioned it once in one of my fics but I think it’s important to repeat- everyone goes to therapy. Because therapy is important.
Despite Loki’s arguments on the topic, Mobius is convinced one day he’ll find a candy Loki likes. Every time they visit Earth Mobius forces Loki to try all sorts of different candy. One morning Mobius wakes up to find a huge bag of sour skittles gone and a very sick looking God of Mischief. Loki refuses to acknowledge he ate any of that “swill” but when Mobius buys a replacement bag it seems to vanish into thin air again. From that day on, whenever Mobius is on Earth he always buys extra packs of sour skittles that he “accidentally” leaves on Loki’s desk. Mobius says he buys them because they’re his favorite; they’re not.
Loki is a late riser and hates waking up early. Mobius is the opposite and, according to Loki, “excessively cheery in the morning.”
Mobius likes to think he has a healthy but not overwhelming fear of the most powerful beings in the multiverse. But there is one being that he genuinely fears above all others: Thanos. Whenever Loki goes on a mission, especially if Mobius won’t be accompanying him, he spends all night researching exactly what Thanos is up to in that timeline. Mobius never sleeps well when Loki is in a timeline with a dangerous Thanos, and always sleeps in the morning after Loki returns from such missions, unable to tear himself away from the gods arms.
When people need protecting both Sylvie and Mobius tend to charge into dangerous situations headfirst without a thought about their own safety. After a particularly difficult mission, B-15 and Loki confront the two over this tendency. Loki turns exasperated to B-15 complaining about “hero complexes.” To which B-15 rolls her eyes and says Loki has no room to talk; he is just as annoyingly heroic as the others. She walks away grumbling something about being the only one on their team with a brain.
Sylvie and Mobius love to loudly and atrociously break into song and dance of 90s pop songs when Loki is around (especially when Loki is having a bad day). Their personal favorites: Macarena, Cotton Eye Joe, All I Want for Christmas is You, Ice Ice Baby, Wannabe, Can’t Touch This, and 5, 6, 7, 8, by Steps. Loki loves it hates it. It never fails to make him smile annoy him.
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fallinglikemagic · 3 years
Penny Polendina alludes to Astro Boy - and how this allusion foreshadows Penny’s eventual resurrection
Some of you may remember my first post in which I compared Penny and Astro Boy, with a specific focus on the version of Astro from the 2009 3D animated film (if not, you can read it here, but I'll be repeating everything stated there anyway). In the month or two since I first made that post, more and more parallels have start to pop up, with one of those parallels matching one of our most popular theories and foreshadowing Penny's upcoming resurrection.
In order to write this, I went through and watched the entire film, taking notes as I went. I'm not going to include every single detail that I noticed, only the things that seem the most relevant and can be put together in a single post in a comprehensive manner. Believe me when I say that I've thought about this a lot, and the sheer amount of parallels and connections (and the fact that I'm not the only one to notice these connections) has lead me to believe that this has been done intentionally. 
With that being said, I'm only going to focus on the Astro Boy film from 2009 - the Astro Boy franchise is massive, going back to the first manga coming out in 1952 with a few different adaptations and reboots with different versions of the story, and I just don't have the time to go through all of those. As such, I'm going to be focusing on the movie, due to the fact that it has the highest amount of parallels to both Penny specifically, and RWBY as a whole.
So, let's get into this.
Metro City and the Surface - Atlas and Mantle
One of the reasons I've decided to focus on the film in particular is due to the nature of the film's setting. Astro Boy (2009) takes place in two locations - Metro City, and the Surface.
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According to the opening of the film, Metro City was created when the people who would become the founders of the city noticed the world changing for the worse, and responded by taking part of the land and lifting it into the sky, creating a floating city - the opening voiceover refers to it as "an oasis, a floating paradise". Everybody else is left behind on what is referred to as the Surface, left to fend for themselves while the people of Metro City largely ignore their existence.
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The parallels to Atlas and Mantle are crystal clear. Atlas and Metro City are both set up as a beautiful city above the clouds, meant to serve as an inspiration for the rest of the world. In reality, it's a place where the rich and privileged can live in comfort while shunning the poor. Meanwhile, down in Mantle/on the Surface, people are suffering and struggling to get by. Additionally, both 'surface' and 'mantle' are words that are associated with the ground.
The Blue Core (and the Red Core) - Penny's soul and Maiden powers.
Another concept that is (as far as my research shows at least) unique to the film is the Blue Core and the Red Core.
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The Blue Core is a small sphere that is filled with pure positive energy, referred to as Blue Core Energy. It was created by Dr. Elefun, made from the fragments of a star that no longer exists - meaning that the Blue Core is all that's left, and cannot be recreated. This is reminiscent of how Pietro has no more aura left to spare, and thus is unable to give any more of his soul to Penny like he did the first time she died. In this allusion, the Blue Core is representative of Penny's soul and the power of the Winter Maiden.
When the Blue Core was created, there was also a byproduct - the Red Core. Essentially, it's the same thing as the Blue Core, but with negative energy instead of positive. If the Blue Core and the Red Core make contact, they both die - this is relevant later.
You could compare the Red Core to Watts’ virus, due to the way that it causes a robot to have red eyes and that it coming into contact with the Blue Core destroys them both.
Character Parallels
Before I get into this properly, I wanna give a quick side note. While Astro matches up to Penny perfectly, things get a little bit messier with the others in that we have a case of characters taking on multiple roles. However, this is far from unheard of in RWBY - let's not forget about how Blake represents both Belle and the Beast, Yang is sometimes the Beast to Blake's Belle, and Adam is an amalgamation of every antagonistic force in Beauty and the Beast. It's far from uncommon for a character to allude to multiple characters from the same allusion, or vice versa, which is what we see with some of the characters in this allusion as well.
Astro - Penny Polendina
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Unsurprisingly, Astro himself is our parallel to Penny.
After the death of his son Toby, Dr. Tenma rebuilds his son as a robot, using the Blue Core as his energy source. The Blue Core is stated to be unpredictable, and it's this that makes Astro who he is, what makes him unique from every other robot. As stated earlier, the Blue Core represents Penny's soul (and the Winter Maiden powers that are attached to it). When the Blue Core dies - and Astro dies with it - and Dr. Elefun is asked if he can be rebuilt, the answer is 'no' because the Core was unique and can't be remade - just like Penny's soul.
While Astro appears perfectly human on the surface, he's fitted with as much self-defence technology as Tenma could fit in him. The most iconic of these upgrades (and the only one that's consistent across every single version of Astro throughout the franchise) is the rocket boots. He even flies in a very similar way to Penny - pay attention to the posing, especially with the legs.
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When Astro starts making friends with humans on the Surface, he conceals the fact that he's a robot, afraid of what they'll think of him when they learn he's not human. This matches up to Penny initially hiding the fact that she's not human, seeing herself as 'not a real girl'.
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Astro has two father figures - Dr. Elefun and Dr. Tenma. Similarly, Penny has two father figures - Pietro and Ironwood.
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During the climax of the film, Metro City starts to fall out of the sky and back down to the Surface. This is a parallel to two seperate moments in RWBY. The most obvious one is when Atlas is falling onto Mantle after the Staff of Creation is used. However, I think this scene more closely resembles the scene from Amity in which Amity Tower begins to fall.
When Astro sees that Metro City is falling, he immediately flies in to hold it up, despite the incredible strain it puts on him. This is a direct parallel to how Penny flew in to hold up Amity Tower.
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Astro pushes himself to the limit when he holds up Metro City, to the point where the flames from his boots burn so brightly that they turn blue - oh hey, doesn't that look familiar?
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Astro also demonstrates self-sacrificial tendencies at a few points in the film. When he's captured in order to have his Blue Core taken out and placed into another robot, he simply accepts it, saying that "I think maybe this is what's supposed to happen...this is my destiny". This becomes a lot more interesting when you remember that the Blue Core is representative of Penny's soul and Maiden powers. Astro giving himself up to President Stone (the film's main antagonist who later ends up in a sort of 'fusion' with the Red Core) so that Stone can use the Blue Core could be a reference to the virus making Penny want to give herself up to Ironwood so that he can use her soul to open the vault - especially if we believe that the Red Core is connected to the virus in some way.
Near the end of the film, in the fight against the fusion of President Stone and a giant robot containing the Red Core (it's a long story, I'll get to it later in the post), Astro makes the decision to sacrifice his own life in order to destroy both the Red Core and the Blue Core, saying “this is what I was created for” and saving the lives of everybody else in the process. I doubt I need to explain how "choosing to die in order to protect other people" relates back to Penny in Volume 8.
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At the end of the film, and in the rest of the Astro Boy franchise as a whole, Astro takes it upon himself to be the protector of Metro City (and technically the Surface, but since Metro City has fallen, they're not exactly seperate locations anymore...). 'Robotic guardian of a city who's seen as a hero by the people' - you don't get much more obvious of a connection to the Protector of Mantle than that.
Additional details that may not be intentional but I still noticed anyway;
- Dr. Elefun describes as Astro by saying "That robot had more humanity than most of us". At this point, there's been many moments that affirm Penny's humanity - "You have an aura, Penny. A soul. That's who you are - our friend. Not a machine", "Her soul is who she is", the fact that she was able to receive the Maiden powers, all of these moments affirm that Penny has always been just as human as anybody else. This is also contrasted against Ironwood (and, for a while, Winter), who act more machine than human.
- Astro is actually rather heavily trans-coded. Penny is also trans-coded, but this is mostly likely a coincidence that happened as a result of the inherent transness of robots
- Elefun tells Astro that he's "not actually an entirely ordinary boy", which is reminiscent of Ruby describing Penny as "she's...not your typical girl."
- The shape of Penny's bow (the way that it sticks out more on one side while the other side is more vertical) looks similar to the shape of Astro's hair (this one was pointed out to me by @cosmokyrin​ when I mentioned this theory in the Frosen Steel server)
Dr. Elefun - Pietro Polendina
Dr. Elefun is one of Metro City's top scientists, and one of Astro's father figures. He is soft-spoken and gentle, a dreamer but a genius. In terms of personality alone, he's a pretty good match with Pietro. He's also the one who created the Blue Core, which draws a direct parallel to Pietro creating Penny's soul from part of his.
Dr. Elefun is the first person to truly see Astro as who he truly is. Dr. Tenma expects Astro to be a replacement for Toby, and is disappointed when he isn't. Similarly, everybody else sees Astro as a robot just like any other at first - an advanced robot, but nothing more than a robot. But Dr. Elefun gives him genuine praise, and encourages Astro to live his life and find his place in the world, just like how Pietro tells Penny that he wants to see her live her life.
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It's also worth noting that in most other versions of Astro Boy, Elefun takes the role of Astro's primary caregiver after Dr. Tenma no longer wants him.
President Stone - James Ironwood
President Stone is the current political leader of Metro City. For the entire film, his entire focus is on combat and military strength, and on multiple occasions he actively expresses his intention to start a war with the Surface. He believes that the best way to get re-elected is with a show of military force and violence.
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His primary goal throughout the film is to have Astro destroyed in order to retrieve the Blue Core and use it for his own gain. This is a direct parallel to Ironwood's goal in Volume 8 - to hunt down Penny and have her use her Maiden power to open the vault, and destroy herself.
Stone wants to use the Blue Core in order to power a specialised combat robot, ironically called the Peacekeeper. When Astro continues to escape his clutches, he decides to use the Red Core to power the Peacekeeper instead, but it doesn't completely go as planned. The Peacekeeper is equipped with what the film calls 'adaptive technology' - it's capable of absorbing anything it makes contact with into its own body.
And I do mean anything
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After Stone is absorbed by the Peacekeeper, he's in full control of it - essentially the Peacekeeper is nothing more than a metal outer shell. President Stone has become a fusion of man and machine.
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Dr. Tenma - both Pietro Polendina AND James Ironwood (a bit more Pietro than Ironwood but it's worth acknowledging both)
You might notice that while Elefun and Stone do have plenty of references to Pietro and Ironwood respectively, there are gaps where they don't cover every aspect of these characters and/or their dynamic with Penny. This is where Dr. Tenma comes in.
Dr. Tenma is Astro's dad, and the one who built him. He originally created Astro as a sort of 'replacement' for his biological son Toby after he died, giving Astro all of Toby's memories (more on this later). Naturally, this is a very clear connection to Pietro.
Additionally, Dr. Tenma uses the Blue Core - a completely unique, one-of-a-kind technological marvel - in order to power a single small robot that's intended to be nothing more than a replacement for his son, saying "I can't lose him again!". In this moment, Dr. Tenma is so focused on not losing his child that he doesn't acknowledge the big picture.
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However, once Dr. Tenma realises that Astro isn't a perfect replica of Toby, but rather his own person, Tenma discards him, not caring if Astro gets destroyed or not. Similarly, when Penny stopped doing what Ironwood wanted her to do, Ironwood stopped caring about her as anything more than a container for the Maiden powers and is perfectly willing to let her die once the vault is opened.
Luckily, Dr. Tenma does have a change of heart, deciding that while Astro isn't Toby, he's still his son. Near the end of the film, Astro is very injured, and Dr. Tenma encourages him to get far away from the danger. However, Astro refuses to back down, instead choosing to sacrifice his life in order to stop President Stone, despite Dr. Tenma begging him not to go. Here, we have yet another parallel to this moment in Amity.
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Bonus (aka characters that aren't perfect allusions, but connections do exist)
When Astro ends up on the Surface, he's taken in by a man who calls himself Hamegg. Hamegg ends up being a jerk, and while his personality and actions in the film don't particularly match up with any characters in RWBY, his backstory is a perfect match to Watts - a head scientist in Metro City who was shunned and fired for reasons unknown (Hamegg claims that they were 'intimated by his ideas and talent', but this was when he was trying to impress Astro and he lies a lot anyway, so this could be a complete lie).
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On the Surface, Astro befriends four human kids (Cora, Zane, Sludge and Widget) and their robotic dog, Trashcan. While the personalities don't really match up (though Cora, Astro's closest friend, does bear a visual resemblance to Ruby), the idea of a 4-person group + a dog could be a parallel to Team RWBY and Zwei.
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Zog is a very old, very large robot that had been 'dead' for several years until Astro found him and revived him by giving him some of his Blue Core Energy. Zog is our allusion to Winter - Astro giving Zog some of his Blue Core energy is a parallel to Penny giving Winter the Maiden powers. Additionally, in The Final Word, Winter explicitly calls herself a machine. While this does have significance on it's own, it could also be a nod to this allusion. That being said, the main connection between Winter and Zog (and possibly the most important part of this post) is based on events that have yet to happen in RWBY canon, and so I'm saving that part for the end of the post.
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Story Parallels 
Toby's Death
Toby Tenma, Dr. Tenma's biological son, was very similar to Astro in terms of personality (with some key differences), as well as having a strong physical resemblance.
When the Blue Core and the Red Core were first being shown off to President Stone, Toby was accidentally locked behind a sealed off barrier, trapped with the Peacekeeper containing the Red Core. Toby was killed in a blast that completely disintegrated him, leaving nothing but a hat containing a single strand of hair.
This hair is important, because Dr. Tenma used this hair in order to extract Toby's DNA and memories, which he was then able to implant into Astro in order to make him resemble Toby.
This scene is most likely a parallel to Penny's first death in the Vytal Festival. In her first death, Penny's body was destroyed, but her core remained intact. Her core, which contained all of her memories, was the key piece in properly putting her back together without erasing who she used to be. The strand of hair containing Toby's DNA is representative of Penny's core containing her memories.
Additionally, there's the fact that when Toby was rebuilt as Astro, he was given various upgrades to allow him to better hold his own in a fight, with the most obvious behind the ability to fly via rocket boots. Penny received similar upgrades when she was rebuilt as well.
It's worth acknowledging that Toby's death could potentially parallel the moment that Ambrosius separated Penny from her robotic body, with the strand of hair instead being her soul, separated from her dying body and then disintegrating. However, due to the timeline and order of events, I think that Toby's death is more likely to be a parallel to Penny's first death, and her separation from her robot body is instead a parallel to the next scene I'm about to mention.
Momentary Death
When Astro is captured by President Stone and taken back to Metro City, Dr. Tenma actually does remove the Blue Core from his body, which does cause Astro to temporarily die.
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Luckily, it only takes a few moments for Dr. Tenma to change his mind and return the Blue Core to Astro, reviving him.
Astro's 'soul' was removed from his body, causing that robotic body to die, even though in the end Astro does survive it. This is reminiscent of Ambrosius removing Penny's soul from her robotic body, letting that body die, while Penny survives.
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I briefly went over Zog earlier, but I wanna go into more in-depth about him, because the parallels between Winter and Zog and the implications of said parallels are the main reason I ultimately decided to make this post.
As I said earlier, Zog is a very old, broken down robot that nobody has been able to revive in years. When Astro finds him, he brings him back to life by giving him some of his Blue Core Energy. Astro essentially gives Zog some of his lifeforce, a part of his soul.
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Winter was on the verge of death at Ironwood's hands, but Penny was able to save her by giving her the Maiden powers, and her soul with them.
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However, Zog doesn't keep all of the Blue Core Energy Astro gave him all to himself...
As I've mentioned a few times in this post, Astro does die - and I mean properly die, not a death that lasted 2 minutes at the most and had no consequences. Astro sacrifices himself and his Blue Core dies, all in attempts to protect the people of Metro City/the Surface and his friends. Dr. Elefun says that he can't be rebuilt because his Blue Core, his soul, was unique.
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But then, Zog comes around. Zog, who is holding onto what is a part of Astro's soul - the only surviving part of Astro's soul. Zog returns some of the Blue Core Energy to Astro, which brings Astro back to life.
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So, to recap: Astro gives a part of his lifeforce, part of his soul, to Zog. When Astro dies, Zog gives some of that soul back to Astro in order to revive him.
If you've been looking at the theories regarding Penny and Winter recently, this will sound VERY familiar. While the specifics vary, the essentials of the most popular theory is that Penny transferred her soul to Winter to hold on to along with the Maiden powers, and that somehow, Winter will return that soul to Penny in one way or another (either by putting her into another robotic body, or just somehow extracting her soul and letting it form it's own body again). The fact that this movie has these exact events occurring makes this seem more and more like the most likely route.
If Penny really is an intentional allusion to Astro Boy - which, based on the sheer length of this post, seems pretty damn likely - then the film practically spells it out for us. Winter will give part of her aura, the part that Penny gave her, in order to bring Penny back to life.
thank you for coming to my ted talk
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harrywritingsbyme · 4 years
A Show
Based Off Of This Ask
And This One
This One Too
A/N: I can’t get enough of these Subby wife!Y/n concepts!! I also love love love a good camgirl!Y/n and camboy!Harry read...so I combined the two! This one is hot as fuck...enjoy🙃
3.9k words
When it came to you and Harry, the two of you were always putting on a show. From the outside looking in, the two of you looked like a young and happily married couple. And without a doubt you two were just that. Neither of you could stand being away from one another for long periods of time and the both of you could just burst at the seams with how much love you two had. It’s just that you guys’ relationship had a couple more layers that weren’t exactly obvious to the people around you two and would definitely raise eyebrows if they were. 
For starters, you and Harry were in a bit of a dom/sub relationship aside from your “foundation relationship” so to speak. As your relationship together blossomed, you and Harry ventured out into trying things that you’d never even considered doing in the past. After expressing your desire to give being a submissive a try, you and Harry tried it and never looked back. Of course you two weren’t in this space 24/7 and you liked to switch it up from time to time. But for the most part, you were perfectly fine with being subby with Harry as your Dominant. Sure when you two were out and about, you both exhibited some of those dom/sub tendencies, but it was nothing like how you both were at home. If you were feeling small, you were always in his lap or on your knees beside his legs, constantly begging for touches, cuddles, kisses, and his cock. And depending on how good of a little girl you’d been, Harry never minded to give you all of those things whenever you wanted. But if you weren’t a good little girl, he’d either take you over his knee and spank you, making you count out each one, or he’d decide against giving you his cock, no cockwarming and no sex. Also when at home, you’d always be in either a pretty little set of lingerie, or a cute little outfit that you’d picked out. Either way, Harry had complete and easy access to your body at all times. From the onset of you guys’ relationship as a whole, you gave Harry permission to take you anywhere and anytime he wanted. So if you were standing at the kitchen counter, Harry could simply come up behind you, pull your panties to the side(if you were even wearing any) and push his cock into you. And of course, if you weren’t feeling it, you’d simply use the safe word and he’d stop immediately. For you and Harry, this was heaven. And neither of you could get enough of it.
Another thing that wasn’t in the forefront when it came to you and Harry was you guys’ mutual exhibitionism. It was something about the risk that captivated you two and made you want to keep going and up the ante a bit. Now you and Harry are very good at not getting caught. The two of you are pros at keeping your little sexscapades under the radar, proceed to go about your business afterwards as if nothing happened, and have everyone around you think that as well. But whenever there was an opportunity to feed into that exhibitionism, you two always did. For example, last summer Harry planned an amazing trip to Italy for the two of you. He managed to secure a suite on one of the higher floors that was absolutely amazing on the inside, with an even more amazing view. The room had a balcony facing the water and you both took advantage of it all week long. Not only did you two cuddle up in your bathrobes in the morning when you guys ate breakfast or after a night out of taking in the city, you and Harry also had some very loud and intense rounds in that balcony. He’d be giving it to you so good out there. And as he slammed himself into you, he’d constantly whisper into your ear to scream and let the people down below know how good he was making you feel. When you two were at home, he’d make sure to make you moan and scream as loud as possible while telling you that he wanted the whole neighborhood to know what he does to you and how good me makes you feel. When doing movie nights with friends, you’d always cockwarm under the blankets. And if it couldn’t get any worse, Harry had one very large window in his office at work. This meant that whenever you popped in to pay him a visit, the number one, go to spot was right against the glass. Even though no one could really see what you two were doing, there was still a thrill that came from going at it against the window. There was also a thrill when it came to the possibility of someone knocking on the door. Even though getting caught would be horrifying and humiliating, whether it was from down below, or from beyond the office door, it was still a turn on for you both.
Now the third and final layer was a combination the dom/sub side of the relationship and your mutual exhibitionism. The two of you had a pretty sizable following on only fans. At first it was just you. But after things between you two got really serious and you told Harry what you were doing, you wanted him to join in on the fun. It was definitely a bit of a shock to him at first, but after mulling it over and listening to how much more jealous he’d be if he wasn’t included, Harry caved. And seeing how diligent you were about having a measure of privacy when it came to your identity was the icing on the cake. In the beginning of you guys’ “partnership”, Harry’d make an appearance every once in a while, the majority of the time popping in whenever you were live and watching you play with yourself or go on and on about how good daddy aka Harry, made you feel. This sort of pattern lasted all the way up until you guys moved in together. Once you two lived in the same space, Harry was a regular on there with you and he even had some times to himself. This platform that you once had to yourself grew and was even better than before. All of your numbers increased across the board and you both were very happy about that. Harry tended to be more happy about it out of the two of you though; he’d constantly tell you that they come to so see him and to see him rail you with a smug smile plastered across his face as he says it. And to be honest, he was kind of right. Your numbers were good before but they skyrocketed once he came into the picture and the most popular content was the content with the both of you in it. Now even though you two were enjoying yourselves, there was still a balance between public and private times. The both of you loved showcasing your amazing sex life and continuously feeding off of your mutual exhibitionism, but you and Harry also loved ditching the camera and the fans and just being alone together in that space as well. The sex was always mind-blowing, but it was taken to another level when it was intimate. The volume of intimate moments always outweighs the public ones and you two liked to keep it that way. The two of you went as far as to make a little schedule for what content you guys wanted to put out and when. And for the most part, you and Harry stuck to it.
Except for today though. 
You were being a brat for the majority of the day. From the moment Harry sat down in his chair at work, your little messages game began. The first one was a simple one telling him that you were missing him already, which he thought was absolutely adorable and made him want to go back home and spend the day with you. After replying with a sweet message, he was able to go 3 hours without receiving any messages from you. In that 3 hour time period, you got some extra sleep and you got some things done around the house that needed to get done. And once you got all of that taken care of, you were on fire and you were riling Harry up. As you were doing a bit of self care you were sending Harry photo after photo, and explicit message after explicit message.  He couldn’t get you to stop and he couldn’t stop himself from hardening in his pants. Every picture, message, or even the occasional short little video was more explicit than the last if that was even possible. You were going on and on about how couldn’t wait until he got home and that you needed daddy inside of you. It was so much that Harry couldn’t even leave out to get lunch. He was so hard that he locked himself inside of his office for lunch and took his cock out of his pants to let go of some of that mounting pressure. And even with that, it still wasn’t enough. As if things couldn’t get any worse for Harry, he was so close to finally getting off and coming right home to take care of the situation with you. Where was the problem? The time was moving incredibly slow as the day wound down and the workday came to an end. 
Meanwhile, your little teasing session went on all the way up until a little after five o’clock. You sent your final tease to him when the time hit 5 before going into the room that you two had set up specifically for filming. You got the computer all ready, and your new toy from the box. The schedule said that today was your day to do a live performance of you playing with yourself. So you picked out a cute set of lingerie from your collection and put it on before making  your way over and onto the bed in front of the camera. You then do a little test in the camera beforehand to see if everything looks good before starting your live stream. And in an instant you were flooded with viewers. Before just jumping right in, you have a little banter with your audience. You tell them in detail about how you’d been a bad girl for daddy today and that you were waiting for him to come home and deal with you.  As you do this, you’re toying with your panties and playing with your breasts that were confined to the lacy bra you had on. You then go on to tell them that you were going to play with yourself anyway and just hope that you weren’t going to get into too much trouble, even though you knew for a fact that Harry was going to punish you for what you did to him today. In no time, your panties and bra are off and your legs are spread to expose the sticky area between your legs. 
“Do you guys like this new dildo my daddy got me? It’s not as big as him but it’ll have to do.” You say happily, bringing the toy down to rub it against your plushy and very sticky cunt. You begin to tease yourself, pushing it up and down your folds and right against your entrance. Before pushing it into your entrance, your bring the toy up to your mouth to slobber all over it and make sure it was nice and ready. You then start to slowly push it inside, and as you do, your moans get louder from the way you were being filled up with the toy. It was nowhere near Harry, but it definitely felt good.
Now while you were on camera fucking yourself with the dildo, Harry was trying to get home. All of your teasing caused him to slip into his dominant space and he planned on really giving it to you and making sure that you knew how brats were dealt with. He was filled with anticipation and excitement to get home and right into you. Harry tried his best to avoid any traffic so that he could get home as fast as possible. Luckily for him, he managed to avoid a good amount of traffic and get home in less than an hour. He practically throws himself out of the car and into the house where he shrugs his coat off and charges upstairs to you. When he makes it up the stairs, he can already hear your moans echoing from down the hall. He pretty much sprints down the hallway towards the noise, his movement coming to a halt when he finds you spread out on the bed while pushing your toy in and out of your pretty little hole and moaning your little heart out. His mind just goes to giving it to you hard and without any type of mercy. You had the audacity to tease him all day long then play with yourself while you waited for him to come back home. He could see that you were filming but he could honestly care less, if you were going to be a brat, you were going to pay for it. Harry makes his way through the doorway and goes straight to the box that held some of you guys’ toys. Your actions immediately come to a halt when is steps enter the room.
“Daddy’s home!” You announce excitedly, keeping the toy inside of you and lifting yourself up into your claves. While you sit there anxiously waiting for him to come over, Harry picks out the shiny handcuffs that were inside the box. Without saying a single word, Harry completely undresses himself from behind the camera. Even though they couldn’t see him taking his clothes off, they could hear it and they were able to get a good idea of how good he looked from the way you were rocking back and forth on the toy below you. “Missed you so much t-“ You begin, being cut off mid sentence  with a hand around your throat. 
“How about you shut up?!” He snarls back to you, dropping the handcuffs onto the bed and turning your around into a new position before pushing you back against the bed. He then moves onto the bed, immediately straddling your body to keep you down. Since you were in a new position, Harry adjusts the camera a bit so that the audience could get a better view of you both. “It’s funny how you think that you can just do whatever you want and not get punished.” He chuckles down to you, pushing down on your throat one final time before releasing you. “Think that you putting on your little show is gonna stop me from teaching you a lesson and taking you however I want?” He asks rhetorically, as he picks up the handcuffs and brings his free hand to your wrists. He gathers them in one hand, bringing them above your head and securing them with the handcuffs. “If you wanna be a fucking slut and send me all types of obscene things while I’m at work and then get online and fuck yourself with a dildo, then I’m gonna treat you like a little whore. Understood?” Harry growls above you.
“Yes sir.” You whisper shakily. Your heart was racing and your body was tingly. Even though it was expect that he’d establish dominance over you and do whatever he wanted, everything was live. That meant that everyone was watching as you got punished. 
“Now as your first punishment, m’gonna make you gag on my cock.” Harry says, bringing himself further up your body so that his cock was even closer to your face. He then wraps his hand around his girthy shaft and lifts his cock a bit to tap at your lips. Once they open, your mouth is immediately filled with his cock. Harry pushes in and lifts himself a bit so that you’re taking all of him all at once. He wanted to be in your mouth and in your throat. “Look so cute with a mouth full of cock little girl.” He admires through a moan, finally feeling the pleasure he was in need of all day long. After calming down a bit, Harry begins to move himself in and out of your mouth, each time pushing down on your face a little harder and keeping a hand pressed down onto your wrists. The sounds of your little whimpers and gags were euphoric for Harry. He liked knowing that you were stuggling a bit and he wanted the audience to know that you could take anything he gave you. As he continued to thrust into your face, your messages were being flooded with people telling him how he was lucky to have such a pretty set of holes and how good of a girl you are for taking his big cock down your little throat. “Fuck! Such a good little hole f’me.” He sighs, pushing back down into your mouth and grinding his hips down into your face. After a couple more thrusts into your mouth, making them a bit harder than the ones before, Harry decides to pull out of your mouth so that he can push into the hole he was most excited about. Since you were lying on the bed, Harry made sure that the camera was positioned in a way that only showed the lower half of your face. This meant that the viewers could see him pull his slobbery cock from your wet mouth and him on top of you. “Look so pretty babydoll.” He admires, taking in your tearstained cheeks and glistening mouth. “Gonna make you nice and filthy once I’m done with you.” Harry promises, gripping onto his shaft to give your cheek a little tap. He then lifts his body off of you and makes his way down between your legs. 
“Need you daddy.” You whine, squirming against the bed as he kneels between your legs and stares at your filled pussy. 
“Aww, does my pretty little slut of a wife want her pussy fucked?” He patronizes, swiftly pulling the toy out of your cunt. 
“Yes daddy! S’achey down there.” You cry out to him, feeling yourself slipping into your subspace.
“Should stick it in your ass and fuck you like a real whore?” Harry suggests with a cynical chuckle, ignoring your cry out to him and bringing the dildo down to tap it back and forth against your puffy cheeks.
“Please daddy!” You beg, turning your head to the side to take the toy into your mouth.
“And suddenly, my desire to push this into your ass is gone.” He promptly states, dropping the dildo next to you and pushing you body back a bit, moving your face completely out of view. He then pushes your legs back a bit more so that you’re spread even wider for him. “Now are you going to take your pounding like the good little slut I know you can be?” Harry asks, bringing his hand down to deliver a quick swat to your sensitive cunt. 
“Yes sir!” You promptly whined, needing to feel him inside already. And with that, Harry lines his cock up with your entrance and slams right into you. When he does this, your eyes roll to the back of your head and the biggest moan leaves your mouth. It felt so good to have his big cock inside of you. He was so big that you felt him in the pit of your tummy. You loved that. Now instead of giving you any time to adjust, Harry doesn’t stop; he goes straight into pounding into you. He couldn’t stop himself, your cunt just felt too good around his cock for him to stop ramming his cock in and out of you. Plus you were being punished which meant that you took whatever he gave. While Harry continued to fuck his cock into you, the audience was going wild. You two were getting an insane amount of tips and messages encouraging Harry to keep on fucking you and to go even harder, and messages for you saying how cute your pitiful moans sounded as you took his cock into your stomach. Harry was making you feel so good right now, his cock was going so deep inside and he was just slamming into you over and over again. You were on cloud nine.
“Y’look like a proper slut now.” Harry hums through a string of pants, taking in your appearance below him and bringing his hand back up to your throat that in turn silences your once loud moans. “Tearstained cheeks, drool coming out of that mouth, a hand around your throat, and m’cock in this delicious cunt of yours.” He points out, beginning to change the pace of his thrusts to more of a one at a time type of pace. He was still delivering those deep and hard blows, they were just a bit slower. As he continues on, Harry shifts his weight onto the hand that was around your throat and brings his now free hand up to the side of your face. Keeping his eyes locked in on yours, he gives you a soft squeeze before drawing his hand back a little to give you a nice slap. It wasn’t extremely hard, but it wasn’t weak either. It was enough to be for pissing him off. As he feels his release getting closer and closer, Harry does a couple more things to make you a bit filthier. He gathers some of his saliva in his mouth and he spits down into yours. From your eyes alone he could tell that you wanted to sallow, but you couldn’t since he had a tight grip on your throat. He then proceeds to do this twice more, aiming for your breasts that he’d neglected this go around. “Fuck m’gonna cum!” Harry grunts, feeling the warm and bubbling sensation mounting in his lower stomach. And before he could even comprehend how amazing he felt, Harry was erupting inside of you. The audience could hear his moans as he came inside of you. Meanwhile, you were on the brink of your release, but given the fact that you were being punished, you weren’t cumming any time soon. You hadn’t cum yet you could feel a tiny bit of a soreness forming in your lower half. As Harry pumped his cum into you, the messages just cheered him on to fill you up with his seed. Once he’s all done, Harry pulls his cock out of you, allowing all of his cum to pour out of you. He then releases your throat, causing you to break into a fit of pants as you try to catch your breath. “Came a lot in there.” He observes, tapping his fingers on your lower stomach before scooping up the cum that was dripping out of you and bringing it to your pebbled nipples. 
“Now were gonna sign off now, but don’t worry, we’ll record the rest.” Harry hums darkly before ending the live stream. 
You were going to be in for a very long, punishment filled night. There was no doubt in your mind that he’d be ruining you tonight. 
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lustbile · 3 years
What Are The Odds?
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Word Count: 2.8k
Warnings: semi public (restroom) penetrative. some grabbing and groping @ the beginning.
Note: if you’ve never played what are the odds here’s a very brief explanation. Person A wants something from person B. Person A asks what are the odds, person B says a number, for example 25. Both person A and B say a number between one and the given number and if they both say the same number person A wins. I know some people do extra rules sometimes including numbers divisible by 2 or something idk but i don’t care. 💜
Nct Masterlists
Multi group Masterlist
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“Jungwoo, get your hand out of my pants.”
It was a harsh command, your words coming out quiet but sharp as you spoke through your teeth. Your less than forceful grip wraps around his wrist, and your foggy mind weakens the way you push at his wandering hands.
“You’re not wearing any pants,” he counters, far too serious for your liking and his greedy fingers desperately trying to dig deeper into your underwear shamelessly.
“Oh so a skirt gives you permission to be a pervert,” you swat at his hands again, huffing and pinching his skin as you turn every direction in search of your friends coming back, “they’re going to be back literally any second so can you please behave?”
“You’re no fun,” he finally obliges, his tone completely joking as he accepts defeat but not before pinching the skin of your belly in retaliation, “if they walk over and my hand is in your underwear, I think that’s their fault for being friends with us.”
Exactly on the queue of your hand connecting with his shoulder in an annoyed wack, you see your friends returning to the food court table you two sit at, completely oblivious smiles on their faces as they balance trays of food.
“What are the odds?”
“Hrm?” a small sound of confusion slipping out from around the mouth full of food you’re struggling to chew.
It was a small lull in conversation and everyone started to trickle into their own side conversations that had prompted Jungwoo to lean over and breath hotly against your ear with the sudden and confusing question. He had an issue with bringing you into the middle of a conversation that he had started only in his head, luckily for him you had a tendency to find it a bit charming, but at the moment your mind was occupied on willing yourself not to choke.
“What are the odds,” he speaks slower this time, as if a change in pace adds any context in the slightest. You finally look more at him, and notice that he’s all twitchy where he sits, his hands wringing together as he seems anxious and giddy for something to happen, “that you follow me to the bathroom right now.”
“For what?” you ask with a faux ignorance, only partially hoping it’s not for the reason you’re thinking.
“What do you mean for what?” he asks a bit louder than he probably intended, pulling the attention of one of your friends momentarily, but an eye roll and a shake of the head from you perfectly portrays ‘don’t worry, Jungwoo is just being Jungwoo.’
“You know exactly for what,” he speaks in a tone that makes you feel like you’re being scolded, but after a rough swallow, you can only smile at his dramatics, “so what are the odds?”
You huff quietly, dropping your fork clattering onto your plate to add dramatics, your bottom lip becoming your own personal chew toy as you glance around the relatively empty food court and preoccupied friends.
“Fifteen,” you finally respond after a moment of him doing nothing but glaring at you in anticipation. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t want to follow him and cause some chaos, but you feared saying ten would look too eager, and twenty just left more of a chance of it not happening than you wanted. Yes, you wanted to leave it to fate, but there’s nothing wrong with manipulating fate just a little.
“Fifteen,” he confirms with a grin, his legs wiggling beneath the table as he turns to face you more, his shoulders slouching and his eyes widening as he waits for your completely undivided attention to lay on him before counting down.
“Three, two, one....”
It’s in their air, same word, same number, but two different voices speak it. With a sinking heart, but warming belly, you throw your head back with a sigh when you realize he’s won.
“Excuse is up to you, since you’re such shit at what are the odds,” he taunts, only one dial of annoying away from calling you a nerd and taking your lunch money, “but you better be in the single person bathroom in ten minutes or you’re in trouble.”
He stands, giving some unnecessarily detailed explanation about where he was going before tripping over his feet towards the bathroom he’s been eyeing since the idea popped into his brain. You can only sink down into your seat and glance at the time on your phone as you wait for the perfect moment.
It was exactly eleven minutes after Jungwoo had disappeared that you decided to stand yourself, hoping he actually found a way to follow through on his earlier threat.
You mutter something about drinking too much water this morning, and a promise to check on Jungwoo if he still wasn’t out when you were done in hopes to mask what you’re really getting up to do. The chorus of acknowledging grumbles and a few playful ‘have fun’s seemed to be reassuring enough, and with a tug at the hem of your skirt, you're scurrying towards the bathroom you saw your boyfriend disappear into not long ago.
You stand at the door for a moment, pushing it another minute past your time limit partially to make the boy on the other side of the door squirm, but also to wrap your mind around what you’ve let him convince you to do.
It’s when you hear him quietly hiss in pain from messing with something he probably shouldn’t be touching at all, that you let out an airy laugh through your nose and lean against the locked door.
You knock gently at the door, whispering a taunting ‘guess who?’ in between taps, and before you could step back, he swings the door open, and you’re stumbling in.
“I said ten minutes,” he wastes no time scolding you for your poor listening skills, his hands grabbing for your waist and pushing your chest against the wall, “ten minutes is a perfectly reasonable time to come up with an excuse and follow your boyfriend to the bathroom to fuck isn’t it? So what could have possibly taken you so long?”
“Well, Jungwoo,” you start, fully prepared to pull something incredibly stupid out of thin air to use as an excuse, but when he presses his hips against your ass and you feel just how excited he had gotten just from his wandering hands earlier, you begin to stutter over your words, “m-maybe I just umm lost track of time?”
“Lost track of time?” he asks in a sarcastic and even borderline bitchy tone, “definitely doesn’t have anything to do with a little threat I made without even thinking earlier would it? Pfffft no how could it?”
You can’t even bite back, deliver the same level of idiotic sass that had attracted you two to each other in the first place. Not with your face pressing against the cold wall and his hands moving faster than you can process down towards your thighs.
He lets out quiet grunts of appreciation when he starts to push your skirt up and around your hips, a big evil smile crawling across his face when he sees that he had guessed perfectly correct, and you were in fact wearing his favorite pair of panties. (He swears he could pick them out from millions of pairs just from the way the elastic bites into his wrist.)
You’re pressed tighter against the wall, your panting breaths almost syncing with his own when he starts to roughly grind his denim clad crotch against you. His lack of snarky comments from the ways you’ve started to whine tells you you’ve lost him, and your thighs start to shake and tremble as you squeeze them together tightly, trying to relieve the pain from your sudden neediness and impatience.
“Jungwoo come on,” you whine, swinging your arm aimlessly behind you to swat at him, “we don’t have all day, they were already getting weird about how long you were taking before I left.”
“Fuck okay,” he says with hesitation before pulling away enough to shove your underwear down to pool around your ankles while muttering to himself.
You begin debating in your head whether or not you should touch yourself, before answering yes, you absolutely should, when you hear him struggling with his belt.
The first minuscule touch of your middle and ring finger touching your clit makes you gasp and press your forehead against the wall, the circling motions falling just short compared to the way he knows how to touch you and you can only huff in frustration from the stupidity of your own hand not knowing exactly what to do.
It’s the sound of his jeans falling around his knees and a small clicking of a cap that pulls you from your inner grumbling, but it’s the cold shock of the jelly on his fingers pushing between your thighs that makes you jerk your hand away from your body to mirror the other laying flat by your head.
“Why do you have lube?” you ask in shock and even a bit of arousal from how much curveball he could be, but you’d never admit the second part willingly to his face.
“I think the better question is why don’t you?” he asks with an air of arrogance as he pulls his fingers away and begins to audibly coat himself in the substance, “looks like im the prepared one between us for once.”
“Yeah prepared for something you weren’t even sure was going to happen.”
“Yeah but you’re letting it happen aren’t you? Loser,” regardless of the name that he throws at you, he seems to have lost his patience with the back and forth you two have started. So with the last last syllable still slipping between his teeth, the hand he doesn’t have wrapped around himself grabs you around the waist and he’s shoving himself almost completely inside you.
You don’t have time to muffle the surprised moan that falls from your tongue, instead all you can do is pray no one was close enough to the bathrooms to hear it as he starts to rock his hips against yours.
“Can’t judge me for the lube now can you?” it was rhetorical, but even if it wasn’t you would have been able to answer him. With the second thrust into you, he had already been able to seat himself fully into you, the size of him still shocking you to this day and you can only clench and squirm against him.
His hands are clumsy as the trace around your body. His non dominant hand struggles to push under the hem of your shirt to grasp at your chest, while his other dips below the skirt he was so thrilled you had chosen to wear in search of the space between your thighs.
His breath is hot and quick pants when he leans his chest against your back and pushes his face into the crook of your neck. You almost feel like you’re suffocating from how much he begins to surround you and you really for the life of you cannot think of a worse placed to pass out in than a food court bathroom with your boyfriend fucking your brains out.
It’s when his own fingers dig into your clit and his warm tongue drags up the side of your neck, so you remember the existence of your own hands. You shove one up your now stretched out top to tangle tightly with the one he has kneading your chest, while the other slams tightly against your mouth to muffle the moans and squeaks that now beat against it.
“I wanna make you come so fucking hard,” he grunts in your ear with every ounce of honestly he can pull from his chest, his hips showing you exactly how truthful he is with the way they thrust roughly against you, pushing and pulling you apart in a way that makes you feel like he’s trying to take you apart at the seams, “wanted that since I saw you put on that cute little skirt on this morning. You just live to taunt me don’t you?”
You can’t answer, too afraid that taking your hand even the slightest amount away from your mouth will expose to the whole food court exactly what’s happening behind the closed door. Instead all you do is push back against him, trying hopelessly to match his thrusts and getting a sharp bite to the soft skin of your neck in retaliation.
“Better come quick before they think we got lost in here,” he says too coolly, his ability to not sound like he’s on a brink of orgasm when you know for a fact he is almost driving you up the wall. But unfortunately, his words and the fact that you're just as much, if not closer to your finish than him, has you melting back into his chest.
Even when your thighs begin to tremble, and you accidentally step back onto his foot, his fingers don’t stutter in the slightest. The arm pushing against your chest keeps you from squirming away from him, and even with your thighs trying to push him out, he keeps his fast and unrelenting pace on your hypersensitive clit.
You’re pushing up on your toes, his one foot still getting crushed under your weight, and your neck inhumanly arching to lean your head against his shoulder as you start to come. You can hear the faint growling noise you make from behind your hand, but your mind is too busy blanking out to control anything that comes from your mouth.
You feel your eyes watering as his fingers keep moving against you to carry you through your orgasm, his own finally creeping up and making him shove himself fully inside you as he starts to come.
The feeling of him spilling inside you creates borderline unbearable waves of aftershocks to wash across you, and you can feel your body fluttering around him as you try to ruin his brain just as much as he did your own. It’s almost like a small competition sparks between you to fight against your own pleasure just to simply torture the other, but eventually once your both sporting lines of sweat on your hairlines and aching shoulders and back do you silently call it a truce.
The small room suddenly feels too hot for either of you to be anywhere close to it, but you’d rather scream than let him take his hands away from your body. You’re more than glad to shove his fingers away from your buzzing clit, but you still keep it wrapped tightly in your fist the way you do to his other.
When he pulls out you feel a disappointing emptiness but an even more embarrassing rush of fear of the evidence of his orgasm leaking onto the floor, so all you can do is whine and squeeze your thighs back together again while you and him both catch your breaths.
“Come on,” he whispers, and that and the way his hands smooth over your burning skin is almost sweet, until he swats at your ass harshly before he starts to pull his jeans back onto his hips.
“Didn’t feel like I was in much trouble,” you loudly sigh in both faux disappointment but also to help even your breathing, “guess you’re all bark and no bite puppy boy.”
He glares to the best of his ability, but his still animated brows and pouting lips makes him look hilariously cute, “you think you’re getting punished in the bathroom? Absolutely not, I’m a man of class and respect.”
“Man of respect? You just fucked me in a public toilet after a game of what are the odds.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he lies, weirdly focused on redoing his belt and avoiding your eyes, “anyways we should probably go, they probably already think the chicken I got was bad or something.”
“You go,” you push him aside gentle before you begin a awkward trip towards the toilet in the corner, “I’m going to get rid of the mess you made and pee all you’re gross boy germs out so you go and please try to come up with an excuse that won’t make us both look like freaks okay?”
“On it captain,” he salutes to you before ducking out in a way that makes you question if you really truly let him just put his dick inside you, but with a growing need to pee you push it aside to waddle with haste.
It’s not until you shuffling back to the table in what you assumed was a discreet walk of shame do you realize he’s done the opposite of what you asked, as when you finally reach within hearing range to the table you’re immediately met with jeers and taunts about you and your boyfriend being insatiable freaks. But at least Jungwoo has the decency to look a little ashamed and maybe even a dash of apologetic.
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