#i imagine blueberry cant swim because if she even gets a LITTLE nervous then she just starts freezing the water around her lol
syrupyyyart · 1 year
There's so much worthless Motley trivia that's accumulated over the years that will probably never have a chance to be shared organically. Angel Cake has terrible handwriting. Cherry is afraid of cats. Blueberry can't swim. Lime Pie would be a swiftie
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canaryboots · 7 years
makori fic - aye aye captain (by mE)
@celesterial-howell, @maddieb123789, @stalkingmakori enjoy ;)
when ori first stepped aboard the ship that would be her home for the next few months, she was feeling a bit queasy.
the day before, she’d sat next to her packed suitcase, staring at her purple wall, as thought after thought zoomed in her head, each one bringing new worries and doubts to her attention. one side, the dominant one, called for her to not board the ship tomorrow and instead flee the city and join her aunt in the hills. the other side chided her saying that ‘every time before you join a new ship this happens to you, and every time you have a good time on the ship and don’t mess up your job.’ ‘but’, the opposite side argued, ‘what if this time you do mess up and because of you the ship will malfunction. what if it’ll be like titanic and you’ll drown among all the other passengers. what if the captain’s a complete phsycho and you’ll be treated terribly. what if you-‘ “oh shut up”, ori mumbled, crawling into bed and burying her head in her pillow. she tossed and turned the whole night until she decided she wouldn’t be getting any sleep and opened her eyes, the moons light momentarily blinding her. she stood up, only to get tangled in her sheets and fell face first onto the hard wooden floor.
cursing under her breath she flicked the light switch and carried her tool box to the middle of the room and sat cross-legged, facing it. stroking the dodie yellow box fondly, she pressed the orange button and the lid popped open. the manager had called her earlier that week to tell her that she didn’t need to bring her tools since they had more then enough for her, but ori couldn’t imagine leaving hers at home. wrapping her right hand around the hard metal handle of her screw driver, she looked around for something she could tinker with. her eyes lit up as she noticed the creaking coming from her roommates door. taking the tool box with her, she walked over to Ben’s room and started working on the door. ‘thank god he’s out of town tonight’ she thought, ‘he would freak out if he knew i was still awake.’ she appreciated Ben’s brotherly affection towards her but sometimes it was too much, ‘he acts as if I’m four when I’m actually just a year younger then him.’
as the sun rose in the sky and the birds announced the start of a new day, ori found it easier and easier to push her worries to the back of her head. it was only when she got out of the taxi and stood, suitcase in hand, on the ships big polished deck, did she feel the doubts flood through her body, taking over all her senses. “run! go!” her brain shouted, “you cant mess up your job if you don’t board the ship!” another voice called, “if you go now you could probably still catch a taxi and be home on time for the yuri on ice marathon” another voice reasoned. she was halfway off the ship when she felt a hand on her shoulder. turning around she felt her cheeks getting redder then they already were. “you must be the engineer, ori right?” the woman said, smiling. ‘i would do anything to make her smile again,’ ori thought, grinning stupidly. “yup thats me!” ori replied, trying to sound smooth, “and you must be the captain” “thats me,” the woman replied, “come with me, i’ll show you around.” the captain placed her hand on ori’s back and steered her back onto the deck. ori was used to getting flustered by pretty woman, she had long ago realised she was the gayest lesbian on the block. the tour around the ship took no more then 20 min, but ori relished every bit of it. when they finally got out of the kitchen, the captain had insisted on ori trying the chocolate cake and blueberry muffins she had helped bake, she lead ori to her room, at the bottom of the ship next to the engine room. “-and this is where you’ll be sleeping,” she said, opening the cabin door with a flourish. “you don’t know what i had to go through to get you this mini fridge,” she sighed, pointing at the white fridge in the corner, “i filled it with drinks and snacks so you won’t have to go up to the kitchen every time you’re hungry.” “oh wow, thank you“ ori said, sparing a glance at the captains outfit where a little blue name tag sat. ‘matilda’ it read, ‘what a perfect name for her’ ori thought, rolling the word around her head. ma-til-da. m-a-t-i-l-d-a. it felt good. glancing at the small gold watch on her wrist matilda exclaimed, “oh shit! i should be on the deck now greeting the passengers, you can walk around the ship, or stay in your room and unpack, or familiarise yourself with the engine room, or” matilda was babbling, trying to make their conversation last a bit longer. “okay, i think i’ll unpack first and then check out the engine room, thanks” ori replied, lifting her eyes up to matilda’s. their eyes locked and they stood, silent, with baited breaths. “well,” matilda declared, clearing her throught, “i should go, i shouldn’t keep the passengers waiting,” “yeah,” ori agreed, letting her eyes drop from matilda’s. the cabin was hardly big enough for the both of them, matilda barley had to walk four steps to get to the door. resting her palm on the polished gold handle, she turned around with a glint in her eye. “dinner’s at 7pm, wait for me near the kitchen at 6:30, okay?” matilda was surprised at how smooth she sounded. “oh, sure!” ori stammered, turning bright red. with a wink matilda shut the door and walked out, not even trying to hide her excitement.
ori sat on the warm metal floor of the engine room. the familiar noises of the machines soothed her and made her feel at home. her suitcase lay half unpacked in her cabin, she was too nervous and jittery to properly finish unpacking. every few minutes she would check the small clock in the corner, partially hidden by the many wires and metal tubes. 4:09, 4:37, 5:02, 5:26, finally she gave up trying to distract herself and, before quickly making sure that everything was properly functioning, went back to her cabin to find an outfit. usually the ships she boarded were captained by middle aged men who acted like they knew everything and as if ori was a prize they could single handedly win, so she had given up long ago on trying to dress to impress. her clothing options went from sweatpants and sweaters to pyjamas, and, if she was feeling scandalous, maybe a pair of tights and a tank top. finally she decided on casual, but not too casual. black tights, tight fitting black tank top, blue combat boots and her blue flower crown. standing in front of her mirror she pushed away all her negative thoughts that appeared when she saw her reflection, and attempted to comb her hair and make her face look some-what presentable. checking the clock one last time, 5:57, she grabbed a jacket and made her way to the kitchen.
matilda was restless. she had known this girl for less then two hours and yet she couldn’t wait to see her again. for the first time since she had started her job as the captain of the ship, she wished that she could take off her outfit and wear something different. she wore black tights under her white and gold uniform and put on her favourite rose quartz necklace. her pretty chocolate hair rested on her shoulders, framing her face perfectly. she checked her watch again, 5:56, four more minutes. three more minutes, two more minutes, when suddenly ori peered around the corner. composing herself, matilda walked towards her, her face matching the wide dazzling grin that ori wore. “about time, i was starting to think you’d be late.” “me? oh no I’m never late” ori replied, her voice dripping in sarcasm. matilda laughed despite herself, linking her arm in the younger girl’s, leading her out to one of the many balconys. “this is why i asked you to come so early,” she explained, “i wouldn’t want you to miss the view” the wind was picking up and matilda’s hair was flying all over her face, knotting it up, but she couldn’t have cared less. “wow.” ori whispered, letting go of matilda and leaning on the railing. matilda joined her and they both stood silently admiring the view. tearing her eyes from the setting sun, ori glanced at matilda. her eyes were swimming in different shades of blues and yellows and pinks from the sun and her hair was blowing everywhere. her black glasses sat slightly askew and ori felt the need to reach out and straighten them, any excuse to touch her face and feel her hair on her skin. she felt the doubts and worries come out from their hiding place but she pushed them back, she wouldn’t let them ruin this fairytale evening. ori reached out her hand and gently fixed the captain’s glasses, then tucked a piece of soft hair behind her ear. matilda turned and smiled at ori, resting her hand on the other girl’s. their silence was broken by the loud voices of the passengers making their way up to dinner. couples talking, friends laughing, kids shouting, babies crying. “MADISON!” one parent shouted, running after a toddler who was giggling and pointing at the two girls standing on the balcony, hands touching, mouths smiling. “i think that baby likes us.” matilda said, as she and ori dropped their hands simultaneously. “who wouldn’t?” ori replied, laughing and slipping her hand into the captains. “lets go have dinner” “aye aye captain”
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