#i jst rewatched
wolviez · 2 months
i dont think 97 would do it but morph should just have boobs sometimes
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skunkes · 9 months
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chryzuree · 10 months
Gimme your yearly Halloween rewatches!! :)
…….yk, i don’t think i rlly have any???? i don’t watch a lot of movies/tv shows anymore, so mostly it’s jst the final destination kill count/saw kill count. also the child’s play kill counts! but do those rlly count if i jst watch dead meat all the time 🤔🤔🤔
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ace-with--a-mace · 3 months
i watched hadestown again
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cubedmango · 1 year
Hey naina, tried to rewatch the cherry magic movie tonight. Got up to the nagasaki scene. It’s currently paused,,, I have cried genuinely. non stop since I pressed play? My head hurts really badly I think. I’m gonna try again tomorrow I hope you’re having a lovely day
(other ask under the cut for length)
KUROSAWA SAYING WHEN YOU DIDN’T TURN TO ME I WAS SAD AND THAT ONE FUCKIN TEAR THAT FALLS FROM HIS EYES AND THE WAY HE LAUGHS AND APOLOGISES FOR BEING A MESS I NEED A NURSE like i’m gonna. Die i’m two seconds away from throwing up my heart why would he. Why did they film a movie with such intent to tear me to the ground the way he can barely speak and has to try and gather himself multiple times with deep breaths before speaking and ends up crying anyway the way adachi looks on helplessly wondering how to comfort him and let him know how much he loves him the way. The way he tries to bridge the gap between them with understanding through touch one of kurosawa’s main love languages the way kurosawa’s eyes are so glossy and doe like as he waits for adachi’s kiss the way he says his name so softly the way adachi rests his hand on kurosawa’s knee and their hands find each other so slowly…, so softly… so tenderly… the way they can literally speak 636373 words with just their hands alone and do way more for the sake of romance and true deep mutual love than anything the way none of these are in order of how they happen because my brain is seeping out of my ears naina what the actual fuck were they thinking..,, machida keita akaso eiji and kazam hiroki you will receive my medical bills shortly i’m. I wow so. cool
PLEASE IM CRYING KFJHSDKFHDSJF ALL OF THIS IS SO REAL??????? cm crew put Smth into the nagasaki scene idk what but its insane like i will never Not be feral when i think abt it ...... kurosawas breakdown is so painful to see hes been holding everything back for So Fucking Long and imagining all the events from his perspective is crazy like think abt it. he has no idea if adachis ok or not and none of his calls go through and theyre so far apart like Imagine . the fact he wasnt like full on bawling in that scene means hes still holding back so much probs for adachis sake its so aaarhrrhGHGFGHF!!!!!!! LET HIM CRY MORE PLEASE.......
adachis side was perfectly analyzed in that meta i rbed earlier so i have nothing substantial to add but god for the 58302th time his Growth ..... even in ep 12 he had to get that push from tsuge to go meet w kurosawa but in the movie he could already tell kurosawa was putting up a front (and literally predicted it would happen as soon as he got the transfer offer) and he probs planned on talking abt it when he flied back to tokyo before the incident which is. ... .. and the look of determination on his face the entire time kurosawa finally broke down w no panic no overthinking like "I Am Going To Love And Cherish This Man So Hard" and comforting kurosawa w touch and no longer caring abt the magic that hes become reliant on for kurosawas sake. . Yeah im going to be ill about these two for the rest of my life thank u cm crew god bles <3
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cocajimmycola · 1 year
autism is winning
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brokentoothmarch · 10 months
Movies are So Good they Make me Wnt to Go Outside in the Snow (Theres no snow here Ever This is a Metaphor) and Dig a Big Hole nd Stay Inside the Hole nd Becomw a Giant Drill nd Dig Directly into the Core of the Earth
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official rank of desperate housewives main love interests is so obvious. it goes orson mike carlos tom. yes orson tried to murder someone but that is more forgivable than being boring or misogynistic or so lame + pathetic it makes you evil
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lanciilatte · 2 years
Having to rewrite some parts of my cabbypost because i understated how emotional her motivations for everything are especially in the interview.. its kind of not even an undertone its a very very overtone in that..
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chryzure-archive · 2 years
No one: Me: FINE I will WATCH Nope because my cool horror mutual says it's good
ITS SO GOOD, PLEASE, I BEG OF YOU… its horror isn’t even in jumpscares (thank god, though my sister is jumpy and she did scream at the top of her lungs in the theater twice), but in the situation at hand. just the creeping dread and the suspense of it is incredible—but it’s broken up by such fun concepts (they’re still messing with the alien to get the “oprah shot”, despite wanting to leave and save themselves). AND THE MUSIC. OH, THE SOUND DESIGN IS SO GOOD. if you can see it in theaters, DO IT.
also, that sunglasses at night song playing—slowed—WAS SUCH A GOOD CHOICE. my sister and i have always talked about wanting that to play in a horror movie since that song is a) super fun, and b) kinda creepy LOL. FINALLY. JORDAN PEELE HAS MADE MY DREAMS COME TRUE.
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toyotacorrola · 3 months
want to rewatch fm.a soo bad but im missing the 8th dvd ☹️☹️
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sadlazzle · 1 year
ouat in wonderland is good but like … alice and cyrus r jst so boring compared to literally everyone else in that show
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cubedmango · 9 months
okayyy so i Didnt horribly butcher the movie resubs good to know wagh i can return to my cave without worry......
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differentkinds · 2 years
might fuck around and log onto mark today.
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fencer-x · 2 months
hello, and sorry for the ask just coming in out of the blue! i'm pretty early to this, but i was wondering if the annual promare rewatch was happening this year as well? in the past i've been always busy with something else so i haven't been able to join but this year i have the whole of may off so 👀
Ooh thank you for the reminder! I nearly forgot it's almost that time of year again! In which case........
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We'll hold the viewing on Saturday May 25 at 9 PM JST. It's not RIGHT on the anniversary this year so that hopefully more people can join (as this will be Saturday May 25 7 AM EST) on a weekend.
We'll hold it on the streaming server (parry, repost), and if you don't have an invite to the server yet, I'll post a new link as the date gets closer.
Mark your calendars to get fired up and flame out again!!
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